aa. jai.iina ioi IJauwiianferttji jteararellTjoe. t a II a. Ubm-UI- IIW.ftMH I fifrfD A lUaaa-iW- a- t- l: t.Klt rcuusiiED W ! - - IlBt sr .B Jjj ;e ao. w nee uaa ROBERT CRIEVE & CO. M Unaa 4 tnckn IW - M w . .. tu mnirntwm a i.h taaa aMtM Ilrrry Wednesday Mcrnlnc H.7r,riI-..- .. i:M tM IS AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM W toooa'ufi, 9ncM. . . Cart "fc PAYABLE IS ADVAXCE. t!VdndliwinliwtkeMratea,wkkkarnlllTinnlMT" tnJ Jr Kwreljt-- WwltMwnia.knpUdlaettWarlly. ftlMr,rlbr.03 la Adarf, jr. K. All foealc drertlaaoMnta matt ka araatt Wbkk lalactei pottage rt ! tw Orm. Taaratwufawlvrla,tkarteaara glf In tk aral. a Kacteen a . J rmlttaneM fr Wrtkaatt, BailAinc. 25 and 27 1884. WHOLE No. 1033. TTtHtontajWniadkykWnB.foln-iflM-iirt l One in bcw Guette VOL. XIX.-- No. 44.1 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29. at MercluiBt Street. HONOLULU, ac atnfa.

LATEST FORE1CN NEWS. London, October 12. A dispatch from twenty wounded. The forces under Colonel iUrcIjamcal ifnrtis. illnljaiwal Carta Jusiiraiut JTotitts. Jnsnrantc JTotirts. iortiqn 3Jwfitisrmmt. Ponrola ears that two of the Mudir's spies Dennier aro continuing to advance. FEB ALAMEDA. ' DIMOSD & CO.. from Khartoum, via Kordofan, report the Jamestowx.CO.) Oct 8. The country about ED. ROWE Boston Board or Underwriters. UNION COHPANT WILLIAMS, Nt. Yobi, Oct II. the 77wiw Albany MstuH sending two large armies to attack a INSURANCE here is excited over the discovery that eleven Honc rind Sign Plntr, Paper Hanger, &e BROWN & PHILLIPS, UKXTS for tho II. mill. n I.Uaila. Shipping and finaisslon Mrrtbanls special There trad a Eensafiooal bcciic Dongnla. One is coming across the desert L. CO. or sa.i rnA.xci.ico. i.jb: graves in the cemetery here have been opened yo 10T King Honolala. WBly C. BREWER jure. and the other along the Nile. ly No Strwt. na as lallfoel "Ireel at ti.e liiectnire iiumucr and the corpses stolen. A reward of $1,000 is . PRACTICAL PLUMBERS,-GASFITTER- S Prtae..al Itnotxr. Clicmnmr coon I called ;. :. ;oi.i;.ua.-- IVfAXlXl.C. Samuel of r Home, October 12. Catania has been onerea lor me ghouls. Philadelphia Board of Underwriters. W. H. CROSSHAH & URa. on fiovernor Cleveland with l.er husbind to AND COPPERSMITHS 1805 visited by another cyclone. Thirty persons re- blacksmith and machinist for Ills Hawaiian f.lantl.. irfCOBPOIlATED, tair-lian- Rome, Oct. 6, Intelligence has been MioHiikt, nrrlnse- AC3RXT4 C. CRE EH CO COMMISSION MERCIIAST8. seek a pardou lor her brother, Mjron were killed. King Humbert has 100 llarcc Trh. sent ceived of a cyclone at Catania, un the island of rjantnllon Tfnrhlnrry, r. COOKE, AGENTS Teirfc. irho was sentenced nine months azo to for the relief of the sufferers. X.7l Klnc Mrrrl. Ilonolnlii. II. I. CASTLE h I1B raaiBkerSlml, 3w the Auburn rriaon for two reara and a half Lieu j. irces wero nprooteu and nouses IKI frhnp on King Mrwt. nfit Catle CPoheV ly v. a. nciiai:fer. IDS Pvrllto tIawtlM lalla t jrafreeaee- - I'a.tle A Cooae bb4 t T Wilrfhi-.- for shooting at some pemons wbo were atoning Bnrstcu, October 12. Henry Stanley is Twenty persons were killed and fifty Tmrw mnrr House and Ship Job Work 4 K?ITarBrBinaarlarOrtrwrllr aw Iri going to Berlin, probably (or a conference Asoat of Drrvdrn Boanl of Cndorwrltot. 50BTH BRITISH A5D XCSCABTILX Lis father's home- As soon as .Mr. Boone injured. and Dealer In Store, Range. rKOMriLT ATTEXDED TO a J ARBI of Vleinla Board of Cndfnrrllfr. with on Importer IS SETERAH'CE, saw the Governor she threw her arms around Bismarck the Cocgo affairs. . Oct. S. The Impression pre MttaK FnrnlhIic'ood,Cmekery,01aand Claim, isiln.1 iB.nranee CompinW wllala tbo lari. OompAny H.W. He Mectaatca, Honolulu, n. I. Bath Tubs, Water Closets, wlH InaurAnoo for licr brotLer'a New October 12. The often ru- naval dispatch China Ware. Practical diction of the .tore Bon. of Udfrwrll.t lTe or roxnox Rmnrncii- IlantlUn and bis neck and began pleading York, vails in circles that tho new i""1 Jy t b crniSM to by th.aboTOAs.attom.kolB.nl .tin l'oonl pardoo- The Democratic canditate for Presi- mored LiRgtry-Gebbar- dt marriage, it ! said, vessel, the itoiprtin, recently constructed on And alt kinds Plumbing Goods ralld. Wlf Established 1800. MERCHANT dent was taken aback by Hie greeting, shook is likely to take some definite shape when the tho plans of the Advisory Board at Roach's J. M. OAT & CO., SAILMAKERS, COMMISSION lOITo ALWAYS OS HAND. . reanelaro fa) Be- Loft fn A. F. Cooke New f Bnildln;, CAPITAL -- .. SeaCaHforaU l las her olTand asked her to be seated and talk the Jersey beauty returns to this country. Chester shipyard, is not a pronounced success, Insurance Notice. JC3,.C Boom So. A ' of onnn Street. It omaUfed and Xvtt t Tuttd I ri matter over qutcllj. She became more excited fore another year is over Mrs. Laogtry will The bombardment of ! Aee tri I.7 Shanghai, Oct. 6. Honolala. II I. CONFECTIONERY AUCatT FOR TIIK Dliri'lH and her hnsband to threaten what he be Mrs. Gebhardt This is now about certain. CampanT't-imltnl- bezin Tamsui by the French Meet is still in progress. repaired- TIIK Vutii Taarne i CSDERMMSCn IIATR BEK.f DR. JORDAN & CO. case of refusal. The Governor The two parties most interested have been, SS FUs of all description made and - - t Rtwlnr f TIIK AOE5TM tor th !a4wtc!l Islaada. would do in On the 6th inst the fleet had destroyed the irlTfd laitntctlmis hf Hl ParonM assistance and the couple were forci- w ithin the last week or ten days, sending each . HJLcTISIlJEVSStS- betwera Honolala nd rn in lbi Tactfe, ntl mi ok rnoKKSMiit rang for STEAM rrir.8 '1 Chinese forts. Houses of Europeans in the PIONEER tieowprrpn-4tlMierririt- t lowrti rtwt, Q nllUMtl.oriati. n.pi 51a bly ejected from the Executive Chamber. In other cable dispatches of fifty, 100 and even city were riddled with shells. Candy Manufactory and Bakcrv Ho. 71 Fort St., abovo Hotel St., with pvcUi rrtwtlon tm fn Att prr taken In any pari of Ik I land on . 200 andWofrHrt BoUdlac. d Mrrehandl",tflrrd tkere- - tlto corridor the woman went into hysterics words at a time. t'r. - Spain has granted to France under the roost KEEPS ON HAND WM Armt Brit. Knr. Mr. Ui.lkn. UwM In. Dwrlllar MM- aad TlmtnT. t'Mla. (allfnala. . - KITlTi and the orderlies had difficulty in getting her xw Haven (Conn.), October 12. From Practical CoafctiOBr. Paltry Cook aal Baker. ALWAYS ir Etnlpatn karbur with orwUhonlcanwracrnnd?rraltr. '!"'"'- favored nation clause, the same trade privileges 3BAamwn paaiii. a.a--m.u down stairs. She made the building fairly 1K3 71 Hotflilrfft, between Naoinn and Fort. 3 ly An aortm.nt of toe brit French and K. Ilorctt'I.LAKIIER A CO.. niss.t.BKsorTUE m an authoritative source the Morning Xetts est as are California manfifactnrcd kn to be held down, in lite Indies enjoyed by the totted Iit5) Arrata for tho Hawaiian Ilanda IIIKIC.tKIM Of JIB5 ring with her shrieks and had learns that President Theodore Woolsey has States. J. EMMELUTH & CO., FIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, because she wanted to get out of the elevator resigned from Yale College. 1 TUB A HOOK "EST OS UK' ElrT OP 7. OoxxZocxioxxoTrsr I w and to the Governor's room. Her hus- Jeromk Pauk, Oct The track was fast Whit It he effrro tot to the trade, or rrUlI, - v retain 10. Charles W. StoTe f1 at mnr. cxnrjutiuxKn iiatiyu iicoap-, Mutual Life Co. He called on the FoutWavne, (Ind.)Oct The three quarters of a mile race, for Tinamlths and Plumber. Dealer la pointfu A5(tii or me ooto vompanj-- New England Insurance band trss also roach excited. Bo in the ana rr, na tier, one of the most noted criminals all ages, Jim Itenwick won, Strathspey second, IUnf?, TIB, Mittl iron vpir rrK" to Innore riiki nlnt fire ton tnd llrlrk I0ST0X, CHLQRODTNE. Governor about three months ago on a similar tantlTm hand a foil aoortment of Tinware, Oaltan. AT REDUCED PRICES! tMlldtnrfi Btnrl on M vrrha.nttl utamt thrrfls.oii or M!J DR.J.COLLISBRQWNES Slate of Ohio, son of Dr. George Butler, a --, errand,ibcing then informed that the District-Attorn- Lady Load third. Time, LIS,1 4. The three lied Iron and Lead Pipe. India Robber Hose, Ac the not rTorsnl lerm". I'nr rurtlrtUrt pply t the kF wealthy physician of Columbus, O- - was exe office f lOBi ixcunrnRA rer, mis. TIIK OR1U1-5A- and OSLT t.KSt IvE liad advised that a pardon be not quarters ot a mile, for two year olds, stlliag, THE VXDS ir r ATcii.KrtKco. cuted at Columbia city, Ind., y, for the BEST BR OF CHOICE CIGIRS "anrroiacir Oj.ibi wUk t ..Main granted. Boone grossly insulted the Gover- Miss Daly won. Coral second. Mullens third. W. R. LAWRENCE, HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C 7Jt Olfcll Pmly Mutual life Adrkv t InralkU If to il. young Tr be had a the market. Pman.t murder ot Atlue Butler, bis wile al Time, 1.201- -. The mile race, Roy S. Cluke He Unileil Salts. firt.fclnjallfiwfnwnlaek',rritrf'rni nor. He said he would go home and slap the C20WT3XA.C3VOX1.. t alm aW atMbk Ik ' Princeton, Ind., September 29, 16S3. SODA C0RDI1LS COMPANY, aanl'k. twrtta't.i. face the y, as official won, Himalaya second, Shenandoah third. Plan an EKlmatea Farnlahed lor MTorka of Cea THE BEST ICE CREJH, W1TER USE INSURANCE twotra(e4 HWa, tnrhjoratn Ik tw Mil of that i ralleiea laned ob U matt raTarthle TermaJ nflkn win had given him to understand that be had sent London. Oct 10. Advices from Durban lime, 1.4','a- - traction. OF IULMBCRa. rUttketfUMu tlr rtaiBi awiyM wttk IfcatafaawhtttIW mWr ' the Uovemor letter recommending a pardon. state that the Transvaal Government will with Qaibo, Oct. 7. Lord Northbrook, BrUisb Surveying rnt.xi. Eaamplp raai.ratTrertair ftrwpr.jJltt"rtriaIlrilaa.rmTNpJral tie.t " Civil Enginocrlngand MEnriiAsnisc II Hi ROOT N K '"hn k draw its proclamation 'placing Becha an aland TURE ail MichlBtTy Insortii Fin on th wfcrrh h taic ike name of l a4 Boone declared if he found on going homohat Hfch Commissioner, proposes the abolition of KAUWILA hTHEET. next to tglnt INDUCED AC, i he tne under Transvaal protection. orFICEon moat fiTortblA trrmi. 1'L.tX-- U almlll4 ky lfc omftwlM the District-Attorn- had written such a letter the Egyptian army and tho substitution of Widcnian'a Brick Warehouse. A. JAE4iEIt,A-iTt)tl'o- the Hawaiian 1 riaYfl p. GEO. LUCAS, Iflasd. AbbbbI pienlan raBtlBfle roller rear. iHrttaibwr ho would return and slap the Governor's face. London. Oct 10. The rtDort is current in good police instead. I he Egyptian .Ministry W3 o. nor lot. ir VM ly BABBBalpTefaiamaeaaliaa roller tjear. lana, tIILOKOIY?( E I Ifc hetHfwlT kiuu court circles that the Duchess of Albany, at SAaaBat preniaraaeoatlBBa Telle areata ilaj. CoMnaaiptkHi. Urawckttle, Artttfu. London, Oct. A. speck of war is found oppose this plan. WILLIAM TURNER, j 9 W H. CONTRACTOR & BUILDER ORIENT I Aaanal premlatna cofltlaae roller rrara tfaye tilLOHODTSE acta like arkarraln nurtl.ws in l which have passed be- the termination of her term of mourning, will M. Barrere, French Diplomatic Agent, has 3 Aannal coatlaae ttljeara W daje in tho communications Watch & Clock Maker premiama roller l the only reclc ta t lwtera tm4 Vynu ry tween England and France in regard to slop marry the Crown Trince of Wurtemburg. received a telegram slating that M. Herbin, Practical Conipany InsurauooHARTTORD. CONNECTICUT. I CIILO ROUTS K rtFeotaaUy rata hm all ait.1 ping and searching of English vessels on the Cairo. Oct 10. Colonel Kitchener telo-- French Consul at Khartoum, was killed at the and Jeweler, Or aXevotF. 910,000,0001 KpHepxy. Ujaterta, ral4utloa, aa-- Kpaim graplis that a rumor is current at Ambokel that same time that Colonel Stewart ard his party 11. I., (opposite the CISHASSETSJUmHTlST.il! : ; J 1,4 1,134.!. PmIiI ataraNcfi ltaaialailn AKeaier. lutfcar olypIIItWr Chinese coast for contraband war material. It No. re Kin- - Street. Honolala. taaea tlttAKODTSE - rebels had captured three Europeans with weremassacied ty the Arabs. Tioneer Carrlaje Factory nkeamatlam, Ueat, t'acw, Tootfcaeke Mraim:l.n.iaAt is said England protested against tho orders the Honolulu Mcam Planing Mills, Takes riki inIot Lns or Dunufi by Tn on J40.00O given to the French Commanders of war their dragomans. If the report is true, tho Alkxanpbia, Oct 7. The camel corps, order attended to with promptoeM and Itatlillns. M rreft. ndUts Uichinty and ramimreon From !Tae A (' . Pfcarwtlral hewi.t- - iy IUnd A. JAKUER. CASTLE COOKE, AGENTS a. tht.rmMn and that the correspondence between the are presumably Colonel Stewart, Mr. which is to take part in the Gordon relief ex- Good pactfd carefully for trantlU 9Ma. fararabietennt. 4 eal Hall, 'llila, Jaaaary I"k TJT friaoners Esplanade, Honolulu, II. I. 1W Axrat for lUmaiUa IUJ. KUItTlIK 1IAWAI1A.1 lt.AaiU Km . . llrvat Raaavll 9trt, BtonMobBrr I otiUtM English and French Cabinets is getting warmer correspondent of the London lima, pedition, has landed here. lil ar !tr. We nibraee tkla orportaattr f "trran'f than is warranted by ordinary diplomatic cour- and M. Ilerbin, the French Consul at Khar- London, 7. Louisa Bevy, executrix of WASHINCTON tar vmhi tke wV-afa- reaetaliim ttii atiy Oct MaBBfae'are. all kiDd of THE PACIFIC MUTUAL eafWtiMd meatrlae. IH J. Cellla Urowar - . b(..r-n-o. tesy is known England demanded a toum. Thus there is some hope that the lives f m II It that I.ady Lytton, publishes letters from Lord Carpenter and Builder FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY baa ean.f-- for lln-l- aotealy In 1I1biIo.ih searching inquiry as to the circumstance of of these three men have been snared. One Lytton to his wife, to vindicate the character TELEPHONE NO. Ml. Mouldings, Brackets, owerlfco Baat. Aaarie fiWfiaral hMMi mi,-- l LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY vlnha-- m brtlrcl tmaortnl int ih- - overhauhog English steamers and a ctrntg belli hundred row boats, forming part of the Nile ot from statements Lyt-to- WIND WILLS ERECTED. Window Frames, OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. nwfllM 'nitr that lady the of Lord BUILDINGS MOVED AND aa4 worha.1 hlai to keaiof tt.anclliiL. may be established, if it is ascertained that expedition, nave arrived at Assouan. I ho biographer. Lord Lytton calls Lady - "M Blinds, Sashes, Doors Cauh AlieU JmulTj lit. 1881. - J1.395,!J0.34. amy AatlelHlMa bene. The mhrr braal- - u M- Repairing in all Its Branch. or .(Liiiuti.. - Nixar m" goods innocently exported by Englishmen have Canadian contingent has passed Assiout in a Ljtton his "poodle," sends her "millions, mil- my Woodwork ory loaay.arf aewrelfTaietiietlif nni- Work done in any part of the Kingdom. Shop at Aod all Mad. of Flal.b. TaL.a agaln.t Lo.. ur Damask hj Klrtt on JaaataC fl thMmaW. faarv thrir yrv 'ttrrt steamer. ij-- .- Ulk. Deatrc to call the partltsUr attenlla of errjWly, been seized. lions, millions of kisses," calls himself her ir. in..l fiF nnn Jionth1 Town DallillB:.. MmbaBillM. .Marhlnrr; aad FaraltBrB on wtlTlMb-i- l tTaaMrat. WanMlWanilt.pl n may leM otUe of A. F.Cooke, ' Hongkong, 14. Admiral Courbet is Fakis. Oct 10. A dispatch from General "own idolatrous puppy," etc. The concluding order b at thrbipPns Turning, Scroll anil Band Sawing! fanwabla Irrm. A. JAKUEIt. TO TIIKIK- -i H Ih rtTtTtn7 rB ' It i.ta Oct Onecp Mreet. Hoaolnln. "" 'J 1UM AgfBt for Hawaiian l.laBiii. BrewaVitimCbhwawyae la IHarrkwa nrt the French before Tam-eu- i, Bricre do Lisle, under date of the 8th, says: letters arc a record of ill treatment. He tries AM. Kl.MIN III' theVmwttiiur'.f squadron 1 tpaiCNatae.7eiTa)fta. the at- egrier is pursuing tuo Chinese to- to utah her with a carvinsr knife, bites her LYCAN ft CO., In- Tontino Policies amfaoaiaiHtalaeawtlTe. that baifxrui"! iiitilt Formosa, and preparing to renew 'General Planing and SavriD The City of London Tiro Investment many tn t..i-- n cheeks, knocks her down on tho IxrnBTEIU A'lD DKALiaa tX j. PraatekwfTal.ow dwitts rrat tack upon that town. He has sent Admiral wards the villaire of Yeulke. I have ordered and kicks her Which coaUin InOlfptiUM Clatw." lHarrtMra. n la lb " irtrtblr ffm ' ' U." Pavintlnc Morticing; and Tenanting. Co., th" ad n .ucspes uacK to Aeiong. that Kcp, the town where General Negrier's floor. General Maaical Merchandise, surance limited. No Itc4trictlon on Travel or IteaMencr, mitttt, wbawttaMrJM nrpiNiiit'. forces had Engraving Chromo. c dec tsc. Ittfnowff. WebaTeaYTii- - j mhr (tm i it..f Panama, number of revolution- an engagement with the Chinese, Jr.itsET Cm, (N J.J Oct 2, Franks. ORDERS PROMPTLY 1TTEXDED TO Fre from Oanpr of FwfaitMt m,lWl4ietfcaColHalwri- frera a Ira im.ini. Oct U.A Cheapest place lo Bny ... ists seised the British toe Motto last nirht and be strongly occupied and the Loo Chuan river Cbanfrau, well known for his impersonation The Aim. Work (iunrnutftl. CAPITAL. 810,000,000 that It ta tlfetaVly tke Wal.aail alaw frem IN HONOLULU. :::::: twlkoitrafiaalww ami tbr puMtr ' and other outlets closed. Western and south- ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE ' compelled the captain to take them lo Costa of "Kit, the Arkansas traveller," was stricken Order from the nihtrr IxUmli' ohctttnl ootalowfw tWl taw lltalhM ayihrr rhsn ' iti. ern Tooquin are tranquil. The Chinese bands PICTURE FiUMfcs or an Kina Honolnln.Mayii, , iu)t 6m imi isrAm.iHiii:i a Eniloirmrnt antl the " steamer was with apoplexy last evening, and died this a;ilcynnlr-(tsni-at Ttir IVtlry Urowae'a ta Paai or rairn wa Jtica. lne Atajatta also captured made to order. Ii HA. for the Hawaiian Iilard, the lcpit ainunairi ".Tir-- t have been drheneffand their chief killed." consciom-ncs- s, asalQiH MitT er mi ntiaiwT w raaxaiata by the revolutionists. The tog Mono was morning, without having recovered ta preparril In accept rink tit- on Miitnal IrtfrHtmrnt I'ollrj. Wa are, raltkfniiy ' ' Idi Lihtrtt u; 107 I'urt St.. llouolnhl. Machinery, oo tho moat mu. Ulr. s?""' subsequently released. Tho steamer Alajueta urges upon the Government the J. D. LANE'S Knrnltut. Memkcraof IkePbarm. loeiHy f Orrm Ufi H necessity of sending to n, rarorable terms. EitolknKy tbe Cb- i well armed. The local government made no Oct.2. Some villain fired IRON WORKS CO. 'lterey'a mln stating that notwithstanding Sullivan. (Ind.) HONOLULU LoHHf rromptlj- .l(lju(rilanl l'ajaiifelttrr Thl tk mMC rellabtaCBrnMalracMMnt: resistance w loo rebels. thaictorics on CAVriUH e W into the car in which Governor St John sat JIILLS bat no toafsuperior, antl frweqnaK !tttea alt Claim J" I. ' of the French forces there, they arc suffering - sTKAM i:MII.K. SlIiAIl c o. ittiiua.u, promptly; acta kone..y an--t Ulrlr by alt. 4ate that r. J. Cotla 9nm na wa f Oct 14. A caravan from Eordofan his way from Carlisle to Terre Haute last night. j.r.Vfif4- Iroa, ItraMt.4 UxlCMtlBgl - ( aiiiu. daily reduction ir numbers, while the Chinese I!olttr.,Cotr.. HMt .gent for the llawa'lan tn, lavoetar of rklwrtyatj tal "" "" confirms the report that the Mahdi. liearinr The ball passed through the window on the j llda. tff For farther tnforntatlAn. wrlf or fait on laal Prvvmaa waa aatlbnatrtr nnt, losses can be indefinitely replaced. Machinery of Every Description W. LACtK. haw to T'u that the provisions at Khartoum giving oj p:Mt o side, making a clean hole, and lodg- - It rnetlett I ay bora mvora were .- M.d. to Ort.r. "S. lUKl ;neral for the Hawaiian 11 and Jalyn.lt!. St. PETi.nsoi'nc, Oct 10. Three Kussian on a The London anil I'rovinciui Asnt out, is gatuenng a large lorce to invest cue ing in the side which St John sat and Ship' Blickimitninj a i frigatcp will sail for China Saturday. Futtcnln attention paiJ to - SM la holtk-- at U. I','.. place and starve the garrison into submission. little in front of him. The train was just slow- in. j (general IWwtlisfiHtnls. ttm. : (Penn.) 10. Gen. on ing up north of Sullivan when the shot was TjW- Ha Bltww a Oil Citv, Buller, ram, Intrant fj&MHt, Oct BURGESS, Uwilaxoi & 'let. i.U HJri wan N.r. Urrrwkflaitntt a.kal Kochtort's upcr, aracrts that the Government his way to Pltsburxv met at the depot fired. The Governor took the matter coolly. , Dot 1. here by a crowd of 2,000 persons with a brass cvxx.i33rs"rrajxt iiuxi.Dfcm, ! lm has just received alarming news from China Citt of Mtxico, Oct. 2. Tho first of tho shop on Kins Mrwt, onpmltr Ko . INSURANCE COMPANY Canltim IVwarvof rttwri iml band and a military salute He was driven to Mexican Pacific Navigation for GO S..I- - Mannfarlnre J T lMRMiKr and Tonquin, which it is withholding from the Cos steamers, I''"'' bollillwP , ? II.HACKFBLD & the base ball grounds, where an immense qoirrtl. ninrr miru'' ni' in . (XllllAitOCl.) Iltl tlrrrt. DlwoaiabNiy. t tulm. publu . monthly service between Hongkong, Mazatlan anil " crowd awaited him. His arrival was tho sig- rrnMrle Hensirinx of ery dfeerlptlon done in X letter from the French Consul at Shanghai and San Bias, touching at Yokohama and Ho- H)eltlr manner, and at rrasonaoleratea nal for great cheering, and order had tbr let Subscrilietl CAPITAL rlooo,UO VFFEti FOh SAUK ttocrtiscmcnts. lo the Senior European Consul hero is pub- after nolulu, is expected to leave in a day or two. lit.1" I) C?tnrral lished. The writer promises the French been restored bespoke for half an hour, ar- She is tho Mount Ltlanot, 2,100 tons. She WARI5L.K WORKS, 11,000,000.) that republican will not attack Shanghai or Woosung unless raigning tho and democratic parties will be followed by the Moray, 2,165 tons and William B. McAllister uaroiirsriiEtrr. M:minri:i.sr. INVOICES OF NEW GOODS and assailing the Standard Oil company. At Leunojr, departure BB The aboTa Company hate now rubl.ahl China violates tho law of neutrality. the 2,000 tons. The from AzeiMT her, and mr prrpared touka ItUkaon WILDER CO. 3.30 the train started for Pittsburg amid the Hongkong has been delayed, owing to the etery dfaerlpllon within th Inlands. jcst utxEireu l'Eit London, Oct. The demand of Granville mandfactdreTof monuments pt II. most enthusiastic applause. When Franklin prevalence of cholera in some ports of China lifin J T WATEKHUSK, J- - in his letter to Bismark, qualifying his ac- HONOLULU. Importers and Dealers was reached 5,000 peoplo were gathered at and be- PEUMANENTLY LOCATED IN Headitones, Tombs, BARKS "KALE,". AND in ceptance of the invitation to the Congo confer- and Japan, tho outbreak of hostilities the depot to meet him. Gen. Butler was es- tween Franco and China. Tablets, Marble Mantels, " MAZATLAN " ence, limitiog the progammo of the conference corted to a platform in the square, OfTICE-Cor- Hotel and r'ort MrwU.wrr U.S. public Twenty new street cars stand outside a fac- uu Washstand Tops, and tn the regulation of commerce in the Congo whero he spoke for fifteen minutes. In the Tregioatl e.loinin; ciwrr. .miihh; ii.i. .j. country and not to trench upon disputes as to tory in New York, ready for shipment for Tiling in Black and White Marble. FROM BBEMEN, course of his remarks lis advised the local AiiDitlon itald lo restoration and told ad- via San LUMBKK territory west Africa, has received tho Tokio Francisco, finished with modern in greenbackers to fuse when practicable, but to CHiBSt Csn'litlns In pari of aa followa hesion of Holland, Portugal, and Italy. Until improvements, and attract much attention from MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION be careful whom they fused with. By doing Ilcljms ou Rood wink at r .Hiiiallc ebar-e- s to caln this matter settled the holding of the con- their Japanese inscriptions. ). ItlC H 2m is this they could carry almost any district. of lillbllc. MADE TO OUDEi: A Lirge Assl. of Dry Goods, ference is in doubt, Panama, (via Galveston,) Oct. 1. It is re- Pittsucbc, Oct 10. When the train rolled AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. Diplomal-tyt- tt ported that 300 well armed men have gathered C. C. STRATEMEYER, THE Pasis, Oct 14. Tho Memorial inot tho Union depot this evening fully 10,000 BUILDING MATERIALS! within ten miles of Panama, but thero is states that Queen Victoria has requested brass to wel- no PRACTICAL leiuma, Ltrtrwii nnJ White CotUmn, with bands had gathered trustworthy information as their designs. Iloiiutueiit nml HcnNlour (Irnnrtl aiitl Gladstone lo submit to the Cabinet for their come Butler. lo Wn INSURANCE DrilliiTickinjrTarkej JteJ,c or am. ii i If the movement is a revolutionary one, it will & GLASS EMBOSSER l.ctl. ii. consideration the question whether special SIGN WRITER Order from other UUnrlf jromptly attended to. Capt. Bominick Lynch, U. S. N., died in not extend ltcyond politics, for- tbr (Kiwcrs cannot bo conferred upon the Prince of mere as the J I cll( Merinos, black and qualities coloredt4 Brooklyn, October 10, of paralysis. Ho was - ' Wales to cnablo him to participate in confer- eigners arc all supplied with an abundance of - '98 KME ST. arqvgz'rAXj j born iu New York in 1613. Ho was the exec- !, BB CmO " v ences of tho sovereigns of Europe. aims and can smother any attempt at violence Jleppfl. Colionr,. Alpnota, IUUaii Cloth, and iti: i:i ku 1 just utive officer of Commodore M. C. Perry's ship, I' IV ll'Il. 1. A1IS. MRS. THOMAS LACK '"5,obo,obixl 11. The marriage of Ida London, Oct 1. Through tho mediation of Lodo, Oct Mitsistippt, during the Mexican War. IMPORTER. MANUrACTUBER UPHOLSTERER Azral forlb. Ila n I. r.x daughter of Captain Footc of Queen Victoria and the Prince of Wales a com- No. 10 Fort St Honolulu. A. JAECER, Theresa Foote, Instructions have been forwarded to General Anu iJCAi..n An .Dress Goods. the States navy, and Lord Montague promise upon the Franchise and Redistribution MTCM AH roiled Wolscly lo havo tho Intelligence Bureau in FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Pautct, son of tho Marquis of Winchester, took bills is being arranged by Gladstone and Salis- IMPORTER and DEALER LIVERPOOL LONDON and GLOBE Lgypt strictly supcrviso all telegraphic dis- I'nrnttare ?vo. Al Fort St. Work Shop at and Fantj Tncnlj-Fli- r .MjIm, place at St. George's Church. United bury. The conditions proposed for tho com- old tawd on Hotel IN rrlntif enf patches of correspondents of new spapcrs. The thi ilml. LATE ARRIVALS! largo fash- promise are that the Government shall submit promptly attrnded to. Stales Minister Lowell and a and is given full power Oriltrs from tn othtr Inland? INSURANCE CO. lrinteJ S4itt?aD4.1'uni(MJoarMt I'Ltltla, ionable company were present General of censorship. the Redistribution bill to Parliament at the Sowing Machines, and Ccnuino Ginghams, VictnrU Iahwoh, Sutin Ntrit. The Boston wool market is easier. Ohio and Autumn session, Salisbury agreeing to Assets, 331,161,000 Fancy Striirtl OrenntJlner, HKVKnif. llARTroni, 11. The attempt of Maud havo Parts, Attachments, Oil Oct Pennsylvania extras are quoted at from 32c to the Franchise hill passed, if tho Redistribution tD. SIMPSON, White Silk. Japane, TwilU, Serji is to lower her Cleveland record of 2.03 ?4 at NO STP.EET. $88,711,000 I'opliDit, Sntin anil Moire. 35c: Michiran extra. 29 to 31c: tho others un scheme shall provo at all acceptiblo to the " HOTEL and Accessories. Claims Paid, Charter Oak Park this afternoon was a failure, - .Vo 3X IIlAck ana Colored Ve.Tet. LARGEAND CARGOES changed. Tory wing. Tho House of Lords is to have no 10- TEI Entity K sa TIIM as Auctcr i.i to the high wind that prevailed and the AOUnT FOIl iiaii:1 llnnnlnln. fur Ih. Hawaiian I. land. Bad thl BB- - owing control of tho Redistribution bill until after PLUMBER AND CASFITTER I FINE SILKS, chilly atmosphere By the scheme of redistribution, as pub- White, New Home, den Ijncd are prrpatfd lo wrlle rl.k. asalait Franchise- shall DEALER IS- lished, the representation of England in Par- the hill havo become a law. OX BCIMHXGS, JIKUCIIM)ISK A" UUck, Grofternin. Fancy, Colored And Lima, Oct. 1 4. Tho Government has a dis- Davis, Crown, Howe, and FIRK btrifed liament is increased sixteen and Scotland ten, London, Oct. I. is reported that the Iron and Ilnrej, Cre pr, Ac, patch taking Trujillo from It Storea and Ranges, Tin, Sheet DWELL1XGS announcing tho of while Ireland's representation remains un British Cabinet havo determined to send to Copper ware. Florence Machines, the Caccrists after heavy fighting. No partic- term TAILORS' GOODS: changed as to number, but Tralee, Dormel, Capo of Good Hope General Wolcsley, to head Constantly hand a Superior Annortnient of On favorable IwlIliin,KIIit!Hi.'IJilUy ulars. Kiev fn Howard's Machine Needles, DctflcheildwellUisa and contents lnurcd for a period JJangorvan, Carlow, Alhlone, Colemainc, acw-ros- s. an expedition to crush the Boers, after he has 9W Tin Wnrr, (hnigi-- Iron and lead pipe ly of three yrar, for two prpmlnnu in advance. Loiir Itackftluiui, DmkodaIm, CorJa. Washington, Oct. 14. The President to- Ennes, Kinsale, Bandon, Youghall, successfully settled affairs at Khartuum. all kinds sizes; lrtiiitly- nIJ-tr- I nti'l pnjiiblr lirr. Strgw. Silenins, Utiektn Caiwirncre,ttc. Postmaster-Genera- S HIOIIVI "- day appointed Frank Halton l. Enniskillen. Mallow. Buncannon.Dounpatrick Paris, Oct I. A Cabinet Council will bo Corticalli Silk, CUMrMMlMH Portarlington disfranchised. The & go, A Splendid Asst. of Shirts, and arc held Thursday to consider a communication j. wiiium in all colon; GERMAN LLOYD county of Cork gains four members; London, Oct. 13. The correspondent of the Mayo. from Granville, complaining lo tho French Ml, 102 I OUT KTRKI7T. (Woolen. Mixed, I'alko, lilt lurry, Denim, ) .Ii.!. THE (SITAE SJOCC SIZJ-- Time telegraphs defeat Down, ualway and Antrim two each. ; K.MI, 3IACIII.K COTTOX. Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. that the news of the gain Government of the hostile attitude and intrigues CLANKS' MILK Merino nod CotUm UnJernhirt. and Donccal, Kerry and Tipperary rain one each. PHOTOGRAPHERS of Honolulu. of Admiral Lespes the French fleet at in Egypt by Barrere, the French official rep- Leading AtJENT FOK White Ihmni Shirt. Ac Tamsui is confirmed. The Chinese, by hiding and the city of Dublin gains two. resentative. F O T U N A Socks nnj Stocking, Handkerchief, TlUIih I IMMIED IS MadaniP prmorr.l'e Itfilablf C'al I'aptT raltcrn?, It SCANT1IK0, COO tho In an engagement witli tho Chinese, at tho Foulard. GIoUA, in the brushwood, suffered some of TonoNTO, I. Scull race In Kep, Negricr slightly Oct The double anil ratiMcatlrtri.. Drakr General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin. French; force to land and come within easy village of Gen. was here, mile and a half straight away, for tho Water Colors Crayon. TIMBER. FLANK. HOARDS, reported to Klfli-.- I'l.tol,. Oub,. and Smrttn- - l.oinl-- . A LAIUJK I.NVOI0KOFCLOTIIIN(J range of their guns beforo they appeared. Tho wounded. The Chinese are have amateur championship of America and two India Ink, or Oil. Aiiot i: inslkam i; Chinese General, Tso, then led the attack upon lost COO in killed. Tho success of the French Colored &c Shot. Powilcr. t - 4 Mi lallc I rtMil2P.. Tin: ertabllihetl a General Agency br, and tho AH 1ENCIN0 AMI II- )T gold watches, between O'Connor and Enrtght Photo. andeniisned. General Aentf , ire authoriiwl to tike the rear of the French and they became n. was complete. of the Toronto Rowing Club and JooLaing and It 11 Itir Sravnl llir Fine UUck CIuU: Frock OwU nnd l'ttntn, The Chinese killed seventy men and A hurricane coming from tho direction of TI10 Only Complete Collection of STOVES! i nffalnltIieIlniisrrol Jtackakin Snekn, 1'nnU and Salu, J. n. Humphreys, was won by the former in 9 KEROSENE 7Im( Itrnoonnble nml ! VI-SS- 1 1 V one twenty-tw- Jamaica passed over Santiago de Cuba. Oct I'i i ttntr. tn Felt. Molmlr, Drill. FlAnnel tUekn and I'nnU. O. INI captured gun. They also beheaded o minutes and 20 seconds. I'nvoritbt- - OIV French corpses, desisted from 6th. Some small vessels in the harbor and a JJtwl Trnit. Iloya' Shirtn and Child ren'tt JackeL. but that W3) ly F A &CHAEfEK A CO., Oraeral Agtal. Monkey number of houses in the city were slightly Ffni", hhrllii and Lxkmhli hnnm h f in. now prt and Sailor Jacket. horrible work upon a protest from the British .nl I. IL Cunt J J C Hlippern. A Moit Complete Stock o! damaged. Business tfarlis. CnrIo-ilI- c, &r. Darttl to tin itnrk in il in PRkTssrATTNAtlbNAL lBia, riet Consul. The Chinese loss was 200 killed and dUpnlfb il fitk and I. f'. UinlirHUaand wounded. The fighting lasted fire hours, at New October 10. The San Fancy and TrnTrtinjrHbawlJt, rar'!. Youk. sais: urcli.ci.trGOF A the end of which time tho French retired to 33ISTJOI? c3 OO. 3Vloclorto.?J" Cotton and Tor kiah Towel. FINE ASSORTMENT OF MU Ff Fill The fiery appearance- of the western sky after Fancy their ships. and or.trirrnv White and VailU, sundown, which excited much attention , BANKERS, Felt Kami and HmweUCaii-tjUng- , Xlw Yohk, 11. A cable special from wonderment in all quarters of the world last IIONUM-IX- I I IIAUMllASI'tLtSD't JUST RECEIVED im;TAitijxiciiiD iota. Oct : : .UOMllH. Mllla London says: A new complication in connec- year, has recently again become a conspicuous DRAW EXCHANGE ON (npllnl Urrlin.:.rl4i ltrtl with the morganatic marriage of the Grand phenomenon. Last evening in particular mo IHEBXKKOFCUIFOfiKM, : : : : SAURUCISCO. txin;iwi(;Ni; HAILS. LOCKS tion 'pin: iiavixc. White F.tney Duke Louis IV of Hcsso with Mme. Kalomtnc skies glowed with splendid shades of red and ARD THEIR AGISTS IS CONCrlEE&AHUNG L lffn antMi cied a'at it thr abntc t'nmpany fnr Hone HUukett. and UUuirl, iht uawauan iiami la pnpari in accept rixaa Fancy W.nrleu, two So brilliant was tho display that tw York FOIST 6TKEET. ADOTE KING. - , Strid ake. BU71S I is announced. Tho lady is about to become a crimson. arnn-- ' Hn m Kolldlas- KuniHiir--- Mfehandl r t, White Wtolen..1nihl 4 i:ir., Hstou, ir Mill .ran rablf tJrnoe, ordivorco some persons thought a great fire was raging. I'rodacf Jtc ihf mo.t fa tern. Klftfttie, KoMf -- mother. Her appeal from the decree I'nrl. TbrendSt fa. . BO! Ir-- 1 . of Various Descriptions LOSSES PR3MPIU ADJUSTED 413 HtflV Tv, ' Ic is still pending, but is about lo be tried before October 8. Advices from the Nile MESSRS. fl M. ROTHSCHILD 1 SODS. : :L0KD0K Hew Goods Pi Mill !un aau eirei iuojoiw, Cairo. II ItlE'lF.NSrUNCIIiEIc VnnU, ttrmmm, highest recognized by German FltlNKFOirT-OX-TI- I N- - IX IJattona for Shirt. OkiK the tribunal state that after the stranding of the steamer ilO-- ivt. At VVII.l Tat In law. on which wero Colonel Stewart and his men, Tfce Cora rarrt 11 lUnLln-C- o. ott&nrj. Lontlni'. PKUFUMKIIY, FIXJUIDA WATKU, The lUnlloj Co. ot yjdncy, Chinese and Japanese Ware! NrwYonk, Oct. 11. A cable special from three natives came on board and stated to Coiammlal General Insurance Com'py- - i; ! (m-- dis- Tltr II nl. of NewZrmland. AaeMand, anil it' (ieuoine Ka de &ibRntt I.oWii'a Bxtncta. DRY London of Oct 13th says: The St. J.imex it Colonel Stewart that he was only a short AI.-- LATEST KTTLE Of Sea, Transport RSftWr.f tranche lu ChrltcLarch, Dannlln and Wellington. Tor River und Land fiMlet ikmyit, Phid . Ilnir Otl. Owt, lias a new sensation this evening. It tance from Mora wee, which they could easily I'ijiM. The Rank or Eritlfh I'olnmbla. Portland, Oregon. ! or DRESDEN. Alirrom. LfKAitg(JIi reach on foot and where they conld obtain as- EUROPEAN NOVELTIES i!i JEWELRY IMtnk : I'takk, -- ii(aa .ui-- l r"0j'i prints statements showing a degree of sloth, and Madeira I. It. Hnlb. INrwmhbbs ll,kt .Sunllmn They offered to Thf Aiort Inland. KfTALI.SlIi: AN iUtbi Iamf, Jewelry, WnleiWe. incompetency and favoritism on the part of sistance to float the steamer. Mockbolm, bwrdett. INCI.LDISO iOME HAVlNCi IImoInla fitr Hawaiian Album. thr Irlrnul. ! .o-- r.mj;1 British officers in India which is unparalleled. guide them there. Colonel Stewart and two ih- nndrrotarnnl rnra) tn tak lloonla, "illfaf l Tlirl bartered Hank or London, Australia and China, CLAWS VIKN'SA FU'iLNIILMSi;: ' wucn FINE SETS OF TIG Ell I'KkelB. ''11.1k, , i I ! - Tho Gazette says it has (indisputable authority companions started lor me viuage, ana Hongkong, Yokobam. Japan. UliKi that tho country is approaching a they had traveled ont of sight of the steamer trjii Silk Handkerchiefs (hemstitched i. RUIta ncatnvt the Saucer of Hie Sea nt tho Exteubti, A'tn, Dittinj; lUnun tad 1'nrlur !, for saying )y Andlrannact gnrralHanUngHnMTff. .. rirtteert, ., crisis comparison with which the Sepoy re- a number of men sprang from an ambush and, All color, and qo.lillf Momt RaoiimL1o Rate, and on the, riwirs. in A.HASSINGER, Srtddlei-- , ' ' iirtkiu, V.itUw, Si.ri-- .. IMlber. bellion of 16"S will be commonplace. murdered the party. The rebels then at- JNO A FINE MMt .11 a. IS f to take Acknowledgment a to Con Fnvoralile Terra. t tacked the steamer, killing all on loanl ex Acnt CKATK-iO- London, October 13. The Government, f HCIiAEKER A UOlKLCV, cept four. tracta for Labor. Japanese Lacquered Ware r Par t srcl VMiltcviJTl iM'hio through Colonel Kitchener, has received news ion Interior Office, Honolulu. ly VSi Axtul furlliP llaaanan I o inn Up ilafeji. rewpute, Ihrwtn, Also, No. 1 Itlcc For Sale. Ctrntatnine CefM, from Debba, which, if correct, proves that Ad t ices from Donrola slate tuat the Mudir F. x. ;o.. Chambers, Hire Uraben and mkern, Hinri: i.t.Att. Colonel Stewart is alive. A messenger who is sending out spies to assist the Nile expedi- a. sciiAi:n:it Iterai joLrw. 3 and A salta ; Hnmpie A alt otljrr Slcani Holier, ltottlv niinuhn. returned to Colonel Kitchener at Wado IlaUa tion. The sheiks from ths Khartoum-Shend- y Importers Commission Merchants It Micrcrlln; WILDER & CO., Vawaaml OtwMar.MaihiaBdTanedllif Ilonotnln. Hawaiian Inland lloitnliiltt, llanallmt llAmla.I.en IL Cbal r.tiM un. on Friday, says tho steamer that ran upon the district, with 15,000 followers, have sub- lift 11 r IT IN MOKE Hempand I. raeklnff, W A. Kisser. A- - P. I'ETCKWX Saloon eral Aeeiit of Htf Ikt, w advise that Beaver rocks Wady Gorna, and hofio passengers mitted to the Mudir. The sheiks at oT nel. massacred by the was com- depot be established Dcbbeli and under-- KINNEY & PETERSON, Economical Sixiso-- tto Xlcise METALLIC AND O'llfi; MINIS! were Arabs, a at X f 3Iulunl Life Insurance Ccmp'y HIoo manded by the M, Nicola, tho Greek Consul. to procure came tucreior. ATTORICSTB AT AW, : Le LlnLle to Explode. Of All nizefi and rcwlitiee. tako camels and OFFICE, No H KAAIICMANU STREET, H. J. NC1.TE, Proprietor. xv.n believed that Colonel Stewart had been lleports aro current at Dongola that the Mudir ir liiuii. Twine. IlnrU- -t It is if ID'S. Ilonolnlo. II. I. T Easier of Transportation Coal llagf, Uannlea, Class. on board tho steamer he would have been in is quelling the rctallion at Jebeldair. News Lareost. Safest and Most Woolpack aad Twilled KAekiBR, Lined Uum. command, and not Nicola. of the MudiVs victory at Korti has reached W. O. Sarrn L. A. TurufTon. Degi to announce to ln ItnitJ- - and lb ! OUOCKUIES- - Salt. & CO public In central AND COSTS f.O MORE ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO 13. de- Khartoum and greatly encouraged the garn-- W. O. SMITH Lomon, October The conservative - nlaUined by SArdtnes, Firewood. n place. "tho KntMcrni.ti'.ii laltrit an IN THE WORLDS in balf and naarter trOief monstration announced for Birmingham to- s at that Stock and Real Estate Brokers, That he haft opened above Saloon er I', lftmmita. Halt tn No. S3 Merchant M.. Ilonolnlo. II. 1.. appllrallim tn, II. and Jara, day, involving nettings in Aston Grounds, The Canadian contingent has reached where first-clas- s Refreshments Cash Assets, ovcrS0O,OOO,OOO I Caster Oil tn TinsteaJifleCandleff. 1, 5 aad C the Town Halt and in the Skating Bink. was Assiout and roes lo the front forthwith. Ad FRANCIS M. HATCH. W. E. ROWELL, Honolulu, Matched, Coowutat hl. WtHb Klne. DOORS SASH BLINDS will be rcTTcd from 3 till W p.m., nndrrtbe O For IntWrnatlmi KvtnpaHj. and Uo-w- am. yjl y Kotr Tnt Hawaiian Inlands. fotictTBin? ilf HaWek. I'aintOil, U Wbtte Lettdt prevented by an organized force of their op- vices from Ruakim state that the rebellion is y, y aa. Xin-tV- i for lUtei of In apply lo V. ILUKK oy At CA' arioce 1 t o tin. White Zinc Faint. , , ponents. increasing. Two fresh tribes have joined El Immediate snpcrTielon cf a Competent On'lAefit- - or 1.1,1 W; No II Kaaanmanii Hreet. Irr E WISEMAX, abandoned his THE FINEST UKADES OF tl J LIQL'OHS : St. I'ETEitsnrno, October 13. A great Mahdi. Osman Digna has Ufiy i SollcUlatt aiaat Of Eastern nnd California Make political trial juitbcen finished. It was attack upon Snakira and is now engaged in aviimi:ic 4t CO., CIGARS! CIGARS! las Corner of Fort and Cner a Meets, Honolulu, De Laage fila and llrMitelleaa Drandy.and conducted privately. All tho officers of the massacring women and children and in Tobaccos, SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL other bntndf. FOR SiMIK QCVaTITll TO CIT Oils, Salt aad Sallding army implicated were sentenced lo death. Six stealing cattle belonging to the Amarar tribe. amber, Faint 1, Kaili, Cigars, Pipes and It am. Gin, M. l'aol IWr, Ale and Forte r, nu; ly Matsriali every A.CIl AT sentenced to Siberia, in- af kind. FIKK AMI 3IAKI.VK INSIKAXCK Tort Wine, bhernr. Jtbine Wine, oilier persons were Providence, October 8. John L. Sullivan Sundries CiareU, CbarnpkUttM, cluding Vera . C. HTJSTACE. Smoker's A NEW ENTERPRISE. COMPANIES Or NEW ZEALAND. Fine and Table says he intends to train down to 200 pounds - ft. II-- Marara&Cov.aHparkUnc: Hck, LOW XlllOl & (barea bvspCTconal felee tlon from i inann- r law 13. set-t- o will- Formerly with B. F.Collea Co.) Dry lleidfleielr. MorK'i-- l, Cb. Farm, Washington, October The Interna- or less, for a with Laflin. He is lacioncf. nas ucen iinvnra. ana "in w uu w iivm CAPITAL $20,000,000 meet- Mobile Ac, Ao. tional Prime Meridian Conference, at its ing to wager $1,000 to 52,500 that l.o will Wholesale and Retail Grocer, time to time. Unlimited LUUlltr of Hbarnold'-r- ixtaln Joint Harmony Hall. ing y, adopted the meridian of Greenwich. havo the best of Laflin from the start and is lit Kin? Mrett, andcr Ocnof Hntiiiwlck Ibilkc't W. HINGLEY CO., roHey. CRYSTAL SODA WORKS The representatives of France and Brazil did confident of easily disposing of him. After Family. Plantation, and Ship Morca anpplled at J. Ilavln: p'UblUbcd an fts"nry at Ilmlnlt fur Iho German and Havana Cigars ahort notice. ew Oood by erery atcamer. Order Hawaiian Itlandt. tbt ndTiZi."i la prepared lo ac , IlaWl Ware poon, Forkr, Vtatto, Tm not vote, and tho representatives of Santo the Laflin fight he desires a match with Alf :rom the other island falthf ally executed. Billiard Tables Grade rrpt riika aaint rlrfi on IftHdlBr". MrtrhandU'-- Set. Celebrated Manafactnren of all of Fnrnltnre, Macbtnerj.tftc wntlwni't fa.wabfctTm Caps, Ac Domingo voted against it Greenfield, the tnghsli athlete, and Willi K-- TEIEPIIOXB Vs. l Oar Goods are Acknowledged the Best ' 13. good Mitchell if he is so inclined. He declares eitablUliiucnl, where Promptly Adjusted and Pay- UAUDWAUF- - Washington. October There is C. & COMPANY, laconnrctwt wtlhthc Iwrt Losses authority for the statement that the Govern- solemnly that he has stopped drinking for all BREWER of the enc can participate. VV DO CORKS. time and is determined to take care 0! himself, LIMITED) able Here ! I'ucket and Ianer Antrta. KcwHor. ment of tho United States has not been asked hbeep hbearK. Needle, HfwmiM, Filea, After completing his engagements in this (Jcucral Mercantile ic CommUsion A?entf to mediata in Franco-Chine- affairs by cither Tlio OoUlornla Fine Havana CIGARS Marina Rlik. on Merchan'lits. Freight Spar. Ualvantced liitntiui. Hoop Iron. We Use Patent Stoppers country he will give some farewell perfor- QUEEN STREET. HONOLULU H. I. Kutl avt Carrent Rates. Ketc Kiveta, Hammer, of the disputants. A SPE- - IALTT Treaaare. the mances and then make a tour of England, PRODUCE & PROVISION CO. C. U. DEtffiCn. YeMvw Metal and Coraymttitm Naita,! war rami'--- o I Paris urges opou the Government or cmciR Conltn. fa all BtU ' necessity of Admiral Ireland, Scotland and Australia. ut We hare mado fPErtAl. .KSANUBMCXTS with li.ll Aavatfor l.l.nil.. lUbbitt 3IeUl. nizar for the r C. JONES, President and Manar Kaittrn and California As nta to npply ot with the IronTaQi.Clarinri(te. AUi, Courbet at Kelang and General De Lisle in Yohk, October 3. The V cable- JOSEPH U. CAKTKH. Tret-or- and CrrUry Rcpectrnllj at).ir Ui TablK that Ftneft Uanna aad Connicrit LrafTobaco In the Tit A SI-A- T a. A STIC Net HENUVMAV Aadttor are preparrd to mannfa tare a Uenalne Tooquin in order to place them in a position London : EiUibii-- J tbfin'rlre at Market. We gram from of October Sth says It Arttcleatmocblr-- than . cost or Imported C'tsar?. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Cement- - Ginger Ale but ours strike final blow China. want In ii Portland to a at seems quite certain now that England will Uox.CIIAS. XL DIMIOP. Ho. H. A. P. CAUTEIi llavlar cMilikml Urn the r ii.i)iiii'i:ii. Coal, eonmanitT, we hTe ajairt tnm Capital of It- CmapaBJ A Ka-rr- e .BelcIiBafk;.I..M"0 IlfB CUj, UUekainith Fire Bricka. October 12. Gerrati, President of soon have another African war upon her rffly Hotel Honolulu, de-- .Virus, 73 Street, San KraitciKa In nakin onr ( lar Wr guarantee lo their Compaal-- a Wl.ajo.lMJ Tile, Emptj Ikntls, Oak UoaU. , Ac, Ac 1 Hir.DRj i lit roK Tribunal of of hands. This time the trouble comes from the who will give n a call Osrmann-fetor- j the Commerce, died THE WESTERN ;& HAWAIIAN of prcmis. prcotd by eatUfjr rrerTone sonth of the continent and the English base In pr lit and More la located lo Total ReirBoaiar'a n7.MJ.'al Or4rrfroaitbfotker Ictan'la eaifaUjr cholera. The Cardinal of San Felice sent a attBretl te tt presented to him by the Pcpo to operations will be Cape Colony, instead of gold crocs f HTVXSTMENT COMPANY, SRESOVICU. GRAY & CO. Lincoln Block, No. 108 King St. N O Hc7eR OURSODAWATER assist the sofferers at Catania. RT MAN LIMITED.) can Ire (onl o COMI'LETE STOCKof otli r tltcfted, aad eh H.HACKFELD&CO. mm W- - -- f ' Ii tf cholera-infect- An official dispatch from Xlm ftrOrdtrrf from thr INSURANCE COMPANY, dr'itr "r There were reported in the Paris, October 8. Money Loaned for Long or Short Periods and prompt attention. FIHE of ib- - My. 'U tf Colonel will hare btt carf district of Italy, 239 fresh cases and Hanoi, received states that ir ir HAnnrRiJ. attrqll'll t Ofl-'- - SECURITY. CaplulortbCampaarAIlacrTe..Rei'h.aiarl(anil,ni Cafful rH NUI 137 deaths, including 115 fresh cases and liennier, with two battalions of the foreign ON APPROVED W. HINCLEY u GREEN, Produce and Groceries J. &Co., their Ue la.BTaBe.l.'oBpaBlM ToMma The Tourists' Ketreat, filty-o- deaths at Naplos. lerion. two companies of infantry and a sec VST Apply to V. L. 101 tf Honolulu, H. I. At Honnapov Kan, 11a wall The Crystal Soda Works, cor- artillery, has had an engage XiXietl. W1IICII WILL DE tOLl) AT .. Er London, October 12. The Shanghai tion of mounted OKFICE-V- at RIocl. Fort tMrrL 1"T Tcu: respondent the TTrass rcporU a riot at w ment with Chinese troops in me valley 01 me D. HITCHCOCK a.xi nrrnr.Kw. i.itiisdi.iu of 11 H. riiuimir.iT itt&-T .Jrsnw, wnr rir-- ji:cii. t CASH! Attariie-rittaLa- L'XUKtUUVXr.tt.liEXt.KAUAUr.ST J. foil t r on October 3th, when a mob burred the Loo Chuan river, which lasted six hours. Tho uoiva. Market Rates for d Jtotrr PoLUe. TIIK atwrrj thre- - rnn; auU1 :'"T llawa an 9a4d'- - iIorf- ac a: TIIE It ET KB"AT c0uh5ell0e. - tka - missionaries houses and the Custom Uouss Chinese made a stubborn resistance, but final- att0rkit aitd at law, 5TI. ' Haf opened an 031'. nil vrm'y Itanrl. arc tnrm '4 to t tr E ti t n t- T' oT at II' c hm,' 'im it ik lJ i lafor StiT OUR 7ZLZVU6XZ IS HO. 293. NOTARY rUSLIC, TELCrllOXEX FOBOXte. attecdtia.If'i- - i i n ' MerThindl"?aBdrrdT,t Mac A u nl "Toiiacliai rceo" in- ly completely gunboats ' 3'tt Aae'Tr .tadottit1 records. The English Consulate was not were routed. Four 1 f - ' ' . Lar ,m - - ''?-- -' ' 11aB1 WtlUrimdllHh- t 'd and Kke JtU.i. and la t:o .u:i t lar"n'tl-- f"m 63llu5c AndAntforaklBsAtkncmkd7meattofIolraratf CB KiAAlcfi it. ' ir.s ' re- assisted the French forces. Four the Allotf!'- ol't. will aao attend L.eLf-1-. 1 Ka nVn am ru- EJ-Jai3 T ' E a jured. No lives were lost and quiet was of for tk UUnd ofOahv. or dinar by tk not, favora' XODEIUTr. - 1151 SLKVEYIAQ rKOHPTLT U UACKT2LD A CO, I y J. W SMITU1X3, Taonu, oa Fort- r " r- j ptoaapiatraa a "" stored. French, including a Captain, were killed and 973 Campbell Block, Merchant, ly ra Z. K. MYERS. Manager. D03TE Ir j Written for the Gazette tgal twcrtismirnta totheoolony, and Ha suspeniion would be a The Onitlnc or the Marshal. iVctn 3utrtisrnirnts. Sfjipptng. '31c- o!'.Sew bontb JJri ""utliaritn. So email was the contriboUon 'Written for the Oiiim.3 Rose Ranch. TJlupalaktia, 1873. K M" A Wales to tbe coat of tbe service that be tbouctit COITKT OF TIIK N- SUrRKJrB Probate. In the lnsl if - i - would better for tbii colony to carry on tbe TarmU .' WLen from Hawaii's ahores I part. FOR SAIfFKANf 'ISCO. Ia mailer of it be tenn-inu- ThtWrrp that Pct thmgk LEE LOT, nawall, ocrnce alone, and make ew Zealand tbe s Air To thene will fondly tarn my heart. the Estate of lata of Hilo. Itose a Order of Procession Ac Chamber before Sir. J fuller; GOVERTJMENT LOAN! of tbe line. In marine for a postace rate or Onr Tarke Ii gone, tbat Marshal good, Fair lUnch on tbe mounts! elde THE FRETCIl STCAMSI11P TIT OF E. O'er looking far oceaa's tide! Austin. DErAHTMl riNAM think would cover lac by secret foe. the petiti-t- a ahflliae, he did not it ItlamU"d A will rise before my On rradirt' and film the and L. i bad a partaer. Wood tain view rM iiukj. : sib. losa. On eoce he Thy gsrdeas with many a hue, A TTV tY. A tst in Whltlv;. Administrator ot the Estate of - waf mz ago. btisbt TJfiTJTiT' -- VrtlL la b.frl.y ltta tk&i .jip.iciloB- for auj proposal of a fortnightly eernco Bat that w here ever wide thy aortala aund .13 YAt 9J a.. Lee Ley, 1st of Hilo. Hawaii, deceased, wherein he LOAN n tn The atran-re- r blaaaelf wlla of lb. NEtt GOVEKXJIEXT will Aod Tarke It waa who did the work. To the " In the Und." Cotumaadev rmlo. nay possibly b carried ont, and that wtom fcra ThrTO, rery of tosatng foam, PniLLIPOT $tV"So.,td aska tbat the sane aaay be examlaedand (Uoo.ooo lll now at tk. Trraaor tk. And the uold. tbe and said estate kmHoi bring us very close indeed to the southern Poor Wood III f mod aod work did ablrk The asllor ever flndj a horse. approved, shows that it Insolvent and of la .1 l l t at " IotoIvM. Tbe exile there forjrtta bis grief. Will Dispatch for above port. asKS that a anal order truy be made ordistribtitlon of ralr inlm.1 iird ll trit great And m became hare thielc a Ma L 1Jkaak"lT"l."-dfcJ"- Hor4t tfcc Bondt ffMi capital of the Pacific It is a pity And hlaaadaplrtt finds relief. the property remalnla-ft- his hands to the creditors r oaraklc itiatllf. .n art oxrajfi Ma of .... of I" T.ot rarke went lo oee work. Tbe PUtetman leaves crave thouchta behind r apply to snd person thereto entitled. In to their Maeatlo. l.r.i.1!-"- ! Tl. . .k--n rl Tax-- ...- Uiat it should be even tsnggestea that uig aTsr For Frcisbt if -. W A"t. ,iml- - And mthded well the Coort. And ainss bla "cares apon, th wind.' clalma and disthsrIn; him and bit sureties from all Ik, K1.C- ""- steamers should cease to call at Honolulu. lie did not perk nor offer qalrk Long may'at tfaon Court i hi long appear OCJULE ITJIVISK U. VV MACFAKLASE CO.. farther respooslblltty eaeb admlalstraUre. il' 1 fftjQ Miulftrr of Flnnct. AL MONDAY, or 0 JWjt of E4i.llai.Otl.-nii.- We sincerely that no tsuch policy will Noryetdrinkdeepof rort. Freeh glories with the "circling year! A cents. It Is ordered, that the 9th day Dceeutber, bopo choicett foreign lands IJ3 A.D. 151. at 10 o'clock a. m before the tiW Jastlce, lhat brandy, whiskey, wine or ttout At flowers from Hon 1. Ilinnn kaa tlla Jar'"" be carried out, and we are glad to see Nor Expand beneath her" skilful bands, at Chambers In the Court House, at Honolulu., bo snd A M' 'or enrht of tbat bad aort same appointed aa Apart to to Cmtracla for of it is made in Sir Julius oat, W ho baa with such unwearied care FOR PORTLAUT). tbe hereby It the time and .. no mention tnt aloaya ateadr, aboatrd mo place for hesriat-sai- and nceoants, laVAokrla of iuouiian 6a2CtfiJ. ovgfat, Created hers a scene fair. raiiiloa aad that Hlto. a ye. yo a 0) Uta 1. Ik. UWrtrt ot Mt speech. The link with the sonth is Hear all that Farewell! farewell! tn colder climes all persons Interested may the-- aod there appesr and CHA T. OVLICK, would very sorry to here, 1 oft shall think of "other timet TnEBnmsii riRK show cause If any they aavo why tha same anonU sot valuable one, we be lf any man bat bnaaef i may rl Mini. In of IMrrlor. Let him cetne forward now, When, a gay party, we would leap bo trranted, and present evidence a to who are - wopr ssars. broken. the courtrr'a ready y entltlf-- to the ssW property. And that order, H Il est is sec it Let him appear and olthont fcar, lots aeat, IVT- O. 7 this la lfrotOlcr.ci.-i-k.- - ay what he baa to (bow. seek yon fair hills with foreata crow nd ' TTV T TTl--J o.- .o-- y the Eusllsh and Hawaiian bopahrlshed la WKDNr-SPAY- , OCTOUKI. 2J. I66I. ac- Whence prof peels open all LATE HONORABLE tbe Ilawaiu-- and I Tux government has published an -- around. THE 0irrv A'ata Sorter hi Ikat B. F. nklrrtorN. The jadeea alt and they will fit Then homeward wend, and dance and aoi-- printed and pubrished la Honolala, for three r:1rr W",,l count of its receipts and disbursements " Ills tnattm ton batr, ' The erects-- a cyta. hours prolong. W. 1NOR.XM Sla.lrr weeks prrvi-r-i- a to the time therein appointed for c. mMmm h4 31 1. nk TiwUniT of the IflantftTB La heard aod cot a word said heart rMor.a.M.0 "Ho- Tr Twnt during the six rnontns commencing aw-- lie shUI be Com." lr bor And Supply Comjwny lia been a most was high "lie raid to him unfair. The Ohio Willhive Qnick Diipatch for theabore Port at II. L.thit StS day Oct. A. D. I.W of rrmt, fcrfr.l"--at" " " "' 1st, and ending Sept 30t It Election. DENJ. II. ALST1V " v'i tbe read, many Unfairly' what be ahooM bave aaM. : important one. and wjxv time that somo showing should be mak doubt, Ohio, while Incomplete, sbow r-- " For r'rHsht M ra.a arplf U Atteft Justice Sspremc li.o.i.i..t.rVi.ri..i..rrorJ.rrMartrt " y full, "mil 1 And ao be did no The returns from Bishop PpatT Cleva. f WW All rtatio. IM" W which vre publish in should Itnt then rhyme w only made Mrs.BerniiJe Pauahi iwo t II. km. ' of The law reads that the publication the clearly that tbe State has given a Itepubhean CO. - aaH CornmHaroofTl Bylearlnjl-yoet- a. W. MAtTAKUSE Jt H , MM- aa Ibr to bo vwtiawe prouiicuuns: uiv what do the ! ma jonty of cot less than 17,000, while these figures "I7l7i:TH.FLM)ICLUiCIi:criT. .ar. wrf. found bomado quarterly, but then lWi ;rola. IN rt.ll rMM CH!. T. liUtlCt thought pivon by practical present Cabinet care for law? It is their Ilowerer Ibis be, Parke went o. may be swelled to 25,000 or more. Up to the hour X lYobate I a tbe matter of the Estate of WILLIAM Nlol.trr of lalorior. fail to b of interest, And plcard both bleb and low, of goinc to press official returns tad been received HODGE. late or Waln.sa. Order to show canse on men. Thpy cannot to defy It is, of course, was upon. RW 1KJ2 apptlestiow of Administrator for order of Sale of Real Wik.1- - 'm amusement it lit work he .stent from out f the precincts and wards in tbe NextVessel From Glasgow 1C IMrrta,Me.K not onlr to our planters and agrictiltnristii public to check-ove- r And rather last than alow. State, which care a total ICepublican of Estate. impossible for tho outside majority Undertaker. Oo resdln and filln; the petition of James M, Gib bnt also to tho sugar 12&S. From the detailed report of tbe vote given . IX JCMIrpklMfki () ' " k"" on thrac Hands, the disbursements and receipts; the Hy faft. I don't mean dlolnte Marshal of theKln--dom- ton. Administrator of tbe estate of William Hodge, '" t H prodigal or wade; below it will be seen tbat tbe ltepublican gain waa lat-- " Kauai, deceased, prajlnj- - MaMH l ","- - " planters of other conntries prcciotis report Mechanic' Benefit Union. of Walnlba. for aa order prlrikr-- a a. ' tym- consequence is that this Itat rather nnlrk and resolute steady and proportionate, while one of the singu- Honolulu Fire Department. IN PETER DENNISTON &Co.'s LINE of Sale of certain real estate belonslns to tbo deeeased hi '' Planters' Labor and Snpruy good aloRja perfect tvtttn-- ..mr, tkr """" The is received as gospel liy many of our With Ute. lar features was that tbe districts counted upon as IndTrrndent Order of Odd Fellows. situate at Walalha, Kaaal, and ' forth certata la... nr tnt.4n.nr a virisbimdes. and Ahahui Oploplo Pnnwat Lokabk why eaek real estate s kr - hriliMaala.Klrr pany has had ib its nps He plras'd the jadgt. pleae'd tbe bar. safe by tbe Democrats gave majorities for tbe lent rrsMin should sold. U citizens Ahabal Tools. The tplradld Cljdo DatH Iron BaniiK la bereby ordered: Tbat the next of kla of the said de- 1 " ,v"" iU has been reparded with dis trouble He pleai'd tbe fnliora too. ticket. The raining and manufacturing, o Kaamakaplll. ceased and all person teres (q uk "."' dovns.it For those who do not lake the partlealar Ahahul Opioplo Iml Tooo Krlttiano Ia ted estate appear ""' it lias had power He alwaye waa aa well as tbe districts, al came Attending Tbyietan. before this Court on SATURDAY, the like by the goTornment. to think, we will state that the additions To to rath hia dne. strong protcewbn American ! - stands cve ont for the party of to Konohtkla of Lands of the late Mm. Elf hop. - (tUin-na-h " day of November. A. D. 194. at 10 o'clock a. au, at tbe I.trrfc. " members withdraw from but it twenty-on- e Mkr r ' - kn fnl it of the expenditures arc many. Wc would tt'a not recorded fanw h plraa'd industries. Of Uis Congressmen, Governor of Oahu and SUA". Coon Room of this court la Koloa. then and tbere to IS y on a firm banis. fiuiiportod by men Tbote who InWnff'd the law; eleven Kepublicans are surely elected, while fire Band. bow cans why aa order boa hi not be for the 6 also point out that no additions have leen - in work, Twaa neTer beard tbonsb tbat be teal d others expected to secure ma jonties. The rote Namalahoa. snj TOSS KEUI3TER-0- tale of tuch estate, and It It fnnher ordered- That a -- heart and mtereft are this tn copy pobllshed whoo made of the columns, referring to receipts. lor their moral Saw; King's Own. of this order be at least three auceea-slr-e k, A I. nro W' ft Them was the largest erer cast in Ohio and though tbere wteks before said day of ' '!r and who fullv realize that in union is man to oc- Prince's Own. A I AT LLOYDS, hearln la the IIawaoa-- All raako- - twr-U- - Of course the law does not force a Thai he never hazed them more was strong axeuement, no scenes oi violence Kinc'a Guard. OAirrrs, a new published In " J""- ' Every engar growing country l, except where conflict of Ilonolnla. la- - f '", strength. add up his figures, but mere politeness Than he waa bound to do: curred in Cincinnati, a Servant f the deeeaaed. Dated Koloa, II. I., Oct. 1Mb. tS4. lb' - I" rkotrr I"1'1:' 1 . Li. aorr or lor I ' - "" lias an organization similar to tho of Pub- Of coutw drlinqnrnu think It authority came near causing a liot. Tbe Clcrcy f tbe Itoman Catholic Church. January Next JACOB ILIRDT. tkroaarMi should have caused tho Itegistrar r Will Sail in rrtH flonrish for When pnnishment it due. From West Virginia the returns are meager, but The Ulht Rerereud Bishop of Olba t""3 Clrcnlt Judge lib Jnd. Circuit. rt- - ll " '"'" and S. Co. "We hope to see it matter in such the llawaiian Islands. 1W" "".1"Tkk. lic Accounts to put the their want of the ltepublicans concede the election of the Demo -, l,krrlo. Hawaii. Id tali they f how Uttr The Clergy of the AnrjHcan Church. Ortrt- Wd."F long in shajw that tho public might readily find want of too emtio candidate for Governor, although they do (looda to I forwarJrd by lac abote Vrwel Ciri'KKMK COURT OF TIIK JIA- - T.t,f.l And The RJcht Iteverend the Blthop of Honolulu. Xtr wallan,Iland..-I- n Probate. In cr,imlnl.ll"i"l"l . the ns Tbrlr'a waa the weakneaa that baa plat d not abandon hope ot the other officers. The majo- Clergy. ahonltl be ordered aoon. O of or out what the condition of finances Trot t the Estate 'of HENRY MAV. Uto Hmola"u? de- Kicn-ii- r. mckEirruN. The replv of th- Minihter Foreign II im thrtr lnpeetor irne. in any case will be small, as tbe vote is very 3L of government, was. It is rities F. A.SCHAEFER Co., Agents. ceased. Order appolntlai; tlmo for Probate Will . r. HuBlXkOX. th'o Committe'of riantei.ap-tointe- reported by tho close and dlrfctinjr publication or f Affairs to courtesy when For ohen folks tlte to tblevUh tricks K K llonolila. OetobrrlOtbWL In MI notice or tame X. V J.ONSAUUAT him relative to the in- certainly a grave breach of And play dfohoneet prank t, Chtciuo. Oct. IX The Inter Ocrat't editorial A doenmenu purportlne to b the last Will and tests. to write to be- 11th says: Obio ment of Henry May, forc of Clunew laborers a public officer shovels a lot of figures Tb7 And thrtuaelvra In crlevooa fix from Columbus of October oxro-tic- e of Uonolala. deceased, hatlne troduction of a were says: Ilard work bat never tbank. is certainly ltepublican by 17.OJ0 majority. This Hi'ftjiJi jLlf00ctol,TrVU-1l-'b- - pres.ewlAo market, to have fore the public, and as it 30,000, said and a petition for the Probate kaklwAkkjc. to vew the lalwr appeal Then they're lock'd np Id durance vilr, represents a l.epnblican gain overltvsSot t, "2 thereof, and for Issuance C( them, make what you like out of done by r t.a. the of letters testamentarr to object and that - to drive tbe take in dnngcon dark, and considering the character of the work S o r. May and bnt one sometimes , r S" a Tom rcter C. Junes, Jr., bavins beea aied br Kks that whether them confound yon, I don't care.,' It has Hut those mlfht tmile a plraaant tmlh the Democrats, this majority is more significant 2 " aid Tom May and Peter C, Jones, planters into such conier. 1SSX j Jr. Who wrre made wardi of Tarke. this year than 33,000 would have been in Is hereby otdered, kiW no, a a mattUT of Felf pre already been pointed out tbat the item for - r It that MONDAY, the tab dav they wish it or There are heavy ltepublican gains in the strong of January, A.D. lW3,st III o'clock a,m. of saldda-r.a- t assibt th- jiost office receipts was paid on April Cth. Vell Tarke went on aa I have told average Court room of said Court, HaMaftksam. nervation thoy will hate tu Cab ror thirty years and Ioor. German wards of Columbus. 'Intro is an the at Honolulu, one of to is identical amount with the sum Columbus forty to tho precinct, or a Hawaiian Islands be. and the sam If hereby ap- rntli mone It iv evident that no it in And held his bead ap etont and bold. gain in of Carriage of tbe Chief Mourner. pointed tW rorprovtnz inet Cfcmmittee mere. 1000 city. time aald will and beaiins may mentioned in the report of the And fondly hoped for gain of in the Carrlayti ot Mourners. said applJr-ltlo- when and matter wliat the needs of the planter At 12 o'clock re- where any person Interested receipts of truly CuujJBustO.),Oct.H. tbe Carriage of Her Majesty tbe Queen. may appear and contest tbo said will, kakakArikm. asptance from on Finance, and represents tho He'd done hi work so well ltepub-bca- n and the ffrabtlna lie he is going to hare no to hope. turns indicate the election of tbe followinc Hia MaleMv'a hut. of fetter testamentary. of nine That be bad ricbt Butter-wort- Manalaki labor the Department for a ieriod w Congressmen: in tbe first dis- Carriage of Her Iloyal Hlchneaa tbe Princess Llkellke. It la further ordered, aotlca b thoMj in power How wriou. the And hen a rat becao to atncU Inter-lslandS.N.- that thereof cWce. by K KikMLW). .,.,,. . most pertinently months. It might very rvrtmently be K'en thtn he did not mope. trict. Brown in the Second, Jloreyinthe Third, Carriage of Her Kojal Hlshness Trlncesa Co publication, for fourteen sucretstve weeks, ln me .11 . HW. cmetion is, has lxnn Cooper Thomp- Toinalkelanl. a newspaper printed and published An4 S.W" asked where are the postofiice receipts for waa dooiu'd. Little in tbe Eighth, in the Ninth, llonoluln, t. Jintr.. if was more marked vrueii Jlr. J. lie beard It uhlprt'd, be The Chancellor. . In M.klkl VrikT Why tbey an-- did not derm It true, son in the Twelfth, Groarenorinthe Fourteeuta, HsMa)esty'a311ntfter-i- Aod It I further ordered, haid that he knew of three the last six months? don't lint J.D.Taylor in the Seventeenth, J.U.Taylor in that citattona be Issued lo 1VWW.I ! 51. Jlonier "Oh no, Mid be. 'tbat la aaanni'd Diplomatic Uorp. the subscribing witnesses to said wilt, and to tha belts Tk would agree to plant pear What kind of account keeping is Dy croakera but a few; tbe Eighteenth. E. B. Taylor in the Nineteenth Nobles. TicKirrs of the testator In their placoa of .RtowHH """ON plantations which through ran nowtobe bad theat the reaidencs so rat as ,, Mm. Htk.fW ' this which counts among receipts a sum and William McKinley in the Twentieth. Judaea of the Supreme Court. J. YOLCAXO asd UETUK known to appear snd contest the probate of said will less cane this winter W can all folly I've iot good friend In places bl;h. following: TriryCoanclllorr-- s A lonnsit leanus tbe time appointed, tWi rill W old. does not give ' rue now, The Democrats hare elected the otsceoflho -to. it and that in the meantime tetters til). Nmnkn - what result will Ix? hens if pretty near a year and Therll not decelre ConsaUr Corps. Honolulu pet time Ufcl of tbe PLANTER, will bo of temporary administration be to ll Hklkr MPMfkMlnalk'lkKl- recognize the "Tla txae they've tarn'd ont some, but I Leferre in the Fifth district. Hill in tbe Sixth, - by Railroad Pahala. lne said Ten May " Unded Puualuu, thrno- to HM,,.fi obbged to credit to a Department for its last six I Seney Thirteenth Circuit Jndses. at and P.O. Jones, Jrnj-o- their filln thuir total sad tloM the planter find thenikehes "Haretheir good will kuow. in tbe Seventh, Oathwaite in the Clerks of Got ernment Dr partment. where Horses snd Guides will be In attendance, KTCTsl bond In the sum or two .III MlkMN tkrt. and Wdking in the Fifteenth. the round trip In hundred thousand do- production With a depressed months receipts. 111 to them," aod be went, Collector tieneral of Customs. Custom Home Officers lly this rontr. Tourists can make the llar, nduce their off to election Hart, Hodges rlvln-- r to v B of tkf lulrtks. tho The showimr made is. of course, not sat Tbry promliVl all he wUh'd The of Sinks, ltomeis. ind Officers of the Cnetomi. dart, I days visit the oieano. Cited Ilonolnln, II. I., Oct. Cth, 141. JillMn and a decreased production f tlCKKTS THE ROUXll TRIP. Inclsdln: market Ana after solemn oath, tbry rent and Burnett (11. is in doubt. Tue chances of Sheriff of the dlflsrcnt Islands. relt Atletu. UENJ. II. AUSTIN. IHHco.ntt.Wlk.HW. W would look dark indeed. isfactory- - W cannot pretend to argue Members of the Par. Horses Onlde, Hoard and eou. IIkskt Llnlm future of JIawaii Uim to bis home bnt auk'df llomeis against Hard and of Sinks in tho Fourth office ot Snmi, JnillcesfSapremsCoart. upon figures which are, on the faco of are regarded as good. Forelsu Itesfdents. C sr For further particulars enqulrv at the Depnly Clerk. They said be should retain bit po t. district Generally. ihu m Drp.rtm.nt f rin.lir. of financial condi- incorrect as they stand. It may be lletums are unofficial, but such as we hare give Hawaiian Population The fchowing up the them, Ilia office he aboald hold. Mckin- Hawaiian Cavalry. d S. N. Co.. Honolulu, I but And Iota of pleasant words they McKinley not less than 1000 majonty. Mr. Police Force. Tenders Wanted . of the government which has been that there is only a printer's error, tod Hocss I01 Tk. M.lMWkMtMnlMlMM' tion At blm they bad jnst told. ley was unseated by the present Congress and his Or lo J. F. JORDAN. Volcasq jamle columns and in those of there has been ample time to hav e had it election ltepublican gain. nnriirjw Aviiar, uu lot in thew is a office i:KCiVi:n T.ilktr. 11 an effect corrected, if such there is, and it should He went bla way. In spirits gay. Benjamin Butterworth (IE.) is elected in the X at the of tha Clerk of the Mipretue L'ottrt 4 nr conteiuiKiranos. has had It And had a plcaaent Inuch np to 15 o'clock SATURDAY, tho 1st day First by 2500 majority. Mon - of !. tilt' hhowu last week that after tlie road have been corrected: no showing so care- A Ii hough In rplrita, I did say, district about November, IS I, for iranslatln-- from EnslUt into tlllLncr wai ffHuMM-a- na The following figures show tho pluralities given Hawaiian Fourth. Volume of Iteport-t-. Dejiart-mej-it bo satisfactory-This- " TV as notsscA. the Hawaiian AkMkl was tstirrvd. the Interior lessly put together can 1 o'clock T. .M , Sunday, iM.tr Amart matter ia Ohio in the Presidential elections and the State The Trocesilon will format Tbe bids mut be fora lumpsum for ths entire work: WaUlM Jl'aaMalaol digurgeil money to the road makers statement is of a piece with all the He et about bla ork so rprnce. elections in Presidential years from 18C8 to 1880, on Emma Street. the translation to be lerlbly written od one tide of KoMUatm uonc. And did not dream of HI; of 18S2 Those wbe are to precede the Csuraliue, will form foolscap paper, ready for the printer. Si Aaa kaalla who kept waiting &everal ofhcial acts which have lately been Premier t,lbble 'd eook'd bla gotMt. the plurality for Secretary State in and the Emms Square, and lho-- Steamship Company koTni.n had Itnt plurality for Governor in 133 : between Berelanta Street and The Supreme Court does not bind Itself to accent on Saturday laM thehamoDe It shows nn ostentatious desire to disre- Then sent blm In tbe tltf who are to follow, on Emma Street tnala of the ltcti any or the lowest bid. months:" - of bUte l',TM-K- rp. plurality Mr. Bishop. Dy order ot tbe Court. ,. .JanU Kaar money law insult the public. Tbat very nlzht joet after dark dene of ...,.. partment paid Mr. A. Jaeger tho gard and sj.ijs The proceiilon will Url at 2 precisely, Xa WILLIAM FOSTER, UottlttlM . l a note, rresiaent Clerk. 'inian(lrr He to Tarke state 11,13- 0- proceed BereUnlsMrect tolSauauu IMITBD ISrtL . ..A which had Uon owing to him on account and will thronsb Ilonolalu. Oct. Sth. pill St MaLtnan 40h! HarthU Tarke, yoa'II soon berUtk. Tresldent 5TA"I to Royal ilausoleum. rkaMKl March 1st yon by tLroatt) Meeet, thence tbe m of tho Public Nnrbery from to NOTES. He's cot the 1S7S Sec of State ,( " The Trocesalon will be under tho direction of the Mortgagees Notice of Intention to C- " IMaul foreclose 31st or this year. If jieojilc will Then Tarke eat to the mantlon grand TI- Governor of Oahn and IEAI.jmB August - ILalv thuRf.tr hasbceo o- and of Sale. Hit) and state their griev Tnt- mt,t nf the rhokra to Of MWtcrMinlitcr, I,w- .. ..KM bin only come forward 9i.ttW,OUO f ranee in depreciated trade. 'M.OOO.Ol.O And qoeetlon'd official bland Tresldent 3L2- S- Keoca Bale, October glth. I'm i: Stuil.t. that HUlS-llc-ni. TX ACCOUDAXCEWITII A 1'OU'- - Ka auces a public manner, there is little for uoveramen. " What waa there new artir, of State " cr of tal In a certain ...AK1(-4- II in iranca in ireasure, 18S3 " ' Time J. tale cod ted mortjraca Bud by tktMltb Kmi ... eerenty-fiv- e percent, Governor liTt Route and Table. Hart them to fear. The Cabinet cannot bear jet It i dtiuouslrabla that of so late, Tax-Collecto- ! Henry J. and Ellis A. Hart of Honolulu, Island Nortfc Kmi.... san- "Tliat be bad sent for him various in r's Notice of Oahn, doing bnalnest under . .AV A llaalilla ! this 1om could tare been prcrcnted by proper The total rotes cast in the elections thenrra name of Ilart Mt1k hmwte . dear light of day shed upon 'Wast aomethlnrhe'd forgoir' 1870 : to DrodIe,datcd the 5th (llltul-lt- i that the man Ohio since wero as follows Dro, John day of October, P!, wrthKnliIi.t J any- itation. "Oh no!" replied the of tUte, recorded In the office of the Registrar of Conveyances their transactions, and the moment ' I fwR.STJ IImtkM ....lifTSilcll rather cneaa its not." In liber SI, on folios l&ri, H2) snd 17U; notice Is thing comes forward in the columns of the Tni fLufiiu Tmutriint aftvn: "The Hawaiian HWI 7..I.96K District of Honolulu, Oahu, 1884 hereby ia" bill ah hum ah hnni sb (proloocedj .' KINAU given that said mertsafee Intends to foreclose aald hardun. Big piles of unpaid " Dit Secretary of otal-- f ti,18 STEAMER o ItObcda of Gorernmcut for condition broken, and upon fore- public press, there th at once a rattling and no money to uy them. Here is a chance for "Ah, mnst tell yon so. 71B.1G8 said Krar course yon will not think yoorr wrongvd, 7?J,WW closure will stj si public suction, at tbe salesrooms of i dry bones, a f clerks, an at Logland, 1 ranee or Germany to catch a new col- "Of of Stale (cattmatcdj IJlriTIUCT Lyons A In Ilonolnla, UMaWalU bcurrjiug Knt yoc have got to fft. nndersl-toe- will com Levey Island of Oahn, ON Kalh V i way we are Fpoten about-no- t are hereby notified that the KING, Commander. SATURDAY, the Sth day ItmalH J Uiu teiupttobhift rcsjwiisibilitj and a settle- ony." This tbe 1 or Taxes for the enrrent year at of November, I"ot. at 12 M., very saiisiaciory cenatmy. I've got to go!" cried Tarke afcj(t From tho Orient. mence the Collection ,Vill iravt Uonolaln each Tuesday at 1 T t., far La- of said day, tbe premises as described In said xnortcactt Ualam possible. In the matters we have ohy? his office, makal of the Government Home, Maalaea, Kawaihar, fled. Mlfc A Kala ment if "Tell me the reaon halna, Makena MahuLona s beloOs peel small amounts involved, Dm lOlh Report of the "Oh have 1 found yon out 1 lait A ficvcro typhoon visited Amoy on August 22L and Illlo Hilo Thursday at noon, Further particulars can be had of J. M. Moosarrat. i MMat amlLMBl treated hae lir Ainu,rA. tbo Annual arrlvtn-- ; Jl.kta was mslmulator elyl Two or three vcsbcls went on shore. One was On Wednesday, Oct. 15th at the rami porta on return, hack Attorney at Law. JOHN CICODIE, J NO. M KA1ENA. there are yet larger to come. Bora and Girls Aid Society of San Francison, SatnrdayJtatSP. H. (aid completely wrecked, by which three Europeans Mortcseee. - MlnMn ! FlfuiM. receircu, lorwarucu oy iuooujrtiu.iuiufc,dii..va. ' Thi vm dJT.yoa to me, with Section W of tbe New Tax Law, PASENOER T1IAIN from Malll will Icitr each Ilonolnla, October Mb, tWI. 1 my place; and a good many Chineso lost their lives, and a In conformity T. IkmleT. He wishes to state tbat: "Hois and " Tbat abould keep persons subject to Taxation are requested to make Friday at IP 1L. to connect with the Klnan at The leprosy question cannot be too crit (particularly bojs) for eernco at " T.ot now that 1 mut oueled be great many sampans were ntterly destroyed and all Ctrls mar be had c rally face drowned. A. payment of the same to blm ically or too considered. That wage, inueniurt?, or nuu,iiuu,vj " And ayt with numbers of their occupants typhoon Tbe Klnau WILL TUUt II at and Paanbaa ea upon which iland. tbe Restaurant and llllllard October, 1854. lor ior icr. was experienced Hongkong on night of rati,n-r- La License Expiring in i essential, to eradi witli Teeommndatioa.tothebQDeriatend- - "Ah Ahl" drawrdoottbeMlniilcr also in tbe 15th on doien tnp for if s lnal made from Tal lor known as tbe"Wue House," No. 7 and 9 a Mgrcgation in order 10th. ho a been On Before Monday, Dec. the ahora Honolulu, 11. A 'lhis yea reason why September 'I da) warning tad or street. siren by Charles Drenlc to A. ltt;TAII.-Ukll- disease, cnt" filanco through the "Ah tbf l. cato or quell the Miread of the is " Yon are not In aceord," fair Sir. given of its approach, and consequently there were 3T bteamer Klnan will not taki braty frcizht fur Loo Nnawk, dated l&lh of July, 19TS, recordeef In liber is a most economically wotkeu msiHnuoii auu ma. - pjcta--e- tltimmtuU however be So yon mutt quit the sty tuippiuKt ua.ne Or they will be liable lo an additional ten per cent inpanoenoe l.idi irriai anu oniy. ah K. folios . snd to tbe said mortfacott by llHSoli FaHtvinort Hot to ikt doubted It must it is doing an excellent work." lew aisaaiera iu vi iviviu. heavy freltrht for the above pott will bo taken by tbe said Loo Nnawk on the of December, 1 klm Kmi.i rttwrt A Tientsin corresDondent of the Jam Gazette, added thereto. .nth Unrec- rnllV aW genuine segregation on Molokai. and not Tbe aald L, tbat waa a slip, All coins will be received at their formw current Lehua and hitauca Hon orded liber 17. folio, to. The lea-- baa four years 2 t'hln Vrtk k1 Xw f, 1 date of September 2d, sajs: Chinese now Das O'CoNStix, late editor of tbe Guvemment " The Gortrntarnt mean under "ihe rates np to Ihe end of November. GEO. II. LtCK more to ma from 1st Aatut, Put. Th: main building I Nnn"wtmt thotdium pretence of Kaliiako Just 1 much incensed the catastrophe kwi'hnc. orcan lias been pohlisbinc a few of bis views upon "There, there, thought you'd drop your lip. Government is at Tax Collector, Honolulu. cental at two iaro room on thcrfround floor and live bnrUm theorj' of leprosy is the stlb " Hut yon cant be green. of especially as that scoundrel 'ri- - rooms wllb a with water laid en tbe second 4 r A, Fort atrw-- the "KalfikauV KioKdom," the Attn California. itare t 4 C, in censor, had Tm.j: lllut A.', ject of much investigation Auaeslhcsia He Eitfca tae idea that this is a pefectlr Vobvc been so lone policemen's chief. the notorious STEAWlErVLIKELIKE,' s ' . come down town, " You can not want relief. promised to not only tbe French but to thine ior. 14 by tome believed to indicaU- leprosy, place. Inat merchants Chinese READ IT ALL. lounge nway or ao, pettinq an appetite for " And, though In acre and yrllow leaf. capture the French BcL Iu guns tbo ft A bartltt. animalcnles an hour LORENZEN, Commandor. Executor's Notice ! llmrt- " lint tho itresonce of or of it Yon bare not come to grief, actually had tho superiority, but as for the men ! HrfUP. lunch, and after partaUnc tbat meal "wishes Honol-U- Mottday lint lun KwJ.' blood, or the existence Email ami nffitYm nnd skill the less said the better. The IT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE. leaves every at t P.M. for ST 1 of any kind in the were coarse there is a KX1.CL'- - t. MmtootACo. Hotrialrcrt dinner time.1 Uf " Tbat Is if you're been wide awake work thoroughly and showed no Kahulnl, Keanae erery other week; Ilnelo, TIIK UXDinWKiXKU, n Say Maooaki' .urrt sjiots on the surface of the sketch of tbe Inland politics, aod also, of course, - And Iiavr well filled your puree French did their Hana,Kipahuluand Nnu. Itetarnlns: will atop the L tor of the Will of MIL W. WENNKR, or llonoluln, of anaesthetic because two French sailors captured at - at t ,n llnp. Maaaakiaalmf the reader is informed that the Ministerof Foreign Hut If not nay. yonr head don't ahake, pity, Hop porta arrlvln- back Saturday morn In- devested, notlfles all irenons bavins claims against Nr- VT,Mr Inaly is no surer oi iejirosy man a Bitters 1 - kmnu HotHatrort lmucauon Affairs is a bright and shining light, a thorough " Tor yo lta all the worte; Kelung were tortured and mutilated in horrible mails and passenera only. thesaid,ctate to present the aame duly authenticated, in EtMIall A tMHi kins rlrwi " is of witchcraft. Koch's famous mannir before decapitation. Jtie next rrencn IKE with proper vouchers, whether secured by mortcase or it lr. politician: further, that tue opposition all wanted " a-- will not cringe and bow nnderst-ne- V Hams Lunr kf A l' Ilolri ttrrrt by ac For yon morp. nrobabtv. will boon Formosa and Hunan. otherwise, to tho within air months from To atreot microbe, theory of cholera, latest places for themwlvea, and that they made a dis- And Koutow me before, -" date, or they will b forever barred. Notice Is Ifl niMrr JL' rTlrt Aj' you but it is possible an attempt may be made to forco also It W atlw W bllf. kloir ftnsrt " counts bj be of little value mal fAilnrnfnfhcLFinsIalure. Neither the sketch " I and my colleagsea ahow now hereby given that I bare thi day deputised W. C. Illtaoa krr llnlH trtat ainears merchant!, nor tho sketch of the opposition " Outfldc the official door." I'ai 11, wuere mo suineso oi uis uunu-rr- The Purest and Best STEAWER- LEHUA," to collect monies doe to the Estate. II While wo desire that the most stringent of the fleet hare taken shelter. All t bese operations, Orel; sll 11 Tal iiom:, To. kakaakn correct. Also oi course, our mcrcaanw are not left the mantlet, fine H E. McINTYKE, A. enforced, is Poor Tarke ihea however, will lead to no results unless the Chinese Vi nhihl Hlnr rw Ktciiard MercuaHt uon rules of .segregation be we think lot tera. but busy men, and tbe opposition did And a he patscd the door, Medicine ever made WEISBARTH, Commaudor. Executor of ill of U'm U'enm r IS A I. 1 oil Mrfri see 30,000 or 40,000 French troops in China, JIonolnlu,An-;us- t 13th. 19SL 6m nuy not want places. It would be a difficult matter to To Koutow. la not In my line " cither . Ia It. Iltmr o. kaitalama KIhb atirrt mat loo greax. cauuou iu mujjuiruuj, or, at crcnt, know they are on tbe way. It is THEY ARE COMPOUNDED FROM Leave" Honolulu rsch Mondai.at P M.forPaau-ban- . 1m get an opposition man to accept office. lie aald although I'm poor! all ) IIP1I k. posed cases cannot used. naiii rrauceuas a kohalalele UokaU, kukaiau. Honohlns, ia.m-ad- . conditional compnciwiiu .japan arrive tflj T II M klnc ttivrt And sarin) tbla, ihe dooi be been here, we will strong- Hops, Bnchu, Mandrake and Dandelion. Ilakalan and Unomca Rrturnlni will 2Cnu Zllivcrtisrmciits. w Mtilih A Wo have beard that the formation of a Tux Monthly for October, armed by something Enomoto has and, hear, back each ialordy H ',l'nrt vtrrit thrrlatd Then thousht of ore, ly of any allegorical demand l M h rarrlH ror Ilnel A Nona at Medical Society has has been suggested the Alamttta, and proves, on perusal to contain a. 1 on and your colleague may be jammed insist on satisfaction "Tbe Oldest, Beet, mod renowned f treaty and a form ot recognition of the or number of capital articles. A city in the West," He murmnr,d, did not corse for a 'and Valuable Medicine In the World, At. Nooaoo here Xo better means interchanging ownership by Japan Loochoo. ho is re- '.J Chlnr trt in rrisn manner the dirtant citT of If all the best ?i Hoo Ho A Mooaoo trvrl medical views or experience can be AnomercodaketchistheI)lwoTtry fused there will be farther complicaUons by which 'and In addition contain STWIR. KILAUEA HOU, T. VTo Jl ', SoiattN of iSantaFe, The Ramie Plant. effect properties J. Waterhouse, rtrtrt - and most he rurathe i i 1i '". Wn Iioim- t nee such an Associa of Nevada Fall, Yownite, by one of tbediscOTer-crs- . France will be able to make Japan a base of oper- i Ah Ulloaoirw Mc- - or bclnz the greatest - tlno ". A Nooono highly txlncated and skill- There are two good Indian campaign sketches IUtox IkOCGE, (La.) August H. Governor ations, all other litters, McDONALD Commander. t Jao alrrrl tion among our '. been degraded, no longer Grand BLOOD FUU1FIER .'( "1 1' A II Mo Tool. 1.nl atrort and some amusing stories. The Serial, rhe Cam tnery recetvea tae toiiowmg t "Li has lie is Liver Kegolator, Uill oni m b w ek fi r ramt ports iMiri.s-i.MLi-rio- M ful prnctiUoncr. Guardian, or High Com- or tin; Jt oI1I1m A.Uo,koooomiiKt4mt palgn at aiultlleton, conunuefl wiin unauaieu Tue lUiitE Ficee Vo.. Secretary, or Senior and life and health restoring agent on St the Lehni U M m (MtW Viceroy. He now only acting Viceroy. fwt firm rigor to satirize a political campaign. I'rofcssor West Fifteenth-stree- New Yore, i missioner is J J T M aKvbfMnr. (ort No. 422, earth." selling ln1 VsmM two diroctiuns the newo comet that Sill contribute a paper on Emerson swritincsand Tit Kxrellenev Governor of IJoaisiana. He made a dreadful mistake in the China Jl l.wni A , Ilia the Company's fleet, but ho was in that Aged Followiiij! Goods 1m Jrii rtfii ilrilish has at last decided there is plenty of miscellaneous matter. It also Sin, Kindly allow ns to inform yon and Merchant They GIre New Life and VIp;or to the .Inst lieci'ivcd Itaii Hfwrwr nanAio-M- ftirrt the Government Deiti business tho victim of tbe roost rascally STEAWIERIVIOKOLII," linn tint Nouann iif1 a Xcw announces a new serial, to begin with the next your Department of Agriculture of an important Infirm. M ti) on the annexation of largo part of ever hatched in China. Tbe details and at J T A II .IrthmiM . alw I November ) latue "On the Edge of a New Laud," evolution we inronga n.prw , kHHl, jrrlKttWt Colonial taking the in ramie mausiry. coming out one by one and are astonishing, "To Clergymen. Lawyers, Literary 71 Mno MOB HMfl Guinea. The papers, by Ada Iangworlhy Collier. It is n story of the rraM reeontltr illotMivered the ttcrArrini of the b.irk are McCRECOR Commander. i. i.vrr. nicn.iii-- A and a history of the China Merchant Company, Ladies and all thofc a is than no seUlemcnt Iowa, beginningiththcflrstminers -i Men, Labourers, adngo that half loaf letter of heretofore 'required is with, and tbe Tong Leasee Itonolnin each Weilnesday. for Kannakakal, Mho Tentured aeons the river into tho unknown which is, intact, tbo biographies of tbe sedentary employments cans! PuLoo, Moanul, Halawa, Wsilau. Peleknnn It V J FaimTOw. kln.ptrrct lircml, express mcmseive a sausueu simple raw bark easily nepnrated from tbe stalk is bemg When whole Kamaloo, country of the Indians. The author is said to be now commercial product which we are buying. clan, or firmly, is constructed. the Blood, Stomach, and Kalanpapa, retnmin- - each Monday eventn Blaok FrencL. Merinos, iti.r.ui.-- n that some action has lieen taken, but they a company was sold it was on its last legs. The irregularities of tbe ui a daughter of the fint aettler, and old residents of you know, ramie is a vegetable silk growing Ikmcts.or Kidneys, or who require an air-- . Mit. M'allokn loook a wider protectorate in tho rroogntza mnn .s robberies of tbe funds since the conipanv begin. mild Stimulant Ladles' and Gent's I'mhrellap M for far Iowa will pioneer characters and Eiaiks or nre Appetlrer, Tonic, and not responsible for any 4 M k lam, ailakn from roots in atraigut oi ioor iwl In 1S73, come to some 10.0U0.OU0 tatls. pro- invaluable, cirThe Company will be Linen Fine Silk is not only New Guinea which incidents drawn from life. Thenarneof.Mrs.Col perennial yield several crop yearly. ihe thee Bitters are belns frelj-h-t or unless reeelpleil for, nor for per- oChtOflltiP.kabolol future. It It is and fits were immense, but tho peculations exceeded 'hi::hly curative, tonic and stimulating, Ladles' and Gent'a Hosiery. 1 Iierwill be at once recognized by readers of the buys bark at firo cents sonal unless plainlv marked. Not responsible klmlVrltMMie. I'ala Makmtt they wish to W incorjxjratod into the Km Our company the crude gains, great as they were You will hoar more without Intoxicating." lEinbroldcrtdriotli Tabk iovirt Imv liwp , Konolol Orft laml aa the writer of several poenn that hare average one the for money or jewelry unless pliced la charje of the If of New New Ircrionnd. The yield of this bark is soon will fine theme "No matter what your feellnss or f. II MfftMM.(, "oor Dire, but the islands llntain. tiecn widely copied over the State, and by readers per acre. of yonr about this matter and have a or Parser. ton of bark The agriculture 'urmptomt are, or what the disease posflibl- will taki-- of Live Stock, the & T Lom Um hw, Mallokn a few adjacent to the in es as ntociated with poems and for moralizing." Don't All can bat Ladies1 Gent's Underwear, Ireland and grous tbe interior btat State can receive considerable from this smugglers, 10J num- aliment It, use Hop Bitters. Company will not assume any risk of accident. A tones tbat have attacted attention there. new would our inte- A band of armed opium in wait until you are sick, but if you only itirrAit.nn ah. largo Island. still wider field was pro f product, and it be to mutual leaving British territory on the night of HAML O. WILUEU. President; ' lUtrh. k A I Iopatko. Illlo rest to diffuse this information in your rural dis- ber, after feel bad or mlierabla. use tbe Bitters at S U ROSE, "Woolen the Sydney Convention, no less n severe tbo Chinese yonr life. s &Cotton:Shirtsf NkokaU poed at Ore friend the Mr rhaut m sieaklng of the tricts. We will always bo pleased to receive and the ttb inst., bad a brush with 'once. It may save OFFICE t jruer Fort and Queen Streets. were Seen saved by so doing, at a HKQ 3 than tho establishment of an Anglo Saxon Trade and Keciprocity, initsi&suoof the answer any inquiries on the subject. We incloso custom officers and soldiers, and drired back have llonol-il- hept 10. 1W. 10th inst., remarks na follows- "We take pleasure into British Kowloon. Ihe smugglers had 0 'trifling cott." AS SO or ft. control over all the Island groups of the herewith sample representing tbe stalk, tbe bark i. Aklka. faiatHM. Ill in telling our Hawaiian friends that the prospect process. you worth of opium iu their possession. IV Hiobana Moooapo "" Pacific Crtf If prrmter ;wr ijm rjntr, hav and tho fibre treated by our Hoping Hong- Ask your Drnggiat or Physician. never was more assurinc than it i in regard deem above worthy of yonr consideration, Hegular steam communication between White Linen Shirts and Collars, ItonChnn. Inatw, Illlo a or annexation in Xew will tbe kong west coast Mexico, Yokohama "Do not suffer vourself or let your a.': Maa Mo. kaiMaln. N kokala ing legun xlicy to a continuance of the treaty of commerce with wo remain, dear sir, your very respectfully, and the of na friends tuner, bnt nse and nrgc tbcni lo Jm Smith. MakanaU. Guinea, we may look for it" leing carried the United State. Uvcry objection to it has been and Honolulu, will be commenced tho latter part Hop Bitters." LAT I.N r .STILUS; r kthla F. Jcvenlt, Secretary. by Mexican Pacific. Navigation nie SiApatwa kktfaV,lUmakoa The Agents-Gener- broken down, and it now only depends upon those Governor Mcllnery referred the above to Major of October the 'Remember, Hop Bitter it no rite. tal still further in the future Wool in kalfitao lnR IViUmodi. Kalian, moat nearly interested to work loyally to develop Bird, who of tbo opinion the cultiva- Company. 'droned, drunken nostrum, but the Dres. Ooodr, 3t flitinj: Lamal, llllw of the colonies are push- tng T.J. is that 'purest and medicine erer made Ladies Hats, trimmed and untrimmed; various to tbe utmost the pa) trade between California plant is well worthy the ntfn-tio- belt Ul.rAII.-KA- tion of tbe ramie 'and no person or family should be rLSTTER-ISLAN- D Ostrich Feathers t l. matter all the time, and now that Honolulu. Y measure of that trade ia, in- ing the end bat tbe of Louisiana agriculturists. He says ho Japan was visited on September 10th by the without It." t J M Cho K . lUoalH, Xew South Wales understands how mucli mar be inferred by a glance at tbe valne of the tends to procure an adequate amount of seeds, severest typhoon experienced in a number of years. t At.1'tmk. kapala.UI.t merchandize emorted to the Hawaiian Kincdom which he neces- Yokohama, Tokio and Nagasaki suffered the most MANTJTACTURrNG CO.. Edgings and Insertions, M to rrained by united action. Me mav will forward free of charge with HOP BITTERS J 4 II llnph .. olttf-- is be during tbe first half of the present year from San Y- TJ will sary information to a limited number of reliable sererdy. At Yokohama a number of vessel- were Melbourne, Australia, Rochester, N STEAIV1 IKTI'IMM.. expect that a united front continue to lTanciwo aione. ii tue value oi cireci auipmems agriculturists in of tbe country, damaged and the German schooner Mtrrti cap- NAVIGATION CO. a iim; i.or or 1h various sections S., Toronto, London, Antwerp, Paris. AUVa Walj.ln, Hawaii lo shown. The time may not so very from New York and Ikxton to Honolulu could be who will agree to give the ramie culture A fair sized. A number of buildings were unroofed and II Tat IlaocAOo kakaakn. Itcootahi added, together with tbe lumber shipments from For Sale by M l"ar vtlicn Hawaii will find herself and report to him the result of their experi- in the native quarter 120 houses were seriously e" CO . Awabwt. Nlolti. N Koltala distant very test h: 1IOLL1STER J. llono.ln. SCOTCH It tbe entire 1'acific coast, tbe showing would be ment. A nlo Aiffi iran Tttn, damaged, two natives lost their lives and nine TWEEDS, 11 Kw UnMnot; Lnnr. IlotW utrwt. )tMolat a shuttlecock in the hands of lwwers she better, but the partial returns available 1". mach were badly injured. At Tokio the destruction was Xotlce. Maa kiwLoojf 0n. UHka lrrrt,llooolala cannot with should satisfy any one of advantages accruing, Administrator's 1 1rote lloaii, f. ailakn Maol coiie the The GoTernets of HawaII tbe greatest. A large number of buildings were KltfHr, to San Francivo csneciallr. thronch the Island a theater, chapel TVJOTJCK IS IIKKKBY GIVlV t Ah kBl. kaoal destroyed, including a bazar, a spnolnted Admin New Designed Prints, ?i oont Chrtnp, laahNi, Illlo Ialtor trade. U e shall present these figures however, aa 1'aAtrnir, Hawaii, Oct. 22. 1S31. and tbe Normal College, besides many houses in It tbat the nniprlned has been -- T That cheaper is required in order istrator of the Estate of David McCartnrr, Jr.. late of Steamer "PLANTER" Ah II A Aoa. I'ahalat kao they are. and institute a cornparmon of the volume - Gov- of bay rose t.lniljl Grert Variety of botb or Fjrroa CJazitte:- H. It. II. roomaikalani Tiukijt, The water the at Fuksgawa 11 on .Ml arr 1 ft M n A i'o, Nnoaittt 1rvl. Ilfmololo to continue the production sugar at of our export trade countries which are mutt. creditor oi Ilonokaa, Hawaii to other erness of Hawaii, spent several days at tbe resi- eicht feet above its usual level and boats were notified to file ibelr claim, duty authenticated, and :i Akaoa. tirrseul rates is not to Ih1 denieil. it ii a popularly supposed to be of infinitely greater com- Miau, convey passengers through tho any exist, with the said GATE, Commander. 2t Hart ltrm, for nun mi A Jnfrn rta. It melt la dence of Judge District Jndge of Hamakua, used to streets. with the proper vouchers. If Ruglish and Goods serious fad. Japanese can !m got if the mercial value to California than tho Hawaiian and at J. It. Mills at llonokaa. and several dnrs several nver steamers are niso Btiiij to nave ocen Administrator, at his oHlee In llonoluln within six American Itl.ll.l.lkV M'MtlT. VV. D find Islands. at the residence of A. Lyman at Fannbau. On sunk. The total number of houses destroyed is months from date. W. HALL, I.e.ivc.s Honolulu for .Maalaea, Kona . If"" oi A i'o, Nnnann rtrcrl. Ilonolala government can unns to defray the txiMitTf is It Administrator Estate David McCartney, Jr . it Tiu.err. raT halt r Sabbath morning October 20th, the Governess at- given as 100; ships and boats wrecked, 91 liTes SIT Idftifhan A Co. IVnaans rtm-l- Iln4al The planters urge that Govern- .rrat lirltaln and IrrUnd .. JT.WWll 40. escaped Oct Sth. W" anil Kau- - on a Frank llrown.llmliant llaoalianlManilo 1,4U.tnr tended dtnne worahtp at tbe native church. lost, 10; rersons injured, Nagasaki rum.llonIula ment restrictions which have been placed Around pulpit were vines and flowers, considerable less damage, but much destruc- ii ItllTAII.firiKIT. wVork lraSkTI the and on with Administrator's Notice. WEDNESDAY. Oetobrr d.. ...at 1pm inwn Chinese inunirration should 1k re Honrkorc and China . . . l.u.s.nr' the table stood a large bouquet or ferns and bright tion was also wrought tbere, both oathe water MONDAY. NovemborW at 1pm .' U h HrachUlllns, n llnrrr !klio ColamMa tM.tQTi colored flowers. At room I M' NMut.ll. Horn) moved for a time, in order to relieve the IlritUb the fattier end of the on and on shore. UXDKIWICXKI), HAVI'(i IWfl Mexico K1.5K wall, words 1 no following changes TJIKJ- Iwcn Estate of H Hlrr alwn tbo were tae "Aloha ko Kiaaina,1 1 in the British Consular - appointed Admlnlftralor of the Arriving on labor crisis. This the go ernment An oIpobiIv aaid Etato- - Sometime service, Eerrice Japan been decided upon, con- Iter. W. T. Alexander, late of Wall oka, Man). deceased, at Honolulu imuwiiiui)., FUR I. rt, . (onoolitan IMfl m ha lhia comnarative before the appointed hour of in have Il.r nlon NatwH to do We do not know W e have crowded people sequent on the promotion of air. Aston to be notifies all person havlnc claim azalnat said estate !l,h I at present refuses inent is eloquently sogecstire. a handful the church wai with from all aame, with the proper voucbera attached, v7EUNEDAY. October rsui ..at 5 p m .' Ja f.Wiplr- atono TOAW parts As Corea: the appointments, how- to present tbe i)4. what new information has been received to of people, about all told, the majority of of East Hamakua. tbe Gorernes enter in wlikin six months from date or they will be fewer SUNDAY, November 5tb ..at 5pm PHAOTIOAIi iJb JWrl.ro, Hawaiian Hotrl horn have emerged from buy- ed the audience aroe at the sound of the organ ever, are to be considered as provisional until tbe 4 t'oaamnrlal HolH Vuitod would look recently barbanm, barred, aod all personaowing said estate are requested ?I Khaoo, indicate that the States of every description in Cal- and sang Hawaii Fonoi. Then followed pray- Corean establishment has been permanently set- M. ALEXANDER. .' Ja I'tentboMi IIMrl ing more merchandise to make Immediate payment to J. ltH. upon Iurtlier Chines immigrauon as nn ifornia than any other country in the world, ex- ers and a hymn in Hawaiian. The quartetteVrom tled: Mr Enslie becomes Counsnl at Nagasaki, Administrator with the Will annexed of Iter. W. P. mi(iLi.siki.i:srntii. fneutlly. The planters' trustees in 1SS2, cept tbe opulent and populous Hntisb Ialea. And tbe llonokaa church, Mrs. Orerend, Miss Camp Mr. Quin is promoted to be Consul at Hakodate Alexander, deceased. DRUGGISTS : M i .riobxwni A Co, (jwn ctrrrt were it not for tho beat export to the United and Mr. Lyman, then sang very finely "Jesus and Mr. Longford becomes at Tokio. Halkn. Maul, Oct. th. HW Im Steamer "IWALANI" ThM 5 II t, Co yan Wrert nddressetlVt note on the subject to Minis ft. Kingdom, tLe Hawaiian Island would stand upon Lorir of my Soul. The simple but interesting During a heavy gale on September 2Cth, a forest No. I 13 &;i 15 STREET .mi ler Conily, who referred themtoPresident loshine-gor- i, Y Administrator Notice. CAMERON, Commander, FOnT in. record as a better customerof California merchants were conducted by lteT. W. M. Kalaiwaa nt Omineyama, ana to, belonging J Nant-M- - IVm ITrtoolala Message, which mo Government, caught fire consequence of Arthur's mentioned the even than Great Britain. natire pastor, uis suoject ueing namneis ail to the in uNJi;nsic:xui givi.so- - DEPOT FOR COERICKE A 5CHRE--Krr- ID MnoJIawo Dalrr. Urania la vice to the poodIo servo God. and honor the the friction of the trees daring the storm. A large Tin;X. tlce, h been only appolntea AumlnUtrs Leaves evtry TUEMlAY, st3 p m. for Nawlllwlll. 1" subject of Uittnthg the Hawaiian Is to" tbat hat . Cnl It Kitten. 1lonnll King.' The Governess then spoko kindly to the area is said to hnve been destroyed, and as many tor Tith the Will annexed, of ihe Etate of Cart. Koloa, Eleele and Walmea. Ilurnln--- leavea Nawlll- 3t Cootjirr A Co, Mooolitla ands. Bnt it was after that Sleshage and B each Haitian. Thomas spencer, late of Illlo, Hawaii, decraaeil. All wlll every SATURDAY evenlnj; arrtvfn-- f back every natire people, urging them to obey the laws to of the trees were valuable, the loss is estimated at SL'NDAV. mornib-;- . Hi; A HIS. note, that the Hawaiian GoAornmcnt ar protect young II Ala picnic held at Sir Joseph Hanks groumll care for, and to tbe children, and yen. nndfled that thev must nreaent the aame. dulr verified V Jtn Mvhoian. knna.llabo ranged with the Pacific Mail Co and then Holany N. W. (OctS.) In honor or Wilham to cherish the aged. She promised her help and Ihere were twentr-fii- cases ot cholera in Tokio IlOFfflC 1E1H, 13 AICartTlrbl,olr.kooa.Ualio h. and with tbe proper vouchers, to the nnderslirned, with Mr. SpreckeLs for the intmdnction of llonch tlie victor iu the llanlan-Iteac- rowing con- Srnpstby to both native and foreign, and asked during August and three of them ended fatally. within three (5) month from the date of tbla notice, 13t. WtHn.Jr, kMa,VaL prevent. return. Her remarks were interpreted . bavin; already expired since similar 91 K II JotH. Koaa. test, llescb and Hanlsn were both In s. lAroftirft". (three months Stmr. JAS. BTAKEE, tha Chinese tmuiigranta. oy jiii-jbi- ii RICKSECKER'S Jl M It AoHIn, ! to tho toat "Goovl health and profpenty to Hie foreigners by It A. Lyman. Hon. J. K. notice was given me unuerfinru, as There is maple reason to IxJieve that proposed Mr. Keacn, nan- Kaunamauano responded to toe Governess speech Admlnlstralort or thev will be forever barred: and all FREEMAN, N.mn.i.Mi to Ail ward Hanlsn," iy perron owing Ihe aild Estate, are to make Commander follows for the Hawaiian, and Itev. Mr. GoodeU of the Special Notices. nSjEt-TJ-lVEEl- S 19 IaUa, llMoa-- ., Kao tho American Government would make no tan roiiliedaa nawm.nt SI KITTTf V1U1 1 J lliey could not know bow he felt honoured br Honoka-i- chnrcb replied in behalf of tbe English .mnl.f. etery FRIDAY, at a. m . for Waiabea. Iai lit 111. objection to a limited nomlier of Chinese Admlntitrator with the Will attached of tbe Estate of WaUIoa, Kapaa and kllaoca. ICetarnin- - tiemg there to do honour to the man who deserved speaking people, 'ihe quartette then sangwith ALLEN, Thomas Spencer. tr learr. Kara I MR, F. I . 10 Labalti Maot now. meet W. every Tt EADAY, at p. m and touch in r at Walalna Frank Clark. laliorcrs coming here to the Although he had been defeated, he was not much taste "come ye" and a hymn sung by the 11 no. uawaii. uci i. - ASUTUE it. llasah office with Meir-re- V DrcweriCo.cn Queen w and Waianae; arrlvln- back .very WEDNESDAY At TItV pressing necessities of the hour. Bnt prejudiced ngaiotuis opponent, air. iteacn Hawaiian choir and tho audience " come thou ii. afternoon. TM Maal whether the government will or will not all thfv trn Lira. Ha knew from what Almighty king closed the service Aa the peo- Street, and he will be pleated to attend to any budaes COMMON SENSE 11 Ain. koolanpnkn.Oahn they had dune for him that it would encourage ple rasr-e- out. old and young pressed tbe band entrusted to him i fou t l II HltctHwtrk. Hawaii seek to facilitate this result iciierbaiisnot Heach every oarsman, to GovrrnesR, and wished her many ii Steel Mr. and other uf the aloha's. Ralls Hi. him. and kohta, kaoal 1 I John I1m. to ex)xx;toil If the planters should row to win. Mr. I teach and ho were matched to HONOLULU, Aug 96tb, IW. PORTABLE OR PERMANENT Stmr. C. R. BISHOP, - f 11 kawalh'lo, & hootaali,0Jia was no use going Sneak Thieving. ESQ- tUIOI.l.MI.1., seek information directly from Washing row again; and it of iwinna tbe C O. BEKGEU. - J Rail-way- s DAVIS, Commander. Niii'siii"- ESollle. we in- to say that he was not Rationed with his Acent Macneale &. Urban Safes. I ! J. J Ihatfn JL Co, Mrort Jlono toiu and learn that are right in our Sneak thieves hare been doinc nuito n business Ho oas not mint? home to America as if he Dear Sis: I take rcat pleasure In statin; that the Lesvra everv TUESDAY, at 12 M., for Ilamoa. 4 h J Jt Co.irmFort " ference, wotUdrest in lately. Tbe last case that has come under notice COM trrI eventhen.it thepow was afraid to row Mr. Heach again. He was going &, 1 purchased yon, and llonokaa and Psanhan. He tarnlng will stop BENSON. SMITH & I.tj wm A Co. attrot ' is Mr. Henson. a on Valley Macs ei le Uosax Safe from 15 ft, lengths; 14 lbs, to the yard ; k4nfi Is Mankr erof this Govenunent to thwart their wish to meet htm again; and tt it was in Lis ponrer aa a that of resident Fauna at Ilamoa: arrlvln-- back every SUNDAY tnortlo;. ft i: 1. Marhal, owo atrrrt road. Yi htle Mr. and Mrs. Henson were absent at which went through the late dlattrous fire In my per "Duke of Abertorn," A tuan ho would beat him. He thought be would Just recdvd Dm eclats. lit Hall Son ror ktnj;an4rot. ata es. Of course there is no smack of politics in church a bare footed individual entered the prem-- f More, came out to my entire satisfaction. 1 opened 10 U'iMrkt Co. ror tjooro oil Fort Ma heal him. But of course it always took two men from Liverpool. -- any of this business. Me, ransacked a bureau and a chest ot drawers, the same on the combination and found all Its contents 10 llooc kr- A Co IltHol rirrot to make a match, and it took two men to row a In condition. Yours Truly, W L GKEES, or C I ooao and finally came upon a satchel containing money. sr OFFICE if thi Compan). foot of Kllauea Street Ti A "Of.tC urm race: but if Mr. Beach beat him in the coming 1" P. A. niAs r Fol opening by open G. W. MACFAKLANE A chRlan A Co. Fort atrort The quction of the continuation of race, lie would do what he did not do before, he This invtead of tbe catch, he tore Co. nesrthe PMSHWharf r7lf Kits Salmon Bellies LjonaA rtropt appri'i'riAKU up a Sept. SM. ISM. KWtl for no. row ler A Co S trs,lrm postal service lietween New Zealand and would ohake hands and acknowledge that he was riau awui f;j iu Hiirer, Hovoixix, J niTi He was a more box of clears, he then made Lis exit. Officer Mehr- - KEKOEIt, ESO, roitu , nut. defeated. did not think there CO. FOR EUROPEVIA NEW YORK 1 loc MiC Hot! Plrrn-t- lltototota the United States to have definite world than lloaeb, tens was telephoned for, but he could find no cine honcft man in tbe rowinc Jlr. e Afient City of London and Sonth British Srjifrptng. J lnok llnp. llirtrl Mrorl. Honorata shape. Sir Julius Yogcl in the New Zeal nor was there any one who thought more of Mr. as to woo me uepreuaior was. ii wouia oe aavts-abl- 4 and National Fire Insurance Company. Ah Ln. kraltft. kaoal did. He would meet Mr. Beach as for all those who hare anything stolen to let 4 Uaht. and Legislature, moved as quoted below, Beach than he Dear Ma: I beg to offer my best thanks for the ja. Alaaa.MaUaa a gentleman; hoped Mr. tbe police know at once, and by piecing their in- 3zxxtii I ApaM.kaktrtkarTC.llr.waH a man and as and he o tt MAIL Lot and his motif, was passed without discus together a clue might prompt settlement or I (tamed through the PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANf B t Beach would do the same to him. He hoped that formation be obtained at or THE ABOVE - -- A,M'allka.Maii : last. is evidently some one about fire which otcured in my store on the CM ; ? Milfi. Vakawao, Maol enssion. Sir Julius said match the betterman wouldwin, and There Nuuantt of in the next and Fanoa Valleys who thinks he can operate with 14 W)Dli;tkr Hotolirort,Ilootiilii "Ttiat tniwrouch as tlto CaJlfunuti Somoc nsJ that all professional oarsmen would lore their August. For San Francisco CUNARD impunity. I LINE iiii.i.iAitns. Ibeilnrcteteamcrt afford the qQtckrot tueaasof sport, and show people that they could row hon- 1 he total amount of lnnrince held In the different On Friday morning a sneak-thie- f entered Companies you irpreent was 18,600, the receipt of 21 N unit fairly. Iioud Cheers.) lal Till: HTKAJIIIIII Received .lor Mtkapala. cnuimTuiicat.cm to from I.ntoin and estly and e Just Kmllu. kdbtla lircat I the premise of Mr. Charles Hejnolds, who resides which sum beg to itfcnowld;-- herewith. Established 1840. - ? Hart N aroona lrtH HnHotala Mt-- 7fVAXtd, and mail maltcr bronglil or sent by 1 remain. Hear Sir, axu run salk nr mt tirarto. M'ollakn, 31 ant on ineyard street, near tbe second bridge, while Jnaoalor way f Isaoa rntaila cunaidraMe losa. laia llooxo The Loliaino. Celebration. were In Yours respectfully, La John Ptapprottoro.. kawothar, Hawaii Lh" tbefamilv the rear part of the building, 1m Two Sailings U of opinion tiial rates on letters to and from succeeded T. A. U1A&. Every Week. paiUins X correspondent gives as a version of the Lata-in- a and in capturing a purse of fftj. The ahk ri.niiUM. bj way of boci shooU be raised to one tbe away a CASTLE & COOKE. mail performance which sounds thief also took a child bank containing A CARD. roit i.iYi.nrooi,; 1 All Nine. klrAtii balfmnw, and other matter in rroporttoc. like tbe ruth. 12, making oi'i.Kxnin NTEAnsiiip 11 difficnlty about the total robbery $30. There thi: flffjtroi Akao.ktociloM and tliat if tbere i nav to leTjinc tbe Tbe reception for Mr. Gibson was arranged by clue perpetrator Feby. Elh, ISSL 1'ork 1T Ho Chan, HritAin, government is no as yet to tbe of tbe theft. , From Sete etery Wednesday, ktoitoi addiuonal atooont la Great too lame Ir. Kbuen. tbe pbvsician) and J. A Mrs. Dans, who II. lUcuril-DACo- Hosoltij-- kTAiiix Kltoald te colleeted betv front tbe Benders.' Sir Goldstein. One boat bad lights on It, this was the short time since resides tatt dKas. From Boston every Saturday, i.m.ni off Nuuanu street on what f known as the Bemll Ueab bias: I hereby beg to tender my sincere ZEALANDIA TwAi-o- qIith cjplained tbat this cottrse tw nccewarr which the Doctor went off to Mr. wciincn. t it lvW. tuMt J in boat in bring was ot broad ronnAiiKii. W cnDAoqaenoeof tbeaotioaof roatmaster-tieti-era- returning rrenuse. reiiercd fijj in daylight thanks for the Immediate liberal settlement of tbe lots HOKOLULU FOR rr.AKT HBiniToronK NAI.DIOA. tbo l Gibson ashore. On to the wharf with by one gentry. Mrs. Davis WILL LE1VE SM FBUCISCO RATES OF mwiolliNtTASl'rLASTlTICV.r-l.ii- : In ncland in diTertiac tetteri from tbe San Mr. Gibson, only throe persons hurrahed, these of tbe I s attained throab the dci traction by Arc of my place PASSAGE: 1 KrkahoM loo. Wtlbi. Maal had just returned home with tbe money in a Francirvo to the itriodisi route, nutvitliatandinf: were D. Iuunaiopili (rolice Jodce) Goldstein and f buslnesr. In Kobala duilnz the nl:ht of the I?th in 0a or about Monday Nov. 24, OMm siDo-'.tt- OF MILL, OVERSHOT IRON L lb FrkHn. Malta Slaal satchel, and hastily depositing it and her e ft. to, nnd k. the protest of tbe (rOTcrrnment and AenGe3-trm- l tbe Doctor. bat on I consider It nr dutv to recommend the Intara-.e- Wo. bed in the ledroom, to say few Aceordlnt to Accommodation. - iiitciii:k. of this colony. UorelRtcdtbe atejai that had Some boTS were hired to carry torches from the the returned a Company for which yon aretheArentatoall parties 20 feet diameter, with 4 A V aUnar. Uafco words to some friends who had aecomnanied her deslreut of protectln- - theli property by VIA Una, liecn taken to seccre a retain to tbe old rjFtem. wharf to Mr. Gibson's boose, and they were to be Inmrince. FOR SYDNEY AUCKLAND! KETCH: TICKETS OS FAVOIUELE TERMS. TnrHm- - home, After their departure Mrs. Darts am, iear-ir- jtespecii uiiy Coolers, CentrlfaI, - He Raid there was no aaritie of time to the people arnished one rial etch, but they say they have entered i lours. Carts, Plows, r f not bedroom to lay tbe money away, was as- .Signed.) OEO. SANHErtAf AIS. lee rnSe. 1 Currenrj Fannin. Carpnt-- in colour hy the Biindis. roate, but abeolDte-l- r vet been paid. tbe and AritJ (lie1 Nplemlltl and lilac k.mlUis Toolr this find some must stleatnhl r E a Iom of ti'ioe, and while tbere no cain to Next morning Mr. Gibson expressed a desire to tonished to that thief hare entered Uoodccommodatlnnsran alttrar. ..nal . ... vat room through the window and noxoLcrr, Sept. Kin. ptlcallnlo WILLIAMS fc To one planting ea snd in fuUir' tli people, there was a low to tho Government of hare a meeting with the people at his houe. list tbo abstracted the 11 ! DIMOND to., sbsret w:hln. t' In atfontancc Ufa an Art to Hep late the Carrmri. satchel and money. CITY OF SYDNEY San Fr.ntlteo. yrifldhll own csne,tblt aflords annnasuai opx.riBnity lie referred to the on consultation with a government official, fear-th- O. BERGER. Esq. n. very fcrrrPj ateast""7.Wa3ear. a & Safes, t JAS ALEXANDER. of o doln it small cost. aprorrdJalylTtfa.lSM, solke clim that nature uf the contract which enabled few would come, he desired to have the meet- Acent Macneale Urban nctnnonx. T) State btreet, Boston, X'ST' Mee very low and terms easy f.lxTTiIaja frooa tt.ldat.,tHTtTCoIa of all Walrtt withdraw, throw vn coan ing Wainee church, request, The copies of tbo "IcopIea Fjcyclopedia," of Deaw Sir. I take pleasure tn adding my testimony to and thw at the and at his On or about November 1st, 1884, VERNON II. DROW.f A CO.. owoptlnj: ilrer cvtna of tho Hawallao try tbe burden of the whole aernce They could Eaine and Makekau invited which so many hare been ordered by our citizens, to the many In favor of the Uacseale Ursax" Satx. 4 Bowlla-- hiiatohare t r.r rrrlcbt a.4 ruuir, apptr to Green, New York ALSO-F- OR SALEI Klnj aflkr CnilH MatM, 1lllw rfrtirrt, try and tnTe their letters carried more cheaply, a meeting at tbe church. did not arrive by tbe Almett. The agents in San The one I porcha-e- d of yon some time ago for my IWJIC II. HACKrELD0O..ii,.l. fl bad power cool met Among other statements hicb be made daring Fraud had not suQaent on hand to send down, at Trranarj at thrlr tconlital valar l oxthanc for and then tojotu Acain mthr store at Lahalna, paHd throa;b the diattroai fire on Oooa. Notice to Pattemrer from An .trait. V tk pleaoed. New Zrlnvi d och Pfit-ltt- his speech at was coTernment a large order has cone Fast, books l.r.lhlpm.ulporlimnior ram non 7..U.' J - Coina their nominal ralaf. If they Ind U" tbe church that the but and the the X3th lntsnd on the aarae without soy bo Haorotl, rroe and Ilonolalu The Cuosrd LlneaOordt mora than HOUSES AND LOTS r- Hawaiian ' ahooM was amply aupnlied money, .1 rkatxo. I, lb. riro.nro.1 atual J - cxmMdcred now forwarded by MaHpefa. Mr. lie tbnt the 0ti.mmrnt with that they wi'l be tbe Cutler ironble with tha Comhlaatlon found had pre arar .arowtrn jrora Trans-Pa- c We At that very detrsf!- sadweJ-k- ui n boctloa S of the Cam-i- J Act olaorrOTtdnthat eoal.l a more successful ex- that It Warrh... IboHlaaarr Wbarr. iiuuun s arrange for a fortmvhtlT aemei' iiii tln dm (iuuu in me irearary. sat he has been far than be contents, papers, Thu AjctsU befo are now pcvt,iaerreqmen'7'ortaalItD--- precladluisllbosal. Sot. 1X1 and 13 (iaat-- i Atsbit d sfter 2cetahcr3iL 18M, oW an(! atlrrreolBi be done br tbe continaaitot. of thf Snu Kr.tncisr ALio that lerrosr is not contarionst that tbe pected or his agents had any idea of. Together served the bonks, also, one watch, to prrparrd to Mlltr of delay In tw York. from ac bar"- - t. Vkftrun tha rOinoftht I'nltfd SUtM uidUif) Ua- aerriee, and mailnc uw of tbe durct stp&nwrs. statements heretofore made tbat it was contagious with tbe FjicycIop-ii- will come copies of Tbe my entire titinfartfoti. Tours Truly, iMaeTicLctstoSan Francisco and Kelnrn, -.: Ri 3m """'SyjiTRTCO. I waliao JOii2d iia1I be meim la tae TTtajory at Tfce &m Frtnaaco Bcrricc tad been of creat vitoe were false. Liquor Problem of all Ages. 13 A. S. CLEGH0EN. ron 8125 the boud Tmr. WBIr iBo.llaiUrt.n.XtwVork. laaif "c. r. wir.T.iiwk A liver to each an extent that the river at Hilo look- PLANTERS IN COUNCIL. Tn New IntrIslacd Steavmer. Xrto 3bvntistinaitj. Huition SalrJ. COMMERCIAL. ISLAND LOCALS. like pare THE 3wtion Soto. ed more like a rand Sow than a atreara of new " water All day Saturday and ban-da- y Tbe steamer for the Steam ISM. ABOTT TOWS. as it usual! it. TH1SDS1T. Navigation here w. . Brvewaa. nOXOrXLV. OCTODEH D. poured va moddj Co, )'. it, UMt arrived in port at sir i am nxra ijxdl'v Bj- I.TOKS & zxvrr. X. P. ADAMS. the W&Ukea rim its was delay In cutting together, 8JO 27th making prtssace Br Notwitb8Undln11ic f t low More mod more Tain, tworr moil. mile ca the red There the usual a. m. on the inst, the Jrtiruce pltrr Btream into the bay and for at the clock hands nointini? to half an hour past the from San Francisco hither in a little less than nine BINGHAM & PINTO, a.nnr the ttk Mil WlnrMlu. bwn oo.tl?Mc stream coald be acea. sft" Mlirtiy, s clrc.rn.unr whkh .bw ..He Mias Elba llert. ( San FranctKn, la a cnest at time set for meeting, before a quorum had assem- days. Captain Sass reports that tbe vessel be- GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS klmal H rlrm Mrs. ST. bled the conduct of business connected with haved admirably during the tnp, although ntjvery rlllT tkt tk ratw ol rrtracbnrM brlni J. WnRtifs The steamer Kilnrta vent ashore at the for - Regular Cash Sale Cash Mm tnoM wm lorn U tnuirll rwimMUj f interests of the Society, the atia- boisterous weather wss encountered. She brought WrOttTKES ASD DMLECS IX Regular Sale i V from Fnn-cac- o Wailnkn Uilo, at about half llonolnfii to rrcmt drrd. Tlic "" The Citf 9f fyrfae ii dae here San month of the rirer, M calling tne meeting 10 orucr. as passengers Mrs. M. Staples, Mr. T. R. Foster Ibnnwlm cot ken taranlTrf "5 on eiinrday, Not. lit, pAst Mven o'clock, Tuesday eTcninj, Oct. After the, previous meeting had and Noble, a cargo misccllaaeons lire b.eilrrdBce Mrlr cmr-t- Tillage,tU the minutes of 3Ir. J. F. and of OOPFBI1. th.1 Ihry d It rcr.f.rr U crr.tlr The accident wu not known in the Uilo been conclaJed. Secretary Smith stated that the merchandise valaed at flDQ. The following de- OmCI-N- .. 410 cJunrais npenrr. ..d larj nowlredewhrrrtfcrfcrit Tbe TvioDi rovnnc claba are ban ai work pre- till day Wednesday morninc, allhooRh creral assessment Stmt On offered rr rnlrrulnrl of ttbt trustees had met and decided that an scription of the Teasel and account of the trial tnp wet ; :c . Thursday, Oct. 30th On Friday, Oct. 31 rr npei paring for the contrrts. who steamer in the mooidlfibt.orald hard- expenses 1WI-- rmsciscd. cal. iradr Jiriiif tkt cooi!l bolldijf. comisc nw tbe of SV eta. per share, for current of Is taken from the 5. P. Xerriutatx n i. .. 4tlii rnnilit f InC PI IB ly account for her portion. The Kit Uo cot should be levied. The new steamer is a model of marine architec- At tOo'tlotk a m, aUMtorooa. ton aew tlir m I. The American cleared Sept. jn.ai3lif-4R.ona- . .ll.ml .od A..OT1U, Ui lomrt troy; M. f bark AU'itOrrrr off the rorks at tha month of the Wailnkn river A copy f the following letter of thanks were ture. The owners merely ordered a Teasel of a at Its will if xii.l als'xtii. lCUi from Honckonc for Uonolala. on Thnrsdav morninc and lay calmly in the wa stated to have been forwarded to Mr. A. Jaeger t certain size at a certain cost, the plans and specifi- FOB SALE! "; ters in toe natiasn river davisr own I cations being left to the builders who have cer- DRY GOODS AND CLOTHIffo Uln; thrrm.ht.tt.U;II"'tbklM W b ttlK directors of the Uonolala Stock and llond imK or thz 1, A S Coh't, SS, C,.nd The to the extent of a broken rudder and a portiyn of .Orna I, f out vessel to DRY GOODS, CL0THIHG, vt 90 per HaxoLtir, October 2?, 13S. tainly turned a that is a credit the ctirtfroioHortclKO. tnJik OfOjnorert Exchaoce hare declxrrd a diridend keel. 100 her BytheToteof Pacific Coast. She is 170 fret over all, feet share. Mb.A.Jeues, Honolulu; Sib; 31 13 ot Supply Company I am length of keel, feet beam, and feet depth MEDIUM BREAD, ! tb-- ! . Short Beds svnd Narrow Corers. the llanters Labor and tonnaceisUXOH.withacar-ryin- bktoo E'l. "'SV''" Call at Oat'a and see his fin ttoek of Tutinc'a you of tho hold. Herregistered Fine Shirts, Tbt crp.rt.rr. Jot the nme yrrtog t:Code the ,SIort has a larRe instructed to address a letter of thanks capacity about OWtons. She has com Handkerchiefs, Pants, bark LC standard writinc prr. Oct. IK, 1M. service yon are of - 12C CASKS AND - L.. j'i... hnHftrii and DiKorrrr. C 1'irroB Cbuzxs's Sechos, Scsmt, Company In recognition of the pound engines, of CO nominal which TI5J AND A LINE OF GROCERIES rice ood itock tra hand. and In the At mt Ilirfiop.'rttb lt crcon Jit .oru. yjdtbr Notwithstanding the downpour of rain on last rendering the country tn arborcolture t embrace all the latest improvements tn marine By H. HACKFELO A CO. Etc aa Artortatf al A of per share was declared payable introduction of and experiments with exotio plants. and the bark Kmeratd In bal!at S or dividend ft Sunday evening there was but little diminmtion iu engineering, and tbey were constructed by the A LAKV.S AS9UKTMCNT OK for ban rniiclacv. to tbe holders of slock in tbe 1'aciSc Steam Navi- And to state that the Company appreciate the passen- tbe fcixa of the congrecaUon present at r'ort Street efforts fox 00 long Fulton Iron works of San Francisco. Her Not fee of Administratrix. Toe barl C IT. Bitbep taila for gation Co. on the 3d mat. to dweourse value of your trained continued ger accommodation Is all that could be desired, Urraan Congregational Church to listen the period ; and that the members desire to rrsm-ie- lib a partial earo of iipi.tt be followed by The reveicnd gen a even by the sickest. There are 16 state rooms, 8 rniiK rxmntaiGNKir. iiavixu NEW GROCERIES! next, and tbe mall preached Vaster Cruzin. with you, and render such aid as may be tn L been arpnlaled ASmlaUtraUiX of the EUte of & by the Alameda m !atBrdj ftfamrr The tower of tbe KanmaLapili Chnrch now on tne s Deiov. cn state Crockery Glassware or abort the Fame dtie from tlemen took for his abject, subjects general interest hurricane deck and her hsabaaa .warteirs a .ewion, ute ot cilror bydarjW looms np amonc the rest of the heavenward point-in- c their power in these of room Is built for two rossencers, so that over muni, I brace wlih null t.mnrwt datra tr th S Text, Isaiah 3920, ierf than importance. Kespectfolly presented, Jsasi, deceased, notifies all persona haviag Halm ad rotnmcr-ctt- pinnacles of the city. "W Wir q and crowding avoided. hurricane pro- Herewith w preaml Ihe aal l thnt a man can ttrtUh Uim1f itmd tk rorer-i- &igned) W. O. Smith. will be 1 boe on the itt eitata to preeai the sane, with th circular lliiami, Vlmond to , 1; deck are Immediatelr above tho saloon which Is per voucher sitae bed, within lx months from date or Sack Soear. Barreta !Ulami MaailaCimra. trade cf arMn. t Yacht nnrnxtxr tknn thnt e run rn kimtttf in it, Secretary r.L. AS. Co. att si) persons 1Mb to band per fctmt. Alameda. The members of the Uonolala and Boat on the main deck. 1 hey are all handsomely up- - tary will be forever barred: and ewiairaald LYON of the Intl., and spoke as follows ; to to make Immediate pajBieftt Id LKVXT. IMbnn. Oct. Wtfa. ISM Clnb are requested to be present at tbe Mr. T. IL Davies presented a draft of a letter nouierea and supplied witn every convenience anu eftate are rcqsested feiw Fu.om, - cuvxxs. Budmigncdxt the residence of Her 3tajcity ( cfco. Oar lart circular dated Oct. trt. Nar1po-a- at noon pectal bnsinem. SittOW be forwarded to the Tresidenl of the Hoard of requisite for toilet purpose. entilation. which the FxtrixltvirG, u w Dows-- er Emma, cover iiereuaia street. MUAK-N- ew lark advice of lb ! aUtctaal not often that we find humor in the llible. utiMit ih Lilmc nuestion. The same is board ship, has been riaaaaaaae :. . to deraorallied Ili alwavi so essential on OLIVIA NaWTUN, r ad i t. tbemarkrtct.UnBeiTkelC the The fashion adopted by cine of the local journals but in this text we hare a keen bit of it. Let your was approved and the signatures of Mews Jona carefully attended to, as each stateroom Is connec- Estate 31 K NVwt. Mortgagees' European markrta. cawlM Lower to Administratrix rtrndttl-- of tbe in reporting cases onlr silted at the rbbce SI ation imagination draw tbe picture it suggests: The Austin. J. 31. Horner, . Unna and T, U. Danes ted by a slide wilhthe skylight on tha awning notielala. SUh, twtat. be ! their Tin", and while there it no w OF Jro. la is not proper, and should be stopped. 20 below zero 1 a man were placed to the document as representing the deck, obviating oppressive atmosphere (. if. SALE putt to H1 caBetBfrlh"1Aea,.,!,nir1k mercnrT marks thus the drrlhm. --eat. ! Is trying to sleep in a child's bed. With head aooeiv. occasioned by the communication of clone air from Notice of Sale ltnf b" And still tbo Cabinet remains divided, lticbt presseu acaiusione luouiucr, Mr. J. M. Horner from the Standing committee one cabin to another. Sliding blinds are also fit- LAVVES' CANE MANURE! "nwtutlitieal wwlUon It constantly iaprorln; bower, "jick of spades" in Mexico, oreUewhere, polling narrow clothesrauaauieEuutdown on one side only on Transportation presented a report, wbieb ap windows, so a cool cur- any the ted to both doors and tbat of Jfca Ttro4lp. Iko iMrticN rmm4 T 3BT,"F1 mMtrt wtwM nlckly follow and another knave of tbe deck in Kiuai. expose his body to tho biting cold on tbe other poirsin the supplement. rent of air is assured even in tropics. Large a hy ami LXTT A rlHu on the M of the to tbe la rcruia morvcase m4 Hwj- Hiri Ha ladtatioot of an Improvement ether so fie loves, and changes position for hours At 3Ir. E. 31. WaMi presented a iapcr on cine rooms off saloon are provided for ladies : or uettoiaia, we so ten at pwn Mock nU band U redneed :"M ton for Tn divine, ac toilet tbe 'PI1K UXIIKIUIO'KII A" xoiv .. iiati in nwww AtUnlic la n. f.t M.ti rhinMe has unrested, hav-in-c valuable information contained -- - the week and If now T7.HM tana Odder the last lie arises nnrefresbed, without tran puliation, the and gentlemen reepectivelv. 'Ihe stairs leading to 1 luiilla: urilELU," turn Ik- Auofl cepted a call totbopolpitof tbe Chinese Chnrch even closed his eyes in sleep, to tbe prophet induced tbe incorporation of tbe paper with the the saloon, on either side, from the hurricane deck ei He enters upon his dntirs at once. Lnder date r theBthinrt cur eithancec rrit tbe in this dty. ears it was with Israel : she had made a bed out of rriKrt previously read. are in the natural color ot tbe wood and present a ON market Heady and atroncer iia ealei at 34 Iwr W. idoIatrT : she tried to cotm herself with the pro No report from tho Committee on Fertilizer plain, clean and neat appearance, tne sue ana Chemical Manure Comp'y." SATURDAY, NOV. 8th developed to the Mr. Thomp A 'Lawes' Estate! bedtte Mirineerof present Heal The lmprorenient that PP" pert. tection of Egypt : but her bed was too short and and Hone Meal. few of the members studied arrangement of the stateroom, pantry bolij to niof eneoorayinc adricea from Earope, Dtt son had his hands badly scalded last Thursday. too narrow. For long years she offered opinions relative to the good qualitM Vl M . at oar Salennmm In lluttlHiji. tin-- ) point her covering their and lockers are all conducive to tbe comfort of . i bornc an ad ranee or about 6d. from the towct He wa at work opon a leak in the boiler tube. wept bone meal n fertilizer bat the information TKli ItCALl IK UF ih (KiaiM nom tTn with an opward tendency Tbe opinion aeema to pre- snivereu in captivity, anu in Strang mnu of as tbom who go down to tbe sea in this ship. if wkka ua4 ltttaar are tome over her folly. Are not men, here in Honolulu, obtained was mil, uinerence ui opinion existing Tbe steamer is schooner ri;rced. She I am aad Billiard rartr Iwmi the vail that tbe recent efUmatti of Si. Lieht tut Tli fleet nnnnftl meetim? of the stockholders of being carries f the pretenl crop and everywhere, this old sin, and paying and each one, in favor or against the article, n boats for the transportation of freight and AT ATJOTION. and that the yield Co. will be held this morn-in- s renting CHEMICAL will rtot be beary as anticipated the Pacific NavtRation the insjty of this old folly f God, who created most positive in his opinion, passengers to and from the various landings at FERTILIZER Centrwo-ra- office Mr. A. BLDE HODSE, NO. 7 & 9 NDDANU ST Tele;nphieadrtceoryTudayreprt,!C (10 o'clock) in the of rrank tbe soul, knows its needs, and what will give it Mr W. O. Smith chairman of the Committee on which she calls. She is fitted with a powerful held at 6 MS Chante o! year at compared Ith Cooke, Qneen btrct. He comes report that Committee, doudey-esgin- wore, ivcHpU, rest tiers and hereafter. into tbe Statistic presented the of fnetaou which can be utilized for Uso prerlnn year are M,w toot with help needed. (See proparod Especially For Ilonotaln. rlTpa hv Chs ftrrals A II Lw T(wk. dlttrlbntlon, more; ptieef, i,mImi va(hr ilnrintr tha mat week: rood world's sin and nnrcst just the Supplement.) weighing anchor, hoisting boats or handling heavy im,uu ton more; tI3,"' vh who And like Israel of old, men turn away from Him. At 12.U tho meeting adjourned --until afternoon. cargo. She intended what is known as the dlMIMh3l).lrH,rptrH-i- i in llbrr i3, Mkt . Vaeta. lower. for tbe plantations bat nnpleaunt for those is for CanoFIoltIs : awl t th ahl bv vaM Vou bold op wondetfnlly being sloppy and Hut, their want and need cry out for help. Kan roots to ever active volcano of Kilauea, on iftH Mnrlgr ON 1, The Manila market conUaae to have baunesa in town, tbe streets intAsflox. the Ncak dm the JPli Dvrmber, tml Thf Laae haa MONDAY, DEC. 1884 well Latest adrtcea report Er. bopertor fettOIOaW offices damp. and hope in God, they seek it vainly and will take the place of tbe almost new steamer vrarn lh than eame tbe best of At 2.13 Tbe planters reaembled President aad tr-- tore li raa frun tt Atal. ltl, )! F e aboat BieU. per I'WJt W;hcr elsewhere. Tbey build their short beds and Planter, belonginc to the same company, which The Two Qaallties eostai more mlnlitf baihlinit rwntala 3 tonr roMna in iho flov. --raderfiTjrMirf Austin in the chair. " m4 InKcwlork. Clifford and Hsnlan row on Feb. 7th, Clifford weave their covers, and try to find rest in them. rend has already proved too small for the rapidly in- smt rwiwt wlifc wiWIHm,m KICK-- quote price 4.t-- l : Mr T. U. DiTies presented and a report of ralay lUc.catbtt a lfeneh tm Feb. and Ilnnl an and lloach Let ns note some of these vain attempts 1. jiany creasing traffic between different islands th flour, there talMia tint wiih ffalvaaUwd I Will wffirvat fnMh: Aavlien. at tJorhxfc. ikon daya. of drop from lat iml !th. the Committee on "YarUiesof Cane; (See Sup- the of the The eaui tnitinddrn 1BS5. ltivcr, bed out of infidelity : they try Kingdom. r"'f, a LitcbrnaiMi oat hoiMroti tho pimiir mj far ah, th- folt anij, recelpta per Alanied and W . on March 2sth, AH on tbe 1'aramatU make a verr short Hawaiian Visitors to the Islands can ! HaHm, la owlnr to tbe free shield sonls with robes of plement.) H. Civics A. Co. fT TVrmCahat Dd4 lap pair t DaaivaM Panvt t k. Irwin wblca wrrt mi Sydney, New South Wale. to their immortal the gave experi- now see one of the grandest sights iu the world, Thoo. raw bad M, f MnnFamily bb" nm. E' edo great foe of Christianity is President Austin an account of the rartbrr particnlw be tf J FLOUBy.O.Eatta fl. Tbe ence by planters who had imported the tbe boiling, seething volcano, within ten days from Attornr at Law. t o.b. !.: Tt, cf II. O. Hall of the I. S. N Co. lationalism. Agiinst this llible, and Christian- obtained ot leaving San Francisco. Tbey ji ii nra Mtntr mongoose. Seventy-fiv- e of these animals had been tbe date their i:iAS-tPHf- .b. commanded bT Captain Hates of the ity, it tries to marshal geologists with their ham- will find steamer, excellent hotel LTUX Jt LKTKT. AacUmvrr. choice $lJWf.o.b. will be imported, about n year previously, from the West a comfortable med. fl J"; VUmtrr and the tesssl will be placed on the route mers, and astronomers with their telescopes, and accommodation in Honolulu, good means of trans- IIAKLEY N. 1 $l.Wto$lAOpertL retorts, Indies, at a cost cf about f 1,0X1. The mongoose "Pioneer" Line f.O.I chemist) with their and physiologists portation crater, by express and mule or ESTATE fd jfl WTWra formerly taken uj tne namttr. to tbe REAL i.l'iiI'MI Ittltt.KV la1. scalpels. had been apjiortioned among those planters who tro lilDcrtisfiiicnts. HAY-o- and U f o.b ; with their microscopes and It searches horse back, with a good resting place at their jour- wheat nt loW laie - paid the expenses of tbe tnp. He had received A mtUa sailed from l'ort lllake- heaven, and earth, and air for material out of had ney's can leisure tbe bale wheat and oat Jll!il!i' ""- Tbe barkentme pairs. He bad placed them in fields Infested end, and wittiest at their ttvhwclN:; tM MM OS K. lfnnalnlo. The 11. . Dtmontt. which to build its bed. Its philosophers wCAVO four world, which is so closo FROM LIVERPOOL. in K.AI fWIfttli fnr where eaten by roost activo volcano m tho BUtfv commenced here isth tntt., and ba tince lr were ronte from San systems some with rats and cane had been much iai lUln and IF. fi. Incitt, en their speculative of them thinner pests. Now single showed to California and so easy of access, and yet has CO No doubt tome dama-- c bat .nt : come liable thoso not a stick of cane at Interralt Francisco lor iionoiaia on isci. than tlio native taps they into this troublesome rodent. been seen by so few, IFFSCWi k not yet under cover. tbe teeth marks of the former to ctain one one another iaMtM thpfnllomlne. W and tear out iaasage, leaf after Jiesidcs received that in the Tbe trial tnp took place on tbe 10th of October, IW bUv K. kUant w.im nf tier Mdi. ii,..,i.i.i;nnin Ki Tom Holleirfl is beiti rsr which stuff pillow bed. And he hid information Urmm. MS rw on rJ by both r with to the for their Hilo, rats were a a start being made from the wharf at the foot of I ItMwIaN. rwt King nm wlili ti 1UU, mblch will lie read with intrrwt holidays not- whole district, from Onoraeato Ihom1 idly pnshed forward and the Cbnstmai poor deluded souls try to find rest there. Hut saving planters Main street. Thence a coarse was steered up the tlllm a4 enwuvmlhw out txxtw uaa1" plantert and boMnett men fnerauj: - withstanding loud, infidel- rarity, and tho consequent to Oflor tkarraa. Tka bwU4lsa arc rapactima aart acarlj Will WlinCflS UIO cuuiucuuu. tm mw,.w- alt tbe blatant talk of &'jO.0OO. bay to Hunter's Point, back Again and up San For Salo .v Urtobrr ITlh. 1HI, 1st. Some- vnnld not fall short of His eight mon aw m( in twwl rafMlr. tM man botip nulniL rtiinim : W will be roady for occupancy by Jannary ity, their sacceu has not been very great. Pablo Bay to Vallejo and Mare Island Navy Yard ji .,. . Uonolala. II. I -- Xear Mra e are goose bad cost him $187 and he was very well sat- - : larav maw. TW mnlE atu p)anUt wufc decided in the aj how their bed docs not fit humanity s needs. This And return. Tbe engines worked far better than Ex Eecent Arrivals pUnt awbw Tata a dr happy to rciort a on the fits every need, gives isneu wttn mo investment. a4 atti or Europe and the United bUtet.owlns.proUblj, The O. Ji. S. Alamftl arnted in port here Hiblodoes: it man's and Wilfonr. Mr. T. II. Davies and others re was anticipated, propelling the steamer at the rate trls:tnMt pvwpf ly fur wihiii a ridvrr of the beet She brought a infidelity docs not and cannot- Ilann MatkvHuruhHAtmili 'iat to an expected reduction In. the taUmatet 2ld inst. from San Francisco. him rest bat - It experiences to tho distruc-tio- n of eleven knots an hour, with 80 revolutions a tvnn. in be looked for. give help needs this life: lated their in relation iiraracr nrrr. in qna x pi- -, crop. If o, f Miner Improtement maj number of old residents as passonsTs, mail and fails to man the he in cane by rats; and the meeting minute. She can bo run nt 100 revolutions a min- ll'U' ttm. Mnee out UtU price for refined ha?e advanced In 13th insL, and a ftf.000 carco. tbis is a very practical world. It puts everything caused to quite easdy apriv t Ian U m rbalea. hare not yet received newa dales to the seemed to be very favorably inclined toward tbe ute as as at to and without onv dancer LUmr, Lattte. .MnIk. 'cw York Sc. pound IUwa offered it to tbo searching test of daily uc "Wnat of heating or jarrinc. Among tbe guests on board VMiat Ut w)aalRK Lot 1. on (li or mongoose as an exterminator. tor ZA . the benefit the rite General Whitney is sufficiently can it do? Of what practical help is it 5" are its were , wUat 1 rrovi m. King Mr. t. uU ConPDmptlon poca on at a very full ratr.and ihe Postmaster aa r, u. rosier, rresinentoi mo inter islands, rnwvw. la a allow him to resume hisdutiw, which quoslions. .U a.15 tbe meeting journeu. N. Captain Mr. Mr. rv alaatlatt Tltart ail ihtr lot iinn fw a poeltlon continue to improve to test Co.. Hall. Hinckler and Solera iHMve Ar- ttatlttlcat c voccrn pat. i:?s JtafbKtotUmitb'' ibrti i We dear tin, hTo bcin ably and satisfactorily performed TUE MOCKEfiT Of IXFIPEUTI. of tbe Fulton Iron Works, Ungues of the ;'.g fm rnin, J.J. onvir MHHKW. lour ralthf ally. absence by his assistant Mr. I.B. l'eter-so- Tim hnnr ai t fur meetlnff was. AS usual, limored Oregon S. S. Co, Captain Hums, Captain A, his Searched by these infidelity Sorrow, J. Uclis 3rS Will-a- s, liao?P lo fails. trial, ! tho members, as am temptation, failure, sin, are very real, and the ih mniontvuf and tho (Marine Insurance), J. J. MeKinnon, A, Hamilton, LMtiMaui piUI-l- a Ron. pas: 10.30 beforo the meeting Kudolphson. Parkhurst, W. 11. Armstrong, IE. C. Ifcw The openinps in tbo footpath fikirtinc burdens they lay upon a man are very heavy. clock hands traveled Arrival of the Iron Ships M lihaaa at HaaMll T prvaaiMw wttv HONOLULU. dinserous 3Iontacue. E. Miller. L. L. H I tim, f . II f mmu PORT OF to late Simon Kaai's Do you know of any of which can was caned to oruer. U IUker. J. K Griffith. SchlUM an4 Im wwiJaallPLaawalKw Aaa Laml tho main entrance the form infidelity discussion opon tho nnd of bags C. Cryer, E, 'I haver, Captain Host, fkanaieaof allkliHta,ltr kamAwtHlCU.lt.CMhMnJ br Koril are uncovered. Minister Golick rides come into the depths of heart breaking Borrow A quality price J. Frank Stone, lTu: still was engaged by Messrs. W. O. Smith, U. A. W. W. Hice, W. Wil- SaDrtor lucl ant Sbrrj, TO. Arrived. by daily, and the ltoad Supervisor ii in his and wipe away the tear of sorrow I I do not know in a E. Stackpole, II. Hailey, S. "Ophelia," Bordeaux," WIm, MaJvtva, AmMmK Fraaeiwu them Macfic, E. M. Walsh and T. II. Davies, during cox, F. hoble, and Charles IL Huckland, pro- Malaca Octi3-O- Alameda. Iore. from tan of any which even pretends to do Do you know J. ltard1ctlB. Mararaliir. . B. ft. .Vttontej. S Homer. Perry, tm New 1 ork it which it was stated that the number of bacs used of .s. . .VrrrAnwf. was " 3Am tm bk tco of any system of infidelity, which, when a soul is prietor the Tbe trip and Clan Grant." irew bk Martha Davla. Benon. from 1'KWton Mrs. 1L Uihop will annually on the islands was about 'J,0U0,0UI; tbat thoroughly enjoyed by all on board who wero hos- ."ii,Created i,ifv. rl. (he Colonic Tho foneral of the Itti C fighting the battle of temptation, will giro strength lrslln,L'rtadC t. .Hns. .N'lr Antlralia, tifaett, from on Sunday next, Snd, at 2 p. m some of the plantation managers found it paid pitably entertained br Mr. T. Ii, Foster. One and -- r U from an Fran tale place Not. for victor)', and make tbe man to stand like Sir 7 llvw W Hall. Mil. Into, owe bags; that tho average wishes success new 11 frnm Lrr remdence Ml Kmma BtrecL Ihe Pro Do them to import their all to tho steamer and the com. 3i-- jn bktne W plmond, llordlett, from MtK Galahad "with tbe strength of tenT you was JTcw ucrtistnicnta. Howe, from San Frandtco cession will form at 1 o'clock, under the super system gives hope loss on bags by bursting, Ac, IK per cent; pany of which tbat gentleman is the President. Empty --Ambktnc Ella. know of any infidel which in economy get cheap bags. DEMIJOHNS vision of Governor Uoiolni. trial f Which can come into tbe midst of tbat it was poor to Theo.H.Davies&Co time of Committees tho term 1, 4. l 1 J defeat and failure and give courage instead of The Standing for ensuing Accidents to Interlsland Steamers. ',. UIU.: SaiSd. Tho arrival of Mr. liobert IJshraau W being were then appointed, as follows: OcttJ-A- m CUdb Spteekelf. Jtew. for fran Fran despair ? Do know any infidel philosophy Have Eccsived by these Vessels bktne looked for tin buildinc committee of St. An yin of Jvi'joi A. II. Smith, J. Ii. HichardHi, Charles During the past week the steamers bclonm? to nf Mekwaa & Llefnua. m bk Emerald, t alter, for I'ort Towntend br able to giro jtence to tho troubled conscience? Wilder Mevl lUrb iro, al gTvattv Mr. L. B. KERB Cathedral. A quantity of stone is Notley, C. F. N. Wright. the Steamer Co. tiavo been ntber unlucky, latint Anttralla, Ohett, for hn Francltro drew's lrs Which can come into a life, give the Hart and J. And other Late Arrivals, priro. aat, lUc aatl ra.hly PtajMMrlttof -- for Fran upon Mr. IJahman's appearance M. Horner, E.M. Walsh, J.lloss, tbreo of that lino meeting with accident, and all Am bktne Dlcorciy. Pcrnraan. San now on hand, and soul, peace itnpulso to a new manhood ? CttttratHtH. J. lISrrel Maker rOR!!,SALE Br Mil - ior can work will pushed on rapidly. and S. Kinncrsley K. within a short time of one another. Happily no the Following : Illmhop. noitert, nunv be 1111 C. and J. Smith. rbkl t men can go down into mo gutter, tne drunk- W. K. lkiilcy, loss of life Is to be noted, nor damage to cargo, of rues, clothe him, Urtthmrrff: H. IlaUtcad, James Veaaela TWtr-r- received from Mrs. lUlUIWon, by the ard out of it. striri him his and Kennedy W. Howell. the following being the special events: ED. CO., JUST EETURNED In Fort. manhood, and with it his Kenton, C. C. and E. HOFFSCIILAEGER & Am blp EWorado Humphrey last Australian steamer, dated at Geelong, Oct give him back his lost 1. n. o. u. u. Ji. Ihe steamer A'tawra Hon. whila making tho rn- - An Asst. of Dry Goods - own respect 01 : 1 uo Isnirfittnm li iwvies, iuie, r ttmr llordcaux, lhlllot Cth, state rwitiTcly that she will sail iffun fen- and tne otuers llishon. II. W. Mist and A. S. Hartwrll. t ranee to Hilo bay on tbe evening of tho 1'lst inst, lU jUKKft MTBCKT w not know of any infidel system which even pre- . ... . r r era. Iji baen iaHtiia, tne .OTemucr steamer joc uuuui'uu, u JirrrtirprJfV... w . i r'J,t . t ai . ' ran ashore on the shoal which makes oct mauka CONSISTING IS PAltT OK From Great Britain theso things. cin-n- - ' W"r, .1. uumvii4ch..r.. v. Am bk Calbarien, llabbard will be dne here on the Ski. proximo. tends to be able to do Hat if it W. II.I' 1'atv. of the Wainakn plantation. Every effort was made lTTi Tierney steamer Jones ir.. and J. H. Long Cloths and other brand of Haw Hazard. do these things, what is it worth? Certainly Y. tho vessel away from tho dangerous Itorrock.s ! Itr 1V Uphella. Mnddrel Trainrtntfon- W. E. ICowell, W. Horner, J. to'gtt position, White Cottons, Unbleached Cottons, NOTICE And will soon open with it ' t ,ivi,lnl li tim l"ial,ilnre tlil tbe such n "bed is too short, and such a covering is Kay. but unavailing, nnd as a last resort she was kedged Am bk NlcfaoU Tbayer, L'roby Hut Christianity can do these things; M. IJdgate. It, IL Hind and T. S. iTints, new styles, fast colors ; Br bk Varnna, Injram Mounted Constabulary should be disbanded, and 'too narrow." U.uHfrti'fiiiv ., Sttnnt IL V. I!ildiu, A. Lid- over the bar into the Wailuku River, sustaining Hold No fits these great wants of tbe world, tbe Hlenched nnd Itmwn Cottons, 8 to 10 ooarter ; OSS Alameda. More iiin iinrw wrn in le ntaaction. notice it into is Koelling, A. Unna and Z. S. Spalding. daring tliejonmry injury to the proptller, stern-pos- t socket. And infidelity only ' 0. Krown Linen Drills, W hite Linen Dues, SELECTION GOODS Am Oeo h Homer, 1'erry oflhes.ilobasjctappcan'd' Oat of what appro bone fits into tbe not O. Holmes, A. and rudder, 'lue steamer off X thrir En Hit ! mt ainl nNl will f of every tore Stoek. H. F. Dillingham. F. Kna armed Crown Canvas, Illk A Old French Merino, nil rk tmlr Am bk NHh Davl. llenon ts acep uciiik fails to bear the searching test of this day w. Hilo on tbe morning of tbe hl last, and took her hnlar)irolbc I1VW.IMAN CVHRIAUE MAM'FACttr Am bktne W H IHmond. lloudlrtl priation weir f1u most when faces tho S. Wilcox, w. II. roms and r. urant. tirades: Vaterprtx)( Tweeds, Orty, Hlue and . life, it fails miserably it W. II. Hickard, C. M.Cooke, C. It, in tow, bringing her safely off the reef and to this TUttMi to lake rtrr f.(man.l tftrr Am bktne Ella. Howe f.t-mi.- - been on on !" group of iufidcl roreitry. Ikrtobet ti.i. i.h.l whieb liu tbe future. "Hold said a friends 31. Glade. port, arriving here on the :5th at 4 p. m. 'I lt.I off he was Huhop, J. Alexander and II. F. inst. he Alt arrminta asalaol thr Ira f IV HIT MAX A liailway durina tho met week, came to one of their number as dying: "Don't . A. A'7rtw Hon will visit Marino re- Marine Ftitilizrt anil Srrti fr-O- Dole, G. C. the llailway for UUIL.HT will W xilird bv J A. V LMKH, mm ! IMPORTS. ha vine been stripped, be a coward! Holdon!" "Wbatto? ForGod's all GENTLEMEN'S WEAR jcfiUrday afternoon, after Williams, A. Hannebcrg, K. A. Macfie jr. and E. pairs. Mixed Flannei Th ron uwla a!4 tra arr wywctfally rmimtMl to lookinR as pood sake, mo what to hold on tor Shrioked tho I t'ar-- o of oiulkcd, recoppcred and painted, tell Hitchcock. CapL Wiesbcrtb, of the report tbat the A ASST. DllEfaS OOOIJS, SlXKy, fay tln Mine tn . ,, i From San Franrltco. per Alameda. trl service. poor wretch. Aye what to ? What docs infidelity G. Uka, laUOK OF rtwiRK. to mB' general tncrcbaitdiar, proviion. prodnce, etc. as new, and promising well for future VantUr QCoitr, II. M. Whitney. IL O. Austin, steamer was passing along through the channel, 8stins, Silk llibbons, Velvet, yiRB") W1I1T.MAS X WHIU1IT KMUltUI .1. TIIK put into the hand of him hoi dying? What between Hawaii 3Iani, on From New York. tieo S Homer, of II. 1. Haldwin, K. C. Iknid snd E. II. Hailey. and the morning of the linioti and Cotton IdsUdos, Linen and Cotton Per n,rt ndiitnin nf tbo liarL Kl lhmiJ has recti fed stav. what snnnort. what hone does it cive in that JL'd 10 o'clock, N H, ! coal. tt SlatUtic W.O. Smith, P. O. Jones JrW.F. inst, nt with squally slight Hand kerchief a, White and Colored Irts, NOTU'K from owners to have the ressel exam- dark boor which is coming to each one of as? swell on, Davit, Ott SI -- A full carjo orders tbe Allen, S. IL Atherton and II. 31. Whitney. weather pleasant. Of a sodden the Merino Undendurts ami Drawers, From notion, per Martha repaired here, and (the will be taken on Absolutely notutng. un me contrast two ouuooks vessel heavy rsmta .Mn.itii;i:iiiAi:ii in ii im:i Stylos hardware, etc. ined and Hit Vnftttrr M. Alexander, J. K. tmith, J. gave a roll to parting the Lndies Underwear. Linen and Cotton TuwiU, A. Ibn anil cotnl will of th ht-a- i Latost merchandise, i'i J. of Hallway that purpose. Afler into the future: Col. Kobert Incerroll. standinc rntlrtfr&. Irar per Anttralla. Oct to tho Marino for IL l'aty, S. It. Dole and D. II. Hitchcock. weather shroud, then taking another roll, the All qualities and styles, Victoria Lawns, f WHITMAN A UUIIiHT. lo taa effect rnm From the Colonie. needed the bark will proceed to at the grave of his brother, looking into the grave weight anlaftpa(lctbrr tNKt All brandy. IU c champagne. 3 crate rcccivins repsirs, Mr. It. V. Macfie. Jr., Chairman of the Com- of tbe sail which wa4 being carried, with White Moleskin, Check Moleskin. tl. wtl.Uudlac rennaU And tTandy.l said : 19 a narrow vaie uciween me uarren swing of f !! arm will b lv J A. PALM Rtt. at 1 Purchased by Himself I"A e the Sound. "Uie on ' Jlanufacturo of Sugars' presented the of tho boom, oirried away tbo foremast ImiL liRco and Insertions, N. OOtUCfi, Ct rooit, nuair, " peaks of two eternities. We strive in Tain to look mittee Edinfrs CauplKllN Ulurk. MR. S. 31 WHITMAN pl-- ,1" ,n for San Francitco. short off to tho deck. An attempt was made to Urooks CJO yd uMan r"n' trauti Tbo Miufeler seems to tie again bevond aloud and read the report. jd. SiwI Cotton, CcitcV L'fnrrai manaemtrnt ni nar nunnrariovv t U. m-- Person. of the Interior the heicbls. ecrr and the onlr DtTics presented and retd a ou get tbe mast on board but !euig found nselee, Cotton, Ticking, Itluo Denims, all. in enacting tho "old, old atory" if 1(73, neclect of answer is tho echo of our wailing cry T Miss Mr. T. II. picr tSnool WKHT r.llrlMS). MR. W. HRHHIT Uh eharr of Double Pressing," prepared by tho sail and riinng was saved and the vessel kept Netting, !X) . EXPORTS. A of correspondence now awaits the Foster, having spent her brief lifo in "Maceration and MoMiuIto Inch dattes. roais Francis Mr. Alex. Young nf the Honolulu Iron Works. on her way. Soother d image happened to the Tbaakin conimwnltv fwr lb Ir imtt.-tj- in jhi attention of the present incumbent, many of tbo mission-work- , dying at thirty-one- . said: For ban Francitco. prr C B Blthop. Oct of '1 ho members tendered a vote of thanks to the vessel. ii"i and ollvlllnsti a roattaaaac1 of Ihu mm. Milk communications relating to Government leases, of pilgrim walking the valley, vet the & m oar iww In- tsar. "lbougha in gentlemen who had acted on the committees ap- 'Ihe feleaiuer .uWir is reported to have nar- Rubber Coats Leggings aanrjnrri aiteatimi im all bnia which there hare been no sales of late. mountain are aflame- with light V Tbe tru'ini in tmr ry rrp-rti- Ir icaks pointed to Messrs. Koelling rowly escaped being ted ingered by complications frr raala, 1 1 1 by s : last year, and abu IIVWA1MN ClHKIAtlB 4 r "Vlc PASSENGERS. difference was caused the taken Young the paper prepared by thcra. iu her 6 tee ring apparatus, when off Kabnlui on 1 c HtKU Tt'HISl. lO of reserve corps peace tbo great orator looked through the grave from and for XIlctTi oto, Makanui, ono the of 11 resolution tho rrusteoa wero empowered to the last trip. A towel belonging to a Chinese Horso K. 41 HllL'MAM l -- W of infidelity; HrrrtUr.v For I ranntco. er ( laut . Oct . 4 guardians, known as outside iolice, cot filled with the "narrow bed" tho Christian decisive on application from members steward got jammed m one of tho tiller chain ob- looked through it from the empty sepulchre of take action Jlrasiey ana wne. whiskey, on the evening of the ?7tk inst. and who might desire to withdraw from the organi leaders but the obstruction was happily discovered afR7BCi3arc AUmeda. Oct ti- -J enongh to assault a sick China- Christ, and tbe glory of that firtt Easter made the Bed C3 courace while plenty Blankets, From ban Franclneo. pr tained zation. the steamer had of searoora. and wife. t II Jndd and wilr. Mr II J Nolle. man. A resident on itcretanLi street interfered heights radiant. All Slim, WdElit., ((olitiM Color, t 'jihk i im.KsioNKi, iimomi: r" t'l M Adjourned at till - u. uJ Mi E Jadd. Ml Julia Jodd.Min J lUwm. Mr. doochty pngiliat Licked op. buobt nxm axil Kitcow covtna. A idrallficii with tarn iiitiiuf ihr and bad tbe Mot be m with sickly, nursing M lm.u lliwiuii Kibai. MltB E KteUanlton, E Ii Mile Mitt May. Mi Meiimaken "short bed" out of morality, and xrruisoos. fretful children, LAKKIAUK INI'FAl Tl'KIXti lOVI'AHT. Lk W A Camp will cure tho child nnd benefit thcuiscKe-- by t.ik ihiB mclh.nl uf i prrmina - CO Eiwerick.Mm JW Botnrltoii, P Tolcr. J 1 wo government officials have been oil tho bick a " narrow out of their self righteousness. On rcasumbling, eomo ronlino bueinrss con i Velvet 6c Tapestry, tar .Iikci- thaak for tn "mVn """'"'J W S W O W cocr" ing Hop daily. See klntlaeaa. 2mmI will awl llbvral lielL. John t'atfldy.J Forber, Wllcoi. been confined I have nothing praise for morality. I hare no ntcted with the committees was brought up and Hitters ndvertisement. MiiltivaKnt rrcnvfil M Mnllh.Mrt Anna A Long. U Murry. list. IheMiuittrr of Interior has but iron our many rriraiia jtnrt la ibi Ucl. MIE resumed with much of pulpit concluded. plrH roinmnaiiv MraW S Hank and Infant. Mrc J K Haufonl. F ltnn, to his bouse for several days, bat bis svruruthy the abuse of human Rugs Mats, rostmastcr-Ucnera- was and Miellatcb,J M t'ofleratd wlfe.MI- - E C Harrte.Hr duties for n short time on rnday. l nsturo. Our humanity is a royal gift, "made in A vote ot tnnnas tenoercu to jirecii Gpcthil Totircs. iw tonlijllr Intllr all l xnttuitno mt Freth-Itld- , Mr J,iiiics Campbell E CUrUb,Cba 11 Brewer.WK Marthall. K Whitney has been suffering from an affec- theimageof God," aud though sin has degraded Hroun actnt for for the A FEW OP TIIK NEW HTYI.K wrvio ai onr nrw if wMiMrtrriu n m in trt rt E I Kerry. S Uaile. M ttt B B Parke, W II Corn eye, Lad to keep in a dark room, it and marred that image, ttill there is much in gratuitous nse of tho meeting room. lahrrr. witb faeiltll- i- f nlfam pow-- nnd 30 tion of the and has niarblncry. wrtmfrt well, II l.Jndau. Brother J frcblpper. B kurfan.and beautiful, aye, . And President Austin then took tho floor, 3IrT. U. THE PEOPLE'S CYCLOPEDIA. Sprrt u tnrn off morn work nilb lie is improving. humanity that is caar Tonr- - teerae and a Chinamen when a man, following his better impulses, and Davies in the chair, and read an interesting (ta- OENTR3S srraitrr antiaiMirli. RUGS M Molnkai. per Uketlk.-- -- W 11 new raceboat was A SEW EILV s WHITMAN From Maui and lct J , the .lownt restrained by law, and other influences, walks up- per Treaty KeiatkmV IS tlfl.UPEUIAh' V W 11 well Mr M Tho origi- WKH.IIT Davldton and child. Mn Corn I received for His Majesty. boat in her right and cleanly, I rejoice in that life. Hut this JIT . J- OlllllU IUU ITJIU'I IU IUD I l r Grerory. Mtter Ilonaventitra, Capt E of com- - It came into rxble nee a tht cf Public Fatbi nality was a beauty and give promise fast 1 tho was not when ho Monthly received a vute of thanks from the rnlt Ulu ! bmilb. Mhi M Mlta, lokea know, that Christ mistaken luu tbat the nf Ihe It time, but the needs of His Majesty demanded a said that mere outer observance of the letter of piny lor lue auie manner in wnicu no uau me iieiifle needed s Cjclitedla Merchant Canvas For Kauai, via Walanae per Jaa MaLee, Oct il- -J h boat and this new boat is now in tbe jimrnal daring the year and a bellrr adapted to IhclrwanU snd wx i i:imi riu; m M 1 the law was not enough. He located sins in the that pat mean. Ilhaatbe Ki:riiiiu Kicliardeon andwtfr. Montarral, Mr Ine and Mr. Wm. be t KK1AI.K M Mti.i.ii.rr.VLTt W hands of Itawlins the to desires. He said theso must be changed. You say nnanmous vote was passed continuing tne cream nf all the rvclupedla cfven f n abcholarlv, - It daughter, Mir EK Itlrbardton.F Ulade. changed from a four toa boat. term. OHI'tli, wlh f.ir-- a - iht- - M pure in life: Inm glad of it. Hut how for the ensuing terlj Manner; mere bat the I From Windward Port. jer KInau.Oct2i-- F Int joanro Pottngne&oCumiuittioiier nit tkrlrton. flcih and "22 3C nij iucri maimi' im- uixrti ptaironait1 4 that life, back of the 00 ler ? You have SdiorCanavarro tho blood of all the Filter Press Bags x Jornlli at hamlnir nt.l that tht- amr ler. W M Tnttlf. TWtee. OT hipman.TS honth of about inner other. trail r0. AJC133 11 Ml I. Some excellent instantaneous '(holographs yon ever whi was prenut, by request of the company, nt ami u)iiorl will hr to wick, i W Kalonapela, i W Kanka, Lillie, never defrauded, or stolen but hare It has lsbleenThouand Ionic mure than other t'y azui' rtrniVit hit tKcranwa THE XII3ST. Mahole. Ml Martin, Mr the Aiuti as she is sailing out of the harbor, have Then Christ says yon are a thief, in note of the Portucaeso laUir on the plantations. Wo iu.tko this one of our H(eci.iHlti and a aii tn v jra tutiiim rv tinlly. Oockett,MlC Airoter. A: coveted? clopeilia, Five Thoosaud - J Joaea,W Y Homer, Mr Mlterburz. Mr V KVtda,J been taken by Messrs. H illiams Co. 1 he same heart. You may be frea from the sin of adultery, theiro ontentraent. anU n dmire to colonize. He lltutratloni have a Koll Stock of I'l oijnh t. WKsT IgJfllH tOMltT i Isl- com- Coloreil Ifa&drcd Trrnlj-Pt- (fit Burnett. DKamalcplli. firm have a capital assortment of views of tbe net concerned have yon signined uisiuienilniioi seumng a wrmeii Map; Otic and Map MiM" ltf . hai ir.-- Wil- so far as the outer is but lhn lrt.r rl fr ..fluxrv V IE Bishop. 2 Ml- ands. During his recent tour in Hawaii Mr. " tho plantus on the latter subject. anil The map am lUUroad Wo want under- From Hamakna, per Oct ever " looked upon a woman with desire ? 'I ben munication to Ila;ram. and County tho Public to tUwii-a-- " -- ill .! iD PET ClfJ'AHETTES It, K lianuna, E M Ilannna, II Jlanuna liam has added a number of new scenes, many of Adulterer. Your 31 r T. II. Danes from the committee appointed Map of the Sugar, Rice&Coal Bags Christ savs you are an hand is I'nllrd Stair. Maptrlor In all '.thtr- - 1 b r m !' ( t' 26- -II Oladr. V which will bo most acceptable to collectors of our n to President of stand that tho From Kaoal. ter IwaUnl, F not but have you ever hated a in nrrrnt comnmntcitlon the The work I complete and bow readr for v Kundten.C 11 Harrison.0t J Hrenl. J K Island views. Immigration presented the follow- dclircrr. re Which we are sellin" lfottoru HKillhsT l)Hr.oLIl.X hi V .. ... Iter, inau r Then Christ says our soul is tbe lloardof vlted and all bron-- down t ISCI. at l'rice. Witin Aukai, Mr Kiupoa, Mn Mini beck and of Foreign Affairs: art- I 1 BUI UOUS It 100 wurn ing letter from tho Minister Union Feed Company, child. N AuMln. Frank Mctcalf, a half white who has of late nut pui biiuukij uoonjo, C"PUICE!i-$I- T, $13, anl In different o ni' il't fr " 'I he carnal heart is enmity against God." And OrricK of Fo&uai Arrxus, ( i JiW cfc SplyT-win- Ip amt VTtllinj r,Qrntb all the ipaaif ami irr tb"itii. iritii.ui iniii m i Francitco, per W O Hall. K- -T It developed an ability to get into trouble bindings, 3Ussr. pmLLirs X New YurLare a From san in? L, Christ knew men when be said that Out of the Honolulu, Octolicr SI. 18S1. ( llnvrof 3 Fottcr, Mr M uple, J F Noble. lt before Judge Ihckerton on the "th tbe e ENOLISII. HAWAIIAN. .M LLK OINTEN kv pre- liMtrt nroccd evil thouchts. murderers." etc. And, 31. I'nblirbcri. ms HAT, BARLEY. Ms. r. TEt per An 2fi E Foley A charged with "obtaining money nnder false Jn. OATS, BRAN, Xe Kt'tinon From the Colonic, tralla. Orl " Kxoept a man be born nf water and of tbe Spirit A. t '(... T. II. c. A Cnrrle, A Mdntyre, Mra T M Fltrpatrlik. tenses.' liy a construction of tbe law he man- "i Tbr ...- -' v. nr. Ilewabury. he cannot enter tbe Kingdom of God.' Ihe In the nb&tcco of His Ex. Mr. M v need ;r itr. V Uatcoyne, J F BiaLe, and 3! rabln and V ttecrajrc aged to escape conviction. Ho had a very close A IlAHi; BOOK! AMEBUQA.W FLAGS, it IW ARK H'U ILE T bed1' of morality breaks down: it is Galick, have honor to acknowledge the re- ptcncc in transit for San FrandKo. shayo to a residence on the reef. "narrow I the .1, C nnd 7 yrd ; by sin. Tbe robe of of date addressed AT THE LOWEST RATES. For aD Francitco. per Dlacovery. Oct Puffn, ceipt of jour Utter ystcrdaya THE LNtOK rUODLCM U ALL AUE3, fJV Olt MARCHANT'S, United ness has no warmtn in u: 11 is oy htm as President of the Hoard of Immigration Col Norrl The Hon. W. McKinley. brother of the to 1MJKCIIESTEU, OF MASSACHUSETTS Francitco. per Australia, Oct -- Mr Hall, Z States Consul at this port, has been for sinful desires. in which, on behelf of tbe Planters' Ltbor and FLOOR OILCLOTHS For San PKADBEl 1ECTT. apprehension S Ittth of SaDply Co., you set forth the of tbo Hi I K Myert, Mr Calton. and Chlncte. the fifth time to represent tbe district book, Ihe iToblcm of Llittora Irrjjre, the i Men try to find rest in this world, and what it a scarcity of labor and inquire how Kllra Rsorted Widths . Mr ill it mi pi j ill ml ill ",wl drltvnrd perLikelike.Oct A Unna. Ohio Congress. Mr. McKinley U an immensely planters as to I For Molokat and Maul. S in is gold, standard the world over. This mitten In bl beat C W & Coelly. Mr making for himself a fine can give them. Tho bedstead made of the far tbey may count on a supply of laborers from ECmwallans. O Tbtdeman. Mr Evettoo. Ilanen. popular man, and he is etyle. It ha Ninety Illnttralluu abJ JJtaarattis. It ih No. I70. jrm I. C Keller, Mim Mary Uoodale. E M Waltb, E Norrtt, record as a statesman. He is one of tbe best covering or stocks, bonus, mortgages anu ueeus. Japan, and in which j on also express the opinion Ladies' & Gent's Saddles A II rah. bitter lionavmtuia,tapt J Roee. sneakers in tbe House. He has been nicknamed Hut this world cannot give a man rest. We've seen that, if there may bo any, doubt as to an adequate oaht to have a plce In every family. Visiting San Francisco the Young Napoleon" of Ohio, men try it and fail. Out of the golden stream supply from that source the present restrictions l'attor Crnxaa ay. "I Save tatHcicotlv examined ANDHADDLEKY. LOST! BORN. which rmnred into their coffersthev built stores. on Chinehe immigration bo relaxed. Dr. Uorchestcr'i book, the Llinnr Problem of all Ages, MI.VI l'KOM KAl'AIAIA steamers and palaces for I pleasure to state the Gov- A oinipleto lineuluchwu nri m.11iui; MAI I, (m frail material of the new race mills, factories, railroads, In reply hate that to convince myself it Is or great i ,1 IIWII. MMtWu. Cousiderins the furnith-ing- that value. It (1ie.iper Kvtr. W-I- II. In Ifal city, on tbe STlh int to the wife of Walter collision con- themselves. They lavished wealth on the ernment haro mobt explicit assurances that an than VI Uwl Yohiw Klllv firanilnl L A boats and the possibility of and packed foil of eUtUtics not eaally found efeenhcre. It t Hawaiian Papers on File . tilSard, a aon enggested each be and they said, " Here wo will restl Stand immigration ol Japancso to me extent 01 u.urn, or rwarilof :IIIIk-tulr- for IftW sequent damage, it is that boat valuable a aa edscalor, and will beat tntcrcat to all n ii. given a separate stakeboat to turn, on rare day. back all care, and anxieijj anu irouuie: um tuey whom s will bw men, rgay be relied on Iron Bedsteads, nii.aiv, at tiik orrne or tmk window-blind- Government should who with to know the fad In regard to (he DIED- A good course would to start from the Myrtle won't stand back. Care rattles the dnring the year IStt, if tbe Lienor be (He." bouse, turnsukeboats ranged between the Anxiety polls aside tho rich curtains and hangings. find itself in a position to make tho requisite ad- tra STth club Galvanized Buckets, the cattle wharf and the Honolulu dob hooe then Trouble lays its hard hot fingers on the bounding vances to provnio for their passages to this country Pastor O2-- aj, " have examined the wurk and PIANO TUITION S. F. yoonffe! oo of Luke and LI la Ale temple. You expenses. IKON Merchant. taoa.u, Judges pulse and throbbing "Happy! think and for other incidental In addition to take pleamre in recumciBndliii; nXNKll r out and round the pparbuoy, back to It." i thine, ased A month and 13 day mn hantivr answered Hotbschild to A friend. Aud a are informed that about WO s i'(M:nvi: kis8m:i: ' boat in the harbor. this J"ff" The following pfrii are aiuon" the nnmtM-- t .fpinl In tmkf rni,ll fu lit tnn. "Of ucb U tbe Kinsdom ol Ilcarrn every other form of this word is just as empty of sugar planting laborers may be expected here mm- - TKRM4 ONK TKK (hat have ordered: S. C llinimi, II 11 Whitney, Tea Kettles & Pans The " Honolulu Itiflcs" had their usual drill comfort as riches. Look across the water yonder within a few weeks from this date, leaving Japan Iv Sauce l.SSON A.U al Geo. Wallace, S E 1'. O. II. HUCKLAND. HONOLULU STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. Hst evening, and the movements in manual and at that death struggle for the Fresidency. Would sometime in November. The numbers indicated llib't. 'une,Ji.. V.S AMottcd Sizes ; do i'tj Vnoit, l20KInt! St marching exercises showed marked improvement. you nay the price which either of tbe two leading to suffice for all possible wants of the plant- Maon, Sect'y Y M (' A.; D Alhertun. Tho Ii. Eilltor Sl Proprietor , 1884, ex- oash Sosaion. Fridaj-- Oct. 24th, 'Ihe "boys" feel that they bare been to an CaUUlUAies, Xliaine OC ujciimuui uiib nncnuj juiu ations. Thrnrn, Panic I Losan, Ed " llallriln." let) Butcher Knives, Knives & Forks, NOTICK. "S. r. M.r.bnL" tent slighted by the authorities, on account of tbe four years of incessant care and worry Tho Government ciunot, however, rely upon be- for the Tin Plate. Sheet Lead, ok tiii:i;k Stocka: BIO. AtkEU " King's Own," a sort of n rag, tag and bobtail which must follow success? 1 hint of tho slander, ing able to make pruvHtououtof levenue fur tbe A1)IVMu;ni br uaM tn tbi Stock bolder Sncar being supplied with new uniforms, A week winch 03ciirrul Clcrtisciiitiita. orcaniration, tim defamation, tha sincle large advances would be required for this Galvanized Water Pipe, ' t - in. nf th WII.HKKS HriAVHHIP t Uaillt4. Wad- - Ilalka MiarCo while they (tbe li.lt.') are "left." of it wcmM break a sensitive man's heart. Did immigration, and can only say that as many will " N'ailav Ml 14 h. !"l at Hw u ! tar cotaaawj. ui .tit I'i-vf- sriti.r.r. Mtmtii.irLi; Kobaia tocar tbo worlds applause satiny xxigar a. oe or be brought here as the means at its disposal will 1MWK. (fvcratary. i' iru xoTin:." LEAD, ; h 1IZ I.iailTHOUKHWTOItU The rrtnccAlHe Plant Co. John Cook n carpenter, who was lately before Hvmn? Two mora miserable men ceer lived. allow. I have to anggest that it is desirable that WHITE various qualities Iloaolaln. Wl. n t'MWl ET "NU TUtS Ot Wailnkn fuiar Co !II""! iii ono of the courts with reference to tbo ownership world never satisfies an traraoital soul. Its give tbo Government an of in:(sufAi: .mki;tix(; 1U0 lite yon should estimate tiii; BOILED OIL, TURPENTINE ! FANCY CANDIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Haw AjrriculinralCo. sewing machine, was again before Judge apples, s JTlfVtfr ot Ihe IIUNOLI'LI U'ilT WlAT C'Ll'tt NOTICE Co of a rewards are like the Dead Sea or the tnenumucroi lauorers viucumn iucij iu uo jv Makee &usar ltickerton on tlto SHh lost., as prosecutor in a case 12 will UV pUee at Ihr 11.1ft IIUISE, ON IT 3Jhr.lt t Walmanalo buffar Co huks. nnirni th ntftnters within the next months. 13 o'cl,x-- ANN A f. OK it gross After heating ihe testimony offered n im- WEDSEMIAY. thr Znb at A CORRUGATED ROOFING, otrta. A. H ll--o to- - HannLaa nzar Co of cheat. 1UNL L.11U HE. Tbo removal of the restrictions on Chinese fall attmdanci.' t MillcttLwlyitl nn L tb ono J1K Nt HU I O . will Im hM at thn declared it to be rrneled (V -- II.TW-- , H Bom net tsn $1 j") pet rbare Paid np) by Mr. Cook. Judc Ificlcrton fbilvoneLrd is lane enough for an immortal migration woqld bo a step involving grave national Itxn It W JL (lirrAIir. 71 Otue, 7, 8 and 3 ft, Leo;rthA , Oalv. 0kr I V. OS BltXEHUAY. !fveaa. ,. - eeretav a. m aaalMIIKawt J i .. worthless and dismissed tbe case. The defendant i fiml nnnn in shaped like the CrOiiS Government will need Iflh. at oar.i.m l.r ' Tbe Koloa irv in real it consequences, and the to Screws and Washers. Oalv. Itiduinfr, 11. CAKTRH, JtpicnM Wf'Ul ' h'"latf V was a woman, whose husband had left the country. Only covering broad enough to carefully undertaking J. lilaO htklI?oM of Christ. one is deliberate before it, in the Corporation Notice ! rt'y OntHora Sotfar Walhee bugar of being shown to bo necessary. Under prtfin .'. Fancy and Plain Mlioil, Candies Mill.... 20, Mr.andMrs. U. W. Schmidt event its Yellow Sheathing Metal, and Nails Honolaln lrt. Illb.l'WI WM Pctflca On Monday, OO. Dr. Savage says that when searcning tue name tbe regulations as tbey stand a very considerable tiii; Axxr.vh mi:i;tix or Uo JIITf I r.tr.- - Ait Mlaeea btursr Co wedding, The cilebration rtlbr-rl- - K, celebrated their tin rUld for wounded men, bo found a dead Confed luninrse ainvou iu mo cuuuiry Atthe nf tho tJROVE KISC1I Annealed Fence Wire, Fcnee Kir l.lrt.fi-- l: t Hliea Migar Co. owing to the recent deaths number oi iisto PL.VNTATION COMPANY, held at Ilonolnla PATENT NOTICE. (.Hit. I'H. I'--. trove Pjnch Co !""...!!! "wo was a rery quiet one erate soldier. Ho wss covered with his blood. Hy dnnne the past few months. At least of tktobir Wire i'Unt(iuardiand Archea, which have occurred, and which bare robbed With bloody Slit, 11, lb follnalni; omc-- were elected for an AUo Walanae Co. his side lay an opou Testament. his those who have gone away since the Itegulatious year and nntil their aurccfpor wriinitKAS A kati;xt wa is. The Tov Candf HeUIIml t pr lb Mill Co Honolulu society some of highest members. Mat- - ar" elated: V I'hIm of iu hands be bad opened it to tbe ltilh chapter of were published have provided themselves before- 1 . u Klast" Jt JarvU.'ia lha3Hib Jaava XLh .IT Tli U (ijUpcx tbarc paid ap). Notwithstanding quite a number of the immediate SDIlnle President f latortar. awaVr lb ! t ": hand with permits to return, and as such permits !(. hv tho MtaUlrr lb 1tr. T..I." II ..f A pi. UWwaiu o, :::::::::! -- f of the hippy couple were present and a rfa4(Ml IMth verse. Tllllobron STEBL BAILS, hi klMdM. for la mad C'aaf nends hid Mnodr finders acainst tba be in Hongkong as well as here, it is Tth CMaalff Mar Mill Co con- can obtained J II l'aty Tresinrtr uraacr, lb) U io wara all mermau acalavl aa lafriay Tery pleasant evening as the result. The "Corao unto mo all ye that arc weary and are more than that proportion will ac- WO Smith ascreury With Full l'l.ilw, IUU mid f Kat Maul I'lanution Co. ro offered and probable tbat Sk, ! of tha aald r!l FAMILY GRUCEKIES. gratulations of the UiZExnc tMr. l.navv.lailfln and I Will five TOU TesL" Out of that tually return to this country. The total number JnAUicrton Andilyr Plal BURWRK A COwPANV. lBnnltaararCa Mrs. Schmidt; may tbey live to otlebrate their 1. Paakaab-usarC- ono text the soldier had mada his dving bed. It leaving during the year ha not been very great. Allot shorn scecpttd office W U SMITH. Portland Comcnt, fala of thr Jat vis faraacaCo ugu gulden wedding. 1 Kedprodiy Co.... was broad enoucn. era 11 no zounu resi. is I tmna that it will not be found nocessiirT to re Secretary Firo Clay, Firo Bricks, t'rr J.O 4KTX. In y. ljMpahoeW near Co... a broad enough and strong enough for our sinfnl treat from a policy which has been visaed with so li.,i.olnU.Oci. zm nrost llonolola. r;hrary wa l HamaLBaMlil Co In another column u the advertisement of ; To the Trade! by tho people generally, ii Doth Square and arch Ualkapn frufiarCo newly imported fertilizer which it is hoped will be race. much satisfaction and HaUwahujrarCo B, Lawcs, H also cordially approved by lriendly Powers; and I I useful to planters. Sir J. U I I. - Lump Hock Salt, 3NTOTICI3 Ilonomnr-usa- Co bead of A Praiseworthy Enterpriso- am persuaded that it will not be necessary if tbe iioi It. tL, has for forty years pat been at the JUST LANDED Fishory I'ala Plantation Co iii scientific agriculture in England, and has earned Salt, A Consignment of Arnong the new enterprises which initiated. EX on extensive experimental farms for the observa- the spirit with which it has been English Bolting, To Whom it May Concern! Railroad Stock: chemical action upon different men are continually introducing at much personal 1 have th honor to remain, etc., 3 lo 12 Inch vidian: tion of various 31. sugar-bee- crops. A inl.ni- itnd exnenscinto various communities. lboe W. Gichox, A Us lltwslianBKCo kinds of grain, l and other : accounts owixo to tiik KabulBilUilroadCo largo company is now engaged in tho manufacture nmat ltterTinc of oraiso are such as roav lend to Minister of Foreign Affairs. OPHELIA & VARUNA as AhsoirriiExroF iV ttivlrfhiil fir Hi" Qnartrr Kadln.' Innr IWh, these benefit puulio xne ioou mat proves lM, If wot lit tijfOrtlwr Ktb will tn- placrd I lha Large Coal Bags! of chemical manures prepared in view of tbe ucaitn. After considerable debate it was decided tbat II K SKY LO fer- of diet In all countries, even in IMXlMOl Ul.LeTOIf ftY Telephone Stoclts: and nearly tons of pre pared the chief article returns should bo made on the following morning Ilotinlalu. lpt h I'M If tilizers are now annually shipped from tho two this tropical city of the Faafic, is meat, and it that wnnld indicate tho amount of men reaulred ENGLISH GROCERIES Haw Bell Triiifa i great moment whether the sup- PIG BRAND PORTER I'l llawTeiep Co, (Maui)....; in ano factories of the Lawes com pan J. a matter of as. laborers, by the plantations daring the next 13 NOTICK! A easily digestible, or such as SI II AS Kaaai Co ply Is of kind tbat is monins. QLAltTs 'ON-- Hawaii T&TCo.J was a largely increased attendance at tbe may indue a suffering front such ills as poor hu was received from Mr. C. C. is and rivrs rpili; IBChlNKft'sllITIIKirTO 1 HlkjJt There An invitation Worcestershire Saoc. Frails. Jara,Creara Tartar. .laci.J tn'Wthrlraiidtyl'- of 1IBMRY KAY pea&l nnion temce held in the Y. 31. 0. A. Hall, man flesh is heir to. to visit and inspect the new cane planting Soda. Hpnxm. Etc., Etc., naato Closed been made regarding Etc A CO.. will coatloal by .b the Below Cost MiccUameon Stock 1 hursday evening last. The opening half boor of Many complaints have the machtce patented iy him. At s.iu me meeiin; Tcnncnt Pale Ale, in qts. and pts.; TOM MAY, custom-mers- , We bate abw jntt received an asat. cf aamr bnaiflaaB was one of special interest. Mr. Ciozan s meat served by the butchers of this city to adjourned until 10 a.m. the next day. l Honolulu, " ' Itenotola Iron Wk C...l frayer general complaint being in regard to tbe Porter, in qts. and pints; iitaori l" Dy HACKFELD A '. ttrewrr .Conci1ile.. 1.."" iJ" on "The Mistakes of Christian Workers" the nrvii ftiv. Tcnnent H. Co. 13U lack of jniciness, etc, the result of use later Itland N.Co was forcible, suggestive, and cannot fail to le touchness, AtfKjtnH being tho meeting listened to ! evening i..v:tl. T .i,l... thism- On called to order E, & J. Burk's Stout, qts. and pts.; PUBLIC NOTICE Man) Mock Co rnch. helpful. (Thursday) Kev.E. tOO Soon aiiK aatiiu, wm.... j, O00QS TAX-lAYi:i- Kael reply forwarded by 31 r. Jaeger in to the AMEBIOAI l1 Mm'td. 1W meeting. as set to supply his customers with a answer " " UK OKTIIK H. K O Hall A ton. lead the The themes and to be enabled uuu uo Bass's Ale, qts & pts.; Mtl I rr b'frby mrflaVd A. RASEIY1ANN, WTMer Meamtilp co. are; 7:15 7:33 p. ra. I'rayer wdl be be more edible and easier of letter oi wants ioiwaiucu oj Ani'iug th-- m ll in the jirogramme, meat that were then made relative to tbe amount (bat th- - Tax of Otlitrt wilt hm InniklalB Ire Work.... V" h.. tho Holy to abide in power upon Hono- Mr. Gilbert Waller, the well known pro- Statements So light Sparkling Ale, qts. & pts ; olltof ,, tM Dairy is-fk- for Spirit of labor actually needed by the plantalkmsdanog flier tttt w in and the Metropolitan and Ctty Markets, lias Hfnr-- WtlhlH xjl'lui nj', vf- Itancn vo lulu; cleansing tbe hearts of Christians prietor of tbe next IS months, the figures being as follows:' Do 'Waters, qts. Ic pts., Bleached & Brown Cottons nllnWIMS aiid vIk'ii Utlrlrt. Jvawiltoa them lor work; and upon all the unsaved, imported from Glasgow, and baa now erected on Mineral in iR l MAKWA.m 3oe ISooii. aSaA8i:ss Ma- C Hrewcr & Co. 0"), Castle k Cooke r40, Hackfeld . ITtb. mfe. tM. especially those the power of place Kslihi, a Dry Air 27 13 31 inchw vide : :ik ah lath ttih. mh. fub. nnder his at Co, r)0, T. II. Daviea A Co, W0, F. A. Schaefer lilJb. t'4- -. aad VAk. Bond. habiUi, that they may be led to Christ. chine,1'' capable of delivering and maintaining a i. c ForSilc Lowc'iIUl" 10 totstoiuit.t ilia, aifl tm Drrrmbrr 88:15 A Co. 2.V), A. Unnt TO, It, A. Macfio jr. W, Grove UIoo Al KEOKKA. BeiKKiK or J naaaaavir on UaWAItaX GOVKSKKXTJ p. ru. How to approach inquirers, and the ob- circulation of C,W0 cubic feet of cold air, below T, Fancy I'rinU, iJcniias, na Hanch Sugar Co. 30, Waianae Sucar Co. SO, a total FUnnel, Men's, Women's and Vot'inb mh aaxl 1Mb PAPER RULER jective point to bo aimed at." Messrs. Co, Canton At HLELO. OObt of Mi Aaaaallliil on ovrtabrr S pt cent machine 3Ir. Waller has reported ofZ.llOwim W.O. Irwin 4 F. A. SCHAEFER & CO'S. Ubthirena' J tool ana nnoe. nue ana 111! - End In connection with this UoflVchlaeger A Co, OokaU Sugar Co. and C. JWh ad JUt second annwal meeting of the Hoyal Hawai- House," containing two cooling (1033 Styles adsrid to this market: loarpa. oti Mb The had built a "Chill Afong t) At PAH. Rakdrarf Sifbn Agricultural Society was held at the Hawaiian 13 by 7 feet wide, 7 high, Ihe to bear from. 'Xtn-mm- tr Uov.Tax ian chambers, each feet reply A LAKOE FUESU ASSORTMENT OF kl at lAlSl4riavw.nrajba Book free fm was a fair attend- 19 with Mr. T. IL Davies presented a draft of a to a. . fUSTLC B. aTHEKTOS .vR. JTORSITIDH. Blank Manufacturer ' ' (tBomealioaa.. Hotel on tho Ski inst. There sides and ends cased to a height of inches Or- 9kb ance and a deputation from the Boots (19 inches space tbe letter of the 3Ilnuter of Foreign Affairs. A. juuwav. Ilaw'n Agr'l Co. of members xmc, the walls, ceilinc and engrcMscJ presented by tMS'JI.i; t'OOKl), WW Haulers Labor and Supply Co. were also present. filled with nee chaff, and tbe dered to bo and be the irt. ib. 1H. all around) being in previous like correspond- SHIFFIHO AND COMMISSION MZHCHaNTS HARBWARE - II. BIEMENCUNEIDER. becty. Jaeger reported an indebtedness of containing tbe carcasses of same committee having Shel HOOK'S OK u. uirrto Treasurer two rooms capable of In charge. IMroRTEKS AND XUTICK ! BLAk lh ilfl30C, but there was a subsidy or bonus of 0 sheep, ence N 32 bullocks and 1L30 tho meeting adjourned i.m. on 41AU0 from the Government yet to draw from. capabilities of this new At nntill A TTIIK3IKBTINCtUKTIIBSTOCK An Opium Seizure. A practical trial of the 27th inst, Dealers InConcralMorchandlsc. and Mechanics' Tools listening report the Secretary, week: Mr. Wal- tho SO Plantation 1 to Order After to the of enterprise was had during the past srxrn No. Kin Street, Hoaolala, II. I. Ruled and Bound On the afternoon of Thursday the .3rd inst election of officers for tho ensuing term was pro- Thursday, at flJO pan- -, rlacinK in onB dt. CUEET ICO. ii. Wijlakn lblTtb.tfflowtzaakrrwrTelrtad; r ler, on last members assembled more promptly than from information received, ort Sorvej-o- ceeded with, resulting as follows: Permanent cooling chambers a bullock and half a sheep The AGENTS ron Y It CoOcn. M U PreWrt Wllh Xata sfl -; of the morning, n qooram being present at the . . MarLham and his discovcicd a Majesty the Kin- coolness was usual this Iox"te.TDlo Englnoa hpAiarr - - m rretddent. His freshly killed. The of tte chamber Tkt KoaaU bnssr Co. II. Ilalatead. urWaislns ii m n r tttaak K - Mj'Mla-- - -l l --inanUty of opinra in some Chinese merchandise Hoo-- Secretary, Treas- temper- meeting hour, i r Barara .VrrHnry 4 TrwfW V' " r.JoJJ; J.S.Webb: then reduced to W and kept at about tbat Th Halkw iinrCo, riaaUtion. ry KoaaiJ in various Htylta and at 11. hila waiting the eiptoted answer from the Ko- lir- -t Wr-U- (jcannc the mark T. C' and which had arrived urer, A. Jaeger. Executive Committee. Dr. ature until the morning of Sunday, the 00th Lost i for The Alexander te Bald- A.lI.SmilUACf.. - U Btwuncr Tbo difwuvcry waarrported odd, I MeCaily. A. S. An Minister of Foreign Affairs to tbe communication win FlanUllona. loa, ONE SPLENDID PIANO, ?. jntW. McKibbin, C II. J Hans. wben the carcasses were removed. inspection aanai CHINA ! goods , forwarded by tbe Society, discussion was engaged riaatatlow. J. H.Alesaader.lUUa. HO- EXCHANGE ON Merchant tGaiettc Building; tolrhead quarters and the removed to the Qechorn, IU F. Bictertonf Esq., and Mr. Charles of the meal showed that it was tn splendidoondi-Uon- Ilamaka CY nUUSMEAU A 27 St, in on the labor question, the anramenUused (?xnz The Hitcbcotk Co Mlf. Y, mm Hon oio la, IL X. Costomliome. At the Cnstom llonra tbe pxda Lucas. being firm and hard, not the usual flabby in. 'PHI; L'XOKIWH-yB- riSB- - I.O0U to show that labor was a desideratum with planta- Ilaatatlon. vtre pcarched thoronchly and a total of half like feeling. The meat was then cut Tostod Olxalxi. I fAKEU TO DRAW ON TIIK twund tina is reported an havinj; been fonnd. The Hawaii. favored persons, tion owners on account of increA&ed average In Th alow (.'onpany of aa PrancUco two qnalitwd, boses of 2. Burs ! entered the ttailakn np and pieces sent to specially Sewf lsraaeeUfe laaaraace Cumpany. of Cotton Gorsafl4 Sojp n Tavarlarrcd India Anatrall and NOTICK Talne or the etxnre i vnnoasly estimated at from The vessel that ever Majesty, lion. C. K. Htahon, Mr. plant cane. The Eni;laad anil CO Bank of firt r on the morn- - including Hu J. a- - Th Blake Maauf act Co . of Tfawion. Iin. 10,000 to 135.000. Whether any direct efforts river. t Uilo, was the AViwet forgetting the Gxxxttx. rinauy lOO rcpivi uiJiiDwroi rwmja arias Clilnaw IIoBenK A MKKTINC; OF Till- TC Jl- IV Ib-- She came in orer the H. Paty.and others, not received, do-- U. M. WrtonsPatentCrtttr)faal Machine. HiHuop m tb- - were made to diacovtr the consignees or not is - 3rd. made, can eUto fairs was nettinnc tbe terra iision Packet Line lo tn. wauxak Minn .t . ad took two From an actual test tha writer allow Ihe t tod The New York and Uonolnln Welsh Steam Coal n UrlWI ' mhiwiii- j"!!' if known, bat op to present writinc there has rSksonlheright of Ite to be Inm sanerior con sired by tbe Society to in action of The Merchant" Line Hou'ilnin and?jB Frnuci-'- Best la !" not - ih.Mh mulwa4 found received and COKE. FUXMUSG TILES. no arret made rthe Oolkctor General etatinc nicbt and a uay to r.otm JV?7 dition to that usually served by butchers, and. Chinese laborers. Tbe letter wis Dr JaynerSpn sCMrat- J Meditin Stamped Envelopes len to identify tbe Chinaman who made h-- roatd easily steam out over the placed on file. Wileoz SinrMatiafjr.orirt. wpny nil 1021 ix- JL& OK biainabiUtT i..i. after cooking, the richness and plentitudeof the J.ibVv, J &c. - TIIK IKVMINATlOX Mark-ha- rf , Wil'-- n wT ajrhmf . a- the custom bouse entry, and Tort Surreyor possibly without tonching. and the tenderness of the meat, proved that 1UB ioctiiok aujuuiucu iwui ui. vu uu. I15 Oft1 a, a.,1 n IV pi ' ' t.cVipj; retention of rara-jr- y also tbe nrceatry lAb, on the r. Waller's enterprise had come to a successful EDWARD PRESTON, ii. ii.icisri;i.i x cu Tr!arirT party who presented the I hm.l borat on SaturdsT Oct. y Tbs best for the ladies b take monthly AttdJ'-O- of tbo faoe of the npper camp, some issue, and that ne was now in a conuiuonio sap-pl- rriodical Attorney and ConmeUor at Law, CESESAL COKKIiSIOX A0ZS7S, mrmit lit tha wharf, althonch be f Mark ham I mountain above, Uitcheock's - public with meat that was edi- - and from which they will receive the greatest BiROKB, Semar; offered OOQoaooo .iu t --a iin, uiiiniiinvn torrents of water the Honolulu tKaahanunaStrt;- Hoaolala VSi rn lncta SUett, Uon,:,.,, II. I. If lOUIt 0 state that tbe Chinaman him "Waiakea le and palatable. benefit is Hop Bitten. See adrertisemenL ly 4) let the merchandise pass without Inspection, and carrjing mod and debns into tbe in isiiii mmwmBsmnmBKmtemammmmauBmBmBmmmmmsssm number of the lot chosen, and shall there- upon tho book of tho depositor, and attest always room at the top." rbiladelpaia Call. mrral ;HiWrri''srmcnt3- vt The have a custom of rnrral SUfrriisnittnls. Hiuaiiau upon attend at the office of the Minister by his signaturo and the date stamp of Ferstuis bottlios Mutit. of tho Interior, bringing a fee of ten dol- his office. toirs. In this country only smiles are bottled. is lars, which shall bo paid totho Minister Section 5. The officers engaged in tho Darliagtou Frco I'rwa. WKDXESDAT, OCTOBEU IMI of the Interior if such application is ac- receipt or payment of saving deposits shall It lias been discovered that raw onions are cepted and tho proper papers signed and not discleso the name of any depositor mora efficacious in tho cars of snake biles than whiskey, ao will lie GRAND OPEN1NC! Uq 3ntloriti. delivered. Xo one will bo allowed to nor the amount deposited or withdrawn, that hereafter titers acquire more than ono lot, provided, how- except to tho Postmaster General or to no indncemeht for a man to let a snake bito OF will bo allowed to ac- officers as may bo him him. Doston Post. ever, that persons rach appointed by "Familiarity," says an exchange, "Joea quire two lots where one of them is kula to carry this Act into operation. payable not always breed contempt. For instance, land only and one is wet or kalo land Section C Tho rato of interest there it tho girl and the ico cream " True; onlv. on deposits made under this Act shall not tnt yoa dont know anjlbin; abont tbo ice Minister of tho Interior. exceed fivo per centum per nminm. nor cream's opinion of the girl. Itoxbnry Ad- Goods 3. Upon receiving written ap- shall interest bo paid upon deposits ex- -- Gcakt Sr&Exr, rfcurasco. Cax. ?" sj HewMUlinery Section vocate. 'iy fis Tfi 0 m QrnJCtl frT QnalUarl IttyrfrUmi aj II 1 plications for any of tho said lots, tho ceeding, at any ono time, ono thousand fS fl .r9K LAWS OF 1884. filetl of their Interest bo calculated A Telegrapato Panto. gMFm'X7 bVVTb miKpaa aavciaiiMa nt id umm tHatf "T SESSION bo with tho date dollars. shall not A same shall - " UTfrunra urKUKsnnb pvrtWt motltod -- AT receipt, in caso two or more persons ap- on any amount less than fivo dollars, or About 1 0 o'clock Tueajay night the tele, tIB, B ail ID ap- Tlii Tim's editorial room FMl frvf nTK.C!iroaiaaM WtfTWtalWann. ial'i :.. y AX ACT plying for tho same lot, the ono whoso some multiple thereof, and not commence graph operator ia - tttm Wavlak. KHargya, IUHy, CrWfHIawa K the IM--pff ff niWK rt AnTiRna-jj.- plication is first received shall havo tho until tho first day of the calendar month was receiving over our special wiiea 'fm.OlclfMiTS wlllCftaJIamaa.aeraSx H To l'Eonini inr AiTicnixa or United report of tho opening the frW3fcnUuTfct,iifaJBa'RaaAaaUr curM and a axv precedence j provided, however, that if he next following tho day of deposit; and frcta of vi! SACHS, rosma ok Kotices to lKrnsis campaign at llorlington, Vt. Among S. not attend in or by attorney shall cease on tho first day of tho calendar P irnHOCT TUT Cojtsest or the OwytR. should jxrson ff MtniUUO Mntira-- d Ptj.-o- l WukMss. Fsiimff of tho Interior month in which such deposit is withdrawn. tho ntlier u(ra in the same circuit receiving r7 Stunted OfwfPDOtat. laiM&Bwts ta Mimae lUutt E Legis- - at tho offico of tho Minister lias. ArM' Be Enacted liv the King and tlie tho messages suonltaneontly brtlio same wiro it within ono week from tho time of tlio section i. Anterest on deposits snail a - 104 St., Honolulu Ansembly 1 lawman lalanas, was The i'ttenbtay (Va.) Jmle.Jpint. The Bf,. n BfYttVT cirtd. 0 M W Fort lativo of the receipt of his application, tho second ono bo calculated to the thirty-hrs- t day ot ( If fTtW3llaa10Wiari.a7i(JanwrjrtiiMrat3-BB-jM- I ijccisiatnre 01 me jvjjjkuuui iucas.cn ticked ont at a slow and tteadr pace. BraJ aailllaaMlrpvriateo.coaaait th old Larapaaa Itajatdaja m " ' fIS in tne apolvinr shall have tho iirccedence of all in every year, and shall lie added M L.r: H at poo. IItomiUoacoaaDoUunr.ajixlnaraaTrnoira mhrrrawl li to names vf ' a .' hi:;inninc; - which seemed to add dignity the ' "Bahame.VbeBWtwTitWttoTlMitherttylbftTtmtma . " Mnbled: manner, and so on as becomo a pan -- fp others in the same to and oi uie principal the prominent orators prescni. 1 tic operator l" iinwtDTMiitTiiTTirwai aa q; 1. person who diall affix Hmwinnw apbjUdaa who irtTf Ma whale atlfaUoq to ; H " R Sectiox Any to Upon considering rannev. littx-Apm- iH - other applicants. in Tit il efiic had said to tho B g ctaaaoliliaaj!a aiiuUaaaarataakllI.aadphatriUutacttoat .. or attach any show buL. band bill, roster, tho respoctivo applications the Minister of Section 8. --VII money received by tho ending in Xew..York at tho begin- -- W ItXfwiTHrT.ltttowlna' thta.Iraottontlr- rrcnaiBiMMl diaaUtraiwvta O- - lulrprtiwmcrit other notice to any buil deposits curator I tH wHonwrraaawa w wan B Br or tho Interior shall grant tho same upon tho Postmaster General, as iu the ning: -- U "'-- 'y wL Tba Unrtoia Aw and kUfcrltata maJto liia m- 1- - October tree, rock, jiolo or excess B lj.B onliilcgt ot taaartatMCO. On Next 25 ding, fence, bridge, ten uouars "Hawaiian Postal Savings Bank" in tpit-tin- g f tunraw Tlff Saturday payment by tie applicant oi "Xot feeling very well 1 - 86ThoMwttocllMTMtwjtmtth9ToetBr.GoamlttlcmtnQ 1 k other ttrnctnre or object, without first tho quarter-yearl- of twenty-fiv- hundred dollars, shall bo Mood-tak- II awl aanrredlr wUch bar taUnl la ob-- Jf f the expenso of the papers, e it easy." 11 fa person or lor obtaining the consent of the rent or interest in advance, as pro paid into tno ireasury, and tno iiegisirar fc was sending slowly: 3 ctaBluJrrmla, - f AIM- " TalfwUlacfftnlortriawlawforCaHerwrU. Mg.. -i VLL 1NYITKH i persons to possession 01 bdcu agreement between of Public Accounts shall open in the books w.c-r-- o llount IMIr.fma, & entitled uie Tided by the written V Ht.or.M.,aofUBC;HaUya.laMllouHxn af " --- - rock, polo appU-can- n Uli-- T bnilding, fence, bridge, tree, or tho Minister of tho Interior and the of tho Treasury an account to bo called e -s shall Iw exe- to which other ttrnctnre or object, guilty as hereinafter set forth, and the tho "Hawaiian Postal Savings" ;Vqm. uehits hyicoutos misdemeanor, and npon conviction credit all deposits made on this b--y fmann. mm - - of a cution by ihe applicant together with the ho shall - BtVniaaBUrpwTntaaaiTBatnra Uxm a ftwn l&yiin M 1 thereof Iwfore any Police or District the Interior of such written account, and ho shall debit such sums as o- -f - - ft toura tUa vrtrt, tmunrn-n- tb inaacln. cbrka Itw Jjt-- J9IHJLS Minister of - - m, InTtrtkne- tb wbol arum, aad t&a m RICE o- -f -r mtorn r: t ISE INDIA Justice, bhidl be fined not more than agreement in duplicate, and shall deliver may be drawn on warrants issued by tho J21rled lolltalta ami Ilapra m - - offense. c--f , twenty dollars for each to such applicant one of such dupli- Postmaster General, for payment of sums tt-- 3Xi U''.Mtm, a aapaaw tmM4 MtJTJTWUUU r Section U. This Act shall become a cates, dnly stamped, which 6hall entitle dne to depositors. o--f h- -i a law from and after its publication. him to the immediate possession of tho All moneys received to this account, as a Approved this 21st day of August. A. D. described, ac- well as tho reserve in tho hands of tho o lot or lots of land therein SmlJcnly from 77,e Imlac-App- "Uk 1S1. KALAKAUA. HEX. cording to the covenants and stipulations Postmaster General, as manager WS - i Wffffffffi ,'t Postal Savings Bank, Ilk Ilk ." and left bis key open, p thereof, and which shall be admitted as of the Hawaiian interrupting the message. Xew York had to H AX ACT part of tho ,... - .a.. t.. r.'-i1- evidence without farther proof in all shall bo deemed and treated as ston Yiashincton cut the repeaters. LtiJ,i...iw,.Jtr lin.uiPn .i,flu4i a is res- sendinc I CI J tv To 'Waste or Abtesijln AVa- - Courts of the Kingdom. Such agreements public debt for wiich tho Treasury offices gossiped with each I'khext the tho account and the diffcreut rl teb ox the Island or Oaiit. shall 1k in substances as follows : ponsible to the depositor", and other over tho wire, exchanging guesses as to H G h Minister of tbo Interior in lf shall on tho first day of January, and tho Be it Enacted by the King and the Lesis with what was tbo matter with lVtertburg. len .Vswmbfy of the Hawaiian Inlands, of the JIawaiian Government, tho first dav of July lie credited interest minutes passed. Ther began to call Petersburg P B lative to credit of the account as C in the Legislature of the Kingdom as partv of the first irart, and of of on the balance hard names. Fifteen minute.. Xew York party of the second on those days, with six months interest at getting impatient and was about ta TOBACCO sembled : tho Island of the was just T as follows : six per centum per annum. cut Petersburg out and conlinuo tbo report to 1. Every flowing artesian well part, agree 0! 0 Section to 9. at any timo tho moneys papers, interfering key may be Tho party of the first part agrees Section If tho other when tho now on the Island of Oaliu or that part into tho on account of tho was sujdcnly closed. Washington put tle Island, tliall be sell, and the party of the second paid Treasury R H hereafter be made on said purchase the lot numbered Hawaiian Postal Savings Bank, and tho repeater through, and then this from Tht capped by the owner or owners thereof in mrees in of land under tho Home interest accrueu snoii vo msuiu ah such a manner as to give complete control nnon llin Ktirvev uicreon, stead Act number in the District of cient to meet tho lawful claims of tho "Cummins, regular press oiicrator. just Dukes & Sou, ever the flow of water from the pipe of aucau PRBiyiOltfT -- an area depositors, it shall lio tho duty of the Min- dieu. Hemorrhage. 1 m his sole uo fl 107, 109 & 111 STREET well. Island of including such acres, in five years from this date. ister of tho Finance, on a warrant of Min address." 2. Xo having the right of And a of Section jierson nt ihp of dollars. ister of tho Interior, to pay tho amount of Senator Kdmunua opening speech San rranclsco. to tho use of watcr.from any such artesian .inre tbo campaign went on, more rapidly now, I . - agreed that the party of the snch denciency out ot any moneys not 'UK INDIA i:n mill-- vkii:ui!2 alausoi i.i:xi'i:ni- well, allow Uie same to run to waste. It is farther while tho body of Xed Cummins, tho great "'Hi l' , ti .f Ujr.. K Kr n lrarrijn ut rianici !... jr l. twrfecliw shall otherwise appropriated, and report said FOR PIPES AND CIGARETTES 1 tnrat.SM - . It! second part may iaK0 immouiaw posses- Ihn Ium- - am IWtr()r ' w),tl, nria II- - h at thew but may Use it for irrigation, domestic campaign ended for him, was carried to the .1 i. U 1 pwiinit-o- PadtU .... 1.' 1'wltlt . Mlilch and hold the amount next ensuing Legislative l,.i.i ff.n, f iin.lniiuii'!' useful except for dri- sion of the said premises totho home of his people. Pit'tbury Times. U ' lo . prr rem !l,i i.l mv ttth' r M It itw UU ci.ait.. i nit tti' I'mprtrlof and other purposes, term Assembly. jn!- tinJ ving machinery, provided, however, that same, as hereinafter provided, for tho of five years, without being subject to the Section 10. An annual account of idl & such water mar bo used for driving rnach (General Is enabled to Largely Reduce the Rales for the Hulling Cleaning cf Paddy. of taxes therefor, and shall with- deposits received and paid out under E incrv in case it bo utilized afterwards for payment in one year from this date build a dwell- auuioniy oi uiis .ici, niiuuiu uAinuist-- m WIARSCET AMHMSTIII. I4M All lTAll" 4)1 Mil 111 U 1AIUI1 t IltAMIS irrigation or other useful purposes. said lot (in case two curred during tho year ending. Decem- THE iiAiirM i.i;tM.i attiii, ikamiwo mii.i.n. Section 3. Any person violating tho ing house ujton the .M 1111:it IOM.OMIMJ n III. taken, describe the lot of kula ber 31st, together with a statement of tho .AI1.I: jirovisions Sections 1 and 2 of this Act, lots are C. & GO. of number) and begin to occupy tho total amount duo at tho close of tho jear BREWER rfli f Wtl at tli fill. l Mrrll. shall conviction thereof before any land by rMrlrititm- - hii'ii Till t,tlr-l irrlHH fn.ii MtlMrli. M Uon same, and shall continue to use the same to all depositors shall be made by tho W Tii. nj i u Kicr I'oh'cc or District Court of the Island of 14 SWMtHll,rjtr1Hf lti residence for the remainder of the Postmaster General to tho Minister of tho HAVE of 5w (i nl In.-. mult ii'nrai Oahu. be fined not more then fifty dol- as his HYMAN BROS., ( Itnllin at.rt I iratitn:: AMI III 111 Itrltrr Knlr ; ioU) fivo years, and shaU within Interior, who shall lay tho samo before tho Srt KatlHC II llir - said term of tilt I mill l.tntnr in (Jnitlin- "t niaitrt- nir umI punicinariy in lars. enclose Legislative Assembly at its next ensuing ! rlnr l,tr-- .llrktl effectual car- two years from this date tho said . Section L For tho more session General shall JUST EECEIVED l'nltrmll mmiM lrMHnm.f li,-,- Act, tho 3Ianhal and lot (m caso two lots are taken, describe tho ; and tho Auditor rying out of this sub- inako books nuar . .tjn:iticA. Si Kingdom, and all lot of kula land by number) with a an examination of tho ri.u Deputy Marshal of the quarterly in terly, and report to tho Minister of tho Policemen of the Island of Oahu, may at stantial fence, and shall pay Sole A&'ents. CONSIGNMENTS OF PADDY SOLICITED. day, enter without adranco dollars (a sum representing Interior. all times of night or 11. Tho Postmaster General, - warrant any premises whereon artesian the quarterly interest of the said purchase Section AY ten per an- with tho consent of tho King in Privy Bark Ceylon m. M. GRKKJNAVOOD- water is used.i price at the rate of percent num) to tho party of the first part, and at Council, may make, and from timo to timo . g Grnrrol Commluion Merrhunt and Proirittor ol the Section 5. This Act shall become a - r:--- the end of said term shall pay in full (ho as ho shall see occasion, alter all needful Tin: niMouiM. INDIA RICE MILLS. San lYau.Wo. CaL law from and after its publication. Act into exe Approved this 21st day of August. A. D. said dollars (the purchase price) or regulations for carrying this J: same at snch regnla : 16S1. KALAKAUA. HEX. any part of tho that shall that cution; and after publication MERCHANDISE time remain unpaid or shall deliver a lions so made shall bo binding on tho par ties in tho subiect matter thereof to tho jcw UooSs by Lute Arrivals AX ACT mortgage of premises to secure the said Wliicli will be Sold at sum or such unpaid balance at own samo extent as if such regulations formed To IXI'EJINUT THE MlMSTER OI 1'lNANCE ! FROM SAN FRANCISCO, cxjieuse, for a term not less than one year part of this Act. LOW RATES lm Certain or more than five years, as the party of tho nEcnos 12. Alio uooKsoiiue Hawaiian Be it Enacted by the King and the Legis- first part shall decide, with interest at tho Postal Savimrs Bank shall lie opened, and " NEW YORK & ENGLAND. lative Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands, per annum, payable the manager shall receive all dejiosits of Electric Oil" rate of ten ikt cent - in the Legislature of tho Kingdom as- in advance. fercd on and after tho first day of January, no: WVTEKUIUTK. rTESToiililn- sembled: Upon tho receipt of such sum of money. A. D. 18S3. LARD, in 5 it 10 lb. PAILS Received by Castle & Cooke Section 1. The Minister of Finance is or unpaid balance thereof, or such mort Section 13. All expense incurred in the ., . .1.-- indemnified and discharged sure, r n.tuu : i uau execution of this Act shall be paid out of herebr from ' iiie. imnv, " oi ., iui ijuji PRIME V it .t .. - r.i incomo under its authority ; EXTRA L ALSO. TO A1UU VE B VESSELS DUE TROM ABOVE POUTS. AND all liability on acconnt of the payment of ueiiver 10 luo pariy ui iuu mwjuu juui, ui tho derived uio louowing items, mm is 10 say: his heirs a ltoyal l'atent lor tno said pre- provided, however, should 6uch incomo Expenses of Fourth Judicial mises. prove insufficient during tho enrrent bien iti:Soi,B LOW'KSX Ifi.iTRS Circuit $ tOUO Provided, however, if the party of tho nial period, any excess of expense may be LARD OIL T I.V IltlEUCI.N AMI CASUS at Purchase of Ordnance 1,159 19 second part shall not place a dwelling faid from tho incidentals of tho General GOODS Pav of Mail Carriers 1,402 07 house mon the said premises, and begin Office. Incidentals Post Office &602 K) to use tho samo as a dwelling houso with- Section 11. Married women and minors Incidentals Interior Depart- in one year from this date, or shall not may, in their own right, make deposits Tar and Pitch, , Suitable for Plantations,Country Stores ment 1,11659 continue to live upon said premises for anu nrcim jvpuj uii-ui- iwu& laim ju At the Old Stand, No. 8 Kaahuinanu Street, Leper Settlement 7.C4U 51 tho rest of the said term of fivo years, or ceinLs therefor. COAL ST Government Phyficians 3579 0G shall not fence the said lot (in caso two Section 15. This Act shall tako effect Casks for Family Use. OrFAMIl,li;s. (Inlir. Fillcil at Sliorlc-- Notirrauil uilli tho dato of its publication. In t Enilding and Maintaining Hot lots are taken, describe the lot of kula land from and after M.tO.MMIAMt from 11HV of A.D. to Attrntion is failed to Our pitals. 3,059 85 by number) within two years this Approved this ,JUl .lllL'Ul, I'urrliacrs Maintenance of Insane Aslr date with a substantial fence, or shall fail IBM. IUIiAlAU KKX. TIN, COPPER & SHEET 1R0K WORKER To as tho same shall IRON SAFESSIZI-- s luin 2,12203 to pay tho said interest AVtOKTCII iPax-i- "W Government Printing 1,802 19 become due. or shall not pay tho said sum AX ACT O -- J?L (purchase the l'ftODCCTION OF ItAMIE Improved 13 price) or ESCOCTUGE Supiwrt of Prisoners 10,099 of dollars To THE CUMBERLAND COAL THEONM dLMIM 1' VUIM'l.oU . MAHfc HK fOl.lMlht SM -- ,,.! .u .iMitiit unpaid balance thereof at the end of the OR OlTIER FlEBES TlIEiE IfeLAXDS. Sui EijmI if n t than njr sitl tihUiC VUt in lti iUrkfi Ai iiUk i mak . ,.f tipcnses ot isnreau oi ater IS PLUMBING, in all its branches;! rii.won lUiiiluf Muliiir Plowti. Jnaallmr.Ca..A( Un. works U72 12 said fivo years, or in lieu thereof deliver a TABLE TOE A 3IaHKET. CARD MATCHES ll I'Uk ' 'r ' mir Kaivr. tndf lfIMrrllorr4': riaulcfVllu.-- I .ai.il ., frjili Jtepairs of "Wharves 12,170 5G mortgage as aforesaid, to the party of the t Matlock I'lik. Hoc, A4r, . Air and oibrr tuuKllca; liaklwin rcririim. Bo it Enacted by the King and tho Lejis w IratliM riMfltrh t quality; India KaMvr How. S, I. IV. lhaaiC in. i, oj. okc. Kepairs of Waterworks . 2.123 CO first part, theso presents shall thereby e lativo Assembly Is- Fairbanks riallbrm Scalos, Well Pipe, sizes; Ol fT tiiw ami uinl' rart, I'wrtablt f'ory. Kactv ... of tho Hawaiian Artesian all Ht". At" ' Antlklul lla'tcf Xew Palace 5,151 41 void, and the party of tho first part, ffloMt and m Liti Ikvi Hat Iadia llabbrt Mnm I'slLIif t, 4 iiul, land?, in tho Lopslatnro of tho King tiaSbn Lai- and Lachic India Knbbrr Mram Tacklne round and MJi.ierv Expense of Election 4SS52 may thereupon without notice, demand or ASMIKTCII MZI.1i : Htuat- dem assembled : AVta lijik ivrln strain l'i' d. Mark tarry VU- - lard (. .taint vjlu .It N..P ri.(Oil. Expense of Loan Act 3,003 23 legal process, take possession of the said I 1. Tho Minister of the Interior Indemnity to D. Mactavisb.. . 2,000 00 remises, with all improvements that may Section 1 DISSTON'S CELEBRATED SAWS AND TILES. AEL SIZES; inven- OAKS, 16, 17, 18 ft - E is hereby authorized to pay to any m Appropriation bv PrivT Couu- e thereon, and remove the party of tho dMlhl.. lit... H, for farprntrr MaclituiM.- Illarl.-,- . ... . - . tor or his assigns tho sum of ten thousand and JUL bor Natl. Hair Nail- - Calbpiko cu t&uez) 3j.)i :n second part, and all persons claiming un- Axe Special 2.(170 effects. dollars, whenever said inventor or his as Handles. J Interest on Lonii 10 der him. and their New KiTiil. Ofur, Itrb.Wren, lHIIy, Qacen. AriujIUDccs.il.isnuClAarttr, Hack, shall prodnco and patent these (yij, Vamj.& Interest on Loan Act August It is hereby further agreed that tho signs in Pick Handles, Santrior. Minuet, 0coLi. Aimed. bclirao, Charter Oik, Nimble. Inwood and Lnnndrr Stores, Islands, a machine or other method for : Latest Improvements in Shelf Hardware 5th. 18S2 11,032 00 party tho second part, or his heirs, shall Cotton Waste, Galr.itiitd lrun and .loiter for JUnges, Uranito Iron Ware. Nickel Hated and Ham of cleaning tho Itamic or any other similar C!ht at ? Low IUtP- -. ltnhbnrk'x Vfcli and Krd Ldr, jut, Snin.l l'auit mull, Interest on Lioan Act bciitem not assign this assignment and any such . fibre cheaply, thoroughly and suitable Salt, Plaster, hlmkr MaaIartaTit.c lnicatiac aad Vacnam fnnp. nUHi' J'aimtl tmrtNraU bcr27th.lS7C 9.123 UJ assignment shall cause this agreement to for JlaitttdHtrt I'lii., Kn n,; V ir i.altaDUt-- KoeAK. tho world Galvanized Iron "Water Pipe, all sizes," and laid on at Indemnity of JnddandKnpena 1.923 31 becomo void as hereinbefore set forth. tho markets of tho said machine A Choice Selection of Appropriation by Cabinet Conn Tho jmrty of the second part may under Whenever or method L, X3 t"X" CS has leen thoroughly tested before the S O O 23 S til for Post Office- - 2.0G0 91 this agreement, pay the whole or any part ! Lowest Rates; Cast Iron and Head Soil Pipe, Tkuiff- - a A Kan41 Uliwclird and I OaOoaa. Ktiia Itiajwr. Enid Minister of the Interior and is found CHAIRS T.I'IumJ l&vv UImi I, Incidentals. Foreicn Office 400 00 of tho said purchase price ; at any time at IUtn n Ittrattud lritip. I.inm hhrHiup, Jltwalto rt, and frrlM lattaM to do its work in tho iuanncr specified A Fin Aaaortmtni of Wlitle riani'U AUo, That for the item 554,CS2.-G3- , his option, before the termination of the above, therefor tho said Minister is aut tho Minister of Finance said fivo years, and upon any such pay- Barrel Shocks liorized to draw n check upon the Minister all kinds; STAPLE GROOEKIES, Golden Gate, Star & Superfine Flour shall render n detailed ac ments shall be allowed a corresponding EXCELSIOR, House Furnishing Goods, count of expenditure to the reduction of tho amount of interest money of Finance in favor of the said inventor or his assigns for tho said amount, and IclMmbla Uiwi i mit lix'l.ian. Al.t. 1 .ItriTVU l.itnt 1'onlalKl alu IIilrauM, I ,lii rt. Assembly at its next ses- hereinbefore stipulated, but he shall in no Ut ItltEU 11U3K-A- LL SIZES AND G KADIS; tho said Minister of Finance is hereby sion. case be entitled to n ltoyal Patent of the PhastoMi Carts Lift and Forco I'nmpe. Cistern Tampa, Galranized Iron, tjboet Copper. Sheet Iftd, to 1'ipc, 3 Kerosene Oil We Offer THE PALACE, and Guaraute Making Itoads and Bridges 19,077 57 said premises until after the end of the authorized pay the tamo out of any Iad Tin Hate, Wr.ttr ClonetA, Ma:Ue Slaba and ItovU, Enameled Wash Stands, Tor moneys Hawaiian Treasury Telograxhic and Telephonic term hve years, and his substantial in tho not HANDY PHETONS, be quality or price; THE said oi otherwise appropriated. it cannot beat for also, Communication 7,40S00 performanco of the stipulations of this J agreement to bo pert ormed by lum. oectiox iuo jiiniMcroi mo interior New Styles of Carriages, VULCAN, a, oil and above test: also hereby authorized to wy to any ?174,402 29 In case of death of the party of the is Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns second before the expiration of the person, persons or company, who shall a rtnv And said expenditures aro liereby ap part sell WOODWARD BROWN'S CELEBRATED PIANOS said fivo years, all the rights and lienefita first manufacture and fifty tons of proved. marketable Kamio Fibre or other similar "Wni-oii!- J I 2. of this agreement shall rest in his heirs 15xprcjsis Section The following items con fibre an amount eo,nal to ilia t which shall Wlfi-rSSIfl- Tlir Cheapest (Jooil Pinuo: Xcw Haven Organ ( o." Parlor Ursaiis tained in tho first Section of this Act shall according to law. subject to their comple- TwiisjSKSJ? ! VjKVSsjiaS! tion of the performance of the stipulations be received from tho sale of said fibre. Ladies' Phaetons, be charged by tho Minister of Finance to It shall bo incumbent on tho party or the Loan Fruid, to wit: thereof to be performed by the party of of the second part parties, selling tho same, to file with the CIDER VINEGAR, Expenses Bureau of Water- paid Minister n verified "Account Sah-s- works Section 1. The charges and fees of the BMM1SLUTH & ? 972 12 surveyors ex of tho bame. wherenpon tho said ilinister HAND CARTS, a CO and appraisers, and other J. Kepairs of Waterworks 2,123 penses required under this Act shall Ixj Bball draw a check on the Minister of No. 5 NUTJAIiU STREET, HONOLTJLtr. cw ralaco jum 41 Finance in favor of tho paid party or EASTERN MADE OXCARTS Government lloildingsand Hos paid from moneys in the Treasury not ot mo parlies, for tho amount dne as nbovo pitals 54,u"S2 03 otherwise appropriated, iho lees specified, which said appraisers shall be five dollars a day amount the Minister of BAGS, Agents tlie 'Superior' Stove Mahnr Xew lioad and Lridires 19.077 57 SUGAR for Telegraphic and Telephonic apiece. D Section 5. This Act shall tako effect of any moneys in the Hawaiian Treasury WVUUUUIUUIUUU J,W W from and after tho date of its publication, not otherwise appropriated. Section 3. This Act shall take effect BKEWER & COMPANY A - tho requirements of an Act tho 0. large Invoice of the Celebrated STOVES m RANGES 89,118 35 approved $ 2oth A. 1). 187C. and becomo a law from and after its ap i- "- - dav of September. as , S,.r ;,,., Section 3. This Art shall take effect amended by an approved the 30th day proval. Act SDtli irom and after it passage. July, A. D. 1S78, to tho contrary not- Approved this day of August, A. H - SHEET METAL irVAUE OR HAND of M f FUR Approved this Srji day of Angnst. A. D. withstanding. D.lSJt ISSi. KALAKAUA KEX. TcT! K.VL.VKAVA, HEX. Approved this 29th day of August A. D. 1SS1. KALAKAUA HEX. Wolsely started op tho Nile. .VX ACT Gen. his The Mormons have sent a missionary to SAMUEL To FAauTATE toe AconiUNo and Srrni- - AX ACT. NOTT, . - Uayti. DT'tnotox-y- xrs- or Hoxesteaps. Iir,octil37,x'oxn.) titlacl t Tux Hawaiian Postal Savings Bank. The Ohio election takes place two weeks PLUaiBIlYG, MM IIj WATERPIPESfirTlfiGS,... bxheas, Tl lere arc many icrsons of Act, being an Act, to encourage tho depo- from - - small mca in the Kingdom who are fiT!5SM5l5t,c- . js sit of small savings at interest with the M. Barrerc has summoned all tho French g v. ,,.,.,i ll!bP without homes desi- FiTTiiVG, Have Cul "4 pf rmanent and are security of tho Government for repay- officials in tho Egyptian scvico to return to Gas Wo Especial FACILITIES for Adjusting TRUSSES. i., rous of ocuring homesteads. pr ment thereof. Alexandria immediately. Montague Range, Do Enact it cd bv the King and the Legis Bo it Enacted by the lung and tho Legis- Limerick declines to provide for the payment TliYSMITII & ItoOl'EJt, LJI At. I MZEs ts sj, lative As jcmbly of tho Hawaiian Islands, lative Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands, of the special police tax as enforced by tho in tho 7uogislature as CmCUURS ID rBICU Ok of the Kingdom in tho Legislature of tho Kingdom as iora Lieutenant ot Ireland. IPPIIUTIM senib'.w 1: TKJLXl'llONE Ko 211 sembled : Precautions havo been increased at Dover, Hollister & Co., Sect 1. ,if djrnamit-ci- lax Tli.it Hie 3riniKti.r llio Section 1. There shall be established ami careful watch is made to prvent s Ln Inler'.or is hereby authorized and in the General Post Office at Honolulu, as reaching London from the Continent. to causo portions of the public The German Government has forbidden the Cor. Port and Merchant Sts., & 59 Nunanu St. Ian a part of Bureau of the Hawaiian Postal O,, is wliicb arc suitable for tho purpose Service, a Savings Bank, to be known as new Corvettes, Ting utn and Qua Yueut ar.d not nt tho time held by any person tho built for China, to Icavo Kiel n ruler the r, Have Received a Full Line tUo fjoder Hawaiian Postal Savings Bank,' of of avorite lease from tho Government, to bo which the Postmaster General shall boei flag. surveyou over m and laid out in lots not officio manager. Hani an has called from Australia to have Dillino-lia- - twenty and not less Uian two ex- acres in Section 2. It shall be lawful for tho tno new racinr shells Luilt for him, which ittttftiofti's mm Breaking- tent in dry or kula land, and not two long stay J. Plows over Postmaster G eneral to authorize and direct evinces an intention to roako a aboad. acres in uxtent in wet or kalo land, with snch of his officers, as ho shall think fit, Later reports up to Jul? 30, gay that Gor IIII.I.I.MillAM - convcruonl roads in connection therewith. to rcceivo deposits and to repay the same. don has teen Ht months severely besieged, 'Vs- JH ex II f. tlll.l Section 2. Uponthecompletionof any that lie will only be able to hold oat two survey together with the interest accruing there ami such tho Minister of the Interior oxu under such regulations as may lie pre months longer. fURROW PLOWS siiau appoint tlirco appraisers, ono of scribed under the authority of this Act; A telegram to the London limes from Ilonr- - Perfumery Perfumery fojj RICE PLOWS whomsSall bo the surveyor who has laid provided always, that such deposits shall ko- stales that resntar English tradtn: ! I out tho land, and the other two residents quarter of steamers in tho channel of Formosa arc stopped Perfumery Perfumery of tho not be of less amount than a a ! itnii. district in which snch land is situ- dollar, or a mniupio tncreoi. and searched hy the French. is ated, who shall -- ciamint the lots so laid Section 3. ETery deposit received by Tlie courage of the King of Italy in visiting cut STOVES, iNBaww and appraise the samo in their discre anv officer so authorized bv tho Postmas .Naples has secured to him the warm friend tion at reasonable market rates, and shall ship the KcpnUicans, and has donb much an. hII iu.hIc fnnu uwnTttenMi.W'to U Onclnl ATOUM; 1'IAIW WOKKS of ter General, shall bo entered by him at tho of B n. I'fiiWK or report their appraisements to tho KANGES, 5 JOHN UKBKK. Uw l'louwr YieMMli How Mnalcb7 awl the Larcml htn4 llow Minister time in the depositor s and tho en for the real unification of Italy. Approvid of tho Inferior by loo. 'orUuiiii.w,.:IJ. w arc AsrnU tot Uiit MamilMtnrr. Mrk t a written statement trr shall be attested by tho said officer. Tlie viltagc of Alton, Fcnn, was visited hy signed by at least two of tho said apprai- Horse Hoes, & Harrows, and the dated stamp of his office, and tho a cyclono on the 2Slh. The Methodist Church Lamps, Chandeliers, Have Just Received the 1 argest Cultivators, sers. Tho Minister of the Interior shall said officer shall, without delay, report the was wrecked, and three or four residences. Old Molinc Plows, tuereupon a Conn-c- Pattern publish notice in the Ha amount of such deposit to tho Postmaster An attempt was made to blow up the il - Lr Tools, kinds ; waiiau AM) Plantation all languageand if ho deem advisable, General, and the acknowledgment oi the House at Salisbury, England. A number Diflcrcntial Pulley Blocks, in anr other lanmiare in which news of windows were smashed hy the explosion. TTvdrnlllifl Postmaster General shall forthwith be Gonoi-d- l Ttnetrnvi MriTrers Jacks. papers in the Kingdom are published. transmitted to the depositor: and the said An average of fifteen Icebergs pass St. Johns, F--, LOT OF PERFUMERY & ogucv fodder Cutters, Garden Caual Barrows, wuiui suaii lie in suusiance as acknowledgment shall be conclusivo evi- daily, going sooth in the track of ocean HOUSE FURNISHING : dence of the claim of the depositor to tho steamers. Lars quantities of wreckage were hur- IJVLir Ull'OltTEl) INTO KINGDOM, t'0JIl'ltISIX(J W Oils, Turpentine, Kerosene Oils HOMESTEAD SOTICT- - repayment such deposit with tho inte- lodged on tho coast of Labrador. Fierce THIS Lubricating of ricanes were experienced last Thursday. and tnnOM, SHwe n , u, m ...;, lots havo been set nnart nt rest thereon, on demand made by him in I StinSSwiKr. il roraiuins KCa, Unn Ctiandehens Xautcrns dc-- Ac in tho District of Island of the manner hereinafter provided. Eohcrt Bonner is being urged to accept tho IIAKfllWAKI! i i tlf- ' I Tucr-- Mayoralty nomination in New York, Over ln aim t t 'xrrtliin!: mor for the purposcof conveying to such per- 4. On demand, Fifty Different Odors of the Celebrated. A ., MrrrL. Section by notice upon The pnhliehcrs of Blaino's book have just CaVSirjn;Lrrf ivr. OIUJMUAa lrl sons as may wish to acquire as ak.v .slock, homesteads the Postmaster General in such form put to press Uie fourth edition of 50,000 copies. STBEET, -- upon which to live. Tho surreys can bn regulations made FOKT Opfo lie Wilder ACo. mav be prescribed in the The new vault at Uie Treasury Department, P.ODX.S34. j ' examined at tho office of the De- Eu TKTOK fmsebkoss. sft'LAMANDER FELTING Interior under this Act. by a depositor, or party, Washington, will hold 50,000,000 silver dol- Lundborg Manufacture. partment by intending purchasers, who legally authorized to claim on account of E. P. roi:-- - lars. ADAMS, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller. . ., may also examine tho lots as laid out on a depositor, for repayment of any deposit So IS Qcmq Street, Ilonolaja. II. I. Odor-Case-s, 3C,..SKii,s Slrt II. ni.1.1. ,exwH tho ground, upon application to or or part thereof, the authority of the said Honor of tlie Time. Fancy Boxes, Bottles, &c. i overt ng isoiiers, sieatu npes -- STOCK 4 REAL ESTATE BROKER vi saiu uissici, appraisers, wno Postmaster General for such repayment. The leopard cannot change his spots, hut point them out. and who be entitled to depositor forth- XEMltKOPTOK f !' A.BI" tln StUfartT shall be transmitted the the three card raonle man can f Philadelphia H05OLCLt MWX E05D WalcM itrl' Fuel. to a fee of ono dollar for such service from xrlUVE. uiU Bk.W r..m I U0d Orto. a Saves 25 percent, of with, who shall be absolutely entitled to Call. Stoclti and Bonds of all Idnds Bought and Hollister & Co., B luis all wrV Amt by a. the party or parties applying. Any per- of any sum or sums which may Straws continue to show which leaded to irlta rrompUi' ai i. war the ooia on ixnnmisaios. jBCci-cvctiiai- x PWI PBICE EEDTJCED TO $7.50 BBL. son of full age who may desire to Eyment twenty-on- days -- Caarentffrf toyi.e SmfarUc acquire within after jalep goes, or would if the weather was war- fiT Ttlcykone So. 7S. lessir ase:tx-ts DBLl33.sa om. THEO. H. DAVIES i. Co,, any of tho said lots shall aoplr in wntim? sending said notice; and the omcer-m- a mer. Boston Post. for rXtOCDAXUflS. IIAJVCKILS I A IinilEM AXDBCM.XIXS rABDS SEAT- - 59 rtosTXiiav t KOlj Acv&tf. to the Minister of the Interior, stating tho ing repayments shall enter the' same Giotto lor a watering place s I Nunanu SL.and Cor. Fort St. 4 AcXUptflUcctV Oatrttcvfflc said totel; "Inere " ' f dni at tte Gazette Offlc and Merchant l-- Supplemen t to the Hawaiian Gazette, Oct. 29.

0 LATEST FOREIGN NEWS deL10110'173'" CMe 3Tn btrrtisemfnts. 3Tno ItrotTtiscmrnt Srw Tosx, Oct. 17. Coffee, lUo, rca nrm-no.ix- a. s ro's arm. r. o. muix." prime "?10c

matenior fisuu a aidi anatne eotupiwiwii' lTra--n i.-iiV.- -- i lV-- M. GAT, & CO., ti In. T ir HENRY MAY & Co. J. JR. Alahnn"iuns. h MfAlahm. - roo N 1A foundry, $I9af3X 3 w VV.Yn, Ti rw Th a Tok, Oct. 17. i VTheatona, tfbert li AtoUstmshtthimcntW. niTE do-t- ly tbreo-- f pto ot the ffu 8!25mww KHtay. . ( 5" annb. Ita cx&ened5. finish, Hanm hw been beard from, ud tbet thorn a t v tbHurt to the fui Snn?byleSttian fifteen time, 19 37. n T 0owroorof fret RDd J2. . t 3l5 OTf r "V, fr 4ind Vq j v -- t . s6 ud Stationers News Dealers, n itjwtwu jj' urveobwk vote of tb IU election. Just Received "-- tbrfr owners dttrinc the dwde. ct- - Tb '(""", "- - Hawaiian) Bleek.1T MevebaMl U It pondMi coNDpuiiDC Air. UUine, telecrapfes .seilr Xndjrrave Vrrdenek William of lltm dd from East iainaw . Mr. IKame explains Uietmt- - llave Jst Kecelved ex Vartosa. a fine yeoterday at llamtmrt Unc down 0f Krpabbcxn majority In Ohio by Assortment of Si Fbaxcisoo, Oct. 15. Advice bare been re--1 toe fact tbat the ncnroltonst of Oluo are in a City Paris & Clan reivvsl irotn ta.ymsa nnnoananc toe total lona, meesora laiecsea wun rre irnoo aoctnnes. of Grant on STATIO jSTERir, Mwwfruiiwraw eot, oijoe Oct. 17. Frb force of Cbinew are ii ting uora wbieh left tbitrurt with aniiwbawwrted Tuoqnin. Gen. BrieTedeLile lelecrapbs AMONG WHICH SIT BLaroi'Mi careoeari' beptember. Th Teiwel was for- - !, XaOINXXXOrO1, in u,atjathere are many Eurorwao dorrs in the Prom Letter fsper. xneriy tbe American brie J. j. Ir4 and was neiiearnir. Nets Taper. Fools Cap, Lees) Cap, Cs. Orange Marmalade SHI Cap, Bread aad narnMr. by ta rea; blocked. by QaJrv. MenMWsodBai maaoea oy iptatn liQOU, ana ooia nm i Crowe A BlacVwell's; Block, Jbr, Jte, Ar. carpo re fnfly laaarvd. tu caexk, Oct. 1. It U bliTvd tbatOmaa Dic- - ULtXK UlHIKHi , ma, will c. f i--. .,rt. tbe rebel leajr. aacowJ la miutu? hti Fall Bound, Half Fosnd. OSSStU-JjiV--ht... '?". Tamiuu, 1W Knib U turt iter Ce IUpbenj Jam, Boand to Tleaae day, lrt nnufl-- ia all bet two j " ioU' nKirtHHi r.lar.i fn and tbe crojam'favor him. Catw strawberry Jam, Kaakers Larre, Barkers mall. eosnUe anj two ptmdcU make U Jpobliean "thi Cases Plum I'addiog;, In fact, we have lakrUsda for alt mijonty IfUTL Tbe coosUea ytt to bear from j Shasobix. Oct. 17. Tbere are fife FrrncU men-ar- e atronftly lpnbtima and will locrvaw tbe ' auttuoedat Keloojr.aod etttttwfureTam-lotalmaiontTto- Cav Mince Meat, IM1&T OFFICK LETTKK MJ.VL, kaatliaW. Tbe llenablican saL The Cblnee ar forttfrnuitbe beinhu and Ca&e Snllana Uaisina, elect ten Concrtwunen, a cin of tire, the rtfoae to sarrroder tbrir puaitiwoa. llw naUvea lHHt CARTER'S Combined t'epvinx A rtirne, Urmoerata aiao ntinfi ud, dj one aiAnci d iu soaiaern t onoum are oarrMKioc uw Cases Xew CorranU, la quit, pint asd S ptata; inc still in dtmbL In tteaiYtrguua tbe IVrao troops, bo are akinc for CARTEnS WRITING FLLtH. critic ueiet ii elected by a majority of from ,r piruwsimu, Oct 17. Tbe Cbu-- of Police Is qsaru. pints, ia pint and omes. 3XK) tt qte, ptata A coaea, to SftU. has ordered tbe proprtrtor of all tbe boU-la- ret- - Cs. Violet lak, ri, S aavs Bottled Pie Fruits ladeUMe Iak,aorted. NcwYoax. Oct. Ii. Tbe 5 The Tint ueratiiaaudatuular plcw toteinoTelberutiraita AKNUUi S Writlnff Flald. tolxwdooat this time of bir John Macdoaald. of tbeCur from their blw rooraa,ontbeKroaod Ia qaart. plaU, i pint A cone. tbe uauadun iTectwr, Deuexe io oare iu main tbat dtsrea,ect U fbown tbem by tbe public. Case Mixed FicUes, STAFFORD'S In qnarU and plnta pcrpuae tn an enerpetie f ortberence of tbe annexa- Muus,Oct. 17. Uluuter Foster will axil for Etyptlaa Perfamed Isk eat loininion Cafes Ghertins, tion ut tbe Bnth Indies to tbe Amenca abort! T with tbe nw bpanib est Indian nitlUlttKi fofl.fi, fU.Hplvsndeone of Canada a aabject of mach drefwr iourrst to Cas Fielded Walnut, I effect VactUre Bott'e, American otMerrers than the small and dwtaat mX9 EUnj Minuterof JoreUn Affairs. Mm MAVNtui'V UiMiKNi j Ca.e Spnih Oliren, Itfxli full bound and balf bosnd, wars in which France and Lacluil areenUncled. HtrT wiU return to Madrid cw.-- title ytn Cases French Caper, Ivxttfalt bocnJ and halt bunnd QvzzstSTowv. Oct. IS. TbeNatwoal hoe ateam- -' oouimeroe on tbe terms which btuln baa already 3tanns Copjtnc I'aper, ri Amrrtcn. from Newport v.wi eth. for accepted- - . Cases French Mnshrooms, flh'A IIUt.Dk KNt lasretvrttlet LiTerpout. arnred here at MC o'clock tbis morn l VtAjtr lULra, Oct. 17. In inhabiunt of Korta, Cat French Teas, inc. The arrived off hioaale at 7 o'clock Jerc has armed here from KbarUHim, barinc been Cases French Trnffles, this mornitur. Tbe time of paaaace to tnat ace fourteen days on the way. H was prrwnt at IIKrtla PiftKl Dlalnanduvnaled. was C days, 16 and II minute. Manila IMall Taper. hoars Kbartonm during tbe whole aiece and saw Gordon Cases Pate de foi Grt, L.W tX4Mi:Ml 130UW.aortml, New Yoxa. Oct. 15, At meetuie of the Direc- dftare a qoantitv of guns and nfiea of tbe rebels, Cases Fin non HaddocV, rnlNtC.KHi roaad corner X plain, tum of the lactfiellait y a dinJeod of IV lie says the road from Khartcnm to fcenaar la free M UlilKllM n UHKK.arce variety . perorutwasdecUrvd. The books wiU be cKwl of rebel. Gordoa's steamers after boaibardiLg Cases Kippered Herrings TIME HOURS. aorled, Uome4 Ubela. October 2Tb, to be reopened November X and Berber, Djelieer and Mimne, retarued in safety to blpplneTarr,TuorUt Taf. payable November lot. Tbe earnings and ei- - Khartoum. Kaabmil Pasha has nnJertaken to occupy lierber with a force which Gordon was Inritation Paper St Enrelopea to match. getting lu resdiuens. ilahJi came to bhaat, only CS. SCOTCH HERRINGS not earnmea. filS,ULW, cash on hand, U7U, six days journey f rum Kbartonm, bat on bearing Ball rroeraranie Card. Pencil and Tavaela, a, f -. ooa of an tnsurrtttion at Gel-e- l iHu, was forced to Cases Yarmouth Bloaters, MENU CARD- D turn back, lkfore starting he sommoned the Pasia, Oct. 15. General Lisle telecnpha Caes Oxford Sausage, LETTER PRESSES, LARGE & SMALL ; from Can. on the npper ljoocnnan, as iouus tnbeMsen and villagrrs to accompany him, bat Colonel lonniir, alter the encasement on Fri very few obeved. an they would rather remain Caes Sardine, aud ; day, earned tbe heights commandinf: the Fortn-t- s lovaltotbe Khedive. As Mabdi had leit Cases White Wine Yinegnr, Ab-l- kadir in command at El Obuid with u 1U1J and m Olti: of Cho. fomuiifi the wi rfVY of a larcr, Cases Butlls Chinese camp, hch as defended by only 5,011 troois, tb Uakhar tnbesmea aa J in- East India Chattier, BIKTIIIlkl t.otuv oaaemated forta. Tbe reach Io was twenty men habitants of Gel-- Deir, joined hy IU) Egyptian Cases I.eibig6 Extract Meat, iot uirr i4Mt, f made ou ObeiJ, and one officer killed, ninety men and tw otneers troop, an attack El and captured Caes Mushroom Cnteop, And many otber axtlelea loo aomeron tw mention. ooaded The Chinese eord were prt of the a number of slaves and cattle. best troops of the empire, perfectly armed and Cans Sojer's Uelish, ;r M ItlMirrth received foranyFwtcfa European atjle Chineee Isper or Macutae pnbMvbed. at any tine Also, lti uanenTered in the Ine CoUJMli. News. I'u Arsraau. Cases Yorkshire Relish, all lb Local fmper and Ma.ailhe. alde losa was a"0 killed, mclodinc their chief oom r'awlly Ubtary on band, and of Itisraoiored that there is some robability of Cateri Celery bait. etc tpecl uander Tbe ChuuMe iuvaion Tunqoin has idea Geueral nomber a eul for ! order !; direction of Lancsoii. the of the establishment of a Cases Celery Seed, Received fur BOOK. ETC. been arretted tn tbe European Protectorate over the islands of the 1' IPLCULUrdrra oIselev Mtecraphs Lomkin OcL 15. General cine being earned into effect. LM the Government tbta he has been informed by a wart's The following are the latest acmtchmgs Mel- - native who saw Colonel Me steamer acroond bciQme Cod Court. Fomtuv. iloueidew. iid Dr. Ridge's Infants Food KKI) ItUBKKIt STAMP AGIINUY ! in tbe Nile, adavs iMake from Meroe, that Impenal. V. V.T.C. jlaiJen Euckv-- Europeans of importanod on board Pnnce llate. ; there were no Hit and Ueotmore rirst uurdlei: Iliogwood. sad Ate nta for (he Frcvclopedla BriUnmca. the teasel. Canlneld Cop: Comet anJ Tomboy. Cases Scotch Oatmeal, 41b. tins ; UT 11) Inland erderiedlToinplly"b 1'axaXL. Oct 15. Kaiz. the revolnUonit. hoist- The weather extremely favorsble for tbe wheat Caees Peart Barley, 41b At ed tbe Colomtaau tUg over tueaieamer JLljta ii tins; J. M. OAT, Jr. CO., 11 coaled cropA. Tbe reports from tbe country dutricis are 41 b. ; 107 If Block. Merchant "L after captannc tbe veMeb tbe steamer very hopeful, improved Cases Tapioca, tins tltTTB 3 Unnch and theo sbMmed op tbe late ratnt having the from an Amenca grotftbof the crops, and a good harvest is anti- Caf.es &sgo, 41b tins ; the cu&t. The Mjt i niled with soldiers. cipated Tbe Mate Gornmeat gffiAi seized the Afmnr Cases Salt in jars. afwtr Kbli had released her. Ad potticc on board The official average fur the New houtb ales Cases Ground Cinnamon, went parson loan was aboat 113 I.U. Cd. The tender 150 men and two Gatltnc Runs, in of maxiaiam Ground Allepice, Uuit. Tbe Cobimbian Government has ordered was. There were dealings alth regtri to the Cae them to recapture the Akjmtt at all bAZirds. loan at WV, Caes Ground Cloves A.. to- were 1XO tenders, KKAFT, Hooaoa Oct. 15. There was a not here There the aggregate amount C. Genuine Mustard, day. 1 be police fired on the mob and several per- obsenbed being 13.rW,0ua Ca. Cayenne Pepper, sons were killed. Tbe Chinese Government has The following is a opr of the Government tn forbidden any trade in firearm bet een Europeans tractions to tbe Igent General which wsalaid urriGhiN, JLWEl.bK and and Chine, lhe ceneral Union here i that before the N S W Legtslative Aembly "Act HEMP. RAPE, AND CANARY SEED, the arbitrary recnUtioas of the Chinese officials in conjunction with the other colonies in urging are rapidlv incroasinc tbe and English feehnc tbe dearablenen of establishing a protectorate WATCHMAKER, among the natives. over the nnappropnated inlands in tbe Vacant, hav- Fry's Chocolate, regaiu New Yokx, October 16. A $ London cable of ing doe for inttrnatioaal obtigittiocs." Fry's Chocolate fct'ds for'dessert, 15th . The ManrfnT Vienna oorretpond And Dealer in Musical Instruments. tbe sajs Cocoa, ' cnt sUtes tbat one of the iaerioan Mimnters. W- - R. CASTLE, Epps now stationed on tbe CunUnef and versed in tbe Schweitzer's Cocoatina, Uavlns Removed to tnur commodlooa quarter Govern- ATTOXtlVXtY JJI? Campbell's iw Itluck Menba&t etreet, Congo question, wriua that tLe American IJSV Palmer's Milk B.scaits, ment will certainly accept the invitation of and Notary Pab w Attends all tbe Conrts of tbe HnDtlyd. and pirtieitAte in the comiMt conference Ml kingdom lj II u ntly X Palmer's HIS RECEIVED. Fc'R LITE IMPORTIIIOHS, npon the Conco ooontry at IVriin. and that meriCA will pe fall support to England and the I'. 1. AIAV, Lare (ddltion to his former Slock freedom of commerce, Auctioneer and Commisilon Merchant, Maccaroons & Cracknells CitBo, Oct. 16. ProTwooi are extrrmelT scarce lOlt yneep atreet. llocoliJo ly ! throoeboat the bole country from Herber to 3Iackenzie'& Albert BibCQiU, FINE GOODS Kbartouxn from the iiTer Nde to the lied a W. AUSTIN WHITING, -- ecu h and May's Wax Matches, littoral. Attorney and Counsellor Bryant t f WaDiHaxr. OcL It A native, who arrived Bryant d. May's Safety Matches, from El Obetd by the way of Jlerowr, reports that T 33 'CV wnMkm1 htit the DAhahnAh- 1UJS No v KAabamaBa floaelola ELRY, a.&n.ar has kn Mreet Day & Martin's Liquid Blacking. IN OOLD. MLVER. it the crew of which were murdered within a day a MRS. M. march ot rnendiy terniorv. ine naiive reports A. MFT.T.IS. llW) occupy mg FaahionAble Dress and Cloedt Maker. that El Mabdi's tnxnw the heights al . A o GOLDS SILVER WATCHES the hUl north of Kha.-toa- and hive thrown bro- IW Fort turn Uotolaln. II 1 1. CI.I.IIOIO ken tetecrapb wires across the river. iff! ly tirvRTSBJ ASD CEILKES IX of the B"t make aad flntn Lare Att of Loxdox. Oct. 16 bptial dispatches from Cairo ii. :. Ms.i.'w ri ici, a. iiitorm.it. CrouorAl IVIorcliniicllMo, asstrt that the Canadian boatmen are snroly and QROCERY. FEED STORE and BAKERY lOfT Comer Qoeen snd Ssshamsna Mreeis ly refuse to obev tbeu o&cers. Instruments, Corner Rinx and Ten Mi ecu Honulnin II. Musical Lodo, Oct-l- dispatch from Pans to the a) ly Jtll. IMTi, From the moat Celebrated Matin failure Exchance Telecraph Coaipany statea thst the SOTART PUBLIC and COKKI55I0NEK of DEZDS troubles between the Government and the Itud?et i:i iioki ciii.ai:;i.ic a. t'i . Foi theUle of California and Net ri Ufflte ml PaT CURIOS IN ENDLESS VARIETY.-X- n Committee threawn to preoipiUte a Cabinet crisis. iypOlTEES ASD COXXISSI05 MERCHANTS lhe Pank of fJltawp Ji Co Hwnolnla VK ly (.'all of Finance, and Gen. Cam 1 and examine bit extensive Mock and a will M. Tltrard, Minister WS llonolsln Oabo.ll ly a a penon. Mintstsr of War, talk of resigning An CLACisriUciiLS lavix. noi fall ta be pleaded ly f9 ROSA, w .. ., imporUnt meeting of the lladgvt Comnutiee ill A. i. mun A .iitii. v.w i:iciiii;-- i be held AHORRET AT LAW AND NQTW PUBLIC, Sog-a- Factors and Commission Agents IMP0HTER AND DEALEEii IJT GENEBAL 16 II I 1011 NrwYou Oct. The Tnht, under the the HoDolnln MEhCHiNDlSE SjIiJ Ofiet itk A.trtv Central. AluMnt JIaU bead of Now, Now freak, Snth. aays. Qoeen Mreet Uonoinln It I The October election shows pluulv that Hlune 1003 llamolMtm, It I ly HOLLIbTER & CO l'2 lr n.l I.mtui can carrv Net Vimtiia. Vircima. I". Ac III.I.l-4;ilAl- l A. and and Looman. itit ii .i:i lllt'lalUtlO. Druggists Tobacconists, to., Tennessee ATT0EKEY ASD C 0UKSEL0E AT L A W WI10LEALK AND KETAIL. IUFOBTEBS A5D DEALESS IN HoBOVAJiK Losdos. Oct. 16. Australian nJviee state that Will sttend the Tenu of I oart on the other Nlandi a "Nmiinu Mreet, cor Fon Jt Merchsot M tOXJ ltanlan will row Beach for the cbAmpioDship of Mdnry to lend on Mortfesof FnrhoMiJ mrOVl IlE first Nttardav ia Hay, 1S5. lie e Merchant bC.dooe from euajrenwakl's MOST TLXWIM c. H COOKS. 1W6 No ST Fort Mreet. Ilunolnla the world on the a IO 3m tt will also row Clifford for 3X1 sometiiue within 1. 1: v i: it s a c o i: . S. M.CARTER, six months. Both races will occur on k the next j. ji. miiii:w;i, .11. it, 0. i . &accesor to Lewies Diaiot, Agent to taJio Aclmowledcmenta to Con Paramatta river. Dental Boosts ea Foit Street, IMPORTERS & DEALERS IN LUMBER IS. Kcports of the raviges the traits for Labor. Koxx, Oct. cf OXee In Brewer', Block, corner Hotel and Fort strtets And all klndi of Ilalldlnr M&terUIs. OOce P. M. S. Esplanade, Italy the past twenty-fou- r 104) at Ijct, Hooolnla. If. L cholera throajbout for ly Lacrance.liote) Mreet. Fort Mreet. WW lj llonolala. SWly

ini PTrt iitinUt rrttliintr nnd -- 1 i Con- u. liACKrnuj'jt'- - co..' ' I I .v"ij- ; Acssat to.talo aoata to - I ggj. . . .O UX11L.C0 UU1U1ULUU II. Sld:kKEE

Hawaiian Gazette Supplement October 29th, 188-- C

! TREAS WIEITS REPORT. n kept up for days. Thus help la nude Mm ami labor wasted upon feed cxistvtll It 4, now jgcncrally admitted that we must feed well to tC'cntrol Jilrttt'utrnitnU. our plantations. The planter should study modes and to work our gron cleans well, j ' - j present help to that a man vvould be able to do much There ore stallions, bulls and icka the, country. A v ise THE rL.TER5- LAUOB .V1 SU1TLY WMl'AXY Letter advantage, to nuny line j in NEW ' more than he now docs and work no harder but mora skiiuully aim more Use of all these with a. proper use of growing feed for their progeny wHi and STYLISH Is. with I. C. JONES, Jk., TKEAsrxut, Dr. Amen intelligently. It would be a great arcouiplishtuent to train up our prcsonl accomplish. all thatwureifuirei I want to urge tlut Planters, pay uioro-- supply of laborers: to perform double work they now do. But It customary among Oct. To Balance oM account a per Treasurer' lleiort due the aiiemion .to uu .requirement than Sus, been ineui. lUilliuery Ooodt ,, Im is surely within the range of possibility and partalcs of a better civiliza- Thcj- - Ivovo the und,an" ivaier at Uieir coumund. They luve generally IS w tion profits so exert to see enough to breed-a- " Expenses at Armory far annual mrctin. und more satisfactory ; all should themselves marei Irom' which t least a portion of the stock needed Ladles' Underwear and t,. Interest sd A Co- - ... no 85 what could bo Teaching to u In JUhp done in this direction the laborer how working their plantations, and cuws enough to supply a portion of their c " " Kegs fer wear lor Bostou Exhibition to advantage the known tools, and to tench them a mure skillful use beef. There good saddle, bugzy and draft, ami the best Clillderis' CIotbiB-- s Trea- lwt arc stallions for " efxretary,.osJer Sail-i- on x : W.O.ith. Monthly, of the horse, so as to bring the power of that anim.il to perform much lalvr of bulla fur miU and beef uuipiffa, hclil by thi-- o '.ho ran affonl to give Mmi LU ArtiIi. sury for Kent. riantert and ctirrrnt - MPflWH t,J0O 72 Don done by man only. Where the horso can be mado to perform many them the ncccssarv rare. iJw.tvs at their command, bv- uivinir the. gener economy many Traveling expense, printing publications, maps, times as much labor as a man it is not to Use tho latter as ally moilerate. fee.iiskcd. : 11,0V. M planters do, seemingly to avoid a little painstaking necessary to show the Colts raised from tic nuns viorkctl on the plantation during nine Mrs,W. H. WILKIHSOM:-- lobe Lou it should be used, which if done once, would advance the months of (ha make for more serviceable horse than those raised expen-- e year .3,57 S9 tit j TUK lJJBIOlaBI.Ii'- - s V. Total lor laborer to a more, intelligent and profitable use of his pou crs nuking him tn pasture, and are, traiutxl much mure cosily. - liaiancc casn in nana to nw 1,375., a more valuable man both to himself and to his cmploj crs. rV fevv acres, of laud plowed tlioroughly and planted to alfalfa, sorghum, !)resN-Mak- l" T Milliner & er ft! It is not denied that most of the laborers upon these Hand are com or tJuinca grass w ill pny better than if planteil w 1th cane. YVc luve como s.M9 I paratively unskilled. can bo hardly doubted that one-ha- lf the number lo a stage In nlstory when small ivr fanning is demanded. It our mixed Or TORT BTllEETrf SeS rtK COSTRA Cr. of American fjrm laborers, if set down in these would do all the The enormous. cxi:rUture for foreign fodder i ridiculou-- , almost rianta-(to- n HHswIWmtv LsOtx'fcr llw4A mi e I IsSI. work now performed by our entire labor force, and doit with comparative criminal, iu(thc prennt state of the sugar market The, AVailuku isujms tl Oct Byasscsstmnbcollwlcdh-rtheyea- r . DOl W insi skf taKUXST case. A like number of our native laborers could da the same if they ha il nu furrlga luy fur a'j ear, finding that rotsvil fod- xusTSiccojrr . Mrt'Ui s,tjlno ' Kents collected . tOf Hawaiian siotui un s3-- Ofiy tueic Aotr, and we claim moic would enable them to liamlle der costs iO per, ivccomplhh ' Interested collected :.;tUi- -. the koc tcnu, lew vhen purchased, and that its animal Xuliaery. . . ,,. tools now. mnqh e " W horses and skillfully and do twice as much.as they da as work during, lb as if fed oil prime $11 California hay. By , of - alceia. ,i..,t " Balance received on account brig Haxint voj .truly, grinding sorghum to uso as groin, the barley ami oats, fed to work stock . , , lour Feathirj, , -- age a per detailed account herewith LV SI J .so. M. Hor.xi.i;. can be with, and the ripe stalks can utilized for making la Bonaeta. -, m,iji s.043 a; sugar ociccuing nogs, tucrcos loo, mucu reason lor nnning lauu wiin Hata,i,"ae.ril OctoK-- r -- U, the extrav-apmc- of planters in. this matter alone. Smie are extrava- IIomili l.L, li9l. Ta9ro4StiaiUll4s4wHlsdailatallsrttslac " 1,37) gant in half feeding and qvcrworking stock, others by overfeeding on Ilotl ARcac tnM,n-piucaii- a ., Balance cah iutnand new account --..-tittt, w Ta tht I'mldeHt and .vociioif(T of the llmterf labor mm Supply lx: IsilMlottevniueriMUlleiefnniirilipiidLart. "u meet-inp- costly imported fodder. The remedy is in our own Honolulu, Oct. 20th, 1W4. GivruLiE : The year which has elapsed sinco the lost annual - hands Ua Isl44. has; fraught more change huandal nsjiect of Wc have. hail clearly demonstrated to us by the -- ucces attendant upon C. lon with in the our WlllllMAa'. r.ia.j' jr., ba-tn- the ctfurts men, plantation men, that there is LBIfl,ftrin'Vr. m.. i' Joc, than any previous yrar durinyonr existence as a Company. of our ranch uud soiue'fcw Ml .f.-fl- Trenturtr. stock. It The solution of the proHcm, success cr failure, depends largely upon money, and large money, in raising feed and raring well for our - pay present to ride out to i.vi'ivrsi AVD riiiLDncssj I hereby certify that I hare compared the above receipts and expendi- the supply and cost of labor. The amount of labor in the country is ma- will for members of this Association here Judge tures and compared, with vouchers and nod the same correct, and the credit terially larger than it was a ycsir ago. Thero lias been an increase of IcCuIls form and scuhls methods for thcm-clv- c, and while there look CLOTHING of all Description., I' balance of Thirteen Hundred and fjevtnty and dollar- - ? 1,3T0,V) In the at the fiuo Hol-tci- n cattle which his for ecing cnterpri-c- - lias brought to and lalxrenj almut as follows: Ladlss' llsuj C ' r hands of BMwp A Co. subject to check of your Treasurer. to the already rich Wood of our henU Jlost of our rlanter Tndcr the auspices of this Company, per brijr iaanrrf, from the Xevv add rilrtU....,!.lLcUllv , , J. B. ATXintTtMr, .twfifor. hav e to foreby machinery, LiUir, seeil, Ac. IX) the -- w 1th taxtlps UwM lhsfVtt, Hebrides, December, 1SS3, USperons, l0-- of them adult males. In Jinc rus, , your stock. Buy young animal j a year uhcail, work carefully- - tfxtining, Krrla:,aca SSattmaU 0 Rertipte ami Eriatrt of thr Brig " Hazani." Under the auspices of the Board of Immigration, pcriiWf iJocjc, IS'oveni-lr- llUWttol IIf.W n..-- a lialhhl.1 aili , not orrnti'iy, gradually, and always fewling well, and In two or three trs. fcraliirf', lubtaiaa. ae.tamsvto. tt.. . s 1SS3,1, I0J persons, 396 of them ;ulult males; Cif .V KECEirr-- oiliri, June, g bjnr of i.h!MrrBtv ssfcsarl ler years you can disus-- c of your imporUd broken down stock, and ! Asnmcat !ll(f. Vttj 1SI, 830 perM)n., 310 of them ailult male-- ; and per Bonktuu, Octotcr, Chtap. Mtj k.prBtSBnrtf Of VSher fal4A laaf wnsstV , 1 mm itana Plaatatiun, 23 Laborers . M01 i) young, vigorous Hawaiian stock. Keep your money in the country, do mis to nfatlua, la which lb raapaxlism 0f tb UrlUs" OSSW lf'l, 73J persons, )7of them adult ItconlUltylBTTua. - " H. Haekfetd Co t , not Is? awndlcd by any foreign seller of stock, which has to 15 11 . iTOOS-- l Under private aupicc-- per brig llnzan), from New Hebrides, Oct. 1S5 1, ioor ' G. YY. NecfarUne A Co., Lalwrer" vvho-- o s, exported to sell at all, but buy of a home dealer tntcrot it is to " A Co., 17 Lalwrtr- - . 1.173 SD 79 icr-on- ,i of them adnlt male-i- . XCs.D.VV ucrllntu.1,: r. A.Schaefer alw-aj'- well -- to Iks ittn coBtlaaes to ""''i'ipm Ids la jr Laborerv-j-- o ell ffootf and who accessible to a suit a wimlle. Utflt. " E. A Co., a 41 W In addition to th-- enumerated, 3,121 umler contract, stock, me.wof th !., an 1 : niinescnol have Trlnmlir DaTartnrat. nhlch Ii Minutea ibttV A Co-- Wc must keep out 01 -- are brought here In wilt T. H. Davim U 3,7II arrivea Irom to during? year, the diseases lock which thf Utiles lura tbctr Trlmmlnzdosie la Us litest jJ-l.- . 4.173.--- time time the and lliincse liave rone psnat fsf bbaattrs " Cooke. 17 Laborers tiJ liO country al stjk. Castle A out of the eiuntry, leaving an Increase of of vt bom pruleMy l,oou animals imxsirteil to jell to the planter ; the of this G. A Co., 30 Laborers 755( l.ioj, en- '' W. Inrta - - cannot afford "to I'ring diseased animal to brecil from, and wc mut Call and See tho Novelties,; IK TO are laborers. This givc- approxliiiatc totu' mcrcasu for imputation and inn i ale IZ BDls. lieer courage good.trainers to remain with us. " s5ale surplo tore to itr. A. F. Cooke . I.... a.-- .. for lalor as follows uwt. I not be petshaded Into buying strains of running -- tixk, trotting Xewllebndes. 317 ITSmeu. stock, Ac, but breed your own from tho staulon you can get hold or, let Irisli Damask'!' f . e. ras I)rtBgae-- ...... WJmen. but buy fur trort a heavier animal, a strain of TSaruun or coach liorse, In xrrsi. Chinee . i71,231 men. -1 1 il . 12.11133 !,) fact a farm horse, or mule if you prefer. Bead a good stock Journal In .V. y. Cooke balance due on charter Jlaranl -- t 1 rW e your --pare pay money evpendeiL ' Bishop A Co. Insm-inc- oa voy J-- . suss moments; It will for the time and y. ii;i feil'inoderatcly good for oil and the shade " J. T. HMUUIAUT, bill uppKei-.v- . The expense of the first lot of New Hebrides peopleiswas so great sl to seed l a meal, Hprwr. aupnlie.. IJ307!TO We Have Just Received J A. bill further effort by thp Cumpany In tliat afforded by thV'ircc Invaluable to the animal. T- bill supplies tM7i direction. - H. Davie A Co conclu-io- to off .ill trees, except fodder, . e MOO) mo cxpen4 of Portuguese Vvx about $110 for each adult male on ar In do not let u forget fence a. vtur i assoErxsxT or - Capt. Tlernay a agreed from stoik, enforce by every means In our power any law which will H. HackfcM A Co., bUl supplies lrM0 H rival at the plantation. Many of the early arrival of Portuguese hav e anl SIM . W fulfilled enable n to dg iv. YV. G. Irwin A Co., bill supplie" their contracts and liven dlchar-n- l. A few, but not many of ' 21.7o3 1 them, have have engagwl on own Itifpecttully submiftwl, Irish Double Damask. to of general account "orae in business their Balance acconnt credit .Jlisess account: snnie have entered domestic service or obtained omioyment in ',' . W. II. B.VILEV, CfaiiniuiH Committee on Lire Xtoek. business houe; but the jrrcnter1 number have engaged by the day or of 9l HosoLrLr, October Si, lS month on sugar plantation. Few have left the country, and very few TABLE LINEN have died. JI.ISCEIUTIOX. I oftAe Ijibnr and Supply Co. Practically the labor of the country lias not been diminished Tn thr rrr.lAtKt nanerf by the expiration of Portuguese contract. and report upon the Treasurer's ac- DIRECT - SIB The Cemmittce to ciamlne , , examined the same An arrangement has been nude by the Boanl of Immigration whli.li it Honolulu, October 17th, l5l. report that they have carefully K-- counts, be? leave to is hoped will result in the introduction of laborers from Japan in adequate Tnro. II. "Javies, o. : Ukau bin, Having aked wrmission to have property kept and that the rerrt and find that the accounts number, at a co--t of $. each for the wages to be, for men S10 erect double crushing and saturating machinery at the Waiakcn mill for Is andlncorrect. We have furthern made to your Company Just per month: for women, C; of food for men, s.7; of food for the, purpose of thoroughly the method of cane juice extraction BELFAST, of oj rrmalns to the credit of the Treas cot cot IRELAND ourselves that the amount 1,30 women, if"r40; cost of food .for children, ;2; terms of contract three years; known as m.isccratioaan)l.douUa. proccs, jiennlt mo to state urer at the. Bank of Bishop A c. housvho!d"eTvantsfi; per month and foumi. The protiortions will Ie briefly some of the reasons why I think tiii -- hould be done, and done at 'orsisTt.tu or - . , . Jtespcetfully ibmittcd, four-fift- h JOSAHIAS ACaTIS, about men and one-flft- h women, and one child to each net once. r.A.SCUABXB, adult During the la--t twenty years my calling has brought me in tlosc con Recent information indicates that the people will arrive tact with the sugar indu-try- thi country ; I have seen planter after JOUS II. PATT. firt of thesa TABLE CLOTHS, f.t! -h before the dose of this year, and that fully 500 per month can be obtained planter Mindly grappling with this industry only to be overcome and uunng iss.., 11 it is lounu iiesirawe, ami the money fs fuml-JicU- - Tney ruined by it. The cau-e-s of failure, however, were not. for the most ixirt. REPORT OF C01IXITTEE OS LABOR. are sold to be entirely from the agricultural dases, and it W probable that the want of sufficient labor, high wage, rxr land, or the low prices of they will prove acceptable 1 iintation hands. sugar, but simply because they understood neither the manufacturing nor Oi.t. 19th, -t. .1Iatek;p. Kckaxai, IIamakca, Hawaii, ll. The Portuguese per Cilv of Ptrrii were of two classes: those from the forming part of the business they had engaged In. I have visited With Napkins to Ommittcc wiUoior.- - Jlichaels, with contract similar to those of rrev ions immigrant, except nearly all the mills on the variou- - etate or the kingdom, and from what Mr. I. jlwtw, ateirman I in -- the--e me tnatiuey anr receive an allowance for boanl in money have ecn of the manner which ugar has been manufactured in i rcinestin-se- Hra upon the reoutnemelvr These LHIXXS DrA &im-Y- onr letter it, are the TVSTST Esir bu-i- ce equal to their wage, with a provision for one half of the salary when pre- during the early part of the period referred to, I am sure would days ago, bat a pre-- urc of and from Impcrt.J this reached me me vented from working by sickness. Those from Madeira were contracted be safe to s.iy that not more than half of the sugar has been extracted lo Msrkst. and wo IariU' has prevented an earlier reply. oar Trlend. ffo civst home take-t- ae at the same rates, but with the provision wage-- paid from the canes ground. And tho average percentage of the total sugar tltem aa IasrUam roarce of all wealth and earthly comfort, at once that full should be Labor bcln the when sick. The latter dause in the contracts has made trouble, niany contained in the canea extracted by our improved machinery doe not front rant of afl important questions. CO question I shaU consider only two, pionters declining to receive the men upon such temii The objections to reach much, if any beyond percent., and where the canes are very Of the numerous phases of the labor CO G.W.Macfarlane&'Go n this do not apply solely to by per- - rich and ripe the percentage doe not reach per cent. labor, ami its --WHfn! application. It Is a foresOTecon-tte4- dau? the loss iuyment for labor not Yix.. a srpply of cases or for -- hamming A few weeks ago, together with experts, I conducted an cheaper laborer, or jet more ttve trork out lormeu in real nisawilty, but the inducement it offers exicrimcnt tmuwx must have sick would be amount ap- with doable crushing and saturation by hot water. The mill was doing expert to make pernment or profitable the productive of an of trouble vvhidi can bo ofthU we have, II we & preciated full only by what would average fair crushing, and the appliances for atnrat-In- g PasC priexlce tcivches tta pAIIMy of in a plantation manager. I; called indnstry of these Wands. It is absolutely necessary, to the ucceful prosecution of our industry, the bogus, ami doing the second crushing were not by any means E. O.Hall & Son eheapeiin oolybygettiniraa rz xaag-- f ' Ulr I" have been .rryin; to do. butS that the rrice of imported labor should be reduccL Efforts have been good ; but as it was, the experiment revealed the fact that there was a '1'jiu.i tag it iampeUtion with itsdt ye 300 rnaOenaal, and Ubor .s career made during the year to combine against thegrcaf number of loss of nearly --tW lbs. of sugar for gallon darificr, or omctMng over the means emploved has Ven ptting Chinc-- s who roam from district to district and live upon the lew who are 20 per cent, of what wai being extracted. The trash from the crashing evtrv ruooth. arnlU not checked wHI sw tromc rmnonsly c at work, and to force wage down to fair price. These eflort have been of cain to make one cUrlfier of juice tanding 10 Baumc, and nanters seem to doisj, Jy ct? Hall's Steel Plows !, The Government 1"3 In some degree- successful in certain place, while in othvT they have when saturated with hot wafer and recruslved, yielded 312 gallons of Juice be required of 0 oWamaroryin culiai fim i to 1J 11. . ,ey, about all that should failed to accomplish any reduction. at Ikiumc- - l. -; must not loot for relief In that direction, 3i' that way, vet labsr advince- we vv HALL'S HEAVY '" t, lc- -t -- combine hue the proposed immigrants are eominir slfcUtly improved At Waianae Plantation, a trial conducted by Mr. Itichardson on the STEEL BREAKERS to retox effort at rrc-en- labor hould aiin and it won't do the terms, mainly to pas-ag- g yielded 113 gallons standing a cost of the wares of, all laborers now here. s.mc quantity of trash from first t- - II IJulMlasJ. ; J against us, and widerrcadrain rrevaiL ,., ,., and proposed to be brought by the Board of Immigration, are far too great 5'Boame. shouW somcinrng uj rcuo .- - "LSO- - a SEW USE Of But the Govrnrment do ci - -- (Tins. C. Kennedy -- m to permit of ogar production at existing Is there a remedy for At Waiakea a trial conducted by Mr. on the trash -- monev. . we the ltnauon mere v stauit.- vi rricc. Indins ana !, can w our 7 from first grinding ot two n clarttler of Juice tandlng lTIiaumc 1.- -. -- , !,rl that Is China : encash can bcobtained inis, ii it made available tor relief Hall's Steel Eock Breakers . i".. sn -- '- - JIany petitions have been made to the Government to open to yielded 130 gallons of juice standing 31' Baumo, a aving of a!jnt per , From eurwant, without to vcrnment will the d'r II tiM MiKb) there tosatWy all celf free Chinee immigration until the supply "hall equal the demand, upon cent. At both the WaUkea and the Waianae the flr-- t grinding waj come, and we, .recommend, this Association to Urge the toataufnasi lie t&iuUgtft oOsit CtcsLsrs only let them fair term. A yet Government not answer to exceptionally well done. Bsn!)ar r s4 peUtion, with aU their influence, to open the door again the has twin favorable nawlatrrrnnaBts.alf mide bjUt, , Government bv thes-- e petitions. seems to your would roniedy. All mill owners. know difficult it is to get their mills uniformly and ' laborer" a reive, and only mrr .ray of It Committccthat thai bea how ntrT sioli.vi: rtow re. to the of China, th"lsf Can it be made available? well fed, and double crushing Is a security againt loss through the rare- - remrAcrLU.es our iraa-- u. obtaining a supply, before There is question in --omc quarter or Jneijtcity of tho-- c attending to the work. Even when the Cenoreirortwr-wn-cfp- . This idea is binding upon nsall, and whether unrestricted license for the - influx of Chinese would give offense Pacific hands LtKxe tieir, vreil and desire to do It well, Iip occur In io -- n ,i n siftfT nnr UbiT market is IiiIIt scppUea, not, such on the Oast and mill tank .. in the United States as wrjuld alienate many friends of the Treaty, single g that cause much loss ofjuke. i,vs-- a more however, by harder" work or fenger by teaching them hrnlt - and endanger its continuance. But with good rie cane the beg Icuves even the second set of rolls -- kHlfal nsc of their strengta in naanung ots, j valuableiis,i.to themselves awl On the other hand, the belief is belief i general among i4nters- - and with much sugar in it that cooipre-io- n alone will not bring out, hence we owe our laborers as to nuke them more - two-fol- men action taken by us to secure we the uece-ssil- of the riot water application. The hot water do- not Is a duty we ow e cur neighbor, and in a d eiise, if we boines that the lalr which needso trt to us. It and which seems so dlfSculL to obtain elsewhere, weuldrtot re- anything, it may taken from the second drum of the double effect and .,,,.t-A,r- , Vi-t- .kmrni risanf fewer men. there will be more Hindi, be le on the as is leaving the rolls of the mill and c, skillfully garded as inimical to the interest of the United State or taibisentmient, thrown (. Just it lirt laborer for our neighbor's n-- and If we, leam them to work leaving us. tinry wc but as a measure of fully justified by our great aasl imme- while it Ia still expanding and In a suitable condition to imbibe the hot they are more TalnaNe to the community after Tha -- t diate necessity for cheap lafor. water which Is thrown ou It through a pray pipe controlled liy a valve, -i-- o to rov awar ood money when it could be . nnrlve is also in oar own coauuanityn strong feeling that so as to give o greater pt less degree of saturation as; desired. Alnul tm. wniM be YYc.have read and heard a good There the eoaiinc of ..i.ii economy most be practiced on the so many Chinese without women is productive of Immorality. It would three minute will cupefrorn ine time tin not water a lam on till tnc mane declarations urging "more -- timely, but we have looked ana Unped, be practicable to remove this objection wrthnut hazarding the sucees.of , "cond crashing talcs jsjsct'. If you will eonsl-- T the action of the hot whfch advice I think n -- plantation, , measure by making fixed ptoportioaof females a to water ia the cells of a ditusi-i- battery, you will ee bow Important the with hope deferred, to Je some practical detail ragge-tcd- the fome and thn far, the hot wafer in doubly cmhing 1 1 enters the partially bpdeen . v- - o hiring eicaperlanor woaM any body of laboring men. action of is, f .k to nmrilrr doubt siierh-irin- 11Ht iwwm. in J cdls bega.-- J and liberates much of the e matter that would economy provided we coaldget it, but economy m a very limited sense Your Committeo feels Justified the recomrnetxlatioa of thi retacdy, of the be being confident that it will not endanger either the Ileciproclty Treaty . otherwise go into the farnartg. A:ini we think a more full definition of the word as arpU11 to plantation labor present help, or the same with the United States or the morality of the people f this Kingdom, Of course all this water has to be eva.jrateii again, ami the fuel to do wouM be to "do more and better work wfthoor d cru'h-wema- y KA-NCEfEQ- y while It seems to offer a mean of supplying the labor market so well that the evaporating is not ea good as if it had ben after the first ., We wouM.au economy anu uuu ocu-tall- -, UIjr with less help." pas , effect- caro-hll- e -- toeboo-e- and not becompened, now, to employ theiing- - But with rrepcr furnace awl gol double and with a appUcable to our pre-e-nt ituatW aia to a greater extent than any beaUe a awl the vicious. When there are men enough so that good men will I fnl use of the steam, mo-- t of our plantations will be aMe to get along with or siztsi .s now foresee. all i enc glad to perform a fair day's work for a fair day pay, we may look for- - j very little additional fuel. KITCHEN recoBertiin, ten acres-- of corn in the Lnited State wa be AVD HOISEUULU CTtaKlUs-- ot Within oor u n.--. m ea--- ward to a profitable pronacuon ot sugar tn competition witn lter cane-- j uvou Byuney cobi wm evajwraie irom ' oi vsaiei per . ht good work for one man to care for daring the growing i'wi aUiuub; .. , thou-- to be growing icwu, ami each plantation may use wnat lis ree trt aiurati'm my- - --"now can attend fifty acres equally as wett. Then he eultlTatcd a countrie. roi rolX TH JSD OILK of an Umlsi he Vhatcver Is to be done for oar relief can only be done by united effort, when all things are consfrlereij. russing threugh five time; now he doe the wort by going thraogh tst -, LCBClaiTIMI rowbv qnal or greater and with the of the Government. Wemo-- t agree upon the Some of our ptamtatioo, inre the inlrKloctttm of (IwH- - effect- Iwre walked, nowheriinostorthetlme. -- -t K once. Then be wi-- trasji they1 It may salt them ta- to a-- e only In most departments of farm labor. Xrom course, and adhere eiactly and firmly to the more fuel than an ban, and results have been achieved evaj-sra- te BIXTBR WAHE-fr-ont B-- we gather thin fact, that agricultural JOSa.THAK .VLSSCIX, saeh qnantltlc of wafer as thtjy can wtthat the aid of eoaf; at MATED k Unvnaf' ' In United State re-o-lts mLTERWAHB-fforatlwl,toC- recent tatistfc! the ! most in mind that the test will -? got hOUD r,J much per man as they did a few years agn, WlLLIX O. sjUtTK, the same time it be tome laborers produce twice a , whjn ttsA.srsifprrsni-- f T tfansL: x srsrI nrmsnjastlna. wmitflbe to nut to double flre mnaber of bihorcrf. J.VO. --M. IIORSFE. frratr. WVDZt-m- Jf tiatk, fivo CaU. I'iss,lr'w?lu which is a more satisfactory result than jf ( to the sec-tu-d jnice from ono-thi- rl to the fraantlty .' by luipUAtJ rnehinery and tools more fsu etvoui male CAKHUGE .VlllLVCalli'fSWJLTfJ-a- llj And this grand rcalt ha been nrsx ' kiniuHy handled. o one can say with atfcfactl to themsetve, that LIVE yrocK. j oi ine juscc. i mills: the will lead Into the me reeeptacle arid the "We think It fa. .rrf what a grand In both Jutce'tnts , snoix - is s f.- - r . ifuce treated as if were au cxtraetsyj at one mill. achievement, both crcdltahle and profitable, would be the ekjuMicg of our nr,f.j rt vunni rkaiMau it ..' . .. i.ianj nsariitaaaa- ,t Waiakea. the- fvexml- - - toBX wBf be driven Ike sKme enriiw that r present And what a relief It would be amJ i. aft ItlU U Kft W mUaaaaifUaSl naic faatVaK? j KKC i At hr . I production with cur Ubor force. Hna -- o ll ty -- a. a ecorstl ewglne HARDWARE - are apparent. 'h nrst, but generafl h with the teaH. mtef JAOTetmi. 1 have een fietdj overgrown withweedsand growth awl of our lire toek buines- AmoBg j !" ASjiIoadtd ILpo-itia- seeood t3aL cane stunted for want of cultivation, andec-- t if) per acre- to clean, the most favtrroble of these fa the result of the 1wb ty crl . the -- 1 hrflhfany, LKATIIRR Or been kept ami In good eondiSno for of stock grower to divide their lands into 111311 rttsture, ensuring a better or" All Dwcrfptfotr--;' which eouM have dean - and fnUer devetopraeat of the animajs under csMtroL i that sum. I have seen hoe rued where the snnre labor could hare been growth of feed their "'? culti- years huge, were the rule the-- e; , one-fift- h the expense with a cultivator. I have seen In former well formed animal co ,, better done at ro.; emlt)iou ! tjrtM ' I y lf wheily tstanrl enmixed with late Imporu- - Tn PnMitf. ami OtMlfutt lh' Pianlrr? Ifllmr .SupJf trHM ' Ktat used so eareles-l- that one-ha- the number should have done the Islasds being almost of breed, Iki 'f nl vator Tn sugar f the world we Bod that a largn uilra.''''i-j4i.isrsMIas- ii 1 much better. have seen men plantingeime who would have done tinn, a thee did not exist. ftBsi viewing the statistics work I ent-iw- iius-w-al Ll- ff - If" amm.w --arul ------ntsar.nr-nln- .v- ion fiVrnn v rarftfrtln. tIM' mor IT VfMr. in -rjtj1II (if times as much If they had been set to wort differently. Ihivcseen V Uir;k. uuiuwi w u.. uk.-t- uu lin pi fraiws. iTW,. .,,v., ., .w - " , 'IATOUHWAREROOM8. w( Tort three - r r wr parti-al- ar - io-- so-- ri--- i tiinw;,-iF"-"". - wawu. Hw ,t,n- - wort with digging to perform a the diminniKja oi size Mcame so oppurnt u w exnie ine ryiifai- of wnwn ioc Terj- price w .ai tiii-T1- tweutymCT at riniad'he .... - t - I L. t T W 1 m SI I 1 .. tit!-- H 4 aU 1 ' a. L.laaI T. f tfJ AS tf Hfll" fHV - f f.f ' l work which two men with two rrorscs and. a plow eouM have done equally Saanra. iwcix uic 10 " "j IaariiivriB h v p.iiiwmw wuw j ' ' r'a. i iTOIJ JOJJ AVOKK I XKCCTKD 12T .a--i - u ll And this waste labor at this particular job ?m " ociy sqcceaiai iroyre confiiiion oi some w ma iuuj ucw, jc wh- awc well in one-ba- the time. cf iorelffn iiiisins ue gl ui wi w.wi zuilUZXTTLurtWK0

iJSSSfewi BT11' 4 ' - i hs - "r" ' fgifc i JtwBrttiByjBsuLjicraqy; ngaBsBfe - :'y"v'- i"P rrr.yy?'- js gpesar rs rw

ilin-ad- s. a&Imal? . "Kr-- T stsall If prices sbooM rale. law for ncittmwjn, or nan j in thrcoantryas wcflaafor the quarantine of animal, on arrival. were prepared and presented to tho tlrstmectini.-- ijauv suercitlon-rwer- and Hliraitlc Intluence that 5 to we may foH what result? Many j In Yiew of the factor, thc'exbtcncc of ouo or more seriouj ilbcac. of niiadq Inthe interets"bffmor.uityand gixd govenimntjand slning'conl- - rcla-lio- near, a 'Jlct vwUf.'oihi , could not fall ,(xiltnilc results .in n of par fcrmerly wefi-bxl- o plantation wouki hive to ibantloa thcValtiva--1 animals now Id oorrakl-t- the Importance of this measure ran easily be jumcos were aiiixunieu to conunnetne work. r 1 tu'wrather nt protection of soil. lion a& turn their cnersics to auratthing marc ptaUc. I apprehended The organization of this company was aii em in the commercial CitAf. Ik cC'O'ii0' , Iiisnur. Cattle raWnp I more profitable at present, lot If nusjr plantations woold j The act pcnnlttlnj the sale ot spirltuoa liquor-- hlch by Its own term theso"llands; futile efforts had been nudeln previous years tovurcT Kuirr. IIaIstcvh. copse in It, it wvnU xwo be a unprofitable a it wa in former year". ! would ha.c ciplrpd in January, l$S$, has teen prolonged. uniicu action, ami many of us were surpri-e- d to find how well we could Nik Dole, Bot a all oar enterprises are ruled by the success of oar Migar industry , The act amendinj the Uw relative to the registration of birth, mar-- "dwell together as brethren In unity." I liar e nothing bat sujar and rice for ajrncaltural parsalts, and rape, and deaths, needs the attention of Ilantcrs, as The annual meeting were appointed for October, the pre-e- nt one being tDtntntl Clftrfrlistintnts. the Uttertarticle altogether in the hand" of Chlnc-- e, therefore It behooves f with Its terms may result in Inconvenience in the way of fines placed on the third. ui to bam the J"oVoat for everythitr. that offers to improve the sugar in-- parents, Ac, in default of notifying the School .Agent of such facts. The Trustees went vigorously to wurk to aid the plantinc iutere-t- s In Untry. I The act which remits all charges for the tuition of children of contract all possible directions ; measure were taken to try and ecurv labor, and it Uc,BiecUno2.unrInud an article on iHffs-io- which as a laborers attending Governmenschools In the En jU-- h language, relieve much good was done. Exchange of views with other sugar producing t 0. IUUK. w. c. fritoc. whole'"! received verr skeiica!ly by rawst of the member- - present, but the ITanters of a serious burden. countries was ctablihcd, --ecil canes were brought from abroad, anil if e Jock backwou the past twd.Tr month- - and note how the diffusion ! The limit to the above is that the wages of the parent s!ull not exceed various experiments are In progress which pronii-- e rood reult. per Ihj MoXTHLY, qor-Ut- ti in regard to it application to sugar cane has been agitated, we JiO month. In other eases, the tuition fee may remitted, when The 1'lasteks' established In tho beginning of our work, Freeth & are forced to believe mat mere I xnnewinj: in it, ana mat it s&oahi be ine scnooi .gcni is sitineu or tne Indigency of parents or guardian". has proved a blessing not digu!sed. It has taken rank as an interesting Peacock tetcd iv our rianicr slso. Mr. W. O. Smith, and several local newsra- - Another act which may be of some Importance is one wholly new in and reliable periodical, its pages have been filled w ith able articles upon No. persShw Itjul time to time pre-ent- ns with articles on diffu-Io- n from this conLtry, to wit: "To facilitate the acquiring and settlement of all subjects connected with tho material Interests of the country i U has, 23 Nuuanu Street, Lrolfiana.' Java, and other place, w hich go tar to prove that this method homestead." The homesteads provided for, can not exceed 20 acres In helped u all to a better know, ledge of the doings of our fellow workers ; pf extracting the juice will be fully tested in the course of time, but extent of dry, or : acres of watered (kalo) land. its aim from the first ha been to give us monthly tho fullest report of HONOLULU, H. I. whether jt wucM be w be to wait until it his been demonstrated in other It is possible that the act may be of benefit to small cultivators, at any progress In our special Industry, and its voice has sounded in advocacy of countries, prliiste cp per minds to test it here as soon as possible, de- rate the settlement of small landed proprietors ran not be othcroUe than the most Intelligent and economical management of our affairs ; It has pend' altogether npua the spirit with whkh this snbect is taken np by the beneficial to the country. grown from a luxury as some regarded It at firsts U) br a necessity to the Wine & Spirit member" of the meeting. Liberal appropriations for road, bridges, landing--, and other internal planters of the Hawaiian Let ns consider foe a moment how it would affect the planter and their improvements have been made J but the present depleted state of the It Is not my Intention to give detail which are of record and known to Ut41i agent if the diffusioQ process should prove a success here, and there is no Xatiocal Treasury, with the extremely slight chance of Its being full all, but the Industrious and persistent manner in hlch the Tru-te- e have Gonqrnl abt in my mind but that it win If the trial Is properly conducted. We within the coming year or two, render it very probable tliat nothing of tried to serve us faithfully entitles them to our thanks are well aware of the eocrmous amount cf Juice carried away ith the Importance will be attempted or accomplished In thi lino v cry soon. The The value of aociatlon has become more and morcappcurent at caih COMMISSIOi MERCHANTS trash Into the trash-heu- .- by our pre-e-ut method of extracting juke, say Masters have a live interest In good and economical government, and meeting. The reports of Committee", and the papm read before us have-show- from Z to per cent, or more, and if this vrcentage Ij-- t could be worked from the importance uf their Interests, sxj 'paramount in that were It Improvements In our methods and that it is good to an Incen- i fact, have Offer for Salt at the op into goI marketable sagar it wixild sweQ the output of the I --land not for them the country would lapse Into a beggarly condition, they will tive to thought upon subject connected with our great Industry, weareall from , as at present, to 7J,0w ton. In other words, we wouM --ee to it that good and economical government I secured. better for the intenhange of ideas. loas WI th Many Lowest have one-fif- more sugar from the same weight of ease tun we not) At present there seems to be but one avenue offering any hope and thi Improvements In our uethods of planting UndTultivation. In the arket Rates have. General and cummislcn business would increase in the same is through the Legislature. care of our live stock, in the management of onr lalorer-- , In our handling A Uri -- t,.t well clcctca ratio. It would also give new confidence in the sugar indti-tr- y on the If Planters will be-t- lr thcnisdve and Iea e no stone unturned to secure of cane on the neld, and from field to mill and In our manufacture, have Mock cf the Ctwcrt J rTMti wf Inlands and new enterpri-- wvuld be started. The planter and manu-factsr- the election of good and Independent men to the Legi-latl- Assembly, rrsmicu uireeuy or inuirecuy ironi me organization or this Company. nnt Eai wpuUhava-fifthriwr- e for their labor and capital invested affair' may be Improved. But in order to secure this, men mu-- t be re- During the last tuo years many memlers of the Corurony have been Ales, with but wry Uttie xtra outlay. It i-- thi gain that would moke our turned who can not be bought with a free lunch or a pol contract puiiiiraiiy at variance with the existing admlni-trtitio- and perhaps the plantation- - Sourih, and put them in a condition to compete w ith Germany Independence must mean something besides promises before election. result Is that less has been uccouiplL-hc- d than might otherwic hav e been, any ether great sugar country The value of effort to secure good representations was cry ell Ilia but politics arc not the object of thi association and wc should deal w ith Beers, - TheWO(-ctw- generally raised i, "what alvut fueU- A- - the Jarvis tratcd at the recent session. Had It not been for the united effort on the them only so far a our influence may be uetl In the promotion bf good furnace hap tven adopted on a gtI many plantation.! qJ gie-- excellent part of every one, it I safe to ay that we should not have seen fourteen government and In the enactment and cxrutlon of such laws, as may tend Porters, result, the reftt' of diffu-io- n coukl easily be prepared for fuel by eipress-ingmo- st really Independent men elected and the value of the work they did, by to the public welfare and to the forwnrdlng of our proper lnilu-tri.- il In of the water in it. whkh wvuW cost but a trifie, as two light way of checking viciou legislation can hardly be overestimated, terests. ' Wines, roCer-- wvuld do the work very eCkiently. After expressing the wattr it The bill for the regi-trati- of Chlnc-- e moles was placed in the hands Whatever may be the state of agreement or dkigrecment with existiug oogkt to be pried for a day or twut The heat generated In the pile would or your (.ommlttee, and had with the Attorney General. adminl-tration- the Hawaiian Government lia-- in the Planters' I.itor and Spirits, expel the re- -t of the water and male it gvi fuel for the Jarv U furnace, His opinion, that the bill was obj'ectionaUe a- - was un Supply ComiMny, its iicst and most powerful supporter. The Hawaiian race "should coal be wanted, and the probable quantity known to our coiumis-Jo- a doubtedly correct. It I a matter for regret that something could not have in the experienced anil earne-- t memlvr ofthis Company safe Liqucuers, agents, they would certainly take It in hand and import cool? for six have been agreed upon and submitted to the Assembly, but nothing prac- for their well being. dWUr? per ton, which I believe can l- - done by chartering in tical and at the some time not open to the above obiection wu "Uirreststl. Tho benefits arising from our organization are extending and w ill l Etc., Etc. rHL This would give the manufacturers cheap fuel and Iae the and so the whole nutter was dropped- - felt In increasing ratio from year to ALL GOODS GUARANTEED o the profit to the planter aad manufacturer. Mill another matter was discussed with the law advf-e- r of the Crown: It is not intended to expre-- d in this paper jpimiv.il or of the I"re-ide-ut -- nt pre-e- nt -- Aid Mr. and Gentlemen : The whole aspect of the ugar trade all this was that of the taxation of growing crops. A at pre-e- adminis- administration, but a harp and well defined political opposition Orttn rult ftoonlr. wvet thjwveM is such as to urge u to give the di2u-io- n proce-.- - a fair tered the law is extremely burdensome and opprc-siv-c, not only from causes valuable eritlci-- to be made of the act of an administration and trial. iw Uut s peciiay as psiHe. Tuuothi-w- e need funds, and it for which the law rro ide- - a remedy, but in the principle ttnd to the prevention of carclc-- s and inefhdent niethoil In the public UUraujT H. r ., nr,. I left with your hoBrable body to jtrovide them. In m last year' arti- of the thing for which no remedy I provided. The value of a crop of service. While It may be felt that we have not iiccompll-he- tl mmh wi- - cle I pat thecc3 of machinery and other expea-e- s altogether" too high. cane depend- - on the amount of -- ngor or molasses sent to market, and it the political gowl, It is believed by nunj- that the Infinence of the Com- It ha since been ascertained that the sum of $i,WO would suffice to cover only has one value that is, its value is the price realized hen It is sold pany has been a one uim tendencies to n aB expenses, aad I afly that such sum be provided for. yet by the law as It now stands, a crop in the ground on the 1st of July and to the careless and unintelligent nunlpukition of the pnNk fumK It has teen ascertained that the machinery necessary, consisting of batter-an- L-- taxed ; it is again taxed as a crop the 1st of the following July and not e must recognise that the viie-to- n of gewl or Inn government really Special fr$-',00- Notice cutting machine, can be perchastI ) In one of the udenburg-Magdebur- g Infrequently is again taxed the next July as sugar in hand vmcllniea rests w tin the people Boverned. lie it our province to continue the work (Germany) who make a specialty of this ev en a part of It I again taxed growing crop. of educating ourselves and our neichUirs to the careful and unprejudiced The foaadnes kind of a a Indmitftl, rnprilx t Its. mochisery; $j,) more would be neccry for -- hipping and erection : The result of this is that the sugar has tiid a tax not of J of 1 per tent and of political nutters to the end that the best tjbe et aside expert and chemist to work the machinery, jjf its value, but of 2 or 3 rcr cent., whkh Is both unju-- t and contrary to shall prevail by the will of the people. Let us iwidernnd dlsciM them rioavanaaii $,) -- and the trmalnlcg Ji.oiw) to I? u?ed for purchasing sugaTMuie to be d ine pint oi ine law. Tne Ulnercncc or opinion, as to the qr proper upon their merits alone, eschew ing all pcrsmality and looking only to the urB, and to ray other incidental a they The working of a eooi-- e topur-u- c In this nutter, was such as to prevent anylt plan being greaie-- i gooii ror ino greaiesi numir. STEAM CANDY FACTORY diffBsertery has It.'en explained in an article in the laid before the Legislative Assembly, but it should not be abandoned. Many difficulties and have been rncuuiitcred, Ixtt wc have Plaster's -- MoaTHXJT- Nn cmljerr 1S-- 3, and it advu&tige oxr the old pruecs-- is ii tne narvested ana manufactured crop l taxed, the growing crop gained steadily in strength and influence, and our lower for is A.HCI XlaUory alsi) set forth in it. and therefore I refrain from giving a of it. suouki do exempt. greater tcxtay than ever before, llucli has been done by united action , -- What we want, gentlemen, are the fund-- and it would eem strange to If howtver the growing crop i taxed, then the sugar ought to be free. which could not have been done by individual effort. re Hi: his t.ntVir.itm' look d On thus reviewing in brief --ome of the main our history me if such an intelligent liy would quietly on and be to the The proper object of the Government should be to levy and collect only a features of we A wH by more enterprising jrountne. To provide the fund we mut be fair and equal tax from all Hosse, and It goes without saying that such I come to the consideration of reasons why no should eontimiethe existence NEW FACTORY & BAKEBY UBantroossfCpoa this subject, aad as oar annual output is about 60,(O not the tax levied and collected of the Planters' Lotar and Supply Company. tnaV cent per ton of sugar wtjuH provi-l- the d&ired $:0,01O, and I There are e number of matters which might well come before the .Ml the reason- - which existed for the organlzatlonsiirv iv c with Increased coin bj .o n,lj .nloJ ,1 ... Jintlimy Si t5S wvuld -- aggest that thi awust t? agreed npKi by the - Planters for consideration, but tha remoteness of the next session of the force for its continuation. The Reciprocity Treaty still require the most Aad ii bow Prepared to afaanfactan CUUOB. and the fact that another meeting comes before that time vigilant watchfulness. Tho absurd (barges against us which have been If we coaM eater iato an arraagenteiit, like the Java Company did makes it just as well to delay action. fully refuted arain and ar.un arc continually reiterated bv our i,ni.,n-n- u Choicest Pure Candies even tUsmsQuat, in ca.--c the trial proved a failure, would not I? lost ItopcctfuIIy submitted, who utterly Ignore the fact, and onr proofs and we nin-- t continue to keep wa win iiwjj, n, t,ni ki, tx 1C10 the manufacturers would take luck the machinery, les freight W. II. CASTI.E, iue puitic iiuoruieu on au pniuis. inc uwr que-tio- n still uemands con-ta- aoI "breakage. I would further suggest that the engagement of an expert John II. I'aty, thought and energetic action. The benefits of mutual counsel .ire Vanilla faraL-h-ie- g too to require Chocolate to work the battery, and also a chemist, bo left with the Company J. Ik Athebtos, aiparent mention. Cocoanut Caudle, Creams. the battery, a they are better acquainted with men able to condact Wm. S. The continued publication of the I'LAXTtfo' Moxthia - of the great- Hll, Rich MAJ experimeat, and a-- they have a great Interest in the success of P. C. Jones, Je. est importance, and its continuance is possible only a the mouthpiece of Hugat, in ban; difTw applied to they weaH naturally send the be- -t man our united counsels. Sugar Roaaled Almonds The period of financial depression w hkh has come to us available. OUR TREITY RELA710SS, ETC. with tho force CBEAM CANDIES, KccuciuucodiBg this to yvur eame- -t consideration, and hoping that your of a crushing How, and which rests upon each and every one of tu as a great variety; s, iniefiigeui toy wm w in ravor or tne expenmest, I sign myseu, raper by JosATHxy before the annu.il meeting of pall, makes it not only advisable, but absolutely necessary, that wc should Soft Marsh-Mallow- rcal Jlr. At mx adopt pursue ..Ygars ery respettfaBy, CHAS. KOELLrse. the ITanters' Uibor and Supply Company, October, l SS I. and more economical mcthals in our business. Hon can Cum Drops, this be better done than by the interchange of thougnt and information and Early in l:Si a meeting of sngar factors in Honolulu took into con- Cum Fruit Bon Bona (BET OUT OF CQMUITTEE OS LEG1SLATIGX. sideration the prospect of a serious check to our prosperity which might which is always the result of united effort. Now more than ever must wc hold together for the common good. Of oil acKriMlom. All IhM rc-u- lt from the abrogation of the Reciprocity Treaty. There seemed to P.rt lolnuam I SoneoMi,IvE!l ..a OiNO Let ns, while doing all that wc may, each in his individual OcL be in the United States a powerful and opposition which capacity, RICH C1HE HooiCLlt Wh, isst hold firmly together and cheer each other; let us strive WEDullS OF THE FKUT fUiQfl Z. il-o-,. was gaining converts against our interest. It wa thought best to amon? our friends ami our neighbors to inculcate sound principles U all ilin m aaj wx . ZaivruAit Sopot CbfciMMv. endeavour to unite the brains and enenry in the Kingdom for the accom- - of economy, and .l.,j, taut oraianlol 7anV create such a strong fecltns for Is tteawtanUtlcstjla. Mwt-Th- e OrcnBrhtce en LegislatioH report briefly as follows : rtihment of such measures as would tend to protect our treaty interests, raid Government that the rerrcsc nUlivn in the next Legislature sliall go to their duties, imbued with tho know- MINCE PIES Believing that authority hail not bees delegated to aj to eagage luli-tic- s, aad as would bring the rUnters into nearer relations with each other, for always fresh in ledge that the approval of their constituents will be nor ft is, or has been the policy of the Company to do so, mutual Interchange of thought, and enable them to reap the advantage necessary to their Jhit nothing continuance in the official councils. has Ives done whereby the standing of the Association could be in any wnich always come from tne comparison of ideas anil metuods. Home - Made way" compromised. A call was made for the 20th of March, 152, which resulted In a meet Let us have courage to endure tho trials of and faith to believe Mince Meat that our troubles will pa-- by. Thus shall we profit Icr ?jk i OT Crate K is the duty of every member of society to take interest and ing of representatives from nearly all of the sugir plantations in the king from the severity of frr ream! active the les-o- n and come safely through to WW metre Coottielo part in the affairs of whatrrver cosBtry he may reside In, to dom. This body, when assembled, represented fairly the brains and capital an era of increased material pros- Jr tt lU secure good perity, in which this small Kingdom, insignificant bf. gpittummt. Coaequently the Committee has taken employed in the main industry of the country- - After a preliminary in extent and popula- c pan cc occupied tion, shall take corned among no i?fiUon whatsover In politics, a representing the organization as a Planter's Association, it was determined to accept a a well rank nations for Its high. degree of Plaaters, but each commercial activity, the purity of its dealing, and the member of the Committee has done what he deemed proper - Charter which had been granted to the Planters' Labor and Surply Co., culture and Taj Kcijmtfjltj " as an indi- geniality of its people. viauai. and the Planters' Association was merged in the corporation. -- Ivtt us forget any feelings of regret for 2?. Econoxr. years whatever wise, and sunrort this l With regard to IiegkUtaon however the rjsition i? different; ooe of the What has been the work of the corporation during the two ami llllc-.- fntuonn rMirr tool i Association for its good work ja--t and present. - objects' for whkh the Tlantcr organized was to guard against improper seT-a- months of its existence T lUK OLD ST.ISD. t Let as believe that by its aid we shall tide over the ebb of iiotil tT and demagogical legislation, and to exert whatever influence they might It was the unanimous feeling of those pre-e- at the first meeting that and come in with tho full flood of prosperity, powerful community haT to secure the enactment of wholesome law for the encouragement vigoron action was required on cor ptrrt to cause general knowledge of - a and inHn-i- affair to spread the United leuecmeu, regenerate", ami uiscnmraiieil.- Inmfrtinn of th wnnre rf. , the true state of our be in States In order that TtepreseBceta the Legislature of Isslof --cveral iadividuaU whoarelth sunders aouai suvcry on me plantations ami irauas upon tne LAINE & al-- o membra cf this AssodatioD individeais whose influence is so great i TTnited States revenue which were being circulated with creat persis 1SEP0UT ON CO. as to r- - a practical assurance against bud and vidous enactments, has tence s&ouM be successfully retutel ana true statements of all matters iiiTK.i or the operated to make the position of the Committee in some senses a negative relating to our commercial affairs under the Treaty and otherwise be made Some months ago a circular letter was sent by the Chairman of this Tory eoe. It has cot been deemed necessary to take aa active position unless known to the Administration, the .Mcmcr ot longrcs and tne reople of Committee to member of thi compiny, special nuestiotwin regard Boat was specially requested. There has been no such request, ex- the luiteil states. to the condition and decadence of Indigenous foret In thcnciehlnrhood Hay, Lof cau-c- - -- Grain, &c. cepting with rcfcrenie to the bill introduced by Mr. Cecil Brown, to pro- It was ubscraently decided by the company to send an agent to the respective memlier", the of udi decadence, and also, as to wrficn i orrznro vide fee the Registration of Chlnc-- e males. The Committee have bow-ev- Washington to act In conjunction with the Hawaiian Minister to the experience In the Introdnction of exotk tree. The at toe taken measures relative to several other bffls, notably that to legalize United states, and his eommlioner, in disseminating informa which were received have rn puMI-hc- d in the Plasti3' jIosthi.v. Lowest the imfsTtisg aad sale of opium. There are different opinions as to the tion at'xit us. The President of this company went to Washington at Those who have read Mr. Jaeger's report to the Lcgilature, of Market Prices the eamiED moral of licensed --or unlicensed, opium, but among those who have his own expense, and remained there about nine months, devoting all of Government propagating garden In Honolulu, mast havtflieen impre-n- l m mi to iit nut or the cm employees ami energy to our Intere-t-f. The idea of bribery or lobbying with the valuable character of the workliegun and Chinese the feeling b practically unanimous, that opium under his time carried on by him. acnxTM ron the ceotnt M law possible) is easier dealt with than was distinctly and unanimously disclaimed as being not only immoral and The Legt-Iatn- at Its late ?sIon made a fair appropriation for continuing tuk sjarii free opium. Pacific Fee the purpose cf meeting the bffl, which rcvsed to make the imrort-- unnecessary, but positively Injurious. operations. Tnls enterprise Is rapfctly developing under Mr. Jaeger's skil- Matnal Life Inrarancc Coanu,,. atka and sole of opium legal, aad whkh was understood to have the sup-- The work done by this Association is believed to have contributed ful management. Already many thousand trcei of various kind have or ctrjronMi. me hugely to the better feeling in our behalf which prevails among theMem-be- r been set out on the slope Inck of Honolulu. Data arc Mng rollectrd In pxw g 1oajoniy Legislative .sscmuy, a strong Agtau for the "H00VEB XILEPHOHE." rabliesentiment s created which found expression in the form of peti- of Coogrc-- s and the head of Departments. The facts presented regard to the adaptability or different exotic- - to oardimateand foils. An tions, and the matter was thus kScd, and a feeble attempt at were undoubtedly a factor In erasing the appointment by the United extcmive correspondence with all part of the world connected with a COKKlIO.VER OP D1XDS reviving jt dkd a natural death. states Treasury Department of a committee of Investigation which wa system of exchange cnaHcs Mr. Jaeger to irocure seed ami Hants from ron caLtrojcrti. Xsaocg the acts pasted, the effect of w hkh may l mare or less benefi- instructed to proceed to the Pacific Coast and learn whatever they could all tropical and countrie. It is not cay to overrate- - the Im cial to the sugar industry are, the Currency bffl, whkh by its daagerccs in relation to the alleged revenue fraud, and report to the Department portance of thi entcrprie. Already have llant been fumbhnl from temleoey to ooou toe country witn silver, not available elsewhere except Fortunately for us they exceeded their authority and came here. This thl nursery to many parts of the island, indndinjr new varietlw of sozar ! ami not only willing but anxious l asbcHion, has received an indirect check which wM probably operate committee was practically against u, to ewr. nn nuerai apjwoprMuons imm me wjvernment, it Is &L-- to fore- Just Arrived favorably. find all of the slanders true. After a careful but hurried Investigation, cast the growth or thh work. Suitable localities will lie from time to The joist resolution aad appropriation of S4,W to esoourare Jarose-- e they returned and reported that there was no truth in the data? of time -- elected from different iorts of the i'lamls, and planted with trees sajvx i immigraiiea i of great Importance. There has hardly been experience slavery or fraud, and those were the only definite charges whkh had been irom mis nur-cr- mus rauuaiiy extending the BeM of experiment ami iron. sai,b ennuxn yet re aemoo-trat- e toe value of tne Japanese as laborers in cane made arainst u--. adding to the fund of information, and at the same time increasing the ONE MILE OF fields or in the miS, but any measures taken for the supply ef our scant II any entertain doubts that ail expenditures ami efforts have been beneficial effects of tree growth nim the climate, plantations, with Light Portable labor market wfa be hailed with satisfaction by every one emploviBg made In the most effectual manner, wcma-- t remember that our Interests tbeTtants farnMied from them will greatly stimulate private enterprbe liaihvay Rails, fore-tr-y. -- labor. were placed in the hands of men of our own selection who were author in A ketch of the work of the IJhne forest reservation, 19 was ilM. per jant, f. &. zia& Ui A matter of the greatest importance whkh perhaps belong to another ized hy us to act in aecoruance wttn tncir nest juugment. published In a late number of the Piasters' Mosthlv. By this experi- Committee, Is the matter f cheap labor, without whkh, at present prices The danger of abrogation of the Treaty by the last Congress was thought ment the proprietors of the Lihue plantation have gained a large experience foe sugar, cane can not be we must credit to our representatives In forestry which e- In ccltivatcL to be imminent, and give for will douUJ- tell the future and which all other may AND 10 UGHT SUGAR CANE WAQONS The price at wfek-- h it Is understood these Japanese laborers, are being earnest and faithful work which contributed largely to the moic rencral profit by. This experiment of the Lihue plantation Is an examine well ttiZlgedlfBX cheap, but on the whole, expensive labor. and accurate knowledge of our affair throughout the United State. The worthy of being followed liy other Yc suggest that all on M'aLJS aiAdias:. -- who Aar5ractwtach has now become a trw, provides for the estoUish- - ignorance of the American people on subjects connected with this King have lands uitahle for tree cultivation and it should be remembered S C Ilu tUlUaj Ii ..Ukl. t iMlmA, r afefcalr many lanxls that njcnfof ef Xcrural Science in the Oahs CoBege. The Hanf ers dom can be appreciated only by those who have given the subject careful offer favorable conditions for this work whkh are nearly ALSO TOE SalJE will remember that assistance was asked of this Company for a salary for attention, and the danger of intelligent reople there, leing misled by worthle-- ! for anything tl--e hooM without iMnui .- - . ,x.ai.n.i -- Stralrkl site! Kali. II lb,, to Ue jard a profener, .but was refused on crassltatioa. Bythemaaifieient deaatioa slanderous statemcat is far greater than wwild cem possible to ns, who and begin fa the cultivation of a forest. The progre-- s of ueh n work c lion. Chas. It- - Bishop, a Laboratory w2I be put np at know the facts welL would l? likely to win an increa-e-d interest In in the riokirtifMit.ai r.h.ac uii. ronaoou, aitcr woics, a competent prpies-o- r wim assume charge. It Is The amount of exr?nditure is small when considered in enmnirison enterpti-- e and would almost inevitably lead to a desire in hi. mind, to probable that through this sourer we may before in- with the amount of work accomplished and the magnitude of the Issue at enlarge the area under cultivation. e , kng obtain valuable If fifty proprietors in the-- islands ri'Cinitryaniciili.-,- ippl, u formation relative to our soil, fertaixers, Ac stake, and while It Is ttm necessary to keep vigilant watch of oar opp- should, during the coming winter, each such an tnterprize, even w t. r.Etcy o, The act reJatrve to the prevention and suppression of disease among onent, the work done has already given ns a gowl base of operations in a though the beginning should not average over an acre of land, ami should vm o w xacraBLAXI a c. follow- - AtnUbrlikErnkrlCo animals is Important as rendering eferatfre the provisiecs of a siniMaraet ftnn belief by many of the best people in the United States in our Integrity, np such a bezinning with cradnal enlargement of area, a few-- years pasted in 1S2. morality and fair dealing. would place Hawaiian Forestry in the uxition nf a rerovrntznl IAI.C Jt CO., act provides for the treatment -- reports upon connected with the sugar enterprise, nit,i COMMI88IOM MERCHANTS Tti and, uppresion cf disease araoc A number of matter isydutr besides furnishing an Immerse amount of needed A information. tmtmtnm (& Duleari in Uj Ofiin aad mu rrvoscc uOTSJi. u. I If

S - T.- -. . AtAfltv -- $.wa,, ,y" ""7? f"&emiatiM&at.:ar "S, " ' - &' 4 s -- " y3li&,-"5$Si&- I wHpkwrn -- I I'll WIMIIIILiM'imtiriWjmHWWMBWitti s r n li&mitmmmKmtmmmaiKUHSi 4 a, if ItATBB o KiJlMMmllu- - ADVa1iirrtfi Hawaiian asrtte KsbearsllTpe. I Isi,Siu 3 ( ao 1" rrsusnEo Uusa-Ut- ae. t et ! UUM-tl- e. H 4r. I ROBERT CRIEVE & CO. UUass-JliMa- Mi To iaiFt MU.K-4l- kn at ivm wmnm sc. 3i I IWcrj-- IVcdnctda- - tushss 0 a ta km a strut) Moraine. QuartsUa4f Cslama lid KS4T Ill IIM ' wier THIrdsfCatan iHitta m net DOLLARS PER ASSUM n.irr(kis... uoi ts wmkh mso siikir un iTIIYE TwwThrrdCalurautMmjin' M MM 'aw &? FATJLBLE IX ADVANCE. o. Colsnu IMta'aiue lata mm imc' Inlaess Cm fir pir sr 1 Korrlxn tcoA la neWwwets tf tTt dssrllsMsuia, when piM or shars4 euartst ly nkk lteiueirostarsrrr3d. X. . Altforsljartlsssuls aiail asserauewilri with ths asy mw 1. axle tU1 he u. it Uesa, The raise af shartssart tT la itokmrnjH ODn la aerur Gaawtt Bail dine. 25 mad 27 I nwllUaes to XastsTli aasTleaa fxtr.ttlMa.ali, r suh TOL. XIX No. 44. HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, 29, 1884. WHOLE No. 1033. KetaitousuMyho u4 VjliaaaMis.eaUeTisa Morcnant Stroct. OCTOBER ttuips. stalls! LATEST FOREICN NEWS. Losno, October 12. A dispatch from twenty wounded. The forces under Colonel ilUtljanirul (Turtle. Notices. Jnauraucc Notitrs. Dcogola says tbat two of tbe Mndir's spies illttijcmiral tfarlis Jnsnnmrt iarttgn niiotttistmfnts. STaUNEB. Dennierare continuing to advance. TEB 1UMIW. from Khartoum, via Kordofan, report the Jamestowj:.(O0 Oct. S. The conntry about C. Yokx, Oct. U. tse rmo' AJUasj Mabdi seeding two large to ED. KOWI Boston Board or Underwriters. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY WILUAM3, DIM0SD 4 CO. rr amies attack here is excited over the discovery that eleven &o BROWN & tpecial earn There was ccssaKoeai geese Dongola. One is coming across the Uotue itnd Slzra PAlnter,Pper Hstucer PHILLIPS, C1RXTS for the Hawaiian 1iUa.lt. Shipping Cvmohslon desert graves in the cemetery here have been opened BIUCWKR X and Mfrchanh t tbe EiecoHre Chamber jxterday. Mr. and tbe other along tbe Nile. T I j No W7 KIds Mrert. Honol.U. t A WJly C. CO. or sa.i rnAMcmco. and tbe corpses stolen. A reward $1,000 is - WO alSL'allforela (trest. San Samuel Keoee, of Chemaaj; coaatjr called cf PRACTICAL PLUMBERS,- ZWIVX-AXV- frssntli" Koxr, October 12. Catania has been offered for the ghonls. Philadelphia Board of Underwriters CrtTtlaad with her uBtbasd to - os troveraor visited by another cyclone. Thirty persccs BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST GASFITTERS AND COPPERSMITHS W- H. CK0S3MAH & BS0 . pardon brother, Mrrco Fair-han- ts, Koxe, Oct. S. Intelligence has been re- ftr the Hawaiian tslaaji. lnCOUFOnATEO, 1808 e'fc a for her were killed. King Humbert MifKinc, Cnrrlnce York, VOKXTS MBROHAKTa, who sesteBced months to has sent 100 ceived of a cyclone at Catania, on the island of ltrr COMMISSION wu sine a; for tbe relief of tbe sufferers. ri.utnllan 3tnrblnery, Jte. j. So, 71 Klnc Mrrcl, Honolulu. II. I. CASTLE & COOKE. AGENTS Prison for two years and half Cicily. Trees were uprooted and hocse de- logl on Cootf't Il tKnmaer Mlreel, Saw Hash. tbe Aatxtra a Kl; Mral. ntatC?lleJt lr a. soiiAiirr.R. Was Hawaiian 1 stooiB Bnrsjzxs. October 12. Htnrv Stanlev is stroyed. Twenty persons were killed and fifty F.r the t.la4. l?rae-Cast- le A Cook, aad J T TTaterhour for ihcotias at setae persons who were "Work 4 K?CTf Doartr Underwriter HWlj going to Berlin, probably for JOHN NOTT House and Ship Job Ilrrat Coin! of Underwriter , BRITISH ASD hooie- - As soon as Mrs. Boobc a conference injured. -- Artatof Dresden S0BTH jtZaCAimiS bis father's Importer-- and Dealer in Stova Rangec, IS- - rEOHrTLY ATTESDKP TO o Agral ot Coanl Pt tTnderwTtter the GoTereer threw her around wim oismarcc on me ujego aBatrs. J. Y.ren saw he aras Wasuisqtox, Oct. S. The impression pre- MfUK It l Frnlb!BClooU. CTfckfTT.GUM.Da CUlm U )ri- - SEVERANCE, Mrchaatcs, Bath Wash-Bowl- talent lBnnnBCCoovaleswHhl9 Xnaurnuoo Oompuny H.W. bis neck began pleading for her brother's New Yonr, October 12. Tbe often ru- Chl.i Wan. ITacllcll Itnelila.il. I. Tubs, Water Closets, (Uctlonof 141 aad vails in naval circles that tbe new dispatch taeabeTvBoantaof Underwriter bare or LOXDOX .110 KDIXBCSOIf. llanallan Casual nil Peeaecratic canditate for Presi- mored Langtry-Gebhar- dt Wtlr to be rrrUaeil to by the aoore Arent t mak them pardon. The marriage, it is said, vessel, the IhlphiH, recently constructed on And all kinds Plumbing Goods t1U gy?ly dent was taken aback br the greeties, shook ia likely to take some definite shape when tbe tbe rlans of the Advisory Board at Roach's J. M. OAT & CO. Established 1800. COMMISSION MERCHANT off and her to be seated a&d talk the Jersey beauty returns Be- A. New Flrt-Ilo- toot lOITo ALWAYS Wf, HAND. her ailed to this conntry. Chester shipyard, is not a pronounced success. Lett In F. (.'mart EolUIn;, Insurance Notice. CATITAl. .Jt 3,000,000 JlsCslUmuU at.. Xan Trsnelfto, Cal over qaietl v. She became more excited fore another ot AB.aan Mrct. Itoom Xo. 4. 'T natter year is over Mrs. Langtry will Sua.iouAI, Oct. S. The bombardment of Accumulated and lurestrd Fund.. 1,07.31 m to threaten what he be II ! 11R and her hosbasd besan Mrs. Gebhardt. This is now about certain. Tamsui by the French fleet is still in progress. llonolali, I CONFECTIONERY AdET FOR TIIK TJRrrlftll Vor w nU do case of refasal. The GoTernor The two patties most interested have been, Fla ot at: dfcr!pUoc9 made aad re paired . T ef;n Marine Insurance Comna.v'UmU.b4f cxnr.naiusED hats ncEX & is On the 6th inst. the fleet had destroy ed the a ' rrce.Trd .attractions to Refiner the Untre of It Tin: DR. JORDAN CO. Mj JUI.GXiySJEl-JEl.lSTT- ran; Tor assistance and tbe couple were forci-- within tbe last week or ten days, sending each DE?. nrancc between Ilonolala ami Pwt in lbe rielllf . ! and are aataertaed to Insure axsHtst are an larerable Chinese forts. Houses of Europeans in the PIONEER STEAM Cvy VITVirji OF lMtOFESriOIt ejected from the Executive Chamber. Is other cable dispatches of fifty, 100 and even lnowprrparMtolMie rollele at tLe lowett Terms. of pans, rnpitriors. city were riddled with shells. Candy Manufactory Bakery No. 71 Fort aDoyo Hotel St., wuo a reuneiioq on irfik.es per ttt. re Klsha uaen In any part of the Island an tttone Ricunn. ir it. the corridor the woman went iato hysterics 200 words at a time. and St, rprtiM t' sueus of Anatomr IM V ron.'"it 1 Spain has granted iriif.. ii i'.imrc. aad Wooden nattdlnss, and Merchandise stared there- letter sttSanfran to Franco under tbe most sew Itrlt- - Coals, 01Beulle.rf s and the orderlies had tUSesltT in geUioc her "svr Hatx3c (Conn.), October 12. From P.HOHBTCook Baker, KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND It ACTlt Tor Vir Ins. Co.. UralKd in. Dwelltar Houses and furniture. Timber. I .lirnrula. on tno KlliNE'VN. I uh-- nk favored nation clause, tbe same trade privileges Practical Ceafectioser, Pastry aad $hlns In harbor withnewtthouteanroesorander repair down stairs. She made the baihlins fairly an authoritative source tbe 71Hotrlitrttt.ltttfaNo-indFort- . An assortment of the brct French and - MAXIlntlD. HKJI1S.II. WEAKHC ihrnimg Stas in the West Indies as enjoyed United IPS Sir norrxcnLAKOER ds co . !h.lN AMI ALL with shrieks aad bad to be held dowa, are by the t California manufactured UA.miiruuu. mtr.Mi:.- s DltCAMCOFTIIB rm; her learns that President Theodore Woolsey has tU Aeeats for the Hawaiian Islands MK-- r of the elevator States. J. EMMELUTH & CO, COMPANY. because ehs wanted to get out resigned from Yale College. 1 FIEE INSURANCE TIIK and return to the Governor's roots. Her hus- Jerome 1'abk, Oct 7. The track was fast Xo. 5 Xanana frttttt. Gonleotionery A BOOK !KST 0! IlKt KtPT C 7 10. V. Which he offers for sale to the trade, or ncr.x Fort TTaise, (Ind.) Oct. Charles y. at retail, rruiKC.'tnFJi.Muxr.o ii.wixa band was also coca tinted. Us called on the Tbe three quarters of a mile race, for Tinsmiths and Plumbers. Dealers in Stores JL pointed Afients of tho Company, pre.r New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. ' Butler, one of the most noted criminals in tbe Tin, Iron and Coppr r Ware. kcp ecu ahT a?, t3 aB:KST. O all ages, Renwick Strathspey second, Banzr. - Insure a fire on and venxr about three mosths ago on a similar Jim won, ?hta fnll assortment of Tinware, tiatvan- AT REDUCED Krrtllo nikt aiut Sioav llrlck MASS State of Ohio, son of Dr. George Butler, a Lady Loud third. ttattllT on hand PRICES! and on 31rrrriautlle stored therein, on DR.J.COLUSBROWHES CKLQRQDYNE. errandbeiag then inferssed that the DistricU Time, I.IS4. The threo lied Iron and Lead Pipe. India Itaboer Hose, Jtc the faToraol. rpty at the wealthy physician of Columbus, O., was exe- W 4c mot tern. r particular. Attorner bad advised that a pardon be not quarters of a mile, for two year olds, selling. . IT . office of 1CU1 ly a i.tconriiitarED, mis. i TUB ORIGIN L and ONLY cuted at Columbia city, y, for tbe THE BEST BRANDS dKl it granted. Boose iBtslted Gover- Imi, Miss Daly won, Coral second, Mullen third. OF CHOICE CIGARS groeslj' the W. R. LAWRENCE, HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C 7kt OUtttt Furtly Mutual Lift tsvranc Co in 'Advlta to tm Uh u obtain murder cf Abbie Batter, bis young wife at TolW i3 tnartrt- - laralld If nIct ned, said wouH go home and slap the Time, 1.20'j. The mile race, Roy S. Cluke xv "X" n? x- - . h4 lie ftfi'frmn rrHcffrum lie he Princeton, Ind., September " c: o n. jv c o ti United StiUtt. hradaeb. patnaml District-Attors- ISS3. third-Tim- calm aad weary pf facecf the er, as thatofacisl 2, won, Himalaya second, Shenandoah and EtUmatrs Fnrnlihfd tor ot Cm THE BEST ICE CREAK, SODA WATER & CQRQULS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, aasvta. to aataic too acftm; toW-V- , Oct. 10. Advices from Durban Flans Wk matt promt tint dlMai, nltwai tea acrroat mtdia aad given bin to csderstaad that be had seat ttrnctlon. OF UAMDCRQ. ralleiet Iinid oa tat fatorable Trrxal tho elrtBUUar t taa ro .. the with- l.l.'. WCM.I. AM) TRY TIIEX.-- recUt jtnaa blr the Governor letter reccmmeodisg a pardon. state that Transvaal Government will Oct. 7. Lord Noitbbrook, British 1W9 tim PlfkM pnnidA jourlf wUh tbat aiarrethma tmitj ditm'T Oaiko, Civil Enginoerlngand Surveying JIEKC1IAM1ISE. ri'H.M. alxanitle ofXow.TOTreiTairo Collla Broun UU Army Mtdtral :aa" m Boone declared if he found on going bomtDtaat draw its proclaKatica placing Bechuaaaland High Bl'fUlUUS. tdbrDT J Commissioner, proposes the abolition of en KAITW1LA (TREET. next to Insured against Fire on the INSl'UKD AUE.S UTS which he Bt tha aama of HUmODTNK. aad whtrfr District-Attorn- ey under Transvaal protection. omCE most faTonbte terms the had written such a letter tbe Egyptian army and tbe substitution of 1 Mrman'a Brick Wartbowe. U idmltttnl by tbeprofvfo 10 ba the ant wondera A. JAIEn.A;entforthe Hawaiian Itlaadt. 1 years 3 and ralarbla rrmedy dlttomfd he wosli retara aBd Up the Governor's face. Losros, Oct. 10. The rport is current in good police instead. The Egyptian Ministry J0 F. O. BOS 10t. IT GEO. LUCAS, Aanusl premium eentlnuee Parley t day. iwr court circles tbat tbe Duchess of Albany, at 2 Annus! peemluras eautlau I'oMey I years Is data CULORODYNSUthbcitraily kaowa f L"SDoy, Oct. H. A speck of war is foaad oppose this plan. WILLIAM TURNER. 3 Annual premiums continue rolley a years STdsys Coaaamptloa, Brvncbttt, AtthmA. Js :n the ccramcnications which have passed be- the termination of her term of mourning, will M. Barrere, French Diplomatic Agent, has CONTRACTOR & BUILDER ORIENT a Annual premiums continue Tolley a year W days a eoutln ue retlcy W years 5a days OULORODTNE acUHba achanntti Dfarrhtra tad marry the Crown Prince of TVnrtemburg. Watch & Clock Maker Annual premium U Uywat-r- y tween Eoglaad and France ia regard to stop- received a telegram stating tbat M. Herbin, Practical luaurnnoo Compnny the only rpttifle In t holra cad ping and searching of English vessels on the Ciino, Oct. 10. Colonel Kitchener tele- French Consul at Khartoum, was killed at the and Jowolor, Or HARTFORD. CONTTECTICPT. Anaotir. 910,000,0001 CllLOROUTSK rffr.ta.Hr eat ahork all attxka e Chinese coast for contraband war material. It graphs that a rumor is current at Ambnkel that same time tbat Colonel Stewart ard his party KpUpy, lljstria, lIpUaUoo, aad Spurn. So. M Kins StrtiU Honotolo. II. I., (opposite tie HSH ASSETS JMUAM 1ST. Ill i : Jl.all.lSUI. Loaeu 1'islil tbnsncrs Itaaalnln Averse?, CHLOUODTNE U the nly a la JSvara'-- 'a rebels had were Dy palaif is said England pretested against the orders the captured three Europeans with massacied Hie Arabs. rtoneer Carriage Factory ) Rhramatlsm, Uoat, Caaw. Toothache, MenlnsUi Jt; ves- dragomans. Honolulu Tikes rl'ks Los or Damajre 1j Fire on S40.000 given to the French Cocaanders of war their If the report is true, the Oct. 7. The camel corps, and Mcam Planing Mills, nulldln;;.. Merchandise. Machinery and oa Island ordcr attended to with promrlnf Furnilare From SjmM & Co , rhuauceatlaal Cheailita Met!' sels, aad that the correspondence between the prisoners are presumably Colonel Stewart, Mr. which is to take part in the Gordon relief ex- Goodjy packed carttallr for transit. Mo. IAEUEK, CASTLE & COOKE, AJENTS laila, To T Iavraport. Azenl for Ilaicallsn Ishnds. eillUtl, Jaonaryimk J English aad French Cabinets is getting warmer Power, correspondent of the London Tina, pedition, has landed here. Esplanade, Honolulu, II. I. Wit FOli TIIK lI.ASIl Ki . SJ, Ratt-el- Stmt, Dleoambary Umdoa 3MCc3D TJ JPVFMaiEJ Vnt Sir, --ilttWe rmbn.ee ihla opportaatlr of than is warranted bv ordinary diplomatic coar-te- sv and M. Herbin, the French Consul at Khar- Lonpox, Oct. O. S. coflp'I ".Louisa Bevy, executrix of 3Uauracureis all kinds ot WASHINGTON lac joa opoo the ti repatathm 'hia Js- - y It is known' that Etclaad demanded a toum. Thus there is some hope that the lives Lady Lytton, publishes THE PACIFIC MUTUAL etieemrd medlelae, Pr J CollU mowav letters from Lord FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY tblonwlja, searching inquiry as to tbe circsmstance of of these three men have been spared. One Lytton to his wife, fo vindicate the character Carpenter and Builder Mouldings, Brackets, haa earar-d- for ttself aoteoly In lltadotaii aatall TELErllOSE SO. al. over the Sat Aa a remedy far jrtnral ntHtrv wr, mtii overbading txgtish steamers and a o testi hundred row beats, forming part of the Nile Lyt-ton- INSURANCE COMPANY t ot that lady from the statements of Lord 's BUILDINGS MOVED AND WIND HILLS ERECTED. Window Frames, OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. LIFE qantlon whether a belter la Imported into malr may be established, if it is ascertaiced that expedition, have arrived at Assouan. The and weahall b glad to hrarof itattadtnic place a biographer. Lord Lytton calls Lady " Blinds, Sashes, Doors Cash 1584. J1.5D5,350.34. goods innocent! v exported by Englishmen have Canadian contingent has passed Assiout in a Repairing in all its Branches. AmU January lit. or i.tLfin?it., every AajlolDdiian home The other braada na ara Lytton bis "poodle," sends her "millions, mil- tf Saop m kinds ot ory to ear, are now retreated to the nattve baaar4 aat. steamer. Work done In nv part of the Kingdom. at j And. all Woodwork Flalh. Tikes Risks Loss or Dimsee Fire on beenseixed. lions, millions of kisses," calls himself her residence, Watklkf Koad near " nnnj fcouth.Town asalnst br Define to call tbe ptutkaUr attenttvti of rTrrjbodf, Jadstae from (hMr ak, we fancy their ftojoarn er om ot F.Cooke, Buildings. Merchandise. Machinery aad Furniture on will b oat FTaaeairnt Wecoakl multiply Uomjeoxs, Oct. Admiral Cosrbet is Pabis, Oct. 10. A dispatch from General "own idolatrous puppy," The concluding orders mai t lefl at the shlpplnj A. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing! fascrable terms. A. JAEUEII. 'nstaaie It. etc Qnecn Honolulu. 1 TO Til KIU nd intHmm ot tbe extraordinary rfflwj hi lr Ji..a Tam-sn- Lisle, street. li li Airent for Hawaiian Islands. e tn the French saadron Were i, Briere de under date of tbe Stb, says: letters are a record of ill treatment. He tries A 1)1' Browne Chlcmdvne Dtarrhera and tTieat I.I. K1.MIS Nearalgu, the I'ter-ao- Forraeea, aad to renew the at- "General Negrier is pursuing tbe Chinese to- to tab with carving & CO., I Cramp. Vomltlftirof preparing her a knife, bites her LYCAH e and aa a rat edaile, thai have occaird nniin-oi- re-- General Planing and Sawing, The City of London Tontine investment Policies fene tack upon that tows. He has seat Admiral wards the village of Yeulfce. I have ordered cheeks, knocks ber down and kicks her on the rsroErrw vcd iriuu Fire personal observation during many yearn, la boierals Tenanting. Which contain th " lndiipaUWe Ulatu, IMarfhtee, aad even In the more lerrtblo forms of he Lcspes back to Kelssg. tbat Kep, the town where General Negrier floor. Musical Merchandise, Paintings. Moiticin; and Co., - limited. No XlefltrtcMoQ oa Trawl er RetMrnc, rraltfelf, we have wttaeed lt BrprUla&y on , reroUtion-.t'- forces bad an engagement with the Chinese, Encra rings. Chromos. &c &e power. We have never any 'mm nr h a Pax ax Oct. 14. A number of .i Jeiliet Citt, (N. J.) Oct. 2: Franks. c ORDEltS PR03CPTLY ATTENDED TO Five from Dangtr of FvrMtar la; ned othr seized British Motto be strongly occupied and the Loo Chuan river The Cheapest place lo Boy mtdielne than CoIHe Browne from a Una onvfina the tag last night and Chanfrau, well known for his impersonation Ami Work litinrnuteeil. CAPITAL. 810,000,000 that tt la deeldely the Itotaatlaleo from otaai? and other outlets closed. Western and South- ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE IN HONOLULU. :::::: ALMO iksxw r r impelled the captain to take them to Costa of "Kit, the Arkansas traveller," was stricken e Orders from the otherlslacd solicited we owa to the profeaelon andthepaMIe a at" ern Tonquin are tranquil. The Chinese bands opinion tbat tbe eabetltnllon of any other ihHO-- a Tbe steamer Abjaeta was also captured with apoplexy last evening, and died this HCTTltE FRAMES of al! kinds Honolulu, Max . 181., U! 6m a.n TIip Volley i off made to order a:i:cyunder,at Dcpottt Emloumcnt and the Browne'e atuaiiUTB Baxaen or rami ot tub revolBtienists- - tag have been driven and their chief killed." Haiims for the Hawaiian Islards. the It lie The Jrro was morning, without having recovered conscious- signed Is prepsred tn accept rlc axainst Are ou tabt or tub nv A'lO i ar Si La Litxrit urges upon tbe o 107 Hunolnlq. Mutual InTrMmrnt rotlcj. We chimt raicauiyearn, sabscaeBtly released. The steamer Alajntla Government tbe ness, wn I'tirl SU D. Furniture. Machinery, on the most iuki. are. Sir, fatthtBlly tyoi. A necessity of sending to Ton J. LANE'S farorable terms. Members of the Pharm Society o Gnwt flmiiO lit a well armed. Tbe local government made no CInd.) Oct. 2. Some villain fired CO. Extolrency the viceroy's tbemlat'- - quin, stating that notwithstanding tbe tictories Scllivas, HONOLULU IRON WORKS Losses lMj.nlile Here. resistance to tbe rebels. into tbe car in which Governor St. sat on rromptlf AilJUHtcilanit ThU le&o tb mwt nrUab)CBiMalMulnt: of tbe trench forces they are suffering John hai bo wpvrlor, aad frtrmttaK WW all Claims CACriOS -- Vleehaacllor W W oo C Oct. I A there, vtkaji i:msi.ms. sfii n Mitts , Pli airo. i. caravan from KonJsfan his way from Carlisle to Terre Haute last night. Crass sod LudCMtlnji c nciiia.it, promptly; Mt aad nlrty Vy at stated last Dr J Coin. Brown. is ladonbHti' ao daily reduction in numbers, while the Chinese 2 Uoller,Cvo!err,Ins. botljr u f a c"Enrms the report that the Mabdi, hearing The ball passed through tbe window on the mill j Agent for the Hawa'Un Islands. D7 For fartaar InfovaMtloa. wrlle call vn Inventor of thtorotlsaot thai ry iht losses can be indefinitely replaced. Machinery of Evory Description t, t dant Fresmsn ws denbeni ' i rn wins t ti.it previsracs Kbartocm -- K. V. L.V1NK, the at wee giving opposite side, making a clean hole, and lodg- to Order. recrrUed to ss h4 been nrun re Thi a:, is gathering a large force to iSrest tbe St Petebsstbg, Oct. 10. Three Russian ing in the side on which St. John sat and a f The London and oviiuial 11XU General Agent fix Um IlawaiUn IaNnda July IA, IM I. frigate? will sail for China Saturday. Particular attention paid to Ship' Blackstaithlas Ji r ace and oUrve the garruso into submission. little in front of him. The train was just slow- HCI ly ileM la bolllea at la. H4A. j. M . M QJOrtlVORKsxalfdonthehorlettnsllee. each en. ts aenble wnksMt tfc. words it Oil Ctrr, (Penn.) Oct- - 10. Gen. Butler, on ing np north of Sullivan when the shot was Central dbucrtisrmcnis. Pauls. Oct. ll.L'Ufraniy-jmt- , IIri N.F. BURGESS, lis UrowiM. . Vhlorodynv ootke Uosernm. n Locctott s paper, arserts that the Government bis way to PiUsburg, wad Diet at the depot fired. Tbe Governor took the matter coolly. FIB.33 Uvrrwaeluilne medical tssUasony Aecomiian here by a crowd of 2,000 persons uith a brass CAItTENTIirt J UtlXEiUBIt, ! bottle. lias jast received alarming news from China Citt of Mexico, Oct 2. The first of the on Kin- - Mretl, opposite Ttoes C01VIPANY -- Ptruey (rnilnl n band and a military salute. He was driven to thop INSURANCE Caution. Besmre of and jr.il Axjiic, which it is wilhheldiog from the Mexican Pacific Navigation Co.' steamers, for plrcn on all kinds of building. Mhen rr-- OAVuVNrORT .1 the base ball grounds, where an immense Estimates il.HAGKFELD&GO ol. Vsuuraelnso J T public monthly service between Hongkong, Mazatlan inlred. Offices and hli rc fitted up In the latest East (TllTIl1tOCl, Ilnssell tltreeC BkwaVnr J. L ondoa. 1"1 crowd awaited sig- of esrry description done in A letter from the French Coosa! at Shanghai him. His arrival was the and San 31 as, touching at Yokohama and Ho- ern styles Ilrpalrin; nal for great cheering, and after order had the best pueslblc mannT. and at reasonable rates. Subscribed CAPITAL 85,000,000 to tbe Senior Boropean Coosal here is d. nolulu, is expected to leave in a day or two. lu.i) ly FOR SALE Ipcncral tlotrtiatiiitnts. The writer protases that tbe French been restored be spoke for half an hour, ar- She is tho Shunt Lebanon, 2,100 tons. She MARBLE WOKKS, mt raigning tbe republican and democratic parties jn,ooo,ooa will not attack Shanghai or iVoeeoag unless will be followed by the Moray, 2,185 tons and WminTBT Sr1 c A llister UO FORT ..TKKt.T, MIA It IIKTtl.hT. 1MV0IGES OF NEW GOODS China violates the law of neatrality. and assailing the Standard Oil company. At the Zewwur, 2,000 tons. The departure from Osff The AboTo Company haTe bow rUbllthfd mu 340 tbe train started for Pittsburg amid the Astacr here, and are ptcparctltotake IUfksoa Iiop- - Hongkong has been delayed, owinr to the CTrry ecnpuon within JLST DECEIVED 1'Klt wTlderTco. L05PO5,0et.ll. Thedetsaadof Granville most enthusiastic applause. When Franklin manbfactdrerTf monuments eriy oi of the Island. in bis to Biamark, qualifying his ac- prevalence of cholera in some ports of China lftb J A ...MfcUalUOC., .n., letter was reached 3,000 people were gathered at LOCATED IS UONOLL'LU. Headstones, Tombs, ceptance of the invitation to Congo confer- and Japan, and the outbreak of hostilities be- rEIUfAXESTLl BARKS "KALE,". AND Importors and Dealers in tbe me depot to meet Lira. uen. was es- ence, limiting the of the conference iintler tween France and China. Tablets, Marble Mantels, progirsrae corted to a platform in the public square, OFFICE Corner Hotel and Fort btreets, oxer II. . " MAZATLAN " Twenty new fac- Tre-Io-an Tops, ti the regulation of commerce ia tbe Congo where he spoke for fifteen the street cars stand outside a Clothlns Store. Entrance on Hotel M. Washstand and minutes. In tory in New York, conntry aad set to trench cpon diipntea as to course of his remarks lis advised tbe local ready for ubipment for Tilinr; in Black and White Marble. FROM BEEMEN, territory west has ad- Tokio via San Francisco, Particular Attention paid to restoration and icold ia Africa, received tbe grecnbackers to fuse when practicable, to finished with modern rs" LUMBER but fillinss. CoHftatinx In part of as followa hesion of Holland, Pertsgal, and Italy. Until improvements, and attract much attention from A31D be careful whom they fused with. By doing Jtelyin" on good nk at reasonable cbarses to tln MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION this nutter is settled the holding of the con- their Japanese inscriptions. pobllc. I(d 3m this they could cany almost any district. he conflqence of the MADE TO ORDER A Assi. Goods, ference is ia doubt, Panama, (via Galveston,) re- Lrge of Dry Pittsbcbg, Oct. 10. When the train rolled Oct. 1. It is Oct. Tbe JswwrW Dtpkmat- - ported that 300 well armed men have gathered C. C. STRATEMEYER, AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE BATES. Pabk, Ii. inot tbo Union depot this evening fully 10,000 BUILDING states Qceen within ten mites ot Panama, MATERIALS! that Victoria has requested people with brass bands had gathered to wel- but there is no PRACTICAL Gladstone to submit to the Cabinet for trustworthy information as to designs. jlonnnieiils nul lleniUlntirs Cleaned ami Denims. Urourn and Vihiie Cottons, their come Butler. their INSURANCE COMWtrir p5? Tickins, Turkey lied, Ac, c Moderation the question whether special If the movement is a revolutionary one, it will Iteiel. WH Drills. r AM.H1.XII.1. Capt. Domisick Lynch, SIGN WRITER & GLASS EMBOSSER UW00N,DCLAWDjr pr wers casMrt be conferred upon the Prince of U. S. '., died in not extend beyond mere politics, as tho for- Orders from the other Islands promptly attendedto. l'f"ipr si Brooklyn, October 10, of paralysis. He was lira U 1 Merinos, black and colored, 4 qualities Wales to enable him to participate in confer- eigners are all supplied with an abundance of ca-- BEAR OF 1.0.(93 ST. stVPITJaJj born in New York in 1613. He was the exec- j IE ences of the sovereigns of Europe. arms and can smother any attempt at violence. Itepps. CobonrS Alpacas, ItilUn Cloth, and JUST RECEIVED utive officer of Commodore M. C. Perry's ship, 5. LACK L"SDOs, Oct. Tbe marriage of Ida London, Oct. 1. Through tbe mediation of K. WII.LIA3IH. MRS. THOMAS II. Jissusinni, during tbe Mexican War. IMPOETEIl. MANDFACTUEEE UFHOLSTF-Bi- 15,000,000. TLcreta Foote, daogbter of Captain Foote of Queen Victoria and tbe Prince of Wales a com- A. JAEGER, Agent for th llan'n Is EX ASD DEAIXB IH No. 79 Fort SU Honolnlo. the Cnited States navy, aad Lord Montague Instructions have been forwarded to General promise upon tbe Franchise and Redistribution Dress Goods, DESCRIPTION, SUCH AS Panlei, son of tbe Karqsis of Wlochester, took Wolsely to have tho Intelligence Bureau in bills is being arranged by Gladstone and Salis- FURNITURE OF EVERY AoNDOf, Egypt supcrviso all telegraphic dis- Furniture So. CI Fort St. 'WToik Shop at IMPORTER and DEALER LIVERPOOL an and GLOBE to-d-ay strictly bury. The conditions com- Tncntj-Fli- c place at St. George's Church. Cnited proposed for the the old stand on Hotel btrcct. Fancjr 1'rlntt, acit, Sljlcs, patches of correspondents of newspapers. The promise that LATE ARRIVALS! Mates Minister Lowell and a large and fash- are tbe Government shall sobmit Orders from tnc other Istands promptly attended to. General is given full power of censorship. the Redistribution bill INSURANCE CO. 1'rinteJ S.itteen.1, 1'ompajonrs, i'Uida, ionable company were present. to Parliament at the toil ly Sowing Machines, and Genuine Ginghams, Victoria Itivtns, Satin ytrirw. Tbe Beaton wool market is easier. Ohio and Autumn Salisbury 1 1. The attempt of Maud session, agreeing to have Oil Assets, 831,161,000 Fancy Striped Grenndinea. MKVBIUL Uautobd, Oct Pennsylvania extras D. Parts, Attachments, S to lower her Cleveland record of at are quoted at from 32c to the Franchise bill passed, if the Redistribution SIMPSON, Vlite Silk Japanese. Twills, Serce. 3jc; .Michigan extra, 29 to 31c; tbe others un scheme shall prove at acceptable to the SO S9 HOTEL STREET, and Accessories. Claims Paid, 888,714,000 roplins, Satin and Moire, Charter Oak Park this afternoon was a failsre, all - -- w ca- TElEfHOXK .Vo. 333 sa Black and Colored Yelreta. LARGEAND CARGOES omng to the high wind that prevailed aad the changed. Tory ing. Tho House of Lords is to have no port rrmJ rSTAHI.IMir.I AN AliEncY IX control tbe Redistribution AND a&eht Honolulu, tor the iiswatian Islands, and the un- chilly atmosphere-- By tbe scheme of redistribution, as pub- of bill until after PLUMBER CASFITTER White, Hew Home, dersigned are prepared to srrite risks salnst FINE SILKS, lished, the representation of England in Par- the Franchise bill shall have become a law. DEALER IX Lika, Oct 1 1. The Government has a dis- Davis, Crown, Howe, FIUE OXBUILDIXCS, MERCHVSDISEA; Black, arongrain, Fancy, Colored and Striped liament is increased sixteen and Scotland 1. and patch anoooociog the taking of Trajillo from ten, London, Oct. It is reported that the Stoves and Ranges, Tin, Sheet Iron and Hares', Crepe, Ac, while representation remains un- Machine;, D.VELLIXGS tbe Cacerists after heavy fighting. No partic- Ireland's British Cabinet have determined to send to Copper Ware. Florence changed as to cumber, but Tralee, Dormel, Cape cf Good Hope General Wolesley, to head on hand a Superior of On fToiablctcrm DwellliiKniknhpcrinlHy TAILORS' GOODS: ulars. Kce? Contantly Assertmeot Howard's Machine Keedles, losorttl for a period iifii-iffi- T Duagorvan, Carlow, Athlone, Colemaine, New-ros- s. pipe. UetachtddwrllUiiandroDtrnls an expedition to crush the Boers, after he has yji Tin Ware. tUlraolard Iron and lead ly of thrt e rrars. for two premium in adrance. Ilackakina, DiaKimalu, Tweeds, Cords, una, Oet. The President to- Washisotos, H. Ennes, Kinsate, Bandcn, Yougball, successfully settled affairs at Khartunm. all kinds & sizes; ttroiuptlv niljntnl nml iinjnblc here.Ioi Serges, Silesias, Doeskins, Cassiraeres, Ac day appointed Frank Postmaster-Ge- n 1021 6m MMIOFACO flatten Enniskillen, Mallow, Dungannoo, Dounpatrick 1. courntMiHH era!. Paws, Oct. A Cabinet Council will be Corticalli Silk, and Portarlington are disfranchised. The WB A S-- , held Thursday to consider a communication J B BaBalJ'elllW taW UWI in colors; GERMAN LLOYD Splendid Asst. of Shirts, Lomo-- Oct. 13. The correspondent of the county of Cork gains four members; Mayo. complaining all from Granville, to tbe French .M). 103 I'UItT .VTRKlTr. IWoolen, Mixed, Calko. Hltkory, Denim, Ao.) ALL USUAL S'lOCK .. Tina telegraphs that tbe news of the defeat Down, Galway and Antrim gain two each ; Government of tbe hostile attitude and intrigues CLAKKS 1UI.Y. K.M,3IACI1IM: COTTOX. Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. 'WE SlZi.8 Donegal, and Merino and Cotton Undershirts, i f Admiral Lespes aad tbe French fieet at Kerry Tipperary gain one each, in Egypt by Barrere, the French official rep- Leading PHOTOGRAFHERS of Honolulu. IN Tamioi is confirmed. Tbe Chinese, by biding and tbe city of Dublin gains two. AGENT FOIt White Iknom Shirts, 4c, resentative. 1'0UTTJINTA Socks and Stockings, Handkerchiefs, the brushwood, suffered some KK) of the Ia an engagement with the Chinese the WOB.K FIMhUED IS Msdame TJemorest's Iieiiable Cot Taper Patterns, SCANTLING. in at Oct. The double raco Fonlards, OIotcs, French force to land and within easy village of Kep, Gen. Negrier was slightly Toeonto, I. tcull and Publication.. Dealer in General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin. come here, mile and a half straight away, for the Water Colors, Crayon, TIMBEH, PLAHK, BOARDS, range of their guns before they appeared. The wounded. The Chinese are reported to have Gnus, and Sporting Goods, A LAIU8E IXVOICK OF amateur championship of America and two India Ink, or Oil, ItlOrs. riitolf, i.NMitAXi: toatrAMF-- s W.OTIIIXU Chinese General, Tso, tbenled the attack npon lost 600 in killed. The success of the French Shot, Cans. Meialic Cartrld;es. Anotr. gold watches, between O'Connor and Enright Photo. Colored &c roitder. The erlabllshcd a General Ajrncy here, and the AS BEHCIHO 1M IH1TJ the rear of the French and they became n. was complete. General Asentf are aathorlicd to take oi me nnde:cliedt Tbe Chinese killed seventy men and A hurricane coming from tbe direction of loronto ltowmg Club and Joe Lamg and asralnat Hie the hcasnt tbe Fine Black Cloth Frock CoaU and 1'anta, J. H. Humphreys, was won by the former in 0 Tliu Only Comiiletc Collection of KEROSENE STOVES! Itl'kn Dnucenol Unckskin Sacks, l'anta and Sails, raptured one gan. They also beheaded twenty-tw- o Jamaica, passed over Santiago de Cuba, Oct. SiZ-- Mont nenaonnble nml on the IN 1 minutes and 20 Ill a, Rnte. Felt, Mohair, Drill, Flannel Sacks and Flint), OIN French corpses, but desisted from 8th. Some small vessels in the harbor and seconds. Island Views, Jltnt 1'nTorntilc Terinn. 4VLSO, II A that a ayIIaTIn-ecurtdtl- .,, of Class (Ion Iloys' Shirts and Children Jackets, n rmt IUS51 Jb CO , General Airenlf. horrible work upon a protest from the British number of houses in the city were slightly Ferns, Miells, and Locksmith and tbnronh M hanli I am. now trc- - ly F A. SCHAEFEIt Monkey and Sailor Jackets. - A Moit Complete Stock oi CoosnI. The Chinese loss was 290 kilted and damaged. business avbs. Curiosities, Ac. mredtodo wnrk in th t li with prmptnr- and PRUSSIAN NATIONAL I. it. Coats and Lescing, Carpet Slippers. woanded. The fighting dU patch Ieiando:d r o..taI d Silk and I. C. Umbrellas and Parasols, lasted five hours, at New Yonr, October 10. The San sais: IMocloxrfato.-gtlo- Fancy and TraTelinffShawls, the end of which-tim- c3 a the French retired to The fiery appearance of the western sky after Biaioi? co., Insurjineo Ooin.p'iay Cotton and Turkish Tens els. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF KAIL H FIR their ships. sundown, which excited much attention and BANKERS, or MTirrn.v White and Fancy CJoilts, "ew Xohi;, Oct. H. A cable special from wonderment in all quarter) of the world last i i HAWAIIAN ISLVSDS RECEIVED Felt Kuuaand Broasels Catpetln;, JUST tT London says: A new complication ia connec year, has recently again become a conspicuous DRAW EXCHANGE OK BY Caiillnl i : It.lrJisninrlis o.uou.ouo. Arum. tion w its the morganatic marriage of tbe Grand phenomenon, hast evening in particular the 1HE BMKOF UUrOnall, : : : : SH FnMCtSCO. rpin; rxiKiwiGNi; iiavi'Xo l$IJ.VlNIi:XOrX?J: HAILS. 10'JKS Sske Loois IV 01 Hesse with Mme. Kakxmne skies glowed with splendid shades of red and an TBzia ssasrs rj CONCHEE&AHUNG JL lwen appointed avat of the a bo re Conpaay for Hun lllankets. White and Fancy lilankets. HaiTaiLa 14 announced. Tbe lady is abont to become a crimson. So brilliant u the diiplar tbat cr York, FORT STOEET, ABOVX KISO, the Itlaail U prfparrd to a?pt rifts Fancy Striped Woolen, two sizes, BU11S. Hasten, a rain jit Fire on Italldtaj Furnitare. MercnaDdlte, Scnrltt, UraBe, White Woole,3and puint, LlMlii, mother. Her appeal from the decree of divorce aoine persons thoosbt a great fire was raging. Paris. I'nidace ia jar Mill Ac ,on the mot fa rabte term. Threads, Tape, iUastic, Soarfs, Ac, V pending, is about to be of Various LOSSES ADJUSTED r( is .till bet tried before Cairo, October 8. Advicea from tbe Mle MESSRS. n M.ROTHSCHILD I SOUS.: :Ut)0 New Goods Descriptions PR3HPUT AW PJUSLE HERE Silk and Velret ltibuoua, BOllr. the highest tribunal recognized by German state tbat after the stranding of the steamer - 11 ltIBtK:;MC'IINK!IiEIL tur bums, oww, I'auM. iri 1WJ ly nation law. on which were Colonel Stewart and his men, The Cesamereia! Banking Co. of Sydney, Loodoe. AtWllirJtCi'ti Net Yobk, Oct. II. A cable special from three natires came on board and stated to The Cesanierdsl Baaaln; Co. of Sydney, Sydney. Chinese and Japanese Ware! General Insurance Com'py. PBRFUMBUY, FLOUIDA WATKU, f London of Oct. 13th says: Tbe .St Jamta (fa. Colonel Stewart was only a short dis- The Bank ef Sew Zealand, Auckland, and Its U Uulusne, that hs ALsO. LATEST !TTLE OF Sea, antt (tonnioe iUa Ludia' Ritraets, ORY R5&W&CE . " has a new sensation this evening. It tance from Morawee, which thej could eaailj Branches In Chri'tehurth. Dsnedin and Wellington. Tor River Eand Trauaport toilet Sortps, l'liiluo'me, lUir Oil, Ounibs, prints statements showing a degree of sloth, reach on foot and where the; conld obtain The Bank of British Columbia, Portland, Oregon. EUROPEAN NOVELTIES IH JEWELRY ! of DRESDEN. lllrrorJ. LtxiV.n UUasns, llpe. The Azore and Madeira Islands. I. IC BnlU, UarnsunieMis llUnk Ilutika, ScantllHg; I'uink, "Hrfa. p sml rongh incompetency and favoritism on the part of to float tbe steamer. They ottered to INCIjL'DINO KssTAisnisuni) Mockholm, bwed-- n. i0ME HAVrNcs an Albnmu. lokl JewHrr, British officers in India which is unparalleled. guide them there. Colonel Stewart and two Ilooolalu for the Hawaiian 'rlaixt. lsl, The Chartered BauL of London, Australia and China, CLA WS tbe undertime! General .enii.arantbotlaed to take llosrtls, siiifiscwl afi'l i n ' : linens, The GattUt says it has nndispntable authority companions started for the Tillage, and when FINE SETS OF TIGER VIKNNA FURsNirUUK: . Ilon-ko- Yokohams, Japan. Piekeln. "ustlc, , lt.s.fril for saying the country traveled ont sight of the I'll. that is approaching a thej bad of steamer AndlranssctatJeneralBaaklngEufintss. ?sl ly Silk Handkerchiefs (hemstitched), Rlalcs aRainat tbe Danger of tb Seaa at the Katoueiuti, Aiit, Uloiisp; Koum AivX 1'iirUtr crisis in comparison with which the Sepoy re- a number of men sprang from an ambosh and, AH colors and qualities. Moit Reasonable and on the riuirs. rotten. Ao., bellion of 1S7S will be commonplace. murdered the parts'. The rebels then at- JKO A.HASSIKGER, Rat, Sddha, Unltakfiu, (lutb. eHrmip teMtbrt. Con A FIXF ASSOKTJIEHT OF Moit Pavorable Terms, Ainu i.t : Lojtdojt, 13. tacked the steamer, killing all on board ex- Agent to take Ackncnrledaaenta to October The Government, CI.ATK.--s UK .SbOi;Tlil CHOCK cept foor. tract for Tabor. Lacquered Ware f A HCIIAErEB CO Y, hltcviprl ? rt shco tfarocgb Coiocel Kitchener, has received news HJj Interior Ogee. Honolulu. ly Japanese Part and from Debba, which, if correct, proves tbat Adriccs from Dongola slate that the Mndir Also, :so. 1 Mice For hale. Axelit for the Hawaiian Islands CoaUinlns llalew, Cux, TtsipuU, lltrwh, co.. Cbamben, llico lluhen and llnkera. nitire i.eau. ( i louel Stewart is alive. A messenger who is sending out spies to assist tho Nile expedi f. a. ciiAi:rr.it jt m ly - &. retained to Coked Kitchener at Wado Haifa tion. Tbe sheiks from tbe Knartonm-ebud- y Importers Commission Merchants U Snperccilln? all ollirr Steam Hollers, & triiiri.il- it. 1023 Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. ly WILDER CO., Vnaes and Olaanvare. lUnlla and Tarred Ketje, a t'nday, says tbe steamer that ran npon tbe district, with 19,000 followers, hare sub- HKC.VISK IT IS MOKE llo.iol.tln, Jlawallnti Iilnnitf(n.eii-rr- I Hemp and I. U. Paokine, Coal lUKkets, rocks at Wady Goma, and whose passengers mitted to the Mndir. The sheiks adrise that W J. KissKT. A-- r. Prrxirso. Beaver Saloon Astute ofllie were massacred by the Arabs, was com- a depot be established at Debbeh and under- KINNrT & PETERSON, Economical of Fuel, METALLIC AND 01 Lift PAMS! tbe M. Ji-- T Mutual Lifo Insurance Comp'y manded by Nicola, the Greek Consul. take to procure camels and cattle therefor. ATTOB.WEYS ZiAWi H. NC1.TE, Proprietor. l.esa Iiallo to Explode, Of all sizes and qualities. It u believed that if Colonel Stewart bad been Reports arc current Dongola the Mndir orncE.o ii KAAncMA3r street, J. jfKw at that Wj Ilonolala, ir. ly ir lriitii. ItarUpR on board tbe steamer he would have ew I. Easier-o- f Tranaportntlon Coal Hag, Onnnlea, Twine. Glass. been in is quelling the rebellion at Jebeidatr. Largest, Safest and Most Woolpack and Twilled Hacking, Linen Uose, tnmmand. and not Nicola. reached W O. SaiTB L. X. THrBirox. ne; to announce to bts acd Ibe of the Mndir'a victory at Kortt has Irncds ! - Salt. garri- & CO., public io gmsral AND COSTS NO MORE ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO OIsOCEHIES- Loktkjs. October 13. The conservative de- - Khartoum and greatly encouraged the - W. O. SMITH Firewood. moostratMc announced for Birmingham to a n at that place. Stock and Real Estate Brokers, That ho has opened tho above Saloon KV Fall description aw! pn can be obtained by IN THE WOELD! Sardines, in half and quarter bote, yjj yo.Si3IerchaDt&uHonolalB.H.I tf application to, 11. and P. Iiwcaita, Halt in Jura, day, involving meetings in Aston Grounds, Canadian contingent has reached first-clas- s The where Refreshments Cash Assets, over S90,O0O,OOO I Castor Oi! in Tins, Stearino Candlea, 1, 0 and 6 the Town Ball and in the Skating Rink, was Assiout and goes to the front forthwith. Ad- FRANCIS M. HATCH, W. E. ROWELL, Honolulu. Coooannt will be fraas a a. as. till 10 p. n., under tbe llaUbes, Oil. Wash lilne, DOORS SASH BLINDS prevented by an organized force of their op- vices from ficakin state th'at the rebellion is atrred Vre .irept Hawaiian Taland. Ber For Informition roncernin; tae t onjpany, and linbbnci' Linseed Paint Oil, II Whlto Lead, oy Zittf for Rates ot Insurance apply to V. ILIlEl: & Co.. 1 a ponents. increasing. Two fresh tribes have joined Attorn Immediate supervision of a Competent Cktfdl C'.isfs' or VTUto Zinc Taint. 137 Ko. 11 KaAhatntna Street. lyr Uen'l Azents. AI.I.112M. Sr. PETxnsBrss, October 13. A great Mabdi. Oitaan Digna has abandoned his THE FINEST GRADES Of J E WI8E1IAS, loO im SolltitlD; LIQUORS : political trial las jut t been finished. It wis attack upon Suakim and is cow engaged in WILIjEK CO., CIGARS! CIGARS! Acent Of Eastorn and California Make Corner of Fort nd Cacen Steete, Ilonolala, Ds Laage filsand Contelleaa IlranJj.and conducted privately. All the officers of tbe massacrm? women and children and in Tobaccos, IS Q0AST1TIES TO SC17 stealing cattle belonging to the Amarar tribe. saber, Fiisti, Dili, Kails, Salt a.ad Boildixg SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL other brands, FOR 8U.B array implicated were sentenced to death. Six Cigars, Pipes and Hum, Gin, St. Fanl Deer, Aloand I'orter, persons were sentenced to Siberia, in- luuT ly KaUrialt of aTery kUd. AXI) 1IAKIXK other PBonnsscr, October 6. John L. Sullivan Smoker's Sundries FlitE IXSUKAXCE Fort Wln. Hherrr, lthine Wine, cluding Vera Fillipowa. says he intends to train down to 200 pounds C. HU STAGE, A NEW ENTERPRISE. COMPANIES OFKEWZEALAOT). Fins and Table) Clarets, CharnpuirD, i.O-t- piiiona a from a a. U. llaram i. Co BparkUoc Hock, so WASHntOTOJf, October 13. Tbe Interna- or for a set-t- o with LaSin. He will- i Formerly with B. F. Botloa Co.i Chosen br personal selection msnu' teat leu, is factories has becnclriaiued,and still be added to Iron CAPITAL S20, 000,000 Dry Ileidseick, Monopule, Ch. Farre, tional Prime Meridian Conference, at its meet- ing to wager $1,000 to 2,500 that Lo will Retail Grocer, lime to time. aloarlle At, Ac. Wholesale and UullmlttdLUIillltjor!laarellolders- - ing y, adopted tbe meridian ef Greenwich. havo beat of La&in 111 ondcT Harmon 1111. Inning Joint tbe from the start and is Kiss fctmt, j Or.c of Dnwawlct Bstke'a Poller. WORKS The leprecentatires of France and Brazil did confident of easily disposing uf him. After Family. rUnUllon. and SUpa' Stona anpplled at J. W. HINGLEY CO., llsrlni e.ubllthcl an Areuc) at Ilouolula. for the German and Havan a Cigars CRYSTAL SODA not vote, and tbo representatives of Santo the Lafiin fight be desires match with Alf abort notice. 'ew Uooda by erery ltcimer. Onlcr Hawaiian Islands, tne uadersltued Is prepared to ac- a :rom tb.e otheT IxUadj XiithfaUy exccsttMl. Billiard Tables cept rllks against lre oa Ilulldlnrs. Merchandise, Plated Ware Spoons. Forks, Cruets, Tea Beta, Dooingo voted against it. Greenfield, the English athlete, and with Celebrated MeUinfactnrcrs of all Gnuleft of ! VST TELEPI10SE So, al. 3JI ly furniture, slscuiacrr. Aeon the most favorable terms. Cap, Ac Our Goods are Acknowledged the Bet 13. There rood Mitchell if be is so inclined. He declares WarnutOTOS. October is 1 connected wiih the eaUbHthoieBt, where Iovera Losses Promptly Adjusted and Pay- UAUDWARF- - authority for die statement tliat the Govern- solemnly that he has stopped drinking for all C. BREWER & COMPANY, oftbeeaccan participate. HO OIG-AR.-S HO COBXS, ment of tbe United States has not been asked time and is determined to take care oi himself, (LIMITED) able Here ! Pocket and Lotcner Aniseu, Hciwwrs, Franco-Chine- After completing his engagements in this Ic Commission Sheep Needle, Hpoona, File, to mediata ia se affairs by either General Mercantile A;enL, a?la.o cheuf. country be will give somo farewell perfor- QCEEX STBEET. llOSOLL'LC. II. I. Colttornia Fine Havana CIGARS MarinnRbkn on Msrebandlso. Freights Spurs. Galsanized Hasina, Hoop Iron. We Use Patent Stoppers of tbe disputants. Treasure, Kerr Itirets. Hammers. and then A and at Corrsrat Rates. Ia Pant urges npon the Government the mances make a tour of England, PRODUCE & PROVISION GO. HFZUALTY. Ycflatr Metal and Compooitloa Kails,'. Ireland, Scotland and Australia. urr or cmcxas. C. o. DEWlEIt. In all our Dftiles. famlle. Use no necessity for tbe of Admiral P C. JOSES. n. Pmldcat andMauar WeluTt nade MPECIAL AHIUNOEMENTS rilb 101) I Agent for Hawaiian Islsnds. Ilaubitt Metal, rjosar Coolers, O. Eistwn and CallforaU Aeou to -- apply at with tbe Iron Tanks, Clarifiers Aim, Coorbct at Kelung and General De Lisle in October 3. The cable JOSEril CARTEb. .Treasurer aad Stcrrtarj nespecttuilj ncni! Public Ikal tbe nase TIlA.ns-ATl.A3fT- IC 4c Xew Tonr. Son's 1IESUV MAT Auditor Ihi FlneflllatTanaaiHl CosMcilcnt Laf Tobacco la the Toequin m order to place them in a position gram from London of October 6lh says : EsUblishnl tneuKlTes al ltsi-Le- We are prcparnl to maan fact ere a Gmoloe It DfftXCTOKJ. Imported . FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Ginger Ale ours to strike a final Uow at China. seems quite certain now that England will Ankle at mad leu tbaa tbe cott of Ctjari Cement. but Uol.CIIAS K.BI5H0r. IIoK. II. A. V. CAlrTEK. lUTinz cODsiluerea tan tmz nceaea wi in ibc or iiahoiku. Portland Nan.ES, October 12. Gerrati, President of soon cave anotber Alncan war upon ber community-- , we lure engaged aepetfor aUUace trva Cspltal of tbe Conpan Jt UesenreuItetcnsetarkC nnjjuo Firs CU j, HUcUmith Coal, Firo Uriels. T.l 73 Hotel Street, Honolulu. omt Wr Jto , TOR or ay San KraodKO la maltlag Clear puraatce to their " IvlJSWJJJO Tiles, Empty Barrels, Oat Boats, do, 4a t'Ulf.0RES CKT the Tribunal Commerce, died of hands. This time the trouble comes from tho - ne.lnsuraaceCoapanlea THE WESTERN IS HAWAIIAN In pLtt ot tae pteraires orcupted by tatUfr ererrffBe who will ctievfaeaU Uarmasn- cholera. Tbe Cardinal of San Felice sent a south of the continent and the Enslish base tactory tod Store la located In Total Beicatasiic WJKtifW Orders front the other Islands earef ullr gold cross presented to him by tbe Pope of operations will be Cape Colony, instead of attended to br to INVESTMENT COMPANY, SRESOVICH, GRAT &. CO, QURSODAWATF.B. assist tbe sufferers at Catania. Egypt. Lincoln Block, No. 108 Zing St NORTH GERMAN cholera-infect- tVhere can be found a COUrLETK oUt-- r Uood. Free Charg to all parts There were reported in the cd Pants, October 6. An official dispatch from CcrOrdert from tbe lalandti a41eiied, and inch H.HACKFELD&CO. uxr We deliser our of Money Loaned for Long or Short Periods attenttoo. FIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, CUT. district cf Italy, 239 freah cases and Hanoi, received y, states that Colonel will bare vat bat ate aad protspt of the or iiAHmmu. Careful attentions psUt to Isla.d Orders Addes 137 deaths, including 115 fresh cases and Dennier, with two battalions cf the foreign ok approved sECtmmr. and W. HINCLEY & CatltaloflheCompaoraiUserre..RekaimaraiAIIin ty-o- Produce Groceries J. Co., 3tk.tsj0JXr if deaths at Naples. legion, two companies of infantry and a sec- vsr Appir t w. i cukes. their II.lnaurauc Comnanles " The Tourists' Eetreat, Crystal Soda "Works, Lo.veox, October 12. The Shanghai cor- tion of mounted artillery, has had an engage- Maxasts. WHICH WILL flK bOUl AT toil tr Honolulu, H. I. At Honnapo. Kan, Hawaii. The OFnCE-Dea- rer ITioclu Tort Street OTC ..CeUhinarkM30U) respondent of the 275S reports a riot at Cea-ch- ment with Chinese troops in the valley of the D. H. HITCHCOCK AUTt OTIleHX. IXTMDISO CIX'II. IIRU1V?F. TOl'nl.TTBVolcano, will A p o. nosotvtr n t on October Stb, when a mob burned the Loo Cbuan river, which lasted six hours. The Lowest Market Hates for CASH! Attorney awr anil Kotary Faolic, and rir.tCUis box mt ArrOHHTT ASD COUXSXILOS &T LAW, at Tiii: the ahose three cotapsnle fur tbf Hawaiian fladdlo Horses. Ac. at THE KETUKAT. miwoaaries' homes and the Custom House Chinese made a stubborn resistance, but final- lias opened aa OSee in IIllo. waere ba will prompUr lalawla fos - TELcrnosE so I o box Istands. are prepsred to Insure Dalldlns, Furniture, Tn. climate at Monnano Is the bestow the , OUE TELEPHdlTB 18 50- 283. Si records. The English Consulate was not in- ly were completely ranted. Four gunboats sotart rcimc, sti. r k. attend to all business entrusted to hln. Xrrthsndlie and PrcNlate, afachlnerr. Ae alto saar loTSlldi. A As new il aid of th somraudlnj iKsas-rr- jgr Anj Afealforklnz Acknosikdjiaesuol Isiunmestf and to be adJteascd TVI1! attend ill lie Trail of tbe llrct.lt Court, and and lUca 31111s, aad Tassels la tbo harbor, against leas tncludla; th. Volcano, from Itallease jured. No lives were lust and qnict was re- assisted the French fbroet. Four of the XS All others communications will also attend Local CUemt Courts la Kan. Orders: left will; Eenaon, Sudih la sf-- for ue Island ot Oiau. Ue ox damare br Srs a the most farorabt. terms. rcrtotet,wlrcMlTretnptieatfon,V --i stored. French, including a Captain, were killed and ra CuDjibelllJliKi.Verthant.SU.llraoluls. lj wo Z. K, MYERS, Manager. ivn SUBVEYISO DOSE PEOMPTLT Jj toTt. u. hacktslo co. M i. W BMITIIIE3, Paorumon ' ilis-- ). n ' i t.- - tis ccjocj ktal to isyeBSoii wseld ba a Jjrt atbcritn. attattn(tt4tv?. 4v z3: .u - ., .,Tt . t of Xear&Kih Wxl to tie ot ttx mcrm tilt t thoositt cl fj?t ou the - BStf K wxiai be ttttr thil coloor to cuij - lvhea fwta Hawaii's part. ssrrice slcee. ad tsaJks "e Znlunl tte tna-Sb- u J.r ra. War? t fKt Mrf. ra- ffeof hens I GOVERNMENT I.OAX! of To the.- will foadly ten my heart, IT F1XANVE, c( tie be. la tsariss foe s roUe nit Oar t rjw. tVit Xinhal jiwd. rate Knsa Kaach " oa lie anuuli ski. ISrKT3fNT a s&isiss, be iii aft thiot it ocil cvrer the lMaaas.1trke y atrm ree. tooklax bi the ocean's tide' fi"'t:t Aax fltk. KL bo. Ok: aaee ha aad a rutarr. wvd lrArala will cist before my view Vw S .rr( . r aar Bat that was tratr sja. Thy rirdras hrixht with maay a has. The proposal ol a IortnijAtlr serrieo w here ewr w Mr thy r t- - r"... ktKSxrsT rtiU suad rrtto. rK ioas - possiblj- - ont. and Trill Aad ratke It aha M the l. To rreet the - itrugrr la the Uad." Lc Lev. tal of Ililo, Hawaii. ileonenL ahHala a. kj- be carried that ni l, -- bordeaux; WTn ar he mviW at ta: Twatfar: IK Aa4 kra tkr 1m M. Three, weary - ... UiKsJtawrd $l.lMla sn.lskarte. hlmafN wtssi fL3a,a ot tie toubtx foam." tVR . c c Terr dose istdeed to the southern rw Wowl Hi sKk1 vtk did lAhk Ta sailor ctcv tads a home. rnitttroT. SUM-CU- . sod akt that Ik. Mate awy aMmtarswasHl . brio? i4 v f aaa slakrlkeshw tatlrr-- t utlitli'. Nipntnlfcrn Ao4 brcaaM iaTOTft The there sparoml, ihowe thai ild aalsle te aaw ayak4. arau ma t5w nwa- - arr vs,rr& traax capital of the raciric. It is a mat pitv eille torreti tils aat lee!fea wIt tusk. far Aad his sad tplrit Will QalcS DupAtch for thai a taal ardw aiav or mad of dtalrlhacltm c Mw auadsnt af th Cen1'.. rf J", uia. that Bat Parke weet t hi eOt work, tads relief hare abora pott. aas af - all Kam.ap. Tki ktorvrr that it shooM be even sogspstcu the The tattsmia thoorhis Whlod thearepeityremalaltis lahu hand, la the rredrasee W JiTra. . the team trite '.lUlf- mtaard well Coart. Aid Slags his " npoa Fee HX aad persons U.trlo .ailllod, ia waaatttat) Tlaucc steamers shcokl rease to call at Hondota. lie rht aat perk r vSn qvitk curs the wind." firtsrht iw l U4t M Xaiawr t r Lose mayst thoa ffartshl song sppeu PDlNBRdVlj atalma aad dlnbirtm him aad hie arrtlo faam all We boge siEcenjly that no such policy trill r J ariat. aker. rwi. ITtsa ilortc--i with tat " ctrctln; year I" TJttE ti W M.i'FAKL.E A lW. farther respoaalMIIlT . sarll admlaselsassif. !Js3' H- - i be earned out. anil w are frtad to see that JCar ray, whiskry. wtaa aleat As choicest towers from, foreign bads WW AooaU. ltlaorderrf,l.l MllNPiV th. Iiihtol Ueeiaikai. fli - Ner vf Kxpaad benrath " her " kllriil hands. A. IV ISKI, at a. m.. hrfore Ik. eM faiUaa art Vr- ' mh Jstti kfenMk alias Yo- aarat that tort W bo mention ol it is made inSir J Bet ahiays atrattr,t4aaoatrd cat, ko his with inch Blwrarltd ore I Chamber, latiltthe loatt Uoa. at lloaolBhi, ho an? ''I .Usee Created here a scene so the heseky le (!; ,4JMrt(trfWMfii-. gmcaiinnjSazcttc. kel's speech. The link frith the south a " Hear ye. all y laat ca;kt, fair. FOR PORTLAND. uas Misled is ih. thM a4 cva- t. Farevrll; fire!)' ta cllmra ahsea for heartac MM a slllloa and Meamils. aad tkal m.(Ma trainable one. tre wwild be Tery sorry to "If aar asaa hxa ha.'Bf.a herr, I onshiU thlaket otarr times - .H nereoaa taurealrd - aM-- V THK BRtTlfiH RAHK HMIIfaHSUmmntHHl -- Let C9ma farward lVkca, a gty party, w e woald leap hew uas If aay they w , -- . xjt xoars is srs. see it broien. -- atai ao, ham ky iha saaso i.ialil rn Let bin aapru aa4 witheat far, Into the tenner's ready seat, ho mnlml,lad may rreeral eihsnce a. to who set Si WEPXKSPAY. OCTOBER 59. 155. "My wfcat a hat shew. yea tilr hilts with rornts croe n"d vHW MltlW t ike aM aroeertT. Aad Ikel ikl. order, la whs an. X. T. The goverzraent has published an skhence -- proepects " open all :V' the and K.r.lli l they aroand. THE LATE HONORABLE VA.TFa.TTJNr. KuHsh lUeslUa VanaaMe. he tmeHehW asm:!, I "The Jairn a wiB It Tke hoiacward wrad, daae the llawaiuw I. aad X.VX 3NvMBa . sye La-- of its receipts and disbursements - His to a hair. - aad aad soax. Hissm aad Taaaww arfi.Maer. tfc vaksae; recent aaeeOBC U th Hanters" knurrs "9 The trta lag's tylag hoars prosoag W. Minted and la HnMSahs. a. a. aaMtnln swr The during the six ccnths commencing April ' He saUl be heard aa cet a w vni I.VUILVV Marts eahWhl . . Iwc asd Sapply OtBiAy bat. b a most -- Be saw la hta aarair." r",,, " " awM theeehi amSal.d re. w4awai3EaMklTaBTfcrVr 1st and ending Sept oCtet. It was hich Tha Ohio Election. U krarlnsr. one. and the paper read, many w hat he thookl aM. WillhaTeQnlckTJisphtchrortheaboTePott tutrd si UeaolwlB. II. I. tales day Oct D. But. iaxrtaat time that some showing should be m.vV. VatlrW's har UIIVI M A ?T,,.W,ta.iiieB"tB- j.- - of We. AR chnhe. KBteh poHiA ia toll, frill be Aaa K he aBa a daaM. Tbe returns from Ohio, while incomplete, show .. 11. jiv.11,1,n. " 1M.t' ei ire tt5y The law reads the publication should Bat the rhysra was oaly Fee PretiM er rassaxe aaaly to M - k that then sude dearly that Mrs.Bernide Pauahi Bishop t! faBermw laws. ro!.-- art mead to Tahtabie prodoetiotks: the y y the State has citen a Kepubhcan ""'';Hivnv SOrtss. rtash. aehes mbbHC"" le be made quarterly, but then what do the lesita; tl majontj less m Eivert by practical of cot thaa 1TAV. while these ngores O. W. M.CFAKL.SK A CO . of earefol thoagiit is he. Parte may swelled to 3,CU) Up XaMnaTMnt. fail to of present Cabinet care for kw? It their HearterthU wt e, be or more. to the hoar T7ociiTu.rLnitiAr.ciKcurr. w men. They caanot be interest. amusement to defy is, of course, Aad sleased how hick aad few. ot going to press ofacul returns had been received X Prahala liitkemaltrrofthe Setata of WlUtAAl pfaorters it It His work he was latest apoa. RS 1KH IIUIMIB. Ul. ef IValatka. OraVr to akow set ofilr to'oor andarriciiltartts to shiw. from oot id the precincts and wards ta the cHee m impossible for the outside public check Aad rimer fast thaa State, which gave a total Kepabliean majority NextVessel From aaprlealSMio Admlat.tralar far order af Itale a Iksat . taat en thee bat ato to the sugar of Glasgow natakn over the disbursements and receipts; the By tart. I daat ana ilhsoMe 12.K3. From the detailed report of the vote given radeiUkrr. . Tmary. Isael af at other cocntriee. Marshal of tke Ktnrdoat. tin mdlaz aad Sllot th. perlHea of in ws teh.db planters e report Or prodieal ar waite; below it will be seen that the gaia was Com-paa- y is that this predoas . AdmlaLtsaioe of ike af WMIaet r At ;thsu Wliafct, aw. TheFlaaters' Labor and Supply Bat iilhvf aafrk asd rrMOaar steads aad rroportionste. while one of tho singu- Mrrhialc' Beorflt Union. aBtife art is received as gospel by many of our good VTUh perfect tatle. Honolala Fire Department. IN PETER DENNISTON kw af tVllalhs. Kaaal. derMsed, pray law far ,v i,sils.lis, sw " ha had its vieiseittides. its sp and ilnii lar features was that the" districts counted upon as Indrprndrnt Order ef Odd rrHows. rSCos LINE af ilale or eeetala real eseale Krloaalaa to the he.BaaaMU WaHr""'WaA citizens. He BleasM the jadrts, the hat. safe by tho Democrats gare majorities Ahihnt Optoelo sHaate at Walarha, Kaaal, aad r a av K M x with dis t4r'd for the 11. ranwil Lokihk eetllaa- - n rarth eenala nMk datras.it has been reanVd pleaia Ue ntten too. lent reason, wkv eaak real ..a.1. b t. MitK For tho$e who do not take the trouble lie pablicaa ticket. The mining and manufacturing, Ahahal Pools. Th trrrdii, i'lrrJe Built Iron Ute br the goTentment. it has had power He always was partttalar well Akihnl Oplopsolml lVoo KrlitUnu o KaanukapUi. CarftiK' lTrrhj ordered: Thtl the aeat ef hU of Ike.j de- - rfual'T aAttt.ulaii t Mst wwkrr to think, we will state that the additions as as the districts, also came aM '. aeaabers withdraw from it. bmt it stand Ta rtre to each his dae out strong for the party of to Attending rayslclans. . vrmr fd AVe would rrotedabn American Keaohlkl. ot Lands . shr sheas of the expenditures are many. ke raVaiM indastries. Ot twrafy-oa- e of the late ilr. Elshvp. .ed ttxlar ob a firm strppocted by men lt aat recarded hew the Congressmen, ttoTtrnor ot Oaha and suS. A also point out that no additions have been Taaee wha lafris-- the law; eleven Itepuhlicins are snrely elected, while five Band. "Birmali," 'aaii ia -- - who4 heart and interestb. are in this wort rwas heard he teaxo. snow A aP- made of the columns, referring to receipts. aerrr thon;h that others are expected to secure majontie. The vote Namilahoa. eaase any aa order sfceeJd net aVsa. r v m who inlly realize that in onion is Theat for their nanlaiw; was wi TONS nCUISTEK. ts farlhw orTleJ7 saae and the largest ever cast la Ohio though there Ktne's Own. daaaaaaBuleafaMllMle.adllaaa? - - does not force man to aad faf amraawn ha .4 Of course the law a hazed zoore was strong Prince's Own, 'yrT wwser rowiaa: eoentry he never excitement, no scenes oc- J kaA. aad the artrUefv aa. strength. ETy sagar That If, thrat of violence O AI AT LLOYDS, awfttr aa add up his farnres, but mere politeness Thaa he was hoaad t da: curred except In CiacLuaiti, where a conflict King's Uaard. nit wteu rrttsrjiv.v: a r tar W aataaalBr rah. has aa orraaization smular to the P. L. sore of of the deceased. Osirmi, a aaMiabed la llnMla. should have caused the Registrar of Pub Of coarse dallnaarnts taluk it aathonty came near causing a Semnu Dlted Kolee.ll 1Mb. ISM. ,-- 19 tiot. The I. Oct. - ,. .1 - - i "' aad S. Co. AVe hope to see it noorish for Whea. paatshmeat dee. From West Virginia Clrnyof tbe Romia Catholic Church. Ms matter such the returns are meager, but Klcht Will Sail ill January Next JACOII HABDT. - at lic Accounts to pat the m lonelxearThe Rrreread Bishop ot Olha . Tv?-m.- Wag Kepublieans HiT-.l- i datr.miiai. in Hawaii. shape that the public night readily find Ia this they thaw their waat at taste the concede the election ot the Demo- at the Hawaiian Islands. J"4 Jedae lib Jud. t'lreatt. ? "' Aad waat 9t )adrateat too cratic candidate for Governor, although they do The Clergy of the Charch. HOT, r. StCCBaTTKr. reply of the Cniser of Foreign out what the condition of the finances, as Their' was the weakness that hid pUcM not abaadott hope of the other oiScers. The majo- The IUrht Kereread the Bishop or Henotara. ttr tjods to be forwarded hr the shove Veeel SU1MIKMK COITKT OF TUB Tk Hut their hupecter true. aay l Clergy. sheahl he ordered soon. In rrobale. Ia X. r. of Piasters, reported by the government, was. It is rities ia case wilt be smalt, as the vote is very the Esuto'at IIKNUY MAY. Hen5i5w7de-crs.r- t a3r4V ASsirs to the Comsiittee close. A. lata of j. at, SL MISMUUT certainly courtesy when For whea folks take to Ibtrrtsh trkks F. A. SCH AEFER Co.. Agents. Order SFrolntlar Hme for IVsil to write to him rehvtire to the a grave breach of Aad pHy dishoaest prlBks. Cbxcaoo, Oct. IS. af be- The drraa's editorial llonollla. October lm IOSI nddlrrrtlorpablteillooof Mlreuf ,7m! force of Chinese laborers a public officer shovels a lot of figures Tkey aad thesaseires la rrleroos aa sp.-da-l Columbus frr lh.lSl. A docamsat. parDortlu of a from of October ltth says: Ohio 7. t be the last Will fore the public, and as it were says: Hard work bat aerer thaakt. is certainly Republican by 1T.CU) majority. meat of llrttr Vsr, of lTonolala, kottsaTZ kj ta "eae" the labor siarJEet. appears to hate This S tke ...sh represents a. gaia DO.tA'U, ! th darof Octeoer. A. 0. " Hen Mte object, and that "take them, make what you like oat of Thea they're lock'd ap ia daraace vile, IruhLieaa OTerlNSot TSTotlC Probate Centt. and imilBTV rVoejr. bat tstodrrrethe soaetisses la daazeoa dirk. and cccsidertng the character of the work done by uld a petltm for hjaah TaViiitrr- - corner, whether them confound you, don't care." It has iheteof. aad forthe (.sM.ee of letters into ssch that I Bat thoae mtrht eaile a pkasaat aalle the Democrats, this majority is more sigaiacaat Torn Jlij and IXer c. Joare, teaUr7eJ already been pointed out item for Wka were saide wards of Patke. year 55,0.11 Jr.. havia. been awC they wish it or nj. a a matter of that the this than would have been ia ISjQ. MM Tom Mir and Peler '. Jo..., . their will haTe to assist the Cab post office receipts was paid on April Cth. ;Vcll Parke west on as I hire toM There are heavy llepablican gains in the strong TOTinuIfiM It It hercbv otdmd. tkat MOXDAT, tke taut K IVr thirty aad German wards of Corurabus. There is aa average of Jinnarr. A.D. tsa. it TOoNlloclc d. ., inet with zaoney. It is evident that no it is identical in amount with the sum jrars faar. the room or s.ld t.mrt, aad less, af I Aad herd his head ap stoat aad hold. gain in Columbus of forty to tho predact, or a loatt .1 llonolalii. oa. ulei what the needs of the planter may mentioned in the report of the Committee Aad roodry hoped for more. giin 1CW of the Chief Hiwiilaa Islindt, be. and the ma. ii hu ranti'r of in the dty. Cirri; Moatarr. aiaih. no assistance front on Finance, and represents the receiptsof work traly well CoitncBCSia). Ort.lL AI I? n'rlnrk tha ... Cirri ot Mownm. ,.'?t,,jBf ? '"rrerlai s.kl wlU iiHlheitS 5Ll.S be he is going to have He'd doae his so Cirri;-- ? of lOr;j JUjMtj the wbenandwkes. .nTassse.toterestsel a period of nine That he had richt to hope, turns indicate the election ot the following Kepub- - Uirtn. ... appear and eontsst wlTI, - theee in power. How serious tbe labor the Department for m Jt.)tjt tun. tke uld dtae itiarrM Ink Aad wkea a rat beras to sarll . vwft..wM.M. Ctrriice of Ucr Hots. nUtm-- .. tbo rxinrrts of Irtlen trsumraur.. Va-- l nas twen pemnenuy months. It might very pertinently be mope. mettle. a ai aestioB ts. most ea thtn he dW not tnct. Brown Lathe Second, Horry in the Third, Curia;. or Iter llt-h- ae ;rc post ofhee receipts for Kyil lMoct? Inter-Islan- d pnblleatten. for 2d "? shows: kwas more marked wheD Jlr. J. asked where are the He heard it wktsprrd, he wis doomM. Little ia the Eighth, Cooper ia the Jiiata, Thomp- rom like Uni. S.N. Co roaitw ZriZ!!gjirfg,1!. months! Why don't they ap- did true. son ia the Twelfth. O.oSTenor in tho Fonrttwntn The C Hint filer. 1 -- - Be-- 3L Horner said that he knew of three the last six Bat n deem it - at tstt Jt9TT 'd Hi MJetj- A.. xia MH "Ok no," said he. thit is J. D. Taylor lathe Scveatrenth, J. H. Taylor in Jllalner. And It Is further onlertxl. n- iH kBtatkMe which would agree to plant pear' What kind of account keeping is tltA 1. ,.- .1.- I ?. Dlptonmlt Corp thtrti - .. Kr . Vn shswr tt.flW l. aa : JM5 " By croakers hat a'few ; ,w V,nl..,l. II ua uio- .L (. as We MAuMvuuii u.u,ujiu .inetreata Nobles. TO THE i,,.t?K:i!; ld "r,,-- . asm. tkiA wirrtr can all fnllr this whkh counts among receipts a sum - -- and William McKinlry the Twentieth. TICKETS . r."!K!r, ,..,. js fKg lVe ood friends place? ia Coart- ,..HW, putBs os - cot la hih. Jod of the Sapreme - TllltOl'OII now he had st the j.,hnown appear wesaata s. j- - B aa hKiaar- the result will be here, it pretty near a year old. and does not give " II deceire me aow, xae democrats have elected the following: FiiTT . later-Islan-d Jo lad eoateet the wtS r aad fafcfc sshisahiil reeogabe what -- They aot Coanellkut otaceoflhe . S I tv Tnarlsls leartnr . they'ne oat socae, I Lefevre Lathe Fifth district. in Si,ih - - at the time appointed, aad thit edamtsaw.aBo--.auT.rucs- Daanters find themselTes obliged to credit to a Department for its last six Tts trae tara'd hat Hill th Consular Corps. Honolala prr time table of tin- rLANrBK." "Ill he of lkrVllir2r, os the " Hart their xtxid win I know. Seney tbe Seventh, wane CI rcalt Jailer?. landed by Klltread trmporirr admlalstratso. ke Iosm m sasMTom T5r a months receipts. in Oath ia the Thirtreath at Pnaalna. thence to Plhala. aad Jonee, Jr.. npoa their sua- - tftej. S redace their production. With depressed - and Witting ia the Fifteenth. Clerks of the tiorernment DiMrtmnt. where Horses aad Ualdr will DC In ittendlnce. seven)r.l sat- Ill off to lacm," aad so he went, CoUectrr of Customs. Custom l!y bond In tke t,m of tw. haadred IhinwwT SaT BkarKet ana a oecreasea proaacuoo ine The showing made is. of course, not Tfcey promts tf he wlsh'd A he election or Sinks, liomeis. Hart, Hodges timers! Hon Udctrs this rottle. Toarlsts can mike tho round ttlp In 7 all and OQcers of the Csttoais. diTs, eltlitg I days to visit the Voles no. of Hawaii wooid look dark indeed. isfactory. We cannot pretend to argue Aad after toleats oaths, tkey test and Burnett (11.) is in doabL The chances of Shtrlffi of the dlffwirot Dited llvaolaln. II. f, Oet, trh. isss. faivre his hoaie ifwA'd .' UUntls. tlCKKTa ictt T1IK KOL'NU THIT, Incladlng Allesi. B8.VJ. figures of Hin to hat liomeis against Hard aad of Sinks in tho Fourth X ember) of th-- j lUr. Horses. Ualde, Uoard and Lodglne. H. APSTIS. upon which are, on the face are tmo. llisav Sim, 73partmeiit af Tiamae.. They said he shoold his post. district regarded as good. toreIn Residents. fnrthrr partlcnlars enqnlre at the omce of - Jnsltc..f!atstecast. shawiiif ap of the financial coodi- - them, incorrect as they stand. may be reula cr Prnarj- Clwt. WW Ih It UU osce he akoaU hoM. Returns are anotadal. but such as we have cive Hawaiian ropuUtUm lienera.lj., lr . in J McKialey 11XO Ill waft an CaTalrr. Inter-Islan- v. aaaaBiatabeaeBafetala. tMa af the KOternmeBt. which has been that there is only a printers error, but Aad Ms of pleasant words they tos.'d not less than majority. Mr. Mckin- d S. N. Co., Honolulu, .... AI him they had last sold. ley was unseated by tbe oresent Congress and his Police Force. Tenders Wan tod ! "1 far : made in these columns and in those of there has been ample time to have had it Or lo J. P. JORDAN. V0UA.V0 Hocsl Wl.' ear contemporaries, has had an effect It corrected, if such there is, and it should He went his way. la spirits ay, election is a Republican gain. n'tKNumis AVIX.L WHIG. a pseaseat loach ucai-imi- xiaucrworui i,iuj tne be iikcuivhd ,. .' week Aad had is elected in hJKLate was shown lst that after tbe road have been corrected: no showing so care- Ahhoazh la spirits. I did say. First district by about !500 majority. np to K 51 - "A Kaaapl oa 8ATIH1)AT. thTtrt dtVol fniMTua. matter was stirred, the Interior Depart- lessly put together can be satisfactory. T gaadawi aad Dot jnaca. The following figures show the pluralities given November. 1SI, for IrSMtiUa. from Eaassht ..,- - .. .AeelOT AaaM In roars la. . , ...... money to road makers ia Ohio the Presidential elections and tha Stat The Process ton will form at t o'clock, 1. it-- , Sumlax Hawallia the Votaase of UiwallMlleMsat. a, s ...... rww. ment discorded the This statement is of a piece with all the He set sheet his work so aprece, La The bids man be tor a lamp - ... Kaana dM ID ; elections Presidential years from 1SJ8 to 1SS0, the tnd proi on Emm Street. ram for the earrrt wsitci i, ta,pi4,r) ...... who had been kept waiting "several official acts which have lately been done. Aad sot areas of the Itinsla-ie- to bo lesletv written tra plurality secretary 01 IS--- Those nhe are to precede the Catafalque, will form p oa one rtda HA IX Bat Presiier Ulbete 'd cook'd his 700.?. lor state la and the fool-ta- paer. teKljr for the printer. tl months:" on Saturday last the same De- It shows an ostentatious desire to disre- Thea seat him ia the Ml.' plurality for Governor in lSS : between BereUnU Mreet and Emma iS)uare. and those Steamship Company . Jaaia Kttn who are to follow, on Emm buret mant of the Kf The orjne Cootl does not bind Itself loaeeeat ,.,n4 Hr. X. Jaeger the money - "" of Slate ns ttSsa lAiarehat falal r w ! partment paid gard law and insult the public. That very a!r.ht jast after datk plnnlity of ifr. Bishop. .,li22 He seat to Parke a note. Prtslderit IS.KS - - The procession will start at 2 o'clock P. M. prrclsclj, Jsj order of the Coatt. which had been owing to him on account tsTJ-s- ec of - ...ZZ JKaaarf (Oh! XiTibairirkr.yoallsooa hesliik. state ltuo- - " andtilll proceett thron;h IWretanla street to Nuuaua IiIMITJOD WILLIAM FOSTER, desk. --- J- lit of the Public Nursery from March 1st to President .17,35! " - Honolala. Oet. Stb. Mel. aa I11TIAII. NOTES. He's yoa ay the tkroatt) lSTS - Meeet, thence to the floral ilaascleum. "as Aagast 31st of this year. people will r SecofMate eS-S- The lrrxeslon will be under the direction of the t! If Then Parke weat to the aainsloa rja&d President 7,31c " Mortgagees' Notice r L Thz cost to tiros been GoTcrnor of Oaha and lUaul. of Intention to lforccloso "n-T- only ccay forward and state their jrrieT of tbe cholera IUIj fir bis Of MUterXInlltcr. IJ.WB - - public manner, there is MJXOfXO fanes in depreciated trade. SfiWJXO Aad that oOdtl Maud President - and of Sale. . -- asces in a little for lives, istia"d suu llrr Kkoca lUts. October 21th. 131. n - Koat .. fraars in Gorerzs&t treasure, asd 2JA0 " What was there new astir, 13.115-D- eta. wa. ACroilD.OfCE WITH A kia .IWriiai4?ir them to fear. The Cabinet cannot U.ar JK it w deraooitrabie that NTectT-ar- e percent, of 13SI Uorernor Itca- - - T"er or 1'OH'. s - Route J. salt rasUlaed la a eertala maitjma. msMM he f ... eoojd by son- - That ke had seut for hint so late, Tax-Collecto- and Time Table. kaaaJa ktos prevented proper r's ! Vlluiai that the clear light of day be shed upon tau bare been u Wast oaiethia he'd fonot!" The .total votes cast ia the various elections In Notice 'VSn'- !! B," -- 157G ' - ?fi!- any-thi- o Oh bo!" repUedthe sua of state. Ohio since were as folluws : ofOaha.dolns:bn.iMMnadertkatm name of HAM -- their transactions, and the moment -- tu llrodle. dated Ssk r i .!.. 1 lather ;aess its not." 157S llro.. Jobn tk. d. ik.a- - Ma. lill'Jl. comes forward in the columns of the Tax ala Tmnttript says: The Uavaiiaii For President K.(rj rrrorded In the oeke ot th !lUuar of CoavemaaeT - 10-- 7JUW 1884 Ubee SI folio. Mo. liM, u'hireoy k . -- pabhc press, there is at once a rattling of GorecuseBt k bardep. Bis P3e of unpaid bflls Bat ah haa sh has ah (ptoseered; l"ed Secretary of District of Honolulu, Oahu, o. 19 13 mKiee jJjX and aa money to tbent. Here is a chance for - Ah. 1 mast tell yoa so, suu .....tstMSi steamer" Stven thit said atoiAeeeee Intends fbrecloee paj - yea 718,1 CS kinau t. .aid ".JXaWlla dry bones, a scurrying of clerks, an at col- Of coarse will not think yea're wroarvd. motteisefor cooillHoo broke., and naoa iU'il4i .Vjni"'."!;"""".. FBCfairt, France or Germany to catch a' new of SUte (tsUautcd) .TTO.CUJ .aid a . settle- "Bet yoe kase cot to ye." will sf it pablie aactlon. at tk saleroom of li,. JTIak tempt to shift responsibility and a ony." Ibis is tbe tray we are spoken abost: net undersigned will com- Lyons A Levry In Honolala, t .riiMtiBar very - hereby notified thit the KING, Commander. lslnad of Oaha. OH aiav .VKaafcaa. possible. matters we satisfactory certainly. I've to o!" cried Patke aghast, From the Orient. mence the Collection of for tbe correal year at SATUHpAT, Osy of !i3T ment if In the hare ct Tises .ViU r t tie !ih November. Ie9I.it M . " Tell the tea ion why! office, Uorernment Honse, learc Hooolnln rich it V 3L, for iJr-"- X . Laaaf - Sakahka involved, bc his mikil of the f'.a orrmlses is described la Mid tt treated small amounts have been Bi tbe tbe 10th Acnsal Report of tbe - Ok hive I foand yea oat at last A severe typhoon visited Amoy on August Mialiea. Makena, Mihnhona Kiwiikae, as amtnee X. Jttwrf. -- 2!d. lilies bek3iiecllrd. ITO. UHOi. there are yet larrer to come. Boys and Girk Aid Society of San Francisco, was DisslasaUtor alyt Two or three vcs&els went on shore. One was and llllo. Leave Thnrsdijs at noon, rattner partlcnUrs ran br had vf J. M. Maaaurat. On Wednesday, Oct. 15th tonchln; the sinu potts on return, arriving Attorney Law. ..,, ' Maaaaar af Flaaaaa. received, forvarded by the Saperintesdant, Mr. E. dar.yoa said me, completely wreeked, by which three Europeans it hick at ,,.l,v n.i. - " I'aarttaaal-fct-A-fca- . "This Terr to S.tnrdivsatsl'.AI. aW T. Dootey. He wishes to state "Boys good Chinese M Law, Mmtaaae. Tee leprosy question cannot be too exit that: and "That I shoold keep my piice; and a many lost their lives, and a In conformity with Section of the New Tax l'ASSESUEl: TltAIN from Nlnlll will leave each Honolala. October Mh, 1WI. girls raav be had (particnlarly boys) for service at " Bat bow that I mast oastrd be great many sampans were ntieriy destroyed aad all persons subject to Taxation are requested to make t'ridij at 1 1'. M to connect wilh the Kloan Mahn-ho- kaHy or too seriously considered. That vages, adoption, by ap. - Aad ayl with crafty face pajtnent of the same to htm it Siptra? M Oetefer, 1SS4. for indenture, or for lecil numbers of their occupants drowned. A typhoon Premlen to br sold consists of a Lea of the Mmt-s- Lkws segregation is essential, in order to eradi- piymg, withiecoracienriatirmstothehgperintead-ent.- " was also experienced The Klnan WILL TOUCH at HoavklU and Piaahaa apon "Ah! Ah!" drrdoatthe3liaist la Hongkong on the night of lietem wbkh stand th HesUaraal and taMaiel KLTAlL-ll- lt . A glance report On on frf for I'asscnrtvs. tf n slgnil U made from Pallor hnown as the - Blae Hoaee," 1 cate or quell the spread of the disease, is tkroesh tbe snorts that "this "Ah yes th. reisoawky September 10th. The daja' warning had been or Before Monday, Dec. 15th the shore. So. and t Man. economically " are ' given - ana sjteet, llonorala. alien by Chark Breale k a most worxed institatioa aad that Yoa net ia oceonf, fk Sir. of its approach, and consequently there were CXr- Strainer Kltua will not uhc hear, fretxht for t A. II. not te be doubted. It most however be doing an work. " So yoa mast noit the sty few '"" ,w' I. liber it is excellent disasters to shipping, native or foreign. Or they will be liable to an additional ten per Lanpahochoe. Llrht fteieht and pachares onlr. All 55,5f.i!iV'J,,,.lwh1" fee? 1 i . Saai segregation on Molokai. and not 3W, isd assltned to tk aM wethraeenbr t The tj. said I. that was a slip, A Tientsin correspondent ot tbe Jtiptn Gazttte, thereto. heave freleht for the above port will be Uten'bv the said Loo SaawE SMh A' -- XaaaaaaUwrt -- oa the of December? JBI. 4 ar. the sham pretence of Kakaako. Jest now Dss O'Costixx, late editor of the Government The ffoeeraawat 1 mean under date of Sertember ?d, says: "The Chineee All colni will be received at their former enrrent Lchna and Kllanca Uoa. TI. MB. t s - USaa rtrrvt liber folio, The lease ha foaTrM oran has been jpebiisbiaz a few of hia views upon "There, there. 1 thoa.htyoa'ddtopyoat lip. Government is much incensed the rates np to the end ot November. UEO. 11. LUCE. more to run from 1st Aaxwat, L 4 Part Mnat the htnBiu theory of leprosy is the sub- - at catastrophe Honolulu. rsl Tko mala bnlMlna L.'?4U "Ealahana's Kinsdoni,'T in the Mto CahfttrMut. Bat sire yea cant he rreea. of especially as that scoundrel Chang-pei-Lu- n, contains two late room oa the (mud So aadav Mnf bath-roo- T.; xC.Sm ai ject af much investigation. Anaesthesia s n Oct. Wth. ISsl. 1H rooms with a He giTes the idea that this is a pefectlv Toare been so ton; policemen, chief. the notorious censor, had with vmMt laid oa th seeoaat Yaia - is by some Relieved to indicate leprosy. place. That come down promised to steamertlikelike; floor. Thero ale. a snd wilh rMvialaed reef, a k wi."' iCa. Varaatra merchants taint, " Yoa can aot want relief, nol only resist the French but to kitchen and oa a.. A Fart aatit Bat the presence of taWXi. or animalcules loonee atray an hocr or so, getting an appetite for " And, thea--h la sere and yeilaw leaf, capture the French fleet. In guns the Chinese READ If ALL. the nsemlee. nstt at 1 t, ... Kin llaat il Iaxeh, and after partakins of that meal "wishes it Too hire not ceeie to cntf, actually had the superiority, ! but as for the men LORENZEN. Commander. ! i k il Uiar Ca. Brt atran of any kind in the blood, or the existence time," Email officers Executor's Notice ?ere dinaer Of coarse there is a That U tf yoa're been wide awake and and skill the less said the better. The IT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE. Lcavi'S Honolala every Monday at t V. M. for ' of anaesthetic spots on the surface of the politics, and also, course, - .. 1 H ? iMMtll wmm sketch of the Iland of And hare well ailed roar parse French did their work thoroughly and showed no Kafantal. Keanae every other week: Hnelo, THE UXDKKsm.XBD, KXKCU- - body is no surer indication of leprosy than tbe reader is informed that the Minister ot Foreign - Bat tf not nay. yoar head don't shake, pitv, because two French sailors captured at Hana,Klnahalaand Nun. Iletnrnlnr will stop at the X tor of Ih Will of MK. W. WKN'NHH, of llsnalata. X " Ktaf ttu is of witchcraft. Dr. Koch's famous Affairs is a brisht and shining lizht, a lharocsh " Par yoa Us all the worse; Kelung were tortured and mutilated in a horrible Hop Bitters abjve ports arriving back Uatnrday mornings. deceased, notlni. all pereooa havlna cssawis Mslaat it --Vfor maiis and passengers ooiy- - the saldjsute to preecat the same dnfy - politician; farther, that the opposition all wanted - For a yoa will czlBjre how mariner before decapitation. The next French sataeaUcarrd. .rf. ' i '. rart A acam laiuube theory of cholera, by latest ac places dis- sot aad with Draper vouchers, whether Kcarecf by BMrtraaa ec -- for theraielTes, aad that they nude a Kootow me before, move, probably, will be on Formosa and Hunan, i : kiM.XImrrtretl --"And R-" otherwise, to the eoantE appears to be of little value. mal faifore in the Lesislatare: Xeither the sketch 1 aad my shew yoa aow bat is possible an attempt may be made to andetsliraed within six nwmtae ream -- colleaies it force dlte.oc they will be aarirtrart of tbe merchant;, nor the sketch of the opposition Oalslde the oSciardoor." Pat where Chinese gunboats forever barred. Notice Is also l'i:Jr Kllll While we desire that the most stringent Li, the of the north- The Purest and Best STEAME- LEHUA," hereby elvrn that t hive tbis day depntiaed W. C. : . 1 Also of ocr illi:lC.s r Bcaaal segregation be enforced, we think is correct. cocrs. merchants are not Poor Patke then left tbe mansion fine ern fleet have taken shelter. All these operations, Urciz tu collect all monies dae to the abov Hfttos. T irai fc r art afinvt rslesof lotas-eater- basy opposition will K. bat men. and the did And as he passed the door, however, lead to no results unless the Chinese Medicine crer made. II Mcl.VTYBl, - il-- :l lijiuilnaat K that too great caution in diagnosing sup not want places. It woskl be a dimcalt matter to To Koatow. is not tn ray line " either see COaXO or 10XA) French troops in China, WEISBARTH. Commaudcr. Eaecnlnrof Will nf Wm Weaaer. i .. Ma kV.Saaai Jlonolala, Aajrast 13th. 1WI. sm f. posed eases cannot be used. cet an opposition man to accept office. fie said althoash I'm poor! or, at ail events, know they are on the way. It is COMPOUNDED FROM Leaver Honolaln each Monday, Taau-ha- anj - T JL. It Wiikaaal Kar a TUEVAfiE at 31. M. for ' a. ran atsact We have heard that the formation of a Aad sarin;: this, the door he slammed, said France has a conditional compact with Japan Kohaialele Ookala, Kukaiao. llonohlna, e. - at-- t., The OrrrtaW for October, arrived by a- Eoomoto been we will strong-l- y Hops, Bnclin Manclralto and Dandelion. Hakalanand Onomca. Itctnrnini-wi- ll .- BaX rx x rr ftiarl "aaaa Medical Society has has been suggested Xntltf Thea thoaxht of somethl- worse, has here, and, hear, arrive 2Ctiu Hovcttistmcuts. :. - r- - tbe Afameofo, and proves, on perasal to contain a ' on satisfaction any allegorical back each ba tarda y '..- rm 3taaaa mtim Von and yoar collearae91ciytviajsrf insist of demand The Oldest, Best, most renowned IBM IMIL here. Xo better means of interchanging nsmber of capital articles. "A city in the West," Hr marmarLdidBotcnrsel for a treaty and a form ot recognition of the Xaaaaa describes a licht crisn manner the distant citT ownership by Loochoo. re- and Valuable Medicines In the World, -- ami aedieal views or experience can be de- in Japan of If he is . r . s of Santa Fe. Another food sketch is the "Discovery fused there will be further complications by which and In addition contain all the best t i : tIjlil vised. We hope to see such an Associa- The RamJe Plaa't. STMR. KILAUEA HOU, of Nevada Fall. Tosecite,'' by one of the discover- France will to make Japan a oper- most effectire curative properties T. 11 - J. Xaaaaaaanwt highly skill be able base of 'and J. Waterhouse, - P M 1 tion among our educated and ers. There are trocood Indian campaign sketches Batos Bocoe, (La.) Aegastll. GoTemor ations. cBaariamat -- 'of all other bitten, txtnz the greatest McDONALD. . and some amasias stories. The Serial, Cam- - received Commander. atrral fai practitioners. The the following r "Li has been degraded. He is no longer Grand Kesalator, BLOOD rCXClFIER I XPV'liaea.riitlinii--. paisn at Middietoa," Lirer Will leave Hotiolnla once each week ports t i raatauan continnes with tmabated Tux IEaktz Fnau: I Secretary, or Senior Guardian, or High Com- f,rramc . r m rt visnr tosatirire a political campaign. Co, 'and life and health restoring atnl on as the Lchna IisvirKs;.i..st'i:cri.x or tiiu m Professor No. 122, West Fifteenth-stree- t, Xew missioner Viceroy. He is now only acting Viceroy. .' r naa.? oanaamt Fnox two directions the news comes that Sill coatribctcs a paper on EmerVoa's Yorx. i 'earth. " .m.!.-- writinss and Ta His Excellency He made a dreadful mistake ia selling the China Hr Mw rir 3Uaaai A rrat the British Government has at last decided pie&ty the Governor cf Loaisiana. sH.-f. - Ban taere is at raHceuaceoss matter. It also Kindly allow Merchant Company's fleet, but he was in that Nvaaaartiwt new Dzas Sis, as to inform yoa and ThexGlTO New Life and Vigor to the Aged Followinn Goods v J a K rtrmrt the annexation of a large part of New anaonnees a serial, to begin with the aext yoar Department of Agriculture of an important business the victim o? tbe most rascally STEAfflER""WOKOLII," Just deceived - .TLaa.i.Oaraa ka (Xovemberi ifsee: a Kau. Maud rtnrl Gaiaea- - The Colonial papers! taking the "OatheEdiSof aKewIand," evoratioa in the ramie mdostrr. Throagh a pro ever hatched in China. Tbe details and Inflrrn. H . - by Ada ' Tin. kn. Klar ana Laajrwortby Collier. It is a story of the cess recently discovered the scraping of the bark are coming out one by one and are astonishing, To Clersjfiaen. Lawjers, Literary T, aaaaia MR.C adage that "half a loaf is better than re settlement of Iowa, becianisc with the first miners McGREGOR. KX UVrr. AltlllVALNlJ !. i ft nereiotcre reqetred is dispensed with, aad the and a history of the China Merchant Company, 'Men, Labourers, Ladles and all those Commander. bread," express themselves as satisfied who vectored acoss the river into the unknown which is, in fact, the biographies of the Tong Leaves Honolala eich Wednesdlv. for Kianikikal, simple raw bark easily separated from the stalk U whose sedentary employments cans 3 CKr.mi ii i. that some action has been taken, but they eo&atryof the Indians. The anthor is said to be now a commercial nrodect which we are bavini. clan, or family, is being constructed. When tbe Kimaloo, I'akoo, 3Ioanot, Hilawa, WaiUa. Pelehnna . a and Kaianpips, VatialLa a protectorate dasshter of the first settler, and old residents of As yoa know, ramie is a vegetable silk growing company was sold it was on its last legs. The irresuUrUfes of the Blood, Stomach, retntnin each Moodaj evening. Blaok Frenclx Merinos, i . ; leook for far wider in the Iowa will recogaiza many pioneer characters and robberies funds since companv Bowe's, or Kidneys, or who require an L. raaii from roots m straight stalks of foor or fire feet. of the the began, AppetltCT, Tonic, and mild Stimulant fatare. It is not only New Guinea which inddeats drawn froia life. The name of Mrs. Col- in 1S73, come to some 10,000,000 'The pro- e Compaar ind tieat's Umbrella, k at rvT7aaaE,ru. It is perennial and yields several crops yearly. tails. 'these Bitters are IcTaluabte, beln;; will not be responsible for any Lull' - )biB lier will be at once recosnized by readers of the fits were immense, but peculations or packages nnless rerelpted for, nor for Linen Shectln,. Fin Silks. i they wish to be incorporated into the Em uor compaay Days tne erode baxx at are ceats the exceeded 'hlzhly enrattre, tonic and itimuUtlnz, fteisht tier Ladle.' Httr,.taU Orrhrmi as the writer of several poems that have pound. the gains, great as they were. Yea will hear more socal biraze nnless pUtnlr marked. TiotresponslMo aad Gent's Hosiery. ' I tare, but the islands of New Britain. New per The average yield of this bark 13 one 'without Intoxicating. or jewelry tBmhrMndCMia Table Cover Lqjs an Watiaftji'a. been widely copied over the State, aad by readers ton of bark per acre. agriculture yoar about this matter soon and will have a fine theme MNo matter what jonr feelings or for rannej nnlees placed In chirze of tbe br, IreiaBd and a few groups adjacent to the in the poems The of are, Tarser. itr7TAii.-iin.n- i. interior States as associated with and State can receive for raoraliang." 'symptoms or what thediseaeeor AH A field pro- stories considerable benent from this 'ailment Is, nae Hop Bitters. Don't possible care will be tiken of Live Stock, hat the Ladies' & Gent's Underwear, 11'-- . large Island. still wider was thai hare attacted attention there. A band of armed opium smugglers, 100 in nam- mail. aUt. new product, and it would be to our mutual inte 'wait until yoa are sIck, but If yon only Compiay will not iinmeiny risk of accident. urtli.ni'if j posed at the Sydney Convention, no less rest to duVase this information in raral dis- ber, after leaving British territory on the night of 'feel bad or mUerabls, use the Bitters SAMT. 0. WILUEB, President; rai'aakm. 3 Ocs friend the JrrrAent ra speaking of the joor at M. 11. j.Tli Harare?. Mil than the establishment of an Anglo Saxon tricts. We will always be pleased to receive and the 5th inst- -, bad a severe brush with the Chinese ooce. It may fare joor life. Hon HOSE, gecreury. "Woolen &lCotton"Shirts, ' k KTrrvfr Trade aad Bedprocity. in its issce of the officers were -, OFFICE Corner Fort ind (Jnecn Streets. ' aaikl. raa answer any inquiries on the subject. We inclose custom and soldiers, and drived back 'drrds hare been fared by so doln- at a ' Ak kj Hito control over all the Island groups of the 10th fast- remarks as foUows: "We takepteasxre ?12,-C- Honolilii. Sept. 10. laat. Pwiail. - herewith sample, representing the stalk, the bark into British Kowloon. The smugglers had 'trifllns tOKt." io pa.aA Haaaaaa. Kaa Pacific. Ow" It prtmitr put obi matt, hav- m telling ocr friends that the prospect worth of opium ia their possession. LA HUB Aftso MEAT tlf ' Mai more and the fibre treated by oar process. Hopiag yoa yoar TJrugcist Physician, T.aCm. rliaian New never was assarin than it is in repard will deem above Regular steam communication between Hong- Aak or x Xii Kjaajla. s ing begun a policy of annexation in to a continaaace of treaty commerce the worthy of joar consideration. OF mi. jritiaali the of with we uesr yoars very kong and the west coast of Mexico, via Yokohama Do not suffer fourself or let your TIME TAELB STfiAMBBS Wbito Linen Shirts and Collars, Gaines, we may look for its being carried the raited StatM. Every objection to has been rcmaia, sir, respeciiaur, 'friends suffer, but tue and nrrre them to l)w Kkalt.V it F. J cvzSET, Secretary. and Honolala. will be commenced the latter part I. J1 strM in the future. The Agents-Gener- broken down, and it now only depends npoa those 'use Hop Bitters. L.VTE.ST farther Governor McEaerr referred the above to Maior of October by tbe Mexican Pacific Navigation "Remember, Hop Is no Tile, STYI.KSt of push- most rearly iaterested to work loyally to develop Company. Bitters OF THE .;. the various colonies are to T. i. Bird, who is of tbe opinion that the caltiva- - dmsed. tlrunken nostrum, bat the Wool Dress Uoodt, BE1L-Kl:.- l. the utmost the payinz trade between California UTAS. and Vest medicine ing the matter all the time, and now that and Honolulu. Vi iionocine ramie plant is well worthy the alien 'purest erer made Ladies' Hits, trimmed aad atrlaraaedj - 1 Ck.a I hat the measure of that trade is, tion Looisiaaa xgricnltorista. in. 'and no perion or family should be K. New South Wales understands how much may be inferred by at the of lie savs he Japan was visited on September 19th by tbe INTEE-ISLAN- D Ostrich FvuttMl Ak k ksaaia. a valse of tbe tends to procare aa adequate amount of seeds. severest typhoon experienced a years. without it." is to be gained by united action, we may taeresandize exponed to the Hawaiian Kingdom in number of dsrma the first half of present year which he will forward free of charge Willi neces Yokohama, Tokio and Nagasaki suffered the most HOP BITTERS MANUTAhCTURING CO., YICTL'tlJAU. expect that a united front will the from Saa sary to a limited, severely. At Yokohama Edgings and Insertions, continue to Francisco alone. If the information namber of reliable a number ot vessels were oonrne. Australia, Rochester, N- - Y-- TJ KawaU valce of direct shipments agncnltarists in various sections of country, cbunaged Mel kk. Viaa. be shown. The time may not be so very from New York and Boston to Honolala could be tbe and the German schooner ittntr cap- .London. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. A FIXE Ti Kakaaka. BtaaWa who will agree to cive the ramie enltnre a fair sized. A number of buildings were unroofed and Sn Toronto. Antwerp, Paris. LOT OT Untie I distant when Hawaii will added, tocether with the lember shipments from Itua iatu. 3 far find herself test, and report to him the result of their experi-- in the native quarter 120) houses were seriously For Sale by Wo ajrBf Laac. K a shattleeock in the hands of powers she the entire Paeinc coast, the showing wonld be very tWTcca HOLL1STER X CO . Honolulu. V Ki Ucac Ci. I mace better, but the partial returns available iseiiL .iwgto timertca i fairs. damaged, two natives lust their lives and nine f SCOTCH TWEEDS,. iies nwtl. Waiaaka. caanot cope with should satisfy any one of the advantages aecrnin, were badlj injured. At Tokio the destruction was Administrator's Notice, to San The Governest of Hawaii. tbe greatest. A large number of buildings were koaur boas, Bita Fnnctco throogh tbe Island ' trade. He shall resect however, destroyed, including a theater, a bazar, a chapel IS IIEI.KBY Fataar. Baa Teat cheaper labor is required in order these fisores as Paacuac, Hawaii, Oct. 22, Uoi. Normal College, besides NOTICE has been appointedcivi"Admin New Designed llHJ. l o, they are, and institute a comparison of the voicrae and tbe many booses in Prints, J' yi.iaarrt Banlala to coatinae the production of sugar at EDrroK Gizxrrr: H. H.H. Foomaikalani Gov- Tiukiji. The water ot the bay at Fukagawa rose Utrator of the Estate of Dal 3IcCannert JrM late of Steamer "PLANTER" VkASA lluaokaa. Hawaii of our export trade to other countries whkh are Uonolnlktb deceased. All creditors of said Estate are tAodJa Grert Variety of both - 1U-.- U--- present rates is not to be denied, it is a erness of Hawaii, spent several days at the resi- - eight feet above its usual level and boats were cat aaaa larea ), Haa pcvoiarly (apposed to be of infinitely greater onuge notified to file their claims, duly authenticated, and DCAU:K.V serioos fact. Japanese to aence ot Jiiau, uutnet .ndge of tiamakaa. used to convey passengers through tha streets. with tbe proper vouchers. If any exist, with the said BATES, Commander. M'lBlT. can be sot. if the valse California than the Hawaiian aad at J. B. Mills at Honokaa, and r IsUnd. several days Several river steamers are also saii to hare been Administrator, at his office la Honolala within six English and American Goods I Saaaaw ctrcrt. 1 government can find means to defray the at the residence of Ii. A. Lvman Paanhaa. months date. W. W. HALL, T u anvars ra Taassrr. or fcel. at (n sunk. Tbe total number of houses destroyed Is from Leaves Honolulu Tor ln'ua 5 expense. The planters urge rar halt Sabbath moraiag October 3)tb, tho Governess given as 1060; Adni tm t rat or Estate Da. Id McCartney. Jr. Haalnca, Kona I r Br.a.iUMcrcaaai attcet. I that Govern OreitBrilaia aad IteUad. .7.sS!l at ships and boats wrecked, 91; lives meat restrictions which have been placed KawaHaa Islaads l.tnffC tended divine worship at the native church. lost, 10; persons injured, 40. Nagasaki escaped Oct sth.il. lir anil Kau, on TOO NC.TIEUOCS TH 3IKXTION. Birr aii. sriBiT. JfewTork lBf.'gt Aroand the pel pit were vines and flowers, and on with considerable less damage, bat roach destruc- - H Bar Banc upon Chinese immigration should be re- lJDCXlls '. mrtuihat. gilna HoafkomriadChwa... the table stood a large bouquet of ferns and bright tion was also wrought there, both on the water Administrator'-- s Notice. WEnSESDAT.OctoberSll I Dm i fffMt. ttaaal Colamhia MOXDAV.XeTemborJd It HWr BH moved for a time, in order to relieve the Bntlk XlJSa colored flowers. At the father end of the room on and on shore...... it F er aw taiaaa Xexica iGLMe wall, were words TJXDETWICXED, HAVING Ipu r L..li. t.i present labor crisis. This the government the the "Aloha i ke Ktaaina.' The following changes in the British Consular THE appointed AdmlnUtralor of the Estate As we have already said comparative fitate-me- ot of no,, ' r M vaai. (. aiaa at present refuses to do. We do not know this Sometime before the appointed hoar of service, service in Japan have been decided upon, con- l:er, W. P. Alexander, late of Wailnku, Maul, deceased, Arriring at Honolulu on - UK-- Easy Safetaa is eloquently sssetive. We have a handful the church was crowded with peon's from all sequent on the promotion of Mr. Aston to be notifies all persons harlns claims asainit lajdeiute - JSr-i- T91j0 J MMri what new information has been received to of people, about all toed, the majority of parts of East Ilamakaa. As the Governess enter- Consul-Gener- Corea; how- to present the sane, with the proper Touchers attached, WEDNESDAY. October ! laumiu tUaa in the appointments, . d alium J ! Hill Matn indicate that the United States would look wrjora nave recent v eraer-re- from barbarism, bay ed the audience arose at the sound of the organ ever, are to be considered as provisional until the within six months from date or they will befvrerer SUNDAY, November Sih HSpm Paatkeaa Katei ing more merchandise cf every description in Cal- - and sang Hawaii Foaoi." Then followed pray- Corean barred; and alt persons owin- - said estate are requested apon farther Chinese immigration as un- a establishment has been permanently set- iio.-ni- lean aay other country in the worm, ex- ers aad a hymn in to mite immediate payment to J. M. ALF.XANiJKIL iiiuuji.iu:mikii, Hawaiian. The quartette from tled: Mr Ensile becomes Counsul at Nagasaki, Admlnfitrator with the Will tV. p. - bnaauaai A Ca, tataa friendly. The planters' trustees in 1SS2, cept the opalest and populous BntUh Isles. And the Honokaa charca, Mrs. OTerend, Miss Camp annexed of Iter. BjrkM4 Mmf Mr. Quia is promoted to be Consul at Hakodate Alexander, deceased. ti A C. Ijam Mrcat addressed a note on the subiect to Minis were it cot for the wheat export to the United and Mr. Lyman, then sang very finely and Mr. Longford becomes Haikn. 3Iaol. Oct. 4th. IlW) DRUGGISTS Kingdom, "Jeans at Tokio. in Steamer "IWALANI" JIII.lt. ter Coaly, who referred them to President the Hawaiian Islands would stand anon Lovir of my Soal.' The simple bat interesting Daring a heavy gale on September 2Mb, a forest record asabetterecstomerof Califomia merchants services were conducted by Bev. loshine-gor- I Arthsrs Message, which mentioned the W. M. Kalaiwaa at Omineyama, i, Yanato, belonging Administrator's Notice. CAMEKOX, Commander. No. I3&W ISFOnTSTREET P Wnn.a Datrv. MiaiaTala even thaa Great Britain. the native pastor, his subject being (Samuel's ad- to the Government, caught fire ia consequence of ' fXlltaa Hnilala sahject of Ji"fKiriaj the Hawaiian Isl- vice to the people to " serve God. U'DEnSIGXEIGm and honor the thefridionof the trees daring the storm. A large THE Leave .1 DEPOT F0U E0EIIKKE A SUIKBLSE'c). ands. it was King." Tho Governess then ipoko that he has been duly appointrd Administra- evtry TUESDAY, at p.m., for Nawlllwlll, Bat After that Message and Beach Haitian. kindly to the area is said to have been destroyed, and as many tor with the Will annexed, or the Estate of Capt. Knlpt, Eleele and Wilraea. Kctnrnln;. leaves Nlwlli-wil- l rmr. akjis note, that the Hawaiian Government ar native people, argiag them to obey the laws, to of the trees were valuable, the loss is estimated at Thomas Spencer, late of Ullo, Hawaii, deceased. All evTrrSATCnDAYevrnlni; irrivini back everr aaa.Uaa At a pierfic. held at Siz Joseph Banks groaadt care for, aad to protect the yooag children, and STlAOU) yen. persons haTln claims against the said Estate, are SUNDAi mornltic A J ' ranged with the Pacific Mail Co. and then w. artanskc, Jt.kaaa.Oaka Hr.tanj .. s. MJct,i la honor of William w cuauu mo ageu. cue promisea ner twentr-si- x notified that they most present the same, duly Terifled -- Leip and There were cases of cholera in Tokio - . T. Hinlan-Beac- .tlw with Mr. Sprck4s for the introduction of Boaett the victor in the h rowing coa- - sympathy to both native and foreign, and asked daring August and three of and with tbe proper vouchers, to the undersign ed, I teet, Beacfi were tbem ended fatally. within three (Sj months from the date of this notice, aFii.X Chinese immigrants. and Hinlaa both preseat. Ia theirs ia rttam. Her remarks wera int.rnr.t.i .3. i-- :l Ki.tim. Kna. takm reaxnose to the toast "Good health and prosperity to the foreigBers by A. Lyman. (three months hating already expired since similar MATTP, There is ample reason to believe It. Hon. J. K. notice was glren by the undersigned, as Texrosunr Stmr. JAS. rcDDUic. that utt 117 vcaco, II 311' Kaanamanaao responded to the Governess speech RICKSECKER'S J ouj ii.i.n, iiuiwku .ir, Administrator) or they will be forever barred; and all fVa Haaaaa.. Kaa the American Government would make no Ian retiied aa fcdlows : for the Hawaiiaas, and Bev. Mr.Goodell of the Spttiul JTotitrs. persons owing the said Estate, are requested to make FUEESIAN, Commander DO abjection to a limited They could not know how be felt honoured br Honokaa church reclied behalf immediate payment, C. X. KITTUEDOE, IT. number of Chinese ia of the fnMi.h m- r betag to do to man who deserved people. Admtnlstrator with the Will attached K,i'S:rY' ? - Wii.uea. irk "art akaiaa Mat laborers coming here now. to meet the tbeie honoar the speaking The quartette then baagwiUi of tbe Estate of Waialoi. hipaaT"7 and KlUnea. '?' xt. .although he had been defeated, he was not come ye MB. W. F. ALLEN, Thomas bpencer. Ilelotnlnr leirri Kip, AI TT10.V ouoi M.ie ana a nyran saag by the Oct, 1ft?) every TUESDAY, p. m., and toucbfiir Wililoa pressing necessities of the hour. But prejsdiced against his opponent. Mr. an with Messrs. C. cm IIlJo, Hawaii. 3d.lML it it AND THE f.,ra Wallaka. Mart Beach Hawaiian choir aad too audience "mm ihnn His oaice Crewer A Co., Qaeen and Wlianae; irrlsin: back every WEDNESDAY whether tbe government wiH or will nut all they gave him. He knew from what Almighty kiag" closed the service. Aa the peo- - Street, and he will be pleased to sttend to any business afternoon. a Ii H Hnckaadu HUa. mans) seek to facilitate this result, is pettiaps not tbey bad done for him that i: wonld encourage twiwKuuu,tnu uu j mans pressea trie nana entrnsted to him. I'd (m COMMON SENSE r Jka Ptaai. Kataa.Kaai to lie expected. planters him. and Mr. Beach and every other oarsman, to 01 tne uovrrness, ana wunea ner many aloha a. SteelFon II kj.Mk . Ti aiali . Oaaa If the should row win. Mr. Beach aad he were nails .' to matched to seek information directly from Washing row agaia; and it was of no ate going behind tbe Sneak Thlerrlng. IIOSOLCLU. Xtz. 35th. 11. PORTABLE OR PERMANENT Stmr. C. R. BISHOP, wilolxsil.il. O. BERGEK. ESQ. I s . ? . A ton, and learn that we are in in- bosh to say that he was not satisfied with his de- C DAVIS, Commander, ;. tae.a ranet right our Sneak-thieve- s have Agent Macnrale & Urban Safes. I Bail-way- Nurgiiig - I- -j A , ran mart feat. He was notccine home to America ax if be been doing qaile a business ! Jtotile. - J ference, even then, it would rest in the paw lately. Uza S:-- tike great pleasnre Ia lilting that the r Vaaa A .'. Wiaaakua Mrrri was afraid to row Mr. Beach again. He was going The last case that has come under notice I Leaves evttr TL'ESDAT, at 13 IL, for Himoa. L er of this Government to that of Mr. Henson, Mjctiili A rmrchased from yon, XatYkal.ti tana atnat thwart their wish to raeet mm again; ana 11 11 was ta nis power as a is a resident on I'aooa Valley CtnixUirr. I aad 15 ft, Icnrjths; 14 lbs. to the yard Honokaa and l'.aabaa. Itetnrnlnz will stou BlaiSOK, SMITH & CO- - "TUB. tMi utklajuirat.a es. Of course there is no smack of roan he wocld beat him. He thotrght be woakl road. While Mr. and Mrs. Henson were absent at which weat throagh the lite dlsastrrras are in my t Ilimo; stilrloc bsck everj SUNDAY bortln" i" sMfrALa.cjatt)arrBaaf politics in inst reed red ptr "Dike of Abercorn," 1012 Fan at. any beat bun. Bat of coarse it took two men church a bare footed individual entered tbe prem- store, came ont to my entire satisfaction. I opened Dmrrglsts. i laasLaazkr. ACa Kakrl Kirat of this bosiness. alms ises, ransacked a on from Liverpool. . -- . to raake a match, aad it took two men to row a bureau aad a chest of drawers. tbe urn the combination ind foand ill Its contents Uoas. iaanatM uyuu In perfect condition. Voan Truly, A i kalaaAi'a. Panaknri race; bat if Mr. Beach beat him la the coming kuw hhwj fcA.ua rt mkuci CUuiaiOUlg money, W. L. GREE.V, or Com The question 1 P. A. DIA8. aer OFFICE of the pin), foot of Kilioea street I A twy. Qaaea of the continuation of race, be woaid do what he did not do before, he Thi, iastead of opening by the catch, he tore open W. VACPAItLASE A Co, trt and appropriated a. near the I'MK WWhtf T7 roKK postal service between New Zealand and would shake hands aad acknowledge that he was about fs ia silver; picking np a Iloxouic, Sept. 23d. 1931. If . Kits Salmon Bellies BLTCIIIA. box of dears, be then nude Lis OflWr Af.j,.. IW1I Azeatt for Jno. Kowler A Co : Haart . the United States defeated. He did not think there was a more exit. C. O. nEBUEIt. KHU la; i.r alrf Baaalala seems to hare definite tens was telephoned for, bat he coold find Baftrl Mnwt Baalala uKns boaest man ia the rowing world than Ht. Beach, no due FOR EUROPE VIA NEW YORK .tABaf.Lo kaUa.Eaaat shape. Sir J Vogcl in the New Zeal- aor was there any one who thocght tacat of Mr. as to who tbe depredator was. It would be advis-- Agent City of London and South British Sljtppinij. 4 a aa. Vutaw. Uahs and Legislature, moved as quoted below, Beach thaa he did. He wocld meet Mr. Beach as aoie tor aii .nose wno nave anything stolen to let axtd Katioxtal Fin axtarxrwnco Compaxtj. M r, Hraui the police know at once, by in- Mra: I beg to offer my best and his motion was passed without discus-enssio- a raaa and aaa gentleman; and be hoped Mr. and piecing their Dzsk thanks for the L Beach wonld do tha same tohira. He hoped formation together a dae might be obtained prompt settlement or loss X snsulned throogh the PACIFIC WAIL STEAMSHIP T rV. Mrfa. yIkaaaa. XM Sir Johns said: that at COMPAHr Small Lot r in the next match the better zsaa wonld win, and w-- lawe umurcuj aome one anoat iiaaana tre which cceared In my store on tbe OF THE - JlJInrc-kt- rraUH Krwt, Braatal. and Paaca Valleys who 2d of ABOVe That isaxsnch as the California Service and that all professioaal oaraatea woald love their thinks he can operate with Aagnst. For BH.U1RDV a&ord hon-est- impunity. Francisco. the direct ly San ltearaers the croicaaat faaaBSof (port, and scow people that tbey coold row The total amosnl of lasarance I held In the disereat CUNARD LINE n 1 fratitk. SakaaaauS Eakaki sneak-thie- entaoamcatinn to and from Great Britain and and fairly. 1 load Cheers.) OaFridsynwrraing last a f von represent was r-- ILat' Cm. Saaaaa Kiaet Hlaalaji entered Companies X8.6O0, the receipt el THE srrEAn.iiup Sew Zealand, and mail mailer bconjrht or test Vy the prtmiiej of Mr. Charles Ileyaolda,who reaidet which sum I beg to acknowledge herewith. Just brada. Waateka. Established Received J taia. Xttt wayofhcezeziIecimsdeTabieioaa, 03 lncrard strret, near the second I remain. Dear Sir, 1840. 30 1 (lifrkWl. tb Uocie The T.abalna Celebration, bridge, while M-- AND FOtt SALE BY II ktnltu, Ib.d is cf opinion that the rates aa lettraa to and from the family were la the rear part of the buildin-aa- d loan respcetf illy. CAKE rCODUSU. J 113 1m . by way of fcnei tbocld be raMed to one rhilhrc tbe A correspondent pves as a version of the Laha-ia- a ruecttded ia capturing a perse of Cg, The MAS. Two Sailings Every Week. ill Hu. H;4aai half --odeer, and other mail natter is Pfopoitior., performance which soaad like the tratlx, thief also took away a child a bank containing It kJacAwa and that there any about 12, making the A CARD. FOR I.IVKIIIMIOI.1 CASTLE & im. . Kraraaai if is di&nby in levyrae the The reception for Mr. Gibson was arranged by total robbery $80. There TtlC iM.ESDID rlTEArlBIIIP COOEE. addStiraal axaocnt in Grea Britain, is no doe as yet to the perpetrator Mmmxix, Fehy. 1881. dag 91 tbelaeae.- Tr. Khaea, (the government pbyairian) and J. cf the theft. Th, fVonj Jfea York every tan urnr pitabix abcold be coHeeted here frora tbe snxien- Sir Gotdsteia. One boat had lights oa it, this was the A abort time since Mrs. Dans, who resides last f assas. II. Hicarcu A Co Iloaotru:, Wclnadat, J IoM. SUM 4 off From J. PUirB EiruexrameainaiutMeca3Kv accessary in boat ia which the Doctor went off to bring Mr. Xsaaaa street on what is known a the Berrill HeiK Sraj; hereby beg lo leader my Baton every Saturday. SjaJLilD- - SAIJIO.V. eocinTCdce of the of the Piiiiumjir- prexaises. was relieved of $15 siscrre ncDDEtt, coanAxtiEu. 3P03R. icaoo - Gibson ashore. Oa retarning to the wharf with ia broad daylight thanks for the Immediate liberal settlement of the loss KrUiWaa. WjakacKa! era! ia Fngjanrt in diverting Utters frota San Mr. Gibson, only peraoav by one of tU gentry. Mrs. WILL LEliE HOROLOLU FOB SAR FflHCISCO i'JsANT ltKHKTOl'Oi: t loaa. lie three hurrahed, these Davis I sastalaed throozh the destractton by tre of my HATES OF PASSACEl TUY. tte "CfCASB PL.STATIOX,ewl.tlsS H fVLrla. Watlakx, Xul Franricen to the Criadia rente. rwtvitliataadinK were D. KarcaiopiJi (Police Judge) GoIdtUm had just returned home with the money in a place . protests aad haslaes. Ia the about - nCTt-iir.n- tbe of the GorersraeBt aad Doctor. satchel, and hastily ilcrosiliag aad if Kobiladeiln; nlgntof tie litb laiL 0a ar Ilonday Hot- 24, Cabla. -- BI0O-;.- , WATER-WHEE- the it her hat on 90, and OF MILL, OVERSHOT IRON L this colony. He s,!ated tbe ate that Someboyi were the bed ia the bedroom, returned to I consider It my daty tarecommmd the Insaranec AuM Vataaae. CMka had hired to carry torches from the aay a few Company for which yoa iretheAcenlu to all patties Accordln: to Accommodation. beta taken to eecsre a retnrn to the old system, wharf to Mr. Gibson's hooae. and words to some fneeds who had acxaomponied her 3) fret dls meter, with Orating; lb, w... in s. deslrese of protecting their property by lainnnec-- I SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND! lie said there wac no aavicc of tune to the people faraiahed ope rial each, bat they say tbey hare not home. After their departure Mn.DirU entered am. Dear Kirs. Eespcetf ally P0E HKTUlt: TICKETS OS rAVOIUDLE TEIUIS. PtrmLTagjir I colony abaolete-lratcaa- bedroom loan. C,,Q,e;rti:'ri!LfB9,' T"'W" W.wrWkeM. oa er rnrAor. ia this by the Brisdiai roste, but WVU W H.I the to lay the money away, and was as- MJm thlgned.) GEO. SASDErOfAX. atcerase a Farming time, while there was cptia JH tonished to find that lis. ffplendld (3, Curreaey Carpnter.Crr. aad no to Next morning Mr. Gibioa expressed a desire to tome thief mast have entered Aa Hlesunatifp Good sod IiUcksmlthoeis. the people, there was a loss to the Government tho racer throogh the window end ceutamodllbms can always bo tecarrd onaca la xorAnce aa Ac! la BefUM ike Csrrrarx of have a melting with the people at his boose. Bat abstracted the novorax, Sept. I7ih. tsfl. pllcatlnto WILLIAMS DIJ10SD A CO, rk at least ?) a year, referred to oce-ide-d 0--1 satchel and money. vlshlaa la filet to efJi.irntk.t&H, aaCke u bmeyzimi lie tbe cocsututiaa with a gortrament "SW'iT, fear-th- Ea- CITY OF SYDNEY I after tkat natote tif the contract whys enabled Tie few wocld come, he desired to CO.B - Frincl.c. mi anoru skaaastul opocvsaBUy fncab-yax- freak t&f tUvrr have the meet- :t MaxnesUo & Drbaa Safe, t ItEABBOIlS. COJfnASDEB, JAS.ALEXASDEB. """,it vsrv small cost. 4le. calai of all aea Sooth Wale.1 to and throw on tfats coss-tr- y ing copies '".aolne vithdra. at the Wiiaee church, and at his request, Tbe of the "People's ISncyciopcaiA," of Sra- -I take pkissre la adilag my testimony TlHUleSlrrct, Boston, very ana terms ssuy. aalaxtijma. rxreecfarg airaef cat, ef tke flsvaliaa the harden cf tbe service. They coold Ihtia On or about m tcs Kaiae aad Uakekaa invited him to have which so many have been ordered by oar to the maay In fsror of the jaicxxatx A TJaaix Novembor 1st, 1884, VERSO! H. DROWN A CO.. ax at At Take State. W be try and hare their letters carried ebeaply. rneeting dtirens, Bin. aad 4 Oreen, HirCa nrrlral ram a at the ebsreh. did not arrive by the Alfrntth. TbeageaUraKaa r.r rretzht Patss, inply to Sowliax Xw York ALSO-r- OR I and then bad power to eexm ia tb Among The one I psrebad of yoa some time ago for my SALE at tac ?reaaary at tbrir aaniaal valar la rxeaaafe for jota exlract other itiUnirela which be made daring Fraadsco Lad not aafarieat on hand to send dowii, I0ac if they pleaaed. Krw a.-- prln-leg- t. bis speech store it pissed throagh the disastrous tre on HlvlAa Cera at tirsoBklaaJ Tatar. Zealud ted xh at tbe charca was that the SDveTaraeat but a Urge order has cone East, and the books Oesds Mfalmnsut Solle. t 1'assrazers from Ai'lrllU. Sew Zealand cfec Acs lie ccnudered that tbe Guvremfr.t &eJJ W1f wUh nioaey, tbey now wiil try the lab lasL,aad 00 ppralsg the same wllhoot iny rstored,lrXms af n..ai... and Honolala Tbe Cinird Llne.flord mor tban HOUSES AND Scenes af Carrrecy aljo prortiei ttut froa foe- - that be forwarded the Xarfpon. Ur. Caller b. CKarre. In (be rirMrJJi atsal LOTS arrange a fortnissay scrrar nd 1. 1 cunU bid tUIXyrrS la the treassry. tronhle with the Comblaitloti f Ihst It hid pre- vroren.ru. near Wlisiri facilities to tbroazh psisnzsrs from Trans-PaeU-e At very aad after Seceslerlft. Isit, gsli asc tBrrrcoiaj SAishe has been far more successful thaa he ex- od lb. Jlteamer thit desltibl. sad loestluii be done by the contssiatton cf uc. &a I cmcuc. Alio that leprosy is not oonUgions; that the pected or his agents had any idea served the contents, hooks, papers; also, one wslth. to jb Areata ken sre now preps ted to Nos. In sad m Nnuna Avtan. is mlnnte. ujdtlr H--- v aerrice, and nae of. Together cttrrlaittcstntttraitctaui niHmt of tbe direct sleasien. taleauatl heretofore made that it was conlagiouj with tbe EocydoprdU will come copies my entire 1 ititfactioo. Tears Traly, Issoe Tickets to San Uood accemmidttlons walk froai 1'ustofflcs and httbor. nflo.SrrStfoi ttlltbe jtcdrtHatlj. Trtiltiy at Eaa Ftsssico icrricc had beta of great nine wersfalae. liquor of "Tbe Francisco and Jlcinra, fir ilwiyl nyTemuearr; forpsiUtolit. Hi Problem of all Arm." 109 em A 8. CLEGII0HX F0U 81S5THE H0USD Tllir. , VEttSON If. lllOWK iVco., lppljto J0" wC.fc.WIUlAag. I - ,., iji.,i:


m COXSSCIAli KLANn I nrAt G nrhiiiifattMHVi(XAMiMitUl.l) ImnYi nr utitmnn vv ntow-avrtv- I . t . "''''"aa'aawBBaeBBBaBBBBlfts aa?r Kit A trad 8u taaa Hia a aireaa c far A3 livj &dsts-lit- TW siraB-e- t traSarssitessaUyt. Sarsniar j t. &v for th labMaUad $raxa e raixr-M- . rwu-aal'a- th im-aa- piaaam trwa Mure : tbe VTasCtra, rtTer rooted tsj, ai2kjT JtAtlgatwoCi-s- A Wjj&tr H at oral men rain, atoro Bred. TbwAfe-ESA- t r.tf. .ArMTodtajvil bar l t.tm.i rvtv. . Soatae-oh- drfay ia sstttss JUa-n-oo- Iti TTTh titw.tr By ItTfOJJS A XVSVrY, a"t"r trwa: tar wwehaoet aboww atOcflM ttnasmiatbabaTaadauir. t ks fee red kethr. tasi. toattu lie nusago iuu Hjr X. r. ATJAMS. aK' ccao c actfowy. a waara akowo. oaBje Mk Etta Hart. t treaaevadbeH-ea- th ctewk tnh poiatias to bait aa boar past ,tw na hitter ta a hUteWs feaants TtlNaitAM PMTIO, aCTTW Of tS Vetaj: Sulfbattcu.kastt tint set for exotmc, betor bad aswea-be- d SvaxM puttee "hot Vt rrlKwchSreBt jet day. CarAaia s rrron fe fe bo. (sEfiERAL COMMISSION a r raoee apott hem ia Nnw eemaaaaMj' f Tbe sSeajatt JCiio a eat S3bm at fee toe fea cvcslact vt beniar rvoaected wife hrra sdeursMr dating few tnj hlfeewgh rvrrrr MERCHANTS capae. Iwr-hv- m Fna-cbsc- tatetrsUorvaS.vtj.tbeA'ico-I'wKWn- Atlfl.-X- a extewi Tic XvCiaa So u aK-o- baU-ra- l Regular a tan f iw avtHSff tte t lUrOKTSS AXI DKAlklS l Cash Sale :Aor-orto- w pare rol Boca-oar- epea. 5Wt t WiihtiariTrr.Ua. at iabroagh ael area. at ra Jw- - i- - eamag tbe taevkfeg to order. M. Jfp. Regular Cash St aha? to rr---t" "ttwrr ia5ewr-n- strrra Tuesday tTraias, Oct, PAJsrsgrr Mr. Staple. T. taa aeel r ;t8. K t--JT etwrcr "aw Tb accodeot -- .Vltrt fee auwatr c few rrrtK'ea rsertlag bad had Mr. NvMr, and a cargo o4 3a aa. mmu aa. we sew traew where TJh a sut batrnt ia fee Il natter, boxa J.F. mioilitnrocailt ao Boot t are ef a lw israns Kwaei dabs r at vtnrl Oaytubt cvDcradod. Srcmarr Stufe statrd feat fe XUlt foUvwim; dV w. Anwiiaiitfmi aatireaair hd tat Wrdac9dar taocatas, aftJwesb aerrrd totat ASseosuKBt orncas-- io Ciilimu of cartas the eoetiaj Vaww. ice Se cvtaiox cunsnt. ooo sa bird-O- trastor bad aad JeetOrd feat aa crtptrM ot fe rrawl aad at U trval stwt tiai te Meaner ia fee caxciigbt.ccnM r IS!- axviat Inn oe S.VN On TW arrtwaat uaea awe wreaae ml t" Stain. t 36 cv pec shar. fot mrttat nj-ea- et W. - !. Thursday, Oct. 30th ima; : accvost for bet pwitMa. Tb a:jkm ifra rvt b takra ttvra fe S. I Jf.vaot- On Friday, in Aaae-aA- tke roewarr (tint raiKVm Oct. I.n beeJdblTKU. Th now lra-a- a arckitre-ta-r. waak nl Mar from Ve edfeer.vbAtfeciQafe of tb Hiihh rer A is tv!el ot auata or cwy ( fee totowiB kUec ot IbAak were A.V-,.tMrt- , CeJewjaaa. aWaeTiaW-eca- w t. Kail hean onaofBstffifietaieviW. act Tbarsdar A3d lay CAbsdr fea Tb oworn rorratr crdorrda rroarl ota tt at at aahra aaoat. win . - - i tort ennrttisf ia a. stated to bows to Mr. A. Jsegor ia .014 x. t- natae E: MaMae. with tt&bc' ten fee WuKtta. hr forairdrd certaia ain. at a crrtaia cvwt. tbe FOR iiao.na. i, !!- X J Sav-r- SALE! - V ttmetort ut k Keculttla k i.t.1 at rtret baTtsx beta darslsod Tin KMt or rax S IVm"x. Wiagleft bttUders,ax"l IOM!MlNirNllK. xc&aae tut d Umlvcit tofeeeitealotabcvbMtrsdderaad a rvrtimof Oniva , P. 1. 4 tofe ttbo Swea S0-- 0 Tart. wt. ar"r at coal, aa kke oar, Ju-- t f3 (vr bee beet. Uekt-nx- October Sf,LJI, tarsedoat avreur) IhatMA cmltt DRY GOODS, DRYGOOfiS AHDCLOyH" --pea, aeoerort !!.&rra tofee CLOTHING, wA aa art loeBe. A. 1W ot tactnciveut. orrraU. UUtrrt lull ".fw--a at mm. ilr-- Jaiwu. Uwwrskt : Six: the. rvt si. a its mt hregfeot Twwolt, .- - lktMmciawaaowti" peron. Sbdrt Bods asd Xarrvar Corwn. and Sorrly CVcsrasy I aa kert,Sllrotboa,n. aad B tret depth ot MEDIUM oims, ,Ul, Tb ta Maw kaoMr tho -- tIlaarsLacur Hrtnrie-rJUw,r- o BREAD, iiamiiii llagotliolj. saasdtud Mart"' a iastracted to addrem yvct a ot th hold, oIBllt Chat Sarrcae'a aad bark. C. sboii au lms Paxraa. JSrsrat, letter f taask rytag Bkwaop. flaw earawo of. rare aa? aaaac. a tee steel cahaai. rfc Cacau' Smtcs, Oct. K. 1S1. OMrtpaay yoa capacity of atvat (Xviuat. Sh ha two. s Fine vital . la rrwgtttUoa fee ar Shirts, t xrttco tS CASKS iMl Tt-f- Handkerchief!, Pa uaai i Aaoarolaa .rtavf "root la kooa SotwcemsSaatfass vslast trodrrittg the coeatry ia And la fee roocd eegta. ot aocouul whh A m A tbdewarvsref taa rcS-race-- AflD LINE OF GROCERIES ci. hr Arsievi tC $t r h kkciurtt totrtalsetaict rusts, aS fee ktest iaproreaMot ta tuatia ' By HACK.FE A. ir XainO caK Saaday feere waa bat hatte diadaaittua ia cf aad txrvnaeats wife rxotic H. U CO. El Atta, a .1 Part Taa?inaat miB te o beftsert te - creates es sgvaeeriag, Aad thsy w by fe l..ik' iec. a Baic btnat Sn- fee .Vad to stata feat fe Cozapaay arrr-ciat- fee rvastnrtrd I 'LaiaawVC K. aatliv ai aa? ar sb t tee cvcsrrsratiua pmerd At Vrt Street Faltsti Iron work )n&sr-cu- . ttuwa-ce- A LAEUE H Tf Kaajaitu CeoTT!ntion,l Ornrca tobstea tofee diwvarw rate of yoor trateed forts cueUascd for so kg ot saa Ilrt r Xottro or Atlmlnlstrntrlx. raMCTHaHairi mtMJt. ; Aad arctxarcMlat-M- i a all that cvaU bo Jesirrd. In l laliaifti in ilai laj lilt ill i i BUlf nliimuT Fteacaed by Pastor Clasaa. Tbe mttead sea a period that th "setabm tirsire to confer. V tCv Aa aauaC Sb aalw flrvm Tte ttnrer vt tea KuaxtlxftU C&ank na with, Aid errn by the sickrst Thrrtf are & stale roonts, rpHK II.VVlNHi f jtaaf at Ml r aaal Hemes bis sabject. at xoe. aad reader sactt as roar be ta aaaoiaonl MaUla NEW atari kuaat tt rwt tf tae pvtBt-ic- ; Vvi! power ca fe hart too deck asd $ below. Bach aute X AitaatahHrantx of tbo of & GROCERIE! tCT vta ia ht. f aaaei: InnaTwI - their ta these ns$ts ct general interest , arr aotoaa .wurritoa A ,Natoo. atlo of Aaaanu, Crockery Glassware lt paoaeki of tte car. TAt.Iiailh.Sa.. "JVroWaW arn- Mm And isstvrtaacr. KesrVcttallr rrraen ird. "voca 1 btult tot two ptsseBgor-- that f e Xsoi, ariaoii'ta. aoatevo all piniat hattaa: dalata gaa. m Lahl fttal a Mat, nto gj'il OM at. ojtd crrrr. Sig-w-dt wo 3Uwr. WHiii lirno la . O.SX-T- lfcow tburrk-c- aaat at ptrooat th pro. -- ltni al 1 tUmlttt Ska toy iMtrroMWt- - MWa aWaf afataal rraslo aaat. th N.t I aad S karat. Hat-rl- a VmIi WtKtlMaM.kataifKtaa' lllialilaa TavmEafrtoaf; Htmofate Tekt Kvtt nto rrop htmrtf n .' Co. web are ieimedulrlr Ntw fe talooa which Is wlfela atwaitAatill atnaaa. Eta. isJ - Secttiuy P. Iv S. pot roach" Maach. air ftvai aatr ar Sweat. Ihrtola aliii..r, tt 53- Taxsoacav 13ta. Vfti. Ctefe tnises&a So be jrweat at feV diak-kaw-w aad vk a vOirw ea tbe mara deck, lhey are all hawiwawty np. feey will oe ONrtoe Varrvw: all aaM 0 Ur. T. U. DoiTiew ftusetttrj a draft ot letter to a4 iti aai ttiaa UYUNW attkrt OH. tat. at awjtt vcb1 fcosBa! AAAXOW a hebitered aaUlo are to atat I A tEVIIT. r tat tedr n. M klaj C0TI2S. tfeo aad saprlKUwifeerorr coareaieace aad tteiaatli4 lattaraiair aaiatrAI TW.1B X Tart ailani aTaW M at b tocwartkd to fee rrrsafeat vt IVrd ot req,atnu e. re.toaact ml Hot Mtloair ("were -- ItMautotWafeatweaadbaawc tafee Btblr. sarae for totlrt parpost-- NtatiUIKxt. which fe aainttx"l' PXtXTtTLtTO, cfo LraSC ammaw lb tishiMi by ae el the Itxai juataaa aaeat th Ittve crxestwo. The t always surswaUU oa Uvird ship, has beea trwtrr GaiBh.v torare Naasaa aa IUctaaMlortit MHMk 3iuFti bacaxfeat atat'rebare it. Letyvar was nogtttlares ot Uessr "oca .HdviA -- Itfaa- HliU- talC ia onij at taw Sfcttwe abresbttof apprvrvd aad th carrfnKj - Shxrnts, 11. 1. vi 1 a ai m aa imfc aW wattte lam I at 'J1 nfvetsa: ens skM F(ca aaKvrcaatwa daw rtctare it : 1L . IXsrtv attrnded to. aseaeh stairrvora t cocoeo- Batata X Meal, MortKogets' Ant too' M out preprr. tte sassesU lie Asstta. J. Huraer, 1'eaa aad T. II. sajUkM-v- i Aaatlatonutx aaoa Mff aaa tW f aa at a teataat 3tl sfceoli b sSoviL faB-crv- hy a tilde wifefe th awning 1XV t t w awrcarr aaub 31 befciw zero ; a oaa were ptaced to fee dycauwat as rrfrrentiBg fee deck, Hoaaawn. IV SMb. aut x lnaWi. Canada V Wat aai a r. to a caaU bed. Wtta. bead thus obristub? th OMtresstr Atasosrbera Xatatall 1S Ctkiset ranass (fitUtJ. Kcat tryz sire? ia Soeselr. oceasioaed by fee wmrasoktinoa otctoeeairtnwa SALE OF urn II - pressed vse esd asd feet ajxiast the ctter. M. Hureer troea fe Slaadiag f. Notice Hit.T mmt llawug Baprwnac fevarwc; Ms J. roeamittee Sale niri a jadtof7JtM xstteikiH wcaasewfc? aiss Sitdmg bliads are fit- of rate, aawl xatmr awmaa taaaaw aay peaatoc fe aarrvw ckifee duws va cse stde uoly ea TrassooctatioB pressaMd a rervct. which p As LAWES' CANE MANURE! aaai. aatl 33nc1k c fee tfvca; &u. ted to both doors windows, cool cart-r- Hal atatm af M laijl III! ! laaufnTll III if 11 saT9 is to etrvne a bwly to fe edd oa fee aad so that a Hill bttias ofer potrsis the sayowoieat. ot ot at rararlleoi at Joke Brottto, tar I IB 1 1 Asam&e nn tar for boors! At prrseettod sir is asMtrrd erra ia fe tropics. Large null T A Ktat3Mit4inK Bar. Caawse Atom, iaWtoiea.ackAaseruiux'S Mr. . M. ialsh a paper oa can d HaW ''fTCBi XBaL Bt ajMf ttlSaf VttWVT BaW Uan4"C UakSaAsTav a hai o tctlet rooms oS tb sakvo prvT-dr- for ladMs aLTJ 9"aT be anees wtfeoctbAr-Btserr- s ar af Iwoawlala, wo BLE crptedAcatt t poaptt Cajseise Cbsrc& but aarefrvsbrd. ssrwted. traa purtatioo. fee rahaabaa lafortaatKwt evctaioed -- UXUKIISHJNKU NoW i, llarl aro lattraeoM ta aril at OwMK ta of the t ad gocdkcMa stairs Iradiag to A." MM. dosed bis eye islvep. S fee rror-bc- ladttcrd the tacorporataxt cf fee paper with fee retirr.T. Tt TKL 'aaoaat ax - WHBU.V." tNoa Ik ..: ,11, loelHOt. at laat Mt aMC. auaajHty. He rcAert orus aai ifattw at ra. say fee saloon, on either sxle. frota feo hartastaei ,W watt lafaa at atW. it wuwnk Israel: sbebadraad abed oat v rrport prerWatly trad. are t uaacui S tduwttry : Se tried to herself wife ia fee mtaral cutvc of tho wotl and present a IIMa av atl r K Mr. cuter fee No report trva fe Cvoaeaillre taa Ferttarort plain, ON antal.ileafl Twcaief wcBrrftti!i-J- of Esyrt : her clean and neat appraraac. The mm and Chemical Comp'y." SATURDAY, NOV. baiHr IbarsdaT. bat "bedwa tcosacrtaad asd Bos Meal. A lew ef fee raembers present stadied ot "Lawcs' Manure 8th 111 f CaW1iaaIHUlW. ftiai aV soklI ut bar comaas too aarruw." For loca years govd arraaseoieet fe statrtvocas, rantry Heal tlttla'aaaai laattt awn buater ate odered feeir ertoiuas relattra to the qaalitis Estate tt Haat3A'wtKk370fiaaJtiaBae tubrt. aad locker are alt cvadarire al T mil toth l 1 V , -- aaaa Umlaut? w satreredBxcaptirity. aadia sirasso lasds wrpt ot boa as A fertUiar bat fee iatermation corltof iji-al-i . ; oat SalaatuoaM la ItootaaAl, f I C 3LiH)nLidkc seal octw weo go uowa to sea rwu lo tit t atatft mm an HarlMt orer berfo&y. Arvaot men. ooca-as- fe ta fei ship. t" ..I lk arromot aor. ttklek .tataoalVo lloitlar- - ndaan1 oevlieg tke s&ocA&Offsrrs ben iaUacolala. was J. dtierenos et opiaioa existtoc ttacxafaceaV aaat TMat of tfet pvwcE ctp Taa akst 3aaZ 9t af Th Steanter fci scltfuaae- rt St, n.tn. I tot aaa llllrlar tatHw aa 1at . s: asd rrerywbeW. rerwatis? eld sis, aad pa Uw the Pacific NarartfecC-B- aratt be beM Saw tooct-a- tka jskt aad each oaev ta farer oragaissl fee articte, being fire-t- bents for fe Ikhi lilMhltkfinMUttlfAiI a kr i ! rfn fee peoahy of feia old folly I who created moat bbt trassrvrtabua ot freight and aaanallK vua wi. j ; tapm ia ate aCca Fraak Ood. posture ia optsata. passengers to the CHEMICAL FERTILIZER AT AUCTION. j ecfcv' itXtA. fee nuaL seeds, what will tt VT. and trust Tario&s taadiagsat XaatkaM at SMU Ckan a r aa wttk Ccoto. Qggra iam it ad ;tte Mr O. South chatrtaaa ot fee Cvomuttee oa which she calls. She BLUE NO. 7 & NUUANU a an oaets. vun"r ansa ElaftM SCr. rest hero aad hereafter. Ho comes isto tbe Statistics pneeated the report ot that CVmsuttte, is fitted with a powrrfnl H00SB, 9 ST w Tacj-- - pjeil IrktAJadocdey-ecg-a- . which eaa bw atiaxed for ncTQjaSt UIX"' bren. asatfwr ijkdsc tee post wrel- wudd !ia aad Barest wife jsst fee help seeded. Sew t . Sarretaeat. weighing Prepared Espociatly For Uso II.om-Ib- iactas jbjatajHS bot uspirisoat ftirtiiciwwSo Aad bk Israel of o&d. stea tara away frvca Hiai. At adjocraed anchor. hoUttec boats or tn.imc betxry rlvra krtk Rretilr l A H i ay ttii fee taeetisg afternoon. earxu. Sh Is intended for what known Me, , laik ack mHuR l aiatertajij bara bejtasefit at arrs. tfea scrwtt braa asd batt, feeirwast asdaeed cryest focbelp. Ke otil is as fee Cnno-Flol- ds raik at). rrratO I. Hke, a. kSaaajT saf7 arrA-tri- Kaa root on : I "a. ubk aaaiaaa ai. ?a tta best 9t afire) dastcr. fasss: rest aad ti-r- ia UvkI. feey seek tt raialy to the ereractire rvjeaaoot KlUtwo, aa aotraal tbo uW ar M tM CSJT. ar auna. aar WS. At SAT. reaasnahted President and will tab fee place of the almost new steamer .. a. tao Jklk Korraakar. liSl Tk, Uii, kaTl ON MONDAY, DEC. 1. 186 a, eisswtere. Tbey teiil their short beds aad lb rioters moo W fttat, raieSt-W"- rTac. Planter, belaeeriru? nwtirctnv aKL.li Th? Two QaatltWa ao.oe o4 le-- wloalo tea, raa M Aaawat, ISM; ta wi Ma acata oat ClfcforliraiHisaui. as FcKTcb. Cnfocd weare feetrcaTers. and try tofiadrost iafeeca. Axstra ta fee chair. tothtmM rata.a kolatlaa: S leaatta ah araC. ot has already prorvd too npadlyia-creasi- for apancatpaa la err raalataa ayao oa tko crwoae , xae r oaa vaaana an nasi atN t MdKeaci on Feb. ?&. aad . udKaet Let as Bote some of these TaisaSecpcs; LAlaay MrT.U. IXlTiespfesenUdaaJ trad a report cf small forth inaimtrr o4 J room with a a wakar oo aM -) aa. ralar wth atoi af. t Jfctw. make a rery short bed iaSdeaty r fee Cornauttre on "Varrtiesof Caae:" (SeeSap-pleinen"- traffic between the diderest blanis of fee il..ttirts anaaW eG.llrftE!x.l. AaoctfeeliaUv est of feey try Kiajrdom. -' taawilhltwBW3 I will oaor al rtik-- Wpaam.wa war? i fiaat aaajfma STitiay. Sew bodta. Wjles. tosateal feeir unmortal sosl wife fee rcbesof Hawaiian YistWrs to th Island eaa rof.a.,Vm-a aav) ott ike atoattaoa. .1 -. CiSKaYaaatirSt. Lavk.: S: Paaaato now sr one ot grandest C.-!l- A. l taw man, rer t.'.k. 1 fWn- philoscBay. Tbecreatfoeof C3usstiarutTbdayis Presides t Assist gr aa accoaat of fe experi- the sights ta fe world, """a Thco. H. Co. nfTrnaaraakaaell-oet-aa- tke rvaraao of - . boiling, J Parcvl- fajBL. C.SaB S. Co. KaaosaXetct. y. ence obtained by painters who imported the seething rotcaao, within ten day from, rartkrt rortlealw too kr ka J Mot BaUX-IB- H (. taaaarrsteasarK-- at SkLS. Azatsst this Bfele asd Christtaa-it- had fee t . bo- fe date of their tearing aaaaar. AHeowr, at Law. JLJ-- . $U-- L tavk. b cemmin4ed Caftast Ubm tb it tries to martb.il ceciocnts wife their bam-ate- roongoobc. Seresty.ar of those arriru's bad beea Saa Francitcw. Tcr UVaT aari. ! vit proTkxtslT. will find aUK,ST-- av ta4 ;U aatcta. fUmlii aai tile resael trilt be ptaerd tke rrate aadastroaccter wtfe feeir telescopes, asd im ported, aboat a rear from fea West AcomforUbl steamer, excellent hotel LTO!i A LBVKY. t ua ottraas-rortatio- Aaiwniiia vaXTiAalST-JIHfta.- t.- ftumeiio atAaci bo tbt: Fttoatr. cbemtsta wife their retorts, asd phystolui-tst- s Indies, at A cost et Aboet WW Tbe rnocgwwe. acconuncdatioa ta Hooolsta, Rocd means a aa. araot u aac aa;al ta-- tay: wife feet; akruscopes aad scalpels. It searche bad bees apportioaed among those planters who to the crater, by express and male or "Pioneer" Line hakat aeat a tr Lau. A-- saiird Far ts. bettTes. paAl ta expense ox tee horsa back, wife a good rrstittg wace at their joar-ne- "ti REAL ESTATI U3tI-;- u4 tbe frtrtrntwr Inn aad earth, aad air for material est of anil trip. He aadrrenred tJ aar ML fotHacaeate. Tbe W. JF. OuooW. which bed. phikaopkers toer pairs. H bad pticrd tbem Is eh2s infested end. and can wttseei at feeir boar fee bbb aaw Bs taaC aal aa iwaw cw- - tohcitd its Its wettre caBaaac4 JTaa. asd W. r. roto. rsrt ea toaae tsetn Sts: feeir specalattre systems some feeca wtfe rats aad where cane had bova msch eatea br most actire rolcaaa ta fee world, whkh is so duet- FROM LIVERPOOL. Hohmrla- - , Jc. St aaK naw lnaHLjii M - of tbisser to Calif lu ika KrtMrof M11.'. 1. Fnaosca Jot Honocaktos Oct. 15ta. feaa the satrre tapa : they come isto this Bkbce those pests. Now aot a single stick of caae showed omit and so easy ot access, aadycl has lato e beea sees by so f w. CD Wa ha. at tlM W aad tear oat oae use leal after asofeer tbe teeth marks ot the rodeat. & an lla. laaaiac ftiawia. f ap-af- tr IFlsUEffl Ut aABJatan LcttK CoBa-- aWtil. BEk wtl ka Vic Xta W St. M beas; wife which, to fee pillow for their bed, Itesides be had receirrd iatortaatioa that ia tbe Tho trial trip took place oa the Kith of .' fer na M std Aad 1 . jT&Sed asdabe CbnstaaA befidajs whole Oooeaea were a start being made from the wharf J: ! r ol taa hrto iia I, ai faerattaaLiaiijwt.aara gawarajiy . Jarrini poor ddsdedsocl try to asd rest feere. Bat dittriet. from to Hilo. rats A at the foot ot aaV aiCQasa fee cucaeaetws. Xbe scfeoctluuia cosseqaent Maiastrret. Thence coarse was ata, Boaalalw, fa fao fraoi I, u s 1VH. all fee toed, bextaat talk of tsadel. rarity, aad fee sanng to plaattrs a steered np fee aVoHka luxaa. data St. wsS foe by w hay to Heater's kaan anai aliaa laila. M ? be raadr eccnpmeT Jisaar lit. ilr, feeir saccess has sot bees very sreat. Some- would cot tall short ci fWUXU Uts eight Point, lack again aadap Saa Oflor Pox Solo tkottoa. tookalattaaaara ajaaaft a taialii' ia anaait bin aactrimaau how feeir bed doe sot at bastaaity s seeds. This had cost bita 157 Aad be wa Terr well sat- Bay to Yatlejo and Mare Island Jary Yard aowaar)laaotalroBalr,iaBM.n.;: feai;t ClBaa4 rmms, f Theeagtne .3 ka af Bna aaal Malaa. KaH;, Tbe O. S. S. AauwaW aznred at putt bete nc fee Bfeiedues: ithts raaa" erery seed, ctre isfied with tfte iarestmoat. aadretarn. worked far better thaa Ex Eecent : arM latao roooaa. The ' - r c UM VaR aad Arrivals at a aaattaa rrtactLaa at tan Caar af Sid ant. inea San Sbe bnacbt a. ass rest bat toadeltrr doe not aad caanot. It OtpC WUfoasr, Mr. T. U. Daries and others re- was anticipated, propelling fee steamer at the rate to)Mtaa; ataati. aatl m wka In. aa. tacllMT t hMa Or. Ftscu. . oaf. B iaaanaaniaxa au? lmfcetaf aodretitdeats &i paescves. zaaE asd fail to rre mas help : lated their experiences is relation to fee dtstroc-Ur- a ot elerea knots an hoar, with SO rerolattonsa Wratahatw. Maaae ataaaa. paaaooty ate aa. j. 9OB0 Bat. acacas Dar riOaatf aaaa fee be aeeds is this life Iwwo Ma acaxaci da a fee 3d a jojew cssm. caased to caae by rats: and tniaate. She eaa be ran KM mia-nt- e Hlaoarr aWrr. (Baaot 0 l"i tr an 15tt ioot. bat m a Tery pracfceal worki. It pots ererythias the meeting at rerolntions a la aaa A ota; I artr oSeredit to the searchiaz test ot daily ase. "What seeced to be rery tsrorabty inclined toward fee qaite as easily as At SO and wifeoat any danger toaarlot Ckuoraa fhataaa, lajn LakBBBaav aaaWaa fa ! rate, anal Piii'tMiiiili'C &aetai Wtesse; raoe.ooeo a aa extensiaator. of boating or jarring. Among the board t'oTtiWoWVo CtaaaanfCMa rta it I tai sScimtlr easitdo? Of what practical help is it V areits ... t.,, I...1 pawioatt n t7mucrnc aa aim to nsHnae bid whicb. At AAo fee TatABadjwsrBed. were T. K. Foster. President of the later Hr-- Ian j ami naBaan laaa daes qesuos. Island S. talH .1.1. Willi K dsr-is- c Ki Cot, "toBc-a53wSSL- ox-irvi- r rool bent aMy asd saistacGacAj rerfoRBed X. Ciptaia HaU. Mr. UiacUey and Mr. Spiers r r , ., oat TAX 3T0CXX2T OT rDGSXBIUT. 4 aaawlum i, . bat aawesee by b llr. LB. Frier- - mratltt of fee Falton Iron Works. J. J. Hngaea of fee ijvs iv is vnlWal V. Ml-- itat set fur meeting was, as ttssal, ignored i Soarciwd by these raadelrrr faHs. Sorrow.triaL Tbe hoar Orecos S. S. O. Captain J. Boras, Captata H'ells oskBMIafo, esptatios, caitere, sta. are rery real, aad fee by fee majority ot tbe members, and again fee (Marine Insarance), UcXinnon. rarro. Car aKh.. to Una tmo dock hands tra past IKJ) before fee meeting J.J. , Cattr bardes feey lay apos a maa ar rery heary. tried Badolphsoo. Parkhorst, V. Arrastroag. it),. ko . post or hoxolclu. to fee la&e Srrmm Ki.iT was to IL B.C. t Aaopoaa of kaallla. . r fee nastefltrisce rest. Doyoszaowof aay formof iasdelily which caa called order. Moalagee. E. L. Miller. L. U Baker, J. K. UrifSfe. Arrival of the Iron Ships wo tow teewt ot raaaail r.... dsceP are tfll czorrercd. Kmjgter Gnhcfr A discTJsiaa npon tbe and ot bags til. ha atoao aa ctaaa: 11 A.-ri- raaie come tatofee depths of heart brealia? sorrow qxilltr prtce a Cryer, J, E.Tharer. Castaia Bast. Fraak Stone. aaaaeAoaalallVla. wiaiaaa at kaaanatao Apooa away was esgsged by Messrs. W. laaiin A war KB, B. .1 and wipe fee tear of sorrow 1 Ida sot hsaw la O.Sotife.U.A. C. E. StaciroW, W. H. Badey, W. S. W. Wil-co- x, Saaorrar rtwt rootim. Maene. E. M. Walsh T. Danes, daring Bice. "Ophelia' "Bordeaux," aaa Sherry, TB. .Irraailarrro. iatar4&Wa BoaMT. Pacr. tm Tart of asy which etes preteeds to do it. Doyooksow aad Ii. J.F.obe. and Charles IL BcckUnd, pro- oahaja Wlao. laaalia, was ot begs r. aft Sana Davta, leaaan. Bjam J of aay system of isadesty, which, whesasooit watch tt stated feat fee aamber used prietor ot the F. .VrerAoof. The trip was " BraetOrtiao. Maraaalae. i. It. thtaa. tttoraev auhm a"M. .aaaataiht. aaaL fram Ci Tbe of fee lBt.'Urs.CB.BLhopwal bAttle of will asaaaily oa tbe islaadswas aboatUiX,iXV; that and Clan Grant." k'trraaoa. W juj"Tfoce bosday ffiExt.Ttrr. asbttacthe teaptatios, Ktre strerctk thoroughly enjoyed by all os board who were hos- - Oraac aniat., atai hr Bali. . tBan ? fiat oit td.atp.m for Ttctory, male maa to some of tbe pUatatkw maaagers foead it paid I ma oo I'toota aoCaaao, at. 3afcMWrt-'i- n " - tpaaxset late teadecce as Esibia atRet. Tbe aad fee stasd Ifee Srr pitaoiy entertatnva oy air. I. Ii. I oster. One and I. tr - ' Caatbad "wife the stres2fe of teslT Do yea feeot to import their own bags; that fee artrag all wishes snecess to new lts t, XU. 8aar. &a Saa Faaafaca tatm. at 1 eekxit. aader fee by berstiag, was fee steotaer and the com- kaowof aay tnffitel ysteca which aires bopoia loss oa bags Ac, l,i per cent; pany of which that gentleman is the President. 2ftm Doras.. time of trial ? Which eaa come isto fee midst of that it was poor economy to get cheap bags. Theo.H.Davies&Co Empty DEMIJOHNS nbvtttBtiiititts Coras-itue- s defeat and failure aad jrire The Standing for the ensoing term Inter-Itla- nd tbe laml at ilr. Uefcert rHuaw beog cocrase iasteadof Accidents to Steamers. I, t aad J Uolleoa; of. despair? Doytsbaow of aay were then apporaUd. as follows: V t bxited foe bj fee bcBiks; L ialdel phuosophy - atizacw- A. Daring past week Have Received CafeecraL A buy; tpnatrtj- mt stuce fa able to aire peace to the trsobled cossciesce? Lto. ii. Smith. J. I Kicbardsoa, Charles the the steamers belonging to by these Vessels Abo- - Boat IVrtlaa ratral, nf X Xotley. F. Hart and Jf. Wricht. fee Wilder Steamer Co. aataaaBln.aiaij-Parllli- a tmr'&m.tn X&v band, nputiAlr. Which cas coma bxtoa hf e. air fee C J. hara been rather aclacky, at veatlTrlSare) Mr. I.. art sod tKotaaa, B. renin's aaoearince -. 11. Itf loaa d H.lL . other Late Arrivals, - KERB CWJ.cn- Ibal ind J ftmr a C KSaakaf. Waakan. tar aa. fnu 'will be passed act nrrifty. sosl, peace asd isrpclse to a new raaahcod? J. Horner. H II. Walsh.J.Ioss, umcvv. u usecuu wus acauenis, and sal r,,2iil,, "''- vk Vrbick cas so dowa into the "Stter. lift the tfrenV. C. S. KiaaersleT aad J. K. Smith. wtthia a stort time of one another. Harcilr no the Following-- : Iltaareat Maker, aar yJlT "AIJI BY It A! VaaaeU la Fart. LetkKS tecemd Ma. Hihjouc. by fee ard oat of it, strip him of his rxes clothe Utciatrr. Vt'. IL Boiler. James usiaaze to cargo, Irm iiiw.tT Kennedy W. B. Howeo. fee3r following " AisSnStta steaaset; dated at GeehnSr Oct. Sire has back Icet maahood, and wife bis Benton. C C and being fee special CTeata: Wt 4a?lia-al1.'ra- but hi it ED. HOFPSCHLAEGER if pwittTelr fee Zea- - owa fee respect of ! I Zy,Vifw T. K. Daries. S. S. B. Dole, C K. The steamer AAorci Ifott, whik making the en- An & CO.. JUST EETURNED La Caaaa fe. state feat sbetratraB br aad others do Asst. of Dry Goods t Vav Tawasa. Hociotatg. g Bishop, H. W. Mist aad A. S. HartweH. trance to Hilo bay MiMai I fee SareEfeer inwr)" foe This aot ksow of aay iaadet system, which erea ca th eTretng of the Slit iast tail UIIKIK wruaa-- r aat a, caaaiam. !im. W. B, Castle, F. A. ran Ashore m-v- -. COSSI-jTCf- acw aaaarl TliraiT iteaaMr wiK be. ojse bete a fee SSd. prjiisso. to be able to do these ttisss. Bat it tt cta-a- aVtaroriry. Schaefer. P. C oa fe shoal which makes oct IS PABT OF rkkC aatoBa. Xoapri do these ferns, what is it worth? Certainly Jones r, W. W. UaU and J. H. Faty. of fee Wainakn plantation. Erery effort was made From Great Britain kft Jhctataa CnaaOa oVcaded by fee Leg&riatare tbat fee sack A is too rranwerw. W. E. BoweU. W. Y. Uorner. J. to get fee vessel away from fee dangero-i- s position. llorrock. Long Cloths aad other brands of ia Tkaaar. It an "bed short,' ami sack AcoTeria?t White Cottons, ! ar a laqjiai MarsBedGHSsabaauy slwaid be detMaded, asd 'TBoaarrsw.' Bot Ctrisfetatty eaa do these thiairs; M. Lidgate. B. B. Hind and T. S. Kay. -. - . ... l'abchd Cotton, NOTICE And vrill soon with a, lanaa. .T.M, e. Often TTi r mt Mittattnou new st-j- : fllaaiia'a ar fee bursa er to be wfei itiaetieE. Na aocke tt at3 iain these great waats of fee world, 14 Jfoaarorlarr Sowtr. H. P. Baldwin. A. Lid-- orer fee bar into the Wailuka Birer, sustaining Prints fast colors Cta S the Bleached Aat ilai; Boomt Frrr? tbe sale bau yet Out ot vbat ascira-prnta- boss St iato rVite, C Kcelling. A. Unna and 2. S. Spalding. and Brown Cottons, 8 to 10 qaartor : kk XaraWDaata, af apsicd. the socket. Aad taodelity aot esly rpiIEUNIlKlte-OXKl)II.VVK-JUni- aat aVaraa ra beep beau; ? fails to Lrr n. r . tJusngaam. u. r . A. and rsdder. The steanwr 'ccr Brown Lines Drills, White Linen Dock, aai kksaa W Dtaravi. feeir eui bear fee searchis test of this erery day fate: ttotme. Eut arrired Crown Canvas, laeir Batirr at wk aatl rraar SELECTION of GOODS baalni life, it fail most miserably whea it face fee S. Wikox, W. H. PartH sad W. F. Grant. oa the morning of fee 3dtnst. and took her lilt A Cld French Meruws. all j. aad xaee will a thick, bas bees oa fee ram'ry W.Ix. BickArd. M. Cooke, C. B. ia tow, bringing her safely Grades : Waterproof Tweeds. Grey. Bloo and , Ike 1 (9xra. latere. "Hold osr said a srjoop of iaadel friends a oil fee reef And to this to lake eaVel flora aa afire - - HtirtiiL-- 1, Manse Bxraaj ififTtr fee past rwl.eUHe off tooceof tbetr aamber as he was djtnc: Btshop, J . M. Alexander and IL F. Glade. port, arming here on fee Sth inst at 4 p.m. The urtaort ltl.r-r-l liCPOBTS. Doat -- ycjlaniay arncouit, after bans; bees stripped. be a coward! Hotdoo "What toll For God's Ftrtrtizerm Svt . G. A. Dole, G. C will visit tte Marine Bailwar for - Williams, A. Hasarberg, K. A. Macne K. pairs. will ko kr J A. .?. IWai SaartaariaCT. j--t af enitftif, laevpfttred 2d pnsted. fcEiSj; A3 exxi sa,te!lB whattobotdos to!" Shrieked fee jr. aad Mixed Itle rilU ! 1W.(M Cart- - VteHvrtt . Flannel artooaa owtag (rat aro maoOlfallr .t GENTLEMEN'S WEAR pptvtaunu. pviancr. e-- a aev. aad pcuoiaists well for ratsre poorwretcb. Aye what to? Wtat does (i. w , of- tkaw ,i.- -, .....m,... .1... .t all rraaaatrd ka 2aaanaf KnEaaaaui!. Hnat iaidelity r.I.. tunt una A L.VB0E ASST. OF DBESS GOODS. SILKS, lb. saaao tv. J. A. rAlJainC 7 dy-a- larwlirs C"a. ILM. Whitney. ILCLAaslia, steamer was along Kiy So. rtwaowlr. Fraaa 2Frw Tar, aer Kifawr. (:C 34 Cars af pet tato fee baadof hiatwhois What passing feroeghfe channel, Satins, Sdk Bibbosv Velvet, isiiaee), wrtufirr coal. to Ike Gastaia of fee bark B Pmd baerecetfed star, what sappoct. what hope does it grre feat it. . ttucwin. -- . xmcui atu u. liilley. between Hawaii and Mtni, on tbe raornincot BVBK.U'IM. THE is f - c t. the t'nioo aad Cotton Listado. Ianen and Cotton 21 -- tram fee ovsers to bATe fee Teseet dark boor which to Sif- W.O. Sana, P. C. Jones jr , W. F. inst, at 18 o'clock, wife sqaally X. E. slight From Baacatt. aar XareJhi Occ A fail car; iikm oxasi. iscomiac each oseof ss7 13 . ...-..- .. -- .. "1 Handkerchiefs, White and Colored ! 0v Bai tt, u,cs &A.it tt swetl on. Shirts, NOTU'K af aniiaaaaHaf. iarfajarr. roe aed repaired here, asd see v3l be taksa oa Abxitately aothia. Let me cosmst two oatlooas .itei4, o. u. mu utu jt, n murej. weather pleasant. Of a sadden the Merino I'ndtrshirts and Drawers, Ktttray for feat Alter CoL Frmt Cultrnn. J. M. Alexander. J. K. Smith, vessel give A heavy roll to Ueward. rg'iit:i:.i)i:itM;.i:iiii.xTi:i-- t ha-ii- :i float Bar Ctutt pr AaaCaiU. Uvt 31 X3T eaarr tofeeUarme porpose. ratafee fotare: Kobert Iacerroll, staadisK J. parting the Ladies Vnderwear, Linen M. in S. Dole D. and Cotton Towel. threallmalork. trade aaa koot-2- " Stylos . Bt c 3 reeerriBS seeded repsra, fee bark wflB prseeed to at fee of his brother, "coitaj; H. Patr. and IL Hitchcock. weather shrosds, feea taking will ol tke Latest 4 glare sully aaji liraati? rftaataaear. crataa isto the a another roll, fee All qaalities and stjles : Victoria Lawns, wmo-KT- 1 Dt Vai7 Mr. B. A. Macne. Cbairraaa ot fee Com- weight of tbe sail which Ukrak rr anatioa. r pts ra ui"si ta aataca. a4 feeSrcad. sail: "Life is a narrow rale between the barrea Jr, was being carried, wife Whits Moleskin, Check Moleskin. after ,"ITA:Oetoker l'U Mai All ajfegt Mann fa ot Sogart swing y aceoaala rral aaatr ia crualt fH Saa Fcaacnxav peaks of two eternities. We strrre ia to look mittee on clara presented fee of the boom, carried away the foremast Imit, Laco ofsaMaraiw1llkmileo-b- A. PAlTiMh, And Purchased by Himself The Xaziater of fee Interatr seeaas to be ajR nia and read fee report. short off to the deck. Edgings and Insertions, ' beyocd tbe beiirhts, we cry aloed aad fee only Aa attempt was made to Spool 100 Caatakeir. Blue. 3IR. WHITJIAS fee rs-t- Brooks' a yds. Cotton, Coatea yd. Lrr. enaeatae "aid, aid of !ir?. of answer is fee echo ot oar wiffisg cry "7 Miss Mr. T. H. Daries presented and a paper oa get the mast on board bat being foacd nsete--s ETlTfi1 aaaseoiral n aaaaorartory U EXPORTS. sn g Spool Cotton. Ticking. Blna ,tr (Jilt iw in Person. dstve. A aiaa of aKraepaaiesee ATaite fee Fraacx Foster, spest "Maceraiioa and Doable Pressing, prepared by the sail and was saved and Isauaa, irll,lL MB, V. WRIUIIT take, ckarie sot aatiss her brief ii is self, fee vessel kept Mosqaito Jtetting, SO inch : WTbe kktekaatllh of For 9a per C B Blsaitp. itet of attimtaiu of fee present tcessfeect, saay of fee aesyrog raissiou-wor- dyrag Mr. Alex; Torrag of the Uonofaln Iron oris. on her way. Jfo other damage happened aad iroa work deBatloiect Faciecn asec at thirtyce. said to fee - egegejgsiearaHg to &jreianieBt of Tbe members tendered a rote vesseL Tkaaklns laoeumainaitj fi.nadt in ike ralaaBS biases a pOaeits walking the ralley, yet the of frwr to the patt. aad a ,in..- aaaQ vbastt feere bare bees so sales of btte. is gentlemes who had acted oa the ap- Th ateaxaer vlkulaj roatiaaaare uf ike am, win, moostars peaks are affame wife Imht Tbe cosmittees .trf,tr is reported to have nar- Rubber Coats & Leggings aaaaraacrr of oar krsl alteatloa to all etaad-potn- pointed bust year, to Koelliag rowly escaped s bulaea. I.. PAS5EXGZRS. drSereace was caased by the takes : aad also Messrs. being endangered by complK-ation- Iraatrtl to war rare Wo reatalB, terr reapeetfa It yanMrni, ooe of fee reerT9 eurpe of peace fee great orator looked re and Toeag for fee papers prepared by them. in her steering apparatas, when o2 Kahalnl itanait.v.t IMKKIAUE MAXtKACTrilUH; x r,1t'"K m ; thrcasttfee gn from on 10 LaLl rKx Vor 9oa Fraatnaca. pnr f.liu prcfcr1: .Crt gnTW3akaogaacts"&r)&ge.g9t afled wife fee "narrow bed" of isldelrty; the Bj resoistion tbe Trustees were empowered to fee last trip. A towel belonging to Chinese i Slewed! w. Cbristiaa a K. nwt, rtetieear. aeaairraaA 'vu. Jf ail lay, os fee treats; of fee T7& But. and ed looked feroock it tract fea etnptr sepoiesre of take decisive action on appcteatws from members steward got JAmmed is one of fee tiller chain O SlllMA-J- oerrrlatr Faaa Saa FBaactaco arr t aaana"! Oct Caaz-atm-a. catzrase eooox to aseaait asiek Caiaa. Cbrirt, fee glory of feat made who might desire to withdraw trace the organi-zatio- a. lenders bat the obsiraetaw was happily discovered ! m tJ aad arst Easter the aa wtfr. Col IvU. aaaf !:. feti; Soft. maa. Araadeet oc Bereasia etreet taterfereI heights radstat. while the steamer had plenty of searoom. Bed Blankets, XOTICK ! Cigaretles a F JaaVL Xiaa Xbw J aWrj. Xrt X JEM Jn.Jat and bad fee oVKskty kicked AdjoaraedattMBtaiip-B- . All Sixes, Weights, IJnaliUes. Colors v F 11. Mloa 1 aaaaaraaoa. E E Xlio.. Xiaa Mar JGaa pctnt sv saosr bad as sxadow cotzaa. and Caaaa-kaf- l. o Mothers a. MralWetl with the N o allllll ra 1 m Salwrano. W T Talar. A 1 Xesmakea Mbortbed" est f morality, aad with sickly, tretfal nnrsing children, lalrrrata of Ike HAW till Cjaattfa. 1 Faraer. (ooerameot odSetab bare been on fee wci a " narrow cower" oat feeir reassembling, some will care the benefit tak-ta- tABkUUK MMrr.K"nKI.-t-t Ma V aniaas. Tfr of Os roatiae basiaess cos child and feemsdves bv tfc tkla tOHrisT. uk, Votl 3Raa X itatna. Xn iaaa A Laoc. (a tarT tas. ThedEiKter of laterinr has been eusiSAed I hare nothirTt; bet praise tor morality. I bare so nected wife the committees was brosght np and Hop Bitters daily. See advertisement. " Velvet Tapestry, nethol of eiarroalaa oar tlaeer-- thaak, for tke w Baaka aaat atatat-X- n J- E F Lacaa. to tM bouse a klaaeee. root will sad literal tece-- ri lira s aaSart. for Kreral dan. bet renamed his sympathy wtfemnea of the pulpit abase of haa-a- cooeh-de- epk,,ioeatTo attta aliml , J X Caakr aava Miao E C Kama. Or daaiea for a abort feae oa Friday. Faetaaater- - aetsre. Oarbamasity isarcyal gift, A rote was Mr Cecil nS .,HH, thit coaimnuitr E C VaBtvCaaa arrwar.W E XankaD.E made ia of feaaks tendered to Gperial SCotirts. Rugs and IVIats, 'Vrtlaao. fiaa t God, Fxraa.K-- trserii niririuy&aaceeitssseislsisaaajiee-ttege- f fee usaee of and feocgh sis ba degraded Brows agent for Mr James Campbell for fee Wr aow rordlally Intite all t cnanntac! ,ur Mittll fee yeyadltanbad-keepig- a room. A FEW OF THE NEW arrlee - 70a j taiaar. KaaOa. tad JO dark it aad marred feat image, &tU there is mrrrh fc grttnitoaAnse of fee meeting roost. SULK at oar aew lloadaaartrrt. or. liarro stt, r, ataaaarr aaat CaaaaaRa He is uu pi'jo utf. hamanity feat is beast-ta- l, aye, God-lik- Aad PreeideBt Attstia then took the Boor, MrT.H. THE PEOPLE'S CYCLOPEDIA. wkrre. wttk improve,! faeVMIes of .tram power a - va tatw iw atote rn S- w whea a maa, fotarrrag bis better impolses. aad Dtries fee chair, and read aa interesting pa. re. wio. oil Fam Jlaat aaal Xsiafcai. r LikrIUU. On -J By fee AAuMoVa a aev fosraand raeeboat a is Tratereaoad(liiBalek. Yoora reapeelftillv. aaai.mil aaal ekOaWHn M C WMaV restrained by law, aad other inaaeaces, walks op. per "Treaty Kelatma." A NEW - rugs S ECA Lanmfl Ur. reerrd for His Majesty. Tbe boot isber orad-safit- y IS CYCLOPEDIAS- AYY A"sD 'Slraed) S M WHITMAN aM. Far Cimiij. stanr amn-ilan- . Cage E richt aad deaaiy, I rejoice W. O. Ptmmimn okntheil ii ia that lite. Bat this Mr Smith the editor ot fee laaj-- raa a btioory and gm promee of fast . e. 1t1t.11 1 aata. Kiat X B- - cots-pi-- It " E fese, bat fee seed of Hi Hajesty detnasded a I know, feat fee Christ wa net nssfakes whes be JfiHtiAy- receired a rote ot thanin from the T uneiatorxtMcacoM the resell cf Pahlic Opia Far Kaaat. 1a ITaaaaiK. aar aa Xaaaa. L - said feat mere outer ctserraaco hta that th Berwjad ! On Hl Kxared boat asd sea beat as aira- m. the cf the letter of for fee able manaer is which be had atstte of the people a CyclopedU Merchant Canvas XOTICK ! f wist. X B Xoaaarac. Xrt Laa ml fet the law was aot enough. He "crated tr joarna! hetter aaWptrd . of Wat. fee in fee that dsrtrar the past year aad a ta taoarwaaU aa 'iit-k- u baias ilr. Kafirs frbe desires. He be Voa was mat. Hbasfee 8 M .naiii.-- .XHlKlkaaw.r;koi. a to A said these cast caaaged. say nsarimoos rota passed contEtaing the creaat af an the rreJaca(aa Tin: vr Ftaar WkaawataT FarCa. par Kfaaaa. W X ekaseed from four boat. : ztrea la a Scholarly. Mas- 0S-- (oc yoe are per: is life I am glad ot it. Bet bow for fee cassiag terta. terly I at. WX Taoht. IFLf.DT Hipan. T ahoct feat tanerlrfe, back of the oeter? YoebaTe Seaor I'asayarra fee IortagaeseCommtSeioner Maaaer: aot atrreakairl. tat ike Srsh aad wl.k Kteivm lo tkla roatataailr W Sataaaaaau OVSaaJouE Ullja. Mia. L Socae einJIest mataataeHCd ciwtocraacia of Wood ef all the Filter Press Bags "22 J " '"'", I kate . other. x 36 SL5twI?" -- nerer defraaded, or stoles bare yos erer win was present by reqaest of fee company, juynl al '? aa.1 -- 1. A m Xia Martia. Jfr. fee Aott aa sfce wifes axst at fee karbor. bare bat tkrlr kaaaa. itaat tkat tke taaie racoar-axeatr- Ccnt.ta.Cii tin. a coreted? Then Christ says Portsgaese tt has EizMera Thoaaaad toaon atotr aae) apport my J ann. T atarrrt. Xet iarftan a ETiaa. J beeaUktsby Jfeaso. WifisasM A Co. yos are a thief, is spoke of the labor on tbe plantations, tbaa other Cy Vt'c will kr rvtraard lo .acceatora AIU3 JFrv; BiiisT. In Tbesse a&tl rJopeelfat; make this one ot oar Jpecidties aad - Very firm bare easital astjortsest rie-r-s hear. Toe may be free from fee sis cf adultery. thetrc ontestmeot. a desire to colonize. He nre Thoaaaad IllattrtUoat; Fifty-Tw- o 1".!i,.,,'',0,r",co""'- reaaeetfallr. a af af fee hare a Fall Stork cf tvt dl U WBKT u par C E Btaaa. Oct 3t lfi L IMmrr bia recent tour so tar as fee oeter act is concerned bat bare yoa signtaed his iateataia ot gentling a wriltea OaeHasdred aad TWnUyPIre Xapa C'lyjrellr a c is HataS ilz. erer "looked apos a womas wife Lrwia. Baaaaa. X X desire?" Thes to fee planUrs onthe litter snbjecl. sad Dlazms. The ansa atote tban tke pfi..Bi-e- ' i ser seeces taany of Christ says yoe are adalterer. trots an Railroad aad Cooaty Wo want the Public under- l Fraat Eaaai. par Oat ia--E F 6aaa. T aeaek be acceptable to aaectari of osr aa Toer hand's Mr T. H. Dalies fee committee appointed Xsao of the Caitrd Sugar, Rice&Coal to will ajwTTiT not d Stair. Bags pet tTIfJAIlSTTSt - it not hars yoe erer hated a to present a eomnrrmicatioa to the President "" Eaaoara.C B ajar,5 raaC.JKMr- tat of U , ran. blood-staiae- The work it reaplrn aad readr stand the DwaorHB all .the,. T' ,y ,, !. xie. AaJtn. Xn bran, an mVcrk aaat maa? Then Chrat says yocrsosl is the Board ef Immarratios presented fee follow- koa br delitery. we that n In aad aU toaaawt Which aro selling at Bottom Prices. ' 111 itla--J Aaacca. Fraak Ketealf. a win who bat of late Paal dees not pat it too strongly whea be says, ing letter from fee Minister of Foreign Adair?: awa to MM. BIBB BUT cim Ii I 1 tali r vTrn W W ability txatzble wa ar- - T" ert l kaart f attmtfr- In) , Union aaoqralrtl t . Fran Saa Fiaahaa par tttO. On S T B aereaafed an to cet isto Cnl Omci or Foaoss Airizzs, i 5sj jaj, ,,., Peed Company, re f.w . rale 3r.m .1 Foaur i on Christ bsew tnes whea he said that Hndlaim. A Kejt aa.l Willia,-- m XnXain.JrMat mii'itaetare Jiae KttAertsa fee 3fe nat "Oct of fee Honoislc, October 23. 1S64. f Xxm. Paaatrs Hawraf New York are It rarnith all Ike araacr.aadarrakaolwiely w..k"ur.''''iT7i 01 Fran taa Ciiaaaln. pr AartraUa. Oct Jt--E Foarr A ekarjed wife "otKartfng tsaeey trader false tear: proceed eriltioogfita.mnrdtrjrs," etc , ytemt-r- . . Jf. iot orr. the raMiram. E.NGLISII, ILVWAILV.V AXD orr. Cat--kt. X J9. Ja. M3 A XIatTR-- Xra T X Fhapaarict Bo a eccstrsctiiHi of fee btv be mas- - Mxeeptamasbeborsof water and ot fee Spirit Jl .. I . t K ft. tMfirt. HAY, OATS, BARLEY, BRAN, &c LLX A I. INTER. W.tir. Dajaiaaaraa.a'FBaaaa.aattxl caata aatl C rtrrraia 3--d etoae he cannot fee Kingdom of toewafe omtiesieB. He bad arery ester God. The Gnrnjorxnr la fee absence of His Er. Mr. it. ' . Uiiiiaain ta traaatz far Saa Ftaactrea. " irtu : A RARE BOOK! .. . IT HAY . . Tkeabtel'l.A!tBTTK-- ssae aaareaBzeaattcaereet. " bed" of morality breaks dowa it U Gciiek. hooor to aeksowledg re- AMERICAN. - Far aa Fiaaelaet. per DCataaai.. Oct as X Faaar, I bare fee the FL&es, W- ARB KOK SALK 1 womeaten by sin. The robe of ceipt of yocr letter of yesterday date addressed 3, S, and " yard ; CalSSorda. it-- mofe-eate- THE LI'llOK ritOBLBM OF Tbe Hoc . JfrKinfey. trntter of fee Carted has BO warstlt in - it t s by to firm as President of tbe Board of Iranuaration ALL AGES. BT DR. AT THE LOWEST RATES. For Saa Ftaaesacn. par AaaaaSa. Oct 3S--Xt ibi. Z Stale Cataai at tsis port, ba bees for siafsl desires. DOBCUEtTEB. OF MARCHANT'Sr K Ttx Caitea. aaatSCMacte. is which, os behalf ot tbe Planters' Ltbor and MASSACHCSETrS. As we want to mmkr room for a Lar ajtn. fee iftt tnse to resreEest fee lEth dtntrict af Dcaa srt ncrr. Scsply Ox, yoe set forth the apprehension of fee FLOOR OILCLOTHS !ixh on ! wy. Ec-r- t ForXahtaai sad" Xaat. pcrLiaaDaa.Oet C A Cast. Keksary U faasessKiy Kea try to and rest ia this world, and what Bis aoottko ProWrat mt Ueaan Stroot. ObaaisCiesrea. itr. as it planter! as to a scarcity of labor and inqcire how rirara,Ulk j O TaMaaaaa. Xrt Emtaa-- C S tardy. Xn casgrre is Extra Heary, Aasorted Width : rtai-pil- to tMiod-- t bin. T ptfoai maZr aai. ae at """" tar sssretr a 5ne feera. The bedttead made of gold, the far feey may coast cs A sapply of laborers from staasnlthewnHoer. ThU U writara la hi best 0Allo:a'f dellvttcd .IbMXarTamaMa.EX'CtiaB.B 5trrt. recard a He at of: cowering of stocks, bonds, mortgages ,1-a- a sLttesmas. ace fee best and deeds. Japan, and ta which yoe also express fee opiaion Ijlr-- It has Jfiaety inaotntaau l73,-yr3- i J aaaa. Bst world caanot a maa aai Oiaareat. It No. ReakarsSsfee Hsose. Hs ka bees airksaawd this sire rest. We're sees feat, if there may be any, doebt as to as adeqaate oarkt to bare a place la every family. Ladies' & Gent's Saddles fee " Tars--r JfapoBtcs" af Ofejj. mas try it and faiL Out of fee gulden stream BOH3T. snpcly from that socrro fee present restrictions Patter Creua aay. -- I bare sowarleatly Visiting San Francisco which peered into feeir coffers feey halt stares, cs Chinese immigratios be relaxed. rxaaUaed AND SADDLERY. LOST! Consjdermi tkefzAiliaatenalof fee mxlfs, factories, railroads, steamers and pdaces Dr. Dreatrt kook. fe Ueoor .4 all Ain. la ana cttf aa a EtS rajt to taa wff' af WallXT sevraee for Is reply I hare pleasere to state that fee A comfort lis which we selling LOST FISO.M KAl'AIxtVIA I N flND TUB bfiala aad fee pneefecoty of st feeraserres. They lariated wealth the tarnish-tag- s, I CMviace laftrJI that It ia a xreat an aT.taa,aaa. cnfluimi tsd os ha7 most explicit asssrances that an ralae. It ia (lmper than Ever. ait'it. Jtlitieiiu MALI, (Ka ; dataage, ig each and feey said, "Here we will Stand packed kaad Tellow knutdae) B. it tuyaied feat boat be rest! immigration of Japanese to fee cttent of 6VTX0, of fdlafKatnuaaat easily foaad rJorw arte. Ii hs ,, ., rillt. W-- iA -- .cwan. iw a Hawaiian Papers on a tsra, rare day. back all care, and anxiety, and trosbte! Bat feey ocr-fi- Is as win paai - Erres sefarate ttaieimt as whom f f tks will bo men. gay bo relied oa rslaaMe ia eaocator, aad win W a latereM to ill tataraiao File DtED- won't stand windsw-btiad- lo W II. BAILBT. A ssod cesac troifei be to start front fee Myrtle back. Care rattle the daring fee year it fee Goyerna-en- t thonld wt wish to la facta ia leawrd I Iron Bedsteads, AT THB UPPK.B nr THE efesfcBcae, Anxiety polls rics hangings. 13, the Uoaor ai Wallah. Ural XcSatAKK. 'Am t:- - an :."- i- !Tt taat.. of Bjra saAeboat rassed between fee aside the certains and nad itself ia a position to make fee rennisita tnSc.- - la Tracb fays bard hat Sag- - on boendmg Laitr aao eatrle vfaarf aad fee Hocoisia dob boose fees its r the toproride for passage to ooan ""a-t- -- -- &aax. fooaxrar im f Lll'a their this try Oxjie aay. 1 have TutUcd Galvanized Buckets, ! apd 3 aumtiLit aod U iia?9. est ad roimd fee fparbsoy. beck to sdrea petse and tsrobbmg LnapFe. Happy! Toe think aad for other iaddeatal expenses. Ia addition to fee work aad PIANO TUITION S. -- take ptrasate 1ROX F. " me happy! answered Kothfrhad ia it."' TiSSEB Of raca la ta-- : " boat is fee barber. to a friend. Asd this we are informed feat abont 60) erst-clas-s recorBadls Merchant. -- otter form of this word is jaat a empty folhtwiar peraaas aic Ike rmti'KKsoi: eterr of sagar planting laborers may be expected here aianez aawtber piepatetl to lake I'apllakihslkiusfor rtBBOI. The HoEofaiaBtfes" bad feeir asaal dall riehes. ."V the orpaper Dire, u.. - - comfort as Look across fee watr yonder within tew weeJts this date, tearing tkat tare orderrdt . C. Daano, H. X. Wkilaey, Eer Tea Kettles & (.Nfc P.n,. Ink. KGNM.W.H STOCK AJiB EOHD EXCHANGE faeteresic- and fee Etoreetest tsraassai aed deafeitmggie a from Japan Sauce Pans nm noLlAK TBIt fee Presidency. Would at feat for sometime is Norember. Tbe Bambers in,". Ceo. WaUace. S. E Biikop. F. C. Joart. St, c. S. LEfi'lN. Appl, at aaa. BBtreass exerriae stowed aaarked ttsproTeoect. yos pay fee price whks either of the two leading Assorted Sizes ; do Fry Fans, O. R. UUCKLAND. Swaiaa. IridAT. Ort.24tfl. 1SS. Tbe "boyt" feel feat feey bare bees toartez. ooght to safSee for All possible waats ot the plant- Xaaaa. Secty. T. X.C A.; J. B. Atkortoti, Thoa. G. 120 King St. eandBsues, rHarae or iierretxaa, care already paid ations. dltor At Proprl.tor tests&rJUidbytfcaaafeerateSrCcaccscatof fee Tkresu Dialrl Loaaa, Ed- - " "toilet! a." Butcher Knives, Knives & foe fee fonr years ot tr,rrxtr,t care and worry The Gorerament caanot, bowerer, rely spon be- tea Forks, XOTICK. BM "S.F. M.rehnnt. Sotar Stackst raa. aiat aaaaa "Kmsfi 0w3T"r asortof Ug and bobtarl which racst follow success! Thiak ot the slander, im ae-a- - ing able to make proristoa oct of lerenne for fee Tin Plate, Sheet Lead, IJIVIDKXJl OF JlOft-- ! ertwmTarmn, tetsc sefciied aitb oaifons, fee defamatioa, fee medhrowiagr A single week TIIKKK a an ,. targe adrance which wootd be reqaired for this Central ctrtistntnits. A L t BK arr ar-- will ko oanl bt tke LM .. Me feey fee E. K.', ar "WC A P X aiiaiiii ot it wosd break eensitrte mas' heart. Did immigratios, aay Galvanized j 1 of WIUIBH') "ITBAM-iHI- Co.. tlit.U. AC 7I K, and can only that as maay will Water Pipe, t in. tke Liatito. Wt. -- Ii .t WarFtaaia.mi Flaat Co. ' Conk, fee world accdasse latisfy Edgar A. Pee or Lord be broesht here as the means at disposal win aeaday, Urt l at Ike ottce nf la Caataaar. 111 .1 iu .srui'.nr. Jobs z ttrjUx, vbo ta lately Before Byron? Two mora men newer it XOTICK. rk. tut li VJraflaaKarCv. mmm miserable tired. allow. I bAT to that it is desirable LEAD, SB IHMB. ererotatv. OZjX WH ,'....!H n af fee canrt 'wttk rsfererxs to fee ajqeraitip 3gt that WHITE various qualitics; Itoaolala. Ur.i. Jtk Mil. aaa , XtXCtXIl HOUHB BTOIlal aaraoBaaaaaaaatCa aat The world sewer satiifie aa inmsutal socL It yoe shoeld gire tbe Goreraatent an - "I- . af a iwvrxg marfrTTTe, agaia rjrfare Jodze; Prod-igi- estimate of ffj- Tiir, CtKlK'EKTHBLBtTlut aaaWTSprCa 3 .) wa reward are Hke fee Deadea apples, or the T i:kl"Ji.vi: stKtrrixri B0LLED OIL, ajllalaaaaaaVVaaar Ca. aW ! Bfirkertcc as fee 25co taat a proeecatar is a eae fee nsmfcer of laborers which are likely to be of fee TACHT BOAT e:LCtt TUEPENTINE ! FANCY CANDIES OF ALL DESIRIPTIONS basks. planters 12 lll toi Ft" he IIOCSE, NOTICE f ATeea ekeat. After branffg fee fteatuauuf ogred -- by lb wrfeia fee next months. fLCB OS "cosrx n- Y. . t Uar-l- - by Mr. Coot, Jade BtckerEss dec&tred tt to be csto Tbe res-or- of fee restrictioss oa Chinese la Stk latt at It e'elaek acoa. A CORRUGATED ROOFING, rpiii: ANNUAL MKKVISU OP Create. Open arantel,. i m ill J!wiBrs9iftt2!. mm j! Ooiy one bed is long enocgh for as immortal wocidbeasleptaToiring grate fan sttraeUare it pettiealarlj iroaerled. the UNO". BA NmAB l' . will ka koU M tko Aha aaa. .L B Kot'o.. lilrrHi I. j v . larifcfcM a dl3l3Ril fee cue. Tbe defecdast national It vr. If. G, 7, Ji-r- , , i m tool to Sad. rest upon is shaped like fee Croa taa :iPr.tBP. frrretrrr :i Gtnge, 8 and 1 ft-- Loogth ; Galr. Otatoof c. -li Co.. OH WBD9B80AT. Savyak- - Sllcea, aVtae jaw Io.,mi (loot ' ni.-- ifciiim A it CQcseqaences. and the Gorernmest will need to .;.IHi. it... tras tow bsatarai bad left fee ecratry. f aadllvllBaatt'oatrrtijlttHt lyta-i.- - ifi " i tkhe, k of Const, Ordyrcecorering is broad cnosgitto carefully before Screxs and V.asher. Oalr. Kidsrinif, aet iaa. at a, at. 'I.m ur i . dehberafe anderta king it, ia fee ! O ina ttatar I ancolate, I a - it taeidaa immortal sool Christ's rtghteocaaes-- erect of its being shown to be necessary, fader Corporation Notice '. Ihtsava Dr. Sange says feat whea nrehfng fee battle Yellow Sheathing Metal, and Heet. pea tern. Uaoeaea Vaoaf Ca. Fancy and Plain Mliod Candles, Chwl j S ,""Z J! eaarkcated feeir as weddiatr, Tbe eeieteitios fee recatatioes as feey Hand a Terr considerable TIIK AXXIAT, MKKTfSO OF Nails Moaolala. Urt. Ink. lAM aaa foe AUo-M- M. ijaietoce recent deafe aeid wosaded sen, hs foead a dead nsntberof Chinese bars arrired fee coeatry ATthe n of taa GBOYE IT peeaa.. h. 1 1,,,.,,,. (I,. laa.. i wviATery owiaetofee ia T fUSCII Annealed Wire, ZL7.11 He waaermred wife bis blood. By one-ha- lf FLASTATlU-- tOKPAXT. kHd at Fence Fence Staple?. rilkrrla Ble. I.ieorlte. ta,i- aai ..J.SZ wasek bars eccarred, aad vbtcs bare robbed dnriag fee past few months. At least cf lloaalala. Uctabtr PATENT NOTICE. n.,v -. aaam lCa-- -J j SoEofateaocietyof aocaa ft his side lay aa opes Testament. With his bloody those who hate gone away incethe Itegalatios Sit, Pr)l, lbs Mlowiaz aateerr wrre clcrted roe sac Win Plant Gsanls and aproce (lata, Ptixe f bicbeat ceisberx. Hat-fee- haad be bad opened it to fee l3fe chapter fore-ba- year aad aatil their reeeetoor are : rilKltKArj IrJ-- i yatorif. itanrfifig irsrte a nsrober of fee trasediate it were pabtuhed bare pronded themselrs be A I'ATUNT WAS The ahors Candle Retailed at 5Ua per lb m neEfik af fee tapyy coopi present and a Gospel, and to aid bis fairing iipht bad wife permits to retars, and as sacs permits SBDole PraaiaVat .aedta Kiaawborr II. JaevU.a latftkjtaa c .!. Tar niKv aaat Ca t tkcs praued hu Moody sogers against fea rSth oerse, Tlillawraa u laat. kr th ttlabter of Ike latarior. aawlar ta or ill t puMAaat coesz wa fee recsrt. Tbe can lie obtained Hongkong as well as bere. is V'thttMttl STEEL km Tooarr.,. r . ' jj- -j m i Try is it J IITil RAILS, 11 lata Bianuaa, lor a uee and Tratk Clan, flaatetle. "Come eato me all ye that are weary aad are j. Treasanr Vawowalai i ajpaaaaa Ii Bait f Caw-l- a af the are offered It (Or. asd probable feat more than that proportion will WO With Fish Malts, IkM ia to want all prraoa.iiuagaiaat Water A tilo;tr lie 00 tee .n.l t lull Cutra heary-iade- s and I w3I gira yoa rest, Oat of feat Salt Somtarr llult and Kpika, faraaee. aa tali IibbbiC.... a Xn. zaay feey in to ceirbrate feeir titers u tins cocEtry. The total saraber JEAtarnaa Aadilor WM FAMILY GROCERIES. sacar Co.. . i j,. j aw owe text fee actdiex had made bis djing Led. It tenting daring tbe yearhxssot beea yery great. C. RKBWCK A L'OMPABY. . ajViK'ndBtc wa eecags. Is All of whan aeeepud otacr. W O SMITH. Portland Cement, a ooaaa t.. ai broad Os it ha foead rest. It I hope featitwut not be foead necessary to re- Agrataof tke Jaivia ParaocoCo Co 7ijthr coIsbis ai tbe adrertioeEaest of broad h and ttrong enoegk for aiaf I HeeratMy. Par O. o Is a osr treat from a rrjliey which ha Lees with so Ur .aolala. Orx. tad. xt Fire Clay, Firo Bricks, I. Caatla. Sat. Vaaaaaa-saaaaC- aowty aaported fortrBzer race. OB Hoa.lola. rtkrwar, Matt. pas ! III aaajarCaj. wbicbrtnboeedvillb races tattsfactius by fee prop's generally, and It I' To l ''.:r r Ejefat to plaaterA. Sir 1. L.L. D, F. Both Square and arch ; the Trade aaaaaatat aoaar Ca . y also cordially xpproTed by Iriendiy Powers; and I R 4 si m K.S bailor forty ycarjpaat teen at fee bead of A. Praiae-aroTth- XateT7riso am persaaded feat tt will cot be necessary if the Lump Rock Salt, i KaeBtaSe AZTteaitsrttsr!asIasd,asdta carried tnnaigratioa of Japanese eaa be carried act with JUST LANDED Fishery lsroTics Scackis exIeaaiT farraaforfee cbierra-ta- B AaocfeetrweterpriewIJckpab'ic-pirite- d Salt, Ralraavd s tiftr.rtirr.tal y fee rpint wife which it ba been initiated. A Consignment of SaijlaaatKCai af Taraosa ehecxieai. aetass apes drfenst messrc eostrmr-H- rdrodaejagaterncfepertosal I hare the honor to remaia, efi" English Bolting, To Whom it May Concern! J ksai af gram aacar-bee- t asd ctter erepe A labor aad those W. M. GtlwTS, 3 to 12 inch wkltha; bra enrapaay t ecgassd is fee raasafactsr siost deaerrnssr of praise are ascs may lend to AtXOCNTH OWIXO TO TUB an - Minuter of Fureiga JJIain. OPHELIA & : AS ASSOimiEST OP af ekeraical casim prrpured is Tjew- of fee benefit fee pebtie health. The food feat rxo-n- i VARUNA ALL for tko ttaartor Batllae ao 3Mb, Talapajrsa Stack: 9UTJ prepared After cooriderable debate it wai deodtdtbat IW, II aat at fci Urutker nth. will kr place la th and aearly las of fee daef article at diet in all coeatnes, ares la retnra fthoeld made on foOewiag morning Large Coal Bags! Saai kafl Taaafc C P ar sue ssssaoy abipped fraca tbe Pro tin tropical city of feePactae, is meat, and it be- b fee HAIHmOI'AluLI.ECrOK IIB!IBY JJAT CU. !j that woold imliraly tbe ataoont of rsea rerraired lloaalala. pt. 1MI Kkvf If anaTaaC7(Xaaii at anasfactone of fee Lave exxipaay. comes matter of great memest whether fee sp-p- ly ENGLISH GROCERIES za. Ca W A aalaliorenvbyfee raactalios dlring the 13 PIG BRAND PORTER EaaaT7l M as of a kind that is easdy cxgHtible, or aacfc a neit ! TO OK month. A NOTICE HHoaatTaTCa.. There A tarrsly tccreaaed lteritsee at fee Bsaymdaee A sneering front mrfi ttliaapocrha tlCAETS I1WTS St II ni Aa was from Mr. C. Cote-ra- IS AD J asms aernce teal t3 fee ttao, mas teak u heir to, isritatios neernd C Saace, fPIIi: JH'HIN1.-- IIITIIKUTO COX- - yfarrllaaratta Stackj l.JUUi. to asd new Worceatcnbira Frail, Jami,Crein Tartar. ancu-- rrerssxaf laat. Tte ocesasff barf boor of llaay cstsplaint bare beta made regarding the ristt inspect tbe can planting X d tke am an tlrta f HeiftlT MAY I' machine patented by baa. At meeting Soda, Spice, Etc., Etc, Els a; CO.. .a!r kjr f.lgwod Closed Below Cost Ewaoaaaa aaat Waa Co...' aat ,per vaa ace of eperia" isterest, atr. Crszas (erred by fee fer city toeajtcta-raer- x, Ida tte TennentFale Ale, in qts.and pts.; will kc coatlaao .kc tali aarr Iho Bieat bsicherst josraad ID TttM MAY, Chrktiaa Wattra" tbe general cram plaint being regard to ad cstil aja. fee next day. We hare al jnt received an aaat. aaiae baolaoaa aaata areca"TtelItataleof ia fee Tennent Porter, in qts. and J'" "f.rl Uneolal. Uck IW . 11. WM (t ll'liiHiiil?Cv m wa Iana", KMcreatrre, asd eassnt fad ta be toegkseea. lack of jnvrne, eae rtXTHtlsT. pints; we 'at Dy H. HACKFCLD Co- - TjaatyaalaaarAConaca. at) beJstsl. Tevraetrew- - On being eaBed to order to EaJMBaBAaoa. an rtisiazThsrx"y) Bar. E. trio ooa attar lrrTOr. To cbrrate this cifaenlty, fea meeting listened E, tc J. Bark's Stout, qts. and pts,; ! C U5EE5 wa lead fee roretisz. TbefeeoexaaMt asd to be esabCed to fapply hi csatomen wife a reply forwarded by Mr. Jaeger ia answer to fee AMERIOAr. PUBLIC NOTICE Ijaaffaliii il Ca. " S80D TAX-I'AYKI- naaBaaaaaaVvaaEa aafeatAbyu. ,ine, axe 7d 7i5p. m. Prayer meat that will te be oore edible and cajier of letter of thanks forwarded him by fee Sirty. " Bass's Ale, qts & pts.; TJIK OFTIIBDIS- - S at . MAKAWAO. are kettbr A. H. RASEWANN, Ti T i 1 an for fee Hly Sptrst to abide is power spear Mr. Gifeert WaBer, fee wtH knows b'tatiaent were fees made reUtire to fee amoont TkllTor Ktrl Kj p Cknatfaaaand of labor actsatl needed fee ctxntatiaa dnrinrr Do Light Sparkling Ale, qts. & pt3 ; last Ike of uM W.lfte! will kooj kb feetearucf of the MttrsrioQtaa aad Cty Market, ka t br aeejoiaaaaotloa M work; spos azaaTed, fee next 12 monthi, fee ngare being follow- - oawto for tko of tko lb fees for aad ail tte imported from Glasgow, and ha cow erected oa a Do Mineral Waters, qts. & pts., Bleached & Brown followiax tlatea aaal alae wllhla taia IH.irleL tra: y. in Cottons power -. r oauia. esfeenJay feces axdex fee af rises at Ealrfn, a a Dry Air ," ttrewer iutle Cooke UR, iiackfeld At IkeCOl-ar- HUl la ilataaa ta At "B Hook. ttatttey isay ii-.i- i deli ring mairotiningA tCa,Un. iu.nT. H. DxTie Co, 4), F. A. Hcbaef er Z0 ; Wa. Utk. 171k. Ktk, Ma, AM. a tIedtoCliraC crpabie of and 21 to wide ber 7lk. aak. aUa-ark- Pool hbaeu. rt For Sale a Baler ia Lot to tall indie III. I". ia nai: p.aa. Hew to ipprsacs Bmalrera, aad fee feet cold air, below 32, A Co. xn, A. Cnsa til, E. A. Mace jr. M, Gror Lwtt tt atU. aad aa Horratorr ink, 1Mb. Wh, aad lift. 1iriir SlBcaiic cf tr potat ta b tinted at," per Baack Sogtr Co. 31 Waiasae Ssgar Co. 3), a toUI Fancy Print. Btne Denial, At KBOKKA. BeaMeae.' of lira. J. Kaaatl oa boar. I paper Is gmsaet-o- o with feu lit. Waller ha repoittd ofltQwifeMtazra, W. G. Irwia A Co., F. A. SCHAEFER & CO'S. Canton FUnnels, Men. Women' ad Howeaakrr tttl aaa a Tka aecoad aatraal raeeti&z of fee Eoyai Honse," two HcfliCtUeger A Co, Ookala Sogar Ox, aad Children' Boot sod Hhoea, alar and AI HCEU. VBka of Mt. Akaaallllll oa lovtBtkrt AMruler bad beat a "Ctill rnrtjrrins cooling C 1 - ajaaa.'&Esj Hawadars uik aa tel. frar fat ckambers, each 13 by 7 ftet wide, 7 feel high, the Along to bear from. (Rt Hi Htyle adapted to this mark; PAIA, of lokepa. oa Xovratkor (Mb. Tnif- - ' Hetei attrM-aae- a AI BarMoaa laioam .... .'" ca fea Si irat. Then wis a fair tide and end caaed to a bright of V. iaebe wife Mr. T. H. Dane presented a draft of a reply to at llAIKU.oaVaof Ueo. Ilrooka. o Ba a Apt Coy' of nrTBber A depsSatios a. a. carTLC . a. aracarow A LABGK FBES1I APSOBTMENT. OF A4 lrrairr ad fraca fee tbe walla, toot 1 13 iiwtie apace fee letter of tte of Foreiga Affair. Or- yoax AHUEK, Blank Book Manufacturer Plaster' Labor Scppir Co. wee prraeat. xtse, cetfinct aad At t. abtl B. asd ako aBaruTadibeiagCllcd ia wife DcachzS, and fee dered to be engrmsed aad bo presented by fea L'AHTMi CIIOKl,', Makawao. EtXXEXaCBSElaWS. crrtr. Tnaasrar J'aecer raponad aa isdebtedae of ata. WM. two room ezpahle cf cr,TrUisiag fee estrsaiae ai same mtnmrllee taring prfnoes Hke correspoad-ex-c- e fHIFFIBO A5D COXXUSIOIS BE2CHASTS Shelf HARDWARE Ort. Wirt VfHiili. bot fear wa aaofceaiy or a Loral cf IS bcilock aad 0) (beep. is charge. txroBTEI-- ASD Crockery and Glassware, I'icl.1Sbovri,. UlAXK BOOKS OP ALL IS KIITI0'' Aa Opfu fit SciXBTVv frorx fea Goreraaust yet todraw 1 Oo, XOTICB ! ftim frsca. A practical tr-a-! of fee eapabibtie of tiia caw At lUn few neetiag adyaxraed mittl pus. on After Batesiae to fee npcrS of fee Serzttary, Wk-ieco- s feeI7thiro!t, Dealers in General 'M tfcn aftanuais at TVartiij tic BK eg estexpriae wa bad darrag fea pact week; Mr. Merchandise, Plantation and Mechanics' Tools A TTHKitKBTINO (tPTIIESTOt'K Sd clectiosof oftcn for fee aiifng terra waa pro- S3? plirhg 2Ta BIT. Hag Etrtrt, IlosaUla, II. I. uw ALUB fltCITATAtrO CUi, EeM Bound, to fn&aJaiF Iron latacsatiRit noiiTBl, Ptort Ecrtry-a- t ceeded rercfrfTTy a : but at pjx, is ess ". ii. Wkkmol Ruled and Order XtrttwHn aa,d hat WSS, fallow PersstScXd et tee cooling diarnbert a bsHoek and half a tteep Tte ricmlitr inMaihlril more prorapily than BOBET ii. Wailoka.lkerTlk.tkatoltowt.caatrraoipiiatuMi uaeua iacmstd a PrniidfTTt, Hi Ifajetty fee n"teg; o ti'x Obpaieb af aaxaa m aonw (rehty billed. The coolness cf chamber wa Basal fei Batatas, a oaoraat being pretest at the AbesTh roe apo-rtcxlol- PHBadrra.MD Pfaaoarat With XoalM naaatatr Clasc mmifctsfaae . Totfe6 : Treaa-aa- r, tt I Has.A.F.a'cddi Srttary. S. I lampet-atsr- a ajeeting bcarr. Tk KtfcaU Ca. S. llslatead, ,r Waulaa 33iasi3ao raiarr fearaariiasKit-- r and ,6arfi fcai arnreet fees redaced to IC and beet at atoet til axr I U I' aa 11 I'. - Dooka. Loral ami . Execstrr Ccoiscttee. Dr. B. Wboe waittag I The Ilalka Ca. ABarara SeerrlaryA Tfaaaaftf Hhuk Uaraifa.. lierateuscTAatawAr ssnt fee raoming of Scnday, fee Xth isaL, for fee expiated aaswr from he sizar risauiloa. Ptte-- a ) ldsaamrfTunporVd MirKiMaa, Hosa. L. MeCoBy. A.S. Tb Alrxaadrr Eald- - A. 11. Sailk A (A Ko- WW H A. BAH-t- BooadlaftoooM;loaw!atlloaakle tattadiptiaea tad tt restored to Us wbas the caaaase were rrmored. Aa isipeetinn Minister of Forrigs Asair to fee crKaoisnicatioQ c areretarr. irli aesftnrs, K. F. Bufeatoc, Eni, asd Mr. Ctarte encdj-tje- forwarded by Socuty, wa ala PlaaUtloai. to. KtaiOV ONE SPLENDID PIANO, CnaVjes Hoax. At t&a Ceam Hasaa cpndt cf tta meat abenred feat it wx ta pCttdid fee dntsstioa osgazed tUaukaa (TlaUlUw "CAIrxaadCdlkB. EXCHAKJ5E CHINA ! tie -- t- J. CY ON Merchant St., iGaiella BsHdfflav vxa xirztid. ad x total af JJfjij Inn Leiag arm And barf, not the rami gabby la on fee labor qseatlon, the saed eyiag Tka Hlukxaefc A HJ5. 27 ticrocjtlj taif SU'i Ktsl. XV fonai tffia at reported a taro (aesd. like feeliag. The meat wa fees est to ibrr feat Ubor wa a ileaideratam wife pUnta-tto- n FlasUUoa. 'PUB UNDKIWHIXKI) A 1'ItK-- ta) HrmoMm. It Tta Hawic as-oo- 07of3tocX Tafo ef e fit TacsToalr tat estcred fea Wadolx cp and caeca sect to apeeixfly farored peraos, cs of increased arerags is Tfce r naa 02aalaa. 1 PABEU TO DK-t- r TUB jiauc m it Tte cntTasel feat Ttr mull rato larsraacrCoaiBaav Fnaciaco. Gorxago'4 Hosp, two tnurs SI $SLCffi. W&at&er itrrrf Too- raora-isz- of Hi Majesty, Has. & E. Btabop, Mr. J. plant ran TW Sew Eartaael Ufr I aaarauo C'oteAav. f Coaloa qoaliti, in of Uils XOTICK ! to asr tfinet ajrrta rirer. at Hdo, wat tie fee (XI hartorcd Hank or India, and itfOi 'irr Finally fee reply of of Foreign Af- Tke Bisk Ca . of Bortoa. and Ban: Aaatralla vera sad to diaomr tta cccaiesrea ur set ia ThsctdayOcf-Se- L Sbaeara ia ererfe H.Paty, tad other, aot fcgrtting fee GixrTrr. -- Xarterig 14 wa rteefred, the de- IT. It. Trttoa'a FateatCaaUlfcsal xfachiae,. China, Hongkong. A3IHBTIXO OF Till. K not tut t7 pxacni taara ax took two Frsm aa actsU teat rxad, fee writer caaatate fair crgitiring rKtmiadon inii.ri-!ao- f tciMPA.-I-rr-- Isorr, 07 ttoise rack as fee rant of fee ekaaset asd Society Tka Sew Task aad Baaotaia pallet HI8II0P A CO mt. :ha WAlA"tAB ! inad CcBeet.7r Ceserti feat, At fee maatwa foead to be in superior era-drf- sired by fe to allow It talrolnctiaa of liar. Besl; Steam foiiawtae; trrn bo it rutaic ats&ti asd a day to pcrforat fee bisk felt wa The "Cmkastt' Uaaotala ad Maa Fraaciata. Welsh Coal on Utlahrf lorn. lAHib iiitiica m.itt to ITtfiannii to essally td by btrfcten, and, Ctiaevt laLorer. Tb letter reerrred and la, mm in inaiaiar idmtff tta aiaacadc tale aba mold curly ateats out orr tte sdy bar, feat serf VT JiraarAsos'clerad3lencls. COKE, FUXMIIKO TILES, Stamped Envelopes aletloa loat iwowrtr forth' eBHiaz rear ta3atcc3ctxxaveisrjfraalfVart Sterrjer 3Uxte-atn- pMMbly after cooking, fee rjcast aad ptrrititnde ot the riacedosSle. wsbost tosefdss. --netting Wlleolalt,BiarMlafaetrIaCipy. tad IEI Ac--, Ac PtMlarat B'tia-s- " ; firirfrg taa aacraaajy retezEtMacCraaiji. feice. andfeeUnderarjHof fee meat, prortd that The idjocmed satll 1 a. ta, oa Toeaday. Wkntor A WlUemt' Xewlat; Macklar tc TUB JJKNOMIXATIOXH OF Vie J BlauM- - lt le . il W tko Ptt.Wrai t nt tfcafjce (br partj wfco A Oct. Mr. WaHer bad eorae to OY 3. I. ao4 10 ' 'at., can pmrcb! U MacnUry Trf cf framed tta dead tont oa Satsrdty lite, cs ti erernriss meetatsl la fi'ia, a Ur on tkoalia--I uUct panTTTt b ap- Ta bet periodical ladiea PRESTOH, H.IIACUFEM) tc CO., PnltSk. aa, nTjau'F ,... . t tha aftarf, aUfioczt ti tr.,n.1r1 iBrmfaH aboo Hrirftmrk' spcer oaa aosae & fCaad that wxanowia a eocdrtia to for fea to Uk raosfelr Cavekipet prraoat ea tka other ItUadr eaa 'i" cdV-t- '.'So-'i- Hoffnlxfti wife meat wx which feey Attorsay ConsscIXor Law, n inuurr ' ff Irt Sat tta C&tsicaaa cirrrd kin tmjIRffO aaetttamHSartcdmsc&m lorrtsta of water ply the pobtie that l and from wilt rectrr fea great! sad at 0EJTEEAL COafXIIflOX AOXaif, arocaia ika-- froaj l lot! PcrloBc', alto doat ttlo jfattt tsareJnadio paa w'Ji&Ml r.ayai.tloa. asdcatzyiszrssd aral deboi isto ft Wiiixra tad palttakU. UneittsHipBititrt. 8r tirrrtisenuat. ly Kaabxaxu Slrrrt, Bsaeltl. 193 X (isto Birtat, Itasslsl. B. I. ly asdloatliu rtpluiaa Wil ll C. 0, BJ1K.IB. a'SSta-- fc . . aeawsiiSsSs

aafrec cf tb fct u&swa. staH tlre- - epca o wad aJJeo I aJ ti ti 5fcwt1r. U - - 5otf3i 35rrcscnetj tttvc aiirol t llujitfc py b4 wa t ts trWA(yJ4 CU ?chw( gjairatian &mtw &v8 cfti a sssjaajarw a it&to KUft; ljla JVjiiwi bjT k vttWet VUt 3wil.ittr, s&aH ty NfMdi3iwMtM. PCTOB.5K JxH brs. wiA tvvawl tit& Iiafctr WTESAT. nwr jesk sief6eat.-v- a i" i' lBf tt tts rwftr pajrewa rf wtseiWjtt jVxS UU M cvt-teO- tS ycovc sail dsrvfto baicTdtiuttnr J5 --Istipxi ast rjpr sail sst tiaasse ot aay drctto? GRAND OPENING! linMYYKvL N 1tw v aJfcrmxt to sac lie arawtaJ krv-tj(v- l withdraws, SCBKV tSMV tbo oe Wtv cvtmoJL tow-oflnir- v tS wept to lWbaaWr to 3fiMTlT seek cieew s taay h apouttvdtteIby bit wmm bn. Ks wJt oa-o- f tfcwafe V'aii to carry tii Art taw c jvratKE. aapi Sav-w-- kusl tij vaw t wrt iai btaii S. Thoratoof iaWcvisJ iivM m a iita ?a tktvvtb aad tati Art siatt 4 j tJ?r VcSxAm-- w- Goods; )Itat: of ti laWtwr. easeed Sxu pet aJaa jvr mumhbc jmt t aajta- Wt k as. tnmi(T NewMillinery Sacrum 5. XTwa rvvwiTiKctrriitejiSD- - aa rf t Ai-va- ?, jiatt taterwi b p dvpy fM skJ.(KVfr M v llvuto Ih4ioaryi ' c2cui2e fcr asr of th said lets, ih dur, ai acy tutKv oaUicwasftt Cr mt Rrnft at rutvrv cv SESSION LAWS OF 1884. tvak-d-rikf- ee yjafcxlasyt assksS tie Aite of dcaar. lsVrwi siaH aot W coJckk-.-l tir M 1 c OMM)rfMaUn tVKfal JMt. tat cas tiro cr mcw jvrsees ea aay assweat ks Oaa Siv WUa, or Atoat tSS TWT Hr Tik1.j tV M- - CV AX ACT Sue Hit saatt fct tfe oa icfeeue aiv ateftipi tJwreof. o tet .akUjuahRj. h.J i scse aad lkV laJha-la- s umJNiatiatWiaalMarifcttin'.BtwaauaJ sstd th day of wnvMoUk J WvmL Kalaw MMmh. Hla Jai. KmaihkMl ri tWcaitkr JtCitg xT Mtr JhX1t vriw, (be 1 braaraal RMUta kftkakUlaauW - N, C PtWXS38 OR 3TXKS IV AST rXSJUfttS 1 SACHS, Us day S. fcJK'wis? of . hpm sat aa4 tv HMUt,tMM, vnkmmur wki saoaiH atiitad tve-o- a Vy attgrarr - dpil ri4rnM k. nrciffltC!STwrxas- Crass. act ta or siatt cease- oa tie tbyof tb eaWaofar fetrtFfwof Awoa MHI r"WW. k &j tfe rt raWMawaaatItt)airW.YK - - - - I Be it Eaacfaalby the EKcaai the !.- - at offiw of 3IsKirof t& Iattcwr EaociiawSacksscitfcjvsitk mtUn U ia lb sasw twvatt Mx 104 St.. Honolulu T ufre $ Fort lacre Asseraiwy et vie tuwaaaa istaais. Sktws Isiwwi es. l)tU $htt MMt)tavtttlr br N 3fc if - aco&ottOB. Q& TV ta. the Legifater e th Ksspfea as- twett of k tbfi KwaX b calcttbiixl to taw tarty-ikr- 4 dy of IV .fWnrskw 0"vt bAw.pjw. TV BP.IXMS. swsbfal- - cabvr. ta etrey year, aad stall tv Vied tet.4 a aad Ko4; ajaaa-- . w5 4v Sscrws? win shaE ? e&f!a3 asd$0'0&a to aad Ivwew a part f tW tWTA,HftevabMaMU4aW MaxTwTiltMt MartVW4 I Aay kcsbi ax )iaif) T4 aavaX WVHfawtaiffiumfci tty aW twmttwot, or attach, pester. t ottr apsaatf. I'yoa cvai.iiTii3r tsoaey Wwwamt ar skl. lW,rlteyaTlatPfWM IXnttam.UWrl acy shw bSL haslhtB. w 5S. ?; l8i ttet M.TiMub WV ctvttt Ua kUaUhst )vt at I bcS-ita- . Sscr"S AB aaoay by U or ether artiej to aay xvoni -- ,t4l IMMirMitiUKiMnaTlbMUnaVthWI 1 Next. lertKBai && latwrwr skofi sraat tfc sase tfc IVeieiaswr Geoami, as tke wcmk vfentvr Xew.Twk iW i ir. fom la. fTWC' ivbwrk4 hbtiwrau I On ajva -- October fern-v- depctt ut H - - 25 . VnApty wfianraj rr-- j fc Saturday few. rxk. puis tfr afcp m mmI i puTrwat - of tea iWihr T WiVkaV other object, wskhcat :irsi bib- apoKas "Hawauaa IVetal Ssmac liaai" ta mw tmH. siractsrv or iaux-wiAJ- iirs, fcr Hx of t& parties. ti ef twvoty& skaA ptA aaal IM4aR. ("MwntHttata I ubtauanz the evcseni the cc avaf K Mwil .toA - - - th H..V(W . -. tt recwc yvaztr q?c aatr k tr. " '.' "" .- rsM ec latwxsi adrxac?. as rr. paid tato Tsvosery. th u:f eobahal to the ressw-swaoi- f sock ti aad llKcrar iviitf ijnied Vr irtiwmi asrwffiwot Pabisr Acvvoat shall btrTi?rn;T tree, r a htWa of ope ta tW KxA I WW Trr'r-rr'TTT'-- I Pe rwi. appK-coaL- . -- -. aL.aJtn.i ' -- fec. rnix. cf t&? . '.T ti 3Efctc ti iaticr aai cfti Ttvosaryivst acevwat tob dW a M-- y 4-- - lllinalii i. ai'ViiT VV" caer stractare or wjjert. .l.tn re jrsitty C JJ, Ji u ITV- 3X i OWJUtAl-a!lvaaKa.A--r- j as aifDfciaiWr fcctk. sad tfe tJa -- - m nil 1 sns&jce'aaijr. jt ei ti HnraaartlVetaliNiTtagv" to wfciek. c..w-d.if- j. ' .ta aa! iya waTtctwa cutwc fcr tW apo&cant AjUA. D1A MILLS thereof be&rs asj PtoSre r Bfcfart kwliriotfeti he siall credit alt dvres aaade o& tiu M. IH3TS bSXJSmCQJLLI BTtSUTSa RICE of tie Isfctnocof sacit wnttva accoest. ieshoU debit H-- w. o-- 2Ii5tw aad sack saaasas 5-- Jm&Ee. ha be used set nwre than. ana f M4J.jfjuaj t. AtpfwaW. sadsfeall uVStvr aaybe-drawao- V.-- - each, awfiwnt it xrjrraats iaed by th --f r -- , i-.- J Jofcr- efiense. , rvtsy far t sm.--h &zg&-catv- Pju4, " t II sack affScast ow of Pestausiec fcr payateBt saato. S- - V sscxwn r. saaa 3. of .f .yj4j - s5uSisr-- j ias Act freixtae staawL wiuci. sfcalt ettU to depositors. E.ua-- ji rfl iv .t V daif dae . r 5 law Enn aal after fc patfeaiwc aM lt1Cr-MCtA-U- i Wtfe; iEusHai I pn aaaal C She Assust-AJ- iia. yetseuje of tb? Att atocer recetTed to tht a atVra - IpfRnd SLst 2oya X Vrt dvsczSvOL of ksi tbKva vtt as ti-- ptsen tk bttads of ta -- a ai iMKaa, aa &Si SALAKAVXKEX ocit ta - to evmiaab aawE 'Upaiitiecs Ge&eraL mrmamg-- r Mnay row tb ltaiaster as 7WJMAjMfc "th - o&r - a v tam tireot. ami w4ie4. saaB Watbattvda of ti-- Hawaiiaa Sana Eaai. Bi Wt .- 4 Wt Vid bwrasM. "?'"! ' ' " BTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBFf AX ACT lvtal 3 1,1, r .vTVv35b erttieccw vitb.Mit fttrtic proof is. all ssau pe uetfEMvt treaievi as part o tbe aNnaptaastbfSwsMs. XvTwV:ludlv laCIUaa ,4,., 3 T F5sS3T 'WiJis wr Axrst.ws AV aal I avaXaaaatittawt. Mt 444caaa tat Cuorfc. of ta Kmtijitt. Sasft arwo;at5 pabttr dsbi for th Esa Wubwlw cat tk iweatto, lM vvmt: Xm&Srnm,mt omJI eg- iick Treasarr sift. c tn ijtjjB Uunr saa K ta sdbtaBK as fcBow - totie tkrvertftv. aadthaevaBt a4 tV Jufcttfet alkvo swirtJ Rfllt nek ir Hin&swof thIoWrwr ta h sbaHosiheirstatrof Jaaaary. aad th ket c ta wtor, eackusKc SK4 a tw IsaK of t& Hawauaa Gownunea. tW rtdayof Jeiy bv credited vttk iatecvst kat ni the auttK h IVlfnbaf?. Tea parxof ifefct partanwt of of a tie baiircv to crvdit cf the aecoaatas Ml" umJ.TVt bepatowll WihR; Stfteea X Y-- k snaMed: tWparSTr of thct-- e "J t stiaMr. tawluvlof taxt?ai a diys. mth six taoata taterest at w part. 3wrw aa- folkywv : six per cestast ntfaaeat wi jat Ket u !UT TOBACCO 1 0 per aaacra eat rVrfnbirrrttc (fat aad om(mm the w f TIM part?' of tW part to Szctmx ?. ncit aowdatibe ikaiief Oo&aorthotsaj-bi- ir; ipws li at asy tiaie the atooeys tathec pijrrs wbea Ibe Ih sell, aai tk-- psrtf of tk port paid isto Trvajary tatcriiuae ft ba&iar asiW oa ?3b11i3lL staff tw soI tie oe secdaat of Ib tsiMeely TrukMim pat iVt cnpcI kr iS owao- cr owaer- - tfcerwjf ra arws tojccfefctO!ilit sashavd HawaEts Pcstal S.wtbg Kiak aad ii uler tkrwirb,ekl tbea ai thsf f Huciv-swa- ud tw Tit snett a as to grrw cemffete njxm sanwj-o- ki&i cai tirf i ireresi accrsed tiervos. shall be iasait-cies- t auiur cccsi Act njcuivr is. ta 107, 109 111 FBJEMOIffT STREET fftsr tie itrw of wr fcvet t& pijv cf I&trkt of to set tie iawtal daiat!-- of tie "OwKsuas. ralxr pcrit feriirF ut & ACia-ie- Son, saea wee IIaatL of iachn&ir aa area depositors, it siaH be tie daty of th r ittfd. HeeaKTbor. Vat bit ac abwut Bukes of acres, tc t years roai tk date. of tie Fiacca. oc a irarraat of AGs- - siine.1 to - at tb? pra of &isirs. fcter of &taator M'l . EH! XILX. JTTKR: 1UlKOF Vt. X1EKI-- din cse of watericnt asj- ssS:a;sa2. th Irerwr. to pay tie aatooat of Aad KAaaadi cfais at r iuami wB. shall It fa fnrtfcec asrwd tisai ta? party of tie saci de&aersry oat of asy cso&ys aot tie oMfoera xreat , a sot, but may n k for iirLriiijc dccnac part laay tai. taaoudiato vow-sw- t ecr.erws.e- appropnaJAt. aaa report saai wkSetae Ksdr cf XcdCitaaisHnTt rrtat FOR PIPES AND - w- CIGARETTES - JtMO aa. 4.1- - rt3T . r arw .mW -- jjt - y. of said and - the ij.j Tipcnv u o j- lfc(ntiUir aati otfer eM parpctesi exespt tie pts&e itjd ti aani toti seat eaoia- castturaeadtdbchis. wu curkd to proralei krwtiTHri tbat sastf as iereiaaSer prwtaisd. &r ti tifrri AssetafcJy. bene fin gtggfe. rmsbuy Iutt. T3 fct Etaeii-ta- of & witioas sokjeci to is :.P3 a($ fege Be fcirs fsf ik Mm I C!eis el Fs&y. saa.wutec sit ffiwd fer dsTisy 7 ywsri, hsaj tb Sicrwi K Aa aaaaal accoaat of all m. case it fc nSred a3erran2s &r fiijTMflt of tax.& tawrafcrrard shall wii-1-2 depesiis recetTed arsd paid oat oader vJrmnul Iktstecaxrats. a : ?;:itffHi or othsr pcrjve?. ec year froci tii dato bc3d a dyrtfl-ii- e a&ticrSy of tits Art. aad tie eapwat. ia ENt hKlWH. AIT 3.X Secraa 3. Ai"ssljwrsuc. tTsibslsss tie fenseittuc. tiesaalbt lis. ease tww curred dertr ti yeareadis, IV.vbs THE IWARKET A10t. iu'Cs are set -- prwiiecs of 1 aail2 of Ast, iakvc dscr3b & of ksil ber Slsi. together wHh a state&seat of the Xc mf I'inrH? C vrefc. w 1M1 FmociMm 4U toWcrtjIfc. Stcs tie UHTUiltltlr sfafi aroc cocrirtaHi tbereof fce&rs aay ksd by miraivr) aadbegSitoeccapyti tccat araocss ilae a: Use ctose o tie year 0. BE EWER & GO. 4 if V - immaitti- - Rhrt ittttn "jra(j aiBtnl n SScv sarse, and cofitinae- to asu tig to aH drjpcsisors iuiffiife7kM- W(L. maat PbSo or Dt5t One? of tke of sM sar? shall be aakde uh-- Ui flew Ar" lsbal brth S- - '&--nu- Coin, fcc as a resideeee' t?r reaaaiskr of Festrsaster AG-fc- ier ir r J villi anl ' kmtnc ISO t Btfr Bfctat . way wai SsuJ set aare taea firr dr- & tee Geterai to th of tie HATE tt mumN i nn nJ arunury ta said tore of yeacs, siaH i ills. t aai wiiii Izteper. wia siaH by tie state befur tie BROSo, oi two froci date erackse TegaJatiTe 5 CtSriit7 mi4 Cknuil wVaK"1 Satrnoa 4 Fcr & aoro e&ctsal Tears tils tisaai Assecrbly ai ifc aext ensuiar oi ffia Act. ta Vt.-i- kt ul case two lots are tnW:. describe' tie sessicct arjl th Aaditor Geaeral shafl JUST JEIECEIVED K ?. ai of - Duontr Vr5.iT of tas jTj let bzla lasdbyraaKT) wiiasafc- Eake aa. of tie bco&s qaar-terr- TtK JUIIUUC-A.- , CONSIGNMENTS OP PADDT SOLICITED. PDOctftnen. of the Islosdvf Ou&s. majai at stastial ftfoci?. and sisaH pay qattrterh-t- ad report to the AGbterof th afi tom! of ttght er 4ar. entr witioct adrarjee ifcflars (a Krarecreseatrr Iciencr. Sole Agents. "Wm. M. wairaat uz? pteissies wtetecc artesaia tra sfjucwor interest o ta saat pcrccase Sscraw IL Tie Fvstraaster General. GEEEVOOD. water e iehM. prxeat tie rate of tee perce&i peras-2JE3.- ) with the cusseciof th "Ev- t- Je PrtTy Bark CT n . Ceylon cscxido fr. Acs ssoa remae- a to tie party of tie arst port, ami at CosadLssayae. aad ro& tlaae to tiiae ia? . 2 DUKA BJCE 3QU& &a Frana Ctl, law frvci ,tm afier it pobecatkjc. tSM esd of said tecs, shall rav is fsS & as ie siaH see occasioc. alter all needfal tiiK rouonnu . Agprwwi 8aK Sit &it of AaKai. X D said doHars (tieprMieprke' or repit&Bs for carryisc this Aet iato c; gl "aaw?5BPBBaajBi"aBaaaM"aaW"""""""g ISSi. KALAKACA.KEX. azy part of tfc saaie liat siait at tiai aad after pabiicatioB ?oeh regtda Coodj tisa rwsaai gapaH or siaE defirvr a tiecs so siaH be tbepar-tie- s MERCHANDISE 3'ew by sad bodie oa " Latc - y"sr a353 Arrivals AX ACT jiKrc of pcesiLtfc- to secore tW said is tie sabject asatter thereof to the SKr or sock unpaid balasee' at cam extent Wnicn will be Sold at aSBaaaaff FEOM SAX FRAN GISCO, Ta bntEXSBT t Unwrsa e Feusce ssbi sa3 as if sock recabUiocs iinaed Fob CsrtiB EsHantrnass. eayease. for a tecs, act fess tias. oa year part of thfc Act. IOW RATES ! cr 2Ke tiac St years, as fee party oftie Szcnra 1. Th Kxfc of th Hawauaa XEW YOEZ & ENGIA2TD. B.'it Enacted by fee Ess-as- fei Lei- - Sn?; part saaH decide. isterest at Pcstal Ay-rib- T wii tie Sanags Bask shall be oceeed. aad laewi af tfee EiwaSia Iilasds . of the ra& tec per eeni. peraoaBm, payaHe themaaacer shaH receti aH derotitsof "Electric Oil" at LiciKwars of titu ElHirixa aa- - sefBaV&cBiiafiT i adraace". fered oc aad after the arst dr of Js&aarr. by fe XTpoa ti receipt of snei sma of nxmey, A. D. ISSx Received Castle Cooke Saciaw L Tfa 3nJbSr of Fisastv or aapaid balaaee thereof, or sn& saort Sicrsos IS. LARD, in 5 & 10 lb. PAILS ibfirefer k AUexpeebeiaccrrediath imWrTtlwd afij c&ifhny,l boo. cacv, party of tie- - Act "shall ALSO TO ASKrVX BT VESSELS DCZ FHOX ABOVE POKTS. AXD tie irst part siaH esecatiec of tht be paid cot of afl fiafeffitr OB. acossit of fee raTraens at de&ter to tfis partr of ft secocd pari, osde-it- ; I or tie iscee denied aatietry. tfcs foflowin H2. tnt k to saV: i&becrsa Boyal Patent for tie said pre- - proTJded. ioweTer. siosld soch iaeocae To Sojld .CTieta ul cuzux tfWssOiol proTe icSaect darias- th earrest btea BE liOWEST KATES 98 CO Provided, iowerer. of period, LAJRX) at 2ti party tie sial any excess of exceib oay be - ilmJK-ioG- se OIL "S- Parsiase of Ordzaso; 1A59S seeded pars siaQ sot pface a paid froci tie iaddeaiak of ' th General OOOXJS Pa-ya-f ilafl. Carrisrs . . US2K spos tie said preces. aad bect PestOce. JPL incafa IfetOfice.. iSJi SJ to nse tie s,m as a dwe&s ioese wiii-iz Srcrses AhrriedwoiBeaaadziinors Imriftrfcife Dyrort-- li. laterasr year tress, tizs date, or siaH cct cay, . Suitable for Plantations.Gountry Stores oust vis their owti rcat make deposits Tar and Pitch, L115 59 caetirtae to Ht spocsaid precises fcr aad recetT repayawat, jrria'ndai re- Lapc &tdttciact rest cf tercr of flTe years, At the Old 8 GqwnTTTfnt tie tie sud or ceipts therefor. COAL Stand. No. Kaaliiiiiiaim Street, PySesiza . .. siaH cot fesee tie said let (cicase two Sxcras IS. This Aet shaH tak eaTeet finfcira-rHite- - Casks Use. Bmlfaj asii ists are taiscuetnlM- - tie lot oIKiii taral frtsn aad after tie date of its pebGeatios. In for Family "ii'tw U Firdurs. ltbt&ttM lalW W Oar pitila. T BTTTTT'cer) wititE two years cum ApprO'ied this of .ECO.MVIlA.1D Xamteeaaji Aj,hr- 3JoS 2?ti oar Aacast. X D of Lzoze - &ie wSi a snistantial feoee. or siaHt.fail 15SL EALAKArA. REX. TIN, OOPPER & aK2...... v i22ia tapay tiesaaiiiieressas tie sarse siaQ nLOisr SHEET IRON WORKER Ggw;vr! ' Improved Paiis O "W Prf"?" Ecorae- doe, or siaQ cot psv tie said AX ACT A5OSTS "Iir?! PL Snjsf an of - Briocen af (iPn7- (Borciase pcxe or tie To Eipa5a of Barwia of "ffatar- - Escocuse TffT Paoaecnoa" or Baxr CUMBERLAND COAL " m Elunii rf Kailati Plow Jmb fcip A .. cspoid balaise tfweof at tie ecd of tie os Oraxa Fcais Et Taass Istasie. rawi wwdes SK12 said fire years, arts. Ben tiereof deHiera Set PLUMBING, 1 roc x 3aaxxr. in all m ii it Bfsizs of "VTharres . . aforesaid, Tffr CARD MATCHES its branches;! -- ccrsrage as to party of Tt Hk. a j. w .k Bepans tie tie BeitEaaeiedby th King-an- iijifcfci t.. 'VM of Waterrorfa Jirsi te-eo-d tie Lects . . ji. pari, tisse pretests siall tiereoy Assefffbly Fairbanks riatforai ; mm. Iran r u to. fl MJibm, PltUl, ?77 ,rt Sfv Paface. . void, asd tie party of tie pan, lathe of the Hawatias Scales, Artesian "Well Pipe, sizes; Eijiafcg ef fat ia tie Leaiaxe of the King all r d swm ID. to , 0.1. wTRi.tm. Ficaac ISSK Eoy tterettpoe wfiboct rotke, densaad or AVOCTIU T,7iT4 . daci r" MIQ: " Err!a of Lm Acs . . . lecol prccess, tak possession of said asseabied DISBTSSTS CELIEATES TBtWrrrny tie SAVS A3U nES. 4Tr, SEES to D Hiciaiisfc-- pneraisef, wui all nzpraveeesE tiai inay SscriDi L The iCatteroi theLtterior I ApgcrcrataHt by Pmj Coos. be tiereuE. aisd renwre tie partr of tie if hereby aathorhed to pay to aay isTec-to- r ASUOABS, 16,17,18 ft en thoa-aa- AND tsasz) aasii part, asd aH psocs or is assizes tie sea. ef tec d RANGES on LfMra doHars. s Axe STOS latenst Sceoal efiecfa. wiefieer said icTentor Handles, aad tierr or its rode Sao. Xahlteoa. Kwhmnnd. lip Tup. Palace. Fins. Ma,. CoalMt, Oiaad on - Pri. Iatees: Lcaa.A:t siaH pecdace aad patent is. -- ini Latest ImtHroTenieiits in Shelf Hardware Aaast I: is hereby farther acreed that tie these Pick Handles, w KmL uftt. nar.wm.Mrbjp9.q1M, PaMT.A- Army "n airttr. Itani. "V3. iCi. . . . lLsseo party of tie secocd partoriis hec?, siaH Iskads, a rsaeiiae or outer Btetiod for met IMt. Nmibto, In-o- od aad Loandn iMana. laiesst on. Li:a - tfrp cleaziag-theSazi- Cotton Waste, . (Jiuil. Wsn. Niekal Fisted . - - Art Sctaffl.- not 3BT s&eh. or aay other similar Ins and Pkua . n "- - t- H.t iHjaiiiaM vnuinnm ter2itii.l5?5 3021 CO iSiira-aH- ii haB.lTww1eanse tins azreecieBt to fibre cieapfy. thoroscily aad suitable for Salt, Plaster, Brieassar of isarkets of world 3E Jaiii iIHacna Toidii iereiiybefore set forth. tie tie Galvanized Iron "Water Pipe, sizes. on - tie-sai- Choice all and laid at S TSl. !, ID L"S" C3- ZD luc ofi.aaczt lse-- The party of the second part cay ussier WieceTer laachiae or method A Selection of - O O Q&- A 41M. fcc Bse: has TltB.ntf- i 0 Bltodtatf tart Z aitiv int - azreeEest. gay tne wfiaat or part bea tiorowrhhr tested before the 1 imil. L Bin Hlrnrt ntr Xmmtm Lar" BUu ta isr ! tail aiBt IneMifeiH Fareira. Occe. 0CO of tie said pnrihati-pne- ; at arty terse at said Minister of the Interior aad K food CHAIRS lotvestltatest Cast Iron andXead SoilPipe, Thai fer tfce feci SJ4JS- - iis cpooB. before tie terSEatios of tie to do its work is the macser speoied 63, Hie abore. therefor said Minister rKH.'EKlfcS, fioUti Gate, lfeitcof Ffcazct saai lire years, ana Bpac any saei pay-Bw- ti tie Kaat Barrel Shooks niLL Sbr 4 Stperlse flwr siaH rader a ata&.l ax siaQ beaQowed a correeposdSg' horsed to draw a cheek apoa tie Minister House all kinds; eoG2i af espiuofere - ef favor of Furnishing -- Fpaace iz said EXCELSIOR, Goods, i n 1 B.Tin- - - ttfe redaeiioa of the aasasai of iaiarest raaceT- th iaTentor Hin. J - ii..irji Liim- Pnnjuiil 4011 Hj.irmilr. tin, m. Asiibfy at ss sjeu ast-si- oc fcereiMbfore stipafated. bat he shaB irt so crhHassfeM far the said amount, aad Tor Kerosene Oil "We Offer TEE PAIL5.CZ, ease be entitled to a Boyal Palest of tie the said lEaKter of Finance is hereby PIlORtOMl CitM'tS KCBBEE HOKE-A- LL SZES AND GRADES: and Gc&rante 3T authorized to pay same - HM57 said premises tt5tL after the end of tie tie oat of any It mnnnt be beat for quality- or price; also, TEE Tpiic i2i TeJeiiaeic saidterarof Sts years, asd his sotbtirtia! Eflceys a tie Hawaaaa Treaaary not HANDY a"rft1sa5jls 10 ctierwi apprpprted. PHETONS, v UA.CA2T, good, 7488 perfgnracee of the stipaiatjocs of this a oil and above test: agreeceEt to be peri ocawl by fens. SEOHErS. TielGsfeseroftaelaterjor Xew Styles Oarriaeres. Sl?tM2 2? case aLo hereby asihorized to pay to of Is. of death af tie party of tie k f 3 ' Chandeliers, Lamps, WOODWARD & And SHtl (TSiittK 3TW 1 sPcwrd part before the expeatiac of persona or eojepeny who Lanterns BROWN'S CELEBRATED lunW" tie - ln PIANOS piwwd. said fire years. aS the rights and bneSis tirst cacsfactare aai seH ixfrc- low r " USarrwuz of this agreement shaHrest fca izarketable Baaie Fibre or other similar Tk- - ni-- -1 .(. F Stv Hitch Orzaa t . :ra Tie saas ess. in ieirs Exjji'cjsx Wagons I i nit Paxfer Vrrajm tamed S"cijnn snb-- et care an eqaal whkfc e tie first r.f'tlr I lB aecordisto to their cocpie-tie- s. aatoct tolhat shaH h afarswi fe tie i&fetar f Ffeoce to of tie perionnaBi of tie strpahtjocs be recerred fnsn. the sale of 5aa.l Sim Ladies' Phaetons, WB. TKrSSBS! VrvssjbS! a iJwiLrszji, ta war tiereof to be perfanaed by tie party of It shaH be laecnbeat oe. the party or parues. seurag- Ei5pe Bssbbx af TTata:- - of tie secfiodpart. IBS saae, to ale witfc the CIDER VINEGAR, said 3IiKier a TeriSed uAeroast Seles J. EM1V1ELUTH & AorLi JH 12 Siczws i, tie CO., of saase. wierespoB said Mhtfeter Begagaaf "ffataacLw .. 123 60 ssrreyiars aid acoraeers, nirf other ei tie tie HAND CARTS, 3To. -- caeca: 5 SUuiSTr STREET,, HOXOXTTI.Tr SeTPaliee . . peaces required BBtieraA: Att shaH scan rtraw a oa. tne AUaKter of ... I5t b r ti paH from coneys in tie Treasury aot iuaiacK- 13 ot use saai partr or EASTERN MADE OX CARTS p&a&s. ctierwifee appropriated. Tie fees of parties, for the aatosat do as above ... tS2 83 tie sreoasd. which JTER & G Agents for the 'Superior' Stove Mairag-S- Bead acd Bdefcws 1977 5? said apecairs siaH be &im doBars a day aaaxat tie Minster of Telecraffcic azd Tefepfcacc apsece. rrzancs m hereby aathonxed to pay oat SUGAR BAGS, - ofanyDoceys Hawaiiaa CocaaBBJcilzaiL CO Sscrioa- Tins An sfcafi taia iatie Treasury . . . 1JM eci net otherwise STOVES frtartard after tie oa of its pdh&aiiec. appropriafed. JJ.D8MGES the rensiracenti of aa Act asGrcvrwf tlv Szctbbt X Tcia Act shaH tale effect C. BREWER & COMPANY 5 zr.ns 26 d A Large Invoice of 2Sai. day of Sepefear, 157ft. ardbecQcgahw-froeian- after its the Celebrated fcaagHr 1 TMf Aii tw taS efict X D. as iRfflt asd after aneoded by as Act approved tie 31ti day fe paasip. ef totfee eoctrsry Appnrd this SSth day of Angasi, X fS1 ? Aajrarawl this AKrast. AD. Jiy,iD.I5c, sat io- - 6ji ; EALArHUA. REX. Ajpcorod"tais 25th day of Aierast. A.D. KALAEAtA. EEX. 1SSL EALAEAUA BEX-- CJELJUIjOID TRUSSE9S TfllQlRHKSimiffi AN ACT Go. VTaisily hai jtartai At Sifc. To 5f FiotiEirz TnsABEas j Sffmz- - AX ACT. The ITarasss bare teat x mini i ta SAMUEL jcza' SajH. NOTT, r iiflBfZ5rEas. Ths Eiwutts BnsriL, Sivtssd - - !TEiFiPEinrTaejr. Burl Tae 0t ckctMs tabu mfaot . .- saaa Aett beiar- aa to aoeoarars thedep in PlU3IBI3"G, raearjaratie Erscdara wh are s& A. fun ofssoS sa'sacs at iaterest, w&& 11- "rcsiora F naazerd inmei xs& ara- desi-roa- a tie - Birrae baa iiiiimiiiiih' iH tki r swnz&y of the CTj.aijeat repay-ne-si iit aisF- af pr-- icciestaads. for tefmW ci tie Ejypiia ka t rtlsra ta Gas FiTTiif g, We Havo Especial FACILITIES for Adjusting TROSSflBL Montague xsb thereof. Range, feSEnact edby&eErssraidtteljegi- - kuuxu KiaKTimj. fiMHaTfagaa-Iilinds- B it Enacted by tie Enar aad Lksexiek &sfieex pnrn4c srre:As rfmHyef . tie Is Jar Oe Tirrs3iiTH & Roopeh, ns-tt- of tfyTTrTCTmr?, OHcjuar is hske Jjatorre of tie TI7ifit f tiw if cbl pofcs tix u nfttoai if tie TELTFEOXES. it waitress Emdcr rathe Lrcasiahcre of the ESsdoe kJJZl UWWICTIK 1J8W3C 211 tr FrrrtMB bava beea BKicaMi at bnr. KCollistep Co., U & - Ssczxm L There hnn fce carsfol InfeTjW Ei hewba- aa?iirrr.T ti.T esui&ied ud wtek auie la frrat djmnot--i nr the Geserai Post Oscp-a- Eacafair. aa metn; TcAm nac iW riiiUTii rtraral to eaiese poraaca af tie pqfc&e il DILLINGHAM & a pert of Bcaaaof the Hawaaaa Pecial ThsCoaua fTfirani at bn fwtiiaaiii Hi Cor. Port and Merclxant Sts., & Qtt., "nfew&se&aresniaHefar the pnrpoae 59 Nuuanu St. Serriee. a Sa'nas BaaS to fee ioowrt a aew Canettu, Fan ami -- rj act at the tme EeM b? Thf de ave Eecexved. a Prdl tine of thp. . praHi the "EawafiuiP'oHSal ba3tS(cCbBa,tka Km! Ik ri,Gtt- "xayonie wjstferfca.'efcsirt tie tfrrermceni-i.t- to fee &rin3 Eaai," of tndrr - aril fad ant fatj rat whiA the PaeTmniitar Geateral shaH be ex irjia -- n oer at5eir masBser Eiafaa hii caakd Ctcas t JJillinghairL Brepn rwsoiy aaa ot fes than, two acres is. ei-te- a ' Aartntii io.it PlOTVS iitdry er iaia Baoi, tw Sectbs It shall be kwfai or tie It sev ri6K? ibeib asiit ioc bis, wkacb ad rat o9r PostraastfSr Geeeral to anrhiKize ence ao fstestias mxie mmmm. acres' jb itant ard drrecs la a bag tij abnd. rbaliiard.wa& tfrr-- ittiiisit's iiwt v g IIXll,l1I erarwnsecl reads ctcanrectam sseknC iis fiSuum. aahe siaH Late: rscacti nn Jsir St. ext tbai V.r- - tierewri to nr-- gt A KlUMBUt "Sacraost UpiBrthecoiiEpIeoaiEef rzcerfe aepowtt aad to repay tie iaa ia& Eees St, eaadu terenlj faitrf. asr tocstier with tie nuwest aceraisj xsii csu as wm tnux I rack sarwjithe ZEshierst&s lateral obt t ute u vn lira j flHEeW PlfP fi aripiErt three appraseo, ace of d RICE PLOWS wam&i'iail be tic scrwyer whaiaafaai caiiertise asthcxityof tha Aef. A Ifksnz: to tie Lcadea 7cwn inn Kw. Perfumery Perfomery tie-ethe- pruTOfai always, that depoeita faW tblaal, acd two rasafcscis sseh Via? UttJ tfcit zwalir Sarfuk tmbmz cot of ieas zoaiat than ijsaxMr of itcmgraBttbeefaaiac'FaraM-iMeitiffi- ! Sft Krsct wiaii:snci.Iaridjs aa-atw- l! i z Perfumery S f is do&arv raaitipfe Perfumery. i kit. wioEiaH fcts cr a thereof. en (usceatBi!naes. nas.ttic so laid ? riTery oepes; ot aa.i dacrs-tiKt- at czcTid recemiiBy Tbe csorzTS af tbe Eisc af m m&Mrr appose tie sane is. their - , . ..-.- ! Iuir , STOVES, ary so aatfcorizwt Peeiraas-te- -- J rEaaffaaife oSeer by the r tigKa ia ' meec-tfc- ijf fhiH FLi w-- ao a ami tr ta mt ivn St tiu fkaraol C!JUa FlfNt rariet rates, azd aiaH Geceral. eii Ksau n as na was rBpTrt&erpaypraiffineEta totheHxaata-- aiaH be ernd by ttra at tie t&s Et:i Hii, ut, asd LudscaoM& W o W - au In KjiiiiB mae iei &r real sai Settle . ni. u la-- am. tij. lawU tyfc tie- Isiazic by a wntten statenect upanmrs ixtx. ara tie es tie af Italy. RANGES, ZiISTER try siaE b attested by the said by at feast two of apprai-w- &n Ta ratjji ef Altoc, rcas. vxa by CaluvitoiH, Eane Sees, tiarrowi. saeii tie saai i atd the dated staspof ,wud tPicTsra- Tie ICaataref tie Isterier haofisazdthe xejzlcoicatkeZiik. ttg KttfaAtt Cfana Lamps, OH. Pittera 2sfine - sSs tWe ac Chandeliers, Have Received ferscjuat pnhEsh a nefcoe is. the- Ea-wra- u wndKd, asd fasr miifcet. Just the largest Tccis. all kinds ; Ms-- r Plastaticii Iaj3agitjicdif he deenadTHaBfe. Ac aCesat m end ta sp ta Coaa. xsu DiSrccnal Pansy Blacfa, - Gcieral. asd the aeksawfedgceEi of the c90teie at Sa&bary, Baebad. A m airy atner bamaffs- in whit cews-pefm- a rate: p6Bkere Hotsts. Hydraisiie Jacks. iz. fhi Tgst--, axs psh&hed. ueaerai caa Ifflrttwits Its ef wiadcwi vets lau&ed by Ae iTpinw. sil & whsefc to the deposger Aa XTczas ofSfetso iobem put Sc Mao, Pcddsr Ccttcn, Gaxien C&ftl Bimrars, catiorihaHbeis scbetasce as fol-- ardthetaid acfcowicdsaaii shaH le cocd8are S FT Adly, gaisj uotb talieincbof acna HOUSE FURNISHING LOT OF PERFUMERY I,Ttfericatiiig Oils Tnipentrne, Easrttsene Oils thedassef tfat denoertartatt ioaa- - Laiji aninmc rf mrtciir e repayment . fojilcc the f Liirxdir. OM and Vgaaiai. Smfrfaaw waaaq; ifca-fr-ait Saias led of steidepoes wittth caul Fistesbsi EVER IIU'OHTED INTO THIS KJXODOU, COJIL'JIISIXn Fcala. Fas Kxa Tat hxva hns. set apart at resit ricoex were caTerieaesd hat Tiwacay. Fka Bkom rnawttaic Limp. ftanWrn tasttrai to. tbereoc oa decaid isad by hisz c &!. ii it tee ei Island ef S HA ! w lm a "" ltaaas the jsaaaer heranuS- pcma&d. ZtbertBae? a texr errid tbs KDWAKE "Srm aimm? "MifKaBi " iim '" lufuuai; jtt".: farthTOrposeaf csE7BT3i-UMr- - xjt DtLUacTiJJi a r. r.n Mmt. fitrrms f. Oa dezaad, by tctiee apoc ttajsnlty smfnrtwria Sir YorJc Over Pifty Different Odors of the Celebrated. tnns assay wisfc to acqufra hesxsteaOs the- Pcstrsaata- Gmsexai Tb (ab&fbes f Shkx't Usoi feaT jut CAMPBELIa KBW' 11VUCK, gpaewhafcto Sre. tzsach iozstax pU to tte feortb The scrreya eaa b bprscrad is. &e ziateijtsas pciH ntea rf 54,61 cms. TfiKI YCttVT Oypwic t3j cade - Vtrf,C Furcnoss. esainraed at the effrre af TsSeoGc Tie nnr tjsH at tb TteMizy btaoACieM, P- tictoe rsiLAHiHDER FELTING tie De. TTzder tas. Aet. by a depositor, cc axsj. , OKn.SK. M.7 farsmeEt by istrauEa5 pcrasen. who fcsaBy asthcrized to eana oa WuHaj-o- w toil &lS4,m itlrerdri- - Iiundfoorg Blanufacture. gay alary yra7rrri the- - as IaH aoxoatof E. P. ADAMS, - Ita ent rat adepceitocferrsrayceEtof asy depoiit S. H&ft.3 amtt Soantslu jpn.t- arpEeaiBmto Vuott. Knaiaic B s, (6?enBgUoiltr,Meaffl tie gracsdvnpjor cr part thererf. the- authority ml - r I. Odor-Case- ripes oc cf th aii Haatar ti Tts- Fancy Boxes, "Bottles, &Cr saat ecstnet. xcnzsseis. wia PcEtcaater Geeeral fcrac STOCK & REAL ESTATE BROKER Vft-dt- T&fkcpisf czssat efciaj lw fi- J a. taa. arws wdhrtiwT fOBtOgaaa.udakUtsSati rfaH b trarszS bat per Cent, a gch- fafarSSS iU, xcxxtx r tm Sares 25 of Fuel weat dollar fer sta&terneefcas wrffe. who haH be absofateft- ecfefedto WMltt; HKXat EMU f CAW.ak. FajaitofayssicrsnriwBefcEaT CtJL SUiU and Hollistex & Co., MI ESICS EEDUcUl TO S7.50 BSE, ?fSf,l!ilFf,S19 V? eaatens la lbafr shicfrvrr t Eadefnkiaa.anisktajid felw4aiHity-oidiTaft-t- Son a H- DA.VIES SiuTTl&toacV?a jafey J5 er waH rf lb w war' ufi:o3a.-tsiti,BLi-wa,lla,a- Kurccxsl THEO. - A Cc Bezjl&aten Part. a&i 33LH3.eaona w XyJtxgv.fTrr cecnu. . uajKtc &ocs tea Hissta- of tee &lenon statras ths I jifaa rspaysauls tiaH ej the taste 3aofcr waissijpjKslsiifc TbeV Ar,5S!,,J,,,:,Jr,, bb 3UT 59 Nnoanu St, and Cor, Fort and Merchant BU : vmm?!- -- . - l,- - ...... ,. jrrfgataaat .T r Ii i ilillOmiiilll iliiWill ement to the Hawaiian Bazettn. Oct. mmmmmmumi , , ?9, A AX5 MMMMIMM' . ' " r " WRIC.SI KtWS UmM ( IKI vti:rtKsfc,,"'Vj 3Cro Wbw-tirtIfc.- Ml! limttscKtti3s 3Ct -- 'ri' - , - tt-d- ttthatrnti. tKacia v x v sais.- a. sa Kxv 5J? a WflGVTL Vf X X ctf.vAaifaibuw VMitir c'1 Jr. aiiAoA saaasa S' T? JKBwr tt.Jirtu-.,- - i f3l aaatl ctbureuras&te j Vr tVtsvfoum JmC wm w y. " aav mj ailHl(NM WR" v " . " ' "' 1111, wWH. .MV ,. t.;; i .1 i:ih Tan)0CMa f ' n,la iii-iii-ii q. tin ik if ?t jvwtst nnki iiimi ou. "n,""18!"l'WUlj nntMnivn hwbv t-- U.-- Ts '.vw.i--.v-WThiS- si W tikiaj kjui iia.iie wtum Um. iVt tbtMufa . . ! m-- b. Sv Sum E J3niE.Te& A,3ocMKt?-jvicior- s V. .eHM iueViaa ??iw: SITS 1I aVJa mht afcl . aa Muaa I wbw-- w tzvm aa as saas,, .i-- Ami tami) ss, iT aaiawvaoww- ,art fmtBifcV Htm M ar .tactj I wassefc5SaB. leawr.. IJM.as. Jifu(iii cvIaviir.rua wc tft wto J- CvavcarevC ; ail TOe mkcuo. Just Received Stationers and Kpms Dcalors. UrkKkataaria. GiaaMr4rrrircaui&iriVT tTT?L , rt"ttliMc'.nllfa fl , . 1SS-1- . twamaatM 1tu4fa axasira.fcnakBfatH.fcv?A. Nv IW. It: j.-- ,, eeirsw- - YEMBER 5, WHOLE No. 1031. ?MtM?KItMlt;jiw ttx mw ? 1 rfi&5sasr2S,2r,ErL CrtV of Paris & Clan Grant k'.ntwl l"urx5. JngunuHt JCoSitt JFriR Uctrfct s. j n i.i.aTTiir t 1 & PHILLIPS, BK4n Eird or I BdcrwTittrj. UNl"0H INSURANCE CIMPANT liUEXTiOr lk U.nIU nUiHlt, CMMrbUll lahttVS or am rnAseiaco. BrJfrrtir Ha AL PLUMBERS, ' n CatWnilttTra.irl YtKfeClA. FIilUdMpMa Boat, of rndrrwrlttrs. atScrlxi.a, Cs. W-K- . Orange llan-miu- CSoaMUa wHKwaiKrwf ? cu n w. vzmiz&. zasv OMitnaii ( Marmalade ( WNDJflPBERSMtTHSl (1KJIT1 liumli, ijtconronxTBD, r fc ananft, b. wi " "' 0!Mi r fr isas iiMni" Mfc T H nil. I K wk aan. iiikat . 9awt fc4 MQ1 iwiw , COMMISSION i.. tas A,-- . CKw Eiiclnra's; !, .jt. CASTLE COOKE. ACENT8 IU OMaaae H S Stvwwcxv M nine- rvjwrt )H V. A. UllA..ri.tt. W8a llawaltan lt(a-- . I Mm, Wt I- , CiiH ( asd J HCM 3 Tfc2iAjt t- - .. T- - - n Ship Job Work itSTtttrtm.nntt,-.4twUt- rH Xfrnr.tSoljr aaaft -- 1r.. i v f wa? r raw n. Ufl(attffliii?iara.frKmlla tw va5f a58,es - if mini xo&raxxnnx urn xxKJumu r gnomi majbr sa vat S2 ctj KS Caxs SttaaKrrrr Jan. I Pm Ci iitwarn. " SdAou "asc fewcllc Jttwttfa MM im "H xaw ctraa Luxt. $uVm' muS. Wasb-Bow- JMt OompAay AnteaiSsr b, V. SETEHi tt Cleseto, ' Xuaurnnoeor tosons Asn Musaotait. Cue riflallrc " KaTftllaaOrtwali Mk iltii, r.KTTKn ids PleTsbmg Goods I'WwJRTt fiVmwii-- iy rtsT uracs soal:ss Tm ; m titabtlihed 1800. .VS WS RlXtt. " coMMissionms Cues Xrr Omaits, l.kl Insurance Notioo. JK3,,0 IHCaHtarala Saarnael waaUli aa4 tTttn nI. i.nU4 SHh. i mile aO RXTTHiirTTtintni rism vr Kiijl" H v - tr xiHs linenM UK VMttcmraxcB katb mar Cs. Bottled Pie Fruits t ati(jita V. Itnoxrc in Ki - aC la-- T aafriatxl A0BX rs Uw Madolta IiUxU. DR. JORDAN i nrthi.M,M'mnWill CISrE3ElJ3T5 Mft ii taMrMfttl va Ia.rt acalaat era n Fatrta 5KRSte5SSS! JkltSOl VMcau FatM. lX.4eit. ichh NMnHlatttitNainMiM tt n n at tSLT rtrriw or n .SAtSCk&S ! tnwimimCl - ten tk alMTe art Saw kb. n St.. Hiiel'Su"' t irr- M(t. uxnla aar t t. ItUaJ. V . . ,pr-- waf'O'-jr- a PaaVlt.tr, art Mrrtaiajlao .larnl tart. intaAHtmr j. B BVnaraa Cs . " " Kttar. IMM1UJWI m - fc bm - - - - - wm. "c r CSAfas-- - . Ttaikn. eaala. HtttMik i . vTI-- JT- MTim- jui.twii in.mif roaa er aa r rrpatr. faarwai. aa tM Kia! 1 N.rmTT.tl.ii , nBT-'ftaAKwKMil- W XAlhXHt. mi t racticti testjL ttmK m aalaJ Insm usa'xi irX.TT - XJBwarC f jTWuSTt AflSn. VD l r en.. DISK.VJ0TltB a mitiMfainlSjln,.J.I innrh. CaMStaif4 0KTw. sowwrTJaaM! a HalU UUaaa Disaaaaa u mmj rweca tar;.' "an tiu vmj w iji? v--.j ABOCKSTRt ax 'nupi t nun-- V JZasirvoc. f r- - ...... ImnM. xsnitm ,tv;rr ' - Hvfcjfca i n InsaraiweCo. MB as M I at T m E5 ml 3jBBii!Tc4K L7"T? 7l BWiirfSitrat. t t rTajlai:cit a DR.J.CDLUSBaeWff'SCal . mi. TUX ORXOlAt ul CMT Q I Co. in JriTb Hi UttUfal. I m Wa. I in1 ' ii bh . Aazr nu wa. n ibjwk VcaftecaHft. tor rivpim! miaccX nix- jf mm ii wn ir n. tar aai sail - "WtsTm.wn.t Tf. .Ttnal Tarsal yrtrctt ttw s 1Tt(cMa U eff I WBW laav aaabonL Um Jft ar?- - - ..a. & . 3r hbuhl . ....ii.m . OUCCV- Eni-elope-s iJr WBfiSL tMeOHX. IMf Iariuttioa Pijwr & to natch. nrariJ TtMin4i tt4 Ui narrotl 1 "F CS. SCOTCH HERRINGS rna ft;DT CtrtM atro-- r lm)l laAnjmsaifr StwaSiaaHaiB.Sot'ittii-.- J ISASTUTt wUtl nn Utitn r t ia,i 3 t as. Bsarptiiua u 6t-Ia- - , ... - i-- .. i fBk Oct. H. Genmi. i Lata in(t3sia tea ci. Rfa J, tew, taara aaVra SmiiOk. ape Lwitsi3. x bAb J a3. TtB&Jvrt Ml iUMnM'TW hemT:lk. Cu OsAoi Stisasr. SXALL"; fcr.Tnltj cnU)RODTyKtiiwWlBHyaal iii ShjcBBMcntk s&w ISTTSS PS2SSES. LiSGE 4 RrtJrrlSa.j. Oiii aar natzvnmnst Kt fsi. I!?, "L"6S"i' M 'wa Ktmui Cases Sar&es, & & I i sr 29tlL Sjaar.atU; mm s 18S47" fee JtA-- i , - - rHU)Rt0TK ilt toli,idsJ,,?" Vke-vr- tt .Htm fCsX.tianeai ppM 9f a. Mavai. Cases White Vw A.t: uJS.- "" &Iarj. . th wly ta tf i?jw9 1 - nct lklr fc L CPLOSOtlTXR tftwH-Ul- es-- j XW2eaft.feiM-viGTaa7aiis- Vaes t lnii- CiaSser, OO.OOO: mKjmfc.fciaw.at. that wv iuu?t fceJ vvdl to Iplrrpwj, rtlytuutm. UMfril LrifcV ulnuttel CtnrrvJ 3&mttmtnl5. Airat-- r. mttu. S2Jf22?Si!r!?:,?Z r i tn. cttiiiaXfgI. - Eanct M: (lain 'visi2mI. Onm-n- i BLiyif iaemlk?f jf " wv Pit mtpaitfc) A3vi;M3Tmfcr 3iswl to Btxfaa. country. RaMUuUiB, OoM.actt TuoUicitt 1l mi awtjs rapn. .Mviq isjwaaail 1 ami ircts in the A wiio f ii Coe Srer Kehah. .. muni t dx Emfwirt ttv c ... jerowiBi; XeeJ Tor proyvny xvai NEW and STYLISH AGENTS TMnaltlJICaW ?KaWtgti rj.i. vn Cooes Ke&k, ntwr r Ht&aw. u a their llall. MBiU. jAtimarr UN. a n0u rrisiinr Jfi.ia ut il. L Mi!' tl as, iwinpiir. Chirai m JtrtE3nrf ut Hwbskucm itiiiiili i .n "S!? ... .ant ta urye that runtexs jxy moi ItllUIDI atH Urnk 1m ti Ewmi IV XBiatK ii Cajs Ceter Sah, """? .rr aat. ." hut. lWr Sir. W awKt ."V MIUII.U.IKUI KMn - rnkfttt ,ia e?KtSJU Cues OtWrr Jwa. tit .i- "" ba. eutomiy anion? them. SOlliuery Oood'- UTUAL . Sii, irti svnerally MUtBIlt MMtttil. Dr J i I ."" ." ieir ccioiauad. They have i..CnrriC flint anew...im airea smraattat'. .' . lu varvnl fr itMlf al ottr Is I . XS SUtowaac Oltf hart: scntoijnirf WJ-- it least a furtioa of the stock nceUctl Ladles "i Um aUat. A a rtMttlT (at rrsrre i I mTCrtimrnrfiMnHMj,!, Underwear and orattQ(bn.ta,bctfictljattMrt3i I Cans. Mac S"?4-- Twahigr. BMcnn, nut Dr. to supply a partlon of their m?hm a Jtti. Hum, !"a,,'.tt Ridge's Infants Food -- I - r H .?' iiniot --m &m- - JUaSsaRiiu; BED RUBBER STAXP AGENCY ! w.tUli ltUllc wcri j taa xiwulJlimiii rownuM """"jy- Imit KUe. bagsy aad draft, and th best Childens' Glothlng A. iITfT .ViflolMlti kwe. In Marr is Cases Scotca Xsnt rri SK;eaentt Bnauaau. hW by th who cun aCVml to ctve Si .VaanUiiaaUit Lata ArrVnir. Aan at Ttvm UtifMitX Wf(3K7Utll .b ; C JLK ritr?-.- i :r Ttr)27. rdtB M 0utal. ts bau4 heir etuunuiMl, by paying: the, gener lltbftK ntancniL mwtn tec:a CwMo6maucoirc Jbtj i Cws PtnA Barwr, tinvj W attmoctC-v4vi- I OM 'Sif?' SHITSiH Scl'iii 41. ; I lavahtM ! tb tCkftr? HUH BUf MM!t IMMdBNl Be !rWHB7 'lL-T- I "J"& CWXETT ltlKt ST Cases J.M. OAT. Jr.i CO Bfwa t tiere! la Urrb4wa. m I AneflMO jutau sail ittea f&aneBevl air ?1 b Av && aLHbc raw Tajncci, tiiti; jjjttti j!wtAmi t. F.Ibs.W. &aetvti "Ct-Mi- 4. Bct.3 pUnUticn H. WILKINSON ! L.o-.- ca rked on the dorinr nine v T at liimi aJt uiilw. iatf a.Muiaari mutv s 4lfc lias ; .'fI Polidea wiit sm?rav. tiU..t, iMtaUTsrtjl irtac oTO. &?, tho-- e SalS 'F,3V!ro'7'ajiJ. r rviceafcle horses than raijol - wTKau aottTAiwn mtannT ar Caies itt firs, t TUSIASHIOKABIJ.- V. Aatat amm 1 aaKBavwiianlBWMaacdAiXjaamcaa auitat & oai iwcij; Sa- sfc s, WJ- -, Ua." 1Urb4. l la t ?tT.! sit Cases Gruoad Cissasttc, re easily. I BnMract, tnltMlf, ka tuiMid a rpa"at ociWr-- ii TherT-v- My WAnted to M.irrhani. ? itfMffr wBTttTrmcina"T ca Bbk. Tt ftmomeit ou rtr-- I jmIT Cases and altalu, :Hil!Jii(T&Drcss-Muke- - Nrr Tnfaltax amtk-a- n. 4ifciM 'van Gria Aatspce. r r.- t tlua C(Hf Brtra a rsf a in I m jg imtgai. c ami teiimminri a j,fO iucrs3, Cases Graaad CIctvs, if ptintnl vrith rane. VTc haw come Uu:ittaarrWIU?l,ka-lk- 1i BwiMu.a.ak Cm x rue a A.. isURA.JFT3 pall or mUed farming U demandeii. I wo MtiMDrofrfttea ftatiUau. aamtat IU Steisrs Cs. Gesaase Jftistini. or TORT SXKBCT, ollcy anil the ODtaitni tlut fabaUtat aa c$ k;j I KKvijn odder i ridieulous ahnort lWf'l I aVMUBtlTV feataUl ir JT I C. Caresee Pocer. y vr aia-- raatousaa 1. AVailuku Ptaata-hr- Poller. nit 'c . tujar nrket. Tha IIaVaa4ft Hut a tAMllatYT iumt. Witbar. tHr. fUtAfa 1 ..IVPIitl It 111'. - T - 1V aaJ.. t ma jml iuulin- - that TTiVraiian r.vted foiU v?4JUajuita... ii- , - .r"m Sllio.at ". XcatbenartM raMrat. tt ,n3 KEMP, RAPE. AND CAMART JLnLLtl1 4:(iac iaitt (a 1 MwTV a v fcCJtt..- - SEED. Iilulw 3Lintat iKat anlntat. urwrTTtl aapaal. aUtlfaH7 !.. ut. tan taiat ir. MflUitty, axtaat: yciafeaw af saS&iBtt . Bcit3Bcis firton all Claim ussTiuaicw. --- Bed. oa California hay. By ffa?V. -. . - WW.M. - vrime$l" tt Utnl t9ui Dt J. Cflt BrvwiM wac crA I V 4T J .- w T ...... Ei.ol- Coeceiate. .w M. VElMMLL aw. is. XfOUlrB.t KKRlf 9C gJI rTWTirTT MT Ita.m.Lgrif Mfcgifajca.w Fit's Jthe hirley and oats feil to TOrk stock hnstor af Cftinrolra ih xm taw foot 3f saw jirMmr f oaaiewcsGijEi- li Irrs Cbecviiie Ssiris farljessers, Feathm. lsaruoa taak rrfttua tliibT$cT c And v stalks ran utilised for making l MI ba?B kanonaa Jslfcfirv Dealer m Musical Insnuraeiits. lj Boaneta, .- - tm It. MJ. r n Trith ill.wilUa IjU.J. ai aty w, pu tuneh reason for finding fault nt nf. j HlttSiC S314ut a BUM Hta,,Ete-i.- I bottwa H ta C3 M Ic k iccweiiiers Cccaatiaa. CBlSiaiatf cutter Sonie va-ic- j: iM tHl j fiL cutter alone. are extra rack, tUoa val SiCaJ7 Fa&iir "r-frt Patne-- 's ' incuts. SfatB3i rvsttfi- xj CdttKl cas Mat Bfecaas, B Brvwa a vC- - siacc aot. uffiatssi-t- e &! catairft ctmp-e-e Ml SlaaVrlaML. a tt Ebt stock, others by ovcrfeedins; oa aa,. Caira4Brc ia t rraa.Mia tiwaiii a,i,art, BaraAral ac -- tr HojhJt A Palrcer's HIS HHET.5J. "ytart arm a a4 Orrwalaiaic aic S ?3 UTt UIfa3TUieW. ly is in our own hands U raii laam nrmnia kotU. 1lliHla.il wJffTjT"TfTlT TTfFTTtrtMnriJiTBfetf ar. i laaaa.' b. jaajjLa. to u by success attendant upon CaaH. Brwant of . "j tejiiiiaWL af cuatBMiniiv LU5 Aitttaaat at it, IWirr d the lrarr aJ Asctaieer iid MaccaTOons nrar.knp.llc hm! ('atari ta Xr.. Vr a'aa"' Sow MuafartarfwJ T OAtXtrcirT I Oiahv tet. lw PSjnmmti 12 csemi-fe- r ctaate S Qiutfleur ptintitwa men, that there is Vrlttlam. Sard uj D&GG kiisw EaftUli: iksib. LADICX" '" Krrrll Mmc Btontftary k, 1 mii-ii-iif 3ftfef an tt2&t ranCBWEtR,' tfti f ejimcr; ButiMf tu FJOSTE ! j feed and eorin? weli for our stock. It - TImimiii aoiifewLtaWrrwt XAi fcr ttj EISat "W. iCSHX MaeisiEne's AKert Ssccks. GOODS atfcyx present to out to Judge larASTS AM. nilLDRTCt.l - UHiruc here ride "' iLS (Smttol 1 Atloraej- aad CciaaaEor As-Ca- j A MTCKA 3itttrk3nnrr.ii Bmat" Mar's Wax Matdies, for themselves, ami while there look CLOTHING ! WK &UL Oft K X 3ACP1BC. TM AXV-- il t" ' t of all Descriptions, " J11 XiT'i Saf"?" Mtdas, (U g: enterprise has hrousht to V GOODS IT S3 LaOet' DiaAf. MP 5a. Ti mum in aimic. aa.Mii.a. t . , . XT 2", ir island henls- - Io--t of our planters t C afcr?-- r i tLtdf's j j? . - WILDER if vteek wraf amrAf vaieaa. a tt. .11,11 nir.rCTng- goLa.ELRstLTsnr, . Ac. with laSVi C--l FurrVt. ' PKT. Tls MRS. A. r. iujliUi it ry. seeil, Do the same 11 ii fniinilty kvannrv. arw npra vrrrrt bjc, rta Sarriaf - ! '; iWOM year ahead, work carefully training, (('- & lKr-m- UnriXtVxwrtr. taa.tM.ki AND Importers and Sealer SK fffr; Knee EL i. .. . CU.t.11010 Jt GOLD SILVER WATCHES' J?s feedinsr veIl, and in two or three rn.kMUFT,lUk!aw.x.waita. vtliFt."'.'. C.. A ca?iatS33 13? c. Hetf broken down stock, and 1 n-l- n, hrrt lraMaTii CrHmsra-e-t Hit.". VrW"' IK. Caeia. an IN" Iavnk.1 cant.fiiip.ir.i' s Ciaa II. E.JIcl-1HeiiJ- afta5iiiuac4av.la.. A tarrr aa. W ipiMuvlfilki(MMMiorrK CaaaaJtBAaiaatstaa.aTiz3rTlkraab UKUTUUt. A. r j Keep your money in the country, do "araUo. t a aica tar iafr.Ha r ia uaxw EH", .Bat gfrf Caraer ijaagq aaif T.nli-rnnr-".i sr!iAll7 larrup. "I- - crarrTT' rm rf aBBea9 rfervfibiri!Beees. "" fn sosrj. feller of poor stock, which has to be Coraar iaa; aait ?r-- 3iiT jiXusical tS Howf. LUMBE Lmbsmb. OeC 9L 1 Jii .n,'i jrot Siri. lanThirmn: a hotue dealer whose interest It i to 34 Es. Coaqaiajt Fiatfti: JOIl.t II. PATl. entSi DAlsak4airlaeattut at JJUK.tr.l., ASrf aaaaaiatB Taimnatt ta bus Bar 3TTA1T CO Snea Ji autc ccessiwe to s suit in case of a --windle. wR taaa t i.p La4t. .Hit mHtiM a. r.M l aaaaar ttann'iu. ait Gtfwrnrrrinf aail akit KO ?C3iIC Mi JOtESSISIZS tt 3ZZ34 C9nC 3tS;atftarrr. OMTnaiattaePrfaniarat.aalx'attaBanasnn la.t?l. Suiiuc HOFlCUUECtBi;CO, nfar til fcW ,jtf . a V i. .aa ... . Goods, Qaaaaricaw Sanaaaa aagiwaaitsaw a t.ilnr-r- i.l Vn of stock which are brought here In Ur LkOra 51l JUt tattr THaMlaj a. ta U- - Utrjt CaamxterKs. ZX21XZTXS AI3 BSXXHSims jrairtt-rx- " SinBaairt PS" CTTRIOS IS" I3DLZS3 TAEirrT.-f- e s fy X. Ikrrac. JftBTrOtr j( rta.waw.iaji Gts. Cui-ainii- ,, e Itliii r ; Uw r- or tnw cooniry aalB.tl.Mrak!illl. IGniuav af Vac. tafjtof iimittfl. mta. ST. t building ii seaSi. f?9acX3. "ra..t3;T3r. aat a J" insvls to breed irooi, ami we must en- Call and See Novelties a.aair.inr anwaagaCtaa lasigitCmmap al A.SOSA, Tt. a. bil m.l l the too, mimi a. inni.i to.. X. iVAXKKHOlrj.fi tts. Faetan JOII. -- - sxrii xsd Coaaiisiai VX2Q3.TX3. AID x strains oi nroninr iock. iromu- oriujtuni taaaT. - """ "" Sanafiiln. B-- Z. aSALIX JI f Vrr.5or Bcssk, anaV strR - iar X33.CS 15D irrrer u the b&t stallioas you ran set hold of, Bamaslt?! d,4 qaalitiss an 5ii DZ. r aia-a- aaoorr, iwu Irish iniHOsravr atat Basia gjtmi. g. r w ) MB Sc- -. nrlW'i tmi n. Hor.r.ryrzB. tjaxs L a strain of Xonnan or couch horse, in " aaal Lutraa taa. trrr Vot Tasa&an...... co B.fa.B t ! UaaCIoUuaiid Tiii.i mit wrf r.mirnii ' I". t prefer. Read a stock journal In J JUST RECEIV it t 4: wl IfTflTTTT'l"iJ"'I T- - .- -- Druggists Tobacconists, mu.i.iiiAj jt co.. I OQSiTSZa time and money espendetL .1- - il yaaaaa. AJ3 3ZAt!3S HJSSyaix aaaaaa. ariKaaw aVaaa tor aw artamfiuexftaj- - a3 aewc. Ji cur Fart XagcSaag 1 a xl af Xanya.iHiajrrji3rfaaiJ!Ssr5SST gt. ctarr. Dr !. Pais u xni OOi. J Sua) sabstitate for oil jncal, and the shade auartjrraa. arrn4V. heaaimaL We Have Just Received" aatjfcaaa. OfeJnrf awgaw Mwaan rafcgt sb 3m. climo. 3t. "K Fart gtryn. aoqaiaax. 1. SatB. euam A: et to fence off all trees, except fodder, Stjlfj, wat an. .n. COOKE. assvisjilsxt or - IT pew, tcr j. XTHITEY. JI. U -- 3w3dar&i t A Blisj4iv S.M.CAKTXR. ua pawcr any tows which will rise LATE ARRIVAL i. Ajrnrt ta tala A rViirarlaJgaaata our ast LFlaid. 393, i).K.-Si(- ai oe aau at fc I3t?0ZTZHS 4DHALSIS 15" tFitHHS ta Can. eiamafesaaiwaauJirl-Kai- a ttinStnpe. t?n ly sBbmiKl-tl-j KSTIK.t. sr.2?r.,S;3,",a'l . Irish. Double Damask. jtrg j : TT. 11. Baiixv, in - JmirwvfH of OommiUei oh Xfce 6?oci. LARGEAHD D CAHl i7xirrO.T. TABLE LINENS ted ami Striped m IIosoluix, October ITth, 15:1. otazemmt- - m e fiir-- Iiavins asked pertnUiion to 'f Mffl-W- v , waees asm vntrck uw sttiuioiiBr tsachinery at the AVaiakea mill for I Cord. Llll Ve hate iaKtaeraBrr; aareil ai.iriitsriKHiwni.-M- tae c. nc si twuuc BbiwrM.le. :tK0iwfcJcstaesrrsrct. - periwuit; eo ef feed meo, siT; cmst. fee tint perr-ir- ef thenxjrfily testis? tha methol of cane juice extraction i,3aB.ircBfiuKi.-s-ic-x.ateEaarfBfcfefo.fcC'r- sj fer ef BELFAST, IBELAND! tfesaiu.3aat af sf - tTHis tat sesra'H,. ?Mj ta-t-- Jjc.ehffilreiit;; terms- af aatraet threeseurs;6i knows as tBAsccmtiim arL.tlanfele cruhics process, permit me to etata If Shirts, ftI feriedy reasons, - - aral feoxii. The ttcococtisBs wSl some ef the why I think this should be done, and done at orsisTrao or - , aagiaKseil, tt ItHaSm, Ac) a- iBes5ty -- atrxit &Kirlfth. ece-dn-h' one rhbd each net jxx. tTK 1 f XTzTVS, isea ani cn?cvnT aati to 2i; rardx 2'" J5 aitaK. years ealli- n- has brought me in close eon-ta- et SCH VrTXS, Dariarr the last twenty my I. A. Eeireat UEfficates these aeepie wSl wita the sugar indostsy-o- f thiscoontry; have seen planter after JtiE-H.PAr- Krssatfca that tie irit ef arrive I TABLE etiiet bpf-r- y CLOTHS, SCA3TLIH0. cJtjm; that-faH- u e the ef thfe year, aci 5 r raaihoiH le obtaiBed planter blihdiy grappiinr with this industry only to be overcome and r?irnHg- f.xm-- I 15c4r if is liesTraXe, farai-ic- i. rained by it. The causes of faflnre, however, were not. for the most part, I ).,' k and the motiey is They 'Utni-inal- lH0f DIala-Ta- " CLOTltKO TIUBEB. PbASK, 30A2I3. SEP0MT OF COXMTTZE OS LAB0E. aie sail to b eatirely freoi the asiicnltaral dai-e- s aa.1 it If probable that the want of soeient labor, high wages, prcr land, or the low prices of H FZSCniQ ASS they wal prare flantatwrilEniris. sugar, bat simply because they mnierstood neither the manufacturing nor - Hill HAnrAXl, 0;t. t. and Faata, KrKAXAC, Kaxajsxa, lri. l:L The Pertasaese CVj ttfFtiru were- ef twn dasses; tht from the farming part of the business they had engaged in. I have visited WHIiapkiiLstoMatcM n-- - Geiaeis, L wSth eoBtraetj 'frnftir to there of prevjoas intmirArits, except nearly aH the mitt-- on the various estates of the kingdom, and from what ckiandFaala,ft. : -- xi bbir-fCRstM- s I have of manner m which agar has. teen manufactured in these 4LSO. oiv a ae tiKtheytirdtaEilvainrcefTeaaaftiaEeefoc ioani ta mooer. seat the Dsas. 2MK, Yararfcttrer-reHTaEjcjfi- Sieas opia fe Thtvo IJJfUiS th pel, te-aae- afcs-cc- e- eqsil to a provisioa one half salary when pce- - Hands, daring the early part of the period referred to, am sure would rmrsr Et , a. - Idol thir Trace, ith far of the I it Imported A Kelt Complete Stock ef rwdrlaassoaae t at aI Teaieii 6y sfcfciie-- . mm were It; safe to say not more than half of the sugar has been extracted to tM. Market, and v latrlU etSlippera. httg L4TLaaV.l Badfcg ly. tisia tbocSibt xhoe f Xatleira eoairaetal that bWHt Mt rtf . . sax Friend, to gira tkrm ia as Bases at the saaw rate oh tire prariaoa tent fail ?- - sJMeM paid fram the eanes ;;:"" rT Ami the avenge percentage of the total sugar an kireMBxrtirsiim:rpKwatifcai eartWy escafcrt. acct te A FINE ASSORTMENT OF PAl wSea sfct. The Litter ciuzse in the contracts has made ueobie. many contained in the Bines! extracted by oar improved machinery does not WAU dectaain? to receive the men opsa sush terras. The efcjeetioei to reach mock, if any beyond 50 per cent., and where the canes are very pfcfcsef rf tB alloc raaestani 1 sfag tanaMfer gaay tT, fiiabsrs aos, Of tfef aaaWTHs rich ami percentage not reach 6 per cent. G.W.Macfarlane&Go LATZar KTItAJk. a bine its skSM af&itifin. It is a fcreysBepai- - rai3tsaawfiwca?piysrjrHytotfcefcbby rajmgat fac hO.c act tec ripe the ks ir, ofc4Vf eiT-xt- tensed ia cases; real aaVrs- - sham-tBaSB- A. few weeks ago, together with experts, conducted an r ru ai iifcic--c tx rst asses wickeos of but the tshvetBest it for I imr. HAIiS. LOCKS efctc p-- with, crashing 3B1 satnraUon by hot water. The mill was doing ir to imii Fnsmen4 re rs&akte wiibilrprT.lErtIveof an imooist of tmabte ihkhoa lj double jasyBlanatU, teaetea aujar preaaieil is ran aniy try a pJanarinn tainajer. what weeii te called average fair crashing, and the appliances for saturat- ea, BUTTS. HIJtObS rwfestrr rf tfasss Haarii. Pa4" OjeMScc Gx isossftiter E. I,3and4 poicU, m & It i ahrsoliitfiy neceasiry, ta the morris? fal pcj-aSr- sf our indc.stryr ing the begass. and doing the second crashing were not by any means O.Hall Son r I car-a- b.3c r? n ' "fT tfcUtheprit-erfiaBctirilabjrshflo- have good; bet as was, the experiment revealed the fact that there waa i.rsajrxTi.. .it, BOLTS S'iTiVrS . "?" te redneoi. ESom leea it - f. Thto hare bwnHfTrtrycj iar- it vidt a--ai b riirri35r the year toemnhineasamst the rreat niatnberGf wrss of Beaily zm of sngar tor 90 gallons eurmer, or some tiling over II T E A A IJC ASD OX tavDreaaeav . r tibjt K S - ut. TIIE VAT r efc-- fets been BEaiSnCr Ctt4"viFaimfrQ-adi:trie- t trash to dforiet and iive Sfea the fv wh are i per cent of what was leing extracted. The from the crashing jnTATEK, ai .aaii m rorce wares? Aran to tur- rneea. Leen of eaia to make one dariSer jof juice standing IW Baume, HaU's Ifet TT TTTnmmt ak lTtifCi seuia to t dnicri. Syrnjr of tft4iif Steel Plows!; n'aEilracU. DRY REOWOGD ssoo-sp- pf fe. coaae d cree iraiLefai ia certain ptvis, hae ia wtlwcs they have wheasitacited with hot wafer and recraslveil, yieWetl 312 gallons of juice ikmt xK taa sfetofti ktr tSffln to m .wjz turn te. ta 15 u. ; OU.COOU, mw. . r?irI itx iaaia a usn any redrartaec at Baame. i rw . -t.. ,.i,..-- rsmt nut tecfc 6r rdief teat dtrKtaec. aecesf r SeaallHaK; Plank, an d aarw J White the pecro-e- tmrnferants-- are cow my upas JfchUr imprsvtd At TVaianae ilaaution. a trial conducted by3Ir. Biehardson on the BALL'S HEAVY STEEL BREAgMg r;s;i atka-lritorraiiafe'W- t at fressst, bisttilxr shrcK ect6tE Nteluat, sBitoiy i crushicg yieMed 11-- 5 gallon acaw.afialfrrsyciramjesa. tenas, as to rest f pneare. the 'cruris of aS iifarerj jmv hre. saHie uantity of trash from first standing Boar.(, mtraceil and roei Br er fcesttfas; arai pcrjpaseit are far too great fn-ri'f- thesssaaeg tote ttfacrtty trBrrJlrflmisrratirjii. iseatae. Ut-0-- Pieket fiwllc, LaHf. i1aptrJ Sett tfcc djrfr! Kgg -- A SEW LISE Or VrM laad CfrcuS- scorr-- rf pernar, at agar at enstia- - pcxes. Is there a tor At Waiakea a trial cxrndncted by 3fr-- Chas. C. Kennedy on the trash Putor iHriaSaT Emar- As WciHfersiaail the sitnat&a tiere b eoe ieaiy tnt, asd n, eas is tw avaaaMe foe relief front first griadms of two o danfiers of juice standing Vf Banme ajkosriaati riy 9c te , anl tieit fe Qieei ; emceaateefitiirHrf it cade cttr HaU's SteelEockBreakerU,, iLntthera, saf j 3faayrjetitiMir;haTebennsarIetotfceGrverBnieiit tooca lhek-rs- t jytddel (Slga&insof juke stancUag 3? Banme, a saving of about 15 per ALAU. IS ! II , JearKtfetretositisfTall eunTai w&hucs esstilf the .rrreraBent xfi taaaMlaa, . J -, . - - t&r free Chinese fTrnnfgratjtrg; hb&I the sceiy sfcnll ejcal the desaaad, ctBt. At Loth the aalcea ami tfte atatsie me nrst grinding was 10CKEUY. ntnie-- tnfe Asrwittintr to arj- ojjo laajuUiill lie af . Biushe ay fct aatt reaacseal 1 a4iulasa Marr Pant and Whitewash &cs -- a4 - terras. As yet exceptiecaBy done. rtt at atav .t Bai.. . arf &&- to tiir the GoremDect has cot saie favocahle aascaec to well ahrr '"-i''"- ianum.i.."."' .. . Rrala. CwdxbsK by petiiiBB. was Jrfseo-e- esa drr ajim qw , u. wnrxK tcAfiv . thoepeticiViGM. Itseeiss Know is toget OUHAT Chfca-- a fltfTirastVrj'Kr aad 8nIJ' toTrrCrxanutteethat thii.wIlareieiiy. .ui nuurwneri cowuimcuii it tneirmius nmiormiyanu 3IOLI5C rvow ro. to biers ef " ? Caa against tos through carc- i MaBottle. wiirTKZt.irr it te raarfe anilaiier weS ferLand doolie crashing is a security the - fidTamdUoiw, taaaTisiB5rber3isaTaiesOTri There ia ia Tshether oarEstrietetX licetare for the or ircifucity of those attending to the work. Even when the rAJXTVIa, Gwffirirtsr-jrrf'!rwrArf- i. This lrIlrearita?n?catMiH,d tisrion time naarters ifessccss -- isdax ef Chisese v&zhi gire scch otSzcse ee CflOct efee- - (mm: tAtie tcort vc.U and dttire to do it well, slip occur in iHartzt frrfiy cpfGetJ, nut, the Pacic aad $ aesimw:tosrj trrea after enrfac . hytracaiathem a moce vhere ia. the Veiled Scales as --i:uld alienato scury foeod. ef the Treaty, siagle cntshieg that cause much Jos of juice. aaaaaapBC Bags METRIC AND 0TB2E PAiSTS fciilryfeir!iwtlfiatoMtat hoeses, Ac. Itfa- -- jnrf .rrlj-- w it; mrtmmrj Bat with gsrjd npe eases the begas leaves even the second ret of rolls anvr?ai ,S.TXC&sTbTsph.ia. luarCfeas, 1 jBBBBaVaaaaHl9afaBBB Ji On the ether haziL the belief piaatecM touch aagar eotnpres-jo- a abne wHl mA bring oat; fc we nwe trar Itfctxer- - - as to nuke them nwrs- Tafaaife to taeaJseiTEi ai UdxlU aasoeir asd with in it that bent Class. B2?a tfeit acti&c by tasEesrethelafjrwhichwe seedsn! necesaityof the water application. The liflt water does not cost f,lSnHoae, ' as. ItieiriatTweorsiTafit5itcfTasdi3 a twrfeM seaae, if we iaea tikett as the bt at cgicfr, which & diSSrrilg to ofctain re--I anything, maybe taken froai second dram of the doaMe effect ami Salt .tcrrrTra-idircJw-i- r! sSSHSI BBt?rf thenrwia beniocc asii seesM elsewhere, sawHaot be it the as foisised to thtz isttTteLk. c,l th? ( thrown oa the lymv art it t? leavirK: the rolls of the nrst mill and I Firewood! bJxcsr era: ntuaife.ar' ae, aati if ise Ica. thHD to wctt. ikffif a2y mnid PeltHSrxSiwnri.rtiatrmBt-- fat ' ic tlmJa3jEeaiiOTerfsifr5rsteetiafolIyjasti5ed fcycer great aswl iauBe-lwh- it is. still expanrling anI in a saitaUe conditkm to imbil the hot J My are asre Tifeak'e to the rainasgsirity afSar fcaTiaxna. Tiastisxyve Ddkv4,SandS mrHarywhgr be diaie EeeetEity fee cheap Idnr. watr which is thrown on It through a spray pipe rontroUed by a valve, iak--4 irve oBxires str aaiict tofayaicay rro ttenciri DOOBS SASH BLIMDM -- There fc also ia wa eefinz that thai cacuiiarof to give a greater or less degree of saturation as desired. About UWhi& Lead, atvauced. This wwdi le fKacccy. read, aoi hscA t gaod tax trauaasiirv. sSwar f sa ; Chiaese is of iraHrocality. vjtAA' toinntes will dapsefrotn the time the hot water is laid on till the jami fcriiriferii b' eroenmy naec be pfai tii fil en ttiar to HLiay withect wrxsf rdaeUve It three ALLSISU, r be pcaetieaiife to this ttfeetiya withmt. hazarding that ttxuai. crashing takes place. If you will consider the action of the hot irnnintfrTTT',-- whfc& attrtss tWek thseiy feci we fcrre 1x44 ari trfedv reEove iaerxiol California Maka. I - the measrre hp .taking: some fiitd popcctir.a of females a tot water in the ceils of a diZhdna battery, you will sec how important the .a.. OfEaitarn and J ii fir. wishtnceiieferrert. a Jma- peaeticiJ rieeia t Brand7, and KfcriftluiicfcH3perIaocr weold any Iwly of tiictisg- cen. j aetien of the hot wafer is, in doubly crushing it enfers the partially Jjroken I'OB 81LE IX Qri.lTlTlES T 8?H ayggJtCTrtorrffegg'Ba'tjt of wouM COOfi SVOVJBjgg Forlr, areerrnatl euajiu. in ifmftorl Yscr CBcacitiie feefc jastifcd ia the rttctrmiecdatiMi of this nrmedy, fells of the begass awl Bfesafes much the steeharine matter that ad JtO AT U: eoiBCTgy grjralai g.t it. let xTery teaae A3TBJ -- m -- . otherwise go into srsaees. a liwce firit feisitiBa the grf afrajylsed to FJaasnara lalne Ixms BnaSdunt that it wis ant endapger either the Ranftvdtf Treaty the f ami. 4 tSioi rf tTnited Elates saoalily of peocie Of aH water has to be erapiraterl again, awl the fuel to do Hack, A.O-- wentff be to iHure ami tsser wick fth enr fceseo heh?i er the sBiae with the er the the f this Kiitgibiffl, tsarse this t - while is sterna toerleraiaeazscrf euppiyifis the labor market ro the evaporating not ra grid a it 11 had been ned after the first cmh-w-e . firrt, hit-s- r fcse heij.' Ve tj3:uauj-a3a- think it aai- wS that i RA.srG-Ei:eL"- Titit - - """1 ma-- be Hie to ehre, and not beeotrrpeiled, xs gow to ear&ag the i lag. Bat with proper furnaces and gool double effcfrts, and with a carc- iu3e ami thit viaoas. "VThes. there are sseo.esocgis.sn thai gtxxi men wiBl fal Cse of the iteast, morsf of oar iiatatioo will be aMe to get altng with OF aU BIZCSi a Cigars CRYSTAL SODA WORKS enw Hteseei. . , I'ltrl- oe - to perfetm a fair da work Jhrafairaay'apaj-- -- , very little atlditiual rerctweennv sea acres hce ut lac n teglad js tad. KITCHEN AND H0C8EH0LD UTatKIXij-r- f, . roet, Ta Seta, ecr cc- a a , coal evaporate s to of wafer pound wsjaitoaprctitaiepTsdrtif-iatfingari- ecccpelithsa wkh stber cane-- Gocd Sydney will from lb, per of all kind; ,'fr Our Good are AcxBowlcdgtd tha JteU r weg. tgrmaiesreocatriers. csu, ana.eacs puntstfoa may nse wnai iegrecot aiarauon pay niivheeaifcsalinradteri erfE-fl- aa Ttea he esitHaierf a pain axd tni&- -i tu uaUf ''. fia: afcl-nanxthrsefrf. only f.e coa-idere-L jl tir-isi- . TlsairrPfxistofedafesro(irrAlican dose far Baited eiaort. lest when all things are SO coaxal r iTe rarrr &. rx the LCBKiatTIKO niLK-Uatct- otk fal nrr Bnalcr-greaier.aBj- I -- tin mtrwiartwHi of doaMe thamaiirtw iaoTt, d. nyjrhe'rales with, the of tbe GsveramenL. VTtcsnt agree npaa tfe Seese of car piaatatioas, ore rcfleet, haTe TJa-waSo- races rftaetisae. oetatioa OUr-Dor- o; -- KkXOSJEinj ar, TUm, wisest erxnse, asda&ereexaetlyandftrziiytolhea?seeiaent. mere ira,n icey ran i n iaaj. ait wsn. vj use rmiy Somiaf A botri rTfc br acMered hi naert decnrrraeEia cf brrsi tthec- - Proa wei ton ijh, ineci 7U01U We Use Patent Iiajfrs tvt - tfe race, tech uranlitfeffof water as they can evajiorate without the aid of coat; at SrLTEBWTKOWAKE-fro- m fieJ Jirrtoft' recens sattstk-fer tire States- we gather thrrt agrfcateal Josattias Aktut, Karfifj Tatei O. . most he tonte muta the test results will lie got bOLID H.VKEWAK&-frotatt(rorBaaiC- hMawlMarM. ttmOnt r Sifer-r-s twice as reach, per asa as Qaeyiaiafgy yearaa, Wrixrx gjtrrir, the Sams time it ia itett tcdaee . the-waf- iwupodtiort whaAfeaBswesatSfccfieryresuitthaata rleqhfe tfce nnasber C fafceegf. Jso. 3C Ilotxos. when. iinvsed freelr. I think a std would betotwt POW3)EE8-a- Jf iiod.. fwot CU. I'OT.fcr fii , fmm noe-lhlr- d one-lta- lf (juantlty t. xaA mrgg oa tacicgh t? make the tctrmtl Juice to the BOI.TS-allafa- Aarl this zraadrsssti ta Eeea by Lujaltv ed iniif Ur i y trte CAKIiUGE JU.T4 lUOlIfflE eir' !.. l)ut i firrt jefce. Ginger Ale oars ji2frrHy hast&ed. 35 one eaa with sarisfaetiTTi to theEaelvcg; thai LvrEmatK. of the licit. siy both scittj the ttmaU lestil (h1 the ame receptacle and a. nr a & tast ts--af htm. "WethisiBI- - And what a sranri In joke vlfl the KBrlela. rcls - . at one mHL its,&i&a.tie cHitBatacsTiMa arAig'ment. br.ta ererfeaife. ami pcsfitiEIe, wilbetSertadAcr-rirfec- r Juice treaiedis if It wereall cxtraetd f&irmtt.refe7.aD- - jbui ik- ure suuc prsiactictt wSi enr prasit tobnc facre-- And what rsiarf is ttooW fce As each year pases orer ocr snot fcmgjwns, new cnedtuo&s et the, waraara u.e tecow wi 'juicti ijj ctjhwumi fuitfitff rwergrawa with weertf Bad Irrowtfestdprflisperiryrif -- nek Usinr--rf are apxorest. drives the Cctt, bat generaUr a eoglne U also witlrlrse teaa. WXat faze tiss. I hrrre sees ftehli ccrlrre .Vawgj nrll ' I - i - wl hardwarCASpUadM Aatortatcsti fee and cert 52U per acre- tareSrsia, ftsenasti.-vfiractea- tsese tneresazct ice aoyiotaua tarnm bsraerixaaiu-tiiM- '''" tfc me strafed wsj ef enfcrriifcc t falthfally, A CO. i Trfew&ifaOTfceifflleleaaaadfcs'wI eaBli5nctferciie&carthe itadc grja-eri- to drrtde their itzds mto nmB postcres, essamag a tetter Yor' LEATHEIl Of All Dewrfptltm A Yorjrfif h-- fiat I harre seen hiss naerl where the max tabor eacM haw Ien Igmwlihef faerfasMfcgerdewtaeutftheacicanrfgthw Mac Carrf! MtrtllM M a 4 0f aMmA sis. IhaveseeaeBftf-Tafeaacse- an ene-ffft- h the exsea wSh a enftrnSflr. d forsaer yearr tarre, wett laaaet anrnsiK irere Ute rate en these t f. v r fvcfea: tJny.ar. riartltItv,f fetter dene at la , . ... reinfOT w rtfrtr tr4it, eareferfy that wM-ha- lf rrrrrctisrihfliiSlJtsvedrtne the iiin3l,lafrratwlasifyrffcfatrfIaEed-'- onmixed with (ate import- - T the Ihe PUirtrr IJibora&l Happy Otj mr The Crystal Set the PKdaLalGttUaK tf CITfUCT.(k lifnm4 la te?Tnl'! waili War. nrr&xsar&lctts I hare seea Etescbsthisrcaze'wbivwcmti hacve dese twru!, a. these dafBot exist. istEs Jn viewing ttfts war atatutlci or me wotkj weonu that a large ft .r itft laTSXSisa grassee years, me rerun tla.oea.4rsarj)4irt(atH(afOiiS aw - tt '. rfireetissesasrBiarUtSeyfcBlbititn;settowi3fedifereaay. Ifcxresseeiif .. the alaaMrrocajitrcaifiaereastm and the were erepri ifert. ' haa takf tla witnm lire 11 lew of AT OUR WARCROOMSr miitl rt 4 , r 0 box lemur twenty 'in JSh dijsfiij to perf whi'h U the very law psfce cf .agar that ruled throughout la.t Kcusn. XlmzUMf tlmnitn. tfg pMxr u ibxs ' '' i lieKo'ras Thent thgistasaiggatteggted to th by importia-- r of ptantatleos could no pay Interest vn their capital invedtl; 71juirrrniwTArisrrmtaTMarfcncMi coactcraft ItaoT r iron ,TfiJ woiik 5cEcuTKiriKi pua. Aed wastte cf ttberattht pctgaEir jtfaceigg attfiraf. Thff was rxlysoctasifci where the tnaiiikiacl grsA tarns hsil to raslbiodtU, tad lat (ev Uxoredfotf were atAe ta ay A' e, wdlniCEoSaif t&rtnsa tht rH!lrf,tnUfstrf ret?it:u:Hr- - j -- iimiiiiiiiii i; . .... ' r- " ' - "wm 14 PWaaaw ii W Win i ! 'i f I35E3il! Hffi(ftftiffleijimjjuftiiuniiiwi ' MMMMMMMaMni

$ nnraberof the lei chosen, ami office it- CFnurol ttwhsnntnt& gjazefft. ttpon attend at the ott I -, Hawaiian of the Interior, bringing a fe A-- .' lars. tihkh shall be paid tot WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 of the Interior it snch applii ll ceptedand the proper papers GRAND OPENING! JJn nttjcritD. delivered. Xo one srul Iv acquire more than one lot. pr; tF erer, that person riHbo a.' qnire two lcs where ooeof t land oaly and one is wett llSHyJi only Goods Minister of th Newlllmery Sscnox 3. Tpm receirinj "8 plications for any of the s. SESSION LAWS OF 1884. sare shall be filed dth the receipt, in case two orraorc AX ACT plying for the sanse lot. the o! .NT Sm X. Pscsist tst Attachiss or Atttsus phcatioc is rt reoaiTed sht D.X3 leTTES CK XtCICIS IV AST PkDO1S precedence ; provided, howev SACHS? shook! not attend in mix TtlTBOCT TEE CCSSTST OT TEE 0U pisson - - - - BeitEasttfdbrtheKiacaad at the cSee of the Minister I 104 St., Honolulu AssraabJr Islaads. irithin one week from the Fort of the Hxusiiia receipt of application, thi tic the Engdoai as- - his BEiIXXIS in l5iltcre ol applying shall have the prec others is the same manner, Sbctjox 1 Acy poison who shall 2x to other applicants. Upon or attach say show 631. haad 5XL, rvtster. the respective applications U adTEtiseaaat iff dhcr ncdre io aarbtal the Interior shall grant the sa On Saturday Next. October 25 1ib. fence, briJgv trro, roct rite or rayraent by the anpUeantol other strsrtnre or object, withoot first for the expense of the papers, of person or -- - obtaining the cossest the yearly rent or interest advi RF i in LI IMTEI persons entitled to the possesaoa of snch Tided" by the 'writtec asreera bmklirx. fence, hrkhie. tree, rock, pole or the Minister of the Interior a other structure or object, shall Us Jpflty cant, as hereinafter set forth, of a uusderaesaor, and trpco connctioa ration by the applicant tcerci 1XB1A RICE MILLS tberrof bofore say Police or District Minister of the Interior of j ih&n Jastke. shsB be nrted aoi taere agreement in duplicate, and I twenty doBars for each offense. 43S2!&f . h f Is Hf" to snch app&ant one of , : m $mim'in. &TZs. - Sectjox This Act shall Ivcorae s a, ,3lm. - rates, tlnly stamped, which . fi . I3iaDRlk.I.& r fc.1 - kw fnsa aad after its pnbJicatien. him to the ianedie uossc t iiiwiiiiijf..l? ,.i- - .jsw-vw-wt J&..U

I asVor I --mall divi'Jends. If prices should rule as low for next .season, or many animals In the country, as well the quarantine of animals on arrival. werajrenarctlana prosentcd o tho,flrtmecUng, inanu&getionswere and cstaUfc-hln- i Sltaatl influweo tht FREMQIV rfMtnn. to come, as we may IoHy expect, what ifbald beihe reitslt? Many j In view of the fact of. . the. existence of one or more serious diseases of Lmadq inlthe interests ofimorallty and good covcnifientSaml strqngjeorii- - tould u&tprtilArvitud&'.B rwultejn 107, 109 111 -, rol. nf oar former) v well-to-d- o riantatioas would have to abandon the cnltiva- animal- - now In our raid' t, 'the Importance of this measure can easily be imlttcca were appointed lo contlnuethe wdix. fl Uoh taVthFrflndpijitwtton of safl. ZF'jraia.cijsco ' If f surar-can- e apprehended. The organization of Hi San tk of and turn their energies to something more profitable.: this company was an era in the commercial hMory CitA9. It liis-iu- IM1 V KICK .MILL. VlTi:R2"iK.Vna.OFl Cattle raising i more profitable at present, bat if many plantations would The act permitting the sale ol spirituous liquors, w hlch by its own terms of these Islands; futile efforts had been nude In previous j KOfiT. lLVLCTBAtC t Till ' ifw-i- i.rml Eiarx- Snh lMyiiwi m engare in it, it would soon be as unprofitable as it was in former years. ' would have expired In January, 1SS5, has been prolonged. united action, and many ot us were surpri-c- d to find how well we could s. Ik Dole, But as all our entcrpri-e- s are ruled by the success of oar sugar industry, ( The act amending the law relative to the registration of births, mar-an- d "dwell together as brethren In unity." as wtihave nothing 1at sugar and rice for agricultural pursuits, andjriages, and deaths, needs the attention of Planters, a-- The annual meetings were appointed for October, the present one being Otntnii 3i)wrftscnuiits. the latter article altogether in the hand- - of Chine-- e, therefore it behooves with its terms may result in Inconvenience in the way of fines placed on the third. is enabler Laigeiy Bedtce ibs Rates fee lbs KbRm I is tatiMi ikn'Lntrait frvr rwvthin- that offers to imnmvp the snfrar in- - parents. Ac. in default of notifvinsr the School Arent of snch facts. The Trustees went vigorously to work to aid the rJantimr Interests In Anmi.TiiL.nAM jli iMAt.t. i MiirriM riui dutrv. 1 Tbe et which remits all charges for the tuition of children of contract all possible directions; measures were taken to try and secure labor, ami M1I,1IM. IT KlM.1. T Tilt. tr.O on diffu-io- n, which as a j laeorers attending Govcmmcm schools In the English language, relieve much good was done. Exchange of views with sugar producing 6. 0. HUtTR. w. r itiLMiHiM; txu a i.nii At the, meeting of last yr I read an article other t Hcocx. thl nil whole' was received very "skeptically by most of the members present, bat ! the Planters of a serious burden. countries was established, seed cane were brought from abroad, and to wages parent not exceed various experim'ents are in progress proml-- c good Tib-lJ.- t.r if wtjock bacfciipan the past twelve months and note how the diffusion The limit the above is that the of the shall which results. irt $- when The In t4 URcinlbf;irMc question in regard to its application to sugar cane has been agitated, we -0 per month. In other cases, the tuition fees may be remitted, Plasters' Monthly, established the beginning of our work, Freeth & Peacock i- 11 believe - something in it, and that should be j the School Agent is satisfied of the indigency of parents or guanluuw has proved a blessing not dtanused. It has taken rank as an i vlM in I r C.r U r hi1! w'C M Mb The arc forced to that there it intcrestlmr tested .by pur rfantcrs. also. Mr. "VT. O. Smith, and several local newsiw-- l Another act which may be of some Importance is one wholly new in and reliable periodical, its pages have been filled with able articles upon diffu-io- n No. 23 Nuuanu nil.y nn4 Orwiiu" - 1 tp persjbiave fruta time to time presented ns with articles on from j this country, to wit: "To facilitate the acquiring and settlement of au sumecis connected with the material interests of the country ; it has Street, ana.' rtaccs, far to prove method AUC UVUiVSiVaUS V.1U 11UV CAVWV -- V .IV.4U 111 helped u all to a better knowledge of the doings of our fcUow "workers; 3ava, and other which ro that this UVUiK1U I'lUWUUU ll'l, HONOLULU, H. I. of extracting the juice vriU l JoHy tested in the coarse of time, bat extent of dry, or f acres of watered (kalo) land. its aim from the first has been to give us monthly tho fullest report of CONSIGNlfflENTS OF PADD"X whether it would be vn to wait until it has been demonstrated in other It is possible that the act may be of benefit to small cultivators, at any progress In our special Industry, and Its voice has sounded In advocacy of cocntfies, jor,iiakc np oar mind: to test it here as soon as pokIWc, de- rate the settlement of small landed proprietors can not be otherwise than the most IntcUigcnt and economical management of our affairs ; It has rfc pends altogether opcm the spirit with which this subject i-- taken np by the beneficial to the country. grown from a luxury as some regarded It at first,, to be a necessity to the Wine Spirit Liberal appropriations bridges, landing--, other internal planters of the Hawaiian General Covmi-ien- . Merchant ni member of the meeting. for roads, and Islands. IXDIA RICT Mil Let n consider for a moment how it would affeet the planters and their improvements have been made ; bat the present depleted state of the It is not my intention to give detail" which are of record and known to agent il the diffusion process should prove a sneers; here, and there is no National Treasury, with the extremely slight chance of its being full aU, but the Industriotu and persistent manner In which the Trudccs have doubt in my mind but that it will if the trial is properly conducted. 'Ye within the coming year or two, render it very probable that nothing of tried to serve us faithfully entitles them to our thank. JSew CJood h are wxll aware of the enormous amount of juice carried away with the importance will be attempted or accomplished in thl- - Hue very soon. The The value of asoc'atIon has become more and more anpearent nt each COW MISSION MERCHANTS Late trash into the trash-hott- by our present method of extracting juice, siy Planters have a live interest in good and economical government, and meeting. The reports of Committees, and the papers read before u have percentage importance i?o 'paramount were snown improvements our Is Incen- from 20 to 20 per cent, or more, and if thi? kt could be worked from the of their interests, in fact, that it in method, and that it good to have un Offer for Sals at the FROM SAN FEANCISCO, np into good marketable sugar it would swell the output of the Islands not for them the country would lapse Into a beggarly condition, they will tive to thought upon subjects connected w ith our great Industry, we are nil ' from 0,8P0 tens, as at present, to TojOO"' tons. In other words, would see to it that good and economical government is secured. better for the interchange of ideas. NEW YORK & w Many 'Market th improvements Lowest have ooe-fif- more sugar from the same weight of case than we now At present there seems to be but one avenue offering any hope and this in our methods of planting tmtitultlvation, in the Rates care General commission business would increa; in same is through the Legislature. of our live stock, In the management of our laborer, in our handlinr V have. and the Ur wl ndl srlrcicJ ratio. It would also give new confidence in the sagar industry on the If Planters will bestir themselves and leave no stone unturned to secure of cane on the field, and from field to miU and in our manufacture, have Stock ol tkt Ckatart Legi-latl- uI ami Parana anaaa at Received by Castle Island-- , and new enterprises would be started. The planter and manu- the election of good and independent melt to the Assembly, resuneu uirecuy or inuireciiy irom tnc organization of this Company. facturer would have one-fif-th more for their labor and capital invented affairs may be improved. But in order to secure this, men mn-- t be re During the last two years many members of the Company have been - Ales, ALSO TO ARRIVE BY VESSELS DDE TROM AB- with but very little extra outlay. It i- - this gain that would make oar turned who can not be bought with a free lunch or a poi contract. politically at variance with the existing ndmini'tratlon, and rcrhaiw the plantations flourish, and put them in a condition to compete with Germany Independence mnst mean something besides promises before election. result Is that less lias been nceoiujHL-he- d than might otherwise have been, or any other great sugar country. The value of effort to secure good representations was very well HIu but politics are not the object of this association nud we should deal with Beers. To 1.0WES raised hat ab.xit A? Jarvi-furna- ce trated at recent session. Had Jt not been for effort on the them only so far as our Influence may be In the promotion of good hi: Sold at The ol$cctkra generally i, " ludr the the the united ucd . has been adopted on a gowl many plantation-- and gi e? excellent part of every one, it is safe to say that we should not have seen fourteen government and in the enactment and excution of such laws, as may tend Porters, GOODS results, the rcf u-- e of diffu-io- n could pftsfly be prepared for .fuel by express- really independent men elected and the value of the work they did, by to the public welfare and to the forwarding of our proper industrial in Wines, ing met of the water in it, which would cost but a trifle, as two light way of checking vicious legislation can hardly be overestimated. terests. Suitable for Plantations.CQi rollers would do the work very efficiently. After expressing the water it The bill for the registration of Chinese nudes was placed in the hands "Whatever may be the state of agreement or disisreeuicnt w ith cxistlnn ought to be piled for a day or two. The heat generated in the pile would of your Committee, and consultations had with the Attorney General. administrations, the Hawaiian Government lia in the Planters' Labor and Spirits, expel the re--t of the water and make it good fuel for the Jarvi- - furnace. His opinion, that the bill was objectionable as was un- supply Company, Its best and most pow rrfnl supporter. The Hawaiian race Or 1 VXlLILs. Orderv Filled at SlierltM Net Should coal- - be wanted, and the probable quantity known to our coniniis-?io- n doubtedly correct. It is a matter for regret that something could not have in the experienced and eamet member of thl Company afc ad- laiqueuers, agents, they would certainly take it in hand and import coal- - for six have been agreed upon ami submitted to the Assembly, but nothing prac- visers for their well being. 1 ..ft urn to 1'nrchaer. Attcntiew i C Etc., dollar! per ton, which I believe cm be done by chartering vessels in tical and at the same time not open to the above objection was suggested, Tho benefits arising from our organization are evtendins and will be Etc. season. This would give the manufacturers cheap fuel and leave the and so the whole matter was dropped. felt in increasing ratio from year to year. ALLGOODS GUARANTEED lion'siiarcof the profits to the planter and manufacturer. Still another matter was discussed with the law advi-e- r of the Crown; It Is not intended to express m this tupcr approval or disapproval of the Improved " Oriieri " Paris Mr. : whole aspect was taxation crops. present adminis- present administration, but a sharp and well defined political opposition Ai Till! PianjpUr. i IV! I KIS ILvW HAM UF PDUUaJt .ASP Tresident and Gentlemen The of the sugar trade all this that of the of growing As at '' T-- tea r; Mn Brraktax " l ta Jtatie overjtjjjworid bspchas to urge ui to give the diffusion process a fair tered the law is extremely burdensome and oppressive, not only from causes valuable criticism to be made of the net of an mlminldration and jftal, JaaaVmtCa,c tends to prevention of careless nnd inefficient In public TSLSrHOSK IS. it -- we law provides a in principle the method the B'tXMO. ? law Karen aueVr'Wtacellftaaraeae; trial, and thai As .speedily as possible. To do thi need funtk, and it for which the remedy, but the na jm) - , . . , O-- 1. nccompli-hc- Put hart. rvk. Uaa, Aair Ait ka. is left with your honorable body to provide them. In my la-- t ycar'si arti- of the thing for which no remedy is provided. The value of a crop of service. While it may be felt that we have not d much iol- - u vi ' - - uti rmmu Twin nliFaiii iiirti cle I pat the cost of machinery and other expenses altogether too hich. cane depends on the amount of sugar or molasses sent to market, and it tive political good, it is ticlleved by many that the influence of the Com - i pany has been a restraining one upon tendencies to legWatlon V ' - I has since been ascertained that the sum of ?2,000 would luffiee to cover only has one value that is, its value is the price realiied when it is sold ' I alh n ar.i I.flu I"rtn ' ffcilll. I It ' mrlxr m Nna r--.r tc lirlm OtW MfM all expenses, and I respectfully recommend that such sum be provided for. yet by the law as it now stands, a crop in the ground on the 1st of July and to the careless and unintelligent manipulation of the puraic fund. It has been ascertained that the machinery neeessary, consisting of battery is taxed ; it is again taxed as a crop the 1st of the following July and not AVe must recognise that the vne-to-n of good or ton government really Special DISSTOTS CELEBRATED SA"WS AXD FILE He Notice and cutting machine, can le purchased for $3,000 in one of theSudcnburg-Magdcbur- g infrequently is again taxed the next July as sugar in hand sometimes rests with the people governed. it our province to continue the work - - nkv XiMMb even part of educating ourselves and our neighbors to the careful nnd unprejudiced B.it lCcrtM. (Germany) foundries, who make a specialty of this kind of a of it is again taxed as a growing crop. Tat lodrrjisufj. rn.prirtoc l He machinery; $5,009 more would be necessary for shipping and erection : The result of this is that the sugar has paid a tax not of f of 1 per cent consideration and of political nutters to the end that the best ' SSjOOO tOjbe set aside for an expert and chemist to work the machinery, fit its value, bat of 2 or 3 per cent., which Is both unju-- t and contrary to shaU prevail by the will of the people. Let us conddcrnml dlscuvs them -- Latest Improvements She upon in and the remaining $5,000 to be d for purchasing sugar-can- e to be ope tne spirit oi tne law. The difference ol opinion, as to tnc best o proper their merits alone, eschewing all personality and looking only to the ?io:nii upon, and to pay incidentals as occur. course to pursue was as to prevent plan being greatest good for the greatest number. STEAM CANDY -- j x r rated other they The working of a in this matter, such any FACTORY ''sa rc has been explained in an article laid before Legislative Assembly, not be abandoned. Many difficulties and obstacles have been encogntered, but wc have tir ; v.iirti diffuapnbattery in the Plaxtek's the but it should v.aac4. MoxSiiJtVoJ'2fovcmber, 1SSS. and its advantages over the oW process is If the harvested and manufactured crop is taxed, the growing crop gained steadily in strength and influence, and our power for Usefnlnes its BAliory r-a.O- E' C3- - greater to-d- than ever before. Much has been done by united action L, Ii 23 3ELTT also set forth in it, and therefore I refrain from giving a description of it. should be exempt. Hi U.t 5MrtS S not U. Tt..-.-r , A rul'RcMn4li What we want, gentlemen, arc the funds, and it wtmkl seem strange to If however the growing crop is taxed, then the sugar ought to be free. which could liave been done by individual effort. tn he nti KnecTEnrai me if such an intelligent bxiy would quietly look on be pushed The proper object of Government should be to levy and collect only On thus reviewing in brief some of the main features of our history we and to the the a A NEW FACTORY & wall by more enterprising countries. To provide the funds we mnt be fair and equal tax from all classes, and it goes without saying that such is come to the consideration of reasons why w c should continue (he existence BAKEBT Labor and Supply Company. Oa aioch airre tn,lTKalchfcA lino In ll unaatroounppc this subject, and as our annual output is about not the tax levied and collected of the Planters' I rFLL tiRCEIUtS, fiokiei Gate, Star 60,000 opjiatiao, wkkkwtll Ik la comply wocllat tonsVSl' cents per ton of sugar would provide the desired $20,000, and I There are a number of matters which might well come before the All the reasons which existed for the organlzatlonsurvive with increased orterbj.BMtljiniT.lof " JlKklr.d ToS would respectfully suggest that this amount be agreed upon by the Asso Planters tor consideration, bat the remoteness of the next session of the force for its continuation. The Reciprocity Treaty still requires the most Aad U now Prepared to MannEactare ciation. Assembly, and the fact that another meeting comes before that time vigilant watchfulness. The absurd charges against m which" have been For Kerosene Oil "We Offer THEPAIACl If we conk! enter into an arrangement, like the Java Conimnv did makes it just as well to delay action. fully refuted again and again are continually reiterated by our opponents Choicest who utterly ignore the facts, and our proofs and we must continue to keep Pure Candies cannot quality or even tHjUriount, in case the trial proved a failure, would not be lost Respectfully submitted, Ani!i'lljkTi-..- band kia Delicieu be beat for pri quc-tio- n it the manufacturers would take lock the machinery, less freight V. It. Castle, the public informed on all points. The labor still demands con- fRESII M DE VULCAIf, awl'breakage. I would further suggest that the engagement of an expert Johk H. Paty, stant thought and energetic action. The benefits ot mutual counsel arc a rood oil and abo apparent Vanilla Chocolate Creams, to work the battery, and also a chemist, be left with the Company furnish- J. B. Athertox, too to require mention. Cocoannt Candles, ing the battery, as they are better acquainted with men able to conduct V. Hai.1,, The continued publication of the Plantee-- Monthly Is 6r the great- WOODWARD & BROWN'S CELEBR Rich JCngat. In sochui experiment, and as they have a great interest in the success of P. C. JOXEs, JB. est importance, nnd its continuance is possible only as the mouthpiece of bars; diffusion applied to sugar-can- e, they would naturally send the best man our united counsels. Sugar Roasted Almonds Thr flii aptM (.'(km 1'iaiio: ew Haven Oran (' period depression to available. OUJl TREATY XELAUOSS, ETC. The of financial which has come us with tho force CBEAM CANDIES, great Reqonimending this to your earnest consideration, and hoping that your of a crushing blow, and which rests upon each and every one of us as a variety; Soft Marsh-Mallow- s, intelligent Udy will be in favor of the experiment, I sign myself, Paper read by 31r. before annual rueetin rof paU, makes it not only advisable, but absolutely necessary, that wc should Joxathax Austin the adopt pursue .Xpnrs very respectfully, Cuas. KoELLiyc the Planters' Labor and Supply Company, October, 1SSI. and more economical methods in our business. How can Cum Drops, and this be better done than by the interchange of thought and information J. EMMEJLUTH Early in 1SS2 a meeting of sugar factors In Honolulu took into con Cum Fruit which always Bon Bons sidcration prospect of a serious check to our prosperity which might is the result of united effort. Now more than ever must wc 2fo. 5 HTJTTAKU STREET, HOK BBPOJiT.OF COMMITTEE OS LEG1SLATIGX. the hold for commpn good. Of all acfcrl.Uona. All Ibeea noaMaa Utth ..,! result from the abrogation of the Reciprocity Treaty. There seemed to together the pure COTletUon., I wll at 30 QH&) ... Let ns, while doing all that wc may, each in his individual capacity, " . be in the United States a powerful and unscrupulous opposition which BICH WEDDIXS CME OF THE Ho.nolcxu, Oct. 2thj 1SS1. hold firmly together and cheer each other; let us strive among our FIHEST FLMOH Z. 23. was gaining converts against our interests. It was thought best to Agents for tne 4Super: SraXDisc, Esq., friends our neighbors to inculcate sound principles of Irf an tiut alwtj-- i cm band, asJ endeavour to unite the brains and energy In the Kingdom for the accom- - and economy, and la lie onumrnled Banter? Jjalorpnd Supply QiJdoy. create such strong feeling for good government that representative? mol aniatie ttjl. MfA'MThe Committee on Legislation report briefly rfishment of such measures as would tend to protect our treaty interests, a the Sn as follows : in the next Legislature shaU go to their duties imbued wilh tho know MINCE PIES always Believing authority poli- and as would bring the Planters into nearer relations with each other, for fresh ST0 that had not been delegated to ns to engage in ledge that the approval of their constituents will be necessary to their as atso --- mutual interchange of tbougnt, and enable to reap advantages fe tics, nor .that it is, orlias been the policy of the Company to do so, nothing them the continuance in official councils. whereby which alwavs come from comparison of ideas and methods. the Home - hasjbeen done the standing of the Association could be in any the Let us have courage to endure the trials ot and f.dth to believe Made Mince Meat way cornproxalsed. A caU was made for the 20th of March, 16S2, which resulted in a meet- that our troubles will pass by. Thus shall we profit from the severity of Fer ?) at 30 1 cata per Vtmxi. If is the duty of every member of society to ing of representatives from nearly all of the sugar plantations in the king- WW take interest and active safely through to of pros tttriTif per Caefc the khiw . .- dom. body, when assembled, represented fairly the brains and capi tal the lesson and come an era increased material - part in the affairs of whatsoever country he may reside in, to secure good This perity, which smallKingdom, insignificant popula- employed main industry of the country. After a preliminary in this in extent and government Consequently the Committee has taken as part or occupied in the tion, shall take a well earned rank among nations for its high, degree of position whatsover politics, as organization as a Planter's Association, it was determined to accept a do in representing the Planters, but each commercial activity, or dealings, Very which had been granted to Labor and Supply Co., the purity its and the culture and netpeetftHlj member of the Committee has done what he deemed proper as an indi- Charter the Planters' geniality people. and Planters' Association was merged in the corporation. of its vidual. the Let us forget any feelings of regret for whatever cause, and support has been work of the corporation during the two years and this ilacllcal ConftetlTOej & raMrj TVUb, regard to Legislation howev er theposition is different; one of the What the Association for its good work tost and present tfc, oljeeta which seven months of its existence ? ,( VZ?S!L0lD ,Iar 8T for the "Planters organized was to guard against improper Let us behove that by aid we shall over the ebb of misfortune, """' was unanimous feeling of tho-- e present at the first meeting that its tide and demagogical legislation, and to exert whatever influence they might It the come full flood of prosperity, a. powerful, community. or vigorous action was required on our part to cause general knowledge of and in with the have to secure the eractment wholesome laws for the encouragement "redeemed, regenerated and disenthralled." and protection of the ingar industry. the true state of our affairs to be spread in the United States in order that The presence in the Legislature of 1SS1 of several individuals who arc the slanders about slavery on the plantations and frauds upon the LAINE & Association--individua- do. al-- members of ls whose United States Tcvenue which were being circulated with great persis- REPORT ON FORESTRY. CIKWXU this influence is so great IIAVK A LARUE STOCK inXPHOSESe 211 as to be a practical assurance against bad and vicious enactments, has tence should be successfaUy refuted and true statements of aU matters i)r TltE iterated to make the position of the Committee in some sertes a negative relating to our commercial affairs under the Treaty and otherwise be made Some niorith ago a circular letter was ent by the Chairman of this "Voiry Boat one. It has not been deemed necessary to take an active position unless known to the Administration, the Members of Congress and the people of Committee to members of this company, asking special nucstionsiin regard indigenous neighborhoods assistance was specially requested. There has been no such request, ex- the United States. to the condition and decadence of forest in the Hay, &c. DILLINGHAM cepting with reference to bul introduced by was subsequently decided by the company to send an agent to of the respective members, the caues of sudi decadence, and also, an to Grain, the Mr. Cecil pro- It Brown, to WHICH IS OFKIHJD AT THIS how-ev- act in Hawaiian Minister to observance experience In Introduction of exotic trees. Have Received a Full line of tli vide for the Registration of Chinese males. The Committee have er "Washington to conjunction with the the and the The answers' taken tneasurea relative to several other bills, notably that to legalize United States, and his associate commissioner, in disseminating informa- which were received have been published in the PLASTrns' jfoyriiLY. Lowest who have read 31r. report to Legislature, of Market Prices the importing and sale of opium. There are different opinions as to the tion about ns. The President of this company went to "Washington at Those Jaeger's the the Ho devoting propagating garden In impresred oarrtKB mt to iit rm or the Billiiigliani. BrepiE morals of icenslor unlicensed opium, but among those who have his own expense, and remained there about nine months, afl of Government Honolulu, must havrhecn citt Chinese pnployces the feeling Is practically unanimous, that opium under his time and energy to our interests. The idea of bribery or lobbying with the valuable character of the work begun and carried 'on by him. atiE.vrs ron tub control T law --o as possible) is easier dealt was distinctly and unanimously disclaimed as being not only immoral and The Legislature at its late session made a fair appropriation for continuing the far with than free opium. Pacific MutnaiJUfo IIU1M.I11X V"" porpo-- e of meeting unnecessary, but iy injurious. operations. Tnis enterprise Is rapidly developing under Mr. Jaeger's skil- Insurance Company, For the the bill, which proposed to make the import- or .g by Association is believed to have contributed ful management Already many thousand trees; of various kinds catiroiuuA, ation and sale of opium legal, and which was understood to have the sup-porif- The work done this have - slopes Data being fIRRQW PLOT'S cofridyatA? .majority of the Legislative Assembly, a strong largely to the better feeling in our behalf which prevails among theMcm- been set out on the tack of Honolulu. are collected in AgenU for the "HOOTER TJEICTHOHE.1' public sentiment was created which found expression bers of Congress and the heads or Departments. I he lacts presented regard to the adaptability of different exotics to our climate and foils. An in the form of peti- COMMISSIONER OP BEEDs ' tions, and the matter was thus killed, and a subsequent feeble attempt were undoubtedly a factor ia causing the appointment by the United extensive correspondence with all parts of the: world connected with a at ron CALii-orcrt- reviving it uieu a natural deatn. States Treasury Department of a committee of investigation which was system of exchange enables 3Ir. Jaeger to procure seedrfand plants from Amoeg th acts pased, the effect of which may be more or less benefi- instructed to proceed to the Pacific Coast and learn whatever they could all tropical and countrie. If is not easy to overrate' the im- arTELerJiort.ro 147. I' fes- -. - rnit sS cial to the sugar industry arc, the Currency bUl, which by its dangerous in relation to the aHegcd revenue frauds, and report to the Department. portance of this enterprie. Already have ilants been- furnished from parts -j flood us exceeded their authority and came here. This this nursery to many of the including new varieties of sugar arr aB Kcuit or tm: puttzas by tfc OHsnod tendency to the country with silver, not available elsewhere except Fortunately for they ! Tkne not only willing anxious to cane. me fore- Just HX!." Eiii- tkc 'Acsieni MasebckM; aat as bullion, has received an indirect check which will probably committee was practically against ns, and but Wiui lioeiai appropriation irom uovcrnment, it is eay to Arrived J' - Pkort lVv operate per Worliuiifct - w e ux Aate for tin Unataciarj. favorably. find aU of the slanders true. After a careful but hurried investigation, cast the growth of this work. Suitable localities will be from time to note of Abercorn form Lfm pool, Coltivators, Horse Hoes, & Harrows, The joint resolution and appropriation of to encourage Japanese they returned and reported that there was no truth in the claims of time selected from different parts of tho idands, and planted with trees AJXTX MATrTn t immigration is of great Importance. There ha-- hardly been experience slavery or fraud, and those were the only definite charges which had been from this nursery, thus gradually extending the field of experiment and FOR Old Pattern Moline Plows, to ONE MILE OF Tools, kinds ; enough yet to demonstrate the value of the Japanese as laborers in cane made against ns. adding the fund of information, and at the some time increasing the--l Plantation all rjenenciai upon Bifiercnual Pulley Blocks, fit3ds or in the mill, but any measures taken for the supply of our scant If any entertain doubts that aU expenditures and efforts have been enecis oi tree growin ine climate, buck plantations with light Portable Railway Rails, Buckeye Mowers, Hydrau labor market will be hailed with satisfaction by every one employing made in the most effectual manner, wejnust remember that our interests the plant3 famMied from them will greatly stimulate private enterprise m were author- in forestry. sketch of work of Fodder Cutters, Garl labor. were placed in the hands of men of our own selection who A the the Llhuc forest reservation, Tfas la J . pet ruU 3?iaco. giupe published a number of u alu A matter of the greatest importance which perhaps belongs to another ized by us to act in accordance with their best judgment. in late the PLASTratrf Mmteuxy By this experi- cunts, eretilszf , Tittbrieatiiig Oils, Tnxpeiitiiie, Committee, i the matter of cheap labor, without which, at present prices The dancer of abrojratlon of the Treaty by the last Congress was thought ment the proprietors of the Lihuc plantation have gained a large experience g we give credit to our representatives for in forestry which will doubtless tell in the txate. Fm Od BdViai! StaitbiUrWinsrcr-- for sagar, cane can not be cultivated. to be imrninent, and must future and whleb all other may AND 10 LIGHT SUGAR CANE WAGONS tlxExZSan. Hoese Fenifiaffi: Good. Lps, The price at which it fc understood these Japanese laborers are being earnest and faithful work which contributed largely to the mote general profit by. This experiment of the Lihue plantation 4 an example well land-holder- s. 3TOXX. TCe knowledge affairs throughout the United States. The worthy of being roUowed by other (rnmrMt THB " TItT. " ty 0"A- xiixxiai engasedjlsnot cheap, button the whole, expensive labor. and accurate of our We thrtt alt rhn cstahlish-menf- on subjects connected with this King- have lands suitable for tree cultivation S.C -- TUllwij I. f Anlmalr-ower-; Athjriatf'rn!cli has now become a law, provides for the of ignorance of the American people and it should be that Tils a.luble a chair 'bt Natural Science in the Oahu Cotlere. The Planters dom can be appreciated only by those who have given the subject careful "" " vuki uituraute cunuiuons ior mis wont which are nearly ALSO rOK SALfc yiCTOB FAGERROSS, being worthless for anything pieee-o- fSAUMAI will remember that assistance was asked of thisCompany for a salary for attention, and the danger of Intelligent people there, misled by else should without delay set apart a f land Kails, seem possible to who Straisht Steel 11 lbs. to tfce jard a professor, Jbut was refused on consultation. By the munificient donation slanderous statements Is tar greater than would us, enPTatim oI a tons. The progress of such a-- wort Watcfenster aod Jeweller. - fefiftial of lion. Chas. K. Bishop, a wen-equipp- Laboratory will be put up at know- the facts vreu. would.f.?be lately to win an increased interest in the- - experimentex In the ! enterprise Covering B Punahou, after which, a competent protestor wfll assume charge. It is The amount of expenditure is small when considered in comparison and would almost inevitably lead to a desire In his-min- to T ' enlarge sawlafmiasetitlaa. i probable that through this source we may before long obtain valuable In with the amount of work accomplished and the magnitude of the Issue at the area under cultivation. If fifty proprietors In these islands FerforllierirUcoUr,ippljrt, Keep oppo formation raauve id our sou, lertiUzers, 4c. stake, and while It is still necessarr to yiguani waicn oi our should, during the coming winter, each begiusnch an enterprize, even W L. GCEEX, or (Met U-- Saves 2 O W MACMKLASZ Xkkiu H ftra Itiut The act relative to the prevention and suppression or disease among nents, the work done has already given us a good base of operations in a though the beginninz should not avera ire over an new nt lamUarvl i,r,i,i ! Cf-- ?ntTTmt inrportaiit rendering operative provisions by many oi best people in tne amies in our integrity, follow up such a beginning gradual AeentafotJknfwKtC TOnaanaitEiTSaiuaga. c,a PBICE BED is a the of a similar act firm belief the united with enlargement of area, a tew, years passed in l&o morality and fair dealing. would place Hawaiian lurestry In the TVMtriiTt HWwwrtilA1 x.ai:te CO., - - of a national THEC I t auMainnliul w(4f 4la taMolaa-l- ai mliHiaiaj tuu.!.t at t J COMMISSION MERCHANTS rrxnB. jrsocka3mi. haxckks TetlTo'rides for the treatment and, sappresion of disease among i a numoet ui puiu ujujb uwu iwuuw.hu miu mc sugai lujruiuu cmjuisv' auvj ianujniiigan immense amount of needed informatioa ,jr-.K-i- "S A4 Importer, of and Uealeu. la JUr. Onl, aad larj Omejtl trodaee unohh,lLJ. lr
