The SkyscraperVol. 35 No. 11 November 2008 SKYSCRAPERS, INC · Amateur Astronomical Society Of Rhode Island · 47 Peeptoad Road North Scituate, RI 02857 · November Meeting with Professor Rick Gaitskell Friday, November 7 at Seagrave Memorial Observatory

Professor Gaitskell, Associate Professor astrophysics, in order to extend our theo- in the Department of Physics, joined the retical understanding of astrophysics, Brown faculty in 2001. He is a member particle physics, and cosmology. Prior to of the executive committee of Cryogenic his arrival at Brown, Prof. Gaitskell held Dark Matter Search (CDMS) II. He is positions at University College London, passionate about pursuing opportunities UC Berkeley, Stanford University, Oxford for making new observations in particle University, and Magdalen College. November 2008 1 7:00 pm Public Observing Night Saturday Seagrave Memorial Observatory, weather permitting 7 7:30 pm November Meeting Friday Seagrave Memorial Observatory 8 7:00 pm Public Observing Night Saturday Seagrave Memorial Observatory, weather permitting 15 7:00 pm Public Observing Night Saturday Seagrave Memorial Observatory, weather permitting 22 7:00 pm Public Observing Night Saturday Seagrave Memorial Observatory, weather permitting 7:00 pm Public Observing Night 29 Seagrave Memorial Observatory, weather permitting In This Issue Saturday President’s Message 2 Glenn Jackson Skyscrapers Meeting Dates Astronomical Potpourri 2 for November Saturday 12/6/2008 Monthly Meeting Community Center Dave Huestis Wednesday 12/17/2008 E-board Meeting Community Center Autumn Double 3 : Andromeda Friday 1/2/2009 Monthly Meeting Community Center Glenn Chaple Wednesday 1/28/2009 E-board Meeting Community Center The Chemical 4 Weather Report Friday 2/6/2009 Monthly Meeting Community Center JPL Wednesday 2/25/2009 E-board Meeting Community Center Sometimes Binoculars 4 Friday 3/6/2009 Monthly Meeting Community Center are Best: Part 1 of 2 Craig Cortis Wednesday 3/25/2009 E-board Meeting Community Center September Meeting Notes 7 Friday 4/3/2009 Monthly Meeting Community Center Nichole Mechnig Saturday 10/3/2009 Astroassembly Community Center Treasurer’s Report 7 Jim Crawford AstroAssembly 2008 8 Photo Gallery THE SKYSCRAPER • NOVEMBER 2008 President’s Message Glenn Jackson

AstroAssembly has come and gone would not be the success that it always once again. From all reports that I is. Oh, did I forget to thank Kathy Siok have received everyone thoroughly and that good man behind the good enjoy this years AstroAssembly. We women Steve Siok? Kathy and Steve had a great line up of speakers and, spent numerous hours organizing this especially member Al Hall and long year’s AstroAssembly. All members of The Skyscraper is published monthly by time friend of Skyscrapers Dick Parker, Skyscrapers are indebted to them! Skyscrapers, Inc. Meetings are usually held on the first Friday of the month. Public ob- who treated us to an outstanding feat Details of AstroAssembly will be serving is usually held every Saturday night of design and craftsmanship in the discussed at the October 30th E-Board at Seagrave Memorial Observatory, weather construction of their respective tele- meeting. However, one detail that permitting. scopes. I look forward to viewing I am pleased to note is that by late President through both of these incredible tele- afternoon we were approaching 50% Glenn Jackson [email protected] scopes. My hat is off for both of these Skyscraper participation in this year astronomers. AstroAssembly. That may be a record 1st Vice President As I look back at AstroAssembly I feel for recent times. Steve Hubbard [email protected] a need to thank the countless number I for one am happy to see the 2nd Vice President of volunteer members who made this weather changing. I look forward to Kathy Siok [email protected] all possible. There were members who those cold clear nights under the stars. cleaned the meeting room and observa- If you haven’t had your telescope out Secretary tory, cut the grass, trimmed the trees, recently I encourage you to take advan- Nichole Mechnig [email protected] made coffee, flipped burgers, set up the tage of the improving night sky. That’s Treasurer sound system, manned the registration what we are all about, clear dark skies Jim Crawford [email protected] desk, gave presentations, set up tents, and bright deep sky objects. cleaned up afterward, and the list goes Hope to see you at our next Monthly Members at Large on. With out all of you this yearly event meeting. Joe Sarandrea [email protected] Roger Forsythe [email protected]

Trustees Astronomical Potpourri for Tracey Haley [email protected] Steve Siok November Jim Brenek [email protected] Dave Huestis Party Coordinator Bob Forgiel [email protected] Let’s hope the skies above southern beautiful sight. Each night the Moon New England are predominately clear will move further away from Venus. Librarian for the month of November. There is a But try to remember to pay attention Tom Barbish [email protected] close pairing (called a conjunction) of two to Venus as the month progresses. I’ll Historian major planets, and the Moon will also tell you why a little later. Dave Huestis [email protected] pass near planets throughout the month, After you’ve glimpsed Venus turn a adding much beauty to these sky scenes. little to your left and scan the sky. You’ll Editor And we can’t forget two meteor showers notice another bright object. That’s the Jim Hendrickson [email protected] that will offer excitement to the celestial giant planet Jupiter. The Moon is near show above our heads. it on November 3rd if you have dif- Directions Directions to Seagrave Memorial Observa- In recent weeks I’m sure you’ve ficulty trying to locate it at any other tory are located on the back page of this noticed a bright star-like object in the time. Each night Jupiter will be closer newsletter. west after sunset. At first you may to the southwestern horizon, setting up have thought it was a plane making for a splendid celestial rendezvous. Submissions Submissions to The Skyscraper are always an approach to one of the local airports, Every year the Earth plows through welcome. Please submit items for the news- however it just never seemed to get any the remnants of Comet 2P/Encke. letter by November 15 to Jim Hendrickson, closer. That’s because it was our near- Under good sky conditions with no 1 Sunflower Circle, North Providence, RI est planetary neighbor Venus. moonlight present one can expect to 02911 or email to [email protected]. Venus will be rising higher and observe five to ten slow but bright Email subscriptions higher above the southwestern hori- yellow meteors per hour at peak on To receive The Skyscraper by email, send zon as the days pass, so if you haven’t November 5th (smaller numbers email with your name and address to glimpsed it yet you soon will. In fact, of shooting stars can be seen from [email protected]. Note that you will no longer receive the newsletter by postal on November 1st Venus will be joined November 6-12). mail. by a thin crescent Moon. It will be a However, this year some astron-

2 omers are predicting the Earth may bous Moon will wash out all but the it gets darker you’ll also notice a thin encounter an enhanced swarm of parti- brightest of these bright and fast (44 crescent below and to the right of this cles, including more abundant fireballs miles per second) shooting stars. Most planetary conjunction. The next evening that frequently fragment into multiple of the Leonids appear to be green or the Moon will be above and to the left meteors! Time will tell. The almost blue in color as they disintegrate in our of Venus and Jupiter. First Quarter Moon will set just before upper atmosphere. They are noted for This incredible sky scene will occur 11:00 pm, so it would be best to begin producing fireballs as well, and about fairly low in the sky, so you’ll need a your observing session after that time. half of them leave trains of dust which good southwestern horizon to see it at Begin earlier and you’ll need to block persist for minutes. best advantage. the Moon from view. The Taurids radi- Remember I asked you to keep an eye Enjoy the beauty of the celestial ate out of the sky in the on Jupiter and Venus as the month pro- show performed nightly (and daily) Taurus the Bull, not too far from the gressed. If you do so you can’t help but above our heads. Pleiades . notice that the two planets are approach- And don’t forget to turn your clocks The second meteor shower of the ing each other in the sky. On November back one hour on Sunday morning, month is the famous Leonids, which 30th they will be just two degrees apart, November 2nd at 2:00 am, as we return peak this year during the pre-dawn a separation of four Full Moon diam- to Eastern Standard Time (EST). Other- hours of the 17th. While they may be eters. Look towards the southwest sky wise you’ll be one hour early until you back to their normal peak rate of from about 45 minutes to an hour after sunset realize you didn’t remember to do it! 10 to 15 meteors per hour, a bright gib- and you’ll see this beautiful sight. As Keep your eyes to the skies. Autumn Double Stars: Andromeda Glenn Chaple

Andromeda is a wonderful constel- lation to explore on a chilly November evening. We can spend many an hour at the telescope admiring the grandeur of the (M31) or the delicate beauty of the planetary NGC 7662 (the “Blue Snowball”). Andromeda is also home to a fine collection of double stars. Here are eight of the best. Data on magnitudes and separation were taken from the Washington Double Star Catalog. Struve 3050 And : mags 6.5 and 6.7, sep 2.0”, P.A. 334º (2004) We start out with a pair (Period = 165 years) requires a 6 to 8 inch that will challenge a 3-inch scope, but telescope, optimum seeing conditions, should be easy in a 4-inch or larger if and a magnification between 200-300X. the seeing is good. Use 150-200X. Both Are you up to the challenge? components have been described as Struve 79 And : mags 6.0 and 6.8, sep 7.8”, yellowish. P.A. 193º (2004) Countless thousands of And : mags 8.1 and backyard astronomers have gazed at 11.0, sep 34.8”, P.A. 65º (2004) Grb 34 may not the Andromeda Galaxy. But how many be a visually spectacular pair, but the have taken the time to look 4° to the interest factor makes it worth a look. A northeast for this lovely gem? Both are γ (Gamma) And (Struve 205) Almach red dwarf binary with an white and stand out well at 100X. : mags 2.3 and 5.0, sep 9.7”, P.A. 63º(2004) Now estimated at 2600 years, it’s one of the 56 And (Struve I 4) : mags 5.8 and 6.1, for the showpiece. This magnificent nearest binary stars to our solar system sep 200.5”, P.A. 299º (2001) Still reluctant to pair sports rich golden yellow and (D = 11.7 LY). Grb 34 is 1/4° north and engage in double star observing? Next sapphire blue hues – a definite rival slightly east of 26 Andromedae. time you’re checking out the open for the celebrated Albireo. Almach is a π (Pi) And (H V 17) : mags 4.3 and 7.1, sep cluster NGC 752, look for a wide pair wonderful target for star parties, espe- 36.0”, P.A. 173º (2003) This wide, unequal of stars immediately southwest. This cially on moonlit nights when clusters pair is easily split with small scopes. is the optical pair 56 Andromedae. It’s and are hard to see. Its colors have been described as white better suited for binoculars, but if you 59 And (Struve 222) : mags 6.1 and and blue. What do you see? use a telescope, look about a degree 6.7, sep 16.5”, P.A. 36º (2003) To capture this 36 And (Struve 73) : mags 6.1 and 6.5, west and slightly north for the delicate lovely pure-white duo, look 4o south sep1.0”, P.A. 314º (2004) For moderate- little pair Struve 179 (mags 7.6 and 8.1, and slightly east of Almach. A magni- sized scopes only, this tight binary pair sep 3.8”, P.A. 314°). fication of 50X will do the trick.


“Sunny tomorrow with highs in the mid-70s. There’s going to be some carbon monoxide blowing in from forest fires, and all that sunshine is predicted to bring a surge in ground-level ozone by after- noon. Old and young people and anyone with lung conditions are advised to stay indoors between 3 and 5 p.m.” Whoever heard of a weather report like that? Get used to it. Weather reports of the future are going to tell you a lot more about the atmosphere than just how warm and rainy it is. In the same way that satellite observations of Earth revolutionized basic weather forecasting in the 1970s and 80s, satellite tracking of air pollution is about to revolutionize the forecasting of air Example of visualization of data from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer. These frames are from quality. Such forecasts could help people an animation that steps through transects of the atmosphere profiling vertical ozone and carbon mon- plan around high levels of ground-level oxide concentrations, combining all tracks of the Aura satellite during a given two week period. ozone—a dangerous lung irritant—just as they now plan around bad storms. use this trick to measure trace gases such “NASA is beginning to investigate “The phrase that people have used as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and what it would take to build an instru- is chemical weather forecasting,” says ozone. ment like this,” Bowman says. Such a Kevin Bowman of NASA’s Jet Propulsion However, as Bowman explains, “Polar chemical weather satellite could be in Laboratory. Bowman is a senior member sun-synchronous satellites such as Aura are as soon as 2013, according to the of the technical staff for the Tropospheric limited at best to two overpasses per day.” NRC report. Weather forecasts might Emission Spectrometer, one of four scien- A recent report by the National Research never be the same. tific sensors on NASA’s Aura satellite. Council recommends putting a pollution- Learn more about the Tropospheric Aura and other NASA satellites track watching satellite into geosynchronous Emission Spectrometer at tes.jpl.nasa. pollution in the same way that astrono- orbit—a special very high-altitude orbit gov. mers know the chemical composition of above the equator in which satellites make Kids can learn some elementary stars and distant planetary atmospheres: only one orbit per day, thus seeming to smog chemistry while making “Gummy using spectrometry. By breaking the light hover over the same spot on the equator Greenhouse Gases” out of gumdrops from a planet or star into its spectrum below. There, this new satellite, called at of colors, scientists can read off the GEOCAPE (Geostationary Coastal and gumdrops. atmosphere’s gases by looking at the Air Pollution Events), would give scien- This article was provided by the Jet “fingerprint” of wavelengths absorbed tists a continuous eye in the sky, allowing Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of or emitted by those chemicals. From them to predict daily pollution levels just Technology, under a contract with the National Earth orbit, pollution-watching satellites as meteorologists predict storms. Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Sometimes Binoculars are Best: Part 1 of 2 Craig Cortis

I’ve always thought it’d be just stand to benefit the most from using for astronomical telescopes. A bino is a matter of time until I’d write an “binos”—newcomers to our astronomy such a common item in many house- article in praise of using binoculars fraternity who may not be familiar with holds that daytime use on traditional for amateur astronomy, something not the night sky and who could really use terrestrial scenes such as sporting immediately thought of by many who all the help they can get in gradually events, bird and animal watching, enjoy stargazing. The notion of trying easing into simple, straightforward star ships at sea, distant mountains or hills, binoculars on the night sky seems to watching and constellation recognition. etc. registers on the mind of the user be by no means an automatic consider- To some, binoculars just don’t seem, as the normal and “correct” way to ation to a fair percentage of amateurs, somehow, appropriate for looking up use such an instrument. Perhaps the unfortunately. Among this group are at night to the stars, something mistak- thinking is that a binocular is simply some of the very people, ironically, who enly considered to be properly reserved too small, basic and underpowered to

4 meet astronomical viewing criteria, so absolute treasure trove in this respect. to impress the uninitiated and optical why bother? I can’t overemphasize to Phil has put together object listings for performance will be poor on stars. Buy those who hold this opinion just how each of the 88 that are a bino with the highest grade of coatings much you’re missing! so extensive that his book can easily you can afford, multicoated (MC) or, There are four basic points I should serve as a good observing guide for better still, fully multicoated (FMC). make before getting into specifics on telescope users, although his choices The best coatings will show a deep reasons for using binoculars. I’ll do a are things that can actually be seen in greenish-violet color when examining follow-up piece explaining many of binoculars. If I were to compile a “short the lenses at an angle under light. these reasons in next month’s issue, list” of a dozen or so of the best books 2. Collimation: We covered this but due to space limitations here. First, we for an amateur astronomer’s library, I’m repeating it here for emphasis. A recognize that telescopes have their this splendid book would have to be bino has to be in proper collimation to obvious applications in astronomy included. be of any use to you, so be fussy when and can show the observer a number Although the information is avail- checking one out. of things not revealed at all in binocu- able elsewhere, it won’t hurt to go over 3. Eye relief: Same story—eyeglass lars. (Separation of tight double stars, some recommendations here. Due to the wearers should be able to leave glasses resolution of planetary details, highly nature of the images presented by stars on and still make easy use of a binoc- magnified enhancement of tiny angular- and other celestial objects, the optical ular. Get the longest eye relief rating size deep-sky objects so as to enable criteria for viewing them well is much possible. resolution, far greater light-gathering higher than for, say, watching players 4. Variable (“zoom”) power binoc- ability in medium-to-larger aperture on a football field or spotting a hawk ulars: Don’t buy one of these for scopes, and so on.) in a distant tall tree. (Remember: stars astronomy purposes! Stick with a fixed- Second, no writer can write for themselves, other than our own Sun, power instrument. I’ll forego explaining everyone—there’ll be many among are technically “point sources” of light why; just trust me. you who are already well aware of because of their fantastic distances.) 5. Tapped hole: Any binocular this subject and need no introduction. Should you happen to own a binoc- purchased for astronomy should have a I chose this topic for those of you who ular now, I hope it’ll be in collimation, tapped hole in its central pivot brace at might simply enjoy a piece on binoc- meaning that the two barrels are the front end—standard size is 1/4x20 ular viewing and perhaps could be parallel and therefore give one clear thread. The hole enables you to easily encouraged to give it a try, if you’ve image when using both eyes simulta- attach the bino to a bracket which, in not done so already. Third, this article neously, which is what a binocular is turn, goes on a mount head. Even small, is concerned with hand-holdable binoc- intended to do. (You’d be surprised at lightweight binos can benefit by the ulars of 50 to 60mm aperture or under how often the “double image” problem ability to be used on a mount of some and magnifications of approximately comes up!) I also hope that your binoc- kind, although one of their primary 10 power maximum. Fourth, so-called ular has sufficiently long eye relief that advantages over telescopes is hand- “giant” binos—owing to their size, you can see the entire width of field, holdability. weight, and the necessity of attaching even when wearing eyeglasses. Eye 6 “BAK-4” or “BK-7” prisms? These them to some kind of mount—are relief is simply the distance-expressed code designations refer to special kinds not mentioned here because they’re in millimeters- between your eye and of optical glass used in the internal deserved of a separate article all their the point at which the full field of view prisms. Always choose a bino having own and are not as quick and easy to use is rendered in an optical instrument. BAK-4 prisms; various optical qualities as smaller, hand-held types. (The giant The more generous this important value inherent in BAK-4 make them superior types, if of good quality and in proper is, the better. An eye relief of 20mm, for for astronomy viewing to BK-7. You collimation, can yield superb views that example, is vastly superior to one of can usually check this feature by just might be classed roughly midway as only 12mm—it’s critical that you be able holding a bino up to light at about one an observing experience between, say, to comfortably and effectively see your foot away from your eyes and studying a 7x35mm bino and a good 6 to 8-inch binocular’s entire field without having the appearance of the light dots emitted telescope. Should you have an oppor- to just about “glue” your eyeballs up through the ocular (eyepiece) lenses. tunity to try one sometime, there’ll be against the ocular (eyepiece) lenses, If they’re nice and round, the prisms a good chance you’ll be so impressed particularly when wearing glasses. probably are BAK-4. If, however, that you might end up reviewing your Maybe you don’t have a bino but they’re slightly squared-off and appear budget for new toys.) might consider buying one? The a bit diamond-shaped instead of truly Plenty of good information on the following points can help greatly in round, then the prisms are the inferior most important features that binoculars guiding you; for brevity’s sake I’ll skip BK-7 type. for astronomy should have is readily a few lengthy technical explanations 7. “Roof” or “Porro” prism type? available in a number of books and and hope you can accept what I say as Some might argue this point, but in magazine articles, and some publi- a given. general, you’ll be better off with a cations have fine, comprehensive 1. Coatings: Avoid any bino having Porro prism binocular, the basic type listings of recommended objects for red (so-called “ruby”) lens coatings; having 90-degree offsets in the barrels. observing. Phil Harrington’s Touring same goes for gold-colored coatings— Because of this design feature the the Universe Through Binoculars is an these can be cheap gimmicks intended distance between the centerlines of the


barrels will always be greater than your in the description of any given model. number, as in this example: 10x50 eyes are apart. This enhances stereo- Examples are 7x35, 8x42, 10x50, and so works out to a 5mm diameter exit pupil, scopic depth perception, even if only on. You might find the variety avail- which is ideal for most people. The exit by a slight margin. Porro prism binos able to be confusing, especially if you’re pupil is simply the diameter of the light are simpler and easier to assemble and surfing the websites or looking through, beam emitted though the eyepiece into test by a manufacturer, meaning they’re say, Orion’s catalog. We’ll narrow things your eye, always expressed in millime- less expensive than a roof prism type down rather quickly, though. Many ters. This value should approximate of comparable quality. They’re often a experienced bino users would say that the diameter of your dark-adapted bit shorter in overall length, too. Roof the ideal “one size fits all” astronomy pupils at their full dilation, and not be prism binos employ a more complicated model is 10x50mm, followed closely substantially larger or smaller. (I’ll skip arrangement of their internal prisms, a by 8x42mm or 8x40mm. Ten power is a detailed reason.) design making it possible for the barrels the best compromise in magnification Next month in this space look for to be straight all the way though with between higher powers with images part 2 of this article, which will take no side displacement. This makes that are hard to hold steady by hand you through reasons why binoculars them more compact, on average, than and lower powers that often don’t are sometimes a better choice for certain the Porro type, a good reason for their magnify quite enough for pleasing kinds of observing than telescopes. recent increase in popularity. Quality resolution. Fifty millimeter aperture In line with that thought, here’s a roof prism binos tend to be appreciably seems about ideal between the size brief preview of my main reason—it’ll higher in price than a Porro instru- and weight concerns you’d have with dramatize beautifully why no telescope ment of the same quality level. Also, a model larger than 60mm, and the is the equal of a suitable binocular for there tends to be greater loss of light in reduced light-gathering ability that a viewing large celestial objects (or rich the image due to the complexity of the 35mm gives. A good bino of 10x50mm starfields) that can truly only be seen in prism arrangement, a condition mini- type should yield an apparent width of their entirety and appreciated fully in mized in very high quality models of field of about 5 degrees; some models a binocular. If you’ve got a bino, train extreme price. will do even better. An 8x42mm should, it on the Pleaides, M45. Never seen this 8. Power (magnification) and because of the lower power, yield 5.5 cluster in a bino? You’ll be a believer! aperture (diameter of main lens) selec- degree to 6.5 degree fields. By the way, Also, sweep the central Cygnus Milky tion: A binocular will always be defined you can easily figure a binocular’s “exit Way just below Gamma Cygni (Sadr)— by two very important numbers, power pupil” rating by simply dividing the only a binocular can show this spectacle being first and aperture being second aperture (in millimeters) by the power the way it should be seen.

From the Archives, AstroAssembly 1968. Left: Shows Clark telescope and mount at 1968 AstroAssembly with original drive assembly, including governor, that was destroyed by vandals in 1974. Right: AstroAssembly 1968. Does anyone recognize any of the individuals in the image? Images were provided by Paul Grueter, President/Webmaster of the South Shore Astronomical Society. Images were found while South Shore group was researching records for their 50th anniversary. Thanks to Paul for passing them along to us.

6 Treasurer’s Report September Meeting Notes 4/1/2008 through 10/28/2008 Friday, September 5, 2008; Seagrave Memorial Observatory Jim Crawford Nichole Mechnig INFLOWS Meeting was being offi- September 15th Cub Scouts 75th Yr T-Shirt Sales 345.00 Astroincome: ciated by Kathy Siok. The • October 17th Women’s astro-banquet 1,139.00 meeting was called to order Wilderness Weekend astro-grille 552.50 at 9:05pm. Librarian Report Open astro-misc 18.00 Secretary’s report for the for Business astro-raffle 730.00 month of August Accepted Historian: Not Available astro-registration 1,420.00 by the membership at this meeting TOTAL astroincome 3,859.50 Treasurer’s report saving New Business: None to Bookincome account closed and is now report 75th Anniversary Book 1st Print 450.00 75th Anniversary Book 2nd Print 627.00 with a Capital One Acct. Old Business: New TOTAL Bookincome 1,077.00 1st V.P. not available at member postponed for the Cookoutinc 405.00 this meeting vote until the November Other donation 365.50 2nd V.P. AstroAssembly Oct 3 & meeting Dues: 4: Speakers for AstroAssembly have Good of the Organization: Trip Contributing 125.00 been signed up • Prizes for the Raffle to DC with Bob Horton, $300.00 per Family 750.00 are good • Attendance with members person, October 25th & 26th • Trip to Junior 10.00 is usually low please bring your the Clay Center will be postponed until Regular 1,980.00 support further notice • John Briggs brought in Senior 320.00 TOTAL dues 3,185.00 Trustee’s report: Tracey Haley 2 books Atlas of Selected Regions of the Interest Inc 168.06 has said that the 16in. Meade is still Milky Way by Barnard part II Charts Magincome: in pieces and is still working on the and Tables and Part I Photographs and Astronomymaginc 306.00 problems • Working sessions for the Descriptions Thank you John for letting Skytelmagincome 296.55 AstroAssembly will be on the 14th & us look at your cool books! TOTAL Magincome 602.55 21st of September • There are new eye Meeting adjourned at 9:42pm Magsales 8.80 pieces for the Clark motion made by Steve Siok • 49 Preservation Fund 10.00 Star Parties: September 12th Cub members in attendance Starparty 550.00 Scouts • September 12th ASSNE • TOTAL INFLOWS 10,576.41 OUTFLOWS 75th Yr T-Shirt Exp 572.56 Astroexp: astro food Fri-Sat 39.46 astrocater 980.00 astrogrille 212.40 astromisc 86.72 astrorestroom 175.00 astrowine-cheese 125.15 tentrental 585.00 TOTAL Astroexp 2,203.73 Astronomy Day 30.12 Charity 25.00 Clarkproject 513.50 At the September 2008 meeting, John Briggs shows his recently acquired A Photographic Atlas of Selected collation 308.46 Regions of the Milky Way by E. E. Barnard. The book can be viewed on the web at http://www.library.gat- Cookoutexp 677.08 Photos by John Kocur. Corporationfee 20.00 Other Insurance 2,410.00 Membersubscriptions: Greetings Jim and Jim, Astronomymagexp 306.00 Skytelexp 296.55 I received your check. Thank you, and all members of the Skyscrapers, TOTAL Membersubscriptions 602.55 very much for sponsoring the clear sky chart for Seagrave Observatory: Postage and Delivery 186.35 Presidents Fund 60.16 Printing and Reproduction 802.50 I much appreciate your support. Trusteexp 846.62 Utilities: Electric 92.31 attilla danko TOTAL OUTFLOWS 9,350.94 [email protected] OVERALL TOTAL 1,225.47 Checking Acct Bal: $3,704.00 Capital One Acct Bal: $16,014.62 Savings Acct Bal: $0.00

7 WWW.THESKYSCRAPERS.ORG THE SKYSCRAPER • NOVEMBER 2008 AstroAssembly 2008 Photos by Jim Crawford & John Kocur

Kathy Siok Glenn Jackson Scott Tracy

At the lunch grill, Steve Siok and Dan Lorraine

At the registration table, Sue Hubbard, Kathy Siok and Linda Bergemann

Gerry Dyck provided musical entertainment At the lunch grill, Joel Cohen, Steve Siok and Dan Lorraine

8 John Kocur Dave Huestis

John Briggs Tony Costanza Professor Alan Marscher

Gerry Dyck Dr. Savvas Koushiappas James Dickson

Dick Parker Al Hall


10 On-site vendors at AstroAssembly: Top: Deep Sky Printing; Mid- dle: Camera Concepts & Telescope Solutions; Bottom: Astronomy Home-built telescopes on display at AstroAssembly. Top: Dick Parker’s 16” Cassegrain. Shoppe. Bottom: Bob Horton’s 6-inch Dobsonian.

11 WWW.THESKYSCRAPERS.ORG Directions to Seagrave Memorial Observatory From the Providence area: Take Rt. 6 West to Interstate 295 in Johnston and proceed west on Rt. 6 to Scituate. In Scituate bear right off Rt. 6 onto Rt. 101. Turn right onto Rt. 116 North. Peeptoad Road is the first left off Rt. 116.

From Coventry/West Warwick area: Take Rt. 116 North. Peeptoad Road is the first left after crossing Rt. 101.

From Southern Rhode Island: Take Interstate 95 North. Exit onto Interstate 295 North in Warwick (left exit.) Exit to Rt. 6 West in Johnston. Bear right off Rt. 6 onto Rt. 101. Turn right on Rt. 116. Peeptoad Road is the first left off Rt. 116.

From Northern Rhode Island: Take Rt. 116 South. Follow Rt. 116 thru Greenville. Turn left at Knight’s Farm intersection (Rt. 116 turns left) and follow Rt. 116. Watch for Peeptoad Road on the right.

From Connecticut: • Take Rt. 44 East to Greenville and turn right on Rt. 116 South. Turn left at Knight’s Farm intersection (Rt. 116 turn left) and follow Rt. 116. Watch for Peeptoad Road on the right. • Take Rt. 6 East toward Rhode Island; bear left on Rt. 101 East and continue to intersection with Rt. 116. Turn left; Peeptoad Road is the first left off Rt. 116.

From Massachusetts: Take Interstate 295 South (off Interstate 95 in Attleboro.) Exit onto Rt. 6 West in Johnston. Bear right off Rt. 6 onto Rt. 101. Turn right on Rt. 116. Peeptoad Road is the first left off Rt. 116.

47 Peeptoad Road North Scituate, RI 02857