(KEIGHLEY and SHIPLEY) to Be Held on 11 July 2018
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Report of the Strategic Director of Place to the meeting of the Area Planning Panel (KEIGHLEY AND SHIPLEY) to be held on 11 July 2018 C Summary Statement - Part One Applications recommended for Approval or Refusal The sites concerned are: Item Site Ward A Land At Grid Ref 416584 447411 Leather Bank Wharfedale Burley In Wharfedale Ilkley - 18/00663/OUT [Approve] B 5 Dale View Ilkley LS29 9BP - 18/01209/FUL Ilkley [Approve] C 10 High Wheatley Ilkley LS29 8RX - 18/01451/FUL Ilkley [Approve] D 13 Sugden End Halifax Road Cross Roads Keighley Worth Valley BD22 9DQ - 18/01439/FUL [Approve] E 3 Elderberry Close East Morton Keighley BD20 5WA Keighley East - 18/01891/HOU [Approve] F 6 Olicana Park Ilkley LS29 0AW - 18/01844/FUL Ilkley [Approve] G 24 Grange Road Riddlesden Keighley BD20 5AE - Keighley East 18/00997/HOU [Refuse] H 48 Green Head Lane Keighley BD20 6EU - Keighley Central 18/01380/HOU [Refuse] I Land West Of Holmfield Jew Lane Oxenhope Worth Valley Keighley - 18/01463/FUL [Refuse] Julian Jackson Portfolio: Assistant Director (Planning, Transportation and Regeneration, Planning & Highways) Transport Report Contact: Mohammed Yousuf Improvement Committee Area: Phone: 01274 434605 Regeneration and Environment Email: [email protected] Report to the Area Planning Panel (Keighley/Shipley) 18/00663/OUT Land At Grid Ref 416584 447411 Leather Bank Burley In Wharfedale Ilkley Report to the Area Planning Panel (Keighley/Shipley) 11 July 2018 Item: A Ward: WARFEDALE Recommendation: TO GRANT OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION Application Number: 18/00663/OUT Type of Application/Proposal and Address: Outline application for a new pedestrian bridge across the River Wharfe at the end of Leather Bank, following existing public right of way over ‘The Stones’. Land at Grid Ref 416584 447411 - Leather Bank, Burley In Wharfedale, Ilkley. The applicant has requested consideration of the layout, scale and access to the bridge, with its appearance and matters of landscaping being reserved for subsequent approval. Applicant: Burley Bridge Association Agent: Mr David Asher Site Description: Leather Bank is a bridleway and lane on the north side of Burley-in-Wharfedale. It links the village to the river Wharfe and serves a number of residential properties. The river forms the boundary between the Bradford and Harrogate Districts. The lane reaches the river close to a weir where there are some stone abutments associated with a nearby mill goit. A ramp leads down to the river from the abutments and a line of stepping stones and an adjoining ford lead across the river. On the opposite bank are open fields which are in Harrogate District and a public footpath leads north from the river bank to the village of Askwith. The bridge is proposed to link from the end of Leather Bank to the rights of way on the north side. The route of the bridge would follow the line of the existing stepping stones which are submerged for much of the year. Alongside these, the ford would continue to be used by horse riders. The site is in the green belt. Relevant Site History: 14/03664/FUL: New pedestrian bridge across the River Wharfe at end of Leather Bank, following existing public right of way over 'The Stones'. Granted 26 February 2015. 03/02533/FUL: Renewal of permission for new footbridge and approach works including ramps and footpath. Granted 24 November 2004. 98/00252/FUL: Footbridge and approach works including ramps and footpath. Granted 10 July 1998 Report to the Area Planning Panel (Keighley/Shipley) The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF): The National Planning Policy Framework is now a material planning consideration on any development proposal. The Framework highlights the fact that the purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and that there is a presumption in favour of sustainable development which can deliver:- i) Planning for prosperity (an economic role) - by ensuring that sufficient land of the right type and in the right places is available to allow growth and innovation; ii) Planning for people (a social role) - by promotion of strong, vibrant and healthy communities by providing an increase supply of housing to meet the needs of present and future generations and by creating a good quality built environment with accessible local services; iii) Planning for places (an environmental role) - by protecting and enhancing the natural, built and historic environment, adapting to climate change including moving to a low- carbon economy. As such the Framework suggests local planning authorities should approve development proposals that accord with statutory plans without delay. Local Plan for Bradford: The Core Strategy Development Plan Document was adopted on 18 July 2017 though some of the policies contained within the preceding Replacement Unitary Development Plan (RUDP), saved for the purposes of formulating the Local Plan for Bradford, remain applicable until adoption of Allocations and Area Action Plan development plan documents. The site is in the Green belt. The following adopted Core Strategy policies are applicable to this proposal. Core Strategy Policies EN2 - Biodiversity and Geodiversity EN4 – Landscape EN7 Flood Risk SC7 – Green Belt DS2 - Working with the Landscape DS1 - Achieving Good Design SC9 - Making Great Places Burley Neighbourhood Plan: It is acknowledged that Objective 6 of the Burley Neighbourhood Plan, to which weight should be given, is to increase access by foot and cycle throughout the Parish and into adjoining areas. Para 3.21 commits The Neighbourhood Plan to identify a network of foot and cycle routes and to support the concept of a Burley Bridge to increase access throughout the Parish and link residential areas with key facilities and the open countryside. Policies BW2 (Development outside settlement boundaries) and BW15 (Green Infrastructure) of the Neighbourhood Plan are also relevant. Parish Council: Burley Parish Council recommends approval subject to previous comments submitted in 2014 and the subsequent conditions. Report to the Area Planning Panel (Keighley/Shipley) Publicity and Number of Representations: Neighbour notification and site publicity notices. 56 representations of objection and 56 representations in support have been received. Summary of Representations Received: OBJECTIONS: 1. The building of a bridge will spoil a beautiful area. It will be an eyesore for ever and will spoil the natural character of the area which is a unique and beautiful asset for the village. 2. Its construction would also do considerable damage to the local ecosystem. There's no ecologically reasonable justification for concrete and girders harming the place irreparably. 3. If the water level is too high (to use the stepping stones), it's not a problem, as people can walk somewhere else. There are bridges at Otley and Ben Rhydding where the north side of the river Wharfe can be accessed. 4. Why does a beautiful, quiet area have to be spoilt because of a few people wanting to cross a river? 5. No confidence that the engineering proposals associated with the structures will withstand the full might of the river Wharfe in winter floods in the long term. It is well known the current proposal will be under water in a significant flood event, as shown by the winter 2015 events. 6. Residents in the area are already frequently disturbed in summer by all night social activities on the riverbank. The bridge will attract more people down Leatherbank, disturbing local residents more. 7. Antisocial behaviour continues to be a problem at the site with increasing numbers of people accessing the privately owned north bank to picnic, and swim, despite notices advising of the dangers of swimming in the river. During the summer members of the Burley Bridge Association clear rubbish from the north side of the river but a bridge would lead to rubbish being a problem all year – with increased littering, fire hazard, and danger to wildlife. 8. There is also a problem of people parking cars on Leather Bank which is a single track private lane. This causes access difficulties for residents. Signs to inform people there is no parking are ignored. 9. The land on the northern bank adjacent to the public footpath is privately owned. With easier access, more people will trespass on to this land with increased problems with rubbish and damage. 10. A bridge will cost a fortune but benefit very few. SUPPORT: 1. There are no bridges to cross the river between Otley and Ilkley which greatly restricts access from one side of the river to the other. The bridge would open up the countryside which few people can access because of the difficulties of crossing the river. 2. The stepping stones are not safe or suitable for walkers to cross the river and are frequently under water. 3. The bridge would enhance walking in the area by allowing more variable walking routes to be enjoyed from a location that is very accessible by public transport. Report to the Area Planning Panel (Keighley/Shipley) 4. Encouraging walking results in benefits to health and well-being. It could also bring economic benefits. 5. With regard to objections about existing anti-social behaviour problems on the riverside, a bridge may provide a deterrent if the river banks are seen by more passers-by. Consultations: Environment Agency: Have reviewed the FRA (Flood Risk Assessment) submitted by the applicant, plus supplementary information, and have no objections in this regard, subject to conditions. The development will only meet the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework if the development is carried out in accordance with this FRA and the following conditions listed in the consultation are secured on any planning permission. The Agency has also confirmed that in addition to planning permission the construction of the bridge will require separate environmental permitting from itself.