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Firedepartment Whatsortofman e e Sl By2NN C E R SLoALER LT LAeeoAE SN e R Ge A T SR B SR RN R TTS e LT ecutive was in the making when;he s clanges, all tending toward the died, and iquestion who .1. now. the arises hgtt,a..l.::nt-&f_efficiency, ser- ofcomvicionlbeltien ITIGIANS ARE will be substituted. In state capitol vice, . Nm%t»ewill:ansrmadmit WHAT OF Culleetof the neglsy iy cipeles DEPARTMENT /- our per- MAN State Insurance Cemmisioner FIRE that department today is not nlly, ButWb?ntw“?:emthis.fault.can be over- :fv Works 'is picked for-that honor, fect by any means apd, neéds.contin-: GOV,SORT fme;qli‘come.” ’i“‘meg:;athtt he succeeds BADLY MUDDLED but it is not kngwn whether he will ELEGTS OFFIGERS ual expenditure of 1S BURNOUIST? use of his name. Mr. money for upkeep and?eueé%m;;and he permit the ‘maintenanceof the public-xin that measure ‘will 1 THE SUDDEN DEATH OF HAM- Works, whose home is in Mankato, ALL-OF OLD OFFICIALS, HEADED efficiency, yet we can all feel proud ALTHOUGH NOT LONG IN pUB-T‘ give /the impression ~that there™- is MOND CHANGES' SITUATION was really responsible for Governor BY CHIEF KUSBA, GIVEN of our organization,our methods and LIC LIFE HAS CREDITABLE | punch in his administration. Hammond, as he successfully piloted our apparatus. It compares favorably Joseph A. A. Burnquist borh. ' IN MINNESOTA * ANOTHER TERM. _ RECORD TO SHOW 1 was iR him through a strenuous campaign with that of cities considerably larger in Dayton, lowa, 35 years ago, son of- and ‘was his principal political adviser than Sauk Centre. John A."and 'A., Louise (Johnsen)- STOCK ADYANCES during the one year of his term of GCOD FINANGIAL SHOWING In the first place the new rotary HE WILL MAKE MANY FRIENDS Burnquist. Father is 74 years and BURNQUIST office. The future of the state De- alarm system was purchased by. the mother 72. Governor and Mrs. Burn- quist ‘children: ? mocracy and its relation to the exec- city and installed. has proved have three John Me- TREASURER This PEOPLE BLEVATIQN OF LIEUTENANT utive department will be discussed at REPORT OF STRE- itself a marked improvement over the THE HAVE NOTHING TQ ‘Lean, aged 7; Mary Louise, aged 6, - IS ROTHE a meeting of the state executive com- "BEL SHOWS INCREASE IN old machine and has demonstrated its FEAR FROM HIS and Ruth® Mable, 15 months. Came 'GOVERNOR BLOW ' ADMINIS- “1.- OTHER mittee of the party to be held shortly. FUNDS DURING YEAR. value to the department. While this TRATION OF AFFAIRS |w Minnesota Se ber, 1896, to be o eCANDIDA‘?SPk ¢ * % =* equipment was being installed. I student inCarleton collegt, Northfield, * If any of candidates for the Re- caused the placing of alarm 1902. St. B,—Political the Harmony prevailed at the annual the fire John W. Nagle, in News- Garduat-) Paul, Jan. Minne- publican governor box at the corner Main and Third Daluth ‘ed-with degree sota a nomination for see meeting of of Tribune; . : Wd?of‘Miaster of arts Colum- 5 received such shock in the of Lieutenant the Sauk Centre fire de- streets and Iwish to thank L. A. Mey- University law class Ham- in the elevation Gov- partadent held Tuesday evening, good Who A. Burnquist? ‘ lww ssudden of V.'S. is J. One an- = .. death GOVer‘x_gi, ernor Burnquist to the govenorship feeling being engendered by the ers for his assistance in that work. of 1905. i -mond at Clinton, La., that even at this preblem swer, of course, is that he is the new date has the state the passing of their ambitions they splendid reports made by the retiring Next arose the of the new late scores over horse wagon Governor of Minnesota. But what sort LIVED HERE ' gasping out- have not yet made known the fact. officers and an ample supply of ci- drawn fire which had FORMEREY and wondering to the public been purchased. It was a very fine of a Governor is this new Governor? It will be of to many Her- Though days as elapsed James A. Peterson has made gars, apples and oranges provided by There interest “come. have announcement that it not piece of apparatus, yet to this are Governors and Governors—- ald that the of the shock the receipt will make Chief Jos. W. Kusba who presided. useless four ofthem in readers toknow wife ‘since incident to his plans, C. A. department, for found upon inves- dozen these United Gov. J. A. A. Burnquist was formerly ‘of the news untimely passing, any change in but As had been expected, all of the old we people of his Secre- tigation that the city would not States. The of this common- a resident Sauk Centre. Her the question, “Where are we at?” still Lindbergh, S .G. Iverson and officers were retained for the ensuing buy wealth, in six of of State been or feed a team and without good twice years bereft by maiden name was Miss Mary Cross, those concerned with the tary Schmahl have more year. The balloting developed only of ‘agitates discreet have kept silent. In the heavy horses and a driver the vehicle death their executive, must again and her father Rev. R. S. Cross was - governor’s future when he was stillin and on one contest, that for the office of get acquainted with a pastor opinion of Schmahl’s position in was of account to us for the trans- lieutenant gov- of the Congregational church flesh, and finds an echo in the some: second assistant chief, for which E. E. no ernor suddenly confronted the the the game has not been jeopardized portation of our equipment. Several with in thiscity to 1889. Rev. ‘query of those on the other side of big Jamieson and Joe Millerwere contend- problems of the chief from 1887 . ; to the extent that others have, as members of the depatment worked offict in the Cross now has charge of a congrega- the house, who anxiously ask, “And ers, the former being returned win- state. As he meets each of the “ he was the liberal barkis, and on this job and it them, tion ina Montana city. R about us?” Democrats and Re- lone ner at the count of the votes. The new was 2,000,000 of his will ‘what still continues so. Burnquist some job, believe me. Ask George fellow citizens publicans alike are hit and the tangle Governor officers are: him. So far undoubtedly will be a candidate O’Gara. Finally co-operating with measure as getting to COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEET even involves the United States sena- who Chief—Jos. W. Kusba. know the new is concerned, for re-election, has always been a foe the city council, we made a trade that Governor torship. “What will the harvest be ?” First Asst.—E. A. Richards. that will be easy, there is not a The Stearns Courity Dads Organized of liquor and so are the others. He I believe is satisfactory to all the fire- for truly covers the political situation in Second Asst.—E. E. Jamieson. man in the public life in this state for the Year at St. Cloud first entered the arena of politics as a men and also all citizens and as a re- at this time. Never in the Secretary—Geo. 1. Dobbs. more approachable. ‘'on Tuesday. Minnesota reform for the legislature sult of which we not only disposed history of the state has political Min- candidate Treasurer—A. F. Strebel. : To find himself as presiding officer of the senate of the useless wagon possi- thrust into a_great nesota been confronted with a simi- and The report of Treasurer for but made office by the The commissioners of Stearns coun- consistently refused to play ball with Strebel the acquisition of our present auto immutable decree o 1 lar situation. Not even the death of the year 1915 was especially gratirfy- ble Providence as great a surprise ty met at St. Cloud Tuesday morning any faction not representing his views combination hose and ladder truck. was tc Johnson, which scattered to ing, showing increase of $79.40 in the young and organized for the year by electing Governor and order. In the case an fact that our ball Governor as to the peopl¢ the four winds the most powerful po- of law of the the the The last firemen’s who were Commissioner Lahr of Cloud : as senatorship St. Payl is general fund, over preceeding was such big being served with singula: St. crganization ever attempted in United States a success and broke all chairman and Jake Webber of litical vear. On Jan.-4, 1915, the cash on attendapce receipts fidelity by Winfield Scott Hammond Rich- now the stamping ground of all those records for and is ehairman. ol Minnesota appoaches It. Hard on hand totaled s796.99,consisting of an It was the lot of Adolph O. mond as vice seeking the scalp of Moses E. Clapp. due, in’ my belief, that the people of Eberhar: printing the receipt of the news of Governor interest bearing certificate for $734.70 to behold signs reasonably The county for the year With Governor Burnquist holding a Sauk Centre appreciate the work we indicativc disposed Hammond’s death those ambitious in and checking account: of $62.29. On of his succession governorship was the important matter .of similar residence position is a are doing in keeping the fire loss to the a political way plunged into a serious their Jan. 4, 1916, the total was $876.39, When the beloved John A.
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