Report of the Keighley Area Co-ordinator to the meeting of the Keighley Area Committee to be held on Thursday 14th April at 1800 in the Keighley Council Chamber, Town Hall, Keighley AK Subject: Ward Plans Summary statement: This report informs members of the revised format for the reporting of neighbourhood and ward based action planning activity. Ian Bairstow Portfolio: Strategic Director, Department of Environment and Sport Corporate Report Authors: Jeff Bennett, Noreen Akhtar, Overview and Scrutiny Area: Susan Gledhill, Bernard Dunwoodie Report Contact : Jeff Bennett Corporate E-mail:
[email protected] Report to the Keighley Area Committee 1. SUMMARY This report informs members of the revised format for the reporting of neighbourhood and ward based action planning activity. 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 Community involvement in Neighbourhood Action Planning and the dynamic linkage of local people with those who make decisions on their behalf, deliver local services and maintain a safe and healthy environment forms a significant part the core business of the Neighbourhood Service. 2.2 In response to the priorities of the Keighley Area Action Plan, Members approved the establishment of a locality planning framework that reconciled all current and previous action planning activity within sixteen neighbourhood action plans. 2.3 These plans were presented to and endorsed by the Keighley Area Committee on the 21st of October 2010. 2.4 A key feature of the Neighbourhood Action Planning process is the role of District Ward Councillors both as advocates and scrutinisers with a democratically elected mandate to ensure that local action plans accurately reflect and address the needs of the community.