Woodbridge Stores Open Every Night 'Til Christmm

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Woodbridge Stores Open Every Night 'Til Christmm Woodbridge Stores Open Every Night 'til Christmm miplete News, Pictures Our Family o! over 35,000 Resented Fairly, Clearly Readers i§ a Valuable Market j,l Impartially Each Week Sn&epenbent - leaber for All Our Advertise**. XLVIII—NO. 43 Entered a* Second CIBM Mutter 1 at the Po»t. Omce. WoodbrWge, N. J. WOODBRlbGE, N.J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1371956 PubllthM «virr Tundiy nt IS On«n Rtnct. Woodbrtdft, N. J. PRICE EIGHT CENTS (weetness and Yule Fund Far Behind; Light E. GREGORY $1,400 Received Only elhowu , I can't quite Mlthi' s must be the year Half-Way Toward Goal 1 failif . is, portents and ex Van Pelt Choice as Head 10 Days Left to the contrary, my nation is not equal to Of Police Juvenile Bureau To Send Gifts ing the possibility that WOODBRIDOE — A Juvenile nmunlty of 50,000 la Bureau will be officially estab- For Needy Aid lished In the police department unable or 30 callous nnd Sgt. Kenneth Van Pelt, who refuse to bring some ms done un outstanding Job in WOODBRIDQK — The Indt-' uvenlle work during the past sev- pendent-Leader Christmas Fund measure of Christmas iral months, will be placed In to aid Township needy families inrss to a mere 100 de- ;harge of the Bureau. Mayor now stands at $1,413.40 — only pie . half way mark. In comparison with OK and desolate faml Hugh B. Qutgley announced to- day. last year's figures the fund lags. f*r brushed by some crue behind as the case list grows. As The matter will be finally set- of this writing there are 65 worthy into forgotten lonell- SANTA'S HELPERS VERY BUSY: Woodbrid&e High School students have been serving as volunteer Santa helpers by wrapping gifts tied at a caucus tonight and the families needing help. appointment mftd« at the next Fin the eleventh year for The Independent-Leader Christmas Fund. Left to rljcht are Charlotte Linn, Wayne Hanrattie, Margaret Holden, Miss Ruth Wolk Every penny received 1B spent regular meeting Tuesday night. Independent-Leader— of The Independent-Leader staff and Patricia Boehmer. directly to help the needy — all Police Chief John R. Egan In expenses are paid by the fu! of the blessings 0 a communication to Police Com- bridge Publishing Company. ehi-m—has suggested missioner L. Charles Mangione Boylan Heads List Cost 'Excessive' Desmond New Cops to Swell made the recommendation of the This weekend is the last Iqr'"'•"£ vc reflect the spirit 0 Van Pelt appointment as follows: wrapping gifts, so no clothing Or | "In'view of the great publicity toys will be accepted after i*QO%- VvJ infant's coming by an time on Saturday. If any a# ,** To Replace Nicklas Urges B. ofE. Refuse Plot Wee to 84 Jan. 1and general Increase of work in sM<>n of heartfelt char brought after that time tt«jr"*IB^J| WOODBRIDOE — In' a report to the Board of Education this connection with juvenile delin- WOODBRIDOE — Patrick Boy- WOODBRIDGE — Ten new po- be refused because there will• foe •'* vi 11 at the cost of sac week, Andrew D. Desmond, Board Counsel, advised against the pur- quency, we saw fit to assign Ser- lan. assistant superintendent of cemen, including the first Negro no time left to sort and jwrap :J chasing of land on old 8t. George Avenue, near the new high school, geant Kenneth Van Pelt to handle : schools U nerving In the capacity ver appointed to the Woodbridge them. " ,' jr owned by Mrs. Marjorie Binder as the 'price asked for this plot (Continued on Page Eight) SGT. VAN PELT of acting superintendent and from 'olice Department, will be named What time Independent-Leader M appears to be excessive." all Indications has the lead In ob- iy the Township Committee at Its mployees have left next wee* yf&LV.f r 1 und which we admin The asking prjee for the land, 120 x 130 feet, U $20,000. The site taining the superintendent's post next meeting, December 18. Ma- used in assigning truckr -and' •"" t K li Christmas for you left vacant by the death of Victor is said to be desired, In case the | or Hugh B. Quigley announced Drive for Hungarian Relief stablishlng routes and other de- T school board refuses it, for a piz- -M an expression — al C. Nicklas. Trenton Parley Called ;oday. alls that are time-absorbing. Toys, * zeria stand. lothing and food baskets will be • On East-West Freeway The appointments, which wll >M thus far this year it Board, members said today they Mr. Desmond pointed out that Slated to Close Saturday ellvered Friday, December 21., -...'.a! become effective January 1, wil v have been busy working on the the school district has ample Donations received during the 1 aiy more than a wee, WOOUPRIDQE — Mayor bring the force strength to 84 WOODBRIDOE — Mayor Hugh B. Quigley 1ms been named budget and have talked the mat- round plus the means of Ingress iast week were u follows: voice which will not be ter over for "a few minutes," but Hugh B. Quigley announced to- men—a new high. Township chairman of the drive now in progress for Hungarian Relief nd egress to the new High School day that he and Township En- $50.00 most of them admitted that Mr. Lawrence L. Jefferson, 160 In the Raritan Bay area. I sufficiently to be re- and that "In view of our present gineer Howard Madison will at- Lucky Eight Hunting Club, Inc. Boylan had the Inside track. Two Bunas Lane, Woodbridge, Is the "The drive, which will wind up Saturday, is under the direction economic position, it will seem tend a conference in Trenton $M.W ared, if It must be call- members, who did not wish to be first man of his race to become of the International Rescue Committee, Inc., which is sponsored by all that the expenditure Is not war- next Monday with State High- John Poppas, Liberty "Trucking: * quoted directly, said they felt, a local police officer. He Is now the accredited Hungarian and other relief agencies including the uroughout the length rented for purely aesthetic pur- was Commisloner Dwight R. O. Company, Frederick M. Adams.* we should not rush into *nj- a intematlonal R^d Crow, to raise ncadth of the Township poses," •. "'- " "* '•<'•'•' Palmer who hffs'Dfeeri'BSked to employed..W Ward at.the New loseph A. Dambwh, 0r. Nalac* A.*f' thine." Jersey State Prison Farm, Avenel funds to help" fhe'toTfu'fed and Mt. 'Mfarry Christmas" Continuing Mr. Desmond stated give consideration to a new East- •Cenworthy, August F. Greiner iito tnc forsaken homes Others to be appointed are Zig homeless Hungarians in Europe," if Mr. Boylan is named to the 'If the Board were to entertain West freeway route proposed by $20.00 mond S. Woljclk, 129 Clyde Ave- the mayor said this week. Is Indeed A Nice Guy A ho are ip need. When top post in the school system, it entures of this sort, the entire both Mayor Quigley and Mayor "Merry Christmas," AgnW JVlck nue, Hopelawn; Joseph J. Rusbar- Checks should be made out to Is expected that Thomas O. Des- strip along old St. George Ave- James J. Flynn, Jr., Perth Am- $15.00 ><|iiirements loom so sky, 9 Bender Avenue, Iselln; Itephen P. Mtlhalko, treasurer and WOODBRIDGE — That fel- mond, first vice principal at the nue, Freeman Street and Route I, boy. Women's Civic Clutb of Wood- mailed to M«Jf» QuteV at Uw low "Merry Christmas." Jfi. a md the means with high school, will become assis- Mould have to bet clawed oil by Trw-new route -would ettmi- Robert A. Esau, 17 Hoy. Awauia, Municipal Builmng, 1 Main Street, very generous man—or maybe a tant superintendent and that Ed- purchase at a cost which would nate destruction of homes in Fords, son of Police Chief John $14.00 11 meet them comes Voodbrldge. woman. ward P. Keating, another vice eventually interfere with the fur- both WoodbridRe ahd Perth Am- R. Egan; Walter J.-Singer, 5 Ben- The Women's Club of COM ia iy, we spwid worri- der Avenue, Iselln; Edward R. The amount collected in the Anyway this'week he sent two $10.00 principal will move up to the nishing of school and school boy. It would begin at Route 1, ten-dollar bills to The Inde- • lays and nights— spot now occupied by Mr. Des- rooms." Edison and connect with all Ressel, U Adams Street, Iselln; 'ownshtp will be delivered to the Mr. and Mrs. William J.-tytrren, Fred C. Wandros, Jr., 44 Jansen tarltan Bay headquarters at 264 pendent-Leader Christmas Dr. Mortimer Cowen, Mr. ahd. Mrs. mond. That will mean a new ap- major roads ending at Route Fund and the same amount to ::..\ a day when we "An Investigation of the site will Avenue, Avenel; Anthony O'Brien, fladlson' Avenue, Perth Amboy, Edward J. Kath, Mrs. Beft flam- pointment to take Mr. {Ceatlng's 35, Perth Amboy. the Woodbridge Emergency >K. into a tearful eye disclose that the elimination by 51 Tappen Street, Avenel; Wil- ifhlch In turn will forward It to son, Woodbridge Township-^chool place. Also attending the conference, Squad. In a note to the latter purchase of the vaflous prospec- liam E. Dopp, 341 Prospect Ave- he International Rescue Commit- Janitors, Mrs. Edward K. Cone, •ivi' little else except which was arranged by State he commended the squad for Its Also to be filled is the post of tive locations for business, would nue, Avenel; Salvatore Grlllo, 324 tee.
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