Ministry of Transport of the Republic of

State Unitary Enterprise «Research, Design & Survey Institute»

Investment Project

Rehabilitation and reconstruction of Kulob – Kalaikhum road, Shkev – Kalaikhumb section

Dushanbe –2014


Client: Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan

Address: 734042 Republic of Tajikistan, 14 Ayni str.

Contact tel: + 992 37 222 22 21 Yatimov Olim Mirzosharifovich Department of work with foreign Investments

+ 992 37 221 20 20 Mirzoev Timur Dadajanovich Director of SUE “RD & SI”

Fax: + 992 37 221 20 03 + 992 37 221 20 20

E-mail: [email protected]. website: www. [email protected]


The Government of Tajikistan is continuing the process of upgrad- ing the highway system of the country. Improvement of road system re- mains national priority and will remain the same, because the main task is the connection all over parts of the country with acceptable road net- work.

Kulob – Kalaikhumb road forms a part of the road connecting the capital of the country -city Dushanbe with GBAO and further to the China. This road is very important for population of Tajikistan and espe- cially for GBAO inhabitants in view of the fact that the alternative route crossing the north side of Khaburabad Pass (at a height of 3,250 m above sea level) is closed during the whole winter season due to the an- nual recurrence of severe weather conditions. The road traffic on this route usually closed for 5 to 6 months per annum because of very heavy snow accumulation and danger from avalanche hazard.

The other alternative mode of transportation to GBAO region in winter is by air, but airplanes, only can fly by visual control on this route. Consequently, especially during winter time, most of the daily flights are cancelled due to poor visibility.

Many tourists are attracted by the opportunities of mountain holi- days in remote areas which embrace activities such as, rock climbing and walking amongst dramatic mountain and lake scenery at high alti- tudes. Tour operators currently offer visits to high mountain areas and also to historical places in the Eastern region of Badakshan.

When road conditions improve, Tajikistan will be able to offer bet- ter accessibility to mountaineers, walkers and other travelers, which will serve to increase the tourist trade in the country.

In view of this situation, it is difficult to overestimate the im- portance of Kulob - Kalaikhumb road, as it will connect the Pamirs with the rest of the country of year-round transport connection that is due to the lower altitude will reduce the frequency and intensity of winter with snow problems. These should be easily managed in comparison to the Khaburabad Pass and enable a much improved snow clearance man- agement regime to be provided.

In 2008, Feasibility study and detailed design of Kulob-Kalaikhumb road, with the total length 170 km have been developed. Road has been divided into 6 sections.

It is necessary to note that separate sections of the road have been constructed and rehabilitated earlier and currently reconstruction works are continuing in:

- Reconstruction of Shkev – Zigar section which covers 38 km implemented in 2005 with funding by Kuwaiti Fund for Arab Eco- nomic Development (KFAED), Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) and OPEC Fund and the Government of Tajikistan; - Construction of Shagon – Zigar section with the length of 34 km. Works on the phases of I and II are completed (5,5km and 9,75km). Construction of the III phase is continuing. Implementation of the project are realizes with funding by Islamic Development Bank and the Government of Tajikistan; - Reconstruction and rehabilitation of Shuroabad – Shagon section with the length of 40 km. Works on this section has been started in 2011. Implementation of this project are made with funding by Is- lamic Development Bank, Kuwaiti Fund for Arab Economic Devel- opment (KFAED), Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) and OPEC Fund and the Government of Tajikistan; - Kulob – Shuroabad (32 km) and Shkev – Kalaikhumb (26 km) sections are needed to be reconstructed and rehabilitated.

Currently, this investment project considered reconstruction and rehabilitation of Kulob – Kalaikhumb road; section Shkev – Kalaikhum, length 26 km.

Shkev – Kalaikhum

This section connect Shkev with Kalaikhumb settlements and has 26 km overall length, from which first 4 km from the Shkev side still has not been constructed like standard road, but the rest of 22 km has asphal- tic cover and it needs only rehabilitation works.


The first segment of road from Shkev is only a track and will re- quire full construction for a stretch of 4 km which includes crossing a large rock formation about 1,000 m long and close to the town of Shir- gowad. The remaining stretch of 22 km is a paved road but drainage structures, particularly culverts, are in poor condition due to lack of maintenance. The stability of cut slopes is not good resulting in the ac- cumulation of debris at the toe, which can be seen all along this stretch. Road surface is in poor condition and its repair is not possible. The 1km road entrance to Kalaikhumb is narrower than the rest of the route and needs to be widened to bring it up to the standard width.


Overall estimated cost of the construction in accordance of feasibil- ity study and detailed design of Kulob-Kalaihumb (Package F) road construction is 29, 3 mln. USD.

Washout of existing road by River

Rocky section where requires road reconstruction

Existing cut slopes at unbuilt area

Mud flows where bridging is required

Existing bridge that requires rehabilitation

ECONOMIC BENEFITS Currently, many international organizations are using the road for de- livery of aids to the remote Afghani villagers situated across the border. However, upon completion of this road the aid will be able to reach the destination much faster and more efficiently, particularly important when it comes to health care products. Further, after the recent opening of a bridge across the Panj at Kalaikhumb River, which connects both countries; it is predicted that the Kulob-Kalaikhumb road will become an important link to enable all year around movement for Afghani resi- dents in the region to reach the markets at Dushanbe for trade, higher education, and receiving medical aids.