? ■

filanrlfratrr Contln0 Ifpralil

brary Publicity.’* Luhebaca waa •acauae o f cCbar aettvIttM *Ai. MMa RMon CullaB, Ite Jtfta F. •«*» «» m a n M », ____ Tiaiiir-T Baalth, Ubcar- Bicrctary of the Obnnectlcut Stata lan of tha Mary C9iana> Uhrary, aairad la .tha naarby OongrOga* thelua church,CBurcn, m SC. aaaiy-aMbrj^r B o n Okeir ■Mt nutftord. pmented • gw p Uonal church. wm ornlt Ita rahaa roalJ tMaU ova- Nuraaa Aaaoclatlon, will ha tha ^ IMT pUuto popUa la a n o w and Mlaa Marloa Jaaaaman, cMl- nhiff and PHdky avanhir bury Library. Thara araa a larga ning at 7:80 Inatead o f the uanal art Oerdoa, Jr., ' hare chdtga ToUand tornpika hakJ tha au- hour cC a l ^ o’clock. A t tha cloaa Manchaatar Juvanlla Ornnga will ^Icaer’a atUnOon with har fUia gatharlng of Ubrary ataffa from The MatiehcaUr Raftatarad efO m VOL. L x m . Na.181 llbrarlea la Mlddlatown. CUaatoa- of tha buiinaaa adlalon a demon, ebaafa Its aiaatlafa to tha raeditlon o f Chopta’ a “ Polonalaa. atratloa arlU take place, with gifU Nuraaa Aaaoclatlon wni hold Ita aad fourth Pridaya. No iBiaatioa Thta la a long and dimcult pleca, bury and othar placaa la thla araa. monthly maaClng, T m eday, May 4, wUI ha bald tomorrow. Thaha n a n Olbboas Amambly, C U cf C, for an. Mra. Florenoa Walah la In 0idui*a PlHvoMny Har aacond placa. "Tloo-Tloo" w m TTia apaaker waa Mlaa O U a at aevan o'clock In th t CUaic room maatiag la aehaduled fo r Friday, wm bold a’ Caod aala toamfraw CHtchlay,Itchlay, librarianUbrarlan o_ f tha Briatol charge of arrangamenta and Mra. morakiff at smt la MalFa atefa. alao a difficult place. Mlat wU- licUtla Rady, refwahmanta of the Manehecter Memorial hacpl- May 14. IKspnte Delajrs llama haa played on the radio over Library, whoae aubjact wda ’•U- Millions Gelebraie 1 WONB aereral tlmea. AirForcePlan May Day as Rival Senate Action Units in Parades No Action likely Un­ Raakf of Workers Are L a y S tra t^ y hj S tm g^ til Late Nekt Week Between Communism To Halt Rush , May 1—ods to ths morale amoxff United Natioas H<^ Land laundiM th ^ Ib - any early gtam m atampede at ths several aenatora Indtoatad they delegates to ita laweat abb In tha the American Labor day. vaaion of Pakstine la siwtl- ThUaddphla Nominating cent would object. . 88-month history of. tha peace In AUmbs aa attempt waa made Wrangle Over agency. taneoos pinegrs thmsta X to ■mnmlimtn Mlnintcr o f Jnttloc tloB thla summer. TiMn a wrangla ever a home In- Developmcxto In ths Holy Land day, Arab and Jewish Beautiful gift* “to fit” the occasion— to bring Joy to Mother on Her Chrtetos Imdan. FoBeo add hla Their Idea la to aak delegataa ■nrance bill atartad. I t lasted aU this pla have produced aa atraoapharo o f reported, even though U m Day and many, many days and months to come. This is your op­ attacker coQfMnS ho wan from savon key atotaa to heap frustration and bawUdariacBt. ordon from a Qmuanmtst exocu- thalr 800 votes lined up behind la the Bridgea was In B ritish mandate has 15 days Jantzen portunity to present Mother with a smart coat, a pretty dress, a Iraq Everyone la oonsdoua that fight­ Uon aqaad. "favorite aona” until the atrength today working on hla re-election ing in Paleattoa la lacrcaatag evea t o run. fo v ^ blouse, a dainty slip or gown— “a wearable she’s been want­ a f other contenders haa b— campaign. But ha told a reporter ■ lavade at Dawn Pram Narto (API So far ftultlaM dabata droaaa ing”— “a luxury she wouldn’t permit herself.” Our first thought In ‘XHodar^omiraad Berlin tha before leaving that ha will fiy back on here in tha special Aaaambly, Tel Xvlv bcadquarten ol Ha* G irdle in this collection is your "First Lady.” I toaaa but the oel*- Thla move waa said to be di­ hare when othar- Senate leaders Trusteeship couacU aad Security toe Jewish mUitta, StM oohr minor la- rected primarily at atalllng any ■tvs him tha nod on tha A ir Force council. an and Labanaae forces favsfi- ddAita. i" switch to Harold B. Staaaan at Urges Joining bm, possibly Wednesday. Caned Into Special SisM ia at dawn from tha aaath .to than 800,000 aurgad early ballot Magaa, thua avoiding News Tidbits Another throat alao loomed 4» The Asaenbiya Political com' heavy aUarka. Hagaaah (m Bali| through ruhbla atrawn Banin, a rapatltlon of tha 1840 conventlciL the path of tha A ir Force bUI. mlttee was caliiad Into extra aaa Jewish outposts at Ihrae sSuF aomc Bupporttag and othara de­ whara WandaO w m kle awapt tha Militaiy Pact C a M m wins Two Republican aanatora, ^vho slon today (8:80 a. m., a a.t.), la manta within PaleattM Pantie nouncing Communiam In Mttoraat nomlnatloa ftam G. O. F. favoritaa. asked not to ba Identified, said efforts to apaad debate cn tha fierce fighting agattial terma. PoUoe aald more than 800,' mxMi BaBa* VlcSacy Senator Taft (R., Ohio) had sug­ American plan for a Palesti using tanks and Rick niysiirCrepe by Textron*, New 000 throagad tha Soviet aaetor to P realdent Trumaa aaaa Ukely to gested delaying Um measure. They gtaaaan’s tooat a rd «t admirers trustecahip. announcement aald toa hoar Oiwnmimlaf m aakan attadi Favors ABi- follow precedent set hy Hoover aad Indicated he wants to taka up toe United Nations organs normally ''are using guns, nartars and ma- Um M ankall plan. say they think ha can win the non- sculptured into smooth, ination by Jhe sixth ballot If ha program’s cost with members of do not meat od Saturday or Sun­ chine-guna.'^ Loudoat applauaa a t Barlia’a •Bce With Countries BooatTslt and veto M l fb r laau- toe Senate G. O. P. Policy com­ Girdle wtna a m ajority c f the 88 dricgatoc day. Unofficial aourem la Cairo-sMi antl-Oonunnnlat maating want to aato eft 60 cent co la'to com roe mo- mittee, w U d i ha heads. S .r dassic lines that Hoary Rato of tha Amarlcaa Pad- he la trying to taka sway from Of Western Europe MeaawhUa, toe Truateeahip a ,4 tha Egyptian Anay enm m S hBa rato lOOth aimlveraAiy eg Mtaneao- Taft, busy seeking prealdanttal couadl went into week-end receaa ' 8tep-ia Or Zipfer cratlca of Labor whoa ha da- Senator Robert Taft in Ohio next delegate votes In Ohio, Is not ex­ southern PalmMaa at DRESSES Tnaaday, aad baato Gov. Thomas ta Tbiritcry .... rMItoii Prise without agreeing on a trues for ggt FM k Braaehd (aha a) sC clarad Pnvuaw . .14 1 . M ay \ - 4 m - pected back hare unUl after the aad that K li« Uha 8ai ‘ M odeb play Wp year ^ ”I can aaaura you tha nraatera B. Darray c f In tha May awarda will be annouaead Monday. Jerusalem. rama, BL. MM haw he hia Saudi AraMaa A n q r Beautiful dresses to fit the occassion HatoM K Btaaam un/mVb* Ualtad primary there Tuesday. Hla views The United States last night powara have ao tataatloa cf laav- 81 Ongan pctmaiy. Mto meet to on A ir Force expansion were said . . . to bring joy to Mother on her day W ^ tha aal' ~ boSM Jala la a ariUt^ submitted a proposal to that coun­ lag Berlin... .our traaeport aad witk the eauatrm af aalaet unlnatruetod delegatloa to to have bean expressed In a tale- p retty fIga re • • • and many days and months to come. communication Una w ill be held. m T admit tha phone convaraaUon. cil for a temporary Jerusalem A n h governor can turn that trick, they waatMX rantioa . . . Mlaaeuri truateeahip. The id u drew t o % Our troopa win atoy unUl all oocu- The Fevers Expanded Air Fewer Syria, I _ $ 5 . 0 0 t o pation forcaa leava.” apoaiaiitly are taking aaShanaaS, electing unlnstructed The CHtio senator hna said he fa- mediate oppositloa from toe Arabe the praetleal way Aadag hla and received general support from Tnas^lordaB aefiani Ravlewa Otgaatle Thera ware todhiatlewa that aoma delegatloa to national eenvenUon. vora expanded air power aa the stiweh a altar aa tovarieu eC Uw HoW msraben of tte Pmasytyaaia aad quick aaa day takt .st Bkede la- only three countries—China, Yhe lOtMoacow Pciiiia kOnlBtor StallB lead yaatgeay tliat aoeh aa al- Oolloga raaaardiar t ^ ao- beat way o f strengthening the A nh atataff Anatm< armed forces. But he haa not Franca and New Zealand. Strsi|)it cut, aomeldiaf panels ravtoart d a gigantic parade la Rad Uanoa oqnld provMagart gtsto that panato generally The Council will resume debate aaUIroqtplaaaBBaw aquara. Tha emiSuiaia ae*mad to what type o ( movlaa stated hla diolce between the 70- to g tn o ^ fn m Dm $ 7.98 t . $ 1 9 .9 8 wm 1—rmqtMBt Joint aan Monday and hopes to report bade ■ay.1844. $ 10.95 ha thalr eUIdnn attend . . . OtchM group Air Force approved by the tha aoMton wtdi are deftly combined to produce 8—gatUaff UB a f Jam to toe General Assembly by MoS' tofy but MarakM NUmM Bulgaata ■ ■ II, BdarLww mmmKmmt W.W Mr” Houi[ouae and the leaa oosUy 8S-group Inoia M for Gov. Dwight Onaa aa 8—Working out af Joint plans af Wt to funeral of Tom day night. iagrtbsM told tha vaa* ttoong. wklcb taclad- ftom an actoto tot aa Maa urgtd as a compromiaa' by U a boostifB l a ly b . . . ad V. B. Aapmaaador - Wallar B. the first PknadrtlirtiMSM. nreaident Trumafi aad Bactctaiy Paleatina waa made a UJN. prak- ______ith and other faralga dlpIbmatiL Dadir anch a ptagraa*. ha aai4 urDafbfiM Fbrreatol. lem last awtoff when Britain toh . - h a rsyoa ceopo d ip „ it Ruaata’a armad ftocaa w ill "no veto ahbuld be perndttod A n oriesa L a g te ’a N atleiw l B » Tha admlalstrattoB orlgtnally ed toe Assembly t o find n a «u - I V A n a r *1maorably fuUUl tha taaka ba- five other veto haavy atotaa might neltoat ahbald to t aetton o^ blam committee aelecta two poaa* asked foe a 56-group air arm. tlon. Endteae dtacuaatoa baa gone | JL H X lu lls 1 vO W gotoi be persuaded to fblim their atnt. ciaion o f one bind or control the on atnee then, Including another larfTOi thst’s simple, yet Move. ia n them.” Ms anifanM fbr Wbmen Legion' Bridgea held tbe Appropriations Li an order of the day Mlniatar egy—to kem vottag fgr favorito otoera.” naires . . . Ckleaga iantlat offers committee In all-day aeaslon npedal Assembly session now un­ hs tow w» Mother’s Day of Armad Forcaa Bulgania urged aona until may can evaluate tha OeuM Bo Drafted Wlthla Charter any ena supplying him a rent free Thursday to win a IS to I verdict der iray. But toe UJl. still hasn't Cash Reality ty on toa Holy Lasd% ' / t i l con The new, leager length, Soriat praparadnoaa against *‘lha atrength of Dewey. Taft, Senator Stoaaen aald this program could dentistry for Ufa . . . Southern Ne­ for the 70-group bill, hoping to been able to come up with a solu­ ttar. AbduUaii’a Brii intrigues of intamational Vandenbarg. Rouse Speaker Mar­ be drafted within the charter of g ro Youth cong raaa looking for get it before toe Senate yeeterday. tion acceptable to the Jews and Arab Legion controls tha dress sited nsiases, tkm.” tin and othara. the United NaUona place to meat after encounter with Instead tha Senate argued for Arabs. Boost in Retail from AlleaM? Widge. s a m e GREETING PriuM Minister Attlaa, In a Ply­ Thaaa five atotao includa He suggwted tbe United States ^ , lawa In Binnlngham. hours over a housing Mil and a Cease-Fire Directives ignsred Jordan, to ths omklrto of ^ 12 to 20; women’s 40 to 44 mouth, Eng., addnaa, aald Oom- aachuaatta, Mnadulad to give Ita invite other mambara o f the UN Ala. . . . Tw o whits men accused money MU, both of which bad pri­ I Neither haa tha UJ4. bean aMa ing Expected as stlem, bat toaro troofw s m muniam is working In tha Nasi 35 flrst-b^ot votes to Senator to Join in such a pact —and ha of attackiBg Negro woman held by ority over air power. j to atop the fighting. Three Securi­ pattern to destroy Europe’s frea- Leverett Saltonatall; , 88, ty Council ccaae-fire directives Withheld From While, Pink $3.50 to $4.95 speclIleaUy named England, grand Jury la Wetumpka. Ala. The housing argument still was CARDS pooBlbly fo r Rep. Charles HaUack; Franca, Brigtum, The Netherlands have been ignored. (Oaattaaed aa Pago Tea) , 85 for Gov. Alfred B. Buaa spaaka to­ (Caattaxed aa Paga Mx) Delegates now leave the cham- Waxhlngton, May 1—

I r i * ■ V'. t •; ' \ • 'r V, . i h 'I . . I ^1' IV' ;

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY. MAY 1, IMS MANCHESTER EVENING HERALDc MANCHOTER. CX>NN. SATURDAY. MAY 1. IMS iiawni MB meeting a a wMto agataat that -dMni vanity,' and Ma aa it were with a BOOM. Of hie. eapebencee. This will tbelr recent trip to the cart rope:" (laaiah 8:16). be followed by refreehmeats aad IwUI bt enjoyed when ground. wlB be lecegntoai. J^iermine Beat Use Police Force B olton Twd Rainbows DuHag the shower aad Owietotiva paemgee from the a social tiJBe. '10:48 a. m. Mendng wonhip. dsBan Irim ee Untbook, "Sci- . Monday, 3:00 p. m. Tha ttustees Murie end by tha Bvaage- at SKw w'm., the Wi DTtaba tha atanB. the Center ______Church Beard win m eet ■ ^ .i bsB alarm was rung thrss tbnas by enee and Health with Key to the wlQ meet In the social room tor a tlats. Rtv. aad Mrs. B. U Thaedale. After Shower Sortpturea," bp M a^ Baker Bddy. 6:30 p. m. Tetmg people’s Friday at 7:30 p. m.. tha foter- [ { Wu art to Land in Connecticut \ Is Inspected bolta antartag tko tInoA brief but Important maatlng. aaadiato Lirthar Laagn 1 ' kida the tailowtag : "If - Wednsadny, 7:00 p. au Tba servloe, W ria a Janes, president Sfaailllaa.1 No damage was rsportsd. nan Is aa Inebriate, a elsve to fo charge. AU Invited. Its annual Mather am Regular monthly bommunloa AT V- Bcowta will aoeet aa usual la tha gathartog. - Mre. Oetden IWMBDIATK C/ uYRSiMe fur aajr «f mgr A Btateonsttea sad to bmJu recommends- Se3nnoiir Receives aervice win be hcM at QuarryvOlp Double Effect L bbI Eve> tobncco, or tho epoclal aervaat at veatry. 7:30 p. ea. "Revival Hour.” tloas to protect rssIdsntiBl aad ,rh o u any ono oC the myriad forms at Speeial vocal and tnetruanental of CompdriOe wlU be th ef praperty* oCfleUl church at the Bunday momlag ^ aeeet aad destroy these errors 7:30 p. m. The Aolr wlU hoM , an d V atoto Land-UM recreational values while at the Badge of Rank ning; No Daniage Re* BNjathy Ita rahaarsal tn tha aoclal roam. muele. Tho last coportunlty to ooHsalttM sriB b« oitob- same Uum providing for needed •ervice at 10:40. Nuraeiy hour la DnBee— Miller's H«U with the truth a t being, — by ex- Friday, 7:46 p. ea Tha noto- hoar Rav. and Mrs. ’Ihaadnla George L Graziddio — fUialtdi Industry." Rookies Sworn In conducted regularly la tha church ported from Bolts CAVEY’S MMtIag to the w ro ag -d ^ the suf­ Tha Week M to ilotw ■Ins to srtat aaUng committee wlU meet at the R e a l e s t a t e a n d i n s u r a n c e ^ aaoy best pot Its The Land-tTae committee, be vestry for enuul children to enable 45 Bast Castor 8t. ’ fering wMeh Ms siibmlaaion to such Wedneaday nltot. 7:30, tbe mid- said, wlU serre the sUte wltbout An membera of the Mancbaster parents to attend woraMp. Hie A heavy abower,.wlUi consider­ Modem and nw FaiMen haMto brings, and* by oonvtocliig PSHOBRS** weto eervlee fcAowed by a abort 109 Henry SL. TeL 5278—If N t ARiWur. IOBL^K annual Baanelal drive a t Quarry* Ikraetaa " ‘ n that th m la no real plcssure The minister has tickets for ths bite.- leaale Abetw V' M. Osbons, tbs soauslo* compensation, aad wlU work la PoUee Departmoit atood Inapec* able wind marked the dose a t the at f :U and tl:ao a. aa. . 7. t. 6. 10. U : vrtto Oencral Conference en the 8to meeting a t the otocial hoard. A. KOut, Ohei close cooperatlen wttb the Dsrel- vine church ends Bunday whan all Bvsry Satwdny NlgMI at 6 end 10, one la the false appJtllce.” Friday night at 7:36, tha awnth- ainetor «( nsaareh si^ tlon at the mnaleteal building last gifts aad pledges should bs sub- day yesterday. But night dM not of* .^lEandel 6th. and 7th. Anyone able to toM H m Oans sstkist *d- apment oommlsslnn, the new tta U night Lieutenant ftoymond Orlffla Biao to Itiao P. M. Thad Abilahty ntaln auAtorlum at 0 for adulte a day to attend this world Motbe- ly meeting of the Mm’e Frilow- t:68 am.. Church etooel Frank­ mlttsd to ths ftoandal sserstary, faU untlL & e r tha dark atorsA QUALITY aad one for children•n at V t mtn uw riUp. Prof. B. 8. Mann, vice aasodstlon In s prepared AaeocteUon a t Planning and Zon­ celled the roll, after which Bar* Charlss T. B. WlUett Ths Rsv. King" ...... dUtdlnl Lotheraa Church diet Conference will be welcome lin Welles, eopMlatewIcat. that tbs aoalac power had ing Agendas, local boards and re­ tha sun again briefly plaresd ths ’’Send Out Thy Light’ basement Two maaaas a t 16 68 ■ to Street prtodont of B. N. C vrtU ba tha geante Michael PlUgerald and and Mta John B. Post attsmM Ib BBtortaiiWMRt aad Faod — one In Ito to theee Ucketa. 16:46 am., MOmlaff vrorahlp. issd ta aoass Connecticut gional oomadttees. Walter OssaeUa wndueted the In­ tbs opening of the General confer* clouds and emblasonad a donbla o’elodi for adults ■ m ; guaet speaker. I to ~Ti MSI out” ladns- Xta purpose will be to aid eoi rainbow In tbe eastom sky. Double 3C M Quartet main church snd oneme In the bam- spection of tholr rospoetlve pla- enee of Methodist Churches tn Bos* m eat munlUes Individually and Jointly toona. AU euupbnent waa found In toA ’They Intend to epend much Tbs bows wore vIslUe In thslr EH !^ TlU O O D a m a t aervtee). roek ledcea and inne- la their sonlng plans by giving order. time at the IS-day coherence in entlretjr—two high arcbee at ED MIRANDA FOURTET ^ tb e m —"Seek Te the Lerd’^ ^ Rev. OawaM Oi, I lOnnler) TMa h aa erigtaul artfete. Free . iiae have frisuently been them a better knowledge of their Follon'ing this inspectkm, five order to bring back Church nawe vaulting upward at a ateep angto. TOOAF Tbvn BAT. Bday, May 2, Fifth Sunday James W. MaKag. Orgaatet Kari Bov. PhUp M. Boa^ Pnator peoeuev it. tectedtag tMs atotesaent. to land use potentials, and simultan­ ■upemumererles ware sworn In by One of them, which lasted amte Playing for Dancing TorUght aenlor Choir After Baster. aeaed fbr tadustry uaol there Is a and Mgnlflcant actions to the local DABOfO DADOHTBBS” " (Beoond Bervlee) ' isflalt- dsflotaacy oC areas avail* eously to aaslat plans for the over­ Chief of Police Herman BchendeL group. than a half hour, was a t very btfl- (to Oelsv) Gadsrowakl 6:15 a. BL, Suaday school at 9:45 a. m.. Church e d ^ 3:50 n. m., Sunday achool aad 16d0 a m.—Church stoooL abls and suitable for manufactur* all future development a t Connect* Two other aupemumararlea of this Uant effect, whUe the other waa »0«ertory—"Offertory" torch and BUvvr Lane Commu­ 11:00 a. m., Momkig Worehlp. ■Maclaaass. 11:00 a III Mishtoff worahlp. April’s last shower last evening leaastti McDsnaM Jeeo ItavM ‘Hymn—"Ji Cans ”Us" . .aaMee Bev. Baheri OarroO, ' A plaats wMeh Oenncctleut. with leut ha said. class had prevtoualy raoeived the was a crowning acMevement As much more faint. IC la not often ALBOt "The m s s WENDY BANKS, VOCALIST nity Itonaa. Prehide—"SuppUesUon” ...... 10:15 a. m.. Morning Worship. HOW "There seems little doubt but that one can see a atngls nomMate Alelebratlon of tlw Lord’s Supper. 10:30 a. m„ Divine Worahlp with ...... V...... -A. Schreliier .'M per cent at Ito working popula- oath. The group has Just complet­ it ended, th e , aetUng eun broke Thorfday aad Satarday BfcdlUUon—’’Turning Glocy Into Maaaaa on Sunday at 7:30, 6, to Order of aorvioe: tien now In Industry sorely needs," that this problem concerns all of ed a couTM of Inatnetlon under through the clouda transforming rainbow—a pair of them Is a r o e Feotnre gita. Bag, BUB and 11 a. m. rmou by the pastor, rieo. report Processlonsl Hymn—“AD Hall tbs Prehido—"N asnreth"...... Oouaod HOW CAN I HAVE PEACE FOR MYSELF? • us—In the matter of Jobs, tax rev­ sight And moreover, the Joot a t ' Bhame” (Paahn 4:3). I the recent New England Cbn- be police end FBI offlcdre. the reln-eoaked laadacapii Into un* „Hymn—"Blest Be the TVs That Power of JamaC W**®*;,, . „ Offertory—"Chorale" ...... Bach By accepting my Pemonal ResponaibUity in pro­ ____M M p BasMfy Mtoatlea enues, living conditions and the Two probsUonary regulars ware believable beauty and r e s u lt^ in the rainbow waa vldbla. Last Bbow TealgM—B:M foience Convention given by the Anthem—"Bread qf the W o rl^ ... Poetlude "Andante" ...... Frank Modden moting and gnnrantceing Pence to cnch uto every' T h e new land-use committee like,” Cobum tOM tbs editors and promoted to be regular patrolmen. a double rainbow. It was the The sun, low and brightly re* MAKE YOUR DINING DATE 5 Btnds" ...... Boyleton Bt. kneia a t Assisi Cbnreh lay delagate, Carl Noten...... Robert Oomer Jones ...... Moaafcowekl publishers. flactsd In tha dark blue sastsm INMUudo—"March In W” ---- Blair Beoth Windsor PrehMto--’*8toep May Safely Offertory Anthem—"lAsd Me, Electrical CsiHiBctor individnal. ihouM help g r e s ^ rectify tbU sit- They were George McClAighey and cleartat rainbow many had ever 0:15 a. m., Church BchooL Catherine Braiidt wlU oatolnte Theodore Fairbanks. seen. sky, left wMto housea a gla— AT CAVEY’S U. 8. Banto ^ W m r Bninbani*l Orssc" ...... Bach ...... Lord," Samuel 8. Wesley at the organ. This means World Peace. Bseeim CMd Bsdge Activity at tha achool site has 11:00 a. m.. Church Time Nur- Offertory—"Bong Without worda” Hymn—“Break Thou tba Bread of The Week OMnplett All ] tie for fl,S80 aad this settlement Bov. Bdwatd J. Duffy, Faater ...... Mendelssohn HOW CAN I DO THAT? was approved today. FoUowing these prsUmlnary begun In eameaL The Jarvia Pilgrim FellowaMiL Ufe." Tuesday at 7:80 p. m„ tho La- PhoM 49TO .Volcanoes E rupt. Company baa a power shovel and Spacial 3:00 p. m„ Anthems: Communlou Madttathm—"I dies’ AM Society win meet. Aftqr By creating and accepting One Suprenw Ctoveru* The other ease was that of lid- functions. Chief Schendal called . 0:004:00______p. p. m.. CTP Club Fri- 10:80 a. m. Me "Hear My Cry, O Ood". .Ko^loff ward J. Pardak, minor, represent­ forward Policeman Arthur P. Bey* buUdoaer on the excavation Job 3:30 aad Thirst.” ment to provide Equal Justice te each and every^ Together T ^ay while Charles T. Volkert is drilling Pleosonf lowM p Hour. Movloe. Sunday. "Father In Thy Myeterious Pres­ Recessional Hymn—“In Christ ed by his father, TsofUa n rd a k , motir. and announced Ms promo­ [ < n n n £hoica Bovoragw F tom O a r B ar 6:00 p. m.. CTP Club mooting. ence Kneeling"...... Thompson individnal. and guaranteed with the acceptance m who agreed to accept a setUemsat tion to a sergeancy. CMsf Bchen* ths well. There Is No Or West.” Netionel Home XJemonstratlon Tka Wook Postluda. Postlude—"A Mighty F o r t ^ U Personal Responsibility of each and every enpn* Auckland. N. Z., May l-< m — of 1670 aga'against 8t«q>haa Kaslkow- del pinned the gold badge of rank View Lodga TWeaday, 6:00 p. m.. Croup B. a t. Mary’s Bpiaespal Chareh ’ Sermon Topic: "Lord. Teach Us skL The claim was an outgrowth on the new eergeant Week wiU bo observed May 2 2 DAYS; 0\ir Ood** ••sessossosss•I^hiiffr Alice Cofran DRIVING SCHOOL ble individnal. Mounts Ngauruhoe and Ruapehu through May S end a vignette on Wodneoday. 7:00 p. m.. Ifonior Charch aad Locust atieela To Pray.” The Youth Frilou|hlp win meet of an automObUe accident, which General Manger Oeorge H. Open From II to f Choir rehearaaL Tbe Bev. Alfred L. WTIHaiiie, 5:00 p. m.. Swedlah Veapera ln RINAB aOIAMIOMBOIl Tkb means Equal Justice. In the central part of New Zea­ occurred last July. The settlement Waddell was then called upon and the subject wee done over a Hart­ Sunday evening a t 7:00 o’clock In Loaaono ea noal Oeutiul Om ford radio station th te. morning. Every Day , Thursday, •:00-t;00 p. m.. Pray­ Bector. chaiM of Rev. Sigurd Hanson of the Parish room of the church. Readings Daily HOW CAN I CREATE IT? land’s North island erupted to­ was approved. ho compUmentcd tbe d en^m eht er meeting, Bible study and discus- Allen F. Bray HI, Middletown, Oonn. Cade Taheu nlOHy OnbOa on Its fine showing, and also on Four nationally-known broadcast Swedish Smorgasbord 169 Chareh St Hartfori Think about it. — Talk about It. — Write about gether today for the llrot time on programs will dsvots tlms to Us ob- Every Satarday MIRACLES Ribn. Lay Aaelataat. 7:00 p. m., Fellowehlp aervice tbs great Improvement aotod rs* Friday, 8:«0 p. m.. Q>-Wed aponaored by the Luther League The Sahrattou Anuy TelephwRB 6-2024 TELEPHONE S141 IL — Demand It. — Pray fur It. — Fight for IL lecord. eant^ In morale and effactlvenoas. ssrvance during ths wssk. Hsrs OF M anehBStBf's Spring aoclaL The volcanoes ssnt flames a ^ ndians Attack In Tolland County it will bs ob­ Rogation Sunday. for an members and friends cf the Oil Mala Btoeet Thia means Democracy. He stated that the depuitamni la Family Btyla FRANCES Saturday, 6:00 a. m., Stamp 6 a. m. Holy Communion coilktogatlon. ashea to a bslght of 1,000 to 0,000 au organisation of wMck tha town served in a Dress Rsvus at An­ Adjutaat Blehaid Atwto foot. Lava and rocks were spewed dover Town hall a t 1:30 p. m. Stsaks aad BaafOad Chib. 6:30 a. m. Children’s Scrvlos The Week HOW ELSE CAN I CREATE IT? American Camp can bo proud. CABRINT PoYorliB 8:00 p. m., PUgrlm Fellowahlp (shortened Morning Prayer) with Monday— By acceptance ef Farce and Rcotrictioa ef Freie* aver tbs area. Some aSh eettM The whole department was high­ on Wsdnssday, May 6. Women D. & Boats 6. Nsrdi aoclaL Sunday, 6:30 a.m., Sunday gt msbrimi IW miles sway, aeat- w1m> have made drsssm under the Wlllknsntle 64B-J1 addreaa by Mr. Bray. Junior 6:30 p. m.. Boy Scouts. School donm, impoaed by aelf‘appointed and aclf-4tod* and ly oompUmented for Ita efforts tn Home Demonstration Program choir. (Aurch School classci fol­ 8:15 p. m., Beethoven Glee dub 11:00 a m., HoMneaa meeting. tarlag aoot over rooftops Ouayagun, Heuador, May 1—

tmprovuig conditions at haadquar* Orchestra Concert at the High School halL pliacd individaab, RMktog me accept my PeiMR* A ssp In tbs IMds. —Oovermnaat troops are repertsd this season have bssn Invited to C m i B N Senth Metbedlet Church low. Nursery department at 11 2:00 p.m.. Program at Silver tors. model them at the rsvuA Mrs. BUin street nnd Hnriford Ben a, m. Tueaday— Lane. Miss Gertrude M. J, Herrmann al Reapenalbility with all ethera, te route to the town a t Cbunchl, Chlaf of Police gchaadsi la 11 a. m. Holy C>>mmunion with 3:15 p. m.. Brownies. Equal Jnsticc. brief talk, suted that he w BUsabeth Arnold of Woodbridge, SRHIIT Bev. W. BMph Wnrd. Jr„ Rtinleter 6:80 p.m.. Prayer meeting- PIANIST AND ORGANIST where an Amerloaa oonstructton OonA, will epeak on color in Um Oew^ G. Ashton. Minister e( aermon by the Rector. 8:00 p. m.. RaUy for the Parish 7:00 p.m.. Open Air Service. OP MANY YEARS* EXPERIENCE This means Totalitarian ism. Court Approves gretlflad at tha condition of Ms home. Tea will be served by tbe rrs THE TALK . Musical outline of this service Building EVmd Campaign for mem- 7:30 p.m.. Salvation meeting. company said It was under attack man, and that he expected them * DICK TAYLOR here of Districts 1, 3 and 10. hy several hundred Indians. Andover Homemeklng Oroup. OF THE TOWNI CARLA DARE X ^ Processional— The Weak Avnilable for substitute organ positions from HOW DO THEY GET THAT POWER? A dispatch from Quito said yee- to mslntsln high standardfc The Poultry COonnIttoe of His Trumpat And His Orehastra "O Ood, Beneath Thy Wednesday— Minors^ Claims ’The chief etreseed character, Mamlng Worship, 10:45 e. m. 7:30 p. m., Bmanuel Choir re­ Monday, 8:00 p.m„ FrlandShip June 15 to A uf. SO. By the denial ar failure a t accepttog terday an oOctal a t the Jonas Con­ XoUaad Ootmty Farm Bureau has . HAYDW • HARRISON FEATURING Prelude#— Guiding Hand” Reoponotbility In pruuMting uRd struction Company a t Charlotte, rvlce and courtesy aa three planned another meeting to be "CenUIene AngUcx Fortunne" Sequence— hearaaL Circle. S Jbdge William S. Hyde la Pro- N. Cn had sent an appeal tor help lints to bo continually wntehed held at North Coventry Grange CHICKEN M Wo. 0*1 ,.. .Samuel Boieldt (1587-1654) nVe Plow the Flelda end 6:00 p. m., Doicaa Society. Tuesday, 4:00 p.m.. Junior Song­ Member of American Guild of Orfaniata Equal JnsUcu and Peace to AH Maaktod. _ato Court this morning approved to "prevent the burning of the each poUceman, end he paid hall. May 5, at 8 p. m. Roy B. raOUTV • MARMOAN • CA8INQ ★ BUNNIE BREWSTER i t “Arioeo" ...... Scatter tbe Good Seed” Thursday— ster rehearsal. 612 Center Street, Manchester Tal. 2-0T77 ■ This UMaaa Chase. two d ilu te d claims, both Involv- house where they are defending tribute to the men for the TMe Jones, Extension Poultryman, i In Tht Rough "attaen Saint" Is a amving por­ ...... Johann Sebastian Bach Offertory- 2:30 p. m.. Woman’s Missionary 5:00 p.m., Oib meeting. ! work they ere doing." trayal of ths life and good ON THE VOCALS Society. 6:00 p.m.. Junior Band rehear- HOW WILL YOU HAVE IT? 1 ^ minora. themselves after tbe InctdenU." I*eul L. Putnam, Extsnmon Bcono- Plefc n up la year Bngan ao4 Processional Hymn—‘‘Rejoice, Ye "Praise the Lord, O My Soul" Reports said a worker had beei mlst. from the University of Con­ weeks a t ths befoved Mother Pure In Heart’’ ...... Marlon Communion Hymn — 8:00 p. m.. Instruction meeting This is for You to Answer. ^ One ease was that of Justin Bag- cot It! CMefcen asebsd to a STEAKS o CHOPS o ITAUAN FOODS for Canvaaeere participating in the Wednesday. 6:30 p.m.. Corps .1 ley, miner, who was Injured by a kUled. necticut,' will be on hand to answer goMeO, emsty beswn Served Cabrtal, and shows two of the Anthem—"Bxpectana, ExpecUvi "O Ood, Unceen Yet Elver Near” HAROLD WTEUS. I fW la an airway at the Orford Vll- An undetermined number of questions and assist in discussion. amny sslmrleo that have boon • COMPLETE DINNERS • ...... CSiarlea Wood Recessional— Pariah Building Fund Campaign. (Jadet Bible Study. It is expectsd that discussion wlU neetlag In crunchy Ffooeh Mes socHbod to the Intercession of Hymn—"AU Hail the Power of Friday-^-' 7:30 p.m.. Young People’s aer- I lags prqjeet. He was represented American erapleyea, their wives LEGAL BEVERAGES FROM OUR BAR "Ood, The Omnipotent" 6:30 p. m., Mother-Daughter • by Mb l«ber. John 8. Baglay, who and children are In the camp. csnter around the sias of units, Uda wandarfU wcomui. Shown Jesus’ Name” ...... Diadem Rogation Days (Days of Solemn vlee. Churches To lak e Ont glj3a. Ooedf aloo am the aetnni scenes of banquet sponsored by the Ladies' 2:00 p.m.. Home League. bfSimtit suit agMnst the Housing The government ordered troop how much equipment a poultry' Tea Bell Offertory Anthem—"HaUelujah’ Supplication). TT ' Authority of rae Town of Man- mobilisation aad dispatched May­ man can afford to c a ^ on Me her benttgentlen and at her (The Mount of OUvrs) ...... Monday, 10 a.,m. Intercesslona. Aid and Dorcas Societies at the Thursday, 7:30 p.m.. Open Air Thls body offered to set- Zion BvaageBcal Lulhema CImrch farm, whether he can afford to mnenliatlen SB months ago by ...... Ludwig von Beethoven church vestry. service. or Oesar Montufar, general oom- Cooper and High Btreoto Tuesday, Noon. InterccMlons. Board of Triisteea have changed mander of the elvU guard, to in mors buildings Increasing Pspo Finn XU In Bt. Potci*A O A K GRILL Sermon: Wednesday, 3:30 p. m. Inter- Friday, 7:00 p.m., Songster re­ NOTICE Cbuaohl, which la on tbe OoaquU- ■ev. Ifoal O. Prdtopy, Paatei unit from 1,200 to 3,000 laying GARDEN On.tho Banm Program BIshoif Ralph A. Ward their meeting to Monday. May hearsal. SO OAK STREET TB1.A894 ccBslona. 10. ^ t o railroad line. birds, and the prospects for poul Program by tiM VATICAN Recaeslonal Hymn—“Ood the Om- Ascenalon Day (Thursday) 7:30 p.m.. Holiness meeting. ■ li i l i i i Hi R onte Bundsy— try and fowl for ths fall of IMS RESTAURANT CHOIR aad IntoresMng - nlpetcnt" ...... Russian Hymn Saturday— 8:00 p.m.. Band 'rehearsal. FLUSHING OF WATER MAINS t:6S a.m., Buaday BchooL 6 a. m. Holy Communion. THla 9:00 a. m.. Junior CStolr. and spring of 1040. ’This meeting Postluda—"Rlgaudon” ...... aervice will be concluded at 6:30 •:M am.. Adult Bible Class. la an ’’sxtra,” scheduled to com­ 8TBBBT ...... Gustave Ferrari 10:30 a. m., CTonflrmatlon class. • - - t4 10:00 am.. Church time nursery. At Begnlar Prleon sharp. Sunday, May 6, Mother's Day. Church of the Naaarene About Town pensate for the last regularly . 6:30 a. m„ Churrii achooL 10 a. m. Holy Communion. This Will be atarted Tueaday, April 27th by the Town 10:00 Am., Divine worship. Text: scheduled meeting which feu on a 10:45 a. m.. Nursery In charge 10:30 a. m.. Dr. Knut EL Brlckson. Jameo R. BeO, Paator of Mancheatcr, Water D ^rtH w at. pM ON^TUES. X These. B: 17. aervice will Include the semi-an­ former pastor of - Ehnanuel, now 406 Mala Street particularly stormy night. of Mrs. Bari Chrron. nual preaentatlon of the United Lady Roberts Lodge, Daughters Theme: Kogete! Prey! Bolton schools will re-opsn on 6:80 p. m.. Methodist Youth Fel­ of Rock Island, IIHnols, will preach of Bt. Oeorge, will hold its month­ t:00 p.m--W alter Leegue, New Monday, May 3, after a week's re­ Special Announcement lowship. Rev. L. W. Kilgore and thank offering of the women of at the morning service. 9:30 a. m. Sunday School and Flashing will be cootinoed Tocadays through Fri* ly meeting Tuaaday evening In the Bnglimd District Talent Quest at cess. H. B. CSeavei- wlU speak on mUI- the church. Bible classes. Combined claaaee days of each week until completod. Masonlo Temple. A good attfnd* .Xmmanusl Lsithsran C h u r^ Dan­ Secular eventa: in the adult departments at which tary training. Dr. Roger Shaui a t the Trinity North Methodist Chnito aace la hoped tor as plana for tbe bury. Ccrni. 6:30 p. nw' B|>wpini Lengue. 447 North Blain street Ume the Teasdales win tell of Mth anniversary observanee will Monday, T:S0 p.m., Qusrtsrly SiTIWVDUgfMaMPlJOr IHtHOWH College faculty wUl addreaa the GRAND OPENING Mrs. David M. Bennett wlU Speak Young People’! Fellowship Sunday James M. Gage, MlalLler • TOWN OP MANCHESTER. be discussed. Mrs. Daisy Potterton congragattonal msetlng. E M LOEbV :: THE SHERIDAN on “What People Are Reading.” C. W. Wood. Organist and Mrs. Ann Parker win be best* Tuaaday and Friday, 4:00 p.m.— 7:30 p. m.. Evening service in at 5 p. m. The aame group plana WATER DEPARTMENT OSS Tuesday evening. ConflrmaUoB Inatniotion. the (Uiapel. Sound motion picture, to hold Its spring dance In the par­ DRiifE IN THEATRE iah house Friday evening. 9:30 a. m.. Church school see- Tueaday, 7:M pm., Walthsr SANDY BEACH PARK "Beyond Our Own,” produced by Sion for all grades. This Is A Good G. H. WaddeD, Superintendent Laketa Council No. 61, Degree IdSBRUSe "Brsaktast la ' RESTAURANT the Protestant Film Oimmlsslon. Other organisations meet at of pomhontas, wlU be hostem to Vywlnesday, 7:M p.m., Imlles’ HoBywood" RockvIQe, Conn. IMward Macauley in charge of the their uaual hours. 10:45 a. m.. Church nursery Time To Sell Its great dilef, Lucy O’Connor, Aid. tasi "Lone WsH service.. houi with Mrs. James Pickles in and her official stag, when they charge. Tbutsday, 7.S0 p4n-> Ascsaslon b Msxleff* ' r The Week Second Ooagregatleual CEiurch 10:45 a. m., Morning Worship. Your Property make tkelr Brat affldal vlalt on Diy asrvlee to the Oermsn lang­ Will Be Open on Sundays* Tuesdsy, 3:15 p. m.. Brownies. Manday, May It. a t a dUmer* Sunday May 2 Rev. Leland O. Hunt, Minister Prelude—Improvlslon D Minor .. We have many boyers uage with Hviy Communion. Pre­ 6:30 p. m.. Girl Scouts. Bmest R. Cesman, Organist . M n l tht iMufjf maetlag In Odd FeUewa baU. paratory service at 7:10 p.m...... Batiste Dance to. niiioie oo awoot that It w|D toko you o f your Bring your famUy or friends and enjoy a fan eagraa 7:00 p. m.. Boy Scouts. Miss Rutk Hsjoes, Director of Anthem—Choose Ye this Day .. wailing for ainglea and 2 Friday. ?:S0 p.m. Meeting at C OM PL C T E Wednesday,. Hustlers wlU meet Church School family hnnsea. iM id t «1 Rebsrt Oustafoau, Itobavt ttav* Adult group. 2 AT f> I •» opvo *1 r »vd foat w with a crowd so merry and so gay when wo open diiintr or • loooh oo you proftr ^aiuoBf ^joyant^ny* ’^ 1 day to make ruga...... Wilson ultisky aad rrtd Wfoieut roundinga—at a modtrato coat—for your dlnlag glota* 5:30 p. m., WlUing Workers’ Offertory solo- Mrs. Rutlu Shedd. on tho floeond of May. Sunday, May3 Postlude—Alleluia ...... Mosart We buy, sell or tMs morning by automnUa tot a Your favorita orehastra hy a larga demand urc. meeting followed by their annual 0:30 a.m., CViurcb School. Ton go to your doctor for eiperl ■Ight meing western trip of at Blue. Plate dinner. Members arc Sermon—Methodism Marches On. 10:45 a.m., Worahlp hour nur­ 6:00 p. m.—nie Youth Fellow­ exchange. medical care. Come to us for espert least a month. Ibay plab to WE W aL OFFER A FULL COURSE TURKEY DWs reminded to bring their ”dlme-a- sery. as far as Arlseaa. psmibly C 99 NER THIS SUNDAY FROM U :80 A. M. to ItM P. M. date” envelopes ship will unite with the Youth FeL fomla. 10:45 a.m.. Morning Worship lowsMp of St. Mary's Church for suto care. We are your ama-aSiap *■* TONIGHT*** “TAc Aristocrats AT Il.T I. ' 7:30 p. m., Wesley Group. and Holy Communion. Allen Realty atstloR for a l mechanical repairn. Friday, 7:00 p. m.. Choir re- Prelude, "Sun of My Soul,” Arr. a Joint meeting. Alan Martin a t 1 Ma6aba straet, hearsaL The Week Every one will tell you. You mahu rscsatly roeelvad • Bll*year asrvlee a o R B apB AIm atfska. ckepo aad ala e a ^ atrvko uatU 9 p. m> on 7:00 p. m.. Chib Pack meeting. by Matthews. Monday, 7:45 p. m.. The Men’s Company pin from Brla Mavtla, gauaral Jockpof Prize $70.00 Sunday. IntrolL "JeeuB. Word of God In­ REALTORS s right turn when yon tom to here carnate,” Gounod. - dub will hold Ita monthly nMstlng isger a t HamUton Btnadard in the vestry. After the bustness 180 Center Street (S U ’ll treasure for repoin. PropciisrsMUm dlvtaisndlvtalan a t United united Air* Flip and Hit Conn, Wrangif rt R o aita Bolton Telophono 8802 far Eosarvatlana. Coveuant Congregational fViurch Hymn, "From All That D^veIl session there will be a worthwhile Manehexler. ^'onnerlirat craft PorpornUan. Hived as a Conn. . - 4S Spruce Street Below'the Skies,” Old Hundredth. Braadcastijur OrchcBtra Famiah Tba N bsIc tt ga5 44 Anthem, "Ae Pants the Hart,” address by Rev. Dudley Burr, a Phone Manrhetiler 510,5 buffer lb the bun departmeat of Bev. RaynoM O. Johnson. Pnstor former chaplain who wlQ give the dlvistcn when It was losatod at Pnni Pnlge, Orgnnlst Spohr. ^ tfce RUSTCIWn owo Homeats^ 1^. kir. Martin has Hymn, ’’Breathe on Me, Breath been piindpaUy aasoclatod with 8:00 p. m. today. Annual meet­ of God." Potsdam. ybu send H ER on that depavtmant aa an operator, ing of tho Women’s Auxiliary of Offertory, "O>mmunlon in O," leader Md foreman. At t|w area- the E.MJI. Second District, at the 0>IIlns. MORIARTY •nt time bo la a foreman of the SpringOeld (hivenant church. Mrs. Hymn, "Here, O My Lord.” Lan- flnish halRBi vMt Frederick Burgh, National Wom­ gran. IN EULTON *** t MILES FROM MANCHESl'BR en’s Auxiliary chairman, wUl be Hymn, “Father Almighty, Bless BROTHERS - FLUB - BUCK’S CORNER the speaker. Ua.” integer VlUe. MOTHER’S DAY On The Level At Center And Broad "DEVIL SHIP* Sunday: Poatiude, "Fugue In G Major,” TO 0 A T . 0:50 a. m., Church Bible achooL "8RT1MO PBBTTT" SATURDAY NIGHT J. S. Bach. TE1.EPHONE 5 1 3 5 E fl^ T IU O O D BNiroom 11:00 a. m.. Morning Worship. 8:30 p.m.. Annual meeting of SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE GAU FLObH SHOW^PLUS Sermon: "We Have Heard That the Hartford Eaat Aaeodatlon of The Dewey-Ri'chman Co. F or Rant RESTAURANT . Ood IS With You.’ Oimmunloh A Myatavy Malodramatle Fares Oongrpgational Churchea, at tbe BUII.-3ION.-TVBB. Any Day. Naw London TurnpUio aervice. First C^burch of Christ, Glaston­ 11:00 a. m., Church time nur- **Yoo W e rt MMWt fo r Me** W ritten By A R T M e K A Y bury. TVie speaker at the evening JEWELERS—ST ATION ERS—OPTICIANS A nytim e . aery. Mrs. Bcda Walrath in session, at 8:00 p.m., will be the It's Here! Jeaaao Craba-Dmi UaMey, Jr. Cham . GEORGE M. COHAN ' oadhts OrcHeatra F ar Any Rev. Emeat Gordon, Edinburgh 6:30 p. m.,. Seventy-eighth "an- -Scotland, who will relate how he "MV O^BL TIBA** e x c e l l e n t f o o d a n d u r i n e s ; nual meeting of the Hartford Eaat THE LUt Palmar Bom To Ro Preoentod By Oecaaion Aaeodatlon of Congregational and others found a hew sense of U torias tm Boaqaete and WaMMa ParMeai 'Churchea, at First Church of Christian feUowship in a Japanese TODAYi I Davbg Donghters THE CENTER CHURCH THESPIANS Christ, Glastonbury. prisoner of war camp. (ta oSlor) 7:15 p. m., Organ Vespers. 6:00 p.m.. Mu Sigma Chi so­ Help Make Manchester's Religious Survey Complete "THB CHALLENGE" HOLLISTER STREET SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Can Man. Week Days 3823—Saturdaye 3815 7:50 p. m., "Cromwell Youth ciety for young people, at the,, Last Show Toolto-gilB Cafnp’’ service. Colored motion church. Fbatara T a d a y -tilti 6:10. 9 0 9 FRIDAY. MAV 21—SATURDAY. MAY 22 pictures will be shown of last The Week If A Visitor Has Not Reached You This Week Fill Cut This Form, yaar’i Oampa. Tueaday, 7:00 p.m.. Girl Scout Troop No. 12 meets at the church. A l l - f k d ) Dlfottod by A. WUHam Aatloy The Week Monday, 7:00 p. m., men will Wedneaday, 8:00 p.ip.. Monthly evening meeting of the Women's Religious Genius District No. Tickot ChBlnaan. Albert Heavisides (8056) work on the church. IT IS NOW THE SHERIDAN FOR BAN- Wednesday, 7:00 p. m.. Choir, re- Laague. Speaker: Mias Frances Not at Home btorgaL Hyde of the State’s Welfare De­ AddrcM Bttainoas Mansgtr, John R. Light (2-0907) QUET3v WEDDING PARTIES AND GATH* Wednesday, 8:00 p. m., mid-week partment Topic: "Social Work Vacant Apartmeal ER1NG$ OF ANY KIND, LARGE OR SMALL Among CSiUdren." Devotional lead­ Iriday. 4:00 p. m., OiUdren’a er: Mrs. William Bella. Hoetesaes: Family Name Urrlined Informallfm C te ^ rehearaaL Mra. Jamea W right Mrs. William Member What Oiiirrti l.nral Churrh W'lirre Attend —SERVING ONLY THE BEST OF FOOD AT Nato: The Covenant •- League T. Duvla. Mrs. D. D. Stewart. Ul%vn Name maattbf. announced for nextMrt X it- Thursday, 7:00 p.m., CViapel n a in Y (Wkera If nut «f city) Prelerrnre ttanday School Formt/ly Rtymanderis REASONABLE PRICES. day, vnll be postponed until Fri­ diotr rehearsal. day. May 14. 7:86 p.m., 8enlor^3hoir rchear- 37 Oak SL Phone 3922 ■al. PRESENTS SPECIAL LOBSTER DINNER ON FRIDAYS Mre...... Age ...... OMpetBell for 1949 - 413 Oentar 8tesM CBrisHaa a«4euee Beelely Maaeule Temple 6 ••uaeaeeevaauveaU Sunday...... •••••ea»*eae«***«e*e^ * •««■•••••• •••aaaee ORCHESTRA MUSIC STARTING THE CEDAR ROOM Sunday, 11 a. m. 16:36 a. m.—Bretotog of Bread. .•.•••••••••■••see* ..eayasecaaoee'ae# OPEN EyiRY NIGHT AND 13:45 a. m.—Buhday echooL Sunday achooL l i a. m. n...e**»*****s>****«e«********** • •••«aa..a*«*^******** THIS SATURDAY NIGHT* MAY 1ST 7:36 p. m.—Qoapel aervlee. Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. The Week The pubSc is cordially Invited. • See it today at r Tueaday, 7:4ff p. m. — 'Prayer "Ehrerlastlng ' Punishment’’ will meeting. be the subject of the Lesson-Ser­ OPEN SUNDAYS 8 A. M. TO 9 P. M. Friday. 7:45 p. m.—Bible read­ mon for Sunday, May 2. ing. The Golden Text Is from Psalnje Eaturday Night to the Biritow mugfe af 34:21, 22. "EvU ahall eUy the RESERVATIONS'NOW BEING MADE FOR wicked: and they that bate the DERB CR0U1W and His Orchestra. ilghtaoiia ahan ba dcsotote. The Mon'arly Brothers SPECIAL MOTHER’S DAY DINNER I Lord radeemeth tba soul of his ItaltoB feed.' .Biaaltof Stoaka. .'Clwpa. ■arvanta: aad nona a t tham that Ltoeoto-Mereny Sales and Service Catertiif to BugBala, Partlea and Wadduga trust ta him toall ba desolate." Far Rtaervattana CaH Glaatoabiry 88t« Belactlona from the Bible Include "On -The T.«vcl At Center and Broad" the following; "Woe unto them toat dtaup totqulty wtt)i eorde a t .. i ' '


Glastonbury, BUlagtoa, Enflsid, alao statos what tha i seventh aad eighth gradaa tn J M the May .1 dttva wIB' Chaatnut Hilt achool and Mias Eth- b Guild Membeir Big Ru^h Here Coventry and Somers Qrangss Ui^es Support Plon Yoiir Court Upholds sl Brahsat who has from tha asc­ During ths business aMsUng to- vltatlona wtra rseeivsd from Marl- at W B M lag end through ths sixth, in Pins I atvaral othai Houte Pointing Street, have both rscelvsd “certl- For licenses borougb Orange to nslgbbor arith Fcht Crusade Slave Charge tham May 20; from Varnon to at­ bars o f B e t a ______Seatoo of honor" In the Quit KMs Alpha Pal OuMga, Hattanal Haa- cn ISU Beat Tsachsr Cbatsst Ttaass tend a supper May 11; aad Horn N H HUIstown to attend thair ssaettog oraiy Pratomity, attanSsd a araak- osrtlSeataa. Mias Rice says ahe bs- Before Office Closed and honaa* party given by Mias Shannon Tonns Funds 9BI8I fforwalk Woman Get* lleves are sent to each tsachsr who May 13; and to bring clothing for a box they era paekh^ tor relief ______MltriMll of PawtuekeL R- Gunpa^ Vital Factor ia nominated. Puplto make ths 8,863 Driver’s Tickets L •10,094 Damaget a« nominations entirely on their own wotk and the needy. The program In Waging Fence HShass iBsathly voUUon, and In making It toil Had Been bsued consisted of a gaum by Bnflald Tha dance given by tba South ■ - ReaoH of Salt which teacher has done the moat Orange, two wnga, •Tba Balia a* Windsor RopubUeon Soelol chta Wm. Didtsian and Son SL Mary, ’ and “You’a Ramambar Soturdoy ntal|9 at tha Swhouaa Hartford, May 1 —(ffi—Gousr- for hUn and why. Dick Young Stich a rush o f busineaa devel­ : today tomwd the M »» 1—<«--A Ms." by Belton Orvige and a wao vary well attmded. They will nor Shannot. ----- , nominated Miss Rice and Jans oped at the temporary motor vehi­ crusade tor chUdraa a vital tortor walk woman liaa baan awarded Mrs. Brehsnt Mrs Bhs- Fashion Shiw by Otostoobury giro another at the B u t Harttord a a a a fo a ot I10.0M kr a Buperior cle Ueenalng office at the state Grange. After the program Mr. Oountnr Club Houae, Long Hill ta waging paaoA hsnt was the recipient of "Ths In a apaach praparad for . naurt Jury wWch upheld her Good Neighbor Orchid" as the re­ armory yesterday that the clerks MeCrory from tbe main offlea of rood. May 88. ■aonlaa opaaong tiw IMOOJMO ahanaa that aha had been enalaved sult of a letter written to Tom ran out ot lioonaoa and many tem­ tha Coolerator Freeatng Oo.. eltow- Theoday night tha Aba Miller, by her Norwalk employer. Brennaman "Breakfast In Holly­ ed slides .f the Cboleralor and the American Legion, met at tha Com­ atata campaign tor funds tor rtek porary license forma had to be and startrlag ehildran to all war- Mra. AMoa wood” program a year ago, by Improvised. work it can do. Homer Lane of munity ban. 'Aflar tho huatneu walk aued Mra. Idonah tha Lane Eleitric Oo, of •Ellington meeting refroabments were served torn countriss, the govamor said Alice Miller. Figuring that not over 5,500 Tt ir our Job, aad t ^ wond*s Job^ RUMMAGE ywrklna of Norwalk for ISO.OOO,’ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph U. Wolmer would appy here before the office Road, who A agent for the Oool- and bowling followed. abanUiff ^ t aba had been en- have returned from Florida where erator, spoke of the merits o f tho to aae that th y are fed beeaum, closed tort nli^t, ths Baal time Tha Man's club of SL Frances by helping tbeaa. wa help our- alavA by Mra. rerkina, for wnom they wintered. They are ataying for getting Uoenses la town, the freexer ilnd answered quastloaa. church held their regular mooting ib a worked aa a houaekeeper. Mra. with their aon and daughter-in- Mr. Lana had a Oo'Jerator horns Mlvea." SALE office bad over SA5S coma la for Monday oventag at tha rtiurch hall. Governor Shannon Joined arith •roarer alao charged that bar em- law, Mr. and Mra. Ralph E. W ol­ the drivers’ tickets. Tasterday freaaar and a refrigerator arlta a Tha CTO high aAool girta’ soft- Dr. A. N. Jergaaaan. atoto Crasada ployar had cheated her and had mer for a abort time. They plan to alone 2,079 were granted. treeaing compartment on exhibit ball team held their flrrt practlee . G h rea B y for Children chairman, in opening mada her entirely dependent upon live In their cottage home on Oo* Hereafter, applFcatlon for li­ at tha meeting. The next mooting Monday night at tha church ath the three-week drive STANLEY GROUP lumbla Lake during the summer censes must ha mada la Harttord. of Wapping Grange will be May latle fleld. W. S. C & So. Methodist dary DaMbarataa Ilv o Hoara montha. Btlss Gertrude l l with a Mother’s Day and mnale "The world at laaL" tha gover­ Tba trial bafora Jadga P. B. Sunday afternoon tha volunteer nor aald, Ta united in a stag)# C h a rc h The ladles of the town prepared program. flra deputment wna called to tbe CBOlUvan larted four daya and the a Burprlie for the Bremen, Jiut to Mias Gertrude M. J. Herrmann purpose. And there caa ba no teiy deUberated about five hours A aatback card party sponaoirad Foxraart an Ronta 6 when a era- higher putpoae than that of sav­ Thursn May 12. At t A. IL show how much every one appre­ of 612 Center street who hoa bad Wapping by tha Evergraan-Wood Ohuslar tor bailer overflowed, aoundlng the iMfore returning a verdict In Mra. ciates the hard work and constant ing tha Uvea of ehildran to save Browat'a favoi. long experience as a pianist and O.B.S., will be held at tha M** atoms Thara Was no damage. the world trom another war. South Methodiat Chardi efforts of the men to make this sonic Temple, Wedneeday, M ay 8, Mra. Broiver charged that ahe project a success. In one short teacher of that Instrument, has ’The P.T.A. wtU saset ’Tuesday At a aaeetlng ot Evergreen "Aa govamer of ConnectieuL” left a f40-a-week Job In New York at 8:30 p. m. Lodge, A. F. and A. M„ Monday year, mostly through volunteer la­ also devoted much tlaM to study evening. May 4, at the flrrtwuae. he concluded, *T urge you all to an llareh t, IMd. to bacoma house- This ia husband’s night and ths Chief of taff of tha 48rd In­ avatang at Maaonie TOmpIc, the support tha cruaada tor ehildran bor, the flrehouse (one to be proud and practice on the organ. She haaBar for Mra. Perkina. She guest speaker arlll be Harvey fantry Divlalon, Connecticut H a- Bntetad Approntlbe degiao was aa entbUBliAtlcaUy and generous o f) is up— the men have a room haa played for the Junior choir in olMinad Mra. Perkina prorolaed her in the upper part, tha lower floor Olson of station W DRC. This is tional Guard, Co\. Sidney P. M a ^ conducted by Junior eraiuen. y aa yon can, not only for thair Mm was to be a companion and her home church. S t Mas3r*a Epis­ the annual meeting and the nomt< iftin Jr., la attending the Nation­ Charles B. Manning. houses a temporary piece of equip­ copal, and for other church groups taka, but tor tha asks ot yourmlf HILDITCH MMUffaur baaides aaalatlng with ment and a new en^ne is on the nmting committee, Mrs. al Guard Refresher Ooursa at the May 4 tba Boning Board of Ap­ and your own ehildran. ao all tha the houaewaric. Mra. Brower also and haa been welcomed Into mem­ Cliristlanaen, Mrs. Francis Ander­ Command apd General Staff Ool- peals w ill have a pubUe meeting way. Refreahmenta of sandwich­ bership of the American Oulld o t strong and healthy to face aiiargad Mrs. Perkina promised her es, home made cake and coffee son and Mrs. Leon Bradley will lega. Fort Leavenwvrth, Kansas. at the Toem Hall at 8 p. m. to world of peaca." organista. a trip to California and held out were taken up to the men, attend­ present a slate of office re for the veteran of overseas sarvica In eonaldar tha application of O. Fox Dr. Jorgenaan, praaldant o f the MARKET tba prospects of profits from a Ml— Herrmann also organised ing their re^lar meeting, along coming year. World W ar il, he holds the Bronaa Co. H artford, to conduct trailer University of OoiinactlcnL mUd totat raal astata deal. None of these and is leader of St. Mary’s Boy Star Medal. Legion of MariL the aatos and servica at tba Foxmart 99 Snstmer Street about nine o'clock, by a commit­ Choir. In her grammar achool Ellsworth Memorial High "these miniona o f hungry children matsttalisod, Mrs. Bower asserted. Dlatlngulahed Servioa Qroas, M d on Route 8. tee of woman, who arranged the daya she played the piano tor the school baseball team defeated SL poee a chellanga era cannot ig­ MfSi prower claimed she arorked food for them, and then left them tha Army and Navy * Oaaamanto- long hours for 95 a week with only school orchestra, and in High Thomas of Bloomflt.Id, Wednes­ Monday evening the alzth in a nore. To tot these children atarve OPEN to enjoy It man fashion. tlon Ribbons. He is also an In­ ana day off until July 30, IMS, school was accompanist fo r one of day afternoon on tha latter's fleM, seriM of ten flremen*a training and die to to Invite another arar." Columbia Volunteer Firs depart­ ths score being 7 to 2. Saow and structor. couraea eras held at the flrehouse whan aha left M ra Perkins’ em­ the Glee clybe for seveiyd years, Tha Ladies’ Aid of tho Wapping . ment oo its flrst anniversary, fell In her senior year under O. Albert Pitney were the leading onea for erith Deputy Chief George Gaynor SUNDAYS I nS ploy. She also claimed Mrs. Per^ heir to a couple of muaty bank ac­ community church met at tho UNITARIAN MEBTUVa b o s kant all her paraonal property Pearson, well known local organ- tha winners. of the ’mompaonville Are depart­ counts tucked sw ay about 25 years Ths wsddmg of Miss Marts home of Mrs. David B u r ^ m . ment as Instructor. BOUSH 9 A. M. to I P. M. •a d batBiigiiiga, Including govam- ago but then active organisations 1st ■Mbt b O M arcrth 93,000 which In her early teens shs began Cynsr, daughter of Mrs. Mary 8. Friday evening with M B. H. Cowles, alley manager, haa S ll Faari Street, Harttard In the town, which have since been teaching the piano to young pu­ Cynar of New London, and Ed­ present Miss Mann of ^ Board reported that the bowling Aeys at Next S— day at l i m A. M. Weckdmys 8 to • Mib. Brower said represented her l^n g idle. The Dramatic club Ufa aavingsl pils in her spare time, and has ward J. Pas’ ula. aon o f Mr. and of EducaUon for tha Blind s|tob« Community Hall have been cloeed ’•UNITABIAN BXAMn.ABS— organised In m f l with such weU continued each season Mnca, de­ Mrs. John Paatuto of Pleasant on her work in SB there has not been enough btiai- EMERSON AND known members aa Clayton B. P a n LI r o o r M eats. voting all her time to study of Valley road, wUl take place Sat­ blind peofle. Mra. WAlasan Bum - nen since the men’s and women's JEFFERSOir Hunt William Wolff, Mrs. Helen music and teaching and present­ urday. May 22. at SL Francis of ham was aaaletant hortam. bowling leagues completed their Groeerlcs Fruits sad/ Clarke, Homer labaro and many ing her pupils In recital each sea- jQimrorth Moaaortal High sohedvdiM, to pay for operating Columbia others. A fter several years of Aastol church. V e g e ta b le s son. ^ school baseball team won a rie- expenaea. Buccesaful productions. It Just At a meeting of Aba Miller Post, tory over Suffiald Hijpi, Fritoy In another column Miak H err­ American Legion, Tuesday night Funeral aervlcu tor Mrs. Jeaaie Henry A. Burr has sold his gro- petered out In 1B2S but the funds mann announces that she w ill be afternoon, on the homa flald the *oary store on Jonathan Trumbull of the group 944.25 remained. Fos­ Thane Grant was choaea dialnnan (Preston) Itauirea, wtfa of Clifford available for substitute organ po­ of a committee to sponsor a sup­ score being 8 to 8. ^ t U ^ Squitea of Barber Hill road, who W g h a ^ about one half mile north ter’s Band, “Burt Lyman" leader sitions In this and surrounding Pitney formed tha battery tor W Oolumbla Oenter)to the Thomp- with Mrs. Ethely Blakly, aayton per and dance. The date artU he died at her home Saturday, were DURACLEANING towns from June 15 to August 80. gaiaworth. poa family who live next door in Lyman among thoas who played In announced later. held Thursday arith burial In *?bwBa Hbusa.” Avia Thompson It, was also prominent in about At this same meeting flnal plans Mrs. Mary Hawtoy a ^ Windsorvllle cemetery. waM the fhmlly srlll operate the those same years. When It closed were made for the metal aalvage Harold Bingham, of Nashua, JL H. Thara arlll be a aetbaek card I ! iplata ab amch ths same baala as down there was 9S1S4 la tha bank Ilharge Russian drtva Saturday. May 1, Mrt- were week-end guests af Mrs. party oponaorad by the Pleasant Ote Burr has but that It wUl now to their credit AU these years vln Derrick in charge of 20 vol­ Annie Collins of Bucklairt Road VaRey club, Saturday svening at When Minuiea - I 'I «a spaa all day, ovary day in the Intervening, Mr. Hunt haa been Colonel Kidnaped unteer workers and 12 trucka. Rav. Charles Crist of tha Wap­ 8:30 p. BB. at Bumhain’a Restaur­ Ssaak, rathar than part tUas aa it custodian of tbs funds aad right wldch have been donated for the ping Community church preached ant with Mra David Burnham as Count has baaa alaos ths death ot Mrs. now aosmad to him a good Ub m to occasion. The trucka will leave Sunday bn the topic, "The N e c ^ chairman. 'BiBr last year. Mr. Burr has opar- put that Bionsy back In elreula- Berlin, May 1 —<»• on hto dally want if a mils from vata pr Im lnaal wtra tat they don’t know what’s become of paper and rubber will not be ac­ Station SI to tha post office, arlll H M . How la his lata seventies the decision was made to turn U Albert StUee, Mr. and Mt a taMwCtoto deSvary to - hi pear health, ha Is unable to over to the Are department him. cepted. The proceeds ot the met­ Dewey, CSaren a Wilson and M V. be mimed Iqr her frlende tor a ■Oasa tba work. He has retain- A great deal of Interast In the Teaaajew, Inspector of the So­ al sale will be added to the Cobh Charles CMrt were choeen dele­ tima aa ahe to conflned to *her Ms haosa, next to the store, and aonlng problems of ths town aras viet Transport group attached to munlty Hall building fund faor lay­ gates to the Harttord 8 ^ Aaao- home with a Utter of U pupplea. kthroe to Uva thara Mkw svldeneed bynhe Urge attendance the United Stotea Army lif Bre­ ing walks, landscaping In front ot elation to he hald at the Fliat said. at the public bearing Wednesday men, has been missing sines a the property. Improving the park­ church of ChrtsL Olaatonbury. WELDON'S Ihr. Osorga S. Brooks, pastor night when the Board of AppeaU weak ago y^erday, when he was ing area and painting tha outside Sunday, May 8 at 8:30 p. m. ■01 MAIN srrRcn V) ot tlnlOB Church In heard the request ot Louts LaVas- Invited to the home of an AnMri- of the building. In case of rata, FENDER AND BODY can port director, Stanley A. Clem. Hrty Oommunkm SundM , was _ who has bean IntarUn quo tor a continuance of a tem­ the collection wUl be made Sat­ held by the men of the pariah and ____ St Ootumhla .Ooagragsttao- porary permit to erect a Quonsat *nie Russian-sponsored German urday, May 8. . „ , w news agency ADN said yesterday tbe Men’s Club of 8L Franclo of WORK il shnrto tor the past six rnooths, hut in which he pUnned to live Olendon B. OoUlna, eon of Ralph Aastol church at the 8:30 a. m. while building a permanent heme Tesujsw was ths victim of a 0>mns of Warehouee Point, but nasad Sunday nwming that mass, Sunday. ^ ^ Solimenr and Flagg. Inc. Carpafiligt, _ la triOlng to eoatlaua oe In on the aame lot on Route 6A. iPer- "prepared kidnapping" earrisd out formerly of Wapping and a gradu­ at cnem’a home. About 800 aalvaga drive band- ^thsd capacity aa long as tbs mass mlts for Quonset H u U have been ate of ElUworth Memorial High billa were distributed throughout Tw itfs, Bass aa daatra. or until such that denied by the Zoning Board pro- C^em himself, reached by tele- achool. Is In charge of the refresh­ >hone in Bremen, told a reporter the town Sunday afternoon by aa.thay Sad a mlnlstar whom tbsy vloualy, but through aflsunder- ment committee for the frtah- Boy Scout lYnop 62 and members stomtog the temiMrary pamlt Teaaajew and two other Ruuian Oriental • •. ond wMh to call aa a ponaanont pas- man class formal dance. Saturday, of Abe Miller Post American 1a - bOR This aanounoemsntDoemant was iw- had been granted to Ur. LaVesque. offleera had shown up there but May 1. at Bates College, La w Is- had vanished while he and bis gion. The handMIIa list useful and Fine Upholstery Left to right: Mrs. Gertrude Raynor, Mra. .\liee Johnston, Mra. Rachel Barnes, Mra. Margaret cstvad with much pieaaura ' hy the When It was discovered what was ton. Me. non-usable metal aalvage Items, Modern Floral aMaSbsrs arbe fsslI it „ Is a prlvUoga bsing built, he was Instructed tu wife were out for a while. Rev. Cbarlee Olrt haa charge HUiy now ho anfoly deaned Slorra, Mrs. Katherine Sniythe to have Dr. BrookesKas’ aarvieas.______discontinue construction until aft­ of registration for Youth Sum­ Arrangements I and revived with eonsMcmtion OataiaMa Oiaaga has bssn In- er this hearing. ScnUmsnt wma mer Conferences and he urges all for their life and testnres u • Photo By %1cM—Manchnter Photographan vltod to asighbor wtth tha snborw only expressed against ersctlon of Urges Frustrating thoas who plan* to attend to let diaats la OraavUle, Maas.. Tues­ such buildings with tlM exesption him know immediately or be too By experienced florista. Pot D nradeaning restores reeiH- day. May 4. Ths tavltstlon was of remarks by Ur. LeVaaqut and Korean Elections toto to register. . . Weddings, Anniversaries, enee to wool tbeiu u Pile an- laaMvad through Bvsa P. Kull- Alfred Therrien whose son also Wapping Grange la Invited to Funerals. Etc. UMts u d rises a Colors ruThre M w edto will talk on foUi and wishes to erect a like building on attend Orange Sunday at Storre a Furnishings are Daiadesaed biwoa and can tor squares the Therrien property. However, I Seoul, May 1—(ff)— The Rus­ churrii, Sunday, May 16. It la hop­ ANDERSON in -your hoBM a No lueouven- grange oa that svanlng. in their remarks people very clear­ sian-controlled Pyonrtyang radio ed as many as possible may avail PHONE ju iM B M aaata have baan saade tor ly sboarsd their sjrmpatbsUc view told (Coreans today the best why themaelvaa of this Invitation. GREENHOUSES icnee to having them gone a Shad TStro to drive a crowd up points toward tha veterans' prob­ to t-elelrate May day was to Wapping Grange met at the Also mothproofod. If desired a to tha achool bus to leave Tao- lems. After soaw dlscuasloa Mr. "frustrate the elections in South community House, Tuesday eve­ 155 EMridge S t TeL 8486 MANCHESTER ausa Ban at <:80. Any who artah LeVeaque rose and stated that he Korea" and "smash American ning with an atten

I ■

./ J'. - -. • -.ill.: ■'-'.if' -. \ *V.*'


by Om Stgte iMOlsrlAn- ha waa tateroated ta tha Frodertck mm TMdy to act tf Um SaMlU voted. *i9^^1|uny t m l ‘ at ’ tha Namtah' LHtSsnn Military Post Plan to Quiz case and eras ta the vietalty hop­ HouN action U aacaciary because Body Found in Swamp H en Trinity Exf^irt ■iremeti R o clcT ille d uirch on Sunday afternoon M ut- ing to apqak tb the child’s pannta F U t U x Paper Showtobelp concerning the'diaappeanune. Tha m the SenaU Baakinc eommlttee baa M aat 8 (/ctodL Vornon.Klotte kept tbe House home loan tneur> T o B e P re s e n te d M^Rockvilto w fll dtoqrt tho ohow^ Given R^incke Man Further pottos qukad Duncan aa N g ta g he Cn/oraement 01 ance Mil bottled up> Italy^s Youth crHere Hurt tag o f a ralmlon sound (Pm o f tho odtaed tho efiOdreh aw tw F In aa i» s Firms Called Identified as Dudley Lane - Ion p*«»Joet o f'U io Isr. effort to obtain infotmatlon tram Durlna part at jreatarday'a sea- -the' Bion. Senator Wbarry (Neb), the Bach m 1 Oufld rcB aadiw ta oko ta thena PoUee saM Duncan ap- CANDiDf' actlns Republicaa leader, led the ■ate Itself e f rsM ag a ohsrgo of tho oectat ontortala- ARpointment os A d |o- Second Person HdU in ponrod 't o be intoortcatad when Identifloatlon of the man foundphelght. Also that the man has rod Dr. Roger Shaw to Dia- W ated^iinY . R M U a r a n t debt tor immediate action on the Affair to Be Held To* sum at me ' tor ths N ertt Math- mont. BITBBiBdl A SPEGIALtY lirte Water Board to deep in a swamp yesterday morn­ hair aad tatoe teeth. odtetChuroh tont Cenorol Is An- PFobe of Disappear­ t ’ nwaniMO bin. A fter T aft's mes- R m Hartford addnaa was traced eoiia Jonnudism aa* Vo­ BMvfljr Pvakaged by Young peopio frotn tho BoMi- The poUee dragged tho Paquon- hifht at the Italian- ing near the Wilbur Cross High­ pralaet tar nock liver unsviccseefully ytater Hold Baaring Monday sacs arrived Wherry proposed way, off Middle Turnpike, west, and i t was found that the man ah- vlllo tkiuttMo aro attending n noonced by Shoanon ance of Young Boy piStlac off a dedaloa uatll Mon­ American Qubhonse cation at St. Mary'a Uoa of Ths Fire Efwfy To(biy Past Exalted Ralert Young Adult Raltar at tha South day ta anarch tor tha hoy's body- Ii| Hartford was learned late yesterday after­ swartng the description had foorad thrse set Hemit TroYffling S( day. to SS Spring street, also in Hart­ M anoaster chunm thia avontag. noon. He was Dudley N . Lane, WMton halL Msy 11 MM U . « Aasot^BtioH to Meet in Mtoa SyM a Roblnaon haa baon m RaitfMd, May Y — (ffi — OoL Bridgeport May l-(*»— Let Va1 From the chaos and ruins of 45. a woodworker who made his ford. This waa a rooming houae. Dr. Roger Shaw, pwfmanr of WMathiHy, Msy i (ffi - 9wo A t a heatlac to be hold MMiday, play la bateff ptwlhiw d hy C h a m ofo tha far Frodericli Q. Itotaeka 8C Wethera- Bridgeport poUee today were pro- ’ O f horns in Hartford after coming He was employed at a woodwoih- RroaMB Ixjursd sUghUp qarfy war in Italy, pechaps one at the Internatloaal Raiatioas at THatty Gbmnnmlty ftir a n uhdar tha dl- ama R odiville Sunday the Rockville chnitdiaa. •aU today asMBttad tha poat of ad­ pattag to question fttrOwr a man Mior *. «t T a ft F a v o rs most beautiful and humane as- from Weetfleld, Mass. ing eoncem In Hartford. Oollega, win spaak at the regular raetlon of Jean Story Moors. today la a firs whkk authorttiea Tha latermodlatdo of . tho Ver­ aidte Office BuUdlaf, Hartford. The dead man was found by sev­ Lana’s eister, Mrs. Victor Oox, The Pteysr*. toa, have thair pot jutant xenaral at tha state ot Con- they aald they were holding |n REAL meeting of the Young People’a ■aid did "haavy" damage ta tha Rockvnio. May 1 — (Special) — non Mothodiiri church win have a Mctlent. connection with their inveetlgntton M e t a the SU te W ater Commie- VevtnoA R u n I reconstmcUoo-work will eral construction workers of the at 5 Howard-street, Westfield, It projects. TMo wtnter they have ■urprtoe meoUng ta Vernon at 8 ▼ k k a u I ^ erecting at .Boys’ Town at Oammino Company shortly before was learned, reportiMl to the Om- FsDowahlp m the pariah houae of Ot Napoli restanraat at 818 Bash Tho Connecticut Past Bxalted Rul CMoaM Itetacka’a appointment o f the dtoapparaance last Monday jleii, the.I.the l^daU and roulds Paper dons tbres parforawncos at "Jan­ ly m . cn Sunday afternoon. Santo Marinella, Hems. R was noon yesterday aad local state nectleut SUto PoUoe «B January a t Itarjra Church ,Su|iday eve­ ■traet. _ora AaaociaUon w ill hold tholr to the post le ft vacant t o the death night at five-year-old James F ro » ESTATE i^btopeay end the Ooloidai Board uary Thaw" tor GARB: ona at tht o f Brig. Gen. Reginald B. Dslacour, (Ceatlnned fnm Page One) conceived by r sthsr Aatosdo Rl- poUee wore notified. Ih e man was 1, IM S that her brother was ndga- ning at odNL Dr- Shaw’s toMc will ■ame p\v the Slsterhoed at Liaut George Carroll, acting baml annual meettag cn Sunday, trick. ifleeipany, both of Parker street, clad only la an overcoat and his* tng. The broadcast at the tUna ba^JoumallsK and Writing ar a Temple Beth Shotom. and two at The School Baseball LeagiA wfll was aanoaiiead ny Gov. Jamea C. Police Identified tbe man REAL ESTATE, MANCHESTiflt ‘sCaachester. w ill be given an.op- volta and by Mgr. X Bstrtek Chr- tiro marshall, aald Iha Man ap­ May 2 at the Bllw Home In Rock- ShanooB Mte yekerday. A t the Is Our Crtdbffst body was badly decomposed- •tatad that Lane waa dupcBdint Voeatlen’*. TWa ia tha aaeoad In "Dude Ranch" for the Rotary parently started In tha basement open Monday afternoon at the Rac- George Duncan, 88, and aald t b ^ issftunlty to ahorw cauae, If any as to whst the council thinks will roU-Abblng. aa lilahmu in the yllle. A dinner ^11 be aerved at reation Field. Games wfll ba ■aiaa Uma tha governor announced bring peace and security. It was learned that a piece of and In poof health. ■arias at vocational programs club’s aid program. Thair oiw* at the one-story brick stiuetare were holding him In bonds o f 88M BatieFmbial "S ail exist, why the Commission Vatican service, -la this Boya’ Dr. Perry T. Hough, pathologtat ■poaaorod by the Rlgb School age 1:20 p.m., w ith ' the meeting at played Monday, Tuesday, Hiura- u a t he had named Rep. Jamea B. AdJMnat on a technical charge of breach at Acrea, < diould not Issue an order for the "W e c.innot hope for pesce,” paper was found in the dead man’s ■hare of the pradte have gone Into a ^ had eaten ite way through BIknvorth at Berlin to succeed (Jol. Town, the chlldrsa • of the street, overcoat with the address of 57 at Hartford taospitaL performed aa group. Farente and frianda are ■tage equipmant—a modula sat, ^ thraa o’clock. Dr. Thomaa F. day, and Friday, starting at-2:20 tbe peace. Duncan waa tba oae- I: •to|)^tc*fn^nt of pollution o f LeydBll Taft said In hla letter, "until we tha floor in tha front at & p. m. n ito year tha ag* tba Ratacka ■■ aheriff of Hartford When yoo boy K* stR It left alone in tbe woetd, who had Garden street, Hartford. This clue autopsy last night qnd aald that oordtsOy InvltaiL It la eapected which can ba changed from 1 OTjoughUn, Paat Bxalted Ruler at worth haa kmg been prominent In ond man held on a rim llar charge 'Srook by the Industrial wastes create a world public opinion which been deprived o f everything by the reataurant’a taproom when Patrol­ pltcban wtll be limited to Ixm conky, a poat he haa held alnee or trafla it yoo araal auul- will insist upon action against im followed up by State Police the man did not die o f Injurlai^ thM thia will ha eaa of the cut- Italian castle to a Bowery dance man Gaorgo Traa diacovorod It at RepubUcan affairs. ' He la Republi­ In connection with the youngeter’a idtocharged into the stream by the war have found thsir Ufa aad ■tandUig programs o f tha year. ' and Paat Dtotrict Deputy ta the under Ifi years of ago and otuy October 28, 1847. dtoappenrance. ■laM value for yoor oiaaty. aggressor. 8u>'h opinion can only Lieutenant Frank Cbameray, Iden­ thus ellmlnetlng the poeMMlIty hall in a niatter o f minutes—aev- 1:20 ajn. The new adjutant general haa can town chairman o f Berlin, first - P H * reeo Ced, garage la hauls operated by the two com- hope. Dr. U iaw haa a unique back­ honorary chairman with Esteemed grade achool boya can ba on a ■electman, atate repreaentatlve, Nicholas Anderaon, 88-year-oM be mobilised behind law and Justice tification expert of the depart­ that foul play had entered the pic­ eral pieces of portabla Hghting-aiid Tiro Mntflad Bxploslin team. There are eight teams ta had a tong and varied m ilitary ca- When Yoo KaffOOff Tho ■M. A a nml With the comMasd efforU of the ment, Lieutenant Raymond Griffin ture. State Police deacrlbad Laaa*a ground tor handling thia subject. sound equtpmsnt—a master make­ Leading Knight John Lehan aa the and a Hartford county commission­ Junkman, waa arrested Ink Tuea ***Se5iena a56« and 2567 of the . . . . and not behind the political Italian Alliance Clubo of North CarroH said that two muffled the league and there will be brief raer. He haa been a National eaeoaa. teC fiix ll7 . to noovlag ea decUdona of a body like tlie Se­ aad Policeman Newton Taggart of death as suicide. For he has been eloeely connected up box—SM a new ground doth chairman ta charge of arrange- er. The county oommtoalenership day night tor questioning In con­ Jorvis 88 days. TMa ptaea I w e r t h flljfin General «tatutes authorise the America, and the United Italian with tha fleM at writing during •nploriona which occurred la the ceremonies at the opening game oa Gnard officer elncc the Guard waa nection with the affair after, poUee curity Council.’’ the Manchester Police Department. The body was later removed to of wool felt This carpet which bamment during the fire "ap­ I 1nenU. Monday. The games for next organtaed and ta at present com­ pays $3,500 a year. Estate Water Commission to con- Societies of Manchester, a raffle moat at hto caraar, Ha b^an as a said, he had been reported aeen In Three chelco buOkag tola m iduct such hearings and to issue Calls for I' N. Armed Force Tbe body was measured and the HoUoran Funeral Him m elll completely cover the stage, la parently’’ came from fuel drumo, The reception nxnmittee In­ w4ek are ■■ followa: Monday, 8L mander of the 188th Infantry regi­ OrgonizoHoii 1s planned, of which the proceeds found that the naan eras five feet, the dead man «vaa to ba moved to rsporter on the* Reading (Pa.) an Indispensable piece o f Muip- the Frederick child’s company a laet. Pries 884# per lot, ^ acre ta eaeh let. If yea orders requiring the InstallaUon of Taft called for the U. N. to sot will go towards the srsotug of a but he added that the actual ransn cludes all Past Exalted Rulers Elemard’a va. Longview; Tuesday. m ent To do any o f llinnt trw up "an armed force of Its own seven and one-half Inches In Weatfleld. Mam., today. Times, and later served as foreign ment tha Players have wantM for 81J88 Tanrte Salary few hours before the boy dlmp- fltej^teta ymm weuM have 1^ acres of load thta i traste treatment system to control Boys~ Town In I toly. adlter of tha Revlaw of Reviews, M tha fire could not Immedtetely Hated In the order that they served EUlngtoa va. Someravllle; ’Iliura- peered. thma von ftC nuixiinnin for abate pollution. which would undertake the pre­ IS years and win ba used tor the ba aK^ertatned. Dr. Thomaa O’Loughlln. J. A r­ day. Maple Street va. Tolland; F ri­ Tha post of adjutant general A n d o v e r tha Tnaa Centennial Ranger, the first time at "The BeHamy TriaL' Police aaid Duncan waa arroated ▼aloe hacked by a biffbly liminary enforcement of decisions The rcataumnt and night club, thur Draytdn, George H. WUIlama, day, B ari School va. St. Joseph’s. carrlca a salary of $7,800 a year. I have aeTeral goad ffinaa b made by the tribunal. The drawing of ptisss this eve­ literary Digest aad ttnally of the Mrs. Dorothy Bnuffsr la In Tha appointment to for the unex- In the vicinity of the Maple otroet ning at the Italian Asssrlean Club magaalne. Current Btotory. He owned hr Fred Dl N a;^, aeated 'WDO. Fred H. Uppmann. Joseph Joint Inatalhitio* Mrs. E. M. Yeomans, who spent home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. trained and exptricficcd or- "W e should eliminate all vetoes,' Lay Strategy Dispute Delays charge of the tickets for the Wes- ■bout 500 peieona. LavitL John P. (Jameron, Edward The joint InataUatlon of the ott- ptred portloo of General DeLa- ganlxation. Senate Fight he added, and said the outlined pro­ will be bIgbUghted by a Kiddles haa also baen a radio cummenUtor leyand Guild and Georgs Whidt- coiirte term which ends July 1, but the winter with her daughter. Frederick, parents ot tbe mlaeing Revue, showing o f sound motion Dt Napoli aa

. ( HANCHEffrEB BYBNINO HERALD. MANCHOTEB. OONM. SATURDAY. MAY 1.194B MANrHEPTFR F.VKNIVG HFRALT). MAMCHEPTFR. CONN- SATURDAT, MAT 1, IM S n o s T some time aa patient at tha Man- feastar Mamorlal hospitaL outstanding example of straight toed saough to ast feat and haad Tolland Mr. aM Mm Lauranca Small State Highway rcJccUnc Hm vc b . t t w ill mean make America a canacripUon na< to sarth. thara Is a hot aewa tip Uon. It looka aa iV it might be thinking sild constructive criti- aM two aona, Larry aM Bobby, |inirl|tttrr only tiMt w« want the problem ctom ably presented. It appears, Connecticut la eveqr fo m w . BUY ' n n o e ^ n \ nw local attwefe IwU rsopen voofc-oM w ife roln- •omethlng we oovld get rid of as Hon, to this darher, malrh Wri M a^R eady met, when It la met, by efficient however, tnst this time partlaan- Monday, May 8, fey tha spring tivm ta Now Jersey, have rotumad soon as we judge that Mur present substoaea, to atws af some waad C0SVKK»«r fV filN If SHANN: OtSrnieUTIO 8V NCA! ,INC Shonn aM win spaM a few days wife R f r a U i ghip has misled you. tans after a tea days vacation. military showdown emergency is First of all, while it is possible te^ovar phwad un^ ^ a year ago. rslatlvm ta -Yankee Tha rsgular msittng of ths Tol- New Copies Available over. It looks Uke partial rescue the proposal fo r voting districts to i1 Mtas Bmay Haydm ot tha Om- not peKect, you have apparently B y A . H . a BhlMSla MEA\ORIALS hmi Ubcary Amoctetten win ha ascticut Uhlvarttto at Steem apont RcfMTM Stira In Chinn from our current Insanity. Ham n w Nd aaad. to tha toteat xxoc "W m dffVt and R o ft r Oka T f a " IVom Hii^way bepart* failed to consider entirely tha fact yam bsM Maaday afteraoca. May Ird a brlaf visit Monday w ife hm'par- at tha ateraal dhrtdaad from FfiUeaee awoke leto ead fiuag want to hmah aiamaV* "1 sss. Won, feat's O. K. by B mte ta ToUsnd , T io it A i that the voters of Manchsster do Thsre to a ——sreima back tte beddothea. 1h bar her- in tha U i r ^ roofiss. FODowlag ment Office Treeay Om'i Those of us who have trouble <2m deeampaaltiee of rack. Pattoiy felt her color eWfig In t t couMn’t suit ms bottar. ifa Thttnw Lounshury want de-centraltoad voting places about a for It was haif-pmt ataa. SwIfUy at tha rsgnlar huatosm, tha guest o t Bay- teaming that there is httlo la the reganfisaa of party afllliatton if Han, athwart tha furrow, to OF PROVEN arhoN shall wa go fin t?" moor sM Mm Florsnos MeOratb ysara betwesn these ponaoctieut •ha hathad and dn msd aad want "That’s up to you. X ddn't know r. Mm Luther Rltiaaar win Barttord, May 1—fftato Rlgh- nvery today that to either pure Open Forum for no other reason than oonvanl- ' - - —• ^ Um fionnd- ■sa prlmaval heiddsr thnwn "Oh, ChartottA fim t ha t^ ," of Naugal Nauffatudi, who have ba WS.W Into Ghaclattars mam to find It Paris.” talk on bar vWt to Laka way ~ mlaslonar Q. Albsrt Hffl aai nonssra whito or pure black have just been A t the present time, aeooed- ______hi which thsss ififianly up for IMS. pnud and aM thm: "WouM you mlM if wa n Ualtod Nations. Mrs. fuoats OT Mr.8 aM Mm L. Brm 1 yastnday that tin •t ■ssah) .rlSMfltag that it eemn foam empty, baaglao Charlotte up dMT* *T aufgofit tha Rut da la Palx.' Han ai la ta ntow, Mas Man Hattst. WTuU Kind of Pie? Ing to eatiroatea submitted by our writings ars gives eireulatloa. IBs and downetairs bafem hart Sbs U Era lit Ran win dot m chair­ partmmt'a new IfifiS Tmitat I m offered another pointed teason in Town Manager to the Boait) of Dl- g n a t daptha to JssUs the nmselaa Tbnr wfiMsrad desm It am la hava ratunwd to their homos. M m To the Editor: tvro weeks refers to the timing sf SUPERIORITY hurrlsd down to ths rsatourant to na. Pattaam ttrlsd-to forget what man at tha hofitam commiUaa fe r r*o new rsadv fer SOWClumON kATI the outcome of the etection of a Apropos your editorial concern­ rectora, thsre are about 870 votsra spring and plowiag. Tbs toogsr Id emnpIsnBfy s f asms mses hu- "Wan, fesn C$Mtottc. why ars fee Library Tm durtag tha social Bamles HaU haa rotiimad to h Ths amps am printed In Unek aM an. ' find Charlotte. Dwight aad Itogsr yam aa bafetamparad? BThat ham Chariotta hM aald to bar aM to ToUaM henw train Stow. Mam #)ee Tsar ...... Tios presideat in China. ’This elec­ ing voting districts, I woodar upon erlthin one-half mile of the Ar­ pmtM represents ths dtotsnes oe- havlag ooffaa aad fella aad ap- hour. feres other colors and ttw w n oom- Mr. and Mrs. Home OwrisY fflHl SHlUlil Mftlt easoeeai mory. tho present voting place. R a n ths fittd nwaas vrintsrsd, sg jy to ths fun ths sight of tbs was swau ay Ms« ...... «« tion out to be more impor­ whst kind of a map o f Mancheser twesB a oiviltoatioa wM A has for- Correctly deniinird ■NmuuMnta art pradtMta sf carefuL , pareaUy dlaeumlng whathsr Char- Tha an day fimrlag msstlng of plsto qyatem of afets aM town the writer was gasiag? But also, according to the sstl- g o i^ plowing, and eas whisb mafartatolag apsa Igleo a l wtatsr Chartotta awunff ladtea aocteUm of the Fsdsratod da. State htglnrayfi ara prtatad S ein e Ooor ...... ■ el tant and symbolic than the rou­ mate submitted using as poiUng idsmmth that dsap and laleWgont uliidy. T k c y have balaiice. dlattnemm and lotto ahouM can her. Only Char­ " I dkln*t axpaet you to toma to i& oS r* It fe d Roger snggaatod S S d r . tw Osfrier .j.. The sonlng map shows Manches­ saarvss i t lotte, tt esemed. had demurred. tho shops s M teking chunh win ba bald in ths sodiaj Deaths Last Night ta rad aM towa reads ta black. MAY WE SELL YOUR HOME? gasa An»erea. use ...... Sam tine re-cteetion o f CStiaag Kal-shak ter to have a singte straight line places thosa recommended in the anew. Here the rabbit nienni^I Uwy nave benaty tkat wtR endure. at half-pfifit tour ta tha mecnl _ roaaw 'of ths church Thursday. Drataags la prtatad la bias. 'mmi of MIS*., gateifa ...... IIMO If tho benighted ffouad City Chartotta had bean eaytag that I h a ard ^ crooplaff atoag a drive. to the offloe of President. It for its southern and westerly report of the ’Town Manager, there dwsDsrs among our in after tha harvaat to livt tSa May fith. *hs wetfc finiabad wUI Ths rsverm aids of anCh map win be over six thousand voters oa gliMtiagi, and to new dto| sun^ It was better to let paoMga. rd bam lytog fiw ^ Thty hirsd a car this time. tea Aagatos — Dr. Joalah Mar- We can give yon fast reliable service in sellh^ MBMaSM ur proved a dramatic contest betwosa boundary respectlvaly, and straight bad taste and progress enough to sleep. If she’d goae to .bed m ba asnt to haadqnartata fer over- ccatatas items of Infisrmfitlna to- TMM aaauciATnD — — . .... angular lines for Its northerly and within one-half of the four poUing mod agam ww^tog myaalf to dmfe aboot Roger knew a piaca aooM Httla owui w iftf, rto fitemona, 71. nationally known rinding a mileago taUa, chart of llw mmeletwirrew w eaeiuMve^ the Kuomintsng. Chlang’s political up with their plowing, thsy lata— distiuioa out o f Paris where he yonr hoibe. AU we ask for b a IS day €%• easterly boundary. The voting places. As this latter figure rep­ H en to that anaion yao a n al­ Mt l BMrad R. Doyto of ToUaM obatetriclan aM gynocologlat aM rspresentetive roM algao. map Hm um af rsasaiMettaB el madilne, and a surprlss reform resents about 40 per cent of the would have it all done, by this CharloUs looksd at bar now and diwiriSe eresHed to n er districts as drawn are nearly time. They have an early, southem ways raadlag about la books, ^'^ttaam atarsd at bar. wanted to take her. Thara waa a a teaohar at tha Cryttal Laka formsrly faculty soomhar at T a ld showing locattoa o f atato poHcs registered voters can yon deny whan soBM nam w spring triekls AAanchester Memorial Co. Patisnea wondered why bar aym "Why, 1 was an right hoM by tha river. No. It wCuMn’t Johna Hopktaa a M tha U W vonlty elusive righb to seU yonr home- Renaember Ml gtiiervim ereSttoS la ime Sjaw candidate, Oeneral U Thung-jen. square-shaped and not pie-cut were m hostile. d traafiurar of tth Oy- a M forsste a M atala paUco bar­ mw iSeedie Mml saws avaiiabao Sara. shaped as alleged. greater convenience of voting to anlargad and widsaad Itself to a A. B. AIM B ITI. Prop. (aianMto’s eysis worn avaa ■ taka them vary long to gat there. ) P . T . A . atteadad tha of OsUferaia. racks. Thsrs ara aim six city maps For many days tho race tor so entirely lattrtng? Ihe report Tho Connecticut uplands i "H dlo,’’ Charlotte aakL ’T lre d r” half hour or so. AH right, we win bear aO eocts o f advertbiBg yonr home. Evan if we talk about pie, it usuaUy two weeks late, which guQy aerom tha fisld. Mttte. Stats P. T. A. maatiigr held «t Pklladolphta —WlUtam K . Da- aM photographa a t feroa of fee *mw aarata. are aim votes la the Oilnsss National As­ seems sa if the opponents to voting referred to also clalmsd conveni­ And than — step l l v ^ new — Harrleon Street — Maecbceter "Not very." -Warn you?" they’d allow rather kmger oommg deparimeat’a roadttda plenic may be a handicap. B u t in com­ Roger entiled at her. Kavaa High afeeaL Monday vtarn 87. feaood barttana of fee Yon name yonr price, we will gel H. I^e N. sembly was a three-way affair, districts would rati;a- devour the ence in voting was not a particular leap to ths sun, hut ast toe Pattooca drew a quick braath. back again. Kelly Btrset fijagsrs aM a stags srsas. la addittoa, aa toast aisp fu ll aamca aliaal al inducement to more voters exercis­ pensation. they have not forgotten OPP. BAST CKMBtBRY PHONK &207 t>R 7787 *Tm la disgrace. Chsriotts’s aad Tuaaday. M. Ina. with Oeneral Li leading two whole pie than cut it up to be en­ what the season to for. Whan tho atospy to Miow eudidsn wfath. Is s What waa Charlotte getting at? They mad swUtte thcough tha Tha tato Miriam haadttasr for mors than Ofi ysi shows how to gat through New joy^ ^ all. ing the prerogatlvs but in the next aha so Mg he stands upon been lecturing nw for kssping you •What do you msaa by that ox Haven from ths tamdnus of ths have a splendid record in being abb to gel yon nwawntaiwmi w Kuomlntaag candldatee, but toil­ weather makes like this, they ars out so late last night." ogestM streets. Patienca'a heart property la ToOaM Omtar has i«- 'who was known irnfimlnnsUr PuMWiaro newamniaUvmi few sentences rsvsalsd there ths order of his going. a etly?" la her mouth. BUfe Annstrong. Hs waa boni ta Wilbur Cram Paihamy In Orange Jaliua Haibaoa« ikiaetal saaear-Waw ing to obtain the majority You can rest assured that the 2-plus per cent more votes cast turning the earth over, whieh Is "Oh, hut Chartotta, I enjoyed owtly bam mM to aa out at tawa the highest price poeeibb. Phone os and wo proponents of voting diatricte Aa wa mid. than to a dUfsrcncs Aarlotta laughad shortly. "Do FYencIi drivers always drive purchaser. PM M d^hta. to the other tenalHaa In Raasdm. T?rtl:ch'aa»a aaS sary for election. When it by residents within . the one-half the proper and only dignified ac­ i t r "Rogqr’s a fimn o f the w erM r spent many evenings trying to de- tivity of man at thia season. of about a thewnnd yoan batwasa so fe a t? " Mr. s M M m S t Louis — Dr. John A uot, 78. The cover pletaro la n view of HUIlUIKa AUDIT burbao or mile radius o f the Armory. Taken •Tm sure you did." P\ir a rnmnent than was ttlanea Lake WaraBMifef. wUI send a repreeenlalive to yonr home to gb e time to drop one of these candt- vlso a division of the toarn which Ths fields of ths good farmata tha elty'dwallar of ths Ceoaoeticut "Where did you g o ? " sSksd "Oh yas. One gate used to it." and two aoos Larry aM Bobby director of tbs Dipartesmt at uiacuuiTiowg a whole this percental repre- southlaad. and ths uplaador whs In the room. Charlotte closed bar "It's a bit nerve-racking." The new mapa ara ohtainahls at dates and narrow the contest to would be most convenient to the sente some 800 additional votes. are green, lush and groan with Dwight. win spsM this 'Wlth ralativaa PharmaoologT st S t Lsola units yon a free apprabol with no obligotion to ceU. Baiais moliBS ‘ IS: greatest number of people. ’The winter rye which seems to bo ras­ Uvea- with spring la Its own field. 70 X fials pries I 7A8A BUltcam and tottiad i t "This man’s quite reliable. And in Mains s M enjoy a fishing trip alty tor 27 years. Hs was horn tn ths highway dsparttnant tafOrma- aMneial reaa«>na'a«'tjr Iw General l i and Dr. Sun Fo, the in­ This number, it seems to me. to "WeU, wo had a drive around 'Just bear that In ntind, thaiVo tion desk, fifth fioor. State Offtco plan aa drawn was not a hasty ing tha plow. The fieMts of tbs in-’ W s suppose the cite dwsUer thinks the Bou fint,” began Patleaea. he’s fiure to know every inch of before retumhig. Rochester. N. T. cumbent, General Li suddenly worthwhile. tbs diffbnnos to la his fever, sh? up. oil hsal. an. ttM aald. " If you propom to the foad." Building, Hartibcd, or by wrlttan one. Aa to additional coat—if any different farmer are dun i grwTfia. and then stopped abort, not quite Mr. sM Mm PYadrie Cfirpanter Sen Jose, csUf. — M m Bngi withdrew, charging that AO sorts of plans were consid­ Probably thinks it’s p n grsas to aaa much much o f him." tt waa eonting hack that It hap- aM SOB. RonaM, hava rstumad to Holton. 58. the tornwr quern of request to ths Stata Rlgfaway Da- may I point out that voting Is one brown, and perhaps fined with lilting the way ha was laughing She raschad for her hat aad put panment in tha asms buUdiag. W. GOODCHILD, JR. Kuomintang bosses had refused ered carefully. It was found that o f the undeniable privilsgas o f the crop litter. But the plow, whether be able t o count so away gensra- aOUNMf—To I atagis, taU hath, Laeatsd -m at her. "What’a wrong with nad. A lor^. coming out of New York City after a few days the circus oowgtrla who was Saturday, May 1 your pet pQln. to start with a cen­ tiooa Mnea ha toft old Mother It on. Sha plckad up her hand- a ttda-road, bit them broadside to permit free oompetltlon in the people; that voting coats are a it Is some hideous wsstani gang aalo pitoo 073081 th at?" at their ToUaM Summer home. known professioBsHy am Dot Ver­ tral v o t^ district close to the hub contraption, which wolfs down the Earth so far In the lurch! Ho! bag and gtovea. Than tiie toft tha on. tt waa a miracle no one was Mrs. Lucy Usher had as recent non. She was bom in Texas. election. President Chiang finally very minor percentage ot the atyta, S-fiva n a n ' "Nothing.’’ said I>«rlght. 'Tn room without anotbar word, aM REAL ESTATE CO. of town, was impractical because budiget of the town— about one field, or a one-horse affair, which Hum! fact, I imagtna it was vary pleas­ Injured. To Patlanea tt all aaemod irucste her son M erritt Usher and Nnt A PhrtlMn a good deal of the center ot Man­ miitru hwu^ On- PaUenoa heard her high h to ba over m sw iftly that she’d publicly rsitsrstod the Kuomln- half of one per cent? It to m can still be diacoverod in oobm o f ant.’’ :iCm Usher o f aouth WUlington Made Seund LIQUORS chester is taken up by business r gatags. Appraxl- tapping down tha corridor. sufiTofiiy aay tb m to feel fright- Mr. and Um Thomas Moors ot Thomas Edison taventsd tha Phona 4168 /tirnmifh there is some Inclina­ tang pledge of free competition. places and parks — Center Park, opinion, herefore, that cost, of ’2S ths mors dvlltoed baclnroods "Hava a erolsmnte." said Roger, REA80NABLB PRICES! the arguments that can be present­ areas, performs the one sacred anfiC ftqgqr. httped her oat ot North TolisM hava had as racent first machine to record sM tion on the part of both political Oeneral Li re-entered the race, Center Springs. Memorial Field. a slight frown creasing his brows. their batterod car, asking her anx­ 86f MAIN STREET MANCSIBSTIR ed against voting diatricte, to the rite. It turns up a new face fo r LAWN GRASS MANCmCffTBB—8 t five roam "And I suggest ws don’t g iv t •XXX gusate frienda from Uanchsster produco eound ta 1877. t t used parties In Manchester to regard and. then proceeded. In spite o f the Such a plan necessitated the crea­ For a moment she stood quito iously if thsrs wars any bones aM Tonand. n tin foil cyltndem Later, Edison ARTHUR'S ttsadjastart "Uvs Wlr«^ Rfisl Bslalff l^spli tion o f too many addltipnal dis­ least of all the considerations to be earth. da slaam hast with aU I : Bafe btlea f IMOO. them any mors details about our tim issue o f voting districts as a opposition of the Kuomintang and taken into account. The face has furrows, but they evening. Tbsy'rs not telling us still, awan of a hot wave of brokotts Mrs. Carrie Carpenter has re­ patented the electro-magnetic HONESTY-----REUABIUTT ------PAST RnULTi tricts in the outer sections with a "N o. Tm cnilte sU rig h t" 846 Maia Stisef partisan tssne, tt Is not propg[ly Cblang, to win the final election. Finally, of all the towns of, or are marks of freshnaso and eter­ SEED anything about thelm.” fo ry sweeping over her. She cculd turned to her Tonimd home after pick-up end turntable. small voting population in each. hear again Charlotta’s voice, that "8o am L WsU, that’s a mercy.' Oeneral Li’s victory represents approaching, its population. Man­ nal vigor, and not o f age or care. "You didn’t ask ua,” said Chsr- aneh an Issue. Before the four voting district chester is the only one having a The face is of dirt, and nothing Woodmff*B Famooe Turf- Tha Allan Raoify Compony horriMa nots in it "Roger’s a A crowd wm collecting. Thttrl a major political upset for Presi­ loffa shortly. "I didn’t tmsglns We, for our part, are perfectly plan was adopted, speclu surveys single voting district—there to no cleaner. Maker. Royal, Shady Spot, REALTORS \ yon were intsrsated.' man of tha world." Of course ha drive? aM tbb driver of the lorry milling to concede that the pro- dent Chiang. Oeneral L i to an ag­ were made as to distances, pomiia- apparent fear of ward politics in For the farmer who to stin civil IW OENTBE ffTEiaR was. But ha was aoraat to her. Pa- wsrfi having a fleroa argument tion growth, and present and po­ Black Diamond. In a com­ "I wasn’t, very,’’ Their volcm rose. They gestlcu- pflt f t« o f the dUtricting plan up­ gressive, forceful individual who those towns—and it to my opinion MANCHB8TEB, OONNBOTICirr ‘*I am, Charlotte," said Patience. tlenca. True ha Maaad her. True, tential number of electors- in the the Board of Directors did the com­ plete price range. \ Cliariotte rasa to her feat. last night ha’d aaM a lot o f wou' latsd wildly. Obviously each was IP HORSSS B8T ON PBOPLU on which there will be a town has caught the public fancy aa has different parts of the town. Con­ munity a great disservice in refus­ PHONE MANCHE8TEE StSS *T’m off,” she said. " I ’ve an derful thiaga to her. But that was oonvlBoad the other waa to blame. raCerendum vote Wednesday have no other individual In non-Coi^u- venience. number of voters in dis­ ing to adopt a plan fo r establish­ an. tt wasMoatly of Charlotte to A gondacaM cams up a M Jolasd trict and economy were the pillars Wilfijun*s Nureeries appointment at ten-thirty. And —iM i op the issue primarily be­ ntot China. W ith 'a background of ing voting districts without the WANTED anofem at twelve. Fm getting suggost hs wam’i to be trusted: In fitoy. Hfi whimfed out . his upon which it was decided fo pre­ Cor. ToOand Turnpike aai aetthcefc.^ Hswantad all partlct- cause they bsUeve It Is a good and good administration himself in necessity for a referendum. dreama for the film, Dwight Want Shs heard tha telsMions hsB sent the fotu* voting district plan. Very truly yours, Oakland Street. ringing In her room next door and latfi. U m drtvarff namas. Ths papular issue fbr their particular KwaagM provlnoe, Qenerai Li pro­ It would be Ideal if every resi­ to efifes with ms to SOS them?” passimgsrs* names. The nanim of Versey McBride I SOS you tn them ?" went to answer it party to o^ muss. Other than that, claims himself aa antl-Oommuatot, dence were within a half-mUe Experienced Sewing "HeUo?” any witnesses. Pstisnes pulled st radius o f a polling place. How­ •T don’t ass why n o t’’ they have no i^tical object to but stresses the need for land re­ ResidenU o f Pacific islands used ’■sore. n i be r i ^ t along.’’ "Tou going to be tong?” asked Roger's arm. ever, as yet, the number o f homes to sail their big canoes long dis­ Machine Operators Roger. % thia going to take very gala, fbr the present proposal does forms, more efficiency and leas in the outer sections does not war­ nnpir too was on his feet A t tances using charts composed of "Yeai at^ aad look after Ps' "N o. n i just pack my things, net attempt to bring about any corruption in the army and the rant separate polling places there. leaf strips In rectangular frames. then n i be doom.'* - It to a fact that under the four INSURE AO Types of Automobfle tience,’’ said Charlotte. alsettea of candidates by districts government—in short, his plat­ Apply " I ’m going to. But where do ■ni be waiting tar yen." voting diatricte these homes w ill WHb Re waa standing over by the "W e must Tm afraid until the as distriet candidates, which would form to near the platform Oeneml be closer to polling places than we meat up?’’ McKin n e y b r o t h e r s Chatfiptte shrugged her should wide entrance to the hotel when gendarme’s finished with us." hb the ward poUUcs that is some- Mandiall once urged as a pre­ they have been with only a single FENDER AND BODY Independent Cloak Co. some little while later she joined I t waa a tedious business. Ps- timss alleged against the present requisite for any effective Ameri­ voting center at the State Ar­ ers. tlencs grew more and mors fretted. Pine Street *Tvo no suggestions.’’ him. She laid a haM on his arm. propnssl We don’t think any such can aid to China. mory. WORK • • • "Sorry If I've kept you.” _rro getting awMIy 1 doubt that the present Board REPAIRING "That’s aU rig h t" His sySs attempt win ever bo seriously So the Chlang-Kuomlntang dic­ of Directors would have adopted DwiglR by now had slrssdy R e fe r -‘ ipeke ts ths gsBdnms.- SoHmene and Placff, Ine. le ft them. He’d a eoupla o f telo- searched her fees. "Whma amde. I t is against tho spirit and tatorship, with its inefficiency and any plan of district voting. For wrong?" T lim ha tuniad rssssurinfly to years past it was within its prede­ 8M Oaler Street phono caBa to make, he said. He’d Patience. practim o t the Msndieater type its corruption, has been chal­ l i l meet Oinriotte in the lounge later. "T^y, nothing." cessor’s, the Board of Selectmen, He wasn’t astiafled. He mys he won’t keep ns more ad charter, and we don’t worry lenged, and challenged successful­ power to create additional votliig GIVE YOUR FURNITURE A "Whma are we lunching?” said it. Tha proponents of the "Somsthing's happened. Did than a further few momenta.” ly. diatricte; but they just feasted Body and Fender Work Rogar. you see Charlotte?’' * He kept them s, quarter of an dlatriet plan think they But the color of developments upon tbs pumpkin pie, apple pie. •T don’t care." hour. By that tima Patience was NEW LEASE ON LIFE! Roger looked at her. "Yea.” have a good and popular cause, blueberry pie or whatever ■ " - l / l "Have you put things right?" almost frantic. At last however In China to gray, as we insist, and erriter had in mind, without being ‘T t doesn’t suit you to be so and that is **«■». it has to be noted that there to White sf She shook her head. they Ivere free to go. But how to w illing to give John Q. I'uuuc >. bad-tempored." 'T tried;’’ and then angrily: **T continue thtlr jonmsy was their On the other hand, ter RepubU- crumb o f I t t "Oh, lewve me alone!" credit for Prestdent ri»«««wy in this don’t know what’s the matter wl! t pitkledL TheIS car UmFS fesfi caas to oppose the change simply devdiopment. I t to true that be A Progressive Citizen Roger oat down again and traveling *n w ma comiioomplately tdia- Flovrering poured blm self another cup of her." they era BepubUcans fought against tt; tt to true that Smitty’s Upholstery He smiled down at her. ahlcd. Tbarfi seemed to Us little Ftavots IMstricto coffee. Pattence wratebed Charlotte, chance of hiring another one. meald be nanaenee. The Repubit* he campaigned against it; but it • « "You’ve reaUy no Idea? A t tha To tha Bditor: her head held high, every inch of risk of soundl^ conoeited, yon "I’ve an idea the metro will be e «i potty has not remained the to ateb true that, in the dutch, be It was with regret that I read Dogwood Doe to our low overhoad wo are prepared Four Mechanics her bo Street to the center of Tolland Turnpike, thence southwesterly smlag la year fhne, eaorgy aad tmmpertatioa t w Dott*t truat to tuck op perhaps it has been America truly a new free home fiar Have You Arranged To Have Us Do Your Laundry? throufih the eenter of Tolland Turnpike to the center, of Slater Strset. ooeta, tar yea will be able to walk to fee peOe. mothbaDa. but in aay mliiiona ot ite settlers? thenM northarly through the center o f Slater Street to the ManclMS- ter and South Wlndaor town line, thence easterly along said town Una | The Manchester Trust Company ‘l^pMWwaUun of It must When we finally do wake up, we aqatinue until we w ill wonder, and we wUi not know. to the Mancheater and Vernon town line, thance aoMthcriy and eatter- ly and southerly along said town line |p tha Mandwater and Bolton Bfanchcatfir Faderal DepMit Inaanaea Carp. i|Rffls#sd to aeospt it Meanwhile, today, the indication town line, thence southerly along said town line to tha eentar of Ntw Vole “YES” On May 5 lil the baste of a good now to that wa are going to come M EW MODEL Bolton KoSid, thenca weateriy through tho center o f Now Bolton Ro m WILROSE tbs vote is Mwpeti eloae to such an act, but that we to the center of Middle Turnpike Bast, thenoa westerly through tha ^ d^, wa are being nra not actually going to do it center of Middle Turnpike Bast to the center of I ^ <^tm S tr^ SHOP thence weateriy through the center of Btest Center Street to the point YonH Be Veting Fer Yeundves rMonven, with tha Tha compramtoa solution now jpsa did! 387 Main Si. Sheridan Bide, LAUNDRY of beijnniBg.’’ This is an official V . S. Treasury advertisement— prepared under auspices of Treasury Department and AdveiiUSng, isf^ds egpt.n seeming upward In Oongreaa Ih- Doted at Mancheater, Conn., this 28th day o f bff ’’Vetera fer Used Uevi M the volvas cnly n partial coaoeasion to 73 Summit St. Tel. 8072 > a. H. WADDBLXh vV these who have been so frahtio to Gcnsral Manager. ■ / UANCHESTER BVBNINO BBtALD. MANCUnTBB. OONM. SATURDAY. MAY 1. IM t

IT ef Mrs. AMoe Bnaa (toohraaa George Waddril ger of childroa dkrttag from bik fo r itrik et In othrr pUuita In Ui« Son^ Coventry ■helMn. Mm Oaahran is the Paridng Rules at parhlag bo pansitted ao o tJt od ears lata Um p A ot oa* town wan reported. Tank Runs Wild Fire Report New jPennite Bsr vloa rhaln iiao ot the R . M aide of tbs atreata ee dajra aw mlag vebtatao aad tha psorihURy ft7,500 Award Ii'UnlU, Communinl newnpeper ■can State ObBtsal Ctenmlttaa. gkte o f ban saaMS. ot a fire or aosargeoey aatosSaoaa In Rome, urfed workers to make Is aneeiSdid by vloe chalnaaa At Ball Games Chtaf Sriiindil said that Soo* caB. CONTRACTORS., , ^ May day a “powerful demonstra* FiledToday I Are Granted gar.^fySon: "Flight Ihto Daih- Mm Bdaa A. F. Mhi iitoo of Stam* days would bo ea aa expoilBMata) Me Paiklag aigna wUI ba eroot* \ InLawSuit Uon of the strength and unity of naos," Clark. Swggariaft hy.. Dr. 4 ‘ If It proved mrceariul. ad o o Um waot alda o f O s o ^ the people.” w nuam F . mmuiiet ot tha Stato CtalN Johasoa and AUee DeWItt a f Um otnat parkto« street sod the south ride af OooO‘ Get Your Motor M TbrMten Nattonal Strike Chodot Foat A ll Ahdnvar, Ooeeh DtoMftnitot ot BaaMh: roraw te Ot ths Oofwntry JImlor Mnmt PoHce Chief Sajrs Gbps Town Had 65 Blaaes in $80,000 in Dwellings try aaS Manaislil DIsMats w 0 would ba la oftoet tor the asaaim or HUI a tn a t AT lodgment Entered in Roman members of the Gas, Up^" Oart IX Sclmetoets alaa Baa have oomptoted their 4-H The reooosaBaadaUon hy Um Park Workers National federation and ' faatan a aala of rofrwRuaseta, eema to. A taqwot by Jamas T. 'tmUOrms. They have oommeaoed Win Only Be Allowed April; Many o f the Anthoriaed as New food asd fancy w«Mi kaotha at aad Bae Oomariarioa was after a Favor'of Estate o f WII- Transport workers threatened a 1 Laldlow. aevanth g ^ tasAer at oa their draoses to bo On One Side of Street ot»^ of the conditions, la the WILLIAMS O IL! national strike neat Thursday If . CrIIb Gnu* Fires the Mat atotlon Mny 83. Htfs win Um Soutt Stroat M moI i "March* tad In Um Corthoemtag Toi- « Bam Mi Matchett Month Begins ba at tha Lsfton graniiti an Wall mas havo paikad on bo( 4 4 U P otraloL , their demands for better working ; am Stataa sod OSaada," Soogh. county Droos Bavue. Whon ot Cooper and Cooper HOI ,atraoL UnR astohsra akla to aa* M has baaa raealvod. this work M flatolMd thoir oewmg Chtaf of PoUoa Hormsa O. No Ordtr Too Largo (hr IW ...... _ ' conditions are not met. i lliere were 65 fires many of Durtag the peat two days buUd- alat with thla prOJoet U nwahte to atrofC and R w m ImpoMlWafma A Judgment o f <7.900 was en-1 Casperl met those gloomy Mr. on* Mm Ftod 1 projooto WlU bo comploting a sum* SAandd said yesterday that park­ HAND M l BROAD STREET them graea fires In town last lag penaita totalUng $80,m wera delhrto fa ^ amR artlolM may mar wardroha. Tha alx othar mem* car travettag la opposite direaltana fared In favor of the estate of | portents ^th the plea for the peo- | tasued by Building In jector David arily oomt tha wwb and to MU* ing wni bo paradttod Suaday af* to pam Also thira woe lha Sa month, the laat one coming last coataat Frsatdw t Mm. VUrgtoto . td' and' Weresater, Maas. swered 23 calls dur­ who will bo tho unit Nathan Halo Oommunlty Oentar Jules Jacobs. London Commu­ one-half atorlea on the west aide tlvo at this program thla coroner's office. Feeling that ing April, one call belng^from out- of Clifton street to coet $10,000 aiMItorlum. Ib a pupUa under tha Brifieh- * someone had seen the accident the nists told party members to. attend sldiB the fire district nere were aummar, eras alao a gaeat at tha dlneti- “Other Irgun Zval Leumi forces ence Wetherell, and his wife are retention or* scrapping of parti­ Mr. and Mrs. Negro will motor groups getting the bulk of the anjr deliquent bills have Interest nosday. Then they attmdsd tbo noon. Ronald Wadsworth co-chairmen be mastera in Palestine Is near,” advancing towards Jaffa’s magis­ tion. Instead the Assembly is de­ muIM-billlon dollsr refund to spend yana daetora to pnvant several of the conunittea In charge of the members of the Post and Auxil­ to California a'here they will spend charges added accordingly. opening session ot the General TA now offleon for the Ledlm' huaAred anU-Oommunlste from Abdullah's statement said. “In trate's court were shelled by the bating a so-cailed American work­ the month of May. On their return it on either greater amounts or Memorial Hoapltal AtudUary'a May the past there always have been iary. Members of the Covent^ Play­ Oinfcrence of tbo MethAtot Benevotont Soototy of Um Elling­ rcaehtng the site of COnfmunlst Army with mortars, and two ing paper on trusteeship. they will make their home with better q\iality food, clothing and ers "Darktown Jamboree” wtU Day bridge yesterday afternoon In dtawgreementa and miatrust be­ The British Insist they are giving church which convanA for tbo ton OongrogaUonal church elect A meftlnga. pounders.” The Pilgrim Fellowship will the bride's' parents. Both attend­ amusement. meet Wedneeday at 7 p.m. at the first Umo In four years. * at the maettag held Monday night Woodruff hall, report that more tween the various Arab countries, Warned by British up their League of Nations man­ ed .Manchester High school. The Increased Investnaents are ex­ ChihoUcitnd aatl;Cbmmunlat In- than fifty tahica were la play, a but these have been settled by the meet tomorrow afternoon at three Nathan Hols Oommunlty Center Mrs. Arthur J. Vinton, (3sncor In the social rooma of the cburA iwr tepneentatlves walked out of Jews struggling for Jepiasiem o'clock . at Center church. All date over P^estine May 15. In­ bride Is a bookkeeper for the pected among the higher income for a rehearsal of the minstrel few o f thorn la private hpntoa. Palestine laaue.” variably delegatem refer to the Drive chal.-e.sn of tho North Dis­ ara as follows: President, Mm a Roma maatliig; protesting it had were warned by the British to stop members are urged to attend, as Manchester Trust Company, and taxpayers. ■how. This will be ptencated Bat* Kenneth Loveland; vice president. Miaa Mary Chapman and Mm ’ Repeats Peace Offer fighting under threat of armed chaos that will come then In an the bridegroom Is employed by the trict reported Wodnoaday that she beooaM a leftist poUtloal demon- George Reynolds arranged the buf­ the annual election of officers wlU urdny pigbt at Colcheater for tha has sent fifty tottera regarding the Mm Robert AArn; secretary, r - - ■■ '■ Stratton. About SOJMO wars on Abdullah’s statement did not spe­ force. take place, and the guest speaker unruled country. Tolland Artificial Breeding Asso­ benefit of tho Amaton Fire De­ fet table to the entrance hall. The A Jewish Agency spokesman But Secretary-General Trygve ciation. campaign to reoldoata In her M A Marlon Preusee; treasurer. in Piann del Popolo to hear cify a D-Day for Arab Invasion will te Miss Kathryn Bryan, a Coutract Ends partm ent locality. Coin boxes have been Mra. Gordon Dlmock. The throe centerplace was a low white bowl nor did It identify any one Arab aaid the British district commis­ Lie says he sees no early break in ' The bride has been honored with dddresses in A m n ie tn , Fr*n

• • 1 ,!« ■ ■J- f { MANCHKSTEP. ’ VKSINO HEliALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 1, 194t ^t w v l v b m a n t h r s i r r b v r n in o r k r a u >. MAffCHEsrim. c o n n . S a t u r d a y , m a t i , 1S4S Ti^day^s Radio « m n —issf Play in Twi

WDRC—Kentucky Derby. KeUeF,Rice I n T w i I ak>p Opener Sunday U . j ! u . < W 4 WDBC-lt«Wfc WCCC—New*. Cheney Tech Breaks • WOOO-lteoowl WKNB—PatU Clayton. OF BUSINESS SERVICES Defending Ghi N«wa; Dvm. Oreh. , WON8—Wewfc * W’ONS—Let’s Go to the Games; Drive Sunday Under!sr lig h ts w m T —Sotmio 0«mm«U. Sports. - Lmg Losing Streak W nc-N «wa. w n c —Bob Steele; Weather. After Third Vul n«U of Midgci Centar Motor* r m I U ’ > ^'wORC—Ktn* to V «te ri^ WCCC—Concert HoTir. — 8«utrtl«y Afternoon WONS—Do You Know New Getting Ready CREME PERMANENTS MedMMki Gttodwia C rtr Rod Drhrers to P a ir e d a t BettiiDirector Wolcott Company Adding Father and Son 8o nlh|M 2r SereBsde. 1 England. FOR Tech 1 0 to 9 for FIrai Rim at Cherry PRrk Expect90,000 WTXC—Know Yourt^lf. | WTHT—News; New* of the Park Monday P h d i f w Airway*. For 22 Years To Its Regular Service For Television -^Win In Three Yeora; !«»•—WDRC—County ^r»lr. . I w n c NBC Symphony. Night Monday Avonr-tflpaclal)—with tha i Owter Motors mrt the ItoMaa ToSeeI^ri>y A t W « S M t t WOOC—Newt! Record Requeot. LASTING LOVELINESS Sadroefauki Fane 1 5 Ptetlen ar tha aOApt raetiw; pro- 6:48— The Holme* Funeral ^ome*needs More and more peopla are ttitnk- Axterteuna wm Mft the M *4 thA WKNB—BMebnll Matinee;, WDRC—Larry Lesueur. This year the beautification of 4>plan to best advantage,, what lag in terma of new radloa, and U eou BMkdlMn CoMh graaa IMa tomday at Chany Park If Newa. ' WONS—Charles Slocum. no introduction to the people of A hMig loalag gtraak that had ItM aoftbau aaasak Miwlaj alght Six Three Y ew wiMB tha Chaaay Iheh etmUag tta y f MS b aa tba difanrtliy ebatops wbll* tha Race in Lonlevflle annual Maacbaetar TwUfiM Bma> Home Hour. WONS—American Bar Associa­ the past 22 year*. Now, he ha* Son. Inc., of 180 Main street, la not permit, you ran plan ahead a radio repairs are required. John | \ V W Edit Center Street loadto- taWaaa wara kwt yaaPb raRMrap 9j»«riagxawiB gm badmC tion. establishing a retail nursery In few veara, adding something each Maloney la courteous, reliable and ' haeabatt team poetad a 10 to f win Oaa of tka amat aucaawfai 04 day that tha final mm fisr tb* utla. Bunday afteraooa at tim 2Nik li4S— another Funeral Home located at w hich you will find many of the ; season, until the final year shows a doea a fine Job on all type radloa, a BMSt May L-Hdte-lt'a WTHT—Club New*. WTHT Purile Program. 400 Main street and his son, How­ evar Ooodwla 'ibeh «C New Brtt- iga haakathan eeaebao to tha aa- aC. tha wetaR oaaas wUl faatara Tb* lAb led tb* lOkRAa all sau- Htitoacliy Doeby day wtoto to BMa Oval whra the BriMto a i m ^ I Tint finer species of landscape material, lawn and grounds that look like and is also the factory authoriaod ttoa Om last two aaaaaaa Rkth sra but war* doamiflm the fikals leaaa stock up ard L. Holmes, is associated with and John W’olcott, himself, will be ; something out of a magaslne. The repair ssrvlca for Pbileo and Mo­ U atovlIlA aM rix n ay oalta ms WKNB—Baseball Game. WDRC—Abe Burrow* Show. his father giving the utmost in Sec A B C*B ^ew Line Of Oraar e t tha Uaivaralty oC Ooa- by tha Mbten wbe BkHbad to a tta ladalad to taka oRfij .Btatosta T hat., WONS—News. on hand to help you In your prob­ stock carried at Mr. Wolcott’s re­ torola radloa In this territory. No Spencer —Tha wtaaars wert forotd to ovar- asctlcuL will ba oaa of tha apaafe- ka Ai tor meenfi ptoa*. Tbam tarn toaxm service to those people who hsve lem*. TTiere you will find a dis­ tail nursery will be of the beat need to aend your radio back to aama aa A to 1 daflett to wta. Ntaa 4:80 o’dodi (*a L) thto ulad to 3 o’almto **WDRC—Give and Take. WTHT - Challenge of the depended :i|>on this sincere help and you know when you do bust' the factory, Juat phone 2-1046 and ara aa tha Kaigbta a( OohtaihuB am _ have always put aa a Rnt atom to aattle a few pnariai WTHT—Fasdnatinjc Rh>’thm. Yukon. from the Holme* Funeral Home In play of shrubs, evergrertis and Speed Queen individual Mg niaa to tha tacky loot half of Fatbar aad Rsa Night Moaday Bar, win absant a t ^ with Chat ■ama to privioua sMsualan awl British AoMricans kavTtam tab­ BTIC—Juke Box Jingle*. trees, all free of disease at reason­ ness with John S. Wolcott A Bon, Mr. Makmcy will pick It up, repair tha aavaath laatag prevktod tha the rest eg the ator for a rooriag crowd of WTIC Curtain Time. year* past. able prices that you will be proud Inc., that you are getting the best. It with genuine pisrts, and return WASHERS AND Designing aMrgUi ec vtetovy. ara expected to uaiitlaki tba aartm ora. bed tha team to baaL Oaaah Jahn- 7:48^— The Holme* Funeral Home at 28 ------J ara ready to do bait- rivalry Monday uMbL Tim city to crowdad. avaiybedf ny Radlacd has a waaltk af mm * WDRC—Grand Central Station. WDRC — Hoagy Carmichael Woodbridge street is still In opera­ to own. Don’t forget that you now have it to you In A-1 ahape. Aaanrea yeu asm- Moaehaattr aoUaatad oa|y Bva Uw oR kaportant toatun atom w t^ k M Sew tnam The best thing about this retail two type* of seivice from this fin* If you. need a new radio, remem­ mONERS httg a a two Haidwota kart- walttog for tba Mg ritow. PoaMMi teatol aa bis n sla r tortodtoB an WCCC—News; Record Request. Sing*. tion for those |>eople who like the business, you may engage them to ber that Maloney’s Radio A Appli­ pist# oamfart plu* rac4 prlaa^ mooay. afitod t^ ia y a r Uafia arar tb* 1847 " nran ar* lerseaaL hot OSH starting aMotom af hla WON8—Journal of the Air. WONS - New*. smaller, more intimate atmosphere nursery is the fact that you are porfect dgara etM*. am but took advaataga o< id haaa ------Ratadstrletty I on hi* \------lasQu. Thara to a irtkt pearthBity WTHT—Swing Time. free to consult with Mr. Wolcott do the work or you may benefit ance, I Walnut street, haa Ad­ We Repair All Makea OB haUa lasuad by -itTinf-h lavan oamaa wan dreppad tote chaaaptaaabip af a yam agn »:00— of this Home. However, the new as you would with your doctor, ask from their advice and obtain the miral and Motorola radios for sale. traL SpMtel atten- aaoa of last weak wiMB b* ran aac- that a am C lara pRebtop dual wU the entry box yvaterday for tb* Tha dapartad playar la Lefty Jad- tiU — WDRC— Suspense. Funeral Home *t 400 Main street timi given to dno- Rad Maitraalaakl waat tka dto- ‘ to ROhtodlar, A1 KaDar. pait- ba In the making whin thara tam 3100,405 tbrae-year-M clakdA bat VtTIC—Report on Europe. his advice, depend upon him in best in stock from them and do By the way, If you are aomewhat ___in akaaffaur who bow calla West SsImMe Pt^ar wto- WONS—Tw’enty Question*. has been planned by Mr. Holme* your lawn and landscaping |Tob- the work yourself. discouraged with your new FM ABC tora’ preaerlptions. taaaa for tba wtaaars sad gava up uxM asaat. The Maton have C. A. O’Natl’s (Jaleda bouaead nar two yaan ago and tb* laagua WTHT-^Ro*s Dolan. Detective, with the idea of giving the utmost While you are at 180 Main street radio. If you find that the slgnala asvaa Wta. Hm toeal itgatSaadar Tkrrytown. N. Y., bom*, baa bean Prad Seraflna, CbaiB* Obvay, JOr- right aut again to a late aftonkwa batting ebamptou to 1847. - WDRC—Report from Oversea*. in privacy, for those desiring It, lems. You will have all the ad­ MART m. MePARTLAND paaaad aajy two »»»««»ta i toatalad aa tbe tovortt*. ly CBaynen aad twu nawcamara, w n c —Ufe of Riley.^ vantages of expert advice, your choosing your nursery stock, ask are not coming through as clearly Appliance Co. ’ * -X - , scratch, apparaatly bacaoas TIm taaugunl wlU asaffc tba WONS—Club Town Beat. yet there 1* room to accommodate about Scott’s Lawn Food plus as you expected, remember that Apt. 840 Oardra Drivt tUAMd Iftb Kallar really made tb* fans alt Lanry Oasaa aad Bab Aaraa. Tba chances of a muddy strip an iw WTHT—Plano Playhouse. a vast number of friends, at least lawn may be landscaped at you PhmM 7884 nr t-2888 ap aad taka aotic* with oaa of tha Rallana bava U Mlknekl. Dam ratlin to Twi Laagua rnmpafniiia WONS — Stop Me If You’ve have always dreamed It might be, Weed Control which feeds the to get the beat from FM you need 2-1575 * 21 Maple St. ' Tbs wtanata’ aaat start will ba beat skhMUons of drtvtag to his ota. of the Oaa House Gang from COu- W nC—Orchestras of the Na­ 165 persons ran be comfortably yet the cost will not be prohibi­ lawn and kills weeds all In the an— aerial. Just call 2-1046 and agatoat Wladaar H l^ Jak* BaalW CRR Baaa^ QalU. Hippo OOrraati. all flae Thla waa Juat tocidsntaL for a tion. Heard This. taken care of here. There are Mr. Maloney will gladly Install an attavBoaa at ML Nebo. ~T* heat Rehiadlar to tba pitebara. ter atraaL Laag a power to toeal W’THT—Famous Jury 'Trial*, two chapels, a family room for tive. Mr. Wolcott will be glad to one simple operation. Visit the and was laadtag the Ry- J****" Banka aad CBR Kaaaey wfli ba la tha staitog couple of haul bratban freoa Oate- bus ball chrclaa Martatty'a ploy- SilS— w n c —Truth or Consequences. call at your home, look over the nursery soon, you will be amply aerial for you for a modest cost. Tba ______raaa tor 14 tops In tba ■tortarty Brathen aad tha BrtUah-Amerteara Bmitoy Mto I at la the evakt that Mikuki aad oMt Fans named OtaUan aad WDRC—Adventures in Science. the Immediate relatives, seating 25 grounds and advise you how' to repaid. Mr. Maloney alao aaya that now West Side Oval whan tka TwHMkt League staito play. Barafin* ar Cbagiiao to* tbe aWb Ooaltawa ramato tha mador ob- ad tadspandant ban tha peat two people and a public addraas sys­ la a good time to have an aerial SERVICE J. R. Braitkwoite Rvo-nilar. Bowsvar, the vataran fans will aaa two of tb* fastest saoas and alao parti ripated to WDRC—Joan Davis Show. tem so that the services are easily eaa-laggad pilot had too mudi stuff majar leagwr with tha BL Laato 5ardtaals, wM ha la traettoo. Bo arach ae^ tba Charob- the BOW dsfunet Btato Lsagila. WDRC—Cross SacUon, USA. WONS—Keep Up With the the association to bargain for tha put up for televliion, for by fall Phalps. If .. aad tha youagstar bowod to what ■M tor tha Oaa Waaaira while Keeaey wfli play aaoaad I pitchan In tha atata to aeUoa aad in Dewaa maaagamaat has lulad WCCC—News; Record Request. audible to ever>’one. Upstairs 1* the New H^ven station will be In Ms* wn ham 8 Wrm Keys Made, Loeka Repaired roegtoaa. It the BA’a. ' ------a cloae acora wudM ao doubt da- tbara will ba ao place aad Stem Baraball and Moriarty Brotban WTHT—ABC Symphony. Kinds. a comfortable ladles' lounga and a Two-Front Battle 14 big group* in the rich southern operation, and television will be a Lemay, aa .. oamuHtod to aupartor drivliig ax- valop. Both toams hava a waalth batttoB. go hand to hand aa Matt WHT—Gangbuster*. men’* lounge. fields, he may be in for more court 8 flerrlee Track* at parisnoa. Qaerg* lUea of Milford tarty, taarn wooaar, tow alwaya dependable thing In this area. New tM and fnr year oat Tools Ground QaaM, lb ... arlD alia oomaabs. of fielding aad batItoR powar aad Tlwrall ba ao brotharty tov* •s**—WDRC—Make Way for \outh.... w n c —Your Hit Parade. You may have whatever type Faeeil bv Lewi§ appearance*. • Haven will be the station televising DIMauio, 8b wltb tba pRchtag dapartmoits to at wbM Warrra Wright^ otey- laat a batping haaf to tba liaipn. WCCC—Hartford Police Speak: 8:8^— of service you choose at the Holmes Moodv already has filed a epm- for this are* and it will come ~ MggeM dlaarootatawnt of whatbar hla tram was taterad or WDRC—Vaughn Monroe’s Or- Funeral Home and the personal at­ plalnt with the National Labor Re­ Lawnmowers Sharpened Odeswaa, U . ------at was Ibd Tappatt who A-i shape aaytWag may bappaa. wa break out af tbe gate to aaa ' Record Request. through clearly and consistently, STATION OPEN DAT loraab, rt .. walkad away with tha Inaugural Game time Ms baaa sat at fiifiO, wMcb can get than faster. Wrigbl BOla WONS—Jamaica Race, chestra. tention given is the same no mat­ Washington. May 1—UP)—John lations board, charging Lewis so plan now so that you can have Electrical Utllitica . d beiUi Jockaya, Bddto Areora ttatt Moriarty wtu bava tha WONS—WTiat’s the Name of ter what amount of money 1* with an unfair labor practice by AND NIGHT feature at Avon. TIm ManhaaaeL preceded by a abort aarameay. w n c —Doctors Today. L. Lewis today raced prospects of a television aet for fall. By the Re-Conditioned ' N. .T , driver could do no battar Ooorga Saow, pratodtat et tba Im- witk CMatloa. aad Niwbald Plar- honor for tha aaoaad straRM aan- ’That Song? spent. Mark Holmes has gained a a two-front battle In new contract refusing to bargain with him on way, these *et* are not •* expen­ provamant fimarlaflna win teas son aboard GbaMewa, warW ba B to throw out the fia t baU. On Isl8“ ViniT-Boston Blackle. reputation for himself through hi* the pensions. sive a* you might think - - drop than Wrd la bla qualifying beat WKNB—News; 840 Request tact, hi* attention to detail, hi* negotiation* with the soft coal op­ COOK*S Gone Repaired Pofaoa. Sb . Ifagh Greer and tba aonaototloo. H* was not tbs larnal piWb aad Luddy Haa- arat oat to wto for waor oM Cato- the raeatvtag aad babtaf tha w n c —Judy Canova Show. over to 1 Walnut street and Inquire Poaa, 8b ... aaa. chalrnwa e t tba Rae Ooaurit- bmL Ha didn’t eon which got plate, win b* Frad Dtekaeo. praai- Matinee. ability to do many little thing* erators. To Return Highway to Towaa about further detail* on television. SERVICE STATION avaalag at 8 o’eloek at tba Kacay able to qualify for tb* feature. His WONS—Club Town Beat. that help a bereaved family. His The United Min* Workers chief 52 Pearl SL Phone 4200 Saatarom, o timing aaemad to be way off and SIORTS CNifa tas, will attempt to asttoi tha ban. tbara firaL Juat so ooa of tbaoa dwt of tba Britlah ABMrieaa CSub. **W ^C—Hillyer College Forum. Another note for bargain hunt-Y Maaclwstar OrsM Phnac 8881 HamnUch. p *10BW. brought bom* tba 118.490 pal. 4 :8 ^ WONS—Chicago 'nieater of the *on Howard is following along in notified the owners yesterday he Hartford. May 1— The 8Ute era for really good values. Mr. Ma­ Oraar turaad out aaveral unde- ha wai raachtog for the bradk long Bla Ibrnaa « s Osawato WDRC—To be announced. hi* father’s footstep* and the serv- will be ready to start talking mat­ Rwaaaon, p . bafora tt was aaceaaary nunrlng In­ value of the rac* with alx sfiart- Opanlag gammia tha past hava WOOD—News; Record Request. Ah’. ^ , , Highway department today will loney la having a special anniver­ fiMtad aad ebamptonablp taama at to tb* tnraa. Track obaervera Brttlah AaMrics Tb Repeat nolda ara new faam with the Hed- erm Thla wUI ba tb* aMmlteat M d ataraya attracted hiaasr ewada, WTHT—Professor Quiz, lee* rendered by this father and ter* over May 18. At the return to Wallingford and North sary sale soon and you will get misworth Mamorial High In South AdJustint the turliaa la Its Pirates Surprise rino* alx ran In 1907. WTHT—Race of the Day. son business arc not based on large time he received notice from the bargain* that are bargain* In Painting Paperhanging Totato .. .88 8 7 84 d 6 chalkadlt up to an "off” day aad lund.«oacb*d anray. AD are vet­ anywban from 3,388 to BifiBB II w n c -F irs t Piano Quartet. w n c —Kay Kyser’s College. or small sum*, but on their real Haven an eight mile section of the GIBSON'S Chaaay T« h (M) WlndMir bafora advanetag from predletad Tbd would ba back to proper place and spinning the eran and talented playars. Hian It might ba wsU to mrarira tb* Six teanm win be compatiim far 16:86— Southern Coal Producers associa­ old Hartford turnpike. State High­ radios. Make a note of it and see tha aaaa C raaks to tha bead tha running Sunday. crystal ball this writer will once too, there is Jaekle May, Walter four other pretty fair usmUy 4t«S— desire to help a saddened family. tion that it also wants to discuss way Comim*.*ioncr O. Albert Hill Maloney’s Radio A Appliance for Floors and Ceilinga AB R HPO A eoartUag poatUon at UCOna. Oraar Team of Month iaagua hoaon curraaUy baU by WTHT—Sport*. WDRC—It Pays to be Ignorant When you have need of this type GARAGE KaaiUki. 3b . . 8 8 1 1 0 again go out on the limb, as a Ford, Charli* Rorratb. Dtek Ctobb, raas who totv* aaor* tbaa aa M BA’a ThaaiayWurlaaarBkiM WTHT—Journey’s in Jax*. a new pact to replace the one ex­ Raid the st'tte took over mainten­ specials in good radios. R. H. Olbaon. Prap Jarvlia If, lb was a varsity playar during hU yaar ago, and (elect the in Tony Berube and Haydan Otte- autrida totaraat to tba riaadn of service, simply phone 7897 and piring June 30. ance of the highway while a sec­ Installed and Rcllnished . 8 uadargraduata days at Storrs. Probably aiaiybody to Lauto- a lag OB tba Jack Dwyer trc pky. -Stan Daugherty Pre- V\nC—Grand Old Opry. Mr. Holme* will take care of you Kraehkok ct . 8 order of finish fbr TwlUght wold. daoatod to tha laa WDRC- Although the southern group tion of the Wilbur Croas parkway Specialising to Ooach Oraar wm ahara the Springfield Track Laagua baseball play durtog the Sound catching, good pitching, ’■am Rparto Writer vm* can apall tbatr aamsa oarract- aents. and serve you to the beat of hi* was Included in the agreement paralleling the highway was under General Carpenter Work Sambogaa, 8b. 8 •paaktag apotUght wlUi J. Orleaas 1848 season. Billy Mayar, k x « calabratsd aa ly by Muw Baa P. WMtakaFS My age by Moriarty WKNB—News; 840 Request News on all station*. ability, following your desires and signed last year, it did not take BEAR Uriano, rt .... 4 the beat infield In the i“ g«— a asasBory of J m laagua ■aaafiar aad Sketch 11:1^— , wishes in the smallest detail. construction. Tree Surgery Kowalski, c. U 6 CSiiiatiaa. head baasball aad foot' To Run Tonight Before this s done, however, fair outfield and nine potential “tba bast inaaagar to tha mlaotaT, RaqueaL WUltom U Braari*8 Bma- Matinee; Community WDRC—In my opinion. ^ part as a group in the negolationa. We RffMir Everything Wheal AMgoment M coach at tha Uaivaralty of aeama right at borne to tba Mg dru. R. W. Mcllvato's president for many yaar*. Tha Book. Lewis contested the right of Around the Property Batabcook, aa . 8 Connecticut. JuM a reminder to ona and all of AOO hitters to tha lineup gives the first yaar tha trophy was to eem- WONS—Take a Number. WONS—Kom’*-a-Krackln. Waterbury Optician Dlen A Complete Tree Service Brahe and LambsrL lb .. 0 Atoraiheuc list 6f>Twi Laagu* pra-Mason pennant ed^ to the time. HI* Plltsbuigh PIrataa only Mrs. John Paysou Ai WTHT—Dance Time, Joseph E. Moody, head of the Movlaa ,and rafreahments wlH West Spctogflald, Ifaaa— Mora mlsktions and the final «n*iyT*a Britiah-Amertcan club a half gaaw out of flnt plaea, ara ptz$* prtttton tha DrM hfiaara Uritt WTHT—News; Treasury Band Dixie organization, to sit in on Carhoratar Wood, e ...... 4 eomplata the program. ’The nubile top-fligbt mUgat auto race driv tb* Buiprtra ef-tha meatb to tb* It would b* rada, tadaad, tt oaa woa tba flag to IBtt but the BA’a Show. w n c —W. W. Chapin. Walerbu-y. May 1— — Dr. Conn. State Licensed SadrostoakL p 8 la invited. Last yaar at this Uma I aalact- daa tha foUowtag tarn yaaio aad WneVSwanee River Boy*. Arthur F. O’Leaiy. who ran unsuc­ talks dealing with the disputed R. S. PORTERHELD ara, taehidlag Bill Schindler of ed the tinal (Undlng oniah and ba- The BA’a appear to have National Laagu*- of tbe four kpstarts riwW Mmv* ^'wDRC—Dance Orchestra*. cessfully against James P. Glynn mine pension fund. Fully Insured For Your 178 Oak Grove Street Freepmt. L. 1, laat year’a track llava-lt-or-not each team ueiueu named ®iich sawy the raat of Althoughgh Mayar haa a reputation Ms aeaa under tb* wira firaL Tha need only aaa man tetamph to If Lewis challenges the right of Totals ...... 27 10 fi 27 8 l l champion, kaa been Mgned to race as an expert handler of youngyoi graadataad probaMv weald fiaU gain paramnaat poasaariaa of tba w n c —Three Sun* Trio. WONS —: Dance Orchestra. of Wlneted in the 1928 national Protection TrI. 4732.4894,8746.2-0967 185 Main St. Phone 5012 CkMdwin ..0 58000000—8 to a Kspectiv* ilnish positionisitlon diddid' leasuv- playera, tha 184fi Pirates aren’t cup. congressional race in the Fifth Cheney ...0 1 000080 x—10 at tb* opening event tonight at axacUy as was predicted. Sorry Second place honors wiU go to down. 8* would moot hi tha arawd 5tSS— WTHT—Nutmeg State Dancing district died last night nt his home West SptlngSdd Speedway. Coach Paganl’a Oaa House exactly a vouUiful club. They dM who wtn naka atattaR aad Oaal- Vie Pagaal. valaraa aB arauad WDRC—Saturday at the Chase. Two bam hiU: Kowalakl. Wood. Local Sport SdUndlar, who waa one of the the aam* can’t be said about the add yomra Meaty BaagaB at rae- town the obortoat prtead favorite playar, to tba Oaa Boura aoach. WCCC—News: Tune* for Tots. Party. ^ h, re. Prominent in Democratic JOHN S. WOLCOTT Lamay, Wans. Base on baUa: Sad- most popular drtvars at tbe local Boston Red Sox and St. Louis rapraaaattog M ond, Bd Rtovws at firat and Rtan rinca the Datby vms tavaritad to Laat yimr ba ptoyad with tha BA’a WKNB—840 Request Matinee. w n c —Geni* of American Jazz. circles for many years, he was Visit Janas raral- All Makes of roainM 2, Hammlck 14. Strik* oval last year. wUl be driving the CardkalB who both let to* down Itootbsrs. Vie tuiaaia baaeM^l Rojak at shorL but they have to 1878. But oHRtman around ban Tha Hartforduimaa win dapaad WONS—True or False. 1S:66— active in the 1930 and 1932 guber­ AND SON, Inc. tara and flaar Onv- outs: Sadrosinakl 16, Hanunlek 8. C h atter No. 8 Offenhauaer this year. He by not winning the American and from A to E and la axpactad to bank on a pitching ataff of 6M- ■ay anytbtog can bappaa aa Darby upon an an vataraa baO taaai wtth WTHT—Melodies to Remember, WONS Terry Phillips' Orchea- natorial campaigns of Gov. Wilbur Swanson 8. Hits cU : Hamadek 4 National L-eague flags laat yaar. gat the most out of hla ptojrara L. Cross. He was an optician here Phone 8397 Or 8032 ering S t a r s tor SEWING has already shown much stuff dur- tlmcra. day. a panonna) that Inctndsa Ooorga w n c —Dr. I. Q., Jr. tra. lairga Asaortment for 10 runs In 6 3-3 Umlnga; tovan- Everybody and everything la tog 1848, and won tha feature Hcra’a the »/*^ the Tv/Uight J ^ e Banka. Johnny ChomlriL Taka Rip Bewail, for example. Swan, Mlekay DaLuecto, Jafc* l i t ! WnO—News; Dance Orches- foe more than 40 years. He I* sur­ e6«»»,-^ aon, 1 for 0 tuns in ^-8 Inning. Hit ready for tha Softball Twilight League shapes up to this wsU in­ Mickey DaLuocia and Ed Franke- Re retired laat winter and waa Baaha aad Jahaay WTHT—Dorothy Fuldhelm. vived by his widow and two sisters. nt Pine Floor Uov- MACHINES by pttehar by: Swanaoa (Kraehko). event at Cherry Park to Avon. formed bsiehall reporter. wltch ara former organised boU tra. Funeral services will be held Mon­ p h Tv c o League opener Monday night #x- Conn., last Sunday. pteyers. Banks msde tbe grade plaeed on the toaetiv* Hat as a out of towaora W:86— To Have A Sound Building arlng. Call U* tor Dadng pitcher: Hammlck. Uaaptra, capt tbe Knights of Cblumbus Another veteran driver, Ray 1. British Americans. full time ooach. Now he to on* of I Sports Roundup WDRC—News. WONS—Bernle Cummins’s Or- day. Ettlaaate. Espcrtly Repaired lUmadaU. Urns: 8:80. 2. Morisity Brothers. with the St. Loula Ctordinala to tbe You Must Have taam. With a contract deadline Neater of the Bronx, N. Y., driving National League. He has always three pltchara In tha laagu* wtth a Btartlng la the ( WCCC—Music Box. chestra. , aet for Wedneauay. April 38, aU the Wheeler No. 83 Offenhauaer. 5. Nassiff Arms. perfect 84 record. Elmer Riddle, aity*a uw ba been an effective hitter at the By Bogh fWeetoe, JV. ^ 1 1 , B WKNB—News; Sports. w n c —Adrian RoUlnl Trio. qU A l.lTY A SOUND ROOF! JONES’ tjama mad* their rctunu except will alao be In the roster of driv­ 4. United Aircraft a Cincinnati castoff, now with Now York, May 1—(P) Bema ■wOOR WONS—Nqw*. Complats Roofing Service! Singer tb# Kaoeya. As a result tha team en for opening night. This will 6. Polish Americans. Oval with the riiort rightfleld area. Pittsburgh u another. Wtu U WTHT-Memory Lane; Ball 30 gal. Rheon Automatic PRINTING! 0. RockvlU*. Fans may recall DeLuce'a as Sewell failed to go the route iprw a gtqr takao a UMag to a OMfWt Ft—freader Retires Asphalt — Shingle* — 1bi FURNITURE STORE reeved a bUff fine at tha time, be his flnt appaarano* bare In two the left-handed pitching and bat­ rac* boTM tar ao othar raaaoa than hot CO smres. Gaa Water Heater. .I year The printing Com position Dan Raeker. Prep. Sewing Center with a daily fine tarked on each yeara. Nastar will be seeking a Now for the rotten egg* and ting ace of tb* Depot Square Grill yesterday in the Pirates' 10-4 romp b* likoa tte looka ar Its aaoM aad Art .Patton forartag tha w n c —News. Hartford. May 1 -fF l—Frank M. |oh we do for day that they hold back the feature event victory. tomatoes that league managers over Chicago. Kirby High* had to tbs way It runs—as aoma h hteptay coBBbtaattoa at yon will Chimney* — Flashing J8 Oak Street. Mantkeeter, CL 832 Main St. Tel. U8S have been saving for the moment team of three years ago. Choroick mop up despite an eight-run spurt *nrt aao Jenka, »3. for 63 years an employe (guarantee. STANEK Gutters Pboa* 2-1641 Manchester roaW. The papers were atlD not Promoter ’hittaill baa alao signed can play the outfield or pitch. Cat­ ptayan bava laarnad to tbalr of ’The Hartford Courant, has re­ prove satls- In Friday night. up A1 KeUer of Buffalo. N. Y., who for Brother Yoat to give his pre­ In the second toning. may. .Two yeora ago at Churehttl be aa firat with Art : tired, Jenka Joined the morning Electronics Lnbomlorles fnetory— b». dictions. Fellows, before you cher Art Pongrats won the Moat New York's lead shrunk to a hind tha plate. Tba Warm Weather $110..')0 F. H. A. Terms Radio. Television, FM won last year'* opening night fea­ Valuable Player honor last sea­ Downs thla writer took a foaey to newspaper aa an employe of the ennae H wtll Tb# new bulbs for tha Softball ture rase, and Uoyd Christopher start throwing things, remember, son. Roger Thomss is one of the half garte after Boston’s 7-8 vic­ a handaoBB*. bright cheatnui colt named Moat Valuabia to tba leap compoakig room end often tffi'j Wnlkcr S t TcL 2-1121 be prodaced under the laost E. V. Coughlin of MiamL Fla., wtaner of tbe Flor only one team .uui place first sec­ tory over Ray PoaL Tommy tost yaar aa a ammhar af Paga^ Laague UghUng unit arrived in outflcIdoTs who Is inprov* Hofmaa, Bob BUkrtt and Jaff Heath namad Jet Pilot aad as a rnault Togs type from manuscripts written by modem. eINclenI method*. Uet 886 Weedlaad Street Furnace Supplies T. P. Holloran aeaterday^ ReouHa town aarly this week and will ba Ida State Championahlp last win­ ond, third, fourth, fifth and sixth. tog with each game. picked It to win laat yoar’a Ken­ Waat SIdaa. Swan ar Jtm toaa- Marie ’Twain and Harriet Beecher Vincent Marcin oar eottmate. ter. Both have bem popular After witnessing the teams to all hit homsi* off Post, tha Olante’ ebard wfB hurt, with tba fatxsar innumerable Custom^ PHONE 7767 Eaatora installed prior to the opener Mon­ Sunday the Gas Housers tackle (tarter, while Johnny Rain scat­ tucky Daiky .laatood af rvUrtag Stowe when they were contributor* Plumbing and HentIng Dependable 4)oallty — ServtetS Pipes, Elbows, etc. FUNERAL HOME WlUlamaport 3, Elmira l. day night. Several man hava been driven in the past at West Spring- practice and then glancing over the BA’a. Anything can happen on tbsaa unearned lauiula as a tba Mkaly atartar. to the paper. He was a member field Speedway. the rosters, there is no ottor tered five hits for hto first win. Familiar names will appear to Contractor Other games postponed. securtd to climb the poles to make and Pagani has his men geared Whltey Leckmsn and WlUard Mar- racing axpsti wa looked at Cal' of the newapaper’a proofreading er$ Tell l/« They Get WII.I.IAM H. SCHiEI.INiE Plunibiug Supplies Ideally located—coovenloat aad ' Aaiarlraa the change. These new bulbs will A m i^. the local drivers who choice than u> see the BA’a repeat for an upseL umant’v <5oaltown wban ka *qual< th* Btartlng Unaup of tba dafoad- staff when be retired yesterday. .305 North Main Street 185 Spmee Street Tel. 8fiM wUI appear wUl be BUl Dils of for the third straight season and ■hall homered for the loasrA tog UUtota. Tkihattvavaad solar- away from tbe ba«v tbornagb- New York 8, Boston 0. ha pa. cant bnghtai than the Naaalffa Third Plaean Tha BL Louis Oudinato finally lad tha six furlong record at llto- t 3 Tony Batuba' wlB tourito tba Telephone 4818 More Mileage From Chicago 6, Oatron 4. tea used last r zson and will add Agawam who bad a big foUowtng retire permanently the Jack Finishing fifth s year ago while beginning to ML nlltod for u big leah test winter—ao bora wa go tare. Oiatlnetlve Servtcs. Mad- Philadelphia 8, Washlngtofi 1. a lot to tha unlL The field will be laat year. He wtn be at the wheel Dwyer Memorial trophy. again. backstopping dultaa with aoufh- Manchester Pipe ora FnelUltes. Othar gam* poatponad. of the brand new Na 43 car Coach Johnny HeiUund has playing under the colon of the ■even runs to the aavanUi at Chn- paw Jaoda May axpaoted to b* Cool Charmer much brlghtar as a result this American Legion, third place la cinnatl, downing tb* Reds SS-7. Ooath Hadhaurs almthw maaail Our Re-Cap$ Than AR£ NATURAUN' aad NslWiaal year. owned by Tony Yacavon* of guided the BA’s to two straight (too spot for the Nassiff Arms. Coaltown la an oya-fllUng dark CLEAN ANIMALff Boston 7, New York 2. Springfield. Tb* car is named Twi League and town champion- Catcher Jo* Gatagloto broke a 6-6 DON W ILLIS AMBULANCE SERVICE The Anna have the beat all local U* in the big tantag with a grand bay colt who looks amallar than Inflald paalttoBa wlB ba ba the 1 From IKetv Tires. Supply, Inc. SL Loula IS, ClnrlnnaU 7. Ha.-old Binka. arcll known North "Julie Ann" for Tony’s new ahips and jUiere seem* to be no team to the league. Roger Pitkin ■lam homer. Stan bfurial, however, ba raaUy la. .Ha’a fart as a rtraak, a lees *t fiM smU 6!e.at whee N0TWIN6 DAY AND NIGHT Pittsburgh 10, Chicago 4. End youngster and an avid loft- daughter. ■topping the titUata in their third os taro trach racorda to Ma four K .baamM OMt Oabb at flnt LIKE A Brooklyn 11, PhUadmphia 3. Also Itstod among those ached- to s youngster to watch. Also Ed led the attaak with five Mte In­ BUI Martay ar GBfl F saaiy GARAGE Let Us Do Your prMiplljr lepald <■ <* westt* (Ponnarly Man. Hardware) baU fan, haa tha distinction of Md. w iv n , Mickey Murphy and Bobby cluding a homav and a pair of ■tarts prove.. But avarytlma wa rsBMeeUte IstlsMBwsIs et 248 No. hlain St. TcL 6265 175 Center St. Phone 3060 ulad to appear at ttaa opanar ara Many Name Players racall Ooaltown eoasing dawn tha at aaaoad, CMHto Hervatb at |l*.es eatk. Btoadtaga being the first playar In the roft- Johnnie Rios of Milford. Conn., S Martto and doubles. ahartatap and flary MIha Baveitok 18 Main St. Phone 8085 Tires .And Prove It " kU Lcagus’a history named a* The greatest collection of name WUlie OlekaeiMki are back to form For the third straight time, ■tntch at Hialeah looktag as If at third. Walt Iford, Jatry flaad tU U tM*. Eaatora official bat boy and hon«l64d JOB AND CYIMMERCTAI Brooktyn ... Twt BoftballLMgus Opansr — Unua melr aaUotiwMa sarlaa et Having swept aside the ona man off aarvlea to the elreulL to defeat Mickey Harris Who had and Md under tb* standa- .A t naan a Special Attralton PRINTING Oentsr Motors vs. lA’s 8:80—Ro­ toatebaa at tb* Hart- consider^ the most worthy oppo- Uksv found m* and toaoad bb* to PhUadtlphto bertson Park. Rsahvllla to r u i held New York scorriara tha toad, kept a wary ay* aa yaaag Given fn Hb»nc Prompt and Elflrlenl Printing Boston . i ... fort Audltertttm Friday, May 31. nant, Riggs looked for new flrids It was a tough Job to drive time they mat; They now trail tha« Jail for tba afternoon and I never UkiR JHeMMndee twlog IIIa the N ? Order*. Tef. S16M. of All Kind* Chicago __ Rac .fioftban League Opener — OmeeUcut and Maaaachusetts to conquer near the end of 1847. Indiana by a gam* and a half, did aa* that gam*.’’ ttOMl 0M$

J- ■■■■■ -f

' i ^ •


MtoTstfiMtoi She waa laaWag bar rounds o f HinmelmM ServKas Painllng—l*tsrrmg-' 11 A r t M w f w 8 b I9 Hoi ft l W aataG • • ItNI.XEKVIl.t.fe: FOl.llH The foUewtag noto, written la a too produce maifcsto aad c m mar- Squirmy worm upon toe ground, OfrrM ISA IP YOU WANT the beat can ma. HETWOODk WAKEFIELD hahy FLOOR prealema aoWad with 8188 REW ARO l Family Maf fiw d c . good hand, w ito pan and Ink. waa Bhant caUsd atUntiou to hto fine W rlggbng alndsaoly around, Wrt RBCXnotXND tha following ISSS BUIOX Specinl club' aaupe CtaM rrf- with '40 nmUiT, very good buy. I do the root fBto*loi and aa- carrlaga. In rxceOant condltlea. 'taeleum. eapLali tils ceuntar Era 8 or d roqm reel. Sense and Nonsense picksd np tos other'day: poMtosA “WhaTa too mattor, Uttto squirt: t h b b a b y i s ONE O f good uaad cara for your approval FLAT nNISH Hollanc window Export workBMaaaipv fraa astt- Boaa. Btaady itajtoBia.tT raT i 2* ~ *«at bow shoot tost has A S k E C P IN Q atafied Kelley Sendee Center, 16 Bmin- Bhadaa mada to meeaura. Kaya tarlor work. Floor aai.dtng 'aad can S-OTM aftor «. *T7BfWtofol O m ; Saturday “Am your syes aU fun of a lT “ at Millar Motora, 65S Oentar amtoa. Opaa svoatags. Joimc' 0883 aftor 8 p. m , Thsre am amny stoctaa aonm I got laat weakT Tht ooss m tos nrd Place. Phone 7355. mad« irhlla you aralU Martow'a refinlahlM. Phono 3-9675. C. P. Bight you told nw you loved am, BUREAU PRAWERS atraat Manchaater. FOR SALB-gO gallon hot water Faraltnre, Oak abaac Phoao o6 with tho mattng of wU a aad Bimilny atteraocB 1 mw you topweMtwiocM MgMtoSCUSS Charbonfloaa. Painter aad Docoi^ BACADABKA^—C n you polve " I wUk yau’d atop y tm tandag Advertisements 1S41 Ruick apacial 4-door sedan, r ClAU. STfUiX 3-S0g7, fW Uno- ator alaoa UM. tank and gaa water heatar. a-10^. • V * ahepr OM eaas tho aurirtvoiu had goiaf Into tost movie with n Father and son had gons to- radio and heater. A very nice loaa 6479. this prablem? Ttaasferred to ObBBglatMd Uto w lfo o f Jack. asmhtod aad as too lagaetoo « Meade! Who to toe toe braam Greesr: *That to tos trouble gstlier to a baaaar whom a pretty Tmilrs fsr 9slu 6-A laum laying. Sarvtca o ( i BTBRLXNO Mvor aat hy Ragan, Hartford la Jaauary, aqr fomijy famUy oar. A ll new Urea. bumars and odd Juba NEW KBOtNaCO rates aa brtorloi H to Just to balk year akopptag aaaouaesd tos reetplant would 7 Aad you too, dowhla croee ertto those potatosA ma'am. By i girl was selling kisses to I M l Chevrolet special dalune 14 FOOT Shulte house trailer, aad ex taper gauitthg. pagar t h r e e PSuagai aat water roMa, Lnat Modora Vlctorlaa patten, to stlU Uvtag la Boston beceuee talk,'* pram toe wish that tha deceamo bber, provarioator. i f you tho ttms I get a bcoful dog thoae charity. 4-door sedan. Radio and heater. fully equipped, alaep S, 8550. In­ W EAVtNO OF numa moth boloa banging, rooOag. Saar aoadlag Ttam lar, Ohio, and OdpitoL Good 48 piacoa, 8 place sottlaga. Oaat Tm unable to find a .8 bedroom Hsr Intobaud aaawcted back. had lived to- enjoy tho fortano tldak 1 cam, yea am Joat crasy. potafosa grow ao that that toe teat Fatoer: (Slyly) “My boy. hem'a Immaculate condition. Interior quire (Mrich's Service StaUon, and tom clothing: laiJoa boaiory aad calktag. Baagol bsrma ar- ooaEtton. ChU Mattya. gSTt. 1807. wUl sail 8186. Bos HE, house or apartatont to m a t I f hlmoolf. If X warn a ama 1 wooM not he enaa oat are twice m Mg m ' a dollar MO. You go and ktoa Itor. Cm. A PW ^ coatm c^ like new, all new Urea. Buckland. Tel. 3836. Herald. you can aastot ns pleaae call worn with adto a tauMmlmd know- Bret on|M Pve dug.“ When 1 waa young yon can bet I runs ropairad, har.(,hag rapnlrs: nuigad la daMred. R. B. Wadatar. YOU CAN trade i your oM otoi '* Faftont: 1 1 Uto y a U oa Finally them was a hiBwat to a IMS Plymouth deluxe, motor Just ■ipper raplmcamont; ^ v o iw- 6966, Hartford 7-t996 eoOect" >9tr. •OAe aotoiag. Her hair Is permdde. any- 'JT U heater, fii; Midaaya It Taa doaMat *T givs to oqr aoa, JoA 83 to 3-door sedan, good rubbar. Motortyclss Bigyclw 11 ng: OMn s ahlit ooUnr and euS operation tor b n a fopo to haag hUaaelf." would Maks battletoip. Pm giving Be Inie to year shortly after mtumed In a high 19SS Pontiac club eonverUUa. Maraeai P fla tte M Mate atraat. ChU 7968. aupla bad and apvlag. 810. TB. WA*(tTlii--6 or 6 room nat |W you the air; ao potMua i Be tiM to your firm; state o f aattofaetton. 1S47 CUSHMAN Motor aeootar. rersnl and roptacanant Mai^ Hartford 6-6898. qulat adult temUy. Bxcallont ref- Not U bo outdono by too otborA m New motor, new tires, a very da- low's Littla Mandlng Shop. teaifal togatoo Jo a m a t aad don't botocr me. T b » eight of Be tme to year work aa aa art: * Father: “Well, did you ktoa her, Birable car. In good condition. Oall 6165 THE PIANO SHOP, g Pearl arencas. W rite Boa L, Herald. yen givea ma a pain—you and Bo tnw to your heoM; eon?" days. atraat offers frso aatlmataa i B o U M G as 45 A BEAUTIFUL Largs atehegany ____ -Baton was looklag over bto do- toan saying: less Chevrolet deluxe 4-door leather top knaahola desk. In •X H tTvSt m poor Catow your stoic craampaff. • Be trim to your friends; Sen: "T s a you can bat I did WAMTVD-M* So Pratt wd aedan. Radio and heatar. Oar BtlMing—CMHractlnc 14 thorough and guarantaod d Bu t t l e d Oas apiiiUMoaa. Bat- WANTBD-g to 8 i foPk.8 « awki wkan ks cams npea ana of ...... I But mootty be true to pw heart Dad." R%ltiWJ*> from O t ««i Harm 8 «:- TWO MEN'S Mcyclas, good condl- ntothlng. Punlng, $6. QUl 4039. excellent condition, |7A Phono kis aaristoat drvUa who was laugh- only Uvod to snjoy hto ,b nine first rate. 0>me In and drive Uon. 36" light walght Ursa Call Uon gaa hoi water haatetn. aot- 6463. months. CaU 6885, hlnwolf.’* Taatocr: Oaa anyoM teU bm the | —Ratotocn De I Father: “Did you make her ^ P a to 4:45. PboM S-3MS. . SU LLIVAN , mason contractor, tlac gas raagaA aotUaa gas coai- bur haartUy, and screem7“ it. 6S14. PIANO TVNINO mpaln, rsaoa- • Ttotoni^^^t am you laagWag dUforenoe betwbea a stoic aad a _ _ _ less Chevrolet 4-door aedan. brlrhw->rL. plastering, cinder MnaUcsi rtovaa, Dottlao g u haat- W HITE Bramal combination eynie? I Inauraace (Xnctal: "What caua- Son: "Bcreemt ru say ae! I dlUonlng, etc. John Cbckarhaat sra. Maachostor Pipe and Supply H i far n a t t - f«t S^e Radio and heater. block, concrete work, stone. Tel. 38 Edgalowy atraat Pbooa 4 IU . stove, coal and gas hot water Dovtt: “Oh, ha, hA ha. Pvs just Wlfo: *Tt aaya ham la tos f ip ir AMo: Bum, a etolc . to a boM i ad thb fim f" kept the doUer." 1S37 Plymouth coupe. Bxcellant 3-0418. lae. TsL «9i&. that tos man was shot by hto wlfo Wantni Aaim front 671 Adama sUaat PORTER STREET ascUoo. 4* V oar latart anlval Mi a florieh, w hrt brtaga da baMea and a cyMc InvasUgator: *Ylpenta a 4 o u a “ __ ^— motor. Radio And heater. Oood room slagto, room for two ap* at doM raagA” to toe place whara yea wash combuatloo—a |30,800 poUcy on a MotorcycMs IX CARPENTER Work of all klm MOBILE Flame bottle fM for MAT i AO Washer., and Dutch m a loom with a thnmawd o f tho Teacher: Give me a aenteoce Urea BwiiMas OppsrlmiittaB t t sUlTA stairway. SrsplaeA latsat wtatoriatoto Ridihy; **llMn totm must ham 88,000 hottM." containing a direct object DeCormier Motor Sales, 1936 Dodge converUbla, aa pratty THERE MUST Sa * roaaan srhy Roofa, sMtngs, adthtlons ano al­ farm aad hams, avaiiaNo new oven, gas nngaa, aH modi beta pewdar marha ca tos coat ks terations. Also now construction. Maachaatar Pipe aat. Supply oU at„a a hast T. J. Oockstt, Bataa: **WhaPo ao funny aheot Honm eaa ha a vahiaMe tavoat- Juator: Tiacher, you'ra beauti­ aa they come. First elaas mschan- more and mora paopla ara aolling A OONTRAfTTlNa hoMasto avAlabla in limited quantltlaa, btokar. 6416. About toe enly thing wa glean mant Make the nwst of your time ■ajra, *Try If you can to beat Blaffart Phono 3-035t. 996 . 9-0998. subject to prior sale. Paarl’a Ap­ that 7** ful. • l:ally, new top, paint vary good. mra to Barlow Motor Salsa. Hava your earn. Learn to eupervtae DevU: 'Them toato any mirror, WIfs: *Tcah. toat^s why toe ibot flomom pereonal tottora to that somo- today, aad you eaa dtopenae wito Teacher: What's the objeett 1SS5 Chevrolat 4-door aadan. you a ear to aellT Prtan M down m ild homee, S3 week couraa. Oar- pliance aad Furniture, 648 Mala OAK dTRBET-Tw o-fam Uy 6 and h la ir body IOTH0 BMe worrylag about tomorrow. thane ears and their prices.' R E SID E N TIA L and commercial streat Junior: A good report card. heater. A k>‘ of service left In today and aoa why. F h ^ dapead* cabinet woih, variety woodwork, tlflad by th« State Board af Bdo- Boats and 4 « A central seating systeaA M I8(rs870’ Apartmeat vacant T> They’re AUCTION PRICED. this ona Runs good. abia Duytng sorviea witta quicb portable tools fo r rent Shlpehape caUoa. Faterans aUgIble. HOUSE CLB AN INO time to amt- m a & H Y r i N N BBck Or Thd Job! LANK LEONARD 1938 C%avrolat H-Um panaL cash paymanta Why gall fo r loaa ter Room Oontractota J. Ufoebett, broker. Pkeoa 66lW Woodworking Oo. Phone 3-0963. (nm O ARD Motor, Baa King, 3.8 traqp cbaaglLg Uma. TYade In Needs some work. Special |235. urban you can gat ntora at Bar- 39 Pearl streat Hartford M U t. your worn out matiraaa for 1947 M E R C U R Y 4 D R . 1941 IntemaUonal H-ton pick­ low Motor Salaa. OeaM doum or OONtTtETB Oontmetar. Retain­ twla. Good eaadltloa. Oall 4788. EIGHT ROOMK. bath, at r s famous Rest Kavor. lanarspi^. electricity, telcphcoA attaMaa SEDAN up, in fine mechanical oondlUon. enll ua today. Two ealaamon to ing walls, landscape and gtadtag Refp WaRta6->-l'aaHils 810 aOowaaca this wsak oal,''. wcU, 3-car gar fg o, nice otovatloo. Solid Ure and bod>. aarva you at all Uiaaa Opaa ova- work. cUiJer blocka, brick, aepUe Terma. Banaon’s, 718 Mala street Radio, Htr., Def. «A beauUful New Urea 600x16 (M ator Rrand) Gardca—Pana—Dairy approximately 2 acm> land, mem car—white wall Urea tool. nlaga Barlow Motor Salaa. 5S5 tanks Installed. * Froo ooUnutaa W ANTED — Woman, expariancad sn 810.95 exchange ptu., tnx. Main streat Phono 6606 or 3- Prod aria can be bought Excellent garden f lvan Call Valentino Bclluccl 8- prefarmd, for aaaambly and 5* OOLD8POT rafrigentor, in plot about 6-4 aero 4 adlss from 170S. 601 80 Blrcb atraat QUAUTT Garden ferUHMr at good condition. Olanwood oU aad 1946 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN AU STIN kMloor aodnn. It's n spacUon. Apply Flabor Dry Manchester. On bard road. |10,- Claanars, 30 Broad atraat No tha farm. Priced reasonabla. Wil­ gaa range, combination, baby 800. Phono lorn Minor, RochvUle honey. 8496. down, balance up to carriage: bathlnetta. Owner mov­ CPE. 3 yeara Brunner's, East Center BusinsM Semcca OEsrsB IS FlonaUt—N Brarriee 16 phono calls liam’s Farm, Buckland. Phone 118't ahape). day night 'UL10. OIL BURNERS elaaasd. laaUUed GERANIUMS, 35c oach and up, WE BUY and sail good (range type), washing aweblnaa and 40 for full time work FOR BALE—Premier strawberry acres tUlablA 6 rocm hoosA 8 large aseortment of mixed pots planto, 81 per hundred. Any furniture. oomblnatlon rang* PLYMOUTH IMS 4-door aodi vamiuma repaired, aassn tied, and baskets for Mouier'a day. Boda fountain. Exoertence not batliA plenty of cut-builEngA 1946 FORD 2 DR. SEDAN lawn mowers sh-rpanad, repair- necessary. Write BoK Q RaralA amount Planto from South tost gaa rangas aad baatm. Jones' water and llghte, alluatod on blU and ona bualueaa ooupa Both Also evergreens, Rhododsndruns, ftomlturc StocA 86 Oak. Pbons S U P E R D L X . clean, ona lAa n complete motor ad. pick u|ip and deltvary,deltvaiy, ErlIWand- year. Phona 6698. J. P. O’Oonnor. conunandlng nice view of Hart­ axaleas, shade trees and weep­ WOMAN Waited. Ham 8 to 3-106L Radio, Htr. (Priced right to job. Both priced for a quick sale ly r tx lt 718 North Main. Tel. ing willows, hardy pennlala and PREM IER Strawberry planto. 813 ford. Also ratohed cottage at Brunner's, Beat Center street 4777. 4:30. Caean work, ^pod wagha. Ck>ve.itry lakA 84.800. ^.Ihomaa pleaae yon, you bet). and rock garden plants at Me Apply New System Laundry. a thousand. Frank Glode, 1701 T A P P A N Ph»-gaa range. A -I con Open 'U1 10 Monday, Thursday. dltkm. Reasonable CaU 8-1637 Bradley, exchisive agant .Plgme VE N E TIAN Blinds. AU types 0>nvUle'B Nursery and Green­ Harrison street ToUanu s'., aat done A Manches­ or 3-0688. Hartford 9-06S8. . , / 1941 to C K 4 DR. SEDAN 1939 DODGE aedan, IM S (3ievro- made to order also recondlUon house, 302 Woodbrldge street ter. Phono 8316. let coach, IvSS Pontine eonch, tng. Best quality. Findell Manu Phone 5947. GREASE AND fine sewers for 37 SPRUCE Street—8-room sin­ Radio, Htr., Def. (Thla car la aa worsted and gabardine cloth. STRAW BBRRT plants, CaUkUto BABY (XUB, fuU atos. Storkllns. FUNNY RURINKfW BY HERSHRKRGER PRI8CliXA*8 POP BY AL VBRMHBR BOOTS AND HKR BUDDIES an right number). 1M7 PonUne coach. All ears faeturing Cb., 485 Middle Him PANSIES. Giant strains In bloom, Parfset eondiUon. High chair, gle, flmplace, oU heat Ideal for Guaranteed hourly rate plus and Big Joes, 814 per l.bOO tourist horns or rooming housA guaranteed. Terma, trades. Oole pike Bast Call 4885. 50«. baskat forget-me-note. Eng­ Premier, 813 per 1,000. CaU 6718 goqd condlUon. Phone 4501. N- caict. O00N6N. OMBhWhkMiS I 'AWkltoh. t Motors. 4164. piece work. Apply Nutmeg T. J. Crockett Broker. 643A^ DEEP WELX. — shallow well lish daisies. Pre-uler atrawberry Mending Co... 71 Spencer street. or 38 Foley street 1942 PLYMOUTH COUPE plants, 35-81: 100-83.75; 1.000- 60 t automatic stoker, gaa water Radio, Httn Def. (A n immacu* M 95. Olsdloll 30 new varieties. N a 1 and No. 3 grades Amelia strsat chrome wheels, very clean. MS6 now instaUations by experienced Jarvto, $73 Parksr street Pboaa hsxtsr, scresnA storm wtedowA lata car from the word go). down. Brunner’s East Cantor pump men. Shtlmatee cheerfully 13-8185; finest mixture. 13-85c; SEWING Machinas for sals. Now two-car garaga. 80-dsy cccupanr asparagus. Mary Washington. 7036. street given. Bdumrd W. Johnson. HOUSEKEEPER Wanted, Good and uaad. Wa vpalr, slactrlfy cy. No agente. Phone 8897.. Plumbing and Heating Oontrac 35-81; 100-82 (5. Four acres salary. Call 7941. and modemtoa your old ma­ 1942 BIERCURY CONV. STRAWBERRY Plante. Premiere, BROOKFIELD STREET—6-room tor. Phono >9(9. hardy plants Including Delphin­ 810 per thousand. PaUkllto, chines. ABC, 31 Mapla strocC CLUB 1M7 HUDSON TerrMtinna. First ium. Phlox, Popples and Muma. YOUNG Women wanted for ma­ single, 8 down and 8 up. (Ml chine stltcjlng. Kaklar d o th PaUiflndara and New Temples, 1876. Radto, Htr.. Def. (Red leather 8300 takes It Phone 3-3374. EXPERIENCED Unolaua ate. Shrubs, fruit treaa. Trans­ 813 par thousand. Phone 8394. steam heat rtoseed la porch, RglHMery—white wall Urea). 'hanle. Will install Ul typaa planted vet:eteble and annual Toy Oo., Forest etreaL WABHING Machinas bought odd, two-car garage. T. J. OoekeU, PA(nCARD Sedan 1S4T —4. Beau floor and wan covering-Immedl- pUinU later. Woodland Gardena, feeahred. Workmanship guaran- broker. 8416., tifu l blue, radio, heatar, swan ats sarvioc, reasonable rates. 168 Woodland street Tel. M74. t»m . Speed Queen waaherA Jdm 1941 FORD 2 -DR. SEDAN Hrip WantcB—Halt 10 CXIRDS o f good cow manors OAKLAND SHEET — 8-family emblem, plasUc sent covers, Phone John Krlnjak 6166. 619 Middle Turnpike, Etost. M. taking. Phone 2-1578 dayA or "ar ^ — DLX. chrome, wlndcw ehadea, roar W ANTED—Married man for milk 3-0296 evenings. hotisA recently painted. - New fender covers, white w ^ Urea. RAIMO — Electrical Appliance W HITE Flowering d ogwoods, 75c roof. South side of trsekA T. J. Radio, Htr.. Def. (Two o f theae and up. W ill deliver. Phone 7934. route. Write Box Z, eteUng exper­ ■omdar cara to chooae from, but Driven only 6,000 miles. New enr Service, repairs picked up and ience and referenceA HounvlitiM liooda 81 FLORENftoi (tomblnaUon rangeA Crockett broker. 843A guarantee. Brunnei'a, Bast Oen­ dallvored promptly. 30 yaars’ oil and gaa, now avallablA limit­ ALI.EY 1N)P tar atraat Open Monday, Thura- axparlanca. John Maionay. Phone WANTED—Two men for general ed quantlUeA 2 and 4 and 4 and 8E/EN-ROOM single, located At RooBnf— 8 Mlng 18 86 Baldwin Road. No agente. 'rriadeovgM day night TU 10. 3-1046. 1 Walnut street garage work agid outside labor. WILL SELL TO 4. Place your ordetoday. Peart’a . J 'rNAMW a 1989 PONTIAC 4 DR. Apply in person, Isanchester RESPONSIBLE PARTY Appliance and FumlturA 649 Phone 7705. C:HEVR0LET 1S46 club coups, A L L MAKES o f sawing machinea Kr. Phone 5418 Monday and Thursday 'Ul 10. factory work. Oood opportunity thla modem living suite with 1987 PONTIAC 4 DR. l a w n m o w e r s bvdge ahtmi chi .1.161, for right man. Kaklar CHoth Toy FOR SALE ^Reaaonrbla FergU' 1940 CHEVROLET Tudor. Ex> and setoaora sharpened on pre- lamps, tablea, radio, modem bed­ CKNTRAU.Y Located, duplex s i S E D A N Co., Forest street son double trajtui t>low, dotibla with very large barn, adaptable tremely clean; 1940 Ford tudor. ctoion machines. Repair service, KUOHTNU and sldt.ig our special room, modem kitchen with disc wheel harrow and mewing 6 C Y L . ty. New ceilings end carpentrjr BENGAL RANGE and WEST to business. Plot 151 x 165. Fob formerly owned by a local exocu- pickup and delivery. Tel. 3-V86b. WANTED—Resident Manchester machine. Call 3’<52. I4e »***•.•* ..SA...... gww j" Radto, Htr.. Def. (Ha-ha popu- tive, axceptlonaUy well kept 88 Fairfield street. Highest quality ma enais Work- INOHOUSE REFRIGERATOR. appointment call M.idellne Smith, veteran with car, to train for 8695 Iw. popular). 1946 Ford super deluxe tudor. mansnip guarsiiieed A A Dion. window display work. W rite Box SAVE 850. 1946 non-wheel driven Realtor. 2-1642 • 4679. / ANTIQUES Raflnished. Repairing In Phone 466u. white aldawall tires, radio, beat* T, Herald. 865 Deposit—Balance weekly or Doyle power mower, 21" cut. IM M EDIATE Occupancy Six ar, like new. 1940 Ford converti­ dona on any furniture. Tlemann. monthly. Willing to sell any room Mechanically perfect. Call 7707. *T4 Nks Msihsr hsrtSv tMs «ri9 hst no msnntrt!" 1987 DODGE 4 DR. SEDAN 189 South Main street Phone ipacloua roomA attached ga­ ble coupe; 1M7 Pontiac tudor, 17 separately. May be seen at your GARDEN TRAirrCRS, Bready, rage. oil hot water heat recrea­ Radio. Httn Def. (Ha-ha, me complete front end and motor 6648. Henting—l*lunibing Help Wanted—Male or convenience at Garden King. G avely. Planet, tion TOO' I. For appointment call overtuuiled with all new parte. G ENERAL Service and repairs Frtnalc 87 KUIK GLANUKK b y r.Al.HRAITH LA W N MUWBRS, hand and A LB E R TS FURN. (X> Jr., with atterhmentii. Hand and Ma.ellne Smith, Realtor. 3-1643- Financing can be arranged power, sharpened, for sale, ex­ Remodeling, alteretions water power mowers Lawn edgers. 4679. through the Mancheeter Trust OFFUn PERSONNEL— Execu­ <3 Allyn Street.. Hartford 6-0358 KRECKI.KS AND HIS FRIENDS 1989 W nXYS 4 DR. SEDAN changed. Sews filed, keys made. pipe replacements with copper tive and clerical, technical en­ Our "Courtesy Car" to now avail Grass catchers Capitol Grinding Oo at bank rates or at any com­ Ctopitol Grinding Co., 38 Main. tubing. Stopped up drains, deep RadlOk Rtr^ Def, (Real economy pany of your choice. Several gineers hnd mechanical drafts­ able. We pick vou up. bring von Co , 38 Mall at eel ('a ll 79.V8. Isfla for 8sto 71 51 7966. and shallow well 'pumps. Edward men —Sales, retail and wholesale. home. No obligation. Open eve other values. See them nightly Johnson. Phone eBi9. DELIVEUIIEri now of Ferguson 'tU 0 or Sundays. iJouglas Motor Apply Burnhar Employment nings by appointment. LAKEWOOD Circle, high, level PLOW ING and Harrowing done Agency, '9 Pearl street, Hart­ tractors and equipment. Corn lot, 95 X 182. Price 82,000. CaU llaiipv aumy more to cboooe Bales. “ Where your friend reasonably. Phui Manchester Pi,UUGED Main sewers, sink, ford. Phona 4-3003. planters for Ford A Ferguson. owner 6109. ftem at aaay tanna. Sea you aoon bought hto car and to aatlefled.' 6906. lavatory and oath drains effi­ Single tractor plows. Oliver. at ■ ■ ' ” ciently mai'hlne u'eaned. Carl Fordson, Maaaey-Harris parts. -----— U'TTLDTNO lota for aalc 1938 PLYMOUTH. Excellent run­ A L L MAKES of sewlfig machines Nyuren, pli.mber, -iieam fitter DIVANOLA with maple arms. ning condition, (toll 8194 after 6 Siluati'ina Wanted— Ghccellent condition. Call 2-0276. Dublin TYactor Co.. North Wind- on Broad street between Wood* sxperUy repaired. Singer Sewing and pump machan.c Phone 6497. Road. WlUlmantlc. Phone . a -.-.l aiicl Middle Turnpike R4 Mstllke St. Manch. Tel. 8854 p. m. Female Si* ham Machine Oo., 833 Main street SMALL Refrigerator, In good run­ 2058. West. CaU 6163 betv'een 5 and 7. TOl. 8883. GRANDMOTHER available for ning condition, 845. Inquire, 1 Opaa tin t:00 p. m. Tburadays. 1941 Plymouth four-door sedan, KnoMng—ilrpairing 17-A (tomplete motor overhaul. Car In baby sitting, evininga. Refer- Nathan Roa<'. CEMENT M'xera, half bag, 863 to LAKEWOOD (HRCXJB VAN(XiUR A (INLEY. Naw erences. Phone 2-0145. 8530. Immediate delivery. J. K good condition. Guarantaod 80 homea planned and built to your K(X>KIN(1 and Repairing of all We are offering for flale several clave. Cen be bought reasonable. kinds (3iimne> work, guitcrl Hartnett, 5 Federal Road, Dan­ choice building sites In Oils very A T S A A l OW Motor Sales you specifications Alterations, roof­ YOUNG WOMAN d. sires position BOX SPRING and two parlor bury, Conn. Tel. 6269R. Brown end Beaupr» Inc., 80 Bto- ing. Time payments arranged. work Expert repu>rk. Eonesi leslrah’ ? location. Minimum fronl- win Bad one of the largest selec- workmanship. Satistactlon guar- aa bookkeeper or feller in Man­ heaters. Call u835. age 90 feet. Priced from 82.100. ttoog of quality used can Ui sell street Phone 7191. ’ Phone 4836 - 3-1813. chester, full or part time. Refer­ viteed. Call Coughlin, Manrhes- EAbTY Spin Dryer washer, Bengal MuHicai Inolrumeiita 8.1 ROBERT J. SMITH, Inc town. A ll makes and modela. KORL 1987 coach, radio, haater, OAHUBN Plowing, prompt wrv- ter 7707. ences furnished If Ueaired. Tel. AB thoc<4ighJy raooadltlonad. M4*. delux combination stove, large 95.1 Main Street good paint tires, motor. It’a Ics reasonable rates George crib and* spring, 2 sleds. (Tall 2- SM ALL PIANOS, spinets, ammll Phone 3450 Tbasa eara may aa bought for just what you’ve been looking Greenway, 36 View street Phone uprights, studio size verticals, ■man dopt paymaate. Our fl- 0661. COTTAGE Under construction' at for. Easy terms. BrunnariA East 3-0607. Moving—Trurking— Uoru—Rinta—Pets 41 8465, 8285, J460. Known makes, JHUMa ptaa to axoapttooally good. O n tcr street Open Monday, S to ra g e 20 SE. .JN G Out furniture. Oak all In good condition, terma. Goss Coventry l.ake Some lumber In­ Wa Bnaaeo throjigh the Man- Thursday 'til 10. REFRIGERATION GOLD FISH, Tropical fish, bowls, dreaaer and chiffonier, tables, Plano Co.. 57 Allyn atreet, Mart- cluded. Phone 3245 Manchester. chagtar Trust company. You pay ASHBIS AND Rubblah removed. SERVICE aquariumA Qpli. Trout for out­ lawn seatA garder. toola, an­ ford, 5-6096 Excluatve Baldwin ■ 0 Baanoa ehargos. The only 1040 DODGE aedan, radio and Sand, gravel, dll and loam. Gen­ side pooto, pool fold, aquarium BUILDINT IOTS—50 x 140 while tiques, Sheraton da venport, Pem­ dealer fo r Manchester. they last, $198.50. Phone 5191 charge to d par cant interost par heatar, good condition. Price DomesUe and (tommetctal eral trucking. R-u.ge and fuel oil planU, gold fiah greeiu. Special broke table, I'ass, china, steeple- year which offan the cuftomer right Private owner. Hava later Jamea Macri. .-*'.ione 4523. daya, or 44M nights. PIELA’S REFRIGERATION water Hyaoinths. CanarteA male clock, large cherry tebic. Ford tha otaMBt in aavli.gs. Como model so must sell. A fte r 6:16 or and female Hendryx cages. Dog WoMiihg Appnre*— Rum 57 SALES AND SERVICE THE XUS'HN A. Chair bera (>>. atat'on wagon, rea. seat pine down and aat our laiga aaiao- Saturday morning. 60 Parker foed and aasetai'rieA Eboo Pet cupboard. V. Hedren, Manches­ V. snl>-4—Heal r^t«te 77 tloa today. 6M Mam atraat, Man- street * . 88 Birch Streat TaL 8-1438 local or long dlstanc- moving. SPIRELLA Foundation garments Shop, 408 Center atreet. 8238. ter Green. fitted In your own borne and cut ahaatar. Opaa Nil 9 a anlnga. Motilng, packing and storage. Open 9 A m 7 p. m. “ A t The DF-SIRE A TWO, three, or four- OLDSMOBILE 1089 coach, 8196 RADIO nead OxtngT Have 11 re­ Phone Manchester 5187 or Hart­ to your Individual meaaurem-mta. IhtaphoM 6404 and 3-1709. Tropical Fish Sign." HOLLYWOOD Bed (twin aixe). fam l'y house So occupancy nec­ down. 1941 Oldsmobito coach, paired by experts PUte-up aarv- ford 6-1428. box spring on legs and Inner For appointment call Mrs. Ruth essary. W rite Box (}, Herald. iM d CHEVROLET sedan, a nica special at 6246 down. 1040 Hud­ Ice, guaranteed work Bets check B EA U TIFU L Boxer. puppies, spring mattress, bark pillows or Allen 2-1254, Mrs. Nadine Beau­ ear, cbcdp; 1980 Chevtoirt atand- son coach at 6196 down. See ed In the home, (tor - radios a MOVING. Housihold goods and aired" by champion Baron of. champ 2-0972, Mrs. Elalt Mlnl- Your Real lOeiate Pro 'lems pianos moved anywhere In the bolsters Included. Complete with Bid coach, good clean oar, one these Monday or Th'irsday night. ■paciaity Mancheatas Radio Brightwood. Reasonable. 1555 slip cover, apecial 889.50 Watkins cuccl 7781. Are Ours ownar. Krilay Service Center, 10 Jpen 'til 10. Brunner’A East' Bervice. 78 Birch atraat Phone state. Also general trucking and We Buy and Sell tor Cash rubbish removed. Pianos our Hebron avenuA Glastonbury. BrotberA 985 Main street Bralnard Place. Phona 7266. (tonter street 3-0840. ''' > - Wanted— le Kay 5f* Arraiige mortgages specialty. Krysingei anJ Madl- COCKER BpaniA pups. (3oUla ELECTTRIC Kelvlnator kitchen Before you ae call na 1937 OLDSMOBILE:. 4-dooi sedan, FUftNACES TaUored to fit your gian. Phone 5M7. pups. Fox Tsrrier pupA Dogs ra..ge. Ihicelicnt condition W rite Nl Obligation. 1988 FORD two-door sedan. CaU heater. EtoueUent tires, 6460. (toll home. Van Camp B ros Phone ASHES, Cans, rubblah removed boarded by day or week. Zlm- Box H. Herald. WANTED TO BUY -Uaed sand I Brae Burn Ready Co., ' 8873 after u. 4047 between 10 a. m. - 6 p. m. 6344. mcrmai fCennelA Lake atreet 118 East I enter atreet. ' **0h. mon sro ao slow! Haro I tm, s frdthmgn in high WlUlmantlc 2-614J1 after 6. OUera. yards end attics cleaned. NORGE Gaa range, floor model, -MX. (toll 5009. “ I sa id g o t rid of hor! 8ha*8 wraokin’ tha ioveut with that ( ASHES AND Riibbtoh removed, (Seneral trucking end odd job- Phone 8387. Real' >ra. Phon >273 or 5329. nvHh R9 prtagddti of gattiM msrridd this atim* CHEVROJ.ET 1946 aedanette concentrator speed burners, slm> CAU. OSTKlN^tKV 187V foi fur ■.foni6-m6fnldMnin66*mo aytlam of hi 3847 Dodge station wagon. 1946 1934 PLYM O UTH aedan. Oood yards cleanad, odd Jobs Phona bin;;. C. tfV. Oaiaon. Phone 50U8. mer burner window in oven, r o BUY II sell real estate con­ marl MUist I dia an a lf msid?" condition, (ton be seen at 63 Rus­ 3-9760. 45 oace removni rega. wrap metals, > ChdlBae aedan, on display at Arlicira for Salt door lamp and clock assembly. papet .Top Dricee tact Madeline "milh. Realtor. UU’t UUK WAY ______BY J. R* WILLIAMS O U R HOAKIUM: HOi'SK Bnianer’A Center street sell street between 6:80 and 8 p. Special at $l'60. Pearl’a Appli­ "Peraonaueed Real Es'.ate Serv- m. WE HAVE finaal aasortatoots of Pslntisg—Pspenng XI THAYER baby carrlagA 820. Tay­ Mtchan UnolanaM. A lia Ilia aad ance and Furniture, 849 Main S im iE K SEWING machinea ,ee ■■ Koont 26. Kubinow Build­ MA3 0 B.1 flOT OM- 3989 CHRYSLER Royal sedan, EXTBSUOR and Interior painting lor t1>t 65: baby bottle sterUto- round bobbin dropheadk, 8Ki ing 2-1642 - 4679. PACKARD 1961 Modal 130 con­ arall oovoiingA Mannhaatar Floor er. 83. num e 6370. FCXZTUf^ t o REPOST vOHiCP black. This to like new, very good and papet hanging Free esti­ RADIO Bargatna, new and uaed! Othera paid accordlr>gly (toll ■TIJRM CX5T to 0 e 6000 LUCK.' paint, tltae. ;ieUe, Service Can­ vertible coupA radio baatet, W Oovaring Oa, 88 Oattago atraat Zenith portable, 3-way, 835 com­ HAVING lit AL Eatete problema? mates. Prompt aervlce. Reason­ GOLF (XUBS. Set ot two woodA 8-U2U3. t WfA ELSOMfiD OUT FU43TM’. tor, \S Bralnard Place. Phona W. UreA low mUaagA It’a (toll B88A plete: R(TA -able model combina­ City and farm >ruperty bought . honey this weatl)yr. Boa It today- able prices. Phone (630. D. E. 6 lror.a and bag for sale. CtoU UfcMDAH TILL IT TOO LKfB Frscheite. tion. new, was 899.50, now 889A0, and told calllns K- 7' MeCknn, TO WJNBBT (M VlTAMUsi A? — Bnmnar'A Btost Center atraat. 5418 betw an 7 and 9. or RCA table model FM radio, Knome Wlllioat Rmird 5U Realtor Phone Manchester 7760. 1887 FORD aadan, nbnttt motor, Open 'tU 10 Monday, Thunday. REFRIGERATION W WAft A eOOMTO VOU B6CAUS& IN SID E AND Outside palnUng, FOR SALB —Man'a rabuUt anc ra- same price. Sentinel 3-way port­ 8688: 3M7 Ford ooupa, good ear, SERVICE: paperbanglng 13 s 15 room qona FURNISHED room with board if IF YUUR proper;,, can be sold, FORD 1066 (toaeh. Radio, hahter, lasted aboaA , Better than new able, new. waa 850.75. now 8M.9S. desired Gentleman preferred. In 8868, KaDay Barvica Oentar, 3d C o m m erd fil tor 81A Paper at 60c a roll in- Several used conaoltA 820 and we'll eell it Sub'i/hiu' Realty Oo„ Place. Phone 7856. gocid UreA vary clean, looks Ilka cheap ahoae. See team. Sam private home. (toU 5457. Realtora TAIaphona 6315. new. OuaranteA pricM far. a D om estic cludedr General carpenter work. YuleA 701 Main atreet up. Special prices on a number o f All work guaranteed. Call Gil­ new eet demonetratore. Caah dto- quick aato, 8696 down. Brunnar’A SALES: (XITTAU B ownara For qutok ro- « A East Oantar'straet Open NU 30 bert FIckett 4308. FQK RE N T—6 m.m. etlent and count appllae on all aalea Krah'e KfilNirlwii for Kent M suite, rent 01 eeU through Oot- Chrysler Airtfimp 19 m.m. attaat or sound movla Radio, 367 Main. Phone 4467. Bad! Hanid ^dva. Monday and Thuraday, W IN TE R Rates on painting and tege Rental ServlCA BloomfleiA PHONE SrltM filma and projactors. Fallot papeihanglng. Free estimates. HOSPITAL'BEDS or wheel-chairs Conn. Send description or eaU StudlA 70 Cast Oanter atraat f o r r e n t —3-room cottagA Har'.tord 6 0586. ScientUle R«frig«rfition C a Wallpaper. Raymond Flake. Phone 5808. fo r rent or eato. Rates rsM North (toventry. Phone 8627. Phona 2-9287. able. Phone fCelUi'B FumlturA 60 CottagB StTBfii 8BLLINOT Why not contact me? A-1 BLACK L m w , 4 yd. load, 818. 4169 FOR Q U ALITY, price, service, Am at youi service Alice (lam- UNDER CONSTRUCTION Wad atone. 4 yd. loau, 8IA Ready PASTURE For Rent. Phone 8158 pet. Insurance, eal Eatets. and lie" AIJ- APFU AM O B B aarvlcad and consult Albert Guey. “The Home made ai^w alk and terrdee 3 • 4 O IL Oaa combination range, Ownere' Painter." OoDUilete in­ white with coverall top. Go^ Mortgages arranged 39 Purnell aat Virstflaar rapalrad, humarA tafrigaratorA blockA made o f Bolton flagstone 2- terior and exterior painting aerv­ condition. Worth 8125, w ill sell PlacA rear Phone 4998 or Hnlag aloOve, a rangaA waahafA ate. All w ^ Flagstom Block Co. Route A (fyunled to Krnt 6H 0880. .w ith skawer. B|Moa m guaimnuaa Matta Barvica Oo. lce, paperhanging, xpraylng and Bolton. TeL Mancheater 2-0617. for 860 If taken at oncA 177 floor refinlahlng. Satisfaction Maple etresL M IODLE-AOEL couple, both em 8TX O R SEVEN room single home Tal. M A C n iN IS T B T o o l cheat. Includ. hto omlar bMto with aB guaranteed. Free eati mates. AU ployed, would Uka 8 * 4 room on lot 85;-16o 01 larger. In rl 'S workmen fully insured. 30 Spruce ing toolA (toll 7678 for partlcu- m a p l e Dtnln-, room set, comer china cloaet, 6 heavy duty chaim rent or apartment. Box ZF, residential kevtlon In ooUklrU. 8 6 street Mancheeter. Tel. 2-1855. larA between 6 p. m. and 7 p. m. rier.ild. Private sale requested, (toll 70U8. O f w B i I t - A and large table. Inqulra 66 Whit­ IN TE R IO R and exterior painting, TWO PAIRS of ehuttofo for out- ney Rond. A. J. Kelley. ItdONNEY BROTH tS ,IN C BONUS OFFERED for 4 or I WANTBD t-A netdanUal eliv^ f f s v j . T E lU tT B aaosehoM Berv^ paperhanglBg, celling tefinleb- aldo doorA dtelH’, |6 a pair. Two room re'll by professional man. ^ to hay today's ihantet HfeAUNHW tea for aapart eleaaing of floorA ed. Men Insured' and p.Dperty ecreen doom 8’7’’ x 8’. 88 apteee: arl>.’ end Del';,. DIaetiled .veteran,' price In caah. Write Box P, TE L. 8090-.768t j damage, Expert work. Edward R. one dog hmiae. 6* x 4' x 4’, |35. THOR GLAD IRON, 835. (toll THgwrtrntuBS wallA rugs upholstery, windowA good ncoote. Box R, Horatd. | Herald. odd JobA,?kOM 7690. I PricA PhoM a-iOOB. Gall at 70 Portor eteooL '

