Aug. 1993 Vol. XL, No. 3
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Mason-At-Sight In Harrisburg, September 24 ~fa,onic T emple One North Broad Street In the presence of R.W. Grand Master Edward H. Mason's Degrees in the afternoon. Philadelphia, PA 19107-2520 Fowler, Jr., Ernest D. Preate, Jr., the Attorney General The Entered Apprentice Mason's Degree will be Con (215} 988- 1934 of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, will be made a ferred by Lodge Officers from the Eastern Region of Mason-At-Sight at a Special Communication of Grand Pennsylvania; the Fellowcraft Mason's Degree by Rare Collection of Fine Art Returns to Lodge in Zembo Shrine Temple in Harrisburg on Officers from the Northeast Region, and the Master Friday, September 24. Grand Lodge will open at 10 a.m. Mason's Degree by Officers from the Phil adelphia The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania and the Entered Apprentice Mason's Degree will be Region. Conferred. After lunch in the adjacent Scottish Rite "Ernie" Preate, a native of Old Forge, near Scranton, Early this year the sale of the Kelchner (originally the Holman Art Collection, of Cathedral, Grand Lodge will reconvene in the Shrine holds a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from the Philadelphia) Art Collection was brought to the attention of the Board of Directors of Temple for the Conferring of the Fellowcraft and Master Continued on page 5 The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania. This collection consists of over fifty items of unusual water colors, charcoals, and oil paintings of King Solomon's Temple. This art work was originally produced for exhibit at the Chicago Exposition of 1906. Many of these paintings, drawings, and sketches are the originals of the illustrations used in the Masonic Edition of the Kelchner (Holman) Bible, and relate to the construction of King Solomon's Temple. While still the property of the A. J. Holman Bible Company of Philadelphia, the collection was loaned to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania for display in the Masonic Temple, Philadelphia. The collection remained in the Temple through the early 1970's. Many of the paintings were on dis play in the old Banquet Room which was on the fourth floor of the Masonic Temple. AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF PENNSYLVANIA Also returning to the Temple is the model of King Solomon's Temple which was on display in VOLUME XL AUGUST 1993 NUMBER3 Philadelphia in the Benjamin Franklin Reception Room until 1985. When the old Holman Collection was purchased by the Kelchner Bible Company, the entire Dedication Day in Gettysburg collection was re-assembled at their headquarters in Hamilton, Canada. The purchase of this outstanding collection was Historic Masonic Every Mason Should made possible through the Brother Maxwell Memorial Monument Join the Thrill and Sommerville Bequest. We are most pleased that this valuable collection has made its way home to the Recreated in Patriotism of Masonic Temple in Philadelphia. Limited Edition Dedication Day FRIEND TO FRIEND MASONIC MEMORIAL Sculptures and Program, Parade THE GRAND LODGE F .&A.M. OF PENNSYLVANIA DEDICATION BANQUET Medallions in Gettysburg Masonic Homes Second Class Brethren and friends who are in Dedication Day for the Friend Development & Public Relations POSTAGE Enclosed is my check for $- ,--- One Masonic Drive PAID for r~serva ti on s at $30.00 per Gettysburg on Saturday, August to Friend Masonic Memorial on Elizabethtown, PA 17022-2199 Lancaster, ticket for the Friend to Friend Masonic 21, will be part of making history Saturday, August 21, in PA 17022-2199 Memorial Dedication Ba nquet to be while they are commemorating the Gettysburg will be one of the most and Additional held at 7:00 p.m., Saturday, August 21 historic drama of Brotherhood outstanding days in the history of Offices in the Gra nd Ba nque t Hall of the Undivided on the Battlefield. Pennsylvania Freemasonry. It will be Ramada Inn, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The larger-than memorable and commemorative. Ma k e check pa yable to the Gra nd life, imposing origi- Dedication, Capstone Ceremonies LodgeofPA nal sculpture by Ron The 9:30 a.m. Dedication Ceremony for the Tunison has been years in Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial Monument, and Name the making and will repre placing of a Capstone on a time capsule will be dramati sent a stirring commem cally impressive as well as reverently inspiring. Lodge No. oration of the virtues Against a striking backdrop of scores of massed of Freemasonry and American flags at the crest of the knoll behind the new Address Brotherhood. The Monument, the historic Dedication Ceremonies will commitment of begin with a Processional of Pennsylvania Grand Lodge City/State/Zip the Grand Officers, Grand Masters from Jurisdictions across the Lodge United States and Canada, District Deputy Grand Telephone (Area Code) on behalf Masters, and guest dignitaries. The Processional will of proceed along a roadway across the National Cemetery Please include a stamped, self-addressed Annex in front of the Monument, while the large gath envelope. Mail reservation request to: on page 7 ering anticipated to attend will view the Ceremonies The Office of t he Grand Master from a new entrance plaza and other roadways amid The Masonic Temple the hundreds of bronze-plaqued graves of veter ans of One North Broad S treet many wars. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to above. Phila delphia, PA 19107-2598 Please include complete imprint of address on your postal return clipping. Continued on page 4 20 Grand Lodge Makes Possible Dramatic Pictorial History, "The United States Capitol" In th e historic original Sen ate Chambers of the U.S. Capitol, R.W. Brethren, and heritage as Freemasons reenact the Laying of the Grand Master Edward H. Fowler , If our Illustrious Brother , Cornerstone during Bicentennial ceremonies at the U.S. Jr., presented a check to the United the Late President Harry S. Capitol. It also was with great pride that I joined States Capitol Pres ervati on Truman and a Past Grand Brethren this past April in Alexandria-Washington Commission that assured the publi Master of Missouri, were Lodge No. 22 for their Charter Night- the first cation of The United States Capitol, with us today, I suspect he Pennsylvania Grand Master to visit that Lodge since a dramatic pictorial history being would be deeply involved in R.W. Grand Master James Milnor in 1811. Bro. and produced to h elp cel ebrate the the Masonic Renewal effort. President George Washington was the first Worshipful Bicentennial of the seat of our gov More than likely, he would Master of that Lodge, which was originally Lodge No. ernment. On September 18, come up with one of his 39 under the "Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto F reemasons, including R.W. G.M. insightful "The buck stops Belonging'' of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. Fowler will r eenact the Laying of here" type of inspirational In June, I saw the progress of Freemasonry in Paris, the Cornerstone two hundred years quotations to spur u s on. as guest for the dedication of the new building and ago. However, there is a quota headquarters of the French National Grand Lodge. The United S tates Capitol, a high Architect of the United States Capitol., George White (photo above), accept s tion of his that we can apply Where there is freedom, Freemasonry can be found. quality, glossy commemorative his the c ontribution of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylv a nia to the U.S. Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr. posthumously that corre Within the past two years, Masonic Lodges have begun Preservation Commission to assure publication of the pictorial history of R. W. Grand Master tory to be released this summer, lates men and history, lead Meeting legally for the first time since the pre-war days includes n early 200 of t h e finest the U.S. Capitol from R.W. Gr and Master Edward H. Fowler, J r. Lookin g on ership a nd prog ress and of World War II in the former Soviet Union. Since the (fr om left) a re Donnald Anderson, Clerk of the U .S. H ouse of color photographs select ed from Representa tives, and Fred J. Maroon, the r enowned photographer. At right opportunity and change. removal of the Iron Curtain, a third Lodge is about to be more than a thousand taken for this Constituted at Kiev in the former Russia. The first two is Joseph Stewart, Secretary of the U.S. Senate. "Men make history and not the other way publication by the world r enowned are in Moscow. Hopefully, with the increased activity, photographer, Fred J . Maroon. The included." This outstanding book is Senate. Also present were Fred and around. In periods where there is no leadership, we could see a Grand Lodge operating in Russia in the society stands still. Progress occurs when coura author of the historical text is the to become one of the United States Suzy Maroon. near future. photographer's wife, Suzy. Government's official gifts to visit The United States Capitol will be geous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to In my travels as Grand Master, I have been a witness change things for the better." The Capitol Pre servation ing heads of state. available soon from The Masonic to the opportunity and enthusiasm of change in Committee said that the $20,000 The contribution was formally Librar y and Museum of From Philadelphia, Valley Forge and Gettysburg to Pennsylvania, throughout the country from Washington support by t he Grand Lodge of presented to George White, the P ennsylva nia, Masonic Temple , Pittsburgh and Perryopolis ..