Table of Contents


TVC·································································································· 4

Commentary············································································ 4

TVC Storyboard········································································· 6


Commentary············································································ 9

Blog Demo············································································· 11



Twitter Demo·········································································· 15

Instagram························································································· 16


Instagram Demo·······································································17

References························································································ 18 Introduction

Universal Production Music has rebranded its product from 2B to 2C this year. This portfolio will help Universal Production Music build a connection with public customers. The key message is, “Bring your stories to life with the power of music”. It means you can find any music in Universal Production Music to suit your mood. The new brand personality will be built with inspiration, creation and emotion to match its new target audience, “creator”. It will be shown on different platforms in different ways. These creative content needs to be rolled out over two-months from late-October to mid-December 2017.

There will be four pieces of media content in this folio to convey the brand key message. TVC is central to the whole campaign since it covers most of the audiences. It will show the key message directly. A web blog should be created to convey the message constantly. Since the period of this campaign is close to Christmas, the blog post shown in this folio will be used as a hook. The content of Twitter and Instagram will be consistent with the blog post and TVC so that they can promote each other. Since all the parts are related to each other, the target audience segmentation will be justified in the first part (TVC) commentary and the purpose of all pieces will call back to the main objectives of this campaign. TVC



From the feedback of my tutor and the peer review, I realized that I did not do enough research on my target audience. My narrative is more about what I want to give them, not what they want from me. On the other hand, it did not closely relate to the brand’s key message. Therefore, this time I made the main character a designer who works in an advertising or art industry. I learned their characteristics and made it connect with Universal Production Music. The key message of this new video is the same as the brand key message.


1. Showcase the talent behind Universal Production Music and the brand personality. 2. Drive awareness towards the brand’s key message by helping people use music to set the mood at work. 3. Increase downloads by 2% in iTunes and increase views of its website by 2% as well.

Main message

Bring stories to life with the power of music. It also conveys the brand personality, which is characterised by creativity, inspiration and emotion.


According to the BARB ( audience measurement organisation) study (2016), there are still over 87% people who watch TV more than 40 mins per day. Over 90% of audiences are 16-45 years old. The target audience of Universal Production Music is 25 to 45 years old. These statistics show this channel (TV) can cover all of the target audience.

Accordingly, the target audience of this part is the same as the brand audience. They are creators who work for the arts or advertising industry, or own a small business. According to Stillman (2013), creative people have seven typical characteristics; they are imaginative, creative, motivated, ambiguous, flexible, emotional and picky. As for the work attributes, Dorn (2017) proposed that the people who work for the arts or advertising industry like advertising agencies are always under high workload and pressures. They need to stay up late to create some ideas to meet client needs (Dorn, 2017). In addition, these features are also found in small business owners. The pressure on them is even stronger since they decide the fate of their companies (Duff, 2017). Therefore, inspiration and creativity is really important to their work life.

The whole idea of TVC is based on the target audience analysis that they all need inspiration and creativity to cope with their high load works. Character, place, and time are key elements of a narrative. The protagonist is a designer for an art company, the place setting is an office, and the time setting is 3am. This setting accords to the target audiences’ real life and can easily resonate them. The event is that the main character lacks inspiration to design which can happen to any creators in reality. To solve this problem, the items come to life to help him. Creating this imagination is because the target audiences are more easily attracted by some creative ideas than a simple story. Universal Production Music is the reason that items come alive. This plot can present the brand personality, which is inspirational and creative. According to Andrea (2012), an open-ended story can arise more engagement from audiences. Therefore, the story ends when the music stops, all the items come back to normal and leave the brand to explore naturally. It also leaves space for another advertisement to follow this so audiences can find out how the music can be used in a work day. The items come to life with the previous design because the music is just like the brand message meaning. Therefore, the impression of the brand message can be deeper.

Music note: The music chosen is “Sky is Falling” from the “Art of Songs”. The album suits the target audience. The music starts with a gentle sound which suits the silence of midnight and the mood of the character, which is anxious, upset and tired. Later the music becomes up-beat which can reveal the character’s mood change to surprise and curiosity. The climax of the song is cheerful which reflects the joy of creation.

Character note: The ideal protagonist is Jonathan Daniel Hamm who played the main character in “Mad Men”. That TV series used to be seen as “one of the greatest TV series” and “the textbook for advertisers”. He could recall audiences’ memories and use the power of icon. TVC Storyboard

SCENE: 1 (0-3s) PANEL: 1 ACTION: A close-up alarm showing 3 am. A man sitting in an office alone, drawing pictures quickly and anxiously. There are a lot of discarded pictures around the desk. FX: No background music, just a clear sound “Tik - Tok, Tik - Tok”. SHOT: Shot close-up (focus on the alarm) and then to tight-medium (show the background and the man). Eye level angle. The background gradually gets bright.

SCENE: 2 (4-7s) PANEL: 2 ACTION: He sinks feebly in a chair looking exhausted and upset. He picks up his phone and presses the “play” button on the screen. The playlist’s name is Universal Production Music. Then he leaves the office to make a coffee.

FX: Music starts when he presses “play”.

SHOT: Tight medium shot, eye level angle at the beginning. Pan to close-up and point-of-view angle to focus on the phone when he presses the button. Then pan to medium shot and eye level angle when he is going to leave. SCENE: 3 (7-14) PANEL: 3 ACTION: When he goes back to pull open the door, he finds all the papers he drew and the pencil comes to life! The pieces of paper all stand on the desk. Some designs are wrinkled and some are unfinished. The pencil looks like a leader around the design papers.

FX: Music

SHOT: Full shot, oblique angle from the man’s perspective (who stands at the door), focus on the desk.

SCENE: 4 15- 23s PANEL:4 ACTION: The man walks to the desk. The pencil and paper see him and wave their hands to say “hi.” The pencil gestures and talks about the design idea with him. (For example, the pencil points to the first picture and the second picture. It then holds its hands together to express combining the two pictures together.) They start to work together on the design.

FX: The music still goes on. When they start to work together, it changes to double speed.

SHOT: Medium shot, high angle from the man’s perspective. SCENE: 5 23-29s PANEL:5 ACTION: With the pencil and the pictures’ help, he quickly finishes the design. When they are celebrating the success of designing, the phone runs out of battery and the music stops. Suddenly, all the pictures and the pencil go back to normal items. The man leaves with a shocked and unbelieving look on his face.

FX: Music to Silence

SHOT: Tight Medium shot, Eye level angle, audience can see their happy on the faces. When the music stops, the shot zooms in from a tight medium shot to a reaction shot. It shows the man’s face clearly.

SCENE:6 29-32s PANEL: 6 ACTION: The logo of “Universal Production Music.” Key message “Bring the stories to life with the power of music”.

FX: The scene fades out and just leaves the title. Silence.

SHOT: N/A Blog



From the peer review in week 7, my previous blog looks similar to an advertorial. I restudied and learned the blog needed to be based on audience needs in order to provide information, not just promotion. It can call to action at the end but not the whole blog (Augustus, 2015).


1. Show the talent behind UPM’s music; 2. Drive brand awareness and loyalty by creating a web blog to see how UPM can help them to inspire their mood at home and work. 3. Engage audiences to participate in content creation. 4. Increase downloads for Christmas in iTunes by 2% and increase views on the official website by 2%.

Main message

UPM is inspirational and creative. It will bring your stories to life with the power of music.


According to WARC DATA (2017), 92% of Australians use social media. The average daily online media consumption has reached 5 hours. Since the campaign objective is to build customer awareness beyond the traditional commercial licensing, a Universal Production Music official blog should be built to get close to the audiences.

The UPM’s blog will be divided into three different sections to meet the interests of the target audiences. Music for Your Story recalls the personality trait of emotionality. It uses Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to engage people into posting their stories so that UPM can find suitable music for their stories. The result will be posted to this part of the blog. Creative Life recalls the brand personality trait of creativity. Here, creative ideas that can benefit people’s lives will be posted. Inspire Your Work is for bringing inspirational ideas about artistic work to assist the target audience to set the mood in their life. The web blog needs to be updated every week to increase reader loyalty. This folio will show one as an example.

The target audience for this piece is the “creator,” who is 18-49, with a special focus on 40-49. As a “creator”, they love creating but also need some tips to inspire their ideas (Fussell, 2015). According to Statista (2016), a blog covers all ages of viewers and people between 40 to 49 read the most. These people value the joy of life more than work.

Since the period is close to Christmas, this blog will use Christmas as a topic to guide Christmas preparation. There will be post in “Creative Life” on the second week of December. Regarding the analysis of typical blog content, images, lists and video are important to attract people. Based on Andrea (2012), communication is an important way to let your narrative continue to another platform and get audiences involved. Therefore, this blog calls some actions at the end to engage the audiences to the stories. Blog Demo

4 Tips and 1 crazy idea to create a special Christmas!

Have you ever had this feeling? Year to year, Christmas is so similar and repetitive! You wake up and decorate the house in the morning, perhaps go to church in the afternoon and have dinner with family at night. The only exciting thing might be the moment you open your gift.

BUT! Christmas should be a meaningful moment for everyone to feel love and gratitude! How can you create a special Christmas for you and the people you love?

4 Tips to make a special Christmas

1. Make a Gift List!

Don’t leave the gift picking to the last minute! Think about what your friend, lover, or family member has said in daily life. Here is a demo gift list~ You can download it or make one yourself.

2. Learn some Unique Recipes!

Dinner for Christmas is really important. However, what if you’ve never cooked before? Let’s learn some great recipes!

7 Easy Thanksgiving Recipes: Fantastic Christmas dinner plan includes recipes for turkey, sides and dessert. However, even though it looks easy in this video, it is hard! You’ll need practice!

CHRISTMAS BAKING IDEAS-TOP Xmas Desserts for the Holidays: My favorite recipes! The ideas are full of creativity and fun. However, they’re also complex.

3. Find some Unique Decorations!

I know it’s boring to see the same decorations every year. So where to find the special ones? Here are two options for you.

 Find some local Christmas markets on Facebook. For example, there is an Boho Luxe Christmas Market on 10th December in Melbourne where you can go for a shopping trip.

 DIY the decorations by following guides from Youtube.

10 DIY Christmas recycled decoration HOW TO!: Some basic decorations like a snowman or light bulbs.

4. Create a playlist

Some people may have their music preferences for Christmas. They might have their favorite CDs or playlists in iTunes. However, what if you don’t usually listen to ? Actually, UPM has already made some playlists for you to use. They have traditional Christmas and winter songs. You can download them via iTunes. Here is an example from the album Christmas- Traditional. By the way, the songs that play on this blog is called “Wake Up Call” from UPM winter songs. (Just in case you like it )

A crazy but romantic idea -- Make a winter Christmas in summer!

Christmas in Australia is no white Christmas down under. BUT perhaps we can make a snowy holiday by ourselves! There’s no need to take up the whole house. You can build it in a tent to make it a surprise.

10 DIY Winter Room Decor Ideas: This can help you to decorate a room to look like winter!

How to Make Fake Snow in SECONDS!: DIY some snow. You can even use the snow to make a snowman.

I wish you all have a wonderful Christmas! Check out more Christmas songs here.

UPM is collecting the Christmas stories to try to find the best song for you! You can follow our Facebook or Instagram or Twitter account, and you can hashtag #ChristmasUPM when you write down your Christmas stories and wishes. We will post a blog under “Story with Music” and show the music we picked for you. Hope you like it !!!! Twitter Commentary Purpose 1. Showcase the brand personality and drive brand awareness by connecting to other channels. 2. Attract Twitter users to participate in the “Story with Music” blog content creation. 3. Increase downloads by 2% for Christmas albums in iTunes and views of the web blog by 2%. 3. Increase views of TVC by 2%.

Main Message Bring your stories to life with the power of music.

Justification Based on the data from Statista (2017), the number of Australian Twitter users increased to 2.62 million in 2016. Over 83% of users are under 45 years old. The target audience of this piece is Twitter users, which crosses with the blog audience segmentation and TVC audience segmentation. In the official account “UPM(AU/NZ),” the contents are all short and direct. Every tweet is related to a campaign or new album. That decides the basis of style of these two tweets.

The first Tweet is related to the blog content. Twitter can stimulate strong audience engagement as exemplified by when Toyota used hashtag #ToyotaNation to increase user impressions of the brand in 2017 by 79% (Event Reports, 2017). This tweet is designed to raise the awareness of the blog and brand by using hashtags as well. The way of expression is “new news” Tweet which refers to pure information about news update in the successful Twitter analysis (ESOMAR, 2016).

The second Tweet is related to TV commercial video. Twitter can help TV by reaching multi-screening consumers and exposing the brand personality directly to audiences (ESOMAR, 2016). In addition, the design of the image aligns with the cover of UPM “art of songs” album. The content uses the 'Just like us' tweet to evoke audience’s curiosity to check what happened. It means the tweets use the attribute of the segment and insist that we are the same (WARC Best Practice, 2017). This tweet starts with a question that describes a normal situation for “creators”. Twitter Demo Instagram Commentary Reflection The above image is based on the internet picture, so I drew a new one. In this new one, I also made the design more suitable for the brand and target segment. Purpose 1. Promote the blog and attract Instagram users to participate in content creation for the ‘Story with Music’ blog. 2. Increase downloads for the Christmas albums in iTunes by 2% and views of the blog and blog posts by 2%. 3. Drive brand awareness about“Bring your stories to life with the power of music.”

Main message Bring your stories to life with the power of music Post your Christmas story and let UPM find you a song that suits your mood.

Justification UPM does not have an official Instagram account in Australia. The only account “universalproductionmusicuk” looks friendly. However, the account looks so personal that it looks messy. We need to create a new Instagram account to make the content as friendly as UK but more well-organized because the target audience is the “creator” who may be really picky about the image design.

This post recalls the blog post so it needs to stimulate the audiences desire to post their Christmas stories. According to WARC Best Practice (2017), hashtags can engage young people effectively. Therefore, it will be used in the content. The design of the image is about Christmas which keeps in line with the topic. Just like all the images on Instagram with hashtags, the title is in the middle to stand out. The image keeps the key elements of the TVC cover which posts on Twitter but with some Christmas decorations. This is to promote the video and drive awareness of the brand personality. This design style is also similar to the album cover, “Art of Songs,” which is also be the source of theme song in the TVC. Instagram Demo References

BARB. 2016. “TV viewing in the internet age.” Admap magazine. Accessed October 29 , 2017. N-SAMPSON.pdf

Duff, Victoria. 2017. "Stress Levels of Business Owners and Employees." Accessed October 29, 2017.

Dorn, Niklas. 2017. "16 Pros and Cons of Working at an Ad Agency | Filestage Blog." The Advertising Bible. Accessed October 29, 2017.

Event Reports. 2017. "Toyota uses Twitter to drive Daytona success." Accessed October 29, 2017. to_drive_Daytona_success/111227.

ESOMAR. 2017. "The new (new) social TV revolution: how Twitter contributes to the new way of TV watching." Accessed October 29, 2017. 7d80a754d5.

Fussell, Matt. 2015. "7 Characteristics of Successful Artists." TheVirtualInstructor Blog. Accessed October 29, 2017.

Phillips, Andrea. 2012. A creator's guide to transmedia storytelling: how to captivate and engage audiences across multiple platforms (pp 75-81 and 119-126)

Stillman, Jessica. 2013. "7 Characteristics of Highly Creative People." Accessed October

29, 2017.

"Proportion of consumers who read online reviews or blogs in Australia in 2016, by age." Statista. Accessed October 29, 2017. ading-online-reviews-or-blogs-by-age/. Statista. 2017. "Number of Twitter users in Australia from 2014 to 2016 (in millions)." Accessed October 29, 2017. ustralia/.

WARC DATA. 2017."Australia, Social engagement." Accessed October 29, 2017.,_social_enga gement/112638.

WARC Best Practice. 2017. "What we know about marketing on Twitter." Accessed October 29, 2017. t_marketing_on_twitter/110498.

WARC Best Practice. 2017. "What we know about marketing on Instagram." Accessed October 29, 2017. t_marketing_on_instagram/110477.