Vishwapriya Granites Annexure of Form-1

ANNEXURE I Site location map of M/s. Vishwapriya Granites

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Quarry Lease Area of M/s. Vishwapriya Granites

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Introduction M/s. Vishwapriya Granites has obtained quarry lease deed work orders from The Assistant Director of Mines and Geology, Chittoor, Government of for Colour Granite over an extent of 2.0ha in Survey No. Un Surveyed Gap Area, Gangamambapuram Village, Palasamudram Mandal, , Andhra Pradesh vide Proceedings No. 1253/Q/2004 dated 07-03-2014. Mining plan is approved by the Deputy Director of Mines and Geology, Government of Andhra Pradesh vide Letter No. 1943/MP-CTR/2014 dated 07- 11-2015. It is proposes to conduct semi mechanized open cast method quarrying for color granite production of 1109 m3/annum from the lease area. Capital proposed for the quarrying is Rs. 52 Lakhs. Mine Location M/s. Vishwapriya Granites proposes to conduct semi mechanized open cast quarrying for colour granite average production of 1109m3/Annum. The proposed Quarry lease area of 2.0ha in Survey No. Un Surveyed Gap Area, Gangamambapuram Village, Palasamudram Mandal, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh. The quarry lease area falls in the Survey of topo sheet no. 57O/8 on Latitude 13O07’52.41”N and Longitude 79O19’35.39”E with an elevation of 280m. The nearest village is Devalambapuram at a distance of 1.1km from the QL area in SE direction. Railway station is at a distance of 16.4km SW direction. Nearest town is Chittoor at a distance of 26km in NW direction. Airport is at a distance of 60km in NE direction. Pudur to Narasimhapuram village road is passing at a distance of 0.5km from the QL area in East direction and also cart road is available upto QL area. Ponnai to Sholinghur main road is at a distance of 2.8km from the QL area in South direction. Ponnai River is flowing at a distance of 6.9km from the QL area in SW direction. Amudala reserve forest is at a distance of 2.0km in NW direction. Mangunta west reserve forest is at a distance of 1.2km in SE direction. Allamadugu reserve forest is at a distance of 0.5km in north direction. Ammur reserve forest is at a distance of 9.3km in South direction. Pachigunta reserve forest is at a distance of 8.6km in NW direction. Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu interstate boundary is at a distance of 0.3km in SE direction. There are no national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and critically polluted areas observed in 10km radius from the quarry lease area. The details of the quarry lease area are presented in Table A-1.

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Table A-1 Details of the Lease Area Area in Ownership of State & District Mandal Village Sy. No. hectares occupancy Andhra Pradesh Palasamudram Gangamambapuram Un Survey 2.0 Ha Govt. Land & Chittoor Gap Area (Barren)

GPS Coordinates Latitude N Longitude E 13° 7'54.28"N 79°19'30.31"E 13° 7'53.06"N 79°19'36.41"E 13° 7'49.36"N 79°19'35.30"E 13° 7'50.65"N 79°19'29.87"E

A) Mining Method Open Cast method of mining is carried out in this mine by manually and semi mechanization by using compressor operated jack hammer drills, excavators and dumper etc. Transportation will be made by trucks to dispatching points. Hydraulic excavator and compressor jack hammers were used for cutting the rock. Close shed drilling of 0.2m was adopted along the strike line and charged with low explosive to avoid feather cracks. Exploration Production has not been started due to some financial problems. It is a new quarry. Mineable reserves and life of the Quarry Total color granite reserves = 730128 m3. The color granite reserves blocked under buffer zone (lxbxh = 370x7.5x21) = 58275m3 Mineable color granite reserves = 671853 m3 Salable color granite reserves as 12% R. F = 80622 m3 Life of the quarry: Mineable reserves/annual production=80622/1109=72.7 years or 73 years. Scheme development and production The scheme of development and production for the first five years has been planned taking into consideration the nature of the deposit within the lease area. It is observed that the sheet rock is exposed on Southwestern side of Q.L area without any overburden and therefore the development of the quarry is confined towards South-Western side of the Q.L area. The proposed year wise working area is as follows. Production plan for five years

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There is a vertical and free face is available on South-Western side of the Q.L area. So the South-Western side of the Q.L area is selected to work for next five years production. It is envisaged to produce 1109m3 of salable granite blocks in each year. To raise this target production about 9240 m3 of rock mass has to be mined. The site inspection reveals that the Southwestern portion of Q.L area is suitable for development during first 5 years program. Most of this area is covered by the sheet rock from top to bottom. During five years operations a total rock mass of 30150m3 will be excavated and 3620m3 of granite blocks will be recoverable from this rock mass and remaining material of about 26530m3 will go as waste mineral. Year wise production and waste generation details are presented in table A-2. Table A-2 Year wise Granite Production and Waste generation

Year Working Bench Volume R.F. Production m3 Areas m2 height m3 Granite @12% Waste @88% 40 x 20 = 800 6m 4800 0.12 576 4224 1st year 37 x 20 = 740 6m 4440 0.12 533 3907 Sub-Total 9240 1109 8131 40 x 20 = 800 6m 4800 0.12 576 4224 2nd year 37 x 20 = 740 6m 4440 0.12 533 3907 Sub-Total 9240 1109 8131 40 x 20 = 800 6m 4800 0.12 576 4224 3rd year 37 x 20 = 740 6m 4440 0.12 533 3907 Sub-Total 9240 1109 8131 40 x 20 = 800 6m 4800 0.12 576 4224 4th year 37 x 20 = 740 6m 4440 0.12 533 3907 Sub-Total 9240 1109 8131 40 x 20 = 800 6m 4800 0.12 576 4224 5th year 37 x 20 = 740 6m 4440 0.12 533 3907 Sub-Total 9240 1109 8131 Grand-Total 46200 5545 40655 SEPARATION OF LARGE PRIMARY BLOCKS FROM THE MOTHER ROCK BY PRE-SPLITTING The mining will be followed in the form of linear cut method. This involves losing of the primary block from mother rock. Hence primary cutting will be done by line drilling method where close spaced parallel holes along straight line will be made. Line drilling method is used for separation of primary blocks.

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1) Once the free face is developed in working place, the primary cut is taken up over a maximum length of 10 mtrs with a width of 3mtrs and to a depth of 6 mtrs. Depends upon the joints availability. These dimensions are confirmed as for field studies. Primary block will be cut into secondary blocks by jackhammer drilling and wedge cutting and this block will be dislodged from in-situe position by an excavator. 2) Line drilling method will be used for cutting the primary blocks which involve drilling and blasting. 3) The holes are charged with low explosive cartridge like gunpowder and non-delay detonators for smooth blasting. 4) The use of delay detonators causes fragmentation and cracks in rocks. The non- detonating cords are inserted into the holes and the holes are stemmed with muck and plugged at the mouth and fired. 5) Thus the block will separate from the mother rock, which is pulled off from the face with cranes or shovels. SUB DIVISION OF LARGE PRIMARY BLOCKS INTO SECONDARY BLOCK This will be done during close spaced holes (along a line) down to the depth and the secondary block will be removed easily by just pulling it with the help of proclain. Close spaced holes will be drilled to the half the length of the block on either side of it by using wedges blocks can be separated. Production of commercial blocks After primary separation, the rock mass will be carefully examined to avoid hair line cracks, mineral segregations and veins etc. The dressing of the rough blocks will be made by chipping the edges and geometrically equating the edges of the block at the dressing yard. The rough blocks obtained after primary cut it will be dressed for obtained good geometric shape of granite. Thus the commercial blocks are produced.

LIST OF MACHINERY a) Since it has been decided to undertake semi-mechanized mining operations, the below mentioned mine machinery will be deployed. i. Excavator – One (Bucket capacity: 1m3, Boom length: 7m, Model: Tata Hitachi 300Lc) ii. 300 CFM – AIR compressors – One A-6 Vishwapriya Granites Annexure of Form-1 iii. Jack Hammers – 4 units iv. 17 tonnes Tippers – 3 No’s b) Minor Tools: Chisels, Crow bars, pick of axes spades and hammers of different sizes. c)Taking 25 working days in a month, there will be 300 working days in a year. The expected output of raw material per day is about 3 to 4 CBM on an average. Based on the demands from the purchasers, labour force will be increased. Employment Potential Taking 25 working days in a month, there will be 300 working days in a year. The expected output of raw material per day is about 3 to 4 CBM on an average. Based on the demands from the purchasers, labour force will be increased. Loading Equipment Loading of the blocks will be made by chain pulley with the help of crane or proclaim by the skilled labours to the hired trucks to transport the material to the destination of customer. Employment Potential S. No Description Quantity 1 Mines Manager/ Supervisor 1 2 Blaster cum Mate 1 3 Excavator operator 1 4 Compressor operator 1 5 Tipper operator 2 6 Drillers 4 7 Helpers 8 8 Cutters 7 9 Watchman 1 10 Chisel men 2 Total 28

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ANNEXURE II DRILLING & BLASTING Drilling and blasting plays vital role in determining the size and shape of rough blocks. Drilling Pattern is important in developing a working face and also preparing the rough blocks suitable for their use in appropriate processing units. There are no important places in and around the area, blasting will be carried with precautionary measures. a. Broad Blasting Parameters Drill-Hole patterns for primary and secondary smooth blasting. Uniform single line equidistant holes (line drilling) will be deployed for separation of blocks from mother rock. In the case of sheet rock the primary drilling will be in the form of equidistant vertical holes to take out blocks of Gang Saw. 1. Drilling Parameters i. Drill holes diameter: 74/Pmm ii. Depth and inclination of the blast holes: 3 meter in case of separation primary blocks depending on the block size. Then the drill-hole will be vertical. iii. Spacing and Burden: 1.5m X 3 m iv. Stemming and charging of the blast hole: The blast hole will be charged with 100 grams of explosives and filled with clan pills subsequently; the shot hole will be stemmed using brass stemming rods. v. Explosive type: (1) Slurry based explosives or Gun Powder.

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Water Requirement Water requirement for the project is mainly for Domestic source, maintaining the green belt and also for sprinkling on the haulage roads to mitigate dust emissions. The drinking water shall be drawn from nearby villages. The water requirement of the project is presented in Table A-3. Table A-3 Water Requirement S. No Water Usage Quantity KLD 1 Wet drilling operation (On production basis @ 100 Ltr/1 m3) 0.4 2 Water sprinkling on haul roads @ 1Ltr/Sq.Mt (5200m2)+1/4th for waste dump 1.6 3 Domestic @ 45 Ltr/Head (28No’s) 1.3 4 Green Belt @ 0.2 KL for 0.03 ha – 2 times a day 0.2 Total 3.4

Wastewater generation The generation of wastewater from the quarry shall be 0.9KLD from domestic source. This will be sent to septic tank followed by soak pit.

Site services

It is proposed to provide the site services like mine office and other statutory constructions like rest shelter, first aid, work shed and drinking water as required near the quarry lease area. Drinking water will be supplied to the workers from the bore well opened in the adjacent agricultural field or from nearby village.

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ANNEXURE – IV Solid Waste Management plan During five years operations a total rock mass of 30150m3 will be excavated and 3620m3 of granite blocks will be recoverable from this rock mass and remaining material of about 26530m3 will go as waste mineral. S. No. Year Total Waste Generated m3 1 1st Year 8131 2 2nd Year 8131 3 3rd Year 8131 4 4th Year 8131 5 5th Year 8131 Total Waste generated for 5 Years 40655

Dumping site particulars Waste will be dumped in the area 3540 m2 and to a height of 30mtrs in the Northwestern side of the area at non mineral zone. During the first five years about 26530 m3 of waste material will be generated. Step dumping will be resorted. This material can be utilized to fill the pits after quarry operations are over. When the dumps reach their optimum height suitable greenery will be grown on these dumps to stabilize Waste will be dumped in the area 1400m2 and to a height of 30mtrs in the Northeastern side of the area at non mineral zone. During the first five years about 40656 m3 of waste material will be generated. During the lease period dump area is 5200m2 to a height of 30m. Step dumping will be resorted. This material can be utilized to fill the pits after quarry operations are over. When the dumps reach their optimum height suitable greenery will be grown on these dumps to stabilize them.
