Installation and Starting Guide

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Redmine is a free and flexible open source tool for project management and error tracking, written using the environment.

Redmine supports several projects, with their own wiki, forum, time tracker and problems management.

In addition, Redmine implements platform plug-ins, so it can be configured depending on your requirements. There are plugins to work with Kanban, Scrum, notification plugins or reports.

What I really like in Redmine is that, although it does not define how you should work, it contains enough parameters to work with any type of project management.

Redmine can be installed differently: Using WEBRICK (not recommended in the production environment). Run with a and fastghi. Using the passenger. Or pack Redmine to war and expand to a Java container, such as Tomcat or Glassfish.

In this post, I am going to show you how to pack Redmine 1.3 to the War file so that it can be launched in Tomcat7 and Linux. The idea should be working with GlassFish, JBOSS or any other OS.

First of all, download Jruby 1.6.6, so open the terminal


Unpack the downloaded file and go to the / usr / share directory.

TAR XVZF Jruby-Bin-1.6.6.tar.gz Sudo MV Jruby-1.6.6 / /usr/Share/Jruby-1.6.6

Then update the environment variables using the Jruby setting directory.

Sudo Gedit / etc / Environment one

2. Path = ...: /usr/Share/Jruby-1.6.6/bin

Jruby_home = "/ usr / share / jruby-1.6.6"

Finally, try to execute Jruby to make sure it is installed correctly:

jruby -V.

And information about the version of Jruby should be printed on the console.

The next step is to install the necessary precious stones: one



C. five sh sh

8 nine

GEM Install Rack -V = 1.1.1

GEM INSTALL RAILS -V = 2.3.14 gem install rdoc -v = 2.4.2

GEM Install ActiveRecord-jdbcmysql-adapter -v = 1.2.2

GEM Install Warbler -V = 1.3.2

GEM Install Jruby-OpenSSL -V = 0.7.5

GEM Install Rubytree -V = 0.8.2 gem install i18n -v = 0.4.2

Gem Install Tree -V = 0.2.1

Set Redmine

Download Redmine 1.3 and install them in the / usr / share directory: one


3. four


TAR XVZF Redmine-1.3.0.tar.gz

Sudo MV Redmine-1.3.0 /usr/Share/Redmine-1.3.0

Redmine requires a database for work.In this case, I already installed MySQL5, but also supported postgesql.So, let's configure MySQL in Redmine.

CD /USR/Share/Redmine-1.3.0/config/

The installation goes with the database template configuration file, we are going to rename it and change according to our medium.In addition, RedMine contains various launch modes (production, development, testing).In our case, since we are tightening the production environment, only the production section will be affected. one


CP Database.yml.example Database.yml

Sudo Gedit Database.yml one

2. Z.

C. five sh sh


Adapter: jdbcmysql

Database: Redmine.

Host: Localhost.

UserName: redmine.

Password: redmine.

Encoding: UTF8.

After this modification, it's time to create a user and a redmine database in MySQL.

MySQL -u root -p one




Create User 'Redmine' @ 'Localhost' identified by 'redmine';

GRANT ALL Privileges on Redmine. * to 'Redmine' @ 'Localhost';

Now it's time to initialize redmine one 2.

CD /USR/Share/Redmine-1.3.0

Rake Generate_Session_Store.

The next step is necessary because we set Redmine 1.3, in the following versions of Redmine 1.4 and above will not be necessary.Open Config / Environment.rb and comment on the following as:

Config.gem Rubytree: Lib => Tree

And then create a database schema and fill out by default data using the following scenarios. one



Rails_env = Production Rake Redmine: Load_Default_Data

Now we are going to check whether redmine is correctly configured.To do this, we will use Webry. one


CD /USR/Share/Redmine-1.3.0

Jruby Script / Server Webrick -E Production

and open the browser at http: // LocalHost: 3000 to start checking the installation.

Redmine Web Page will be displayed, you can log in with the user name and password Admin / Admin

At the moment we have redmine installed.

Email Setup

The problem tracking system should be able to send mail to affected users when a new problem is created or changed by change. If your mail server requires TLS security protocol, you must install the Action_Mailer_Optional_tls plugin.

This plugin requires Git if you have not yet installed, enter:

Sudo Apt-Get Install Git

And then complete the command in the Redmine directory:

Jruby Script / Git: //

Let's configure email delivery: one



CD /USR/Share/Redmine-1.3.0/config/

CP Configuration.yml.example Configuration.yml

Sudo Gedit Configuration.yml.

Inside the configuration file, you will find general email settings.Depending on your email server, these attributes can vary greatly, so at this stage I am going to show you a simple configuration of the SMTP server using simple authentication in the production environment.Go to the last row of the configuration.yml file and add the following lines to the work section.







07. 08.

09. ten

Production: # This Line Is Already Present In Configuration.yml.


Delivery_Method :: SMTP


Address: ""

Port: 25.

Authentication :: Plain

Domain: ''

user_name: 'myaccount'

Password: 'password'

All attributes speak for themselves.

And before creating a War file, let's check whether the email is correctly configured. We again use Webric. one


CD /USR/Share/Redmine-1.3.0

Jruby Script / Server Webrick -E Production

Then open the browser at http: // LocalHost: 3000 and log in with the administrator account.

Configure the administrator's email address by clicking the "My Account" link, and in the Email section, set the administrator's email address. After that, we are going to test the email configuration, in the main menu, go to "Administration" -> "Settings" -> "Email Notifications", add an email and click "Check email". After some time, the test message will be sent to the email address of the administrator.

We managed to install Redmine, now it's time to pack it in Tomcat.

Packing Redmine.

Before starting due to incompatibility with the Jruby-Rack gem installed, we must launch the following commands to install version 1.0.10 Jruby-Rack. one


GEM Uninstall Jruby-Rack

GEM Install Jruby-Rack -V = 1.0.10

The Warble command requires a configuration file.This file is created using the following command: one


3. four five

CD /USR/Share/Redmine-1.3.0.

Warble Config

CD Config /

Sudo Gedit Warble.rb.

Edit the Warble :: Config section and configure the CONFIG.DIRS, Config.gems and Config.Webxml.rails.RAILS.Env sections as follows: one 2.

3. four five

Warbler :: Config.New Do | Config |

Config.Dirs =% W (App Config Lib Log Vendor TMP Extra Files Lang)

config.gems + = ["ActiveRecord-JDBCMYSQL-Adapter", "jruby-openssl", "i18n", "Rack", "Tree"]

config.webxml.rails.env = env ['Rails_env'] || 'PRODUCTION'


And finally, run:


And Redmine War was created and ready for deployment in Tomcat.

Despite the fact that we have a War file, I do not recommend deleting the Redmine setting directory as it can be used in the future to install new plugins or changes any configuration. After the modification calling the Warble command, a new war with this change will be created.

I wish you to find it useful.

Reference: Installation and Starting Guide with RedMine from our JCG partner