GM 07690 SUMMARY TECHNICAL REPORT Elkin des Richesses Naturelles, Québec

..... w__...::.._ ...... :_...... _ SERVICE DES Gl~`ES aI1NERAUX r/ ~ 6, ît) No G~1- _._._


MINING CLAIMS Nos.A-270396 to 398 incl. 09 99 I3o5.A-270101 and 270402 99 99 Nos,A-270111 to 430 incl. ST.HELEN YOWNSFIIP, ABITIBI EAST COUNTY'Que. -for- ST, HELEN "MINING EXPLORATION * LTD. (No Personal Liability)



REPORT No. M - 109 DATE: October 20th, 1958 7062 PIE IX BOULEVARD TF.L. RAYMOND 2-3771

Kroztarb OrrYltatYt B A.. A.R C.S. (ENGLAND)




innntrral. October 20th, 1958


The present report is being produced specifically to conform with the requirements of the Quebec Securities Act. It is supplemen- ted by two maps, one shoving the location of the Company's hold- ings in St.Helen Township, in the electoral district of Abitibi East, Quebec, and the other, shoving the locations of the various mining properties mentioned in the present report, as well as the regional

geology. • For reasons given in detail in the present report, the author considers this mining property worth prospecting for a combination of precious and base metals, more particularly, for gold, silver, copper and zinc. It should, however, be clearly understood that this opinion is based on the author's knowledge of the regional geology, structure and diamond trilling results on some of the properties

lying within the area, and, is not directly derived from the results..'

of actual exploration of the property itself. To our .knowledge, no mineral exploration of any kind has been performed yet on_ this pro party but, there is reason to believe that it lies within a_ tallographic province recently brought to light. (2) St.Helen Mining .Exploration Co.Ltd. (ContPd)

This new metallographic province is located in the Mattagami Lake area of northwestern Quebec

HISTORICAL First results of mining importance in the area were obtained by the Mattagami Syndicate last year. Diamond drilling indicated some 14 million tons averaing 13.5% zinc, 0.65% copper, 1.11 ozs, of silver and 0.016 ozs. gold per ton.(- 1) The second major discovery occurred this summer when New Hosco located a new copper deposit the extent of which is yet to be determined. This was followed by another new discovery by Kennco Explorations, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ken- necott Copper Corp. which turned the discovery property over to Con- west Exploration. Lately, what appears to be the extension of. the Mattagami Syndicat& s ore-body has been picked up by Orchan Mines Ltd. on the adjoining ground where initial drilling has yielded widths of the order of 50 feet averaging more than 7% in zinc with low values in copper, gold and silver. 1 The original, find by the Mattagami Syndicate has now been taken over for further exploration by.Noranda Mines, McIntyre Por- cupine Mines and Canadian Exploration Ltd. The prospecting activity has now splashed out over an area of over 2,000 square miles becoming one of the most active areas in Canada in recent years with International Nickel Co.., Newmont Mining Corp., Rio Tinto Canadian Exploration, Dome Mine, Phelps Dodge, etc. participating in the activity.

(1) Engineering and Mining ,Journal: Octôber 19589 page 184 (3) St.Helen Mining Exploration Co.Ltd. (Cont' d)


The property is made up of 25 mining claims of approximately 140 acres each staked between the 3rd and 7th of July 1958 and recor- ded as follows in the books of the Quebec Bureau of Mines:(2) '


A-270396 to 398 incl..,;' C-1142835: éls.1. to 3 incl.' 7/7/59 A-2701401 and 2701402 C-114263V'cls.1 and 2.9 .1 6/7/59 A-2701411 to 1415 incl. ~ C-1I42632: cls.1 to 5 ihcl.~ 3/7/59 A-2701416 to 420 incl. C-1142633: cls.1 to 5 incl» 4/7/59 A-2701421 to 1425 incl. .6 C-11428314: cls.1 to 5 incl. ' 6/7/59 A-2701426 to 1430 incl. 4 C-142635s cls.1 to 5 incl./ 7/7/59.2

located in the township of St.Helen, in the electoral district of Abitibi East, Province of Quebec, Canada.

These mining claims are.unsurveyed but, their approximate area is 140 acres each, or, a total of 1,000 acres for the entire group.


This property was staked between the 3rd and the 7th of July 1958 but, to our knowledge, it has otherwise no history of its own, its acquisition being presumably the result'of developments at the Mattagami Syndicate and New Hosco, some twenty miles to the east.


This ground is located almost at the center of St.Helen township, at the intersection of Longitude 78°20'W. and Latitude 149°501 N. It lies about 21 miles due west of the New Hosco prospect, .25 miles in the same direction from the Watson Lake property of the Mattagami Syndicate, and, 12 miles east of the Harricanaw River.


The only practical way to reach the property at the present time is by float-equipped aircrafts from either Val D'Or, Amos or Senneterre along the Canadian National Railwayys. The respective dis- tances from these places are:

From Amos 85 miles " Senneterre 110 11 " Val D'Or 120 11 P (2) Quebec Department of Mines: Letter from the Chief Mining Recorder dated October 17th/58 copy of which is appended hereto. (4) St.Helen MiningvExploration Co.Ltd.(Coni'd).

A small lake located immediately to the north of the property is providing a landing place for aircrafts but it is doubtful if this lake could permit take-offs with appreciable loads. The nearest lake of any size for the purpose would be Grasset (Kitchigama) Lake which is located some 10 miles to the northeast.

Pending further developments within the area, it is impossi- ble to forecast the kind of ground transportation that will be pro- vided eventually. Should a railway be built to serve the Mattagami Syndicate's property, it would probably branch. out from the C.H.R. lirfb from Barraute to Chibougamau from a point near Quevillon Lake where the present line crosses the . Although there are large areas of muskeg to cross, the terrain is relatively flat and, it is believed that construction of such a branch line would be a simple matter.


One of the large pulp and paper operators in the area is pre- ,sently giving consideration to the establishment of a pulp mill at Mattagami Lake. In this connection, the Quebec Government, for the past two or three years, has been carrying out a survey of the hydro- electric power resources of the region. A suitable site, on a tri- butary of the Bell River, is being studied.


The area lies within the "clay belt" and is well kIown for its good farming land.

With the exception of a few isolated ridges and scattered knolls, the area is low, flat and covered with deep overburden for hundreds of square miles rendering prospecting very difficult. The average elevation of the ground is about 700 feet above sea-level. The irainage is to the northwest to with numerous small creeks and rivers parallelling the Harricanaw River for appreciable distances before joining it.

Although the thickness of clay overburden within the area could be considered a difficulty in prospecting for mineral depo- sits, it should be remarked that modern geophysical techniques have overcome this difficulty to an appreciable extent. This has been de- monstvated in a very striking manner by the discoveries recently made in the region at points where the overburden varied from 60 to 100 feet in thickness over the mineral deposits.



~ lgf‘ey~a~ 0 (5) St.Helen Mining Exploration Co.Ltd. (Conttd)


Owing to the swampy character of the area and, the consequent. paucity of rock outcrops, the region has not been geologized in detail by the Geological Survey of Canada or the provincial Department of Mines. The most recent geological work done covered the Mattagami Lake area on the one hand and, the Kitchigama (Grasset) Lake area on the other hand. H. C. Freeman surveyed the Mattagami Lake area for the C.G.S. in 1936 and, results of his work have been published as Map No.571A entitled "Mattagami Lake".''W.W.Longley mapped the Kitchigama Lake area for the Quebec Department of Mines in 1938 and 1939 and, his find- ings have been published in Geological Report No.12 entitled "Kitchi- game Lake Area". Longleyts map extends westerly to the Imbeault River and, consequently, comes very close to the property itself which lies only one or two miles outside Longleyts map. Consequently, for all practical purposes, it would be convenient to extrapolate slightly on Longleyts observations and all the geological information given below is taken from this source.

All the rock formations presently found within the area are Precambrian in age. Arty other consolidated material which may have been present at one time or another after the Precambrian has now been removed by erosion. As a result, the Precambrian formations are now partially covered by varying thicknesses of varved clays, silts and till representing the debris left by continental glaciers or by gla- cial lakes subsequent to glaciation of the country.

In this connection, it might be interesting to mention that Longley has observed two very distinct directions to the glacial striae exposed along the south shore of Kitchigama Like. The older set of striae have a direction almost north-south wgereas the more recent one strikes southeast.

No detailed descriptions will be given in this report of all the rock types encountered within the area. For this, the reader is referred to the excellent notes given in Longleyts report(op.cit.). The present remarks will be confined to an outline of the regional geology and structure.

Briefly stated, from present rock exposures, the geology of the area could be described as follows. The most ancient rocks con- sists of a sequence of lava flows of basic to intermediate composition with finely-banded interbeds of tuffs. The flows vary in structure from massive to fragmental or ellipsoidal.. and, are assigned to the Keewatin in age. Following the deposition of the volcanics in flat layers, the lava flows were covered by a sedimentary series consis- ting of conglomerate, greywacke and arkose ascribed to the Late- Keewatin or shortly thereafter. While both volcanics and sediments were still in their original attitude, they were invaded by a large intrusive mass of gabbro which Longley(op.Cït.) his designated as the Bell River complex.

(6) St.Helen Mining Exploration Co oLtd. (Conti d)


Quaternary Pleistocene and Recent' Varved Clays, Glacial-lake silts & Till

Great Unconf.'ormity

Gabbro dykes (Keweenawan

Silicic dykes of various ages; granite, syenite, diorite, rhyolite, pegmatite and aphite.

Kitchigama granite: biotite- hornblende granite.

Olga quartz-diorite; hornblende granite, quartz diorite. Post-Keewatin Mattagami gneiss; biotito diorite Intrusives. gneiss.

Dunlop intrusive: granite, syenite, Precambri monzonite, diorite.

Bell River complex: gabbro, anorthosite.

Migmatite: probably volcanic and sedimentary rocks, recrystallized anq abundantly intruded by granitic material.

Intrusive Contact

Late or Post- Mattagami sedimentary series: con- Keewatin glomerate, banded argil]ite, Sediments greywazke, arkose.

Unconformity (?)

Keewatin Massive, ellipsoidal and fragmental volcanic flows and tuffs.

(Reprinted from W.W.Longleys "Kitchigama Lake Area".) (7)

St.Helen Mining Fxploration Co.Ltd. (Cont'd)

Then followed a period of considerable upheaval when all the stratified rocks were closely folded in a series of. alternating synclines and an- ticlines with axes trending roughly in an east-west direction and, the limbs standing almost vertical. This is the attitude in which most of the stratified rocks are found now within the area.

Subsequently, probably in Algoman times, this basement complex was intruded by large granitic batholiths and, by numerous dykes and irregular masses of granite, syenite, monzonite, diorite, quartz diorite, rhyolite, pegmatite and aplite. This intrusive period was terminated by the injection of gabbro dykes trending northeast across the area.

On page 6 of the present report will be found a complete se- quence of the rock formations, including also the unconsolidated ma- terial, found in the region. There remains to be added that several faults of unknown displacement have also been observed or have been inferred from certain topographical features. Some of these faults are strike-faults and, are therefore trending almost east-west. Others are cutting the rock formations in a north-south direction. The direction of movement of some of these faults has been established by Longley ( and, it is quite possible that such structural features have played an important part in the localization of the mineralization in the region.

A synclinal axis of considerable linear extent is indicated by Langley. This axis, which is trending south of west, seems to pa- rallel the south shore of Mattagami Lake to its outlet into , then southwesterly to the limit of Longley's map. Should this axis extend further to the west, it would run to the south and very close to the property in St.Helen township.

No indication is given in any of the government reports as to the plunge of the folds within the volcanics and associated sediments but, it is considered as certain that such plunges have exerted a pre- dominating influence on the attitude of any commercial mineral deposit present in the region.


Very little information is available regarding the geology of the property itself. What is presently known is inferred from Long leyts work immediately to the east. From the location of the property with respect to the regio- nal geology, it would seem that the property is entirely underlain by Keewatin lava flows, mostly massive basalt and andesite with fragmen- tal and ellipsoidal fades. The strike of the flows would be almost east and west with very steep dips to the south. They appear to cons- titute portions of the north limb of a syncline whose axis is assumed to run to the south and very close to the property.

Another fact of possible economic significance in prospecting for base metals, is the presence of a large granite batholith extending far to the north of Kitchigama and Mattagami Lakes, underlying the a- rea between these two lakes and, pushing a lobe to the south of Kit- chigama Lake to within 5 or 6 miles of the property. (8) St.Helen Mining Exploration Co.Ltd. (Contld)

BASE METAL POSSIBILITIES OF THE PROPERTY In our opinion, from what is already known of the area in general and, the property in particular, the property warrants care- ful prospecting for base metals. Our reasons for this opinion are as follows: 1.- Longley (op.Cit.) mentions that "there ismuch disseminated mine-" "ralization in the area. Practically all specimens of greenstone 4 "show scattered specks of pyrite and pyrrhotite." As mentioned previously, the entire property area is 'underlain by greenstone. Hence, the advisability of prospecting, this property for sulphi- des including chalcopyrite and sphalerite. 2.-The ; most compelling argument in favor of prospecting the proper- ty°for base metals replacement deposits will be found in recent diamond drilling results at the Watson Lake property of the Mat- tagami Syndicate, at New Hosco along the Allard River and, at Orchan Mines adjoining the former property to the south. According to Engineering and Mining Journal, October 1958, dia- mond drilling has indicated some 14 millions tons of ore avera- ging 13.5% zinc, 0.65% copper, 1.11-ozs. silver and 0.016 ozs. of gold per ton in a deposit of considerable width. ghat is pre- sently believed to be the southeasterly exyension of this depo- sit has been cut in preliminary diamond drilling by Orchan Mines Ltd. Two mineralized zones, each of about 50 feet in width, have been cut yielding about 7% zinc and minor values in copper, gold and silver. New Hosco, in turn, made a major copper discovery last summer while drilling its property along the Allard River. Although the full extent of this deposit remains to be determi-, nod, there again widths are large and grades are commercial. In addition, Conwest Exploration Co, has recently acquired from Kennco Exploration (Canada) Ltd. a property which, in initial drilling, has given attractive results in copper and zinc. The property is located in Isle-Dieu township, near Garon Lake and, a series of four drill holes put down by Kennco along a 900-foot strike length is reported (3) to have yieded copper values a- veraging over 2% and about an equivalent Amount of zinc across widths of 14 /to 15 feet. The distance between New Hosco's discovery and Conwest's is about 10 miles indicating ,that the base meyals possibilities of the re- gion are not confined., to a small area:


For the foregoing reasons, I strongly recommend that this property be thoroughly prospected for base metals.

(3) Northern Miner; September 4th, 1958, page 1. (9) St.Helen Mining Exploratibn Co.Ltd. (Cont'd)

d Owing to adverse topographical conditions indicated at the pro- perty, and, the advent of winter conditions, the author recommends that preliminary exploration should consist of geophysical murk by conventional methods presently in use. Both an electromagnetic and a magnetometer survey are indicated, to be carried out concurrently and immediately after the line cutting has been completed. Depending on the results of the geophysi cal work and, if justi- fied, a diamond drilling program should then be considered, of a magnitude to depend on the importance of the anomalies indicated and also the funds available at the time.

Respectfully sub ioi.ii PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC




Québec, le 17 octobre 1958.-

M. Léonard Germain, Ing. P., 7062, Boulevard Pie IX, Montréal, Qué.-

4 Monsieur, En réponse â votre lettre du 15 du courant, je vous donne ci-aprâs la liste des détenteurs des claims miniers piquetés en vertu des certificats auxquels vous référez: Robert St-Pierre 4,270411 â 415 Ste-Helene 200 acres Exp.3/7/59 (0.1426.32 cls. 1 â 5) Arséne Moreau 4,270416 â 420 Ste-Helene 200 acres Exp.4/7/59 (C-i.4.2633 cls. 1 â 5) Lucien Poulin A..-270401 & 402 Ste-Helene • 80 acres Exp.6/7/59 (0.142634 cls. 1 & 2) Roméo Ayotte A-270426 â 430 Ste-Helene 200 acres Exp.7/7/59 (C-142635 cls. 1 à 5) Jean Louis Racine 4-270421 â 425 Ste-Helene 200 acres Exp.6t7/59 C-142834 cls. 1 â 5) R. Vachon 4,270396 â 398 Ste-Helene 120 acres Exp.7/7/59 (C-142835 ois. 1 â 3) Vous recevrez, par l'entremise du comptable, une facture pour le coût des recherches. Votre tout dévoué,

Le Régistraire en Chef,


ti'ottarb 6rrIttattt

a.A.. A.R C.S. (ENGLAND)




iinuirral. October 20th, 1958 CANADA


i, LEONARD GERMAIN, Professional Engineer of the City of , Province of Quebec, Canada, do hereby certify as follows* 1.- That I am a Consulting Engineer, with office at 7062 Pie IX Boulevard, Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada; 2.- That I have graduated in arts at the University of Montreal, in 1921, end that I hold the degree of Bachelor of Arte(B.A.); 3.- That I have graduated in chemical engineering at the Imperial College of science and Technology, London, England, in 1924, and, that I hold the degree of Associate of the Royal College of Scieneo(A.R.C.S.); 4.- That I have been duly admitted a member of the Corporation of Professional Engineers of Quebec on May 7th, 1926 and, that I am a member in good standing of the said Corporation; 5.- That my experience in mining extends over a period of 34 years during which I have been continuously and actively engaged in various phases of the mining inch *try; 6.- That I have no interest, either directly or indirectly, in the property mentioned in the accompanying report, or in the secu- rities of ST. HELEN MINING EXPLORATION COMPANY LIMITED(No Per- sonal Liability), nor do I expect to receive any interest, ei- ther directly or indirectly, in the property concerned or in the securities of the aforementioned company;

7.- That no field examination was made of the property for the'pre- sent purpose but, that my present report is based upon personal knowledge of the region, and, upon technical information gathe - red either in the course of my practice as a profe oni Engi- neer or, in technical litterature the sou - o lchére gi- ven in each case.



1 I I I I I I I I-

open ground

142632 142632 CI.2 Cl. 1 ------r---- open ground 142633 142633 C1.2 I Cl. I

142835 i 142835i 142835 142834 . 142834 C1.3 i C1.2 CI.1 CI.2 C1.1 ---- -t - - -- I g n a l 142634 : 142834 :2 I m I I42835! 142835 1 142635 I I N I C1.2 NU U C1.1 a a l C1.3 I • CI.2 I CI.I - -- I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I

A Eo D


Mologom/ L. STE. HELENE TWP.






Map No. I