aa. jai.iina ioi IJauwiianferttji jteararellTjoe. t a II a. Ubm-UI- IIW.ftMH I fifrfD A lUaaa-iW- a- t- l: t.Klt rcuusiiED W ! - - IlBt sr .B Jjj ;e ao. w nee uaa ROBERT CRIEVE & CO. M Unaa 4 tnckn IW - M w . .. tu mnirntwm a i.h taaa aMtM Ilrrry Wednesday Mcrnlnc H.7r,riI-..- .. i:M tM IS AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM W toooa'ufi, 9ncM. Cart "fc PAYABLE IS ADVAXCE. t!VdndliwinliwtkeMratea,wkkkarnlllTinnlMT" tnJ Jr Kwreljt-- WwltMwnia.knpUdlaettWarlly. ftlMr,rlbr.03 la Adarf, jr. K. All foealc drertlaaoMnta matt ka araatt Wbkk lalactei pottage rt ! tw Orm. Taaratwufawlvrla,tkarteaara glf In tk aral. a Kacteen a . J rmlttaneM fr Wrtkaatt, BailAinc. 25 and 27 1884. WHOLE No. 1033. TTtHtontajWniadkykWnB.foln-iflM-iirt l One in bcw Guette VOL. XIX.-- No. 44.1 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29. at MercluiBt Street. HONOLULU, ac atnfa. LATEST FORE1CN NEWS. London, October 12. A dispatch from twenty wounded. The forces under Colonel iUrcIjamcal ifnrtis. illnljaiwal Carta Jusiiraiut JTotitts. Jnsnrantc JTotirts. iortiqn 3Jwfitisrmmt. Ponrola ears that two of the Mudir's spies Dennier aro continuing to advance. FEB ALAMEDA. ' DIMOSD & CO.. from Khartoum, via Kordofan, report the Jamestowx.CO.) Oct 8. The country about ED. ROWE Boston Board or Underwriters. UNION COHPANT WILLIAMS, Nt. Yobi, Oct II. the 77wiw Albany MstuH sending two large armies to attack a INSURANCE here is excited over the discovery that eleven Honc rind Sign Plntr, Paper Hanger, &e BROWN & PHILLIPS, UKXTS for tho II. mill. n I.Uaila. Shipping and finaisslon Mrrtbanls special There trad a Eensafiooal bcciic Dongnla. One is coming across the desert L. CO. or sa.i rnA.xci.ico. i.jb: graves in the cemetery here have been opened yo 10T King Honolala. WBly C. BREWER jure. and the other along the Nile. ly No Strwt. na as lallfoel "Ireel at ti.e liiectnire iiumucr and the corpses stolen. A reward of $1,000 is . PRACTICAL PLUMBERS,-GASFITTER- S Prtae..al Itnotxr. Clicmnmr coon I called ;. :. ;oi.i;.ua.-- IVfAXlXl.C. Samuel of r Home, October 12. Catania has been onerea lor me ghouls. Philadelphia Board of Underwriters. W. H. CROSSHAH & URa. on fiovernor Cleveland with l.er husbind to AND COPPERSMITHS 1805 visited by another cyclone. Thirty persons re- blacksmith and machinist for Ills Hawaiian f.lantl.. irfCOBPOIlATED, tair-lian- Rome, Oct. 6, Intelligence has been MioHiikt, nrrlnse- AC3RXT4 C. CRE EH CO COMMISSION MERCIIAST8. seek a pardou lor her brother, Mjron were killed. King Humbert has 100 llarcc Trh. sent ceived of a cyclone at Catania, un the island of rjantnllon Tfnrhlnrry, r. COOKE, AGENTS Teirfc. irho was sentenced nine months azo to for the relief of the sufferers. X.7l Klnc Mrrrl. Ilonolnlii. II. I. CASTLE h I1B raaiBkerSlml, 3w the Auburn rriaon for two reara and a half Lieu j. irces wero nprooteu and nouses IKI frhnp on King Mrwt. nfit Catle CPoheV ly v. a. nciiai:fer. IDS Pvrllto tIawtlM lalla t jrafreeaee- - I'a.tle A Cooae bb4 t T Wilrfhi-.- for shooting at some pemons wbo were atoning Bnrstcu, October 12. Henry Stanley is Twenty persons were killed and fifty Tmrw mnrr House and Ship Job Work 4 K?ITarBrBinaarlarOrtrwrllr aw Iri going to Berlin, probably (or a conference Asoat of Drrvdrn Boanl of Cndorwrltot. 50BTH BRITISH A5D XCSCABTILX Lis father's home- As soon as .Mr. Boone injured. and Dealer In Store, Range. rKOMriLT ATTEXDED TO a J ARBI of Vleinla Board of Cndfnrrllfr. with on Importer IS SETERAH'CE, saw the Governor she threw her arms around Bismarck the Cocgo affairs. Washington. Oct. S. The Impression pre MttaK FnrnlhIic'ood,Cmekery,01aand Claim, isiln.1 iB.nranee CompinW wllala tbo lari. OompAny H.W. He Mectaatca, Honolulu, n. I. Bath Tubs, Water Closets, wlH InaurAnoo for licr brotLer'a New October 12. The often ru- naval dispatch China Ware. Practical diction of the .tore Bon. of Udfrwrll.t lTe or roxnox Rmnrncii- IlantlUn and bis neck and began pleading York, vails in circles that tho new i""1 Jy t b crniSM to by th.aboTOAs.attom.kolB.nl .tin l'oonl pardoo- The Democratic canditate for Presi- mored LiRgtry-Gebbar- dt marriage, it ! said, vessel, the itoiprtin, recently constructed on And alt kinds Plumbing Goods ralld. Wlf Established 1800. MERCHANT dent was taken aback by Hie greeting, shook is likely to take some definite shape when the tho plans of the Advisory Board at Roach's J. M. OAT & CO., SAILMAKERS, COMMISSION lOITo ALWAYS OS HAND. reanelaro fa) Be- Loft fn A. F. Cooke New f Bnildln;, CAPITAL -- .. SeaCaHforaU l las her olTand asked her to be seated and talk the Jersey beauty returns to this country. Chester shipyard, is not a pronounced success, Insurance Notice. JC3,.C Boom So. A ' of onnn Street. It omaUfed and Xvtt t Tuttd I ri matter over qutcllj. She became more excited fore another year is over Mrs. Laogtry will The bombardment of ! Aee tri I.7 Shanghai, Oct. 6. Honolala. II I. CONFECTIONERY AUCatT FOR TIIK Dliri'lH and her hnsband to threaten what he be Mrs. Gebhardt This is now about certain. CampanT't-imltnl- bezin Tamsui by the French Meet is still in progress. repaired- TIIK Vutii Taarne i CSDERMMSCn IIATR BEK.f DR. JORDAN & CO. case of refusal. The Governor The two parties most interested have been, SS FUs of all description made and - - t Rtwlnr f TIIK AOE5TM tor th !a4wtc!l Islaada. would do in On the 6th inst the fleet had destroyed the irlTfd laitntctlmis hf Hl ParonM assistance and the couple were forci- w ithin the last week or ten days, sending each . HJLcTISIlJEVSStS- betwera Honolala nd rn in lbi Tactfe, ntl mi ok rnoKKSMiit rang for STEAM rrir.8 '1 Chinese forts. Houses of Europeans in the PIONEER tieowprrpn-4tlMierririt- t lowrti rtwt, Q nllUMtl.oriati. n.pi 51a bly ejected from the Executive Chamber. In other cable dispatches of fifty, 100 and even city were riddled with shells. Candy Manufactory and Bakcrv Ho. 71 Fort St., abovo Hotel St., with pvcUi rrtwtlon tm fn Att prr taken In any pari of Ik I land on . 200 andWofrHrt BoUdlac. d Mrrehandl",tflrrd tkere- - tlto corridor the woman went into hysterics words at a time. t'r. - Spain has granted to France under the roost KEEPS ON HAND WM Armt Brit. Knr. Mr. Ui.lkn. UwM In. Dwrlllar MM- aad TlmtnT. t'Mla. (allfnala. - KITlTi and the orderlies had difficulty in getting her xw Haven (Conn.), October 12. From Practical CoafctiOBr. Paltry Cook aal Baker. ALWAYS ir Etnlpatn karbur with orwUhonlcanwracrnnd?rraltr. '!"'"'- favored nation clause, the same trade privileges 3BAamwn paaiii. a.a--m.u down stairs. She made the building fairly 1K3 71 Hotflilrfft, between Naoinn and Fort. 3 ly An aortm.nt of toe brit French and K. Ilorctt'I.LAKIIER A CO.. niss.t.BKsorTUE m an authoritative source the Morning Xetts est as are California manfifactnrcd kn to be held down, in lite Indies enjoyed by the totted Iit5) Arrata for tho Hawaiian Ilanda IIIKIC.tKIM Of JIB5 ring with her shrieks and had learns that President Theodore Woolsey has States. J. EMMELUTH & CO., FIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, because she wanted to get out of the elevator resigned from Yale College. 1 TUB A HOOK "EST OS UK' ElrT OP 7. OoxxZocxioxxoTrsr I w and to the Governor's room. Her hus- Jeromk Pauk, Oct The track was fast Whit It he effrro tot to the trade, or rrUlI, - v retain 10. Charles W. StoTe f1 at mnr. cxnrjutiuxKn iiatiyu iicoap-, Mutual Life Co. He called on the FoutWavne, (Ind.)Oct The three quarters of a mile race, for Tinamlths and Plumber. Dealer la pointfu A5(tii or me ooto vompanj-- New England Insurance band trss also roach excited. Bo in the ana rr, na tier, one of the most noted criminals all ages, Jim Itenwick won, Strathspey second, IUnf?, TIB, Mittl iron vpir rrK" to Innore riiki nlnt fire ton tnd llrlrk I0ST0X, CHLQRODTNE. Governor about three months ago on a similar tantlTm hand a foil aoortment of Tinware, Oaltan. AT REDUCED PRICES! tMlldtnrfi Btnrl on M vrrha.nttl utamt thrrfls.oii or M!J DR.J.COLLISBRQWNES Slate of Ohio, son of Dr. George Butler, a --, errand,ibcing then informed that the District-Attorn- Lady Load third. Time, LIS,1 4. The three lied Iron and Lead Pipe. India Robber Hose, Ac the not rTorsnl lerm". I'nr rurtlrtUrt pply t the kF wealthy physician of Columbus, O- - was exe office f lOBi ixcunrnRA rer, mis. TIIK OR1U1-5A- and OSLT t.KSt IvE liad advised that a pardon be not quarters ot a mile, for two year olds, stlliag, THE VXDS ir r ATcii.KrtKco. cuted at Columbia city, Ind., y, for the BEST BR OF CHOICE CIGIRS "anrroiacir Oj.ibi wUk t ..Main granted. Boone grossly insulted the Gover- Miss Daly won. Coral second. Mullens third. W. R. LAWRENCE, HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C 7Jt Olfcll Pmly Mutual life Adrkv t InralkU If to il. young Tr be had a the market. Pman.t murder ot Atlue Butler, bis wile al Time, 1.201- -. The mile race, Roy S. Cluke He Unileil Salts. firt.fclnjallfiwfnwnlaek',rritrf'rni nor. He said he would go home and slap the C20WT3XA.C3VOX1.. t alm aW atMbk Ik ' Princeton, Ind., September 29, 16S3. SODA C0RDI1LS COMPANY, aanl'k. twrtta't.i. face the y, as official won, Himalaya second, Shenandoah third. Plan an EKlmatea Farnlahed lor MTorka of Cea THE BEST ICE CREJH, W1TER USE INSURANCE twotra(e4 HWa, tnrhjoratn Ik tw Mil of that i ralleiea laned ob U matt raTarthle TermaJ nflkn win had given him to understand that be had sent London.
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