U.S. Plays Catch-Up in Africa, After China Gains New Ground Minnesota
C HINA Fostering business and culturalI harmonyNSIGHT between China and the U.S. VOL. 13 NO. 8 SEPT 2014 Minnesota Chinese program educators reflect on their China visit By Yongling Zhang-Gorke, contributor During the past several are: Kristine Schaefer, prin- years, we have witnessed the cipal, Woodbury Elementary Arboretum’s Chinese garden, page 2 growth of Chinese programs School; Karin Lopez, principal, in K-12 schools in Minnesota, Woodbury Middle School; Bob especially those in the 12 af- Bulthuis, certified employment filiated Confucius Classrooms. specialist, Hopkins Public As schools grow their Chinese Schools; Molly Wieland, co- program, so does the need for ordinator, Mandarin Immersion establishing stronger connec- Program at Hopkins Public tions with Chinese schools and Schools; Shirley Gregoire, obtaining deeper understanding principal, Hopkins West Junior of the Chinese education sys- High School; Todd Rounda- Chinese acquisitions, page 5 tem. The need is reflected in the bush, science teacher and IB following three areas: coordinator, Hopkins West 1) Partner with a sister school Junior High School; Joe Muel- in China for concrete activities such as the University of Minnesota (CIUMN) ler, curriculum coordinator, Forest Lake exchange of students and teachers in June. The CIUMN would like to Area Schools; Rob Rapheal, president, 2) Get knowledge about the latest trend acknowledge the gracious financial Forest Lake Area Schools Board; and in curriculum reform in China, especial- support given by Confucius Institute Susan Tennyson, strategic data analyst, ly on core subjects of Chinese language, Headquarters/Hanban, and the excellent Edina Public Schools. Yongling Zhang- math, and science, which have implica- logistics planning by one of our Chinese Gorke, assistant director of CIUMN, tions for Mandarin immersion programs partners, Capital Normal University, as was the coordinator and leader of the Dragon Festival 2014, page 10 3) Understand and compare teacher well as International Education Asso- group.
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