Ca t c h In d i e Ni g h t a t t h e Ne s t , Se p t . 25

THE P l e a s e r e c y c l e t h i s Thursday, September 25, 2008 newspaper when you are Volume 46, Issue 5 finished with it. YOURNUGGET STUDENT NEWSPAPER , , CANADA SENATE ELECTION DAY! Vote for your school’s reps – story, page 3; candidates, pages 12, 13

Photo by Javier Salazar LEADING THE LEAGUE NAIT Ook midfielder Daniel De Sousa heads up field against the Wolves on Sunday Sept. 21. NAIT won the match 2-0 and the team finds itself first in the ACAC standings. More in Sports, pages 8-11. 2 The Nugget Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 NEWS&FEATURES StAT cuts service to NAIT

Chris Carmichael-POWELL Senior Issues Editor NAIT students who take St. Albert Tran- sit may be forced to find an alternate mode of transportation to NAIT following a couple of key changes in the way StAT serves its riders. Last week, a page ad in the St. Albert Gazette informed riders that if they were not parked in specified stalls, an external secu- rity company would be towing the offending vehicles. According to Dawn Fedorvich, co-ordina- tor of customer service for St. Albert Transit, roughly 10 percent of StAT riders will be able to park at the Village Transit Station. “StAT has 500 park and ride stalls avail- able at the Village Transit Station. These do fill up very fast and riders are encouraged to take their local bus to the transit station and com- mute from there.” However, those 4,500 daily riders who drive but don’t get a stall have no other options to park-and-ride for their daily commute. “Transit users are not to use the St. Albert Centre parking lot as this is private property and the owners have not authorized its use for transit riders ... Commuter passes are valid locally and riders can use their local route to Photo by Javier Salazar connect to the commuter buses; thus StAT will St. Albert Transit has decided that ridership numbers in the evening have dictated a reduction in service to NAIT. not compensate commuters who have bought bus passes and cannot find park and ride stalls on this finding, and the fact that the round trip “We acknowledge that a few riders will be StAT’s advice to the roughly 5,000 daily available.” time with the longer route via NAIT created inconvenienced but the vast majority will ben- commuters who no longer benefit from direct These changes come in the wake of service scheduling problems, therefore direct service efit from a more reliable and consistent Route NAIT access in the evening is as follows: cuts to NAIT for StAT users. to NAIT was reduced,” stated Fedorvich in an 201.” “NAIT students needing to get to St. Albert “We did a ridership survey in February, interview. At the time of print, Fedorvich had not sup- in the evening can walk to Kingsway Avenue which is the busiest spring session month, and Fedorvich freely admits that riders will be plied the Nugget with the requested statistics and catch the 201 back to St. Albert in front of discovered a noticeably low number of riders inconvenienced by the change, but the choice indicating how many riders were using the eve- the AMA, or take ETS to downtown and con- getting on or off at NAIT after 7:20 p.m. Based to cut service was made regardless. ning service formerly available to NAIT. nect there.” Orlando, the land of awesome My favourite thing about Orlando dearly and to help those they love. and hooking up VIPs to everywhere, Universal Orlando is practically Dis- is the people – people in the south- Florida is a mostly conservative and we all enjoyed some great drinks. neyWorld for adults. For about $15 ern states seem to be so friendly, it’s state. Many people there are god- It was great times with great peo- you can get a pass that gets you into just awesome. For example, I sat next fearing people of strong religious ple. The tourist attractions were great, all of the clubs and the free movies at to a really sweet couple on my flight. views and they are very family-ori- and I got to have quick business dis- the theatre for all of City Walk. After some wine and a great debate entated and tolerant. Despite the fact cussions with my boss while we hit The only complaint I have about on U.S. politics, my flight just went that I stayed in a five-star resort in Splash Mountain. Orlando is the heat, I never knew it by. DisneyWorld, attended a great con- Orlando is one of the most hap- could be too hot. Nor did I ever think SHANT CHAKMAKIAN They were definitely the sweetest ference, and saw all the great sights, pening places I’ve ever seen. Stay- one could sweat to death in the mid- people I ever met and even after my the people just stand out. ing at the Buena Vista, I was only dle of the night, but it’s true. Florida is such an amazing state flight they were nice enough to give For example, when I went to minutes away from Pleasure Island, I’m so sold on that place I intend that one could refer to it as the Cali- me a ride to my resort. go light up the festivities of Church which gave me access to all the night- to live there for a few months one fornia of the East Coast. Last week They even made it clear that if Street in downtown Orlando I was clubs Disney has to offer. day and suggest that anyone who can in the quieter moments of a busi- something ever went down while I approached by the friendliest of But for the older crowd, Univer- should check it out. It’s absolutely ness trip, I got to enjoy the hospi- was there, they had my back. This gangbangers. One would think I got sal Studio’s City Walk is where it evident that if you haven’t been to tality of Orlando and it was a great is a trait most Americans hold dear, robbed, but actually they ended up is at. If you like movies, clubs, res- Orlando you’re missing out and they experience. which is to protect anything they love giving me a tour of all the best clubs taurants and rides, that’s your place. just can’t wait to see you come down. Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 NEWS & features The Nugget 3

The Nugget Room E-128B 11762–106 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5G 2R1 Production Office 471-8866 [email protected] Editor-in-Chief Gabrielle Hay-Byers [email protected] Senior Sports Editor Nahreman Issa [email protected] Sports Editor Amber Tienkamp [email protected] Senior Entertainment Editor Bryce Althouse Photo by Patricia Andrade SOUNDS OF A PEOPLE [email protected] Drummers perform on Sept. 17 in the NAITrium during Aboriginal Awareness Week. Senior Issues Editor Chris Carmichael-Powell [email protected] Managing Photo Dept. Editor Javier Salazar Just get out and vote! [email protected] Photo Submissions Editor Another NAITSA Senate elec- So get out and vote on the 25th. Polling stations will be available across Patricia Andrade tion is in the air, and the time to prac- the main campus and at our external campuses as well. [email protected] tise your voting skills is Sept. 25. For pictures and information about the slate of candidates, see pages 12 Online Editor NAITSA President Brent Con- and 13. Kathleen Versteegt stantin is encourag- [email protected] ing all students to Production Manager get out and vote for Frank MacKay their representatives, GABRIELLE HAY-BYERS following last year’s [email protected] Editor-in-Chief eight percent voter turnout in Senate elections. For advertising, call 471-8866 “The elections will impact the school in that those chosen or e-mail: [email protected] will formally represent their fellow students at the executive level, helping to give a voice to those students that might not Submissions encouraged. have the time or ability to do so for themselves,” said Con- [email protected] stantin in an interview with the Nugget. The Deadline is ... “The Senate is basically a body that represents the gen- Noon on the last school day of eral student body, asking questions and making suggestions the week. (All submissions must to the executive with the aim to improve the students’ asso- include your name and ­student ID ciation and student life,” he said. number.) “Although the executives are elected as the voice of the students, the Senate offers addi- The opinions expressed by contribu- tional perspectives and ideas tors to the Nugget are not necessarily unique to their viewpoint as full- shared by NAIT officials, NAITSA or time students – the executives are elected school representatives. full-time employees of NAITSA that take a minimal course load.” Eighteen NAITSA members make up the Senate, with two representatives from each school Letters at NAIT, of which there are nine. Each senator receives a vote card We want your views Is something bugging you about that corresponds to the number of Brent NAIT or the rest of the world? Do students in the school that they you have some praise to dish out Constantin represent. about the school or life in gen- NAITSA senators take on many duties during their ten- eral? ure with the Senate, and are another way that students are Get those thoughts into print. Keep them short and to the advocated for at NAIT. Senators take on the responsibilities point. No more than 100 words. of attending biweekly meetings outside of class hours and Hell, we’re a newspaper not an reviewing NAITSA documents like the NAITSA bylaws, con- encyclopedia. Give us a break! stitution and budget. Senators also vote on expenditures and Submit your letters with your real initiatives, and review the work that elected executives do. name and phone number to: stu- [email protected]. “Students should get involved in the Senate, student gov- Don’t sweat it. We won’t publish ernment or just generally involved because giving back to your phone number, but we do the community, or just becoming more aware that there is a need to list your real name. community, will make their time at the institution richer and It’s all good. Getting something more rewarding,” says Constantin, who has also served as a off your chest is downright thera- peutic. Write us. senator himself. 4 The Nugget NEWS & features Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 Tech Outlook’s good Talk SHANT CHAKMAKIAN

E-mail is a powerful tool used in business Rules may also be used to automatically cate- ing, staying on top of your game, whether it’s Please feel free to visit my blog at http://shantc. today and has become essential in today’s busi- gorize and sort e-mails, making life a lot easier. in school, work or your personal life, is crucial. or to e-mail me any comments or ness world. Also, those who use wide screen setups will With Outlook 2007, you can now manage it suggestions at [email protected] I value and Whether it’s a memo, request or a formal find that Outlook is formatted to take advantage better and run it like a champion. look forward to your input. letter, e-mail is outgrowing phone calls in day of the extra space and allow you to read and to day communication within business spheres. work with e-mail all in one place. Microsoft Outlook is the most commonly Instant Search within Outlook gives users the used e-mail application today. ability to quickly search through items in any given However, Microsoft Outlook doesn’t stop folder. For those of you who use a lot of e-mails, with just e-mail – managing notes, contacts and and have a lot of stuff to search through, you can tasks are all integral parts of how this applica- install Windows Desktop Search. Windows Desk- tion makes you more productive. top Search will index everything on your computer The newest version, Outlook 2007, was and allow you to search for it effortlessly. released by Microsoft over a year ago, yet the When going through a lot of e-mails with impact of this innovative product is lasting. attachments, no one wants to end up having I would say the most innovative feature is numerous windows open and digging through the tasks bar. Now when you flag an e-mail, attachments. Microsoft heard that call and instead of it just being flagged and sitting there made the preview pane, which allows users to waiting to be forgotten, it turns into a task. instantly preview all attachments. As a result, the tasks bar will always contain Outlook 2007 is a part of the larger Office, a list of your tasks, broken down by what is due making it a great buy. Although many students are today, tomorrow, the week and next week, etc. not in dire need of an e-mail, contact and schedul- As you work, you get to manage yourself ing management system, it is a must in the profes- and your tasks by knocking off some and mov- sional world. It’s a must-have if you’re constantly ing others around. It is profoundly effective. networking and communicating on a regular basis. Managing e-mails as tasks is a great thing, but Also, the Blackberry is a crucial device to have so is categorizing them. A newer feature called handy when on the go, because using either Black- Categories allows you to colour-code categories berry Enterprise Services or Blackberry Desktop to anything in Outlook. This makes differentiating Redirector, you can stay on top of your game. and organizing e-mails faster and easier. No matter what your purpose or your call- Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 The Nugget 5 opinion — Editorial — Don’t hire NAIT grads ...

ecently, education minis- ter Dave Hancock suggested Rthat companies refuse to hire potential employees that are without a high school diploma. Yea ... let’s just all pause for silence with that one – before the col- GABRIELLE HAY-BYERS lective “What!?” is voiced. Editor-No-More Something tells me that Hancock did not look at the entrance guidelines for NAIT before voicing that lovely little tidbit of brown gold. That’s right, friends, you do not necessarily have to have a high school diploma to come to NAIT. Some programs only require a Grade 11 education. So, let’s put this little thought into hypothetical action. If what Hancock sug- gested became the norm, NAIT graduates could potentially be turned away from jobs that they’re 115% qualified for. Why? Because of some stupid scrap of high school paper that becomes redundant once you’ve graduated from our institution. I can’t graph hyperbolas Does the fact that I barely passed Math 30 (twice) weigh into how well I can write a business letter? No, not really. Just because I can’t graph hyperbo- las to save my life doesn’t mean that I’m too stupid to hire. (And I would like to point out that I did indeed graduate from high school in spite of that.) I’m sure that in the past week, Hancock has been served by, waited on and provided for by multiple non-diploma holding citizens of Alberta. I’m sorry, I don’t expect the person making my pizza to have a diploma! And why? Because it has nothing to do with pizza, and so long as he’s a member of our Your views are important community in good standing, I really don’t care! Alternatively, I really don’t like pineapple on my pizza. We want to hear from you! I can’t help but wonder what kind of internal superiority complex this indi- cates in our education minister. Is this why NAIT was left off the 20-Year Plan Is something bugging you last year? Were we not fought for because we’re not high brow enough? about NAIT or the rest of the Clearly, corporations need to stop hiring some of our grads, because it’s the piece world? Do you have some of paper that’s important, not the skills and experience! In that case ... how did for- praise to dish out about the mer Premier Ralph Klein get his job?! Hancock, why didn’t you get on top of that? school or life in general? Get those thoughts into print. Personal decision Keep them short and to As much as I’d love to stick around and find out the answer to that ques- the point. No more than 100 tion with all of you, I am regrettably leaving the newspaper due to personal words. We’re a newspaper, reasons. The picture to the right of this editorial is a tongue-in-cheek reference not an encyclopedia. Give us to the NAITSA executive resignations last year, and will hopefully stand testi- a break! mony to the fact that I do, indeed, still have a sense of humour. Submit your letters with your It’s been a swell 13 months working for this newspaper, meeting so many real name and phone number NAIT students and learning so much about the challenges that face us. I hope to: [email protected]. that at least one person who picks this up and reads it looks at his or her own Don’t sweat it. We won’t life and tries to discern whether or not there’s any sort of balance to it. publish your phone number, There are lessons to be learned in everything, and life is just a learning but we do need to list your curve. Good luck with the rest of your semester, and remember always that real name. It’s all good. Get- you’re valuable members of the NAIT family. No one student, just like no one ting something off your chest employee, is less or more important than another. is downright therapeutic. As always, many thanks to the wonderful staff at the Nugget for the count- Trust us on that. less hours they put in. Write us. 6 The Nugget T:10 in Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008

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NAA-0A60 8 The Nugget Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 SPORTS Oilers’ rookies too much fight was one of the best memories “NAIT was represented really Game Summary Bendfeld) 18:30 from the game. well here at the game.” ACAC 0, Edmonton 7 THIRD PERIOD “They’re fast, big and strong,” While this experience is a fun Goals 5. Edm: L. Reaney (J. Bendfeld, H said Stermer. one for the players individually, it Period 1 2 3 TOTAL Benson) 1:32 “They always have a step on will help the team out for the rest ACAC 0 0 0 0 6. Edm: T. LaFrance (16:08) you. You need to respect their of the year. The guys are back and Edm 3 1 3 7 7. Edm: M. Bernier (G. Hunt, T. speed.” pumped to start the 2008-2009 sea- FIRST PERIOD LaFrance) 19:07 Forward Jeff Topilko, a second- son. This experience can only help 1. Edm: K. Paige (C. Kinley, H. Ben- Shots By Nahreman Issa year player, knows that this experi- with the play of NAIT’s Ooks. son) 3:25 Period 1 2 3 TOTAL Senior Sports Editor ence helps in his play. “This makes us a little bit bet- 2. Edm: T. LaFrance (G. Hunt, M. ACAC 8 8 3 19 Fast. Big. Strong. Three words “It was a good experience,” said ter, going up against them,” said Bernier) 4:55 Edm 13 17 14 44 members of the Ooks hockey team Topilko. Stermer. 3. Edm: J. Bates (C. Kinley) 18:29 Goalies used to describe the Edmonton Oil- “It’s nice to know that we could “Hopefully we can win the SECOND PERIOD: Edmonton: Andrew Perugini ers rookies. Six players from the keep their level of pace.” championship this year.” 4. Edm: D. Rohlfs (R. Huddy, J. ACAC: Anthony Heuer, Justin Cote men’s hockey team were named to the As far as the Oil rookies go, ACAC All-Star team that took on the their play is much different than rookies last Thursday in Camrose. what you would get from an ACAC THE BIGGER Representing NAIT were level. THEY ARE ... Jeff Topilko, Brad Sinclair, Nick “The biggest difference from the ACAC all-star and NAIT Ook Stermer, Eric Sonnenberg, Chevan ACAC is their passing. Crisp pass- defenceman Nick Stermer, Wilson and Anthony Heuer. While ing, they never missed a pass.” five-foot-10, is game but a our NAIT boys didn’t come out on Goalie Anthony Heuer was in little out-matched by Milan top, losing 7-0, it net for one and Maslonka, a six-foot-six, was an experience a half periods, 240-pound Oiler prospect, many will not for- a l l o w i n g o n l y during their game on Sept. get. Sure it sounds three goals. 18 in Camrose. The young cliché, but getting “It’s a nice Oilers won 7-0. the chance to go experience, up against guys something to be who might make proud of.” said the NHL is a big Heuer, a first- deal. year player. “It’s different than the Defenceman Nick Stermer made ACAC, seeing how they’re bigger sure he left his mark on the game. and stronger.” Stermer went head to head with First-year player Wilson has huge rookie Milan Maslonka and played with and against top-notch has a cut on his forehead to show teams before. He was a member of for it. But what makes this fight the University of Alberta Golden stand out is that Stermer is only Bears last year when they won their five-foot-10 … and Maslonka is championship. six-foot-six. “With this experience, I just “It’s great to see a teammate hope I can bring a bigger role to the have the guts to step up,” said team, bring the winning tradition Chevan Wilson, who said Stermer’s here,” said Wilson. Photo by Brendan Abbott HOCKEY Men undefeated at Blue Gold Grant MacEwan edged Con- the upcoming season. The veteran coach was equally all-star with the Junior B Wetaski- cordia 5-4 in OT, and Portage also Head coach Terry Ballard wel- pleased with his defensive players win Ice, made several good saves won their first game, with a 7-5 comed his team’s goal-scoring for most of the weekend. to earn the shutout on opening victory over Briercrest. Seven dif- festival. “We did a good job of killing night. ferent Ooks graced the scoreboard “I knew we had four lines capa- penalties and, especially in the Be sure to come and check in Saturday’s 7-4 victory over ble of creating a lot of chances and first game, kept most of the shoot- out the action this weekend as the Concordia. MacEwan went 2-0 in scoring goals, but did I expect to ers away from their best angles,” women’s Blue and Gold Tourna- the tourney with a 3-1 win over score 20 goals in three games? Ballard said. ment begins on Friday (Sept. 26). By amber tienkamp Portage. No.” Richard Hankinson, a perennial – With files from NAIT Athletics Assistant Sports Editor Augustana and Briercrest met The annual NAIT Blue and up for a match, with Briercrest los- Gold Hockey tournament is back, ing its second game 4-3. and, with a hands-down amazing With no shortage of offence Campus events for September performance from the NAIT Ooks during the weekend, NAIT had two When What Where on the weekend, proved to be suc- players score twice – Joel Henituik Sept.22-26...... Welcome to E-Town Edmonton Awareness Week...... ------cessful. Action started on Friday, and Jeff Topilko in a dominating Sept. 25...... Indie Night...... Nest with NAIT taking on Augustana, 9-3 win over Portage. The Ooks Sept. 27...... Club Orientation...... Birch Bay winning convincingly, 4-0, with went undefeated in the tournament, Sept. 30...... Movie Tuesday...... Shaw Theatre Bret Peppler netting two goals. and are looking fully prepared for Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 SPORTS The Nugget 9 2 minutes in the box Nahreman Issa Senior Sports Editor

I saw this on the website their bullshit. default, you’re going to have a comically stupid, and won’t under- open while the children regroup. I’d and loved it. This Whether you’re a good man height advantage against 20 chil- stand any of your more creative recommend lifting his body over your reminded me of the scene in Step- who was in the wrong place at the dren, but be sure you don’t cede it. taunts. You won’t intimidate anyone head and screaming yourself hoarse. brothers. So if you find yourself in a wrong time, or a dangerous maniac, Avoid fighting around picnic tables, if you have to explain three times That’s the smart veteran move. situation where you need to take on we here at Cracked want monkey bars or anything specifically what Let the last one 20 children, I hope this helps. to help. That’s why we’ve with which a particularly you did to their walk away. In Pro- Note: This is a condensed ver- consulted with the experts daring child could launch mother last night. fessional 20-Child- sion of the article: (who did not wish to be an aerial attack. Groin attacks. Fighting Leagues HOW TO WIN A FIGHT named) on how to maxi- Stay mobile. Unless If you do get struck this is now tradition, AGAINST 20 CHILDREN mize your odds of winning you’re extremely lucky in the groin, under but even during raw, By Chris Bucholz a fight against 20 children. and find yourself fighting no circumstances underground 20 I’m not going to ask why you’re Follow these guidelines, 20 infants, you’re going to should you place child street fights, it fighting 20 children. That’s your and your opponents will be at a mobility disadvan- your hand on your serves an important own business, although most rea- wish they were never born tage when fighting a large genitals to mas- purpose. By letting sons are as old as time itself: six or seven years ago. group of children. sage away the pain ! that child spread 1) They started it. Use an appropriate !Speed. You want – touching your pri- word of your great 2) You flipped over the table while technique. Modern mixed martial this fight to be over fast. Children vates while surrounded by minors is strength and not-to-be-[messed]- losing a Magic: The Gathering game, arts are geared almost exclusively have boundless amounts of energy, illegal in many states, and frowned withedness amongst the other chil- and damaged several rare cards. towards one-on-one combat, and are and you’ll tire quickly as the fight upon in the rest. dren of the area, you can ensure that 3) They stole your woman. not designed to take on multiple tiny progresses. Go for the leader first. Once the it will be a long time indeed before 4) You stole their woman. aggressors. Intimidation. When taunting, alpha child is lying in a heap, you’ve someone else mewls at you that 5) You have had enough of Be aware of the terrain. By remember that children are almost got a narrow window of intimidation you’re hogging the swings.

MEN’S SOCCER Ooks like the view from the top Now sitting atop the Alberta Colleges Ath- of the game as they recorded goals from sec- ented team with a wicked midfield, and this “We were slow on the ball to start and letic Conference standings, the NAIT Ooks ond-year forward Freddy Akok and last week’s match was a midfield battle that I think we won Grande Prairie really took it to us in the mid- men’s soccer team has established itself as the ACAC Athlete of the Week, third-year mid- out in the end.” field,” said Paulus. “In the second half we woke team to beat after a 2-1 win against the Concor- fielder Shane Faria. Concordia’s goal came The Ooks followed up with a match against up and realized we were in a game. I think we dia Thunder and a 2-0 victory over the Grande from fourth-year midfielder Kyle Bartkus. the Wolves on Sunday. Again off to a slow start probably should have had a few more goals, Prairie Wolves on the weekend. “This was a huge win,” said Paulus. “Not to that coach Paulus attributed to being drained but I give full credit to Grande Prairie. They In Saturday’s game, the Ooks were off to give any ammunition to Grant MacEwan, but after an emotional match with Concordia the showed up to play.” a shaky start, but after head coach Jeff Paulus Concordia beat MacEwan and that put them previous day, the Ooks’ goals came from sec- The Ooks look to maintain its top spot on and his team made an adjustment at the 15-min- behind us in points already, so Concordia was ond-year striker Nick Shapka and second-year Friday as they play the King’s University Col- ute mark, the Ooks carried the play for the rest key for us to beat. They’re an extremely tal- midfielder Chris Knauer. lege Eagles at 6 p.m. at NAIT.

Athletes of the week Claire McWilliam Soccer Claire McWilliam, a third-year personal fitness train- ing student from Sherwood Park, has been a key fix- ture on the soccer team’s defence this season. Claire turned in impressive defensive displays in the team’s two games on the weekend, a 1-0 loss to the Con- cordia Thunder on Saturday and a 1-1 tie against the Grande Prairie Wolves on Sunday. She also scored the Ooks’ only goal of the weekend. “I’m very impressed with her,” said head coach Sergio Teixeira. “She’s shut down top players all weekend long and has been just outstanding for us this season.” Freddy Akok Soccer “Freddy Akok is the most talented player in the league,” said head coach Jeff Paulus following the NAIT’s 2-0 victory over the Grande Prairie Wolves on Sunday. Freddy, a second-year continuing education student from Vancouver, showcased his skills as he

Photo by Javier Salazar scored in the Ooks’ 2-1 victory over Concordia Thun- HARD-FOUGHT DRAW der on Saturday. “He’s been magic all week. The stuff Alison Pierce kicks the ball down field for NAIT during a match against the he does with the ball is just ridiculous,” said Paulus. Grande Prairie Wolves on the weekend. The game ended in a 1-1 draw. See “He’s the key that drives this team.” standings on next page. 10 The Nugget SPORTS Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008

ACAC Standings MEN’S SOCCER North Division Photo by Javier Salazar Team W l T Pts GF GA +/- NAIT...... 4 0 1 13 15 5 10 NAIT male Athlete of the Week Freddy Akok tries to beat two Grande Prairie Wolves to the ball dur- Concordia ...... 3 1 0 9 10 2 8 ing ACAC action Sept. 21. Ooks won 2-0. MacEwan ...... 2 1 1 7 7 3 4 King’s ...... 0 2 3 3 3 11 -8 Grande Prairie ...... 0 2 2 2 2 8 -6 Keyano ...... 0 3 1 1 4 12 -8 South Division Team W l T Pts GF GA +/- Mount Royal ...... 3 0 1 10 6 3 3 SAIT ...... 3 1 0 9 10 1 9 Medicine Hat ...... 2 2 0 7 10 12 -2 Lethbridge ...... 1 1 2 5 10 7 3 Red Deer ...... 0 5 0 0 1 14 -13 Note: Sept. 7 Lethbridge @ SAIT game to be replayed Oct. 11. RESULTS Sept. 19 MacEwan 3, TKUC 1 Sept. 20 NAIT 2, CUCA 1; MacEwan 4, GPRC 0; LCC 2, MHC 2; MRC 1, SAIT 0 Sept. 21 NAIT 2, GPRC 0; CUCA 1, KC 0; MHC 4, LCC 3; SAIT 1, RDC 0. WOMEN’S SOCCER North Division Team W l T Pts GF GA +/- Concordia ...... 4 0 0 12 20 0 20 MacEwan ...... 3 1 0 9 11 2 9 Grande Prairie ...... 2 1 1 7 20 5 15 NAIT ...... 2 2 1 7 16 4 12 Keyano ...... 0 3 1 1 1 37 -36 King’s ...... 0 4 1 1 1 37 -36 South Division Team W l T Pts GF GA +/- Mount Royal ...... 4 0 0 12 22 1 21 Red Deer ...... 3 1 1 10 16 2 14 SAIT ...... 2 2 1 7 6 7 -1 Medicine Hat ...... 2 3 0 6 10 16 -6 Lethbridge ...... 0 5 0 0 2 30 -28 RESULTS Sept. 19 MacEwan 5, TKUC 0 Sept. 20 CUCA 1, NAIT 0; MacEwan 4, GPRC 0; MHC 4, LCC 0; MRC 3, SAIT 0; KC 1, TKUC 1 Sept. 21 NAIT 1, GPRC 1; CUCA 5, KC 0; MHC 3, LCC 2; RDC 3, SAIT 0. Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 SPORTS The Nugget 11 Vince Young needs help

By Evan Daum Now, while this statement isn’t excep- Rhoden said all Young needed was “a his- that race played a major role in this instance, The Gateway tionally intriguing, what was fascinating tory lesson.” Citing several former African- when, in fact, the quarterback himself dis- (University of Alberta) is that Young reportedly expressed that he American quarterbacks’ struggles, missed this notion last September. EDMONTON (CUP) – The strong cho- had felt severe depression to his psychol- Rhoden said Young “doesn’t need Even when Young faced the media rus of boos that rained down on Tennessee ogist and even mentioned suicide several a psychologist.” This is too sim- after this saga had unfolded, he Titans’ quarterback Vince Young on Sept. 7 times. As soon as Young left his home, the plistic. It is a huge stretch to cite didn’t mention race. set in motion a bizarre chain of events, even psychologist notified Fisher of his quarter- race as the sole root of Young’s Maybe we should take this for by NFL standards. back’s mental state. issues. what it truly is – a professional In an eventual 17-10 victory Fisher, out of concern, alerted Young said it best him- football player who is very young over the Jacksonville Jaguars, Nashville police. After several self last year when asked about and is struggling to cope with the Young threw two interceptions and hours of searching, Young was McNabb’s comments: “I really stress of his profession. left the field after throwing his sec- found at a friend’s house watching feel like myself, black, or white Vince Young needs more than a ond pick to the jeers of the Music football. quarterbacks, we all go through history lesson; he needs some time City faithful. When Young returned After this drama unfolded, the something because that is the life of a away from the game and, contrary to Rho- to the sidelines, he showed signs he football media jumped all over quarterback.” den’s opinion, a better psychologist to help wasn’t willing to re-enter the game, Vince Young the story. Analysts tore the Titans’ It’s difficult to support the explanation him with his problems. appearing visibly flustered by the pivot apart for being mentally soft voicing of displeasure coming from the sea on and off the field. of Titans fans. Now, there’s no question Young still Minutes later, he once again left the has some maturing to do considering his field, but on a different note. Young sus- age and the high-level of stress associated tained what would eventually be diagnosed with being an NFL quarterback. What really Sept. 22–26: Welcome to E–Town! as a sprained MCL in his left knee. This is strikes me as odd, though, is that some peo- where the story gets bizarre. ple used Young’s race as an explanation for Edmonton Awareness Week On Monday, Jeff Fisher, head coach of his situation. Come out and Experience Edmonton with Us!! the Titans, visited Young at his Nashville Donovan McNabb made headlines last Sept. 25: The Nest – Indie Night area home, along with a psychologist and year after saying that African-American Enjoy a free live musical session from another team official. After meeting with the quarterbacks still face more criticism than dynamic new bands. team psychologist, Young apparently left his their white counterparts. While there’s no Shaw Theatre – Movie Tuesday home and later told reporters he had sim- denying that racism persists to this day, in Sept. 30: ply gone out to “let the cloud go away for Young’s case, it played no part. enjoy a Free Movie and Popcorn with NAITSA! a minute.” In a New York Times’ article, William 12 The Nugget Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 STUDENT POLITICS Candidates for the Senate School of Applied Building Science School of Applied Media School of and Information Technology Health Sciences

Ashley Pearson Let me begin by saying welcome Lisa Coffin to NAIT, or if you are a returning stu- dent; welcome back. My name is Tim Abbott Ashley Pearson and I am currently Soon at NAIT you actually David Wiens in the final stretch of my time here HAVE a chance to make an impact at NAIT in Architectural Technol- on how this school is run, what Leah Klingbeil ogy. I have decided to run for senate facilities we have & don’t have, this year for numerous reasons; how- what works (like of the half micro- Hello! I’m Leah Klingbeil a ever, the major motive would have to waves in ETA) and what doesn’t 19-year-old first-year NAIT student in be the pleasure of being your voice! work (the other half). The best the Graphic Communications program. I have made great friends over the way to impact this is by VOTING I will be running for one of the two Sen- last year and I would like to further on Thursday September 25. ate positions for the school of Applied my experience by being a major part I can’t promise that if you vote Media & Information Technology. in your school. I want to be able to for me that it will all be magically I recently moved to Edmonton represent you, the student body of made better, but what I can say from Vegreville (Home of the worlds Applied Building Sciences, and let is that if elected, I will listen to largest Pysanka of course!) and hope your voices be heard. Being as “dis- what you have to say and to speak to become involved in the Edmonton connected” as we are from the main up on behalf of all Applied Build- and NAIT community. I was a mem- campus I wanted a personal hand at ing Science students in the Senate ber of my high school’s student coun- making sure your concerns are met. I for what makes a difference to us. sel and was always actively involved in cannot promise that you will not get It could be working microwaves, my community. Kyle Laliberte 10 parking tickets this year or, that proper lighting in the dock, and I am really looking forward to the huge growth dangling from the accessible computer labs in ETA, being part of the NAIT Senate and ceilings in numerous classrooms will etc. hope everyone in the school of Applied not fall on your head during class On September 25 don’t miss Media & Information Technology will (perhaps you should stop throwing your chance to be heard, because take the time to vote (preferably for SENATE ELECTION 2008 things at it). I can; however, promise you can’t bitch if you don’t vote! me!) in the election this Thursday. Gavin Thomas that whatever you put into this school year you will benefit from and I am School of Arts, Science and Communications willing to make that happen for you! Vote Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 cal Transcpription program and repre- 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. sent the School of Arts, Science, and Communications. Do you want better parking fees? Is POLL STATION LOCATIONS: the student housing adequate? What do • South Lobby you think about NAIT’s fees and what • Engineering Annex – Main floor by main stairwell your money is contributing to? How do • Outside NAITSA Office – E131 you think NAIT ought to be spending your money? • Outside Fresh Express Cafeteria This year there is little interest from • Outside Campus Reads & Needs our school for the senate positions. • Outside Bytes Cafeteria – HP Centre There is only myself and my fellow can- • Tower – 1st Floor didate running this year, but in order to • Souch Campus – Z130 give our school a voice within NAIT we still need to be elected. We need you • Patricia Campus – P127 to vote YES for both of us! Without us, • St. Albert Campus Tessa Cocchio NAIT won’t know what the students of the School of Arts, Science, and Com- My name is Tess Cocchio and I’m munications think! Let us represent you Thank you for voting! running for the NAIT student sen- effectively and honestly. Vote YES for Patrick Warwaruk ate. I am a student from the Medi- TESS! Leslie Halcrow

Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 The Nugget 13 STUDENT POLITICS School of Resource and Environmental Management School of Business

Tyler Bernard Jamil M’sahel Karl Puodziunas My name is Tyler Bernard and I would like to address why I think you School of Electrical and should vote for me in the upcoming Electronics Technology senate election on Thursday Septem- ber 24th. I feel as though, the overall condition of our annex is obviously a Timothy Jobs pressing issue; and hoping for a new facility, or a total renovation is prob- Hello fellow School of Business Joel Chanin ably crazy. But there are things that students. I’d like to start by saying I have noticed we could change that that I am very excited at the oppor- might help our long days in this build- tunity to represent you in the Sen- ing a bit easier. For instance, more ate. Although I am a first year Busi- microwaves could be added to the bis- ness student, I attended N.A.I.T from tro upstairs, better lighting in the dock 2001-2003 and studied for a Tele- would help so that people can actually communications diploma. I’ve seen see while their studying during the the campus grow in both student evening. The price to Park your car body and the facilities available to for the day should also me addressed, them. I plan on helping to continue but these are just some things that this growth, especially in the School I have been hearing from talking to of Business. I’d like to see more people about what they think could be facilities and a larger student body, done that’s usually overlooked. This which would attract more specialized is why I want this position, to fill this Ben Selland Nathan Nichols instructors. I will be open, account- void between the students, what they able and proactive through corre- want, and it actually coming to be. I spondence with you in person and have experience organizing events e-mail. I’ve got the experience and such as a thirty hour famine, various the drive to make the right choices for sporting tournaments, and many other the School of Business. On Thursday job related leadership roles while I September 25 exercise your demo- worked in the oil and gas industry. I cratic right and vote for me. feel as though the future of the school Don’t hope for a better School of of resource and environmental man- Business; vote for one. Rebecca Stafford agement is safe within my hands.


Vote Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 Derek Holte Armin Ataee 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. There are two School of Hospitality POLL STATION LOCATIONS: • South Lobby positions • Engineering Annex – Main floor by main stairwell • Outside NAITSA Office – E131 available per • Outside Fresh Express Cafeteria • Outside Campus Reads & Needs school. You may • Outside Bytes Cafeteria – HP Centre • Tower – 1st Floor vote for one or • Souch Campus – Z130 • Patricia Campus – P127 two of the • St. Albert Campus candidates Thank you for voting! on each ballot. Tyler Shelswell Carmen Wasylynuik

14 The Nugget Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 ENTERTAINMENT Fey hits home run on SNL the episode was also hosted by the overly glamorized Olympic gold medallist Michael Phelps. Fey, who was once one of the show’s Tina Fey, left, as Sarah Palin and Amy Phoehler, right, as Hillary Clinton do their bit on Saturday Night Live. leading stars and head writers, returned to give an epic perfor- she’s a governor” polished look, pit ning mate can stir up all this much largest viewership for a “SNL” sea- Leanne TRUONG mance beside Phoehler, who played her bull attitude, right down to her pag- needed media exploitation to free him son debut since 2001, and up 64 per- Asst. Entertainment Editor infamous Hillary Clinton character. eantry charm and Alaskan accent … from his underachieving poll numbers cent from last year’s opener. This Come Nov. 4, 2008, will Sarah Not only was it ever so coinciden- plus that, oh so stunning beehive. Fey against his opponent, Barack Obama. means Fey will return for several Palin be elected to become the first tal to have this skit during the peak of added the extra flattery probably due Polls have shown that since Palin was skits to reprise her role as Palin and female U.S. vice president, with the the U.S. election, but to address “sex- to Palin’s MILF-y good looks (have chosen, more voters have considered we’ll all be watching. help of … Tina Fey? ism” (as if it weren’t already drilled you seen this woman? So Hot!), but John McCain (poor Joe Biden, this For a woman whose prior jobs It’s impossible to avoid the news into the Republican Party’s contro- she plays it off very conservatively at must really hurt his manhood! Obama include TV sports announcer and of how “successful” Saturday Night versial campaign) was just ... shall every public appearance . should have gone with Hillary!). mayor, Palin’s chances of becoming Live’s 34th season premiere was, we say, a funny coincidence? Palin, who does have a strik- While Palin is probably enjoy- the future vice president are seeming what with the widespread love shown Both ladies had their imperson- ing resemblance to Fey, responded to ing being the celebrity that she has quite slim to me, but if she miracu- for the opening act, a political parody, ations dead on, but I’m especially the skit by saying that ironically, she become, we know that her five min- lously does win, well … she should in which Tina Fey starred as the gov- impressed with Fey’s performance. It once dressed up as Fey for Hallow- utes is soon to end. Fey’s role as the thank all of the hockey moms, past ernor of Alaska and Amy Phoehler as was as if I had just tuned into CNN’s een (come on, who dresses up as Tina VP candidate has become an over- Hillary Clinton followers, her fellow Senator Hillary Clinton. report on the Republican Conven- Fey?). John McCain must be smiling night success, bringing in 7.4 rating Alaskans and, of course, Tina Fey. The skit ran about 5½ minutes and tion – she had the “I can’t believe from ear to ear that his choice of run- and 18 percent share of audience, the God help America! Ice Cube Latest CD cold off the rack o I made it album soldiered on with issues such as the apparent fact that loading makes artists have to struggle to feed their families five seconds gangster rap is blamed for everything that happens in the (this coming from a guy who could live on the DVD sales Sin before I United States, to Ice Cube complaining how illegal down- of Barbershop ... not to mention Friday) ... and I let this started laughing. continue right until the end of the album where I promptly Not only because pressed eject on my CD player and filed this CD right where I t h i n k t h a t I c e it belongs – in the trash. Cube’s Raw Foot- Ice Cube may have been a force back in 1992, when N.W.A. BRYCE ALTHOUSE a g e e x e m p l i f i e s still dominated the West- Senior Entertainment Editor everything that is Coast hip-hop scene. But w r o n g w i t h r a p sadly, his work today is not today, but because the album features the “Arbiter” from up to that same level of qual- Halo. ity. The only way to solve In fact, you only need to insert the CD to get to the first this would be to drop the track What is a Pyroclastic Flow?, which has Keith David bass-beat-club-ready catchy (the voice of the Arbiter) answering the question posed ass raps and for Mr. Cube to in the title track as “That’s what happens when a volcano study his old homework. blow.” If he could bring back some fresh old soul/R&B-based Aside from the many violations of the English language beats with some of that trademark flow from his N.W.A. that this commits, it sets the tone for the rest of the album. days, we would have ourselves an album worth talking We end up with chorus-heavy, verse-lacking songs such as I about. But instead, we get catchy gimmicks like the Arbiter Got My Locs On and the following track, It Takes a Nation. trying to rhyme “hot lava” with “saliva.” At this point of the album, you will have heard more uses of My final thoughts after this were akin to having to the “n-word” than a Chris Rock stand-up routine. endure a “rambling, incoherent response” by Billy Madison. This was also the point where I stopped caring about And yes, I feel dumber for having listened to it. Ice Cube and the problems that he seems to have with the rest of the world. But no one listened to my input and the Ice Cube Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 ENTERTAINMENT The Nugget 15 Was Forth worth the long wait?

By JON MANNING That generation has grown up, leav- It’s been years since we’ve heard ing a void of new fans to find. a new album by 1990’s western Forth is not without its own world conquerors, charm. Love is Noise The Verve. Artists are i s a h o o k - h e a v y sometimes very dif- attempt to stretch out ferent with their wait- further as a band and ing periods between reach a larger audi- album releases. It ence. Valium, situ- t o o k N K O T B 1 5 ated in the last bits of years; the same feat the album, is more of only took The Verve a return to form and 11 years, so clearly, could have fit cosily HOW DOES they’ve matured on . HE DO THAT? faster. Forth is a good album, but it’s Signature Verve hooks are riddled nothing special. It’s only a soft M a t t h e w Wo o d , through Forth and there are moments echo of a great collective musical- DJ for the group Red Power Squad, that will make you remember what ity that disappeared right around the shows off his dance actually made you enjoy a Verve time put out his moves Sept. 18 in a song in the first place. Still, there first solo effort. That being said, if performance during is something lacking. When Urban you’ve ever been a fan of The Verve, Aboriginal Aware- Hymns (1997) came out, there was a this is well worth the listen. ness Week. generation willing to attach itself to Photo by Carla Pearson the comfort in sadness that it offered. 16 The Nugget Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 CLUBS CORNER

Reel Minutes Upcoming events Movie Club Reviews CETSC Where: Harcourt House NASS Ghost Town Event: Bridge Building 2008 10215 112 St. Event: Beer Gardens I thought the movie was a comedic version of “Ghost” meets “The Sixth When: Saturday Sept. 27; NAIT Model Railroad When: Friday Oct. 3 8 a.m.–4 p.m. 4 p.m.–11 p.m. Sense,” very funny and enjoyable. Club – Thin Slice Where: Whitemud Creek Where: The Dock (Annex) Event: Meeting ------NAIT International Club When: Thursday Sept. 25 This has got to be the date movie of the year. If your looking for a great For more information on Event: Bowling 4:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m. laugh but still want to show you have a sensitive side, then this is the movie clubs on campus, see: When: Sunday Sept. 28 Where: Room X-215 for you. But don’t take my word for it, go see for yourself. Rose Martin Baumgartner 1 p.m.–3:30 p.m. – Candy DeFeYe Arts NAITSA Campus Clubs ------Where: Plaza Bowl Event: Intro to Acrylics Manager Ghost Town is a romance disguised as a great comedy. I pretty much 10417 118 Ave. When: Saturday Oct. 11; 11762-106 St., Room E-133 laughed the whole time ... then cried at the end – just kidding but it’s a good Saturday Oct. 18 Edmonton, AB T5G 3H4 DeFeYe Arts movie, go see it! Phone: 780-471-8871 Event: Studio Day 1 p.m.–4 p.m. – Pamplemousse Fax: 780-491-3989 When: Saturday Sept. 27 Where: Harcourt House ------E-mail: [email protected] 4:30 p.m.–8 p.m. 10215 112 St. Ghost Town had some very funny moments and actually had a story line but it tended to lag in some parts. Overall, I’d say it was an enjoyable movie but more of a renter. – Bre ------Uniquely supernatural! It is a superb romantic comedy!’ – Mrs. Lovett ------The movie started out great. It was funny and entertaining with plenty of dry, blunt humour. After the first 20 minutes, I really had high hopes for the rest of the movie. Unfortunately, about half way through, the tone of the film turned and then it was just like every other romantic comedy I’ve ever seen. I had guessed the ending by two thirds of the way through, which wasn’t hard considering it had many of the old time romance cliches. All in all, I think the movie would’ve been better if they had stayed with the biting humour instead of slowing down to almost a crawl near the end. I give this movie two out of five stars. – Amber Doll Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 The Nugget 17

SENATE ELECTION 2008 “Education for the Real World” Open House 2008 Vote Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 Be an Ambassador for NAIT 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Help us promote NAIT and your program by becoming a member of the Roving POLL STATION LOCATIONS: Student Volunteer Team at our annual Open House. It’s your chance to help us • South Lobby showcase all of our programs to guests from across Alberta and surrounding areas. • Engineering Annex – Main floor by main stairwell • Outside NAITSA Office – E131 • Outside Fresh Express Cafeteria You will be asked to guide tours, welcome buses and circulate throughout NAIT in • Outside Campus Reads & Needs order to help the public find program displays or special presentations during your • Outside Bytes Cafeteria – HP Centre shift. Also, you may be asked to provide information about your program and your st • Tower – 1 Floor positive experience at NAIT. • Souch Campus – Z130 • Patricia Campus – P127 rd th • St. Albert Campus Open House takes place on Friday and Saturday, October 3 and 4 . Classes are cancelled on the Friday for the event. Open House is one of the largest public relations and public information exercises we stage, and each year it brings in many Thank you for voting! thousands of potential students along with parents, friends, teachers and


Friday, Oct. 3, 2008 To accommodate our visitors on Friday, Oct. 3, parking will be Training sessions are scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 1 and Thursday, Oct. 2, 2008. free to staff, students and visitors. It will not be possible to pro- Attendance at one of these training sessions is compulsory. tect staff and student stalls; therefore, please come early that day to ensure a parking spot. If you vacate your stall during the day, there will be a strong possibility it will not be available upon your return. If you are interested, please contact us to confirm your participation and schedule Please note that parking meters along 118 Avenue in front of a training session: Ernest’s are City of Edmonton property and are not included in the above notice. Please be sure to pay the meters if you decide to Hayley Grandfield, Administrative Assistant occupy them. Inquiries should be directed to 471-7477. Student Recruitment EDMONTON CITY CENTRE PERMIT HOLDERS: South Lobby 0117 THERE WILL BE A BUS SCHEDULED TO TRANSPORT STU- Phone: 780.471.8842 DENTS TO AND FROM THE ECCA PARKADE. PLEASE DISRE- GARD ANY PREVIOUS NOTICES THAT THE BUS WILL NOT Email: [email protected] RUN. – Parking Services

18 The Nugget Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 Who is your

Chris Carmichael-Powell favourite Oiler? and Nahreman Issa

Ales Hemsky, because he’s a The whole team. Sam Gagner. He’s HOT. Sam Gagner. He’s got skills. Sheldon Souray. He’s a beast! bad ass!

Nick Peiters Scott Holben Jillayne Wowk Brian Claypool Bryan Bartman Carpentry Carpentry Dental Technician Mechanical Engineering First year Electrician Your horoscope

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) you. Do it! Right now! You didn’t do ish of you to not talk as much as Take time out for yourself this I didn’t want to be the one to it, did you? See, that’s your problem, you possibly can this entire week. week. Actually, I meant “from” have to tell you this, but your crush Aries. You’re just too damn stub- In fact, start right now by reading yourself. Cut back on your usual is “just not that into you.” Spare born. You come to my horoscope this whole paper out loud. What- snobby and self-absorbed ways your beloved, and take out your seeking help and then you don’t lis- ever you do, do not stop flapping and attempt to reconcile with your frustrations on that stranger over ten to my instruction. I just … I don’t those gums or you shall face certain friends by kissing their arses. If there with the backpack. Yes … that know what to do with you anymore. doom. Madame O hath spoken. MADAME O your name is Kevin, this is espe- guy right there. Cease the opportu- cially for you. nity and give him a wedgie. Yes … Taurus (April 20-May 20) Cancer (June 21-July 20) SEPTEMBER 18-24 atomic. Do it. It’s in the stars. You may soon be tempted to How convenient that your sign (Warning: Nugget horo- Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) become a thief as the masses is a crab, as this will also be your scopes are not written by an Ah … the force is strong in you Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) of sleeping students on campus punishment for loose morals this accredited astrologer; how- this week! Yeah, things are starting Good ol’ Pisces. I foresee begin to grow. Resist the urge to weekend. ever, believe them if you like, to look up for you, Sag, but let’s both good news and bad news in help yourself to their unattended as they are absolute and not get all crazy. I mean, you’ve your near future. The good news textbooks and calculators and be Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) unquestionable.) already managed to shower twice is that a small windfall is headed rewarded with an unsatisfactory Danger, suspicion, spy and don- this week! Take it easy!! your way today! Money won’t be exam mark because you were too key. These are important and ines- Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) an issue for the rest of the day, cheap to buy your own stuff. capable words that I foresee you All that B-day cake has finally Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) so spend that cizzash. Sadly, that coming across once this week. Alas, caught up with you this week and With exams around the cor- money will quite literally be of no Gemini (May 21-June 20) do not be frightened, dear Leo. You quite frankly, it’s time to haul your- ner, having high expectations issue to you today, as you will You know, it’s really not your will know when the situation arises, self to the gym. OK, so panting about your grades may land you have none left by sundown. fault that you talk as much as you as these words shall present them- and sweating up a storm may be in trouble, my darling Capricorn. do. It’s your nature! You just can’t selves clearly in black and white! the last thing on your mind right The only way to succeed is to aim Aries (March 21-April 19) help yourself. But why should all Yes, I see it now. Watch for them on now, but until you drop some low and expect even less and you Turn around counter-clockwise those glorious words be kept to just Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 … possi- weight, I assure you this will be shall not be disappointed. and meow at the person right beside you alone? It would be awfully self- bly in the form of a horoscope. the last form of heavy breathing you’ll be hearing for a while. Hop to it, tubs.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Look, people are bored with you, so feel free to double up on your snooze-worthy topics this Monday, because no one is really listening anyway. In case you haven’t caught on yet, when their eyes glaze over and they smile and nod at you, it’s code for “go away.” Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 The Nugget 19 Experts question water as fuel By Andrew McMonagle “It’s possible to put H2O in your tank and four times more efficient ... at a quarter of the the possible use of plug-in hybrids (PHEV) as The Uniter use a fuel to split it ... but there is no such thing cost.” the most feasible method of renewable energy (University of Winnipeg) as an H2O-powered vehicle.” In 2005, Elias and Bibeau co-chaired the use in transportation.

WINNIPEG (CUP) – Energy experts are In addition to H2O technology, hydro- first Alternative Energy Conference in the “Hydrogen has its niche, but H2O shouldn’t rising against a Japanese company that claims gen fuel cells and electricity are alternate fuel world, Elias says. The conference focused on even be considered,” said Elias. to have invented a water-fuelled car. sources currently in use. Genepax is touting their newly released The electric car started out simi- water-fuel as capable of powering a car and larly but grew to achieve realization other fuel-reliant devices. and success. Yet information on the product is only avail- The first electric car was dem- able online and the company has not released onstrated at the Paris World’s Fair any details to the public, aside from a few sim- in 1867 to many critics. It is only ple diagrams. These diagrams show technology within the past 20 years that electric that enables the use of water as a fuel and as the vehicles have been in serious pro- system’s main emission. duction in North America.

Daniel Dingel, an inventor from the Philip- The H2O-powered car might pines, claims to have created a water-powered meet a similar fate in the future. car 30 years ago. He has garnered worldwide The concept of an H2O-pow- press for his invention, but like Genepax, he ered vehicle is often confused has never released the details of his design. with hydrogen fuel cell technol- Both Dingel and Genepax were unavailable ogy, where hydrogen gas is con- for comment. verted into energy with a pure H2O emission. Conversion kits Hydrogen power and electric Websites such as www.runyourcarwithwa- plug-in technology are more realis- offer conversion kits for private con- tic, says Elias. sumers to turn their cars into water-fuelled “Electric vehicles are two to This is an ad that promotes conversion kits for turning your vehicle into a water guzzler. green machines. For $49.97, users can order the kit, which will “use electricity from your 9:;'8&)4^./-*34W)%-4M_I)-/)#6)`4+"->*,"I426,)$(D)4a4.%DD42)C)*3)-44 car’s battery to separate water into a gas called HHO (two hydrogen + one MOW+/*"%,.%8%9"^%,9,;8;C"%)"C"A0-")%'0%="A-%.'()"9'.%'189.,;09%'0%A,/"%09%583-(._%%!"%=8C"%)"C"A0-")%^01#.=0-.%09%8%C81,"'*%0/%'0-,5.% oxygen),” reads the company’s web- 5=0."9%^,'=%*0(1%.-"5,`5%9"").%,9%3,9)%89)%'="3"%01,"9'")%Y8.")%09%'="%;3"%0/%*"81_%%JA"8."%8a"9)%8.%389*%0/%'="%/0AA0^,9@% site. HHO means the same as H2O, or ^01#.=0-.%8.%*0(%^,.=_%%+="%^01#.=0-.%81"%/1""%89)%90%1"@,.'18;09%,.%1"b(,1")_% water. But experts say these schemes !""# !"#$%& '()*$%& +)$#)*$%& ',(-*$%& .-/$%& divert attention away from the real $$%&'()*%+,-.%/01%2"301*4%"'5%%%%%%%6 7 28'(1"%&'()"9'%:1,"9'8;09%%$< !=8'>.%*0(1%?"819,9@%&'*A"%%$$ $B problem of fossil fuels. $B&"1C,5".%D%?,/"4%2898@"%+,3"%$E &"1C,5".%D%&'()"9'%?,/"%%%%%%%$F $G %HI83%J1"-%89)%!1,;9@%%%%%%%%$6 $7 “The problem is not in with the $K%L"8),9@4%?,.'"9,9@%D%M0'".%%%%%BB BK !03"9%,9%+"5=90A0@*%%%%%%%%%%%%BN BE O)P(.'%'0%A,/"%,9%Q898)8%%%%%BF $N2898@,9@%HI83%&'1"..%%%%%%%%%%%%%B7 !=8'%'0%)0%,9%H)309'09R%%K< $ !=8'%'0%)0%,9%H)309'09R%%%%%%%B K energy solution, but in the people,” 2)I.%'="%Y0..R%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%B K !=0>.%'="%Y0..R%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%N E cles] shows that we’re not serious 9"5*,"I426,)$(D)4a4.%DD42)C)*3)- “I believe we can be driving H2O cars by now,” said Tyson Weber, a 2)I3)CO)-#"=? $B[$E\$[$<-3 +$#"=? N[K<\E[NE-3 ]B4%4Y)-*"#%D4'-%/#)-4%#$4>))I43,)4=)/E,34"R $B[$E\$[$<-3 ]$$$ version to hydrogen from water is 0K +=(1. :5"/$43,)4.-)*,C%#401<4:*>4%4Y)-*"#%D4'-%/#)-4%#$4>))I43,)4=)/E,34"R N[K<\E[NE-3 +$#"=4=,"43"43%D>43"H $B[$E\$[$<-3 ]$$$ ;4=/DD43)DD4&"(4=,"\*4=,"4%349:;'4%#$4=,%34*3)I*43"48"DD"=] B +=(1. +,"X*43,)4O"**H<4V%5)4%4I-"OD)CH4+%#34*"C)3,/#EH4Z"#X34>#"=4=,"43"43%D>43"H N[K<\E[NE-3 !OB$B ;4=/DD43)DD4&"(4=,"\*4=,"4%349:;'4%#$4=,%34*3)I*43"48"DD"=] 0L !") +"C)#4/#4')6,#"D"E&4!))34%#$4F-))3 $B[$E\$[$<-3 ]B$K 20 The Nugget Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008

TOP 10 TIPS Managing your time your expectations are reasonable. time, and will therefore be more 7. Study in small blocks instead amount of time you spend watch- 2. Make a daily to-do list and effective. of long time periods. You will accom- ing TV, on the Internet, phoning prioritize it. Can you delegate or 5. Review within 24 hours – take plish more if you work in 20 to 30 or texting … these activities can eliminate anything on the list? at least 15 minutes per course to high- minute blocks and take 10 minute use up a lot of time without us real- 3. Start by keeping track of how light main points and jot down any breaks in between rather than study- izing it. you spend your time now. Then questions about material you don’t ing for two to three hours straight 10. Ask for help – get help from MARGARET MAREAN make a realistic schedule based on understand. Review again at the end without breaks. You will also find classmates, instructors, the Tuto- modifying, not completely changing, of the week. This saves time in the it easier to get started when you are rial Centre (Room A133; free math, NAIT Student Counselling your current time usage. long run because you will retain most looking at smaller blocks. physics, chemistry and English tutor- Good time management is prob- 4. Use a weekly planning of the information rather than having 8. Get organized – your binders, ing), or hire a peer tutor (Room ably the most important factor for schedule. Allocate specific peri- to relearn it. your study space, your locker, your A172; $10-$15/ hour). See a counsel- success at NAIT and in your future ods each day for your study and 6. Regular sleeping (at least living area … an organized environ- lor for any study, personal or career career. Getting into good habits now stick to them. If you can study seven hours per night), eating and ment reduces stress and also helps choice concern. Appointments can will help you manage the added stress at the same time each day, your exercise or relaxation times also your brain organize information more be booked in Student Counselling, of mid-terms and finals. brain will automatically become help you to concentrate, learn and effectively. Room 0117, or by calling 780-378- 1. Define clear goals. Make sure more prepared for studying at that memorize more effectively. 9. Monitor and control the 6135. STEPS TO SUCCESS Cherish the people in your life We are so connected parents you love them, spend a little more time with your kids Please feel free to visit my blog at to the world, whether and let your friends know you appreciate them. I guarantee or to e-mail me any comments or suggestions it’s Facebook, Black- that you won’t just get the most out of those you love, but at [email protected] berrys or our simple they will get the most out of you and give that back to you. I value and look forward to your input. infatuation with shop- ping ... people are more and more connected to everything they own and SHANT CHAKMAKIAN care about. !"#$%&'(&)* Being this connected makes us take things for granted, whether it’s a loved one or a worldly possession. It also makes us dependent on these things and people, expecting them to always be there. As a result, we can not only lose them at any time and not be prepared, but we do not enjoy or cherish them. +,-./0,*1/23,4*20.*5/0,23*6/0/78,9* Would you have regrets? What if you never saw a loved one again? Would you regret not having enjoyed those things, no matter how big or small? As most of us can see when we watch the news, life has the potential of being taken away from us at any time. It’s a sad and $:,*$-,*5/2.380/* negative thought until you see the upside. Don’t get too superficially attached to anything. By non- attachment I mean don’t take it for granted, instead, cherish it. No one knows when they’ll go and no one knows when they’ll lose something they cherish. We can’t predict the future ;<8.2=*+/:,>*?@A*?BBC>! but we can always prepare for it and it’s simple. Keep in mind that when you die, you can’t take anything with you. What we do for ourselves dies with us, what we do for others remains in us immortal. As a result don’t get too attached to things and cherish the ($*D'&E%!"#$%!&!'()(*! people you love. Accept the fact that the world you know and the people you love can be taken from you at any moment. As a result, the only thing you can enjoy is your life and the people +,,)!-./0!!!1#,%23!4567&4.74486!!!9$:3!4567&;.78605! you spend it with. What memories will you leave? -7)$<=3!>"?@2%"'=$%>A%$<"(B$! Think about it from another perspective. If you died today, what would people say about you and how you impacted their lives? What would they say about their last interaction with you? 5$*($&*;$%FE&G! How will they carry your memory? It shouldn’t be confused with what people think of you, because that matters to an extent but isn’t everything. What’s C,%D!%22@2@!<%!,E@2E!",!B,)'=2"2!"#2!H'"!H?"!1E,B2>>**! more important is the experience you give others and how you impact their lives. !"#$%&'()*+$+,(-(./0+1$234+'(00(2+.25%+(%&'56(2+52+/-)72$-1(+15%&$-6+)0$0/-8+657+9$:(+ By building synergistic relationships and cherishing every- thing, you are creating a solid insurance policy on life. It’s sim- 15:(2$8(4+2(1(-0+)0$0(%(-0+5.+1'$/%4+;(,+&$8(+&2/-0570+52+$-6+06&(+5.+3517%(-0+)$6/-8+657+ ple. You will enjoy life more than most other people and if any- thing ever happens to you, at least you got the most you could !09(+)073(-0<+9$)+%(3/1$'+$-3+3(-0$'+15:(2$8(Edmonton Ski Club seeking: ● Ski/snowboard instructors ● Rental shop personnel ● Customer service representatives Success seminars ● Lift operators Managing Stress 780-465-0852 Send resume to [email protected] Exam Stress Management Date: Monday, Sept. 29 Date: Thursday, Oct. 9 Rugby, anyone? Time: 11:15 a.m., 12:15 p.m. or 4:30 p.m. Time: 11:15 a.m., 12:15 p.m. or 4:30 p.m. Room: X107 Room: X107 The Clansmen, your local Rugby Club, at 110 Street and 111 Avenue, All seminars are free and there is no need to pre-register. For further information, Airways Park, are always looking for new members, contact Student Counselling, Room O117, Main South Lobby. Phone: 780-378-6135. both men and women. No previous rugby experience required. Call 476-0268 or view website at Lose a ring? Instructor offers A ring was found in the Common Market last week and has been left at the Nugget. If you lost a ring and can describe it to us, we will be happy to return it to you. help to students Attention students! Part-time work N. Pas Paskaran is an instructor in the Phys- ory power” and “Effective study skills.” Each $16.85 base appt. ics program with 30 years of teaching experience of this audio material is three hours long. Flexible schedules, customer sales/svc and has delivered seminars on “Being An Effec- Students can access this free download No experience needed, cond. apply tive Student” for over 20 years. The material he material and benefit from the ideas covered CALL 409-8608 or apply online has collected is available for free download as by the above topics. audio material in MP3 from his web page. See web page address: The audio material consists of titles such as: “How to write exams, Increase your mem- to access the material.


Pick up your free copy at Student Counselling, Room O-117 22 The Nugget Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 The Nugget 23 24 The Nugget Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 T) Prints: 4 colour process docket # CAC_80189.01 Prints:

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