International Conference on Global Education V “Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”

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International Conference on Global Education V “Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity” International Conference on Global Education V “Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity” THE ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCES (HR) STATE CIVIL APPARATUS (ASN) TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE OF NEW AUTONOMOUS REGION(DOB) IN SELUMA REGENCY OF BENGKULU PROVINCE Titi Darmi Muhammadiyah University Bengkulu, Indonesia Jl. Bali Bengkulu City, phone 0736-22765, HP 085234332266, 38119 [email protected] ABSTRACT Spirit of the establishment of New Autonomous Region (DOB) was not in line with the organization's performance. DOB performance was not relevant with the expectationand the purposes. Evaluation by the General Directorate of Regional Autonomy from the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that almost 78% of DOBswere declared fail. Seluma Regency is a new autonomous region that is interested to be observed throughqualitative approach. This is one of the new regions that have adequate organization's performance. Data were retrieved through observation, study documents, and literature. The data was analyzed by qualitative descriptive. The results showed that DOB in Seluma Regency has a low performance. It was caused by the role of Human Resources (HR) of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) was not maximal in carrying out their functions and duties. One of the performance indicators was the functions of Government and HR ASN incarrying out the public services. Keywords: New Autonomous Region (DOB), organization performance, Role of HR ASN, Performance, INTRODUCTION Following the end of the New Orderera and entered the reformation era, many areas are willing to be separated from their parent region. To accommodate the desire, the Central Governmentmakesa wise policy by formingthe new autonomous regions throughout Indonesia based on the proposal which is represented by Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) (T. Darmi, 2016). Entering the18 years of reformation era, the development of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) is growing very significantly. As from the approval of Law No. 22 Year 1999 on Regional Government, DOBsare formed every 2 weeks. While data fromRegional Autonomy Directorate General, Ministry of Internal Affairsshows that between 1999 to 2014DOBshave been formed as much as 223provincial, city and new district so that, thetotal autonomous regions are 542 areas of 34 provinces, 415 3106 Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, 10 – 11 April 2017 International Conference on Global Education V “Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity” regencies and 93 cities (Ministry of Internal Affairs Republic of Indonesia, 2014).But unfortunately, spirit of the establishment of DOB was not in line with the performance of DOB. Itsperformance is not fulfillingthe expectations of the society and the initial goals of forming DOB. The evaluation results from Ministry of Internal Affairsin 2012 shows that 78 percent of the expansionareasare declared failed to achieve their objectives (Ministry of Internal Affairsof the Republic of Indonesia, 2012). Failure implementation of DOB iscaused bythe shifting of formation objectives. The philosophy with a noble purpose to improve the public service is contaminated by the political interests in formatting the DOB.Both human resources and financewhich are not independent make many new regions have unsatisfactory performance. The policy ofCentral Government to tightenthe DOB formation should be supported so that the future establishment of DOB will not burden the State Budget (APBN) for the funds toestablish the DOB depends on the transfer from the Central Government (Kompas, July 11, 2015). However, the short-term policy of DOB formation relativelyhas no significant effect, but in long term tend to cause gap which issignificant. The gap is caused by the inequitable distribution of Natural Resources (SDA) and reduction in many aspects including Human Resources (HR), Natural Resources (SDA), infrastructure, network etc. (Yuliadi, 2012). On the other hand, the public services will be achieved when the authority that organize DOB is focusing the budget to the field of public services (infrastructure, health, education) rather than routine budget (Firman, 2013). This statement is in line with the empirical data where only 50% of the Local Government Budget (APBD) used by the program for the public service interests. DOBs are determined to be failed and have low performance if the new autonomous regions have inadequate infrastructure and Human Resources. Also for financial aspect, inmanaging the new autonomous regions still depend on Central Government subsidies, one of the DOB is Seluma Regency (Darmi, T, 2016). SelumaRegency is a new autonomous region under Law No. 3 of 2003.Itis very interestedto be observedconsidering the condition after becoming an autonomous region for 13 years, there has been no significant improvement in the actual achievement of the autonomyobjectives. Empirical data shows at the age of 12 Years, Seluma Regency could not perform the function of services and execute thedevelopment compared with other regions. It can be seen from the Human Development Index (HDI) that human Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, 10 – 11 April 2017 3107 International Conference on Global Education V “Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity” resources inSeluma regency was still ranked 11 out of 11 Regency/ Cities in the province of Bengkulu (BPSBengkulu province, 2013). While, the poverty level still reached 21.22% (BPS Seluma Regency, 2013). Moreover, index of governance of Seluma Regency categorized as the lowestthroughout Indonesia (Bengkulu, 2014). To overcome the problem of organizing DOB in Seluma Regency, it is necessary to formulate the strategy to accelerate the achievement of DOB and improving the quality of human resources in Seluma Regency. This study analyzes how the role of Human Resources (HR) State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in improving performance of DOB for the realization of interest of DOB in Seluma Regency which also become an objective in this study. Furthermore, to achieve the high performance ofDOB,the role of HR ASNsthat run every activities process in the organization of DOB is required. Generally, the roles of HR ASN according to ASN Law No. 5 of 2014 concerning the State Civil Apparatus: 1) implementing public policies; 2) public services; and 3) adhesive and unifying the nation. To carry out these roles, HR ASN are required to have a work ethic such as productive, skilled, creative and have a responsibility as well as being professional. ASN have an important role to realize the goal of establishing DOB through professional public services, free from political intervention and free from corruption, collusion and nepotism. Moreover, to run over the role, HR ASN must have competence in order to improve performance of the DOB at the same time having competitive HR ASN that can compete globally. Overview of the core competencies that must be owned by HR ASN: 1) have knowledge; 2) skills; and 3) attitudes (Kachanowski, 2011). HR ASNs who have those competences will produce performance that is assumed as a work performance.The work result both in quantity and quality will accompany the success of the DOB. In addition, organizations need to establish culture. Simultaneously, organizational culture and performance give significant impact toward improvement of apparatus performance in order to optimize the achievement of work targets (Darmi T, et al., 2013). Measurement of the organizational performance of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) as the public sector is different from the private sector. For the private sector, profit is the most important while for the public sector performance is emphasized on how far the services have been accepted by the society (Mardiasmo, 3108 Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, 10 – 11 April 2017 International Conference on Global Education V “Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity” 2004). Performance achievement of DOB is measured through the assessment process in the form of work result while, performance assessmentcan be measured in a certain period and the assessment results are used as an input for performance improvements to the organization in the future (Keban, T, 1995). In governmental organizations, the indicators have not achieved the usefulness or outcome. The indicators used are still very limited. The performance indicators used is whatpercentage of the budget has been accomplished. The assessment of DOB performance that has been publishedso faris in the form of Local Government Management Report (LPPD).LPPD is a mandate of Law No. 23 of 2014 as contained in Article 74 that evaluation procedure for the regional administration is regulated by the Government Regulation No. 3 of 2007 on the Local Government Management Report to the Central Government, Accountability Report of the Regional Head to the Regional Representatives Council and Regional Government Information Report to the Community. Meanwhile, the making of Performance Accountability Report of Government Agency (LAKIP) is a mandate from Presidential Instruction No. 7 of 1999. RESEARCH METHODS This study used qualitative methods as the data source was taken by conducting Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The part of analysis in this study was the Organization of the Region (OPD) at the Regional Employment Board (BKD) in Seluma Regency. Informantswere selectedby using purposive sampling and accidental sampling to the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the environmentofSeluma Regency. While the technical data analysis was conducted by taking the views or attitudes of the informants
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