Toad’s Mouth to The Fox House via

1 Walk summary

Length: 9.5 km, 6 miles Maps: OS Explorer OL1 The - Dark Peak Area, OS Explorer OL24 The Peak District - White Peak Area, OS Landranger 110 Sheffield and Huddersfield, OS Landranger 119 Buxton and Matlock

Approximate timing: 2hrs 45 mins Ascent: 320 metres Descent: 280 metres

Maximum altitude: 380 metres

2 Sketch map of walk

3 Description

1. The walk starts at (A) Toad’s Mouth, the first bus stop after the Fox House, (on bus routes 272) GR – SK263795. Walk along the track, and through the gate. This is the main path below Burbage Rocks and is waymarked as Sheffield Country Walk. 2. At (B), GR – SK262808 leave the main track and follow the foot path down towards Burbage Brook. At the brook turn right and follow the path along and just above the brook towards the (C) GR – SK263814.

1 3. Cross the bridge and follow the path straight ahead that leads up to the saddle between and (D) GR – SK258816. The path is usually wet and so braided. Cross the path on the saddle and continue across the moorland with Carl Wark to your left. As the path rounds the end of Carl Wark there is a junction of (wet) paths. Bear slightly right and take the path that passes to the left of a walled enclosure. GR – SK254815

4. Follow the path up towards Owler Tor (E) GR – SK250807. 5. At the junction of paths continue on your path across the junction but bearing slightly right. You are heading towards a fence that goes along the top of Millstone Edge. You should aim for the stile at (F) GR – SK249807. 6. Cross the stile and descend the path that leads down the quarry/edge and to the left. The path is quite steep and rough so be careful. These two, over-sixties, managed it. Enjoy the rock shapes and colours as you descend. The path broadens into a more substantial track and comes out on the main road. 7. Cross the road carefully and turn right along the narrow footpath by the road. In a few metres you will reach a gate into Bole Hill at (G) GR – SK247802. Go through the gate and follow the grassy track through the silver birch trees.

8. Continue along the path, to reach a short steepish descent that leads to a gate. 9. Go through the gate and keep following the path down. 10. You come to a strange stone structure that was the head of a pulley system to obtain rocks from the quarry. Follow the path, bearing left and down the steep gully where the pulley system was based.

11. At the bottom, where you come to a T-junction turn left for a short distance and then turn right at (H) GR – SK247790 to follow a wall down to a track. The track takes you past an old chapel and a Peak Park Ranger centre. This track is just above the Hope Valley Railway line. Continue along it as far as the Grindleford Station Caf´e.Just after the caf´ethere is a path to the left. Take this path and follow it across Burbage Brook and past the entrance to Totley tunnel up onto the road.

12. At the road (I) GR – SK252787, look for a footpath sign a little to your left and on the other side. Take this path up some fairly steep steps. It then bears to the right and continues to the left of a stream. 13. There is a junction of paths when you emerge from the woodland. There is also a confluence of streams. Cross the stream(s) coming down the hill with care and continue upwards across fields to meet a wide path at (J) GR – SK259785.

14. Follow this path, ignoring paths that cross it, to Longshaw Lodge. Pass the lodge on your right and continue along the path until you see signs for the Fox House bus stop. Follow these signs up to the road opposite the Fox house. Cross the road to arrive at the bus stop. (K) GR – SK267803.