Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res., 42(4): 666-Advances672, 2014 in oceanographic, ecological and fisheries research on Oceanic 666 1 “Oceanography and Marine Resources of Oceanic Islands of Southeastern Pacific ” M. Fernández & S. Hormazábal (Guest Editors) DOI: 10.3856/vol42-issue4-fulltext-1


Overview of recent advances in oceanographic, ecological and fisheries research on oceanic islands in the southeastern Pacific Ocean

Miriam Fernández1 & Samuel Hormazábal2 1Estación Costera de Investigaciones Marinas and Center for Marine Conservation, Departamento de Ecología Pontificia Universidad Católica de , P.O. Box 114-D, Santiago, Chile 2Escuela de Ciencias del Mar, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso P.O. Box 1020, Valparaíso, Chile

The Chilean oceanic islands have been received Rodrigo & Lara (2014) and Rodrigo et al. (2014) little attention, both scientifically and in terms of conducted a qualitative and quantitative morphological conservation. In fact, the first marine protected areas analysis of the seamount chains and oceanic islands. around these islands were created in the last two years, They used recent bathymetric compilations that include 10 years behind those established in continental Chile. combined satellite derived and shipboard data (“Global This occurred in spite of the high concentration of Topography”), multibeam bathymetric data (from endemic species (Fernández et al., 2014; Pérez-Matus NGDC-NOAA), and a magnetic data set, to establish et al., 2014; Rodríguez-Ruiz et al., 2014) and growing clues about the origin of both seamount chains and their fishing pressure around Chile’s oceanic islands relationships with regional tectonics. Rodrigo et al. (Castilla et al., 2014; Zylich et al., 2014). Nonetheless, (2014) identified 514 seamounts along 2900 km of the a few sporadic studies, associated with both national Easter Submarine Alignment. In general, the largest (e.g., CIMAR, Yáñez et al., 2008) and international seamounts (>1000 m in height) are aligned and have a initiatives (e.g., Friedlander et al., 2013), have larger volume, with an elongation of their bases along contributed to our knowledge of the ecosystems the seamount chain. On the other hand, smaller associated with seamounts and oceanic islands in Chile. seamounts tend to be distributed more randomly with This special volume presents a review and analysis of circular bases. The best possible mechanism to explain the current information available on marine ecosystems the origin of the seamount chains that emerged from the associated with the oceanic islands in the Juan morphological analysis is the existence of a localized Fernández Archipelago and Easter Province hotspot west of Salas y Gomez Island. The Easter (Easter and Salas y Gómez islands). Fracture Zone, which produced crustal weakening, may Oceanic islands are characterized by their isolation, also have contributed in the region small size and volcanic origins. At distances of 3700 (Rodrigo et al., 2014). These hotspots could explain the and 3400 km respectively, Easter and Salas y Gómez substantial portion of the Easter Submarine Alignment islands are more isolated than other oceanic islands of sea floor occupied by seamounts (27%; Rapopport et Chile. Meanwhile, the Juan Fernández Archipelago al., 1997) in comparison with the Eastern Pacific (6%; (made up of the Robinson Crusoe, Alejandro Selkirk Rapopport et al., 1997). and Santa Clara islands) are 600 km from continental Rodrigo & Lara (2014) characterized the Chile. Chile’s oceanic islands are substantially smaller bathymetry along the 800 km alignment of the Juan than other Pacific islands (Hawaii: 28,310 km2, Fernández Ridge, which ranges from the Friday and Galápagos: 45,000 km2). Easter Island is 164 km2; Domingo seamounts in the west to the O’Higgins is 47.94 km2; Alejandro seamount in the east. The results show a continuous Selkirk Island is 49.5 km2; Salas y Gómez Island is 2.5 west-east corridor with a base at ~3900 m depth formed km2; and is 2.21 km2 (Newman & by four groups of seamounts/islands with a total of 22 Foster, 1983; Rodrigo & Lara, 2014). These islands are summits. From east to west the four seamount/islands the visible peaks of a chain of seamounts and volcanoes clusters are a) Gamma and Beta seamounts, b) Alfa known as the Easter-Salas y Gómez Seamount Chain Seamounts and Robinson Crusoe Island, c) Duke, (e.g., Kingsley & Schilling, 1998; Simons et al., 2002) Cinque Ports and Dresden seamounts along with and Juan Fernández Ridge (Rodrigo et al., 2014). , and d) Friday and Domingo 2667 Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research

seamounts. The superposition of the magnetic pattern ocean. The south Pacific subtropical gyre, where Easter of the western and eastern Juan Fernández Ridge and Salas y Gómez islands are located, has the lowest segments, which showed no correlation with concentrations of pigments and dissolved organic bathymetry, suggests that the faults/fractures of the matter in the world, making them the clearest ocean Nazca Plate played a role in the ridge’s formation. waters on the planet. Von Dassow & Collado-Fabri Although geological evidence supports the hypothesis (2014) reviewed key aspects of the plankton ecosystem of a fixed mantle plume for the origin of Juan and biogeochemical functions relevant to the Fernández Ridge. Rodrigo & Lara (2014) suggest that understanding of marine environments around Easter tectonic processes play a role, fueling the global and Salas y Gómez islands. The scarce information controversy about these competing processes. available (only 10 biological oceanographic expedi- Islands and seamounts have an important influence tions have entered this zone in 105 years, 1905-2010), on oceanographic patterns. The interaction between the suggests that plankton production is limited by a lack physical forcings (e.g., wind and currents) and the of dissolved inorganic fixed nitrogen, not phosphorous seamount/island topography fosters the formation of (Von Dassow & Collado-Fabri, 2014). The availability meso and submesoescale eddies, which promotes the of phosphates allows for nitrogen fixation, unless injection of macro and micronutrients into the euphotic another necessary element, such as iron, is limiting. zone stimulating biological productivity (Sangrà et al., Short-term experiments have suggested iron is not 2007; Hasegawa et al., 2009; Andrade et al., 2014a, limiting, yet iron still likely limits nitrogen fixation, and 2014b, 2014c). In the chain of seamounts and islands thus production, at longer time scales, as the presence associated with the Easter Submarine Alignment and of nitrogen-fixers is exceptionally low compared with the Juan Fernández Ridge, significant increases in Chl- that of other ocean gyres. Although diatoms known to a have been observed, the variability of which is contain nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (Rhizosolenia strongly influenced by the presence of meso and and Hemiaulus) appear to be well represented in the submesoscale eddies (Andrade et al., 2014a, 2014c). waters near Easter and Salas y Gómez islands, a diverse Surface and subsurface mesoscale eddies formed along group of heterotrophic, nitrogen-fixing bacteria or the continental coast travel west at speeds on the order photoheterotrophic cyanobacteria may dominate of 2 km d-1 (Hormazábal et al., 2013; Andrade et al., nitrogen fixation in the south Pacific subtropical gyre 2014a). Depending on the disapation methods, some of (Von Dassow & Collado-Fabbri, 2014). The prevalence these eddies may reach Easter Island after ~5 years of these nitrogen-fixing organisms could explain the while others may reach Robinson Crusoe Island after region’s lack of response to iron injection, given their ~8 months (Andrade et al., 2014a, 2014b). The surface functional differences from autotrophic fixers. Despite and subsurface anticyclonic eddies that interact with the the low rate of nitrogen fixation, plankton communities Juan Fernández Archipelago are formed primarily are maintained in the euphotic zone (Von Dassow & within the coastal transition zone between 33° and 39°S Collado-Fabbri, 2014). (Andrade et al., 2014a). The transport associated with The south Pacific sub tropical gyre represents a these eddies could have deep implications for the center of high biodiversity for picoplankton, as well as connectivity of biological communities between heterotrophic organisms such as tinntinids, siphono- islands and between island and areas. phores, and possibly amphipods, although data for key On a smaller scale, Andrade et al., (2014b, 2014c) zooplankton, such as copepods, are lacking. Bacterio- show that the observed formation of submesoscale plankton and small detritus particulates account for up eddies around Eastern Island and the Juan Fernández to 83% of the organic carbon and small unicellular Archipelago could be associated with a strong incident organisms, picoplankton (<3 µm), dominate the flow produced in the contact area between mesoscale plankton in this region (Von Dassow & Collado-Fabbri, eddies and islands. The submesoscale structures have 2014). In the waters near Easter and Salas y Gómez similar sizes to the islands and the Chl-a concentrations islands picophytoplankton represents only 3% of the are several times higher than in adjacent oceanic waters organisms present on average, while the green (Andrade et al., 2014b, 2014c). The formation of these cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus represents up to 27%. In structures could be essential for supporting biological this area, the abundance of diatoms and dinoflagellates activity during the periods in which minimal Chl-a (>15 µm) is lower than that of bacterioplankton (10 concentrations are observed in the region. millon times less), that of Prochlorococcus (4 million Low levels of nutrients, biomass and primary times less), and that of picophytoeukaryotes (50- production as well as scant seasonal variation in 250,000 times less; Von Dassow & Collado-Fabbri, biomass and planktonic community composition are 2014). Furthermore the biomass of mesozooplankton observed in extremely oligotrophic regions of the (>200 µm) is extremely low, 10% lower than that Advances in oceanographic, ecological and fisheries research on Oceanic Islands 668 3

recorded in areas of coastal upwelling and in the origin between both groups of oceanic islands Humboldt Current System (Von Dassow & Collado- (Fernández et al., 2014). However, when compared Fabbri, 2014). with other oceanic Pacific islands, species richness is Although the marine environments surrounding the low (e.g., fish; Fernández et al., 2014, based on Randall oceanic are characterized by the & Cea, 2011), which is explained by a combination of presence of seamounts (Rodrigo et al., 2014; Rodrigo factors, including the geological age of the island & Lara, 2014) and to a lesser extent, of hydrothermal (relatively young), the low diversity of habitats, and the vents, both types of ecosystems have been poorly location at intermediate latitudes. Species richness of studied. Only during the last decade were conducted the seabirds and marine mammals is also low, most likely first explorations to characterize the biodiversity of related to the small sampling effort directed towards marine communities associated with seamounts in the these conspicuous groups. Flores et al. (2014) reviewed Juan Fernández Archipelago (Yañez et al., 2009) and published and grey literature on seabirds inhabiting Salas y Gómez Island (Friedlander et al., 2013). Easter, Salas y Gómez and and Although we highlight these contributions within the their adjacent waters and found only 37 species EEZ of Chile, the review by Fernández et al. (2014) reported. As for other taxa, more species of birds have suggests that sampling effort is still poor for this area. been reported in Easter Island (25 spp.) than in Salas y This low sampling effort explains why the species Gómez Island (16 spp.; Flores et al., 2014; Fernández richness of seamounts inside the EEZ is only 7% of that et al., 2014, for other taxa). Easter and Salas y Gómez found on seamounts near Salas y Gómez Island, outside islands share a significant number of species of birds the EEZ (Fernández et al., 2014). The same pattern is while fewer species are shared between Salas y Gómez found when analysing different taxa individually (7.4% and Desventuradas islands, supporting the hypothesis fishes, 2.6% for crustaceans; in Fernández et al., 2014, that Desventuradas Islands belong to a different estimated from Parin et al., 1997; Stocks, 2009; biogeographic province and that the waters surrounding Friedlander et al., 2013). These results show how little Easter and Salas y Gómez islands can be considered a we currently know about biodiversity on seamounts. single biogeographic province. This kind of analysis However, our knowledge about hydrothermal vents is cannot yet be conducted with other taxa due to the even more limited. To the southwest of the EEZ of enormous differences in sampling effort among islands Easter and Salas y Gómez islands there is a series of (Fernández et al., 2014). hydrothermal vents on top of a dynamic fault system Marine mammals have received more attention than that shows the highest rate of plate dispersion in the seabirds. Five cruises focusing on marine mammals world (Rappaport et al., 1997; Hey et al., 2006). These were carried out between 1993 and 1995 in the Easter environments remain completely unexplored within and Salas y Gómez region (Aguayo et al., 1998a). Chile’s EEZ, despite the fact that they could represent Hucke et al. (2014) reviewed the results of these a break in species’ dispersal in this area (Won et al., expeditions as well as other sources of information and 2003). confirmed the presence of 12 species belonging to five The coastal areas in this region are better studied. marine mammal families (Balaenopteridae, Physe- Fernández et al. (2014) compiled, synthesized and teridae, Ziphiidae, Delphinidae and Phocidae) within analyzed published information about the biodiversity the area of Easter and Salas y Gómez islands. However, of macroalgae, macroinvertebrates and fishes more species are expected to use the oceanic waters associated with Easter and Salas y Gómez islands, surrounding Easter and Salas y Gómez islands since the advancing the characterization of this biogeographic area falls within their distributional range. province. Species richness in Eastern Island has The isolation of these oceanic islands explains the increased over time, as sampling effort has increased, high levels of endemism reported thus far. Fernández et suggesting that more studies are needed to characterize al. (2014) analyzes the updated list of species reported marine biodiversity even in the most studied areas for Easter and Salas y Gómez islands and shows high (Fernández et al., 2014) and even for conspicuous levels of endemism for the majority of the taxonomic groups, such as seabirds (Flores et al., 2014). Clearly, groups, with mollusks and poriferans exhibiting the this pattern shows, on one side, the important highest levels overall (33%-34%). Fewer species are contribution of recent studies, and, on the other hand, shared between Easter and Salas y Gómez islands and the need to focus research efforts on oceanic islands. continental Chile (Fernández et al., 2014) than between Easter and Salas y Gómez region shows higher species these islands and Juan Fernández Archipelago, or richness of mollusks, fishes and total (all taxa) than the between the archipelago and continental Chile (Pérez- Juan Fernández Archipelago, although only 6.4% of the Matus, 2014; Rodríguez-Ruiz et al., 2014). These species are shared, suggesting a different colonization findings, based on the limited information available, 4669 Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research

suggest the need to increase research efforts and rences in the composition of substratum species and science-based conservation plans to preserve the architectural complexity, rather than changes in abiotic unique species in oceanic island ecosystems. factors such as depth, drive species composition and In spite of the gaps in knowledge characterizing abundance. To explain the patterns of species marine biodiversity, recent research directed towards abundance and distribution in inter and subtidal areas coastal communities has expanded our knowledge reported above, Rodríguez-Ruiz et al. (2014) suggest beyond simple lists of species. Recent studies in Easter, the following processes structuring coastal commu- Salas y Gómez, and Robinson Crusoe islands have nities: a) low grazing levels in intertidal zones focused on community structure. Additionally to the (explained by low richness and abundance of grazers, comparative work by Friedlander et al. (2013), Pérez- which cannot control primary producers, thus the Matus et al. (2014), Wieters et al. (2014) and community is dominated by algae), b) a potential Rodríguez-Ruiz et al. (2014) report the most recent trophic cascade (which may explain the negative studies conducted in the inter and subtidal in the correlation between invertebrate abundance and fish representative habitats of Juan Fernández Archipelago abundance, which in turn is negatively correlated with and Easter Island that characterize community fur seal abundances), c) sediments enrichment structure. Pérez- Matus et al. (2014) characterized the (biodeposits from the fur seal colonies in coastal coastal ichthyofauna of Robinson Crusoe Island, sediments may support the higher biomass of deposit- presenting the first analysis of reef fish and feeding sea cucumbers at sites hosting fur seals, macrobenthic community structure in Juan Fernández compared with sites farther away from such naturally- Archipelago. Rodríguez-Ruiz et al. (2014) also enriched habitats; i.e., El Palillo), and d) disturbance conducted recent research in Juan Fernández (specifically sand dynamics, which may explain the Archipelago, characterizing coastal communities, from dominance of different functional groups of algae the intertidal to the subtidal zone, studying the three among sites). recently created Marine Parks: Tierras Blancas, El Wieters et al. (2014) focused on the most prominent Arenal and El Palillo. Among the most relevant patterns habitat in the coastal areas of Easter Island, coral reefs, in coastal communities at Robinson Crusoe Island, we using a trait-based view of communities rather than the highlight: a) the dominance of foliose brown and red traditional species-based approach, to study ecological macroalgae at protected sites, while sessile species (i.e., responses to environmental change in a system cnidarians, vermetids, barnacles) structure the undergoing degradation. Among their results, Wieters substratum at exposed sites (Pérez-Matus et al., 2014), et al. (2014) highlight the lack of zonation in coral reef b) high algal species richness and abundance, both in abundance, in contrast to the common reduction in total the intertidal and subtidal zones, and particularly high coral abundance in deeper sites (>20 m), which is abundance of filamentous algae at sites exhibiting high explained by the persistently clear oceanic waters disturbance (extensive sand dynamics), in comparison characterizing Easter Island. It is also remarkable that with corticated algae and a greater diversity of spatial patterns of distribution of functional community functional groups at low disturbance sites, c) structure did not follow geographic characteristics, but herbivorous invertebrates, particularly gastropods, rather showed a strong similarity in benthic and fish dominate the intertidal, while the subtidal is dominated functional groups among sites, suggesting a strong by detritivores, especially at sites were fur seal colonies coupling with coastal oceanographic conditions that were present, d) the highest fish abundance was varies on small scales. Wieters et al. (2014) not only recorded in subtidal habitats of the site were fur seal analyze spatial patterns, but also report temporal colonies were not present (El Palillo), and e) variability in the functional structure of shallow hard carnivorous fish, consumers of benthic invertebrates, bottom communities, showing a consistent increase in dominated Robinson Crusoe’s coastal habitats, where a coral abundance in shallow habitats over the past 15 negative relationship between fish abundance and years despite the deterioration of fish assemblages (low benthic invertebrate abundance was found (Rodríguez- fish abundances and small body sizes due to fishing Ruiz et al., 2014). pressure; Friedlander et al., 2013). Disturbance, The characterization of the inter-and subtidal changes in coral settlement, released competition and coastal habitats of Robinson Crusoe Island also allowed escape from predation are some of the processes the advance of hypotheses about processes affecting proposed by Wieters et al. (2014) to explain the community structure (Pérez-Matus et al., 2014; observed patterns. These studies (Pérez-Matus et al., Rodríguez-Ruiz et al., 2014). Pérez-Matus et al. (2014) 2014; Rodríguez-Ruiz et al., 2014; Wieters et al., 2014) suggest that habitat-structuring species (e.g., brown have significantly advanced the study of and proposed algae) explain fish species composition, since differ- processes structuring coastal communities. However, Advances in oceanographic, ecological and fisheries research on Oceanic Islands 670 5

we know very little on the important and increasing conclude that a) yellowfin tuna is the main exploited human effects on coastal marine communities in ocean species, and b) in spite temporal fluctuation, total catch islands, such as fishing. has remained stable during the last decade. However, Arana (2014) nicely describes ancient fishing boats fishery data collection is poor and there appears to be a and gears, though it is difficult to establish a concrete lack of scientific rigor in the information collected, idea of the real importance of fishing on this island affecting the estimates of total catch. Castilla et al. before the arrival of Europeans. Nonetheless, the (2014) report that annual landings from numbers of fish hooks found in caves and archeological SERNAPESCA (Servicio Nacional de Pesca, Chile) excavations, the abundant representation of marine show serious flaws, including catches of species that animals in petroglyphs and the frequent inclusion of are not found in the region. Additionally, there is no sea-related themes in the island’s folklore suggest the official information for intertidal or subtidal marine use of fish protein from ancient times. In fact, the organisms extracted by food-gathers. Both studies also islanders identified distinct fishing zones (Arana, emphasize that illegal fishing by industrial vessels in 2014). The tactics and methods used bear close relation this oligotrophic system is substantial and a probable to the systems of other Polynesian islands, cause in the declining artisanal catch of tuna by Rapa demonstrating notable adaptation to the resources Nui fishers (Castilla et al., 2014; Zylich et al., 2014). available on this island. Aside from tuna, the islanders However, signs of overexploitation have also been consumed several snails species, sea urchins, crabs, observed for resources exploited by the domestic fleet. octopus and anemones. Under the influence of The studies included in this volume conclude that, European customs, the introduction of domesticated in spite of the advances in our knowledge of the marine animals and the farming of foreign species, fishing ecosystems associated with oceanic islands in the last declined. At present, the old traditions have been lost decades, more efforts are needed to fully understand and fishing is now more of a complementary ecosystem functioning. Multiple approaches, which are contribution to the diet of island dwellers, allowing not mutually exclusive, are suggested: a) take them to vary their daily menu, which is mainly based advantage of local knowledge and interest, b) optimize on land products. However, fishing effort has increased sampling efforts and broaden research opportunities to to meet the demands of a growing tourist industry. include multiple fields in each expedition to the area, c) enhance the temporal scale of the studies, and d) create The increase in fishing effort is, in part, reflected in local facilities to develop a permanent research studies by Castilla et al. (2014) and Zylich et al. (2014). program, offering opportunities to local and visiting Using anecdotal information, historical descriptions scientists, for interdisciplinary work, for involvement and the limited quantitative information available, of the local community, and for development of Zylich et al. (2014) reconstructed fisheries catches in science-based outreach programs. The development of the EEZ of Easter and Salas y Gómez islands between a marine research laboratory on the islands would 1950-2010, identifying two fisheries: the local, improve the management and conservation of these domestic, small scale fisheries, and the foreign, large unique, fragile marine environments associated with scale fisheries. Castilla et al. (2014) report that the oceanic islands, and since it would be locally-based, local, domestic, small-scale fisheries can be has the potential to incorporate local fisheries practices deconstructed in three groups of fisheries depending on and knowledge. the use of boats and gear. 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