Child on Bonaire Children’S Rights in the Caribbean Netherlands Karin Kloosterboer !

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Child on Bonaire Children’S Rights in the Caribbean Netherlands Karin Kloosterboer ! Child on Bonaire Children’s rights in the Caribbean Netherlands Karin Kloosterboer ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Child!on!Bonaire! Children’s!rights!in!the!Caribbean!Netherlands! Karin!Kloosterboer! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! May!2013! ! ! ! Foreword! You!have!before!you!Child&on&Bonaire.&Children’s&rights&in&the&Caribbean&Netherlands:!a! UNICEF!study!into!the!situation!of!children!growing!up!on!the!tropical!island!of!Bonaire,! and!one!that!is!innovating!and!exceptional!for!several!reasons.! ! This!study!is!the!first!to!shed!light!on!all!aspects!of!the!lives!of!children!in!the!Caribbean! Netherlands.!!Child&on&Bonaire!outlines!the!correlations!between!various!factors:!family! situation,!education,!health!and!health!care,!safety,!leisure!time,!participation,!housing! conditions,!and!financial!situation.!Alongside!this!report,!there!are!also!separate!reports! about!St.!Eustatius!and!Saba.! ! ! This!is!also!a!pioneering!study!in!that!it!actually!surveyed!the!people!who!are!at!stake:!the! children!who!grow!up!on!the!islands.!Other!than!that,!the!study!also!drew!heavily!on!input! from!numerous!experts!who!play!a!role!in!children’s!lives!on!the!islands.!The!hearts!and! minds!of!these!–!often!inspired!–!professionals!contain!a!huge!wealth!of!information! about!both!children’s!lives!and!possibilities!for!improvement!of!their!lives.! ! This!study!paints!a!detailed!picture!that!the!researchers!have!subsequently!assessed! based!on!the!United!Nations!Convention!on!the!Rights!of!the!Child.!After!ratifying!this! convention!in!1995,!the!Netherlands!has!been!bound!by!its!terms.!!The!rights!specified!in! the!convention!apply!to!all!children!living!in!the!Netherlands,!and!therefore!also!to!those! growing!up!in!the!Caribbean!part!of!the!Netherlands.!For!the!first!time!ever,!we!now!have! a!report!that!maps!out!which!efforts!are!required!to!bring!the!situation!of!children!on!the! three!islands!into!line!with!the!standards!set!by!the!Convention!on!the!Rights!of!the!Child.!!! ! UNICEF!is!convinced!that!children!will!develop!better!when!they!can!exercise!the!rights! granted!to!them!by!the!Convention!on!the!Rights!of!the!Child.!It!is!therefore!our!deepest! wish!that!the!results!of!this!study!will!contribute!to!improvements!for!children!on!Bonaire.! ! ! Jan!Bouke!Wijbrandi,!Executive!Director!of!UNICEF!Netherlands! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Acknowledgments! This!study!is!the!result!of!the!efforts!and!input!of!a!great!number!of!people,!without! whose!help!and!commitment!I!could!not!have!written!this!report.!! ! First!of!all,!I!owe!a!great!debt!of!gratitude!to!the!children!at!the!center!of!this!study:! children!who!are!growing!up!on!the!island!of!Bonaire.!They!made!a!tremendous! impression!on!us!during!the!conversations!we!had!with!them.!Some!of!them!lead!lives! that!are!far!from!easy,!despite!the!fact!that!they!live!on!a!tropical!island!and!have! sunshine!every!day.!We!were!both!struck!and!inspired!by!how!clearly!these!children!are! able!to!describe!their!personal!situations.!Without!any!ado,!they!manage!to!penetrate!to! the!core,!and!subsequently!show!great!creativity!in!coming!up!with!solutions.!We!noticed! that!many!of!the!children!we!spoke!to!are!not!used!to!expressing!their!views.!As!soon!as! they!realized!that!we!were!genuinely!interested!in!what!they!had!to!say,!they!wanted!to! keep!talking!for!hours.!I!truly!hope!this!study!can!help!achieve!real!improvement!to!their! situation.! ! ! Besides!children,!many!other!people!have!contributed!to!this!study,!some!extensively!so.! Among!them!where!several!young!people!on!the!islands!who!are!(or!recently!became)!of! age,!who!took!part!in!panel!sessions!that!allowed!them!to!express!their!ideas!and! opinions.!They!shared!their!experiences!of!growing!up!on!an!island!and!managed!to!–! literally!–!view!their!situation!from!a!distance.!Their!enthusiasm!was!great!and!their!drive! to!make!a!difference!for!their!island!was!striking.!! The!experts!surveyed!also!deserve!much!gratitude.!Most!took!ample!time!to!talk!to! me,!to!attend!an!experts’!meeting,!to!find!or!supplement!information,!and!to!review!my! texts.!They!were!unanimous!in!their!conviction!that!the!children!of!Bonaire!very!much! deserve!to!be!the!central!focus!of!this!kind!of!study.!Through!their!trust!and!willingness!to! speak!freely,!they!have!contributed!significantly!to!this!study.!The!names!of!all!experts! who!were!consulted!are!listed!in!Appendix!2.! ! Thanks!also!go!out!to!my!fellow&researchers.!These!include!Bas!Tierolf!and!Jodi!Mak!at!the! Verwey[Jonker!Institute.!In!2011,!they!conducted!an!exploratory!study!that!revealed!the! difficulty!of!finding!information!about!children!on!the!island.!! In!2012,!Stichting&Alexander!ran!several!youth!panels!in!the!Netherlands.!Having! enjoyed!a!fruitful!collaboration!with!Adimka!Uzozie!on!a!previous!occasion,!she!once!more! helped!elaborate!the!concept!of!youth!participation!for!me,!aided!by!her!colleagues!Jody! Bauer!and!Diana!Neijboer.! On!Bonaire,!interviews!with!children!were!set!up!through!Stichting&Project.!I!retain! warm!memories!of!the!permanently!enthusiastic!Liënne!Domacassé,!who!also!interviewed! children.!I!also!wish!to!thank!the!Kolegio!Reina!Beatrix!elementary!school,!which!allowed! us!to!talk!to!their!pupils.!! Special!thanks!go!out!to!Sabina!ter!Borg,!who!grew!up!on!Bonaire!and!is!now!studying! in!the!Netherlands.!She!responded!to!my!call!for!a!Papiamento[speaking!child!interviewer.! Although!she!would!initially!only!come!to!Bonaire!to!help!out!there,!she!did!such!a!good! job!that!she!joined!me!as!a!regular!interviewer!on!all!six!islands.!She!put!in!a!huge!effort,! and!I!greatly!admire!her!commitment!and!effort.!! ! Child!on!Bonaire!Acknowledgments! ! Arnout!Esser!helped!us!with!advice!about!the!set[up!and!execution!of!the!study.!He! designed!and!maintained!a!database!that!enabled!us!to!analyze!study!results.!! Alongside!all!UNICEF!staff!who!were!involved!in!this!study,!I!would!like!to!single!out!Mark! Wijne!and!Majorie!Kaandorp.!I!enjoyed!a!close!and!pleasant!working!relationship!with! Mark!on!the!entire!Children&of&the&Kingdom!project.!Majorie!provided!expert!commentary! on!the!sections!about!children’s!rights.!Marlijn!Lelieveld!took!on!a!large!part!of!the!desk! research.!With!great!patience!and!perseverance,!she!pieced!together!all!the!available! information!on!the!current!situation!and!legislation,!for!all!of!the!subjects!covered.!! Sietske!Arkenau!read!the!final!draft!and!offered!linguistic!advice.!She!had!to!work!under! considerable!pressure,!and!I!thank!her!for!that.!! ! Performing!a!study!into!the!situation!of!children’s!rights!on!the!six!islands!that!make!up! the!Caribbean!part!of!our!Kingdom!proved!a!far!more!extensive,!lengthy,!and!difficult!job! than!we!at!UNICEF!had!anticipated.!However,!there!was!never!a!moment!of!doubt!as!to! whether!we!should!persevere!with!this!study.!!I!am!extremely!pleased!and!grateful!to! work!for!an!organization!that!shares!my!concern!for!the!situation!of!vulnerable!children;! children!who!are!sometimes!virtually!invisible,!such!as!the!children!on!these!islands.!! ! Hopefully,!this!report!will!help!bring!the!required!improvements!to!the!situation!in!which! children!on!Bonaire!grow!up.! ! ! Karin!Kloosterboer! ! ! ! Table!of!contents! Introduction! 11! Notes!for!the!reader! 13! STUDY!IN!THE!CARIBBEAN!NETHERLANDS! 15! The!study! 17! 1! Background! 17! 2! Goal! 17! 3! Period!covered! 18! 4! Children!of!the!Kingdom!study! 18! 5! Starting!point! 19! 6! Research!organization! 19! 7! Methodology! 20! 8! Website!and!publicity! 25! 9! Presentation!of!the!study!and!Children!of!the!Kingdom!symposium! 25! The!island! 27! 1! Growing!up!on!Bonaire! 27! 2! Caribbean!Netherlands! 28! The!United!Nations!Convention!on!the!Rights!of!the!Child! 35! 1! The!Convention!on!the!Rights!of!the!Child!at!a!glance! 35! 2! The!Convention!on!the!Rights!of!the!Child!in!the!(Caribbean)!Netherlands! 36! 3! Reporting!on!the!Convention!on!the!Rights!of!the!Child! 37! 4! The!Convention!on!the!Rights!of!the!Child!as!a!measuring!tool! 38! 5! Netherlands!Institute!for!Human!Rights! 41! CHILDREN’S!RIGHTS!ON!BONAIRE! 43! Introduction! 45! Family!and!parenting! 47! 1! Current!situation! 47! 2! Children!on!family!and!parenting! 56! 3! Young!people!on!family!and!parenting! 58! 4! Experts!on!family!and!parenting! 59! 5! Literature!on!family!and!parenting! 66! 6! The!Convention!on!the!Rights!of!the!Child!on!family!and!parenting! 69! 7! Conclusion! 70! ! ! ! ! Child!on!Bonaire!Contents! Education! 73! 1! Current!situation! 73! 2! Children!on!education! 82! 3! Young!people!on!education! 85! 4! Experts!on!education! 85! 5! Literature!on!education! 88! 6! The!Convention!on!the!Rights!of!the!Child!on!education! 93! 7! Conclusion! 93! Health! 95! 1! Current!situation! 95! 2! Children!on!health! 101! 3! Young!people!on!health! 102! 4! Experts!on!health! 102! 5! Literature!on!health! 103! 6! The!Convention!on!the!Rights!of!the!Child!on!health! 105! 7! Conclusion! 106! Safety! 107! 1! Current!situation! 107! 2! Children!on!safety! 121! 3! Young!people!on!safety! 122! 4! Experts!on!safety! 122! 5! Literature!on!safety! 123! 6! The!Convention!on!the!Rights!of!the!Child!on!safety! 130! 7! Conclusion! 130! Recreation,!play,!and!leisure!time! 133! 1! Current!situation! 133! 2! Children!on!recreation,!play,!and!leisure!time! 139! 3! Experts!on!recreation,!play,!and!leisure!time! 140! 4! Literature!on!recreation,!play,!and!leisure!time! 142! 5! The!Convention!on!the!Rights!of!the!Child!on!recreation,!play,!and!leisure!time! 144! 6! Conclusion! 145! Participation! 147! 1! Current!situation!
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