Located in Tuban , 120 km from (the capital of East Province)

Central Java Tuban Madura GENERAL INFORMATION Province Island Size Surabaya Total Area 233 hectares Province Developed Area 56.8 hectares Vacant Area 140 hectares T Kawasan Industri Gresik (PT KIG) now has a new Expansion Option – location with a total area of 233 ha in Tuban, a district P 2 located in the north coast of East Java. Plot Size Min 500 m

Tuban Industrial Estate is supported by facilities such Land Ownership as telecommunication network, electricity, gas, water and waste water treatment plant. With adequate infrastructure Lease Yes Minimum of lease : 5 years in the estate, the Tuban Industrial Estate should be Price Information will be provided upon considered as a prospective, reliable and environmental- N/A friendly investment place for long term. Indication request Minimum of purchase : 500 m2 As reflected trough the estate’s motto, vision and Acquisition/ The tenant is entitled to have Yes mission, Tuban Industrial Estate is committed to improve Purchase The Right to Build (Hak Guna the performance as well as the service to their investors in Bangunan) a sustainable manner. By assisting their tenants, the estate Price Information will be provided upon N/A will maintain a mutually beneficial cooperation between Indication request them and the estate today as well as in the future. Ready to use building CONTACT Office Information will be provided upon Yes Tuban Industrial Estate Building request Jalan Raya Tuban – Semarang KM 22 Commercial Information will be provided upon Yes Kec. Jenu, Tuban, East Java Building request Phone : +62 (31) 3984472 Factory Yes Size : 960 m2/unit Email : [email protected] Building



Electricity PT PLN (Persero)

Capacity 80 MVA

Occupied –

Type of cable Underground cable network network

Natural Gas PT PGN

Capacity 177 MMBTU

PT Kawasan Industri Domestic Water Gresik

Capacity 20 lt/sec

Occupied –

Waste Water Available Treatment

Solid Waste Not available Treatment


Telephone PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk.

Information provided upon Capacity request

Information provided upon Utilized request

Internet PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk

Information provided upon Type request

Information provided upon Speed request

Distance to

Nearest 120 km (Surabaya) Major City

INFRASTRUCTURES 150 km (Juanda International Airport Airport Surabaya)

Road 130 km (Tanjung Perak Port Seaport Surabaya) Main Road (width) 2 x 7 m Train – Secondary Road (width) 8 m station