
English Language Literature Notes Toward a Canon

This list is, and will forever be, incomplete. This is a sample of what ought to be read and taught, but it is not a syllabus or curriculum for any particular class, course, or educational institution.

It is an attempt to acknowledge those texts which merit study. Given the fragmentary nature of this list, the omission of any particular text should not be understood as a decision against that text.

At the same time, general trends and tendencies may discernible in this list, and the reader may venture some extrapolations. As the title indicates, catalogue is limited to works composed in English; it is not a World Literature inventory.

It is not limited to English Literature, but rather acknowledges that English Language Literature has been written in variety of territories and cultures. This list will be expanded from time to time.

Some items will perhaps evoke no surprise, because they are established in the cannon. Others may seem novel or unexpected.

Author: John Steinbeck Title: The Moon is Down

Author: William Shakespeare Title:

Author: Elizabeth Goudge Title: The White Witch Title: The Dean’s Watch

Author: Jane Austen Title: Pride and Prejudice Title: Sense and Sensibility

Title: Isaac Asimov Title: I, Robot

Author: P.G. Wodehouse Title:

Author: Mary Shelley Title: Frankenstein Title: The Last Man

Page 1 Author: C.S. Lewis Title: Till We Have Faces

Author: Dashiell Hammett Title: The Maltese Falcon Title: The Thin Man

Author: Raymond Chandler Title: The Big Sleep

Author: Charles Dickens Title: A Tale of Two Cities

Author: J.R.R. Tolkien Title: The Hobbit Title: The Lord of the Rings Title:

Author: Aldous Huxley Title: Brave New World

Author: Evelyn Waugh Title: Love Among the Ruins

Author: Robert Hugh Benson Title: The Lord of the World

Author: Anthony Burgess Title: The Wanting Seed

Author: Jean Raspail Title: The Camp of the Saints

Author: Robert Frost Title: “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

Author: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Title: The Song of Title: The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

Page 2 Author: Paul Gallico Title: The Snow Goose

Author: Bruce Marshall Title: The White Rabbit

Author: G.A. Birmingham Title: The Simpkins Plot

Author: Charles Reade Title: The Cloister and the Hearth

Author: Arthur Conan Doyle Title: Micah Clarke Title: Sir Nigel Title: The White Company

Author: Harold Bell Wright Title: Helen of the Old House

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