Woodbridge Stores Open Every Night 'til Christmm

miplete News, Pictures Our Family o! over 35,000 Resented Fairly, Clearly Readers i§ a Valuable Market j,l Impartially Each Week Sn&epenbent - leaber for All Our Advertise**. XLVIII—NO. 43 Entered a* Second CIBM Mutter 1 at the Po»t. Omce. WoodbrWge, N. J. WOODBRlbGE, N.J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1371956 PubllthM «virr Tundiy nt IS On«n Rtnct. Woodbrtdft, N. J. PRICE EIGHT CENTS (weetness and Yule Fund Far Behind; Light E. GREGORY $1,400 Received Only

elhowu , I can't quite Mlthi' s must be the year Half-Way Toward Goal 1 failif .

is, portents and ex Van Pelt Choice as Head 10 Days Left to the contrary, my nation is not equal to Of Police Juvenile Bureau To Send Gifts ing the possibility that WOODBRIDOE — A Juvenile nmunlty of 50,000 la Bureau will be officially estab- For Needy Aid lished In the police department unable or 30 callous nnd Sgt. Kenneth Van Pelt, who refuse to bring some ms done un outstanding Job in WOODBRIDQK — The Indt-' uvenlle work during the past sev- pendent-Leader Christmas Fund measure of Christmas iral months, will be placed In to aid Township needy families inrss to a mere 100 de- ;harge of the Bureau. Mayor now stands at $1,413.40 — only pie . half way mark. In comparison with OK and desolate faml Hugh B. Qutgley announced to- day. last year's figures the fund lags. f*r brushed by some crue behind as the case list grows. As The matter will be finally set- of this writing there are 65 worthy into forgotten lonell- SANTA'S HELPERS VERY BUSY: Woodbrid&e High School students have been serving as volunteer Santa helpers by wrapping gifts tied at a caucus tonight and the families needing help. appointment mftd« at the next Fin the eleventh year for The Independent-Leader Christmas Fund. Left to rljcht are Charlotte Linn, Wayne Hanrattie, Margaret Holden, Miss Ruth Wolk Every penny received 1B spent regular meeting Tuesday night. Independent-Leader— of The Independent-Leader staff and Patricia Boehmer. directly to help the needy — all Police Chief John R. Egan In expenses are paid by the fu! of the blessings 0 a communication to Police Com- bridge Publishing Company. ehi-m—has suggested missioner L. Charles Mangione Boylan Heads List Cost 'Excessive' Desmond New Cops to Swell made the recommendation of the This weekend is the last Iqr'"'•"£ vc reflect the spirit 0 Van Pelt appointment as follows: wrapping gifts, so no clothing Or | "In'view of the great publicity toys will be accepted after i*QO%- VvJ infant's coming by an time on Saturday. If any a# ,** To Replace Nicklas Urges B. ofE. Refuse Plot Wee to 84 Jan. 1and general Increase of work in sM<>n of heartfelt char brought after that time tt«jr"*IB^J| WOODBRIDOE — In' a report to the Board of Education this connection with juvenile delin- WOODBRIDOE — Patrick Boy- WOODBRIDGE — Ten new po- be refused because there will• foe •'* vi 11 at the cost of sac week, Andrew D. Desmond, Board Counsel, advised against the pur- quency, we saw fit to assign Ser- lan. assistant superintendent of cemen, including the first Negro no time left to sort and jwrap :J chasing of land on old 8t. George Avenue, near the new high school, geant Kenneth Van Pelt to handle : schools U nerving In the capacity ver appointed to the Woodbridge them. " ,' jr owned by Mrs. Marjorie Binder as the 'price asked for this plot (Continued on Page Eight) SGT. VAN PELT of acting superintendent and from 'olice Department, will be named What time Independent-Leader M appears to be excessive." all Indications has the lead In ob- iy the Township Committee at Its mployees have left next wee* yf&LV.f r 1 und which we admin The asking prjee for the land, 120 x 130 feet, U $20,000. The site taining the superintendent's post next meeting, December 18. Ma- used in assigning truckr -and' •"" t K li Christmas for you left vacant by the death of Victor is said to be desired, In case the | or Hugh B. Quigley announced Drive for Hungarian Relief stablishlng routes and other de- T school board refuses it, for a piz- -M an expression — al C. Nicklas. Trenton Parley Called ;oday. alls that are time-absorbing. Toys, * zeria stand. lothing and food baskets will be • On East-West Freeway The appointments, which wll >M thus far this year it Board, members said today they Mr. Desmond pointed out that Slated to Close Saturday ellvered Friday, December 21., -...'.a! become effective January 1, wil v have been busy working on the the school district has ample Donations received during the 1 aiy more than a wee, WOOUPRIDQE — Mayor bring the force strength to 84 WOODBRIDOE — Mayor Hugh B. Quigley 1ms been named budget and have talked the mat- round plus the means of Ingress iast week were u follows: voice which will not be ter over for "a few minutes," but Hugh B. Quigley announced to- men—a new high. Township chairman of the drive now in progress for Hungarian Relief nd egress to the new High School day that he and Township En- $50.00 most of them admitted that Mr. Lawrence L. Jefferson, 160 In the Raritan Bay area. I sufficiently to be re- and that "In view of our present gineer Howard Madison will at- Lucky Eight Hunting Club, Inc. Boylan had the Inside track. Two Bunas Lane, Woodbridge, Is the "The drive, which will wind up Saturday, is under the direction economic position, it will seem tend a conference in Trenton $M.W ared, if It must be call- members, who did not wish to be first man of his race to become of the International Rescue Committee, Inc., which is sponsored by all that the expenditure Is not war- next Monday with State High- John Poppas, Liberty "Trucking: * quoted directly, said they felt, a local police officer. He Is now the accredited Hungarian and other relief agencies including the uroughout the length rented for purely aesthetic pur- was Commisloner Dwight R. O. Company, Frederick M. Adams.* we should not rush into *nj- a intematlonal R^d Crow, to raise ncadth of the Township poses," •. "'- " "* '•<'•'•' Palmer who hffs'Dfeeri'BSked to employed..W Ward at.the New loseph A. Dambwh, 0r. Nalac* A.*f' thine." Jersey State Prison Farm, Avenel funds to help" fhe'toTfu'fed and Mt. 'Mfarry Christmas" Continuing Mr. Desmond stated give consideration to a new East- •Cenworthy, August F. Greiner iito tnc forsaken homes Others to be appointed are Zig homeless Hungarians in Europe," if Mr. Boylan is named to the 'If the Board were to entertain West freeway route proposed by $20.00 mond S. Woljclk, 129 Clyde Ave- the mayor said this week. Is Indeed A Nice Guy A ho are ip need. When top post in the school system, it entures of this sort, the entire both Mayor Quigley and Mayor "Merry Christmas," AgnW JVlck nue, Hopelawn; Joseph J. Rusbar- Checks should be made out to Is expected that Thomas O. Des- strip along old St. George Ave- James J. Flynn, Jr., Perth Am- $15.00 ><|iiirements loom so sky, 9 Bender Avenue, Iselln; Itephen P. Mtlhalko, treasurer and WOODBRIDGE — That fel- mond, first vice principal at the nue, Freeman Street and Route I, boy. Women's Civic Clutb of Wood- mailed to M«Jf» QuteV at Uw low "Merry Christmas." Jfi. a md the means with high school, will become assis- Mould have to bet clawed oil by Trw-new route -would ettmi- Robert A. Esau, 17 Hoy. Awauia, Municipal Builmng, 1 Main Street, very generous man—or maybe a tant superintendent and that Ed- purchase at a cost which would nate destruction of homes in Fords, son of Police Chief John $14.00 11 meet them comes Voodbrldge. woman. ward P. Keating, another vice eventually interfere with the fur- both WoodbridRe ahd Perth Am- R. Egan; Walter J.-Singer, 5 Ben- The Women's Club of COM ia iy, we spwid worri- der Avenue, Iselln; Edward R. The amount collected in the Anyway this'week he sent two $10.00 principal will move up to the nishing of school and school boy. It would begin at Route 1, ten-dollar bills to The Inde- • lays and nights— spot now occupied by Mr. Des- rooms." Edison and connect with all Ressel, U Adams Street, Iselln; 'ownshtp will be delivered to the Mr. and Mrs. William J.-tytrren, Fred C. Wandros, Jr., 44 Jansen tarltan Bay headquarters at 264 pendent-Leader Christmas Dr. Mortimer Cowen, Mr. ahd. Mrs. mond. That will mean a new ap- major roads ending at Route Fund and the same amount to ::..\ a day when we "An Investigation of the site will Avenue, Avenel; Anthony O'Brien, fladlson' Avenue, Perth Amboy, Edward J. Kath, Mrs. Beft flam- pointment to take Mr. {Ceatlng's 35, Perth Amboy. the Woodbridge Emergency >K. into a tearful eye disclose that the elimination by 51 Tappen Street, Avenel; Wil- ifhlch In turn will forward It to son, Woodbridge Township-^chool place. Also attending the conference, Squad. In a note to the latter purchase of the vaflous prospec- liam E. Dopp, 341 Prospect Ave- he International Rescue Commit- Janitors, Mrs. Edward K. Cone, •ivi' little else except which was arranged by State he commended the squad for Its Also to be filled is the post of tive locations for business, would nue, Avenel; Salvatore Grlllo, 324 tee. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Williams, run into a prohibitive cost and Senator John Lynch, will be excellent service to the com- director of elementary education Remseri Avenue Avenel. Tomorrow night the Woodbridge Mr, and Mrs. Raymond R* <(bider-" serve no functional benefit, Mayor Thomas Swales, Edison. munity. left vacant when Mr. Boylan was The engineers of both munici- The men were the first ten on Drlvc-Iir Theatre will admit with- son, United Churchwomfln, Dr. To Merry Christmas—a, very named assistant superintendent. "Our location of the new High palities will also attend. the eligibility list provided by the iut charge all patrops presenting Joseph S. Mark Merry Christmas. are those who seek Harry Lund, principal ot Avenel School sets It far enough away Civil Service Commission. Wojcik, bundle of useable clean clothing. $8.95 School, is believed to be In the Boy Scouts of Troop 34 from these possible business estab- HEAD HUNGARIAN RELIEF Rusbarsky. Egan and Singer are Mayor Quigley is being assisted "lr us—and the for- $5.00 running for that Job. lishments, as not to Interfere with FORDS—Joseph' Dambach, 55 listed as disabled veterans and y John Molnar as co-chairman Sub-Juniors to Sponsor its functional operation. The ob- Jasper k Son, In memory Of a v reciting the long Meanwhile the board is busy New Brunswick Avenue, and Clif- the others all are veterans. nd area chairmen have been jection to legitimate business in Snow flake Dance Dec. 27friend, Women's Republictffa Club considering requests for pay raises ford Dunham, 567 King Georges Bgan Family's 3rd lamed as follows: Woodbridge, ' ncr appeals for char- this location and under the exist- of Colonia, Mrs, HermaJtEuensen, from the various groups Including Road, have been named to repre With the appointment of Robert Edward Kath, Robert Hirschfeld; WOODBRIDQE — Plans for a ing conditions appears to be 111- Julius Blake, fiajls Jiwelers. ii are being made— teachers, principals, nurses, clerks sent Fords in connection with th Egan, it will be the third member Port Reading, John Zullo; Fords, snowflake dance to be sponsored IContlnued on Page Eight) Friend in Avenel, Mr. aM Mrs. Hungarian Relief Drive. of that family to serve on the oseph Da.mbach and Clifford in in worthy, just as and Janitor*. The budget must toe jointly with the Fords Sub-Juniors G. F. Hunter, School ,f PTA, force. The chief's uncle, also a Dunham; Hopelawn, Joseph Fedor is ours. In times of ready for a preliminary check by at Fords VFW Hall, New Bruns Thomas Dunlgan, Anna II John- Robert Blunt, county superinten- Robert Egan, was the first mem- and Joseph Nemyo; Sewaren, Har- w(ck Avenue, .December 27, wen ber of the family to be a police- son, Ann R, Novak :inted prosperity, I dent of schools, the week after ry Burke, Harry O'Connor and made at a meeting of the Wood man and he usually served on 13,00 , icppt an excuse so Christmas. Mrs. Lawrence Ryan; Avenel, Jo- bridge Sub-Juniors Tuesday a the Ford's beat. seph Bohadee and William Ko- Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Boyter, To Consult Advisors the home of Miss Thea Chodoah .mi confident that i Chief Egan has been asking for 'tlcs; Keasbey, Anthony Nagy; Ise- M. B. William O'Neill, president Of the 146 Green Street. new men for his department for in, Thomas ,/CosteUo and Harry $2.00 1 were willing there Joard. said yesterday that as soon Mrs. Jacob Scheln, 538 Oliv< Mrs. Ralph Conard, A Sewaren some time as the growth of the Jline; Colonia, Peter Slderis and Place, a member of the Woman as the budget Is In shape "we wll friend, anonymous, Mrs.iJ\ Lesfco, • sufficient from ui Township has made the force in- Richard Nicholson. Lawyers, Fred Club of Woodbridge, la adviser o call in the new advisory oom- Mrs. J. Hacker, anonymous •(> beeh fortunate adequate in number. Even with erick M. Adams: taverns, Lou Hor the local club this year. mlttee to go over it with us. W< $1.00 the extra ten men, Chief Egan wil uer and Miss Charlotte O'Neil; In After the meeting the girls madi t" escape life's great ..ill welcome all suggeslons they not be able to meet all the de- dustries, Frank Boka, Isadore Bey, Avenel friend, a friend, anony- toys for little tots as part mous make and in fact will welcome mands made upon him for ex- (Continued on Page Eight) to go around— the American Home project. (Continued on Page Eight) 11 tho help they can give us." tra protection. used clflihing, used Mr. O'Neill said the Board wil ;^ybanlt receipts— try "to be fair to the employes Famous Relic of St. Anne to be Shown >li the causes clvili- sut at the same time we will hav' Center Announces to consider the taxpayer. vngarl|» contrive. Winter Schedule At Church Devotion in Iselin Thursday ISELIN — OJ interest to Cath- WOODBRIDGE — The follow olics In the Township, particu- •'vs dwindle, the time Principals Propose ing schedule for the winter pro- larly members of St. Cecelja's gram was announced at a meeting '' before we look to Parish, Is the coming of Rev. of the Youth Council of the Wood Eugene Lefebvre from the famous Nicklas Memorial Rev. Eugene ivins for ttyje warmth bridge Jewish Community Cent* Shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre, by Harold Wishna, center director Lefebvre, di- ", grows ihortv The Quebec, Canada. WOOUBRIDQE - Tho Victor Monday, Junior and Senior }Ju rector of pil- * 'Wes <4 %)ired, un C. Nicklas Memorfiil Fund lias deiias, Oirls Athletics; Tuesdav Father Lefebvre will conduct grimages at •f Jorin WnnlU. Richard '<* the dinner Tb* atain cacaker »aa Tbi** •< Petk* J >bn U»n In lh* rrtt ti ihf ^ sanctuary, w.th Don Ma*, KkyUiarn MLhael DeStefaM and the Prior «; Garry roaantinis tiie manager •( It* Kia Oikff ttia. Ji*n Mrfrur prradroi »f U» - k !unttr«l Uio» m rVbruary and *.i'. P.*' Ear; H- do &d r^ilize this Joanna Artyxn Also • but iwt to tee a ma)or league The fart . H fatsEEt, erem j--.su ttft k*tt Andrew Hun- ba-wbil) vame next tummer PVHM • a» tht Ban*: bat be is the phot St James School x Mn W»rreE Wannan srtre kin,. dlKuucd Iw the an- Oeaw OW soenss or laitaar* ai«aiatt: ol Si MRS. JIXU a%SEO PeneaaHy, we wmJder Tre honor ro3". tfO>DBR!IX>E — r-tttnl sc- prog ram ?1«-prBtdeot: Mn WD- i^o. '.K «-i Jaii* H*s*o IW Got a Secret- the best pand sbov cc Die air . . Probably "What's grade. Joseph Array tlJ? or art the ;js Patrick wiMf^iin j«c- Oat Ai?Eaf »we h«M jesier- IS dJRruil to keep pice wish arcj. ¥i i *iui i PORDfl — Opposition to a q*- The Chn,:.T, My Line" has tfae mil saleflec- *nnan. Usda Broim tie l»*t caa^txi pir.»:e c< St-nf. t--n*§ : r*i*rr Mr* Robert Toft -rays da~ .:: 51 John's Greek Cstiulv t and mearj Mrs. Arthur Bry«r dal refemidiun (pooaond bf; rW»l*t*d j.-.f. Amtwi tcal paod bat they abrayi cxm-cy Jama Camgaa. Vinsrn: CJiperu) «-*r darker is tbe Midi* E»tt The ;rr«-«t.ce cf SO U^twl Ni- aodi a *t-8ed Shirt air Oat there ind Mn Ciark cooKinatiix com- Ute Board of Fire ComnuatkSKrs! ******* Chrisiine Dwab. Joan Acythici tin happen . . . eveo t£i tiarj sc-iiifn a Etrpt hai osilj 1 f is Btfle dm in it ... But Garry. Mary Gardmer. Andrew tie fUrt ai ffor3d Wir III irn-.bc^c ^.pcrUnf*. n appean auttee uirday from 7 to 9 P. «."«' 011 First Conference •ooaSy and tbej do teem to be Msdeiux Menard. J**r*iie Mi- tat dancer H»e. haj made it cryi- ntuitkm. tier* a Mtle mdicaUcn Mr* Pe^rwo announced that,* ^>* Board It askin* perma- Gt: havlac erety bit as mock km as an Ann X e m e s. Geraldisf tal t>ar that the Unfted SUtet ttat Britain ami Fraaee wiS witfc- an executire board "»—t"*f will be don to float a (95.000 2*-year bond E the andiencc ... We cast ina- OBr^ea Patricia Pnei. J joJth Se- *in not beeorr.e inioJ-.-ml. He did d:»w ibeir troops Senirf tbe Saei held January I at T.JO P M. miscue to erect an addition to the UOODBRQXJfc — The Wood- gne li—ill Cert, Arleac Praacaa, teci Margaret Wargo Dsatcr hfitt »oror»is*t cc ttva earlier -s, » v*raL2r. »t toerr.err j fr^ne voukd proceed tiutxicb tbe UcJled ti pcTTtutttec expenesced enp- Vigh and Mrs. Arthur Monne* addition would cost each tax-. • • T:^ theme ol the contatM* w»s Natkaii. uxl that « a part rf the , n«rj from the Wer. U> deal aw»y 1 CATITOL:—ta tbse far Ht:z>E Joan Johroann. M.;r^e! heime!' w-Jl be the ne a- leader: payer approximately M a year for • A • iffilng Great« Responajoili- •us eaaws » he*«taM aAajai Kehoe. Joseph Kfttaa. Patrx-sa 1,'aitd Ni'Litcj AJJ fomtrj wcz-id the dttm m the ranai before for fcflem^on crcSe meeting; and |20 years. Tat present firehouae, '.jfct Suft-tapto discussed wrrt , A guarj JaeUe Qtaam, OaX Muniy. Tr-anias Munajui. Eiia- backup the reiolutiau adapted by ; uocp w:thdraval «H! be cude by Mn. Prink Mazzur End Mrs he said, is in a dilapidated Mn- aflniyLnJi*:" For er «f tte warU . . . bem Scra«p*. Patrica ttit varid orjiniialion uul-TiKed the r»o «eittm tition*. O'Connor will direct the evening diiion ind one piece of equipment tEi Righi inMn Wron* ." to keep the peace Ai of now it u And Uke matter ol the «e*tera ik.i «T the haMay taum at iki. John Sorko. Edrard circle meetingi mus: be stored in an adjoining Fo: Rtauusg Juvenik Delmquen- dear that tbe United Statet policy : Europe economy ffiui: acm be cso- S.i:h grade. Joaeph Mrs. aVlward Kosic and Mrs. J**^ c> *For CommanUF Serviof;' ii not to move unilaterally, as «xr! udered »i a part of our |pm(n eajarait- Carolyn CaccicJa. Neil Catev. Hanter were In charge of Christ-1 -?•'.•: CiciUr.i BHIK Relation B*- ailiei E&etaod and France did in pebrj. *" the er.'are eceMtsy ol Mm* f«r a retertaj ptriti Cr-rs :ine Coughim. NorWE Dsl- ! The :v,t+.T SiLiori:' -For Incr«ifj-.« mormt into the Sue; area, but to Europe it uom endangered by raa* decorauont and hones«et! 09V10LS CONCLUSIONS Jsnt yaar funSr ul Oda on hit Beiaetn Race: vx., EJ«Ti Peeney. Miry Anne move only in concert wiA the lack til oU tar European were. Mrs Georfe Kuhlman. Mri The cily editor tu thai catchea the leciurinj. like?" n Gt-rr.y. La Verne Joh>r. Iinda United Nations deci&xm, in which Ttus if a siatter ci prime Gone Mrs. A Peterson. Mrs the cub reporter again. spiral rf OrJataaat a* (tovtatiy. JihrjOL. Demns Leahy Tjnothy we take a part Tha «ai tbe pcUcr ; unee. tor this ccustry only bat Prank Perkins. Mrs. Monheuner, ; "You use too many words.' "He's from S«-« Jtraey Jackie catuktrts the orchestra Lear.y Samuel Lamocuca. Carolyn taken in the "Korean "pclice at- the tanker* tod the money aetet- Mrs. Charles PeVrsen. Mrs. Hari- Wardsworth.' he said. ""Tfoy tay "and he JXlawjire attended. (in wtiich be bas aaded aa ekf- Mar_r,. EJetn Moffctt, Maureen 7:- -k* ic numotj. vere ald Uacrauaih. Mrs. Andre* j here that he was poor but T">*t - The trie eeJeste for a tracOe, soft Mundy. WJ!iam Murphy Rose- ton." tary to put into ttTect as "oil ter> Campbell and Mrs. Harold Goll ; Why not just say he wai honeat?", ffgirwi Uiit is frt*-I|frryg) tirts'ii^b xary McCanhr. Rithard Peck. Here It what bas happened: The ry" either from South America nart s;i : •ones jutt aj 'I'll Be Home For ' "Again, you ay that he %u * "^ M3jre*r. PaikieiKX Kathleen Brititb-Frend] move into Port or from the Arabtto oil fields. Rose without money or friends. You're "Don't be <.'. »o:"£ groups and Said and the Suez area was a trag- Tbe DeparUtttfil of Jurat* is Mel ShBTelson and Jack Qu:g>y. Russell Riely. Patricia wasting space. Simply &ay that he Tht Woodbnage Befls," "Homr," "Happy Ryan. Miry Ann Scanlon Bar- ic failure. The move was intended coosjden&g as a first essential auct have a way with them. They guard tesulv r was without money." ejsoe/Uck irwn the caafer- Er Wonderland," bara Siinonsen. Siuela Speiche. . to open up the Canal and to beat step waiving acti-tnut laws, w ; got Bob Hope for their "Beau cratj.' «i:fc ffsnj Lti" :-itfc the Oil Supply Commifffe df •wiihmt reojulrfttf script approra!. voriiy. of Eupt saceesstuCy blocked t&a i tie Ortuuzatioc of European Eco- Grant will do "Houseboaf and Glide five-A. Patricia Balint, Suez by jcuttltci a dozen sbipa, {oomic CooperatiGe. vhxh a- Danny the Red Hichots' sue?, now wjjjm Gacek. Juditn Hansen. effective}? tkiani the canal to' dude* vx-tuaBj aQ of Europe ttiis titled -Pr*e Unit Penxutt,, And. PERSONAL Joseph H.gfia&i Lorraine Muiius- traffic Ua pouibly mccths to' side of tbe iron curtain. Another ' Mary Martin wants u> pUy the NOW OPEN st: Theresa Ru?ak. Daawl S.i«- come. S important step it American back* Oenrade Lawrence role foe them Dear Marvin: han. Vivian Tayior Bed BUHU threatened to tend aj of a more to have the United on Broadway, i a huce "volunteer" army into tbe N»tucj isett undertake tuperri- AbwanLst Three for Jamie Dawn" set the , 5 EVERY NITE Til,'K I ve been window shopping and all llie presents Grade f:ve-B. Katfclecj Bel- Middle East unless Britain andSsioa of dearmn oat tcuUkd snips visbdrew tbeir iirrajioo'ia tbe Suez canal hall rolling for Maria Palmer She | I've asked for can be found in Woodbridge '.ar.ia. Mary Ann Campion. Paari- now receives loads of fan maiL 1 ca Clark. pVederick Doffiena mfhwiing love letters. propo&aU of', 2 i lores. Jaaifis Gadek. Patrick Golden. Shorsock. Jo Ann Stark. Gerald PATEB COLLECTION mamaie and poetry. Carol Kath, Bemadette EeaUng. Snatko. Roger Tayk>j Laura TgKTjy — The monthly drtre THE NEW FISKIN BROS Love, Joan Kehner. Peter Kflno-no. Tymparjci. John Van D&lea. Mi- held by Lioni Club win be, held 'Timothr Krulikowski. Waynechael Van Dzura, Gail Sunday at 1 P M In addition to Cite » B*i of Leahy. Gtrard Mffier, Kevin Grade three A. Richard Bran- O-Bries. Chrisune Pasko. Joinnegan. John Puery, Rath Biros -i» paper bundles, used dothing Jo-Ann Redhing, Thomas Thomas Hefiersnan. Caroie Mar- for the reiugee Hungarians will Whitman's Samplers Michael Schabert. Paul ztx't^ James WooUer Suzanne also be p»eked up The drive Se'chek. Patricia Simaci Thorn- Urban. Donna McCure, had been postponed on account ol ai Turner Maureen W»Uh. Grade three B. Sheryl Alautl, inckneni weather December I Join Our 1957. Tnona* Wrf*. Chnttine Banoa, IJand- Bael. PUBLIX Grade four A. William Hetter- George Busts. Pranci? Casak naa, Kemith Huttick:, Mariha Koaowkz. Randolph IMT- "The Story of Uirji-n-c » now PHARMACY BaroeUaca, Barbara Jean Pied- N*el Uff»r Jottu Miele. maoe for Wkrae; Bnnhen CHRISTMAS CLUB not, Michael Hamckl. Pal Ka- lien an erjergeuc jounf M MAIN' STREET MinkJer. Pranoa radjocaster bircat nim produoer toiu. Fredcrkk High, GTtgory Leonard Papp. Mario HOODfiJtIIK.F. Wardlo*. Rabert Smith. I! ibmgs work out as experud .'. Mark PUsfco, Mary Jane Bcbn-fer i-JB certa^ii be at unusual film Opna E**«tMS TH I* That Earns Grade lour B. Eabert* Bedard, Robert Seaman Virginia Trrpai Kennetr: Boga&c. Ans Mane Susan Waste!. Brorn. Gerald Carpenter. Joanne Casak. Bet.y Ann Ga'k», Kaacy DEEP SECEET Giant TOYLAM) ;«i L.vno Gray, Rosemary Harness. *«*"'f a voman her ate DIVIDENDS Iiada Kantr^. Michaelcn^ Kogut I* He burinf a secood-hand •iid Jane: PWr.iat. Hiroid Porycki, ear; Jdu Ann Sandar. Eeasore Sctiir- The fipeedomeier's been «t back, RIGHT NOW ge: Bererly Ann Serge Mao'ann But roo can't jell Just benr lar Sporting Goods EfthWetkYfiSm Receive 11 • at — 1 S 51 S2$.M For a Merry tf&S 285 MADISON VMM Christmas . . . 'Between the Majtalie ThMtre and IN PERTH iven though our new ImUdiiuj i* »»' I1"1" SMN 0*

I Gift I b »p toy«f L JU T«k« a sp iraai Saa«a! ON ALL TOYS!! First Savings ri CHAIGE YOU 339 STATE STREET PIRC1IASES! FISKIN BROS., Toy am] Sportlnf G v>.'. SERVtSOFT OF WOODBIIOGE 741». Cwrgr Amme, W

/^AcJd^ THURSPAY, DECEMBER 13, PAGE THREE )v Committee Avenel Auxiliary Luncheon Held es Chairmen Inducts Officers Ry Mothers Club The Slster- Adath Is- AVENEI, Installation of of- flens niyi the annual Christmas WOODBRIDGE — The Mnndiiy at the Wood- Christmas luncheon of the Mo- wish Community Center party were held by the Ladles Aux- sol Klein, vice-presl- iliary of Avenel Fire Company thers Club of Woediridje w*i held nt 82 Own Street with lift. , • •- i c <• 1 n «r. Announcement Tuftsd'ay at the ftrehpuse. ; . df thft conference and A catered dinner was served at Louis Gabriel in oharge of jKfc session of the Central 8 o'clock nnd Mrs. William Kuss- rangements. Assisting were Ml*. mtii'li of the Women's mlak save the Invocation. Will in m Kursinczky and Utt, ,,f the United Synagogues Mrs. William Dwyev, chairman Prank BaumRartner. ' to tnke place nt the of the Kiddles Christmas "party, An announcement was nodi bjf IfjHvc .Jewish Community aftnounnpd plans have been com- Mrs. Peter Urban that the day, [mm 10:00 A. M. pleted for the affair next Sunday niv meeting will feature Mra. ( M . with the local 8U- afternoon at 3 o'clock nt the flre- iin LOKR. Middlesex County nitlnK as hostesse*. house. aKfnt who will «pe»k on *Tfow will be available. Mrs. Plans were also completed for to Tench Our Children the Vfch* f,i:i)i'i' is in charge of local the annual Christmas visit to th« or Money." The meeting will to ,,.nts. Members may at- Home for Age Mrs. William 8am- AVENEL ~ Rabbk Solomon Gol- Mrs. Michael Hrabar, good cheer; Aids Hungary Refugees for jury duty, Debbie Lynn Col- .'•liim. Mrs. Ernest shevsky, Congregation Sons of Betty Ann Reed, Jean Schwei«er. ills. Gsoige Kovack, custodian; AVENEL — The'Avenel Jewish son wrote Sheriff J. I. West, ask' telephone squad, Mrs. Jacob, announced early Sabbath •Irs. Joseph - Kelly, hospitality; Barbara Shannon and NftD^y. To TWO Sewaren ResidentsCommunity Center is sponsoring a ing. to be released from service Stockel. Mrs. George Rhodes a<- night unices will be held at 4:30 Mrs. Peter Greco, kitchen brigade; She explained, "I am only seven publicity, Mrs. and. late services will be held at WOQDJJRIDGE — Two Sewar- Ellis, Jerry Tlmar, Leonard Krj- Clothing drive for Hungarian re- companled at the piano. . :'. Weiss; advisors. Mrs. Mrs. Walter Meyer, membership; fugees, in affiliating with the Rari- years old and am attending third 8 P.M. tomorrow. The Rabbi stated Mrs. Herman Stelnbach, program, en Boy Scouts of Troop 33, An-sko. :ind Mrs. David Out- drew Butkowsky and Jerry Ti- tan Bay Council for Hungarian re- grade." The program concluded with the sermon topic will bt "Jordon Mr*. Everett Johnson, music; Mrs. Mrs. Andrew Ellis, president of the singing of "Hark the Herald ;o;ii. Mrs. Jules Mels- mar, -were presented their Eagle the Mothers' Club, presented spe- lief. and the Nile." Services every Sat- "Cuzmlak.i chaplain and'Mrs. Ru- President Eisenhower has In Angels Sing." Mrs. Robert Clait i:i.-,i>ort«tfon. Mrs. Eman- urday morning are held at 9 awards last Friday In a Court cial prizes to Timar, Butkowsky, The Center on Lord Street, Ave- ifnh and Mrs. Pred in Greco, publicity. nel, will be open Monday through vlted leaders of Congress of both and Mrs. Frank Baumgartner JL»-: o'clock. of Honor ceremony in the Pres* Rusniak, Krysko, Dowling, Hels- sisted on the committee'. •>••• - -^ i-i The donor dinner will The board of directors will meet byterian Church's new Sunday elberg and Urasz. Thursday, from 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. parties to have a preview look in at The Goldman In VISIT FROM SANTA t Mrs. Esslg's home, Woodbrldge School building. The troop Is Other guests present were Ben- and from 8 to 9 P.M., for the con- mid-December at his State of th< Guests were Mrs. Kenneth Avenue, January 4. venience of Avenel residents. A Union legislative program for nexi Lind, Mrs. Wayne Cox. Mrs. Chi- :.ilc New Jersey, May 6. WOODBRnXMC — The annual sponsored by the church. Rev. jamin Kantor, Percy Hullck, WUr ! donor credits must be After the meeting a Christmas Earl H. Dvanny gave the invoca- 11am Bannon, John Tefley, Wes- pick-up service will be arranged year. The meetings will begin with ton Blackburn, and Mrs. Ahn* Chrlrtmas party of the Woman's program, entitled "Christmas for those who call the Center, Wo. Trautweln, Woodbridge, and M*a. •ill IS. Clyub of Woodbrldge will be held tion. Guest speakers were Mayor ley Helselberg, Robert Clark, Wil- foreign policy and national se Symbol?" was presented with Mrs. 8-0333.. curlty. Zigmund Wilchlnsky of Westfleld. 11 win Hunden, Torah next Wednesday at t P. M . at the B. Quigley, Chester Case, liam Bennlng, John Skrypa, H. H. R. Greco as the narrator. The president, Rarltan Council, and ,;:man, displayed new Masenic Temple, Green Street. group participated in Christmas Williams, W. M. Koenlg, William ili are now available Mrs. Henry Miller U chairman Robert Schultz, assistant scout Mason, Richard OLsen, Leonard Carol singing and gifts were dis- executive. |pr union of" and for -an- and Mrs. Nell Stoddard will be tributed by, Mrs. John Anacker as Uoyd. Pred Breigs, Harper Sloari, . After six cards are in charge of decoration*. Mr. Santa Clauj and Mrs. P. Greco Other awards were presented to Andrew Ellis, Pred McEJhenny. I at $1.00, the 1th card as Mrs. Santa Clans. : the following: Star, Joseph Rusz- A social hour followed the meet? nak, Leonard Krysko; first class, l cents, making the pur- eli Bond Drive was given by Mrs. The dark horse crize was, wnn Ing during which Andrew But* Peter Dowling, Gary Helselberg, fi-ii" contributor and Joteph Klein. by Mrs, Pred Leldner and Mrs. kowsky entertained at the piano. her to receive Torah Oalisin, was chairman assisted by Albert Urasz; second class, Jerry Refreshments were served by the A plea was made on behalf of Johnson; merit badges, Andrew <*s from National Wo- the center's youth director, Har- all past presidents. Mothers Club. f .niup, the placing of her old WUhna, for mothers to assist in .i special honorary chart. with the children's programs be- invitation to a "6-11" tea ing planned during this month's Scouts Do Good Deeds, Hungarian Refugee Given iivPM by Mrs. Hundert at vacation period. Any member ~Haise $9.95 for Needy .•me. Anyone purchasing wishing to volunteer her services in tli of cards will be invited U aaked to call Mrs. William Home with Colonia Family annual Char luncheon WOODBRIDOE — The Boy Staum or Mr. WUhna at the cen Scouts of Troop 34, sponsored by COLONTA - This is a story of •whatever he can to earn a liv- i March at a hotel in New ter office. > The January meeting the Trinity Episcopal Church, a Hungarian refugee who must m. - The program, "Three Days ai i,i:ht •Torah Pund" and have learned the true. meaning remain nameless for fear of re- John declared that life under the Concord," was a word-plctun prisals, flis family Is still in Hun- • speaker will be Joseph of charity. the Communists in Hungary was report of. the recent National Con gary and since he was a freedom Mriuehen. who was a re- They set aside one week and the "newest thing to purgatory ventlon of Women's League given fighter he fears for them. M: to Israel and who is worked at odd Jobs. All the mon- on this earth," He said he will by the Sisterhood delegate, Mrs .: a student at the Jew- ey they earned during that per- This story starU with Mr. andnever return to his native land Gutman. Mrs. Samuel Newberger, laical. Stnunaxy, W«w iod,— $9.95—was turned over to Mrs. Charles Ret!, 69 Cleveland even though his family is there. the other delegate, win report on The IndependemVLeader ChilStr Avenue, who haye been working What astonished John the most the program workshop at a futur mas lund. as Red Cross volunteers at Camp was that after paying $15 a week Murray Dem, co-chalr- meeting of the executive board. 1 The boys who participated in Kilmer. to the Re^is for board and room The next meeting of the Stud and buying clothing, and loile- PEOPLES the raffk projeci, re- the project were William Kursin- There they met the central fig- numbers to sell their group will be December lfl a czky, Walter Kllby. Frattjk Joule,, tries, he still had $10. 1 ure of this story and for the sake nan them in as soon 8; 15 at the home of Mrs. Out David Wainwright, David Taylor, of clarity we will call him John. "In the old country," he said, Books are .still avall- man. Grove Avenue. The nex' Paul Taylor, David QeCarlo, A'&»V "I would have to work a full has : may be obtained from meeting of the executive boar Schoonover. Frank Tuny. Norman John was in the first planeload month to earn enough money to Mrs. Cyril Hutner, co- has been changed from Monday Kllby is scoutmaster, assisted by pf refugees to arrive at the camp buy a pair of shoes." ' "i any of the captains. December 24 to Thursday, Decenv Edward DeCarlo and William from Budapest. The Retls met John says he is grateful to th_is • on the current lira- ber 27 at 8.30 P. M. Bannon. him, liked him very much and in- country and said that if this vited the young man, who Is 2ji country, ever werit to war he would, years old, to their home. When be the first to enlist if they they discovered he had no spon- would have him. ; sor and no likelihood of getting "Jf I only had ten cents in one immediately, Mr.' fteti, iphe- my pocket," he stated, "and was Krieuhelmer f-^reAenfa I has his own trucking business de- approached by the Red Cross for Remington cided he would be the sponsor. help I would give nine cenU of Schick They obtained a Job for John it because of all the help the Red ,f with C. W. Rich, St. George Ave- Cross has given me since I have , Ronson nue, Rahway, where he earns $50 been in this country." . t a week washing and polishing SHAVERS WATCHES cars: Although he had a college ed- France will demand that Egypt OUTFIT YOUR ucation in Hungary and Is .a pay lor the removal of vessels and ' • FAMILY skilled machinist, John feels that bridges sunk in th« Suez Canal. I Kodak from JEWELRY until he learns to read, write The cost of the operations has < Argus | . HEAD to TOE and speak English he must do been' estimated at $40,000,000. lor Kvery Member of the Family! DIAMOND RINGS 1 ; Debonaire General Electric HI "1 Jfwelry Is not only warmly welcomed on FOR MEN AND WOMEN jjjj Unas morning, but U dearly chcrl»h«d for Bridal Sets - SljnH - Ilirth Stone « TOASTERS < in cume. Choose your gift* now from our CAMERAS Ladies: •'t nation of beautiful Jewelry, sure to delight COATS & TOPPERS • pirson on your list! MIXERS RADIOS SUITS-SKIRTS-BLOUSES I-VKRINGS t NECKLACES ROBES-SLIPS-BRAS PERCOLATORS * I

'3&&1M&* INDEPENDENT \} THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 *AI)KH PAGE FOUR RIBS BEEF 49:55 Oven-Ready Ribs of BeefZ l

Super-Right" Quality Betf 'Super-Right" Quality Beef Chuck Steaks • 49 Rib Steaks 7" Ctt ft.

"Super-Right" Quality — Combination Chop & Stewing "Super Right" Quality — Freihly Ground

Lamb Shoulders • 29« Ground Beef Come $—... You'll Sovt of

"Super-Right" Quality — Center Cuts t '"" "Super-Right" Quality — Fresh Calas [Ion Now To Oder Pork Shoulders »29< Pork Chops Your Christmas Turkey!

Del Monte Peaches 2 57 Dairy Center Buys! Sunnyfield Fancy Creamery — Salt or Sweet Dole Pineapple Juice 2- 51 • FRESH BUTTER •rid 67 C Sliced Muenster Cheese "> 55 Sliced Natural Swiss • ••• JJ F Sliced Provolone Cheese 59' Swiss Knight Gruyere e Pride Farm Catsup 2 37 Imported Italian Romano . 99 Cream Cheese Cups A!°;t;l C Daiish Blue Cheese '-•*••* 83 Cannon's Yogurt 2 cvpi Borden's Milk ; C B&M Beans 2 29 20 25 Borden's Medium Cream c«nt

Sparkle 1 Gelatin Desserts Aon Page 4 * 25< Frozen Food Values . JL

A4P Brad 15 u. Potato PaHies 3^41c CHERRY PIE Seedless Raisins Our Fiwft Quality 17 Minnie Maid Tangerine Juice 2 29< Libby's Orange Juice . . 3 laittti pkg. Birds Eye Green Beans 3 49' 45 Plenty of juicy »un- 32 Birds Eye Cut Corn . • i 2 Oreo • Swiss Cremes ripened cherries in Birds Eye Cauliflower . . a flaky-crisp crust Hydrox Cookies 21 c i: 32 Birds Eye Chopped Broccoli imt Parker Libby's Brussels Sprouts • pi,, *' Caramel Pecan Rolls • . 4 10... lig J»e Pirkcr Libby's Spinach • pkgt. ^ Fir the F»Uy With c Swansea's Pies _, 2;;; 55« Layer Cake «*"|LUFU«E Colgate's Fab 71 Swanson's Chicken Breasts Jue Parker—Spies traps Crispo English Assortment '£»• Seeded Raisins JS^X Morgan's Clam Chowder * . i Pfeffernusse Cookies U 35« Q. T. Instant Cake Frosting . 2 ^ 33° B&B Sliced Mushrooms ;33< Jane Parker Fruit Cake Cocoa Marsh c^t..™ «-|ji Wheatena H-W, pi,. ENCYCLOPEDU OF PKIUtED KNOWLEDGE .\mrin»'» fatuiflt . . . oirt '3 Irmti mil null. Marshmallow Fluff .... • 24< Broadcast Redi-Meat 14 beautiful volume* in beautiful colors j on our convenient book • week pUn. i:i.39 LS2.75 LS3.95 Marcal Paper Hankies . . 3 % 23° Liverwnrst Spread '"^« 2 ,:: 5 I n 0i SaiSil 7 1 -2-3-4 Mu htitto LM.49 Cut-Rite Waxed Paper .... ^25« Tuna Fish *££•- l e Woodbury 0^oi Soap 3^29 2 ^ 27« Nedicks Orange Drink «--* 6i»» BeodhNvtBahyFood Kraffs Yolvoeta Camay Soap tatty Soap ^* CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS For Inil»t and Uth U.L Approved American nude Christmas lighting outfits with General Electric Bulbs. Each b*H> burns independently. e I UfM Ma«1et 1© W SiSi- i 2 ^ 25' ILIMalat

Availabl* m mttt Abf Sapw M«rkttt Rinse Blue •reft UfehNey Soap Far Lttn&Y «»^ Di«hM i ^•**• f* TailKtiid lath SPINACH iey Detergent BIM Cheer SphlSpu 7M. ill WttU POTATOES •I P'9 • sw«cl and Juicy RMlHNrtlitFiMl| _*»"••„ liory Slow bory Flakes ktl.FUarUw > TOJlOlTIOlie TANGERINES 4-45. «.Mo 9-177, ft* TOMATOES TM. Prictt efftaitvt thr« Suptr Marluh and AIR - CONDITIONED - Shop in Cool Comfort at Your P Self Service Store A & P SUPER MARKET, 1 N.J. I] N i )P:PENDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 PAGE FIVE

Mrs. Rankin Hostess will bf held at the home of Mrs. TEENAGE DANCES Oeorgt R. Merrill, Elmwood Ave- (port Reading WOODBRffiOE - The HtHretr nu«, with Miss Ruth Erb of the At DAR Yule Meeting Avenel Personals tlon Department announce* that High School faculty as guest Personals teen age dances will be held to- WOODBRIDOffi — Mrs. Herbert speaker. morrow night from 7 to 10 otftMfc B. Rnnkln. SewRien. was hostess —William Franklin, son of Mr. at School 11, Woodbridce; $Qbort to Jum-t Oane Chapter, DAR., at YOUNGSTER INJURED and Mrs. Arthur Franklin, 31 Yale n ClnlMmns meeting Monday. 10, Hopelawn; School IS. Melirt, Avenue, has received his honorable Rev. Earl H. Devanny, of the WOODBRUXSii — Nine-year-' School T, Fords and the Co)|»U By MRS. First Picsbyteiian Church, was old Alfred ftuczyntki, 30 Second discharge from the U. 8. Air Force. Civic Improvement Club. TMrf JOHN T, guest speaker. Miss Cafol Rsnkln Aventfe, *ort Readlihf was injured William served in the Air Force will be live'music at the tfeettd MCDONNELL plnyod two piano selections, "Ave Saturday ^hen he was struck by for four years and was stationed at Schol. a car driven by William H. Kay, 1» Sixth Street Maria" and "O Holy Night" and Lake Charles Force Base, Lake Miss Louise Fu*e sang "What 34, Kmerson Street, Carteret, while FOREST FIRES Port Reading •Utemptlng to cross Carferet Road, Charles, La. Child is This?" and "Santa Claus Over 70,000 acres of forests have, is Coming to Town." near Wes^ Avenue, The boy was WO 8-4673 token to the doctor by his uncle, OPEN THIS WEEKEND been destroyed In th« mountain* Mrs. Albert R. Bergen led in the of Southern California this yctt slivilriR of Christmas carols and Plainclothesman Anthony Zuccaro WOODBRIDOE — The Wood- and treated for abrasions and and the fires are continuing. Each Mrs ,i p. weber, South' Amboy bridge Post Office announces that acre of watershed that Is burned I iri-mrti at Dinner nnrt Mrs. Knnrad Stern presided bruises. the parcel pqst and stamp windows off Increases the danger of fldoda, ' ,I-I Rradlmajpire Company at the ten table. will be open Saturday and Sunday when the rains arrive late tctfthe i its outgoing chief, stc- The next meeting. January 19, HELP THE NEEDY Trnrn 1 to 5 P.M. winter. « ,.-,ir. at Its annual dinner rmes. Charles McGettl- .idnit. of the company, was .minster. "Mayor Hugh B. pn-srnted badges to Rlch- rriid. Incoming; chief; Ml- 1895 CHRISTENSEN'S iMlii'k, first assistant,' and smioiic, second assistant. , ny membership badges "The Friendly Store" irsnitod to Martin Braun, ,i of the Port Reading August F. Orclner, for- |ni.iw>r of WoodbrldRe; WII- miull, Sewarcri, and Ml- -iiincoiit, member of the .if Fiie Commissioners. i was given by the Mllos, pastor of iniy's Church whHe the ,; sp'Rkcr was Dr. Robert MII nf a Into former chief, Zullo. •in, i miesta vete Elmer Dra- :.i:d Ward commltteeman; HiUimto, Mario Coppola, IN CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME: At its Christmas meeting Tuesday the PTA of School 11 presented i mi: Slmeone, members of , a two-aet comedy pantomime, "The Christmas Ile'V1, with the east above as follows: Standing (I. i:l of Fire Commissioners; to r.) Harold Melh, Buddy Albrecht, Mrs. Charles Une, Henry Koehler (Santa), Mrs. Alfred Hell- chief John Egan; Michael rejltl, Miss Maureen Gioe, Ileini Koehler. Reated, Mrs. Z. Kennon Risinger, Mrs. Robert Jones, and BABY , security director of Call- Mrs. Albert Schmidt and Mrs. Arthur Berlin. • Hi Co.; Joseph parhbach, i director of the Mlddle- i:i'.v Firemen's Association; Furs and Jewelry -mas, chief of the Avenel ABOUT YOUR NEW FOR HER: |( nipiiny, and Joseph Ha- You'll lm f of the Carteret Fire Stolen in Colonia YOUR HOME SOCIAL SECURITY just the gUt for her Lingerie and . ALLAN A. BASS, District Manager ruld :uesU were parents and WQODBrtfDQE - Furs and Q.—I worked under social se- in our large selection House Coats nf all the chiefs, wives Jewelry valued at $4,250 were Good wool blankets are no small curity for 6 years (1937-1943). I've -f?R HER? w.h of the firemen, widows stolen from Uhe home of Peter investment and should be well been working under U. S. civil by these By Luxite, Seamprufe, i-n,' i firemen, exempt assocl Slderls, Devon-Road, Colonia, over taken care of. They will give years service since then. Will I be eligi- i,mbers and their wives, ac the weekend. Despite the fact that of comfort and enjoyment if cared ble for both pensions at 65? I'm Nationally Barbizon, Loungees !."iniy members and their a baby sitter was at one end of the for properly. 48 now. net members of the Ladles Famous Makers house, the thieves gained entrance Correct laundering or dry-clcan- A,—Since you'll be 65 after P COSTUME JEWELRY through a ground floor window Ing by a reputable cleaner are 1W0, you'd need 10 years of work JEWEL BOXES :,iiiimont was provided by and' ransacked the master bed- necessary to keep blankets fluffy, under Social security to be eligi- iuan and Henry Anderson room. warm and soft. ble. You can receive both bene- In Tribal Articles stoien and their value The way blankets are stored and fits If yon qualify for both. listed by the owner are as follows: the every-day care and use they the hustle and bustle of Q.—I'd like to'Check up on my one mink stole. $600; one mink receive arc important in retaining |tmns envelop us too quickly social security account and sec By Jacket, $2,500; three skins of stone their serviceability and beauty. of Port Reading,Join how much wages are credited. cOIony , martin. $270; 1 pair of ear rings, Brush blankets often, with the fin .sure. In wishing to express How do I go about this? $100; one bracelet, $250'; string of nap, toward the binding to remove sorrow over the loss of A.—Your local social security pearls, $75; pearl bracelet, $35; dust and dirt. Every now and FOR HIM: |tiperint€ndpnt of Schols. Vic- office has a special post card for pair of pearl ear rings, $20, gold then air them outdoors. Nicklas We shall miss his totting a ware statement. Ask bracelet, $100. FOR HER: > efficiency and his courteous Soiled bindings must be wash- for form OAR-7004. The state- Ties-Gloves Mr. Slderis is owner of Hqw.ard ^••ration for tti^ntHarp. 'of ed with a thick mild soap lather, ment you set will show your llnlriren and teachers of our Johnson rte«U'uranCftdifte;i "" using a soft-brush. The next step total earnings under social se- House Slippers Shirts - Jackets He lui* *on a lastlnsj i.s to pull the binding straight and curity since January 1, 1937, and i.'i our iiilectlonx: press with a moderate iron. Use annual figures for the last 4 Gloves - Handbags Bella- Hats - Socks a pressing cloth and don't creasl years. the outer edge of the binding! Q—As a chur.ch treasurer I pay Hankies • Pajamas Shoes - Jewelry When bindlnss become frayed or a janitor $13 a month and an or- ie Ideal Gift. soiled beyond cleaning, replace ganist also $13 a month. Should Umbrellas - Blouses Underwear A 19S7 Mcdel How to score yourself: Mark them. I deduct social security from their your choices 1-2-3-4. You get ten Always store blankets clean, earnings? Dresses - Skirts PORTABLE points for a correct first pick, five in a cool, dry place in a tightly A.—No. Nonprofit organiza- I'YI'KWRITKR for a second, three for a third and sealed case. Do not pile other tions, such as churches, are not one pojnt for a correct fourth things to be stored on top of subject to social security unless FOR HIM: I I'-timc l.uhririticin proper waiver certificates are | choice. Twenty is average; thirty. blankets because the weight will filed with the District Director I'KI.. Ill 2-6580 good; forty, vefa> good, and fifty | flatten their nap. Wallets • Slippers ( of Internal Revenue. Even where EASTERN U perfect. ' j Don't try to remove stains or coverage has been obtained, 1. John L, 8ulUvan, the world's re-dye blankets. Instead send Sweaters - Slacks 1^ pi-writer Exchan Wales. ( ) Eng- beds, don't twist or pull, or al- 313 State Street, Perth Amboy, low them to drag on the floor. land, i > United States. New Jersey. Luggage ; 2. If your memory Is still keen, FOR SIS I you will have no difficulty picking NO METERS THERE 111, New Hampshire Isn't fooling with j the llght-heavywelght champion Or, AUSTIN, Texas — Parking met- Jitterbugs. A state law provides or BROTHER: MOVIES ; champion from 1938-1941 who va- ers Just won't stay put In front that anyone convicted of throwing | cated his title to fight In the of a University of Texas men's refuse or rubbish into public waters J heavyweight division. ( ) Billy dormitory. Placed thereby the po- or on, their shores or approaches, Love Dresses - Snow Suits j Conn, ( > Ous Lesnevich, < ) r r > lice department, they are yanibd loses his hunting or fishing license Kaynee Boys' Wear Kodak Eqiitpmc Archk' Moore, < > Mello Bettlna. out before the concrete base hard- tor a year. This is in addition to tnakei if caiy 3. Name the middleweight ens and some meters just disap- the usual fine of not more than Lcroi Sucks • Jacket- champion who lost his title and pear. $50. h'ovpli: regained It within a space of four its Slippers X-M.W KODAK months In 1951. His opponent was WOODBRIDGE' PUBLISHING CO. >\||.; CAMERA Randy Turpln. < > Bobo Olsen, 18 GREEN STKEET , ( ) Jake LaMotta. < > Ray Robin- FOR the son, •( i Marcel Cerdan. WOODBRIDGE, .N, J: ! t 4. There have been only two • Enclosed,please find $3.00 for one-year HOME: Mexican lightweight champions subscription to: on record since 1896. Pick the one [] INDEPENDENT-LEADER BLANKETS •MM COLOR fighter who reigned at the top of the division in 1952. ( • Juan Zu- • CARTERET PRESS : COMFORTERS FILM rlta, ( ) Prank Erne, ( > Lou Salas, ' ) James Carter. , • EDISON TOWNSHIP-FORDS BEACON TABLE CLOTHS 5. Who was the oldest boxer to Tojbe sent to: ! FOR SIS: TOWEL SETS Roll .win the heavyweight title? He copped the coveted crown In 1951. NAME or BROTHER". BED SPREADS I'j-ompt, Kodak ( i Joe Walcott, < ) Eziard Charles, < > Bob Flteslmmons, ( ) wliif Service ADDRESS Jim Braddock. TURN PAGE FOR ANSWERS TOWN \. Robes TO SPORT* QUIZ. I'llARMACY Underwear ^ M ; MAIN S1f*ET ""ODBRIUOE We take pleasure in announcing Till 10 the opening oi our new offices at lob 11)5 New HnuisuUk Avt iiiif, Kord»(, N. J. STATE FARM PRINTING It pays to know your STATE FARM agent of INSURANCE FORDS AGENCY - Tel. 111-2^456

For %i Hour Answ«rlnf Strvlce Call Charter ,8-3668 i your print- lined*—we cap do p.S. DAD! Bring the kids to visit Santa at "Job" to yuur our Office December 15th and 16th from •"* prices, PEESI 1 io 8 P.M. FREE'..WFT.to all children f / PAGE SIX THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, KJB6 Woodbridge Center 53? Health n . JS? - „ Jaeqboun Defeats Kahway 5Shoe WOODBRIDQE — The Wood- Kill,, bridge Jewish Community Center There is » new theory Lhul, If » enn know inore about, u wibjcet was host to lh« Rah way Cm tar porter baby is stiuteil early on solid foods than n doctor who lias irmde a lile in the opening of the Intercom- Levin he will be eating eg«s( soup, mash- study ol cnildmi iind their prob- IF* YOU'RE planning to makt munity Basketball Leagiu reason Barron ed faaiiHMH, Mislaid (iiuldlng and lems. Early training this in- 1 popcorn balls for! the young last evening. ' I Selanick mashed crisp baron by nine weeks. cludes the first two years — is fry, give them a holldiy air by The Woodbrldge Vanity 4c* Freeman Tliis same theory says thai by very important. 1'iivnt.s should adding some raisins Snd red and feated the Rahway Varsity, 18-18, Rlmmons using a six-hour feeding schedule, understand that without the know- green enndied cherries as you with Fred Brodsky and Phil Shore Oarber ledge of speech to make them- the baby will soon be eating three shape them Into balls- and plac« leading the scorers with nine Mandel meals a day This would be a great selves understood, children cry or on sticks. Wrap lri red or grten points each. Bob Selinlck led the help to the mother — as any moth- whine to let you know what, they Abrams cellophane to keep them clean, losers with six points. The Wood- er who has ever worked on the 10- wnnt. This is the only way they Naedel „ especially If they're to be hung bridge team is coached this year 2-4 schedule will be happy to tell have as yet. on the tree. you. Prom a study of 600 babies bv Seymour Cohen, and are the The great danger is letting this Tiny candy fruits, called tnartl- fed this way. It, Is believed that defending champions of the practice continue after the child pan, make an appealing decora- they Rrow up with fewer eating league. Last year thf team was problems. has the power of speech and can unbeaten In league play. tell his parents, nurse or friends THIS WfeEK'g RECfPE In a preliminary game the Cereal feeding is started in most what he wants them to know. Sweet Potkto-Oranfe Stuflnf Dornyak hospitals. Strained meats are be- (For 4-5 pound duck) Woodbrldne Biddys defeated fUh- OuBrow There are two schools of thought way. 22-8. with Harvey Cohen gun at 14 days, strained fruits a 2Vi cups mashed sweet pota- Tutletaub few days later. Orange juice, eggs, on spanking a child. Some children toei scoring eight points to pace thj Wlrnograd soups and other foods added at oan be reasoned with ns sure as 3 tablespoons butter '••J.^ victors. Leonard' OuBrow and Weekly Intervals, under this new they are capable of understanding 1 cup chopped telery Jerome Levlne are coaches of the Levin* feeding theory. what you are saying to thsm. Some 1 oup drained, cubed orangt Woodbrldge team. Utjger Plshman . children are ton strong-willed for pulp In addition to the Woodbridie Bernstein Doctors agree that environment their own good and may need n 2Vi tablespoons brown sugar and Rahway Centers, the Sub- influences neurotic tendencies 1H teaspoon* salt Ruderman spanking every now and then. Even urban and Anche Cheaed Centers H. Cohen among children more than here- then it shduld be done In a calm Vi teaspoon pepper Melt butter in skillet. Add of Linden are members of'the Welsenfeld dity does. manner tfnd after explaining to | HORN BLOWERS . . . Pretty drum majorette plugs can ai three T«r»rJto trtimpettrt serenade celery and cook gently for 10 league. Harold Wtshnt, Wood- Roth An extensive study of more than the child why it is happening to £er In tunlnr up fur International Trumpet Contest, first evrr held In C»n»da. bridge Director. Is chairman of the Oerber six hundred children found that minutes. Blend with sweet pota- him and that it Is for Ills own toes, orange pulp, brown sugar, Inter-Comtnunlty activities pro* early family influences were of aood. In time he will understand gram. great Importance in development •alt and pepper. Stuff cavity Q( VARSITY a] neurotic tendencies. duck. This may be used (or • Every mother and father has a chicken or turkey alto. Sports Quiz Answers WoodbrMce duty to read at least two authori- ADVERTISE in O F Schoen Wolpln 1 Wslshman ties on child training, A person tlon for fruit cakei. Put a dab of MICROSCOPE United States ii never so smart that he or she the CLASSIFIEDS frosting on the candy before laying Kantor 0 It on top of the cake If It's going Billy Conn Edelsteln 0 Jwhkin to travel. Ray Robinson Savad 0 Mandel Golden canned cling peichee ON Lou Salu Rab'inowlu 1 Ostrower 0 filled with grapes dipped In rfgg Joe Walcoct white and sugar make a lovely gar* nlsh for meat or salad platten for your holiday table. COMMUNISM We hear that King Vidor is A quick holiday supper UKI dividing his research material thin pancakes spread with mayon- from his fllm "War and Peace." PERSONAL a whole trunkful, between the Li- naise chopped chicken and rip* Dearest I. V. olive chunks. Top with cranberry brary of Congress in Washing- sauce. By Dr. Alexander S. Balinsky better ncqtiainled in the hope ton, the Museum of Modern Art Come home—all Is forgiven! Lot Looking for a red and green Assistant Professor of Economics that by learning the truth about in New York and Hollywood's combination to start off holiday and Specialist in Russian Affairs each oihi-r we would also learn Academy. shopping in Woodbridge Friday n dinner. Serve cream of tomato and Economics, Rutgers, The to live together more peacefully. buy you all those things we spoke i soup with slices of avocado. State University It is clear now that the Soviet ai»,; Marshmallows make a light and intention has been quite other- Into the life of every column- All my i, pretty candy for the holidays. Dip ist a little self-evaluation must wise. Russian observers have them in water then roll in red or fall. And this is the day. been win- iit-iL- in order to pro- M. L green colored sugar. Let dry. vide the Soviet government grist On October 25, 1956, this col- for its propaganda mill. That umn attempted to predict what leads me to believe that tne re- the Russian delegates would say Brazil's Senate building In Rio cent State Department ban on on returning to their country WOODBRILXJE PUBLISHING CO. de Janeiro once was one of the further cultural exchange be- after having observed our Amer- show places of St, Louis, Mo. tween ourselves and the Rus- 18 GREEN STREET Ornate Monroe Palace, named ican elections. sians is no great law. WOODBRIDGE, N, J. for the fifth President of the United My prediction was put into D Enclosed please find $3.00 for -,,,: States, housed Brazil's exhibits at these words: the St. Louis Exposition in 1904, It On November 29. 195(1, this! subscription to: was disassembled, moved to Rio, "On their return ... the So- column discussed the reasons and reconstructed there. viet observers will say that the why the Soviet Union is losing D INDEPENnKNT-LEADER American two-party system is ground as a result of Khrush- G CARTERET PRESS Necklace ana Jiarringt by Krementt preejsely the sham that Marxist chev's folly. I had given nine theory claims it to be. They will reasons *hy the Soviet position n EDISON TOWNSHIP-FORDS BEAU A point out that American voters Frosty white leaves set with scintillating today is much weaker than It have only a Hobson's chance be- To be sent to: Austrian crystals. Exquisitely made tween 'tweedle-de-do' and 'twee- j had ever been. Eight of thos reasons arfl still valid. One of thi NAME. „ ; dly-de-dum' since both parties j AIR CADET . . . Shanthal-born with an overlay of 14 Kt. white gold* reasons, however, has been over are pledged to preserve capital- Janet Marshall, 19, of Gee. ADDRESS tor lasting brilliance. REBARBER'S ism. . . . Instead of noting the stated here. On additional re Washington I!,, rides In jet flrht- flection and investigation, it differences, the Soviet observers er after being lworn In M first TOWN "A Gift from the Jeweler Is Always Something Special" will stress the areas of agree- my opinion that the Sovie flrl ftOTC air cadet. ment between Republicans and Union has not lost as much fact OPEN EVERY EVENING Til/9 Democrats. According to Marxist or ground with the Asian neu the most versatile ^ theory ... no election U really trals as I had indicated. Divided Payments Arranged free or significant unless the In the early flushes of enthu hearing aid ever created working class has the opportii-, siasm over the pronouncement PRE - CHRISTMAS SPECIALS nity of voting for a party dedi-; of the Prime Ministers of India cated to the overthrow of the Lay-Away Burma. Ceylon and Indonesi capitalist system." j regarding Soviet butchery ii Music means a lifetime Plan The report of the Soviet dele- Hungary, I had stated that th of joy for your girl gation—a report which could' Soviet Union has lost favor witr and boy! < have been written without ever; the neutral nations. But follow 93 MAIN STREET WOODBKIDGE leaving the Soviet Union—is now ing the speeches of Nehru. V. K Phone WO-8-1223 in and duly published in the So- Krishna Menon and others, it viet press. V. L. Kurdyavtsev. becoming increasingly clear tha one of the delegates who ob- the nature of their condemna served our election and a jnem- tion of the Soviet Union U most' ber of th editorial board of the ly a polite slap on the wrist. government newspaper "Izves- A conventional aid, eyeglass Hi] This is particularly true in th brooch, tie pin—actually 10 quality tia," wrote the following about case of Nehru who envisage! hearing aids in one. Full 4-lransislur our 1956 election: himself the gre^t mediator be When the power and clarity. See, hear, prove "There is no difference be- tween the communist and free the "Crest" today! Also the other tween the Republican and Dem- world. It Is certainly true Superb new 4- and 5-transistor ocratic parties, and both are Krishna Menon who, when In Zenith Hearing Aids, priced as low customer says, financed by big monopolies. tervlewed on Meet the Press, re as $50, including Zenith's famous 10- Day Money-Back Guarantee, 1-Year There is really only one party fused even to question the righ Exclusive Agency for Such Warranty, 5-Year Service Plan. in the United States. The reason of the Soviet Union to send it* E«y Tlmt faymtntt for having an election at all is troops into Hungary. Famous Name Accordions to distract the voters fjrom-feri- This can lead to only one con as ous political problem* cbttfront- clusion: We have a long road to ing the country aqd at the «ame travel before we can really ga • EXCELSIOR time to create the Impression that the Asian neutrals have GIVE A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT| tha,t hfe, the voter, personally come disenchanted with com • ACCORDIANA REBARBER'S PHARMACY takes part in deciding the des- munism and have joined forces THIS CHRISTMAS H 5.15 Ambuy Avenue • BELL Shopping Center tinies ol his country." with the free world. A musical Instrument under the tin u Tfl. Wti-g-HM The ostensible purpose of cul- • EXCELSIOLA tural exchange program was to a truly noteworthy Christmas. Come, (A tyrghu Jralun' tivaltabl* only ihr hhllj give both Americans and Rus- • TITANO to-please gift from pur wide sfltcii sians a-n, opportunity to become We take the • IOR1O reduced prices! "You've gol W Check These Specially Priced Gift Suggestions TRUMPET Outfit > show me!"... Special! $59.5|0

1H tubKribe to the theory that if you ask a man to CLARINET Outfit buy your product, your customer has a right to know Special! $69,50 eAet he't getting for his money. As a customer for our advertising space, you hive TROMBONE outfit « right to know, for example, what circulation your We have a number of U0 ban Special! $69.50 lain message will gel; how many people, where they TRAVEL •luole ftse4, r««eiMl«ton*d and buy thejr copies, and bow this audience was obtained. used accordions. Our A.B.C.* report givei you the VIOUN Outfit (acts you need as a sound basis for %ciul! $32.50 yptir advertising investments. It shows frm $79-00 1 you what you get for your money whea Woodbridge Stores i (»ibMUQ GUITAR you advertise in this newspaper. Ask us for a copy of our latest ARE NOW Special! $99.00 **i^ ABC. report UKULELES Why bother with d*Milt when trav- SPECIALS, NOW ON TKNOfc Guitar and Ca»e •Ihh Hmpopw . b Open Every Night eling abroad. Let m orrong« all BABiTONK and REUUUR |139,00 I «f Clmlorien a coapwativ*, «w reHrvationi, iwur* aU plan* tkk. Ul odvwtlwn, UKULELES. eH. We'll book you via Air Franc* Ow dl Urge HdectUn Electric GulUr Outttt ' A.I.C. Super "G" Constellation to Parii + Ow A.I.C. nport thvwt how Til 9 o'Clock ...and all Europe. You'll fly in tux> Special! $79.00 •j. wy beyond «ompore,..ot regular turn tkftM, mi «riiw feat lUt ui «J- - 3 Convenient Parking Lota - > Perth Ambof, Oldett EtUtblUh*! Accordion ST. JAMES' PLAYGROUND (I|huntnptj4 ft Ufbt) fort. Our torvfeet cott you nothing. Main and Giwe Htreefe '• Yean at the ptfM LMMIIIMI ' RAILROAD PARKING LOT _ ftftri Btwt, JM| 0 Utt MAllGAKETTEN ADDITIONAL rARHIHQ AT MM Of »TOM« The Independent-Leader ( Travel Agency EDDIE'S MU§JG CENTKKl ie-2OGr«en $t, Woodbrldg*, N. J. Hl.MSM 111 Moban Street, Perth Antbey ie V.VIH THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 PAGE BEVKtf

Cranberry Sauce and Pork Chop* % cup cranberry sauce 3 slices ennned pineapple The New Records r\ 3 pork chops 2 tablespoons butter Vi tfaj,poon snlt By B. C. H. . Feather >, "Lonesome P. pper Ain't Oot No Home" U Blues" (Wayne McQlnals). fJUgL, ,,iifloiis flavor of the rosy Broil chops ns desltW. plf 2 tablespoons quick cooklnn v n novel number spinning for all. MeUor records. _ , inl)Piry makes It a chops on n hot platt"#, iprlnkle 1 1; It tins n pood rocking rhythm with j0 Stafford and Paul Wi ,,f nil The clever IIOUSP- with sail nnd p;pper, add Butter. Oriitod rind of 1 orange n fi-'.v chuckle;) included. Otereneo naye turned out 1 kiiuws what will please Garnish with slices of pineapple Suit Henry (PTOR Mam Is almost un- ln tne way oj bana(js, "On : v, and In the center of each slice put hf>lirvablfl i iiiul KUPBU makes use \ 'BrldKe" (Columbia), a llttlk *0B- "* nip crenm whipped 1 tablespoon of cranberry sauce. il in a variety of dlshns, Boil siisiir nnd water together Speaklng of chuckles. Pearl talgkr but not dreary. for 6 minuter. Add cranberries, Spiped Cranberry Boll Bailey always manages a few. Her ..Funnv FMe- (imperial) it i i,,. rv Avocado Salad n r ifipioca, gifted orange rind and •Wly Roll nwest aie "The Gypsy Ooofed" flne ri,vthm number written and i rsh cranberries snlt. Cook quickly over direct heat 4 egg whites and 'I Can't Rork and Roll To plByed by Ern|e Preman. It fea- peeled and diced p stirring constantly, muiicnm**., 4 egg yolks .Save My Soul" (Mercuryi with t the piano and bull flddk. .punas sugar SKIUS pop open. Chill. Then fold ure8 1 CMP .sugar Don Rurimon and orchestra. | otner new i,.fruit peeled and in whipped cream. / 3 tablespoons cold water All of us were saddened by Franlde tones' ••Moonlight dftt^ 1V* tablespoons col-nstarch Tommy Dorsey'.s death. Mnny of bler- icolumblai, "Tell Me' Him diced Steamed Cranberry Puddy 1 cup Hour lesi. 1H tablespoons his recordings will be played and Q^^ Mercury,' ruts X th(> Cntg On 'A cup butter 1 U teaspoons baking powder remembered for years. HU last rado Moon.. ,vik, by $# horseradish % cup sugar VA teaspoon mit . two sides were made for an Wm(jg ftnd .^m ^jre(i of espoons French dressing 2 eggg well beaten Beat egg whites stiff, but not , with Paul Whlteman. The album, thmR • but You" . das 2 '/n cups flour dry: beat In half th' ullng point and simmer dish and cover with cranberry and - ' smooth. Cool today than ever before because bright new lipstick can make a one fabric that is becoming to all Ada niits. Cool fill honey mivture. Topp with 2nd'iflice!ce!Spre^^ on hot spongge cake- Ro" of all the wdnderful creams and big difference between prettlness shapes and sizes except the very Slid seal. : and cover with remaining cran-'up' - wltl? confectioners sugar lotions we have and our sensible and a washed-out-look, young. It lends Itself perfectly to berry mixture. Stick whole cloves I ~ ' way of eating and drinking. the new back interest ln dresses. ran berry Tapioca around edges of ham slid*. B*ke| Hearln« that "The Sweet Smell The clothes do not make the The ball gown Is black and has of Succ M It Is about time something was .iik-ar in an oven 350 degrees until tender « " which Is being filmed woman—but they go a long way brought with it new evening ac- l n Y waa searching for a done about nylon hose. All too — about Vk hours. Baste occa- ^ * hi towards malting her. If there Is cessories — beaded bags, graceful fn".h cranberries sionally with liquid In dish. comic for a small role ln the film often, after just a few hours of _ ! "Just like Joey Paye," Joey called one time during the year When fans and even shoe bags to carry wear a run appears. It Ls up to CROSSWORD PUZZLE j In, told the producer he wasn't the manufacturers to make a busy and isn't too expensive and stronger nylon hose that is sheer suggested that he be hired for the LAFF OF THE WEEK at the same time. As long as we role. True to Hollywood style, the continue to be taken advantage BACK TO NIPPON . . . Ust or 25 Japuncse girls who cim« (• ; producer told him: "Sorry we only of the manufacturer will become New York In May, 1955 for lurfcry for Hiroshima A-bomb Injuries ,! want somebody who looks like richer and richer. American le»ve hospital (or home. Jl Joey Paye." women would be happy to pay a few Oblitera- GUn's Jewelers Introductory Offer!! tain 13 Mine lurvtr- life? We who grew up in the coun- M Addition! inf nail tion 11 (CxHmlnatlgnt U Ftihtira try feel that we were richly en- II Tl»tf« M PuU forth. Agriamf nt 2) Ubrrul* dowed because We were sur- II tttn of cti •it, Ob«erv« jiititn»ib laln flail tl City ot 97 TantulUa rounded with "io many Interest- Hal; it Throw Oppoird I* U Singing Ing thinfs. Having been reared «w<»U*U r •a BUIM voice M Otnu* «< 2t DUtrlbutta H Tall manh by a wife mother, our duties were trot* Ul Extinct bird raai planned in such a way as to ap- 3S To atrlkt out orm Into • m A» W>u» 3S Second- »fabric pear like play. Each task was a not* (mm ) growth rrot. M Rtll|lou» 70 Ut It itand 34 W«l(ht o( image challenge to the other children II Colon England *4 Mtrool ln the family, be it hunting the tur- Tl Unrulmtbny araped Alice dilug* TJ Buahtb * 41 Fourth ta.lt* myth keys to their neat or pruning the "Well, mow l*i't wt the cracker Jack! 43 An eddy O Nothing grape-vines. There waa praise for 41 Slx-lln* M Elru«ci» If Htatlnf aUraai goddeia the one who found the most tur- key egg* and we could stop at the A : blue clay bank and get clay enough Tu*t«h « el"1o N It it tin* ip'i N filn s F • I 1 N to mold a miniature farm Just to i U.ildt l. to walk' a mile to the back of the f o* IIndin a JJJ Hfiua naaann Save on Toys « DDtfarof * 331 nation nanan (arm to get a hone to ride to JJJJ aunan nnnn the country store with maybe a 131311 nnnnn inn basket of eggs. With the Purchase of a Sensationally I TO U* UJUUUU QIUQB ODO Priced NEW...NEW...NEW I Urfi nnnn noco Work, if gone about tactfully, At Milmtu. 10 Bodyf) airianann onnnnn can be made to seem like play if l»l.) yours ll a wise mother. i lot It Cut Un»th- (Sand ttotrlbatltm ta Ikla talirai la 11 Mtttul" won Ta« Old Tlnar, Cammiilly Frm Ben- )Mir hind tn in, tn II, FrMkfart, Ktmltcky.) »rch#rjr con- DOOLEY'S

Cemetery Wreaths SENSATIONAL VALUES ff/erruu (^krlitmai and WITH NIW, IXCLUSIVE Grave - on our - with Blankets POWER PAK' Artistically Arranged DISCOUNT lowers TABLE! e»rated Plants, Gardens, Centerpieces, put Flowers, Gay Holiday Wreaths

••"•IM meanf gifts ... and what could be nicer than) •utifuj bouquet v cor»a«e of her favorite flowers?) LARGEST •r

-~ --- —w^^ ! Francis Street. . . . from Ford*, a Vule Fund Sweetness and Light 1 aon to Mr. and Mrs Carl Hueb- (Continued from Pare One) J ! schl*. 30 A Aldrtch Drtve: a dauth- (Cccunued from Pagf One) New Jersey Car Drivers and Car t*r to Vr and Mrs. Edward Mac Cttn added to the list Mix **ek dreary homes which we have j ouisa \ t>*ta.. 32 Jackson Avenew . . o be helped through the fund an taken into our hearts, and, also a son to Mr. and Mrs Charles i& follow*. No 51 There are »eTeti Owners Befieve Car Inspections i Bennett. IJ7 Woodbrtdge ATenue. •hiWrrn in this family from IS into yours. j Snfartn and a daughter to Mr ears old to 13 year? old The mai (>r\ and Mrs John Warchol. II Clem- | jj the household is Torkin* not Have Helped Reduce Auto bfl Court. Hopelavn . Mil A i wt t?-;e income :« much too small I hare no doubt that there j I am m higr. L*r«. Tiadal« Place and Mrs St^r- I All by Hrrertf many, many thoughts ] ,w> Fortay arrived tn Vienna this i Caw N«, it: Elederly woman an Acadents, Survey Shows undemand »•;'•, ; 1 n the Vailing: _.!•*** to see* some of their reU-'^ho surely need* help If her which have turned to our1' msr ftit most ' 'Rood looking, <\-, Tha not* came from Fred (ttTe* who they o#lirre rot out of! jhrisUnas is to be a tat brijhteT. I Christmas fund — thoughts PRINCETON — On January duce auto accidents in the stsU1. j a (food l:ne A; Adams in behalf of the Lucky i Hungary They are also trying to r,_ N. „. He~ „ fcaT- u ># These groups include people in • who are not a,i • Efcht Hunting Club. It speaks fl™, ^ ^rx orphanwl bo^.j h;,£T T~: ™4 V 1- Thich have have been meant j 10 1»M. a law went into effect 2 all city staes. a(t« groups, occupa- setting the &,.-, for ttieif: "Altho^h the Lucky: castes rf r*George Frederick ! ™S Je'^est 16 T^e fathL requirin* that all New Jersey to be remembered, but which tions. and educational levels, as think can be \\., | Ei«ht Huntin* Club does not hare Vhom they hope to brin* tack only can «t>rk intermittent!} registered motor vehicles be in- EVFRV F VFMNG well as Republicans. Democrat*.! TM. | the mean* to contribute to char- Ttth them Sorry to learn tJia would have dissipated in the haste and spected refularly by the state ity or to support financially com- • Mr. and Mm. John S Ander*sg. for lifhto. brmkea. steerlni aquip- and Independent voters. 'Answer: bustle of holiday prepare^ Over the years, the problem of. it u rathpr! , I I for the ment. horns, etc. 11 of other etric chibs. yet the mem- to make their home in Maine car inspections have erujtaged the j a question wi> •, tions. The purpose of this The .avowed purpose of thU HIM bers i.re unanimous in their frel- Paul Sato, sponsored by Dr. Fred- Case N». 54: There are fou. attention of a number of state effort today is to try to re- law ww to help redact acci- person who a* HAMOMELY ing that your Chrutmas Fund in- mck has received a scholarship to small children here and the moth- legislatures dent* are a bit cone- • deed represents a worthy cause.' • prep school. . . . er is widowed 'mind those who may still Today, the District of Colum- pantons resent After nearly nineteen . rr, how do rank and file Mew Jer- sum of S50 In the bet* that it Vail "ell • dreary time for such a youngster, jo f giving, that there are only and operated, stations that In- that a sensible sey clUaens feel about them in- will be of some aid ... Another j tcantlnmA P e l spect, ifi can registered there. sense to look v *»* One. ^Cait. Sr^ X Tin«hi,:» to» <>»y* Wt »« »hem toj sofar u redwrlnt accidents u not* fro•cmm a donor reaareads as zoifol- i ' ° .»»* ""• •"• *•" *»«•• — -—• ... . . •„ -f-«i "~"~ ~" " Eleven other statw: Pennijrl- that a really lows "Endoje find check for i departmental work in connection i case has been out of «ont a great | give the greatest gut 01 ail— •, concerned* rania. Maine. New Hampshire. should have tr. 1 1 $20 I wish it were more as you,l* " jdeaL Medical eipenses are hea»y charity : ResulU of a recent statewide ttnia. West Virginia. Texas. New People know •. rhte hu sue-{and there are four small children surrey show that the New Jer- herself attracr do such a wonderful Job of helj>-; " • * * Mexico, Colorado, and Utah- •Jig the needj in our community.! ****"" Sergeant Van Pelt 'to be taken care of. sey adult public U definitely con- require all carw registered in make the nu,,- h s I Beat wishes and a Merry Christ- \ * ?er» Onirersity dealing wUh such ^o" *" * ° Kves atone. Her onlt feels that car inspections hare 5 ! n your quires all school buses to have who thinks *r,.. matters and received a cerUTcate lncoroc « from oW *«' ««"*"«, Nothing whatever is deduct-i not helped reduce auto acci- | Ing and a more thorough inspection in the time? NoU;: r 90man has been dents. 3 not send broken toys, puzilea with of commendation. ! ' ™ " "! private garages |a perton r l TOluld In other words, those who be-; pieces missing or games with part recommend that the icipient from the Christmas fund In all. fifteen '15' states plus-nream of g p for severaseTerajl years and is • wry of our staff, with volunteers, | lievc that ear inspections helped the District of Columbia, at the it U an sdvar.: of the equipment gone. It Just, Committee duly esublish by reso- worthfCljl, reduce auto accidents In the state J mean* the time of carting It up! a Juvenile section in the sort and wrap clothing and' present time, require some form keep a Case No. M: Still another elder- outnumber those who feel they » two night* of stairs, sorting it.: PoIi<* Department to function ly woman all alone in the world, : of car inspections. overage ho> toys. The expense of distrib-; have not by a martin of exactly • 5 carting It back two flights of, the Chief of Police and I Help from the fund would give „„. This newspaper presents the listener much uting the boxes of remem-| five to one stairB and a trip to the inctner-! further recommend that reports of the New Jersey Poll j an Incessant r a merry Christmas. When the New Jersey Poll; gator We have so much work to | Se &e»rit Van Pelt be designated, Cw So ti. And yet brances are paid by thei exclusively in this area. ihit is to bnu- put the following question to a, | do the last few days that it would ** Sergeant in the Juvenile case 0, an'old woman I back to hu hi,. . newspaper, as are all other representative cron-«ecUon of help a lot If all toys and cloth- Bureau ' bltionn No !I«T| " no one to care. She receives Old the state's citizen: \ i ing were Inspected at home before Sergeant Van Pelt was appoint- assistance. incidental costs. In this char- j I Age "In New leney tor the past being brought to The Indepen- ed to the Police Department in Case «2: This is a man who lire* ity, there is no overhead—j S male. eighteen yean, all can have I dent-Leader. If there is any doubt 1942 and was elevated to his alone and our investigators teH GRAMERCY PARR except in the time andj been inspected rejuUrlr by i Ami If yo'l >,,; I in your mind as to whether or not present rank in 1954. i us that a basket would be most the state f*r lifkta, brakes, tic. i with the boys, d ; an article would be acceptable, welcome — and needed — here. strength and money which! VOn the wk«k, io you feel that I girl friends T!,<> SUJTS 55.00 ] ju*t ask yourself this question, Case S3: An elderly couple with are supplied by our folks and these ear tnpteetUns have ' lasUng popukri". i "Would I like to get this aa a Famous Relic none of their own to help at by us. \ helped U> reduce aaU> acci- ; usually the or.,- •* i Christmas present?" . . . (Continued from Page One) • Christmas. A basket is. really ; by the girk. So :j< ' needed here. • * • dents in the state or not*" 1B47. Father Lefebvre was ap- These were the molts: tivate both M-X> - pointed director of pilgrimage* j Case 64: Here we have a vet- And There: For ten years now, we have j Statewide Last but m,t r, there five yean later. He has done j eran who is lit and from all indi- to be liked by ;„ The Colonia section of the Town- met the obligation which we; Helped reduce accidents M3 extensive research on Saint Anne cations will soon have to be nos- like them. This ,;„ rhio is eoing to have a new sweet Have n»t 16 and is the author of several books no income due undertook on your behalf,; you must pioif:.: shop—Colonia 8weet Shoppe. W. Naapinion 4 ilnman Avenue Shopping Center. including "The Land of Miracles." to the man's illness and a baslttt but it means ti.a; a ! is a necessity. There U a small generously. The arrival off Highlight of today's survey S i The store is being opened Satur- •The Saint Called Good," "Saint be interested m v. i daughter to be considered, too. the gift-laden trucks at ob-; findings is that car drivers in day by Dychatwald. formerly own- Anne's Prayer > Book" and "The ing and in what •.:. • Case No. 65: This old lady is the state by a margin of better er of Uncle Millie's Sweet Shoppe, Life of Saint Anne." scure and dismal homes hasj ' living on Tld Age assistance. Let's than four to one are of the Roselle. Mr. DyachatwaM. his wife j try to give her a brighter Chrirt- brought through this dec- opinion that car Inspections j and two children reside at 15 Tra- | mas. have helped to reduce accidents' JTO SALVAGE B!3 falgar Drive. Colonia . . . When ade, we know, moments Cost 'Excessive' in the state. PITTSBURGH the Bucknell University Choir ' Toys and clothing were donated of memorable happiness and operator on a s presents Its annual Christmas (Continueo from Page One) this week by Earle Gehman, Worn- Car Driven, Statewide GOOD FORM . . . Chosen "Mba the Monongahi-: program on the campus Sunday. founded, In view of the financial an's Club of Avenel. The Monsters. gratitude to those who other-' Helped redact aeeUenU U% Sweater Girl of 1956." Dorothy Elizabeth, ha5 Miss Janet D. Pedersan. a junior, condition that the Township and: Abby Meistrich, Billy and Ann ] wise would not have been re- Have not IS Bawaod of Bradford, Pa., »p- tempt to salv;,.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor School District finds itself to be Henry. Anthony Wn. uicnEckert,, Giruuil< No opinion t tm.n wtta Cecelia Farley. KV,. -\ ]• that landed o; Pedersen, 24B First Avenue, will in, and the policy or the Board of' Scout Troop 14. Senior Girl Scout' membered. Moistened eyes And among people with cars *ame4 "Hiss gwealer Girl of last January ,;: sing In the alto section ... Among Education has been to add>e*» It-, Troop 7. Avenel, Mrs. Welnberg'sl have dried OUicklV by the in '.heir fimffles. those who be- 1971." those who were inducted into the self to the functional use of build-1 Class School I, Mrs. Bert Samson. lieve that car lnspeclons have If Bvans rei^ ings and school property. 1 warmth of a smile, tots lost helped to reduce accident in the POLLY LASHES LUZON may keep all p. armed forces by the Draft Board, i Mrs David Davis. Tuesday were James A. Maffia, their uncertainty, Mothers state also outnumber those who MANILA^-Typhoon Polly left at fled equipment 430 Woodbine Avenue, Avenel; have offered a silent prayer believe they have not by a better least three dead and 32 missing than four to one margin. today as It lashed across southern Eugene R. Catino. Jr.. 139 Corre- for the good givers. ja Avenue, Iselin; Nunzlo C. Mi- ST. DEMETRIUS COMMUNITY CENTER Car Owners, Statewide Luzon Island In the Philippines nuccl, 27 Daniel Street, Port 681-691 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret Have redieed sccddenls tl % with 80-mile-an-hour winds. The MAJESTIC Reeding; Charles F. Martorelli, Have not IT Bureau of Customs said 32 sieve- j The eleventh year? Whatj II NOW THRl ItiUV 426 Prospect Street. Avenel; John Ne •pinira % I dore* were - missing after two M, Mullen, Jr., 550 Cedar Ave- Dancing Every Friday Night now? j Worthy of particular mention,; barges sank in the Pacific off nue. Woodbridge ... John J. Kala, too, Is that at least seven out 1 southeastern Luzon. 'THEOPPOSITESEXl pos, radioman, 3/c USN, 47 Li- of every ten In every population j - THIS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14th with Juiif WU .mi i berty Street, Fords, aboard the Drive for Relief group examined believe that car: escort destroyer, VSS. Damato inspections have helped to re-; Uolorn (>rav \ •• (Cdntinued from Page One) In Cinrma^rniic r.. and James E. Britton, fireman, WALTER KROSS Wilbur Coville and Edward Slot- -STATE- with IhfM- gin -I USN. son of Mr. and Mrs. James kin. Doctors. Dr. I. Zuckerberg; Harrjr Jamr» - \n F. Britton. 109 Warner Street, publicity. Lawrence F. Campion: THEATRE And His ORCHESTRA Dirk sh.i»n Fords, aboard the support aircraft gas stations. William Westlake. - FORDS- Woodbrldfr, N. J. carrier U.8.S. Antietam, arrived STARTS Mill at Piraeus-Athens, Greece, No- PLAYHOUSE TIES., WED.. THURS. HI-Z UU vember 23 ... Robert L, Beni. Lori Nelson - John Smith in airman apprentice, USN, son of THL'RS. THRl' SAT. AI Mr. and Mrs. Louis. Jr.. 42 Ford "HOT ROD GIRL" Avenue, Fords, is serving with Phs Airborne Early Warning Squadron 'birt He Left Behind" Rirhard Dfnninf In TABLE ROCK' 15 at the Naval Air Station Pa- Tab Hunter - NaUlle Wood "GIRLS IN PRISON" — nlth tuxtent River. Md. . . . THF. MAVKRICK Ql'EEN ' • '"Uy Nil* u HU» Sthort mu Richard Barbara SUnwjrrk - Barry I'riday - Saturday U Random: Snllivm Gary Cooprr - Jane Wyalt in Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ander- son, Jr.. Sarannah. Ga.. announce CARTOONS and "TASK FORCE" NOW THKI -vi'ii the birth of a daughter, Joanne COMEDY — Plus — 100% PLKE WOOL Marie. November 23. In Savannah. ViVIEYi James Cainey - Pat O'Brita In I: Mrs. Aftderson is the former Miss SCN. THHl TIES. "The Sharkfighters SWEATERS I; Annamae Zierer. Mid wood Way, HIDUV SHOP _"THE nC.IITING 69TI1" Hllll Viflitr M ilni'- j Colonia Mr. and Mrs. Rich- "Teen Age Rebels" Saturday Malinrr at t:«f P. M. 7.98 |;»rd Gyorkas. formerly of Wood- Ginger Roien - Mirh**! Renoir SIN.. S j bridge Township, have moved into Ginfrr Rofera, Michael Rennle "THE MAN FROM '' 11 their new home and would like "COME NEXT SPRING" Gabardine Slack* Corhran - Ann Sheridan in 11 to hear from their friends. Their DEL RIO" ! 10.98 | address is 49 E. Netherfield Road. ( hrUtmat Krtnliw Oo*rd°' "TEENAGE REBEL" with Ainii"ii> l Glenville. Wilmington 4. Dela- DECEMBER 26 — Plu» — 1 ware Mrs. Gyorkas Is the former STARTS M\H^' Joan Nochta. Avenel . . . Before HUNGARIAN SHOW U»vid Brian - May Wynn In you go to Ntw York for that From I T. M. C«»tlnu«as "THE WHITE SQUAW" last week of Ohrtjstmas shopping. "THE 7th CAVALRY I suggest that you look at the nlth Kaiid"l|'!' -!• merchandise offered In area shop* first. I did most' of my shopping locally—except for two special BUONO "SUICIDE MISSION" lWma—and I had quite a bit to choose from and no wear and tear on my nerves. . . . Two Guys from APPEKTO Harrison, I hear, has something lu-w -r a female S»nU Claus. . . llmt But iVof Least: RICCI'S ITALIAN CUISINE Born at Perth Amboy Hospital: ror Layette size From Woodbrldg?, a son to Mr. & CITY LINE RESTAURANT and Mrs. Paul Sliarik, 68 Fulton ROBES Street; t up to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- For Toddlers Roosevelt Avenue, t'arteret liam Baldwin. 670 Watts Avenue: 9.98 a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Nor^- GIFT CKBTIF1CATE8 and TAVERN Curnrl FOR ANY AMOUNT For Children bert Jobt, 12 Freeman Street: a To Size It •'STAR OF INDIA son to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bern- {('ullll HANlA-( HAKGE IT! stein, 172 Fief man Street; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Avoid the but Minute Rush and Cruth Shop /VOID.' For Orders to Take Oat Call KK1DAV N January V Feb. Vi Mar. Lknmh, 534 Olive Place: a daugh- At the Beautiful New |M ter to Mr and Mrs. Stuart Bran- Xo KvcryuiH' |),in ii -| |.»i!'i< dow, 645 Leone Street. . . . from KM-9682 W *1 Good, Usablf Avenel, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. PIES Robert Den Bleyker, 200 Demarest LAY-AWAY OPEN EVERY Avenue; a bon to Mr. and MYa. NIGHT TIL 9 *"«• » waJ treat, Ui our IMF f«" n Donald Nuztlrod. 900 Rahway Ave- **««l«Ue IUUM DUtaea nue; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. HANDI-CHARCE UNTIL CfUtfSTMAg SUN., MOV. Jamt-» V Ma««, 40 B Smith Stmt aimer Rn|er» •>'" IMS SHOP . . (ruin belin, a daughter to Mr. I and Mrs. Angelo A. Barbato, 14 FREE PARKING CATERING SERVICE "TEEN AGE WOOOWMf i Berkley Boulevard; a «qn to Mr. AT BEAB OF STOBE In Our Lure David »<'•'" Frt»»j Till« r. M. and Mrs. Gowue Poywick, II Mar- 10 PAYMENT PLAN ruklitf la Km coni Avenue, a daufhter to Mr. "WHITE SQUAW and Mn. JUUAB Wuutli, IN W. BANQUET HALL

,\L i -ISEL1IS- Mepenbent - ieaber COLONIA NI )K J'ENDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 PAGE u it of Honor Hospital Guild to Start PTO of School 18 Christmas Plans 9 leld by Troop 45 Library for Nurses Home Names Chairmen Listed by ipiNlA — A Parents Night COLONIA _ The Colonla ward during Christmas week. Mrs. ISELIN — The P.T.O. of Iselln i uiit, of Honor was held Frl- Branch of the Perth Amboy Hos- P. Roemer and her committee COLONIA — The W.S.C.S. C School 18 met at the school where ,. i he AmerlcRn Legion Hall, pital Guild met at the Colonla served refreshments. the New Dover Methodist Chun) the speaker wa* Dr. Van Clct ,(,,.,- scout Troop 4S. Color Library where Mrs. Mortimer There will be no business meet- will hold Its annual Christum i Morris, Rutgers University. His party Wednesday at the chWCt , [in the Flag Ceremony Cowen, president, announced the Ing for the guild during January. I'niiovt Brown and Allan appointment of Mrs. Rose Bwartz Chairman of the affair it Schools from Bad School*." Herbert Schaefer assisted by Mr as chairman of the book project, be held February 4th at the Li- Oscar Vollmar. Mrs. Albert I (ii!i!!istrr James Taber pre- The Branch Is starting e fic- brary. The new constitution of the or- is In charge of decorations. ,,l iwnrds to 8cout« who hid tion library for the nurses home. ganization was Introduced and members will bring gifts : ,,...pd one rank up,the ladder Anyone who has good reading voted upon. pals ,,,,,1 as follows: Star Badge books and would like to donate The several committees were , nli-s Smith, Sandalwood them Is askod to call Mrs. Swartz Squad Auxiliary appointed arid are headed by This year, the W.S.C.S. il Mndfjj ', sniior patrol Leader of the at RA 7-1423. Volunteers are be- chairmen as follows: Hospitality. Ing 27 packages to the Method!* * ,, 1st class badges to Robert ing sought to sell items to pa- Mrs. Charles De Geso; program, Home In Ocean Grove. A'Spwl ,,, chain O'Hilli Road and tients from the carts at the. hos- Elects Officers Mrs. Joseph Weiss; w\vs and iroiiram Is being planned, and r Hi-nund, Sandalwood Lane pital. Those who can give some means', Mrs., Elwood E. Harris; nembers are urged to attend. COLONIA — The Ladles Auxl- I'litrol Leaders; 2nd Class t>n lie HJ I ill A DrOlCCL ftt"ft fltlfpri trt *i membership, Mrs, Nathan Blan- The deadline for the ,, to John Toma, Colonto 11 .iv.vjvt»to naivcu \I\J 11 fi rv of fchp Colniiifl. First1' Aid cken; publicity, MM. Jerome Bar- ontest sponsored by the ', ..id utid Barry Sonwh, Tan- Cftin niir^^?1"18' ^ 7'2"2'!Squad elected officers as follows: rl*, auditing, Mrs. Peter Peace; !lub is Saturday. Three prizes v ,. ;l Uinc; Tendtrfoot Badges 9 child welfare, Mrs. Seymour Oulld made Santa Clan* awarded, 3rd grade and undof *•' i,:nrs Bundy, Chain O'Hllla cr'th^ouud :rzr^^^Mrs. Carmen Maealuso,i **• *-*»vice-presi*- Derechln. th through 7th grade and 8tiv ; place mats. Thejie mats will be •i .ml Albert Aymer. Certlfl- dent; Mrs. Phillip Slngalewttch, :rade and up, Students may ente^v. uaed at the hospital in a children's Mrs. Harris suggested that cake . ,,r Merit were presented to Jr.. secretary; Mrs. Robert Uhl, sale be held In the near fu- s many slogans as they Wish, - ^ tin participated In the treasurer; Mrs. John Palmer and ture. 'rlzes will be awarded during Bun^ l, Training Course at Camp Mrs. Andrew Soyka, trustees; Mrs. The next meeting will be held ay School, Decamber 30. Judgflf," „ m November. Those re- Church Groups Alex Bcltz, lla»on officer; Mrs. January 2. ire Rev. Sweet, Robert SwensOBL ,,. IIM> cnrtlflcatflS were: Ron- Cornelius Oberdlck, sunshine com- Cmll Hrychkanyck, John Fitter*', .vhapfer, Charles Smith, mittee; Mrs. Nicholas Kreitz, pub- an and Ike Burrows. f a , Fi-pund, Robert Brown and Plan Style Show licity. Gregory to Address The entire church school wUI" i jlmnyak. New members welcomed were Civic Club Tonigh ave its Christmas program at tbi "• i : i.niL Scoutmaster Herbert ISELIN Plans have been Mrs. Kate Maurer, Mrs. Gloria Oak Tree School, Edison, Decem* - Carballo. and Mrs. Robert Uhl. TO HEAD VETERANS AUXILIARY: Above are the officers of the newly-oritaniied ladies' Auxil- »,'I displayed a chart on made by the Rosary Society of COLONIA — Charles E. ber 23 at 7 P.M. This is the on* Plans were furthered for a dance iary of Colonia Memorial Post, VFW. I^-ft to right arn, president, Mrs. Albert (Jundersen; senior vice i::.: raps and fusci and St. Cecelia's Churoh for a fashion Gregory, publisher of the In- ime during the year that the enJ some time in February. The newly- president, Mrs, Bernard Krajewski; Junior vice president, Mrs. John Erk, Jr.; secretary, Mrs. Ray- .. i lo the Scouts the danger show to be held In conjunction dependent-leader will be guest tire school can he together. All elected officers will be installed mond Hughes; treasurer, Mrs. James t). Posaelli; chaplain, Mrs. Harry Morecroft; conductress, j il rd when they are permuted with the Junior and Senior So- speaker tonight at a meeting of are urged to come out and wor at a dinner January 12 at the Mrs. Vernon Travis. ir Living around. The display dalities. The date will be an- the Oak Ridge Property Own- ship wfth the group at this high- , Civic Club building. i. miiln at the American U-' nounced later. ers Association At the Colonla Ight of the Christmas season. It was reported that the recent , Hull for all Scouts to study. Committees have been appoint- Civic Improvement jClub, In- cookie sale sponsored by the Aux- i John Toma, newly-elected ed under the guidance of Rev, man Avenue, at 8:30 o'clock. iliary was a financial success. The Newly-Formed Colonia VFWKnolls Holiday i;: lit of the Mothers Club pre- Thomas Raywood and chairmen Mr. Gregory, who has advo- i. ;i sift check to chairman are; Mrs, Fred Wolf, general next meeting will be January 14 New Slate Named •_ at the Squad headquarters. cated a revaluation program for t i Troop Committee, Hope chairman, Mrs. Harry Brickall the Township for many years Auxiliary Installs Slate Party Saturday t: to be used u the Troop assistant chairman: Mrs. Edward will speak on "Assessments and COLONIA — The installation rence district president, repre- By Church Guild I. mvensary. Partenope and Mrs. Joseph Revaluation." COLONIA —Mtlton Wasserman, t ;t master Taber strewed the Shields, ads and door prizes: Mrs. ceremonies of the newly-formed sented the 5th district. Also pre- Awards Presented Ladies Auxiliary of the V.F.W. Co- sent was a delegation from the chairman of the children's holiday ISELIN — Election of officer*' ,- \ince of Scouts being pre- Edward Evanik. refreshments; party, sponsored by the Wood lonia Memorial Post was held Sat- ilnden Post of the Ladles Auxiliary took place at a meeting of tha M :vn all emergenctes and also Mrs. Walter KoiUttyn, model* and bridge Knolls Civic Association urday at the Colonia Civic Club •I the V.F.W. Young Women's Guild of Mrgtf ' : • r.wity of parent help and fashions; Mrs. William Chafa- At Pack Meeting Rosary Society announced the change in time fo building, Inman Avenue. A large turnout of Colonia resi- Presbyterian Church of Iselln. p.; ation with the boys In order telll. publicity; and members of the party scheduled to be held the Junior Sodality, decorations. Mrs. Mary Thome, of the Car- dents was on hand to witness the The new slate Includes Mrs. •i. '-m to advance In Scoutlnx. COLONIA — Cub Pack 145 held Saturday at School 17, Inman Frank Fennesz, president; Mrs, Holds Yule Fete teret Post, conducted the cere- ceremonies and take part in the Avenue: The party will begin at K Smith, announced that In Fwhlons will be modeled by Its monthly meeting Friday at Co- Norman Jensen, first vice-presi- monies and installed the officers: octal hour. 2 P. M. instead of 3 P. M. as was •imbillty all the Scout* In the members of their groups. lonla Library. After greeting the dent; Mrs. John Sawszak, record- ISELIN — The Rosary Society Mrs. Albert Gundersen, president; previously announced and will o;> who applied to go to the Ns- Cubs and their parents, Cubmaster Ing secretary; Mrs. Oeorge "Matf , ». Jamboree, to be held tn Warren Reeb took a count of the of St. Cecelia's Church held its Mrs. Bernard Krajewski, senior Shore Crest Civic Unit end at 5 P. M. annual Christmas party in thevice-president; Mrs. John Eck, Jr., usch, treasurer; Mrs. Curtijr k Forge, Pennsylvania, tills Colonia Club to Meet number of parents representing Elects Herman Kunkes Refreshments and giftrTvltl bi Campbell, corresponding secre- in,' i. would be able to attend, each Den. Den 1, of which Mrs. school cafeteria. junior vice-president; Mrs, Harry on hand for all the children pres- At Library, Monday Rev. Thomas Dentlcl present- Morecroft, chaplata; Mis. James tary, t'.<>|) 45 wishes to thank Post William Marquardt is Den Mother, COLONIA — An election of ent and the highlight of the part; ed the officers and program chair- Posselli, treasurer; Mrs. Vernon A report was given on the an- v Mich generously allowed them received the Honor Den Flag for officers was held at a recent will.be the arrival of a surpris* COLONIA — A meeting of the men with corsages. Receiving the Travis, conductress; Mrs. R. Cur- nual Christmas bazaar and sup* n :d all their meetings at the having the moat parents present. meeting of the Shore Crest Civ- guest of honor. A donation of 6 Colonla Club will be held Mon- corsages were Mrs. Joseph tis, Sr., patriotic Instructor; Mrs. per. Mrs, Charles Christensen and !:•!) Hull and also donated Assistant Cubmaster William ic Association, at School 17, tn- cents is asked per child, while th( day at 8 P. M. at the Library. Schortz, Mrs. Paul Sil'ance, Mrs. Raymond Hughes, secretary; Mrs, Mrs. IJarold Hanna, co-chairman, ti> to the Troop at the time Walsh presented atoards to the fol- man Avenue. adults will be admitted without This will be an important meet- R. Curtis, Jr., flag bearer; Mrs, stated the affair was very suoess- Kir organization and the PTO lowln? deserving Cub Scouts: Den [Richard Smith, Mrs. George Named were: Herman Kunkes, charge. Reservations must ing and all members are urged to R. Hitibel, historian; Mrs. George ful and that over 2S0 dinners had. their sponsorship. 1: John Laraen, Bear Badge, Asst. Brooks, and Mrs. Carl Anderson. president; Arthur Coyne, vice- made by tonight. To, make a res- attend. Latzko, Guard; Mrs. Isaac Bur- ervation call Mrs. Armand Ciccu! been «rved. lamborette will b* held In Danner Strip*; Den 2: Christopher . Father Denticl announced that president; Max Kelson, treasur- Mrs. Crelghton Pfelffer. chair- roughs, Mrs. George Benson, Mrs at PU-1-2410. Mrs. Clyde Garlanc The next meeting will be De- ' r I»r the en|i» Baritan Coun- Petrovic, Bear Badtfe, Oold Arrow; a New Year's Eve ball would be er; Mrs.'SSith Cohen, Parlia- man of the children's Chrtotma* Phillip Singalewitch and Mrs at FU-1-9529 or Mrs. Milton Was cember 18 when new officers wilt a 'i <• Duhernai n'atei System Anthony Simonelli, Silver Arrow; held with all the societies of the mentarian, and Mrs. Mauriel party has announced that the or- George Thompson as color bearers serman at FU-1-854B. be Installed. There will be a V'.'v and (tie troop U prepar- Oerald Tarver, 2 Year Pin; Den ): parish participating in the school Dlugash and Mrs. Betty Bowlby iginal plans to have the party at and Mrs, Harold Pierce, Mrs Christmas party and gifts will be ' make displays Which will Walter Emery, Lion Badge; Je.rry cafeteria. The Rosary Society will who will shar« the duties of re- the library have been changed Howard Pierce, and Mrs. Joseph exchanged. o. •'•• their campsite. Felton, Lion Badge; Den 5: Carl supervise decorations. Rosarlans cording and corresponding sec- MAN SIZED and that the affair will take place Giannattusio, as trustees. f fa in.-, present were Mrs. James Kallnowski. 2 Sliver Arrows; Jo- were asked to meet at the cafe- retaries. Customer: "I want a box o at the American Legion Hall on Among the guests from the Mr aod Mrs. Prank Brown, seph Chesney, 1 Gold Arrow, 1 Sil- teria December 30 at 3 P. M. No other business was dis- cigars, please." Egypt has demanded an investi- 8th District Chief of Staff were 1 Mrs. Herbert Sehaefer Priday. December 28 between the ver Arrow; Den 6: Robert Goldqn, A donation was made to the cussed as the entire meeting was Clerk: "Yes, ma'am —a strong gation by the United Itations of Mrs. Rose Tomasso, district con- i.lnt'y Freund, Mm. John hours of 2 and 4 P. M. Member* Lion Bad«e; Charles DeMaroo, Trinitarian Sisters In Perth Am- devoted to the election. The cigar?" the Brltlsh-French-Israell attacks ductress, Mrs. Manianne Jones Mis James Taber. Mr. and working on the commfctee are: Bear Badge; Bruce Hamilton, i boy. group will meet on the first Customer: "Oh, yes. My hus- and punishment of the "aggres- and Mrs. Mary Nolan, district I >i>e Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Paul Ablonczy, Mrs. Charles Gold Arrow, 2 Silver Arrows. During the program Christmas Tuesday of each month at band bites them terribly." sors." guards and Mrs. Marie Balsko, dis- ornyak. Mri. Albert Ay- Larsen, Mrs. Joseph Munson. Mrs. Mr. Reeb Inducted two boys into Carols were sung by the Junior School 17, Inman Avenue. Edward Newton and Mrs. Walt trict president. Mrs. Norman Law- 'st.s Included prospective the Pack' as Bobcats, Thomas-I Sodality and the Holy Name John Jewkes of the Citizens Raymond Smith and Court i S*«enev Plemm and Wayne Wirta were clety Glee club. A community Counpil was guest speaker. ••iin-l, Cubmaeter Wlltard presented with their Bobcat pins sing was enjoyed. A buffet sup- Oliphants Entertain The aext meeting of Shore Attention Colonia Residents Ki'i of cub Pack 130 and by their parents. per was served with Mrs. Carl Crest Civic Association will bo Colonia Sportsmen* Robert Golden and Carl Kali- Anderson as chairman and mem- For Daughter, Jane, 1 held January 2 at 8:30 P.M. at .utoba and son, Roger, who "UNCLE MILTIE" •••'A-f.ii member elthe Troop. Club Enjoys Fishing nowski having fulfilled all require- bers from Menlo Park Terrace and Inman Avenue School. ments were presented with their Shore Crest sections as hostesses. OOLONIA — Mr. and Mrs. Fred Formerly of Rosfelte (IIVKS KrfBLEM COLONIA — The Colonia Webeles Badge* by their fathers. An exchange of gifts was con- Oliphant, Normandy Road, enter- Girl Scout Troops Plan IN A gold emblem ha*'j sportsmen's Club held a fishing Cubmaster Reeb said he thought ducted, tained at a party to mark the first H.sented to Samuel S. trip out of the Highlands Sunday. fitting for Mr. Golden and Mr. At the January meeting, a white birthday of their daughter, Jane. Yule Party Dec. 18th nt 186 Rldgeley Avenue, Members sailed on the "Georglna" Calinowski to present Robert and elephant sale Ls to be held. Guests besides her sister, Cathy, I Announces the Opening his twenty-fifth year of which Albert Maye, Jr. is skip- >rl with, their Webelos Badges were Mr. and Mrs. A. Dushinka, COLONIA—The Colonia Neigh- Western EKetrlc Com- per and Albert Maye, Sr. the mat*. iince they had done such an ex- Cub Pack 148 to Hold Elizabeth; Thomas Dushinka and borhood Group No. 3 is planning a ** — Of The Beautiful New — •• Keafny. A truck and One thousand pounds of fish were leltent Job in helping their sons daughter, Mary Ann, Scotch Christmas party December 18 at •:nver for twenty years, caught Including whiting, ling and throughout their Cubbing activi- Holiday Party Today Plains; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Oli- School 17 from 7 to 8:30 P. M. 'itt occupation U ptpe- a few mackrel. ,les. Cubmaster Reeb presented phant and son, Ronnie, Menlo The group consists of five brownie ISELIN — A pack committee troops and one intermediate girl the pl&nt's maintenance Attending were Otto Young- Hobert Golden with a Boy Scout Park; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oli- meeting of Cub Pack 148 was phant, Sr. and son, John; Mrs. scout troop.' <;it He Is a member of bluth, Leo Reuther, Tony Strlpko, landbook and canteen since he COLONIA held Thursday, at the home of George Ballnt. Harry Evans, Peter vas also graduating from, the pack Charles Oliphant, Jr., and chil- Each troop is planning to share uley 8. Holmes Chapter Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Stein- Carl, Richard Ahearn, Irving ,o Boy Scouts. dren, Patti and Charles III all of in the entertainment. An exchange Telephone Pioneers of berg, 294 Wood Avenue. Com- Fteterson, Robert Dillworth and All the Dens participated in the West Street and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- of gifts will be held and a visit SWEET SHOPPE »n organization com- mittee members present were Mrs. Edward Wescot. High hook was evening's projects concerning ter Brostow and children, Linda from Santa Claus will be the high- ' long service telephone Fred Relght, Mr. John Jenkins, won by Leo Reuther. I Christmas customs In otl\er lands, and Walter, Normandy Road. light of the festivities. — On Or About — and told about some of the inter- Mrs. Edward Menzenback, Mrs. esting customs practiced. Muriel Theodpre Kristensen, Mrs. W. G. Marquaj'ds Den I, put an a de- Trenery, Mrs. Albert Kull, Mrs. Friday, December 14 lightful puppet show "A Visit From James O'Rourke and Mr. and Mrs. MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY DATE WITH St. Nicholas.'! Laurence Steinberg. Refreshments were served. In The Colonia Shopping Center Refreshments furnished by Mr. COLONIA Reeb and Mr, WalBh were served Plans for (he annual Christmas BEAUTY • • • have your party were discussed. Santa Claus West Inman Avenue, Colonia (COLONIA SHOPPING CENTER! to the Cubs and their parents by Den Mothers Mrs. Anthony Si- will be present and an exchange hair monelli, iMrs. William Marquardt, of SO-cent gifts were planned — Featuring — Mrs. Frederick Bbyle, Mrs. An for the party to be held today styled NOW OPEN thony Kallnowski and Mrs. Hers- at School 15. Dens 4 and 5 will Moglia's Ice Cream chel Tarver. be thl hosts. id , Served at our fountain or The next Pack rfieeting will take The Chinstmas candy orders place January 4, when the theme will be allotted to the boys for packaged to take home. , VLL DAY SUNDAY will be "Eyes In the Sky." distribution. FREDRIC'S For Your Health Needs "CHARM CRAFT" Iselin's Original Newspaper and Variety Store PERMANENT uijd Prescription* GREETING CARDS WAVE KLINES 5 and 10 For all occasions Wt Stock a Complete Selection of: SPECIALS! "Serving This Area for Over 50 Years" • CHRISTMAS CARDS • FERMJMES DELICIOUS SANDWICHES • COSMETICS — aud the — • GIFT, WRAPPINGS NEWSPAPERS • MAGAZINES t STATIONERY MI t BOXED CANDY "Beat Cup of Cqflije In Colonia" o INDIES' GIFT SjETS Complete « WALLETS Outdoor and Indoor WHITMAN'S NEWSPAPERS • MAGAZINES • MEN'S GIFT SETS and t ELEC. SHAVERS CHRISTMAS VALUED TO\S • GAMES* STATIONERY • KIDDIE HALLMARK TO $15.00 • WHITMANS BOXED CANDIES WATCHES 50% OFF! LIGHT SETS BOXED and, GREETING CARDS Fredric and Six Operators to Serve You, , PIPES AND TOBACCOS 'TIL DECORATIONS COMPLETE FOUNTAIN AND from $1.00 LUNCHEONETTE, SERVICE Tel. KU-8-9767 or FU-8-8S63 Complete Un« at Hallmark FREDRIC OPEN EVENINGS Gift Wrapping! Our Sincere Thanks To: COLONIA Your Hairdresser ' Newark Whitman's Soda Fountain Candy Lay-away Toys Now for Christmas 150 Elm Ave,, Rahwayj-Tel. RA.7'9883 J Clinton Squaw Clover Meadow Oak Tree Road, Wlia Branch Salon on Raritan Ave., Clark, N. J. Pipe Company Dairy' FKEE DELIVERY Tel. U-8-1065 TeL CR-6-9817

•', > i.k ,- In fact, the expert suggested that adults OLD FLAME '(Elj waste no time in getting the polio shots He said that polio is attacking a surprising — JLdtetA to tb AN lHUft rtKWKFAFCR number of adults in the age group between Independent-Leader, Tbf (1*141 19 and 35. has on pro^f Editor: Hy life anri in Tb» WwrfkrUirrbnfer . Adults need no longer hesitate to take VTM4brMft In — umi i Reference: "Mrot Hitt Re- I. Add(> proved itself to be highly valuable, even Settles Over Township Citizen* " Political PS!;,' I tathtT from the vague, nebu- viluatlon aw •S mti; Afh nptei kf MO, W emu. though its original use had its rough spots. lous, self •contradicting state- to any form There seems to be very little possibility that ment* made that any attempt commonly rr: st Revaluation would reduce chine vot". anything is, wrong #ith any present-day 1 uxes on 'Utilities and increase repeatedly (1 vaccine, however, and this mistake seems Uxes to Woodbridge Township political adv,: to nave been permanently corrected. taxpayers. tunUm TThhe ; It is easy to «« that taxpayers dependable i;:; Therefore, we join the doctor who sug- under our present system of val- equal re]»r*.--<-,, if ffo Wrong Time gests polk) shots for adults, and recommend uation are unequally taxed. aUOBand in;. We can understand the desire of the that local citizens consider taking them Sutwi simply It mean* that etch facilities. Board of Fire Commissioners in Fords to citizen does not carry his or her IV.'Voter* :>, immediately. fair share of our joint commun- IMUC of revj:, enlarge and improve its firehouse, but we ity endeavors, covering such sidelined by i., ••. think its proposal to spend" $95,000 on things as Education, Police and mlttee Fire Protection. Health and such improvement is poorly timed. We No Taxpayers' Seria V. The maw:.• Recreation. This does not mean points out ih. ;.. think it would be in the public interest, Hope may breathe eternal in the human that we will be forced to make A. Our Bin therefore, if the referendum to be submit- breast, out here's another Christmas with up lost uxes from 'Utilities'. It functlonlnii mil.,, means simply that citizen* be- Townahip Comn,. ted to the Fords people at a special election no Santa Claus to promise lower tax bills come equal in sharing the tax MUonally ina.;.-,, Saturday is rejected. next year. burden. our education.*. If funds were being asked for additional This* takes no crystal ball nor mystic Improvement* in our collective B. The To-i:, community life require sound has (ailed anil fire equipment, it would be difficult to make predictions. Any year-end accounting of honest change as will be necessi- in mceUni and any objection. Since, however, the money current spending in government plus tated by revaluation The 8taW Ctjion diletnm.i is to go solely for building we are of the promises for 1957 confirms signs of little Department on Loral Govern- vthmtkm ment has already pointed out Failures ir, , Opinion such a targe expenditure is most tax relief ahead. The story is the same that addition*! aid for educa- imprudent and should be delayed at least from local government, where operating tion construction depends on our Prts* to town.,,, ability to rmlust* until we learn definitely what is to be re- w« totentr ur.-v;,, costs alone zoomed nearly $100 million in I am confident that t vigi- Uon thenotiif: .:,,.,, quired to meet our school needs. the past five years, to the Federal Govern- lant, aware citizenry'constantly naturally if »* , , So long as the present firehouse is ade- ment, where in the face of continuing in- on the alert agaln.it dlwtmini- of coordinate ,f.: Uon of half truths will serve to tlvlty by the Bo,i: quate to house current equipment—even ternational friction, fiscal experts foresee bring truth and progress to our Uon then educ.iv,: though some inconvenience it entailed and only further increase in the current $36 Under the Capitol Dome community certainly J some desirable facilities are lacking—we billion a year level of military expenditures ly J. J»s*t firtlMu Truth has recognted that it the last equality of representation Is-ab- meeting 99 per ,,• Relieve the situation is not so impossible and little or no promise of recession in sent from our local government. was spent on ai: » to require spending $95,000 at a time other costs. . \ — State officials of hospitals than enter the front station, claims Colonel Afeall Is Truth recognizes the revalua- the general nw!;. < hen the residents of Fords as well as resi- New Jersey hope Santa Claus will door. one of hU best examiners. tion is nothing more than an education upon • Factors blamed for increasing costs of be generous this year in provid- equal share of the cost of ad- catlonal calibre ' :ents of all other areas of the Township government range from growing popula- ing gifts of new buildings, in- CHRISTMAS SPIRIT: - Hun- DEES HUNTING:—New Jersey ministering to our community pends. Is it am > re already head over heels in public debt. tion, expanding economy and demands for creased spending money, more dreds o* children in New Jersey hunters have been wearing red needs, Truth recognizes that low ebb In ed\i<\r. ficit financing is poor policy at any time, personnel and any new gadget orphanages and oiher places, in- hunting caps and coats and socks "Public Office Is a Public Trust," ment exists *..• additional service to lack of restraint in designed to smooth out tne kinks cluding the State Home for Boys for years and years in the deep and nothing short of this truth tects of eduMi,.:: nd particularly in these days when in- handling the public's pocketbook. in State Government. at Jamesburg and the State Home woods in quest of deer. Is acceptable to voters anywhere needs with <.r.. terest rates are soaring to an all-time high. Governor Robert B. Meyner for Olrls at Trenton will be hap- Now comes word that red to a and at any time. emergency reiw::- Pointing out that today's spending in- pier this Christmas because of color blind person Is the same The best estimate available now is that would be pleased on Christmas Here- are fact* concerning re- ceftcy but ntx<: > vitably leads to tomorrow's tax bills, the Day if Santa Claus would leave the generosity of the men at Me- color as the brown woods and the valuation and the stranglehold It e'. It til) lor you to your btht >^ dren happy at Christmas time," advisory service Is without charge. lerry way issuing bonds, using up cash calculation that the taxpayers of New Jer- says Major Farnell. with bow and arrow. During this Improvements in State parks year's bow and arrow season from eserves, appropriating without any regard sey must pay $2.36 in Uxes for every to accomodate an increased pop- As for the children — at the October 12 to November 2, bow- Friendly Service—As Near As Your 'hone ar the needs of the other—and, indeed, the ulation, as well as final plans on State Homes for Boys and Girls men took 690 deer which proves $1 of such Federal "aid" received in the how best to utilize the Wharton they are supposed to be bad boys '1929 ecurity of the people. The sooner this hit- the Robin Hoods of the Garden state. This is the equivalent of borrowing Tract and Island Beach, have and girls. But there art no bad State arc becoming more profi- or-miss practice stops, the better off we all $1 at the interest rate of 13d per cent. been requested by Joseph E. Mc- boys and girls at Christmastime. cient. Lean, State Commissioner of AFALI:—Heaven must be like STERN & DRAGOSE' will be. As Pinque aptly points out '\ . . there Conservation and Economic De- New Jersey and trie United States are no shoulders to which the problems of velopment. Sufficient funds Uf in general, according to Col. HOLIDAYS:—The State of New operate Morven at Princeton as Mohammed All Afzalt, of Iran. York Is giving dayt off'as Christ- ^ EB'0!2 Polio Shots for Adults government may, be shifted but our own. an Executive Mansion has also Colony Afztli, father of ten mas present* this year to permit As taxpayers we must finance the opera- been requested this Christmas. children, is working at the Tren- the State's 25,461 employees to A noted authority on polio recently sug- (Continued on Page Thirteen) tions of all levels of government — federal, Dr. Frederick M. Raubinger, ton car inspection station of the gested that adults, especially those who are State Commissioner of Education, State Motor Vehicle Division, not yet 35 years of age, obtain a series of state and local." j wants a new State office for edu-. having been sent to New Jersey three polio shots during this winter, or be- In other words — there's no taxpayers' cation, preferably on the campus by the Iranian government to of Trenton 8tate Teachers Col- study the State's system, of in-; fore the polio season next year. Santa Claus. lege. Increased salaries for New specting cars, He plans to re- Jersey teachers have also been turn home after a month and requested in a tetter to Santa teach others how to Inspect the Claus. John W. Tramburg, State 70.000 registered cars of Iran. Commissioner of Institutions and The Colonel, who speaks Eng- Opinions of Others Agencies, wants many things, lish fluently, works on the in- such as a fence around the guid- When You spection line with other exam- ance center at Jamesburg; full iners. He insists the easiest way THE WOMEN OF HUNGARY ed a great proportion of Hun- tions are torturing the minds of operation «f the Edward R. to learn the mechanical details There have been fw mani- gary's population of Hungary's many Americans today. It is a Johnstone Training and Research of inspection is to work at the population to Siberia, they can- Decide on a festations of the human spirit in bitter thought that the only ones Center at Bordentown. and con- job. At home he is in charge of all recorded history so moving not work their will on Hungary who can do anything are those tinuation of the metal health traffic regulation but at the in- and so impressive as that of the —not so long as the Hungarians like the Hungarians who are able program of the slate to a point spection station he is just one of Hungarian people in recent continue to chow the ' courage and willing to risk all for liber- where; more patients are sent out the boys. J ! j. New Car... and soU-sacrifice that have ty—The New YM* Times. the back door of State mental week) This is one of the glorious Dick Moore, supervisor of th* pages in the long, unending, but mad* them the admiration of I, never losing battle of humanity all who have eyes to see the SOVIET MYTHS EXPLODRD remember that (his for freedom. , truth. The outbursts of popular anti- It Is not rhetoric nor senti- The Russians cannot win. One Russian and anti-Communist can aid you to Kmnce k mentality to Mty to, The record wonders when they will realize feeling in Poland and Hungary Alld is there for all to tee—an un- this fact. They are running reveal the complete failure of promptly, tod cconomially armed people rising on behalf of great risks, because liberty is Stalin's effort to secure "friendly you build vour btnk credit as you liberty and then refusing to be contagious and because they are neighbors" by brute force and crushed. Of course, the Russian losing credit everywhere in the massive indoctrination. repay the loan. Come in hifu" oppressor can kill his thousands, World. Every day that passes Young people brought up for can deport others, can patrol is worse for Russia, Of course, a dozen years on nothing but information. ' his tanks and artillery, can sheet Hungary and the Hungarians Communist propaganda took the BAMUKG MOIIU: down women singing as they fy pay an awful price, too, and in leading role in demanding M«4«r tin to heap flowers on the tomb of a material sense a far worse sweeping changas. students, sol- • A. M. (• I p. M. Hungary's unknown soldier in price than the Russian). But it diery, factory workers — the Budapest. was said a long time ago that it very ones most favored by the The lost happened yesterday, does, not profit a man (or, we Communist regime aod given the 4 Ml. U • ML Tor the Russians rightly Inter- can add, a race or a nation) to heaviest indoctrination — made preted it as a gesture of defiance gain the whole world if he lose up the bulk of the peaceful dem- against them and a gesture of his own soul. Th« flungar^an onstrators in Poland and Hun- tribute, to the heroism and pa- soul—surely the Russians must gary and the bulk of the revolu- triotism of the men and women realiae it—is free. If the Hungar- tionists in Hungary. . . . who were killed in the past two ian spirit will not be broken, a Sweeping concession seem to PtM « Siviifs Accounts million tanks cannot win a vic- be the only way the Communists « Ths Rusttans have a fearful tory for the Soviet Union. can retain control and Poland -problem. In the ultimate analy- That ttoto struggle should have and Hungary short of open, bru- sis a human being cannot be to be fought alone is htartbreak- tal conquest ai(d long-continued in J:''. rr. farcai to do anything, for he can [, The argument that the occupation by Soviet armed I HJnii ^ / choose death. Unless the Rus- d States could not risk- forces. sians went around dally kilting Indeed, face the virtual cer- At sUke ultimately Is not only WMPBRIDGE or unlest they Uinty e(*-« tytlrd World War U» Cwnminiw hold on all the the final Wror that was unaniwexable. But could we Eurotoin satellite countrlM. At w*ul$ du&A Miem inweaMf ^U-^;l not h&nt done mtf*) Cannot stak« *JM is the carefully cultl- Our Me* Building, Corn* Moore Avenue NATIONAL BANK thfoufthottt history and denoct* we dp more now? Theae quea,-

( "-J ^


Rhodo Island Helped mark tfo Ixth birthday of Edward OaT*Wf» . . On Your Guard. . . >r. son of Mi and Mrs, Mmnl By Lt. Howard H. Tune LAFAYETTE ESTATES Gnvarny. Jonquil Circle. Kathy Ennls. daughter oflfr and Mrs. J-ohn A. Williams, Mil- nnd Mrs. Joseph Ennis, Hetrtfc- ;lird Lane. tonf Avenue, was tentfawd aj By TBRLMA —Mr. ari d Mrs. William Quinn party on the occasion of jMt •••> nth birthday. Her tmm} Army Officer Candidate .-KJinm nnd dam ter came to greet ,1,,. protection of *, tree DAVIDSON her sister. Carol. tt Bach year a number of Guardsman brother, JM S Quinn, Mildred Lane, vlnor; Peggy inrl,i owes not only a 'pw- are appointed to the U. S. Military on hU birthday last week, but U Jonquil Ctr. Parrell, Joyce Schapptr, las property but even of Academy. If he serves at lenst 20 Mr. Qulnu was so busy at the and Arlcne Dutch. l(llii servicesto the defense years he will receive free retire- Liberty I-4JM1 Christmas party that he hnrdly I'H'SC were title wordt ment pay at age sixty. All of the had fltne 'to receive congratula- Mr. and Mrs. Mutt: |inKcn imd are Just as true above can mean only one thins u tlons. Jonquil Cirdle. celttottt* .^ nudly the National Quard the Interested young man: —A snr;)i Ise birthday party after birthdays loj>ne we«k. ii-:ir, our nation. The mill- Top military training —In the article about the La- dinner at ;the home of Mr. and they had themselves ,,, from which the Guard Honor and prestige fayette Estates Association Chi'lfit- Mrs. H. Mi rite, Newark was ten- by dining out and going to • ',,, huck to the early nth Eduoatlonal opportunities mas Party in last week's Indeptnd* dered Mrs. j SyOelle Shapiro, Eaeter In New York City. ..Jill nn unbroken history New skills ent-Leader. an expression of ap- Road, Th o sday. Saturday wc- —Catherine Campbell, '•:,,,ii any other service. The Advancement And promotion preciation to the women who niiiR, the dihaplros, accompanied ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hugh ,;!lli](l unit In the U, S. Is Training in your home town helped wrap the many gifts had by Mr. an: I Mrs. Malta, dined jfy bell. Arlington Drive, ma ,,l Massachusetts Infnn- Increased Income been omitted inadvertently. Mrs. the Claim h int Diner, Montclair her twelfth birthday by Mr |MW% 1 nized as the Middlesex Opportunities for n Michael Amodio, through this col- Sunday, Mri and Mrs. George Sha- mother, Mrs. Hugh Caar*^"*"*''' .nilltiu regiment In 1638. commission umn, wishes to thank all those piro. Mr. nud Mrs. Charles Freed' therlne; Lynn. Miss Na iin' cull at Lexington and New friends who worked so diligently to wrap man, Mr. n'ltd Mrs. William Sha- r. Frank Lynn. the "Minute Man" Appointments to West Point the gifts for the children so beauti- piro, Mr. a til Mrs. Samuel Phef- Bestowing their fellclt, ',.„ wiis born. The name Leadership development fully. ferbaum clime to bestow their Richard Helm, Jonquil CHifc. flf »t , ii c.uarrt" wan first used his\blithday Saturday : Good sportsmanship —The many friends, of Mrs. fond wlshe.^ 21 \iirii New York units took Unit of your choice were Mr. and Mrs. StennYl Dave Jacobs, Marie Road will be —Mr. an} Mrs. Aubrey Gluck. namoi'V and Mr. and , I,I honor Lafnyette, com- Annual summer camp glad to learn that both she and Inverness T« rrj»ce, attended a per- Tete. ,.t the fnmed "Garde Na- Retirement benefits son, Barry, have returned to home formance (i* "Suburban on the —Participants at a partf'Wj ,»r fails. In World War Defense of home and country after a stay at the Perth Amboy Rocks" W Pacific. In the words are over eight years aotlve and in- and Mrs. Sidney Felnberg, Marie daughter of ajlr. and Mrs. Norman Klven nt the home of ] •inii Secretary of War Ro- active time to his credit. Road. The party goers were Linda ounf. Their son, Mark, was the McGcttlgan, riUcison "the toldlers of Another Guardsman Frank E. Charter Presented Sunday Klebe, Andrea Zeleznik, Stuart and Barry housrj|uest for the week. ,i fought In every action VFW Unit Outlines Kenneth Markowltz, Bobby Sprin- Drive. Maijy of Mr, Kondas, 3| years old, single, re- —Several women from Lafayette frlendfi and relatives wera/i i'ii,i;ii> to Okinawa. They siding at 20 Madison Arenue, Ave- ger, Marilyn and Richard Eisner, Estates, will tattend the "paid-up" , nillwnt record £h every Irvlngton; Marsha Davidson, Dor- The Mcaettlgans weTe pi' nel, also attended local schools and To New Avenel Lions Club Plans for Party membership \ meeting of the Met- surprised by a visit from Mtt. 1 inmi and proved onoe was graduated from Woodbrldge AVENEL — The newly-formed presented on behalf of his organi- othy and Dorelyn Muth, Joseph 'ood ChapUiv, Women's American < . \ iluo of the trained cltl- Kolbert, Washington, D. C. Can- Gettlpan's brother, wife High School Class of 1983. A Ser- Avenel Lion's Club was presented fttlon a bell and gavel to Mr. ISELIN — The Ladles Auxiliary 3rt, tonight at the Metuchea Jew- Sergennt and Mis. Walter • :\i r dy's adult celebrants were Mrs. geant First Class, he Is a tank with its official charter by the iCetzenberg. A banner from the ish Compnmity Center. A smor- who are with the . i] i< >it unities offered to the if Iselln Post, V. F. W., accepted Nathan'Eisner, Mr. and Mrs. Gil- ; commander In Uiis unit. He Is pre- Lion's International at a dinner- Uelln Lion's Club and an Amerl- lapbord salad supper will be served stationed in Japan, :K m enlisting in the Guard ,n invitation to the installation bert Zemel of Irvlngton, Mr. and •ently employed with Kopper Co. dance at the Top Hat with 165 an flag given by seven clubs In ith a prize'awarded for the best niater had not seen each Othar IH'M unlimited. Re can rUe Inc., a local Industry. Mrs. M. E. Kolbert, Washington, members and guests In atten- his area, were also presented to wemonles of Colonia Post last salad. Tha husbands, who will also six years. .n rank and position as hla D. C, Mrs. Joseph Felnberg and artlcipate in the program, will bo Specialist Second Class William dance. he Avenel unit. Saturday. • .ibility and experience wil Mr, Aaron Fetnberg, Newark; Mrs. the Judges. ; J. Sabo, 23, also single, 37 Da hi The guest speaker, Adolph The appointment of JaOUM |i,m Mo»t of the higher com- The invocation was given by Plans were completed for the Ella Abraham, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Avenue, Kcasbey, and a graduate Quadt, International Councilor, —Mr. and] Mrs. William Shine Zellerbach as tfhlted Ste :. i>r the guard aa well ai Rev. Charles S. MacKenzle and ,nnual Christmas party for the Markowitz, Mrs. Fred Springer, of Woodbrldge Hl»h School Class spoke of goals to strive for and and children, Metuchen, greeted hassftdor to Italy, first , iiiral officers of the r«m- Mayor Hugh B. Quigley opened hildren of Iselln post and auxil- Mrs, John Zelezhik. Mrs. Nandor Of 1850. Has completed «ver five pitfalls to be avoWed In servicing Mra, James .'thine. Arlington Drive reported In Rome, has lw» nv began their careers as the program with a welcoming iary, Sunday, in the post rooms Hoffman, New York City. years service with the Guard. He the community. on her rectn L birthday. thoritatively confirmed In W in the Guard. There are address In which he cited the need Deginnlng at 3 F. M. Mrs. Edith —The farplly and guests from 1» a tank gunner and a most able George Kaysar, depjuty district —Birthday greetings to Barbara ington. Srrvice School* which a for and accomplishments of ser Sherry Is auxiliary chairman. Instructor. As a civilian he Is a :overnor, served as toastmaster, Lee Tondl, daughter of Mr. .Mrs may attend ranging vice clubs in the township. Gifts for the children will be dls- chemtoal operator for Hart Pro- and Albert BleiweLss was chair- Michael Tondl, Arlington Drive; The Lion's District Governor iributed by Santa Claus. uimotlve Mechanic to Ra- |ductB Jersey City. man. Mrs. Miehael Katzara, Inverness MIU-luti. 'Opportunities for j Richard J. Dernier, 18. 28 Popu- Frank Diana presented the char- It was voted to give donations Terrace; one year old Peggy Fer- • rs commission we (Tail-1 lw Street, Fords, a graduate of ter which represents recognition Congregation Plans ;o the Middlesex County Tuber- reri, daughter of Mr. and Mrs .ill qualified Guardsman, j Perth Amboy High, has been In the of membership in the world's lar- culosis and Health League and to William Ferrert, Snyder Road; Mr . qualify by completing a Guard since June of 1965. He is a gest service organization, to Cornerstone Dinner the V.P.W. Auxiliary National Steven Much!, Glenwood Terrace George KeUenberg, president of Home. Larry Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs, the local club. After the presenta- ISELIN — Congregation Beth Mrs. Joseph Garbo, president, Henry Cohen, Nina Corner whose tion, Charles Paul, president of Sholom of Tselln has announced announced that a Christmas party sixth birthday was marred by ill 84 Smilh Street IVrih Amboy the Woodbridge Lion's Club, the plans for publication of a program would be held tomorrow, in South ness; Joseph Heeney, Inverness parent club of the Avenel club in conjunction with a dinner to Plainfield, V.P.W. post rooms fof Terrace; Verne Conni daughter o be held In the Spring. Since the the combined Middlesex County Mr. and Mrs. Steven Conni, Bran 'specialist Third Class. His mill' purpose of the program is to raise and District 8 Auxiliaries of dywine Road on her second birth SANTA'S HEHE AND | tary occupational specialty is tha funds for erection of a building VJ\W. day; Tommy Williams, son of Mr .of tank driving. As a civilian h on its land, lt Is to be titled "The He wants to meet all BLOOM! Two women were appointed In Is a machinist helper. These and Cornerstone Journal." you girls and boys. Ht charge of the buffet supper to be many more of your friends and Morris Cohen and Mrs. George served at the New Year's Eve is at our store %r (jiff* and neighbors are doing their part tc Gross are co-chairmen Journal InVMt yo«" Chrisrmai money •party of Iselln Post and auxiliary. Insure the security of your future Committee and Harry Davis and EVERY FRIDAY The Auxiliary -will have Its own Give them your support. Remem 1/frs. Laurence SUtaberg are Christmas party at a dinner to and SATURDAY -Z\>ioralionS :bcr — This Is Your National chairmen of the cornerstone din be held Deoember 20 in the post 3' Guard. ner. Any one seeking further in Friday 4:30 to 9 P, M. Call Us— room.?. Two dollar gifts will be formation please contact Mr. Mor Saturday 10 A. M. to 6 P.'K, '\ exchanged. WO-8'8140 ris Cohen, LI 8-8135, or Mrs We'll Deliver I LIVE A LITTLE! George Gross, LI 8-1586 or Mr. The birthdays of Mrs. Carl Bernard Kravftz, WO 8-2553. The Luna, Mrs. Edward Godfrey and FREE GIFTS! niatic Evergreens and next meeting of the committei Mrs. William Roach were cele- id- Holiday Greenery will be held at the home of Mrs brated. Mrs. Roach won the spe- for Harry Kline, Stafford Drive, Co cial prize and Mrs. Sherry, the Full, Shapely Ion la. dark horse prize. ALL CHILDREN ' IIRISTMAS TREES PUBLIX Accompanied by an Adiili WREATHS Christine Amhnucci POTTED PLANTS Member— Celebrates Birthda\ PERSONAL PHARMACY UTIFUL BOUQUETS FLORISTS' Attention is Given to Every 93 MAIN STREET OPEN EVERY EVENING COLONIA — Christine Ando- Shopper at Eastern PLANTERS TELEGRAPH nuccl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WOODBRIDGti 'TIL 9 O'CLOCK CORSAGES NEWEST MODELS DELIVERY Tbomas Andonucci, Linda Avenue, Open Evenings "Til 10 EXCEPT SUNDAY . i for those departed, celebrated her seventh birthday PORTABLE i active Grave Covers at a party. TYPEWRITERS Guests were her brother, Tom- USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN my; Ellen Rose Barber, Catherine Brennan, Joan' and Rose Ann But- EASTERN Somers' Flower House terfleld, Catherine Griffin, Angela Typewriter Exchange Take a "The Living Gifts" Macaluso, Katherine Macaluso, 171 MARKET STREET tip from and Undo. Singalewltch, all of Co- PERTH AMBOY •HI FREEMAN STREET • WOODBRIDGE lonia. Santa . , LIQUQRS

Let us help you with your holiday rnterUlnmg! We have "what it takes" to help you celebrate. To serve your eursts or Ui five M fi'ti, we recommend


CHRISTIAN BROS. lor CHRISTMAS Gills BRANDY Itafom filled &H. Gre«n Stamp Books at an/ of these beautiful, new OLD TAYLOR THIWORkD't MOST HONORID Bvx WHISKEY ^/REDEMPTION CENTERS IN NORTH JERSEY tor FREE Delivery DECANTER WATCH CHRISTIAN BROS " V M. to } P, M. WINES Call Thtr» U no finer watch in all the world NOW OPEN y TAYtOR than a lanfllntt. Whether y«u purthqie it for • UtUlt tm -343-345 Cookman Aw. • NORTH BERGEN - 601-623 Hudson BM. Wuudbridft »• WINES. ,.-• yourself, or as a special gift, you know 4 WUrnm- U South Street • PARMUS-159 Welt Route 4 - you art getting a watch that it world- ,96*970 Broad Street • PUUNFIOD—117-U9 Roouvelt AM. Complete Selection of for awuratyi Hi design - - • Htm CALBWEU-Bloomlltld «id rViua'K Aves. ••••« Imported tod Domestic * STATEN BUM-1410 ForrMf Awnin Vermuths • €«*•*» • Liqueur* CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN I OPINING SOON ALL POPULAR WUNOS OF BEER WTORAIWE-510 Centra) Avinu* e NEW BRUNSWICK -299 Qeori«$*M V« «w g«t yow S. &H, Grtw Slampi at more than 2,000 "retaliwi and wrvlct iHl»0H JOfflfH STATt JEWELERS ACME SUPER MARKETS

Woodbridge Liquor Store 23 MAm STREET, WaODBRIDGE OU Spend with »d?M. Greet* Stu- OPEN FEIDAV EVENING TILL » WOW WOODBRIDC^E THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 iNDBPENDKN'i PAGE TWELVE NEW HOME OWNERS Carol Service WOODBRIDOE — The estate of Wilbur L. LouRhrnn has sold to Margarcl (;llf Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Wes'ton AVENEL PERSONALS' Planned Sunday R one and one-half story frame Feted on Rjrlu dwellin gat 10 Madison Avenue, COLONIA v, U| Avenel. Mr, Weston is employed by M ciation will be held n«xt Monday AVBNEL—Don G. Mason, min- liam Qlirlllcli \,,,v"' « Keternberg ft Olson, heating Con- i v at 1:30 P. M. In the school audi- ister of music at the First Pres- enteHttln«d ,,t ,,',,'"" " Av* tractors, Route 1, Avenel. Joseph J By Mm. torium after which the annual byterian Church, has arranged j honor of the t.v.ini " A. Manzlone. of the law firm of !|l Christmas play will be presented mid will direct a candlelight carol ^OMig,,!,,. v.1|i; iir> DAVIT) DAVIS by the children. The play will be service at 4:00 P. M. Sunday Frederick M. Adams, 530 Rahway 1.1 Lenox Ate. repeated for the second time in the sanctuary by the Cherub, Avenue, represented the pur- Oupsta bNntn chasers. Avenel Tuesday at 8:15 P. M. to give Cnisnder. Westminster and Chan- Richard, \vi parent* the opportunity to attend. cel choirs. Fred Elder of West- 8r, Jersey city ,,, •'Hill V,n WO. 8 2240-B It will be offered by students of minster Choir College, Princeton. The president of the United , Frank EhrlK „,„, . <• States Chamber of Commerce has 1 Ki the fourth, fifth and sixth grades, nnd currently minister of music of Brookdnln; \1r '. ' ,'' 'n, called for a resumption of trade 4| under the direction of Mt&s Ruth at the White Church of Wood- Beefbo nnd s>n ' , hi brdlge will accomnany the slng- In non-strategic, Items between !: Stein. The Ol«e Club will enter- Branch, nnd Mr •,1,',r,';" t) —Mr and Mrs. Joseph Glydon. tain, under the direction of Miss fis at the or«tan /With Miss Mftr- this country and Communist . Collins muliW'i,, Ml Nj 88 Dartmouth Avenue, attended Lillian Burgeson. with Mrs. A. thHlrn Brown, birplst,, Plainfleld, China. Jey Avenue. ' '"' MCR| the annual nwption and dinner Macaulay as the pianist. Saner last Friday given by the —The Avenel-Colonla First Aid Mu-ic to be stag Is a follows: United Air Lines Management Squad will meet next Tuesday at "l,o. How a RoseNEJer Blooming, Club, at Hotel Roosevelt. The hon- 8 P. M., at the headquarters, Av- Westminster Choir; ""Annuftcia- ored guests was William A. Pat' enel Street. uon Unto Mary," Chancel Sex- terson. president of the United Air —The annual Christmas party tette, with Eleanor Smith, soloist; tines. of the Third Ward, Second Dts- •The Snow Lay on the around." —Mr. nnd Mrs. Donald Nazel- trict Democratic and Civic Club, Crusader Choir; "A Christmas Cod, 500 Rahway Avenue, are the will bt held Saturaay at the Hill-; Folk Sons," Crusader Choir; "II parents of a son born December 7 crest Inn, Avenel Street, with,a jest Ne." Cherub .Ctroir; "Silent at Perth Amboy General Hospital. atered turkey dinner to be server! Night." Chancel and Westmin- .)—• Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oyor- at 7:30 P. M. Music for dancing ster Choirs, "Olorla," from Mass kos, formerly of Avenel, have will be featured and a 50-cent VISITS OLIKSCENES: .Imrph Sabo, first chief aand charter member of the Avenrl Fire Company, in A, Chancel Cnolr, soloist*, El- moved info their new home at 49 gift exchange will be featured by returned to Avenel lor a visit this week after an absence of many years and was printed with an eanor Smith and Jack Dietrich. Sast' NetherfleW Road, Glenvlllo, Santa. Mrs. James Hopler, chair- honorary membership by tbr New Jersey Volunteer Fire Chiefs Association. I*rt tn rlfht ut Act- Traditional carol will also be Wilmington 4, Del. Mrs. Oyorkos man, will be assisted by Mrs, Sam- ing Chief John Tomas. Mr. Saho (wearing Mr. Deters uniform) and Harold Deter, former chief of sung by the congregation. A re- la the former Jean Nochta. Aven- uel Albrecht and Mrs. John Ma- Avenel Fire Company. Mr. Sabo, who was the suest of Mr, and Mrs. James Dauda, was taken to ception will be held In church au- eii hon. the fire house to view the equipment which Includes a new truck that was delivered a llttk over a ditorium, to which the congrega- 1 "'—Mi , and Mrs. William Shee- —Mr. and Mrs. David Davis, week ago. He was als« taken on a tour of the Avenel-Colonla First Aid Squad headquarters by Mr. tion Is invited. han, 67 Lehlgh Avenue, are the 15 Lenox 'Avenue, were Sunday Deter, who wa* one of the organizers and first president of the squad. Jame* McHufh, squad presi- parents of a son, Kevin, born De- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, dent, explained the equipment and related the progress of his unit. cember 3 at Rahway Memorial Alfred Ford. Newark. Hospital. Mrs. Sheehan is the for- -The Democratic and Civic mer Doris Thompson, Lafayette Club of East Avenel will hold its PTO Board Entertains Woodbridge Knolls Street, Rahway. annual Christmas party next Mothers, Teachers r Wednesday at 8:30 P. M., at Lou —Congratulations to Mr und 7-Flrst , Lieutenant Alfred Chain o'Hills'Park Reports Mrs. Ednar Rheaume, Albemarle JB'reuche, 900 Rahway Avenue, has Homer's Log Cabin, Woodjbridge, COLONIA — The executive under the co-chairmanship of board of the Panent-Teacher Or- Road, on the birth of twins. No- promoted to the grade of vember 25, at Muhlenberg Hospi- Stain In the Air Force Reserve, Mrs. Elmer Mitchell and Mrs. irother, David. ganization of Schools 2 and 16 John Kozak. A buffet supper will —Mrs. George R. Meyer, Orand were hostesses et a tea for class tal, Plainfleld. The twins, a boy fjrfptain Breuche served for more By nnd a girl, are the first children T*>*n six years on active duty as be served, music will he furnished ivenue, was guest of honor at a mothers and teachers at the for dancing and a gift exchange MRS. GEORGE party Saturday night celebrating school. Mr». Walter Zlrpolo, presi- of the couple. They've decided to f nilot and has been active in the name them Ronald and Susan. '•psetves for more than seven years. will be featured with Santa pres- F. FERGUSON her birthday. Guests were Mr. and dent of the PTO, and Miss Mary —The infant son of Mr. and H° is employed at the California ent. Reservations must be made by Mrs. John Meyer and Mr. Herman Mullen, principal, presided at the 1 93 Homes Park Mrs. Vlnoent Renz, Albemarle Ol Company, Perth Amboy. Saturday. Woll, Union City and Mr. and Mrs. tea tables. —The Junior Woman's Club of Avenue Egon Hildebrandt, of the Park. Hostesses were Mrs. Zlrpolo. Koad. was christened Vincent Wal- —MLss Beverley Davis, 15 Len- Avenel will meet next Tuesday Liberty 9-147^ —A double celebration marked Mrs. Psul Ablonczy. Mrs. Abe ter at St. Cecelia's Church. Iselin, ox Avenue, spent the week-end at the home of the president. Miss he tenth birthday of Richard Fox. Mrs. Herschel Tarver, Mrs. with Rev. Thomas Raywood offi- /In Ivilkes-Barre, Pa., with her Mary Lou Galisin. ,107 Walnut Strada. Washington Avenue. Sat- Elliot D. Ltroff, Mrs. Richard ciating. Assisting at the cere- •frftudmother, Mrs. t*Roy Gates, Street, at which tinns the annual —The Woman's Club held its urday he went out for lundh. din- Farkaa. Mrs. Hope Smith, Jr.. Mrs. monies were the child's sponsors, tnhi) returned to spend the holi- Christmas party will be held. Miss meeting and Christmas party last ner and the movies, and Tuesday F. K. Miles, Mrs. John Lockie, Mrs. Charles Zulauf, Secacua, day', season with her son-in-law Gail Cooper will be In charge of Friday at the VFW Hall, Lincoln night he was host at a family Mrs. Joseph Gaydos, Mrs. Walter N. Y. and James Flood, Jersey 'Jity. and' daughter, Mr. and Mrs. the program and Miss Rosalie Highway. Officers elected for the party when the guests were his Emery. » A family buffet supper was served David Davis. at the Renz home. Paulauskas and Miss Wllma Froe- coming year were: Mrs. O. J. Mc- grandfather, Dominick Andreano, The next PTO meeting will be —-The Pire Commissioners will licrt will serve as co-hostesses. Mahon, president; Mrs. William of the Park; his godfather, Ber- held January 8 ac which time the —Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Splt- mfiel; tonight at Avenel firehouse. —The Third Ward Republican Tnackara, vice - president; Mrs. nard JaCObus. East Orange; Mr. speaker will be Miss Josette Frank wr and children, diaries and Ka- -•-The Brotherhood of Congre- Club of Avenel will hold its an- George Kacinko, secretary; Mrs. and Mrs. Michael Andreano and whose topic will be "Television, rin, Claridge Place, were th° re- gation Sons of Jacob will meet to- nual Christmas party Saturday at Robert Deerln, treasurer; and Mrs, daughter, • Gail, Bloomfleld; Mr. Comics and Book* for Children " cent guests of her parents, V.r, and night at 8:30 o'clock, at the Av- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Constant Shissias and Mrs. Paul and Mrs. Robert Andreano and Mothers of third grade pupils Mrs. Laurence Levlson, Lynbrook, enel Jewish Community Center, Neves, Port Reading, under the V. Peace, board members for two daughter, Barbara and Mr. and will serve at hostesses. N. Y. Lord Street. chairmanship of Mrs. Rosalie years. It was voted to send a ten Mrs. Ralph Motano and children, —Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sudek —Avenel Fire Company will Lange. A buffet supper will be dollar donation to the Independ- Anthony Mathilda and Beina- tricla Lawrence, Homes Park Ave- and son, Joseph, Albemarle Road, hold drill exercises next Monday served, entertainment will be pro- ent-Leader's Christmas Fund and dette, Newark; Mr. and Mrs. Frank nue. were the Sunday dinner guests of at 7:30 P. M. at the firehouse. vided and dancing will be feat- the treasurer reported $150 had Ferrara and children, Frank, Jr —Under the sponsorship of the Mr. and Mrs. John Zeroaka, New —The Young Ladies Sodality of ured. Mr. Robert Fischer will Im- been donated this year to charity. and Margaret, Belleville; and M.Y.F. a Christinas dance will be York City. aWiL33 St. Andrew's Church will receive personate Santa for the gift ex- After the exchange of gifts special Richard's sisters, Caroline and held in the Woodbridge Methodist Holy Communion in a group Sun- change. refreshments vvere served and a Joann. Church, Main Street from 8 to 11 FARM PONDS community sing of Christmas % day at the 9 A. M. mass. The —The Avenel Woman's Club —Mr. and Mrs. Julius Meadows. o'clock on Friday, December 21. Farmers and ranchers are build- carols enjoyed. The flrst meeting group will hold its annual Christ- will hold Its annual Christmas Elizabeth Avenue, gave a joint Refreshments will be served and ing one- to two-acre ponds on of the new year will be held at the mas party Monday at 8 P. M., party next Wednesday at the Av- birthday party for their daughter, a donation Is required for entry. their lands at a rate of about 75,- Y: / First Presbyterian Church January In the church hall, under the enel-Colonia First Aid Squad Leslie Jean and Mrs. Meadow's It is hoped many young people 000 a year, according to the Agri- 10 and a white ele%hj*it sale will chairmanship of Charlotte Kisel- building. A supper will-be served mother, Mrs. Robert Dusold. 8ta- from Iselin will, attend. culture Department, which esti- le business $es- eski assisted by JOan O'Halloran at T o'atecfc and gift exchsng* ten Island. Leslie was three yean •MfttendJMn. John R. Jewkes, mates that around 1.500,000 such Verna Fetrone, Arlene Krisanitz, will be featured, under the co- old Monday. Guests were Mr. Ro- Jr.. aild children, Anthony, Judith bonds have been constructed in Joan Vultak; Frances Augullano bert Dusold and Mr. and.,, Mis. and jRanriy, Elizabeth Avenue, left the last fifteen to twenty years. and Carol Lee Mate. A gift ex- ler and Mrs. Daniel Levy. Peter Valenti and children, Nor- last Friday for a visit with Mr. Jhese ponds provide water con- December 21 at the VFW Hall change, entertainment and re- —Mr «nd Mrs. Charles V. Maz- ma and Peter. and Mrs. Joseph Capelll, Cape May servation, better livestock man- A from 7:30 to % o'clock. There will freshments, carol singing and za, 43 Smith Street, are the par- —Hugh James McCabe, Orand !ourtliou»e. On Sunday they at- ftgement. improved wildlife and be a visit from Santa, with gifts Christmas records will be feat- Avenue, was 10 years old Monday. tended a reception and family re- yaterfowl habitat, increased nsh and refreshments. The new officers production, land-erosion control, ured. ' born December 10 at Perth Amboy On Sunday ha entertained his union after the christening of Mrs. BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD will be in charge of the party. sppplemental Irrigation, fire pro- —The Avenel Memorial Pos General Hospital. Mrs. Mazza is grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. James Jewkes' nephew, Edward John Se- —Robert Noll, son of Mr. and tection, swimming and recreation Go by train, and relax as you ride! V.F.W. will meet next Tuesday the former Lois Snowfield, daugh- McCabe of Kearney, his cousin, ipena, in Egg Harbour City. Mrs. Harold Noll, Washington night at 8 o'clock in the pos ter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Snow- Dennis Mitchell; brothers, Kevin, Avenue, celebrated his1 seventh club rooms, Club Avenel. field, 43 Madison Avenue. Timothy, and Brian, and Mr. and birthday at a party attended by ' —A regular business meeting o —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Fitz- Mrs. Robert" Jumper and children. the Avenel Parent-Teachers Asso- Bonnie-Jo Jacobson; Gary Wertz; Robert and Debra. patrick Jr., 42 Cypress Street, Nancy Gilmore; Judy and Michael —Seventy guests attended the Wolchuk; Joan Donoghue and Chanukah program and party of Marc Nevin; also Bob's cousin, the Bachinsky Cousins' Club held Tammy Price, Stelton. at the VFW Hall. Lincoln Highway. —Mr. and Mrs. David Mellow, Sunday. They came from all parts Elizabeth Avenue, entertained of New Jersey and from as far as Sunday in honor of the fourth Liberty and Laurelton Gardens. birthday of their son, Richard. New York. After the program, re- The guests were a^ from Iselin freshments were served by the and were Mr. and Mrs. Charles committee consistlng'of Mrs. Fred McManus and children, Janet Kesselman, Mrs. Leon Spbel, Mrs 29 Mill Road, Irviugtoii Kathle and Edward; Mr. and Mrs Sidney Goodstein and Mrs. Jack (80 PRACTICAL TOO!) Charles Carew and children, Linda Goodman, with special assistance and Charles; Mr. and Mrs, William from Mr. Goodman. C White and son, M'ichael; Mr. arid CHUCK A"7 CHUCK c —For his tenth birthday, John Mrs. Lawrence Pearson and son, Caballero, Homes Park Avenue, ROAST lb. STEAK 49 Raymond; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ib. entertained Sunday afternoon 'Grosskopf and children, Janet, James Ball, Wayne Lang, James Lynn and Arthur; and Richard's FILLET -7QC BREAST -?oc Donovan, Stephen Jacobson and lb. DECKEL 73 ib. John Tlnnesz. Birthday greetings ROAST Carteret, are the parents of a also to Carole Burulla, Charles r daughter born December 7 a Dougherty, Jr., Gerard Carlo, Beth FKEE DELIVERIES—Call MUrdock li-10, >0 Rahway Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Murphy and John j GranellJ. The Open Wed. & Thurs. Till 9 P. M. — Prices Effective Dec. 17-21 Fitzpatrick is the former Cather arrival of her new sister postponed ine Petrock, Avenel. the third birthday party for Pa- I L^krhtmad

Whether It's tjie traditional poiiuetUai in a rlbbon-tled con- tauter or a magnificent bouquet of rows, flowers add Kit and color to Christina*. They cost so Uttte, yet repay many Mow* over In pleasure . . . and, 'remember, If rooty in doubt about the right gift—don't hesitate, send 0ow*n. |

... and for your far-iway friends and relatives, what better Yuletide remem- brance than Flowers by Telerraph? Select from Our Complete MERRY WREATHS HOLIDAY GREENS MISTLETOE an extra phone in Qo&v! COLORFUL BOUQUETS GRAVE COVERS What woman wouldn't love one? An extra phone saves CWABOOAt OBAY DAINTY CORSAGES literally hundreds of steps every day. And color makes the CAMMO IVORY Long-Lasting phone a decorator item that sets off the color scheme of COLONIAL QBBEN BOMB POTTED PLANTS any room. (• ^ NOVEL CENTERPIECES BMABBBOWN Give her a color phone for Chnttmu. It's easy to order- THUS BLUB CABOINAL RBD Order Early! - Order Today I amply call your Telephone BusinmOffio. With your gift OAMAUT WLLOVV certificate you can give her a handsome Kfochure showing NtW JERSEY ^ Walsheck's Flower Shop all ththee new model col h f h h WO. 8.1636 305 AMBOY AVENUE fOODP^IDGE j nKPENDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, DBCEMBER 13, 195ft PAGE THIRTEEN

Prizes are Awarded Committee in nn effort to State House Dome the widest possible counsel In Park Terrace Notes At Rosary Cord Party (Continued from Editorial Page) meeting NPW Jersey's water prob- look forward to a Merry Christ-' lems. . . New Jersey's traffi* AVENEL — A card party spon- death rate has reached 680, topi* inns find a Happy New Year. and Mr. and Mrs. Ro- •"«"'! V>« t>i« Row 8ir.|pt,v of St. pared with 888 at the same Utne By VcJasco, Ethel fltreet. , el fltreet Andrew'Andrew*s Church, was .held at the William F. Kelly, Jr., president last year. . . . New Jersey If tt« MRS. SHIRLEY Saturday eveninng the dance home of Mrs! William Ursen, 435 nf the State Civil Service Com- home of 194.937 beef cattle, «t U p C0 n 8 stlll ??.UpC0n8_ .. _'.stlll'. ss °1 MrMr. anand MrsMs. HudsoHudson n BoulevardBoulevard. mission, has notified the heads which 99.91 per cent are firiM FI8HLER nf nil departments, boards, com- !ntl Winners of the table prizes were fro mbovine tuberculotli,' Ifte 148 Jefferson St. Mr Mrs. James Conlff, Mrs. aeorce miRslons, Institutions and agen- State Department of AgrteWtlH - Terraceerrace Mcnio Park u i ; MrMr,, ^uuwLudwlglR,, Mrs. josepJosepnh uuncanDuncan,, Mrs.. cies, of the extra time off for all announces. , . Kstlrnatea" l anha la ld John workers Ttrnoe H J !' ** ' Vldchlck and Mrs. Anton ploy ment in NPW "Jersey W lner> New TIU Tre program of long holiday to 92,000 in October, the Liberty 8-5788 ark M * - ' 1 r Bd Mrs 9 werkends was designed by the Jobless level In the past Mr ™ ' - ' Zeldman and Non-player prizes were awarded r civil st-rvice department and dl years. . . . Lloyd W. ™"" Morris Roo*. MWIe- to. Mrs. Mary Klllmlk, Mrs. D«- reeled into effect by Governor principal keeper of the New, , Hfliry Brlckell, Atlantic 1 KnollsIIt W vld 8hlmurak Mrs JohnKosh ' Mrs. WU- Robert B. Meyner. gey State Prison since June. It lifts been named assistant JSRt th eS Hour ' - - has been named, director Of 11am Clark, Mrs. Sllakowskl, Mrs. Bemuse Christmas falls on a rliBlrmnn of a fashion Restaurant. Division of Administration lit tip! Joseph Bllarczyk, Mrs. William Tuwday this year, Monday, De- „ i),. hold In the near future —Mrs. Saul Sta'e Department of Institution* was host- Denvlch, Mrs. Janice Masky, Mrs. cember 24 will be a workless day Rosary Society, and Agencies— Governor Mtjr- n. Morry Smith, Mrs. Harry Jones and Mrs. Ethel Sce- thereby giving B four-day week- mid Mrs. James McMor- willl*m ner has Signed bills providing tor Krontr, Mrs. Barnet man. end to State officials and em- [jrilnson Street, entertained 12,000 yearly salary raliet ftp. Weissman and Mrs. Maurice Pink, ployers. To help employees to „„,, Walsh and son, New Yorli Thursday, the Administrative Director M get an early start In the celebra- vpekend. Skits to be Presented the New Jersey Courts, the -Happy birthday wishes to An- tion of New Year's Day, Monday, preme Court Clerk and tlrt y,,;iti classman, detughtcr of gelo Oerardl, Peter Magutre Janus At Mr. rntd Mrs. Club December 31. has been marked perlor Court Clerk..,. Th« t 1 Mrs. Alotrt alassmnn, Duerschrtdt, Dr. Ralph Barone, as an extra day off for employees. |,,nr street, celebrated her 8th Robert Velasco and Mrs. Abe AVENEL — Two skits will be Police radio system on the Welnsteln. Jersey Turnpike and the ri,v at a party Saturday. presented at the Christmas cele- his were Mrs. Sarah Olassman —Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Passl- bration of the MX and Mrs. .IERSKY JIGSAW:—Major Ocn State Parkway will be Toby; Oary Mor- nello, Wall Street, entertained Mr Club, First PrPibyterlan Church, James F. Cantwell, Chief ol soon with the State Police" net- Mr. and Mrs. Edward find Mrs. John Sullivan. Sunday tomorrow at 8:15 P. M. The girls Staff. Is accompanying Qovemoi work. ... Bound Brook, Rorltt| lelMiim and daughters, Gail afternoon. of thfl Junior Prayer Group which Robert B. Meyner on a tw< and Somervtlle are expected ami' 11.miB, Newark; Mrs. Milton —Pamela Nadell, daughter of meets with Mrs. Richard Kerr weeks cruise on a flattop In th to. be officially designate M protected areas to safeguard ttt| I :in(i daughter, Lisa, Llvlngs- Mr. and Mrs. Irwln Nadell, Mary- each Friday at.7:00'will give a Medlterranlah Sea. . .. The ne underground water resource at • Mi and Mrs. Martin Hess knoH Road, celebrated her fifth wrtrayal of the Nativity Scene, IT WAS A WONDERFUL DAY; Hungarian refugee children indicated their pleasure over St. Civil Defense public action sig- 1 the area. ... Disability |nlUt* ihiidim Diane, Oall and birthday at a party Saturday. md will dramatize one of the Nicholas Day with shy smiles as they enjoyed jiUs provided for them by the Red Cross st Camp nals will be sounded throughou ance payments made under ttli IH<; Mrs. Ieadore Jaker and Present were'brother, Olerm; Mrs. iklts. The other dramatizations Kilmer. Some 70 refugee children received sweets, switches and toyR In ftfcservanee of the traditional New Jersey on Saturday at noor but traffic will not be stoppec State's system* amounted to $t£ •,.,i. charna and Steven; Mrs. Abe Shurman, Mrs. George Getz be enacted by members of Hungarian holiday. Here, Red Cross Interpreter Mrs. Alexander Tarcz, from Woodbrldge Chapter, and there will not be any publli 029,954 in October, compwuf ; MacDonald and daughter, nd children, Robert and Joan, he Club. Joins the Pal Hajba family to vltw two-year-old Josef's new toys. participation,... Republicans with the September total at •*,« Mil Mrs. James MacDor.ald, tolonla; Mrs. Lawrence Goodman Each couple is asked to bring control of the Legislature plan to 007,347. Mmy Lynn Siwalskl, Dana md son, Robert, Newark; Mrs.two Christmas gifts to the meet- cfltkmal facilities for the guard- tf>nd concerts locally and he>r •use present funds to permit New j,,di Stnmel, Cathy and Jane Pred Jeuelihon and daughter ing—one for a "Mr." and one for ians of America's future. Opmions of Others local talent perform. Jersey to take part in the hugi i. all of Menlo Park Terrace, Mrs.- 8eymour Llss and "Mrs." Mrs. Dale Scott requests Local grfWnment has Its Federal highway program ani CAPITOL CAPERS:-"The W* i mid Mrs. Sol Fishier are laughter, Mlehette: Mrs. Kenneth ;hat those who have "earning 'Continued from Editorial Page) Qulncy, fortunately, hafl Its foundation on the door step of the proposed one cent per galloi In which we are living hat been Mrs C. Mltranl and Kraemer and son, Allen; Steven lollars" bring proceeds to this vated propaganda picture spread own symphony orchestra, which each citizen, he can walk on it tax on gasoline as proposed b: characterized as many thing! in* - •iiael, Brooklyn, this week. Weiss and Richard Powell. gathering. Mrs. Richard Ken Is fulfills these requirements. , but never under or around It! across Asia and Africa of the Governor Meyner Is off for th eluding the phenobarblttt Me/1 mid Mrs. (/eonard Bcarl- —Wednesday night Mrs. SolIn charge of arangements. We ought, really, to judge bur Thopiaa Jefferson planned ana Soviet Union as lead of the year. . . . Five additional mem claims Joseph ,E. McLean, 8Ut« i itbelle Street, were hosts Fishier was hostess to Mrs. Edgar entertainment by the rewards It constructed It just that way. "tamp of peace," the sworn foe bers have been named to th Commissioner of Conservation |, ,md Mrs. Al Becker and Udlne, Mrs. Leonard Bearison, gives us, and not by the conven- of colonialism and imperialism. State Water Resources Advtsoi and Economic Development. . . . (lit, r. Vickie. Lon« Island City rfrs. Norman Rosen, Mrs. Kenneth Whenever the Instrumentality ience with which it can be ob- idters to the Editor Soviet tanks and machine | Mi and Mrs. Murray Sulz- Craemer, Menlo Park Terrace and of local government (alls to do tained. To enjoy locally pro- (Continued from Editorial Page) Umon. Sunday. *n, C. Mltranl, Brooklyn. the best thing for all people by guns In Hungary have shot some duced good music (perhaps by planning through clear concise -Mr. and Mrs. Milton Platt expressing the will of the ma- bad holes in this propaganda friends and neighbors) requires s Nick Klein, Jefferson open deliberation. Maryknoll Road, visited Mr. and jority with a voice for the min- picture. — Des Molnes Register. the effort of putting on the was hostrss to Mm. Julius The topic of revaluation Is a • Talk M long M you !1k«-i • Mrs. Sam Fleischer and new son ority we become franchlsed hat and coat an* starting Up s Mis. Erin Wurtzel, Mrs. topic of social justice and moral- Neil, In Roselle, Sunday. American citizens in name only HOME GROWN MUSIC the car and that certainly ity. Its solution rests with the t I/Mb and Mrs. Sidney Dl- and the reality of American De- With the departure of themore exercise than flipping the phone rales for | Tuesday. —Beth Ellen Olantz, daughter Intelligent action of each voter mocracy slumbers at death's Sunday bandstand concert went dial of the TV set for an 9.1 'f Mr. «nd Mrs Morris Otante, in the Township. This solution :s. Leo McVey, Flushing door shamefully obliterated. a little bit of Americana. ternoon cowboy story. extra minutes | celebrated her 10th birthday at rests in one direction, since our was the guest of Mrs. Leo JOHN EVANKO, JR. Music-lovers today must get But in terms of Inner enjoy supper party Friday. Quests were Township fathers passively avoid |e., Jr., Jeflenon Street, last Colonla, N. J. their musk from long-playing ment, when you have finished are cheap ! Elaine Boerer, Evelyn Klapt, An- revaluation and the Board of * rile Mr, McVcy. Jr., was records, during an occasional the awage TV program and drea Abeles, Donna Barblerrl and Education if organizationally In- FEED SIMONSEN,_ pp 8mlnuttc«lltoRIQHMOND...70# I on a business trip to New Or- visit to a city big enough to have have spent time merely being Lois Berlin, Menlo Park Terrace capable of bringing about reval- aewaren, N. J. P txtra mlnutM, *ach only aojl ti U a great symphony orchestra, or occupied; while after you have cousins, Jantoe Giant*, Irvington uation and thereby added school JAMEB I. O'BRIEN, In and Mrs. Ben Rose and from radio and television , attended a presentation of fine ^* MhtntaftMiN[WAMiltNir.l.M< M and Ronnie Berber. Hillside. facilities, Avenel. N. J. iKiibprt, Wall Street, attended —Mr. and Mrs. Morris OlanU JOSEPH SABADOS, But these big productions are no music you have been satisfied.— We can all sit by and watch 1 of their family circle Wall Btreet, attended a surprise Woodbrdige, N. J. help to those who want to at Qnlncy (Mass.) Patriot Ledger. tfbyluNm.lDXM.UiwUiKMW. 2 educational opportunity die or we |it' home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel- party in honor of Mr. and Mrs can stand and be counted in fa- ( miners, the Bronx. Saturday, Harry OlanU. Union, on their 15t'r vor of revaluation which means and Mrs. Albert Qlass anniversary. Weekend guests oi equal taxation and added edu- 1 celebrate their annlver Mr. and Mrs. Qlanti were Mr. an . by spendinR the weekend In Mrs. Abe Oold, Hillside and Mrs Al Frankel and Mrs. Nathan U-lphla. While there the: Fanny Rosenveld, Newark. Davidson on the plight of the Jews [ati^nd the Bar Mltzvah o —Speedy recovery wishes to Jo In Egypt. The study group will : cousin. Seymour Wald. seph Olanti, father of Morrt meet tonight at the home of Mrs. >'r. HWI Mrs. John Schobert OlanU, Wall Street, who Is reFred Jesselsohn, Atlantic Street.' on. entertained Mr Scho- ruperatlng from a broken shoul —Happy anniversary to Mr. and parents. Mr. and Mrs, der. Mrs. Ben Rose, Wall Street, who Schobert, NPW York, over —Mr. and Mrs. William Icelan are celebrating 21 years of mar- [weekend McGuire Street, were hosts at ariage. ir. And Mrs. Walter Mltchel gathering. Guests were Mr. and —Mr. and Mrs. Seymour R. RUg- 1 •r Street. Tuesday vidttt Mrs. Norman Oardner, Mr. and scll, Atlantic Street, were hosts at Mitchel's father, Ber.ncti Mrs, Ernest Gansell, Mr. and Mrs. a Chaimkah party at their hoi nithal, who la recfperatlng al Seymour R. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. Guests were Mr. and M: klvn Hospital. Fred Jestelsohn, Mr. and MrsLoui. s Kastanovitz, Mr. and M is William Kroner enter Kenneth Morrison and Mr. and Herbert Kaston and Miss Ida li- In r mah Jongg group Tues Mrs, Norman Sliver. vine,- the Bronx; Mr. and Mrs. i'Hiyers were Walter Mltchel, —At the next meetins of theSeymour A. Kaston and childrejii, Krltzman, Mrs. Seymour Menlo Park Chapter of the Amer- Eric. Nell and Lisa Marcia, Laurel- litt. and Mrs. Milton Berlin. ican Jewish Congress there will ton, L. I., and the Russell chil- greetings t h 11 be a white elephant sale. Also on dren, Kenneth Owen, Eric Peter i) to Mr. and Mrs. Barnei the agenda will be talks by Mrs. and Lauren Oabrlelle.

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There art thousands of people without food in Hungary . . . thousands of mothers and WIDE-STANCE children without sufficient clothing and shelter. i

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PAOB FOURTEEN THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13. l^-fl Club Gives Mis Paper P,,| ! ISELIN PERSONALS To Chrktaas Fond r, ounce the birth ol a BT Rase Ann. in Rahway Memorial A V E N X U Twenty-mi tolls, Hospital. Mrs. SjMDt i-, the for-dressed ami donated to the Inde- Youlli GLADYR R. mer Ida Bowro. rfelirv i .ieudent-L*dn ChrXaws Fund MANK , —Sunday dinner aw-if, of Mr and Mrs. James O-Rourke* 149 »an's Club under the direction of Cpnununiiv »(,,- Ailth Avenue. icre Mr1. Mre Joseph Strchy wwe dkvkwM rditi OHourk's parents. Mr and Mrs. ftl a meeting of tr* rtao be» at !J -8-in* Harry+L Hubfw and daughter. * AwBri-CoioiUa Mm Aid Irma Lou. all of MMtown. and Mr &W4 auilima I Jnv For and Mrs. Stanley Hnb;)'. Cran- A doonLon w»» voted to the _ f:nitp dr.1 —A dan?e for members of St. bury Sunday evening cupsts of MlWlest* County TuberoaMs! Cecflia't P.T.A. was held Satur- Mr and Mrs. ORourke were Mr Health League annual fund raMw, Nntjona; C'r day night Mothers of the fourth i and Mn. Clarrn:* Crane Newark • * »e. i y grade pupils were in charge with 1 -Lady Foresters of Airierici.' «""* **** complrtwl for the •'>n. I) C Mrs. Anne Walsh as chairman. , SUr of Iselin Circle, met Mon- annual Christmas party Deeemb-r !t was annr, ,-,, , , 'day at Isrlln F-hooi. 15 Plans l» at the First Aid 3qu*d bttlMm?,! . i'':vc bom-el n-,» • " '«! —Mr and Mrs. George Pays- 1 sick. 75 Marconi Avenue, an- were completed for UK- annu. 1 **+* V* chsirmanah* of Mrs. I at the hnme ,,. nounce the birth of a. Mn at Christmas party Monday, at U» .Charta», Vill-r aaxtotod by Mrs.i •^mitii at ret A Perth Amboy General Hospital. I school. Secret pals will be re- Prone a Claoney ond Jlrs Daniel mun attpn-l L I . Harnici B^;.; •• —Terrance Alien Towell. 34 Mc-;veakd. There will also be an «- Lw R servaiions must b change of 11.00 tills. Al! mem- n»d* »• s^ •• "xastble with Mis , j visor, off..], ,i . James ana Helen Towoll. 34 Mc- Wl bers are urged to atund A fov-, i»« Kusm^k. A supofcr wiM freshmenu (<, Lean Street, vac christened Sun- to m at 7 oelock tn day, at New Dover Methodist «ed dish supper Till be «r*l. ™* *** • * event % u> b,- Mrs. Vincent Ma?no. Sr Ton ttf «**">«« ««* Chriatmas carol Monday nij;!,' Church liv Ref Albeit Swaet, BOLLS FO» THE NKEDT *b«Te ire dolb whieb w«f dNMN by member*s tt*t the WomanW«m«nist (luh or AAviw l for The Ina«pttid»l«lp - pastor. Sponsors were Mrs. Ed-sp*:ial award staging will be featured. A new cowm.• s«ne al the ctabwwnen il. to r.i Mn. Andww Cialbiln. Mn. Dan- ward Mack. Iselin. and Charles ; -The newly organized Green-1 *»• Atel "**** *"** *•**- Standing in bark of tht toll «r j Rrammlnx was ;., 1 nw Swhjr. Mr*. Tb«nuu Msrkoos. Mr*. Willtam Ku»mlak. Manuel. Jersey City. A reception Iwr of Boy Scout Troop 48 an-' >* ^'•man will be in ahar$« itl Mrs. Oold ne, eha.ini wa* held after the ceremony at nounced its Christmas party »ill oi Christmas decorations for Uw ported that !., which the sponsors and Mr. Edi- be held December it at VFW Hall *** ***" and the Knt Attj 9 now rpady fur ward Mack and son. Charles, and j The neit meeting is scheduled for s<*md building. | Foolin' Ourselves , New Mr and Mrs. Benjamin Manuel!, January 4 at laelin Library Theo- II ^n™?1^, lha* wvs. Rosary St Jersey City, were guestt. Jdore Legones was elected Ser- °f. th0. "OP*™1 -WV?**^ JO, Woodbridge Oaks News j \ 1 w s n geant-at-arms A get well card °™» Clubs will be featured Slated ft Annual Unli,lUy —There will be an executive cn th Arlenf rttncU Hom uk board meeting of Iselin School IS iwas sent to Mrs Henry Weiman * * ' —Mr. and Mrs Richard Co- NEWARK—"Foolln" Ourselves.' take the place on the Muaic Fwnv |who is a patient at St Barnabas y,f°", sI?w Moni*? morning at By OlJlDTS E. SCANK AVENEL • " p.7 . PTA today at 1:30 P. M. at oc 4K Lincoln Hiffaway ,; burger. Oak Tree Road, had as \ mother pgU) Gregory production datton'o schedule of "Westa Mexl- «ve the invo<.,-.,,.; 'Hospital, Newark. " "**n . ^ „ . the school. Plans will be discussed Tfl. U-8-U7J i house guest* for a week. Mr. and j wnich that well known Hollywood cans which was planned to be ing address at • • • for the Christmas program. Mon-• . Mrs. Miller demonstrated fancy Mrs. James Carey and son, James producer describes as a show witn presented dn February 2 The lat- : ELECTROJECTOR candle making and aaambers wtre mas party of f... (/', ,"; day —Mr. and Mrs Alex Cuthbert-1 J.. Cleveland. Ohift i mu»ic and dancing which will fea- ter attraction wa* cancelled by theof 8t Andre* ^ ( An electrojector. designed to re- allowed to participate A lovely son and children. Richard Alan : —Members of the Woman's , plac« carburetors on motor ve- display of various candle decora —Mr and Mrs Walter Coley. Irv-'ture fresh younx talent, will be foundation as a reiult of contrac- week In the ch.;: .7 •,' Oub of Iselin. who are planning 1 land Maureen 18M Oak Tree tngton, were guesu Saturday of .prorated at the Mosque Theater. tu»l difficulties with the producer. ry Jones Jr. jr.^, • .. " nicies, has be*n developed by Ben- tioiis was featured. Many man Road and Miss Violet Scank., to attend the annual Christmas I dix Radio, it has been announced, bers were rewarded in their efforts Mr. and Mrs Richard Coburger. Newark, on Saturday evening. corned the su.s-7 party at The Pines, December 19. ; The etetrojecwr is an eiectroni- by fln>*hina sparkled covered , laelin, were Saturday gueaU of Ifl62 OalfTree Road. j March JO. under auspices of the Barbara Kre'lU Marks A catered ;,,;,,•.., may make reservations by tele- ' cally-controUed system of fuel in-'Christmas trees to add U» their Mr. and Mrs. Louis Srhmitt. Rah- f -Mr. JOteph Woolley and :«Mffltti Music Foundation, •crved and it ,/• . . phoning Mrs. Car! Storch. Mem- 1 lth Birthday al Party ' Jectlon that responds to engine; home decoraUons. \ way. jdaughter, KaOriefh. Went End. i HeadMners of the n«w show will Carol singinK *,-. ;. bers will meet in front of First requirement* and meters" a uni- Guestt were: Mrs. John Poll. [ —Mrs. Henry Weiman. 13 Brad-;and Edward Ounther of Seo-u-• be Oene Nelson, curratl star of ^^^ _ ^ „„_ „,_ Helen Zullo w,i.- . > Preabpterian Church at noon for ford Ptace. u a patient at St.: Mr • form «yUnder-to-«.v!inder mixture j Mrs. Michael Petras. Mrs. WUlard cus were Saturday evening guests I Rodgers and Hammer»l*ins P«; enolM j^^ Wwt 8tree, enter. Muaic for dr.. transportation. ! to the engine, by a series of elec-1 Jenkins Mrs. Richard Warner and Barnabas Hospiul. Newark. ! of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schottlture production of Oklahoma ntehed by the •:•.• _. .„.. — . , tained in honor of the eleventh K.:.B| —A daughter wac born to Mritrica. l pulses to fuel injectors. i^rs. Everett Rutan. Avenel: Mrs. [ —Mrs. Robert ArgalM of 32 M M Arenel. Mrs i : and Mrs. Ahgelo A. Barbato, 41 -John KowU, and MM. George [Adams Street, and Mrs. Theodore' SET "" "•""•" ™; zzzziznt'z smis TT «s chairman. Berkeley Boulevard, at Perth Am- Billy. Rahway and Mrs. Robert (Kristenaen of 12 Semel Avenue, i 1 Th« society -*.: boy General Hospital. Cox. Mttuchen. and son, Walter. Jr. 226 Wood j sharing the Poolin' Ourselves ' Tticy't Pattern ; visited Mrs. Henry Weiman at ht te 90 Joyc bu&inw meet:ru .|,r., • Hostesses for the social hour I St. Barnabas Hospital. Newark. an dson. Waller. Jr. 226 Wood »•»<•"« *»" P*"' JW "- * Included her brother!, —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Statile. Mark and Mickie; Mrs. Anna U&Demarest Avenue, Avenel, an- NEW Primed Pattern 'were: Mrs. James Atkinson and | oh Sunday afternoon. Avenue, were Sunday dinner I JacksonWolff an. dChri PatUs ReganWarned. , Frank Girl* Friendly S i Mrs. Fi-edcrick Hyde. guests of Mr. and Mrs, Stephan Kreitz and son., Andrew Htlblde; —Joanne Ammiano. daughter •Foolln' Ourselves" will follow Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krelti and Easier to cut of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ammi- Baiza, Kenilworth. To Hold Christina IS etc Jewish Youth —Mr and Mrs. Jack Katzen- much the same pattern of intimate ;gon MjChaei, Waysi Kardash. West Colonia Hills Croup ano. 69 Bender Avenue, was guest back arid children. Jack. Jr.. Rob- and Qriginal stage productions .Chester 8eli- Sew and fit of honor at a family party given |Slreet; Mr and Mr8 WOODBRIIK.K :, Group Selecti Name \ Hits Road Conditions ert. Stephen and Carol Ann. 15 which Oregory has pioneered from 18a oxford Road and Mr. and Mr*. by her parents, Sunday in obser- was set as tlir - ' pPlans for a tour of a brewery i stating the stand of the Board —Mrs. Joseph Shields, 106 War- guests Sunday for dinner of Mr. The book, music and lyrics of CONSUMER PRICES of hospitality fere discussed, at their meeting. on the issue. Also a letter will be ran Street, Woodbridge Oaks) Gustave Simpson and Miss Kath- the new show are the work of Ro-1 Consumer prices have risen two The Society ;>! :, • TJie tour is to be made during the sent to the Township Committee North, has been named co-chair-1 erine Perry, West New York. bert Rogers and William Barnes, a , per cent to a new high for 1956:mas caroling n ;>-,••. , Christmas holiday vacation. Joel regarding road conditions. The man of the adi and door prize; •new team of musical collaborators I Strong demands for all sorts of Shane presided and Mrs. Morris next meeting will January 14 at committee and Mrs. William C'na-; The Peipinj radio has (autioqed and Richard Pribor, who appeared j goods promise further increases, The Nabon.ii , -..:

phone 9078 14'/2— 24 Vi OPEN SUNDAYS 9 A. M. TO I P, M. j The ejtiting Ford F;iirlam- 5<)0 Club Victoria f alww rates are 17 ftvt linijj—is un« of two ik'W, bigljrr Kurd n/t-» tlu< Printed Pattern Printed Pattern 9078: Half Slzei ' AN IDEAL GIFT l SPECIAL! LOW A A, 16%. lS'/i, 201/.. 22'A. H>A. to a new home owner! 3iie 16'(i Jumper, 4«4 yards 3» Hartford BO* inch fabric; blouse, 2% yards. Norfolk Send Thirty-five ccnti in coins tor this pattern—add S cents fur RANCH TYPE ii Ifyou think it bob new.. T,*m SH\r BRVSSW1CK each pattern If you wish lst-class

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(OLONIA PERSONALS Inman Avc\ Section Golonia Fire Auxiliary ill(ling ( lonia Vo >

den Is of the Shore Crest - COLONIA — The Dukes! i, MarrQ. Sewaren. for the velopments are invited to attend. Community" Association tin and Anthonv 81m- further !nf"rmatlon —Recent guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. —Mr. and Mrs. Irving Malina place has been changed to tha '. , 11 ii" Mrs. Simonelll cull Jack PU 8-6634. Bedore, Edgewood Ave- were hosts at » chanukah party man Avenue flrehouse for the Robert Hamilton and morrow night's session at ft:' At the December meeting of nue. were Mr. and Mrs. William al their home on Jeffery Road. f Jumes Preund; Chambers and children, Debbie: ouests were Mr. and Mrs. Sam o'clock. 1 Ell " B0VB'0"1 and Craig, Orange; Mv. and Mrs Oentor and daughter, PflulcUe. A festive social hour with Christ C Edward, Rail- Bronx; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cen- mas music and decorations SANTA OI.AIJS CAME TO TOWN: .lark SrhulU Impersonated Santa Claus and presented gifts to way and Mrs. Elsie Abt-r, West been planned by the arrati prepared by the varlgus mothers ter. Brooklyn, and Mrs. Annette , ,T quests at the Parents the klddifs at the annual children's Christmas party sponsored by the Sixth District Democratic Orange, committee. There will also r were nerved, games were played, Leon and sons, Barry and Allen. Organization at Fitzgerald's Tavern, Route. 1, Avenel, Sunday. William Mnran, pianist, accompanied brief business; meeting, partio l,,.|d by the Troop at the and a grab bait was held. The James Black, Jr,, Fanwood, Long Island. , the ehlldrm for the singing of carols. Movies were shown by James Krutzlrr. president and re- to discuss the development's [.HI u^ion Hall, Friday meeting woa held at the home of was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. —Mr. and Mrs, Milton Pascall, freshments tvere served. Mrs. John Jones, chairman, was assisted by Mrs. Joseph Hollo, Michael day plans. All residents ar; * (••>• Hope Smith, Sandalwood James Black. 9r., Patricia Avenue. 97 Sterling Place, entertained at Hrabar, Mrs. Clifford Rosell. Mrs. John Klmberly, Mrs. Jack Mac.Iver, Mrs. James O'Neill, Mrs. John Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Latzko, to attend. ,1,001s 2 and 18 WH1 close Lane. Dick, Mrs. Salvatore Orillo and Mrs. Anthony O'Brien. a ChanukaH party. .Ouests were Christmas Holidays on Patricia Avenue, were the Sunday Mr. nnd Mrs. Abe Upldus, Mr. —At the Northeast District quests of Mrs. Louis DeVico, Plain- comber 21 at the regular Roundtable for Cub leaders, and Mrs. Hunter Wilson, Mr. and Broadway Avenue, were the had been postponed to February Held. ,ut will re-open on Wednes- Scout leaders, and Explorer lead- Bus Trip Postponed FATHERS' NIGHT Mrs. Arthur Berlin, Mr. and Mm. man and matron of honor at ,i injury 2. ers held at School 11 In Wood- 3, in order to give more people COLONIA — The Explorers ol -Mr. and Mrs. George Latzko, Manny Kimmell, Mr. and Mrs. wedding of Miss Joan t. , n Colonla boys are mem- brfdge, the following represented By Youth Organization opportunity to make the trip. The Boy Scout Troop 44 held a Fathers' Patricia Avenue, have as their Charles Leicht, Mr. and Mrs. Max New York City, to Fred Din 9. Cub Pack 141 of trip is for children six years and ?ueat for a few days their son-in- Kelson, Mr. and Mrs. Hal AkU, Detroit, in Now York dt 8cout units of Colonla: Prom Boy ISELIN — A general meeting Night at the New Dover Method!! vnch is making punles up. A nominal charge will be made law, Howard Ashmore, Hartford, Mr. and Mrs. Max Berent and Wednesday. Scout Troop 44, -Scoutmaster of Congregation Beth Sholom of Church. The fathers enjoyed re- -imns gifts for children to cover transportation costs. Any- Conn. , _ ' Mr. and Mrs. David Cohen, all of —Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reill Frederick Boyle. John Lease. laelin was held Sunday tit V.F.W. •iv hospitals. They are: one desiring more information, freshments and a movie provided —Misses, Patricia Scott, Inman Shore Crest Acres. and son, Steven, McKlnley Avenu Charles Parks, Robert Frank, Ed- Hall, with Dr. Sydney Goff pre- Auolio, Thomas Bacskay, win 8chaffer, Harold Hlbblll. please contact Mr, Bllowlt,' WO. for them by the Explorers. Presen Avenue and Wilmft Froelieh, Beek- —Mrs. Harry Schectel, 41 were the dinner guests of siding. man Avenue, were the Monday Edward RelUy, ST., Newark. Hoihwell, George Emery, Theodore Wlngender; Explorers 8-8234. we're Kenneth Lease, Nuthanla Broadway Avenue, attended the Herbert Seleg, chairman of the evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. —Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas h Fildman. John Ptlz and preaent were: Anthony Barcelona. Mr. Irving Judd asked for more first meeting of the season of the religious services committee an- Ejolly, Ronald Schaffer, Peppe, James Oelsler, Linden. North Jersey Chapter Myasthenla quale, 88 Cleveland Avenue, Mnrettl. The Cub Scouts secretary: Ronald 8chaffer, sen- participation in the Youth Dra- nounced that Friday evening ser- Burgess, Anthony Barcelona, Ben —Mrs.' Edward Bedore, Edge- Oravis Foundation in Union. returned home after a two ! preparing Christmas ior crew leader; Nathaniel Holly, matic group. Additional informa- vices will be held weekly starting Stevenson, David Boyle. Larry wood Avenue, was the recent guest —Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Simon vacation at Miami Beach, 1 t for their families from assistant crew leader; James tion may be obtained from Mr, in January. Woods. James Parks, Normnr of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kearney, and children, JefTery and Arlene, —Mis, Stephen Karaisz I household Items. Book Parka, crew leader. Explorer Da- Judd. David Bllowlt, chairman of Christie* Guest was Percy Hullck West Orange. Irvington, were the Sunday guests daughter, Janice. Perth aftiontf Uie articles made vid Boylt of Troop 44 attended youth Activities announced that District Commissioner of the meeting, as den chief of the 1 —Mrs. Harry Schectel, 41 of Mr. and Mrs. David Schoen- were the Tuesday guests of > direction of Mts. John the bus trip to the Natural Mu- Council who presented David Boyli and Mrs. George LaUko, Patricia newly formed Webelos Den of Cub French yards are building many Broadway Avenue, was hostess at | berg, Broadway Avenue. in 38 Fair view Avenue, Den seum of History. New York City, with his Life Badge. Pack 145. Also present were: Cub- foreign ships. a coffee and pancake party to cele- —Mr. and Mrs, Calvin Sanger, Avenue. Saturday, Republican master Warren Reeb, Assistant rommltteewoman. Mrs. Cubmaater William Walsh, Den .well, Highland Park, en- Mother*. Mrs. Herschel Trnw, : at luncheon the mem- Mrs. William Marquardt and Mrs. ( t he nominating commit- Mary Jones, who will replace Mrs Marquardt as Den Mother. Cub n- Women's Republican master Wlllard MacArgel wa x Middlesex County. Inc. present from Cub Pack 130. O.III Radln of the Women's Introductory Offer!! li in club of ColonU. Is u i: of Mrs. Howell's Com- Mothers Club h •' Women's Republican The NEW ID: Colonla at Its monthly ,; reelected the following Elects Officers for 195*; Mr* Oeorge P. president: Mrs. John Mul- COLONIA — The Mothers Club secretary; Mrs. Norman of Boy 8cout Troop 45 held its treasurer, and Mrs. Mor- last meeting of the year at the GO GULF ECONOMY unfleld. vice president. The home of Mrs. Hope Smith. San- can Club will hold Its dalwood Lane. The December Christmas dinner at Sal- meeting^ also marked the first tern and Restaurant. Hlgh- i anniversary of the formation of ,:rk. today. the Club which was organized to Edward Partenope, Mid- be as much help as possible to the Avenue, has been named Troop and to discuss common :mn of the ads and door problems. immlttee for the forth* Successful activities listed by ••it Cecelia's Rosary 8o- the members Included a Easter BATTERY ., aon show. candy sale, the proceeds of which I- Mothers Club of the De were donated to the Troop for • vs took a tour of Burry camping equipment; a family pic- nic at the home of Mrs. Herman ...WE DID! Elizabeth. Accompany- ' mup were Mrs. Edward Reich, Chain O'Hllls In August A best buy for : : Mrs. John Toma. Co- and a theatre party and dinner In the spring. The Easter candy I! -ii'vard. sale will a&ln be held by the next business meeting Troop in the coming year. OMU Village Civic Asso- It was voted by the member- i u be held on December 1 ship to donate $25 to the troop Colonla library. Guest as 8 sift and pending the ap- t !K will be CommiUeeman Yes Sir, We're Hanging proval of the Troop Committee, .midt who will discuss a Christmas party will be given < :.ditions, light Improve- for the 8COUU at the American j Up the WELCOME Sign . ' A age problems and any Legion Hall on December 21. | ater* which may be Scout mothers will serve us hos-! .;> from the membership. to You and All Neighbor- tesses. activities will be dis- At an election of officers the following were named: President, hood Motorists. American Association of Mrs. .John Toma. Colonla Boule- • Women will meet to- vard; vice-president. Mrs. John a o'clock at- the Colonia Morgan, Longfellow Drive; secre- Mrs. Donald Dorian, tary. Mrs. Herbert Schaefer, East- ;» 'ker, will discuss Christ- cllff Road, and treasurer, Mrs. Exchange price ' 'iti.< and traditions. A. H, Wels, Washington Avenue. :tball practice for 7tli The next meeting of the Mo- f Colonla who will play thers Club will be January 9 at "•'I yon Avenue School Bas- We Honestly Believe GULF Products the home of Mrs. John Morgan. i<-uin will be held at Present were: Mrs. Hope Smith, ]" instead of scbools 2 and Mrs. Sidney Preund, Mrs. John ••'I been previously an* Are The Finest That Money Can Buy Backed by 18-Month Written Toma, Mrs. John Salano. Mrs. Practice will be held "on Herbert Schaefer, Mrs. Albert .md Tuesday afternoons Hornyak. Mrs. John Morgan. Mrs. — And We Know You'll Agree. Warranty... Honored by All 3:30 and 5 P. M. A. H. Weis, Mrs. Prank Hyland, Ruhway Memorial Hos- Mrs. Prank Brown. Guest for the Mjuncod that the male evening was Mrs. James Taber, Gulf Dealers n was increased in Co- Dogwood Lane. week by the birth of i<- following famUie*: Mr. The Gulf Economy Battery is built to exacting stand- Anthony Cerami, Box Our SERVICE is Tops too! ards of quality to give you dependable performance uney Lane, and to Mr. Indepebdpnt Club Theodore Wleber (the at low cost. It's a Big Value backed by a Written Mildred Lax), 45 Broad- Try Us Out - SOON! Warranty to assure your satisfaction. •ii»e. both on December 1. Reelects McDaniel Herbert Schafer, East- COLONIA — Thomas McDaniel l( "-'il, is now secretary of was reelected president of the In- :"> IDI the New Dover Meth- dependent Club of Colonla at a ( •uux-li. meeting held in the club buildin*. Others elected were Mrs William Drive In Today For Your FREE Battery Test! ';•..sentatlvea of the Co- Holmes, vice-president; Mis. Neil l'.. ,aKe civic Association met Bofltfc secretary: Mrs. Lerov Hol- I'l'i'sentatlvei of other civic m»n, treasurer; and Mrs. B. L. "I the area at the Co- Hunter, one-year trustee. ' •>• improvement building. Mrs Lawrence McCray was wel- Avenue, for a formative comed as a rfew member and appli- A report on the alms of cations for membership were ac- iiosed council will be made cepted from Mr. and Mrs. Oran- business meeting to be vllle Johnsdli and Mrs. Constance Ul December K). Also a o phon* fll! the vacancies oh the board. A rsvlslon of the by-laws was also recommended. West Inman and Harrison Avenues, Colonia wSuwtie outlined for the an- anywhere nuEmembershlp dinner to be he'd ' * 'leveland SMt at the club buUdto« December 31 70* Mrs Holmes, who is In ol»w wked members to bring a |i» • • , > Telephone FU S-9728 "VO°5t w'atsant to William Bol tlt at Rebwy Me den, a patient PAGE SIXTEEN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 Thursday Church Worship, 8:30, 9:30 and Female Choir R«htar*als, 8 PM. 1:00 A. M.; Junior and Senior Confessions High Fellowship. 7:00 P. M. Westbu rv SEWAREN NOTES Every Saturday from 11 A. 14., Monday: Boy Scouts, weekly, until noon: 4 to 6 P. M., ana 7 ;00 P. M. Third Monday, Ex- to 9 P. M. and sometime on dan >lorers and Deacons, 1:30 P: M. will meet it 8. The junior choir fore Holy Days of Oblt|a(l6n. Trustees, 8:00 P. M. wl.] meet Friday directly after! Tuesday: Second Tuesday, Wo* By GLADYS K B> {school. The Guild is holding Its ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL men's Association and Session HRS. IMVIM Christmas psrty and exchange CHURCH Meetings, 8:00 P. M. i of gifts this afternoon in the Your Church Welcomes You RALFOlIlt Hey and Hamilton Attunes, Wednesday: Weekly Commun- -The Youm- {Parish House st 2 P. M. Farts ity Cancer Dressing Orotip, 1:00 Saturday at the S«7 Wf.1 \rr.. , —Mrs. E. B. Johnson, den mo- i.'ltl;, KM. WlUUSt H. Payac, Vkar to 3:00 P. M., Olrl Scouts, 4:00 Mrs. Stanley cioM11 ! (her. reports thst Den J, Sewsren Holy Communion, 1:00 A. M. p. M.; Senior High Recreation, Avenue, , Cub Scouts, earned IM3 In their FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Morning prayer and sermon, :00 P. M. -The N.O.CD ,.;,.. ' recmt sale of Christmas candy, FIRST HUNGARIAN 5 Saturday. December 1—10:00 11:00 A.M. EVANGELICAL awl REFORMED A M.-7:30 P. M.—Annual Church! Market and High Street Thursday: Choirs — Cherubs, day at the home ,„; ! and want to thank everyone for w First Sunday, Holy Communion Perth Amboy 45 P. M, Westminster, 7:00. Arthur Dornfp:() ,, , ""I) i their support. Oten Counhlin won CHIRCH «r WOODBRIDGWBRIDGEE | BazaarB . | IttT. PKtr Rnwilrhnk, PuUr and Sermon 11:00 A. M. Chancel, 8:15 P. M. nue, where two' ' ''•HI , ~A luncheon pirlv cplebratlns! a prise for selling the most. A Paalor Leslie Em 1 —— in:. il:(fo A. M.. Morning Worship. Church School. 9At A. M. club were feted ihe birthday of Mrs William ''park rertting will be held Tues- Sunday School — 9 A. M ; Sec- : WOODBRIDGE GOSPEL Friday: Mr. and Mn. Club, Snd Oil |; 9:46 A. M.. Sunday School. Balnts' Days and Holy Days, wedding annivn:., Ecker. WoocibrHse Avenue, was day night st the White Church -_ Session. 10 A. M CHURCH and 4th Friday. 1:00 P. M ; Junior ; 8:15 P. M., Baptist Youth Holy Communion 10:00 A. M honored were Mi field Monday at Koos' restaurant, j at T P. M. which will be a Christ- English Service, 10 A. M.; Hun- lift Prim*** mrttl, WcxxJbridre High Recreation, 6:00 P. M, •IIH! Btt. Httt Barren, Putw Newell, 33 Melv,,, The group then moved to the' mas party galrpn Service, 11 A. M. Fellowship. "Saturday: Termite Fellowship, »:45 A. M—Sunday School for COLONIA GOSPEL CHAPEL —Mrs. Clara home of Mrs F J Adams for i Ladies' Aid Society will meet at 7:30 P. M., Evening Oospel 0:80 A. M.; Communcant's class, ail ages. William Butters, Superin- Inmaa Avenue at West 8tre#t. Worth Btreet. , " brldac. Present were Mrs. Floyd j —ReservsUoiU for the Christ- 2 P. M lrt the auditorium, with Service. :00 P. M.; Weekly Prayer Group, m t tendent. Adult Bible Class at same Cofcmta °t Mr. gnd Mrs r, 'Unwell. Mrs. Oeorg? Urban. Mi&s mas smorgasbord party of the Se- >frs. James Pentek. president, pre- UA 11:15 A. M., Communion Sun- :00 P, M. waren History Club must be made ur; teacher, Runyon Ernst. Sunday School and Blb.e HlUaide. Jlanche Van Syckle. Mrs. Olive siding. day, first Sunday of each month. October 7-World Wide Com- with Mrs. John J. Dowllng, chair- 11:00 A. M.—Morning Worship Cissies, 1:00 A. M. Van Iderstine, Mrs. S J. Henry. Youth Fellowship at 7 P. M. munion 8:30, 9:30, 11:00 A. M. —Mrs. , An-ltrw man. by Saturday. The event will A nursery is provided at Gospel Service, Sunday. I P.M Mrs. A. W. Scheldt,,and the host- rith devotlonals in the church , FIRST PRESBYTERIAN October 14. 21. 28—Training Se Oreenati'eet aiui M, this hour. Christian Women's Home Bible1 ess snd guest of honor. take place Thursday evening. De- rlth Miss Esther Hacker at leader, CHURCH slons, Every Member Canvasses— man. 186 Wonii ,=-•- cember 20. at the home of Mrs. 8>00 P. M.-Young People's Fel- Class, Tuesday, 3 P. k. a Christmas party ,'t —Mr. and Mrs D Vanlderstine assisting Hilda Marcus and Ar- Rahway A venae snd Carteret 3 P, M. Joseph H. Thomson, Cliff Road. lowship. Adult advisers, Mr. and Young People's Meeting, Friday. »lx County VIK-HI',,,, and chlktren. of Rumson. were 'ene Dunch, Recreation with Read, Woodbridge Mrs. Marion Hoffman. Swedish Mrs. James Sabatino. Olrls and also i . luests Monday night for dinner Simon, Jr.. leader, will be Rcr tirl Rinnnm Drrannr, Mlnlrttr ST. JOHN'S CHUSCH entertainer, will present a pro- 7:00 P. M—Evening Oospel 8T. CECKUA'S CHURCH Udles Aid ol F. it Mrs. Olive Van Iderstlne, West Mr. DM*M T. Scott, Youth OlrwUr J*M»h H. Thmnm. Laj Mmtw M gram of songs following the din- Service. btfta Church Monday ...... Avenue. Mr. Tnt Eldtr, Omairt and Director gewann ner. Wednesday. 8:00 P. M—Prayer Mr. Jaftn Wlht. Faaur Mr*. DtrttkM Pocklaaibo. OrnnM ,—Donald Bslfour. son of Mr. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Sunday 8*rrlc«» —Happy binh.i,,.. Meeting and Bible Study. Sunday Masses, 8:30, 8:00,9:00. 9:46 A. M, Sunday School and Mrs David Bslfour, cele- CHURCH Morning Worship at 11:00 Newman, whose i):: 10:00 and 11:00 A. M. 11:00 A. M. morning prayer brated his fifth birthday Ttiurs- Barren a«4 drove Avenues ST. ANTHONY'S R. C. CHURCH Sunday School, 0:30 A. M. niotrow, and service. with a party st his home. WMdbrtdfe Port Reading Regular Meetings Weekday Masses, 7:30 and 8:00 —Mr. and Mr-, s, Mrs. Weinstein 11:1ft A. M—Communion Sun- its were Billy and Anne Be?. Dewtr Ptttrfenrt, Mlnlrttt RCT. lunldani Mllot, Putor First Monday Session meeting A. M. ner. 170 Bedford v, Mn. (fewf* •. Blwdn, in the church office at 8:00 P. M. Wednesday. 1:00 P. M. eontln day, flnt Sunday of sach month. family circle ,- ,ry. Nancy and Wendy Howeil. MIHiW «t Unite Sunday Masses at 7:30, 8:00 m Donald Morsn. Erin Wilverdlng. Feted at Shower William H. Twlm, Jr., and 11:00 A. M. Second Monday. Board of Trus- uous Novena to St. Jude, Patron ADATH ISRAEL BYNAGOOUB Marsa family T Ivpcriatmdnt «f Smdu Scbwli •bd Donnie's brother and sister. Weekday Masses at 8 A. M. tees In the church office at 8:00 of Hopeless Cases. Amboy Avenue, Woe4brl4jrs held at the hom,. m tfcvid and Margaret. SKU Novena in honor of St. Anthony P. M. Ktf. lamo«l Ntwkot|*r, BakM Emanuel Wel^ H , AVENEL—Mrs. Benjamin Weln- Sunday School — »:« A. M. OUR REDEEMER —The Triple Foursome bridge each Tuesday at 7:15 P. M.. with Second and Fourth Monday, Friday. 7:30 P. M., regular —Blot and iln., tein. 83 Cornell Street, was guest Morning Worship — 11 A. M. White Church Ouild. EVANOEUftaL UJTHERAN #ub met recently at the home Rev. Shelley. St. Peter's Hospital. Sabbath services. dren of Mr ,m i • if honor at a surprise stork Meeting! Second Wednesday, Sunday Ct Mrs. A. W. Scheldt, Holton New Brunswick, in charge. CHtici Klepner. were SHM. shower, given by Mrs. Elmer Mit- Official Board, first Monday, 8 School teachers. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Itreet. Prize winners were Miss Mr. snd Mrs AH,, chell. Mrs. William Carter and M. ST. JAMES' R. C. CHURCH Second and Fourth Wednesday, Rev. EMM ft> SUta SCIENTIST Newark. Banehe Van Syckle. Mrs. P. J. Mrs. James Hopler. The affair was Official Board— Third Wednes- Amboy Avenue, Woodbridfe Ladies Aid Society 2 P. M. tl Dearth fireet, fwta West Avenue, Bevartn tfanu, Mrs. Russell Solt, and —Norman Re r,,. field at the Roxbury Inn, Avenel day, 8:00 P. M. ' RL tun. H«r. ChwlM O. MtConUUa, Third Wednesday, Men's Broth- Organists: Mdie Jacobson and Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. |rs. Scheldt. Quests were Mrs. ruin Mr. and Mrs Phi];> Street, Monday. Women's Association — Every erhood. Wtams and Mrs. S. J. Henry. R«f. OntUTt NapolMB, ArtfUnt Pattif Mildred Jordan. Church Services. 11:00 A. M. Ellsworth Btnet •*, were Mrs. William Rcr. H»roW Hlrtch, Anlitut Ptitor) ither Wednesday, 2:00 P. M. Third Thursday. Women's As- kuUar lenrkes Wednesday, Testimonial Meet- day evening at ,, , •-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Reilly. Mrs. Mathew Quinlan. Mrs, Sunday Masses: 6:45, 7:45, 8:45 : O. E. T. Club — Third Tues- sociation meets at 8 P. M. 8: IS A. M. DMae Service ing. 8 P. M. at Jii« home c,;,< fhomson. Cliff Road, have re- John Kozak, Mrs. Jean Southerly, 10:00 and 11:00. lay. 8:00 P. M. Adult Choir Rehearsal. Friday 10:45 A. M Dtftoe Berrtoe Thursdays. Reading Room. 2 Welsman. tfriied from a two-week stay III Mrs. J. B. Hllbert, Mrs. Daniel Novena services every Tuesday 1P.M. Sigma Alpha Phi Sorority — and Bible Classes to 4 P. M. ter Lynn. Jowph M <• lew York City. Healing, Mrs. Frederick Hyde, 7:30 P. M. Youth Choir Rehearsal, Satur- Second and Fourth Monday, 8:00 9:30 A. M. BUBdiy School ley Radcn. O-v«,d::, —Mrs. Ronald Cavalier and Mrs. James Atkinson, Mrs. Ed- Weekday Masses: 7:00 and 7:30. day, 9-10 A. M. . M. Thursday. 7 P. M, to e P. M TRINITY EPI8COPAL CHURCH MoOee and Cam! c. • laughter. Mlchele, Flushing. N. Y., ward Schlatter, Mrs. William Junior Choir Rehearsal, Satur- Young Married Couples—First Junior Choir Rehearsal Rahway Avenue, Wiwdbrtdge —Mathan ciun M ive been visiting Mrs, Cavalier's Dwyer, Mrs. Joseph Kelly, Mrs. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH day, 10-11 A.M. \ KIT. WlUtaa H. Schsuai, tector irents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 3Unday, 8:00 P. M. Avenel Thursday, 8 9, M. to 1» "P, M spendlne a week v\\ Marge Brillo, Mrs. John Mahon, Pilgrim Fellowship — Every Senior Choir Rehearsal Ainu Braadca, OrganM lack. East Avenue. Rev, John Kgan, Putor law and daughic :.;: Mrs. Norman Jacobi, Mrs. Henry Sunday, 3:00 P. M. OUR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH Saturday, 8:30 A. M. to 11:30 Sonday Servlees —Mrs. F. J. Adams spent the Kennedy, Mrs. George Mroz, Mrs. Weekday Masses 7:30 P. M. Bernard Kravitz. \:: •> Choir Reheanah Rer. Joseph BrtoMwakJ, PasUr A. M. Confirmation, Instruction 8:00 A. M. Holy Communion. lay In New York. Monday, and James McHugh, Mrs. Joseph Ra- Sunday Mass«s: 7:00, 8:00,9:00, New Brunswick Avenue. Fords Chancel — Wednesday, 8:00 Thursday, Reading Room, 3 to 9:10 A. M., Sunday School. Industry loan ,-• : fclted with Mrs. Fred Turner, 330 dowski, Mrs. Doris Berrier, Mrs. lO:nn and 1i:on A. M. M. Sunday Masses 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, (P.M. 11:00 A. M. holy Communion 43 Street. Mrs. Turner is a Edward Kennedy, Mrs. OtLs ISEUN ASSrr-BIY OF GOD posed tovtraln scii-:: Carol — Friday 3:15 P. M. 10:00 and 11:00 A. M. and sermon «first and third Sun- former Sewaren resident. Sears. Mrs. Jack Maclver Mrs. CHURCH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Junior — Friday, 3:45 P. M. Weekday Masses: 7:00 and 8:15 day); Morning Prater and ser- —-The schedule of events next Elmer Dragos, Mrs. John Wuko- Rev, Robert K. Steward, Pastor CHURCH OP AVENEL day, 6:48 P. M Youth — Friday, 5:00 P. M. A. M. mon (second and fourth Sunday). tftek at the Sewaren Echool Is as 48 Berkeley Boulevard 621 Woedbrtrffe Avenue, Avenel Trinity Acolyte Ci fallows, according to Miss Stella ets, Mrs. Steven Bumback, Mrs. Monday Holy Day services, 10:00 A. M. Iselin, New Jersey Dr. Charles 8. MacKende quarterly. Wright, principal: Tuesday, 3 Frederick Bardsley, Mrs. Francis WOODBRIDGE METHODIST Novena, 7:30 P. M. Trinity Vestry, second Monday, Sunday School 2:45 KM. Don Mason, minister of music Trinity Choir, i . f. M.. Home and School Circle Nakarda and Mrs. Floyd Owens, CHURCH Male Choir rehearsal, 8 P. M. 7:30 P. M. Morning Worship .... 11:00 AM. Jack Robertson, minister of evac P. M, Christmas party and exchange all of Avenel. •*T, tutor* B, Musn Altar - Rosary Society, first St. Agnes' Unit, flrst Monday, Christ Ambassadors .. 8:30 P.M. gelism; Ted Nlssen and Martin Trinity Churci: s,;, •f gifts: Thursday, 2 P. M.. Also. Mrs. John Uphoff, Mrs. Main Street, Woodbrtdge Monday after flrst Sunday at 8 2:30 P. M. Evangelistic Service .. 7:45 PM. OKsen, folmsters to youth; O fourth Friday, ":30 P Christmas program put on by Frank Pellechla, Mrs. Paul Hop- Sunday Services P. M. St. Margaret's Unit, first Wed- Wednesday Prayer and H. Weferllng, superintendent c Boy Bcout Trm;> Children in auditorium, parents er, Miss Helen Bator and Mrs. Bible School, 8:45 A. M. nesday, 8:00 P. M, F:J Bible Study 7:45 P.M. Holy Name Society, second church schohol. 7:00 P. M. Invited; Friday, 1 P. M., Santa Etta Stewart, all of Newark and Morning Worship, 11:00 A. M. Trinity Altar Guild meets quar- Friday Prayer 8:00 PM. Monday after Second Sunday at Cub Scout Pi Claus comes to school, pre-school- Mrs. Harold Smith and Mrs. Wil- YW'i Fellowship, 7 P. M. Sunday Services: C h u r c terly, 1.14. 8 P. M. Monday, 8 P. M tts invited for outside visit; iam Hansen, Woodbridge. tt*«_i Meetings School,, 9:30 and 11:00 A. M Girls Friendly Society. Thurj- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Tuesday Christmas parties in each cla&s- Fortniflut Guild, second and CHURCH OF ISELIN, N. 1. P.T.A. meeting, third Tuesday rtmm for students. Children dis- fourth Moneys, 8 P, M. Playlet Presented Rev. Hennr M. Hirtnunn, Ppitar of each month at 8 P. M. missed for vacation until Wednes- Woman's Society of Christian day, January 2. By Junior Jewish Youth Sunday Services Service, third Wednesday, 8 P. M. 9:00 A. M. — Family Church —Next week the combined jun- AVENEL — A playlet. "A Day in NEW DOVER METHODIST Service. ior and senior choirs of St. John's the Life of a Talent Scout." writ- CHURCH 9:00 A. M—Sunday School for Will rehearse at 6:45 P. M. Tues- ten and produced by Kenneth Railway R. D. 2 children 3 to 8 years of age. day In the church. Following this, Stern, was presented by the Avenel New Dover Road Parents can attend church at a dress rehearsal' of the Sunday Junior* Jewish Youth Grouo at a same time. School pageant, "Christmas Can- Sunday meeting of the Sisterhood of Cin- 9:45 A. M.—Sunday School with dles," will take place. Rev. Albert R. Sweet, Pastor zregation Sons of Jacob. Aopear- Sunday'"Afte7noons"-3:00 P. *•«• «« aU from nursery to —The senior choir of St. John's Q Insr in the playlet were B verly M. - Youth Fellowship Group, young peojrte. churcn wu iehearse tonight in Cohen, Alta Trachtenberg, Nancy Monday Afternoons — 3:15 P. 11:00 A. M. — Church Service. the church at 6:46. Confirmation Yelenik, Gull Feinstein. Wallace M. — Girl Scouts. 7:00 P. M,—Youth Fellowship. class will meet a't 7:30. The vestry Schiller, Ellen Temkin, Marc Wednesday Evenings — 7:30 P. Adequate free parking rear of Friedman, Richard Sukoff. Jack M. — Senior Choir Practice. church for those attending ser- Adler, Riva Medinets, Martir Thursday Evenings — 7:30 P. vices. Shop NOW from our ' Gift of Love... Kushner and Kenneth Stern. M. — Boy Scouts. ' Ladies' Aid Society, second and complete selection of Hostesses for the social hour Saturday Mornings — 11:15 P. fourth Monday, from 8 P. M. were Mrs. Monroe Goodman, Mrs M. — Brownies, Young Women's Guild, fourth Her CHRISTMAS Abe Lasher, Mrs. Samuel Resnllcofl Sunday Mornings: Church Tuesday 8:00 P. M. and Mrs, Henry Sukoff. School. Early Session 1:45-9:45: Officers and Teachers of San- ,, Diamond Morning Worship Service 10:00- day School, third Tuesday 7:30 CHRISTMAS CARDS 11:00; Church School. Lat e8es- P. M. GO EASTERN! sion, 11:15-1-2:15". Senior chair, every Thursday and GIFT WRAPS Saturday, November 10—8:00 P. Largest Selection of 8:00 P. M. M. Square Dance—Donation 25c. Nailonally Advertised Junior choir, every Thursday Tuesday, November 20—8:00 P. 7:00 P. M. PORTABLE M — Thanksgiving Communion Youth Fellowship, every Sun- PUBLIX Service. day 7:00 P. M. Wednesday, November 21—8:00 TYPEWRITERS Boy Scouts, every Friday 7:00 P. M.—W.S.C.8. Meeting. Lay-Away Plan Available P. M. PHARMACY Tel. HI-2-6580 Sunday, November 25—6:00 P. M.—Cevered Dish Supper for all Session, first Sunday of month 93 MAIN STREET 12 noon. EASTERN the family. WOODBRIDGE Typewriter Exchantre Monday, November 26—8:00 P. Trustees, second Thursday 7:30 P. M. 171 MARKET STREET M .—Official Board Meeting. Open EvrnlnjH Till 18 Deacons, second Monday 7:30 PERTH AMBOV Friday, November 30—8:00 P. M. —Men's Club Meeting. P.M. LEE LUGGAGE NOW! At Pinelli! S "Perth Amboy's Exchisive Leather Goods Shop" J More Than You Expected? Men's Fine

Life's Just full of surprises ... the unexpected, »2 !, thaj uhforeseen . . . some of it gay, some* sad! Fenturinr All Silk Ties in Every Latest Color and Pattern If this year's Christmas expenses were mortjthan you FREE Gold InitUllnc on All Leather Goo4* | * and * expected, play it srakrt now, and you'U Und it easy to play We ate dlttilbulon lor nition»llj • a generous 8anta next Christmas! Just join our '57 Christ IV7 League or 8-Point "AmclU Carbut," "Amcrlcmn Tourlittf," "frown,1 "SUjwiy," "Sunsonltc" and mas Savings Club, and lay a little bit aside each week mil] aUieri ... til Ideal cholcei Itr It's such a safe, sure, painless way to save ... yet It adds jilts worth |lvln(. However, II Is doubt, |l«c a Let (ilKT CERT IK IC ATE *nd let up to quite'a lot! And what a wonderful feeling you'll g''• CAPS s thrm chooM for Umnnlvti. when your check comes! Imagine, no more budget blues! FOR HER- Y JU'H have enough money for wonderful gifts for everyone Come and Get on- your list ... for year-end expenses . . . for holiday • HANO BAGS • From our breathtaking Men's festivities! T a) WALLETS • JEWEL CASES collection of original • UMBRELLAS • HAT BOXES 95 • HAKt-UP CASES designs. •*"'•" HATS from 5 JOIN OUR 1957 CHRISTMAS CLUB NO\* • • HIM I -FOR n i IWI ' " " •••u'1 LAY-AWAY PLAN This Christmas fin a Piielll Nat Gift Certificate! t TRAVEL • WALLETS BAGS • TWO u Open Friday 'til » P. M. SUITERS The Bank with AU ths Service*" • TRAVEL * BRIEF CASES wrtd CLOCKS • UMBRfLLAfl • LEATHER JEHELEV St L1K0KRMAN Quality jewelers LEE Luggage n SMITH STREET Phone VA-4-MM MEMBER FBDIRAL DEPOSIT iNIURAXC*' Perth Amboy — VA-S-126S 305 Smith St., Perth Amboy , ummmmmmwmsmmfmmmmmm'tMmmmt ,11 )]r,pENDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 PAGE SEVENt^fltf FORDS HOPELAWN KEASBEY

ft itu'wratic Club Mrs. Boelhower Joy of Christmas Giving ORT to Conduct [Installs Officers 9 Heads Ladies Aid Exemplified by Lutherans Paid-lip Meeting j,ps Mrs. Chester Lambert, FORDS — The Ladles" Aid So- MENU) PAHK TERRACg *4i t, vii r chairman,, Installed PORDS —Rev. Eldon R. Stohs placed alongside this greatest of ,clrty of Our Redeemer Lutheran "Cinderella" Is the program fpf v..y officers of the Pords announced today that the mem- gifts." Church met Thursday and elected bers of Our Redeemer Lutheran Two Christmas programs will be tonight's paid - up - membmhtl :Jtic Women's Club Satur- officers as follows: Mrs. Nicholas Church are showing the spirit of presented by the Sunday school o.i meeting of Women's ORT K . i, meeting and Christmas ( Bnelhower. president; Mrs. Ste- Christmas by generous gifts to the December 23; the Primary Depart- the Metuchen Jewish Center *fc ', ,„ tlir banquet room of the | phen Anthony, vice president; Mrs. needy of the world. ment at 2.30 P. M. and the Senior 8:30 o'clock. The CMt In* ,,(ll. Rowling Academy, Hope- Schmidt, reelected treasurer; Clothing has been and will con- Department at IP. M. A candle- eludes William Hojer. * hi light choral service has been ar- Will mm L. Warren and rs Raymond Schmidt, secretary, tinue to be collected for Lutheran Dcrechln, Sidney Dlbofcfcy, ranged for 11 P,M. Christmas Eve. viulph cfuadt resumed the "he new slate will be Installed at World Relief. Money and candy Icl Kaplan, Nick Klein. Peter he January 3 meeting. (|rnry and viw presidency re- gifts have been donated and pre- vltz. Erwln Wurtael, BMi Ti.|v [or the lourteenth con- Cookies were brought to the pared by the ladies' groups for the Weinberft, Bernard Welsholtfc _ •nr'vonr, Other officers are: meeting for packaging and dis- Deaf Children's schools In Newark Hopelawn Youth rected by Mrs. En'.in Wurtnl »iaf cbirc Sutch, second vice ribution to Lutheran welfare in- and Trenton. The Young People's Mrs, Manfred Ohrbach. (l, ni; Mrs. William Chamber- itltutlons for Chflrtmu. Cash Society has prepared gifts for the participating are narrator, LvnrdlnK secretary; Mrs. Jo- ifts will also be sent to some of Institutional Missions in New York, Work Discussed Stanley Clossrnan; pianist, c.iti, corespondlng secretary; hese Institutions and to the are distributing seals for tuber- ENTERTAINED BY AMBASSADOR with Destroyer Division 112 Manfred Ohrpscli; props, Mr*. Jt&j '•- Kniherlne Novak, treasurer; .utheran Hour radio program and culosis hospital aid, and are plan- FORDS — Joseph De Angelo, aboard the IISS Destroyer, USS Ozbotirn. Robert llartle, fire con- luls Strauss and Peter Kravltr, itf * True Light Mission, Chinatown, trol technician, second class, HSN, 23 Burchard Street, Fords, vis- Mi-s. B. Richard Krauss, MISS MARIi: A. (JKIKHN ning an evening of caroling to supervlsdr, outlined the work of work, Phyllss Rosen, New York City. A contribution of ited Welllnrton, New Zealand, in early November. During a four- mt.-iit-arins. TO WED SOON: Mr. and Mrs, shut-ins. The Sunday School is the Hopelawn Youth Organization Mrs. Mac Kellerman wW Warren received a gift from William Thomas Griffin, Jr., 582 ten dollars was voted to the 8al- sending a substantial sum to a day visit to Wellington the divistop wa» entertained by the Ameri- atlon Army. at a meeting of the Adult Discus- can AmbaaMior to New Zealand, the Honorable R. C. Ilendrlckaon. side and give a talk about i j, Members of the Ketubey Kin* George's Road, Announce mission In Japan. sion Oroup, of the Pords Public Another feature of the us Democratic C|ub were the engagement of their daugh- The Society will assist in set- Lauding the Joy of giving as an Library on the question of "What will be a candle lighting 7 ter, Marl* Audrey, to George ting up a nursery school for chil- Integral part of church activity, is Being Done for Juveniles In the First Aid Squad Captain performed by the chairmen, Mrs. inu!s will be held the sec- Christian, son of Mm. Sue Chris- dren of parents attending late Pastor Stohs makes the following Community." astors Address Mac Kellerman, Mrs. Seymour De» ; .Kihiy of each month In the Man, New Brunswick, and Frank Sunday morning church services. comparison; "There Is no true Mr. De Angelo stated the Hope- Issues November Report rechin, Mrs. Eugene Ladotut, Ml*. „! si NicholM Oreek Cftth- Christian, They will be married The Christmas spirit unless the central lawn Youth started as a neigh- Richard Welntwrg, Mrs. Daniel retlrint Mrs. FORDS — Harold Martin, cap- •; inch, Second Street. December ?,9 in Our Lady of Hans point of our Joy Is the birth of the borhood softbali league five years Fords Lions Club Hoffman. Mrs. Seymour Dewttt, Schmidt, welcomed new tain of St. John's First Aid Squad, .. i [orsages at Party Hopelawn; first vice president, ies, all homemade by the mothers; dents of the Woodbridge Lions him at the Squad Headquarters, John Burke, Fords; second vice 17 Corrielle Street, or at his home, Only paid-up-members and their KEASBEY — Commodore Fred and by an annual tag day. Jani- Club; Roy Neary and John • v;nEY — Members of the Gifts Exchanged president, Michael J. Parsler, 15 Linden Avenue, or by calling guests are invited, Dues may W erick Novo presided at the Mon torial services and public address Mizerny, A Fords; treasurer, Howard W. HI-2-4155. paid afyhe door. ' —4t Women's Democratic Club day meeting of the Keasbey Out system are donated by the Wood- Sharp, Fords; secretary, Joseph Rev. Stohs and Rev. Brzozowskl - fnted with cordages by board Boating Club held in th bridge Township Recreation De- By VFW Auxiliary Dambach. Fords. spoke briefly on the meaning and .in- William J. Warren at Scandinavain Grill, Fords. Seven partment. i Mstman party Saturday in Trustees, C. D, Pfelffer. Keas- observance of Christmas. Interna- new members were welcomed, FORDS—A Christmas party was The activities of his troop of sea tional Counselor Adolph Quadt Infants Baptized |i (|in't room of the Majestic bringing the membership to 63. held after the regular meeting bey; Anthony Pollack, Hopelawn; scouts were described by Otto .: Academy, Hopelawn. Marlus Hansen, Fords; serjeant- discussed traditional Yule customs Applications for membership are Monday of the Ladies' Auxiliary, Kowang, leader, who stated the and the orlgjJTof Santa. >M beef dinner was served at-arms, Walter Domejka, Hope- boys are taught the fuhdamen belrrt received by Michael McCann. Memorial Post 6090, VFW. Mrs. Jens Jessen, chairman of the At Fords Church ;md the singing of carols lawn; representative to Firemen's tals of naval training, and added secretary, 560 ICInp, George's ROftd. Alice Domejka, chairman, served Boys and Girls Committee, an- . lid the evening. A gift Pords, HI-2-6414. and Commodore a turkey dinner. Games and prizes Relief Association, William Oloff, the purpose Is to make "sailors and FORDS — Infant baptisms Sun- Keasbey; trustee for Firemen's nounced the preparation of a fire . 1'iitPd each member by Novo, 33 Howard Street, Hope- were featured and a revealing of not pirates" of members. ay at Our Lady of Peace Church Relief Association, Stephen Faczek, prevention essay contest for school i ni'i-man R. Rlchlrd Krauss lnwn, HI-2-2470. secret pals took place. Santa Mrs. Samuel Katz, Youth Con ncluded: Philip Paul, son of Mr. Keasbey; delegate to New Jersey children. •:,' those attending were Steven Cserr was appointed pub- Claus distributed Rift* to the mem- servation chairman of the Wo^ ind Mrs. Andrew Bachanski, 31 State Firemen's Convention, At- It was announced that a repre- •ii n Deyak. president: Mrs I'.dty chairman, other officers are bers, The dark horse prize was man's club of Fords, told ol tha acArthur Drive, sponsored by lantic City, George Ferdlnandsen, sentation from the local group had iiv Nngy, vice president; Mrs Andrew Wlnchigel, vice commo- awarded to Mrs. Clara Lovelace. group's efforts in behalf of the rs. Elizabeth Greenwaldt, Al- Fords; alternate, John Purkall, attended the charter, presentation Holand, secretary; Mrs dore; Edward Williams, treasurer; youth in the community by its ambra, Cal., and Robert Neylon; Mrs. Clarence Hanley was ap- Hopelawn. sponsorship of the Little Woman's of the newly-formed Avenel Lions. Ii'uhnskl. treMUrer; Mrs and Joseph Winchigel, swgeafit- pointed publicity chairman. Thomas Peter, son of Mr. and Mrs. . i Zuppa, Mrs. Albert Waters. at-arms. Meetings will be held the first Sub Junior and Junior Women The annual show has been Robert Williams, 34 Eberle Place, A children's Christmas party scheduled for February 6 at Our iti-ven Nagy, Mrs. Joseph A special meeting will be held Friday of each month In the Hope- clubs; as well as by malntenanc iponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Monday from 8 to 1 P. M. will be Lady of Peace Church hall. Ment- •r.y, Mis Oeorte Solovay, Mrs. Tuesday at 8 P. M. In the Scan- lawn flrehouse. A donation was of the Fords Public Library, whic uffy; Mario Severin. son of Mr. arranged by Mrs, Betty Lund. bers are urged to submit ads this hiude Wargo, Mrs. Helen dinavian Grill. Members are urged voted to the Christmas party at is owned by the senior, club. and Mrs. Mario Florentine 32 jeruba. Mrs. Benjamin Damoci, The next meeting will be Jan- I the Exempt Firemen's Home, Also participating were Rev month to facilitate completion of Grant Street, sponsored by Mrs. to attend as it is of ftreat impor- uary 14. | Mrs. Hose Szaloczi Mrs. Bol- tance for future plans cf the club. Boonton. Eldon R. Stohs, pastor, of Our Re- the add'book. Vivian Rlccl and John Romeo, i Mrs. Zuppa were In charge deemer Lutheran Church,; Mlsi Postponement of the December 'erth Amboy. b: anm<>m«nta. IN NEW HOME Gloria Citraghty, Mrs. Ger'trudi 24 mettftu..lta announced, the Rev. Samuel Constance offlcl- FORDS—Dr. and Mrs. Thomas FMM, MPELAWN and KEASBEY Dalsgaard, Mrs, Otto Kowan next meeting to be January 14. !ted at the ceremonies. VKAR'S OTK R. Bennett, formerly of Salem, Mrs. Elsie Arnold, Mrs. Karen An RIM — The Hoi? Hame 3o Ore., and children, Thomas R. Ill, derson and Mrs. George Molnar. all sponsor a New Year'. Sandra Kay, Nikkl, Bekkl and Joel CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS It was concluded by the assemb Mrs. Larson to Call nice for the benefit of Our Malcolm, have moved into their lage that parental interest Snowflake Dance ( Peace Church. There will new home at 87 Lawrence Street. supervision are essential to the Polio Workers Session buffet, nottemalcert, Dr, Bennett Is associated with the success of any youth program. Dis- FORDS — Mrs. Albert Larson, For Teenagers and other enterUln- Adult Education Department of the (Note: For insertions in the calendar, call cussion leaders were Mrs. Arthur Fords chairman of the March of l-Or information and reser National Council of Churches. A .Overgaard and Mrs. Lafayette Mrs. William Romlg, Jr., 501 Crows Mill Road, Dimes, headed a group of local H O P E L A W N—A snowflake New York City. W. Livingston. Subject topic for the lollowlng committee workers attending the State din dance for teenagers will be held Valley 6-4512, before noon on Tuesday of each the January 23 meeting Will be : - may be contacted: Robert ner at Frank Dailey's Meadow tomorrow night from 7 to 10:30 P. 111-2-1706; Bernard Hend- The threat of inflation is sharp- announced at a later date. brook. Cedar Grove. In the party ened and future economic skies week. Mrs. Romlg Is correspondent for Fords, M. in the Hopelawn School, spon- HI-2-1997; Bart Floren- were Mrs. Bernhardt Jensen, hon- sored by the Woodbridge Township darkened by a slowdown in pro- Hopelawn and Keasbey.)* • IF-2-0130; Steve Martiak, Mrs. Egan Entertains orary chairman; Mrs. Eli Cooper- Recreation Department and super- ductive gains. i ID6. Woman's Club Board man, Mrs. James Clement and vised by the Hopelawn Youth Or- LADIES' DAY , Misg Beverly Miller. ganization. No one wearing dun- ONE-DAY ROUND-TRIP COACH FORDS — Mrs. John R. Egan, Plans are being made for an or- garees will be admitted. DECEMBER president, entertained the Execu- ganization meeting of the local The Mothers' Committee will EXCURSIONS IOR A GENTLEMAN'S 13—Christmas Party, Our Lady of Psace 8chool PTA, tive Board of the Woman's Clab group iii January. sell candy, popcorn and soft 13—Christmas party, Hopelawn Home and School Association. of Fords at a Christmas party after drinks. Parents willing to donate to (iiKISTMAS-SHOP AT their services to the organization 13—Meeting of American Home Department, Woman's Club of the regular meeting Wednesday. WRAP HOSPITAL GIFTS in the supervision of the dances, Fords. Games were played, a gift' ex- FORDS — Mrs. John Domejka, NEW YORK ? change featured, and refreshments will be cordially welcomed. 14—Meeting of Chatterbox Club, at home of Mrs. Herbert Van 408 New Brunjwlck, Avenue; Mrs served. Pelt, 133 Lawrence Street, Fords. William Westlake, Sr., 147 Ford and NEWARK UTZOLD'S Mrs. Herman Chrlstensen was CONVALESCING 14-Meetlng of Committee, Pack 157, 8 P. M., Hopelawn V. F. W Avenue; Mrs.-Ethel Gifford, VAV8 awarded first prize for the pret- FORDS—Lafayette W. Livings- Every Wednesday - Post Rooms. IseUm Mrs. Mary Nolan Wood- SAMPLE PARES TO TO tiest gift wrapping, and Mrs. ton, ,15 Dunbar Avanue, Is con- 14—Teenage Dance, Fords School 7. bridge; and Mrs. Margaret Gor valescing at home after surgery at FROM Ntwark N«w York George Molnar received- &• con-man, Perth Amboy; of Lazy Mar: USE OUR 14—Teenage Dance, Hopelawn School, 7 to 10:30 P. M. Perth Amboy General Hospital. Princeton $1.65 $1.95 solation prize. Cootiette 460, will join voluntei CONVENIENT 18--Children's Christmas party, Fords V, F. W. Military Band, Hew Brunswick.. .90 1.60 The next Board meeting will be workers front othtti* organizations TO HOLD PARTY ' ">:>:$ New Brunswick Avenue LAV-AWAY 16—Christmas Party, Dernier Cri Club, Coby's Restaurant, South January 2 at the Library. in wrapping more than 2,000 gifts FORDS—The Dernier Crl Club Metuchen 75 1.40 PLAN Aittboy. nec^mber 13 and 14 for dtslrlbu will hold its Christmas party, De- 16—Jlggalettes' Christmas party, Phoenix Bar and OrlU, Me- CANDY SALE Railway 45 1.20 Fords, Tel-HI-2-2102 lion to patients of the Lyons Hos cember 16. at Coby's Restaurant, tuchen, FORDS — The Polio Mothers Elizabeth 35 .90 I here are a variety of carefully selected men's favorites, pital on December 23. South Amboy. 17—Meeting of Hopelawn Engine Company. Club is selling candy to aid In the InzludinQ fedarot Tax are many Items In each line all smartly styled and they | 17—Christmas party, Junior Woman's Club of Fords. March of Dimes. Purchases can IICKITI MUST K PUKCHASED be made from any member of the IHOIE BOARDING TkAIN iiw trade marks of America's famous manufacturers. There 17—Meeting of Mothers' Auxiliary, Fords-Clara Barton Little 188 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE., FORDS club, or from the Polio Clinic, 277 f No Hall Farw far Children ni.illty to fit your purse. League In Amboy Avenue Flrehouse. 18—Meeting of PTA, Our Lady of Peace School. I Bertrand Avenue, Perth Amboy. yrahmannd PHONE VA-6-3S9« COING-On any train arrivingNtwork • Handker- 19—Christmas party, Dun-Bar Club. offer f,4$ A.M. ar Ntw York aftw • i)n\ss Shirts • Robes CHRISTMAS PARTY 10:00 A.M. IB—Meeting of Sub-Junior Women's Club of Fords in library. Distinctive Gifts - Greeting Cards chiefs FORDS—A Christmas party will • S])ort Shirts • Pajamas For All Occasions RETURNINC-On any Iraln >am« day t Belts IB—Meeting of PTA, School 14, be held Wednesday for members of • Slacks • Jewelry 19—Christmas Party, Executive Board, Fords-Edison Branch of •r until 1:SO A.Nt. front Ntw York) • Sweaters the Executive Board of WdB- 1,03 A.M. from Nework-Thwiday,. • Weatherproof Perth Amboy Hospital Guild at home of Mrs. John Jand- MILK GLASS AND HUMMEL FIGURINES • Socks • Wallets Edison Branch of the Perth Amboy Strry—nof goad on retinad-soot Jackets erup, 701 Amboy Avenue. • Underwear • Gloves Hospital Guild at the home of coach fra/nf. • Neckties 20—Christmas party, Chatterbox Club, Coby's Restaurant, South President Mrs. John Janderup, 701 Visit Our New Gm'ting (lard Amboy. j Amboy Avenue. Gifts will be ex- CMIUH rfclnf Aaenh or Th, TMu and Kni<'k Knack Room for train itrvict. 20—Christmas party, St. Jonh's PTA, 8 P. M., In church hall. ohanged. 2i~«x;hristmas Paity, Fords Fire Company. ' OPEN SUNDAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS 21—Christmas party, Cub Pack 1ST, 8 P. M., Hopelawn V. F. W. Pennsylvania Railroad Post Rooms. AMI 26—Meeting of Hopelawn First Aid. phone 27—Meeting of Jlfgalettes, keasbey firehouse. rates are __ __ | 29—Dance in St, Michael's Auditorium. Perth Amboy, Sub- Juniors of Woodbridge and Fords. 30—Scrap Pap« Drive, FQrds Lions Club. LOW JANUARY Hartford. 001 ear flaw in Our 53rd \J* 2—Executive Board meeting of Woman's Club of Fords. Norfolk... 70|t 3—Meeting of Ladles' Aid Society of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church. fnm SMW B&VN8W1CK tfUrtPM tod Bundle S4tn. MMeetlnf of United Exempt Firemen, Hopelawn firehouse. •Utka nta. 10% Ui tot bid. GREINER 7 —Meeting of Willltm J, Warren Association, Fords Tumble Inn. ,9—Meeting of Women's Club of Fords. 12—Meeting of Little Woman's Club of Fords, Library, 7 P. M. Funeral Home 13—Scran paper drive, Hopelawn Engine Company. 14—Meeting of Keasbey Women's Democratic Club, firehouse. AUGUST F. GREINER, Dlrectot 14-Meeting of Fords Lions Club in Lopes Restaurant. 14—Meeting of Ladles' Auxiliary, Fords Memorial Post 6090, VFW. the traditional Yulettde flowers and greenery, our A oiw Home At The Same Address 14—Meeting of Fords Democratic Women's Club in St. Nicholas wonderful array of • Completely Remodeled • Greek Catholic Church hall. 16—Meeting Fty School 14, 8 P. M- /LEARN WREATHS • SPRAYS • FLOWERS • PLANTS 44 GREEN STREET, WOOf>BRIDGE 17—Altar and Rowy Society. Our Lady of P«ace Church, social at home of Mrs, Caroline Qtuthier, BLEtTIIONN Phone: 21—Meeting o» Mothers' Auxiliary, Fords-Clara Barton little Phone VA-6.7097^ Prompt Woodbridge League, Amboy Avenue Firehause. 23—Meeting of. Adult Discussion Oroup, Ford* Public Library, Day »nd Cvanlni Counst ( Shop Tralulni 8 P.M. . l^afii by Dolnj Writ* or i UNITED "-INSTITUTE FORDS FLOWER SHOP B—Annual »ho.w, Fords LjqtU CJlub, Our Lady At, Peace Audi- I 111 WJJiHtWtTiW Vf MNNNt ' 535 JVew Brunswick Avenue, Fords tortamwmmm.. ' PAGE EIGHTEEN y DFTKMRFH 13. 1!»5« LROAI, NOTKffit

n: biske: was donate to * the leadership of Mrs William Th» txett* o( ihe »pproprl«tton ad levied In aceordan. for «wh tWh purpod* o»er the «t» •rty specially h. ippdy family of si oiitrd mxkmiim amount of bondi or n««ly u. may - Baumfartner and Mrs Robert, uwrefoe MHI amounting in the wire- not** to be lamtd therrfor, M abort b ronp if Mrs John Poll. j or negotiable not In eicwt* f,; Mark nrHHitM a rhrUtmac nrO- I PC " |I».WI IncludWa the aUt«d. li the immint of the mU down «4wnta4 e or I9 p*ymral for Mid ptirpOM. and Ute R Ul.r, If you think Santa''* workshop '»] (.tare, presented a ennsunas P "\^au o, Jg^, ,« lh, several flown p»v- •imoiint not eir**dln( lit*.** are here- tlw m meeting | m»nt, (or said improvement* OT pur work" or Improvement hfrfbf atithor- h i'v vim *ou)d take a took at by amhortted <" be Issued piMwant to estate l t, Mwhers- CUlb at 82 Green ;po»« required_bv r.» »nd more par- IKMI In or with mpert to the suwu »»»on of mo )Of *rrrlb«I In raid 3 or pp/Uonj of streets or other places Girl Scout News the raprl«:ton« the a*m»; piirpeaas tet trie aM br the Towtuhlp •onlanrl e win, * i Win*. W^der. ant Mr* tntrf Bln- or cblfth •aid oOUltatlons are ' n«rU«ie*mln«d declared, recited legendn kf Chriiunai. and the • ' '• : Pccrit news. The m»i!- trol niiiitt Mrj Chrjs Chrtttwi- trytnn u» clean the paint off «bl* Bond» of 1h* Town'-.hi|i **tl\ M and etiimated majUmurn amotuit of | Section a s«n. awi^Unt leader, lit the paee< of a huge album were b» koo»n M 9»» | said purposes descr^b^d In off the Town»hi|, ..-f.'s i< 130 Prwii Btrwt. the rirJs The flria are flnteh- m Iwrrbr •iitlioninl to be Iwwi In for nch surh purpose, and the e*tt u> the punttua • candlfs a.' the pirU repeated their turned In keeping with the theme p of this ordinance are Dot imr br*c*leu for handicapped ! nulfd miilmun MMHOt of bondi or rurmit etpenaM and are each a prop- clpal of and in'rr. of the story. Mrs. Oeorge H. ^m,,, ^ih, Lor»i'Bond u«r ron«i- promise an The frcrafe nerlod of iWnlnM* W levy ad vniort'i ,i <. :.v. leader. Mis Joseph Ko- Chtiswnwn. Efceverley Hanson E- Int+nnediat* Scout Connie Mc- of said •Mrp«M«. within the limitation* Imable propert-, i Ann Urban. | t of •f amis of nanlwil W'l-M 10 40 1-M of aald for tbe inrnient 1/ Mrs. WUUtm Yewrtey eanore. Eleanore Galvanek and Mmiu for an the help she has •*• and K*or«Hn» to the Inwrnt thereon , At the «ocliwon of 0» pro- j .,'•• presented plni to Karen Maureen Francs* with their Inter- : f iTen the itirts. IIIMl0fOroT 0R nmron HI* thereof and taklrm Into rste or amqtmi (tram each Girl Scout was pre-i ,,, construction of aamurr »nn TIOI MC*M*IT .v.,;.,>]r,v Carol Smtio. Ann Pen- madi*te pint The* etrls hare St Cecelia's Troopc 44 and 55 obltaatlon* to W latuni fof 1 TM- tented With * gift in behalf Of' manholes coniwrtioei and appurtenances In fonv I«I wir« j.'-w Cindy Ocnracke. Joanne also completed their Chr.stnus collected cinarettaa. cigars and plir from F rt r 1 t M1 Mother! Club Scouts taking part i * *•«*• '? .A' "" ' '»« '" * HiM n , ^ Kt;o!-.' J jdy Prtx. Diine Rsc and t'ifts lor iheit families tobacco for Disabled Veteran^ l .vivijiri.') uiuu. o(.uuiJi uahuiK fcw* j ^^nct 01 appftmmateiv ^0* feet hu been duly I r Ja QuJnlaa. Mary Ann Donna Brill Kathleen Gabrick. Home -Sharon O'Brien. Diana were: Ruth Ann Baumgartner.j r.v.o Mary On Apostol and Deborth Brill thane Robertson. iVoons. Helen DeSoaa. Rosemary Karen Carl&en._ Carolyn Clark, !'•manhom" ci ao« i ...- C "many sad Mrs. Koblenz pins it the candJflifht Investiture collection to the veterans The 4tov< Uif the iroaa debt of trie nirek. I*is Muller. Betty Ann j Itiwt from Metiif!ien Avenue nonhwardly for a dln- tar or the pun*.. troops are making Christmas •»nc* of spprot!rostf:5 272 (eet P»jr»r 8lre»t from TinliaMli at d«ftned In vrtlon « l-ll ;V-I,-J the girl* with World of Colonie Troop 89 A one year 1 e 1 ttOTJ 1 of 111:' nr Reed, Jean Schwenier. Barbara! KarkuR Aveune nor'.hw»rd'.y for a din«li.-« of approil- rtf ««ld LJ" ' ' ''irrt '**!"' I)-, t^id orfli. ' }.: :•' ii?-i>ak«d cakes, punch pin *.-.' prevented to Junft Lewis storking? for a polio center and herein ahail he *\. Shannon, and Nancy Storkel. ma'elj 300 If*:, Itorott.i S'W, frrni Meturlien Avenue narK-t^tt tlW.400 and the lutuanre of; collectlnf! canned food and used northivard]\ 'or a dntan<^ of i*ppro^*mfltely, 7t5 faet. Mi» taw ohM»»tlOTi« «iitliovi»ieT>Z and Mrs Jacob Ko- «n:ed to Jean Parr Mm. Wil-. * t duiance of approiimaie'r 372 leet. Koaene Street iw>*t»ln»^ In lubtwMon idi of nerUon tuant ;.•:,/ V:< E. Aposioi. Mrs. Appl- l:am Pajmer is leader of this / Leader Rund Both troops will CORPORATION GIANTS' .ro.'rom KiruKarkuss ArnuAvenure northirardlnnhyr for s distance of 0:I»1I O* at Id law u> < ' debt ItmlU- 1 tloiu pmcrtbed hr luld Ui ] i>:! •v '.'.-- Joseph G*mckt. Mr troop Refreshments were served" navf their Chlrstmas party on Pifteen American non-nnanclal ipproiltatuly 300 f«r! Kirktu Avenur from D«f9ih» De fmDfT Strrrt r»st»'»rti:\ for ,t di-:»nr* of upproxlmtulpp j JH Id) The followin' |iem«. V- deflnfi 1 der lhl» ordlnan'-r ; ::! '.!••• J Fazio, George Fazio. and plans were made for Christ-, " '•• Troop 55 will be un- j coroorations each made more than tWirdiy and authorised hv (••'ion 40 '.M uf! Settlon 8 1t,K der tiie leadership of Mrs Ott and tr*l KirtL\i» A»»nue from DoroihT Strfft :-'.: I Rac. Mrs. George Smith mas 1100 000.000.000 after taxes in the trl>' feet ftld l*v» art .no uliili b' dianad at 1 edecl tventv i2« part Of the CP«I of «»l«l "ev"r»l nuriof«' puhllrauvn '.here, fif-'ir i Smith. Jr., Un Quinlsui. (Mrs. Poley after the holidays first nine months of this year. f Senior Girl Sgput Troop 7. Con«trui'Uon of I'ml'.srv •rvm with 10 bt Dnwnrert nv the ls«'mnrr o *&.<\ \ an provided t,v w i 525 Rahway Avenue, Wood- That la one more ihaA earned obttntlonr Mi noi rveritlnr ttonn en ; Mr" v,,...am Year&ley. Mr. Jo- Aven*;, gave a Trfsiksgivlng bas- connfriioni and »DpurtMU!K*t tn ,- •;.:. K'Aetm and Gary Kolenx bridge, H really beginning to look that much during the same period Aimuf from l-aif Avtn\ie tiorihwardly for 0 «r«nttn( Of the r'Ml "f |V"I«HO» Of «»|H J ket to an needy widow in Avenel. ot ijipKHlnntelr 800 fe^t IM MbHtaUons: and >'i not e?re«llii» 1 like home for the Olrl ScouU of 1955 and five more than did It •,.-.:. ,-">L«. The troop li working At their last meeting they, re- pUM on amount of nwine«'iii« and - •: c.v.-tmas gills and cards. We are deeply indebted to Wil- in the same period of 1954. Gen- id.' ConslMctlon of sdntt ir>- n»*rrs with n«t«Utr nw < I -I. 12 11 m paired, cleaned and made doll mauliolf? ponne^tlnr.- anil appurlenanrm In Arthur liam Mazurck. He hu obtained eral Motors hold-1; top place with >nd 1)1 not etreerf'n* M 100 0:1 7 e *iij join three other troop* clothes for old dolls Thece will Arenue from Ijkc Ar»n:ie ^outliw^nily for d Of lnt*fe*t on ohllvai'.nn* to flB»nc* many pieces of office equipment a net of $039,250,000. edging out of *ppn»tai*irly 7M !e*i. Arihur A>*nue from stieb ran 4iirlim the i*ri.>d permuted on, JORNNY 23rd at 5 JO. u> be printed to the Independent- . . . . _ Avenue notthwinlly lor a dl.nt»noe of »i>iweiljnil«lr phone New Jersey Standard Oil. which by tald Bertlon Johnny ...o:,r. Leader Christmas Pund. Plansland tvTniUm tor «• ™* (t) Mothinc wli; he contributed bt ttrect. A'o!>.!:;:idge Brownie Troop 28. were made for a Christinas Party Due (rom conduit Way wenw»rd)y for a *m»nce of the TOWTithIP at nr»e to payment of Others included Bethlehem Steel. the ajMt of anr of Hid Improvements "Whtt alls ynsi d'; :•-.<- leadership of Mtt. Chris and approximately 1.0TIK1 feet. Carolyn Avenu* from Ssvoy ui Port Motor Company, the Bell 3tftet e«si*-ard:) for a distanre of upproilnwMiy MJ or purpoee*. and the rttlmated amount * kindly old •', f:; : ,• !.r n.s?n. has completed its Mrs Of Uie apjTt*! awewmenn to l>» levied Telephone System, DuPont. United feet. Ciro'.yn Avftnf Iro.ii Buvoy street we«i»antly tor "I've lo-st 3J3.JOO Qm wt ^^ a rtlfUncf o( .ipproumatfIv 1 745 iff. FioTM»e« Av»nu» property Tpf-tilty benefited by each mas gift*. Daddy will re-; Of tald ImprovemeijH U '.he total '• t-lWIClWr gave in> At the last meeting of Star of j manner, We ^M reference books States Steel, The T«as Company. (ram Swot strret tasimardlv for a dlnunc* of aponwt- 1 rot>ri»tlori hereby j bt&t tav In clav . ethlehem Troop 14 th il | ayaUahle for Jeadm Oulf Oil Company. Big Steel, tnade for nich lmnfov»mfnt. »nrt tbt! ,, . „ _7 , Mu.im.y will be proud of the spe- n brought articles from different be used in the office. Texas Oil Company. California 'erdlv for ;, dHtinrf of approilmttely i.741 (e»t. B'Unber of annual innmnmenis In which I >J"i well. (Ion \ i iii] ci' corations the girls have » Avenue from Savov Kireei e»«t*jrdly for % aU nidi special a»w-.smerm may be' the kindly countries. Hollana. Japan, Scot- Tonight there will be a meeting Standard Oil Socony Mobil and dlstaDcc of approximately ~At fret Aroanifla Arenur Kfn! •i:,.di Eileen ChrUtensen was at paid u un not land, England. Ireland. Czecho- of the Board of Directors at the General Electric. Kennecott Cop- from Savoi- Street westwarri'v for a dlstanre of approxi- mother that w. !.:• ;i, no while the troop prac- mately I "44 '«: P;iir:i'.» Avenue from upproslmately Section S The cost of each inch slovakia and Germany were rep- per. Indian Standard Oil. Union local Improvement, to the eiwnt of But tell me ho» If you have any 125 feet *ts' <' Dukts Kotd wet'w^rdiv for a dUUnct \ Surrty Holidays' P, M. LMM, thence inSurrtv Lane, to lilt manhole, at Station ' B. J DUMIOAN. It—0. as shown on the Plan on Ale In tt< tnfSpttra Township Cler* Ottlfe j 11.500 ORDINANCE PROVfniNG FOR CON- 11.079 STRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS """ VARIOUS STREETS AND LOCA- m Construction of sanitary sewers with uateuarr TIONS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WOOD- nur.holrt. connections »nd appurtenances In Washlag- Place Vour Orders Now Uu BRIDOE. IN THE COUNTY OF MID- tori Avenue, Colonla. from spproxlmately 172 (eet weat- DLESEX. NEW JERSEY. APPROPRIAT- mly of the westerly line of Bedford Street eustwardlj' WREATHS • PLANTS • BOlnl I ING THE AGGREGATE RUM OF «IRS - for u distance or approximately «9V fttt 1 4.830 4,«O0 t!\ THEREFOR, DIREOTJNC7 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS OF THE COST THERE- (ji Construction of unr.ary sewers with neoesurr (X)RSAGES • CENTERPIH i OF, AND AUTHORIZING THE UJ6U- muDhoIes, connections and appurttnanresiln Mornlug- ANCE OF BOVDfi OR NOTES OF THE dde Road from Jordan H-iul eastwnrdlir to Latxiaater CRAVE BLANKETS TOWNSHIP FOR FINANCING THE Roud. Lancaaler Road from Jordan Road outwardly to .SAME Uke Avenue, Lake Avenue from LancnttailtoKl JMtt- AND SPRAYS BK IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN- Wardly lor a distance of approximately M (eet. L*ke SHIP COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN- Avenue from Lancaster Road c.istwardly tor a distance SHIP OF WOODBRIDGE. IN THE ot approximately H3 feet. Skyline Avenue from Lan- For Diitinetive Floral COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. NBW JER- caster Road and Lake Avenue northwardly for a dls- SEY inot less than two-thirds of alt Unce of approximately 160 feet 31JM njmo Ph«ne WO-8-1222 the members thereof affirmatively con curriugi AS FOLLOWS: ix 1 Construction of sanitary sewers with necessary Section I The several improvement* manholes, connections and appurtenances In Oreen described in Section 3 or this ordinance Street. Istlln. from Worth Street tuMwardlv to Indiana This is a partial view uf our Christmas Gift Selections. You'll find the latest in Hi-Fi have heretofore been and an hereby Avenue, thence Indiana Avenue soulhvandlr for a dis- respectively authorized as local Im- tance of approximately JM feet S.TTJ 5.50ft Wooaoriaae Lrllower ion phonographs, 4 speeds and 3 speakers. You'll find 3 speed phonographs as low as $19.95. provements to he made or *ct|Ulred by r You'll find a huge selection of all types of records and Christmas . You'll find a The Township of Woodbrldse, In the TOTALS . :..... I17<.400 County of Mkldlesei. New Jersey. For John C. Schwin, Prop. fine selection. You'll find the latest in Hi-Fi Accessories. This Christmas give a musical gift. the said several improvements or pur- Each of said improvements shall be met or undertaken poses stated in said Section 1, there iti aocordance with plans therefor on file In the OOce 540 Rahway Avenue, Woodbridgc have been heretofore and are hereof of the Township Engineer and specifkatlorui therefor appropriated the respective sums ol an file in the Office of the Township Clerk, which b**t MEMBER P. T. D money therein stated as the appropria- heretofore be*a and an hereby approved. FLOWERS TELEGRAPHED ANYWHER! WOODBRIDGE MUSIC CENTER tions made for said improvement* or OPEN EVEKY NK;ilT 120 Main Street, Woodbridge Till. CHRISTMAS Phone WO-8-8266 E What a Wonderful LUGGAGE HEADQUARTERS Getting IN PERTH AMBOY f^reienti .... ;CHRISTMAS Gins- THE PERFECT LUGGAGE FOR J THE PERFECT GIFT end ' NOW at NEW/ LOW PRICES!

• FIBERGLASS REINFORCED ChrMmas, YeUmr • STAINLESS ST0EL CLOSURES or miUkMu o • NEW PERMAMTE COVERINGS $ m For Women: Nine met in American wir Gtft Ctnter Blue, Touriuter Gray,,G«JdeB WhiU and Jfeaort Tan from ib.ua For Men: Five size* in American Blue, Touritter Gray and Reaort Tau from 24.95 * TRI-TAPER Open Every Night Until Christmas


The witness Com- (Mir Garden mission of the Junior 10-Year Service Pins Given Church V" Pirst P« To P. A. Hospital Employes | his Week *t Sunday's meeting at 1-00 p M according to Oall Kewler, pub'J PERTH AMBOY — Ten-year Three employe** with over M I ,, r Hutgrera O»rd«n m i \ fh(?lrmanlr Campbell, service pins were awarded to 19 yen is o f >•; vice were also Inn- f iii-portef f ? - eiriployees of th« Perth Amboy ored and fn-esetiU'd with orohW General Hospital this week at an corsages. They were Miss Emm* Mr.. Charles informal dinner held at Howard ; Tjornelund, Mre. Bessie Drost, t»4 ,,,!• First AW advisers. Johnson's Restaurant in Wood-1 Mrs. JeuMc Kurybskl. , , vein for N»w Jersey brldne. for 33 hospital employees j R , Murawski. hot- , winter Btorm ttlftt Mlss Obfrt a ILLITERACY who have ilv«n 10 years or more pltal publit, r(,]alion8 director. W4 ,„. with trees. service, her sister, Miss Joan'Murawjfld, .,, i,i' your own tree doc- The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organiza- Anthony W. Eelurt, hospital di- .of Metuchen, provided musical sn- ,,,,,!(- is not to levfre, or 1 ,, run administer first tion report* that more than forty ip i tor. expressed appreciation to tertalnnjent with their aocordlohs. ,.,, if you know how. per oent of the adult population Hie ifrimp for their service to the *•- ^ - • •» ; of the world cannot read and , ; H ui for humans, first hospital and introduced Charles . . ., i u j ' write. The rate of Illiteracy Is E. Omory. president of the hos- Arlene Utrol liOfl«ll $ i ,,s can't wait. Healthy highest In Africa, where between ,,H)(i needs an active flow pitar.i board of governors, who Engagement Announced " and II per cent of the inhabi- awarded plus to the 19 recipients. e , in root* to leaves and tants are unable to read and write. '.,... to toots — even In FORDS-MT. and Mrs. Pat* what prepared tor whatever blow last Friday morning at the Bay- j A secretary In the publle rw Know-How' Old Man Winter has up his sleeve. ScheduledMar.il way main office building, by branch of the Rnrttan with your tools a copy Garden Editor, College of Agrlcul- if leading coach instructors Is b»- Yule Party Tomorrow OPFN DAILY 8 A.M. TO 9 tM. newly-revised leaflet, ture. Mew Brunswick. Mention nit-pd Treees," by R. P ng assembled to teach the latest Tel. Ill-2-6580 Leaflet 172. nnovations in offense and defense. WOODBR1DOE — A Christmas Approximately 800 ooaeheg of party will be held by the Ladl«s' Auxiliary of Woodbrldge Fire Com- EASTERN - high, prep school and college teams Typewriter Exchange are expected here to attend the pany tomorrow at 8 PM. There PERSONAL four-day clinic. Instruction ses- will be an exchange of gifts. 171 MARKET STREET During the business meeting, PFRTII AMBOY Bill: RECOGNITION OF SERVICE: Ten-year service pins were awarded to employees of Perth Amboy sions will be held In the morning and afternoon with the evenings election of officers will take place. ins is Just a note to let you know that I will Hospital at an informal dinner. At top are hospital employees who have given in years or more reserved for motion picture dem- of service. Seated left to right, Mary Wronski. Julia Lokar, Bessie Drost. Mary Jerome, Jewette onstrations of the nation's top - in Woodbrldge wry nifht from now till Korybskl, Helen Holenwinski, Rose Cservenak, Mary Bisket, Ann Adameik. Second row, Walter teams In action. Krupa, assistant director of the hospital; Roberta Muawski, Steve Maskowiti, Kathcrine Mac- • •iiristmai. The (tons are open till 9 and the Fayden, Rose Dwyer, Emma Tjornelund, Rose Onuska. Mary Manfre, Mae Muccillt, William T. Applications for enrollment in the clinic are now being taken at i * .selection is simply marvelous! Gill, biwlness manager: Joan Murawski, Charles E. Gregory, president of the Board of Gover- AM A nors :Aileen C'oughlln, Stephen Marhevka; third row, Elsie Mae Ingram, Nick Pasuk, Stanislawa the Cijy Press Bureau, Conven- tion Hall.' CHRIST- AH my love, Dobraynskl, Stephen Cijantk, Richard R|^ewst*r, Jean Savlackt, Reglna Ivan, John Svlkra, Jo- seph Remer, Alice Hanrattie, Alberta Peterson, Anthony W. Eckert, hospital director; Barbara MAS TREE » Peggy * Mi/isoki. in the picture below are Bessie Drost, Mr. Eckert, Jewette Korybskl, Emma Tjornelund, Mr. f/onfjr Roll Announced COMING TO T^JL YOU THAT Gregory. At Hopelnwn School CHRISTMAS 18 AT .SCHLESINGER'S Jerry Lewis is trying his hani HOPELAWN — Miss Mary Pee, FAMOUS CHRISTMAS at directing, haying taken over on principal of Hopelawn School, an- nounces the honor roll for the first CARD GALLERY. YOU'LL scene in "The Delicate Delln FIND RELIGIOUS, MOD- quent" Jerry is said tn have report card period as follows: Grade 5B, Virginia Pedun, Louis ERN, 0LA68IC AND AMUS- yen to be a director and this ma ING CARDS FOR EVERYONE, attention Thrifty Homemakers. set him off. « . Orwz, Carol Slaven; Grade 6A, Janet Sabo, Joseph Bednar, Ernest EVEN YOUR UNCLE FROM TIM- The final test of personality SUagyi, Sharon Hladik, Stephen BUltTU ... EACH ONE IS MORE to search for your wife's los Kozma, Diane Stankovitz, Mary DISTINCTIVE AND HANDSOME Have You Heard? We're glove under the feet of othe: Ann Lozeski, Diane Diem, Eileen THAN THE NEXT. YOUR FRIENDS movie patrons and not get slap OTCeefe; Grade 6B, John Roman WILL WANT TO KEEP THEM ALWAYS. ped. and Robert Wighney. WE INVITE * YOU TO COME AND SEE THEM


and Others -1.95 to 19.95 SH0WER SETS Dueron and Acrilon f/' 1 J IT f / COMFORTERS Unusual and Us(M ----- "FOR YOU... a merrier Christmas and PILLOWS SPREADS «>.95 3.98*0,14.98 because I Chrome Spun UATH SETS SPREADS SAVED for it" 2.29 to 4.95 7.98 to 19.98 mmmmm Bates Is there "someone special" SPREADS you particularly want to please NOVELTY SETS 5.98 to 10.98 when holiday seasons arrive? Moke sure you can next year. 2.49 to 10.98 She'll Use with Pride! Start saving systematically TABLECLOTHS and you'll have extra cash Smart "Simtex" Print, and Solids—Qay Holiday Patierns for aenerou^ light-hearted giving. FABRICS Use the Cenvenlcnt LAV AWAY PLAN! Sure tq nuke a bit hltl 98c to 2.49 AVAILABLE ; 2.98 to 5.49 JOIN OUR CURTAINS FOR EVERY ROOM B GIVE YARD GOODS „„ ,«», 8 «id SEWING-NEEDS! 1957 M CHRISTMAS lARQUISETTE-Tailored and Ruffled 1.79 to 3.98 i w^ ^^ m Q( ^ lotfeUegt ^ Juflt mmg '\CRON CAPE CODS ^'^ ^° ^'^ S -~ *° ^ 'urnw' ^° &mu& wearables. CLUB P'ACRON TAILORED—No Ironing 2.98 to 3-98 fi COTTONS ...... from 59c yd. JS2f^Jt0Y

•" ACRON-NO Ironing-Prlscilla ••- 4.49 to 16J8 | .„ W00LENg and •IATIN ..,,,„.„_„___ lMtoaWli • - • VNJL'Wro COTTON "I I AGE SETS • *'"" ^ myy fr J^R^CLM PA9RICS tiauux LININGS 9 AJt J'lNETTK SEtTS tM to iM I "" v 1.98 to 5.98 yd. JMICRO-UTE JJNING "(AKE.WITH MATCHING VALANCE IW to 3.98 1 ._,„„_„„ •S^pARDS So/aly/w Savings Sine* 18(9 J 'KAPES-Damask Printed Barks, - I WOOL JERSBYH • ALENCON LACES mr-co—uajnaSK, rruivuM «» ' n ^,, ^. .» ^^ ftn^ g Qg f ^^oN LUREX LACES The PEBTH AMBOY Lur«Jt Bark in w '"a ulfU Comes from Borden's You Know that it's Good" Savings Institution IWH AMK>r, NM JttSN v BORDEN'S Surprise Center mum mvi MTQW MKIMNCI cotraiAWM U MAIN STREFr (Corner of Sch(Wl 8tr^t) • WQOPBRIDGE 84036 •mmkA-d. $Xt&fc 4 PACJB TWENTY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEOAL NOTICE^ LfcGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAI- NOTICES PLANE BRAKES FAIL poratlon of. this State, whose princlpil case one or m»l» minimum bids shall NOTICB NOTICE tlom mud* for Mid improvements or be received, , Notice In hereby given that the fol- PARKERBUHO. W. V«.—When offlre la alluated at No, 380 Hobart »dvl«or tO ||,i The municipal bond ordinance pub- purpOMt, MM sum! nflnfc Inclusive of In charge thereof, upon whom process Upon acceptance of the minimum lowing proposed ordinance w»» Intro- pl bon p brakes on a Plfdrrioat Airline* agalnat this oorporatloli may be served, Street in the City of Perth Amboy, duced and paewid on first reading at when ri llnhenhed heitherewithh *a* * itdl »t a all spprofrt«tlon» heretofore made County of Middlesex, State of New Jer- bid, or bid above minimum, by the »ny of Its meeting of thi Tot^nahip Committee therefor »nd ammint.lng In the aggre- plane failed as it was taking to la C»rl R Beekert, Township Committee and the payment a meeting of the Township Committee ti f h sey (Martin 9. Koch being the a(tent of the Township of Woodbridge. In the heada on ii "f the Township pf Woodbridge. In the gate to Hi.tU Including the aftfrregate therein and In charne thereof, upon thereof by the purrhMer according to sum of *3,025 s» the several down pay- a stop near the airport terminal the manner of purohase In accordance County of Middlesex, New Jersey, held Coimtv of Middlesex and 8tat« of New whom process may be served), has com- He l nfr, / Jrlwy. hpld on Dectmiior 11, i»M. snunn-eN If-. • 'hip Clerk Committee to b« held at IM meeting the Township previously sdopted. Jertey: ^ solution. room In the Memorial Municipal Build- tions' • CContrnff "" " " In said 'fninuihip on Wertties- NOW, THERirflW!. I the Secretary To be advertised December I and "pmber 2.- of State of the State of New Jernay. the 18th day of December, 1DM, at. Township |n „ ,M°,; P M. of the plane Irft^l»mrne4, back Uo Hereby Certify that. Hie said cor- leader ' . 8:00 P. M. (E.S.T.), or aB soon there- B. J. DUNIOAN, •OvemenM nr purposes nnd to meet 000 lo M1.571 ™ In thp M(nistj ,., thSe part of Mid KW.325 appropriations: a few feet. ' (2) The sal (I reduction of rnpitnl pnrntlon did. on the nineteenth day of after as nnld matter can be reached, »htp, nn pp..,,,. Townnhlp Clerk not provided for by application here- has been effected liy means of November, 19M file In my office a duly NOTICE at which time nnd place all peraons «hlp Offl.ifli ,„ ," r"inTN»NnR PROVIDING FOR CON- Notke la hereby given that the fell mirter of wiM down payment*, negoti- the cancellation and rr,,J. T*ns TN THE TOWNSJirp OF WOOD- known «s "Curb nnd Outter Assessment capital stock of the fcbrpbra- tion executed by (11 the stockholders duced and Mated on first reading »t concerning the same. BRTTX1E IN THB OaOTTTT OF MID- a meeting of the Township Committee and nil rhnrnp.. i. Bond." Are herehv nuthorized to be OKLAHOMA CITY — Alter re- tlon heretofore nrqulred by thereofif, which said consentt snrmo ^ mthee B J. DUNIOAN, He shall repr.'/, . niFWFIX NEW JtRBKY, APPROI'RtAT- Issued In the principal amount of the corporation and held hy recordI of the proceeding* aforesaid are of the Township of Woodhrldne, In the INO THE AOOtlBGATK SUM OF (O3..S2S celvlng his fifth parking ticket, a County of Mlddlewx, New Jersey, hold Township Clerk. actions whlrh „ MO .WO pursuant to the Local Bond It as treasury slock now ojn ..fil.e - In my said office as prd- against it HK ,,".:. p THKRKFOR. DtRECTINO SPECIAL ,.„ smart local motorlst^jthoTisfTit he on the 4th day of December, 1958, and AN ORDINANCE CREATING AND SESSMFNTS OF THE COST THEREOF, | '. IN WITHE* WHKltBOF. Thomns that said ordinance will be taken up for the fon»r'!>silrr, (if the Revised Statutes of New had figured out « way to avoid Young Orchldv Inc . has caused this "'IN" TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have ESTABLISHING THE OWIC8 OF lalaervlr,.,,,, .;•;.;; ANT) AirTKORIZINO THF, ISSUANCE hereto set my hand and affixed my further consideration and final panrnge TOWNSHIP ATTORNEY OP THE OF BONDS OR NOTES OF THE TOWN- Jersev In Anticipation of the Issuance arrest and a fine. He changed his Certificate to he signed by Its President at a meeting of said Townaljlp Com- the Planning i- of said bonds and to temporarily^ and s*«rtury iind Its corporate seal official «e»l, at Tre»ton. this Nine- TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDOE AND r SHIP FOR FINANCING THE SAME. 1 mltttee to be held at It* meeting Parking Aulh,,r'." finanfinance saiMidd improvementmp * or purpose**pp auto's license plate umrtfArs with to be hereunto affixed this 7th day of teenth day of November, AD. one PRB8CRIBIHO HIS QUAUFtCATIONS, bodlea or aitn - , BE IT ORDAINEDp BY THE TOWN thousand nine hundred and nfty-slx. room In the Memorial Municipal DUTIBS. COMMENCIMBXT AMD T1RM SHIP COMMUTER' OF THF. TOWN- negotiable notes of the Township In paint brush. Ata£trko|ce ar- Building in WoodbrldM, New Jersey, OF OFFICE AND SALARY, to be sepurnn.',;. a principal nmoimt not exceeding (CORPORATE SRAI.i EDWARD J. PATTEN. SBCTION 5 ]|,, SHIP OP woomrnyixiE, IN THE rested him> anyway. •' Secretary of State on the 18th day of Dewmber, 1956, COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. NF,W JKR- ISO.500 are hereby authorized to be THOMAS YOt'N'Q OkCHlDS. INC. at 8:00 P. M. IE.8T ). or ns soon WHKHEAB, by previous appoint- niml aal»r\- herf,,-. Issued pursuant to and within the ments, A resignation, n vacancy and a BFY (not lesi than two thlrrls of all By Carl R Mevker!. President SEAL thereafter as said matter can be nance, duly -id,,,,-, ', thr nipmhTR thereof nfTlrmnttvply con- limitations prescribed bv ™id Law. The LEGAL NOTICES By Ravnw.d A Mac In tyre. I.-L. U/6. 13, 20/56 reached, at which time nnd place nil re-appointment ilurlim the mid-term services rriidfn, cnirlnsTi AH FOLLOWS maximum rate of interest which any Secretary persons who may be Interested therein In tlie office of the Townnhlp A,ttorney except however ff.. of mid obligations shall bear Is six per and changes in the statute flxlng the flprtlon 1. The several Improvements Attest: will be given ran opportunity to w renderi or m«v m. centum 6"t per annum. SUPERIOR cqijiii or flfcw heard ronoernlnjf the same term of said office, some doubt has docrlncri In Section 1 of this ordinance CHAXlKRY DIVISION Raymond A Mac In'.yre, NOTirB OF PUBLIC Rt rlsrn coricernlnn the commencement this T0wii,Wp ,,".' have heretofore been and are hereby Section J. The Improvements hereby Secretary To*Slhlp Clerk • by or agniiKt ,, . MIDDLESEX COUNT? ro WHOM rr MAT CONCERN: B, J.'DC MOAN. and explrntlon date of the term there- respectively nutliorteed aa local Im- authorized and the several purposea Docket No. F-RB-M I -I. ll 19 12 8. 11. »/M At a regular meeting of the Township of nnd. In order to obviate any nuts than the \r ,,.,1 provements to be made or Required by for the financing of which said obli- Committee of the Townshlo of Wood- lion with respect thereto, as well as Court. He siv, • , the Township of Woodorldge. In the gation* are to be Issued, the appropria- WOTICK rotintv Surrogate1* Court AN ORDINANCE T» AMBND AN OR- THK 8TATB OP JTBW JHlSnf TO; brfdje, held Tuesday, December 4. with respect to the duties of the ap- County of Middlesex, New Jersey, For tion made and estimated maximum NOTICE TO IRfiniTORS IBM, I was directed-to advertise the fact DINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE pointee holding the aame office It offlrlal the Raid several Improvements or pur- amount of money to be raised from all OARL ALBAClLand A!«« ALBACH. Charles D«;ion snd Walter Daltnn. TO ESTABLISH SALARY AND WAOK fonts tlnrt ntlvr ' his wife. ANfmgW OUSSPORO. that on Tuesday evening. December Is deemed necemnry that the com- poses stated In »ald Section 3. there sources for each such purpose, and the Bxacutors of K:ir*()r!h Dalton/ de- lfl ISSff, the Township Committee will srHEDUIBS OF CURTAIN OFFICIALS mencement. term and dutlet Of the the Attornev U * - hnvfl been heretofore and are hereoy estimated maximum amount of bond» QEOBOE E MOORK. WAI.TSR M. ceased, by dlr«r-ifm of E'.mer E. Brown. meet at 8 P. M. (BT) In the Com- AND OTHER FUliL AMD PART TIME liable. appropriated th« respective sums of or note* to be Issued for each euch OBTRAtTOER. CLARENCE W. .PI1HCK, EMPLOYEES OP THE TOWNSHIP office of Township Attorney of thla Buno«ate ot the County of Middlesex, iwnet libtiuDnra. Memorial Municipal Township be definitely determined and SBCTION f, 1 • . money therein stated as the approprla- purpose, art respectively as follows: NATHAN WILLIAM MacCHESNST and hereby gives no::cr to the creditors of BE IT ORDAINED bv the Township ARTHUR B. HAli, his snd their heirs, Building. Woodbridge. Ve# Jersev, and established hereby; therefore la hereby nnih-i /. the said litiabeih D»::on. to bring in expose and sell at public sale and to Committee of the Township of Wood- of the Ooreniir.. 1 Appropriation Estimated devisees and personal representatives their dehts. •Atr-.wM- j-.-.it riiimj against bridge, In the Oourtty of Middlesex and Ritlmaled Maximum ij 'llghest blddsr ascordlnK to terms FIE IT ORDAINKD BY THI TOWN- clal counwl in . nd his, their, or »ny of thdr, suc- the estate o! ;hf aid d^-eawd, under ot sale on file with the Real Estate that: SHIP COMMITTEE OF THR TOWN- Maximum Amount of cessors in right, title find Interest, MRS. brief prepftr(\M"j, oath or afnrm»::or. w::S:n six months Department and Township Clerk bpen 8ECTION 1. The Ordinance entitled KHIP OF WOODBRIDOaV causes or pn»-ii, Amount of Bonds or OBOROE E. MOORE, wife of OBOROB from this date P: ;!ieT »n: be forever in Innneetlnn "rtd to be nubllclv read "An Ordinance to estshltsh mlnry and SECTION 1. There la hereby crtated Townnhlp m.u 1,. Money Notes MOORR, MRS. WALTER M O8T- barred o! HIT «;i:.^r. |tirrrfor against prior to sale, the remaining portion of wage schedules of certain ofllclala and RANDSR. wife of WAITER M 06T- and cMBbllshert the office of Township special lntere«i :»•, IMPROVEMENT OR PURPOSE the said Ki«"j:cr» lot 82 in Block 3I5-B. on the Wood- full and part time employees of the engnKed n »( ,,' (aI Construction of concrete curbs and gutters within RANDJCR. MRS. OLAnftNCCJL PISRC8. bridge To#n»Mp Assessment Map. Township" be, and the same hereby Is. Attorney of the Townihip of Wood- or wife of CLARENCE B. PIHfiJjK, MRS. Dated Decembfr -»'f. l*5« bridge, In the County of Middle*** •hip Attorney tin the street line* together with necessary grading and CH-»HLBS DALTON. Tui further notice mat the Town- further amended in the respects here- tcre.^t of the tnni, resurfacing, in and along the following strteto and MATHAN WILLIAM MacCHESNEJ. wttr after mentioned. 8WTI0N 2 The Townahlp Attorney Of NATHAN WILLIAM MacCHHSl>fEY, WAITBR DALTON, ?hlp Committee has. by resolution and •hall be nn attorney-»t-law of the the fee for u.^, locations: the easterly side of Chase Avenue, from the tiecutors nitrmiant to law. fixed n minimum SECTION 2 Effective as of December »uch special nun'. southerly property line of Avenel Street southwardly « MRS. ARTHUR B. HALL, wife of AR- State of New Jersey v SA^fUEI. KAPLAN Ss; | price at which said lot In said block 29, 1938. the annual salary of Nlrollna thn Tnwmhlp approximately 350 feet, and on the westerly side of THUR B HALL. SU8AN PONTAIN SECTION 1 He shall be appointed OLABSPORT^ and MR GLASSFORD, Cooke Arer.-.:e. '.•u be soiu toRi'iiur with nil other Lombardl, Cashier In the Office of the Chn«e Avenue, from the southerly property Une of Carteret, S .' -'A«^U(| ^'t-tiner* wM mlTi'-nnm ^^rr Tax Collector ahall be the sum of hy the Townnlilp Commute* for the- ftKCTION 7 A Avenel 8treet approximately 100 feet southwardly and huibaod of SUSAN FONTA1N QLASS- thereof Inconv., TOBD, LOUELLA BROWN, Administra- ' being nM.OO pluttfot* of preparing 13.400.00. term of four years from January i, then 51 4 feet In front of Lots 1277 and 1278. Block deed and advertising this saie. Said SECTION S. ThU Ordinance ahall 1057. and shall hold office for Mid term re herti 856-A, as shown on the Woodbridge Township .Tax Map (1,975 •1JO0 trix of the Estate of Oscar Brown, pre- ' 1 -L U «- 13, JO. n,M umed to be dead. lot In said block, it sold on terms, take effect Immediately upon the adop- from the date of hl» appointment, ot SECTION > will require a down payment of 28% tion and>adf«rtldnf a*required by law re-appolnunent, u the ca« may be.' take effect (b) Construction of concrete curbs and gutWn within Tou are hereby summoned and re- or m mtsfT of the bid accepted by the Township HUGH B. QUIOLEY, and shall aerve until bin aucceiutor It tlon rnl th

e Superior locutions: On each side of Sonora Avenue, from the Court. State House Annex, Trenton. westerly property Une of Middlesex Avenue westwsrdly New. Jersey, In accordance with the to the easterly right of way line of the New Jersey rules of civil practice and. procedure. Gsrden State Parkway, Route #4, approximately 1,740 feet 10.815 10.300 The action has been Instituted for t the purpose of foreclosing the right ot (el Conduction of concrete curbs and gutters within redemption In and to Four Uncertain the street lines together with necessary grading and Certificates nf Tax" Wl*; one dated Sep- tember 15, 1947. iupde by M J. Trainer. nuuirfnrlng, In and along the following streets and Collector of Taxes of Woodbridge locutions: On each Mde of Almon Avenue from the Township. New Jersey, to the Township northerly property line of Crampton Avenue north- Of Woodbridge. and concerns real estate wprrtlv tn the southerly property line of Woodbridge- known as Lots 2120 and 2121 In Block Carteret Road approximately 1.007 feet, Including radius 4M-H on the Woodbridge Township returns ot Von Vetchen Avenue and Woodbrtdge- Tsjt Map located on Columbia Avenue Carteret Road ••— 8,300 6.000 In «ald Township, aftother dated Octo- ber 16, 1936. made by M. J. Trainer. (f) Construction of concrete curbs and gutters within Collector of Taxes ot Woodbrldne the street lines together with necessary grading and Township. New Jersey, to the TowneJiip resurfacing. In and i\oai the following streeU and of Woodbridge, and concerns real estate locations: On cch side of Oarden Avenue from Olalre own *i T,ot 1 In Block 7M1-C on the A«enue to the Woodbrldge-Carttret Road approximately Woodbridge Township Tan Map located 1.452 feet. Including returns nt Von Vetchen Avenue ' OQ Woodbine Avenue in said Township; and Woodbrldse-csrteret Road, a total distance of another dated September 17. 1947, made approximately 2,977 feet 8,805 8,100 by M. J. Trainer, Collector of Taxes of Woodbridge Township. New Jersey, to (IT) Construction nt concrete curbs and gutters within the Township of Woodbridge, and con- the street lines together with necessary grading and terns real estate known as Lots 19S and resurfacing, -in and alona the following streets and 199 In Block 425-K on the Woodbridge locations: On ench side of Pershlng Avenue from the Township Tax Map located on Outlook westerly line of Middlesex Avenue, westerly to the Avenue In said Township; another en5terl" right of wny line of the Oarden State Pnrk- dated January 19. 1956 (being a dupli- way, Route #4, approximately 3,980 feet, Including cate of the original certificate which returns at Wilson Avenue and unnamed Street 11,550 11,000 was Ipst), made bi M* J. Tfcalner. Col- lector of Taxes pf •Wo#fBHdge.Town- (hi Construction of concrete curbs and gutters within ship, New Jersey, to the Township of the street lines together with necessary grading Bnd WoodBridge, and concerns real- estate resurfacing,. In and along the following atratl and known as Lots 18 to 28 in Block 432 -K locations: On each side of Fifth Street from the west- on the Woodbridge Township Tax Map erlv property line of Ford Avenue, westwardly approxl- located on Canal and Orand Streets In iriHtelv 43* lineal feet to the dividing line between the said Township. Township of Woodbridge and the Township of Edison... 2,520 2,400 You and each of you are made de- (H Construction of concrete curbs and gutters within fendants In the above entitled action the s'reet lines together with necessary grading and because you have or may claim to have resurfacing In and along the following streets and, some right, title, lien or other Interest locations: On the northerly side of Tappen 6tr««t from affecting the real estate •being fore- the easterly line of Remsen Avenue to the westerly line closed, by virtue of ownership, ln- of Minna Avenue, and on the southerly aide of Tappen herltthce. descent, Intestacy, devise, B'reer frcm the easterly Une of Retnsen Avenu* to the dower, ourtesj, inortfcuge, deed or con- e»»terlv line of Lot 42, Block 84S-A, as 3hown on the veyance, entry of Judgment or' other WoodHrtdge Townshln Tat Map, together with returns lawful or legal right. Tl)e nature ot at Reni-pn Avenue, Demorest Avenue and the westerly which and the reason that you a,nd girie of Mlnno Avenue, a total length of approximately each of you are Joined as defendants Is 5,600 set forth with particularity In the com- 1,987 feef 5.880 plelnt, a copy of which will be fur- (11 Construction of concrete curbs and gutteta within nished you on request addressed to the the street, lines totather with necessary grading Bnd attorney of tfie plaintiff, at the above resurfacing. In and along the following atreeto and mentioned address. locations: On each side of Cornell Street from the north I. GRANT SCOTT. prooerty line of Avenel Street, northwardly approxi- mately 625 lineal feet, to the south elde of Lehlgh Clerk or the Superior Court Avenue, including radius returns where nwemry at Dated; December 5, 1956 street intersections, according to the Engineer's Plan 3,990 A. H. ROSENBLUM, 3.800 Attorney for Plaintiff S88 New Brunswtclt Avenue Totals •••'•••• •e3|525 *60.500 FordJ^New Jersey • J I.-L. 13/13, 20, 27/M; 1/1/87 Efich of said lmDPovemnnts shall be met or undertaken In ni-corrfance with plans therefor on file in the Offlce of the TownshtD Engineer and sneclncetlon*. therefor NOTICB on file In the Offlce of the Township Clerk, walcll have TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned will apply to the Middlesex County heretofore been sad are hereby approved. Court on the 18th day of January. l»S7. The excess of the aDnrouflatlons at 9:30 o'clock In the forenoon, at the made for each such gurpose over the as may be In proportion to and not Court House, In the City of New Bruns- estimated maximum amgunt of bonds In excess of the peculiar benefit, advan wick. New Jersey, for a judgment au- tige or Increase In value which the thorizing him to assume the name of or notes to toe Issued *erefor, as above Dennis Flaherty Tocco. ' •, stated, Is the amount of the said down respective lots and parcels of real 1 payment for said puroose, and the ntn*« «hnll be deemed to receive by DOMia FLAHERTY , an works or improvement hereby author* reason, of said local Improvement. The Infant, by ORACE TOCCO, lzed in or with respect to the streets owner of any land urjon which any Guardian ad LI tern or tmrtlnns of streets or other placet such assessment shall have been made BPSTE1N, EPSTEIN & BROWN described to each of the above subpara- may pay* such assessment In the nun 33 West Grand Street graphs B)I*11 be undertaken and carried bar of equal annual installments hen Elizabeth, New JersQf on »s and shall constitute a separate Inabove determined, all as may be pro- I.-L. 12/13, 20. 2T/H; 1/3/S7 local Improvement made In and by the vided In accordance with law and with Township. leeal Interest on the unpaid balance of NOTICE TO 'BIDDERS the assessment. 1 Section 4. The following matters are NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hereby determined, declared, recited Section «. The full faith and credit sealed bids for the purchase by the and sta*ed: of the Township are herebv pledged Township of • (A) The suld purposes described 1n to the punctual payment of the princi- 123,000 Gallons More or Leas of Section 3 of this prdlnance are not pal of and interest on the Said obllea Premium Gasoline current expenses and are each a prop- tlons authorized by this ordinance. Said — Alternate — erty or Improvement which the Town- obligations shall be direct, unlimited 125,000 Gallons of Regular j ship may lawfully acquire or make as obligation* of the Township, and the Gasoline a local Improvement. Township shall be obligated to levy will be received by the Township Com Hd valorem taxes upon all the taxable (bi The averase period of usefulness mlttee pf the Township of Woodbridge property within the Township for the at the Memorial Municipal Building, 1 of said purposes, within the limitations payment of mid obligations and In of sections 49:1-34 to 40:1-36 of .sxld Main street. Woodbrldge. New Jersey, terest thereon without limitation of until 8 P. M 1ST, on December 18, Local Bond Law and, according to the rate or amount, reasonable life thereof end taking into' 18M. and then at said Memorial .Mu- consideration the respective amounts of Section 7. This ordinance shall be nicipal Building publicly opened and the Bulct obligations to be Issued for the deemed to supersede and repeal al read aloud. severnl purposes, 1B ten (10) years. ordinances of the Township heretofore Plans and specifications may be ob- (c) Th» supplemental debt statement adopted Ijo the extent that) any of Bald tained In the offlce of Mrs. Vera M. nwiutred hy mid Law has been duly ordinances appropriated moneys for the Ryan, Administrative Secretary, #1 made and died )n the oltic.e of the Improvements described In Section 3 of Main < Street, Woedbrldge, N. J. The Township Clerk ind a complete exe- this ordinance In excew of the appro- Townahlp Committee hereby reserves cuted original thereof hiit been filed priation heretofore made and to the the right to reject any or all blftj. in the office Ot the Director of th« extent that any af aald ordinance* , B. J. DtmjOAN, Division of Loral Oovernment of the authoriies the Issuance of JJ&IKIB or Toirruhlp Clerk State of New Jersey, and such state- notes of the Townshlo for financing To be advertlaeff In Woodbrldga Ind«- ment shows that the gross dent of the any of the .purposes described in Sec pendent.Leader and Fords Beacon 6n Township as rtdinad In section 40:l-7fl tlpn 3 of this ordinance, but nothing December 6, 1956, and December 13, of said La* it increased by tills ordi- herein shall be deemed to .mpalr the IBM. nance by H0.900. and the Issuance of validity Of any obligation of the Town- I.-L. 12/8, the suit! abliButlona authorized by thU ship Incurred and outstanding pur- sunnt to b«id ordinances so repealed, ordinance Is permitted by the exception NOTICIi TO BIDDERS K :"• ••' contained In subjection Id} of section and all obligations so Incurred and i. 1. 40:1-16 of buhl Law to the debt limita- now OiitsUu4liiR shall be deemed to be NOTICB ' 16 HER1BT 0IVM that tions preocHbed by tjuld Law. obligation* Incurred aud outstanding sealed bids for, the purchase by the Kil The following Items, as defined under this ordinance. Township of , • HJW Oallons #3 Fuel Oil- and uuthorlzeii hy bectlou 40:1-55 ol Section U This ordinance ahall tak said Law, i|te .mrl KIIUII be charged as More or Lest effect twenty (JO) days after the first will he received by the Township Com a part of the cost of »uld several pur- publication therefor after final passage, afl ttie tree* in the poses to Be nnancad by the tbcuance mlttee of the TJwnshlp of Woodbridge an provided by said Local Bond Law. »t the Memorial MuMelpal Btiil«W7I of sukl ubilgtUoiis: (!) not «xceecllllK HTJOH B. QUIBLKY, •l.lKKi mi ;nBpomit of the cost of Issu- Main Sirett, Wobdbrldge, Wew J«n*y, ance of said obllgittlons: nnd (2) not Mayor until 8 P. M-, K8T, on D««mb«r A enceeilHiK •S.aoo on account of engi- B. J. DUNIOAN, 19M, aod then at suld Meiiorlal- liu- neering jiiiU Inspection cotits jind leteal Township Clerk nlclpal Building publicly opened and "J expeiisea; mill 13) not exceeding »2,100 I.-L. U/13. JO/M read aloud. on iicrduiii of Intortia on obligations Plati« and speculations may be ob- to tl 11iiIi<_• f buch cost during the period tained In the office of Mrs Vera M permitted by suld Section. AN KftROR Ryan, Administrative secretary, #1 (e) ling will be contributed by Main Street, Woodbridge, N. J. The the Wp «t large to payment of BAN DUDOO, Cal. During Township Committee hereby retervat > anv of said UaprovemenU his "welcome" talk to 30 new ar- the right to reject any or all bids. or purposes, und the eetlinttM amount rival* at the Marine iCorpa Re- 8. J. DUjfiaAM of the si)ecl|l niisi:™]ieiit.i to be levied „, . Towmhlp Ol»rl( from A Tnth Ctntttry l&Qi on |)rnperiy.»J>tnJaHv liKiietlLad by each cruit Depot, 8»t. Henry D. Patter- To be advertised In Woodbridge Inde- m of t>trtd Jlijpruveinence 1s the total son was interrupted by a' con- pendent-Leader and Pordt Beacon on uniuiiit or the appropriation hereby t>e«n*er «. 1858,, and December 3, made Mr such Improvement, and the stantly waving hand. Forced to number of Annual lostHlljnentf In acknowledge the periiitent re- I.-L. U/i, 13/Ji which all buci special assatmmkto rauy •ASTERN b* BRIII U nn (io). cruit, Pat^non *M surprised tp CKUTIPICATii «r BKDULTIOM Bectloo |. The cost of eat* «uch le*ra that 18 of the* 20 recruits Of CAPITAL lw«l liiiprareniii/t, tu the en lent ut ov # the itniuunt of the appropriation htrt- to whom h« had been, talking were THOMAS YOUNG OBLHIIM, tHC tbertlor, tbnij b« paid by an<- all ftoipectiv* sallon. They had J» 'ti f 'fiffiH& tmehts which alkali be levied In accordance with low on property bwdd the wrong bus at the •oecially bejwnted toereby, mig airport. INDEPENDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1058 PAGE TWENTY-CWfil EVERYDAY IS

Lancaster Brand "U. S. Choice" CHUCK ROAST ..T


Lancaster Brond Chuck Roast is mighty mouthwatering fare-always tender, juicy flavor- some! It's cut from Govemment-graded U. S. Choice beef selected by Acme's own super- critical experts. If it doesn't give you Pot Roast with real "smile appeal," we'll refund every penny you've paid.

Lancaster Brand "U. S. Choice" Boneless Cross-Cut Roast*•79'

Oxen-Ready Rib Roast- 63' BAKERY Fresh Ground Beef 3 - $100 Virginia Lee Large Sixe C Cherry Pies 49c Leg or Rump Veal Roast 49 Special! Bursting with plump cherries! Virginia Lee New England KOSHER PASTUAMI or KOSHER LAMB CHOPS Coffee Cake 39c Corned BEEF Rib Ib. 79c Loin Ib. 89c Virginia Lee Large Marble or

LONG OR THICK BAR-B-QUE Golden Pound 55c By the piece CHICKENS You'll love that fine butter flavor! Supreme Old Munich HOLIDAY GROCERY ITEMS... STOCK UP TODAY! Rye Bread '« 21c FROZEN FOODS - SWIFT 39' FREE! Ideal Brand Cut or French Green One Unit With Each PORK & BEANS 3-32 $10.00 Purchase Beans 2* 35' Yellow Rose Minute Maid IDEAL CATSUP W 2^35' ORANGE JUICE 4VT$1°° Dinnerware PRESERVES = Item This Week 3 6-oz. cans 44 PRINCESS MARGARINE : 2 39 SALAD Ideal Burry Chocolcte Chip Cookies 8ptT Chocolqte Macs8 X 33c FRENCH FRIES 16- Y«ur Sunshine Vienna Fingers "*£' Sugar Jumbles ox. Choice PLATE 9-oz. pkgs. ill Ativerthed Price* Effective 2 29 Through Sat., Dec. 15th DAIRY DEPARTMENT Velveeta JX* SPECIAL! ACME LOW PRICE! KRAFT Philadelphia Brand r Crisp California Iceberg Lettuce Large Head Cream Cheese Fresh and well trimmed. All guaranteed top quality, crisp, firm heads. Provolone Salami Ib. Stayman Winesap Apples 4-39 Firm, very juicy, medium tart, excellent for ail purposes. Most everyone likes Staymans. S-ox. I cello bag Cape Cod Cranberries ! ^ 19 i

4,-i Red ripe and fre.sh. Perk up with fresh cranberries, Keep a supply in your refrigerator freezer unit. 49c AUNT JEMIMA Hunt's Yellow Cling FLORIDA ORANGES PANCAKE FLOOR 2 .»*»*• 33c Scott, TOILET TISSUE 5 •* 49c PEACHES 2 28 oz. cais 55c NIBLETS CORN ,2 n«u 29c GRAPEFRUIT Vermont Maid $Y!M«-*«" 25c PICKLE SPEARS 2 32«. m 45c U Florida Seedless Route 1 and Green St. Circle, Iselin PAGE TWENTY-TWO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1656 INDEPENDENT

RIGHT PITCH By Alan Mover St. James' 5 Stop Pineauli S|IIM|^ AL Metuchen in Loop A OF TW QUARTSft 6ACKrrt& ^ Tilt; Arway Stars HAd8 u s:il|. burst to ?o ahead of Metiichen, 21- considerable chunks of yardage. Their most devastat- •fll thw eliinii,.. ! 16 Both tearas played op even ing play was an inside the tackle slant with the king- i'is camr out in; 1, terms during the final stania, scor- 666 find 673-Wiii i ing six points apiece. back blocking the backer-up. The offensive maneuver j Arway was Woodbrldge's lead- paid off with a score in the first period. Pumpers1 mm,' ,,,, ing point producer wUh all fieM The second quarter was a replica of the first, with « at palk |,. jfuals for 12 counters, while Prank games of 13.> .fin, 'Kelleman trailed after ciialkUi* the wingback pounding the Golden Bear backer-up out A COOD SiKVT: Is Ifiyrar-old Wurrrn I.awrmrr, 14 Liberty J40. Her leamiji,-, up nine. Pat McGuHjon was Me- of the picture an every off-tackle thrust. By the time AvtBVf, W«odbrld«c. who batted this nr> p.mnd. wvfn point and Lillian Kn!u , tuchen's most consistent shooter buck OQ the opening day of deer season Monday in North *'ith scores of -t-n ion the floor with 13 points. His the half roiled around, the backer-up was groggy and Jervy. Warren id a junior at Woodbrldgf Hlrh School. This U Retkwa, 442. .it,.1. I teammates, Tom Degnan and Joe STRIKES and SPARES the Golden Bears were trailing, 6-0. hia second year as a successful hunter. I^st »m«n he shot a nttl, 410. were ,) I Kotojiy, trailed, with seven and M 140 pounder on the last day of the hunting season. The youm Maintain j six, respectively. When the Bears reached the clubhouse for the mid- 1*4 hupUfl with his brother, (.arv, 17. They are the son* of Payne's Lum-:, :i CRAFTSMEN HOUSE State Jewelers 16 Mr. and Mrs. l-awrenrr Larsen, St. Mary's Wli» game break, Cacciola was as angry as a hungry bear LEAGUE Urban Studio 18 three and one-h.ii St. Mary's of P«rth Amboy re- who had just missed his third meal. After a series of the top of the hi Almasi Trucking . 23 W L mained undefeated along with S,t. two out of throe Mauro Motors 24 explosions which rattled the shingles on the roof, he I Almasi Tavern 29 10 James' in the league after con- cavatlng. The , Woodbridge Auto Sales 23 frakimowicz Scores All : Plaza Barbers 25 14 quering our Lady of Peace, 46-31, sought out his backer-up who was slumped in a corner copped the first i: <• Urban Sunoco 27 C & S Trucking 24 15 in a one sided contest. 709-814 and 78:)-«t., Honor Roll in desperate need of some consolation and medical Craftsmen Club 24 15 the second, 764.ti.vj High individual scores: Ballo Our Lady of Peace, after an put* attention. Points as Iona Triumphs Batatas Plumbing 19 20 Stetlle Salcy 4>. ;,; 230, Stancik 222, T. Stemback standing opening game victory, ap- Hill Tops 16 23 After glaring at his gridder for a full minute, Cac- TEAM STANDINGS Villanova's three digit*. 463, and Irene H:., 220. Poos 208, McCann 207, Mc- parently lost their touch and were Blue Bar 15 24 W Coach Tom Murtagh's Holy shared the spotii i Closky 206, Leon Gerity 204, Sisko never in the game against the Am- ciola bellowed, "Are you awaic ui the fact that the ; : Mayer's Tavern 4 35 Iona 2 Cross quintet took a (1-0 lead over Lunch. PacliiR in., i.-,, Jr. 202, Bauman 202. (Continued on page" twenty-three» Honor Boll wingback has been using you for a blocking dummy St. John's 1 Seton Hall in the first quarter, the alleys were M.,: : Results Hfch team game, Plaza Barbers Seton Hall 1 then proceeded to add to It for the Kay Smith wltn t..- Three - game winners: McCar- the whole first half, and they have gained no less than 101?: J. Nagy 231, J. Toth 236, Fordham 1 next three periods to chalk up a 424. thy's Sport over Urban Studio, seventy yards over your position? The backer-up, with B. Jost 186, J. Subyak 195, J, Recs Beat Dodgers Holy Cross 1 well earned 19-« triumph. The win Cooper's Danv Gerity Funeral Home over Urban Chrarella 171. a hurt expression on his face, looked up and mur- VlUanova 0 spotted Holy Cross in a four-way climb toward t... Sunoco. High individual game*: R. Deter tie for second place. after taking Uo •;, • Two-game winners: Bob's TV mured, "I know, Coach, but he hasn't caught one 224-201-215—640. H. Deter 209- - - but 22 Years Ago WOODBRIDGE — Iona reigned Once again it was Denny Leahy ings from the Mr., :;. over Mauro Motors, Mayer's Tav- 192-223—624, B. Jost 200-225-186 pass yet!" at the top of the St. James' Little who set the pace for Holy Cross The Beautlcuur ern over Woodtwidge Liquor, Ryan -en. FORDS—After battling through Cacciola, the Leo Durocher of semi-professional foot- Basketball League this week, from the floor wRh ap 11 point game, 682-62!). ; Plumbing over Urban Studio, Al- a scoreless first half, the Fords thanks to Pete Trakimowicz, who output, The talented forward ran Hlsch individual scores: J. Mayer other two in tin- ii . •. masi Trucking over Woodbridge Recreations scored a touchdown ball, was a first rate showman who drew almost as scored all his team's points in their up his total with five shot* from 202; R. Demerest 228, R. Galvanek 634 and 757-62*; Auto Sales. each in the third and fourth quar- much attention as his players because of his sideline 26-25 victory over St. John's. outside and one free throw. His 215, M. Schubert 212, P. O'Brien Maryon Claiv-. ;•.,•. ters here to defeat a classy South No one will dispute the fact that teammate, Roger Peck, handled 214; J. Subyat 206, E. Szeles 215, FORDS SATURDAY NITE antics. He was tough on all officials whether he paid with a 195K,UII. .I.. Amboy Dodger eleven, 13-0, at Trakimowlcz's performance was the rest of the point producing J. Oougeon 201, T. Perraro 210, J. MIXED LEAGUE Miie Kaluskci r Pfeiffer's Terrace before a record them or not. Working a losing Golden Bear contest one of the greatest Individual feaU with tight counters. Torgerson 4in. : Gursaly 231, 8. Derewdsky 204, J. W L crowd. ever staged on the St. James" court. A more detailed account of the Beauticians' It.,: : Dejnko 201, 3. Denitto 221, D. Mauro Motors •... 29 13 with Cacciola attempting io coach and officiate was Bob Dickson, former Perth Am- He was magnificent, tossing nine Iona-St. John's scrap showed Pete Goryl 224. , . , Norwood Distributors 25 17 ? AIHUSMC'^D.tfHfff/%ny.«)dsU« tooter to seek the seclu- Eleano^ Kindt,) 1 Jag's 24- 18 field goals and eight fouls through Trakimowicz as a real competitor court, whho pos;< WOODBRIDGE FIREMEN ed for both scores. Jigg's Tavern 22 20 sion of a cold cell filled with unruly gremlins. the hoops to account for his 26- in the closing minutes of the fourth and 414. LEAGUE In the third quarter, Dickson Team No. l 20 22 We remember one game in particular where the point total. He also played a period. With u minute and fifteen W went off tackle for the first touch- standout defensive game to round BEE COST $500 Team No. 2 18 24 seconds remaining in the game, Sh«U 30 down, following a sustained inarch Golden Bear skipper waa carrying on a running feud ojil. his brilliant afternoon. KITCHENER, Team No. 3 17 25 Pete sent Iona to the front, 22-31, A I F.B, A - 27 upfield and in the final period he I St John's took over in the first Darling Furniture 13 29 with one of the offtclajs who happened to be working with a well .executed lay up shot, flew into the i Woodbridge Em. Squad .. 25 intercepted a forward pass and qiarter by leading Iona, 11*6. How- Honor Roll put the lead evaporated when Paul by Ross Steeves , Isejin Chiefs 24 ran forty yards for a score. He the game without cojljpensation due to the financial ever, Trakimowicz got hot in the High individual scores Rose Nagy hit with a set shot to put St. off the bee, Stei .< Isefln No. l 22 added an extra kick from place-' second period and cut the margin Arias 167-180-191—528, E. Trost, status of the club. Long about the third quarter, the John's on top, 23-22. Trakimowicz a parked car un ,• Avenel Exempts 21 ment. to a 13-12 count at the half time Sr. 233, M. Palmquist 221. official, tiring of Cacciola's continued remarks directed drew a pair of fouls and under damages to ootii Avenel Em. Squad 11 The Dodgers took to the sir in intermission1. The Saints found the pressure made them both good to Results him $500. Avenel No. 1 8 the waning minutes of the game out on the field, called for time out and strode toward range again in the third period take over once more, 24-23. Three-game winners: Jag's over ' Honor Roll in a desperate but futile attempt 1th a six point splash, which sent Team No. «1, Mauro Motors over the bench. With a finger pointed at Cac, he threatened, St. John's c^ame battling back High team games: A. Gorechlad to put over at least one touchdown. then ahead, 19-14. But Trakimo- Darling Furniture. with time running out and made it 185-221-236 — 642, G. Housman The victory marked the second "If you continue to abuse our judgment, I am going wicz was not to be denied as he Two - game winners: Norwood 25-24 on Richie Toth's one-hander. GIVE'HIM 231-182-214 — 630. M. Wachter of the season for the Recs who to pace off 15 yards every time your voice reaches my parted the nets for 13 points in the It looked as though lona's ohaiifeo 20*>183-216—603. Distributors over Jigg's Tavern, next Sunday will play the power. final frame to wrap up the vic- Team No. 2 over Team No. 3. ears." Before he could resume his trek across the field of pulling the game out of the firs DISTINCTION Sigh individual scores: A. Pe- ful Fort Monmouth team. The tory. were impossible until Traklmowlez terson 203-213, J. McClue 203, J. CENTRAL JERSEY WOMEN'S Soldiers will invade th> community the high-powered coach screamed, "You listen to me Paul Nagy and Richie Toth were took a pass and faked beautifully *• GIVE HIM A flajlo 203, H. Deter 218, M. Petras MAJOR LEAGUE with their forty piece band. or—" Before 1)« could finish the sentence, the official Coach Jack Shubert's big guns of- before driving in for a lay up shot FORDS 218, J. Lockie 201, A. Liscinski W L S. AMBOY fensively with point totals of 15 which decided the game at the RECS (13) interrupted, "You'll do what, Cacciola?" At a loss for 200r212, J. Atkinson 202. Catalin Corporation .... 24 12 PODGEBS (I) and 10, respectively. whistle. MR: DISNEY Blanehan} L.E. Kutowtkl Sheriff Bob Jamison .... 22 14 words, but only for a brief second, the Golden Bear •Fordham, stressing defensive in Action in the league resume* WOODBRIDGE SERVICE Schultze L.T. Bagglettl Plainfield Rec 20'/2 15& master replied in a subdued voice, "Well, I can always a big way. won its first/fame of Saturday morning at nine o'clock LEAGUE Balint Moran The Pines 18 18 the season by taking Villanova into ,at the St. James1 gym with three W Anderson C. laskowiak cancel your invitation to our banquet, you know." Burlew's 15'/2 2O'/2 camp by a 43-3 tatty. The losers games on the slate. Fordham and Lou's Market 25 Raphael R.G. CoM, National Plumbing 8 28 were held scoreless throughout the Seton Hull match shots in the first Cooper's Dairy 24 Bacha R.T. Strong The stories we have just related about our friend Honor Roll third and fourth quarters. game, Iona and Villanova square Plaza Barbers 21 Thompson R.E. Cleary Tony Qatxiola may or may not be true—use your own High individual scores: Mildred . Johnny Dalton, Pordham't »way'm •«»*• second, white Holy ftiljcrest Inn 20 Campion Monahtn Hardy, Catalln. 173-223-167-563; judgment. sharpshootlng forward, was the Cross and 3t Jtifto's «lasri in the Saturday Niters 17 Dickson LH Cormd Anne Dustal, Shefiff Jamison, game'* high scorer^ with eight final tonu-st of th« morning Oak Tree Drugs 13 Lybeck R.H. HOOKERS. . . . Tommy Williams, a brilliant full- 176-188-222—586; Elizabeth Balla, points. Gerry Miller accounted for 6thec!ule. Flfflt Aid 13 Hudkins PB. National, 211; Marge Yelencsics Harris back at Glendale Junior College, was recently named iMlnmlint: A S-K Fogging 11 Score by periods: 162-194-203—559, Marie: Rowe idinantionol t ' Honor Roll to the Junior West Coast All-Conference football team. Forts Recs 0 0 8 1-13 .'•'•• \ 201, Bernice Totero 200, Dorothy hot Oporl. Noir .. Team high. Cooper's 917: E Dodgers 0 0 0 Haas 800. He was the conference's leading ground gainer and in a-o wider at ildcv , ) Cooper 168, B. Blyth 174, M. Doros Substitutions: Recsj — Savlpo, eight games averaged 4.6 yards per carry. .. . Jimmy 221 W. Blyth 190, M. fiisco 161. Results Weisman, Sachett, Panconl, '. Sports Flashes Into a ciiip bu.i \ 11 9 Three - game winner, Catalin individual high: M. Sisko 211 tella, Wargo, Lee, Haney, GuifYre. Keating rates Dennis Hodovance of Holy Trinity, Perth perfect prop. ••; l.r Corporation over Burlew's. G.Silva 215, M. Doros 224, W South Amboy—Manhattan, Hyr*S, Amboy, the most talented player in the St. James' every man. *«*»- Bljjth 203, T. Obidzinski 211, F Two-game winners: 8heriff Bob Farrell, Abe. Dennis ... 19 17 Guys and Dolls IS 14 Honor Roll' ' • 0 • High individual scores: Larry baum, Windsor LakU,' Joe Nagy, Joe McLaughlin and The weirdest game m Lehlgh Jim Broiim made his final year Mlchalski 226-202. John Urpan University football Wstory wai John Mandy represented Middlesex County at the of football in the college ranks a 223, Whltey Kissel 381-200. Mi- played duripg thi 1964 ttciou mtmorable, one. The Syracuse chael Magruflce 218, George Ml- Touchdown Club's annual banquet at the Sheraton when Buckhell edied'the Bngl- halfback from ManhasMt, N, Y., rolsky 202, Fran Pierce 208. tmtt 41-46 at LfwUbuTK, Pa, Astor in New York— shell Oil's Andy Gocechlad put set an Orange record by gaining • v • Results together marks of 1B5, 221 and 236 for a 642 total in 986 yards In eight games. George Three - game winners: Behwcn 1 the Woodbridge Firemen's League. .. . The Bowl-Mor D»ivt» »et the fonnwr eyracu* Forward Jimmy Parelli has hten ser Bros. ovjer Vere's TV R«P«lr, mark of 105 yards to nine 184J> WW by the Cleveland Baroiu ol Avenel Acres over Spoilers. alleys will be. moved to a Main Street location in the games. the American Hock League to the Two-game winners: E & L Ser- future. . . . Mae Pineault was the top bowler in the t • • * Buffalo Bisons of the urn cir- vice over Lucky Five. Guys and Thr«e of the six NatlonaJ Hqckty cuit In a straight cash, deal. P»r»l- SCOTCH • RYK • UOUKBON Dfitis over Hilltop Bowlers, Little St. CecelJa's Women's Bowling League recently with a Leggoe Uams have new cspUliu U came to the Barons only ten BRANDY • LIQUEUR • WINES Poolers over Reno Pizzeria. 294 gaipe and 549 set. . . . Duffy claims John Tbm- this mmm Red Kettv hat taken 4tiO from Three Rivers, <£§•> BOWL-MOR cxufcf's tyrrorvs m*y be a big surprise to some of their over the role from T*d Und«ay I ' tu' and linpoiit'rf CHAMPAGNE with Detroit, while Jimmy Thomp- * ' • W L opponents this winter. The local cagers tipped a good unri Imported BELR son tun HMMMM Bid Smith as Dartmouth varsity ski Guy's Electric 27 14 I aiti Poseyckl Insurance 35 W: Mttuchta torn in » practice game. Toronto captain and Maurice Middlesex TV 25 17 Richard has takes the place of retinfd Butch Bouchard with the HOLIDAY WRAPPED Muiika Funeral Home 22 y, and Ravens 10 23 all believed to be dead. When champion Montreal CanadUns. Banks stepped on it there v&i a » * « FANCY BOTTLES Lou's Market 18 ALAMXDA, CaUf -^ H flaifalng expiation and his cloth* Ip 195| Paul AJmonte, Cbarles- Make an Ideal Gift! AflD Electric M'/a 13.000-vott power Swift's Ice Cream IRC W»s*d into names, whk* ton. 6. c, iet a Stally U^v* r»<-. of I John O. Banks' W^ r 1 J. Reao «ie-207, J. Urtwjfaw, A.. fellof workers put out with a otd by pitching 64 scoreleu innings FRANK 8 113 SMITH SIKH H Nodwlofcl 320, E. Trust, Jr. £0f. flip »xUnguisher. In a row a* a »t»rter and «er rtTMa d P. Erdelyi 3la, L. Csordos 112, but wai UkM (f Dm to- RADIO ft TELEVISION Colorado's basketball coach, Sux PERTH Adamets 912, 8. Naylor Sit, N. pHal ta » crHleaJ tmUUm titt* *M NflW RBITNMWIOK AVI Suscreba 210, B. Shepherd Walaeth, has made a mighty bid in VOGEL'S Lipritore Two-game wlfn this young season to become king over Quy'4 El*cUic; Mid4|fst( TV o| t in hj» openinj salt- fe2 Main Stiwet Woodbridire over ABD ?51wUic; MusM'a Waiseth deurtbed u Ravani; Lou's Maii»t ov«r *»uK' mm thU: "W| can't Jwpp too well, have no *?-H..j£ THURSDAY, 13, 1958 PAOE TWENTY-THRfflT

1 heroine's home life Is eventually, fatejly shot In his plush New Yurk' Rainy m not earn wag*' of m*r», restored, It Is. as has b«en noted, maneto*. and the re** of the story J, ., than 1*0 nr doei not render nb- CLASSIFIED ON THE a feline carnival for the ladiM it derated to. showing how and Of Her (Inge Loops •tMBlUI Mrrifex In sdl-envlnr- RATES - INFORMATION before the vlllianesMs get their whg Tie» tot that way. On his YOUR NEW tMiit. Benefit* are payable for SCREEN Just dues. way up from the posl WOODBRIDOE- A delay tn the' any month in which he 1* ace 7? fill words Deadline for ad»; Wtdnetdaj II June Allyson gives an excellent tlon of a refugee from Ctechslo- starting of the three Recreation or ever. Earning* for the wfcoV additional word A. M. for the ume mttk>9 SOCIAL SECURITY vakiA, to man with a fortune, he Leagues until after the year ainst be cannted to deter- i,k In advance publication. "The OPPOSITE SEX" performance as Kny. ComintlarW The screen play by Pay and Dick Shawn and Jim Backus and cheats a lot of people, holiday* was announced this mine the number of bemrfHa Telephone WO-K-ni() Michael Kunln, was adapted from an afnuslng lampoon on pschla- Including a strlnge of beautiful morning by DirectoDit r JohJ n ZZullu o When anyone colleota social payable for the Tear. TheMf#M. Clare Boothe's "The Womeh.^rv. Joan Collins performance at woman,- -Among th«m are Yvonne frwii his Municipal Building office. I security benefits, what U he per- earning* for month* be'ore the "'Mrh was De Carlo, as a petty thief he picks Individual makes application fw .,, \NI> FEMALE • about twenty the two-timing chorus plrl who No reasons were given for the re- mltted to earn in wages and m\U • FOR SALE « snatches Miss Allyson's husband lit u? aud makes a builnew unsocial*; v4aed schedule, ] employment without having these benefits must be added to hi* ill 1,1' WANTED years BRO and filmed by M-O-M I in itfju. ZAO iE«h (labor, as n wealthy 1 st und, an astounding financial ICELAND BASE while nine intermediate contracts may be robbing Americans of the the number «f months In V$ ,t NJL-UD-7a«, Ches- after fl P.M. Is the envy of one of her sup- genius, who has "resigned from 1 Iceland has agreed to permit have been cleared. There are still tension, alertne* and worry which taxable year, • 12/6- 12/27 posedly 'clow ' friends. The point- the human pace," ns he puts It. He United States troops to remain at from two to four openings In the traditionally sharpen their ability PORT READWO- Three unfur- ed chatter of beauty salons and has iu' scruples mid no conscience, It you have a question, write to nished rooms and bath, with their strategic Reflavic base under'junior loop, to defend themselves in danger, I.U.K IIELF WANTED • bistros eventually leads to thr but he does have a very active, A. Bass, District Mflnag«*r, heat. Couple preferred. Call WO- a direct agreement that bypsssw warned two psychiatrists who Alton of the marriage, as well as highly developed brain. NATO, according to a recent re- The C. A. A. orders air-traffic have been studying patients who 313 State Street. Perth Amboy. NEED MOKEY? Avon 8-2743-J. 1M3 veral others, Althou«h o«. As the picture opens, he Is found port. radar for 23 cities. ' take "happiness" pills. N. J. ,.;it.j, wiiuupply that need. , u'ii itories available now. SERVICES MainflflU 6-9065, or write HAVINQ TROUBLE with yow ].IIU P.O.Box 705,Plaln- sewerage? Electric Sewerootei 12-13 etnovw roou mth. sand and itoppage frorn^ clogged pipes, cletnlni and [PlillNE Woodbridge WUSERV1CI mil wiif th« brill lull t per- GIBSON , MAN0 Woodbridfe 8-0IM WO-8-1549 «••• of Jack Malkos, who ac- The University of North Cnro> 46 Atlantic Street GUITARS « tRUMUUNK JUST PHONE tor 19 points with seven Una basketball team began thi and Amplifiers • DRUMS 121 LINDEN AVENUE We're Specialist. la 1956-57 campaign with 56 victories Carteret, N. J WO 8-0200 nun the floor and five free r STUDENT RENTAL PLAN • BEAR WHEEL ALIGNMENT as against 36 losses Kinde Franli SpeeiaUilnr In Woodbrtdge, N I. He was also a sUndout CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES For Information Call Hl-2-^ Same location plan, showing you money- |t .:iv conclusion of the U»lrd Woodbridge 8-3651 the International Oolf Association, Open Mon., rri. 10 A.M. to 8:30 P.M having short-cuts. • n both clubs racked up will receive the Metropolitan Golf WDGE. 8-1400 t Top Value! EDDIE'S MUSIC CENTER Sat. 10 A.M.-6 P.M. . However, St. Joseph's Sun. 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Writers' Association annuakCold Ed Bonkoskl, Prop. This is the time of the year K In the final square, Tee award at the groups annual t Name Brands! • Folders 357 SUte St., P. A, VA-6-1290 * Holy Trinity. 5-3, to dinner. Previous Gold Tee win- • Real Estate - Insurance • to get things done. ... So cuunt at the whistle. AVENEL • Dependable Service! ners have been Eugene Grace, Bub get it Done Right with t Billheads Jones, Billy Joe Pulton and H.u- • Lowest Prices! idston, St. Jo- ie Ward. COAL & OIL CO. a Holy Trinity kept It GUIDO GRENA H26 RAHWAY AVE., AVENEL GAYDAS • Letterheads three points apiece un- — Instructor of — Hodovance was fouled NEW BRUNSWICK SECRETARIAL WINTER BROS. SCHOEMAKER i tie. With the game of- ACCOfNTWO It FREr SCHOOL t PIANO SHEETMETALWORKS O Programs •: from « tttamlpoint of NEW! WAYSIDE FURN. SHOP Delicatessen AH types of metal work : tlcpped up to the (1) SWITCH BOARD Serving Wuodbrlriiie Resident! t ACCORDION (J) KfY PINCH (IUM) Since 1937 AGENCY nd irwde hU free thiuw (1) MACHlNt KHORTIJANU U. S. Hwy. 1. Ayenel, N. J. » THEORY LEADERS - GUTTERS • Booklets He lilt team a well eurned I. O, ALLEN One Mile Nurth of Woodbrldge FORCED AIR HEATING B.C.8.. U. H., U.S., M.A.. UIR. Accompanlgt for Solobte Realtor and Insurer TREAT SHOPPE Cloverleaf lit AltaBf Str«tt, Hra Bruniwtca AIR CONDITIONING iiiif. one of the better Qptn 3 A.M. UJ 9 P.M., lucl. Hat. 85A LOWELL ST., CARTERET • Announce- KI-I-3910 613 Rabw»T Ave., Woodbridge Phone FLASHING, Etc. i i he l«ague, connected C/O SOKLER W\|ip. White Church) WOodbridge 8-1577 "We sell the Earth and Authorized Distributor • -Id i.'ual.s und elttht fouls Fur Arranjenieilts Please Call, ments i' u 2u point total which • 9M.ADS »t their BEST Preferably Saturdays, KM-MK) Insure What's On It." ARMSTRONG FURNACES n the liamt'. Roger Kulm HEAR Liquor Stores KI-1-6541 1'' Dtiintjleifl shared of- • SODA FOUNTAIN • Invitations • Numbing & Heating • EDISON, N. J. 46 St. Ann Street, Carteret •i.urs for St. Joseph's HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE • FRESH BAKEKf GOODS !i murker* aplec«. Telephone WMdbridge J-188S LI-K-8401) • House Organs M the mo»t Important HEALS Open 7 A. M. to 10;M P. M. • Sporting Goods t tlte first half schedule INCLUDING SUNDAYS C. POZNANSKI WOK 710 KC. 7:45 P. M. Sunday i'lityed Sunday afternoon CIOM Wednesdays »t 12 Noon Wovdbridge PLUMBING & HEATING • Post Cards 1 James' count when the WOn-TV 8:30 A. M. Sunday |n"i. fcuted, teams In the liquor Store t Radio & TV Service • Get That REEL FIXED 1 SEWERS CLEANED MaryV and St. James' Drugs JOB. AND84SCIK, Prop. NOW! • Signs • :i'tx o'clock. In two other WITH ELECTRIC BOTOB SKKVICK •1 ii St. Francis meeta Holy fcHo«* of AL'S RADIO STATION • Business .'"'% iihl Our lady of Peace Wioe». FOK si Joseph's. FrM AJrllnt Avenel Pharmao & TELEVISION "RU1HBB'1 lofornwtlun. "PENN" Tlekctt 0U#lu«il m HAHWAT AVENUE »74 AMBOY AVENUE Prumpt E*p«rt Repair* Cards 81 < HUBCH OF CHBI8T "AIHEX'-'CKNTADKK • It's more consilient UC!A TIUHW and PwU Home of Reel P*rt« SCIENTIST when we muke your WOOUBIUUOK »-!»« WOQDBItltKiLv, N- * '••'1 Ave. Srwaren, N. J. Renervuilou. yet >l BattcriM Wholesale and Retail t Coupons cools no more! Actual • '•'• cl ch« Mvt»*r Uliurcb REEL REPAIRS A SPECIALTY ' I Tot cburob of Chrl.t Uc»«t prti:n Is »» you PRESCRIPTIONS 14 PtKSHJNG AVENUI :r'uibt IQ B^^on,1 ||vuf. p»y. No cliurgo for our • Mtving ani Trocktag • rvlce. CAKTRRET, IN. J. Red Checked, Cleaned, 1 (-v H«rrtM HOT A M. WUJTMANg CANUIES Polished, Greased »ud Call Today for MovlBC Job A. Kkh, Jr., Prop. day Tw TRENCHING AdjusUd, for OUIT H 5 «f>om» Telephone KM-5019 RoOEQ _roB- (Plus Parts. If Needed) V '' M.V m Free Estimates ry MVUN »«»Uibbi< • FOOTINGS We Hdve, In Stock all Loa4i Iniuntf _ H Itm U» t OIL TANKS SET NEED TROUT WORMS ECONOMY MOVERS REPA1RT WILDLIFE PICTURES KKADINOS NATION-WIDE MOVEjRS • SEPTIC TANJW Call (framed) Kulton 8-3914 MIDDLESEX OUND... by fUYHOWJACKSQfi WO-8-4SM HUNTING, FISHING and Urn that|i% «f tMJtaten IDA 48-8UU • SEWERS MOliOR BOAT UCBNSES «id th«7 WMted f«r ART'S RADIO j l She will .uldo you Ui success AMD SON Slwwot Street, "i'u*i,: « MW and hupplnean, Ui I h«lp KI-M851 ar 1M4I |c TELEVISION AJk How Sfou Cm Win PRESS you wlime others Iwve and SERVICE- One of Ow frophlca THE WOOOBRYnC|f HORTAWUE Knowledge is wnr u MS AVENEL ST., AVENKL PFBLIKll YPEWWTP botli. , Tut*. H* her now at U7S But Grand Btre«t



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