Enhancing Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Other Relational with Replication and a Smart Cache

By Irina Rimecode









S O W H A T ? 1 3 management systems (DBMSes) like Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server are often responsible for key application and microservice performance pitfalls.

Smart caches can solve some of these issues. Tarantool, which combines a smart cache, an application server, and a full disk and in-memory data grid, can effectively optimize existing relational architectures.


Let's recall some of the reasons why we love microservices:

The microservice architecture rejects the monolithic application concept. Instead of executing all limited contexts on a single server using interprocess communication, several small applications work in tandem, each corresponding to a limited context. As a rule, microservices run on different servers and interact over the network, so the microservice application can be viewed as a kind of distributed system.

Microservices provide the comfort of not putting all of your “eggs of code” into one basket: services can be created and managed by various teams in many programming languages, and these teams have the flexibility to choose a variety of storage technologies. This simplifies both development and maintenance compared to a monolithic app, because even small changes in the latter require reassembly and deployment.

Microservices also improve scalability compared to monolithic apps, because they don’t have to be entirely scaled each time a new module is needed.

1 ...OR DON"T WE?

With all of these unquestionable benefits, though, we should consider the ways monolithic and microservice apps treat their databases. As regards the former, the application deals with a single database, which accesses functional components directly, and can read data belonging to other components. All components possess the same degree of data retention and integrity.

In the microservice system, on the other hand, components work with their own databases (which are not directly accessible to other microservices). So the "my database, not your database" problem arises: that is, microservice data is available for reading and writing only through interfaces. This can cause the degree of data integrity to vary.

Often while the system is running, the data of a single service provider (a “supplier”) is copied in full or in part by another microservice (a “client”), and if it changes, the supplier initiates an event to update the data copied by the client. The event drops into the message queue and waits for the client to receive and process it.

At this point, the data from the supplier and the client is inconsistent, although eventually the changes will be applied to all copies. This is known as “eventual consistency” and it must be taken into account when microservice systems are developed.

Decentralization in microservice systems dictates the order. 2 "PICK A PILL NEO"

The common app pill. A conventional transaction-based approach guarantees consistency but leads to a significant temporal coupling and creates problems when dealing with multiple services.

The microservice pill. Distributed transactions are very difficult to implement. The microservice architecture attempts to coordinate between services without transactions by explicitly assuming that consistency can only be eventual, and that any problems that arise will be solved by compensation operations.

Another point to keep in mind is that synchronous calls between services increase downtime. In microservice systems, downtime is the product of the idle time of individual components interacting with each other. There are two options: either make calls asynchronous, or boost your zen and let the downtime be.

But the main issue is yet to come.


Let's consider some known headaches related to DBMSes before we switch to testing.

Relational DBMSes lack the sweet properties of cache databases: namely high speed, low latency, and horizontal scaling. They are not accidentally called “disk” databases: they must interact with databases stored on disk and this significantly affects their access speed. In addition, the secondary keys, complex queries, and stored procedures of relational DBMSes poorly scale when using large clusters of computers. You can't simply add cluster nodes as needed.

Easily scaled, horizontally relational DBMSes do exist, for example NonStop SQL or Teradata, but they are expensive, require advanced hardware, and are challenging to integrate into a diverse environment of data systems.

Relational DBMSes are designed for a predefined data schema and ad hoc data requests. You can write arbitrary SELECT statements, arbitrary JOIN statements, etc., but — oops! — in microservice systems, it is usually the other way around. Their data schema transforms dynamically while the queries are more or less fixed — they change along with the data schema.

A more cost effective solution than RDBMSes can be open, non-relational (NoSQL) databases. But they also have their drawbacks, specifically the lack of transactions. If a cache is used in combination with a traditional DBMS, for example MySQL plus or PostgreSQL plus Redis, then you can say goodbye to not only transactions, but also stored procedures and secondary indexes. Some cache properties are also lost, for example write capacity is reduced, and new problems arise, including inconsistency of data and cold starts.


For the microservice system, all of the advantages of both cache databases and relational databases are needed simultaneously, and Tarantool claims to provide this solution.

Tarantool runs in memory and stores two files on disk: a snapshot of data at a certain point in time, plus a log of all transactions. Its basic storage element is the tuple. A tuple can be made up of any number of dimensions, it's just an arbitrarily long list of fields each associated with a unique key. Each tuple belongs to a space and indexes can be defined on tuple fields. If you’d like to make analogies to a relational DBMS, "space" corresponds to table, and "fields" correspond to columns.

One thing Tarantool clearly fixes is the “cold start” problem.

Think about the way in which MySQL and PostgreSQL integrate with cache databases: in an application, Postgres and MySQL do not respond until everything is loaded into memory but their cache counterparts warm up much more slowly (1-2 Mbps), and therefore you need to use various hacks, like prewarming the index, to keep the two in sync (those who administer MySQL know this better than their pets’ names). As for Tarantool, it just gets installed and runs perfectly upon start. The cold start time is as short as possible.

“Why Not Just Use Redis” — You Say?

Tarantool’s primary idea is to quickly process large amounts of data in memory using something more than just the key/value and other data structures that Redis provides (Tarantool’s data model is closer to the MongoDB type, not just "data structures”). Just imagine that you have dozens or hundreds of gigabytes of live data: Tarantool gives you the opportunity to do something really complex and sophisticated with them. Tarantool also maintains transactions: you get normal begin, commit, and rollback in stored procedures, and it has secondary indexes that are updated automatically, consistently, and atomically. Finally, Tarantool simply uses less memory than Redis.


I am an empirical person that likes to test before I make choices.

To run my tests, I used two entry-level VPSes, because low-power VPSes tend to reveal flaws better than more powerful ones (the weaker the machine, the clearer the differences will be between Tarantool and its alternatives). The first machine is the server and the second, the client.

I tested two traditional databases, MySQL and PostgreSQL, as well as Tarantool. Local tests of CPU, RAM and the disk subsystem were performed using the utility sysbench.


Local testing of sabbakka-1 and sabbakka-2 computing powers (CPU + RAM and disk subsystem performance) is performed using sysbench.

1. To test the CPU, we were calculating twenty thousand prime numbers. The calculation was performed in one thread by default. For parallel computations, you need to use the --num-threads=N switch.

$ sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 run


The most peculiar thing here is the total time because the machine with less RAM executed faster. (This test makes sense to run on servers that have different computing power; on same-characteristic machines the results will be more or less the same).

The results obviously don't depend on the RAM amount but are probably attributable to the nuances of the provider's cloud infrastructure, because I used a virtual machine for the server and a container for the client.

7 2. Next I tested the disk subsystem of the server, sabbakka-1 (this test, related to I/O, only makes sense to run on the server).

I executed three steps:

(a) Generated a set of test files with the command: $ sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=5G prepare.

As a result, I received files with a total capacity of 5GB (several times bigger than the RAM so that the cache did not affect the results).

(b) Carried out testing: $ sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=5G --file-test-mode=rndrw --init-rng=on -- max-time=300 --max-requests=0 run

The test ran in random read/write mode (rndrw) for 300 seconds, and testing was performed in one thread (“Number of threads: 1”) by default.

() Deleted the test files: $ sysbench --test=fileio cleanup

Basically, the result was good enough for an entry-level VPS:

8 To evaluate the disk subsystem performance, you can use the average data transfer rate (20.887Mbps).

3. I then proceeded to test the communication channel between the server and the client.

I did this with the iperf utility, but first I pinged the sabbakka-1 server from the sabbakka-2 client and got an average of 0.32 ms, which was exactly what I needed.

Then I executed “iperf -s -p 1111” on the server and “iperf -c command --format k -m -p 1111 -t 180” on the client, where is the server address in the internal host's DC network.

I got to 612 Mbps, and this was enough.


4. Next, I tested MySQL OLTP (version 5.7 of Ubuntu 16.04):

To prepare the test, I executed the following command on the server to create the test database:.

$ sysbench --test=oltp --oltp-table-size=1000000 ---db=test --mysql-user=root --mysql- password=secret prepare

The actual testing I performed on the client (I worked through the network for the purity of the experiment; access to the test database from the client host needs be allowed).

$ sysbench --test=oltp --oltp-table-size=1000000 --mysql-host= --mysql-db=test --mysql- user=root --mysql-password=secret --max-time=60 --oltp-read-only=off --max-requests=0 --num- threads=8 run

The most interesting parameter here is the number of transactions per second, or “tps.” 10 TESTING POSTRESQL (VERSION 9.5 OF UBUNTU 16.04)

4. I then tested PostreSQL (version 9.5 of Ubuntu 16.04).

Unfortunately, sysbench does not have built-in testing capabilities for PostgreSQL, so I used the pgbench utility (http://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/static/pgbench.html). The default script executes multiple transactions:

BEGIN; UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid; SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid; UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid; UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid; INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); END;

First, I prepared data for testing on the server (the test_user and the test database must be previously created and the user must have full rights to access the database): $ pgbench -h localhost -U test_user -i -s 100 test Then I ran the actual tests (performed on the client): $ pgbench -h -U test_user -t 5000 -c 4 -j 4 test

Here, four clients did 5,000 transactions in four threads. As a result, 20,000 transactions were executed. The main indicator here, again, is “tps.” The techniques, of course, were different, primarily because the DBMSes are different. In any case, I measured the same parameter. However, with Tarantool, I also needed to add latency (see below). 11 TESTING TARANTOOL 1.7

5. Finally, I tested Tarantool 1.7 (https://tarantool.io/developers).

Tarantool I tested using the YCSB (Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark). This benchmark, written in Java and published in 2010 under the Apache license, was developed by the Yahoo! Research Team to test NoSQL DBMSes and is considered a standard. YCSB has various workloads, so I chose the easiest one: 50% of requests for reads, 50% for writes. The most interesting parameters here are the expected execution time of requests (latency) and throughput, or how many requests per second the server can process.

So, overall throughput (ops/sec) was 638.567.

There was no general latency, as the results were dependent on the operation. However, the numbers speak for themselves. 12 SO WHAT?S O W H A T ?

Even in this environment, with entry-level servers and ready benchmarks, Tarantool is faster than the traditional RDBMSes. The results are expected, as Tarantool works in memory and sequentially writes updates to disk, whereas the traditional "disk" databases require random access to the drive, which slows them down significantly (they were invented when one could barely imagine the current volumes of data and numbers of requests).

Tarantool’s speed qualifies its function as a “smart cache” for a relational database setup, whether affiliated with an app or a microservice. Using it can significantly reduce the load on relational databases and improve performance.

13 T a k e t h e

C h a l l e n g e

In-memory data grid, distributed disk engine, smart cache, and application server. Used for data virtualization, orchestration, and breakthrough performance.

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