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The list of candidates who filed qualifying papers by the deadline Friday to run for House seats in Congress in Florida.

Write-in candidates, whose names won't be on the ballot, not included unless they serve to keep a primary closed

CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 1 Jeff Miller, REP, Incumbent Joe Cantrell NPA John Krause NPA

DISTRICT 2 DEM, Incumbent Dianne Berryhill NPA Eddie Henry REP DEM Paul McKain NPA Ronald McNeil REP Barbara Olschner REP David Scholl REP Steve Southerland REP

DISTRICT 3 DEM, Incumbent Dean Black REP Scott Fortune DEM Terry Martin-Back NPA Chris Nwasike REP Michael "Mike" Yost REP

DISTRICT 4 REP, Incumbent Troy Dwayne Stanley NPA

DISTRICT 5* OPEN (Brown-Waite) Ginny Brown-Waite REP, Incumbent* Richard "Rich" Nugent REP James John Piccillo DEM Jason Patrick Sager REP

*Brown-Waite said Friday she won't run, and is backing Nugent

DISTRICT 6 REP, Incumbent Don Browning REP Steve Schonberg NPA

DISTRICT 7 REP, Incumbent Heather Beaven DEM

DISTRICT 8 DEM, Incumbent Ross Bieling REP Peg Dunmire TEA Daniel Roy Fanelli REP Kurt Kelly REP Todd Long REP George Metcalfe NPA William Bruce O'Donoghue REP Patricia Sullivan REP Daniel Webster REP

DISTRICT 9 Gus REP, Incumbent Anita de Palma DEM Phil Hindahl DEM

DISTRICT 10 REP, Incumbent Charlie Justice DEM

DISTRICT 11 DEM, Incumbent Eddie Adams Jr. REP Tony Buntyn REP Thomas Castellano REP Timothy Curtis DEM Mike Prendergast REP

DISTRICT 12 OPEN (Putnam) Lori Edwards DEM John Lindsey Jr. REP REP Douglas David Tudor DEM Randy Wilkinson TEA

DISTRICT 13 REP, Incumbent Don Baldauf REP Rick Eaton DEM James Golden DEM Jan Schneider NPA

DISTRICT 14 Connie Mack REP, Incumbent James Lloyd Roach DEM William Maverick St. Claire NPA DISTRICT 15 REP, incumbent Shannon Roberts DEM

DISTRICT 16 Tom Rooney REP, Incumbent Jim Horn DEM Ed Tautiva DEM

DISTRICT 17 OPEN (Meek) Marleine Bastien DEM Phillip Brutus DEM James Bush III DEM Scott Galvin DEM Shirley Gibson DEM Rudolph "Rudy" Moise DEM Yolly Roberson DEM Roderick Vereen NPA Andre Williams DEM DEM

DISTRICT 18 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen REP, Incumbent Rolando Banciella DEM

DISTRICT 19 DEM, Incumbent Joe Budd REP

DISTRICT 20 Debbie Wasserman-Schultz DEM, Incumbent Stanley Blumenthal NPA Karen Harrington REP Bob Kunst NPA Robert Lowry REP Donna Elizabeth Milo REP

DISTRICT 21 OPEN (Lincoln Diaz-Balart) Mario Diaz-Balart REP

DISTRICT 22 DEM, Incumbent David Brady REP Paul Francis Renneisen DEM REP

DISTRICT 23 DEM, Incumbent Bernard Sansaricq REP

DISTRICT 24 DEM, Incumbent Sandra "Sandy" Adams REP Karen Diebel REP Tom Garcia REP Deon Long REP Craig Miller REP Paul Partyka DEM

DISTRICT 25 OPEN (Mario Diaz-Balart) Roly Arrojo TEA Mariana "Marli" Cancio REP REP DEM Luis Meurice DEM Craig Porter FWP REP