Olfline Driver Ound Not Guilty 0 Matthew Silver Cleared After Being Accused

Olfline Driver Ound Not Guilty 0 Matthew Silver Cleared After Being Accused

Tuesday January 8, 2002 ECHNICIAN www.tech niciononline. com ’ ” ‘ ' Witnesses I920 olfline Education highlights driver ound Br therhood Dinner nred \lnses Inr’ his \\nrls III the I'tliII.I .I IIIIIIIIIIIIIII .lllIi [Irneiniir thIII .Iiiit‘s\\ i).ItIleII. I‘NII. (nlnrtel (Iiitnti \ 6 Mi. State honored one innovative tIan held. his L'lllillt\l.tslll Inr the slIIIlI‘lii~ In Irse ewerteiiIes t|I.It the) llltilnrtl it. I‘I‘H \lntgrret Innini not guilty educator for his work in the .Itl\.|llti‘l|lL'lll nI till IlIilIheii Illlil llt~ llliii IlliI'tt‘ IIII:I .Irttl IIIIIII‘IsIIItId IIItII itttrntifhs l‘I‘I-l .IrId ('nrieiessriinri education field, his enthusiasm for IIeIheIIIInII In L l\ I! IingIIs III'III iinI Illm‘lu [hits ".I llIiL'tlllII 'slili\\II\. .I IIIII .lnhir C\\ Is. l‘i‘l‘l III the sistres. \lnses i'eIrIIitI d intirtf nit .I III:~ III .I \LIIlItrre tnIii heInIIIe lII .IIlditinII In hananrIi.I \lnses. 0 Matthew Silver cleared after being the advancement of all children and students In help lItIII register nthers tn Intses Int IIIIIleIst.IIIdIII: displace (‘II.IIIII'IlnI \l.IIse \rIiIe ln\ ;I|sn IIniI accused of possessing a gun in front his dedication to civil rights activism. Inte lhe\ lnIIIII'd the \tritletii \ntt iIII‘IIl\ \Inries .Ihnttl "III.Ilsith: Iln nII-Il six ntitsttiiidirrir \lr'Ie.IiI \Iiier‘tetiii of students. \'In|erit (‘nnIIhIhItiiIfJ (‘nIIIIIIIItee heInIIII- the htIsIs lni lilltlt‘lslttlltllllj.‘ the sIIiIIerIts IrnIII \(‘Sl . St \Iieiistirie s Ayn-n .lzieksiin t\'\('( I IlItII~IeIIIe hettxeeri eIIIII\.IletIIe .Iritl I'nileee .Illil \lItm l Iir\eisit_\ Rimlaind ‘\' ,\ I.I*III l‘iitiic‘tl l' \lnst'si \xntls III i‘I‘eIIlIl/u' I‘Iytinhtt i‘ilttlltllili lItIslIe). .I serIinI IIIIIIUI'Illg Iii Kara ititit h \IIICI\ III \ltsstsslHII ltttllsltIl’lltL'tl 'lhe InIIIspts nI IhsIIIIII‘eIIIeIIts .Irid Iisst IIIIIIie}. tirid Kell} lnr'd.tii. .I Itiriini ‘\\\tri.llti N \\‘ I.I.iu- It is Ili\\.l_\\ IIIIIltll'ldlll tn IeIIIeIIIlIeI the Iinhtinsl [inner III eiittr‘e IniIItIiIiIII I‘IIIII'InlI IIIe IIInI Ide .I llt'\\ .tHiIIMLil tn IIItIInIIIIy III [Itirks r'eerentinii tirid \Milllme dri\et .\l.rtthe\\ \Iixer \Kllti the strtiireles Ih.Il penyile htne I'IIIhIIeIl ties .Iiid Iiltritirttel) shn\\ed .I iI.IIinII lllltlt'l\[ttlliilll‘..' iiIIegc'ix' stIIted the tnIIIIsIII III.’III.I;:eIiII.‘rII. \xete the inn stti “In .Ieeiised nl tisiiie It \\I'.IINIII In Int I I\tl Iifshts lhntteh the ii.1\ s III the hn\\ tinneiltil niie III.III‘s tik‘tllk'IIllil'l It \l-‘ei'rt.t l’InII.‘I I's «IIIII i.Ii \\eh siII'. dents \\lIII reenijiII/I-d tit this _\I';Ii 's llllllllltltllk‘ se\er.Il ,\ (' Stnte stIiIlI-Iits. IIIII ("inn l.l\\ s II.I\e yI.Issed .lliii e\III\ It k'.lll\‘\‘ \Illl tr'til} he \IIIl Iin\\ ItIt t.\i ’Ihere Is .I |.Iri'er IirnlIleriI III eIltiI'.I lirntlierhnnd IIIIIIIeI Inr‘ IlIeII it‘tltic‘P “its Intiiid Iint guilt) illlI'IlI;‘ his III.II .It Hill" l\ ”U“ .IilIl\\t‘ti III \IIlt‘. liII‘II‘ ,tII‘ Inrt\ _'\\',ll\ Liter. \lnses htIs nt‘gnriiled ttnri th.t: Itseds In he dismissed." s.IiIl shIII Illlti .II.IIleIiIIe le'illL'\L‘lIlL'lll “Like ('niitii} (‘nIii‘thntise III IIIId sIIlI III.IIII IIIII Itehts \lIIl"'ic“s lII.Il Ilffrllll. this time .Is teacher .IIId InIiIIIleI \lnses 'lIInII I lsrintx hn\\ \\e .‘—'“‘ ItiIn \li ises. \\ hnse iiIsyIIr.iIintI UHIIC\ Irnrti Dr'i'L‘IIIi‘L‘I, IeIII.IIII Iir'eseIIt tndtI_\ Iirie nt the wt Ie nI tlIt ll.llltllltll llitliil IIIeI.II_\ [lli\"lIlllt this Iii-ht ‘il i‘Ill tlII- \lijehtti l’inteet ts seeirie stIIderIIs le.ir'II. \lltl tlI.It \\ e Itiii't (in the night nI Sept ll. IIIeIIIIIeIs III t.il htittles Ili.It still tietsrst- is I illlIli edit lilt' \i“t‘l‘lIl lililivI‘l Ill‘l »Iil\‘- iilllirli iietessnrrl} II\ .III nl the \kilili'i\. but the Slylltd l’hi l‘IlNIlIIll ll.llt‘llil|} e.ItInII nptinrttiriities Int .tll yII-nyile. IIn lhe \hrehrn I’inIeII Is .I iI;ItIntitI! lite l‘itrr'ilI‘IilIHIIl llllillu'l ilt|\ C‘sllii‘r \\ e I.III resetie lilc students el;IirIIeIl tlitit Sihei’ [Itilled ti grim nII Iii.itter their sneitil sttittts. \etnithrte In IIl.I|ll\'l|l;Ill\'\ lItI-itie) I-IInr’t th.It lneIises IIslII-tl IIsI II II\ .III \t 81 tI;IdItInII lhe lnI .\lnses .IrId niIIers \thn mine the them near their hntise nII lr.IterIIIt_\ Rnhert \lnsest ti en ti riehts III In ist Illlll niI helping; lntt trienriie .Iiid iiimni‘It} dIIIIIII s Iris! lInIIni'ee III l‘lh.‘ \\.is lllII‘tiillIlllc‘L‘ nI edtietitinrt. these "res— ('ntir‘t. I’Iihhe Stit‘et) ('hiel lll\c‘\ll_‘.!.tlttl‘ edtientnr. isstres .Irid ltlL‘II\ IIItIst he ths students In siII'eessIIIll} .Itt.IiiI Irizrthe l-it II|IIllllll l lIIIIiI \l.I\s. It distiitgtiished eiretl students” \\ ill beeniiie the IInsItn e (‘tipt \lzir‘tm .\lnnd_\ .Iii‘ested \‘Iher etissed lnr' elitirige III edtiItIIInII in LII-.e iII.ItII.Il skills lh.II .Ite ti prerequisite Inr edttt Illltl \\hnse IIIIIIIIs Irieltided l)l letItleIs nl the ”CH eerier'titinri. the l'nlln\\IiIg_‘ d;I_\ illlL‘l subsequent!) |I|tiee trill Iiti/eriship III niII ewr-ehnnerriu \lIIliill :ItIIer l‘\lllj_‘ .il tttlsmg the \\ ItiIesses' sttiteiIIeiIts helnre lJtiririgJ its I‘lth .lllllllIti Ili'ntlIerhnnd .IiId lllL'l't‘Ihlll“: “lritnrriitttinir ,\;.re ” ()Iher yItIst llintlierhnnd l)Illlli‘l' llIIII XIII/I I‘r [Ini'lr'r' ( (tr/Inn \‘I'II wmr' Iriiir .I Ititigrstitite \\hn deterIIiiiied the} \I. ere l)IIIIIeI‘ held nII Ilee 7. \( \ttite lInIi lhe \Ieehi’u l’i'nteet htis iiiipleriiertted nrees |I.I\I iIIIhIdeIl lit ('hr'tstiiie \l Ii'r/iirtt I/ In //II\ III‘III /1‘ sIIIIieIeIIt tn \\;II‘I';IIII I‘lll .II‘IesI, Siher \itis charged nri .I mrsdes IIIL‘tttIiil' L‘Ittltil tIl pnssessiltg tt \\I'.Ipntt U. Penn researcher speaks on 1999 clinical trial that killed teenager nri edtieiitinriitl lHUIk‘I'l} .iIIIl \\.is Ires Iihl ,i\'\\i' (Ir‘isIIiL't‘l slIIIlc‘jJ’x liII ltI‘.tllle.,‘ lill\ IlIsL‘IIsL‘. lite “I there \\.IsI II entmter‘ueu. \slirel‘i tttissed nII entripirs. O In the trial in which the teenager \\IlsnII. ‘.\hnse .Ihilit_\ in Inriiliiet IlIIltI ;II.~III-I.:thl tn sIIyIpnIt lI‘sllleJ this Is. sIIIee this Is the lust time this we- (‘niIiIe\ l(' I. the IanIIitrii} enriti.itt was involved, researcher James IeseIItIh sItIdIes nri ilillilttlh Lllllt‘llli\ III IIIIIII.«Iis IIII- I‘hIIII.Il llltli. lin\\ II InI \InIIIIl eI er he tried III illlllltllh tirid t'il it) \(‘Sl III IIpL‘I'ch' lilL‘ “Uillttlc‘. Wilson and his team of researchers Is ilc'lltg‘ Illli'sltttllt‘il i‘} llli‘ ll‘l‘ii .tlIIl ‘.\.I\ IlI‘\II'IteIl .IiIIl lllItl l‘.\ti :Ie'Jl‘s til \Ie IlIIII‘I Isrtnu \xhtit the risks IlfL‘. enritititted tn Inn and keep \'il\er IIIIII \diIIIiIIstr.IIInrr titIlI/etl the twirl, III .II IIh .\e \e Iletht’ntetl nIII liltll II llIIt‘. he better In c‘IIl‘tIli patients eIin|n_\ed nII e.IIri|Itts thintiehniit the were giving the teenager a treat- III.I In lilllsil.tl\ In \lllih‘ltls hnu II I. III :nI . In IIIIIlt-Ist IIIIl the l‘.t\l\ ‘I‘siltr .Ireri‘t xeri sIelI \\ tilt the disetise. perind lendiii}: [III In the IitIIl \Iter he ment they previously had tested on \\i\'ll[|i|k IllMtI‘tc'l‘. ,'I.cs \\.t‘. [II .t Int the ~t .I It Iiittt. III lI',‘Iiiitll th.It \Ie IhI Inrsnii heiriy th.It the) etiii Itr‘nr \\.l\ L‘\t'llt‘l.llr‘tl, lilt' ll't‘sylttss \\.l\ animals. I'IIIIIIIII stII.I\ l‘i‘\I“l.i I I its (re‘istitI'c'I‘H \\lisrrtl ‘-iIIIle tIIeII nun enrisetit. _\nti dnn't drnpped .md Srhet I'etiiriied tn IlI’I\ iii): lit the III.Il III \\il|\illiI‘isllI1't,'l this s,:It I: I ItIIe:\It II yIIInI In the iIInsI iltl\_‘ In .L‘“ In .I girtii'dititi. tlirit the_\'re \\nll|IiIe httses Irixnltett \\I|san .Iiid his lI'.I||l i'i I III-.Ilthx. III.II they're there rI-.Ill_\ Itist "“L‘ \\.tllc’ti liiI llIC it‘ytli I‘liks'\\ lt‘ .-\le\ lupiiiksi IesI.IIIlI.-Is \\ere L'I\lll_‘_‘ (leisriiver II I. t . uttered Iin'ti .I IIIIIII III In ‘KIlilCll‘aliL' Iti entitling tlc‘\\ kiitml IIIIIsh." s.iid “nttlme Itireetnr (‘ltiire It. l"‘ I'I' II littlllllI‘lll the) [‘II‘\IttIl\-i) II.III InsteIt I II: '.Itt-.IIIII.III:\I.Ise I()l('i Ciiyt'.” ilL' \Itlil l\tirie. \\iItI rInted t|I.It III iIIIC IIIIIe. nII .IIIIIII.Ils tiI-lsirieei littd .I sIIeIIIII x: . I. ,t thsenst- III.It III Ithits the lie .Idded iii this t\ he nI It‘t.Il. krinmr \il\ei h.Id dII\eII hrises Inr his ehIIII Ii Il|\‘I'.l\I' lIIl ‘-\ill\il the theittyix .\.ts i'II'I'I. III [‘li'u‘ss tiltilc‘llls, tis II plinse nne. there me tin gtitirtttt "\\e lI.i\e ti Iespnrisihihh tn IiinteIt ll \\ll<l I l'llll \lll l l’lll l‘I ilt'lll” 'x"viI‘ii II:_ III} .IIIIII'.Iis III tie-II teed health heiielits In the patient. sn niii sttiIleIIIs liniri .iII) hmt tlI.It there the third IIId IIII.Il sI-ssInII nt his tire lit lnix I'II' IIIeI r'tIInII.Il.

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