To: Newsdesk From: Christine Doyle

Date: 20 April 2012 Tel: 024 7652 1226/07769 738180

Coventry Cathedral to welcome John Mumford as Canon Theologian.

John Mumford has been appointed as a Canon of Cathedral on Sunday 6th May. He is the Cathedral’s new Canon Theologian and will be installed at Choral Evensong (4.00 pm) and will preach at the Cathedral Praise Service (6.30 pm).

John Mumford is the National Director of the Vineyard in the UK and Ireland. He studied theology at St. Andrews and at Cambridge. John was ordained in Salisbury Cathedral in 1977, and served his title at Canford Magna, Dorset, before joining the staff of St Michael’s Chester Square, Belgravia, London. In 1987, John and his wife Eleanor planted and led the South West London Vineyard church until 2008 when they handed over the leadership of the church in order to concentrate more upon the oversight and development of the Vineyard movement, both nationally and internationally.

The appointment of Canon Theologian is made by the of Coventry. Bishop Christopher writes:

“John Mumford has led the Vineyard in the UK and Ireland with great dedication and wide vision since its foundation. He built the Vineyard into a dynamic presence within British and Irish Christianity and shaped it into a movement of blessing for all the churches. I am especially glad to be able to mark John’s contributions to the first through his early ministry within it and, then, through his ministry to it through the Vineyard’s influence on many of our parishes and people, not least in the itself.”

Upon his appointment, John Mumford writes:

“I am overwhelmingly honoured to have been invited by the Bishop of Coventry to become an Honorary 'Canon Theologian' of his Cathedral. Having first been ordained in the equally magnificent Salisbury Cathedral, I have since been privileged to serve the Vineyard movement for the last 25 years, and continue to do so. This honorary position does much to mark the mutual respect and unity that the Anglican church and the Vineyard movement have long enjoyed. Together, we are all seeking to serve God, to preach the gospel to this land and to deepen our theological understandings, with each of us complementing the other and serving in our own unique ways. I greatly look forward to serving the Diocese and the Cathedral and with the Anglican family in any way I can, alongside my national and international duties with the Vineyard movement.”

The , The Very Rev. John Irvine: “We are very pleased to welcome John Mumford as our new Canon Theologian. This is an wonderful time to join the Cathedral in a year where Coventry is to welcome so many new people to the city; Canon Mumford will be helping us to communicate the Gospel in this exciting year, in ways that are faithful to the Scriptures and to the tradition, and that will speak to people today. We are really looking forward to work with John.” -ends-

For press enquiries, please contact Christine Doyle on 024 7652 1226 or 07769 738180.

Notes to Editor

Coventry Cathedral 2012 is the year that Coventry Cathedral will be celebrating its Golden Jubilee - a landmark occasion recognising 50 years of service to Coventry's community and the world, both through its unique international mission of peace and reconciliation, and as a cultural centre for the performing arts.

For 50 years, the cathedral has been a dynamic centre of worship and mission, a place of pilgrimage, liturgical creativity, and healing; a focus for reconciliation locally, nationally and internationally; for education and the arts; a venue for national services and television and radio broadcasts; and a focal point for the City, the region, and even for the world.

John Mumford

John Mumford is the National Director of the Vineyard in the United Kingdom & Ireland. Having studied theology at St. Andrews and at Cambridge, John married Eleanor in 1978 and they have two adult sons. John was ordained in Salisbury Cathedral in 1977, and served his title at Canford Magna, Dorset, before joining the staff of St Michael’s Chester Square, Belgravia, London.

Thereafter, they worked for nearly two years with John Wimber, on the staff of the Anaheim Vineyard, California, before planting the South West London Vineyard in 1987. They handed over the leadership of that church in 2008 in order to concentrate more upon the oversight and development of the Vineyard movement, both nationally and internationally.

The role of the Canons at Coventry Cathedral

 Coventry Cathedral currently has 20 other Honorary Canons (including three Canon Theologians). They are known collectively as the ‘College of Canons’  The ‘College of Canons’ includes both lay and ordained individuals, who are appointed by the Bishop after consultation with the Dean.  Honorary Canons contribute to the corporate life of the Cathedral Church and to promote its mission and service.