NEWS Volume 21, No. 3 ~ Fall My name is Jeanette Parker and I am the 2012-13 WALA President. I currently work at Friends University as Serials Librarian. My days are filled with journals, standing orders and databases. I recently completed (Aug. 14th!!!) a second mas- ter’s degree through Friends University, just in time to devote more free time to WALA! I am a graduate of SLIM at Emporia State. I grew up in Wichita but lived for 10 years or so in Haviland, Kansas, home of Barclay College, where I attended school and then worked following gradua- tion. I’ve been back in Wichita for a little over six years and have worked at Friends since moving back. While I have been a member of WALA for all six of those years, this begins my third year of being active and being on the board. I have learned a lot and look forward to this next year serving as president. Our board has already started meeting for the year, and I am anticipating the events we have planned, some regular favorites as well as some new events! Watch this newsletter and your email for news and updates! Our membership year runs from July to June, so if you haven’t had the opportunity to renew your membership, I would encourage you to do so! Jeanette Parker Serials Librarian Friends University 316-295-5887
[email protected] WICHITA AREA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION HTTP://SKYWAYS.LIB.KS.US/LIBRARY/WALA Wichita Area Library Association Officers 2012 - 2013 President 2012-2013 Treasurer 2011-2013 Jeanette Parker Joe Forte Friends University Newman University Library 316-295-5887 316-942-4291 ext.