International Conference “Role of Linguistic Diversity in Building a Global Community with Shared Future”

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International Conference “Role of Linguistic Diversity in Building a Global Community with Shared Future” INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “ROLE OF LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY IN BUILDING A GLOBAL COMMUNITY WITH SHARED FUTURE” 世界语言资源保护大会 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “ROLE OF LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY IN BUILDING A GLOBAL COMMUNITY WITH SHARED FUTURE” 保护世界语言多样性 中国古代字书《说文解字》:“直言曰言,论难曰语”,“言”“语”皆为“语言”(Language)。“世界语言 资源保护大会”会标将中国汉字“言”与一只仿若呵护珍宝的手融合,使用奥林匹克徽标五种颜色,寓意世 界语言资源丰富多彩,世界文化多元共生。呼吁世界各国人民共同努力,积极行动,采用最有效的方式保 护珍贵的语言资源,为构建人类命运共同体作出贡献。 Protection of Worldwide Linguistic Diversity According to the ancient Chinese classic Shuo Wen Jie Zi (The Origins of Chinese Characters), “What can be expressly stated is called Yan; what needs to be argued and debated is Yu.” “Yan” and “Yu” make up “language.” The logo design of the International Conference “Role of Linguistic Diversity in Building a Global Community with Shared Future” integrates the Chinese character “Yan” (“ 言 ”) with the image of a hand that symbolizes the protection of treasures. It adopts the five colors of the Olympic logo to signify the abundance and rich variety of world language resources, as well as the coexistence of diverse world cultures. We hereby urge people all over the world to work together and take actions to protect valuable language resources in the most effective way, and to make contributions to building a global community with shared future. 主办单位: 联合国教科文组织 中华人民共和国教育部 中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会 中国国家语言文字工作委员会 湖南省人民政府 Hosted by: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China National Commission of the People’s Republic of China for UNESCO National Language Commission of the People’s Republic of China People’s Government of Hunan Province of the People’s Republic of China 承办单位: 湖南省语言文字工作委员会 湖南省教育厅 长沙市人民政府 北京语言大学 湖南大学 Organized by: Language Commission of Hunan Province Education Department of Hunan Province Changsha Municipal People's Government Beijing Language and Culture University Hunan University 支持单位: 全球说 中南出版传媒集团 Sponsored by: Talkmate China South Publishing & Media Group CONTENTS 目录 大会简介 02 INTRODUCTION TO THE CONFERENCE 大会日程 04 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 开幕式 08 OPENING CEREMONY 主旨发言 09 KEYNOTE SPEECH 平行论坛 10 PARALLEL SESSIONS 全体会议 18 PLENARY SESSION 闭幕式 19 CLOSING CEREMONY 发言人简介和摘要 20 SPEAKERS’ PROFILES AND SPEECH ABSTRACTS 发言人寄语 119 WISHES OF SPEAKERS 车辆信息 129 TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULE 会务组联系方式 132 CONTACT INFORMATION OF CONFERENCE AFFAIRS GROUP 湖南省情简介 134 INTRODUCTION TO HUNAN PROVINCE 长沙市情简介 136 INTRODUCTION TO CHANGSHA CITY 2 International Conference “Role of Linguistic Diversity in Building a Global Community with Shared Future” 世界语言资源保护大会 ‖ 会议手册 3 “世界语言资源保护大会”简介 Introduction to International Conference “Role of Linguistic Diversity in Building a Global Community with Shared Future” “世界语言资源保护大会”首次举办,旨在世界范围内重申对语言资源保护问题的重视 和关注,促进各个国家和地区进一步形成保护语言多样性的共识,推动专家学者的对话与交 The purpose of the inaugural International Conference “Role of Linguistic Diversity in Building a Global Community with Shared Future” is to reiterate the importance of language resources 流,促进文明交流互鉴,为构建人类命运共同体作出贡献。本次大会由联合国教科文组织、 protection, to build a consensus on the protection of language diversity in all countries and 中国教育部、中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会、国家语言文字工作委员会、湖南省人民政 regions, to enhance dialogues and communication among experts and scholars, and to promote 府联合主办,湖南省语言文字工作委员会、湖南省教育厅、湖南省长沙市人民政府、北京语 exchange and mutual learning among civilizations, all of which will contribute toward building a global community with shared future. As one of the major events of 2019 International Year of 言大学、湖南大学共同承办,是联合国“2019国际本土语言”的重要活动之一。 Indigenous Languages initiated by the United Nations, this conference is jointly hosted by the 大会以“语言多样性对于构建人类命运共同体的作用:语言资源保护、应用与推广”为 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the Ministry of Education of the 主题,下设四个分论坛:语言文化多样性政策、语言资源保护规范标准与人才建设、语言资 People’s Republic of China, the National Commission of the People’s Republic of China for UNESCO, the National Language Commission of the People’s Republic of China, and the People’s 源开发应用与推广、促进语言文化多样性的措施。来自世界40多个国家和地区相关领域的 Government of Hunan Province. The conference is organized by the Language Commission of 200多位官员和专家参会。 Hunan Province, the Education Department of Hunan Province, Changsha Municipal People’s 会议将推动形成保护语言资源和语言多样性的共识,起草并通过《岳麓宣言》,联合 Government of Hunan Province, Beijing Language and Culture University, and Hunan University. 国教科文组织将就世界语言地图下“中国语言地图”版块的建设发展,与中国高校和科研机构 With the theme of the “Role of linguistic diversity in building a global community with shared 建立专家工作网和合作伙伴关系,会议将为亚太地区语言资源保护提供指导和建议,以期进 future: protection, access and promotion of language resources,” this conference features four thematic discussion areas: policies on language and cultural diversity; standards and training 一步推动联合国教科文组织各成员国将保护语言多样性纳入可持续发展目标,对构建人类命 of trainers for language resources protection; development, access, and promotion of language 运共同体发挥作用。 resources; and measures to be taken to promote linguistic and cultural diversity. Over 200 officials and experts working in relevant fields from more than 40 countries and regions will attend the conference. This conference will seek to build a consensus on the protection of language resources and language diversity by drafting and approving Yuelu Proclamation. It will further our efforts toward building a global community with shared future by accomplishing the following: launching a network and partnership by UNESCO with Chinese universities and research institutions on the development of the Chinese Linguistic Atlas within the context of World Atlas of Languages; providing guidance and recommendations on language resources protection in the Asia-Pacific region; and promoting the inclusion of language diversity protection as one of the sustainable development objectives of the member nations of UNESCO. 4 International Conference “Role of Linguistic Diversity in Building a Global Community with Shared Future” 世界语言资源保护大会 ‖ 会议手册 5 大会日程 Conference Schedule 时间 内容安排 地点 Time Program Place 时间 内容安排 地点 A. 语言文化多 B. 语言资源保 C. 语言资源开 D. 促进语言文 A:第一会议室 Time Program Place 样性政策 护规范标准与 发应用与推广 化多样性的措 Conference Room 1 Session A: 人才建设 Session C: 施 Policies on Session B: Development, Session D: B:第二会议室 2018 年 9 月 18 日 September 18, 2018 Language Standards Access, and Measures Conference Room 2 and Cultural and Training Promotion to be Taken 长沙梅溪湖豪华精选酒 Diversity of Trainers of Language to Promote C:第三会议室 店大堂 for Language Resources Linguistic Conference Room 3 Lobby of Meixi Lake Hotel Resources and Cultural a Luxury Collection Hotel Protection Diversity D:第四会议室 报到注册 Changsha Conference Room 4 Registration (Meixi Lake Hotel) 长沙嘉柏酒店大堂 Lobby of Golden Cypress A1. 多语社会的 B1. 各国语言资 C1. 信息科技与 D1. 多语社会的 A1:第一会议室 Boutique Hotel Changsha 构建及其语言 源保护经验 语言资源开发 构建及其语言 Conference Room 1 (Jiabo Hotel) 政策 B1: Experience 应用 政策 A1: Society by Different C1: Information D1: Society B1:第二会议室 欢迎晚宴 with Linguistic Countries in Technology with Linguistic Conference Room 2 Welcome Banquet 14:00 - 15:30 Diversity: Its Language and the Diversity: Its 梅溪湖酒店大宴会厅 Development Resources Development Development C1:第三会议室 Grand Ballroom of Meixi 18:30 - 19:30 湖南省人民政府领导致辞 and Language Protection and Access and Language Conference Room 3 Lake Hotel Welcome Remarks by Representative from the People’s Government of Policies of Language Policies Hunan Province Resources D1:第四会议室 Conference Room 4 2018 年 9 月 19 日 September 19, 2018 茶歇 原野全日制餐厅 15:30 - 15:50 Tea Break (梅溪湖酒店一楼) The Field A2. 濒危语言保 B2. 文化传承与 C2. 世界语言地 D2. 濒危语言保 A2:第一会议室 (Meixi Lake Hotel 1F) 护新进展 , 含关 语言资源 图新进展 护新进展 , 含关 Conference Room 1 早餐 键术语界定 键术语界定 7:00 - 8:00 沪上西餐厅 B2: Cultural C2: Development Breakfast B2:第二会议室 (嘉柏酒店八楼) A2: New Inheritance of World Atlas of D2: New Development in and Language Languages Development in Conference Room 2 Shanghai Western-style Restaurant 16:00 - 17:40 the Protection Resources the Protection C2:第三会议室 (Jiabo Hotel 8F) of Endangered of Endangered Languages, Languages, Conference Room 3 梅溪湖酒店大宴会厅 Including the Including the 开幕式 9:00 - 10:10 Grand Ballroom of Meixi Defining of Key Defining of Key D2:第四会议室 Opening Ceremony Lake Hotel Terminology Terminology Conference Room 4 茶歇 10:10 - 10:25 Tea Break 原野全日制餐厅 梅溪湖酒店大宴会厅 (梅溪湖酒店一楼) 主旨发言 10:30 - 12:30 Grand Ballroom of Meixi The Field Keynote Speech Lake Hotel (Meixi Lake Hotel 1F) 晚餐 原野全日制餐厅 18:00 - 18:50 Dinner 溪山悦宴 (梅溪湖酒店一楼) (嘉柏酒店九楼) The Field Khe Sanh Yue Banquet (Meixi Lake Hotel 1F ) 午餐 Restaurant 12:50 - 13:20 Lunch 溪山悦宴 (Jiabo Hotel 9F) (嘉柏酒店九楼) Khe Sanh Yue Banquet 赴橘子洲头,夜游湘江、欣赏焰火(长沙市烟花产量占到世界总产量的 梅溪湖酒店和嘉柏酒店 Restaurant 一半以上) 门口登车 (Jiabo Hotel 9F) 19:00 - 21:20 Departure from Hotel for Head of Orange Isle. River Cruise along the Boarding Bus in front Xiangjiang River plus Fireworks Show (Note: Changsha produces more than of Meixi Lake Hotel and 平行论坛 (演讲式) 梅溪湖酒店 14:00 - 17:40 half of the world’s fireworks) Jiabo Hotel Parallel Sessions (Lecture) Meixi Lake Hotel 6 International Conference “Role of Linguistic Diversity in Building a Global Community with Shared Future” 世界语言资源保护大会 ‖ 会议手册 7 时间 内容安排 地点 时间 内容安排 地点 Time Program Place Time Program Place 2018 年 9 月 20 日 September 20, 2018 原野全日制餐厅 (梅溪湖酒店一楼) The Field (Meixi Lake Hotel 1F) 原野全日制餐厅 午餐 12:50 - 13:30 (梅溪湖酒店一楼) Lunch 溪山悦宴 The Field (嘉柏酒店九楼) (Meixi Lake Hotel 1F) Khe Sanh Yue Banquet Restaurant 7:00 - 8:00 早餐 Breakfast 沪上西餐厅 (Jiabo Hotel 9F) (嘉柏酒店八楼) Shanghai Western-style 梅溪湖酒店和嘉柏酒店 Restaurant 门口登车 赴湖南大学岳麓书院 (Jiabo Hotel 8F) 13:40 Boarding Bus in front Departure from Hotel for Yuelu Academy of Hunan University of Meixi Lake Hotel and Jiabo Hotel 平行论坛(对谈式) 9:00 - 12:30 全体会议 Parallel Sessions (Round Table) 14:30
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