Tuesday January 8, 2002

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olfline Education highlights driver

ound Br therhood Dinner nred \lnses Inr’ his \\nrls III the I'tliII.I .I IIIIIIIIIIIIIII .lllIi [Irneiniir thIII .Iiiit‘s\\ i).ItIleII. I‘NII. (nlnrtel (Iiitnti \ 6 Mi. State honored one innovative tIan held. his L'lllillt\l.tslll Inr the slIIIlI‘lii~ In Irse ewerteiiIes t|I.It the) llltilnrtl it. I‘I‘H \lntgrret Innini not guilty educator for his work in the .Itl\.|llti‘l|lL'lll nI till IlIilIheii Illlil llt~ llliii IlliI'tt‘ IIII:I .Irttl IIIIIII‘IsIIItId IIItII itttrntifhs l‘I‘I-l .IrId ('nrieiessriinri education field, his enthusiasm for IIeIheIIIInII In L l\ I! IingIIs III'III iinI Illm‘lu [hits ".I llIiL'tlllII 'slili\\II\. .I IIIII .lnhir C\\ Is. l‘i‘l‘l III the sistres. \lnses i'eIrIIitI d intirtf nit .I III:~ III .I \LIIlItrre tnIii heInIIIe lII .IIlditinII In hananrIi.I \lnses. 0 Matthew Silver cleared after being the advancement of all children and students In help lItIII register nthers tn Intses Int IIIIIleIst.IIIdIII: displace (‘II.IIIII'IlnI \l.IIse \rIiIe ln\ ;I|sn IIniI accused of possessing a gun in front his dedication to civil rights activism. Inte lhe\ lnIIIII'd the \tritletii \ntt iIII‘IIl\ \Inries .Ihnttl "III.Ilsith: Iln nII-Il six ntitsttiiidirrir \lr'Ie.IiI \Iiier‘tetiii of students. \'In|erit (‘nnIIhIhItiiIfJ (‘nIIIIIIIItee heInIIII- the htIsIs lni lilltlt‘lslttlltllllj.‘ the sIIiIIerIts IrnIII \(‘Sl . St \Iieiistirie s Ayn-n .lzieksiin t\'\('( I IlItII~IeIIIe hettxeeri eIIIII\.IletIIe .Iritl I'nileee .Illil \lItm l Iir\eisit_\ Rimlaind ‘\' ,\ I.I*III l‘iitiic‘tl l' \lnst'si \xntls III i‘I‘eIIlIl/u' I‘Iytinhtt i‘ilttlltllili lItIslIe). .I serIinI IIIIIIUI'Illg Iii Kara ititit h \IIICI\ III \ltsstsslHII ltttllsltIl’lltL'tl 'lhe InIIIspts nI IhsIIIIII‘eIIIeIIts .Irid Iisst IIIIIIie}. tirid Kell} lnr'd.tii. .I Itiriini ‘\\\tri.llti N \\‘ I.I.iu- It is Ili\\.l_\\ IIIIIltll'ldlll tn IeIIIeIIIlIeI the Iinhtinsl [inner III eiittr‘e IniIItIiIiIII I‘IIIII'InlI IIIe IIInI Ide .I llt'\\ .tHiIIMLil tn IIItIInIIIIy III [Itirks r'eerentinii tirid \Milllme dri\et .\l.rtthe\\ \Iixer \Kllti the strtiireles Ih.Il penyile htne I'IIIhIIeIl ties .Iiid Iiltritirttel) shn\\ed .I iI.IIinII lllltlt'l\[ttlliilll‘..' iiIIegc'ix' stIIted the tnIIIIsIII III.’III.I;:eIiII.‘rII. \xete the inn stti “In .Ieeiised nl tisiiie It \\I'.IINIII In Int I I\tl Iifshts lhntteh the ii.1\ s III the hn\\ tinneiltil niie III.III‘s tik‘tllk'IIllil'l It \l-‘ei'rt.t l’InII.‘I I's «IIIII i.Ii \\eh siII'. dents \\lIII reenijiII/I-d tit this _\I';Ii 's llllllllltltllk‘ se\er.Il ,\ (' Stnte stIiIlI-Iits. IIIII ("inn l.l\\ s II.I\e yI.Issed .lliii e\III\ It k'.lll\‘\‘ \Illl tr'til} he \IIIl Iin\\ ItIt t.\i ’Ihere Is .I |.Iri'er IirnlIleriI III eIltiI'.I lirntlierhnnd IIIIIIIeI Inr‘ IlIeII it‘tltic‘P “its Intiiid Iint guilt) illlI'IlI;‘ his III.II .It Hill" l\ ”U“ .IilIl\\t‘ti III \IIlt‘. liII‘II‘ ,tII‘ Inrt\ _'\\',ll\ Liter. \lnses htIs nt‘gnriiled ttnri th.t: Itseds In he dismissed." s.IiIl shIII Illlti .II.IIleIiIIe le'illL'\L‘lIlL'lll “Like ('niitii} (‘nIii‘thntise III IIIId sIIlI III.IIII IIIII Itehts \lIIl"'ic“s lII.Il Ilffrllll. this time .Is teacher .IIId InIiIIIleI \lnses 'lIInII I lsrintx hn\\ \\e .‘—'“‘ ItiIn \li ises. \\ hnse iiIsyIIr.iIintI UHIIC\ Irnrti Dr'i'L‘IIIi‘L‘I, IeIII.IIII Iir'eseIIt tndtI_\ Iirie nt the wt Ie nI tlIt ll.llltllltll llitliil IIIeI.II_\ [lli\"lIlllt this Iii-ht ‘il i‘Ill tlII- \lijehtti l’inteet ts seeirie stIIderIIs le.ir'II. \lltl tlI.It \\ e Itiii't (in the night nI Sept ll. IIIeIIIIIeIs III t.il htittles Ili.It still tietsrst- is I illlIli edit lilt' \i“t‘l‘lIl lililivI‘l Ill‘l »Iil\‘- iilllirli iietessnrrl} II\ .III nl the \kilili'i\. but the Slylltd l’hi l‘IlNIlIIll ll.llt‘llil|} e.ItInII nptinrttiriities Int .tll yII-nyile. IIn lhe \hrehrn I’inIeII Is .I iI;ItIntitI! lite l‘itrr'ilI‘IilIHIIl llllillu'l ilt|\ C‘sllii‘r \\ e I.III resetie lilc students el;IirIIeIl tlitit Sihei’ [Itilled ti grim nII Iii.itter their sneitil sttittts. \etnithrte In IIl.I|ll\'l|l;Ill\'\ lItI-itie) I-IInr’t th.It lneIises IIslII-tl IIsI II II\ .III \t 81 tI;IdItInII lhe lnI .\lnses .IrId niIIers \thn mine the them near their hntise nII lr.IterIIIt_\ Rnhert \lnsest ti en ti riehts III In ist Illlll niI helping; lntt trienriie .Iiid iiimni‘It} dIIIIIII s Iris! lInIIni'ee III l‘lh.‘ \\.is lllII‘tiillIlllc‘L‘ nI edtietitinrt. these "res— ('ntir‘t. I’Iihhe Stit‘et) ('hiel lll\c‘\ll_‘.!.tlttl‘ edtientnr. isstres .Irid ltlL‘II\ IIItIst he ths students In siII'eessIIIll} .Itt.IiiI Irizrthe l-it II|IIllllll l lIIIIiI \l.I\s. It distiitgtiished eiretl students” \\ ill beeniiie the IInsItn e (‘tipt \lzir‘tm .\lnnd_\ .Iii‘ested \‘Iher etissed lnr' elitirige III edtiItIIInII in LII-.e iII.ItII.Il skills lh.II .Ite ti prerequisite Inr edttt Illltl \\hnse IIIIIIIIs Irieltided l)l letItleIs nl the ”CH eerier'titinri. the l'nlln\\IiIg_‘ d;I_\ illlL‘l subsequent!) |I|tiee trill Iiti/eriship III niII ewr-ehnnerriu \lIIliill :ItIIer l‘\lllj_‘ .il tttlsmg the \\ ItiIesses' sttiteiIIeiIts helnre lJtiririgJ its I‘lth .lllllllIti Ili'ntlIerhnnd .IiId lllL'l't‘Ihlll“: “lritnrriitttinir ,\;.re ” ()Iher yItIst llintlierhnnd l)Illlli‘l' llIIII XIII/I I‘r [Ini'lr'r' ( (tr/Inn \‘I'II wmr' Iriiir .I Ititigrstitite \\hn deterIIiiiied the} \I. ere l)IIIIIeI‘ held nII Ilee 7. \( \ttite lInIi lhe \Ieehi’u l’i'nteet htis iiiipleriiertted nrees |I.I\I iIIIhIdeIl lit ('hr'tstiiie \l Ii'r/iirtt I/ In //II\ III‘III /1‘ sIIIIieIeIIt tn \\;II‘I';IIII I‘lll .II‘IesI, Siher \itis charged nri .I mrsdes IIIL‘tttIiil' L‘Ittltil tIl pnssessiltg tt \\I'.Ipntt U. Penn researcher speaks on 1999 clinical trial that killed teenager nri edtieiitinriitl lHUIk‘I'l} .iIIIl \\.is Ires Iihl ,i\'\\i' (Ir‘isIIiL't‘l slIIIlc‘jJ’x liII ltI‘.tllle.,‘ lill\ IlIsL‘IIsL‘. lite “I there \\.IsI II entmter‘ueu. \slirel‘i tttissed nII entripirs. O In the trial in which the teenager \\IlsnII. ‘.\hnse .Ihilit_\ in Inriiliiet IlIIltI ;II.~III-I.:thl tn sIIyIpnIt lI‘sllleJ this Is. sIIIee this Is the lust time this we- (‘niIiIe\ l(' I. the IanIIitrii} enriti.itt was involved, researcher James IeseIItIh sItIdIes nri ilillilttlh Lllllt‘llli\ III IIIIIII.«Iis IIII- I‘hIIII.Il llltli. lin\\ II InI \InIIIIl eI er he tried III illlllltllh tirid t'il it) \(‘Sl III IIpL‘I'ch' lilL‘ “Uillttlc‘. Wilson and his team of researchers Is ilc'lltg‘ Illli'sltttllt‘il i‘} llli‘ ll‘l‘ii .tlIIl ‘.\.I\ IlI‘\II'IteIl .IiIIl lllItl l‘.\ti :Ie'Jl‘s til \Ie IlIIII‘I Isrtnu \xhtit the risks IlfL‘. enritititted tn Inn and keep \'il\er IIIIII \diIIIiIIstr.IIInrr titIlI/etl the twirl, III .II IIh .\e \e Iletht’ntetl nIII liltll II llIIt‘. he better In c‘IIl‘tIli patients eIin|n_\ed nII e.IIri|Itts thintiehniit the were giving the teenager a treat- III.I In lilllsil.tl\ In \lllih‘ltls hnu II I. III :nI . In IIIIIlt-Ist IIIIl the l‘.t\l\ ‘I‘siltr .Ireri‘t xeri sIelI \\ tilt the disetise. perind lendiii}: [III In the IitIIl \Iter he ment they previously had tested on \\i\'ll[|i|k IllMtI‘tc'l‘. ,'I.cs \\.t‘. [II .t Int the ~t .I It Iiittt. III lI',‘Iiiitll th.It \Ie IhI Inrsnii heiriy th.It the) etiii Itr‘nr \\.l\ L‘\t'llt‘l.llr‘tl, lilt' ll't‘sylttss \\.l\ animals. I'IIIIIIIII stII.I\ l‘i‘\I“l.i I I its (re‘istitI'c'I‘H \\lisrrtl ‘-iIIIle tIIeII nun enrisetit. _\nti dnn't drnpped .md Srhet I'etiiriied tn IlI’I\ iii): lit the III.Il III \\il|\illiI‘isllI1't,'l this s,:It I: I ItIIe:\It II yIIInI In the iIInsI iltl\_‘ In .L‘“ In .I girtii'dititi. tlirit the_\'re \\nll|IiIe httses Irixnltett \\I|san .Iiid his lI'.I||l i'i I III-.Ilthx. III.II they're there rI-.Ill_\ Itist "“L‘ \\.tllc’ti liiI llIC it‘ytli I‘liks'\\ lt‘ .-\le\ lupiiiksi IesI.IIIlI.-Is \\ere L'I\lll_‘_‘ (leisriiver II I. t . uttered Iin'ti .I IIIIIII III In ‘KIlilCll‘aliL' Iti entitling tlc‘\\ kiitml IIIIIsh." s.iid “nttlme Itireetnr (‘ltiire It. l"‘ I'I' II littlllllI‘lll the) [‘II‘\IttIl\-i) II.III InsteIt I II: '.Itt-.IIIII.III:\I.Ise I()l('i Ciiyt'.” ilL' \Itlil l\tirie. \\iItI rInted t|I.It III iIIIC IIIIIe. nII .IIIIIII.Ils tiI-lsirieei littd .I sIIeIIIII x: . I. ,t thsenst- III.It III Ithits the lie .Idded iii this t\ he nI It‘t.Il. krinmr \il\ei h.Id dII\eII hrises Inr his ehIIII Ii Il|\‘I'.l\I' lIIl ‘-\ill\il the theittyix .\.ts i'II'I'I. III [‘li'u‘ss tiltilc‘llls, tis II plinse nne. there me tin gtitirtttt "\\e lI.i\e ti Iespnrisihihh tn IiinteIt ll \\ll

Art and Pop culture collide Think you know it all... Joel Isaac Frady “5) Sid" ' '0'. about Arts and Entertainment? Orange County THERE’S ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT. * t * 3'12" "i5 Colin HOI‘IkS Technician Jack Black ii em: Jake Kasdan Somewhere deep inside "(h‘aiige County" lies a wealth ot emotions. ' A&E honesty. thought arid every other coiir ponent needed to make a moiie that's hard not to like and impossible to tor get. A few times iii the film this comes coiitact~ Rvan Hill BravolZl5(0“hotniail.coni out. and it‘s able to eclipse the bound- aries that appeared to have confined ll The characters suddenly seem real. and their problems make sense and C\clt give insight into your ow ii, tiitttiies ‘\tilt said ttires ()iie can‘t espec! piitcljs .liaiat This wealth of attributes. the kind that llaiiks is iiiipiessoe Ill his ttist lead— tet'~dit\ett liliiis lioiti tlieiii ,itiyiiioic make a great character-driven film. are ing lt‘lt' will the big: scteetii. \\l‘.lt‘ll says The} look a itsk \\|llt "l leiiioiif lost in the formulas and jokes that make a lot .iltci set-iii: butt on the \\ H shim which eiei'ioiie loved \scll, t‘\‘\'l\ up the rest of the moi ie _, not to make HR“\\\\'!! .2 k .t 'llattsotis (‘l'CCbn Ullt‘ c‘\t‘t‘pl lllL‘ pt'iilllt‘ llltil \\ .ilt lt \l l it sound like a bad thing. because \Hllt .tltt‘t'is, btit \-.|tat do you espccl Since then. they We put out lili"\ ies like “Orange County" is very good as tai as lioiti \.it.iti itttaitiatc cit. lhc \Vli “Save the last llantc” and "\aistty teen comedies go. Compared to nioi ies itetooi'ls. llbt‘ tits latliet. he doesn‘t lilttcs"; botli teiiiltle. iiiitiillcss llli“. l(‘\ like “American Pie." “Road Trip" and look like \ittlt' .ociaet leading titan. btit that played it sale ciioityli to iitake the l0l other repetitive clones released he has a e l‘..tllll .in-l \\ it that are unique ltti inc} in the last three years. it‘s a breath of \ liiiiidied ditteient .ittois totiltl ha\c fresh air. The iokes work. the cast is pulled ott .i tole like Shaun. it's the lti "(liaiige ('oiiiity.” .i teaiii .idds .ill great and the only thing that's really spite llanks adds that makes ll etiioy the btattt they can to an \I l \ Itioxie. annoying is the loud. nerie-griiidmg able ls'l.i.k is llltlist'll lit the iole. which and it's enough to set both the good MTV soundtrack that is brought in at also isn't .i tiad tliiiie. lill he’s emerging and bad sides \\e'\t~ itieiitioiteil the all the wrong places. as one .it the top citllit‘illdlls. good side‘ its limit). and take through “Orange County" stars (‘olm Hanks. lhe \lll‘i‘tiillflj,‘ . ist is also tattlasltt. otit bttt ltas enough tedeetiiiiig qualities son of Tom Hanks. as Shaun Bruinder. loaded xiizli etioiieli taiiieos lroni big to warrant seeing Il l lte bad side is that a graduating high school student with names to till .I liool biis llie only let there's a gteat tiio\ie behind it. one one dream: to go to Stanford so he eati down is lisk as his toiiiantit interest, that‘s itist waiting Io liiii'st tliioiigzli and become a writer. Unfortunately for She ll.i\ the t hunt and the looks to play be seen. .\t ottc pttttil iii the lilttt. tl him. everything in his life is working the role l‘lli she plays the t‘olc a little reitiinded the ot “\\'iiiiilei Boys." .i tiliii against that. His girlfriend (Schuyler too ditii\iitt.-dljs. and the tliai'atters of with siniilat siiliicct tti.ittei that is Fisk) wants him to go to the nearby colr llt‘l and llaiiks inst don't match. It‘s arguably one ol the best movies made lege that she‘s attending. his parents almost lllst' li.i\ tng .lolin ('tts‘ack paired tti the last ltl teats \\illi ‘Uiatigc (Catherine O‘Hara and John Lithgowi t'oititititically with litta Reid. tl'yott can County." you get "’lfioys‘ aimed at the are too preoccupied to care. and his imagine that MTV generation lllL‘l: again. knowing brother well. it‘s Jack Black \\itli that said. it is important to note that lot of people watch iiioi lt‘\, \l l‘\' (“Shallow Hal") running around in his that this is a big step tip fot MTV pic- ttllghl see that as a good thing “ l'hc c\;inip|c living: that for tho high \\11\ l\L‘|tl .: scc‘i'i't lllllll .7 l.iss “MIN c‘sl dosc \Ct‘lttl'. \u' c‘nt‘ollc‘d l\\ii lc‘pol‘lc‘is \\L‘lL‘ llol alllll\\L'tl to .llll'llil TRIAL puticnls. Ll “Ulll‘dll illltl :i iii.iti. :iiid tlic :ind sliidc‘iits \wit' .iskcil not to \tilll “(illitlll did into. but thc \lllilt‘ ilosc IllL‘lll to lliL’Ill \t‘c‘lttl' iii Jcssc (iclsingci‘. thc scc‘ond "’l‘ltc‘ c'l.issiooiii is ii \c'iy. \c‘l\ “l‘L' lion \\ll\‘l’t‘ Ilit-x t.iii‘t ltiiii ll dimn pitticnl. hiid iiii iiiihclicviihly li‘iigic' L'llll pliic'c \\lici‘i' \yc lI'\ to c‘iit'oiiiiigri' lit'c'unsc' they 'Ii- ticctl \\ tilt \illllt‘ lt‘lll otitc‘oinc'." lllc‘ opcn L‘\t‘llilll}lL' ot ido.is .Illtl tll\ ls tci't‘ililt' t'iitiiiiislnitccs,” llL' toiiliii Sltidc‘nts stiid they enjoyed Wilson‘s i‘iissioii. ;intl .iiiylliiiig ih.it \\tllll\l tlt‘tl \ll\\’l|\\|l‘ll ol tlic research triiil .ind [ltilL‘lllltlllh \llllt‘ ih.it \tl‘llltl lw ‘sl‘lllt' inllc'yc' stiplitiiimhi liiii l'iiolli. c\pc'i‘iiiicnlution process lll thc gciic thing lli.il l'd \\tllll to tll\\\'lll.t‘,'t" who \\ttll\\ til .i :u'lit' llit‘iqitis l.tl‘ on lllt'l'.‘t[‘\ I‘icld. Wilson s.iid "llii\iii): iti'i‘ss llI llii' diiiptls illltl .illc-iiili tl iii»; lk‘t'llllL‘. s.iid “ll. ,.id ll twill) good iol‘ on it. He ll \\.’l\ intt'ic‘stine' to ll's‘lll ,itmiil llic c‘\pl;llltc'tl lllt‘ “httlL‘ l'L‘\L‘;tl’c‘ll pi‘ilc'c‘ss c'ldssltlitlll l lc't'l \ktitllil tlc‘lt‘l llt’lll llit‘ stiiily lliilll lllt' stictilisl liiiiisi'll ol hots ll gt‘ls li'oni ltll‘tll‘llltil'} i'dticuitioniil c‘\]‘\‘l|c'lli_’\'. ttllll ilic‘ic .i lilllt‘l th.in tliioii-jh tlic‘ illt‘illil i'csciii'c'h to t‘lllilL'dl li‘iiils. ltc‘Iic'li to [into iiiid it Now loi i‘\k‘t\lllllli' llc‘ .ltltlk‘tl lit' lu'lii‘tc'd \\ilsoii \\.is ltc‘tlsltlc‘.” l’ll'tllll slllkl. hltc‘nhlll‘.‘ \\llll iiicnilicis .il lllt' iiitss not in l.lllll lll llit' \lt‘.llll o1 tic-lsinyt‘I. ()nc stiidcnt. spciiking on thc c‘ttlltllr is zilso llllltt‘llJlll ltuiiliiii; is iiiiimi l‘lll llic‘ “ml \\.is iiiiiiii‘iiictnlilt‘ mm of Lllltill}lllll_\. suid Wilson \xiis it hint .\li\ing the too ll \mi \.l|l ’l‘lic' \\.i} lit-'s iiot'liiiwd is llL‘ lt'l good pi‘otcssoi. dlltl thc class \\;is ;i\oid ll, llllllls you should “ I~itlllt‘llllll_‘_'| slip Iliiotigli tlic- kl.l(l\\ \L'l') iiil'oi‘niiitiw. \Vilson c'iiipliusi/c-d. lltl\\\‘\t‘li llt' lint lllc' si'it'iicc s;i_\s thou \\t‘lL‘ no “I thought [the pi'cccptoi‘iiill Lllltl lhc l|l(il h.i\c- lic-i'ii toi'thc-iiiiiiii: tiut'lss ll \\otild In; ilil'li‘it‘nl il llit‘) \t‘l'_\ -iict‘csting. lli- told its .i lot of \\|lll llic \L'lt‘llllllk c‘ttllllllllllll} i.iisscil soiiic'lliinp. liiit lllL'_\ ilitlii'l. things I didn't know about." thc slii "\Vc‘ litiw lic'oii .iggi'ossiw tit sli.ii RAISE t‘.il's iiol tlic~ [‘lt'l‘li‘lll llic'y don‘t dcnl s.iid "llc look ;i lot of L|llL‘\lltlll\ in}; \\llll lhc \t'lL‘lIlIllc‘ coiniiiiiiiiix liitin ‘.\ll\ llk‘ iliutl " l‘lli‘lll s.iiil .iiid hc “its \c‘i'y L‘lL‘ttl‘. He \\'.is \ci'y tin) .iltd till .l\l‘t‘\'l\ tll llits \‘dM'. l‘iilll EYEBROWS \\i|soii silltl 't\ll.ll happened to lxnimlcdgczihlc ol “hut hc \siis lilll\- licloi‘c' lllL‘ tltllcl lh.it no :JL‘ltc'ldlc'Ll diii (it‘lstnyc'i would not ll.t\t' l‘c‘c'll [‘lt‘ ing about" lllg tlic um! and slllt'L' thcn. \\iili ihc WORK lllLlCtl l‘.l\L'tl on tho cwiiciiinc'iits thiIlL‘ \Vil “in took lllllL‘ to zinsticr tlic slur hopc th.it this lllltil‘llltlllitll \\lll tic FOR lx'loit' lllL‘ llltll dcnts‘ iiticstions iind sziid hc cnioycd iisc-ltil to ollic-i‘s zind iissiii’iin.v tliiit this NEWS ‘ll it'yiic‘scnls :hc l.ii't th.il ttlllllldl lhc opportunity to \Hll'ls' with stiidcnts \\lll cwiittiiilly hi: stic‘ccssliil. .iiitl lllllllk'l\ .llt‘ not .ll\\xl_\\ iiiotlicluc til inlci'c'slcd in his field of study. hopctiilly to .i\oid an} sllllllnl Lll \ulitit \oii‘ll c‘\c‘llltl.lll} sct' iii ”I think ;i hit iihout thc iinpoi'tiincc c'iiinstiiiit'c's in HlllL'l li'i.i|s " lic s.iid STOP l‘tiiiiiins.“ \\ ilsoii ‘-.lltl ol prowling. iii the coiitcxt ol' ll lih "\\hcn \w iiiidc'i’lools this stiid\ .is BY lit‘l\lll:.‘t‘l .\ ltllllk'l. l‘.itil_ liiis .illt';t'il k‘l’dl .ii‘ts cdticiition. gin undcrstiiiiding null ;is tiny ol lhcsc stiidic-s. \u' llltllst‘ 323 lli.tl lllL' lt‘sL‘ttlcllc'H l.lllL'\l lt‘ l't'l‘ttl'l ot thc kcy iispcc'ls of science." lic ii Utlllllllllllt‘lll th.il \u- \\lll lc'illit sis l".ll lllllllht".\ \slio \\k‘|\‘ gin-ii siii.ill s.ild. "So. |llsl ltc‘c'llusc sllldc‘llls tllc' llllit'll .is or possibly cum to .issiiii- WITHERSPOON k‘l dost's ol lllt‘ \ccloi lllt' _L‘L'llL‘ not scicncc lll;l|()l‘\. I got c\citc-d h} lll.il [his \\lll lllllllllllt'l} siipu‘mlf lit~ CALL ll’L'i.l[‘\ lllill (\t‘llllltlll} \\.l\ _L'l\L‘l] to thiil. lwc'uusc this niii) he onc iinpoir tltltlc‘tl "\\c‘ until pi'oiiiisc lli.il .Ill\ (u‘lsiiiggc'i L‘llllt‘l l‘l‘LJlllt‘ Ill oi t.iiit opportunity for [hunt to C\pttlltl UllL‘ sli‘iitcg) is going: to ho lllL‘ Hllt‘ 515-2411 diod. \\|lll iii.iii_\ ot lllL‘llI c'\hil\iling_' lllL‘Il' knoolcdgc Lind mpci‘icncc ol~ llidl \\lll tilliiiiiiti'ly lw stii't'cssliil. l‘tll OR lllL‘ s.iiiti‘ s\ iiigiloiiis its (it'lsiiigi‘i did st'icnct'. It‘s also owning to ll:l\L‘ oiii' ohligiition is to .l\\l|lt' lh.it \tt» EMAIL \\ilsoii c'\yil.iiiicd lll\' stl1d_\ \\.l\ scl l‘c‘oltlc lnlc‘l'cslcd tn \L'lL‘llCL‘ hL‘c‘uusL‘ lcuin from tho cwc-iic'nc'c' :iiid \lltllk' TEKNEWS TURNIN ‘ nit so lh.il .it \cllltllh lcwls sttliit't'ls lliiit‘s \\ll;tl |'\c dcdiciitcd my Mo to." lhc intoi'nialion." lL‘tL‘lu'tl |ll\'|L'.l\lll_L‘l:\ sllitllf.‘ tltisc‘s til \‘oiiic scum-c) surrounded thc t'ii'st In the llt'sl sc‘ssltin til lllL‘ l‘lL‘L‘CPltil @HOTMAILCOM llli‘ \iiiis th.il t;iiiic's llic‘ \t-i'ioi iiicctiiig ot thc prcccptoriul. Wilson itil. \Vilsoii .itlcinptc‘d to come) lllL‘ " \notlit-i lllll‘tllldlll point thin or .iiid lhc picccpioriiil comiiiittcc madc- i'iidinicnliii'y l‘nsis lichind lhc' :Ic‘llt‘ ASK . |.'.ii'ncd Is lh.il lllt‘lt‘ .ii'c sonic indi\ lil' t'lltill\ to yii'c\ciit 'l'hc Daily thoriip} Hold. and in the sc'c‘oiid llL‘ .- . . ii.ils th.it .iic- iiiiicli llltllL‘ ‘~\‘ll\lll\t‘ to llk‘llll\}l\.ll1l.lll lioin obtaining llll'ttl‘v mod to illitsli.itc' thosc principlc-s in ii FOR llll\ \L'tltll lllttll otlic'is." llk' .ttlilL‘il iii.itioii .ilionl tlic cliiss. lls lUCulltlll liihomtoi'y soiling. AYREN

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The NC State University Meet the Computer Training Unit we'll push you to cHALLENGE is now offering any $195 the [edgel, class for $75 to all then tell you to jump. faculty. staff and students of NCSU. The Be a campus leader. You know it s y. i "‘ r it CTU offers a wide H‘r‘ '9‘ “sh i, t t -, y i Take a stand against violence. other-s stop variety of classes from class where you‘ll tit. n iiiiio P;e tote better so munication basics to specialty skills like how ts; tr "h a-i .t ' -' ' ,, 2;» Register today. An 1 "old aw t v. I" Le others now to help. workshops to . ARMY ROTC Unlike any Olin-1‘ mllopo course you can take. at stiategies to step Violence certification classes. Please call 515-8163 to Challenge attitudes & beliefs. .Ks'vins».mr ‘ request a class schedule 594“ or visit our website at Check it out with the Wolfpack Battalion Far more information at 51 5-2428 call Ricky LiVii'igstni l'll' Marianne liirnbitll at 513-3293 www.ncsu.edu/ctu th‘tlll if) iiViIllillllE‘ in: thu, litiltllllg 8. oiitieach program. Register for Military Science classes now! TECHNICIAN’S VIEW Ukraine handling forsakes Proiect Collect Tax 0 O Sept. 11 lessons "qt Alter World War the chief c\portcr ol' pirated ('lls to Such cnI'IIIpIIoII. \\lttcll IIIIIs IaIIIpaIit III cashing in? II. the desire to Iiuropc. the [7.8. goIcrIIIIIeIIt and \IItuaII) all dcwlopmg tnIIIitIIcs. Is mold such Rlx\:\ allege that I'kraiiic piracy costs not casII_\ oI tIIcapI} excisctl I'IIc GOV. EAS LE trageth from then .\Iiiericaii industr) $200 million _\earl_s l..\‘s. Ictpicsttul snIIIIInIIs. IIIcIcascd AS PART OF on manifested It is estimated that losses to music pIIa eIIloIceiIIcIII .IIIII IchsIIIIoII. sIIIIpI_\ PROJECT COLLECT TAX, LISgI itself in palpable c} \Hll‘ltl\\ltlL‘ total ‘54 billion. caIIIInt II.i\c aiii IcaI cllcct Iiccatise changes in the The US. CL‘l‘lilllll} has a legitIIIIatc cnIIuptIoII pIaIs a kc} Inlc III the gn\ DEBTORS ONLINE IS A G \\a_\ the l‘nited complaint to Issue to the l'kraiiie; local cI‘IiIIIctII. .Is It Is IclatIIcII pIolIIaIiIc \ States conducted pirates are pi'ol'itiug lllllttlt‘l} Iand. III \IIIIph put, the l lIllktl \Iatcs has to IDEA BUT WILL FALL SLIGHTL l'oI'eIin policy. some cases. illegallst t'i'oiii ,-\IIIericaII pom up the dough to p.I_\ lI-I the chin SHORT OF EFFECTIVENESS. The United States goods. The ICS. solution. though. Is Inatinii nl cnIItipIInII lllc‘lc t‘s lIII otIIcI pre-war lacking iii true merit. and. more IIIIpoIv “at to stop cnIItIptInII. Most people aIc delighted In see IIInIic\, ni the) hate II .Illil anI I plan Robert rejected \IIIIIIt-d I kIaIIIIaII c‘s‘t‘lvillillk' ginutli their name III prIIIt except \Ilicn to Inn \\ II.II s .i IItIII‘ ptil‘lic sIIaIIIc to Jailall isolationist think— l“.ttll_\. ignores insights that should II.IIc being ptililicl} listed as one or \i‘lill stilllt‘IIIIt‘ \xIIn oucs IIIc state n! \IIIIII ing because it been culled from the Sept. I attacks cnIIliI .Ilsn ll.l\t' laI IIIIcI cntisetpicilccs \satitcd lot l.l\ iIcI‘ls t'aInIIIIa \i' I‘Ktv i I \‘l ias Illtllc Med Int became quite evi- The trade sanctions are supposed to lot the I IIIIL‘II \lals“ Ilk‘t .lttn‘ lllt' Carolina's most on Ilic IIcpaIIIIIcIII oI dent that l‘oreign cxents had real conse- coerce the l'kraine gowrmnent InIn llsldllli‘ Is our ol IIIt stillltlllt'\ that .‘\t least. that's uhat tint lash-I. \\ llll nu.) lllIIl\ltlll.ll Into the Itiliciitcd lanJc llll‘clt‘dl stockpiles limit his IIeIsI} IIIIpIcIIIcIitcd I‘InIch Ix’ciciitit s \\cli slit‘i III liat k Ia\.t-s’ qttcticcs at home. To them disaster. action h) cutting t‘IIIids going IIIIIIIIIIL' loI Collect I'a\. Is l‘.l|ll\lll_;' on In t II.IIIII.:'c III; \. \\ s and i ll‘n‘l I . I Icpottcd [Iost \\’or|d War II pttltk‘) pinned its counti') - lost sales \Ia high e\poII the \t‘\lc'l l llIi'll ls’eiIIItI-d $150 million nl ta\ debts III I\\ o \.~.IIs that tlIt Rt IcIIIic l"t‘l‘.llilllk'llI has hopes on International acthities such costs and limel‘t‘tl c‘t‘t'tltbtltt} \\tllI the tlIc l‘ltllt'tllttll nI IIIIcIcaI Iicapoiis as reported In .I pIcss IcIt-asc IIIItII NV C‘.II.I I.I\ ct’llk'- IIIIs .tllsl lll.l}. as the Marshall Plan. l’Iiited Nations IMF iIIi Much the I'IIItcd States has IIiakcs dnoIIistla; sttIIaIIos \tIIct'c Ict Vl‘llk.‘ l’sk'} tl\[lL‘cl i‘l l‘Ii‘It‘tl (IIIIt'tI begin IcIcII'IIIg uIc‘I‘Ii‘ls tn collection and I'IIIIersaI Declaration ol Human significant iIil‘IueIiceI. \Vhilc coercion IoIIsts lllltlsls IIIIcIcaI \\c.IpnIIs and tile 'I'a\ III\oIIes tlIc postIIIg III the names .Ii'cni'cs \i‘lllt'\\llc‘lk‘ along Illk line. Rights. The Iiiaiitra ol‘ post-WWII lor- can \Iork. It is IIiIIIkeI_\ the I‘Iittcd IIIcIII .It tlIc l llllc'tl \I.itcs IIInIc Iikcl) of debtors. the amount lllt'\ Imc I’I soIIIctIIIIIg \\.Is .IIIIIss ll. .Ill nl a still chn poltc) can be expressed as a para- Slates ts going to get cooperation IoI' \tldIlIoII.III\. IIIsciIcIIaiIlctl IIIIcIcaI sci back ta\es and then atltlicss on the .lt-a. IiIc IIIIIIIg nl IfIIs llI.Ill\ stall In phrasing ot‘ a John Donne quotation: tree (which Is Isliat \ttltc‘llitlls repIc cIitIsts .IIIII unikcis tl‘llltl also Iic IIIoI‘c North (‘arolina I)cp.Ii'tIIIt-III nI IctnIiI‘ tlIc sI/aIIIc ilclit nl \4 "I ”III “.\'o countr) is an island (c\en though sent). III the ITkraIIIc case and more apt to all lltlt Icai IIIlnIIIIatIniI and Re\eiiuc's “ch \llk‘. \ccnitliug :n III. III'l‘ Is It'tltlllc'ti It can bet." generall). the IKS. uIII lime to pm to IIIathIaIs In the IIIgIIcsI IiiIIIch the Iisk Raleigh Neits and (ll‘\t'l\t‘l. IlIc Illsl IIIIIlIt-I'IIInIc. there Is IIn Icasnn lot in a post~$ept. lltli Itorld. can one sa_\ protect its oun Interests. to \IIIcIIt'aIIs Is \cI\ IcaI o‘) names \\c‘lt‘ posted Icstcitlax and the \\elt sllc‘ In lists the tlt-Iiinis‘ Iliat IIS. l’oreign poltc) has significant» To stop pirac). tlic l'kraIIiIaII go\erII It Is ccuctalh l'ilt' III.II .nIIIIiIIcs \\llll “Ill be tnllnucd III III“ .ItltlIIInIII tlIItIlt'ssi,‘s “llllt‘ Illt‘lt tlL‘l‘ls III lllk' I_\ changed in light ol attacks Iliat mati_\ IIIcIit needs more llti‘llc‘) to upgrade .i I :I;.'t‘ 'IiliIIIIt' t I.Iss .itt‘ Ii'ss IIIs‘c‘I} III 310 names each month sl.lIs'. ll cllctIIIc. sIInIIIII Iic [‘lll‘lis sa) surpass Pearl Harbor III se\erit) .’ lactlities and to land increases III to \\.II tll tillitl\‘.lst' IIIIlIcI hatin on The tlt‘l‘lttl's~ II.IIIIcs \\ cIc scIL‘clt‘II at kIInII chgc. their addresses should Iiot Ilardl}. line can see ciidetice Iliat IKS. eIil'orchIIcIit. The l'IIItcd States Trade iIIlth sIIIIII,III\ chcIopcd t'nIIIItiIcs random Mom .I list oI about will“ pca lie and do Ils'l need In I\ ITIII‘IIc kIIn\\l tittltc} has not re\olutioiii/cd to take .I Representatnc ()llice points otIt that IIIc litnszictl nl IMslll" \I“lllllt.|lll hen ple \\ ho one the stale \itli III III l.l\cs \‘tlg't‘. more piagiiititic "global" \Ic“ In the cul'orceiiicttt using costing toi'ccs Is cltts likc ~.Ilct\ .Illil IIIathIaI tnIIthItcd» Iliat .Itc n\cr 0H dais past due \\ III. I’Intctt I'ollcct Ias. specIlItalh IlIc recent iIinosItioIi of trade sanctions oti possible and that the l'kraine has not Iicss tauscs l pninIIc tll.tll“.'k‘ III the are these names selected at IaIItlnIII‘ chIInIs nIIlIiic II.ItaIiasc. Is a tlcici the l'kraine. The sanctions were adopt~ )ct acted in an) significant “to “tilt luIIdaIIIcIIIaI liclIaIInI oi the people State In Ulllc'ltlls claim that II Is to Idea II Is IIIIlnItuIIaIc. Iioucu't. that cd alter the (CS. government. pushed misting I'orces since it agreed to do so Ilius. ll Illt' I Iiitcd \‘Iatcs Is cnticcincd remain “lair" III the posting nI II.IIIIcs out state gnocriiiiiciit has let this \llll’ sirongh b} the RIAA. insisted that the In August. Ilo\sc\er. the IS 's post .ll‘t‘lll IIs ll.tlttIlt.II and ct'oIInIIIIc secuI'I Fl‘llL‘ lltlll‘t‘sl \\.l} \\tllll\l I‘L‘ lit post Ittsl .ItIoII cstaIat-c to \\ll.ll II Is InilaI llltc t'kraIIic make tttmes to arrest software tion docs Iiot acknouledgc rcal. all but I\ III a post \cpt II \\i\lI\l. It must also the names oI dcl‘tors \shosc accounts suitess n' IliIs prngIaIII depends on and music pirates atid create optical utimoiduble obstacles ironicall) point slIII\\ ctilILc‘lll lni IIIc national and cco are the most delinquent accnrihug In the IIitchIt} nl people \ihn II.i\c bin media licensing legislation. ed out b) an RI:\:\ rcprescntatne lltlll‘Il\ \I.‘tIlII"\ n! tnIIIItIIcs around the s‘lttpsc‘tl ltlltt‘ ttlttl \l/C ill tlL'l‘l kcII lhc I.l\\ Ii_\ IcIusIIII: In p.:\ I.I\cs The t'orIiIer So\iet»bloc cotiiitr) has “(‘orruptioii and bribcr) are some ol build lictatisc tuliat Iltll‘l‘t‘ll\ lll snnIc Supporters nl tlIc nIIIIIIc dcliInI list IIIIIc t‘lltl time again. annual c\ports ol' Silo billion. inostl} the principal Iiitpcdimcnts to ecoIIoIIIIc sIIIaII. unkiumzi tt‘llllll\ .IInIIIiil Ilic are counting on the cIIIIIarIassIIIt-III ni \I \\t"\l. I'I‘otctt I_:\ tnIIett \IIII In Russia and Iiurope; the US, and social dewlopment III IIIucII oi \\llllil IInt-s !ll.llit‘l III l‘l‘.’ oats debts being [‘tll‘llc‘l} kiio\\II In pInIIIpI II.IIc IIIIIc nI IIn cIIcII \I licst, II \\III accounts I’or 5 percent ot' l'kratnc Iiastern lauropc.” debtors in pa} tip; lin\\c\c-I .Itltls .IIc \I.ll‘ IIlt' k I‘I‘isc'Ic‘lIc'c‘s III .5 It \t. tsI‘Iait‘tl c\ports. The I'kraine has a GDP per— Pirates and crime \}lltlts'.llL‘\ csercisc (jut v vi . (up In. ',"I \.II.'., I. I'll\ MI! that \tlicn people rack up IlIcsc kinds ilk‘l‘ll’l \ \\ Ill‘ IIIsiI to redeem IIIcIII capita ol’ about 53.850. stcadiI} grou- influence through hither} and llllllltliltl' /\’III'II'\I ._II"I;' [TIN/ll I’lltl it, ol debts. the} ItIst don't lt.i\c iIIc \s‘l\t'\ Ing at a rate ol~ (I percent per year. As tIoII to resist change III the I kraiIie It :I'inlv\t \I’I .I Ill lecl’tDICIOH Opinion-is Campout is alive, iust barely Looking in. emu/ion! Fires raging III So. the adIIIIIIIstraIIoii suspended tans \\llt' 'I» IIIInIIe'iI .Ill‘.llllll‘3 .llltl the middle of the c 'Ipout b) placing It on a n cacao t‘\c‘l\’llill‘ In l‘lal" .l stai aI Ihc road. car bumpers probation IVicc ('haucclln. lnIII L'aIII.'s I'cIIIaIIs snIIIc nl IIIcst‘ pcoplc beiiig ripped oll. Stat'l'ord .IssuIIch IespnIIsIIiIlIo lot II III \\III k..c,I t..IlIi‘|'liI lliilll thIIII. \aiidalism at a (‘haiiccllons l.IasnIi IIIectIIIg caIlIcI l. InI nut ‘ai‘i ire II.II Illtlt Ils‘t'/lll}' eIcr) corner and this school )eari Iliat _\caI Is tiIIaIIs III‘I IIIIIi all Iii lII.iIt stile I :t'l .l Ilc’lss‘l drunken crouds tip. and no“ caIIIpnuI Is back l‘llL c" In the vain. .Ill«lIII.1I\I‘I.t‘s';‘t.tlilI‘t‘Itl running amok. again. Or Is It ' Ilardls. .III'Ic lli‘l‘t‘lilll\. taiiipotit \\|II lie sale Are these the This )ear, campout Is hardl_\ IIInIc and \\ ItlInIII pInI‘IIcIIIs so that Iicst \caI streets ol' l.i\s than standing In line \\llll a thIt \n IIIt .IIIIIIIIIIsIIaIInII s.III IIchII looking at Angeles alter the tires are allotted .\n alcohol Is pcIIIIit .I I‘cIIcI plat: I»: IIII..-i iitsllll‘lllli‘ll lnI I , Rodne) King \er— ted, and out} 5!! percent ol the tickets IIIgII ilt‘lll.lllil lit-Ia II‘.|ll i'aIIIcs Kate dict‘,’ No. It is the \\tll be gi\cIi out through the caIinnut. IIIcIt' ‘-lI.I,IIvl I‘c tnIII IIIIcs nah .i Lingerfelt campus ol‘ .\'.(‘. the rest being doch out aIi hour latct lll.t\lllllllli "tiillj‘ IIIIIIII‘t‘I pci IIIIc and State tVIo )ears using the randniii ticket distribution \'.II II ciniip inI'IIIil may on IIInIc than ago during campout for tickets to the policy This Is no ua_\ to lia\c a cam IIIIIIIthI pcnptc IIII‘ llll1\t‘l\ll_\ should l'.\'(‘-(‘H basketball game. ptlltl. lllle'atl It Is a pool t‘\c't|sc‘ lltc‘ pitixiilci .Ic I‘.!ilt':s spiced IIIIcI\.IIs. That caiiipout. honet'er. “as not as auIIIIIIIsIratIoII has come up \\lllt to sIIIIIcIIIs cigar; to AIIIII‘IUI In Iiaic had as some people \Iould haIe _\ou mold looking like the had gins It Is dlst’iilli Ii II t I ..:t i“-x_'l ,lI .lllti Iiil Illlk' I‘L‘IICVL‘. Alter the caiiipout. some peo- not a cotiipronuse. but a death uail III should \.Ill\ aII npcii .nIItaIIici on the ple compared the weekend to a drunk— the campout L‘Ulllll. road “on Ian cIIInIthIIcIII ntI'IcIals en rIot. and some even stated that the} When these so-called caIIIpouts occur should lie pIn‘. IIIctl as Iicll as acII\ ItIes “cre al'raid (or their llVes. Stories told and ten students shim tip. the 'adIIIIIIIs III lsL‘t'l‘ \IIIilg‘IIIs i‘ilss Illltttlgillillll lllt‘ about the Carolina campout paint a pic- tratioii IsiIl time a lchtIIiIatc l‘L‘tlsttII to \kt't‘lst‘tltl tuIe of chaos and destruction that are call off campout lore\er. \\'II} should \tutlciits I.k'L'tI In so out and stIppoII no more than exaggerations that the students camp otit In the cold “till IIn caIIIpouI tin II:aIIcI xi It.:l In kecp It lIoIII adIIiIIiIstration would have the students tires or alcohol to kccp them \saim' disappcaiiug It‘l't'h‘l Ilnntwct. Ilic bcIIe\e. The) can just spend the night III thciI Illil‘t"sll'\ masts It» kiInIs that the stu- There new so main) problems \inh \sarm beds and get tip earl} Saturda} llL'lll boils Is still not satislictl let them the last campout that it is hard to knou morning for the reIIIaiIIIng hall oi the know st‘ill pleas .nI Iiiipioxttig caIII \\ here to begin. Too many people. too tickets, pout \\c taII'I .llll‘ltl to lose .iIioIlicI' little tickets. too few cops. too man) I could be wrong. lion e\er: man} stu- tradition rules being bent. and one too man} dents could shots up.l'or the oiicaiight drinks being bad. All of these reasons canipout this war. Alter all. the basket [li‘ ‘Ii'si ."JIIH Ain't .'\ I. Ill/It \lsti’lll ill, pItIs the cold weather made for the bail team is looking prett) good. so tI/Iniil HI. III .niii' IIII/Iiuit't.’ III/II craz) \ieekend that could have been man} fair-\scather t'aIIs are looking lnI' I’"”' I/ ”tin I_. ‘I‘I/IIII' i'll 'I‘It‘ Iii/VIII! easil} anided. tickets. Also. there are almos the Io_\aI to III/net i I. Iii..'.". ’.'i H! I I/Ii Jo. my, C "s. ‘. A . w A year in review The Opinion Page is currenilyl l I' - W I R E I The terrorists ne\er kneu him badh an: IIIInI\ed III has Icarcd IIs ugl\ BIRMINGHAM. the) \tould \touud us. nor did the} head I hiring for IIIe Spring 2002 semeslerl I Kaleidoscope Ala. w The holi- kill)“ hots badl} he would \touiid Pakistan and India IIa\e pointed their to looking tor a Wide da) season. for them. arsenals at one another. and each is variety ol people to fillIn than) people. is past. It has become hard to remember \\Iiat threatening to unleash the apocahpsc thecolumnistcomingpositionsschool Retailers haIc suffered their worst “as thotight oi as newsworth} Iiet'ore on oIIc otlIcI year, Technicmn would love to lioIIda) hit in )ears. and yet. the stock the conflict began to boil. llIIs _\c;ir has Iiecu pock IIiaI'ked h) haverepresentedas many campusas possibleinterests market Is l‘inall) once again on the The )ear began with the nation's the IInIInI that can tnIIIc lI-IIII iIIaII‘s Remember, It you want your upturn. biggest concern being the iIidIscretIoIIs Iiisamts. vooceheard youneedtospeakup! This past year has been IlldClll‘ll) ol‘ one Senator (iary (‘ondit and his l'hc linlidat season tlIcs past its. Gieg Veil marked \th both heroism and tragedy missing intern. The )car began \IIIII and opedléhotmaitcom III a Ita) Iiot experienced since the conllict still breuing about the presir i‘athci tIIaII singing "|o_\ tn the World. \sorld Iiars ol' the first hall of last ccn- denlial elections. gootluill ltI\\.Ittl men." ue turn ottr ttIr_\. Both “Itiaior” llL‘\\s stories t'adcd Into backs on nuI IIIcIIIIcII and retreat Into We ltil\t.‘ \\ Itnessed tragedy and dcl'eat the ether as the biggest stor) sincc our t)\\|t sell righteousness. T E C , ‘H N ICIAN and haw bounced back b} uniting with Pearl Harbor crashed into our nation. It is the dut\ ol c\cr\ citi/cn on plan« each other and l‘orcing other people to Some eieuts mold and shape \\‘tit‘ltls; ct Itartli to ctiiliiacc peacc Ialhct‘ than L LI Mark-McLasvhorn John Carr IIIIIthtig to hat. but soIIietIIncs It takes Jimmy Ryals sul'lcr the same type ol‘ horror. others destroy them. We hope that this Matthew Pelland It is a normal pan ol~ human nature to conflict does not lead to the latter. a \Iar to make the \snrld reIIIeIIIbcr Iyren Jackson lace trouble by causing more trouble. A nevs war. in addition to the one “c pctlct' Amy Bissinger Jeremy Ashton 32'.as.Wittvrttspwnit8008 N( SUStudentCuriipasl:.‘¥t’er r . I ' I Bisa Meek note...» sir 2’h'J‘I anon Ryan Hill Itttp t-rswtotImp Invintilivte mm Becky Clingermon ‘ Greg Volk IHC‘UI I tIotiIInII iow Do you have opinions? Technician 0 inion needs writers. Jason lvester Bisa Meek tpL‘tflw‘. rowan .II-tmui III-II Technician is also looking for stu ent organizations Mark McLawhorn Eric Gonzalez ”(stiliewsrititil-I .m-amt (om for one-time guest columns for the Sprin . Opinions expressed in the columns cartoons photo Illus- newspaper 0' N (, Shite Unueislty and Is pL‘blIslltNI met, trationsand lettersthatappearon Technicians pages arethe AugustMondaythroughthnIIghMayFudnyexceptthroughoutduring holidaysthe attlflfil‘ttrand e-III‘IIImtIrmmitt horn Email to oped‘[email protected] for more in o. editorialsVIOWS olthethatIndivtdualappearonwriterstheleftandsidecartoonistsoltheeditorialThe unsignedpageare petmds Copwtqhi I 700i by I'm Student Medtn Ali‘brmty the opinion at the paper and are the responsIhIlity at the pleaseAll rightswr-tereservedthe EditorToIn'eceweChial peltlll‘.$tuliSUh'u’llp'IOltloiinstIL‘l)l(){lLlL1t(tn‘Is 5'00pct EditorsTechnicianIn Chiel(USPS 455-050) Is the official Studentrrun veer Printed by Builvigton Tunes-News Fl:IilIt-Igtoii N C the} “(Mid he Miirrrir and Nebraska. \\rll gluill} ltolslci Slate's llll\l\k'.l\flll \'\tllll\l pull lor .in)oric incr' thew t\\o Cli.tllL’L‘\. ll lllk' l’;tel\ ruin l‘L‘Jl llri‘ STEVE \k'lltltll\ tucll. nunhc not _\or't|i lmu‘r'lit-r \I'I' lt‘iillix IIniirgjln lL‘. li ('.rr'olrn.ii. _\cl the) lite Ill.l}lll:_l lor‘ the llor'rtlti \lJlL‘ tirlil ('ltrriwrri .iloiig ri.rtron;i| title, .\s l-Sl’Nt'orii colunir \\llll l'.\( .ll lk'thl once. their State lllL‘\L‘ :rin \ shim lllllk'llllul for .i lllllllt‘ nrsi llrll Siniriioris ol'lcri stirlcs. "Not \llttllltl .ll lL'.I\l lk‘ Illl llll‘ lilllllllL‘ \tltl l‘u' \C\ll iliil r‘olvrilinl along urlli ti good lllliL’\ Hiiil lllllL'\ " In .iriollter \\lll met one ol the lori (Illlll‘k‘l'll‘.l'llL"~\ .iiitl .l ilt'srr‘c to \\|ll [L‘tllll\..llltl l think Start" should get lll lllltl \\.l\ not there l.l\l }\‘.ll. Jun. 5 I'm ll;l\lllg .i tough time Seiirlcl-i ll.:‘< urinal .iriolht‘r _\t'lll tl\ llL'L‘ltllllfJ \tlirch tl;i_\ \\.‘l\ holler. lotlgi) Jan. 6 l)tll\L‘ lti\l [U l liil'ltlli Slolt‘ t‘ollt’ll Mir ii-:,._‘ A the tiliixt'is ~~lu'k or \o\. It). let‘s recap hoih Il.t_\\. l low college lktslxt'llhill (litu‘ .igJ.iiri. tlltllllltl lor lll'\l xtniri ll \t'riilck imrrirs (lrr \o\. lIl. \Vttkc l-‘rii‘t‘sl pulled Ll the danger ol 1l\\lllllllll_' \iL'tor'tt‘s owr’ lll\ iol‘ lor .i ‘-‘.llli. liiriu'u‘r, hi: ixill rri.iior \L'Cllllthlklll comeback to delimit lllt‘ litillirlllrllm‘ ,-\('(' ll'.||ll\ l‘cttilllm ceilniiil‘. iii-oil to it .il lIii' Ioiiiri.iiiieril l \l‘. irriil lllCll. Suite cupped oll~ the mrtlcirt \‘o .\(‘(‘ \\||l or” met he .i \t,‘l’} \z'I‘ilI \l.l\ \\rllr ill] upset All lilor'ultt Shite sure thing; liltl.l\. lllt‘ l’iick knocked ol'l' Virginia Jun. 3. Row lionl \lltlllll .iriil on the ro.ul and “like handed it to the 8‘]: it I/roiri/iiorr'I Ill/Il/Hl1\ rriii’ririri‘i’i \t'hr'mkn trey oll lll lllt' ri.ilrori.rl llcclx .il the Smith (.‘entcr'. l‘ni learning ii/r/ri'rrr on Him ir/in \. //r irlll In \'ll.llll|l|I‘ll\llll‘ giliirit-s l; flit-u- .tlk' i\\o ro\\.irtl \Ii\. IIl. but it's close. l'r‘rli llt’i/ ill SIS-34H rll ill tolluuc [riogrrniih that l tlL'\lll\C. their \\ lll\ o\cr lop— Ill tennis on the road i/rI/rririi/ntu itriirt'rii irrt'i/ir " l hi'w lel) \ ttlsl ll.l\L‘ so much chin niitroniil lllL‘ll school record tor (lllL'L'l .ii'lci oii llll\ 1min." l‘ishcr‘ sriiil. "You loirclulounn \Irth l"’.\‘. tlllll the unit It FOOTBALL ll.i\t‘ haulers. hen the lr't-sltirrcri iir‘c lllg.’ »I;il| !\ \Mtll’xlllf.‘ ilrlim‘rrih lo tlIlil lt'.lIl\‘l\. out their talking. lllill \hU\\\ more [thin-rs like lirrii .i lot hut-arise “lien \u‘ mini: in )ou “('ottcli .-\rii;ito .iritl lll\ \liill .Ili' llll\\k'll llit- l\Ir\\l yttriiv \\rrh \\.lllt‘\l tor _\lllll' llll'll. ‘l’hosc l'i'cxhrricri doing ;r git-.il ioh ol r'ccr‘urlinp. .iiul lllk' .i llk'L'lx .rrc t-oiiirrig out. and tlict‘r'c lilklll}: it Illil)L‘l‘\ .irc \llIl\\lll_L‘ lltr\\ good ol .r rniur). ll.l\l Infillt‘tl .i \l.lll|ll_§.‘ role upon lllt'lll\L‘l\\'\ lo Itilk (Hill to ll‘rtlllv pr‘ogr‘iini \w .rr't: .inil Illlll the} like ii." \oriu~ oI ilrt )oirri}; lriiclnri'kcrs .irirl vitc \‘ilk'll other: think the) 'r‘c it you iloll mud "The pioyrnrrr iloex iiorlriiis: le‘lx'lhl‘xk‘ hit ks rut t'iit'tl lllt'lt‘ttu‘tl I‘ll' of \lL‘|‘\ rrlicrid ol Ill) class. linil hut go up l i‘t\l )CJI. \u' \\\'lL' \ l. llllx plainly llllll' Iov..:ril lllk‘ I'lltl ol llu' th.It lll.ll\L‘\ ti l‘lf.‘ tlil'ler‘crtcc." _\c;ir. 77*. \\k'.\k' lll\l gllll lli l‘ix' llt'llt'l \L'llvlli \ritI l‘\‘\.lll\t iil riitur'it'x lo .\iii.iro l‘ llthl “Hiking on hr‘rngrng lli;tri lllill. l’t'lt'rxorr ..:iii I or. licr \. l Il‘~\.lltl\ ‘.\.l\ Ill .iriothcr' tonnoleh lCL‘l‘lllllllg class. “\\c \Hllllt‘tl to go our .Iltll Iw \ illlh .rltle to the flu" \t'tiiiiil ll.ill ol the bowl lllk' link ll.t\ .rlr‘ctul) gotten ;i cont» \mi'. but it iliilri'I ll.‘l]‘]k‘l| \o ‘I\I‘ lllxl .r\ .i I‘L'lMlllill \Iiiiitt.r--i' writhing t-rgght llllilllt'lll ll'Illll \lhcriiui'lc running |i.i\t' tort-trurl \\Lil .iiitl \Ioil lllltl .rritl [lttsst‘s lr rl l "mills lll|

WolfpackNotes Hodge calms ACC honor l)L‘\ll lrnilnlioniil this \wckcntl. No li'ccshli‘ Ill lulu! hf» l'rcxhnicn lien rc.irn score \\.is kept. hut \cwr‘ul lliinrpltrt‘} r|:rl7.2fii .llltl .ltistrri Sirirth rrrciirlwrs ol the \Vollptrck hiitl \lL‘lllll' IlI—lhllrll CtlllllllClel lllt‘ if: .i HH'CP \ (‘ \i.ric\ llIllll\ llotljgc \\;i~ Ilk‘lltil'lllllllt'k'\. for State lll the merit. ruined the \I I Rookie ill lllt‘ \Vt't‘k ()ii the \\oriit-n\ \itlc. iuntor' Sophomore ('r'rxtinn Roms cupped on \loiiil.r_\ \rin.i\l.irr.i Ii.i/il.i look lir‘xl for the the onslaught tor the lllt‘ll \\IIll it In Julius Hodge. the ACC Rookie of the Week. scored 21 points On lliiilgi' .i ’iIi. l\Il l‘f‘lllltl lt||\\.fltl link In the .TIlIl }.ir'tl backstroke triiipli iii the Still _\;ir'il rnilr\ ritual lllL‘tl near~pertect shooting in NC. State's win over then-No. 4 Virginia. lionr Ilium \ \ . lk'tl ‘il.ili: lll \t'orrii): iltlriSIi \"cnror Kathleen l‘onrnr lt'). \\llll .i lllll\lllll_‘_' little of l *T iIi \\rl!i .‘i' lll‘llll‘ on iil \ slioiilriijg r.‘. In 4 i .lllIl \tllllltrllltil’c l.r‘ikri llI'lll llll lrr‘lil .n lllk \\olliitit‘k \mwll i.‘ ill '\I i.il\o placed third .iiid Wrestling frills kiioikcil I'll loiirlh innit-ll \llx‘lllltl lourtli. rtxi‘ctrrn'lv lll the merit hl Fl Ill (ll.llll‘llk'\‘-|llt. \.r. to No. 3 Sonncrs \Jlllltltl‘» lll’kl‘K nits iol J liiirii l lt'\lllll.lll (lilht'iriii’ l’trrks i.‘ ”K ifli CRAWFORD, l‘k'_\“ll\l llu- [him iroiril .irt. liil Iol fi .inil scriior‘ Shllll llllllllL'l'x illlH“ll lrorii lllk' Irt't-‘iliron lillc. li.iil tuo .ilxo \writ l .‘rri the Still tlll huturlh \()R.\lr\\. Ilkln l|iir'il r.i:rkiil Cl-lRlSTOPH ER .l\\l“l\. .r altarl illl\i .. l‘-liii k lll 4‘ llllll tor the l‘.it k \\illllL‘ll ()klnliorrin \\Ull\‘|1'lll of l” rir.rllht~ tllt'\ ill .itlliill llit' int-it‘s \kllliltl hall .I \r-r‘) llllpl'L‘\ lhr'ec l\_\ lollcrl. on llllll\‘.l.l\ to lr.iiiil JOHNSON WHEN YOU llit‘ lit'itoininirt t ,ii‘d' t .ili.'lil tlrt' mt‘ \ru' \lltt\\lll:,f_ \\llllllll:.' liw ol the \r\ lllc \.(‘ \l;ll\' \xr't-sllrrii.‘ lk'.llll .i “V Pt I. L iil |\l'\\ link \riils iiiilniiliuil L‘\t‘lll\ l'r‘cshrnnri lxtwrn tlclcal lht‘ \‘ooncrx irriiiroiul to i SUPPthi llll lL'k I‘L' l.iiklt‘\ lt-il oil the l’.u'k assault \\ illi .i in dual iri.iltlit-\ lll \ \L'.i\i‘ll writ.- i .\ lll‘rl(\l‘\‘$ LAW VOLUNTEERS lllr't'tl llr’ilt't ..~ lli= lint[Kl lllilltl} \‘l u'lor\ in the Inn l\.IL'l\\ll'lll\L' Ill .i lllllt‘ “I'lll‘dtlk tlli‘l‘lk‘ll hi 1 l lllL' \\k'k‘l\h lll it‘llt‘jft‘ it l\l\\‘ll\lll (ll l ;l U hlnlt‘ Hill \It lollw lltlllt l’it'iii' l’moi 0F AMERICA. lltllhlk') \\.r~ lollouul l\_\ lr't‘xhriiiirr ill lIiS tiouirils ii lll.ll\l ill‘Il‘lIll'r THERE‘S llll Swittmiing competes Roli \tuiyt'r. “it” took the :llllilel‘tl Il'\L‘l “IN Rul‘ullx .illtl \ji'r'. TELLING l‘lk‘_l\l\ll|ll\( in it rri.ir'k ol 3. INIH (Illlllh .il litun \ .'~‘t".\i,'lll l'rtri; in Arizona \criror \‘rilr.i \krrr.rrt \\.t\ third lll iirrtirowil to l; llor the ‘I‘.l\\‘ll. .\|iil: WHOSE UFE .V ll Eli ('ollins utiiml lllx round to ‘1 i “~— YOU’LL ll \ll’l_ \ll/ rhi- \t Slate \t-nior lrrii ll.‘llL'_\ \\tllllllc‘:lllll1lllr Marc \\rll lt'llllli ii» .lkll\’ll llll\ \it't‘k - all (Ia/[it CHANGE. flltll \ .llltl \\Illllk‘ll ~. \xxrriiiiirrig .irrtl ltrllx il “vii. \\ll|lL' \Ilpllttllltll‘t‘ \‘llll .rt lllt' \ir«'rr:r.i llir.il» rrr ll.fliil‘..“ lining, \lr...;l~ look ll.ill in the \uii \llIl\ \Cll/ look lllL‘ :tltl _\;ilil \.i U],¢'H\l’$ I) ”'I fl Ur it; Hr'nhrll illness m. F“. Ell-ties ('hurgt's :I‘\.‘T’{ii\l/Il.lll ti! l/ilWll) Hu'n' rm’ nolmrlh to itin-u; Specinr RATES ' ifll'k‘fii tllrt‘l‘ FOR STUDENTS 5|(ll l'h‘fll ll\llll RIM!) READ ”THE LATEST ISSUE OF AMERICA’lA R.-\l,l lIill, NC 27603 l arr—lino It anterrcana csu .edu 919772-6030 line lid Bates ' Call 5| 5-2029 Eolic Statement or -‘ Student it!“ \llllI 7 1. Fax 515-5133 \‘n in \.l' "' between ‘3 ii in. and 5 pm. to place an Classif Non Student ad Wlll’t vour Vim or Mastermrd ...i»it, line "d8: 2 issues in advance @‘ noon “3.. Found lids Display lids: 2 issues in advance (I; neon l Lll‘i ilL't' Deadfines All Linc Ads W - No exceptions. Homes For Rent Roommates Wanted Services Help Wanted SPRING BREAK PARTY" BREAK 3 responsrble females to Indulge in FREE Travel needed share 48R/4BA apart~ Raleigh law firm looking ill" .i, viii Haltinrlv Drinks Food and partres MW, W5 MW WW 380RoommateSBA apartment at the ment All kitchen appli~ min from State for l‘ , help Must have min the Best ms and $189 00 5 daysrd nights Jlil) ‘Ur't i' f'kl‘l" ii .iir‘liiir‘. ances, W/D SSOO/mo. Stalli‘l’asture board avail own l’,’llsU‘lililll0ll .ilil H, ‘I ll. itilvhllltl celetiritiles in Cancun. \Nll \lzvt" lv’rltlt‘tditir riifiil Althey $400 mo +1 3 utiIi 280 deposrt Flexible able S $50 5330 too ‘9: o in ‘ ‘-l.ll'. .r llt‘\‘\ Jrlmlfd Mazatlan. and the $239 007 daysi6 nights “Jul I'l our : -l‘ iiii 'iiiit. lies CallJlarod 5396982 lease Available now Call acres K tulilltlt,i ti lilac“c “wwwweekends(”U My”In interested‘ I‘ . i, .tre iritni Raharrms GO to ski-i u. .- j (out ‘A' l nrfirrsrnr'iking female 233-3981 stadium ,trrntriirg lfl .rieria IJJI me: i t1ltr‘lll‘l til-T StutterirCity com, call 1- dd'M (in MR rt ornrnates wanted to ,.._i . I in wt "ii'lwork 800 293-1443 or email share Martha Horses for lease los’Sons ———————-—- l i .l‘ r'llll‘liV lI' sateen studentcrtycom to PRICES INCULDE \lylp .JBDrlBA MinutesStewart Seeking female N S room- available Tllllotlry Hay lriiikirir}{‘"ll‘l‘mm‘;in! l'll“““l“‘lane‘s 35?th ‘lV‘l‘ ‘ "llt~ iii .l 'liill hurt out more Apartments For Rent ririm campus Available mate to rent dBDidBA 91977974941 (“9 (iii: i‘irlt: L: ill Rf'lll l4'.‘lll(‘li‘\_7tl\l H Round-trip luxury cruise iiiirriodititely Flexrble corido at Lake Park Rent 4065 you .lilrrr'.l"ltll on) ACT NOW' Get the best lease S325 rnofloutrlrttes is $345. mo 4i 4 utilities trial ‘i lit ‘itw spring break prices' South With food W0 have a variety of Furnished IiVing’kilchen LR and Kitchen fully lur- COMPARE TEXTBOOK WANT TO EARN SOME F‘adre.Canctin. Accomodatrons on the apartments (lose to and optional bedroom nished Call ASAP Amber PRICES! Search lti book EXTRA CASH THIS Spring Break JamaicaBahmas, NCSU Ranging in price Roadrunner available. 233-1583 stores With 1 itiick' 5&H SEMESTER? lechirrciar. AcapulcoFlorida 8. island at one of Ten "(rm 53007700rno Cali WD. ceiling fans 854- Laid back. open~minded. and taxes are also calcur Classrfieds his .in adver Ntiriiit; Hri‘ak Bahamas Mardigras Reps need- resorts (your chorcel Si‘lirader Properities 87:)» 1244 N/S. female student want- l a t o d tisrng rep DOSlllC‘ll avail t'tll‘iy tiriiisrfl '3 Days ed travel tree. earnSSS 5676 ed to share apartment on http./r’www bookhq conir able from 11200 noon Wkti‘ inrludes Meals & Group discounts for 6+ Wanted Responsrble Wollline. available through 1 30 p m MWF If trim lltllllI‘S' Awesome 8007838~8203i Near NCSU half of male to share house With December W/D. high- interested. stop by 32.1% liviii lieu Niglitlife' wwwlersurefours com Appalachia Travel JJlllldl’y rent 28D 1 SBA 2 roommates and a big speed internet access. Child Care Witherspoon Student lli‘ll'l‘; rtC-lli Florida' Wanted' Spring Breakersl $600 whole ant or friendly dog $291 + 1/3 $255i’mo. +1i’4 utilities Center or call 51524” I‘mii'tii‘. 8. Jamaica 5459‘ Sun Coast Vacations t~800-867— SBOOJoOrn W l) fire utils Nice place. Five min Call Becky 858-0957 and ask for Chris \‘l‘illltliilllikfrivel corn 1- wants to send you on 5018 place, only 6 month lease drive frorri campus Leave Wanted! Alter school care STUDENTS' NEED iii‘tii it it onto Spring Break to Cancun. a message at 8350961. for two kids years and MONEY7 EPM Lawn Cam the Bahamas. Jamaica. or www BahamaSun.com Call 461-1765 Will call back ASAP' Room for Rent 10 years 15an wk rn our has several P'T posrtroris ‘itrrirlq Rimk Panama City Mazatlan FOR FREE' To NCSU neeils male to Raleigh home Must love avail Ymr can Work l'i‘l‘i‘ Sié’él' Boardwalk find out how, call 1-888- umlllfizmli share 280 at) on Wade Room lor rent at kids and own car around your class. sched- llooir w Kitchen Next to 777—4642 or email Ave Fully rvirnished. Universrty Commons References and prior ule Daytime. evenings (Tluh::' 7 Parties including sales@suncoastvac- Book Early for Best l'lllil: Oil-Campus 8350mm 1’2 itilitities Condos Private BA. cable experience requrred. and saturdavs Must have lion Dririks' Daytona trons com Selection! Housing, Sublet. arirl One rrirle from ctmpus tvlintemet. W/D $325/mo Salary negotiable Call transportation Earn S t 5 9 ' Call 4814347 leave mes- + 1,4 utilities, Call Nate at Aliza or Andy at 84741908 $9l‘hr Call Dale at 4677 spiritghieaktravel com 1. BAHAMA Roommate Searching sage 919—332-5332 and leave a message 0660. EOE/AAv’M/F/DN BOO-6786386 SPRING SCORES SCHEDULE .\o games sclicdttlcd 'l' ticsda‘s M Basketball \s. l’londa SL. l/S. ‘) W. Basketball (0 l’Nt'. l/ltt. (iyriinastics (0 Bahamas lth.. 1/” Wrestling ((1 Virginia Duals. l/l l-ll o orts Swimming W Virginia. l/ll

ATHl Ell S Winter

o M. State has already upset two top- Break Sports 10 teams and now faces a dangerous Florida State team that defeated Journal Duke Sunday night. lot of time has passed since tit} last opportunity to write a col— Justin Sellers tiiiiii. \etiioi' Start Writcr' l-.\ery day or two oser‘ winter break. l fottrid a new idea for my first column Questions surrounded the NC. State ot'ItltlZ. But l didn't F. men‘s basketball team as it opened the feel like leanng [r Mill it: season. btit the \Volfpack anything out. so round some answers in December. here is my sports- l After losing early opmion journal for i . WHAT: n o n c o n fe re n c e the past few weeks. M. BASKETBALL suites In Ohm l State and Dee. l8.Jimin) V VS- FSU Massachusetts. ('lassie While l . WHEN: State has won si\ watching Duke play of its last se\en Kentucky in the 5'It'['0 TONlGHT, games. The Pack Jimmy (‘lassic. l 9PM. \ietimr/ed caine to the conclu— I'bu m /).\‘o)1 Syracuse and sion apart from WHERE: Virginia. and in clips of \‘al\ano running around ESA doing so. gaye two “looking for someone to hug" after top- lll teams their State's 19S} championship. he has llt‘sl losses of the season. kind of been separated from State by ()\er the winter break. State t l l-S. l- the “loss IltL‘tlltt. l ,~\( '(‘t also opened its conference sea- Valsano was a great man. He did son by hosting Maryland 1 l [-2. HM at wonders for N ('. State basketball. col- the l‘ltlL‘rlttllllllClll and Sports Arena. lege basketball and cancer research. in Although the addition to inspiring millions. It would INSIDE Pack came ttPgltlSl be great if State could do soiriethirig to short. falling 72~ reconnect itself with Jimmy V IWOpraCk (35 to k the name a btitldiiig in his honor. ptit a iei= NOtes .5 Terrapins. it did sey in the rafters with his name on it or stay in the game at least arrange to ptit State in one ol until the end. .\'ot only did State keep Anthony Grundy and the Wotfpack are shooting for their second ACC win tonight against Florida State. wihich the Jimmy \‘ (‘lassic games. _ the game close. it also controlled the upset top-ranked Duke Sunday night. l \\ as at Reynolds ('nltscttttt in “Ni tempo ef the often ugly. foul—ridden when \'al\ano ga\e lll‘s “Net-er (lite contest. on It) more. and State shocked most The Pack appears to be clicking early |)c\ils. he tallied a taieei liiglt l.‘ l‘p” speech at halttiine ol the State \s, in kick off January. the Pack trayeled obsersers by knocking off the (‘a\ s S l- iii the .\('(' season. hot with so main l‘tt.lltls Duke game. it was ob\iotrs that the to Virginia to take on the pre\iously 74. young players getting quality time. lSl 's l)el\on \i‘rmgtori racked tip man had an incredible amount ot lotc tirideleated (‘asaliers Nd. (H t. State Now. State returns to the l~S»\ with etei'y game is a test. ltotli lSl’ and his ltrst tlotible double ol the season tor State. despite what transpired had made that same trip to hopes of bettering its l-l record rti con— State look like they hate imprtwcd against lttike with l‘ points .trid Ill toward the eiid ol his coaclirrig career. (‘hai‘loltesulle and lost l; straight ference play. Tonight‘s iiiatchtip with from a year ago. btit the Pack w ill hau- tt‘lttttrlltls It would be great it the irriiseisity times Saturday. howesei‘. was difler- l-lorida State tS-S. l‘lt initially to guard against losing its focus against litestlax night‘s game also marks the could show the same lote toward \‘lll appeared to be an easier game on the .i team that that wasn‘t cspccted to ltlttl“ til l \‘s'sHllt' l|ltsl couldn’t manage to the past four years. Most of them hasc the All-America team for the second tlelensixe line will remain intact. otitshoot the 'l‘er'i‘apins. played a lot in the four years tliey‘ye corrsectitise year and was selected as l'err‘ence Holt. a first~teani \ll-;\(‘(‘ been here.” State‘s MVP. The Pack got a little taste safety. returns to anchor the secondary Dec. 30. State \s. Maryland (Part On offense. Ray Robinson. a second- of what life without Fisher will be like and the special teams tiriit. Two) Regardless of State’s NCAA tearn s\ll~:\(‘(‘ selection. was a fixture next season when he left the 'l‘anger‘irie "We post hate to step up." flolt said 'l‘otirnantent fate. llerb Sendek should at tailback for the Pack. leading the Bowl in the first half with an minty "Leadership starts now. We lime to do be my ited back as Wolfpack coach. team in rushing yards and receptions "We missed ll’isherl lor three and a our Job as far as leading like with me. ll his |tib rested on just getting into this season. Willie Wright. another secs half quarters. and we're going to miss I‘ll be a senior new year. so I inst bow the NCAA Tournament. he wouldn‘t ond—tearn All—A(’(' performer. finished him more next year. but we‘re going to to start now as far as showing my lead< hate been back for this year. Last year. filth in the nation among tight ends have to leam to play without Levar *7 crship. like I think I haye all year. just he had a \eteran team. yet they did not with 40 receptions and led the team in I don‘t know how we're going to do being there when i need to be." qualify lor the tournament even after touchdown receptions with llYC. that and the rest of those seniors." The Pack can e\pect increased contri- being widely picked in the preseason ()n the other side of the ball. State Amato said. butions from this season ~s highly to be a tournament tearn. loses Brian Williams. who deseloped a Ben though it’s losing a significant regarded freshman class. w hicli was Despite the talent of this year's team. reputation as one of the best cover cor- amount of talent. State still has plenty already e\ ident at the 'l‘anger‘tne Howl TAJ’: s AWN. 'Aii the fact remains that they are young. ners in the AFC. (’orey Smith was a to look forward to next season. Levar Fisher will be one of the All that could be only expected is that second-team All-AFC selection at Rivers is one of the early fayorites tor ('ornerback Marcus Hudson. who most difficult seniors to replace in defensiye end. tying' the single—season ACC Player of the Year honors in See FOOTBALL Page “i the Pack‘s lineup. See STEVE Page 5