Content: 1. Winter Survival Fund Asset Improvement Loan Prospectus 2. RFU Transgender Policy Proposal – External Consultation 3. 2021 Women’s Six Nations kicks off this weekend

Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund Asset Improvement Loan Prospectus

We are delighted to launch our full prospectus for the Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund Asset Improvement Loans programme.

This is a partnership programme enabling government loans to be made available, via the RFU, to help clubs invest in their assets to enable them to reboot and become more financially resilient into the future. It has been designed and developed in conjunction with Sport who continue to provide oversight.

At the time of writing, government have confirmed that the programme is open to all incorporated clubs and we are continuing dialogue with them to look at ways by which this can be extended to unincorporated clubs. We hope to have this resolved next week but wanted to publish the prospectus today to enable clubs to have as much time as possible to consider the detail of the scheme and discuss their appetite to apply.

Loan funding is available between £20,000 and £150,000 for facility projects that will help clubs to survive, diversify revenue, reduce operating costs and protect and grow their membership.

This prospectus outlines the applications process and key facts about the three funding “buckets” available, as well as repayment terms, example costs and RFU support available relating to each eligible project category.

We aim to open the application process next week, at which point detailed FAQs will be available to consult alongside the prospectus to enable clubs to determine whether to make an application, to select the most suitable project for your club and to calculate loan repayment terms. Further information will be published on our loans page next week.

Loans Prospectus

RFU Transgender Policy Proposal – External Consultation

The RFU is conducting a review of its transgender policy which sets out the eligibility criteria for playing contact rugby union in England.

As part of the review process, the external consultation for the proposed policy is now open. The consultation period will run until 5pm on Friday 16 April and we welcome your feedback.

We encourage anyone who wishes to engage in the external consultation to read the proposed policy in full and watch the video before completing the survey.

You can find all of this information, including the survey link and background video, via the button below.

As the national governing body for rugby union in England, it is the responsibility of the RFU to regulate participation in order to promote the safe and equitable treatment of all taking part.

Rugby Union is a sport for all and the RFU seeks to promote equal opportunities to ensure that anyone who wishes to play the game should be able to do so without prejudice. It's important to consider the individuals involved and the sense of community and acceptance that our transgender players tell us rugby provides for them.

As a contact sport, player welfare is paramount and the proposed policy seeks to strike a balance between inclusion, fairness and safe participation.

Transgender Policy

2021 Women’s Six Nations kicks off this weekend

The Red Roses’ opener against Scotland will be live on BBC iPlayer this Saturday, kick off 3pm.

The full match day squad, captained by Emily Scarratt, is listed below. You can also watch the team’s preparations in O2 Inside Line: Red Roses, Season 2, Episode 1.

Full Squad O2 Inside Line

Teamwork Respect Enjoyment Discipline Sportsmanship

View Online

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