Post Office London 1656

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Post Office London 1656 CLO POST OFFICE LONDON 1656 CLOCK MAKERS--~ontinued. Jennens Joseph,4 & 6 Skinner st.Clerknwll EC INicbolson Thomal!, 58 PeleivaJ sbeet EC :Bendon Geo. & 00. (who.), 36 & 37 Ely place Johnson Wm. G. & Co. 6 Northampton sq E et 'Slezina Martin, 6 Skinner st. Clerkenwell E C EC & 1 Oharterhouse street EC Jones Edward, 30 Sndeley street, Islington N Tigbt Oharles, 12 Percivalstreet EO t"'§,BennettSirJohn Limited (to the Queen), ones Frederick, 33 Langham street W 64 & 65 Oheapside EC Keyzor Baron J. 167 Aldersgate street EC CLOCK DIAL PAINTEaS. t"§'!fBenson J. W. 62 & 64 Ludgate hill EC; Keyzor George Benj. 39 Hatton I!"arden EC See alII() Watch Dial Plate Makerl tte. steam factory, 38 La. Belle Sauvage yard Konschel W. & 00. (bronze, china & wood), . EC; 28 Royal Exchange EC& 25 Old Bond 6 Red Lion squlJ.1"e WC BurwashWm.HY·Jun.5Su:tf"0Ik st.C1erlmwIE C st W; by appointment to the Queen & the KussXaver,14Goodgest.Tottenham courtrdW Ros~ord B. S. 54 Glou?es~er st.ClerkenwellE C Prince of Wales (gold medal, 1885). New §La.mbert & Co. 10 to 12 Coventry street W Nevlll Ohas.25 St. John s sq. Clerkenwell EC illustrated catalogue free (established 1749) Lege A. & Co. 31 & 32 Kirby st EC Pulman Fredk.14St.John's sq.ClerkenwellE C Bertrand William, 59 Oakley st. Lambeth SE Lewis Wm. 7 Weymouth tel'. Hackney rd E Ru~sen JoseIJh (&wat,Ch).I5~ St.John~t.rdE C .,Biddle George,29 & 30 Wynyatt street EC Loosley Henry, 46 Lever st. St. Luke's EC Smlt~ In.& :-ons, 18, 22,Z3&24St.John·s sqE C Birkle Bros. 103 Commercial road east E Lowe John 138 Wardour street W Thwaltes Brothers, 25 St. John street rd EC Birkle & Dilger, 18 Hampstead road NW Luckhardt Gustave, 49 :Boston street NW W~llis Th<?~as, 19 Riverst. Myddelton sq Wc. Blanpain Valery, 3 Clerkenwell road EC McCabe&Co.(the late),seeThs.Gammage&Son Wmter Wllham. 71 Hatton g-arden EC BlumenthalAdlp.48Colonnade,BrnswcksqW C Mappin & Webb,l1>8 to 162 Oxford street W ; 2 British United Clock Co. Lim. manufacturers Queen Victoria st E C& 18 to 22 Poultry EC CLOCK GLASS MAKERS. of English nickel & fancy lever clocks, 34 t§'\<1arples Robt.Moft'at.7 Cripplegt.bldgsE C See Watch le Clock Gla&f Makerl. Farringdon road EC: works, Birmingham MayerAnthony & Son, 127 AIdersgate st EC §Brockbank, Atkins & Moore, 6 Oowper's et. t§Merzbach, Lang & Fellheimer, 1>7 St. :Mary Comhill E C & 21 St. John's sq.ClrknwllE C Axe EC CLOCK GONG MAKERS. BrownJohn J oseph,3 Sidney st. Goswell rdEC Miller & Sons, 178 &179 Piccadilly W Beard George, 22 Green ter. Clerkenwell E C. Burgess Thos.Hy.23 Goswell ter.GoswellrdE C §Millington John James, 12 Houndsditch E Camerer, Knss & Co. 06 New Oxford st WC; §Mitehell Charles, 113 Deptford High st SE CLOCK MATERIAL DEALERS. 2 Broad st. BloomsburyWC & 186Uxbridge Mitton Paul, 41 Wool exchange,Colemn.stE C See Watch tic Clock Material Dealerl. rd. Shenhpro's bush W. See advert 'lr"'Moore Jo. & Sons, 38 & 39 Clerkenwell close Oapitain &; Wehrle. 21 Coleman street ECEC: makers to Her Majesty the Queen, the CL C S Uha-phn &. Sons(imprtrs.},21> Alders~te st EC Empress Eugenie &various Government de- 0 K PRING MAKER. Chapman Gl-eo. Henry, 33 Oannon street EC partments; by appointment to tlleFisheries, Cotton George, 7 Percival street EC 'lrChlldReubenRt.27Meredithst.Clerknwl EC Health, Colonial & Indian Exhibitions Frccman John Thomas, 71 Galway street EC Uleaver Robt. Matthew, 127 Clarendon rd ~ MorrisOll John, 27 Packington street N Clements, Handley & 00. 19 St. John's sq EC NewHavenClock Co.(The),99Fen(',hurch stE C CLOCK TOOL MAKERS. '"'lr§Clerke FrederickWm.1RoyalExchangeE C NewmanManufactrng.Co.99 FencburchE>tE C See Watch tic Clock Tool Maker, .te. §Cloud & Shapland, 207 High Rolborn WC; :-rorth Charles, 32 Islington green N ancient clocks renovated, missing wheels §Padgett Jsph.Hy.49 Lexingtonst.Golden sqW cut, & particulars of old makers given Plater & Collier, 39 Barnsbury road N CLOCi{ WHEEL MAKERS. Cooper Henry Jas. & Co. Lim. 150 Oxford st W *'lrPondWm.S.12 Owen·srow,St.John st.rdE C Beard John, 28 Corporation row,Clerknwll E c: Cottebrune Charles & Son, 29 Dean st. Soho '" -~PriceChllS.Edwyn,lSpencerst.ClrknwllEC Lege A. & Co. 31 & 32 Kirby street E C. §Oox Wm. 43 Park street, Oamden town NW Etayner Joseph, 51 Gee street, Goswell rd EC Lockwood Miss Maria,13 Myddeltonstreet E C Crawley William, 14 Windsor st. Islington N &ey Gustave & Son, 94 Clerkenwell road EC Paterson & Son, 26 Woodbridge stree\ EC Davall Stephen, 18 Brewer st. GosweIl rd EC Richard & Co. clocks & bronzes, manufac- SmithJ n.& Sons, 18,22,23&24 St.John's sqE c: Day Henry, 38 Fellows st. Kingsland rd NE turers of french clocks & carriageclocks, 24 §,Dent E. & Co. 61 Strand WC & 4 Royal Cannon st EC;& 10 Quai .femrnapes Paris CLOG MAKERS. Exchange, Cornhill; factory,4 Hanway pi Rolez Jules, 68 Ratton garden EC See Patten le Clog Maker,. W; clockmakers by special appointment to Rolfe Robert, 15 GIo'sterst. St.John st. rd EC the Queen l:tombachAugustne.21Cross st.HattongdnEC CLOTH AGENTS, lee Agentl-(J[ot~ DoddPhilipGeorge&Son,146LeadenhallstE C t'~Rowley Arthur & Henry, 40 Theobald's Edward George & Sons, No. 1 Poultry EC road WC Elliott J ames, Sainsbury Wm. 42 Windsor street,Islington N CLOTH CAP MAKERS, lee Cap Maltera . l'n chime damper Maurice & Co. 1 Holborn circus EC Specllllty clocks Schmitt Freres & Co. 145 EIoundsditch E CLOTH FACTORS & MERCHANTS. .. Schwar (Adalbert) &Co. 310 Walworth rd SE See Blackwll Hall Factors; Wool Merchant8 for halls, ChImIng on gongs Schworer Joseph, 14 Green st. Betllnal gm E also Woollen Warehousemen. ., Scriven Wm. Henry, 3 Compton street EC & bells, & Harrrngton s patent Silber & Fleming Limited (dealers), 56! to 62 CLOTH PAPER MANUFACTURER_ t be .& 71 Wood str~t EC& 2 London wall £ C Bishop William, 174 & 176 St. John streetE c: u s, Slmmons & Fredencks, 19 Chartrho.bldgs EC §·~Smith John & Sons, 18, 22, 2.3 & 24 St. CLOTH ROLLING BOARD MAKERS. 5 Percival street, John'ssqE C; chllrch,turret,ffiuslCal&house Clerkenwell EC clock manfrs. & patentees. Chime & skele- Orook~ndenE. Thaddeus, 305 Lower road SE Every George Wm. 102 Barnsbury road N ton clocks, cases, detector clocks & electric HawkIns Rd.& Co.llBucknallst.N.Oxfd.stWC: ;:~i:~ ~:h~i~: i~:~~~°fo~:~~d NW ~~~1l~~~:1~~~~p~:Se(1~~)~b~~~~d:~~~ CLOrH SHRINKER~ FaBer Lorenzo, 157 Gray's inn road WC for illuminated church dials (1865); im- Peerless George Read & Son 61 Old street, Bt~ §,Frodsham Charles & Co. 84 Strand WC, by porters of foreign clocks & watches; silver Luke's EC &23Golden Equare W special appointment to Her Majesty medal, Invention 1885; new tube chimes Only place of business, 84 Strand WC Souris Achille,40 Wilson st. Finsbury EC CLOTH WATERPROOFERS. '§FrodshamG.E.Limted.31Gracecburchstreet Spiegelhalter G.&Co.6Mount pI.Whtchpl. rdE See Waterproofer,. EC (established nearly 100 years) SpiegelhalterAlbert,10Spring §* Gammage Thomas & Son, I St. Michael's Starley William Henry, 112 Leman street E alley EC (from the late McCabe & Co.) Steiert Martin, 35 Percival st.ClerkenwellE C CLOTHWORKERS. §GanterJohn, 50 Paul street, Finsbury EC §tStockall Jas. John, 6 & 8 Clerkenwell rdE C See also Hotpresserl. till'Gay(E.),Lamaille &Co.wholesale mll.nufac- '1'aylor C.& Oo.(tell tale),44 Almast. HoxtonN Marked thus" are Pre8sera. turers of french clocks & bronzes, english ThomaConrad,1 Richardsonst.BermndseyS E Marked thus t are Packel'8. chiming & striking clocks, 13 Oharterhous~ Thoma Fridolin, 96 St. John street EC tBeckwith Charles & Co. 10 Noble street E C 5lt. Holbom circus EC;& 32 rue dp. Paradis, fhorpe John Hllghas, 126 Burdett road E& 2, 3 & 4 Oat lane EC Paris; sole agents for A. Brocot & Son lITbwaite3 & Reed, 15 Bowling green lane, Dibben & Co. Orange yard, Rose st. Soho W Gehres AIbert, 50 Leman street EEC;church & house clocks. Estblishd.1740 Dorey Thos. Wm. 41 Fetter lane, HolbornE C' Gilbert Wm. L. Olock Co. 9!1Fenchurch st EC TopleyFredk.Chas.20 Spencerst.Clerknwll EC Fan Francis & 00. 12 Golden square W; 2, 3) *"Gillett & Co. Croydon, London, established 1'oplis John, lA., Compton st. OlerkellwellE C& 32 Bridle lane W& 67 Beak street W 1844; makers to Her Majesty the Queen, TribeJohn Carr, 38 Spencer st. Goswell rd EC Fisher J sph. & Sons, 3,4 & 5 Broker's alleyWC. contractors to H. M. Government, Wa'- t*'lrTurner John Chas. 142 St.Johnst. rd EC HarmerThos.Wm.& Co.50NewCompton stWC Office, Post Office &c. Gold Medals, Inven- Tweer Willibald & Co. 2 Wilson st.Finsbry EC Hawkins Richard & Co. 11 Buckllall st WC • tions Exhibition, 18811 & Brussels Exhibi- Union Clock Co. 57 St. Mary Axe EC tJennens, Welch &Co. 22&23A, Little Portlanlb tion 1888; Silver Medal, Paris Exhibition Wal"'.~ick Edwin Arthur, 51 Gt Sutton st EC street W& 136&140 Old street EC & Spring- 1889; Makers of the Law Courts clockf. §'lrWatch & Olockmakers' Alliance, 184 Ox- wood works, Huddersfield & bells, vide" Turret Olocks" ford street W Kettle Robert & Son, 66 Osnaburgh street NW Goldsmiths'Alliance Co. Lim. 11 & 12 Cornhill §Webster Richard G. 5 Queen Victoria st NiWett & 00. 4 Bunhill row EC EC& 18 Red Lion street EC E C. Established at 74 Cornhill A.D. 1711 Nicoll & Peyton, 12 Marshal! st. Golden sq W ·§~Goldsmiths' &Silversmiths' Company, 112 §Wehlen Gustav Paul & Co.8 CullumstreetE C Peerless George R. & Sons, 101 Old street E: elk Regent street W & 48 Glasshouse streetW ~West Edwin, 70 Rosoman street EC 23 Golden square W '-t§GreenwoodJohn&Sons,34Farrngdn.rdE C Whiteley William, 31 to 50 & 61 Westbourne tPerrott & Perrott, 24 Tenter st.Moorfids E C Grimshaw & Baxter, 33 & il5 Goswell road E C, grove W & 147 to 159 Queen's road W Rainproof Cloth Company, la & 14 King at.
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