Cirencester and Districtdigtrict Leader;Leader; Daviddavid Viner
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18.3018.30 Dinner. 19.45t9 .45 Lecture: The StroudStroud Area andand thethe Textile Industry,Indus t.ry, by Lionel Walrond. Tuesday 15th15 th September:September: 8.008 .00 -- 9.009.00 Breakfast.Breakfas t. 9.159.15 Day Excursion: StroudStroud areaarea and textiletextile mills.mi11s. 18.3018.30 Dinner.D inner . 19.45t9 .45 Lecture: Gloucester Docks by Hugh Conway- Jones. WednesdayI{ednesday 16th15th September:September: 8.008.00 -- 9.009.00 Breakfast.Breakfas t . 9.159.15 DayDay Excursion:Excursion: Docks: Gloucester and Sharpness,Sharpness, andand Berkeley PowerPower Station.Station. 18.3018.30 Dinner. 19.45t9 .45 Lecture: Cotswold StoneStone Quarrying by Arthur Price. Thursday 17th17 th September:September: 8.008.00 -- 9.009.00 Breakfast.Breakfas t. 9.159.15 DayDay Excursion: Forest ofof DeanDean (areas(areas not visited onon Monday). End of Conference. SaturdaySaturday 1212 SeptemberSeptember TOURTOUR (a):(a): A Walklialk Round Cheltenham'sCheltenhamrs Ornamental Ironwork.Ironwork. Leader:Leader: Amina Chatwin.Cha twin. The ornamentalornamenLal ironworkironwork ofof Cheltenham cancan basically be fittedfifted intointo threelhree periods. TheThe firstfirst oror Early PeriodPeriod fromfrom aboutabout 18001800 toto 1820.1820. SimpleSimple wroughtwrought. ironiron designs,designs, based on vertical, usually inin frontfront ofof individualindivi-dual windows, andand decorateddecorated with il$ leadIead castings.castings. The SecondSecond oror Middle PeriodPeriod coverscovers the il 1820s1820s and 1830s.1830s. Wrought ironiron designs u$ became more complicatedcomplicated and by 18231823 FirstFirst oror EarlyEarly PeriodPeriod castcast ironiron panels were equallyequally inin use, oftenofEen across thethe frontfront of longlong terraces.terraces. 3 TheThe thirdthird oror LateLate PeriodPeriod fromfrom around 18401840 onwards,onvards, consistedconsisted entirelyent.irely ofof elaborateelaborate designs inin castcasE iron.iron. StartSlart atat thethe St.St. George'sGeorgets roadroad carcar park andand dive down anan alleywayalleyway beside thethe George Hotel ifif you wouldrrould likelike toto seesee severalseveral buildings ofof IndustrialIndustrial Archaeological interest;interes E; sitesite ofof Marshalls, a fire-enginefire-engine house inin St.St. SecondSecond or MiddleHiddle PeriodPeriod James'sJanests Square,Square, goodgo-od architecturalarchi tectural terra-cottaterra-cotta work on aa bakery inin St, George'sGeorgers Place,Place, and onon aa finefine ItalianateItalianaLe electricityelectricity sub-stationsub-station inin Clarence Street. Overover thethe entrance toto thethe new Museuml{useum extension aa major piecepieee ofof modern ironworkironwork inin thethe formform ofof aa threethree dimensional grillgri11 by Alan EvansEvans ofo f Whiteway.I{h i ueway. At thethe junctionjunetion ofof Crescent Place andand Royal Wellllell Crescent looklook atat balconies on thethe Crescent begun inin 1806.1806. The railingsrailings purchased fromfrom WorcesterWorces ThirdThird oror LateLate Period.period- ironmongerironmonger John Bradley date fromfrom 18101810 onwards.onwards. SeeSee ifif you cancan findfind his name on any ofof thethe gate locks.locks. On John Dower House balconies areare transitional,transitional, becoming more elaborate,elaborate, andand onon Crescent Terrace scrollscroll crestingscrestings have been added. InIn thethe PromenadePromenade walk past thethe Municipal Offices commencedcommenced inin 18231823 but thethe centralcentral part, with thethe pediment, stillstill not built by 1834.1834. The railings by R.E. & C. Marshall, who operated inin thethe towntown forfor more thanthan 200200 years. FindFind thethe name castcast onon thethe urn finials,finials, alsoalso looklook forfor thethe severalseveral differentdifferenE indentedindented symbolssymbols below thethe horizontal double lineslines onon thethe hand wroughtvrought spearspear railrail heads, probably thethe individualindividual marks ofof thethe smiths.smiths. ImperialImperial SquareSguare has balconies, on twotwo sides,sides, of castcast ironiron panels inin thethe heart andand Honeysuckle pattern; illustratedillustrated by L.C. Cottingham inin 18231823 andand made inin ScotlandScotland by CarronCarron works. FourFour complimentarycomplimenEary designs; most successfulsuccessful and toto be foundfound allall overover thethe world.wor1d. Trafalgar Street Regency cottages.cottages. Also Dragon andand OnionOnion lamplamp standardstandard c.c. 1897,1897, designed by Borough EngineerEngineer and castcas! by McDowall,McDowal1, StevensStevens && Co Ltd atat a coastcoast of £9.15s..€9.15s. Od.0d. each.eaeh. CornerCorner ofof Vittoria WalkHaIk Claremont Lodge c.c. 1810,1810, earlyearLy serpentineserpentine balcony, roofroof andand supportssupports addedadded later.later. (Here(Here divertdivert forfor a longerlonger walk toto Oxford Parade,Parade, delightful terraceterrace withwit.h earlyearly balconies andand conicalconical hoods overover thethe windows. TheThe sixsix earliest,earliest, easteast of Oxford Street,Street, built 1816-1816- 17.17. A Victorian castcast balcony onon cornercorner house addedadded after 1845.1845. 4 "...the"...the entranceentrance to Cheltenham isis worthy itsits acknowledged beauties -- itit isis of elegantelegant uniformity, inin thethe best superbsuperb stylestyle ofof thethe West Of0f London. But itit has an airiness which that has not. ItIt has thethe resemblance,resemblance, soso lightlight isis it,it, of an atmosphericatmospheric illusionillusion created by optical deception. The houses ,verandas,,verandas, and ironiron rails,rai1s, looklook as ifif theythey were composed of paper, silk,si1k, and netting".netting'r. FosbrokeFosbroke 1826,1826, p 48.)48.) Bath Road, ParagonParagon Terrace,Terraee, beautiful anthemion wrought balconies 1823;1823; the sixsix houses atat the southernsoulhern endend completedeompleted 18331833 have very nicely detailed railings, bellbe11 pulls andand boot scrapers.scrapers. Notice thethe threethree Grecian lamplamp holders. Montpellier Terrace goodgood variety ofof balcony designs all along date fromfrom 18201820 onwards, also dividers and porches. BehindBehind MontpellierMonlpellier SpaSpa latelate period Coalbrookdale balconies onon Lauriston House. Also latelate castingscastings atat entranceentrance toto SavoySavoy Hotel and down Bayshill Road. At junctionjunction withwj-th ParabolaParabola Road aa PenfoldPenfold PillarPillar Box ofof 1855.1855. "Cheltenham's"Cheltenhamrs Ornamental Ironwork"Ironsork" givesgives a detailed account ofof ironworkironwork inin thethe town,town, includingincluding firms,firms, andand gasgas andand electric Lavishly illustrated.illustraled. PricePrice £4.50{4.50 oror by post £5.0015.00 includingincluding p&p fromfrom thethe author,aut.hor, thethe Coach HOuse, ParabolaParabola Close, Cheltenham GL50 3AN.3AN. TOUR (b)(b) Gloucestercloucester Docks.Docks. Leader: Hugh Conway-Jones. Historical BackgroundBackground InIn 1792,1792, aa canalcanal was proposed toEo bypass thethe narrow winding stretchstretch ofof thethe RiverRiver SevernSevern southsouth ofof Gloucester which was onlyonly passable a fewfew daysdays eacheach month onon thethe springspring tides.tides. This would not onlyonly helpheJ.p the existing barge traffictraffic between thethe Midlands and thethe great port of Bristol,Bristol, itit would alsoalso allowallow thethe largestlargest sea-goingsea-going shipsships ofof the day toto come rightright up toto toto discharge. Work startedstarted inin 17941794 with thet.he intentionintention of having thethe southernsouthern entranceen!rance near Berkeley, butbuE thethe lineline was laterIater changedchanged toto make thethe entranceentrance at Sharpness.Sharpness. ConstructionConsEruclion was delayed by poor management andand war-time financialfinancial difficulties,difficulties, andand thethe great work was not completedcompleted untilunLil 1827.1827. TheThe finalfinal stagestage was\ras supervisedsupervised by ThomasThomas Telford inin his capacitycapacity as consultant engineerengineer toto thethe Exchequer Bill Loan Commissioners who provided much ofof thethe money. Gloucester Docks TheThe Main Basin atat Gloucester isis thethe terminusterminus ofof thethe shipship canal,canal, and a locklock givesgives accessaccess forfor barges andand canalcanal boats toto pass throught.hrough intoint.o thethe SevernSevern andand soso on towardstowards thethe Midlands. TheThe North Warehouse was built by thethe Canal Company justjust inin timetime forfor thelhe opening ofof thethe canal,canal, andand other warehouses followedfollowed asas tradetrade developed.developed. Most were built forfor storingstoring corn brought fromfrom 55 Ireland,Ireland, northern EuropeEurope and thethe Black SeaSea ports aroundaround thethe mouth ofof thethe Danube. TheThe otherother main importimport wasnas timbertimber fromfrom theEhe BalticBaltic ports andand fromfrom North America, and timbertimber yards were establishedestablished downdown thethe easteast bank ofof thethe canalcanal southsouth of Gloucester. InIn thethe earlyearly days, much ofof thethe importsimports were sentsent by boat toto Birmingham andand thethe Black Country.Country. WorcestershireI./orce s lershire saltsalt was theEhe main export,butexportrbut many shipsships leftleft empty.empty. As tradetrade developed, thethe Main Basin became overcrowdedovercrowded atat times,times, andand toto provide more space,space, thethe Victoria Dock was openedopened inin 1849.1849. Around