Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Intraplate Strike-Slip Faulting: the Neogene-Quaternary Kuh-E-Faghan Fault, Central Iran
1 Publisher: GSA 2 Journal: GSAB: GSA Bulletin 3 DOI:10.1130/B31266.1 4 5 Space-time evolution of the Neogene–Quaternary Kuh-e-Faghan fault, central Iran 6 GSA Bulletin; Month/Month 2015; v. 1xx; no. X/X; p. 000–000; doi: 10.1130/B31266.1 7 8 9 Spatio-temporal evolution of intraplate strike-slip faulting: the 10 Neogene-Quaternary Kuh-e-Faghan Fault, Central Iran 11 12 Gabriele Calzolari(1), Federico Rossetti(1;*), Marta Della Seta(2), Reza Nozaem (3), Valerio 13 Olivetti(4), Maria Laura Balestrieri(5), Domenico Cosentino(1), Claudio Faccenna(1), 14 Finlay M. Stuart(6), Gianluca Vignaroli(1) 15 16 1Dipartimento di Scienze, Università Roma Tre, Largo S. L. Murialdo 1, 00146 Roma, Italy 17 2Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, “Sapienza” Università di Roma, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 18 Rome, Italy 19 3Department of Geology, Imam Khomeini International University, 34149-16818 Qazvin, Iran 20 4Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, IRD, CEREGE UM34, 13545 Aix en Provence, France. 21 5CNR-Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Via G. La Pira 4, 50121 Firenze, Italy 22 6Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, Scottish Enterprise Technology Park, East 23 Kilbride G75 0QF, UK 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 (*) Corresponding Author 36 Email: 37 Tel: +390657338082 38 Fax: +3957338201 1 39 ABSTRACT 40 Central Iran provides an ideal region to study the long-term morphotectonic response to the 41 nucleation and propagation of intraplate faulting. In this study, a multidisciplinary approach 42 that integrates structural and stratigraphic field investigations with apatite (U+Th)/He (AHe) 43 thermochronometry is used to reconstruct the spatio-temporal evolution of the Kuh-e-Faghan 44 Fault (KFF) in northeastern Central Iran.
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