13-15 June 2012


Inequalities and Development: New Questions, New Measurements

Bordeaux , CNRS, ESOPE Network and GREThA (Research Unit 5113) jointly organize the 4 th Economic Development International Conference in Bordeaux. This 3-days conference aims at contributing to the ongoing debate about inequalities and development with selected empirical, methodological or theoretical contributions addressing the following topics:

- Inequality measurements - Economic growth, inequalities and poverty - Polarization, fragmentation, discrimination and horizontal inequalities - Economic and social mobility - Constitution of the middle classes - Poverty, vulnerability and vertical inequalities - Inequalities of opportunities, health care and education - Trade, capital flows and inequalities - Economic emergence and inequalities - Spatial and environmental inequalities - Innovation and inequalities - Political economy of inequalities - Evaluation of redistribution policies - Institutions, conflicts and inequalities

Keynote speakers Michael Grimm ( International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam); Cecilia Garcia-Peñalosa (GREQAM, EHESS, University of Marseille); Oded Stark ( of Klagenfurt, Bonn, and Vienna; Warsaw University and Warsaw School of Economics).

Scientific committee Eric Berr ( , GREThA) ; Maurice Catin ( University of , LEAD ) ; Matthieu Clément ( University of Bordeaux, GREThA) ; François Combarnous ( University of Bordeaux, GREThA) ; Pascale Combes Motel (University of Clermont-Ferrand 1, CERDI) ; Yacouba Diallo (BIT/ILO) ; Ali Douai (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, CEMAFI) ; Sylvie

1 Ferrari (University of Bordeaux, GREThA ) ; Claire Gondard-Delcroix ( University of Bordeaux, GREThA) ; Mickael Grimm (International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam) ; Ivan Ledzema (University of Dauphine, DIAL,) ; Dalila Nicet-Chenaf (University of Bordeaux, GREThA); Alain Piveteau (University of Paris 1, PRODIG , IRD); Patrick Plane (University of Clermont-Ferrand 1, CERDI) ; François Roubaud (University of Paris Dauphine, DIAL) ; Eric Rougier ( University of Bordeaux, GREThA).

Deadlines - Deadline for submission (Full paper or first draft of the full paper): 15 January 2012 - Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2012 - Registration opening: 1 March 2012 - Final version of papers for the proceedings: 15 April 2012

Submission details First submission can be a preliminary draft, but not an abstract, even extended. Final version of selected papers, as well as presentations, can either be in French or English, but the official language of the conference is English. For submission conference Website: Conference fees, transportation and accommodation costs are left at the expense of participants. Nevertheless, the steering committee will attribute limited grants to participants coming from developing countries whose proposal will be accepted. To apply, please contact (after April 15 th 2012): [email protected]

Awards and dissemination The scientific committee will select the best papers of the Conference for publication in a collective book and in a scientific journal’s special issue.

The “Pascal Labazée” Prize will be awarded to the three best papers of the Conference.

Contact : 4ème Journées Internationales du Développement du GREThA/GRES Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV GREThA UMR CNRS 5113 Avenue Léon Duguit 33608 Pessac, Téléphone : (+33) (0)5-56-84-40-50 Fax : (+33) (0)5-56-84-85-06