Mangrove Conservation in East Java: the Ecotourism Development Perspectives

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Mangrove Conservation in East Java: the Ecotourism Development Perspectives doi: 10.11594/jtls.07.03.14 THE JOURNAL OF TROPICAL LIFE SCIENCE OPEN ACCESS Freely available online VOL. 7, NO. 3, pp. 277 – 285, September 2017 Submitted June 2017; Revised July 2017; Accepted September 2017 Mangrove Conservation in East Java: The Ecotourism Development Perspectives Luchman Hakim 1 2*, Dian Siswanto 1, Nobukazu Nakagoshi 3 1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia 2 Tourism Research Center, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia 3 Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan ABSTRACT An analysis of the role of mangrove ecosystems in tourism was undertaken in order to build a strategy for mangrove conservation and conceptualize sustainable mangrove-based tourism development in East Java, Indonesia. The re- sults of the present study suggest that mangroves could be used as nature-based tourism destinations. While tourism in mangrove areas in East Java clearly contributes to mangrove conservation, it still lacks a mangrove tour program, in which it is important to deliver the objectives of ecotourism. For the sustainable use of mangrove biodiversity as a tourist attraction, it is essential to know the basic characteristics of mangroves and establish mangrove tourism programs which are able to support a conservation program. It is also crucial to involve and strengthen the partici- pation of local communities surrounding mangrove areas. The involvement of local wisdom could increase the sustainability of mangrove ecosystems. Keywords: Ecosystem services, coastal conservation, community-based tourism INTRODUCTION mies. Loss of mangroves means a loss of a wide ecolog- Mangroves are a muddy coastal wetland found in ical niche for feeding, breeding, and hatching of fish and tropical and subtropical regions of the biosphere, which marine creatures as well as migratory species. A decrease play a major role in environmental services, economy, in mangroves also significantly contributes to a negative and social benefits. Mangroves contribute to numerous impact on the coastal economy, where many coastal environmental services, including trapping and recy- dwellers depend on marine resources and the fisheries cling organic matter, providing shelters and surfaces for industry [4, 5, 6]. terrestrial and aquatic organisms, and contributing to Globally, tourism is one of the significant tools to the overall health of coastal environments. Mangroves enhance and support environmental conservation, in- are rich in terms of natural resources, which for a long cluding mangrove ecosystems in tropical regions. It is time have been exploited by people. Most of the diverse especially important in East Java, Indonesia, where man- mangrove ecosystems are distributed in developing groves are naturally abundant. The development of tour- countries that have recently faced numerous problems, ism in natural areas, including mangrove ecosystems, is which could potentially lead to mangrove ecosystem ex- considered important. It is especially relevant in relation tinction [1, 2, 3]. to the Indonesian government policy on tourism devel- A number of recent reports and scientific reviews opment. In Indonesia, tourism is growing fast and its give an overview of mangrove disturbance. A reduction contribution to economic earning is significant. Re- in mangroves can lead to natural disasters such as cently, the government of Indonesia has an ambitious coastal abrasion. Moreover, a loss of mangroves is the target to increase and continue the international tourist initial stage for biodiversity reduction, both in quality growth and arrivals over the next year. Mangroves are and quantity, which significantly affects coastal econo- one of the potential sites for sustainable tourism devel- *Corresponding author: How to cite: Luchman Hakim Hakim L, Siswanto D, Nakagoshi N (2017) Mangrove Conserva- Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural tion in East Java: The Ecotourism Development Perspectives. J. Sciences, Brawijaya University Trop. Life. Science 7 (3): 277 – 285. Jalan Veteran, Malang, Indonesia 65145 E-mail: [email protected] JTLS | J. Trop. Life. Science 277 Volume 7 | Number 3 | September | 2017 Luchman Hakim, Dian Siswanto, Nobukazu Nakagoshi, 2017 opment. East Java is one of the densely populated provinces It is, however, interesting to note that mangrove in Indonesia. Located in a tropical area, the mangroves based tourism activities in Indonesia are rarely discussed of East Java have been documented in abundance. An or explored in relation to increasing tourism industry abundant mangrove population was found in the north- performance in mangrove areas and ensuring the sus- ern part of Java Island, while in the south coast man- tainability of mangrove ecosystems as a tourism re- groves grow patchily in several locations. The muddy source. One of the best opportunities is to ensure that environment of the northern coast allows mangrove mangrove-based tourism is implemented based on sus- growth to strive [7]. Recently, about 85,000 ha (6.24% tainable principles. East Java has a negative record re- of the total province area) of mangroves were found in garding the loss of biodiversity, coastal forest deforesta- East Java with numerous conditions [8]. The biodiver- tion, and especially mangrove exploitation [7]. There- sity of the mangrove ecosystem of East Java is considered fore, promoting sustainable tourism in the mangrove en- high. It is estimated that East Java has 30 major man- vironment is crucial. The objectives of this paper are to grove plant species and 29 associated mangrove species evaluate the recent status of mangroves in East Java, [9]. identify the recent spot of mangrove-based tourism des- The northern coast of East Java was previously a tinations, describe recent tourism programs and activity habitat for mangrove species. The forest runs west to in mangrove areas, and establish recommendations for east, stretching from the Tuban Regency in the west to future sustainable use of mangrove ecosystems in the the Baluran National Park in the east. The wide man- tourism industry. grove area located in the Brantas River delta encom- passes Gresik, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Pasuruan, and MATERIALS AND METHODS Probolinggo [7]. Nevertheless, rapidly expanding Prior to the field trip, we identified all mangrove- shrimp farming, urban development, and industrial de- based tourism destinations in East Java through second- velopment has contributed to mangrove forest clearing. ary data examination. We collected information about In Lamongan, Gresik, and Surabaya, mangroves have vegetation and wildlife resources in mangrove areas. We been replaced by industry and shrimp aquaculture. Aq- also collect information related to the sociocultural con- uaculture, through the establishment of shrimp ponds, dition of the area, the level of tourist visitation in man- is the ultimate factor contributing to mangrove changes grove areas, and other relevant information. Literature [10]. A relatively good mangrove ecosystem was recently was collected from numerous sources, including libraries found in the eastern part, spreading from Probolinggo and government agencies. The literature review was con- Regency to Baluran National Park. In the coastal area of ducted to get a vivid picture of the recent status of man- Probolinggo Regency, mangrove species such as Avicen- grove ecosystems and tourism activity in East Java. nia alba, A. marina, A. officinalis, Excoecaria agallocha, From the secondary data, we selected some places and Sonneratia alba grow. In Probolinggo, a rehabilita- to visit and intensive discussion and observation were tion effort for degraded mangroves managed to increase conducted with tourism managers, local tourism stake- the mangrove forest from 209.32 ha in 2001 to 295.20 holders, and local communities. Site selection was based ha. in 2011, in 39 coastal villages [11]. However, the on the site status as a mangrove-based tourism destina- southern area of East Java is a rapidly developing area tion being intensively promoted as a tourism destina- and many mangrove ecosystems have been changed into tion, accessible, and popular. unsustainable uses. In order to identify the tourism program, interviews In the southern part, the majority of mangroves with destination officers and visitors were conducted. grow in protected areas. In Sempu Island Nature Re- The informants were subsequently asked to identify nu- serve, Exoecaria agallocha, Kanelia obovata, Rhizophora merous issues regarding the uses of mangroves as tourist apiculata, R. mucronata, and Bruguiera gymnorhiza attractions, to assess the limitations of tourism in man- growth strives. A huge and abundant mangrove ecosys- grove areas, and to describe an approach to solve the tem was found in Segoro Anak at Alas Purwo National problem and build sustainable tourism in mangrove ar- Park. Compared to the northern population, the popu- eas. Data were analyzed descriptively. lation within a protected area is less disturbed. The strict control and management of the protected area seem to RESULTS AND DISCUSSION be an effective strategy to conserve mangroves. Barriers The mangroves of East Java to such strategies include the limited area for conserva- JTLS | J. Trop. Life. Science 278 Volume 7 | Number 3 | September | 2017 Mangrove Conservation in East Java tion and many mangrove populations are located in un- not suitable for tourism activities to enjoy nature.
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