A Current Listing of Contents

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A Current Listing of Contents WOMEN'S STUDIES LIBRARIAN EMINIST ERIODICALS A CURRENT LISTING OF CONTENTS VOLUME 18, NUMBER 2 SUMMER 1998 Published by Phyllis Holman Weisbard Women's Studies Librarian University of Wisconsin System 430 Memorial Library / 728 State Street Madison, Wisconsin 53706 (608) 263-5754 EMINIST ERIODICALS A CURRENT LISTING OF CONTENTS Volume 18, Number 2 Summer 1998 Periodical literature is the cUlling edge of women's scholarship, feminist theory, and much ofwomen's culture. Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing ofContents is published by the Office of the University of Wisconsin System Women's Studies Librarian on a quarterly basis with the intent of increasing public awareness of feminist periodicais. It is our hope that Feminist Periodicals will serve several purposes: to keep the reader abreast ofcurrent topics in feminist literature; to increase readers' familiarity with a wide spectrum of feminist periodicals; and to provide the requisite bibliographic information should a reader wish to subscribe to ajournal or to obtain a particular article at her library or through interlibrary loan. (Users will need to be aware of the limitations of the new copyright law with regard to photocopying of copyrighted materials.) Table ofcontents pages from current issues of major feministjournals are reproduced in each issue of Feminist Periodicals, preceded by a comprehensive annotated listing of all journals we have selected. As publication schedules vary enormously, not every periodical will have table of contents pages reproduced in each issue of FP. The annotated listing provides the following information on each journal: 1. Year of first pUblication. 2. Frequency of publication. 3. U.S. sUbscription price(s). 4. Subscription address. 5. Current editor. 6. Editorial address (if different from sUbscription address). 7. International Standard Serials Number (ISSN). 8. OCLC, Inc. Control Number. 9. Locations where the journal is held in the UW System. 10. Publications in which the journal is indexed. 11. Subject focuslstatement of purpose of the journal. Please note that in the actual text, only the numbers 1 to 11 are used to identify the different categories of information. ii. Our goal is to have represented in FP all English-language feminist periodicals with a substantial national or regional readership, with an emphasis on scholarly journals and small press offerings. We do not include publications which, though feminist in philosophy, do not focus solely on women's issues. Nor, with few exceptions, dowe include newsstand magazines. Weare also forced toomitperiodicals which lack a complete table of contents. We encourage feminist serials to build a full table of contents into their regular format to facilitate the indexing feminist literature sorely needs. Interested readers will find morecomplete information on feminist periodicals in DWM:A DirectoryofWomen's Media published by the National Council for Research on Women (530 Broadway at Spring Street, NewYork, NY 10012); and in Women's Periodicals and Newspapers: A Union List of the Holdings of Madison Area Libraries, edited by James P. Danky, compiled by Maureen E. Hady, Barry Christopher, and Neill E. Strache (Boston: GK Hall, 1982). Suggestions for improvements of Feminist Periodicals are gratefully received. We would particularly appre­ ciate assistance from readers in the UW-System with our efforts to keep the holding information complete and up to date. Please let us know about new subscriptions, sUbscriptions we have overlooked, cancellations, or other pertinent information. Feminist Periodicals is also available on microfilm at the library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Alternative Cataloging in Publication Data Feminist periodicals: a current listing ofcontents. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin System Women's Studies Librarian quarterly. "Table ofcontents pages from current issues of major feminist journals are reproduced... preceded by a comprehensive annotated listing of aI/ journals..." Frequenlly cited as FP. 1. Feminist periodicals--Directories. 2. Feminism-­ Bibliography--Periodicals. 3. Feminist periodicals-­ Current awareness services. I. University of Wisconsin System. Women's Studies Librarian. (courtesy of Sanford Berman) Feminist Periodicals (ISSN 0742-7433) is pUblished quarterly by Phyllis Holman Weisbard, UW­ System Women's Studies Librarian, 430 Memorial Library, 728 State Street, Madison, WI 53706. Phone (608) 263-5754. Email: [email protected]. Website: htlp:/Iwww.library.wisc.edullibraries/ WomensStudiesl Compilers: Linda Shull, Ingrid Markhardt. Graphics: Daniel Joe. Publications of the Office ofthe UW-System Women's Studies Librarian are available free ofcharge to UWWomen's Studies Offices, UW Campus Women's Centers, and UW Libraries. Subscriptions rates: Wisconsin sUbscriptions: $8.25 (indiv. affiliated with the UW System), $15 (organizations affiliated with the UW System), $16 (indiv. or non-profit women's programs), $22.50 (libraries or other organizations). Out­ of-state subscriptions: $30 (indiv. & women's programs), $55 (inst.). This fee covers most publications ofthe Office, including Feminist Col/ections, Feminist Periodicals, NewBooks on Women & Feminism. Wisconsin subscriber amounts include state tax (except UW organizations amount). Subscribers outside the U.S., please add postage ($13 - surface, Canada, $15 - surface, elsewhere; $25.00 - air, Canada; $55 - air, elsewhere). © Regents of the University of Wisconsin System 1998. iii, AWlS MAGAZINE Europe & other African 51ates: £45 (indiv.), £32 1. 1971. (51udents, pensioners & unemployed), £B9 (In51.). 2. 4/YeM. 4. P.O. Box 18983, Dalbrldge KZN, Republic of South 3. $24 (memb<>r), ($OO.non·memb<>r). Meinb<>rshlp: Africa (email: [email protected] or $15-60 ($24 allocated to sUbscription)., [email protected]) (website: 4. AWlS, 1200 New York Ave., N.W., Su~. 650, hltp:/Iwww.on.world.org/agend.] Washington, DC 20005. (emall: .w1s@·.wis.or9] 5. Lou Haysom. 5. Pamela J. HI.,.... - 7. ISSN 1013·0950. 7. ISSN 01 tlO-256X 8. OCLC 25255481. 8. OCLC 2'3747329. 9. Madison. 9. Madison. 11. 'Agenda strives for empowering women for gender 11. "AWlS promotes opportunrUes for women to enter equny.' h Is 'a medl. project about women and the sciences and achleV8 their career "goals.' gender, gMng women a voice to articulate their needs and unite about them. We aim to question AFFILIA: JOURNAL OF WOMEN ANO SOCIAL WORK and challenge the current understanding of gender 1. 1986. relations In South Africa.' 2. 4/yeM. 3. $54 (Indiv.), $175 (Insl.), .dd $8 surt.co rate, or THE AHFAD JOURNAL: WOMEN AND CHANGE $16 air mall rate for foreign po51age (Canad.: add 1. 1984. 7% .ubscrlption C051, GST). Single copy: $16 2. 2/year. (Indiv.), $46 (1n51.) (Calnornl. resident••cId 7.25% 3. $25 (Indiv.), $40 (In51.). Single copies: $15 (Indiv.), • oles tax). $25 (In51.). 4. Sage Publications, Inc.. 2455 Teller Rd., Thousand 4. The Ahfad Journal, Suite 1216, 4141 N. Henderson Oak., CA 91320. Orders from lhe U.K, Europe, Rd., Arlington, VA 22203, or The Ahfad Univ. for the Middle East, and Africa should b<> sent to: 6 Women. P.O. Box 167, Omdurman, Sudan. BonhlIl St., London EC2A 4PU, Un~ed K1ngdiom; 5. Amna E. Badrl. orders from India and South Asia should b<> sent to 6. Ahfad University for Women, P.O. Box 167. P.O. Box 4215, New oeIhll1004S, India. (email: Omdurman. Sudan. order@Sage<Jb.com] (websne: 7. ISSN 0255-4070. http1/WWW.sagepub.com] 8. OCLC 12747640. 5. Emma Gross .. 9. Medlson. 7. ISSN 0886-1009. 10. ERIC, UMI. 8. OCLC 12871850. 1I. The Ahfad Journal's aim Is "10 publish scientific 9. Esu Claire; Green Bay; La Crosse; Medlson; River research in women's devetopment Issues In Sudan Fall.; Milwaukee; Oshkosh; Whnewater. and other African countrJes.· 10. ASS!A: Applied Social Sciences Index of Abs1rects; caredate ABSTRACTS; caredat. CD; caredat. ARISE INFORMATION BULLETIN; Criminal JU511ca 1. 1990. Abs1racts; Current Content./Soclal & Bahavioral 2. 3/year. Selences; Family Resources Database; Health 3. $30. Instrument File; Human Resources Abstracts; 4. Action for Development, P.O. Box 16729, Kampala, ReseMch Alert; Sage Family Studies Abs1ract.; Uganda. 'em.i1: [email protected]) Social Planning/Policy & Development Abs1ract.; 5. Ednorlal board. SocIal SclseMch; Social Work Abs1ract.; 8. OCLC 24765934. SocIological Abs1racts; Violence and Abuse 9. Madison. Abstracts; Women StudJes Abstracts; Women's 11. Arise loeases on women's Interests In buslnes, Studies Index. Also .vallable on microfilm from economics, polnlcs, family, and International Univ. Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI. development and assistance In Uganda. 11. 'This journal I. commmed to the discussion and development of femlnl51 values, theories, and ASIAN WOMEN knowtedge as they relate to social work research, 1. 1995. education, and practice.' Contalns articles, reports, 2. 2/year. of reseMch, ....ys, poe!lY, and l~erOfY pieces. 3. $20, $14 (51udant., with photocopy of validated Dedicated to "the task of eliminating discrimination 51udant 1.0.). and oppres.lon, especially with respect to gender, 4. Editorial Manager, Asian Women, Research Institute but including race, ethnlcny, class, age, dlsabllny, for Asian Women, Sookmyung Women's University, and sexual and afiectlonal preference as well.' 53·12 Chun9pa-dong 2·ka, Yongsan·ku, Seoul, 140-742, Korea. AGENDA: EMPOWERING WOMEN FOR GENDER EGUITY 5. Haa Sook Ro. 1. 1987. 7. ISSN 1225·925)(, 2. 4/yeM. 8. OCLC 7673725, 36782501. 3. North America: $79 (Indiv.), $46 (51udents, 9. Madison,
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