Laws and Regulations

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Laws and Regulations E/NL .1955/51-59 November 1955 UNITED NATIONS ORIGINAL: English LAWS AND REGULATIONS PROMULGATED TO GIVE EFFECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONVENTION OF 13 JULY 1931 FOR LIMITING THE MANUFACTURE AND REGULATING THE DISTRIBUTION OF NARCOTIC DRUGS, AS AMENDED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 11 DECEMBER 1946 AUSTRALIA Communicated by the Government of Australia NOTE BY THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ~ In accordance with Article 21 of the Convention of 13 July 1931 for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs, as amended by the Protocol of 11 December 1946, the Secretary- General has the honour to communicate the following legislative texts. E/NL. 1955/51 preparations, admixtures, extracts or other sub• stances containing any proportion of methadol or State of Victoria such derivatives. Morphinan and derivatives of morphinan such as Poisons Acts methorphinan, dextrorphan, laevorphan, levor- phan, racemorphan, dromoran, 3-methoxy-N- AMENDMENT OF THE SIXTH SCHEDULE TO THE methylmorphinan, dextromethorphan, laevome- POISONS ACT 1928 (No.3748) AS AMENDED BY thorphan, levomethorphan, racemethorphan; and ACT No. 3918. the salts, preparations, admixtures, extracts or other substances containing any proportion of PROCLAMATION morphinan or such derivatives. Morphine-N-oxide (also known as genomorphine) By His Excellency the Governor of the State of Victoria and all pentavalent nitrogen morphine deriva• and its Dependencies in the Commonwealth of tives; and the salts, preparations, admixtures, Australia, etc., etc., etc. extracts or other substances containing any proportion of morphine-N-oxide or such pen• tavalent nitrogen derivative. By virtue of the powers conferred by section thirty- Morphinone and derivatives of morphjnone such as eight of the Poisons Act 1928 (No. 3748) as amended dihydrohydroxycodeinone, mel!Rytatfi^2tromor- by section five of the Poisons Act 1930 (No. 3918), I, phinone,, gScycodone, ^hydrocodone, Jrydromor- the Governor of the State of Victoria by and with the phone; and the salts, preparations, admixtures, advice of the Executive Council of the said State and extracts or other substances containing any on the recommendation of the Pharmacy Board of proportion of morphinone or such derivatives. Victoria do by this my Proclamation add to paragraph Piperidine derivatives withhypnotic properties such (1) of the Sixth Schedule to the Poisons Act 1928 as as alphajSrodine, betapi'bdine, hydroxy pethidine,* amended by the Poisons Act 1930 the names of the bemidohe, ketobe^nidone, meprodine, alpliame- following substances or preparations, namely:- prodine, betameprodine; and the salts, prepara• tions, admixtures, extracts or other substances "Dihydrocodeine^and acyl derivatives of dihydroco- containing any proportion of such piperidine deine such asacetyldihydrocodeine, acetylgodone, derivatives. thebacon, bjjtyryWmydrocod^ine^ " parac5d"ine7" Thebaine, its salts and any preparation, admixture, paracodin; ana the s'aT£s,~ preparations, admix• extract or other substance containing any pro• tures^ extracts or other substances containing portion of thebaine." any proportion of dihydrocodeine or such deriva• tives. And declare that Division 2 of part III. of the Poisons Dihydromorphine, its salts and any preparation, Act 1928 as amended by the Poisons Act 1930 shall admixture, extract or other substance containing apply to the substances and preparations named herein any proportion of dihydromorphine. in the same manner as it applies to substances or Isomethadone (also known as isoamidone), its salts preparations mentioned in the said paragraph (1) of and any preparation, admixture, extract or other the Sixth Schedule and the provisions of the said substance containing any proportion of isometha• Division shall apply accordingly. done. Methadol and derivatives of methadol such as Given under my Hand and the Seal of the State of methadyl acetate, alpha-acetylmethadol, alpha- Victoria aforesaid, at Melbourne, this seventh methadol, beta-acetyl-methadol; and the salts, day of September, in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and fifty-four, and in taining not less than one-fifth per centum of the third year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Dihydrocodeine; Elizabeth II. Dihydrocodeinone, known as Hydrocodone, Dicodid, Hycodan, or other trade name, its salts, and any DALLAS BROOKS. preparation, admixture, extract or other sub• stance containing not less than one-fifth per By His Excellency's Command, centum of Dihydrocodeinone; Acetyldihydrocodeine, known as Acetylcodone, or WM. BARRY, other trade name, its salts, and any preparation, Minister of.Health. admixture, extract or other substance containing not less than one-fifth per centum of Acetyldi• GOD SAVE THE QUEEN'. hydrocodeine; Acetyldihydrocodeinone, known as Acedicone, No- vocodon, or other trade name, its salts, and any preparation, admixture, extract or other sub• stance containing not less than one-fifth per E/NL. 1955/52 centum of Acetyldihydrocodeinone; Dihydrohydroxycodeinone, known as Oxycodone, New South Wales. Eucodal, or other trade name, its salts, and any preparation, admixture, extract or other sub• POLICE OFFENCES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1908, as stance containing not less than one-fifth per amended centum of Dihydrohydroxycodeinone; Benzimorphine, known as Peronine, or other trade PROCLAMATION. name, its salts, and any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance, containing not less f Published in Government Gazette No. 117 of 30th than one-fifth per centum of BenSlmorphine; July, 1954.1 Methylmorphine, known as Codeine or other trade name, its salts, and any preparation, admixture, (L.S.) J. NORTHCOTT, Governor. extract or other substance containing not less than one per centum of Methylmorphine. Ethylmorphine, known as Dionine, or other trade name, its salts, and any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing not less I, Sir John Northcott, Knight Commander of the Most than one per centum of Ethylmorphine; Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, B-4-Morpholinylethylmorphine, known as Pholco- Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, dine, Homocodeine or other trade name, its Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, salts, and any preparation, admixture, extract Lieutenant-General on the Retired List of the Australian or other substance containing not less than one Military Forces, Governor of the State of New South per centum of B-4-Morpholinylethylmorphine; Wales and its Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Thebaine, its salts, and any preparation, admixture, Australia, with the advice of the Executive Council, extract or other substance containing not less do, by this my Proclamation, declare that Part VI of than one-fifth per centum of Thebaine; the Police Offences (Amendment) Act, 1908, as amended, Meprodine (8 -l-methyl-3-ethyl-4-phenyl-4-pro- shall apply to:- pionoxypiperidine),its salts, and any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing not less than one-fifth per centum of Meprodine; Morphine-N-oxide, known as Genomorphine, and any in the same manner as it applies to the drugs men• preparation, admixture, extract or other sub• tioned in paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section 18 stance containing not less than one-fifth per cen• tum of Morphine-N-oxide; of the said Act. Dihydromorphine, known as Paramorfan, or other trade name, its salts and any preparation, ad• mixture, extract or other substance containing not less than one-fifth per centum of Dihydro• morphine; Dihydromorphinone, known as Hydromorphone, Dilaudide, or other trade name, its salts, and any preparation, admixture, extract or other Signed and sealed at Sydney, this seventh day of substance containing not less than one-fifth per July, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four centum of Dihydromorphinone; Dihydrodesoxymorphine, known as Desomorphine, Permonid, or other trade name, its salts, and By His Excellency's Command, any preparation, admixture, extract or other substance containing not less than one-fifth per centum of Dihydrodesoxymorphine; C. A. KELLY. Dihydrocodeine, known as Hydrocodin, Paracodine, or other trade name, its salts, and any prepara• tion, admixture, extract or other substance con• GOD SAVE THE QUEEN: 2 E/NL. 1955/53 Coca leaves. Diacetylmorphine, its salts, and preparations of or [Extract from Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, containing diacetylmorphine or its salts. No. 33, dated 28th May, 1953.] Dihydrocodeine (Paracodine) and its salts. Dihydrocodeinone, its esters, its salts, the salts of its AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY. esters, and preparations of dihydrocodeinone or of those esters or salts. Poisons and Dangerous Drugs Ordinance 1933-1938. Dihydrodesoxymorphine, its esters, its salts, the salts of its esters, and preparations of dihydrodesoxy- Notice Declaring Certain Drugs, Chemicals and Com• morphine or of those esters or salts. pounds to be Narcotic Drugs Dihydrohydroxycodeinone, its esters, its salts, the salts of its esters, and preparations of dihydro• Whereas by section twelve oi Hhe Poisons and hydroxycodeinone or of those esters or salts. Dangerous Drugs Ordinance 1933-1938 it is provided Dihydromorphine, its esters, its salts, the salts of its (inter alia) that the Minister of State for Health may, esters, and preparations of dihydromorphine or of by notice in the Gazette, declare what drugs, chemicals those esters or salts. or compounds are, for the purposes of the Ordinance, Dihydromorphinone, its esters, its salts, the salts of narcotic drugs
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    MINNESOTA STATUTES 1984 3593 PROHIBITED DRUGS 152.01 CHAPTER 152 PROHIBITED DRUGS 152.01 Definitions. 152.097 Simulated controlled substances. 152.02 Schedules of controlled substances; ad­ 152.10 Sales, persons eligible. ministration of chapter. 152.101 Manufacturers, records. 152.09 Prohibited acts. 152.11 Written or oral prescriptions, requisites. 152.092 Possession of drug paraphernalia pro­ 152.12 Doctors may prescribe. hibited. 152.13 Duties of state board of pharmacy. 152.093 Manufacture or delivery of drug para­ 152.15 Violations; penalties. phernalia prohibited. 152.151 Report to legislature. 152.094 Delivery of drug paraphernalia to a mi­ 152.18 Discharge and dismissal. nor prohibited. 152.19 Forfeitures. 152.095 Advertisement of drug paraphernalia 152.20 Penalties under other laws. prohibited. 152.205 Local regulations. 152.096 Conspiracies prohibited. 152.21 THC Therapeutic Research Act. 152.01 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Words, terms, and phrases. Unless the language or context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended, the following words, terms, and phrases, for the purposes of this chapter, shall be given the meanings subjoined to them. Subd. 2. Drug. The term "drug" includes all medicines and preparations recognized in the United States pharmacopoeia or national formulary and any substance or mixture of substances intended to be used for the cure, mitigation, or prevention of disease of either man or other animals. Subd. 3. MS 1967 [Repealed, 1969 c 933 s 22] Subd. 3. Administer. "Administer" means to deliver by, or pursuant to the lawful order of a practitioner a single dose of a controlled substance to a patient or research subject by injection, inhalation, ingestion, or by any other immediate means.
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