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Matinee price for all shows until 6 pm. Advanced Ticketing available at MovieWatcher.com or (816) 363-4AMC. R-Rating requires ID. Iam... Students and Seniors eligible for certain discounts with MovieWatcher Card F - Closed Captioning · J - Descriptive Video Service · G - Open Captioning more confident. TYSONS CORNER 16 COLUMBIA MALL 14 18 7850 10300 Patuxent Parkway 2700 Potomac Mills Circle, Ste 886 more focused. 703-998-4262 410-423-0520 703-998-4262 CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN 2 (PG) ✓ 11:00, 12:15, 1:30, 3:00, CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN 2 (PG) 11:10, 1:50, 4:30, 7:25, CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN 2 (PG) ✓ 10:40, 11:30, 1:30, 2:20, 4:15, 5:30, 7:00, 9:30 10:15 4:10, 4:50, 6:40, 7:20, 9:10, 10:00 more prepared. FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG13) ✓ 11:15, 2:00, 4:30, FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG13) 11:45, 2:15, 5:00, 7:45, FUN WITH DICK AND JANE( (PG13) ✓ 11:00, 12:00, 1:20, 7:10, 8:00, 9:40, 10:30 10:30 2:40, 4:00, 5:10, 6:30, 7:40, 9:00, 10:30 ✓ KING KONG(()(PG13) ✓ 10:45,, 11:45, 12:45, 1:45, 2:45, 3:15, 3:45, THE FAMILY STONE (PG13) 11:30, 2:10, 4:55, 7:40, 10:20 THE FAMILY STONE (PG13) ✓ 1:50, 4:30, 7:10, 9:50 ✓ 4:45, 5:45, 6:45, 7:15, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45 KING KONG (PG13) 11:00, 12:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 6:15, 7:15, ✓ more skilled. 8:15, 10:05 KING KONG (()PG13) 10:30, 11:10, 12:10, 1:10, 2:10, 3:00, 4:00, KING KONG (PG13) JF✓ 10:45, 2:45, 6:45 5:00, 6:10, 7:00, 7:50, 9:00, 10:10 THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA( (PG) ✓ 11:15, 12:15, 1:45, THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA() (PG) 10:40,,, 11:40, 12:40, 2:45, 3:45, 5:15, 6:30, 7:30, 9:15, 9:50, 10:40 KING KONG (PG13) JF✓ 10:30, 2:10, 6:10, 10:10 more experienced. 1:40, 2:10, 3:10, 4:10, 5:10, 5:40, 6:40, 7:40, 8:40, 9:10, 10:10 SYRIANA (R) 1:10, 4:05, 7:05, 10:10 THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) 11:40, 12:30, 2:00, 3:10, JUST FRIENDS (PG13) 10:50, 1:25, 4:05, 7:05, 9:50 SYRIANA (R) F 1:10, 4:05, 7:05, 10:10 3:50, 5:20, 6:20, 7:10, 8:30, 9:30, 10:20 HARRY POTTER 4 (PG13) 11:30, 3:25, 6:55, 10:20 AEON FLUX (PG13) 12:20, 2:50, 5:10, 8:00, 10:35 SYRIANA (R) 1:40, 5:30, 8:10 more successful. WALK THE LINE (PG13) 10:35, 1:35, 4:35, 7:35, 10:35 JUST FRIENDS (PG13) 4:20, 10:00 AEON FLUX (PG13) 8:10, 10:40 PRIDE & PREJUDICE (PG) 10:30, 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 10:25 YOURS, MINE & OURS (PG) 11:50, 2:40, 5:20, 7:35, 9:55 JUST FRIENDS (PG13) 12:15, 3:00, 5:40, 8:20, 10:40 CHICKEN LITTLE (G) 10:50, 1:05 HARRY POTTER 4 (PG13) 12:10, 3:35, 7:00 YOURS, MINE & OURS (PG) 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 9:40 more satisfied. WALK THE LINE (PG13) 10:25 PM HARRY POTTER 4 (PG13) 1:00, 4:20, 7:30, 10:35 PRIDE & PREJUDICE (PG) 1:15, 7:10 HOFFMANN CENTER 22 WALK THE LINE (PG13) 12:20, 3:40, 6:50, 9:55 Eisenhower Ave and Telegraph Road in Alexandria SPRINGFIELD MALL 10 CHICKEN LITTLE (G) 1:10, 3:30, 5:50 IN 703-998-4AMC Loisdale and Franconia Road CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN 2 (PG) ✓ 10:50, 11:50, 1:25, 2:25, 703-971-3991 3:50, 4:50, 6:25, 7:30, 8:55, 9:55 Jenifer and Wisconsin CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN 2 (PG) ✓ FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG13) ✓ 12:15, 2:00, 3:00, 12:45, 3:30, 6:05, 8:30 202-537-9553 4:40, 5:40, 7:10, 8:10, 9:40, 10:35 FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG13) ✓ 1:15, 3:45, 6:20, 8:45 THE HEALTHCARE FIELD ✓ THE FAMILY STONE (PG13) ✓ 12:10, 2:30, 5:15, 6:40, 7:45, THE FAMILY STONE (PG13) 5:00, 7:45 FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG13) 12:15, 1:15, 2:25, 3:45, 9:40, 10:25 KING KONG (PG13) ✓ 12:15, 4:00, 4:40, 7:50, 8:30 4:45, 6:15, 7:00, 8:45, 9:15 KING KONG (()PG13) ✓ 10:45,,,,,, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 1:45, THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) 1:00, 4:15, 5:10, 7:30, THE FAMILY STONE (PG13) 12:00, 1:00, 2:30, 3:30, 5:00, 6:25, 2:45,, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 5:45, 6:45, 7:30, 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:45, 8:15 7:30, 9:00, 9:50 Call Now! 10:45 SYRIANA (R) 5:20, 8:45 WALK THE LINE (PG13) 12:10, 3:10, 6:20, 9:10 KING KONG (PG13) JF✓ 12:30, 4:30, 8:30 YOURS, MINE & OURS (PG) 4:30, 7:30 PRIDE & PREJUDICE (PG) 1:20, 4:00, 6:45, 9:30 THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA() (PG) 11:00,,, 11:45, 12:25, HARRY POTTER 4 (PG13) 4:45, 8:00 PRIDE & PREJUDICE (PG) JF 1:20, 4:00, 6:45, 9:30 1:15,,,,, 1:45, 2:15, 3:05, 3:45, 4:25, 4:55, 5:30, 6:15, 7:00, 7:40, 8:15, CHICKEN LITTLE (G) 12:40, 2:40, 4:40, 6:40, 8:40 1-877-600-8857 8:45, 9:30, 10:15, 10:45 RIVERTOWNE 12 SYRIANA (R) 12:20, 1:30, 3:25, 4:35, 6:30, 7:35, 9:35, 10:40 Exit 4A I-95, 1/2 mi. on Oxon Hill Rd. COURTHOUSE PLAZA 8 AEON FLUX (PG13) 11:55, 2:20, 4:45, 7:50, 10:10 703-998-4AMC Courthouse and Birch Rd. YOURS, MINE & OURS (PG) 11:35, 1:50, 4:10 CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN 2 (PG) 1:50, 4:40, 8:00 703-998-4AMC Take the Orange Line to our Arlington Offering These Career Programs: HARRY POTTER 4 (PG13) 11:50, 3:25, 6:55, 10:20 FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG13) 2:00, 4:40, 7:30 WALK THE LINE (PG13) 1:10, 4:20, 7:25, 10:30 THE FAMILY STONE (PG13) 2:30, 5:20, 8:00 THE FAMILY STONE (PG13) ✓ 1:30, 2:30, 4:10, 5:10, 6:35, location at Court House Metro! 7:35, 9:10, 10:00 ➤ Massage Therapy CHICKEN LITTLE (G) 11:15 AM KING KONG (PG13) 1:30, 4:30, 5:30, 8:20 ➤ Medical Assistant THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) 2:10, 4:10, 5:10, 7:20, THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 1515 N. Courthouse Road UNION STATION 9 8:30 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 AEON FLUX (PG13) 2:40, 5:00, 7:40 HARRY POTTER 4 (PG13) 1:10, 4:40, 8:10 ➤ Medical Billing & Coding Located at Union Station 6th Floor YOURS, MINE & OURS (PG) 1:50, 4:50, 7:50 KISS KISS, BANG BANG (R) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 9:50 703-998-4AMC ➤ Surgical Technologist HARRY POTTER 4 (PG13) 1:40, 5:00, 8:40 GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK (PG) 1:40, 4:30, 7:15, 9:40 Arlington, VA 22201 CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN 2 (PG) ✓ 1:30, 4:15, 7:05, 9:35 CHICKEN LITTLE (G) 2:20, 5:20, 7:40 FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG13) ✓ 12:45, 2:55, 5:00, ACADEMY 8 7:15, 9:30 6 Beltway Plaza on Greenbelt Rd., Center Court ✓ THE FAMILY STONE (PG13) 2:00, 4:15, 7:30, 10:00 Country Club Mall on Vocke Rd near Route 68. 703-998-4AMC KING KONG (PG13) ✓ 12:00, 2:30, 4:00, 6:05, 8:00, 9:40 703-998-4AMC Approved for VA Benefits CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN 2 (PG) ✓ 1:45, 4:20, 7:20 THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) 12:00, 12:30, 3:00, 3:45, CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN 2 (PG) ✓ 11:15, 1:40, 4:15, 7:30, Financial Aid for Those Who Qualify 6:15, 7:00, 9:10 9:55 FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG13) ✓ 2:10, 5:10, 7:50 Graduate Placement Assistance SYRIANA (R) 1:00, 4:25, 7:15, 9:50 FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG13) ✓ 11:30, 1:50, 4:30, THE FAMILY STONE (PG13) ✓ 2:00, 4:30, 7:40 AEON FLUX (PG13) 9:55 PM 7:45, 10:05 KING KONG (PG13) ✓ 1:40, 4:00, 7:00, 8:10 KING KONG (PG13) ✓ 11:15, 12:00, 3:15, 4:00, 7:15, 8:00 YOURS, MINE & OURS (PG) 12:15 PM THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) 1:50, 5:00, 8:15 THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) ✓ 12:30, 3:45, 7:00, HARRY POTTER 4 (PG13) 12:20, 3:30, 6:45, 10:00 10:15 AEON FLUX (PG13) 2:20, 4:40, 7:30 Shape you. HARRY POTTER 4 (PG13) JF 12:20, 3:30, 6:45, 10:00 YOURS, MINE & OURS (PG) 11:45, 2:00, 4:15, 7:15, 9:30 HARRY POTTER 4 (PG13) 1:30, 4:50, 8:05 “Health & Fitness” can help you attain and maintain. Tuesdays. ✓-SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT – No passes or discount coupons please. Times for Wednesday, December 21, 2005 X017c 2x.5 WEDNESDAY 12.21.2005 EXPRESS 21 or 7 Stay & 6 Crochet! Line • Rowan • 7 ENGAGEMENT. more! Laces • SORRY, NO PASSES SORRY, VIRGINIA ACCEPTED FOR THIS 6 COUNTRYSIDE 20 MANASSAS CINEMA 14 TOWNE FAIRFAX NATIONAL AMUSEMENTS NATIONAL RESTON, VA (703) 502-4060 PHOENIX THEATRES WORLDGATE HERDON, VA (703) 318-9290 REGAL CINEMAS BALLSTON COMMON 12 BALLSTON COMMON MALL #377 800-FANDANGO REGAL CINEMAS COUNTRYSIDE SHOPPING CENTER STERLING, VA #394 800-FANDANGO REGAL CINEMAS ROUTE 66 TO EXIT 47B 11380 BULLOCH DRIVE (800) 326-3264 #490 UNITED ARTISTS 4110 WEST OX RD. VA FAIRFAX, #670 800-FANDANGO CENTER 10 MULTIPLEX CINEMA MULTIPLEX Sit • ✽ ✽ ✽ - & Knit 8 arabella • Katia • 8 16 • Cascade • ™ 2 - • Alchemy • Lorna’s Metro directions on our website 0 VIRGINIA • Trendsetter • and ARLINGTON CENTREVILLE MOUNT VERNON AMC TYSONS CORNER 16 7850 TYSONS CORNER CENTER MCLEAN, VA (703) 998-4262 CONSOLIDATED THEATRES KINGSTOWNE 16 5910 KINGSTOWNE TOWNE CENTER ALEXANDRIA, VA (703) 822-4956 REGAL CINEMAS POTOMAC YARD STADIUM ALEXANDRIA, VA #690 800-FANDANGO AMUSEMENTS NATIONAL MERRIFIELD, VA (703) 502-4060 AMUSEMENTS NATIONAL CENTREVILLE, VA (703) 502-4060 AMUSEMENTS NATIONAL ALEXANDRIA, VA (703) 502-4060 BLVD/LEE HWY BLVD/LEE CINEMA MULTIPLEX CINEMA MULTIPLEX CINEMA MULTIPLEX • • • • Colinette • Crystal Palace • • Gedifra • Jaeger • On • Regia • K Dale • Debbie Bliss • Blue Sky • 1 • Mission Falls • Manos • Nirvana for Knitters 4 410-288-6767 r • $50-$500 o or 5:30 MARYLAND VIRGINIA AMC AMC POTOMAC MILLS 18 CINEMA 14 GERMANTOWN SPRINGFIELD MALL 10 BOWIE CROSSING ROCKVILLE CENTER 13 BETHESDA REGAL CINEMAS BOWIE, MD 800-326-3264 #454 REGAL CINEMAS GERMANTOWN TOWN CENTER EXIT 15B RT.118 270 OFF INTERSTATE 800-326-3264 #455 REGAL CINEMAS MARYLAND & E. MONTGOMERY AVES. #248 800-FANDANGO UNITED ARTISTS 7272 WISCONSIN AVE. #569 800-FANDANGO AMC HOFFMAN CENTER 22 EISENHOWER AVE & TELEGRAPH RD. (703) 998-4AMC WOODBRIDGE, VA (703) 998-4AMC SPRINGFIELD, VA (703) 971-3991 CINEMA 14 ✽ ✽ ✽ ▼ ◆ 8 2:00 - 5:00 ax-A-Check $ 703-836-0039 F 7 STARTS TODAY CALL FOR REQUIREMENTS CALL 7 APPLY FROM ANY FAX MACHINE $ ...... 10:30- 8 AND AT A THEATERAND NEAR AT YOU - MARYLAND LOEWS THEATRES LOEWS THEATRES CINEPLEX ODEON MAJESTIC 20 CENTRE CAPITAL KENTLANDS RIO CINEMA 18 8 CENTERPARK PLAZA 11 WHEATON 9811 WASHINGTONIAN CTR. 9811 WASHINGTONIAN GAITHERSBURG, MD #740 800-FANDANGO CINEPLEX ODEON MD WALDORF, #745 800-FANDANGO THEATRES CONSOLIDATED SPRINGS, MD SILVER (301) 681-2266 GAITHERSBURG, MD (301) 519-6868 MD CALVERTON, #739 800-FANDANGO MD WHEATON, #746 800-FANDANGO MAGIC JOHNSON 800 SHOPPERS WAY LARGO, MD #844 800-FANDANGO MUVICO EGYPTIAN 24 @ (443)755-8992 STADIUM 10 STADIUM ST. CHARLES ST. IN A BIND? NEED A DIME? IN A BIND? NEED TOWNE CTR. 9 *ONE HOUR SERVICE FOR MOST MAJOR BANKS ✽ • ✽ ✽ 2 127A N. Washington St., Old Town Alexandria, VA 22314 CASH ADVANCES 0 GET FAST MONEY JUST IN TIME!! MONEY JUST IN GET FAST *SAME DAY SERVICE FOR SMALLER BANKS AND CREDIT UNIONS *SAME DAY 7 ...... 1 ◆ - 1 0 ✽ MARYLAND WASHINGTON, DC WASHINGTON, AMC MAZZA GALLERIE 7 GEORGETOWN IN ONE HOUR ACADEMY 8 RIVERTOWNE 12 UNION STATION 9 UNION STATION AMC GALLERY PLACE 14 STADIUM NW 707 SEVENTH ST. DC WASHINGTON, 800-FANDANGO (202) 393-2121 AMC MD GREENBELT, (703) 998-4AMC AMC OXON HILL, MD (703) 998-4AMC 5300 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W. 5300 WISCONSIN AVE. (202) 537-9553 N.E. 50 MASS AVE. (703) 998-4AMC LOEWS THEATRES NW 3111 K STREET, #821 800-FANDANGO REGAL CINEMAS Wed...... 10:30-8:00 Sunday Closed on Mondays Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat. ▼ ▼ ▼ www.knithappens.net ▼ 3 301-702-8778 1010 830 ©2005 # # (1120) 620 950 700 1020 700 1020 800 1005 710 940 (1150 325) (1000) 720 (1200 330) (1115 240) 745 920 1015 800 830 1005 (1:50 5:20)9:00 (3:20)6:30 9:40 650 745 940 1015 730 800 830 1005 (1045 130 420) 650 (1130 215 445) 740 515) 800 900 1030 (1150 1250 310 420) (1030 145 445) 750 (1215 345) 645 950 (1150 250) 645 935 705 740 945 1015 (4:00)6:50 9:50 (1000 1145 1230 215 (1140 340) 710 1020 # # # # (1110 150 445) 740 1020 (1100 145 430) 730 1010 (1020 120 420) 710 945 (PG–13) (PG–13) (1015 115 415) 720 1015 (1115 215 500) 745 1025 (1045 130 400) 700 930 # # # # (11:10 12:30 2:20 3:40 (1100 100 130 200 415 445 (1215 1240 100 120 320 350 (5:00)7:40 10:20 (950 1010 1210 1240 100 120 (950 1010 1130 1240 100 120 (3:10 5:20)7:30 9:45 (1030 1100 110 140 340 425) (1015 1100 100 140 345 420) (11:30 2:00 4:30)7:00 9:30 300 450 525) 730 800 1000 1035 (12:50 3:50)7:20 10:40 (12:40 4:10)7:30 10:30 (PG–13) (1:00 4:20)7:40 10:50 (1130 1200 1230 205 330 400 430) 605 (1130 1200 1230 330 400 440) 730 800 (1130 1200 1230 330 400 430) 605 730 (1005 1130 1200 205 330 400) 605 730 (3:30 5:40)8:00 10:10 (3:00)6:00 7:00 10:00 11:00 410 430) 640 700 720 740 950 1010 1030 245 350 410 430) 700 720 740 1010 1030 (PG–13) (4:30)7:20 9:20 (4:00)10:20 (4:20)6:40 9:40 # # # # # # # # (12:10 1:40 3:20 4:50)6:30 8:00 9:40 (3:30)6:10 7:10 9:15 10:15 (11:20 1:10 2:10 3:10 5:00)6:00 7:10 8:50 9:50 11:00 RUMOR HAS IT (PG-13) WEDDING CRASHERS SPECIAL ARISTOCRATS SPECIAL EVENT (NR) RUMOR HAS IT (PG-13) WEDDING CRASHERS SPECIAL RUMOR HAS IT (PG-13) WEDDING CRASHERS SPECIAL RUMOR HAS IT (PG-13) WEDDING CRASHERS SPECIAL ARISTOCRATS SPECIAL EVENT (NR) 320 350 410 440) 635 700 720 750 945 1010 1025 (12:20)6:40 11:10 (PG) (11:40 2:50)6:10 9:20 Rear Window Captioning (PG–13) (R) KING KONG (PG–13) THE FAMILY STONE (PG–13) THE FAMILY STONE MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA KING KONG FAMILY STONE (PG-13) DIG KINGDIG KONG (PG-13) FAMILY STONE (PG-13) DIG KINGDIG KONG (PG-13) KINGDIG KONG (PG-13) KINGDIG KONG (PG-13) Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) DIG DIG SYRIANA (R) - ID REQ'D HARRY POTTER & THE GOBLET OFDIG FIRE (PG-13) OC & DA: CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) DIG DIG SYRIANA (R) - ID REQ'D CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) DIG YOURS MINE & OURS (PG) DIG WALK THEDIG LINE (PG-13) HARRY POTTER & THE GOBLET OFDIG FIRE (PG-13) DIG SYRIANA (R) - ID REQ'D CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) DIG WALK THEDIG LINE (PG-13) CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) DIG FAMILY STONE (PG-13) DIG AEON FLUX (PG-13) DIG HARRY POTTER & THE GOBLET OFDIG FIRE (PG-13) Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale WARDROBE HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE ★ ★ CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE LION, CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE SYRIANA ★ SYRIANA (R) Rear Window Captioning 5:30) 6:50 8:40 10:00 AEON FLUX (PG–13) RENT (PG–13) WALK THE LINE (PG–13) PRIDE & PREJUDICE (PG) DERAILED (R) DEAD PROMPT-DO NOT USE ★ WARDROBE (PG) AEON FLUX (PG–13) YOURS, MINE AND OURS (PG) JUST FRIENDS (PG–13) CHICKEN LITTLE (G) EVENT (R) - ID REQ'D EVENT (R) - ID REQ'D EVENT (R) - ID REQ'D EVENT (R) - ID REQ'D ★ Adv. Tix on Sale CHEAPER BY THE DOZENDIG 2 (PG) Adv. Tix on Sale FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG-13) DIG Adv. Tix on Sale CHEAPER BY THE DOZENDIG 2 (PG) FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG-13) DIG Adv. Tix on Sale CHEAPER BY THE DOZENDIG 2 (PG) FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG-13) DIG FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG-13) DIG (2:30)6:20 9:30 # 750 # (1125) 620 940 735 1000 655 1025 (1225 405) (1110 310) (1145 320) 720 820 950 650 725 910 955 (1050 1150 130 230 (1000 1220 245 510) (1010 1120 1205 200 (1000 1245 250 500) 440 540) 740 840 1015 # # # (2:00 4:20)7:00 9:20 (2:20 4:20)6:40 9:00 (1100 150 435) 715 955 (1040 120 350) 650 920 (1140 225 500) 740 1020 (955 1255 405) 710 1015 (1010 110 410) 710 1010 (1000 110 415) 735 1040 # # # (1055 200 445) 725 1020 (2:50 5:50)7:50 9:40 (1140 240 550) 750 850 1020 (1020 1120 100 210 420 520) (1110 1150 145 220 420 455) (950 1010 1240 100 120 350 (PG) (PG) 245 425 510) 655 730 915 950 (2:15 4:40)7:00 9:20 (1000 1210 1240 100 120 320 Times Good for 12/21/05 (2:00 2:40 5:00)6:10 8:00 9:10 (1015 1115 1145 1215 115 145 (1:50 4:10)6:50 9:10 410 430) 700 720 740 1010 1030 (12:00 3:15)6:20 9:40 (1005 1030 1130 1200 1230 205 230 (1030 1100 1130 1200 1230 130 230 (1:50 4:30)7:10 9:50 430) 605 630 730 800 830 1005 1030 (2:40)6:10 9:15 (1005 1130 1200 1230 205 230 330 400 (PG–13) (2:00)6:00 9:50 (12:00 4:00)8:00 # # # 330 400 430) 605 630 730 800 830 1005 1030 350 410 435) 635 700 720 745 945 1010 1035 # # (12:10 1:00 3:15 4:30)6:30 8:00 9:45 BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN (R) - ID REQ'D RUMOR HAS IT (PG-13) WEDDING CRASHERS SPECIAL RUMOR HAS IT (PG-13) RUMOR HAS IT (PG-13) WEDDING CRASHERS SPECIAL ARISTOCRATS SPECIAL EVENT (NR) 300 330 400 430 530) 630 700 730 800 830 940 1030 (3:00)6:15 9:00 (2:10 4:50)7:30 10:10 (12:40 3:45)6:45 9:35 (2:30 5:10)7:40 10:00 245 315 345 445 515) 615 645 715 810 900 930 1000 1025 KING KONG (PG–13) THE FAMILY STONE (PG–13) KING KONG (PG–13) MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA Adv. Tix on Sale FAMILY STONE (PG-13) DIG KINGDIG KONG (PG-13) CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN2DIG (PG) FAMILY STONE (PG-13) DIG KINGDIG KONG (PG-13) CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN2DIG (PG) FAMILY STONE (PG-13) DIG KINGDIG KONG (PG-13) Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) DIG SYRIANA (R) - ID REQ'D DIG SYRIANA (R) - ID REQ'D CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) DIG WALK THEDIG LINE (PG-13) HARRY POTTER & THE GOBLET OFDIG FIRE (PG-13) YOURS MINE & OURS (PG) DIG HARRY POTTER & THE GOBLET OFDIG FIRE (PG-13) CHICKENDIG LITTLE (G) CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) DIG RENT (PG-13) DIG HARRY POTTER & THE GOBLET OFDIG FIRE (PG-13) SYRIANA (R) - ID REQ'D Adv. Tix on Sale EVENT (R) - ID REQ'D EVENT (R) - ID REQ'D CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE LION, HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE(PG–13) GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK ★ SYRIANA (R) WALK THE LINE (PG–13) SYRIANA (R) PRIDE & PREJUDICE (PG) THE SQUID AND THE WHALE (R) CAPOTE (R) Rear Window Captioning ★ ★ SYRIANA (R) WARDROBE (PG) YOURS, MINE AND OURS (PG) HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIREHARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET (PG–13) ★ Adv. Tix on Sale CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN2DIG (PG) FUN WITH DICK AND (PG-13) JANE DIG Adv. Tix on Sale FUN WITH DICK AND (PG-13) JANE DIG Adv. Tix on Sale FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG-13) DIG # 750 1000 1010 1025 # # (1130) (PG–13) (110 430) (1240) 700 (1110 115 325) 730 800 830 1005 (1250 405) 720 955 (1255 320) 705 940 (1225 245 515) 740 610 710 830 945 (1020 1105 110 155 (1115 1210 135 230 (1225 335) 640 950 705 750 945 1025 (1220 335) 705 1005 # # # # 605 730 800 830 1005 (1205 230 455) 725 955 (1025 105 405) 710 955 (1:35 4:05)6:35 9:05 (2:00 4:20)7:00 9:35 (1035 135 435) 735 1035 (1145 215 445) 710 945 (1140 210 440) 710 935 # # # # 415 500) 715 805 950 1040 355 455) 625 730 840 1000 (2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00) 6:00 (1210 100 340 410) 700 740 (950 1010 1210 100 120 320 (1130 1200 330 400) 730 800 (1:20)7:20 (950 1010 1210 1240 100 120 (1125 225 525) 725 820 1010 430 515) 700 735 805 835 930 (1015 1100 130 215 425 510) (1100 1145 120 210 340 435) (R) (1:50 3:50)6:50 9:50 (2:10 4:50)7:35 10:10 (2:40 5:10)7:20 9:40 (2:40 4:40)7:10 9:40 (2:05 3:10 4:25 5:30)6:55 7:45 9:15 10:05 (1:05 3:35)6:05 8:35 11:05 (1245 115 335 440) 650 735 950 1025 (1030 1250 135 345 435) 650 735 945 (2:05 4:35)7:05 9:35 (12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 4:30 5:00 5:30) (1:40 3:40 5:40)7:45 9:45 (1130 1200 1230 205 330 400 430) 605 (1100 1130 1200 1230 110 300 330 400 (1005 1130 1200 1230 205 330 400 430) 350 410 430) 630 720 745 940 1010 1030 (1:50 4:50)7:50 10:50 (PG–13) # # # # (3:20)6:30 9:30 # # # (3:50)6:50 9:10 (PG–13) (3:30)6:40 9:20 RUMOR HAS IT (PG-13) RUMOR HAS IT (PG-13) WEDDING CRASHERS SPECIAL ARISTOCRATS SPECIAL EVENT (NR) BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN (R) - ID REQ'D RUMOR HAS IT (PG-13) WEDDING CRASHERS SPECIAL RUMOR HAS IT (PG-13) WEDDING CRASHERS SPECIAL ARISTOCRATS SPECIAL EVENT (NR) (2:10 4:50)7:30 10:10 320 350 410 430) 630 700 720 740 940 1010 1030 (4:20)10:20 Times For 12/21/05 BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN KING KONG THE FAMILY STONE AEON FLUX (PG–13) YOURS, MINE AND OURS (PG) IN THE MIX (PG–13) YOURS, MINE AND OURS (PG) THE ICE HARVEST (R) RENT (PG–13) CAPOTE (R) CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE ★ ★ ★ SAW II (R) CHICKEN LITTLE (G) (12:40 4:10)7:40 11:10 GET RICH OR DIE TRYIN' (R) WARDROBE (PG) Rear Window Captioning 6:30 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:30 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 PARADISE NOW (PG–13) CAPOTE (R) SYRIANA (R) Rear Window Captioning HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE Adv. Tix on Sale FAMILY STONE (PG-13) DIG KINGDIG KONG (PG-13) FAMILY STONE (PG-13) DIG KINGDIG KONG (PG-13) FAMILY STONE (PG-13) DIG KINGDIG KONG (PG-13) KINGDIG KONG (PG-13) Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale SYRIANA (R) - ID REQ'D DIG SYRIANA (R) - ID REQ'D CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) DIG HARRY POTTER & THE GOBLET OFDIG FIRE (PG-13) CHICKENDIG LITTLE (G) CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) DIG DIG SYRIANA (R) - ID REQ'D CHICKENDIG LITTLE (G) SYRIANA (R) - ID REQ'D DIG SYRIANA (R) - ID REQ'D WALK THEDIG LINE (PG-13) SYRIANA (R) - ID REQ'D DIG SYRIANA (R) - ID REQ'D WALK THEDIG LINE (PG-13) CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) DIG OC & DA: CHRONICLES OF NARNIA (PG) DIG Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale EVENT (R) - ID REQ'D EVENT (R) - ID REQ'D EVENT (R) - ID REQ'D FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG-13) DIG Adv. Tix on Sale CHEAPER BY THE DOZENDIG 2 (PG) CHEAPER BY THE DOZENDIG 2 (PG) FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG-13) DIG Adv. Tix on Sale FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG-13) DIG CHEAPER BY THE DOZENDIG 2 (PG) Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale CHEAPER BY THE DOZENDIG 2 (PG) FUN WITH DICK AND JANE (PG-13) DIG !!k4G?A4BBk !! ! $kF43=4B30H


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CONSTRUCTION DRIVER— Must have drivers lic., good driving Accounting Team Fishel, a national telecom & network installa- record a plus, must know DC, MD & VA. CALL Hotel Management tion co. is hiring Laborers, CDL A Drivers, Equip- 202-373-0030 btwn 8:00-5:00. MAIL TAX PREPARER ment Operators, Technicians & Tower Climbers DRIVING/LIMO - CDL w/P CREW MANAGER for our Manassas & F’burg, VA operations. WILL PT eves & wknds. VA/DC/MD. $13-$15/hr. Spring- Wash metro area Tax Co. seeks full and part-time Start a New career. Seeking Crew Manager for a TRAIN. Team Fishel offers excellent benefits incl. field 703-550-7200 multi-million dollar cleaning franchise at Tax Preparers. Some tax knowledge prefered but health & life ins., 401k & profit-sharing. Send resume ELDERCARE/HSEKEEPER will train. Please fax resumes to 202-396-0053. Alexandria, VA. Work with a bright dedicated w/wage history: 10130 Residency Rd, Manassas, VA Free rm/bd + $1000/mo. 6 1/2 days/wk. Long term team, great training and resources. No weekend, 20110 fax: 703-335-2022. www.fishelco.com Live in only. US Citizen, Engl. spk, driv. lic. Call ACTIVISM no holidays, no nights. Must be reliable, EOE Drug Free Workplace 301-325-7169. organized, systems oriented, good people skills, TEMPORARY Save the Bay! DANCERS— Wanted for Gentleman’s Club (PG ELECTRICIAN Must have 5 yrs at one professional company & LETTER CARRIER County). $300-$500/night. No exp. needed. Growing energy engineering firm is seeking a Mas- Bi-lingual in Spanish & English. Send salary Gain valuable grassroots and campaign experi- 240-286-3660 or 301-568-8500 ter or Journeyman Electrician. Must have clean requirement, resume and self description to: ence while working to save one of our national record, excellent people skills and an entrepreneur- 703-823-3080. www.maids.com. GREAT OPPORTUNITY! treasures. Career and winter break ial spirit. Great salary + incentives. Fax resume to: DENTAL RECEPTIONIST/MANAGERGroup prac- The District is now hiring positions available, $400-$500/wk, paid training. tice, Tysons Corner, responsible, team player. Must 703-738-7514 Landscaping Call Citizens’ Campaigns today! (202) 362-1091 temporary employees for the position of City have experience with PPO’s and Dentrix. Excellent GROUNDSMAN Letter Carrier. We are seeking responsible Admin/Clerical compensation. Fax resume to: 703-281-7778 Parklawn Memorial Park individuals to deliver the U.S. Mail. You must have EARN $12-$48 PER HOUR Drivers ESTIMATOR, PARTS PERSON Responsible to assist lawncare, grounds mainte- a valid driver’s license with no traffic infractions Medical/dental benefits, paid training. Local area. within the past year. 800-320-9353 ext. 2427 • Full Time Trolley & Drivers AND OFFICE ASSISTANT nance, preparation of burial site. Lawncare expe- ATTORNEY • Competilive wages and benefits rience desireable, drivers license required. Salary YOU MUST HAVE A: Bethesda law firm seeks Attorney w/experience in • CDL class C or B with P endorsement preferred but Busy auto body shop is looking for experienced according to experience. Contact Charles Past Employment Record real estate, title and/or foreclosure law. Email re- willing to train. Estimator, Parts Person & Office asst. Must have Thacher or Tom Ward at: 301-881-2151. Local Police Background Check sume & salary requirements to [email protected] • Excellent training program good customer skills. Contact Richard at Local DMV Driving Record 301-345-3993. Marketing AUTO SALES For more information call Martz Group Gold Line REFERRAL COORDINATOR Salary: $16.00 per hour 5500 Tuxedo Road, Tuxedo, MD 20781. Phone: FIELD DIRECTOR for fast-paced marijuana initiative 301-386-8300 EOE by choice campaign in Nevada. Excellent oral/written commu- Fairfield Resorts in Old Town Alexandria. Contact FOR APPLICATIONS DRIVERS nication & nose for politics req’d. $40K-55K. See and qualify referrals to invite to applicable resorts. AND INTERVIEWS: F/T positions available, early AM shifts, 2am-10am 6 www.mpp.org/jobs. Maintain accurate records to all tours brought in Merrifield Post Office days/week Monday-Saturday, year around work, no through the referral department. Provide feed- Personnel Office, First Floor CDL needed, full benefits. Must be reliable with Hotel back to owners, leads collected while collecting DARCARS — one of the region’ s fastest growing 8409 Lee Highway clean driving record, some knowledge of Metro DC See Referral Lead Liaison & Referral Coordinator additional leads. Confirm all arrivals and answer Merrifield, VA 22081 auto groups - is seeking career minded customer area a plus. No.Va. manufacturer. Call 703-430-1600 ads under Marketing. Fairfield Resorts in Old Town questions pertaining to the offer. Contact Vernae oriented indiv to join our team of sales Monday-Friday 9am-4pm. Alexandria. Contact Vernae Spencer, Spencer, 703-837-3433, Fax 703-837-3490 Between the Hours of professionals! No exper. necessary — we offer DRIVERS 703-837-3433, Fax 703-837-3490 9AM - 4:30PM Daily one of the best training programs in the industry! EXPERIENCED Marketing • Over $80K earning potential 1st yr Tow drivers needed. All shifts. REFERRAL LEAD LIAISON Bring Drivers License • Company car Please call 703-536-0370 and SSN Card or I-551 • Health insur & 401K DRIVER Fairfield Resorts in Old Town Alexandria. The (Resident Alien) • Rapid advancement into mgmt needed immediately! For Jan. 1 start. Clean driving Liaison will be responsible for educating new Apply in person to Shannon Ryan - 9-6 M-F,at record req’d. Must past Map test for NoVa. Call owners regarding our Ambassador reward pro- For more information call: DARCARS Toyota - 12210 Cherry Hill Road, 703-326-0333 gram, special events and owner/referral dinner (703) 698-6384 Silver Spring, MD 20904, 301-622-0020 or parties incorporating it in the sales process. The [email protected] qualified candidate is responsible for increasing MEDICAL RECEPT lead collection from all buyers and as many With Medisoft exper. FAX resume: 202-269-0390. Automotive Repair Person Attendant non-buyers as possible. Contact Vernae Spencer, MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR BP Service station, 202-584-3200 Jackson 703-837-3433, Fax 703-837-3490 mpp.org/jobs BANKING for fast-paced, respected marijuana policy reform MORTGAGE/FIN SVCS org. Must be detail-oriented, meticulous. $35K. TELLERS PT/FT. Willing to educate. CALL Ms. Wooten OFFICE ASSISTANT/BOOKKEEPER 703-768-6300. Min. 2 years exper. MS Office & strong customer Credit Union Family Service Centers MOVER/PACKER service skills req’d. Quickbooks/Peachtree pref’d. has immediate openings for the following positions: Profesional. Male or female. Need reliable Ashburn, VA loc. Fax resume to 703-858-0917. transportation. Good pay. Local work. Falls Church, VA: Full time Senior Teller, Full time Call Ronnie 240-381-7996 Teller, Part time teller. 1118 West Broad St. Marlow Hts. MD: Part time Tellers. 4003 Branch Ave. DRIVER Capitol Heights, MD: Part time teller. 9001 Central Ave. All positions require high-quality customer service, strong interpersonal and communication skills, and basic math aptitude. Senior Teller candidates must have 2+ years supervisory experience in a cash-han- dling and customer service environment. Preferred Teller candidates will have previous cash handling experience and Saturday and evening availability. All positions are detail-oriented financial industry posi- tions. To apply call (800) 793-4722 ext. 7501 for an Commuting=$44,000/year application, or email resume and cover letter to [email protected] You may also com- Now Hiring MD/VA Residents plete, or return completed applications to any of our For Lorton, VA branch locations. (20 mins from Wilson Bridge) Service Centers Corp., a wholly-owned subsidiary of CO-OP Network, operates 26 credit union shared $1000 Sign On Bonus branches serving members of over 350 participating credit unions.To learn more about us, visit our • Works independently website at www.servicecenters.org •6 weeks of Training at Full Pay CABLE TV TRAINEES •Company Sponsored CDL Class B Training •Great Benefits (401K, Profit Sharing, Medical Dental, Vision) $600 - $1000 weekly. 9 immediate openings, DC & PG, own car. Danny, 301-568-4420 To apply for the position: www.deerparkwaterjobs.com Select “Employment’’ select “Home & Office Sales/Delivery’’ select “Route Sales’’ Background investigation, drug screen & physical, required as a condition of employment. Deer Park Spring Water is a division of Nestle Waters North America. Equal Opportunity Employer F43=4B30Hk !! ! $k4G?A4BBk!$ Classifieds

SALES CONSULTANTS Retail Managers Locally owned national franchise seeking qualified CAREER TRAINING AND JOBS sales people to assist w/ high demand & growing Needed for Alexandria store. Need to be NoVA area. Potential to earn $50K-$75K in the 1st EMPLOYMENT SERVICES motivated and enthusiastic. Responsibilities: PARALEGAL year. No experience necessary. Must have valid managing store ops, staffing; inventory, sales; drivers license & clean record. Company vehicle will Bethesda law firm seeks entry-level Paralegal/Legal customer service; etc. Requirements: retail exp., Asst. Email resume and salary requirements to: be provided after training. FAX resume to: A Bar Career mgmt exp., ability to work weekends; and ability 703-349-2676. [email protected]. to pass drug test and background. In 1-2 Weeks PROMOTERS ASSISTANT SALES • Days, Evenings & Weekend Classes Wanted for Gentleman’s Club, PG County w/own We offer competitive pay,benefits,and Earn up to $80K. • Free Lifetime Personalized Job Placement transport. Bonuses & commiss. 240-286-3660. commissions. E-mail your resume and salary reqs • Approved by the State of MD PROPERTY MANAGEMENT to [email protected] or fax to 770-209-3122. Must speak Chinese or Korean or Spanish. We • National Alcoholic Awareness Certificate (T.I.P.S.) invite you to join our international team at Park- Call for nearest location 1-301-277-0020 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT SALES lawn Cemetary. 301-910-1118. www.authenticbartending.com COS/tax credit certification needed for S.E. SALES—If you’ve sold merchant processing insur- properties. HUDManager/Yardi a plus. Only apply if ance, advertising & B-to-B products & services, you you have the above certifications. Fax resume to need to see this opportunity. No competition. 202-561-8054 or [email protected]. Salary/commission/benefits. 301-483-4140. Change your life- Fax: 301-483-4142. [email protected] RESEARCH ASSISTANT not just your job! Join us now, get trained & make $6,000 per month. Sales The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advance- Professional Sales Staff ment of Military Medicine, a non-profit medical re- It’s people like you that make our business successful Self motivated, personable, search organization is searching for a Research Assis- that’s why we: 2yrs. exper. in high volume tant to work with the HIV Research Program. Will assist sales. Expense & Commision the clinical/administrative staff at the Vaccine Clinical • Promote from within Bay Safe, Inc. 703-379-6773 Research Center (VCRC) with the procurement, pro- • Offer great salaries & bonuses SALES cessing/handling and delivery of laboratory specimens. Pay for your training Tired of Being Broke? Maintain the Investor Regulatory File. Create and main- • Offer a full benefit package $1000 First 3 Weeks. Immediate income. No exp./ tain patient enrollment /termination tracking records. local training. PT/FT. Bill, 703-850-6568. If you’re looking for stability, very good pay and the Assist with recruitment of volunteers. Stock and main- SECURITY tain equipment and supply levels. Will work with a ability to put your ideas to work, we’re the company for you! Blackhawk Security seeking supervisors for govern- diverse group of people and must have excellent ment contract w/GSA A-1/S-1 experience. Must communication, organizational skills and knowledge of Candidates must: have proven background. SALARY UP TO $70,000. computers. Must have a bachelor’s in related scientific Fax resumes w/contract info to 301-316-2632. field. Previous experience in clinical trials and at least Be at least 21 years or older one year as a phlebotomist preferred. Please apply Have a Valid Drivers License Must have a neat appear- SECURITY—For Gentleman’s Club, PG County. on-line at: www.hjf.org/careers Job Req. 201512 or FAX ance Must have own transport. Mature. 240-286-3660. BECOME A MEDICAL your resume to 240-314-7334. Please specify job title Have very good communication skills Be able to follow directions ASSISTANT and number on fax. We offer a competitive salary and SECURITY OFFICERS generous benefits package. AA/EEO. Be able to work flexible hours AT PARKS COLLEGE $100 Sign on Bonus Restaurant Call us today for an interview No high school diploma or GED? Pohanka Automotive Group-Temple Hills, Maryland. 10 immediate FT Security Officer positions We have options! 100 King Restaurant 301-423-1100 available in No.VA. Call Amber for more info about Located in Old Town Alexandria looking for the paid training and great benefits at Security Arlington Campus Servers & Line Cooks. FAX your resume to: SALES Associates (703) 257-0292 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 703-299-0077 Right your own Paycheck Arlington, VA 22203 RESTAURANT LINE COOK Last month 1 of our newest employees earned SECURITY RI RA is seeking an AM Line cook for mid-week a paycheck of over $70K. How? We gave her SUPERVISORY POSITIONS Tyson’s Corner Campus lunches. Full & PT avail. Please apply in person at the tools & she made it happen. AVAILABLE 1430 Spring Hill Rd, Suite 200 4931 Elm St, Bethesda MD 20814. If you are already working in sales & don’t have NW DC. Excellent opportunities competitive McLean, VA 22102 the appointments to earn that kind of money it is wages, paid vacations, training. 401K. Paid RESTAURANT time for a change. health insurance and free uniforms. Minimum CALL: 866-300-9340 Now hiring Servers and Hosts. Apply between qualifications. Adkey NPEX625F 9am-7pm, Bugaboo Creek Steakhouse, 15710 We are Steward Enterprises the 3rd largest na- • Must be 21 years of age Shady Grove Road. Phone: 301-548-9200. tional provider in the death care industry. Looking • Must be US Citizen PC Class/$589/301-942-8724 for a field quality sales professional at Parklawn • Must posses HS Diploma or GED Ofc XP 12/22 -A+ 1/19-Net+ 12/21-MCP 1/28! Metro Memorial Park in Rockville, MD. We offer paid • Must have 3 years supervisory exp. training, 401K, health, dental & employee stock • Military/Law Enforcement is prefd TRAIN FOR A CAREER IN purchase. CALL 301-910-1118. Apply online at http://sfi.appone.com Call 202-558-3552 558-3546 CRIMINAL JUSTICE AT SERVICE TECHNICIAN PARKS COLLEGE For carwash repair and installation position available now. Salary commensurate with No high school diploma or GED? experience. Co. vehicle. Call John 301-604-6701 We have options! SPRINKLER SERVICE TECHNICIAN Arlington Campus Growing Company is looking for an experience 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 individual to perform, maintenance & small Arlington, VA 22203 repairs/upgrades to existing sprinkler systems. Tools provided. Good paying benefits. Fireline Corp. Tyson’s Corner Campus 1-800-553-3405. 1430 Spring Hill Rd, Suite 200 SUPERVISOR McLean, VA 22102 Maxi-Clean is seeking PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISOR CALL: 866-698-9973 with 5 yrs. exp. in custodial service. FT & PT, evening Adkey NPEX625G Mon-Fri. Own transportation a must. Fax resumes: 703-816-6010 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR Will support all aspect of IT infrastructure. Manage, config. maintain Linux servers, Windows based work station & network. Fax resume 301/585-8105 TEACHERS Preschool & Infant Care in the District seeks CDA qualified teachers and teacher’s aides for its Center. Christian working environment, salary commensurate with experience. Send resume to: W.R. at [email protected] or fax 202-526-6225. TECHNICIAN WANTED Up to $30/hr benefits, Calvert County MD. Call 443-532-7983. TELEMARKETING Earn up to $25/hr. NOVO1 is looking for highly skilled, exper’d inside sales reps to market for Fortune 100 co. FT/PT. Great working environment, Laurel, MD. Call 301-361-1111, ask for Mark. Transcriber/Monitor—5yr exp. resume [email protected] $3 pr pg 301-277-5711 VET KENNEL ATTENDANT FT/PT w/wkends & holidays. $6-$9/hr. Only animal lovers need apply. 2935 Chain Bridge Rd., Oakton, VA.

VET/RECEPTIONIST M-F,with alternating Sats. FT/PT. $9-12/hr. Experi- ence ref’d. Apply in person, 2935 Chain Bridge Rd, Oakton, VA. Warehouse/Transportation Facilities Manager mangage shipping, receiving, inventory, & facility for 10K sq ft non-profit kitchen. 5 yrs mgt exp & comp skills req’d. Resume/ltr/salary req to DCCK Attn: Reed, 425 2nd St. NW, 20001; Fax 2/986-1051 !%k4G?A4BBk !! ! $kF43=4B30H Classifieds

BOSTON TERRIER PUPS—Reg. Black & White. shots / ARLINGTON—1BR garden apt on Columbia Pike nr COLUMBIA HEIGHTS—1006 Lamont St NW, newly CAREER TRAINING AND & wormed. Very friendly. $500. Call 804-694-0575 THE ENVOY APARTMENT HOMES George Mason Dr. Hrwd flrs, CAC, parking. renov. 2Br, 1Ba, TH, on quiet street. ac, d/w, w/d, EMPLOYMENT SERVICES COLLIE MIX —M, 5 mos. $200. 540-955-1841 or 2400 16th St NW $850 + elec. 703-524-7773 hdwd flrs. $1500/mo sec. 8 welcome 202-332-1152 540-247-9274 Fall Into Your New Home Today ARLINGTON AWAITS! CONN AVE-FREE DECEMBER RENT —Spac bright Great Dane—AKC fawn, champion lines - $1500. Live In The Lifestyle You Deserve Eff fr $840 1BR fr $940 2BR fr $1190 2BR, 2BA, 24-hr desk, underground parking & utils BECOME A HOMELAND Shots, dewclaws removed, house-raised. 8 wks 8 Studio & 1BRs from $1150 All Utilities Included! incl. Avail now. $1990. 301-652-6593; 301-633-2822 Jan. (757) 224-1698. Live in elegance at a beautiful Mins from 395, near Pentagon City CRYSTAL CITY 1 & 2BR APTS NEAR METRO SECURITY SPECIALIST LAB/Adorable Eng. Stocky Blocky Pups—Dk eyed historical Apartment Home offering w-w carpeting, & Baileys Xroads, Swimming Pool All utils incl w/Cable TV, nr Metro, shops & rests. M/F, yellows & blks, fam. companions. Health guar. onsite laundry, guest suite, valet drycleaning and ,PetFriendly (up to 25lbs), and Free prkg. Short term lease - min 3 months. 1BR AT PARKS COLLEGE Snuggle bunnies. Must see THE BEST! $800. OFA, shoe repair. Office hours - Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm, Sat., Millitary Discounts! Unfurn $1200; Furn $1300. 2BR Unfurn $1300; furn Graduate in less time than you think! shots, etc. 10% Discount Cash. 540-349-5773 10am-4pm. Call Today! 202-387-2500 or visit us at CHESTERFIELD HOUSE $1400. 703-979-3772. Arlington Campus Lab Pups—CKC, Yellow, 8 wks, shots & dewormed, www.apartments.com/envoy And enjoy your new 1-877-437-2393 DIST HGTS—Rooms to rent in private home. Nr $600-650, 703-296-6894 home today Sorry No Pets ASHBURN— Brand New 3 BR, 3½ BA, 3 lvl TH w/fin bus/Metro/shop. 301-568-3386 801 N Quincy, Suite 500 MALTESE PUPS—Adorable fluffy babies, papers, ALEX—2BR/2BA condo. bsmt, hdwd flrs, cls to good schls & shopping. Downtown City Living at its best.. Arlington, VA 22203 shots/wormed, guarantee. Chantilly, VA. $1600. Call 571-331-6568 Section 8 welcome. $1700 Call Debbie StepstoMetro Tyson’s Corner Campus 703-327-6881 ALEX/Del Ray—Close to Pentagon, Lg 3lvl SFH, 571-277-5335 Restaurants, Museums, and more MASTIFF—AKC. Giant. Males 4-5BRs, 2½ba, LR, DR, Den, fin’d Bsmt, garage. all BALT CO—1BR, nsmkg, W/D, 2nd flr $700+sec. 1430 Spring Hill Rd, Suite 200 & Females $2,000. Call 540-234-0150 appls, no pets, $2250 + utils. 301-262-9232. Newly renovated! Free Gated Parking. Rich Berber 410-457-5611 Carpet, A/C, laundry. EHO McLean, VA 22102 PAPILLON —2 AKC Ms Parents On prem. Will be ALEX/MT VERNON/FT BELVOIR—4BR, 3.5BA TH, BELTSVILLE—1BR w/pvt entrance & BA $600; 1BR very Small. Serious inq only Pix avail. 703-421-8385 upgraded kit w/ exit to deck, wlk out bsmt w/ FBA, $400 - $250 Security deposit. 301-332-3634 or 2BR from $1430 CALL: 866-300-9344 plenty of parking, nice neighborhood. $1800/mo Washington Apartments Adkey NPEX625E POODLE PUPS—AKC Minis, black Males, health 301-476-9558 (after 8 p.m.) guar. S & W, raised w/love in my home. Ready now. 703-408-4910 BELTSVILLE—1BR avail from $859. We pay gas 202-737-2206 1201 6th Street NW $600 540-905-0365 ALEXANDRIA (cooking, water & heat), you pay elec. DUPONT CIRCLE BUSINESS AND ROTTWEILER—AKC pups. Ready now or reserve for AFFORDABLE LUXURY! Chestnut Knolls Apts. Call 301-937-1137 THE CHASTLETON Xmas. MC/Visa. Bigrotts.com; 703-867-1881 FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES 1 BRs fr $895 2BR fr $985 BELTSVILLE—3BR, 2 BA condo, fully renovated, Walk to Shops/Restaurants ROTTWEILER PUPS—AKC, 1st & 2nd shots. wash/dry, all utils incl. $1575 301-318-2774 Near Dupont Metro AUTO REPAIR—College Pk., MD., 4500sf. 301-674-2106, 301-669-9607 3BR from $1415 Beltsville Studios from $1227 301-927-5776 ask for Bob SHIH TZU PUPPIES—Great Christmas gift. Washington Square LIGHTHOUSE@ TWIN LAKES 1BR from $1644 Adorable puppies w/ unique markings. $600. Great Location, Amenities 2BR from $2483 Call 703-727-5757 1-877-437-2395 and Service! Pets Welcome 1 MONTH FREE! ANNOUNCEMENTS SHIH TZUS - Miniature—Beautiful Miniature Shih ALEXANDRIA Archstone Kingstowne Tzus; grow to 6 lb. $700, 703-989-7513 Great Apartments Great Deals, Guaranteed.Located 1-888-604-5684 866-438-1277 in the heart of Alex, Archstone Kingstowne is www.aimco.com/025031 Dupont Circle $3200 Dream Big Auditions! Casting for Bands, Dancers, currently offering FREE UTILS for half your lease BETHESDA PLACE Elegant, Sun-filled Duplex Comedians, Gospel, Jazz, Models, NeoSoul, R&B, EQUAL HOUSING term + move in immediately: $0 Deposit, $0 App 3 bdrm. duplex in beautiful restored Victorian town- Rappers, Spoken Word, and unique talent. Fee, and $0 Move in Fee! Call today. 866-402-6977. APARTMENTS house. Original hrdwd. floors, skylight, large kitchen, 301 731-5495 www.musicianminds.com OPPORTUNITY ALEXANDRIA Archstone Sussex Commons in the heart of Downtown Bethesda new appliances, 2 full baths. Call 202.387.8757 or Great Apartments Great Deals, Guaranteed.Located Spacious 1 & 2 BRs Available! 202.423.4542 to make appointment. STUFF All advertisements for the sale or in the heart of Alex, Sussex Commons is currently Lux. Floor Plans-up to 1300sf FORESTVILLE EHO rental of dwelling units published in offering FREE UTILS for half your lease term + move 1 BLOCK FROM METRO 1BR from $630 in immediately and have $0 Deposit, $0 App Fee, 2BR from $755 ***BAD/NEGATIVE CREDIT Express are subject to the federal and $0 Move in Fee! Call today . 866-360-3577. 301-654-3003 Fair Housing Act, which makes it Alexandria BETHESDA’S BEST 3BR from $955 Remove from Credit Report BEST VALUE IN ALEXANDRIA! Near Bus/Metro/Shopping illegal to advertise “any preference, KEY TOWERS 1-888-692-3864 The Palisades Student/Millitary Discounts Call 202-775-6932 limitation, or discrimination be- Bright, sunny apts. w/bay windows Close to 395 & The new height of luxury in Bethesda! Studios,1,2 & 1-877-227-2890 3BR Apts. Now Available. BD $160 Qn Dbl pillowtop matt set new in plastic cause of race, color, religion, sex, Duke street, mins to Pentagon and downtown DC. Forestville/Suitland Can del 301-399-7870 Great Amenities and Views 866-269-6042 $100/month Off and BD $245 plush king dbl pllwtop set New in handicap, familial status or national Alexandria EHO www.thepalisadesapts.net plasticCan del 301-343-8630 1 Month Free! origin, or intention to make any Free Utils! A Southern Mgmt. Community BDRM Cherry -Louis Phillipe Sleighbed set—9pcs BOWIE—2 bedroom TH - immediate occupancy. Get a $500 Target Gift Card w/2 N/S! (new in boxes)! $975 703-378-8866; such preference, limitation, or dis- Breathtaking 1 & 2 BR when you move-in! Apartment Homes From $989 301-648-6411 301-399-7870 Bowie—3 LVL, 3 BR TH, 2.5 BA, Family Room, All Utilities Included crimination.” State law forbids dis- ParcView Apartments BDROOM 6Pc! Cherry Set New in box $625. finished walk-out BSMT, 301-390-0590, $1750 mo. Pool, Playgrounds, laundry, central ac/heat, w-w 301-343-8630; 703-263-7888 crimination based on factors in 703-485-4148 BOWIE—3BR, 2½BA TH,W/D, FP,jacuzzi, avl immed. carpet, near schools & shops. M-F 8-5; Sat 10-5; Sun 12-5 BEDRM SET —100% sol mahog, hand carved, sleigh addition to those protected under Close to schools & shopping. $1600/mo. Pennbrooke Terrace 888-837-1856 bed, 2 nite stnds, dresser, mirror & hi chest, $2995. *Restrictions Apply, Call for details 301-577-6640 FORT TOTTEN—SFH, 1-car gar, 3BR w/CF, 2.5 BA, DINRM SET—Cherry Queen Anne, dbl ped tbl w/8 federal law. ALEXANDRIA FOXCHASE BROOKLAND—Charming 2BR, 1 blk from Metro, chrs, Server $495 & china cab $995. 301-802-4526. Alexandria’s Finest loaded w/amenities. FP, hdwd flrs, new Kit appl, lg FR w/carpet, W/D, quiet St, all new appls. 202-210-5478. laund, stor and util rms, newly installed gas furn, BEDS - Premium Quality. Used in Excel. Condition. Express will not knowingly ac- CALL TODAY 888-296-0863 www.RobertAndVictorine.com Queen Sets $129*CORT FURNITURE CAC, wlkg dist to Ft Totten Metro, schools, 10 mins cept any advertising for real www.foxchaseapts.com CAP HGTS—Rent w/ option 3BR,1.5BA.OSP for dwntn. $2500 - Avail 12/1 Property #14425 MD 301.324.8684 301.468.6443 $1400/mo. 202-361-2852 VA 703.818.2678 703.354.2600 estate which is in violation of AIMCO EHO NUHomes4You.com 1-888-463-7942 ALEXANDRIA—Great location. Metro access! 2BR CAP HILL 1621 MASS AVE, S.E. Fort Washington EHO ***Bill Consolidation the law. All persons are hereby starting at $1320. Pet Friendly. Take your pick. 1BR-$750. 2BR-$800. All utilities included except AC. ASHFORD AT HENSON CREEK One Low Monthly Payment informed that all dwellings ad- ARCHSTSONE NEWPORT VILLAGE Thomas D Walsh Inc. Realtors 202-237-8488 1 BRs start at $800 vertised are available on an 866-851-1747 CAP HILL/216 2ND ST, S.E.—Lrg remod 1BR, close Ask about the spectacular savings Call 301-699-0761 Alexandria to Metro & shops/House & Senate. A Must See. on our unique ‘Signature Series‘ FIREWOOD DELIVERED—Kiln-Dried Packaged Fire- equal opportunity basis. Great location. $1575/mo Spacious floorplans w/walk-in closets, eat-in kitch- wood. Free delivery & stacking (min. 28 bags, w/in RIVERSIDE Thomas D Walsh Inc Realtors 202-237-8488 ens (avail), dishwashers. 70 mi of store). Order: 866-888-9042 or www.the- CAP HILL/226 C ST NE — Lge 1BR w/hdwd flrs, coin 888-725-7294 backyardco.com Short Term Leases at Reduced Rate (limited time only) op lndry on premise. Mins to Cap Hill. $1000/mo. incl FREDERICKSBURG — Rent w/option, lovely 5BR, FIXTURES LIQUIDATION SALE heat & hot wtr. Pls call Thomas D. Walsh Realtors 5BA, 3800 sf, on 5 acs w/pool & poolhouse. Close to Racks; showcases; slatwall; gondolas; hangers, dis- (888) 592-0159 202-237-8488 Alexandria/Rte 1 - Convenient Loc’s Quanitco. $8000/mo. Serious inqs only. plays, hooks, lockers, counters, grid, safe & more. Capitol Heights $1250 301-717-6980, [email protected] 301-699-5520. Visit at www.fixturesplus.com u X-MAS SPECIAL - Move In By 2/1/06 RENT TO OWN FT. WASH—Bsmt apt., 3BR, 1 LR w/ FP, 1FB, W/D, FURNITURE- CLOSING 35 FINELY FURN EXEC & GET 4TH MONTH FREE! 2 level th, no bas, 3 bdrm,1ba, fenced rear yard, unlimited Internet access, sep entr., lge drvwy (prkg OFFICES. 733 15th St. Many desks, chairs, book- section 8 welcome. Call Taurin Carraway, RE/Max, area), lge frnt & bkyd w/ patio, room to grow a cases, files. Wood, leather, metal. Bank quality Effics, 1BR, 2BRs, Townhms 301-577-8080 or 301-404-7023. Large units near Transp & Shops! garden, all utils incl., $1100/mo. For info call framed prints. Good prices! 202-393-2300 Cheverly, MD 301-248-6190 or 703-328-2270. Happy Holidays www.PCRETRO.com RENTALS Holly Court 703-765-7039 Washington Avenue 703-765-7039 Save $100 per Month FT WASHINGTON—Rms in House on weekly basis. IBM THINKPAD R30 P3m 1.0Ghz plus 1 Month Free! $150-$175. 571-283-2422 512mb 20GB DVD 56K NIC $429 Rolling Hills 703-780-0161 IBM & DELL P4 1.8GHZ SYSTEMS 3060 30th STREET S.E. $000 Carydale Village 703-780-6244 Get a $500 Target Gift Card Gaithersburg EHO 256mb 20GB CD NIC Monitor $199 3BR Apartment Alexandria when you move-in! Great Location near MEDION M3 5200 P4 3.2Ghz (HT) Newly Renovated 3Br 1ba apartments. Section 8 OK. X-Mas Special - Move in by 2/1/06 All Utilities Included Rio, Metro, & I-270! 512mb 200GB DVDRW XP $399 Call Jerome 202 321 5596 Cheverly Terrace 1BR from $755 748 Holbart Place NW WDC $2400 All Tested With 90 Day Warranty! & GET 4TH MONTH FREE! 6407 Landover Rd 2BR from $880 3BR from $1200 VA703-821-1400 MD 301-931-6630 Ready: Call 301 257 7612 Spacious Apts - to 1300sf, AC Renovated house in DC. 5 bedrooms, 2 full baths, Convenient to Metro! 1-888-833-5572 MATTRESS SALE—lge selec tion, all szs in plastic, High Rise, Great Views, Pool, Scenic Balconies, Pool $80-$280/Basic, Serta & Simmons. Make ofr Credit new appliances and cental air. M-F 8-5, Sun 12-4 Exercise Room, Conv Store CHEVY CH 5480 Wisconsin Ave Mill Creek Gardens cards accepted. Warr. DC/MD/VA Same Day Delivery Effs, 1, 2, & 3 BRs from $750 inc utils 17654 Amity Way 1-866-600-4369 avl. A.J. 301-674-2843 www.mattress4less.biz 703-751-7576 Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat/Sun 9-1 A Property of GERMANTOWN—2 BR, 2 BA condo, fully remod- OFFICE FURN. LIQUIDATION www.carydale.com Style & Distinction eled, new appliances, $1300/mo 1st month is free! Won’t Last! Hurry Dec 19 - Dec 24 ALEXANDRIA $1250 HIGHLAND HOUSE 240-686-0214 • Desks, Credenzas OLD TOWN - 3-6 mo. lease Eff, 1BR, 2BR from $1199 —Spacious 1BR apt in 4 apt bldg. Living • Chairs, Fire Safes Avail 1/1. Well-maintained 1BR condo. Convenient UTILITIES INCLUDED! Rm, Dining area, kitchen. Lots of closet space, • File Cabinets, Reception Units location GW Parkway. Walk in closets, W/D DW, pool, hardwd flrs, & enclosed back porch. Lovely, quiet • Bookcases and much more etc. Bus to metro at your front door. Cat ok. Call • Designer Gourmet kitchens • 1/2 Block from area, convenient to everything! $985/mo. Open 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Mon-Sat 703-801-7777. Metro • Full Size Balconies • B.F.SaulCo, 301-986-6187 7200-A Fullerton Rd. Springfield, VA Anacostia $2200 Garage Prkg Avail. • Short Term & Furnished Apts GREENBELT — 2BR, 2BA Condo, hdwd flrs, W/D, DW, 22150. 703-455-5500. 4 Bedroom, 2 Full Bath SFH Avail. • Shuttle Bus Service to Shopping freshly painted, avail now. Call Murphy or Remi at Visit us @ WWW.COFOVA.COM • .8 Miles from Metro 1-877-510-8879 301-559-8544. REDSKINS/EAGLES! IN PHILA!!—Premium seats;- • Fenced in Yard with Deck Polinger Shannon & Luchs GREENBELT—3BR, 2 FBA, 2 HBA TH w/finished Front Row seats; 5 tickets together! Great for Xmas! • Quiet Neighborhood CLEVELAND PK—1BR bsmt apt, sep entr, a/c, w/d, basement, great neighborhood, close to shops and 4:15pm on New Years Day! $250/ticket! Will sell Housing Vouchers Welcomed private pool, Metro, shops, avl now $1000 incl utils. to great schools. $1700 240-481-8200 pairs; 302-379-9662 paypal/cash only. (703)695-1712 w (703)725-5709 h lve msg. 202-537-6074 H Street NE, Hechinger Mall Area $895 Sofa+Loveseat & chair-Brand New in Box, $550! ARL—1BR, $895; 2BR, $1100. + el. American Homes CLINTON—3 BR, 1 BA, SFH w/ 2 Car Gar. $1600 mo. 301-728-4743 301-343-8630. Must sell 703-241-1212 Call 301-856-0540 1BR + DEN or 2BR, Modernized apartments, Vouch- ARL/BALLSTON—1045 N. Utah S, 1BR w/ all mod- COLLEGE PARK EHO ers welcome ern conveniences. $1400/mo + utils. Amens incl Hagerstown $1900 TICKETS access to gym, & prkg spot. 1 blk from Metro. Pls call UNIVERSITY GARDENS AFFORDABLE, LUXURY LIVING! Thomas D. Walsh Realtors 202-237-8488 Great for Students! BRAND-NEW, SPACIOUS (2,800 sf!), LUXURY 1/4-ac ARL/Crys City—4BR 4½ ba, gar $3600 American • HUGE BALCONIES single home in Hagerstown’s upscale comm! 4BR/ REDSKINS*WIZARDS*CAPITALS Homes 703-241-1212 • Spacious closets 2.5BA w/attched 2-car gar! Next to State Hwy, BON JOVI*CHRISTMAS CAROL*QUEEN ARL N—-walking distance to Metro & shopping. • 2 swimming pools shopp ctr & 20 min from dwntwn Frederick. Magnifi- 301-985-6250 Close to Key Bridge & Rt. 66. 2 BR’s, $1350, all utils & • Shuttle bus to UMD in community cent 2-story foyer w/grand staircase, formal DR/LR, prkg incl.1 year lse. No dogs. 703-527-1991 • Small pets okay! FR w/marble gas FP, 1st-fl Libry, gour kit w/upgrd www.greatseats.com ARL/THE ARLINGTON—Immac. 2BR, appl/cabnts, island, Sunrm/Bfast area, hwd fl, 9’ ceil 1 ba, grdn condo, 3 mi. Pent., w-w, w/d, d/w, ceil 877-316-6285 & crown mould thru-out! MBR w/ delux bath, cath fans, cac, Fr drs to patio. Pkg, pool/tennis. $1500 + 1801 Jasmin Terr, Adelphi ceil, 2nd-fl w/d, alarm & cable-ready in all rms. Flex PETS elec. Avail. now. Call 301 520-5074 COLLEGE PARK EHO terms! Call (703)801-6070 Arlington/Rosslyn UNIVERSITY GARDENS HYATTSVILLE’S BEST! Adopt A Buddy—Puppies/Dogs, Chantilly Petco, X-Mas Special - Move In By 2/1/06 Great for Students! 1BR $840 2BR $900 3BR $1245 SUN 1-4, 13053-B Lee Jackson Hwy, FX www.aforev- All Utilities Included erhome.org & GET 4TH MONTH FREE! • HUGE BALCONIES • Spacious closets Near Wash. Hospital Ctr, ADOPT A CAT/KITTEN—Vet checked. Call Feline ABLE TO AFFORD, YET DENIED? — Apts avl. Several Locations!! UofMaryland, & PG Plaza DC/MD/VA. TH avl. Sil. Spg Near Metro. • 2 swimming pools Foundation. On-Site Parking, Walk Metro Parquet Floors, Roomy Floorplans 703-920-8665 www.ffgw.org Call The Right Place, 888-813-5689. • Shuttle bus to UMD in community Upgraded Apts, 1&2BRs • Small pets okay! QUEENS PARK PLAZA BICHON PUPPIES-WOW!!—Super Sweet & Smart, 703-671-4045 or 703-861-7605 877-316-6285 2500 Rd Ready NOW thru Dec. 25th! Call:703-585-5752 www.carydale.com 1-877-699-0295 www.bichonboutique.com 1801 Jasmin Terr, Adelphi       Classifieds

LANDOVER 1,2 & 3 BRS FR. $699 EHO OXON HILL SE/2929 Nelson Pl. — Lge 2BR $1200. All state-of- Springfield RENTALS Ask about the spectacular savings the-art, newly remod. ARCHSTONE SPRINGFIELD STATION on our unique ‘Signature Series‘ Pls call Thomas D. Walsh Realtors 202-237-8488 Great Apartments. Great Service. All at a location 888-583-3047 SE—Beaut det split hse, 3BR 2BA, cac. Call David: ASHFORD AT COOPER’S CROSSING FREE UTILITIES that’s exactly right where you want to be. HYATTS/LANDOVER—4BR, 1 BA semi-det SFH, 301-434-9490 X-336, Long & Foster • 1,2 and 3 Bedroom Apartments 877-298-1344 CLOSE TO SHOPPING AND METRO! SE-CASCADE PARK APTS $1400 mo. + utils. New paint, new cpt. Kit. with w/d, *See leasing consultant for details Call Today for Rents & Specials! • 24-hour fitness centers elec. stove, frig. Lg. yd. Sec. 8 welcome. Open house LANDOVER 1829 Belle Haven Dr OXON HILL EHO • Flexible Lease terms 12/18 & 12/24 3-5PM. 301 257-5126 4256 4th St, SE. 5 Bldg, 132 Unit Community. 1/2 off December Rent! 866-402-6980 Hyattsville Landover’s Finest Extensive renov underway. New Mgmt. Immed 2nd Chance Program! occupancy. 4BR $1395, 3BR $1150, 2 BR $850, 1 BR SPRINGFIELD—Bsmt in TH, FBA, Table, No Pets. BEDFORD STATION 1/2 off December Rent if you move within 1 Immediate Move-Ins! $625/mo all utls incl. Call 703-203-8523. week of application. 2BRs for $899. Renovated $675; renovated kitch, new applncs, wood & car- Get IN before the holidays! Bedford Station has Apply by 12/20 and recieve FREE Basketball tickets! peted flrs, ac, on-site laundry rm, on-site mgmt. STAFFORD— Brand New 3 BR, 2½ BA, 3 lvl TH w/fin spacious One and Two bedroom apts w/ unique Apts. Breakfast bars, w/w carpet, after-school pro- bsmt, hdwd flrs, cls to good schls & shopping. gram. Metro access. Shopping center. ADA access. Studio from $670 1BR fr $750 www.novodev.com. designed floorplan. They are located close to Uni- 202-562-1600 Section 8 welcome. $1600. Call Debbie versity of Maryland, shopping and minutes from Free prvt storage. Near Sports Complex/FedEx 2BR fr $870 3BR fr $1120 571-277-5335 I-95. Field. 5% Milliatry & Fed Gov’t Discount, Instant Approv- • Se habla Espanol 1-888-680-3767. EHO als/Move-ins, Plush Carpet, Central Air/Heat, Free SUITLAND—1 & 2 BR fr. $695. All utils. included! • All Utilties are included. Landover Hills after-school program, Metro Access 100% Renovated units available! • Spacious Closets CALVERT HALL APTS. PARK FOREST 625 Audrey Lane SE EHO Directly across from Metro • Free Parking • Ceremic Tiled Bathrooms 800-880-3923 Start The New Year Off Right SILVER HILL APTS. 866-864-1038 • Eat-in-Kitchen 877-203-6036 OXON HILL EHO 2 & 3 BR APTS. Near Route 450 & PW Pkwy. 1/2 OFF DECEMBER RENT in a beautifully, renovated apt at SUITLAND—3BR 2BA Cape Cod. fin bsmt. Give us a call today at 1-888-249-3795 $1550/mo. Call Ray Marshall, Re/Max, HYATTSVILLE EHO Gated Access • Individual Heat & A/C $99 Security Deposit FRIENDSHIP COURT Eat-in kitchens with Dishwashers With apprvd credit 301-702-4243 1/2 off December Rent No Application Fee/Deposit Special SUITLAND—4BR, 2BA, brick rambler, $1675+utili- 1BR $790, 2BR $905 Landover 1BR from $675 2BR from $765 KINGS SQUARE APTS. 3BR from $915 Wall-to-Wall Carpet ties Bernard Galloway, Trust Realty LLC, Instant Approvals Instant Approval Individually Controlled Heat & Air 301-352-3733. EHO. 5% Gov’t, County, & 877-898-6958 Metro Accessible Gated Community/Intercom Entry SW EHO Sr. Citizen Discount ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED Near Shopping! Near Schools, Shopping, and Metro • Nr Metro, shpng & restaurants Newly Renovated Apartments, Daycare Center on Premisis, Convenient to shops, Bus, Metro The Oaks at Park South 202-563-6968 CALL FOR SPECIALS! 866-381-2786 (toll free) QUEENSTOWN APARTMENTS Landover CIH Properties, Inc EHO Mon-Fri 9-6; Sat 10-5; Sun 12-4 S.E. EHO 1-877-278-3509 MAPLE RIDGE 888-583-3045 OXON HILL EHO Friendship Crossing Apts Mon-Fri 9-7, Sa 9-5, Su 10-5 Remodeled Apts. with Brand New Kitchens SOUTHVIEW THE HEAT’S ON US! HYATTSVILLE EHO Individually Controlled A/C and Heat • Balconies & Patio MEADOW GREEN COURTS Move-In Before X-Mas! Fitness Center/Gated Access • Modern Kitchen Your home for the holidays... LANDOVER/PALMER PK—3-BR 1-BA 1-lvl SFH, • Free Shuttle Bus JUST MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN! $1400. Sec. 8 OK. 7731 Oxman Rd. 20785 Dir: 202 to • 2 swimming pools ASK ABOUT GREAT SPECIALS *** Free Heat & Gas *** Matthew Hensen Ave., to Oxman Rd. Open house 877-316-6303 CALL TODAY! 202-582-5250 1BR for $675 12/21, 3-6 PM. 301-464-1852 lv msg A Southern Management Community An Edmondson & Gallagher Community Langley Park W/W Carpet All Utilities Included! Oxon Hill EHO SE—Newly renov 3BR 1BA. New kitch, BA, & Modern Kitchen w/ Breakfast Bar Villas At Langley 1,2,3BRs. All utilities included. windws. OSP.$1825. Sec 8 OK. 301-449-6421 Gated Community/Intercom Access No Application Fee! Incredible value! Near Southern Ave Metro. Spacious floorplans. SE Laundry Facility $99 Security Deposit!* Pet friendly community! Call for specials. TERRACE MANOR APTS. Call Today! Move-in This Weekend Close to University of Maryland and PG Plaza with Forest Hills (866) 394-2064. EHO Off street parking; On bus route. 24 hr. maint. spacious 1,2, and 3 bedroom floor plans. 202-563-6800 1 & 2BRs available OXON HILL EHO Handicapped accessible. Washer & dryer in select CIH Properties • Se habla Espanol SOUTHVIEW homes. Wall to wall carpet. 2 blocks to • Eat-in kitchens with separate dinning rooms SW — Lux 1BR, 1½BA Condo, river view, utils incl. 24 • Balconies & Patio 1 & 2 BEDROOMS AVAILABLE hr sec desk, storage, pool, 1/2 blk metro, river West Hyattsville Metro • Plush wall-to-wall carpeting/hardwood floors • Modern Kitchen • Dishwasher 202-678-0721 restaurs. $1400. 202-554-4432. 1-888-281-3024 • Free Shuttle Bus An Edmondson & Gallagher Community • Balcony/ patio • 2 swimming pools SW—Newly renov.1 BR apt-$1100 OR 2 BR, 2 BA *With apprvd credit, restrictions apply Call for more details! SE/WDC1 APARTMENTS -$1400. CAC, new applcs, sec 8 OK 202-445-5954 877-316-6303 One and Two Bedroom Apts. Avail Hyattsville EHO 1-866-896-5686 A Southern Management Community TAKOMA PARK/806 Islington St. —3+BR, 1FBA INcredible Specials! LAUREL $590 to $725 plus electric SFH, rec. refurbished. Walk to metro. $1600. POTOMAC—Beaut. Furnished apt, in quiet hse, sep Immed. Occpcy-No Application Fee 1 MONTH FREE* So Spacious - up to 1200sf entr. nr 270/495, sunny, full catv, dsl, maid. scenic,- Mr. Allen, 301-802-4832. Section 8 Vouchers Welcome TEMPLE HILLS—2BR condo. 2flrs. $1100+. Sec 8 IF YOU APPLY BY 1/1/05 1BR from $820, 2BR fr $960 patio. $1475 all incl. N/S 301-424-9262 CALL 202-575-2990 M-F 9AM-5PM. No Application Fee and RESTON OK. 240-463-4771 3BR from $1265 Sat. 10-2 TEMPLE HILLS—2 level TH. 3BR 2.5BA, avail immed. $99 security deposit* REFINED LIVING! 305-37th Street SE #B-3 (with approved credit) Millitary Discounts Up to 1560sf! Great location off the Tollway and $1595. 301-952-6680 SIL SPG—4BR 3½BA TH. fin bsmt w/in-law suite, TEMPLE HILLS EHO 1 & 2BR apt homes. Large living rooms, spacious LAUREL SQUARE mins to Reston Town Center. Small pets welcome. brand new carpet, remod kit & BA w/ceramic tiles, closets, carpet or hardwood floors, convenient to 1BR from $1030 Spacious 1,2,3BR Apts 1-877-227-2883 Close to Bus shops schools & Metro. $2000. Call • Washer/Dryer & Fireplaces - Optional. Metrobus. All utilies included! 2BR from $1205 Evany, 240-643-7627 LOGAN CIRCLE—1337 Q ST. Take your pick: 2lrg 3BR from $1480 • Gas Utilities Included Hurry...Call Today! 1BR’s in small, quaint bldg. $1300/mo includes HEAT SIL SPG—5BR, 2½ ba, 2-car gar, wlk. to Metro. Mins. • Metro bus stop in community All UTILITIES INCLUDED to 495, 95 & downtown Sil Spg. $2800. 301 675-9377 Edmonton Station 1-866-884-6722 & Hot Water. Winterthur 877-312-3541 • Ask About Specials SIL SPG/Glenmont—3BR, 2BA SFH just remod. 5360 Quincy Place Thomas D. Walsh Realtors 202-237-8488 RIVERDALE —4BR, 1½BA SFH $1875+uts avl now. HEATHER HILL APARTMENTS *Move by 12/15/05 Lorton $1700 Beaut. kit., lg fncd yard; walk to Glenmont Metro. 301-894-8524 202-421-3514 $2050/mo. 301-424-7463; 301-520-5095. Hyattsville EHO TWH 4 Rent 703-400-3512 RIVERDALE EHO UPPER MARL—2BR, 2½BA, 3 lvl TH. Avl imed. 3 Lvl 3 Bed 2F & 2H Bath lrg Ktch deck W&D Hwd SIL SPG—Lovely 2BR 1½BA condo, 100ft from 1BR Apartments $1700+utl 202-746-5647. floor Recently painted Bus to Hgton & FrcSprg Metro 1st Month Rent Free* Glnmnt Metro, red line, $1500, all utils incl. UPPER MARLBORO— 4BR, 3 FB SFH, Avl now. NO APPLICATION FEE! MANASSAS— 3 lvl 3 BR, 2 FBA TH. Avail Jan 1. 301-996-3967 • Major Utilities Included All Utilities Included $2300. 301-343-1054 $1400/mo. Call 571-237-8012 or 703-313-0000 SIL SPG—SFH, 6BR, 3 FBA, beaut 1/2 ac yd, new Upper Marlboro (Marlton) $1700 • Wall-to-Wall carpet Spacious 1BRs w/ Eat-in kitchens, pets welcome. appls, deck ex cond,10 mins Wheaton Plaza & 15 MANASSAS—Bull Run Area, 4BR, 4BA TH. Gar, Near shopping & metro (5 min drive). Ask about Townhouse • Lots of closet space recrm, deck,1 mi to 66/shopping. $1700. mins to Beltway. $3300. 301-563-3393 • Metrobus stop at door Government, Millitary & Teacher discounts. 3BD 3.5 BA, 202.253.3538 703-966-1154 SIL SPRG — Beautiful spacious 2BR/2BA condo, VIENNA, VA EHO • Near shopping MANASSAS EHO Park Tanglewood w/great Rm w/ Fplc, Kitchen & Dining area, W/D in • 5 minutes to 95/495 5309 Riverdale Rd unit, Balc. Reserved Parking, Comm pool. For details VIENNA PARK Victoria Crossing & Victoria Station FALL SAVINGS! 301-685-5168 call Tom 301-706-5680 • Park-like setting 8201 New Hampshire Ave 1BR from $895 Riverdale SILVER SPRING TOWERS • Wall-to-wall Carpet 301-445-4511 2BR from $1070 3BR from $1340 FLETCHERS FIELD • Enormous Balconies Hyattsville, MD All Utilities Included The Perfect Location! • Huge living rooms • Swimming pool Save $50 per Month COVERSTONE 866-805-0782 FREE UTILITIES ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED. Spacious, Modern Apart- Just a few steps from the Silver Spring Metro; • Play areas Get a $500 Target Gift Card 1-877-437-2384 • Minutes to metro when you move-in! www.rimsi.com ments Minutes to University of Maryland and DC walking distance to 2 new shopping centers, the AFI MANASSAS PARK $1700 Riverdale Silver Theater, the Discovery Channel building; and 877-316-6306 All Utilities Included soon-to-be neighbors with a brand new health club A Southern Management Community Walk to PG Plaza & Metro. Wall-wall carpet, Totally renovated. 4BR, 2BA SFH. Driveway parking. PARKVIEW GARDENS Avail immed. MP5449017, Leslie Carter at Carter and Borders Books - you couldnt ask for a better VIENNA, VA EHO laundry, central ac/heat, cable ready, pool & 888-251-1872 spot! playgrounds Real Estate 703-383-3245. 1,2 & 3 Bedrm Apts. & Huge 2 Bedrm Townhomes VIENNA PARK Toledo Plaza NE/1319 Trinidad Ave—Lovely 5BR 2BA w/fin Fitness and Day Care Centers on Property 877-220-7136 • Park-like setting 888-898-6235 bsmt, rear prkg, $2395/negot. 240-475-6186 Outdoor and Indoor Pool A Southern Mgmt. Community • Wall-to-wall Carpet Se Habla Espanol NE 1610 K ST—Lrg 2BR, 1BA w/ hrwd flrs, coin op ROCKV—2-BR 1-BA, amenities available. Parking SILVER SPRING—spacious 1BR w/eat-in kitchen, • Enormous Balconies laundry on premise. $795/mo inc heat/hot wtr.Close space included. $1400/mo. 301-332-1212 full size washer/dryer,w/w carpet & balcony or • Huge living rooms LAKERIDGE — 1st Month Free. TH, 4BR, 3½BA, • Swimming pool E-I Kitchen, 1 yr lease, $1500. to Hechinger Mall. ROCKV/No Beth—Lovely 3BR, 2BA brk det split lvl patio. Beautiful community w/fitness center & Thomas D Walsh Realtors 202-237-8488 brand new clubhouse. Call today & Get 1 month • Play areas Call 703-598-3324 [email protected] home, new kit, hdwd flrs, frpl, more. Conven to • Minutes to metro LANDOVER EHO NE/1635 Montello Ave—*SPECIAL* in before Jan 1 White Flint, Metro. Avl Jan. $2000. Rob 301-440- FREE! Starting @ $1010. 888-298-2056. EHO w/ ‘0‘ deposit! 1BR, on bus rt. clean, secure bldg, 877-316-6306 INCREDIBLE SPECIALS! 9595.EPSTEIN & ASSOC 301-589-5060 Silver Spring EHO w/w carpet, ceiling fans 750+Util Sec 8 ok. Rockville 1599 E. Jefferson St A Southern Management Community Apply by 1/1 and get 202-498-7013. Mr Hill Forest Park Apartments 1 MONTH FREE* WOODBRIDGE—Lrg SFH, 5BR,3.5BA, 2 Car Gar. NE—2004 Rosedale. 2 & 4BR apts. Ready to move in, WINTER SPECIALS! ‘A great place to live‘ $2250/mo. 703-980-2290 Free Application and new appls, w-w carp, nr stadium, Sec 8 welcome. $99 Security Deposit* (w/ apprvd credit) RENTS FROM $1215! • Beatifully wooded landscape Woodbridge—Renovated luxury 2BR/1BA, $900.- $1100 & $2000. Call Marlon:202-321-8535. /mo + ele. Ron @ 202.338.0840/905.6793 2BRs starting at $820 No application fee! • Controlled access NE—3BR apt, cac/heat, w/d. Near metro. $1650+ • Mid-rise elevator bldg Pets Welcome! utilities. 202-397-3049 • Laundry on every floor Hurry...Call Today! N.E./—SFH, 2BR, nr Metro, $1250. • Wall-to-Wall Carpet ROOMMATES 202-526-5039 • Spacious Bedrooms Eaton Square NE/Rhode Island Ave • Pools, playgrounds, bball court 888-281-3014 ALEX/5 mins to Spgfld Metro —ShTHrmfor 1 Block to Metro, • Much, Much more! Female 202-247-7187 Zia *Move by 12/15/05 BRING THIS AD IN FOR Shops, & Restaurants! • 2 blocks to Twinbrook Metro ALEX/Franconia/Spgfld Metro—2 furn’s rms avail LAUREL PARK WAIVED APPLICATION FEE! in bsmt of SFH. Shr Bath & kitchen. Incl utils & DISH. Spacious 1BRs • Dogs up to 45lbs welcome* Great for DC/Baltimore Commuters! Call 1-877-512-0182 Please call 301-434-8727 Call 703-922-9693! • Mins from 95 & Rt1 only $699 SILVER SPRING TOWERS ALEX/HUNTINGTON— 2 blocks metro, 6 nonth www.rollinspark.net lease. Prof, N/S F to shr 3 lvl TH, Share bath w/1 F. • Rents from $770 • New Appliances Mgmt by Polinger Shannon & Luchs The Perfect Location! • Swimming Pool • Choose Hardwoods or Carpet $450 + 1/3 utils. 703-309-4371 • Balconies or Terraces ROCKVILLE—Bargain! ½ Mo. Free! 1 & 2 lrg BR, utl FREE UTILITIES ARL— Shr condo., F, nsmkg, good references. $490, • Cats Welcome Dahlgreen Court incl. Also furn. apt w/linens, dishes, microw. 1BR Just a few steps from the Silver Spring Metro; everything incl. Prkg at door. Call 703-247-4671 202-722-1334 start at $900; 2BR start at $1000. Nr Metro, bus, walking distance to 2 new shopping centers, the AFI BETH— Rm in prof 4 BR n-smkg 1½ BA shr’d hse. 877-584-6151 NW/—1 bedroom apt. $840, utils incl. Fort Stevens grocery. Great loc. Lots of clsts. 301-948-0087. Silver Theater, the Discovery Channel building; and Scrn prch, frpl, hdwd flrs, cat. Nr NIH Metro. $475+ ¼ A Southern Management Community Properties, LLC. 301-316-4590 ROCKVILLE, MD EHO soon-to-be neighbors with a brand new health club utils. Call 301-214-7873. Laurel EHO NW DC—Basement for rent. Private entrance. 850 The Apartments at Miramount and Borders Books - you couldnt ask for a better BLADENSBURG —Shr 6br, 4rms Upstairs + bsmt month, 1/3 utilities, Cable, Internet. (904)563-4951 • Washer/Dryer in each home spot! w/2br. Nr BW Pkwy. 202-369-7946 or 1 Month Free! NW/DC & MD—1BR & 2BR in multi use bldg. • Pool and Tennis Courts 877-220-7136 202-210-2914 $99 Security Deposit (church, retail, etc). • Picnic/BBQ Area A Southern Mgmt. Community Bowie/Glendale— Priv rm w/pvt BA in quiet home. $700-$1600 mo. 301-728-1646 • Corporate Suites Prof M. $600/mo incl all utils. 240-441-7115 Laurel Pines has Inviting apartment homes. Com- SOUTHWEST EHO NW/ - Near Metro — New 1 BR, 888.324.8343 CAP HGTS/SEAT PLEASANT—Nice rm. $135/wk & munity is conveniently located near Baltimore gourmet kitchen, fplc, w/d, frnt desk, gym. $1950 Washington Parkway, I-95 and I-495. 6040 California Circle EAGLE’S CROSSING 202-561-7070 up. Shr. hse. Near transportation. 301-499-6323 +utils +prkg 301-320-8106 GREAT PRICE • GREAT LOCATION! CENTREVILLE—Lrg rm, Shr kit & entr. Cbl & intrnt. • Spacious floor plans NW/Walter Reed Apts—Effys from $700, 1 BRs A Southern Management Community SE/2343 Green St— $200 OFF SECURITY DEP.Large Call About Our Specials!! NR. 66/29. $500 utils incl. N/S-pets. 703-222-3601 • Huge Closets from $810. All utils incl., CAC, wlk to shpg & Metro, Falls Church Lake Barcroft—Shr hse. Bedrooms • Floor to Ceiling Windows in the Living Room onsite prkg. 202-726-9410 1 & 2BRs, CAC, new wndows, hdwds, lndry, pvt. pkg. 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APTS. Nr Metro $615-$715+elec. DELWIN REALTY An Edmondson & Gallagher Community for rent all util incl.cable, W/D. Great loc. • Eat-In-Kitchen OXON HILL/1001 Marcy Ave—Very lge 2BR apt w/ (703)499-6737 • Student and Military Discounts balc. $895. 202-678-2548 SPGFLD—renov., 2-BR condo, W/D, wlkg dist. to Call 703-474-3977 S.E.—3BR apt, everything new , completely renov. VRE, close to Metro & shopg ctr, plenty pkg, avl. Call Today 1-888-637-7730 CAC, Sect 8 welcome, low sec depos. 301-503-2570 immed. $1200+elec. 703-961-8889 !'k4G?A4BBk !! ! $kF43=4B30H Classifieds

Brandywine, MD $499,000 Large Mtn. Land Bargains, High Elevation. Ad- FOR SALE joins Pristine State Forest, 20+ AC to 350 AC, ROOMMATES Magnificent renovated family home, situated on a Sweeping Mtn. Views, Streams 20,616 sq. ft lot. w/in ground swimming pool! www.liveinwv.com GAITHERBURG—Hse to share 1rm, Spur Hill Dr, • 4 or 5 bedrooms, 2 baths Wkdys after 8pm, Wknds before 1pm. • New, Hardwood floors 202-210-2914. • New Kitchen & Appliances REAL ESTATE SERVICES LAUREL—TH to shr, Lrg 12X28 bsmt., w/w cpt, W/D, • 2 Car Detached Garage •Wood Burning Fireplace Nr Bus & Shpng, private entr. $650/mo. Utils Incl. ATTENTION BUYERS! 240-475-4072 or 301-498-6244. • Walk-out Basement • Kitchenette in Basement Why Rent When You Can Own? manassas—$250 Branch Ave/Exit 7A Waldorf, L on Earnshaw Dr, Stay 0 MONEY DOWN, ID# 1043 1st Time Buyer, ID# 1051 nonsmoking female to share new single family L, Then R on Lusbys Ln. Open 12/18 - 12-3pm. Bad Credit, ID# 2000 1-800-285-6095 or home 7033039449 RE/MAX Colonial Homes, Tanya, 703-929-3060 www.ways2buy4less.com Sears Realty Group RESTON—Townhouse to share, great location, mo- FT WASHINGTON 805 OTHMAN DRIVE to-mo lease, $550 incl utils. Jay 703-754-6141 Elegant 4BR/3BA split foyer in Tantallon No. w/all the INVESTOR CAN HELP YOU— finance the home of SIL SPG—Share 2BR 2FBA condo, nr Public transp, Bells & Whistles on a huge lot. Must See. Susie your choice. Perfect credit not required. Steady $500 incl utils, secur depos req 301-434-2218 Moore Associates 301-449-7979 job/work needed. Call 301-775-7810 SIL SPG—Share condo. Bedrms/bsmt avail. $575- Haymarket $382,000 WE DO REFI LOANS NO ONE ELSE CAN $1000 incl utils., phone & cable. Near Metro. Just Renovated We accept scores below 500 and do unique deals. 571-643-9226 Cute 3 bdrm 2 bath rancher on fenced 2.0 +/- level All situations considered for residential real estate SIL SPG—TH to shr, off Rte 29 off Fairland Rd, nr bus lot. Perfect location. 703-851-2895 refinancing w/equity. We save homes from foreclo- & shpg. 1BR, $450, cabl, utils & internet incl. N/S no sure, bankruptcies & payoff high debt. Call HYATTSVILLE OPEN: SAT 11-2 p.m. 240-314-0319. pets. 240-432-1485. 6936 Greenvale Pkwy. 3BR. 1½BA Rambler. $320,- STERLING—M/F, Shr apt, MBR w/pvt BA on Rte 7 & 000. Special 100% financing w/closing help. 28. Sunny pond view. fpl. $663+ ½ utils. Call Ray RE/MAX 100 301-702-4243 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE 703-444-3936 LARGO—3BR, 2BA, 0% down, find out what your WOODBRIDGE/LAKERIDGE—NS Male to sh house, house is worth free over the net. www.raycontee.- nice area, cls to Mall $450-500/mo +utils. com. 1717 K St, NW.—Office Intelligently: Save Hun- 703-819-3257 LEDROIT PARK—Two Unit Two 1BRs, each unit 1000 dreds/mo. On demand offices, phone, mail, Inter- SF, 201 V St. N.W. 3000 SF buildable lot in back or net, other svcs. Plans $45-$200/mo. Call OSI, Keep it CONDOS FOR SALE private parking. $653,000 w/seller closing help avail. 202-508-3896 to learn more. LEESBURG—4BR, 2.5BA NVHomes built in 2002 w/ COMMERCIAL BUS - EASTERN SHORE 2848 SF on .22 acre. $619,900. 703-669-6471. Real Estate & business for sale. Established salon & ALEX CITY OPEN 2-5 Photos @ MLS#L05463067 or gotofsbo.com spa. $550,000. For inquiries contact owner sz06 $207,000. Penthse. 1BR condo., beaut Open House SUNDAY, 1-4PM. 410-643-7963 move-in cond., new appls., lux bldg., grt loc. Lorton-Route 1-EastHill—Save thousands. Make MT RAINIER —Restored space avail. 2 ofcs + large 5340 Holmes Run Pkwy. offer on this brand New SF home. Full warranty. 5 area. Right at the MD/DC Line. all utils incl. Rear prkg $289,950. 2BR, 2½BA, lux condo., gar., balc., big bedrms. Finished bsemnt. Gourmet kitchen. avail. From $550/mo. 202-882-3232 W/D, new appls & carpet & much more. Call Granite tops. 2nd flr laundry. Fam rm fire place. 3.5 NW/DOWNTOWN/Convention Center clean. today. baths. Must see. Low closing costs. 703/ 909-0357 Office/warehouse/loft for RENT. Excel. work/living Taylor Brown Realty, 703-370-8670. or 703/495-0808 space. 2000-3000 sf. Craftsman, artist or prof. Conv. ARL/ALEX LOVETTSVILLE $975,000 Metro. 202-289-4909 GREAT HOLIDAY BUYS! http://www.lennh.com ALEXANDRIA $299,000 800-711-7988 Exciting 1-BR + den, cathedral ceiling, fireplace, MERRIFIELD —1 blk fr Dunn Loring Metro, 2 loading WHEELS great condition, shuttle bus to Metro! docks, 5300 SF/ofc/warehouse. 703-573-2300 ARLINGTON $260,000 MERRIFIELD/FAIRFAX AREA—Lg home (5BR po- AIRSTREAM LAND YACHT—36 ft., road ready, exc. Lowest priced 2-BR here! Over 1000 sq ft, renovated tential) in need of updating on flat 1 ac. lot. Home is cond., 66,426 mi., Asking $29,500. 540-923-4051 kitchen & BA. 1 mi. to Ballston Metro. Seller will pay liveable but needs work. $675,000. Pls call BMW ’00 528—74K, Fully Loaded, Like New, recnt 6 months condo fee! 703-861-2350 Jobin Realty srvc,nu tires, must sell, ¬¬$17.2Kobo 703 412 5994 ARLINGTON $280,000 N.E.—Great prices on two houses in the N.E. Huge price reduction on this spacious 2-BR w/bal- BUICK—’93 PARK AVE ULTRA, grey, 117Kmi, clean, Section of Wash. DC & Two houses in S.E. D.C. also loaded, $3000/obo. 202-345-1383 cony & garage parking. 2 blks to Rosslyn Metro. for sale. Please call 202-396-2182 or 202-486-8932 ARLINGTON $289,000 CAD ’00 Escalade— Loaded w/sunrf, 128K hwy for details. Must be able to close & act quickly. miles, new tires, Md insp. $11,999. 301-537-8890 Spac. 1-BR w/balcony & garage parking. 2 blks to NE/WOODRIDGE $435,000 Rosslyn Metro. DODGE ’00 Intrepid—Auto, 78K, Gold, Great Cond. Price Reduced! Newly Renov, Ready For New Owner. MD Insp. all pwr, Blue Book Value $7500, Asking 3 BR Col, Brazilian Chry Wd Flrs, Granite, Brkfst Bar, $5950, MUST SELL! 240-882-0577 Marion Cloud 2 Car Gar, & more. Call Sylvia, 202-549-7459 DODGE—’93 SPIRIT, maroon, extra cln, 20K orig mi, Help us keep Metro clean. NW/1460 PARK RD—About 900 s.f., for ofc. or other must see. $2000. 202-345-1383 703-314-7033 business use on 2nd flr. $1500/mo. Avl. 2/06. RE/MAX ALLEGIANCE 301-230-2318 FORD ’97 F150 Lariat 4x4—135K mi, tow, run brds, bedlnr, all pwr. excel shape, $7500 703-759-2699 CONN. AVE NW/4600 #304 NW/1842 No. Capitol St. — Completely renov. row BEST BUY IN BUILDING house. 3BR, 1FBA, w/d on upper lvl, carpet, hdwd FORD—’95 CROWN VIC, police pkg, wht, 133Kmi, Please take this newspaper New kitchen, balc, open flr plan, refin. hdwd flrs, flrs thro’out main lvl, all new upgrades & appls. $2700/obo. 202-345-1383 fresh painted, updated baths. Price reduced $40,- $630,000. Rental Bsmt occupied 240-694-7823. GMC ’96 Jimmy-SLT—Auto, 59K, 4WD, Full Options, 000 for fast sale & settlement. . 319,900. OCEAN CITY—36 condos avail. now. $138K-$200K. EXCELLENT condition, Garage Kept, dark green, with you when you leave. OPEN Sat & Sun 2-5 202-427-1155 Call Frank K. @ RE/MAX 240-271-5552 or $6995, 301-653-6666 FALLS CH/$299.9K/Skyline Sq-2BR, 2BA, ltd time 866-4REMAX1 HUMMER ’03 H2—Auto, 8k mi, Metallic Sage, drastic price red. for any ofr that closes by 1/15/06, RIXEYVILLE, VA $325,000 AM/FM, Cassette, CD, Insp, Snrf, Mnrf, AC, PW/PDL, then back to $314,900. $30K Under mkt! For details. 6 AC. Barn. 4BR 2BA Rambler. Owner motivated. PS, ABS, Alloys, Cruise, Tilt, $41500, 703-475-4112 Tom Millar, C21 New Millenium RE 703-963-4803 Bring all offers. MLS CU5455095. Call Ruth Azzara, JAGUAR—’96 XJ, 80,500 mi., new 18’’ chrome whls, FALLS CH/FSBO—Nr bus stop & Metro station, 1BR, Jobin Realty, 540-903-0902. extra set 16’’ steel whls, loaded, good condition, good ngbrhd & renov. $189,950. 703-473-2983 Sell Your Property Now $10,500. 703-433-0160 /703-573-6858 We buy property. All types. Any condition. MAZDA ’96 B2300—Auto, 87k mi, cab w/ bdlnr, AC, WHEATON/299,900—STOP RENTING! Bright & Airy, North Portal Realty PS, CD, $3950 obo, 301-943-1714 3 Lrg BR, 2 FBA, Newer Kit, LR, DR, W/D in unit, Walk Call 888-232-2079 TOYOTA ’90 CAMRY Station Wagon—Auto, runs to Wheaton Metro & Plaza. Glen Deckert, SILVER SPRING—Silver Spring-Dan Krell, salesper- great, nice body, blue $1200 202-744-7187 240-888-8941. ReMax, 301-299-1000 ext 303 son-Fairfax Realty, Inc. Direct)301-529-8475; YAMAHA ’04 ATV—blue, $1500. Excellent Cond. Offce)301-881-9800 Equal Housing Opportunity HONDA ’00 70—Excellent condition, $700. SilverSpringHomeSearch.com 301-343-6904 HOUSES FOR SALE Where Home Searching Begins Springdale $475,000 4 NEW LISTINGS FROM $349,000 No Money Down www.JTPrealestate.com Springdale area, charming 6 yr old Col w/ Vaulted From 2br condos and rehab properties, to Capitol Ceilings, French Doors, 3 lvls, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, 2 car Gar. Hill Duplexes all with interior photos online. 24hr Free recorded into: 1-800-636-8214; ID #2004 JT POWELL Tyree Lewis 301-249-6603 RE/MAX ONE 202-465-2357 Coldwell Banker STOCKS STILL LOW ALEX/Nr Old Town—Brand New 3BR 2 F 2H BA, 4 Invest in the booming Atlanta mkt. Buy investment lvl, 2 car garage grand THs. 2800 s.f. Avail immed. 3 properties and sell with 45 days for a quick profit. to choose. Call 703-660-6752, lv msg or try Cell: $5k min inv. 25% return w/n 45 days. Serious 703-899-6752. MANASSAS 1 TH & DUMFRIES 1 TH inquiries only. 866-871-3226 ALEX OPEN 2-5 UPPER MARLBORO $285,000 $439,999. Brkfrnt., 3 lvl, 3BR, 3½BA TH, fresh paint, Spac 3 lvl TH w/3BR, 2½BA, formal DR, TS Kit, full fin new appls., marble BA, wlkout bsmt. Seller moti- bsmt, walk out lot. Purchaser select new carpet & vated. Lse opt. avail. 5231 Habor Crt Dr. appls colors. Viola Jackson Laird 703-370-8670. Taylor Brown Realty. RE/MAX Allegiance 301-918-3377 Alexandria/Belle Haven $895,000 Upper Marlboro-Marlton $345,000 BELLE HAVEN ESTATES! Priced Below Market GORGEOUS 1/2 ACRE HOMESITE ADJACENT TO Foyer entrance, 3 lvls, 3 BR, 3 BA, Vaulted Ceilings, PARKLAND. SOLID BUILT 4BR, 2 CAR GARAGE. HOME Deck, Patio, Back to woods, 2 car Gar. 24hr Free READY FOR RENOVATION! recorded info: 1-800-636-8214; ID #3001 Tyree Call Margaret Hollar for details! 703-801-6030 Lewis 301-249-6603 RE/MAX ONE WEICHERT, Realtors 703-760-8880 Vienna - Steps to Metro—Town Home - Large 3 Alexandria/Hillwood $359,000 levels with walk-out basement & brick fireplace 3 GREAT LOCATION NEAR METRO!!! bedrooms, 2 full/2 half baths. Beautiful condition - SPACIOUS 2BR, 2BA w/FIREPLACE, BALCONY & 2 must see!!! $495K 703.898.8409 by owner. PARKING SPOTS! NEW FURNACE, CARPET & W/D! IMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY!! CALL FOR DETAILS 703-517-0216 WE BUY HOUSES WEICHERT, Realtors 703-760-8880 Annandale $560,000 ANY PRICE OR COND OPEN HOUSE 11/19/05 Fully renovated rambler3BR, 2BH, lg recreation Do You Need To Sell Quickly? room w/walkout to large deck, big fenced yard. WE BUY HOUSES FAST Assist2Sell 703-575-9166 All cash, no contingencies, no commission, no fees BALTIMORE AREA — Investment properties for You Save $. Buying in Maryland, DC & Virginia. sale. Call for list. 443-829-3916. Brian, Re/Max 2000, 301-996-9695 BALTIMORE CITY— Owner liquidating properties. www.listorbuyhomes.com. (8) SFH’s & (4) multi-dwelling bldgs. Producing great [email protected] rental income. Call 410-330-8992, 301-674-9142. Please use the recycling containers at any Metro station BALTIMORE CITY—30 mins frm NY ave, 2100 Eagle St, Newly renov TH, 3br,LR,DR,BA and bsmt area. LOTS & ACREAGE or take Express with you and dispose of it $95,000 call 202-220-3018 BALTO/REHAB/JHH—Ready to close. Cash needed. 20 Acres & Larger parcels, with Hardwoods, when you are finished reading. $12,881. 410-350-4338 Streams, Just 3 miles from Historic Town and River, BOWIE A No Money Down* Great Retirement and Second Home. Less 2 hr Beltway. No Closing Costs, 5BR Colo LandinWV.com $3000 Cash Back. 2.5BA $395,000/BO 301-996-6077 XX033 2x12c F43=4B30Hk !! ! $k4G?A4BBk!(

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C^SPhX]7Xbc^ah Bd k S^ k Zd u ¡Insse^l[rIZiih\hf $EGREEOF$IFFICULTY-%$)5- &ILLINTHEBOXESSOTHAT 0ILGRIMSABOARDTHE EACHROW COLUMNAND  BY SQUAREINCLUDES -AYFLOWERWENTASHOREFOR %!  THEDIGITSTHROUGH THEFIRSTTIMEATPRESENT DAY0LYMOUTH &ORSOLUTION TIPSAND -ASS COMPUTERPROGRAM SEE 3CIENTISTS0IERREAND WWWSUDOKUCOM '('-ARIE#URIEDISCOVERED THERADIOACTIVEELEMENTRADIUM HTbcTaSPh½b 4HE3UPREME#OURTRULED B^[dcX^] (#!ALLSTATESHADTORECOGNIZE DIVORCESGRANTEDIN.EVADA 0OLICEIN$ES0LAINES )LL (&'ARRESTED*OHN7'ACY*R THE WASHINGTON DC JEWISH COMMUNITY ANDBEGANUNEARTHINGTHEREMAINSOF CENTER IS SEEKING 1,000 VOLUNTEERS MENANDBOYSTHAT'ACYWASLATERCON to serve meals to the homeless, deliver gifts to sick children in VICTEDOFMURDERING hospitals, provide companionship to seniors in nursing homes PEOPLEWEREKILLED and paint shelters and community kitchens on December 25th. WHENATERRORISTBOMB Projects run from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm in 2 or 3 hour shifts. ('' Read more and register at EXPLODEDABOARDA0AM!M"OEING OVER,OCKERBIE 3COTLAND SENDINGWRECK 2P]½cVTcT]^dVWBdS^Zd.5X]SP]^cWTaBdS^Zd_dii[TX]cWT2^\XRbbTRcX^]^U www.dcjcc.org/volunteer or call (202) 518-9400ext. 565 . AGECRASHINGTOTHEGROUND cWT?^bcTeTahBd]SPhP]SX]cWTBch[TbTRcX^]TeTah<^]SPhcWa^dVWBPcdaSPh 36 EXPRESS 12.21.2005 WEDNESDAY reversed myhairloss!” “My hairiscontinuing BEFORE with AFTER TP STOP (cul Client) (Actual Lebr, VA Leesburg, to fillinandithas Tysons Corner -Vienna, VA •Tenleytown Metro -Washington, DC Jsp F., Joseph BEFORE AFTER (657-3476) As reportedonFOX, NBC, NBC, ABC, ABC, ANDCBS! ANDCBS! Trichology &HairSolutions 800-OK-REGROW or703-848-4247 L ANDCONFIDENCE forFreeConsultation(Limited Space) • LookYoung, Feel Great • GetThickerSofterHair • StopHairLoss, SeeHairGrowth PROVEN CLINICALLY • Exclusive Multi-TherapyApproach aser HollywoodInvisible OIGLOSING NowInTheWash. Metro Area: www.thehairlossclinic.com HairExtensions 7321Hi (4247) 703-281-Hair “The AskAbout H Cl Now Call HairLossProfessionals” air R O RYOUR ejuvenation o VA of seeing isbelieving!” dcso, because decision, “This wasagreat (cul Client) (Actual Hrdn VA Herndon, Lwna E., Lawanda after 3months, HAIR BEFORE AFTER N N A C G R U S O



P 12-21-05 P W

E2 EXPRESS/APARTMENTS.COM/12.21.2005 K SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION h aaoa88452 0750 120$,9 210Y Y Y $1,320 $1,045 $1,243 Y $2,140 $945 $1,000 $1,395 $1,525 $1,900 $1,004 $1,210 $928 Y $1,050 $1,600 $800 Y $2,575 Y 102735001 128334005 $2,000 Y 102090005 $2,499 Y $1,750 150538001 8888475121 8667088808 $2,825 102585012 102090001 Y $1,850 $1,200 8665108872 Y $1,685 $1,000 $1,235 8662843917 102597058 $1,859 Y $1,800 $860 $2,235 8884334650 Apts $1,319 8668125515 Grdn & Twrs $1,180 102640015 $1,520 Wingate $1,229 The Hill $3,570 Capitol on Townhomes $825 8663108515 The $2,215 Y 102597070 $2,095 159083001 Shoremeade 102392076 $1,600 Y The $2,395 $1,445 102735002 Saratoga $1,225 8663529333 Wash Y $1,795 The Hyatt 128334012 Park at $1,345 Residences The Y 8882824908 102575005 Parkhill 8668421989 8886468826 The 102001056 Connecticut 128947002 8668374805 Park The 8667225261 Y Meridian The Square $2,050 Y Market At 102597067 Lexington 8886350651 $1,300 $2,800 The 8772616542 $3,250 Apartments 8663080382 Latrobe $1,700 $2,185 The $975 $2,261 $1,175 $1,865 $1,125 Lansburgh $1,500 The $1,407 $1,044 $964 $1,225 Apts 8663022785 $1,150 Kennedy-Warren $955 The $1,080 $1,400 101880193 128334007 $920 Kenmore Y $860 The $1,025 $2,400 $815 102597056 102597069 Hudson 102603003 The $770 $1,755 $760 Heights $1,365 The 128334008 8664428724 8668774006 Envoy $660 The $2,000 8664806769 Y 8662876757 Ellington 102621012 The 8887395615 $1,200 $1,410 $1,400 DeSoto The 8666584500 102079017 $995 $975 $975 Y Consulate 115103036 The Y Apartments 154428001 Chastleton 8664205889 The Apartments 128334004 101966003 102090003 Cambridge The 8667971988 $950 $975 House Y $960 $2,375 Bristol 8662319430 The $1,545 8667657645 Berkshire $750 $830 The $845 $1,145 8668929717 $2,800 Albemarle 8885872895 8662557966 The $650 $2,000 Statesman 121550018 Y 102079015 $1,395 Apartments Y Glenn Y Stanton $1,625 Park Sovereign 102692099 $1,500 $1,095 Heights Savannah $1,100 8665147245 8663266111 136819001 Gardens $895 Creek Rock $850 Y Hill $1,300 102079014 Randle $2,675 8663498111 Y House 120982005 Quebec Y $2,364 $940 $1,675 8884385798 128334010 $6,450 $1,524 Promenade $1,430 Y $4,950 Avenue $1,485 Massachusetts Post Univ 8662496255 Catholic 102090002 at Hills Flats 102644013 8882399232 Pleasant $1,368 and $1,300 Lofts $1,250 102085176 Apts 8882729634 Triangle $1,200 Park $1,030 $965 $2,676 Pleasant $1,850 Park $1,100 8884950355 $800 $1,828 Y Plaza $1,249 121550017 8886675550 Park Park Glover $2,820 $825 at 8888707958 102090004 102898029 Crest $999 Park $1,825 Apartments 120982003 $760 Normandie $1,610 Y $2,077 Y Gardens 8665147324 Naylor Place 147214001 Y $1,547 Gallery Y at 8666832358 8665676264 101880186 Meridian 128334006 $1,930 $2,200 Apartments $1,495 Court 101880192 8663378555 Mass $2,700 $1,300 102597082 $1,525 $1,250 House $2,045 Lencshire $1,150 $955 8662692310 D.C. Y Y $1,495 $815 Y Communities 8665349587 Korman 8882729640 Manor $1,900 Castle $1,125 and $1,990 8664802949 102664003 Highview $1,250 8664626659 $2,650 Apartments 102597028 $1,200 Gardens $1,110 120982002 Hawaiian $1,050 $2,000 102597071 Village $895 $950 Harvard $1,300 House Garfield 102763007 8776773280 $950 Y $890 $948 Park Y 8883881452 $2,373 Woodley $2,200 Gables 8663379555 102650043 $1,855 Circle 8663022771 $1,650 Dupont Gables $775 $880 $2,900 $1,305 $1,200 120982008 102602012 House $2,250 Ellicott 8888092577 Y $925 $815 House $1,704 Corcoran Y 8887076652 102597081 107187001 101880129 Apartments Plaza $999 Connecticut $815 Y 8662861700 $2,400 $2,176 Heights 8663553270 102603002 $3,560 Connecticut $1,550 $725 $1,440 $2,550 Plaza Columbia Y 121550023 $1,200 8883907783 8668810269 $1,195 8886254495 $1,670 House $4,000 Cleveland $1,455 Apartments $2,200 Place 107187008 8885468665 City 102724355 102736001 Y $1,800 Chalfonte 8664389349 102736146 $2,955 $1,200 $2,345 Mansions Cathedral $2,275 $1,480 Plaza Park 8667489983 $1,485 Capitol 102597072 8663028444 8665803807 Apartments Park Capitol 8663194888 Woodley 101970381 Calvert $2,100 House $3,000 Calvert 8662876781 $1,495 $975 $1,600 $1,511 Park Burke $1,100 $1,300 $1,155 102597001 Ravenel 8665428111 Barclay $1,050 Place Gallery 101880126 at Avalon 128334013 $1,090 118403004 Foxhall $1,522 at Avalon 102664013 $920 $1,218 Court 8663108522 Aspen Circle Dupont 8886652272 Archstone 8668605093 101945017 8665979766 102664011 Alcazar 8887398066 Towers Alban Apartments Avenue Mass 4000 8668318010 Avenue Connecticut 8883071104 3801 Street Porter 2501 Apts Ave. Pennsylvania 2400 SE Street C 215 Street R 1630 Massachusetts 1500 itito Columbia of District DC WASHINGTON prmn aePoeWb# Web Phone Name Apartment aapoie by provided Data 8853512301$,9 310Y $3,100 $1,995 Y 152439001 $2,475 $1,850 $1,525 8888353315 102001028 8885179570 Y $2,565 $1,525 102644015 8668804364 prmnscmDirectory Apartments.com et niaesatn rcsol n r ujc ocag ihu oie alfrdetails. for Call notice. without change to subject are and only prices starting indicate Rents *

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2 Bdrm

3 Bdrm

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1 Bdrm

2 Bdrm

3 Bdrm

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Studio trigRna Rates* Rental Starting

1 Bdrm

25$,7 195Y $1,955 $1,670 ,275 2 Bdrm

25$,2 Y $1,525 ,265 3 Bdrm 125Y $1,275 165Y $1,655

49Y ,469 Pets OK o oeifrainlgot ahntnotcmaatet n ne the enter and washingtonpost.com/apartments onto log information more For h oet88283 0750 120$,5 160Y $1,680 $1,450 $1,250 Y Y Y $1,115 $1,740 $1,760 $1,360 $980 $1,435 Y $1,215 $1,060 $1,330 Y 102735005 8882218137 $ $1,940 Y 102664006 Y $1,500 102623035 102085186 $1,560 $1,250 $1,915 $1,595 $900 Y $1,505 $1,395 8884573131 $1,315 8663754135 8886519136 $1,244 $1,410 $98 $1,019 $1,190 102564002 $888 Farm 101872659 Y King at 115023009 Huntington 102627003 The Forest The $3,580 102611024 Rockville 8667905233 $1,450 of Fields $1,220 $1,815 The Plaza 8662662898 $1,225 Congressional 102736148 at 8668714647 $1,395 Crest $1,270 The 8885968012 Miramont 102664009 At Apartments The 8886639628 Park $1,439 Rollins Flint White 8778136688 Y At $1,079 Square Oxford Village 8883814592 Congressional at $897 Jefferson 102736175 $1,750 101005238 Apartments View 102035017 Halpine $1,350 102798133 Y Tower $1,025 Grosvenor Park Fireside 8667964724 Y Y 8662546284 Towers Congressional 8886790265 8662603989 Traville at Avalon Y 102798124 Decover At Y Avalon Fallsgrove at $1,125 Branch $1,620 Alder 101880201 $1,459 $1,340 $1,139 $1,018 8662606629 $1,213 $1,120 102001026 Apartments 102736147 $1 Tamarron $1,070 $989 $817 $955 8668014017 Y Fields Avalon $1,255 $1 8885476346 8882014465 $1,170 $1,245 Grand The Flint White $1,064 At Court 102001038 Strathmore Station Grosvenor $913 102622036 at Avalon 102392385 102603004 102724228 102853232 102142013 Rothbury 102626005 Gables 8643349945 102626004 Mill 8663804228 Cider 8888395226 8883390876 8882740177 8888517607 Center Town at 8885519754 Pinnacle The 8668073447 Towncenter 102623030 at 8888449009 Hamptons The Landing Waters at Gables The Village Kingsview at Elms The Germantown 8663320880 at Elms The Club Stonecreek Club Seneca Hills Rolling Milestone Crossing Kingsbury h ao 6209712912$4 115$,6 Y Y $1,360 $1,410 $1,115 Y $1,198 $1,160 $945 Y $987 $950 Y Y $890 $1,605 $1,365 $2,100 $1,850 $1,474 $1,070 Y $1,390 $1,350 102611016 $1,232 $1,149 $1,150 $860 $1,060 $1,029 $979 102798102 Y Y $900 $940 102040004 $908 102085174 8886447948 $1,375 Y $1,150 103605001 102564041 8662603997 $1,290 $1,000 102622023 8775474375 $1,070 Y 8663369651 $825 102622035 Y 8887832983 8885511830 $1,605 8882281197 $1,588 102606003 $1,224 $1,157 $1,358 Manor $1,026 8882536036 $1,330 Winexburg Y Apartments Y Towers $1,138 Oak $1,014 $1,175 $963 White Y $1,008 102173297 $1,000 West $845 Westchester $1,355 8889025270 Towers Y Manchester $850 $1,078 Wayne $1,300 102564003 Y Manor The $933 $1,345 102564038 $980 $2,525 8883873198 Enclave $1,150 Y The 102650025 102611025 $1,639 Y $780 Chateau $943 The Y $1,349 $1,300 8668042310 102611013 Blairs The Spring $1,095 $1,490 Silver 8885951022 $799 at Stes Bennington $1,589 The Corp $1,120 8668853645 $892 & 8887074835 Apts $1,195 $1,130 Hills Summit $999 8773655796 102611014 $910 Y Hill $915 Suburban $1,275 Y Apts 102650024 Towers Spring $1,075 Silver 102564035 $750 102035010 $1,899 Apartments $1,337 Rollingwood $1,299 $1,360 8888087344 $1,088 Ridgewood 102622016 $1,044 151139001 8775547778 102611012 Plaza Y $890 Renaissance Y $1,550 8884131003 8886473939 Apartments Farm 102611010 $1,059 Peppertree $1,260 102510018 Y $1,336 Y Terrace Parkside Y 8882420688 $859 102724279 $995 8662810814 Apartments $1,079 8885267744 East Parkside $1,390 Apartments $1,655 $799 $927 Square $1,400 8884552026 $1,105 Paddington 102611007 8663147595 $1,410 Apartments 128334002 $1,175 Park Northwest $970 8663808830 $1,060 $814 $1,670 Apartments 102622006 Hill Y $975 107187010 Nob $1,225 $925 Oak White Y 102798152 Montgomery $950 8776338322 Homes 102611008 3015873900 $1,430 Apartment Montclair $1,175 8882613704 $1,575 102650005 Park 8668134597 II Lenox Y & $1,450 I 102650004 $915 Bridge Knights 8662607020 $1,150 8883371235 Y 102611002 Hollow Hampton $1,445 $1,415 Y 102724277 Homes $875 Apt 8775407751 Towers $1,175 Gramax $1,060 $1,696 Apartments 8775370734 Forest Glenmont $975 $1,475 $985 $1,421 102564020 8888351851 Towers $1,175 Georgian $1,209 8668026486 West $1,005 Georgia 104904011 104709013 Branch Flower 8886098132 Chase Falkland Towers Colesville 8663813900 Plaza 8886062173 102611035 Spring Cole Homes 102622032 Apt House Claridge 149509001 Run Cinnamon Apartments 8668347100 Ridge Chase 8882279282 Castlegate 8888007745 Homes Apartment Park Avery House Alexander Apartments Edge Woods West Square Village Y Y Rockville Olney Potomac North Bethesda North Village Montgomery ivrSpring Silver prmn aePoeWb# Web Phone Name Apartment y80079 0761 115$,9 Y $1,395 $1,125 102736010 8005007290 ly rprysWB# WEB property’s 8801212005$,7 120$,4 Y $1,640 $1,290 $1,170 102001055 8888209142 Y $1,927 $1,516 Y $2,410 $1,770 $1,390 102650035 8662086030 102310069 8663114872

Studio trigRna Rates* Rental Starting

1 Bdrm 140$,7 280Y $2,810 $1,870 $1,460 Y $1,190 $1,000 130$1,720 $1,310 8 91$,6 Y $1,469 $951 786 10$,8 Y $1,385 ,190 2 Bdrm 115$1,370 $1,145 0 155$,6 Y $1,765 $1,535 130$,8 Y $1,584 $1,350

25$,5 Y $1,450 ,225 3 Bdrm

Pets OK Y

Y SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION EXPRESS/APARTMENTS.COM/12.21.2005 E9 your first 3817 64th Avenue 00 OFF 908 Marcy Avenue MAPLE RIDGE 888-251-1872 800-767-2189 888-583-3047 877-203-6036 877-898-6958 888-583-3045 866-805-0782 CALVERT HALL CALVERT 5409 Riverdale Road 6400 Riverdale Road 1 2252 Brightseat Road KING’S SQUARE 3402 Dodge Park Road 3402 Dodge Park $ FLETCHER’S FIELD FLETCHER’S 5249 Kenilworth Avenue

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Retail Call Charles Love Appreciated you can offer Express free of charge. • E10 EXPRESS/APARTMENTS.COM/12.21.2005 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION uesPr lz ps86121 5290 80$0 125Y Y Y $1,245 $1,140 $900 $900 Y Y Y $840 $1,485 $879 Y $775 $1,085 $1,183 $965 $910 Y $675 $925 $1,230 $1,219 $799 $1,050 $870 $980 $825 $1,080 $795 $845 Y $850 $980 $885 151279006 $742 Y 102650037 $720 102650038 Y $830 $725 $1,025 102079013 $1,100 $1,260 140049002 $955 8663112516 $1,225 $1,066 $845 8662086325 102564022 8663365777 $825 $903 102650020 $725 8668645300 102564026 $1,175 8662235414 140049003 $710 Apts 8886563498 $975 Plaza 102564024 116749005 Park Queens $940 Towers 8775465220 Georges Prince $815 Y 8882146561 102611001 Apartments Park $755 LaSalle 8664735361 102611004 Plaza 102650022 Park 8887257988 8886092356 $1,285 Kings $1,070 Homes $1,035 Apartment Y Highview 102623040 Homes Y $880 Apt 8885154739 Village $855 Hampshire 8888069917 Court 8668724837 Garfield $760 Y $1,309 Y 102564014 Park Fountain 8663065673 $929 Creek Y Cypress $1,280 $1,745 102564005 Crossing Y $1,040 $809 $1,535 Coopers $1,095 Y 8887372034 $1,409 Manor $1,335 Castle $895 $839 102627010 $1,030 $1,225 Crossing $1,135 Cambridge 8888741678 $1,090 $940 Plaza Belcrest $910 $1,075 $855 Overlook Avondale $745 8887757912 $802 $1,210 102392015 Y Club $701 Fox 102650036 $1,030 102564028 Y 160726002 Y $895 House $955 Marlborough 102001071 102798128 Hill $1,035 8883237792 Carriage $889 8663080616 102650013 $720 $840 8887032412 8667934274 102627007 $769 Square University $630 $750 8664428707 Apartments 8662604339 Lake Springhill Y $1,004 8889704771 Apartments North Lakeside 102611030 $843 8883701755 Y Apartments Oaks Glen Apartments Place $613 Brittany $1,985 Y $1,545 107187009 8884559409 151279010 Mews Y Rosecroft $1,340 115514005 102656003 $873 $1,514 Place Remington $1,274 $1,739 Heights Potomac $769 Y 3017352322 $1,060 Y $1,379 8883209170 8666728445 8772579170 $1,030 $999 Square Surrey $895 $1,600 Apartments $993 Village Parkland $1,305 102343065 Apartments $775 Berkshire 102650031 $1,135 Park Village 102392559 Dunhill $680 $1,320 Commons 102656006 Cambridge $1,085 8665262449 $560 8884525520 Towers Y Oakcrest Y 8663302373 102585019 8663369555 102724270 Apartments $1,625 Park $1,223 Wynfield Park $1,460 Westchester $1,078 of Towers $1,195 Village 101880199 Y Springs $918 Seven 8888137066 8662642237 Apts Hill $930 Y South $828 & $1,020 Southern Penn Apartments $835 8663049222 Heights $875 Hillside $1,284 Chapel 102622012 $1,069 Addison $730 $750 1 101970319 Y $909 Center Town at Y Place Metro $1,359 Y 8882700519 Ridge 8882560189 8669064300 Heather $899 $1,474 Governor’s Archstone $980 Center $1,014 $819 Town Bowie 111268001 Archstone 102564016 Y $894 102564001 $855 $719 T Place Park $705 8665255092 Towers $990 Kenilworth $1 8886565630 8885754507 102392040 Gardens $1,035 8884253769 Gateway Homes $900 Apartment View 102621015 Capital Apartments Woods $770 Autumn 102724352 8884859782 Apartments Townley 8667492108 Lakes Y 102564044 Twin at Lighthouse The 102564011 8668582439 $1,392 Village $1,260 Mill Powder $1,206 $890 1 Apartments Square Barclay 8886447781 $900 102564036 Y 8884554486 Apartments Gardens University Homes $1,111 Apartment 8887954484 $1,370 Run Daniel’s $1,140 $923 8885602274 102001060 $910 151279002 $990 Branch Paint Montgomery 102602015 8883371580 Oakfield 8663117744 Metro Wheaton at Montgomery 102623034 8668047294 Apartments Square Hermitage 102564025 102798165 Ritchie Park 8886335096 8882608016 Apartments House Essex 8886759667 8664823871 Towe Twin Apartments West Hampshire Apartments Yorkshire Crossing Woodside Apartments Woodleaf Hyattsville Hillside Heights Hillcrest Greenbelt Washington Ft. Forestville Heights District Park College Heights Capitol Spring Camp Bowie Bladensburg Beltsville Adelphi COUNTY GEORGE’S PRINCE - MARYLAND Oak White Wheaton Park Takoma prmn aePoeWb# Web Phone Name Apartment aapoie by provided Data s88073 0544 90$,3 150Y $1,500 $1,130 $940 102564043 8883077334 rs wr 8335710201$7 89$1,043 $839 $770 160124001 8883335587 owers re 8406511710$,4 130$,9 Y $1,690 $1,320 $1,245 101970160 8884307635 Green 8749212607$6 70$5 95Y $965 $850 $720 $665 102564037 8887442962 prmnscmDirectory Apartments.com et niaesatn rcsol n r ujc ocag ihu oie alfrdetails. for Call notice. without change to subject are and only prices starting indicate Rents * 0611 95$,1 135Y $1,365 $1,210 $975 102621014 Y $1,645 $1,160 $1,095 102611017 2603$7 95$,5 Y $1,055 $905 $770 02564023 2101$,0 127$,0 Y $1,605 $1,207 $1,009 02611011

Studio trigRna Rates* Rental Starting

1 Bdrm

2 Bdrm 115$,2 Y $1,325 $1,195 Y $1,230 105$,3 Y $1,335 $1,045 165$,7 Y $2,370 $1,675

20Y ,200 3 Bdrm

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1 Bdrm 90$,0 130Y $1,350 $1,105 $960 2 Bdrm 105$,5 Y $1,350 $1,055 162Y $1,622 $905

0$1,125 70 3 Bdrm

$1,125 ,190 Pets OK


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Ballston at Avalon 8663914639 Square 7038070747 Arlington at Avalon 1 Plaza Courthouse 8664391609 Arlington 102622025 Place Courthouse Arlington $1,699 Crossing Y Columbia Archstone $1,267 Y 8666716145 Boulevard Wilson 2201 152322001 8882543812 Y $91 Apartments Park Y Woodmont $1,275 Eisenhower 8668075806 at Reserve 102656005 The $1,024 Y 101872737 Alexandria $1,285 1 of Portals Y The Station $880 Braddock $990 at Meridian The Y Community Colecroft 8666653735 The 8668301739 $904 8663302444 Y Aspen $1,384 Y The Center Mark Y at $804 888 Stoneridge $983 $1,049 To $1,464 Seminary Yard $2,470 $899 Potomac $859 at 102853160 Reserve 102625001 102564029 $889 $1,940 $1,360 Pa $1,390 $1,039 $1,403 102656002 Par $1,364 $870 $1,048 8662448769 $1,051 Monticello-Lee 8883267928 8882282299 Y Carlyle at Y $867 Meridian Y 101837011 Hall Y 8888047023 102650039 Mason Homes Apt $1,192 Ridge 102392119 Landmark 102173318 101872688 $922 Kingsport Y 8774762358 T Y Key 8662439767 101872031 $760 $1,045 P 8882841996 Y $1,655 Hunting 8663665114 8668750556 $1,674 $910 Court $1,315 $1,680 $1,425 Hampton Y $1,154 110604001 $1,270 $1,050 House $1,215 Glebe 8882579761 $1,080 Y $1,075 $1,049 Place Foxwood $1,188 Alexandria $989 $949 Of $1,041 Foxchase 102798148 8882714244 Twenty-One Y EOS $887 $699 Gardens Caylor 102736026 115514007 Y Landmark 102414009 $1,039 At Cascade Apartments 8662603965 101970271 East $838 $947 Carydale $1,690 Y Mill $1,465 Carlyle 8885954960 8667950519 105362015 $764 $785 8662124127 $1,355 Calvert $1,550 Apartments 102173038 102392382 8662397826 Lee $693 $1,350 Braddock Homes Apt $1,059 Crossing Barton’s Court 8668072614 Cameron at Avalon 102622014 Village 8883040587 Newport 8886978098 Archstone $1,535 102001002 102622013 $1,345 8882418089 $1,200 Mayfaire 102650048 The Cove Cedar at 8885953576 Spyglass 8882700523 Run Hilton At Greens Crest 8665968262 Abberly 107091001 Village Lansdowne Apartments Kirkwood Marlton Of Woods 3015744745 The Glen Hunters Apartments Choice Churchills Arlington ARLINGTON - VIRGINIA Alexandria ALEXANDRIA - VIRGINIA Park Lexington Hyattsville West Marlboro Upper kCne prmns86241 0090 127$,2 215Y $2,125 $1,525 $1,227 102079001 8666294811 Apartments Center rk tLnmr prmns88140 0604 120$,2 Y $1,420 $1,230 102650046 8882104101 Apartments Landmark at k prmn aePoeWb# Web Phone Name Apartment aapoie by provided Data wr 8952912957$9 107$,6 154Y $1,574 $1,364 $1,017 $799 102392567 8889057239 owers ito h ooa 6757012102$6 99$,0 Y $1,400 $949 $869 102611032 8667953780 Potomac the on oint esAatet 6202912909$5 105$,7 168Y $1,668 $1,375 $1,095 $959 102798079 8662604239 Apartments wers r 6839312302$,6 151Y $1,511 $1,265 102736012 8668230993 wrs 8860912407$,3 125$,7 Y $1,570 $1,235 $1,135 102644007 8888362069 8776611756$2 95Y $975 $825 101872546 8887979696 6806911769$,5 175Y $1,785 $1,450 101872679 8668804609 8484412706$8 95$,9 Y $1,099 $925 $784 102079016 8884084454 8244412404$9 103$,9 160Y $1,600 $1,395 $1,073 $998 102640014 8882148454 170 0640 100$,9 180Y $1,800 $1,295 $1,070 102644008 6157503 prmnscmDirectory Apartments.com et niaesatn rcsol n r ujc ocag ihu oie alfrdetails. for Call notice. without change to subject are and only prices starting indicate Rents * 6401$7 95$,5 Y $1,150 $975 $875 36545001 0804$2 105$,6 Y $1,260 $1,015 $825 20982004

Studio trigRna Rates* Rental Starting

122$,5 Y $1,457 $1,262 3 1 Bdrm

60$2,100 ,600 2 Bdrm 190Y $1,960 3 Bdrm

Pets OK o oeifrainlgot ahntnotcmaatet n ne the enter and washingtonpost.com/apartments onto log information more For ecnHl 8569713602$8 89$,1 140Y $1,450 $1,110 Y $899 Y $785 Y $1,800 $1,280 103667002 $1,185 $1,000 $1,385 Y $1,315 $1,255 8885265987 $950 $1,440 Y Y 101970145 116749004 $1,432 $1 $1,175 $1,125 101970251 $2,650 $900 $1,915 8885506085 8663424695 102598004 $1,435 129152002 $1,785 8665187666 102611027 $1,485 $2,010 Y Hill Beacon $1,460 Commons 102598008 Sussex 8887649371 Archstone $1,237 Y 8778387257 $1 Kingstowne 8885113667 Archstone $1,444 Homes Apartment Run 102001064 $1,229 Abbotts 102597025 Center Park 8887998803 $1,029 3001 Y 102267009 $1,495 Y Y $1,295 102724297 8772201306 8888657069 $1,679 $1 Towers Y $1,389 Courtland $1,095 Y 8888351854 $1,149 Arms Lee 8882782313 $1,720 Wood 102661002 Village $2,180 Shirlington at 102035002 $1,440 Windsor $1,685 $1,900 $2,110 102079018 $1,195 Park Wildwood $1,320 $1,600 $850 Y Towers Park Water $1,880 $1,100 $1,380 8667151498 $1,388 102597042 House 8886600812 $1,592 Warwick Apts $1,095 $1,100 Georgetown $2,431 Fort 8662433100 102173296 Metre Apts Van 102597004 Gtown 102597085 $1,686 Fort $786 $930 at Metre Van $1,214 102597088 8664160594 Wellington $1,002 $1,285 The Ridge Arlington at 101872033 102640010 Park $1,100 8882739635 The Row 8664160591 8668357237 $2,100 Pentagon at Metropolitan 101966002 $880 $1,327 The City $1,505 102079011 Pentagon at 8664026782 Metropolitan $1,151 $1,385 The Club 8885704264 Lenox 8889238677 The Square Virginia at Gallery 102598010 8887450838 The 8663565888 Rosslyn at Gallery The Buchanan The 141261005 Bennington 8888090046 The 102692090 8887827687 Place Taylor House Shirlington 8666900300 Court Sheffield 8883204581 141261004 Heights Rosslyn House River Square Richmond 8666522030 Towers Randolph Apartments Quebec Row Pentagon Post Apartments Henry Patrick Apart Shirlington Park uk hr omn 6519912902$,1 139$,6 Y Y Y Y $1,669 $1,359 $1,330 $1,119 $1,140 $1,521 Y $1,270 $935 $1,020 $1,530 $950 Y Y $1,100 Y $1,600 $1,025 $980 Y $1,359 102564042 102392062 $1,099 $1,585 Y 102640004 $989 $1,290 Y $1,135 $1,300 8887154709 8665619919 $3,750 $1,125 $2,000 $1,415 Y 102267001 8888339205 101970276 $1,800 $855 Y $985 $1,325 Y $1,030 $895 $1,060 Y 149690001 Y 102627008 8888350441 Y Commons 102798092 $1,030 Shire 8664730125 Burke $949 $1,595 102640012 $1,254 Y $1,357 $1,285 Y Y $1,078 Parliaments $1,060 The $978 8665150447 $1,399 8886155906 8668826268 $1,495 $864 Gardens Fairmont $1,420 $1,200 8884595489 $1,230 $875 Village Patriot Archstone $1,060 $817 Y 151279008 $935 $1,150 102623015 Y $759 $930 Arbors at 102627009 $975 Windsor Center $1,465 $775 Mark Y Y At 102623004 $1,279 Run $1,664 $1,095 Willow 102611015 Y 102623031 8662712840 $1,217 Suites $989 $1,000 Washington 8663754164 $2,185 $1,369 102662006 Apartments $1,022 102626003 Square 8888823459 Washington $1,713 $1,019 $799 8663754206 Y Village $1,350 Virginia 8882834691 $889 8663754171 2000 102611026 Tower Y Morningside 102644011 8885688484 $1,310 102392013 At 8888823418 Towers The Town Old $1,110 of Fields $969 $1,980 The 102574003 Alexandria Y of $955 $1,680 Fields 102798078 8884247589 The Landmark $859 Y at $1,275 8883430610 8888358337 Fields The 101800086 Kingstowne $1,485 at Y Y Elms $739 102798171 The Vernon 8888209045 $1,205 Mount $1,485 of Courts 8662604148 The $1,205 $980 $1,263 $1,660 Towers Southern 102656001 8886684779 $980 $1,096 $1,445 Port 8882683496 South $1,695 102627002 $1,094 $915 Square 102640009 $1,395 Sacramento Y Alexandria $1,280 $932 of $1,025 Y $1,160 Hill $1,450 Rose $1,005 8888088042 $1,075 $975 Park Riverside $1,460 Dorn 8888063757 $875 Van at 102622015 Place 8666832357 $1,195 102640007 Park Y $795 Y 102640008 Village Orleans $930 Square $695 Y Vernon Mt. 141261001 $1,340 8882420524 $1,500 Apartments Y 8883974543 102598006 Morningside $1,130 Center Mark $1,100 $1,299 At 102085046 8883020171 155625001 Millbrook $970 $1,105 $1,039 $1,370 Woods 102564027 Meadow Center 7037188666 $1,185 Mark $1,156 At $859 Creek Meadow 8888162887 Center 102504008 $970 Mark $925 102640006 At 8885426247 Lynbrook 8668129245 Towers Park 8886593436 $910 London $814 Apartments Village Larchmont 8888018542 8882881566 102574001 Apartments Lafayette 102640001 102611018 Apartments Gardens Kings 102564018 Dorn Van At Jefferson Apts Gateway 8882511740 Huntington Center 8884478172 8885504785 Mark At Hillwood 8885692634 Edlandria Homes Apartment Arms Cherry Center Mark At Brookdale Apartments Mar Bren Towers Haven Belle Y Alexandria ALEXANDRIA - VIRGINIA Arlington North Burke Annandale prmn aePoeWb# Web Phone Name Apartment et 6382912919$7 115$,7 Y $1,875 $1,115 $975 102798149 8663384219 ments rprysWB# WEB property’s 8261912605$,9 130$,3 Y Y $1,735 $1,350 $1,095 Y 102661005 $2,605 $5,585 $1,610 $2,460 $1,370 $1,935 8882964159 $1,375 102623039 102623027 8663986275 8666055481 0580 105$,9 170$1,885 $1,750 $1,295 $1,045 102598007

Studio trigRna Rates* Rental Starting 145$,1 220Y $2,250 $1,615 $1,455 1 Bdrm 105$,4 176Y $1,796 $1,344 $1,075

15$,8 Y $1,585 ,145 2 Bdrm 135Y $1,385 140Y $1,450 195$3,995 $1,995

45$2,085 ,485 3 Bdrm 255Y $2,515

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Studio trigRna Rates* Rental Starting

1 Bdrm

20$,2 195Y $1,915 $1,420 ,250 2 Bdrm

3 Bdrm

,550 Pets OK o oeifrainlgot ahntnotcmaatet n ne the enter and washingtonpost.com/apartments onto log information more For eev tTw etr86356 0823 115$,0 Y Y Y $1,295 $1,301 $1,073 Y $1,185 $1,109 $950 Y Y $1,009 $950 $924 $1,830 $900 $1,399 $1,295 $1,120 Y $905 101872738 $900 $950 Y 102267005 $1,620 $795 $1,200 Y 8662355962 $1,059 Y 102798103 $855 102414038 102661003 8664763429 $1,399 $899 $1,127 $1,007 102623019 103017173 $1,052 $1,425 $876 8775862459 Center Town $1,145 8663290333 at $1,670 7037719212 Reserve $1,365 $1,440 8663752217 Y $1,300 8772628477 Fieldstone $1,025 $1,140 at 103017164 Windsor $1,000 Y Y Creek Tuscarora 102392564 Metre Van $1,430 Leesburg of Manor $1,155 The 101872549 $1,550 Leesburg at Glen $1,295 102627013 8663034259 102661009 The $950 Leesburg of $1,110 Fields 8883820298 The 102724268 Lansdowne 103017163 Summit 8882114366 102414005 Apartments $1,219 Crossing 8885466132 Hunters 8882922631 102623013 $1,078 Y Cntr Town Y Dulles Y At 8666989021 Remington 8667971998 8663642231 102564045 $1,234 101970265 $1,236 8668402387 Walk $1,285 Southern $1,030 Metre Van $1,060 $1,065 Homes Apt Heights University Y $840 Creek 102627001 8883430614 Silo 8665530138 $1 Ridge Saddle $1,195 $1,680 $1,350 Westwind $1,020 Camden $1,235 Commons 8888778950 Y $1,100 Ashburn 100295006 Ashborough $1,539 101970272 $1,785 Stoneridge $1,279 102627004 Archstone $1,500 $1,179 102623023 $1,180 102623026 8888352783 102661004 151279011 8664716889 Park 8885722343 Vienna 101872608 Apartments Village Merrifield 8668547107 8663752248 Parc 7034551100 Arrowood 8887576898 Corner Tysons 102798130 Archstone 8882287623 101970270 Square Saratoga Metre Van Square 8662604291 Springfield 8663076636 Crossing Springfield Crossing Kenton Station Springfield Archstone Winterthur Waterside Sycamores The ode erc 8571812706$9 75$3 Y Y Y $1,100 $1,200 $980 $930 $930 Y Y Y $810 $725 $1,325 Y Y $690 $1,025 Y $1,190 $825 $1,085 Y 102574006 $1,050 $995 Y $1,189 $945 $1,220 $1,100 $925 $1,100 Y $847 102564047 $885 $970 $820 $1,225 $955 102754060 8885673188 $969 Y $835 8885378191 102267011 $790 8666032092 Y Y 102644010 $990 102754039 Y 102001063 102564015 8664763431 $1,236 Y Apartments Villa $890 Woodwind $1,000 $879 Terrace Woodlee 102754054 $953 8888817833 Y Forest 8665084517 Woodbridge 102623010 8885870879 8885955277 Vista Potomac 102564032 At Windsor $1,015 Summerland at $975 102623037 Crossings The Station $860 $1,250 8665084515 Riverside at $1,195 Apts The Apts $1,050 8663783449 $895 Ridge Y $1,075 Lake 8883367969 113403002 At $1,315 Springwoods Y Apartments $1,142 $795 Landing 8663805671 101872547 Rippon $1,315 Townhomes & $951 Apts Longview $1,045 $695 Y 8668771391 Y Mill Lancaster $870 102623001 Commons Ridge 101541039 8888404327 Glen Y 129182002 134969002 Crossing $1,580 Y 102001061 Center Y County $1,205 $1,189 $1,120 Bayvue $1,100 $1,019 $1,500 8662215282 8886097436 $960 $1,200 102724356 8663622050 8667788025 $1,230 8663068397 Station Shenandoah $1,010 $1,045 $840 151279001 Y Townhomes & Apts Westgate $1,055 Manassas 8668390300 of $1,262 Fields The $920 145411001 $1,073 102414011 8663166888 Tanglewood Y Village Sunnygate 102173134 Ridge 102173003 Rosemary 102754059 $1,175 Y 8662453080 Y Keepe 8662280135 Masons Y $985 Apartments Coverstone $1,650 8887411101 $1,720 Apartments Park 8884131009 101872651 $1,275 Chatsworth Y $1,191 8665084518 $1,295 Y Apartments Station Carlyle $1,000 $975 $775 $1,425 Brentwood $1,525 $1,175 8663163800 102754051 $1,270 Ridge Middle $950 Dominion $1,000 Ridge Lake Dominion 8665084516 101005298 Pointe 101880204 Somerset 102623007 Homes Apt Pointe Wyndham 102623006 149509002 8665120355 8668074255 102623005 8662127199 Ridge Stoney 8663754203 8885519462 Falls 8885374659 Potomac at Village Apartments Garden Potomac Commons Chatham Heritage Chase Overlook Cascades Crossing Cascades Y Y Y ooa Falls Potomac Leesburg Dulles Ashburn LOUDOUN - VIRGINIA Vienna Springfield Woodbridge Triangle Manassas Ridge Lake Gainesville Dumfries City Dale COUNTY WILLIAM PRINCE - VIRGINIA Streling prmn aePoeWb# Web Phone Name Apartment rprysWB# WEB property’s 8696312931$,4 129Y $1,209 $1,049 102392381 8886099623

Studio trigRna Rates* Rental Starting

1 Bdrm 120$,8 Y $1,385 $1,220 105$,6 170Y $1,790 $1,260 $1,025 115$,5 160Y $1,600 $1,250 $1,145 2 Bdrm 159Y $1,529 3 Bdrm

165Y $1,625 175Y $1,795 40Y ,470 Pets OK


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