(layette, laicaiian RATES W ABVERT1SKQ. 1 . . '1 . . Spat Jle(rdtB"T a, am. ; 1141.. ov - T,rL t t in. . . 1 1 ia Wednesday Morning, tnll t 8Un. UlMh jtst co 00) 13 UBs-lU- ch.. ivA s 4 ta sorsneo -- , - POLLAXS PER AXXCK -- CO 00 TsWWWjHeO 71 GAZETTE. ILtar Sioche. S 4 00 S" SiekJVO. HAWAIIAN SUar-- laches. to 3 toulWn. 4) Unct Inches. I 4 e 00 Quarter of Oolaaui. io4i4wgw of Third (! oowwtcalM co u i . ' - TT T Italfof CVdama. 11 00 u eo u tti ow is win on mama. 1 col oo cfe ts orflon certW 00

V X at at rera-- J s, Ihub. WEDKESDAT, 29, 1873. rdsdlMoaBtftVBI tbw ratw, wslch ar for traaral oast-i- JANUARY IS6.00 naaa sa us IX-X- HONOLULU, PER TEAR. paid or qnartnlj. m lonw a. wrPCTh TOL. O. S.J wba charted iBgimTl Bdncattioai Good Advice - Tst ".Ttnsra. Xkm, rwlalfJ tiat tie ifiiaS BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. INSURANCE NOTICES. NOTICES. paid esjecsal ioccrs to tie FOREIGN s Sfoxarera. aiTtreseceat t t! Eossc tsspapK! Itiats cf eitr Kasa Garibaldi, nctier of ALLEN 6 CHTLLINGWORTH, FIREMAN'S FT5B I Inter ceoocr ef tie Sisoca & BROOKS, U b. UTBSje. loro a. a iTXix Geceral. oa tie recsrreece cf AS-Soc- KAAVA1HAK, IIA.AVA11, & CO., ta Bad aEoe3 tie patriots; WmUaMta6iinLla(MTauvtlMuJ5a)rcisrbnIs. Is. . 3TATXAX ceae-te- rr ssuxososn axo rxxsiciAjr, INSURANCE COMPANY. ecc-C- ic Tkitjac occssiect at tie .1 ta to rmrmba Ui AQE2TTS, steoes csireal th,i; cicj. resyectiss tie Dr. ir 1VAU.CKV, iwn. kn Ut u nimixI ITKRCHAHTS AND SHIP e days. TiereKr-abi- e Jst7 Mntt Kanlaa rvutvn, ao4 Kk4krXr. OF 3AK rilANCIBCO, xai afctary EseWiad li5S krreaierovds, for three, IB S II OUT LAND ASD IIIOB 8TBKKT9, J aadhika! v&d ecrhl lisrrtf k. lie TUn ft. aot awi2rm mppnrttutraBruBt. (mo u m tvai ej auoaif, it ukximi bk her al ca ta a I aai aati. zad cU hdr was greatlr esteecaed derk; tx ta IManttloC ta. fie. SXia. To-r- at kI mmwN tna. rttrvvul aln 39 !? Auckland, N. X. kaM. af fast csiec ta fcr A W pirt tie eatrr. ca fai umii, 3l t vaka c&l .nvstfca via V. (rnm. rXXS K TlaTOtiwifec-iEil- e Efe. d iie died at tie ase of serectrerea. -- k, Xiti- - ef LorITsoiiT Btstec. AU Xniigt- -t are trtated free tiarg.--e a. csss. , aoasur. bbth-da- r, cf All, wttuaas. asaat r. ausraiaa, Jlsrci, her son's Cash Cnpltnl, Gold. 38,wa. auai aft aw sfew 4. vies caa iroe' cwrcti3t wiU: teia eithur so faai the ISth of Vr c Yes . m BkeXTxa. vas with a teapest cc tie MERCHANT TAILORS, By writint; caxll Uses oa cartrally telectad WILLIAMS. BUNCHARD CO., taar ttjj Mi ta (SseccerrvJ tV- - a5 eaetcssaaV sabac viae ie tottfis rilks. ar add UK. OLIVER, wi Bepcb&a. Tie wtU dlttribsttd, eSan tesieS is ef bferni-r- tie mhsX eceas.iaiksik Shipping and Commission Merchants, liii the cf GiribaViiPrkadr: . ipaaliiaai feaavk; accent tie f ill a tui ih luflirir m tfcoee 'esjl ass ccesised 3 itcres3eci fe- Ccmer ef Tert s&teti, Haaslsls. THOS. G. THRUM'S K.TlITY SKCO.M XO ZtOAE. TaX.MlMrnt sal easuj uoexnat n Hi. Uakefe. tie Kberatcr of Italr. vas born ts Stationery, Cutlory and News Dopot e 315 CxllforaisS&eot, Saalrxaeitco. iy J5e6. lecood soa cf Koa asd Poceci-e- o and Circulating Library, Losses Promptly Adjusted. cit was Laca IKsxter wis. aa cessdtkc a aai k tie DSC 3IOTT S71IXII, l. Catrbj. FLINT, PEAB0DY & Co., ; he T-T- Stmt, BISHOP A CO., jraj aaa jvsasc IM.T A i.Tst-aa- s GarGaliS. Tie eidest was caaed.ABselo r3 1 t llmtat ra.pi tospre&aMi varat MtTI CiliirrT t CVrjiaA prvptr ict4 ca Wa Acr.U lx th llavmlUn IsUad. katiayi tar Si aiiiijeti carca was bora io lSi. and caed at Pt2idelpiia. viera Hxtj3 rw53rl pcactSc b at al two ottt SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS riiwf j?tw ctfrma aeeert. was to skip a X Sencx a rrcx St.TT,iu S.l ocenpeed tie post of CocsaMJeneral far Sar-Alki- Ok'i oirer cf Ixt uj Uut So. Boston Board or ladf rwritrrs. anww asaswaaaassl Mi af nraiac-pts- s to tie "West IsAh. aai anftei ie II. TOSS, jisa xeuTs or it ike ersel week vas bora ic 151. asd died at rar th. Hawaiian lalxnda, lht iy in i aisfetf af ti adtiv. to tie tpst sar& ef al CPHOLSTKltKn, AOKXTS a BRKwuR ca Psciio Sarral and Stir Csapaay, at f fewac it eress. ef XkeklSSS. Fefice vas bora in 1S12. and died C. BEEWEB & CO., S. 5 altrcfeat Sunt, crtvstl, ta Siloc lion, AraprtparedtofUittUh ZOCO and nABMUCi. S HOOKS la waaieardrfttetaasacSee. Tie tie Fttrairorr fcaj a baal, aa4 tM any require!, aad mprctrally wUctt Cowai(amu a kiirilaace ts he brother, t k. a. r. caxzrs. i nltrsn fmlrr rbiladdphia Board or Tide nrriters, o,antltj tar waraaae-pi- ai fccai k 153c.JeiTir ;iX rrpirl aa4 r.a2,ttnL Onfrfrvcit&tft)trllA&l of Snrar ana Island Prodnc. Tmmi wis. thai lie t--lr jeia iawr. ie pcvapttjattA2ttto- - twer the GeeerxU vie krested tie sss in tie pcr-cix- J. a. axrrxa for thr Hawaiian Island, Itefer to eak to tie scar nssictegs fee aai 4GKTS C BRXWKK k CO. - Mjr. BJhcpav Uooolala watctes- - BbM ex- . kHsd residecce, Caprerx. Ffexlr, & I'jifttt sa Bexta1 reaSwi a greai fceSt ee tie Testers- - A ef ik SHIPPING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, KKAI.OIIA & PASKK, lLIIckMdC9 1 F. A. SCIIAKFER. v. aWaosa tfceati fai-- f Skat. sr. re Jae Teresa, bora 1516. dkd in lHi. With tie Kaaatarx. Eawaiian Iilxada. House, Ship and Sign Painting CuUCok. naps4sl eTrtd sitcq to ceut af k lj Itoartt or " Walker 1 JLlleo. Erst-bor- orOrtntn Cnd.rwrltra, the deranct ciadrea of botkl sraasT, AGKMT B.mnl ii as a act a Mt empties ef tie ef Pradn of Cadrrvritm, liuai S3srited jeir. tsr3l BISHOP & CO., opened their Shop on the abort Ayrat cf Tlraaa Board of I'adttwritrn. omcao, : sat Mtaf tefcaai - , tie Esea cccnpr tie EmsaVtecb whi H.VYIG .to. ud Catlfbrnla Street. San Frmnctaco. t actesaie specsiawe. Saeetw-- wtikac to frvpartU to Ja all taaaner of work io aalsu aala,t Ianraoc wlthla th iwkvet- ' DEL Jorilktioa Sa sscensbed 3T , H aiy fce heroic BL 1 nrtl-ftr- pa. m wtif :. at Wee. r ier. and GiribaiS's we. vio titir lis. of baticm. Chirr, rtucaable, aal all ia tuirui n Bdrrartttn, win ha, ta b d kaw fexs-ks- eH fefer. tool kB eae iaj" tiat S S a)wt tie repeses HOSOLCLr, l t i HJLIVJLlLUrS ISVaJTOS, work doa. with n.tast and iUpatgh. lSty b inh; th at ti auk thrm Valid, T iai escse tiai al lie wiales we ajiar tot ie hardships ef tie caapain cf ISIS, mr & a Mkc r tkeari as abo wejeterr ai Xice. itttitu a D. H. ETXCHCOCX, BOOKS STATIONERY KiMi aai str ea to veck aad bocit tp aS the k tie TK uix cf uurcssu. : : i : su nsuosca. CAI.irOK.IA has t . taca iscrn n SOTAKV PIJU1.1C, Tho Basis of Our Business. ek9iist wfeafeiMeeae cadi pi ioii oC kirir eerseriar ErtcacsjBtK-- Xew York fispatcies sir: Stir York. nj INSIIRANCE COMPANY. naek Taea Bal i. Sfc 3rxtre- - U.NUKHSItlXKD, AGENTS or To nuttfiuitnre all neb, Soak and St e sirksi, after viki be csktukd at iaaiesse La'.eir tiere has bees a rerr cotxaKe decrease Bfta. TIIK CVcanaar. been th. b don h,r a wtll a )Mwhr, aad - Part, A. D. UOIiTKIt, bar aathorbed tolmnriiki FIRST as caa av artWViaA easa. Aktat- 00 Cargo, KrelRht and thereby directly ten, lit onr cutofflers and at tie sarkets ef this cHr, aad espeealr k tie Auckland, SHIP, SIGH, CARRIAGE S ORSAHEHTAL PAINTER, Treainre, br Coasters, wl,. 'f bvaa ry ast aastaaatatoaateastalaac taeee nwr.wt csffirrw. ccskhutics. : : : : Honolala to all ports of th Hawaiian Group, and tic SECOND, Te Bar and Sll Books asd Statlon-tloae- BaTiar; at lost sfeauerei iato zreat vaki. ie pockrrstxls of Washksgtoc Market. In oaar nt biu iosms. Ku( Srt, Bit dour to U SUUoa. How naatomak it loth later.! aadcoanua. U9 XXXX IX a 11. fdew fpect rtiTiac Mtfwd th terrier of a firt-cl- Sign HACKTELD 1 CO. ers to com to n ia prefmac to xodlag Esat. aisaaec tie title ei Larf Beiter.aai a kstasces cikkees whici are dressed end sect to Htaj Kama;, "M Fafater aad UiUr. all ordn ill t uKatrd with "Wat am tea. IIAlllI-KGII-UKE.'UE- AJ We mannikctur aad Import erery decrlptioa of raWaaS. aae ewau.xisaaar -- ' ant altridite Sjrdncr, ul prumptarw, at few ratM aad ta u pwd itrl as caa te doo rant ieal ef sa?J briac oarket hare dark streaks k tie ceck, and tie yttl bourn r, ,Uwtr. raper, Sa,topM aad BUax sap. Lei sat jiasr fascij45 Aa4 traaaact . Baaiay f?-- lr atr IKSURAKCE BMk, of our own maooiactar. lake. Slat, tc .a a tana; craavUii iioct ie ieo?, ct raoed tie eSKt head ts swolea to an cscssd size. A terrible Gnrt PIES COMPANY. aawsaaos at, iptae lawaa-- o Orer 1,500 aritl of Blank tbcai kept ia Stock. caat altas tel. isoeS sUMd earjeses bj settias sp kt dfceose HONOLTJLTJ IEON WORKS CO. U.XDKllSIGXKD aj has brekec cct the pockrr pecs k h.vtns;, xVty la ssaie k ""nax THE Areola cf th abote Company-- arb.nprepared A CO., Msef at earreii eo4ec af tie rawt Ac A. L. BANCROFT eTCir ires sereral pbces tirgczioct tie Stile, and has A. IV. PEIKCE CO., tolanrruksa(aia,t Fire, on Stone and lS-l- S Cat aWssmirt aigfrnf1 &jaa STEAK KNGINKS, Snnr Mill, Brick Build . franeitce. to a feawt. Tweatj-St- e years as (Smrnavn t C. L. 1 Ox, Cwln, Iroo, Eras aad Lrad Caotiaf. aad on Ilerch.udls. atored therein, so th kuw Meaes fectaaaac. iece cassed a considerable amocnt of cocunotioa Kmxra Boiler, lK,rsTorabl terms. Tor ni-i- if - r - atot particaUn arplr at the oOc ol e. wsaaux .1 sail i i1 T "1- Wajat rrtxiBdi-LWPexte- jobs x'casua, af these &nre3 vre to ie seea es tfe? r. ' and dealers tits ci'.r, Sii; Ciandlan and General Conmusiics hterciintx. Machinery of Every Description, MjT r. A. 5CUAKTBK a CO. aasecg tie pcoferr giae k -- Portland. 3. T. CJU asat: waei - iarr&-EBCMc,fCBBiedati- Maa aflar. sac ? i as a)of aafcitioes ef fowls Also Xreats tx tie Paak. Silt trcrfci. W to Orlrr. a. feecsoke aetwMistasdk scee cf tie dealers k k i CO., flf wMF aaaaBaSBaW ItT attaatioa paid ta Ship's WifVTnithing. Insurance Notice. M'CRAKEH, lffrTRTtrLL & 9SL. tie ticSe ef'A knew!, Farticslxr viti TTasiiegtee. Market resteriar ceased al Xj-J- rt ii-l- xa WORK tatoittd oa th notfaf. j AfiEXT FOR THE TOEWABDISO ASD tat Cuja.Mf 1taa7ij.IifLiL cs-aaee- ief S. BRITISH fee fet Mb? heGS J. C. THE Marine Cora pan re- Pkife tie Ksaiktr 0?i." edae at the disease-- Tier were dkpoek? ef I. 1UII. K. WarraiJ. C. TT. Guxrt. Inrarann t. (UmltedX has ar fcaaaac tawtjt i pcecteaake. - WALKER ceived iMtmctions to rednc th rates ot Inraranc C0MMI88I0NHEBCHANTS, tdifbuaaaavak wakaess ia tie nxtteref aad cikkecs beariss eridecce of iarkg died cf It. 1VI1IX.TI.1 A Co., Ulweea UcoohUa and Portilnth raciac, aad bnowpr. aW at e JJJ, pared j! ak aaaaa taai a sif alaltagsegedi.eonian seoicsaNK. asd tie Shipping xiacraCTcaxas xsd Dxaxsas to isw rotirie at the afer, with aiprcial Portland, Uregoa. , tie dueose. Oee deakr adsiitted tie exstecce and Comaiiiion MfrtiuBts, redaction ca Treixht per Steamer,. tojir. rebkrs ... a rVSat TUEO. II. been ta Lnais apward Bk. at toe eai of tie tefiax , of the disease, asd said that a few cars Hocl3la, H. I. DATIrS, IlaiiBt: enrared oar prnl be sjo ie Jtrt, BHd-dta- g, ii tm S232SADDLES. HARNESS, Mjt Brit nr. Jrar. fat. Ok (liwtiUd) of twtlT yeara, and being located la a T Brick salt poxfcctiofei ' afcai Beat peffer a! iii was K FeacsjiTisci, and al a!os tie banks of Agtza 1st tie Hawaiian Facfctt And ercry descriptiaa of Articlei oarrUse. Jrt w ar prepared to recall and diapo f Island StptS, Mate TW tif Ik. in aa Syrop, etc, to adraatafa. ataaaa. kai Ciftij tiec-saa- ds CALIFORNIA inch Snrar, BlcPala, Cos, tosak tkeatsefoes. the Sssqsehaasa tie poattrr were drtaz k um) res etpeclany lolicitrd for lh Oregon Marktt, to awKiC wwj Luna of all kiudi Sao. SiJdJ, IUism aad Carriaj ConsirBoent aanr a ta aaat fc-- bti ieoA. he had a seek fe ftannfcBuiiSBi, t Spne'i Ptutuaco. coutaatl on haad. which penooal atUntien will b paid, and npoa whkb csth HtaUf.a A aafs ietare (rso tie disease, and cetik; had been I INSURANCE COMPANY. 8noo Fluta&BO, Sufehs PtuLuam. attratioa raid to CARRIAGE TMHMIXO aad adeancea wtll b mad when rqnlred. aL aad asWrsari ieot hk va? iecaase sie aai faced to arrest it. Fowk are taken with stas-grk- g GmawriTf &C, TRUN K WORK. UXDEU.SIGXED, AOE5TS OP THE ; Iaiprifcl rtr CvcijaT, Mat ; wake e. Iaitrmac Lcmlao. Oribn tc bUadi solicited and THE Companr, haie been aathorised to liunre risk, Charles TT Brooks .Saa 7raadc9 i aanaaaaf: Of aaa i sikfcie sa&ekct cnef hfe Setkieea JCircaaati Harxa frua ctitr froractlr kam K aier fiu, rseskz at tie beaks, and, k fact, aS KztuI Isaoxasc Col, Sutf rucura. to. on Cargo, Freight aad Treasure, from Hoaolaln J C Merrill a Co saae aee tie hacse aai rrecsiii These Eis renew lI to all ports of the world, aadric ttrsa. Tred Iken a, tie srsptons ef tie epczeoc No. 83 King Street, IK. II. UACKTELD CO BaJger a Uodenherrer "S? aaee accaaial thai strisce esaracter caae iato with decreasta? kterrals aad locreasics- - TieUece TUEO. II. DAVIES, Sijra cf th ltor. Uooolttla. Jam Patrick a Co a . kaaaWi aaaabaa, I XewkET-sc-t, Wm T Coleman Co. .. the pKsessias ef a weAf ekasee ef esddea.vhichgeseralTess5es k a few fcocrs Uri Jjjjar, Gun 1 Co.) JAMES Im LEWIS, Stettin. Baker a Co toe pfaee eee ef mPOSXES A.V3 COStMISSIOS 30SCHAST, SUGAR & MOLASSES Allen a Lewi rortland vsahoi oade tie cest after tie attack. As soon as chkkess are xt GATJGEE, LaddaTUton M 1 i iaar' COOPEE AND caaK . Bai feeostifsi Xe Adxrt m Leonard a Green". " ly ic Baiiisi tacked tier hide icJes cr cawl to scse tA At Old Stand, King and StreeU. I fct tfct mite maMmess af k cf Utrtt aJ Linrr..! CnirTitn, tia corner Eetitl WEST MAUI SUGAR aaai tai BritMk Ten i JLvri- n- ASSOCIATION, Cc Lco-Vfr- restless earner. lad pi Iasonac. CcnjaaT, aai -- Tst Bxnax ar He sas STtrtaera Iworuct Goapmj. A lATf Stock of Oil Shocks aad all kind, of H. W. SEVERANCE & CO., Mr aac aaac, ar la. aarrj at puisc, W wpcriorUatertalj hand. L AH A I N A, MAUI. 32aaK;iec9aK&xhi&tiaczfct3 epoebfa Teccase Isoimst. A rerr tacchkz kcidest coiutaatlx 3a Also, Snap ea Esplanade, sear tia Castas Esasa SVGARS Crop now comins & Commission : tit CHOICE of 18J3 General Shipping T Yes: fcek : he ewM Mi at k its chair bet ksat whkh ccenrred k Chkajo, is toad, w ceaBectke A. S. lie hece hr attratioB to bsiia, to Btrit a coatian-aa- c sal bjr Vaacskac Maw ar akf CLEGHOKX A Co.. C. e which he has hcretcfor cajored BREWER CO.. fcc-if- I'lrnTITrj; cf th ptroar lr t Agents. 5e xsd tirac tie with epniniMC ierses. 37-- MERCHANTS. ic akf. aaai m """ fa" Rotate aa4 poaac epje siaia? tie asac? tie rooaxixs m uiuu a aad tic which h cow retaraa his tlutaks. lj ta case aakes to whici kaakotiac gm -- The horses befecckg to tie Fire Departraect are IWrnv-- v 405 Front 8 treat, corner of Clay, Sxa Francisco is " j nrrt WASHrSGTO.V MEAT HABSXT, S2 lyt wrse iaBK3ctiBat. Xa H Tii &taat arses, sekcted fee their sice, streerti aad ktefie&ce, CoracrQuea aaii Ejaaua.a stmtj, Iy doer to Lore' Straa Baktry, Xasaaa Stmt, TJcaoIals, ; terasd by tiere ctae tie ratxfe af and a Sttie becase so traieed as to II Xaaaaa St aa.i axar Tat aad ILstrt Stj. Seit caaaaaaaaf aVa aat smrnmc chat aaf sav !WX. k viae tier r. W. DCXSE, Fxonaroa. 111I.O, II. I. rfi RIMMEL'S aaf Ha iitfj that seecsed to srsceed &ras ssee k&ew the ssak ef tie xfara beH, aad to start BOLLES ic CO., Beef; Ifsttoa and Teal of tie Seat QoalitT. Alio, SoJi Pork, alt Betf, Sarerior Fork Sicaae?, i thas the rahze ; a recakr their piices at the Erst stroke. is a sfeit Siij Cianileri s!nji t aaai ayah, ar ii japj i i at. mi tke sat totre ikuat he It ani Casiacsn hterchanti. ca 'haad aad wld at th lowest Market Price. Choice ral. &ee a rafter, &ec scatierkff ihats. ' wectb. raiex far to see at anr eecke iecse. Tie txjcctm xait Itaabn La Ganl 3t,trbu4iie,QiiMa StrHt, g MeaadellteredtalyarUofthePtT. pj rr?d Bseolaia. Hiwuu VUaia. CaaWe to preserre caeatsa! k the beS strikes asd are cahitcied aaj tescr tie awaicnt tier APT PERFUMERY! rr Silt Wcrto. HAWAII HOTEL, Sugar Molasses, aaTn-ri- Seateasi saitcied hfe aad nib tieir stafc, tier came zalefta? cp, cf tieir ..jr and r. fra A1.1. THJC tVORUO J g t ial-ai- ee COMING BT eliaii-i'- iacie, chniixd tie licp-- own accacd, and each takes ius separate piace F- Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, SOW IS, and for sale PATHOX1ZKD Tanda, nnsa, Jockey lateaiitaiaat aaraaf tie k - A. SCHAEFEK A CO., CROP to tnit porcbsrers, br feesaai wh he see a tea? war toward ' freet as eager to te eff as" THE TAXED PASALIsi OF THE PACIFIC. Clab, Trangipane, and other Perfameaof tiqobtt fracraac. iiiiaiiwaaliaaawiiiL aalaar eK ef tie waitk? eszke, importers and Commision Merchants WALKER ALLEX, Agents. Biaimel'a LaTender WaUr, diitllkd from Mlkhaat riowers. - toe tot a bead hii tie a&JTeircad. j are the creese tiecselres. Is oee of tie eeske ST ttwMtafa. IUwaaa IjUajj. Klmmer Toilet Tin, jar, celebrated for Its OMfal aadaaal-tar- y af efeaa- Taur?. deit rjjj THIS ELEGANT HOTEL, HAS propertiea. I -. bb coon. k. tec and k- RlmmV, aaK Jm ja.jjawartefc .niaiT It al re-- It waa ne racsai cat srissr reocs, a icrse, remarkabfe his beantr WII.UEK been coopleted asd is cow open for the recep KATJPAKUEA PLANTATION Zatract of lini Jaice and Olyeeeia. th ht A CO., iss teea erected without re preparation tor the llair, especially In warm cUmatea. aam. af Bat toereseesa! to be caafeaee is that &eo uJazesee, aad the pride asd pet ef the Creses, Sscctmcct to &mC Ox, Ccraer.Fert aad CJaeea trntlUi Liner UGAK NOW COJIING IS and for Oil Soap, perl am ed with aai jaajaa. a. aajr aaase. t rtrrtta, gard ta expense, eaitia; with farnitureorrr $150,640. sale Rimmeri Dcronr AutraKaa iaacrataaie trooek, mmicg coeM of lanber, Paiati, Oil, ia quaatitiei to snit cnrcbaiers br toM aa aaes.aa! kr drtaj. Ererjthkc that be tisacit Sails, Salt ana Bailiiaa; All the ehaatiers are Isxje and aa a 2ilea wun Gl j) airy, A Bimmer, jceria. Honey, Windsor aad other Toi!t Soap. Ctr-i- Matrix!, AFOSO ACHUCK. aaai Hirarr - be, mBnted bf racoe seeedi hod bees dece, bat wiliest iraL It was endect cf eTtry laxsrioai bstbi and other raodern coaTeaieccet. Bimmera Ro Water, Cotnm and floral Crackers, eery attait in- Partici coatcaptxtinst Tijitiar tbe IilauJj can al- - amojlnr lor Ball and rartie. howwer, he at his &e, aad the BoM-lea-f, at stalf aaaj val sareir hfaasaaaii. Iiiteas eij, that he hod beea ta hit sen C. E. tVII.JLIAJIS, witj teeare roooi or obtain reliable iaforaatioa by Pioneer Mill, Lahaina. RImmel'i Tlolet, Ek aad cthr Toilet Pewders. ; -- A Liberal AOnraxct to SXijjxru kit liacke a satterias- secai of the arsas ties stood mzsi with moist eyes, bet sexbie to do a 3USV7XCIU KfTTi, QCFOSXZE addrtuia; tbe Proprietor. tf) A. HERBERT- - 151 DZALE2 A TUUTO.f, Proprietors. rCQKSE RI1IMEL. Perfumer IL IL Ih at were : wiaV has af CAMPBELL, or snperior to R. it seeaed as it cosieur tomrd iic thksr &r re&ef, and gnevkor as it had been la Furaitarvvf cTcr74Kriptloa. raraitar Warv.&domua qoalitj, now coming Wales. W Strand, 12S Begrat itreet, aad 34 CornhlH,rrlacfLow sasie fert ;Mt . pp.5!it CbWi ThUazn;h GtZerj. Work-t- VOIiCAK'O BOTJSB. ia aad for tale ia quantities to inlt by don; 17 BoaltTard des IUlieBS, Far it, and 76 Kiol Bud. tec. aaaar m m iiitaci: rede aaather iarsecias tie a hesas friecd that br there. Sadeeair tie th ant In u oil ,ud n Hul itrtet, acar Pert, Crater of Kilauoa, Hawaii. --tf H. HACKFELD A CO. Brighton. X3 Sold by all Perfumery Tendon. laai af heuaaez aessecrer. to apfeiriace, vie akrai be! soended. The dries icrse heard it. nj Ortr? from ti cticr bUaii pmof tly:tTOd.J ta. IjT Uai af kaar Jaotaat Aaw ThL, estabttthsent ia acrw open tsr the re-- bat Based tie hease iHi hk gkutif err ef Eli ere brKhtecedrand gatierier al his stresgti PLANT aaarf aaat wM ED. E0FFSCHL1EGEE & CO., 0N0MEA ATI0S. DR. J. COLLIS BROWSE'S ; thee asceared soltered ewsstrraies, wkt iato rase epe--c fere feet, Jtrcg-ck- d mi am. aa. a,la St mif ar z. fdmc tie efsrt, te hk mpoarssa aaaaaa, taw. at prompt attauace. xpenenc a taa asd cojonsaos jczschasts, crareraiwaT, oa aan4- - Sagor and Dlolasses Crop Suiii. Ties hard to np, cschl aat, back ex--' it saale sir ta r,aai aa e ic cet bet fel II Htnotala. 0&a. g. I. ,ljT Ai Sseaa and Salphar bath I Uone eraind and its-- . IN, FOR SALE ES QUANTITIES 11-- OSCZiOnODTlfB I 1 j C0MLS0 Safe kfiSCC aaVtaal aV he curat scat af the regsbr arar ef Bntkh hansted aad died & few skates after. lledifdnirrd. Charges Reasonable j porchsiers , by IS THE OSIOLSAX ASD 0SLY UEHUISE. IT. GKEES, val kive i,j SmK the reed with their tVsat, aai I. at WALKER t ALLEN, ArtnU. axws-ixrrE- X froca Cabci, whici appears GXSZ2AL C03QOSSI0S ABZST ASD ' A k BE0SE3, PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED i ever, at a Tin-pro- . mUE AOAISST aaaaat aai 3bm&. ees faraar aee ic At Omr alaef a rair u theei OCce, la Ktn.;-- Qaeea Stmt, G. 8EGELKES A Co.. L tbe unfounded statements frequeatly made, tie Deibi GazSte, reports that a taerchaat bad IS--I HJoghla. Hainfiaa IjluU. PB.I5CEVILLE PLAHTATIOK. "that pace, vhae ae fctacied that tie tSesn pyj Cbtm-tst- s ak& received foftawfeg iia, zmu&AU uurriiii aaiitts, auu tbe composition orCIJLRODTNE is known to the letter fraa he agest at Chlo-rody- aVe - laa&ed wiirkbtV zrassd. A he tooted, a shat THEOD. C. ! SHEET XB0S WOBKEBS, Snrrar nntl JIoIac Crop IS71 and the Medical profession." Tbe fset is, vats fine bca- troops beskged city IIECCK, was diaeorcred invented by Dr. i Kifra: "Tie Bssiia tie IN, FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES and J. COL. ! to x aac ikorp kas toe idtiie. tie raaze : CKPOSTZE ASD C0K2O5S10S HE2CHAST. Sssxnn Street, between Hercnxst aad Qseca COMING LIS BROWSE (ex Army Medical Stan), aad so of Oorgnace er ILbtra, aad took it after f UiTe on Pipe, Galranfied purcbsierc, by gaa&e Seatoaaa litk. Iljnolgla. Qaha. H. L (Ij- coaitastlf haad. Store, named by him, and It has taSIed all attempts at anal- " 14 1 the carfed cp. aai sct a aaa Irea Pipe. PSaia aad Hce Bilbs,Stcp-cckt- , WALKER A ALLEN, Agents. kf Sererai e& both side were kSed aad wecad-e- d Use tfce ef the trea Die Eabter Iloee Uat Xelj. ia length cf S andM ysis by tbe tint Chemists of day. Th method . je ause cricieC ; asi sa JOII.-- Batb-Tnb- aai aai tl nst when they entered tie Tfce was T. 1TATEB IIO E, Pir eonrplete. a. and secret of tbe preparation haro nter beea pub- ur he ctr. Kk? , HAKEE PLANTATION. - ; it so Ste csrder that EK202TX2 ASD DEAIE2 IS ljt:sk-ar- aodaZjoa rerr Iarzrtockof Itawar cf ererr- de lished. It is obrious, therefore, that anything- sold ni takes priKJaer, aad the praeettj of the laerehoats KTiptara.IfSI under tbe name, ssre Dr. COLLIS BROWNE'S naaV eaifcl sat toe S&ensei ; h3 kaeei ParticsbratuntioagiTrataSkip-Work- . J. Sbeaaf at aa aaa n fcta ba ar icse tel 3CZ2CEASDISE, Ordenfroiath Jfeir Crop oC Sngar ic Jfolassest CHL0R0DYNE, Is aad taaahitaaU Efkadered.'' It was also reported, ether Iilaodj wffl b carefaQj atteadeI to. a tpnrioas halation. hka: ereath gre? iiort, - Caeea 'creet. Ilanotala. H. L, Ij? COJUXG TS, CATmOS. Sir iaait. a aaaar aawc aaVi aaatc sc aas traabied seaeati ik Es-iita- s, Thaakfal t the Citiie, cf Ilooolala aad the Iilanda ASD FOR SALE IS W.P.Wood stated kr later, k Cihci, that, br x treaty with the NOW Colli, car ah a). aV anaartiai eaaac aat wkfe tocrar. bet irith wasx cex wssuiac ef IX. receraHj fcr their liberal patronage in the pat, we hope by to init porchsiers br that Dr. Browse was undoubtedly the iareator ts Bali aai the rZfeu er Karra was to patera the IIACKFEEO A CO., uiet atuatisa t. bcainrn to merit tb lame for the fatsre Mm C. BREWER CO., Agents. of Chlorodyns. aaa; of a aai tawfcig af afaas, ae. Jyaam. iy 3"Woki fiaalfcsrai. g--1 Pt i BEMEDUL U3ES A5D ACTI0.1. ha coestrj far tveire rears. Cet Khwa Faifaeer 6ESE2AL COMHISSIOS A6ESTS. This inralaatl remedy prodocc aleep, S--l Cjaeea l(t, refrrhlnr Street, X. WAILTJETJ i, coBabjiqaiijr iesds to tie Locdos was- execsted es tie 21 inst. He was carcied naoota!a.H. p,7 THOjIFSOX, PLANTATION. relieeea pain, calm tb 171101, restore th drared A it J.'II. aad stlmnlate baaitby action cf th rrtlii ef tb saf the fcfc-ria- ? extraet fra & ktter to the poraderofsad asd ihet bj aepojs, asd E. P. ADAMS, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, EW CROP SOW C0SIIKO IS. FOR SALE body, without dealing" any ef the aaplraaaat rerali ia qualities to init pnrebaseri, Old aodroooic may U IV at all W li3t fraaa arkad residhc kl the. biawn free: a ran. Aboet rspees, Auctioneer and Coanisaioa Merchant, Qsees Street, Hnsnlaln, N br hoar and time wbn rprai.it. Taoom4, f person te. ti C. BREWER A CO., Agents. rood aod zhssl-mt- z I Qaea Street, gocolsis. g. Has coortaatljoa tor ale at th Loweit tify to it marrellona effects wooderfal carte, whB Tka pgtan v a taL issx aaa. the toWaf Serasassr ai tie tiseof tie cask asd effect?, b4oGriec to his, haTe been I. (If haat aad Haket medical men (Zted 1U mort exteorlrelT. aalai; It (a k Pric, a irod aMertexent oftb Eeit Sea Bed Bar iron, and rirtne e Boa-ba- y great In the following dlaeiw Eyieo-ter- faV. a aaac aaM. fcaa; H bteod wccSd fcoi i& issa-sk- secsred by tie Aceer. A tekcraa to th Beet BUckimith', Coat. 33-- 1 nasalities at efes jacr tie F. II. HARRIS, tt Diarrhcea, Colics, Couth, Arlhats, Bbeamatian, 5ra - Hay! Hay. U Ac. risaHina!feiacNt.uja if jco st- tie ttato cf tifas here : tie Gesate, Jicofahtd, ixted Oct. 25, says: Anornoy at Law, Notary Public and Hay! ralgia, Wboopiex Coogh, Cramp, Titer ia, da asve scccr ease to afcwst starraeT " ezSed Argyll Strdar, BARTLETT SALOON, rxnucrs ritou medical opixioms. aai I aar zeeaie gracsd tors paiat AiseerKiasghcr Kias.is Master in Chancery, Undersigned are Receiving pressed Tb light Hon. Zarl Bcj4I1 comuraalcaled to Ike Coffer, it, xai a1eii anai aK fc fcr-- bat that Btife. Os the af ateetk a with h seres sees, has arriTed at Sxaartaad,aai 3J CecesxEaa!Bajldiaxajuhwasaa Street. THE cf of pbyriciaiu, sad 1. T, Paten port, that hi had rscefrot la. k lti hn li EG EH, xmatloa to tb eflect that th oTIT rcxaedy of My errlc la TtlEEIAM II II o f K it seta, ar br, eroSdaj ef tie Hsss&aas, aj was weS recetred by the Bsssixa Cioremer, with Corner Hotel and Fort Streets. 3rx-xxx- : Cholera wa CnLOBODlSr S Lrxt Dk. XI. lass. Join II. PATT, of Br. Low, Medical MlsUoaary Io IodI. report (Dec, ItSW hehL Ther are cfineed tva mcU, the aa whom he had a prirate kteniew. lie wB. it i Frota Laie, which tbey will tell In qaantitlts to that In nearly etery can of Cholera la whkb Dr. J. COLLIS kit. Satary Fnilie and cf Deeit CHOICEST OF ALES, init Ceiiantr ASDBEST WISES WALKER A BROWSE'S CULOtavrm ,u .Ialnilrr.l, th patient heSd toe cWakyef Mahaased. said, and render assktaace raWin-i- fi THE S3-l- Zi 3a ALLES. w kaatsaaftraal xees. vha&sif be their gade, k rr the State f 02c at the Bank cfEiikcp Spirit, alwajl to be footid at tbe Bar. y reentered. , a Gil. SLoim gooofala. Ti-- ; raae&xe nfiiaW tfce feeSere ie has AS. Thej Tsrkestan. PreparxtioES are bei Eg tside tat an jug Street, Zitract from Medical a. Jan 12. IMC - ChVwcdya te asd tie Sheea,Tie iec preecrlhed by ecore c orthodoa aaedieet practiUocMrrs. Of aVyaatayafar;te bdth ckia toe tecab ef a inic--t iia k scried as oswird Birch aezt Ssacer soathward." DILEEsGIIATI A CO., Paint Oil and Paints! coum It wculd not thus be rlafularly popular dM It not PACKET LINES. seppty a want and All s place.' " e esc-aad- e HC?t)HTEES ASD DEALEHS as is aa assaa. tie Herbert es hki tie fart shidt IS HaZDVaSZ, Beat Pale Boiled Paint Bstract from th General Board of fleallb, IVondoa, a b. "lxnxuszwcx of a sew health resort," tsys j HUUBUCK'S t 31 tfce asa-Tersa- rj Catbrjv Orr GmU, TiaU and Oa, aad Geieral drams of 4 and 0 gallons each. it eScacyln Choler. "gdrtrooglyu woesavredefth ms. bajasjaaeiia. dxr naad. Tie 15ti waj tie ' tie Locdae Italy Tiwrcrpi, xlwayi brie? the 3. IS, Ha; Street, Haoolaln. (IS-l- jt IlnbWk's Genuine White Lead, lauaense rara ef thfa remedy, that w earoot too lertUy fc as Si-ie- haiiiK fee "cit tuyt th ceeettlty cf adoptlsg It la all cesM." itaaatf eatrt f bii daiti. aad tie ' DISPATCH LINE FOR SAN FRANCISCO I Hatbntk's Gennine White Zinc, ceolact asd hape to theee wko ssSa freta er AFO.tG A A CHECK. CATJTI0S-3- on gnraliM althoat th word "Dr. J. that XIaWKtE3it3araai a oasas daee to tie tosfe. k a Ssssee Uobbnek's Black Paint. COLLIS BROWSE" oa th Goeernment Stamp. OttwbIsv who are pecaced eren ej tie iscipieat slxjea Ispcrten, 7csleaxla and Eetxil Dealers Lai C. Brewer A Co. Agents. ALSO lag medical textimooy aceorspaaic ach hottl. . iaTiar epical is as tiis daj. The Scsfiees aet An Assortment or FANCY COLORS, In Paints. am awr. sEe 67 that terribfe disease, csesmnptios, tie 6tnerxl Jtertiandue, ,frrhaattw rerefTed Storage Free tVfl 'BotaMannfaetorrr. J.T.DAVKjrPOrtT, af Vnimwajf Ffcit-is- g liberal cash rdrsaees sude 00 (Upsenti fbk liix. For B0LLE3 A CO. Great St.. Blorawlttry, LowdVw tae vaefc so ajaaitasdaeoeEsadeitaieapof itoaea. Aad Chiaa Goni,, the rfre-jrn- hr tslsby 3, Bawtl fa Store en Street, lf aad terror ef Eadkh fcfe. Trjeriche 5smun CBBEWEB100. Sold In Bcttle at U. Vfi--, 49 xsi e aefieac? af tack hat Sieeaa were ieoa aastered, scccrje aader the Pastjg Hag. 1.L.4U.M. becaa. tie the Ixtest crcab cf cocssl tendered to oar miiaaul at sUeK Ek iECi a egopsatiretr aS ccaiier. tie k s"3IA."X BOSTON AND HONOLULU PACKET LINE! Crushed Sugar. y baar ad pciirvtairo. A correspocdesT has wnttea to II IJROXIIEKH, mnrfmi itaiaWsMse aaactioc. knfcj tSFOSTESS ASD 7TH0LESAI2 DEAIE2S A Few Barrels left, aaaaaa SaaatM vest s bsratez ties & naif ErrsstiiBiD 1310. dtk?. cs eciegsics is tie rery hisheat teras the un-tir- e raahJocohia CLxifctj. nan, C. Brewer Co. Agents. For tale by BOLLES A CO. usee itieir to their aad tieir vires. IMA Ia Ocn, Boot, Shoe, aad eao eiaarss t3 Can- rerr at GeatSsmes.' Gcoj!- - Tarsrab" arranrementa alwars bnlsl BSITISHAHD ciini of tie historic Syrian town. In - earktr TiUt--j fsa! Oil, Eooe, VitrA, THE B0ETHA2CESICA5 aac Xa as iaate siiea aaif hesses vre ac raka. The riot tisied tires daji. TVgdrlf. 3fertaaat Street, Umlaja. fiO-lr- m4torarcaadaoiseaeotof nteasd I ada, he points oct, cossnsptiOB u afsest wheiy ocher VerthaadlM to Sew Bedfcrd, Bortca, New Tori and Cement E0YAL MAIL STEAXSHIFS, t great vteiL The Vfeier asd hi trsapa plssdered the fcecsea other Eaattra Porta. - Caih Adrasee, made. English itiwairaiai a-- Best Portland Cement, smrrrsr atnujj- XZWCZS. EICXMOS lr BBEWXB CO. lj saknewny owing to tie dryness of tie - C Z. J. c. a Booth's al as .tfflicp iinajim af aecii, eai tiea taSvri-rnrxtt- to Portland Cement, UVEBrOOL, BOSTOS TO UK, bati ad p&ere ; boon ex-- LE1VEKS Sc. Hoffman', Rosendale AD TEW In.n bet tik ta cccnteraeted by tie DICESO.l. Cement. "at aaasaL ilitij ricrmaaate praae ; aad here jatxe sispe tiart, akiecji . Calling at Cork Harbor. trese cotd ta Winter, which mdsees crseciiac DC02TZE5 ASD DEALERS IS LUS3Z3, For Kohala, Hawaii. All warranted a good qaslity sad for isle at loweit aer xirieif to aae aare vie hosdredj ef cseceat peerie hare 3&rtd aad laasiadarfPjrlVfrir;Itateriala,rort Hanoi al Prices, by BOLLES k CO. eecapEaisU to a seriocs extent. Xow tie air cf Street, a. THREE SAILI5G3 EVERT WEEK. ae cseataar. wfc icfff are sav nised. Tie momtam pissa are io to Syra. aa dry 11 that of the Docaenioa, wiS: the &k Schr. Active. cizr.nt escarp' There are a C. Cigars! Bothnia and Scythia BuUilixg. kaaaaTaacfa parsed tiai tier ' " 8. BARTOW. AactloBeer. Will ran as a rrralxr packet to tie store ports. cftmte of iu Gicr h' cTer coid. Jeriehsisd Qxees Alyuinla,' CMna, Maratbon, Samaria, aw Sfcear ease aad teesed to i taxes ea ererjt&zx - Xot ee ef Salemeni cs Street, see cVnr free JCaahataa at or pariare asptr to hc aaaaat! waiat hearr ici ' jr-l- for irrtf bwiss cigars. Morocco. Seratt. r ; Ann Mryvo, Cuba, BUrta, ! Pelrx, it ii said, may dispcto palm of eSgi- - WALK A ALLES. Ageati. in y ajili aaaig sat yiti&scrde- - gaoad val tie Haiarjrii seS. ad cere tias tie lU.UUU llaDilaCir,, German Cigars, Allot, Iltda, O'jmpttj, Scotia, re biCty xs a residence fbr persoGa with deCcxte sale by BOLLES A CO. Algeria, Ihlmira, Snlem, aar Mp zeeSaa to hsSf graceedi ef boti aad ras-ftg-ta- JI. X. DO.'i.TlEEE. For Jata, at aie. aee tie fesa JUlatia, Ktdar, TartAta, j fnns2 ; hot the prgferesce. teecangJy, cmt be CA3TSET VAXTZ. ASD ITFS0L5TXTZF2 Polar OH. Ttrfft. bac iyik It act afcai taleat. so are. as gses to hex. TSai a nest caeir 3d Calabria, Malta, lluuta, Tripoli. i xwxr3ed accesSae besfi S3sg Street. Bawicxlx. rrparft tewV CKfierSVso. WH3 Asr--e. a. to tie fcner, sj scat eg BARK a rery Kerosene Oil. aea32aaV iwt feu kepi al cf eocatrj, aad jet Britai trUxtirr. hay d wcacaXaod rarattar. "B.W.WOOD," Sot-rtrd- ay. tiiiUrU, iziietl, tTcfj a feir n2ea Jemjaiem." tIJ flr7 PER roaIly, for sale la qaaatitiet to rait by from 2rw Vorlc rrrry Wedneadayr nnet boa CASES DOWSERS and DEVOES' - 4f .fcjcsei to bis al sat He, BOLLES CO. Vrom Boaton Saturday, A Jxsstr paper teSr a rerj cteresikj itsrj JOII.-- SEIEI, t 600' KEROSENE OIL. znaran teed firtt iasJ!(y, ererj- aT aaE. aai &mZ. m aesr Pcectt. itrZc dectsr in Dnbfa, ak eMpgrttac State. He vaj Sl.tt Socs end daily ei pec ted do arrire per sblp Ceylon from BATES OF PAS3AUE. ef a Bale bojEi tiat eSate? txrw Machinist, Lock and Cun Smith, direct, sat as pnees by aVei aara&er to cpeal af a. ta regret Irtfand. baa bees xscertaauc many dtrefnl Sperm Candles. cotton sot tcs loweic s s s I I aa apple tree, wiea atxal e fpaost iab Stewisg SCacarae rerJireU Ttater Is Spcrtla Gd. d BOLLES A CO. CaMn 910, $100. and 9130 Oold, . to asU to fata aete aad sere, , inrrediecld go to sake cp (he poiscnoci eiaSce ArtittiirC fXehraXed TUIZXSCZ SZKT50 HA Oil 313, THE GESUISE ARTICLE, Sties, i'l, Aceordlgj to aeeoomodstlso. ieife?rjedd6atotieErood. Hewuptcfced . ftrt Stnrt. Hawaiii. IL I. It-I- j tod FsTisbby BOLLES CO. to to ter wiidi whkky driaken is cornsesd ft. k Tickets to Paris, $1 sold additional. KUara TicktU aVAn ss iq tif ece-&tk- c. tilt dry to Jrses. cpaadearrasdtatieiocaefaasiiaesfa Russia Raven Duck, on farorablo terms. i fiar I tieir Dpi. One fxstpie of Dahlia wHsfcy was s. r. a. jxxcex. for by to aapc it alnjtis tkal zmhrpff istra. Sc. Lfcbt and Heary, sale After by Hi fcedisde tirccr& B. F. EIIEERM COM Hemp Sail Twine. Btreragr, s I 1 I 830 Carrenry. Sec vateikj for tale by BOLLES k CO. femUvm sal HkeHeBok. BtH$! ' a - ., . - -- - Best Scotch Ssaaalaetare, mt casjwearjiccrs.lti ortier percetTed cf .. j. r VZiXXZS IS BET GOODS ASD GZSEZAL E0LLE3 k CO. Sleerir, ticket, to Literpoot sod Qcenetown. sod ail parts rTtrSoI EttZe aTcabof, ! I cfEarop. at lowMt rate. , TfCTrg crer tiaiatie tfceatcce, and a and coat XEZCHASDIIZ, LIME LIME ror freight and Catia Paag, spplr at ta CocapM," dc- rerzirr Z!-f- Beoid-ws- he aa2 twease atxatosxd So a - abort os penny x gahbs in tie rarrrfTCfnre. rirsFSofZtcnrarnrtStnibvnOddrcQowsBaa. S Ship SA5TA CBCZ LIME,FEESII FROM THE fXSce.S IVrwlingOreeu. rorgteersg nassra, at 111 aaied H tiere wxa asjtKsy the csoSd da far tks, SCfiiBdletyaial Stores! BEST Trtnitr Bolldlng. Sw Tot If. s xs atvaa, 3Sf rasst-- That ses awaSow tneh Eery eoopocarif aad Ere rtceired tils day per bark. Qatto Emms, set fie Jeel bettor, cicald Sc CILIA o. ISASCKITX, igvat, Xf w Terk, aaae. wiwgfliijt targ anr tiai tebegaa to tie tizwcsder. It prOTes. boTeertr, list tie hzzzm 51. H. GKI.IBAIjX CO.. Firssleby BOLLEB k CO. "Sis he hag beta isSgri Well-seleet- ed hit EsreSead. cr f? j. iii pSow, cr Ixs tjiUsx foesestetnssiibiiieprreaci tz&zmxn, VCKZZZSS ASD WKUXE3AXS 9EAIZS3 aad Stock of Vmex topaBorrs from jtsralU, STv Zeataad, Clin STORES eon-ttss- and Jaconv The Canard aSont than tmnH iaritl acxaasasaaE,ir is iai rttiraed tot&ecsct tsajSa-eas- Ehoe ALarte aad SHIP SALMON. lis Bra lea? Opsiur iii erea icd Jocik; ii 13d tie wcrfff is not that it' til so 3 Is TaaafacxUe delist. lists. Caps, tv,U aad ties to through paiaenxers frota ports, lis da. faiiSx-- srpertw Goodie. ttept, and ftsd'yC b farsUbt4 at ths short- trte4ae rffc e Liiimal. f WiA ilnyi great Tea; Iwastapair xrd demnnrect!, hzi thai it escapes with mtj vxrktj ef GrsGcxm't reraiihhlJt BEnTCOLCMCrARIVEEgXLJIOSF.ECEIVED eueiuy of If asillsg pracladtai'sll pooafVorty ef daisy la Sew tit fcer.lieittfcas&rersaHr Slnw fx KaXer Block, Qweea Street, Hcvststo, H. L est cstice, aad at. tbe lowest prices, by ta got so few. . . . . , lorlc Good awostsMdatJoe) alway menid, ef paato vSh a podcet teHnd. He ties. Iw--J firr t BOLLES A CO. H BOLLErj A CO O CO. ntvaTKLTX

mi n i XT IT t V 7VTVV V aa fi wUrf dier General K S. Axandv'c. V. S. --V. cavtWiH,t)mtwnl?s yes ta,o of waa. thosa$tUjouftf, f A JL.L. fldUiULiJ UAJ--- Kits S tbe tSSg M lMinSKif, i ilTSKT Mwxlfeiswgwfewssof tleU.S.SbtiS ia port Ivtscj Htaaaed, aad Royal Mutes bare fd records for tJwmwJtM wktck cwiwk 1 treo tb of biitorr. we to mnhtiiur an eaw. wbik. ? tbs Clitrx3-- . Rk-- st Sn1 oa las departtt fti rsj f sswj" a wcbSW ta the seat pfkcattteds tt WMMtV. aad on vWk I Oik. JJ P. CI S Kr: ' &k!t Ox WelasaaT, SSdahst., llss Hon tbtt,itttltattcai We bve obwrtW kim f the ' warmer wTneoicnr Has 3S st 37. S. X. Califes- -: A. CL Clary tie r9etrVSv Ca. rvar ihriey vettrb, a an eKvjttent ted and xri&a$N$je- - ptesjr 4 HONOLULU: tiltoat oad htabJe servants tha iIot llfcrb. he .fnewra b AftoW k?fseirto tk trcirk of eUratTog tie Lreojtem&nt A-- ibe WM(tW. ins: ; il L ry ; Piyaiister peof to a fctjh Jtimbrd of Ckruttanitr ; sd. , Edwin Fautui; H. S. rxii--, aK t$s wt bine nwpocSfd hiia as : Ist tsjoegli yaw ni iiTnoum". Andic-- ax Iwttual Palace. " arfcere fee xwis rvxvhM with appropriate ssstaat Skswc; Sara-- el Araes Mt efY he has toened. atd Wt piea$ereln lUtcnics: to

---n-: sr--Te Payta-ste- htj abote beity; tk 15 MryeJ lb , X C Betravrt:, Assistant r, aad mU4 fso otb. The Taenia-- JrA- atscl Csptaia aad Oficws of the ship. Itct, s.fi ho bate that Vmksmt, si isi i tbe -i AVabe Bess. Assiiant Sargeon- - stofle thva tbosht l T - t&e oTITt$ ftvnu wewwM parpojelj-Jh- him I H pioUNet gr.-iki '.v?. Qeass&sr Cjcps o A5i-- "lSr AtMrai Fennel. "aSsr use pre-- Pi Uivi itepartetv ITowr nsssel salute of was And to those who pwttad that it was the wwfc A anal W and cs of saUav- -i e tbe coiocrs oftbe sbst?. rasa tke a serentwn gans ' of ctitf r (wTOfaHy accused, by the war, of doi .nfti-nr- s y lb t1 ressei an r5, at IbM IV .be ar-s- 5o Ilk llijt-st- ; j0vke may wfcfced thingsK to eait tha nam of Mr. kWks. 5ao Xuxxrr trs &sc -h-aajMOaw. km. life Mraarar xacj tk Mi.r rt rast I: i I on th two cvcJsKa abota named, ws I W4 mm tiMhon., oat- -a leoiul Ts We aciaQrkl5 ourwhvs not a little lVrttr CUTLERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! Fa4Ti,aBi tawwait. a xna-- z ated, ifnoi a coaskleraNx1 ,5sokl" i8 sar, that if tar wrong- ha beon done in tho apa rvatlicg t&o oft hcraklcl aper, eattcr. eilker int jnUoaaHy w BaialfationaHr, it who responriWe and m the editor of this piper u vlbkii was iwcfcusseJ, oa tbe lnilk-t- ii ahecether to bUsse. Kxirdi aad t&xoaga press, as shortly tke We hare acted entirely ia coa'iocacce with ccr ACRICUTURAL IMPLEMENTS. fee to appear, gtvkaa aevveat oft causes eossctatioi toarictiees when, dorioj oar oa - srWoi levl to tins- tJctkia of His .Majesty with this paper, we hare shown no to t&e t&ro&e. We did not antktjxxte in fttw cf ay 5xL We hare always be- HOLLOW-WAR- viscr a very feagtay papr, as tie sul-J-e- c: ttered, as we beset that the earnest, A GREAT ASSORTMENT OF E ! if as "srkrck revjsirvs bat a sbort ox kecest of the Ktbpoa ef Christ, whether sri CawcdL awd PttaW. Qhmi luc spat tkt pefc ass ejiacatw tie tckr X piuatios ia ocdef that people living ia ke be clothed in a sarpliee and gown or otherwise, Via: Saaco ra&s,Fry Itns, Tea Kettle, Iron rots anil Furnace Betltrs, so teeras he teaches asd preaches the simple Lxh otber eouatries nsav cJearJv nnderstand it. GalvanUttl Iron Tubs from 14 to 20 Inctiu; cf kicb we speak, deserves the reference of sli ; -.- tear ; ;iK . . y .a. c. ; - . Gwmnn awaass teat wwr Wi Kwry lKiy ia this tiBpKnu so pennt .ii and sack esea hare, by whatever name they bare Galvanlicd Iran Backets 10, It, 12, IS laches, ir a fresafe, it a or cieariv". Tite caas triuch kd to this ef fce Piflimiiric Crys. iivsss His isi bea Kd. nfc receired oars. Arfj ?sif Jioi ia Gwct efj sdesKableadkitprcd,xrre RUcs, Ilitols Cap, CitrltUrt, Powder, Shot andrun. - . - SMitLhL &t Uak kincr faraoi thai. hs First: His Majesty was by birth the characteristic of pnUte holidays ia Uono-is- H 0.n Seine Twine and Wrapping Twine, Pish Hooks and Fish Lines. tbtfsl bar to t&e cairn, and, in thoaV has two ttsat aa BBSssal asioact of drant-enee- ss 'seaeeofsrialcoastkBtwaalproTisioQsxe- - has been observed asoej a Urge class of m r at .1. T3sfe s raw KEROSENE LAMPS AND CHANDELIERS! 7Lk " i people. It has bees observed that, on sack JsyiclfctcaegTii8TSilWTi.4ia: jvtc accssswc sfec Scvf tie CiMfcao, I jsiatiag tW saceesswa atwid, spoo the it wcrf or tiarj, wsea aX other pkces of bcsioa bare been IkHinHi'nNK. Hif JiifsiT ; aKKaet oFHts late Majesty's deause, bare at 5f5iK St&33 closed in tweer of Ike cccasioa, the retail bqaor has. 5i iita set asceaced tee tnrose oae Downers and Devoe's best Kerosene Oil, csTc via saK tira ntaot staste dealers hare (avariably been earryiasr on a thnr. Si? jSK3se& nirtik it is, Vcsr )stT t Set Frsjsefco. w4ts jcspin&ca w ' tkts ho coold wonki rui. I sol is iiacdocu u or te? bosisiHS, wkereas, it wooM protubly hare - ' j have kts DIRECT FROM THEIR FACTORIES, EXPECTED SOON TO ARRIVE. - dispattd ririt. been better fee the pabKe morals shoekl they Bhfnl pfej- new: W f4ss-sc- s Secoediy: Ixjjbjt a tme pnooe, and a have closed zad other place boii-se- ss fecrifcwes (Sftafanes every of Dealers desHlcg a Low FIgnro, trnx : bn to pnrcbase the GSSCIXS ARTICLE at will forward their ir t Kspeeter of tW law- -, and at tbe sawe open. An honorable and cost comrceEdsble enter, be appealed ejxeptioa to this role wras observabSe on New immediately. fcmSu Kwo-S- yt to Fr3iss tie Year's Pay, with the cocseqsesce that not one A steiewc fcts. Hcoifck - te eowtrysea to sastatn bim in a peaee--' We would also call tbe attention of Local and Country Dealers to oar fresh if. oi arrest wrxs cade en that day for draakenness or stock, of :Hfe j able and hsfid manner. Tbe people rho rfsi sai&s 4aa ef pobiie i any ether eSeose atraiast the corals. MtMaywrr. saAwfcwi-fc- c iisfc:r alsobKrkssrbts and bad loved aim from at IltthertD it kas been optiosal with retaHers of HUBBUCK'S BEST PAINTS AND trvonj?of "tl.fpoc-- 1 bis as OILS! ii 6aad Sal's ef ntmey, respoaded never tbe appeal stritneos iaaers to keep open on sack days or tsactr itzXiaSmc ia. ret : jwar Beceived. the Largest and Best Assortment in the Market f rf cmckst ofa pnafe nras bere xespoaded to, and net, bat we are happy to say that hereafter, all Jut mt33QC afi rmtdf f lie JSA ner ef grfutjuai tbeir repceseBtatiresBsteBisg to tbetn, as these ebtaisiax Kceases wOt be obAsed to sti po Brushes ol: every bind and quality, fef lie mmuMi ik&tae &iTc Mag A". nKttanmat ef pur-- crrrjtcr del tial eleeted LfeaaMk?, will as tbeirdnty, King. lite that, at the reqeest ef the Marsha, they Byam's 8 Card Matches, on hand and to ArriTe is tbe and as as vre do? th-et-r bars. th folio litKr stipobtioa being rsaasfakns. RBCffiit te tAai Tiis storr, near rtBe-(Jwrf 2irss tie luce rem isiaa ffiesr s kaotr tbe isbole it. After reodiittr ' titserteJ is tkef brense after that tkey shall not PURE MANILA AND NEW sssr -- itj letMfits tn rec of tbe ZEALAND CORDAGE, ycfiu. u se8 nor give acr Spiritnens lApor;, or other mks ssixa. ywal; rts aattfceij as tte ei. paper oeestaja. iref&lirt we are of tbe Bits, Bridles and Spurs, Mule Collars and Homes, pyli' atnxicaUac tkiaks. to any native of tke PoJysc. 15s 2hjnsf bos ffcas&i Rfly as las pfccwf Yaac if i ti ieni eC titi oftnioa that tbe event in tbe ntiod of tbe trriter, us brBbs about is an entirely iiis or ilkroseskn races asd that said pbco Ox Chains. Trace Chains, Topsail Chains, - for tbe retailing ef iatoaotHnr oVntks shaH, at Tkk aaniiBr- Tbt iBtni i;iwli,.i Tn wbieb. Has 3fjfes4y ttis-- pleased to (StMceojC vay; tbat eg taet, it was tbe pab-Br- Bar Steel and Iron, Wrought tke Marshal, dosed kH Jr Sails, akr UC!SSI reqeest ef tke be on at kae as hiMf af jw.ntf j wrock of n very cbotee and Stv patriotic annennccd kofiaays. and on election daysV taBfeajni - ' rfr: Cut and atti ywc at At Sialnaufrk Cpi x- AnouRiK.: I tkan&.ywc far yer cessrainli. spicks k amy be of two or k aay be Wrought Spikes. Wa ii As there is no doabt tbe Marsbnl wiH not fell n. ! mi. K.n Mi nf .MHjiiMJH tarns aai Ik- tW ha4 nej wts&es tbree, tbe -- beia invnriably-stse- - pronens ure" the we raar look for i te nke reevet, liWf ift'i.- K jxi C iaifceg. aVt i waa kitre wsarJasc- - seesiy Now is the Time to Buy Goods at 30 per cent, "below espesssei sysie af oj in speaking ef tbeir acts darinc Masse! sokrietv smi awttt oa alt bolitiir? and their rsmt Vks- : wsaei nj Itw i aiwiri &s tbe eventM period between, tbe IHh oi days ef eteetion hereafter, pextkakriy when aH Real Value, at the fcagfC &oi 4H ru dantoHCir gflhBiaTrit Tne Tier saAiti tenrsesy twr tfcal jeer a ii W - ai December, TS 12. and Stb e aealers snaB praesretl their Rceoses for mi al mal Scste. Cwirni im ioA ! i t t tA jitMi te aw kt tbe of Jannary, hre MT of tW CM at nl H i - tne ceming yenr. it e aiKKfSuaa oqij eee. Cb. ItNm,'!;- af sar ritL tint Sfst Iffli-- iaKtmn. and J&aof PswiKessux wSiA vlt P ta Concrete Block, Nos. 95 and 97 King Street, Honolulu. anna ant r Ktt. s--fc ii-!CT- r udnt i"d so far, kes received tke new Beeose. iaa t "aai Inenakie disloyal (S naasses to do tbeir Hjhnai pit at nw tmal jc r? si piaeat Jsaly 37 wg i i CaaHawiimteaal mg- feat I rmr enci;i;iftngt7 aayseg ig.j w dnty. Tkis oc" kselt" is - reiie-In- s laaaaaainaaaiat aaa Ajaga. wian rr.aait ia? foetf u iarig to sttBth- DILLINGHAM & CO. i M bajii be x fiMftmumgi; af nW PACKET LINES. w 1MI1 rUve e3 iaft tWulKii isaad nvnataet irant--; andf tdtuns, in view of tbe facts, bat it is sn-i- e aaaaar s ttaeara-HjUi- iWwatrt iftn.iia'iLit Omc-h- C ggtMUiauacar Mt l&r tea ajfs Bf wEfci a f 3ty dsf3Li wits rcit? joi so wben we ABmNISTEATOR'S SALE OP LEGAL XOTICES. wwi 5 remr read tbe paper ablo -- '- e-T- Mill I" xai Jrflafe. it? s ifc rjrv snttetnw, as --f tne resard or vino i Jn ' iin I I. TA tt. iiaf eSe teier tferoaeb aid Snd tbat k is sintpir the Tim BEAL ESTATE. - OfeHte- - fccnCak. alnalWkrktirW Pterf mIhs Steamer frf "Kilauea." Ib J In lb imtler of It EMM, It fe ay vfefc AjrrVrJ. T-- v ,hc o! the Kstatc V. CIIAX- - Hh Ul. HtawooM f fcarat ouaumr? ritcurrl K. matter of HATAIO KEKCAN AOA L at Canawcwi. n siMa& ac .bk oy ntasiKr; a tmea; notse, wxa tne is CEROL, Dcceucd. Br Tirtoe of an Onlf r it-- w iai wf At mmtiniiiiit od&Hati vitb Sic tnoairy wtA tmel .V. imrr 1 Eeea br the Hn. II. VfWtirunn, Jailica ef the BOHBf af Smoatr aabostj pcerteese offnrtbecinrr a canse wbkb stood Frurj Seeresc Coait, oa tbe ISjh of December, A. D. bss; vnieft. ear tasaHcesi asd Mtiif rsfesints are i" wffl jirta da; fcW?i in need of ne sneb aid, be was entitled mt l frpa)ae Ear. Ttetcti 1571, tb ndrsirl will tell at Public Auction, at rf lefe. to u efj k feruvi xith CsVk. iot myvanMe for ttt ueart ilooje m Uanotahi, on cj:?Lli Mf" aWMi packii-- f, B- -Ie Sntnrdnr, the Twbi-na- t.r a izy fnfeit Yt vH Mee mt h yncsr bare Toeeeis tbe eosBeds of tbe natioo k neF(l fr. oia uayoi i coinarr, ..u. ia. J,it 1Z a clock, Aci'jjpuiesBaak aft in- c UM' r 34 SAM't. . WTLDES. Agtst. noon, all tke rirrkt, title aad interest Mat Iianan - ankfe at ariMirr t tit'iTit i As and ax experintenit on bis of uid dtwueJ ssiKrf offrtaaky ta is ami to the following Real EjUte. jitultej la E if cce wi urn pmniiif to Itwist an ianwest ka.ee eaprsssae. California, Sew Zealand and Australia te ws& pots pec tbeocses, ieipracticable sad visionary IiUai of Oaha, asd bocmled ud deuribod fol MlLmry P..lh KHkaUi.1 r Bw rim"' yimmt r nv : mat tc ii : u aad o..t,, lhl a. Jr2lL w asM arjr(r far the o. Gfasimic I tTEft tbsut tbem an? neer fce njnwiMMe f Mali Steacstup Company. lows, ru iiilai in at Wmnaiii fHi aaf as tbey any be. Lot 1. JUI, THAT PAKCEL OP KCIU LAM) to Her K.lh KmfkolMl, SnarCllu. jat oc x rent Vpw r at (fee teas, as ray nrinil ife Canmniats aad jesefe r.itlkc, d thtt tbVMberM &BHa 2iteaB& if kviia. Tbe writer says sncb iHeated ia Wauaace, Ewa, Iiland sf Oahn. being af patriots as be 3 tbo Pclttkwert .h,t.ir.i T! .7 ?r HHk Part orLaad Cemmtfiion Award So. 11,019, and akaaraScn. Jml. K annsl wait we so ; Lavinjr. witb tbe For bounded follow : E sad anaat iaawrt af ttg wfeanaMml acii aaV sSot bofo San Francisco. u hoanakats kekihibema I btfiiv AannkiL wc asd tke nStars sf ka pokaia nai palena a Masaca, kele i ii af i r. aaffmi '. KSiA Stu ' psbfie, BMcbssore eosfelesee m dealers m THE S. S. MOSES TAYLOR a ar Krs:ii the stap5 mar ctshimuL SciLxke aca ties. M- - Uik. IS.ee K. II. raako Paaina ma-I- jt jrr UCmtbo Uoaonot. SeK p8ssa2SseuWjr Sget"at yecr riat ssiy baberdasberj, bardware and lectber tbaa aka Hea. 73 Hik. i 11.M K.ll. ma ko PxIn Elbm II. Allen. Cbfef iMtifo artao tulaiu aka Hem. 73 Hik. i S.38 K-- a bikiiWat nanH-wit-c nMgnVers Oort ia Iloaohrta. 5.mrrf.. , He tike Cwsckr ixInKrace. ssr adventBrers. as, BiUiU aia Ak. 7 Hik. 15. W K. II. ma I1k il i.JT. feaar nuiiujl Canim at e i Waua r5-.- f "o'ehek mlhefcmKMiuf -- atalaOa ako Ak. 361 Hik. zt.M K. H. ma Waiaa, itiir, tem Carps sntsw tara aw iitui; B&iiees nbe Cabinet 3Gansters aad ViS Inv e er Feb. 1ST3. rr r teck order iboeM ot te mad. sa aioct Satariiy. Si, calaBa an Ak. IS - Hik. i Jfi.6 K. U. noliila tn oftboBoUoeofoudEaUIe. 'We KvTtjgf- rrrriag-tk- i It b farther Bis Xsjesty, nsKMi tbe eoosm of tbe Ebe to - la accosnt Ak. Hik. i -- 5 K. H. ma Itiiu. sulaila aka Ak. order4 tbat nor of lib order b. unui, aLrMtaaCial 15- - Hik. K. H. ma Tuaa. S. Son. Bfc E. fisnoanv H. L Jt K. AsteS-ac3a- a e Rear Adnata! Penaeck. af ta grecrrcitioc ef tie Lrtrbfctfrs AssemMr on j3.uclilarLcl i Waua, malailaaka Ak. RrnanM . ForAnn J Koa. i S.5 K. II. ma tTaimano nka, U Jla-cue- , OtbrrSenr Ilawan. inrl " . . . . Mai riM. CBKX.SoaCkov - MeoJiT-- tke isst, in ecr tsss ef week, Zal.nd Porti, eoaiirttlng uoseito K. iMt Oalii 3ncs?- Cnasai: C &. stanT anal Scers of the CabnWnni lut Ascklaiut wltlx Stiamm tmr Syinij", maUaa aka Ak. 31 Kom. i 6.M K. II. a aadmbbardiatheatjtrilaooiaht. I"' 3ias.f, ani we kefec? pali csa tJke isairertaatly saii tin! Hit Jfafssty" JlcIlMWTlle "ti Brisbane bikii ka Huui, mtliili aka Hem. 34 9 Ctwsai AV Fnksi Stsbts ; F. A Bennrnu was aenafe by Mr. insure Hers, i 9.N K. H. i Maaanasni, . KLISIIA if. ALLES gcayec was oajfe ky tke Her. Pife ; railifla aka Uem. A : siica. Ifr. tke THE STEJISIIIP M i 2J.I5 K. II., malatta akn CUtt tUgoareaoCmrt. Srfci ifci, HiBSs IiaaVm Miiie&rs Coat, KnVwwB t sfce gagnane and'tbe Ka. Hem. 35 JearrE. Bitnirj. Sop. fcatfcii iWai.i. nW ii M.fagdi acaW Cos. fcet fcesstkas tk Kom. i K. H-- , 3 J"f Court fctn tie pnjijr S?r?i br malaiU aka Hem. Kom SS B. U. ok s--i; s- - a.et It i Siasut. Sotetor fw PeUtfaoVr. F. fenann E- SnVsi-- k Fcxrt- K- K- -, f- I a I UMl tfMiaec Tne- - Coati Ae CmmA " B. H. Parssrr, tke elcosest caster ef Kawaiiks DAKOTA, - EuIaBa aka Hea. St Kom. ! ae re ir - j a hiki i ka koemaka : St- igj! aanl tW I ViH leave ea er tbmt Sttsriiy, Teb-- 8th, 1873. ciaa asa Containing - teiJ iitii Cms. Xttbasiraais; C S. Bones; .At 12 jc Tbw. IL Daviers. Est ILB3L Cw?i. We ire ifc Mbrmed tho: tie Rev. Mr. ill nVr Oak; J". G. Gtse-- . Ef AesicrC saoeeciBMl ConsalGienecaL icttd as aa tke by Friixit for tk w3i in reeetrtd ia Lot So. 2. ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL CHi Pciff CofUki eccxiioc nasrri Dcfun 3luaVA.aV.aW. to ma2tenr wxrebamc OP LASD Waimaso, Oa-b- a, KJuninnwo, CblrfJostle A Mr a. aA sitf G&- - ecsil His tm af 3lnrr. titcxted in Ewa. Ijlxod of OnmBacaad aiiar th r .. ittcsav Mr by Caftatx Kalnb P. Cour, if rabies; sf lUimj. ifeftrtniwa asd boanded and hooma-k- mlti fe Pifwartrn lorttd tirnri at rrfawi rat described as follows: E a Ci : 0-re;- ;e Lees-- ma ke kibi Kom. Uema, 9 SmMh,Ai.X ME. ui nW EitgAini ami ig H. B. M.s Scons, filr-- PiSsciae ksu Ckoshis ef tke : te foisb ia tte l iitM Stain aai te Iirtrpsel, aci e bele ana Akaa 47 Sits litjre far abe t ta St- Zcaiaa--i asd Jtsitnsa. Hik. i I. It K. n. ma ka palena o ko Koel. II. m. fMOrT. A- - 0. I57i or.,1.! that f J. W. Knewr, Ent, His Majes&j. JLu&akt; that ef Mr. Parker wis a ftu - J7 U too EHTab.fl. Xsray, .Use were pcesentcd t Fr frcrjit r Jijjar- ill fjitltrUftraaSan, HIk.2. K.H. makekalaokekonohiki, Hema ,fi?tr.K rT. sjsxliDtf tke eaase ef wkwtfc not aK j il 17 9 Kom. KaaL liU' TO-Caas- inr C. F. FAnnr, Qafavr aeenequaieS pa? it ii at aa$yte 29 oa ka aiaa o Lna. Akaa t 9 lo "f Sntk; Otftaat. by As H. HACKFELD Ken. tAS Kan! m. V. tr,T,..tl-- T.s.T ZjrJZlfrJZlVS teif'la?? - necessary So eopfciir. it keicrr seSeiest to CO.. j Jl'!" Actaae: ax- D'amnrS;; xmtl rfc sir t thUCo.it, at Es. Cmsl aaVsrnnc ootess et tie Seas:. were tjjn.1, tiir? Is f XstzU. UwoMs, at.hwh ItaMSl i - oifer errcrrsLitiScw- - it wis aaite sataraf Hra)l i laHwnaHw a Fi3 lai CifeaSia. Haat f&- . & libtCoacM W i.ot .o. 3. COMPRISING THREE Utn "T"" Mr '(fr n rtrr o-a- i c rwrncs! ijr Hif Majesty: PATCHES S Cbnft aait eonrsir accaMscii. Yi e Hmtrnt nnt mrr B, sitaated ia Waioaao. Ewa, aad called lX!il .?,'!T'i.'?, ...7i.th.tttiw.eJ Stssnes. 1 For Victoria, C. resfetttretj haiflisa, Pohe asd Kilas.and -- U?BJXM Tniui W. R. CnMI'i iaii . LtME. ; E. HI OK- - j eearered JM. EaTCciBRss. maie aay tke ! eafttsitiec it zziliic. kCeis as te V. Ckaaeersl. deceased, br bis lata nm. ..u. "''" actfeg j Rot! Bl Hiiwwinai. t;frrif 9ad Lfnaf . G. Wocdk, ZieeZ. we chux . TEE FTSE BiEE J 31. Kekaaaaaa Hated Caanr bos. ; ; feajyca, ti encxnra ea tiat ect-W- sss castalnisj Ii aeru, more or H. L, Jsatr7 Mta, A. D. - ELtSIIA II Owft;. aUkeii ffif Mqjtstj- af iauVvs: X. Sdtwwni jrg- and EL A. Fotd, Iient?. waeker5sd kytke Mr.Pafiertke Ia $e. Bt. Taptter with all the right, title aad interest CWef Justice ot lot Softinrr Cert ftpafc' fciawai, f Sate: WiaV war jrnuiaci t&s tbat JHsma B. Srit, Clerk. ai nim ijf alii ansaie; ifcawalMBrnaifS; Wb. H. Clyasi. Faynaas--' Er. Parksr, if reearieii A&oie ii tbit at x DELAWARE, tie sail V. Cbaaeeret, deceased, had ia aad to tke ggt aC af Mat lilmf: uiu.Hr OiuidL. Bfc i.iitiag the- CKwcsiI b- - Mr": Wws. Ass hoatfe a fafcwer cf Hfe wki mtas BOLUS!, - - - - Buitr. use at i tiao ot su deeeaie. ua! rt kSJ J. Sbw, ExTnntcr. sre W. C. PARKE. AdminUtrator &,-- a larrje wa Miiaiiifcuiin Cncawag? c,r-- Him; frtin ef Str tirrs tajastd, Of of V. Chancers!, deceased. J. Frower, H. J. &eaa kait fa? - ijaiiiiiniiii A-- ta foeiia ar 3&ftjr itffauh tie aarc ftt- Hoaeiaic. Dec 31, 1572. Tc E T. "f 1H" j S. B. The deeds aad sarreja caa b in i Wiraest BiaafeitaiiiijaiAitaiiu sens: nsr asother S WALEEE. fera at tbo gljlmi 'n.Ii j Bi,i Fe. rassrttias, a ecaunc ece AVLES. iznU. . OEce af the MaribaL E. J. Ytfcnnm- -, Jneenfc Hnefc ftmr-- .... c . , .... I ' TnraiM in pnv jjt Saagf ajila- oecasswato tie af imx inannul mm. nan mth fcn.OE.-- - numen nfac uul "Laiaa. naiiur fumijuiiiBr iasber 7na&wel ; Rer. F. C Anbc&eT fcfa-- e iscasKrs iwi xaafigs he fea of He Haars:j j taaierr tke Oitk tk tast Greenbacks Wanted, tioa m no oeooote taereef, aad iMtrra licenses Eipiringjn January 1873. iRUMUrr to Chart. . fctroiaf xseeittue iz Kxvrsi rni Ckuni. we. te xa ex wmcn THE Hicacsx PHICE ru.t TT7t.!T.? r put a: the of Ai am nooir's iafajonnr-e- r data, ia tke hazzy For Exarstor atut Oaarda Hi too WIH : a4alrt Srill Caef tiat ef tke noeatf, H. M. wHUAirr, 1MB. af Tanr S&jiiacrs Hjagr&cr psiKSwr cmntSarl a. - k iti nbe G aaet CewtSiii General. ta sustiae ti.it fcefera Bk KileitT Seat to tbe PottoCce. lit r. Dalto- n- Kiny street, Honoiola fit a&s was I & fer3B Sdf roessat. Gmsuir anwi tb : l iSeoafi iemd c tke tra rjspuvl iar kaa, tide Cafatans orates tbe HIDES, SKINS, Hosaiala Iron Works Co. lifttMini tfeBBedin Shji Jfeit, m. Bar. Hr. Pajiar TALLOW. l:a Oks k 3pr t&csif a truer. Itk As See 4 Ak Cbony. Uasaakea ft " AarmfHUir; B fa-ta-r mf prtmate eroaiifliBif TMi wu U rI1HE CyRnSIG?fEP CO.1TI.TCE TO Uth AleiaavrIerAsdreKIss eoiisea tscreeti n rraar , u itrtet " s iwxiuk tsw. tor iTTj xisses. I Ab Slack. m'mmiii.i; Titt rttf tjaaiOKS 3afti- urs fisj-si- TXsit QI JlaJ-rt- ; tta- - . . isoa ef tke Gazzrrz ec WeifessirT, tke kizj ih Soaaaa" " r io Ii. I3te, (rtat aai 6at TaBew. 2tk Saa Wo. Hotel " I rr llIi ni S6 tfan T ' CaJjAe-aai- a. ' it i8lituae,aa1 Jsear It Bcnf!QC fcr wit. ia St!r?t. an esciat kamgkeea sxlIu u nmrd f C BEE7EB I CO. niWAII: .. ! 2-- coadajfiffif i Jzsaarx t9pv' t? 32i csoiif3iraK& af tbr erssstiiz is tke Frtn. rrsserfaSV Ssr tk k?WJ ITeaabo..-.Ko- - AS, SeeWfcerra. raan ar rf in Eie Maety tbe Kiner, ceM0afer,naid It.IS TbosSpeseer CrmxonlaHBo Atlt-. Jmtk ika SaDr,m(iirt. ks TtcrlOtjistyif rKjwni3ac teaaaa tkat wi tkit t&eee mmt is-- r x to tbe Unntei Staters steuex iincae nsir koi TO WOOL GROWERS. ,1.'? ?Ce?TS- - K"Iw' K" We t CTrsa- sr lag got tfie lis tenrited vedd. after tke rm,lr ataaii-ihyrTOt- tc &r xmo&Mi ler tan f dessBauA fee. CliBftuA. a4tesied by his Cnataleriis 2M iScd A Eletaxiion PHkonaa, Hflo Of TUB IDUXU Of Year Kujrsaj rnay graspzrtas. n?A,T A.I ISnLiii nmc Bh-- lihii1. ascs2i i JL w oofs Wools ALU u fg - hay at food etxc. evnrcf to Uto f Kaoal, draraaed. Brfaro Mr. anni SsnC Hif tbe HC'-- - '0l'IT, Jaaatco Sftf JnaiKriCj Cboaelr af "OTatfeS S woes th Iklrat. iieAjjtml Sma rat 0ir AliJAatu. riyir : Ewr c i rsttcr atr. wkere &s a ataitet Iks S;ns (rsiari- titfj.'id to make II Maacscek L Coschug', Hokai, Hana Mm-as- wrf Saff-dnz- c- - A tfae SinjiMni, tbenr si : EE EWES CO. KAUAI: o 4 aeooeeu of tTMsm Rwifaeis tie te a isaai readrKaio were essataotfr lrtit - ,? ??'" Jasaart-Zt- , 234 Ahasa ?"5 r ... a . .t- w Met 3QBansrr&s irtsaie. yasr BgnPTnliwg oat gfer-f- tSiU ot Fareakn Tetrirfr J fT"eraowttJJ aj 7 t ieJCSA, liair- i rri "" ...... Kofea iat I R4aiefT CdKa tl 2ti Piiira . IIanalei - ,Jua.a, va rmur&iLI&-Ezx&SBCT-&- k oauc, w i Gvemr ! HjtT Twi: Fniii, seatka- ij m fwrt utnoc, Ktril. Wholesale. - ai ii THOSE BEsTB'BLE PBEMI5E5 t GABC; fent: tiot xst W3t?it5 fer gcamiMiii. fVi-- rr jTi- spreot- - c-rj- to wad it print re ex-- OS JTDD jur At af 1 , H - , Irt E JtcIatjT, Corner KTbs k Fart sis, His 3ra7j- 213" Ci"11- tJMI a&Met tt-- -- .Hesoinfa jsjib;. f -- tie TSr b .Uc, 6r,rUr kfet--- enabaiiai 2 ocieeS: tA.. I &3irtT" I Tletsuillns;. A. D. -- Wjjerr,.fa era at ie a'etaek a. FkilaynWSoVla-r-br- ibanvis fefctratj ticmmnHmr jrrp . . . , . , sf eXTrft basgxritta IjH Ia, a., uw. ; ts t ,, fcxgaT at 3,atavo.rrfeBttgr. Ilia Lcasr Citew Jfarise Kaa,7t j : tt, Uenetab Wa.f ,7i1,.: of nbe ticdk erf Kts 3faierst-- . tbo? Ebr. J'jhrrri. , -- -c fc It tall Spirit. WM M aoram ta. an aVar - ' nVi .Hct yxr a- aad that amm 1.1 rrral--J fcniliiin ToitnonrHaant wint - r;. c D7?!r hfr. ect. wax, aj IT.VOSS. ttea t ii- i ni f r iJiu. tnwiai efoa . jr- aim. rr ir a T-- .. mt aa? Jtf 25t W LGrcro Rojal Hstel, ir bi a-- .a JuS Henftlab e oatt v, .ok--ki i.tmi- i- . -- - -- aayaart- - tAs K bk- ispKOi! pKtssa sf csrjcuKr. W tf tkir n-. nail. r nn 3E,ff1303etga tir ASSIGNEE'S KOTICE. Wholesale Wplrif. Aom. CaJjijeet j m. uu rTcLism tins 3GaaHterr rest GtsAszes, sfetkr-Sca- - itt. - o wxtr r. tie a tkaa tkat el imth- seta x t n- - noest- - isri bvosil. - iUrtK Hoaslala fana (UtHa. rnunat rnmrnr ox -i- S-i M-ie- u therar. .orKtatni fcr or U rri dL. r ief He sts jice eti-- Batcher. Bad tt IUU.I,, uu 4ar i,..., D. if - l.IX r -- 3. - , c! -. oc u.-- .x..Stbr-e- iS j asg--s 4th Wen rTra-r- HensiBE. emai . cjRar.aj- am lAVf ot Hhl at ntu. esnswiij- Bars twsutc til, ltrtf,ri . - Mxsnxkti t, Ifonotnln bj.sj beent aaaie no nw in ets &thacvA.zwiitfa$&.ten-n-T5rteia ' foettb J4Mol Oveajit ! Ir tbenW W iraaiaai-- a; - latv. wbubj aert-- KACAI: aia.nsrg: agggrrfsaga as: tae- L ms see n ex sue Juno; ta t t e1 we B7 irie-o- rf nuvssfjsaj aaray ciae a n - & jxk are - - - 'onr - . , - ... .. ' leiaiejLgia v trnm rave xms ii arri.rii.-- i .r 27th UacJel LoareR.. .lUsalel t&e Ejaa ta bottsseti 31 tbe Bniistbe yar& ot tbat sail Ta. rt ltkj tvftatel sake OlHUs ksssxtote fxjsuat te the vsisaifziel. Irt Kevb, js , to U tha iHf WW Trataamt 2--4t C. S. BARTOW. Keaie 5. .Henotala ,,?n''Vl y'yZ a4 i&tl&JL - - - &t zs to fu xzzv? " to oaht rrohoto but. at4 a - ' "'d 1 t- - 'Ire Arms. aanral.elw! esiaenastr. fiteiici arro- Baui miit, rrsLat, 1 , wMLj g! nirn c we tae ererj wum m . Administrator's Notice. Uth Viktw- e- Hnoofala t a fen7Tfgjff- ait Itefeia e cunmBrroi, X - ' 1 1 rare arnoTemirrae barfarr far?rti ravrmatritif TTMDAT. III- r- aenank ea- --- tbo or - iVtnkpent - a , . . Mafetty scsca ts iri - c- - ''' Vr'SC?4 - dr rf, c. Ek at. re rastrfoi oc ti- ti ficAsKc 1 tf X AiissartUe os tke Estate ef Hi fce Msj-s- ij i A Sk--fat- sfertsi ljt Tfa Karkkaa. . a--an ofay, trftifeatnc" -. Jfxosaiea it, H&sslala . -- ... -- eftanr si- scrrwj sasj ail paraea tarrz 4 . r. bwrtgr amiimnHwaHH, l t raH estate p (Lm Awe. Ibliai FweltefasaBess-vkBsk-v&- . : T ebim azxisrt t rttvxt elatss, atvd nteF E aa;;-T5nr- .ir.v,.n-i-- t - t&e CogCja? xffifi 6t" se j-- w rrcrj-l- . aT.V. nil &caferRiE. irx rraicirr- hne:3 CiSfiscrfi 3s i i cf tij.o. cf cwuis? tttsrj arfSKSxaca l, axt w tsa craer roeebers. If 1st EHBajl Heraslala tl?J!l!.rtr " ..r tax mc in itta wasao--r 3&erL itj.aadaaasssia&ecrHaaa I tie sf Jfr. Vi&tz c cor tf a-- 7 ezit. at tie afict sf t, 0. WnuxAt. ts tk Cllj Irt " ' t r c J.w. - . aa15ritGeaiSeit3 itt Bsoi&sfa, wjtirr; rtz fnr.a date, or Irt KxstiaUSasott 5? !? W eabKaoad le tbo AV -- e ta ' a sae- ztez ie bens?- - vut cassasxt eo ifiaj czr. jwwt o f tij eoeee nSSj nvaej f cf tSlTs &r uuwi sbassst aa tec. H. . A srrest cc tv.--' rscec f wSl M barrtri. Ait xH aitivoi lit J Pake Ilccia, KoUan4ks ' neuultawoaka If' tr 15:11 3essia13 taxes. t7 STf? r Ite raid ketrtos iateraeese Dseferaaiir Cec-- - iatmat tlx MACI; at limxJalo,T H7dthai Ulh day of JaOMrr. tis exiisc t- 'JS fa cs&l fxjutst t't -e aH J. 0. VstBxeXi. lit Aiiaa A C Ill Use ejsn Kwimi. lijifee ncGiml Te- - Wania inn. 0. muncis, JttWSAkna -- Oft Jcr rth fflrr.lt. I f. aVWJbCS P H StJZj E BISHOP. ,,,,,,,fifagAffao lt fnses sniieccnjcijc: BaM KfcrKdriDfci - j ibn ofrTii Tn'i.Ti a - wrrircr trtii- Timi fi, tf IEiILj RtCAtxij, Jxnxiy 2 liT. 2Ult. lit Akxj!iii Xelsi am r ' "' astSe EnceL . etl to --aferr.ia-r Afgrfeal PeatweHc. es-t- sasUtik. c tirija-nr- aTf dtj&xrzd ika tt&za&z MALOjUIs TO BERT, OR FOB SIIB I Ebe Ha.--: P-g- ITTr-TTfrr -r -- - York Hams. brrdjg, mm&me gCTga onrrrrrar.TTg IX S. "Sunk. Sr Synrf-;- mr rm- frrr cccjiL I - af f ,! tjts, t4ai..- ti. WIT yitE5i t 47 irn7lf7TF .TIalawa T& Tew ef the Kea! Artiele, Jsxt fJanrr- - TUXT Pe.irable Jteaidcaea'in ffannnn int. Mjr GtKl SAfeM aa! 'bawriHE Mayetjaaii snite &at aries tssCsne -- E(WKIJASK. -- i asacbcsefxriir. Br its?eflla tie tiat rf A Mdbtsaleij WIVES A CO. Utk TWaftrbmie, TeratHboral. Itilr rf tlin'Inla J C. II. JVDV. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. t TgrKxi. Ks Ss. iii ,?Zzzxur Saw if Watt Ttefc-ffc'r- iine si tte Hsksmi tteajgi. feacw Asn3r5a,"ft5inrt. rt&8r.lS Jsat X Swrxlii teftN"si.'3; xcMi, ai - feti3aK. wis 33 ajfestst aSaC-- fee JixjtKST--' &crt n ti- xrKti ritv, aeeiSpaaKti if A Natasscrs. Hx5 OasiJsrttatv ftvot yar sxtteA nH ytt4r. t - -- f i lirftifesttet tasacwi Si tcnsswi gar ISii I Li Regular Room Sale. ft rf araise. is vel is A asset TVsnnri. xa tta &ucaii tSesrx fi A Tftslisii Sues or ON WKDNEfflDAY, : : : : PEB. 0, ttt r 10 A. M., Jtjruj, rf jfc5tfT5iiSrlU .wl5TArnw! K-- t. ti ?W IV IVs. K AT O'CLOCK " ZL - ' Dear te SXcaeuaccf Oce rt "ii2 J f,,, FURNITURE AND PERSOMAL EFFECTS! ca of: inn' Vr&ufc s. jac. Hwiiimg ' ecu fcret aa x IsAt Jrr. sai sjo? tpnij DRY GOODS! is Of VAWOWS aieassrws aai sStfcecriif &n "Kit KB5. dagee joawi . ifc r t - Ttxisss Gent ynx?i f & Bitot, be By Ordsx r tie Extcnton of the lUtate of iii,ftfrti jobcjc arndc (vonbic swoA rtiKMTiRi; Petit air A j uiriuiMiaU. tni&i r &t StjrittevSmM Utr lot or 3Cjp x apsBx-- Ti livedo Att. C in His Kstfcsty KmcIMiif H V, o c or - . bte lot or snoKs, Caw SotA &Kwraac Macito taaanKtOtt siiow C1SKS. SSTateds; wa333iwfcB f fceSta ft Ur ai w s5 t jrtt On Thursday : ; : Janutiry 30th, OXE two-sb.- it exfress ivaoox at. ' At ID A.M, C. S- - BAKTOVr. XtJt. w-.a.- aaa lk Jon. i-- A trauBNa ti CMtetks AT ROBIHSON'S STORE, QUEER ST. itrt - Crown t-- Lands. fcx 3b to e rape- 3xt Jc- Lease of itxfli 33 A i4l VILLBKaOLP. OKKU OF THE COMMISSION-- n . - ms p BY Crswa wilt nil at AsrtWn, t I sssJ3iflcidmH&. cicsks wai --aia f LxaJ. I rMb gHtga't-reaga- xt cy SxUi Kmci. late fcggagii8iL.jSg, nai3cr?i- - BEst x CTJLjiiJii! ' A Large of FnrniHre! SATURDAY, TEBRtTABY 1st, 1873, $fci!5erm:!uctSiA3ii eo: iriratet tier nxi lot OS - x isx98 or ms Sixnfc A5sSUt,i!bSc5TraiLa- ovt. -- L.fi rjfe ; - - 44.v RAt-fa- YTA-- CwitUllB tn pint r yiifar., vki zic yctii er tbsr mr-re- xstsdk- jo j, r,, ,4l t J. 6,, AlLttpuaa of 3Ealcxisw t, -; KokxU, fcr Ue of Ait CimrA iinm Sis t X. 3 : ity Rjit alal itaxtJ la Scott 1IH, tttn isntzmiiut. xi ic tia aiala; xtlfr Jilt, ISIS. :71 M. opt & atffcsatjfs. 3S - Uegaat Koi Wardrobe, tta oxt Itmbr at it Rraujmpxjxbl cKitKCti ki-- 1Vt b;( a CJcrri cvcc&uioi AS;; vxa. 3m f nj. bf AUa xt lh ttst Una ul p)c I IU hh ta 3tociW. its. 3!bt !teT wflaV2 ate Tii S t S. JJxxi Jxx, J154 1 or tatttVali. Mac rf-ti- n At TafAs- Ism Sia rbanasi at-- i. XiaiT fel Sf SffcI Eui Hahcgiay Wardrobe, jxn Uu fr Hss CeM'tft'R?ribae thtxaUxiJj of ta - SHwit. Its. TEte Onnsttere Us at-- 1 jOqa i: hseof iiartwi lin psz. 3iamf CBk XtMkr rrs3ani V2vux-xauv- X"7(v1zx3.oat n TOasaSm. afif a&Kzetjk CmffiT, xSar xtcxf grr BtxKrrt r StjlWw XiTisn. left H&ir Cloth . . of . ill Sav , iwii ii Ml Alia4 diirj, Saiojaay, Ja Keal xImwxU frartj la lk lU Ja Jjj. tl; lit Tti tTCKXtavl X 5tws xad Sjwncfr. Tali a b jag afcgfegig fgm'ill' miai 2i. ll r. Loataix Frxntii prtla sofa.'3rittjaijcs,i$aVf: ojiiai3 XNaiiUMii ij t4ti- - SA, tar?U Cane Ux!J br ta Dctcx xb1 beaaJxrit. nhkk prB AEDSv suj Ci&irr, Diniag Table, t tat. rrarsnKat ttaif.cssate-lUatg-tteSfgtfaraiii- ceattapUtinc xm t iff-ti- my BB(Mti Fars meacBMaS 3a tec ixH tit tsi i rttlfenitiai Sky r scrvrvir vrctx ; 13- -. it tattax iTHJ - u 0S1 t x!l Um. C. S. BARTOW. Aact'r. E TimaC ste c attak icSwrt tt Oku- IiEu-- i Vii St Fwkeaer. kte d l aeaii apgtaBE at nittesi: naasstne- - I i set iw.i f TtttaK 5ot tix iin Eigit Makegany Sofas and Lottagwt, lljajlala, 1C. SrJ, 1SI2. Mat aMe ac fS tniSC?. , so YMMii S ivs.t-jamai- s It jtTi ' ratt3r is mii.tr. Arrirri it H3ctJx3 tf aa.ate tesSsswaj- aai ar ssHt i siaiii TolaVi. I iSci. s WrW 11 . . V. Luttxt. Pxrwr. ittttciaairsSaiTOwsreTO-jxTre- r(!&KiIts Blaei Walnut Table, riUi pigtoa holes. For Sale. Iificwaiaajt txaa. ac Sua; w AKKff kne of Birabcr? Tbtt iaiseiAaaa tuedte ,"OTtCE. The atteatioa wU7tcte. Qrf IsifT 1 IVj.w i rOesasSt. J- - lit Koa. A xai HARXKSS. ac pwaKs - Beautiful Sideboard, siade by Fischer, i i a m g-- i "TV. atejiiBimirf waCtte tei M z&t. xsj- SvUa ciii. x ai! ta il feiw. Mr Siirs V.. u oDtoi t nrntixt; la Tte Cate an 39 tt n fat ras sanac, - Stvri oi c tvsiei jesraaK: s(4s wj- k tt&xctt tiilir.tla Tirirj-ii- i rtsix xt I K. iaejafcjaiag.MigiaterAaa-xgi- r utter trxsjxtbrj. Mahogany &Kou Tables, square and round ami Aspim. x' 1 rcaVnu R3Sr En?etx3 S te FINAL TAX NOTICE! TV'griux &rr&m x sritoi t iltt&l. District or Ilonolnla. mrtai va& ftiaVap i niifailii crnjac K, say waaarss xSKilis Hahegany and Koa Bureaus, Trith Mirron, jai ate aaVwt SebfeCa eseaeiaefcc'UiaKt Tenons who have not Paid their afaat mnt atearksMrsts. ac ikitaNi 3t xzjr frCiti cr ALL fer th jxr U.S. r hty gtff NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. taxt aai Ofic ef th UnJrljo-- i etl i riii aKftntaet fa ttar itTM. ' Clothes Baskets, Bedsteads, tie Eeta Mh :a -- aaasat n aatoe. eked oa TRIDATu Stit of Jxaxxiy iatU. Hi Ti r Cofib: sryiiimcl SiiC ii?. liliTly w 'ltllii i t "r-- rT1u- fwar te. ksrtt. iivaJS xaJ ill dUcqant xfler taxi dxta iU U rvoettAel haVAigiaBKag;5aa3aaJiiLaaaat - BALLl ;y,tHiumtwg fAff ttat & ms x jaitaf arntst- SUBSCRIPTION agxinit xtconilas to Ixr. aEO. II. LUCE. One Secretary, Geman ntanufactnre, Txx Collector, llosotalii. mirrmag ate: Aaatea- - OkeuC; Ijqcjwis. abaadt 5jc BIRTHDAY OP KING LTJNAUIO. Jxanxry th, ISTS. - 'i " m w Xriptr, 3i?aacii5.ii3 &iiitte - Jxy. anajaaB China Vases, Withstands, jtjfr- OSet opa ttery Jxy from Mc Ila. aeiggtaat af tte a ttaMaauauaf 5f, THEEEW1LL BE A SCBSCSIPTIOX BALL &. aitaati JC-- eaa& ocr tSaf- caatnat yarixs-r-: Adfev af tint te Notice. fcfecjgaaiKtbtrieiiattBwiliiriiJiiiaitiiiif awnir ncane awe s 5erf xar JSrtifsii ae tt ySjJ ex tit rtraisi; f tk --ALSO.- nndersJsned hereby Rire notice thnt jMiWt; eia-- 5SfC&. 32 itit x Sr r xfecr tkib THK xcd xft lie Thirtj-Sr- rt Jxt of Dembr. af Faa ItutmCaw. Birth-Da- tteMaarce jieeji jjF&salltEie: ctecateccriaBafifa vxa sitx ABEiverarT of Hes JIaj5tT?s r. UTS, th. cannwtfoo of Mrx. JULIETTE M. COOKS ar fcrauttur gfe3 1 Clothlnsr. with leoM . -- fcteAfiiXr. aaSe atwarai kc Bftruwtr, vac 1ST3. or 11 111T1 xsr Jm iii exfwiU cbxaj. ua-- dr s. an TaaE!. saf tt Satli af THmtf. ac JanutT Tb baiiaeM U eoadaclol witamt M obk Oat 3 cHi jcra fewefirt &V t3 meabta QCSEX EMMA LOME. Xa. trie. AH oar oblilHw ta mbm - t eaniua) aata.iiiiani iteSVi iM.if ; i f i tie ixa Sra i Br oaaKaBaBKasaaaaa-faaaxSia-ac- ial wBl h xad'thtirii to XI thoaghascxac laSariae; is Iwsl pui. anialj nian.i ate Ja. . fulilled uj. acwrSa:ife2aBi:3KKBBV. jiiisttf" iicSeaAiat ' axd txxia plxce la th pxitatn. Cir-tixr-x Jtn in i 4lk: : - at. Saesr. tt X. taendtei- 0 arxOaaesafJsssfee, sail aett ttexawit irorft AT THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL. Fish Aclst. JInts, W beg Ire to thtak oar pxtra fcr pxit FTr w if aVti Xuam fta. 3lniam V xoi saUdt their coatiaaxaeo in ti. fatar.. sa&tt 5c istSmtlt ietet. Cte iosruz. 5c da aat x jmat m m. aW ytti ail imiaiiiiaa ifflli iiiiniinat lin i'Titi"-ub- at iar C&tSi. ririiTg GztiiTT it i2d Lxitts. SiiO. CASTLE X COOKE. Ti tarotaajasti SiM.UMlBufataAjrafcax Cwojmcscc Jl-- 1 ate Besojat SHrranses. yattj t T te kit f tx 1 1. W. MAG IIF.E Ciit CALABASHES, KOA AND KOU, Hoaolalo. Dtabr 31. 1371- - n m m fa aar Tixt KC(J 1c iuj; m C XX Xt 13 &W5t-TM- - ( axr nfaanaaai agnail agtinf JUtKKIC-Ur-. Bfcii'iv jui SUt c ac Aa- - vissfasM-fttUtxaVe- &A . xraxBxo.t. r. taaoarr aait A239SiaVi, IX GREAT VARIETY". j. 3. cauls. j. i. jfcHkM HONOLULU FIRE DEPARTMENT. ci. ffr--- t&- (piSsxiiM&ixas. te fers. w raai laKc rm laij. ate Swat Aga. - siite IfesW CASTLE & COOKE, . r rant Pwr uni bc Cwani jGjiu aSC vluti aaacup -- Kit, - Cotaaisioa Jfctixatx, ateSni af Scacr x pabar Ac Os St Ml'.ifcT. x V.R3Safc Siijp'jitf tad tlllBTlLlHl Mfc.JIgl ljltirTlil.tlJHWgWK. UKJBtr NOTICE. utrwxu XX9 inniaiwiiL- ar fbf tern CUL . . svte Aafegg-ai- Ss agjerf IkaoDcK Jaasr tite csteat af aS.BAETOVT, lataaiaiaaat.imoAm. aatTHiiliwir in Jk?-- T farr "rot Ufa. in General 3Ierchandbe, k. i - -- casSL. afe Statfcaegy. It SEVERAL. COMPANIES Dealers iiacs iSSLWL. ia Ssiavs fee i- fliali- jyasrasr ycrcaKc TEE rT raastrla, ac he tftoS to is tfe B. P. ADAMS. No. $0 Kb; StTMt, noaotata, Bxvx&a UUol- - ijtfaiii ir in -i aatxarr tiA im tic irt sk1 t irriflun ntiT.lllil ri- ilj S' Srairrrxi tfc Hii - aaf shtir "ii taxt ifKit Aactrtcttrj. at unjujL- -i erftgi Kit sfctmai ia. ate Kot till ruatwrt.uJ AGEXTS TOR f 5c?t- eifco Vr ttesr-ile- Steer. amprtafrV n ttiera Sxa - The Unto 2 Icrarxaie Cotapxay of Trxneieo. Oatas aiilCa Abkt ttaa: rcui x jafkt. znetf tin- The Xew Eagixad, Uatoxl Lifelaiaraaea Co.,BiUa. AaaUMaV a- -' Aet" f ' aaa0ar Bft-ag- sfcf CBAS T. nam f iBfai. ,ff Mfiill iy latt Saadaf io u3 afeaarfaf CteteSaeaf idnui xacMtte Prtcir. srLics. REGULAR SALE The Orocxa rxttet liae. TV KahU MutaHWr - 15- mb-mob- aa 15. - Seetttxrj. Soo'a CtfekrxUJ mr aaat fbbmi aa alas i i nai af Ite CaeBjon-- AJBty la c Be6da:. Jul. Dr. Jiyi.X aaii j - 111 Sue J& OasHoan- lct-- w i OraB&saef 0 inn. Xix Hcacri.ntKW& Bteoaitii af Sdaco nlaa af X VTSm Sewlajc wmuru iianuwa, FsaaBaw CmaaaiTlj5r aw MaacSrac w acatr xi Dissolntioa of Gopartnerslup. Wtr ataapati : UxeUats, Bxautaa FlmMMii. aajacanf Sa auvtsCaucsAi saaBi Cat ' ' tfir ma aniwf hereby fir On TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 4th, tr&Ipa rUaUtloa, 5mth Ens nutMtat. f a - ""W'Y pjcLL.-i- IteCiafcaaKtjitlaattelarfjtx jsaavssLta "V" OTICE is arert that toe a in ' vrirARF f.tfh 3nr was mt a mmaa: elUiaLaiti K- - OAT A CO . ay 31. ir r1"- aw n W inW lit. i W Uk fJ. h riit 4ir iMnl AX 10 CT1LOCK, A. f . ImBi. Wir aX asm aajaaaar teet& 5fcaa ateaaaal rnxiaw xag inaainE Be wifl te - r caorat. Tte aowtxti of im VTOT1CE HEREBY GIVES TO ALA, WMBtefaRsaaST nti i iiiaTamf larBiimaaaanr ajeratiaaeC, iaayvaarttai toMui af JtotA, ar at hii rwefccii Klxfei X. Oil, IS Dr tas VtJ. Sec I to xay oa aeaeaat of tbo ftafci ifWii i n i i GENERAL ASSORTMENT! aN penoa; trait aee iT' JBaaauHii. J. K. OAT. Set. i nt 3aigaagL aaet mag iiaii . Cm JCToat t TteCaeaaafereates34fa3. ! Bcienicsed, unlets by a written order. aaAraf aar tm flf - W.6.WOLSET. ! OHCnlkitW ihiL waH te rsssaaai tcnaac- a. s. BWbjcluiitiui'wg trtibti .nil liJprwfi-- all tea tec annraMfkB. Sootwvft r?, J.M-OAT.J- iriusox. At Hirtei. Ji. Hxaxlei. Kxaxi. Xar. ?3. 13T5. 45-I- WOiOBt MOX-- ht t MtkCMS. SSf DEJISS, COTT053, F2KTS, IXA5.VEL EH IBIS, A Sit? isfafe & Breisiiiaer-GaMn- i, tV la m aHantr Sa aaa rihafaW taofi: aac jaafsil Sea tte ' esc xtiil CfeewwoaV BIACS FASTS, KBTTiT.TS, N E . n saarc tat aceac3w IL JbiT. Kateas imi T. S. ifci fiteAsatrxattXi Ctkkks, BUSHTESS ItOTICE, O TJlC aa aaac ae aeaaam at ( tnaeoqct a EteaMF.SatirttaMKafCAJMs ar Tm itnnT tirrt tte ssafc kcnus xjtb AaS' C0XE5, SHAWLS, QUILTS. U5DESSHISTS, txaaat A2&erka IrniiE existinc Fat Jr. f wsahat tecaattiiCMaf saar-- tml tta axcraite: pieif, iar x rpir bosuns of Sail JJaLinc will be cob- - i Aaader tte axraexna iiyiooi a. i .re.inwr.je.ua. - y acra-- I OK Sxu.1 by Ms-- , sx-- EEE0SZ3TE OIL, WATCHES, ISTS. Of i mtr aW r-. Asr 111 tm &- - ntattat Wfagatte x.iuatBi aftta saaeaiy X it tte J. H. Pis. wxi dUioIreA Jaaaxr; lit. Th beibeie 3e inn1. Oaay S4:VCOSb rose fete us scy&e f J. M-- OAT A CO. the Ut rm wHl bo c turned by A. W. FBIROE. SSr aaat tea m ar-t- rf. Ta B m !aa.Ci Hi. Sto xt&si uzs CEOCKEETWAEE, SABBEnS, FBTJ3XS, at fiiiaaa m ir JAS5, under the rxrxa nine xad itjle. 1 taurlMl caea, of wfcii2uixsii aatamc SeeM;-- dte far otSoK Ttac at ttaCa6iii CBACZZHS, CIGAES. Hoaohra. Januxry 17. 1S7J. 24t aAaV iC Jiif tncaJk aaa&tfe jtaC te pat as tta: witJtBti;u4-- GEZH5 PEAS, aatt taat mafag aa Mat mil, usfk ' Executor's Notice. "nT aiiii aa at vtnofc tiiaiinnian Sid Haas xaif tS af mis i cwnswii eke aaar aar tTaiTxejar. asxocaissitBOs cafudtrksr saAicr To Let "Kahehnna!" i SasraeSoe t: appelated Execator of 3ass ac jjanmtai fKiestavt f la afe. xaal Uasaa cttxstiL. Sasatr lafsaeajtatSlt'. ard sa Ter HAYISG bea W amhanf aatatr wti AKTUfAS BUHOP. Ixb of , fae - mettajaatia jBasaatcttaafitr; tta Tts&ife af tta &r. SACKS BS.0W2T SUOAX., Residence of Thoraaa Brown on Ciatiw369daBi9isa1f?&eJa jflsara it ay tte Caaef .i&aas x jaSnanf x stars HrrTrfiih. ta Letxers TecxAecxzy frve: i THE Eaijaire the Eegiltrj Ofiee. Lsa BteH m4ed-.- Z Stc r-- fcu. Street. at ax lie Sffe&ar tta at meify 31-- aaaj le?n. aa Sufas was Sot ScaaHbtaa Kaal jjum.mt idaVes rey OaeeB arat xat fc" &fran Cwx is Pntatc I tanxy It CASES RHINE WINE. 3 01 i f ay Skf aw Jmm m ift m - JboW mSl racnmci te jff jmSk. aice. A cwniiii irtm af nSrauf iMarnti xt Vxsx. Crrfe:r? f At rf l fmi fUr. ASTEKAS . ADA3I5, Aoetieceer. n It f as5-- BIS SOP. to ctuxa?. My E. P. Ax l.ianni'f. aartac Sats aaaariat xtint taat Ttaurwicte-- ( veeat ttair j yCSSaaaWsJo 3aTlt aaf Vii SfML fS&xflaa1t Xrr Oeixxss. ac o rf Tindi-i- . t eii.sr. to S. B. Mt. Tt-- . of Hasaoila. Dissolution of Copartnership. 11 xtay waebf, C cMtxau. oeestanf t iaml SajrWi. jaatenf ax Iwaioe tta brr rite J.tsniy xjiri w9t&cx xcx trrax ieUtr Xy ac staamac Sic. ami tta Saimejug- ratf.mii1 at aTffj pulie sicXm tai fna tta .xFaaaat , iiafl taa fscj an tf' ua mxJMih-te- f tta t&cy baeei or (ixM bojrri. XTOT1CE is hereby given, that the firm ittatanSaagTi ftwaat rte t : iaa, tx ta (mnr I '"Elm it aauaar tta sSr. RSieer ic (sttttt ttat xc N O T I C IN af E. 0. HALL SOS it tbU dxy dUiolte-- i T atkasr Mtmioi Mb ta-iw-y, SSSES0 E. SI5H0P. E. t w if 04i TtSmv 9m. stare, aaeafurffltaiLiiuxiitifeif; Tact Ssatt ttbI axT by Mr. Hxll i it xi U ! matsxl coaseat E. 0. retirinit. x x gsxrioe JxxxxrjST.HtX T I T T Mac Me5Iis. limn Trfonaw Ca 'Vxraatk X4gta&arr aaet. The onr to tta aaawtmaij af teamuasf Esseaize&ii TTATI5G THIS DAY DISPOSED OF rt II wS x frtiift'aqJl fc CUrrixx. to inal aaiy tjrn--r Ttear a casnax jaeMSC at u ja. nnmmkrinnpr'f: TTnHo P- r ixtoett th. JUxiae triaa Hraolnia, Job. 13, 1STJ. tf. W. HALL. T?min5rrJ .ww w w..ww. Hr Sateaa Weil I woeM rttsrs ray lisrere thinii -- waaaat. exri nar OM H-- taaft i jataarf taB ac aaw ar aari 'jB( taaE ftaaaaatc ' "T'6 iar not rter H.K EXPORTS. ta tta paark of Hoaolara for iti Kberxl fxtroaxce, Tte ii aa xsesaLtat application kariar: been matte lo my xfcggTilil tact Proper & ' ax4 A x eostisaxoce of the rxe far iBecear. Business Notice. j tta Eaxzite KucX rAit I tike ta recocsesdiaz; Mr. ITeit xj twice; jaiiatai -- fiosmn - of xt i af unijliai laaaoiiK. tneSf . . . tta teixcxrifC4 f A&efsxx of KxtaVa, tlrxijit-feiwxr- E. O. HALL banns; retired frosa the 4aVflaWSaMatC af att aaaatv. tmi afcif- i- K5-Mt- Pry. .run ti 'itiilti a int-rh- n EMehxxk. xad a coceit r ...... - Xrr TS3i - Xiifc 2Mswjr. k. iif VSn. Km Satizart xx. k : MIL E. 0. Hall A son, the wM ... 4v t 3ot bHK te . 7 ...tvai at tta rf of Bxwia, auy V ; he will dvsht txUitxetnn. na of beitael Mraraewwfc n u. eaUirien of ttataty OnrwE.iV. ..rjs. 3KX MtSifi, Sotac m tareay xrrex wtasx ' sis bo tire folate bo coadaeted by the andenigaed, underlie tta xf Sstl iz l all I w31 cattftt all autoxdiar lecosxti ap to dxte, ta Bta rprai'irawr i i tin i it any eKoocrx. tfftie TUESDAY, ta Ilea diy xcd itjle of E-- 0. Hxll A Eea, i.reUifare. oeaafT jjamaiaaaiiafe: of a.fiAsR& . rf aaid iH t;eraxu csiebceil ta is are reae5teti to aake axsie r,fintt. I 3 o'efinex; - a-- a X2 i WM. W. HALL. 2acJe titet. Ftl vti xssBsi K. sai atiA(taiii . a3ac Jatjoc is Okssik: firm, as llxA sext, i i- 'Xty xsr (SBeiiiU pxjaxrst. Tek bxTis; clxirai ijiiclt jks sjax.cL.. . . TUfcr. Sw rat xsxrt fer tx lexrc; af ixii xyali laia, xt tta Heaolala. Jxa.U.1873. Mt i t tW to the without delay, tfef Jftn Ie& Cta ilia Ca-r- ate xre naxesteil t;rect use ns ( diwmas. tte w CantS. ttat rwarei uniaii' ta mfetf . I TrrFw...... 1 rt at Kisr. Hxwxit- - i natr.Vr .ffirjTTSk. u Tutiis, ax xaj xbvet to lesre the Iilxadx. - xa m nmar aai ..jam. K- i I . - - aT - .aW. aw. BbJP . a . S i af tb Xt3raatst!rlfeii: xa ifte ate Central frTEaBt, rrwiri - A LYlfAX, BESTTELD. Boxx-ixn- ' M. NOTICE. - fcdfeaaSiTr. af M Jx CVrrsat. matte- lot ttec ta ijiTOiai. Cmsitnoser irtxl Eoaofcls, 1 . 1S7J. i?-- 4t x tfear tan; dLMbtiiLtigfgT sfB I-- Jxasxry Jt the AFAT K to Jbat. Z. xta wsr54y aariaiaint ta 'far. IJIPOKTjf. Baa, Jxx-- ata. UTS. CREDITORS of Estate of afeasaeai. xs sraat taingat la Au3T, their elxHas ap to tho 31ft buur Jhr fcfcsr witt. itiiaa af ' " rwinIT aar Jgyilrr, ilo For i NOTICE. or they will be excluded. x iaac xfctss. AX3mfeff.rit I L(n. c . I Sale. F. A- - SCilAEFFB, ! aaax. aastaaasaAsiBniS iraax Vis eacrax-lioe-s 3aaK. o . 1 . tL OFFERS FOR irariBtrpnrehafed Jlr. Bcnfield't interest A. B. CLBOH02.V, t xaKBrasal CwujacBatf Xttaaxt nai. it . - .Jt U5TJERSIG5ED atat. Ai ...KS 0r:r,- a I THE f ta thti 1ET3. Awtgaeee. TSk imamif tan;- - 5eaae jagenmauf e W iii Btitijauriiir Stafi xt Ha, witai tta il ia tie Carrixje Knuiurisj tatiaeii Jaaaary 1J. toil fesft tta far tta ote waadt tta - (SuiMae.ffi&.Unt 3t- 2tt.toXHtit . . Scwrc. 6-- i W3I tta Thti etey, I reprd to exeeate an orderr ia ciy tax at saa. aaaanl ArfffnTu- nil eJeegaOBL atec l.nt-isca- s fnnua fwnf. Tfa. ul rf ta av f Unaat efis af latn tta atat J . tae. urf S CHwmcc, Sttftnmt. 0 .. t utoMBasatmesaAoyaexaJixitatowao Ha. Boe vith prasspcxefi asd diipxuh. I trait ay La; To Rent or Lease. jugiaua.i!. Ble af iaifcir x af tta Sasef exit ttafrTaoea brtktsBK On. ata Suit, 1 xxi tsjojf x brr saetaox of tta aaVfie pxtroxxr. ex;ne ic the tarisen will rzxble ce 2i ate7 tt f CcTctan.aaa StiK.tx . I f xB ra THOSE LARGE A5D DESIRABLE 1 niTTafiifla iii as a7ff6ntaq: aXjiajte ajaaBtaeSaes af Tta taSfixr ib1 xi x etap if ti of tta ta pre ix&fcetias ta tieiewho rxxyjxror " i aKtat I la ag: to Jxri- - taops. I tx, -- . yrrrTy Preatiite. lately oeeapied by A. P. Briekwaod, ifju Qt 2x1 TAMSQft.T. cooeMOac. sft wxisa St if teat fcj9araeii Trail tk rxtroexje- - G. WEST. In- Eaa nu xaJ 9Nr. 3X . f s M Eeq., oa Alxkea street-- Per particulars ce cteaaxlHL (M Ctkx &2 Botwlxrs. JaaexryT. 1571- - SI tteir DhncHT. tngaft Crr?i Comidiiiiwfceu. tta exs cxaericz; i: quire XT JAS. S. LEMOS. taStaaef taa x Steaai aarf iraanatraaif. afcej ta Jmc.-A- SB JTtaU.fii 3tii,;i..ii of art aMtoat A ai xa X. iscfcaiaa-afetjmwoarx-t tSjr i a xlmtCmxyexn. Btr txrs azety ta m aMKr at fas. xi Cmuu.1. agg aBawat; tateaaat at vtaex ttaanxaSr awwiM,ta. I WtiMqfaat 1 JAK TATLOB. ar X ariwfiwtpatj? TO PLANTERS AND AGENTS, af ife cgdiyftt eaBSSatearai ateoti Hxwxg. For Sale or Lease. "xri.tiir. parto ta eiwatiuaY lad.tm aaEraacaf atir.fc s ararrOrftjif - t sf na. tfcies JyuaV aaat UrTi miii ' S 5 ant. s ibut Kisass in ia Tts7iMiersa T)V the of the Ceylon I nm pre A FURXISHED COTTACJ in food fc-- JseeaStiBC. Sjm&.AaSr O amral S Ixad, Tte far Ste futft "iwr ilt3K- - 7e. j T T! pared tsxeiUat far the Iy efeatu'iien fer repxir, with ootheoiet, xad xeres of .. 1 Sryto!.sfcji C JE I) rrpf ttaxlt fxrnHy. ZxansJBtr.-'eT- jr x. toitxble fer a aaxsa-a- f Sif TiamsaeE. TS t .CK.TJT TteirTa3ttaT.j TTlHWrr.Kfats, X tse erap at is.x-.- zwiasaaEC x Bcfnfa.M fTAe prcsaife lalclr aiptel by Hoio-- Xriuia Icfjuire of A.T. Jadd, El... or of the uadcrrfrncd. ii &te Sdtaial Ftiaab. 1 ftexsx Visadrj, Qi.z. xsA Xer-eftx- jarr. ttaiijjt. xarsai iky tin foafeftic xjpali baa eaner aexr the treexueJ. . xerrsa ninouie. Gey u jmrBSrat tat aaeaajgie wmemgucgifa Taeont I itrwtf- - Afej tc J. I-- BOWSETT. ALSO FOX IA1S A. BISHOP. Oastee.. atoJ.." TStr xH fro - Corxer Qsexs xsi Fert Su. CASKS Bedftrd xaxie exits of siiej, a 1ST2. ai-t- aaettesiOTrfCey5w3iarf5- ?,J Xoaxsa. July 12. - sum as Jana Jr. . . So Ita saaaii& XtaSgsani!i, Jazxuy rr, ISTS. J-- 9 I tS4 nBese. alf- W3a ttor jiBfcsfaC xatt !T. xaaC as rasa ; Trt bkoS Tocc. ianr jisis- ate Jtiynr ta jra, I BOX HOOPS 1 Uraj ef the roBowis; sixes : cQeaxaX xa S wMe. To Rent. nut jaemt reaataa& ttat at Ita 7m'nai1ft,iVEAaRXia.iiija.&iiixBiI Marshal's Notice. S. i. 1. 1. 1. H. ! xsd iuehes mnenfaaijEiMji it i xaBet, x aae aa5. Bztf ear of Se?w Tei tta acaraaue of maMcatx at ai Tem3iwm.rrl3ti. J!sir BITETS Two tear of i. S. S axd K !br. Id, 5d, 6d. and Be OxkKcrf Poi Tab. of That Terr desirable Ilonsc a soas aamiaas iwr e. " Matt States ie LaSribtllseiexJSsfa:. rrfep ttarreatx--j E nrmnai Krtj-P-.- t Foreclosure of Mortgage. f5,l,IanslUa.Tabr, xad Preatites. So. IS4 hosana Areour, lately 3 ?W-irn- .t xB rixei, Hxnees Cub. Exthtsr; roead a aaas. far ska aac ar ar 6s aV C3ffl-a- m fcxeteaesaW' Z W. Esa. Alio, aaas af kaacsiT Vaaal xaC ttm le t,gteri3sisi-- f tssseaiid Oo.ir. ctxI, xew xfl ef whfafa w!R be eemtaed br L. Grtea. oek ZZ! ..L iwlUTM T3EFOBE Honorable IT. A. lYidemann, xc. IM, Ap- - - ' ME.a. The Uooie xad preaiises Ifo. xdta(nj. UaT xc Hi hjAeV cawmm? xsiaBter rar AnMeiate Jxaaee rf ti Sinsxe Qwrt la SOLD AT GEODHD TIEE PEICES. C. B. ntiiljlAMB, ' Tacaeif exAuatute. Se eaajeaBfca- acacaamffi: as f U KXSSEY. Goeiafaixxcr, clrtO at op tac ananaaasaaa Eaorr WILLIAK H. ja-jt- WOOD vrar f v BaTjsf teexred serriees ef the ackEOWiedjtd a Or J. H. te xjtassrcsrfsafcK WA5A, xa-- t H0OSAI WA5A. ThftsA- - ti ear! saffaa " OF HOXOLrLl". J. til tits, ac-- i tein; a tort witnta - POET bit tie os- IXawexBts. SL 7he Tater jticr was ( XXXf CfriuCTrpxrtd to fill xay order ia tay Use, of Oct t&ii stxie aXere cyieff. I xra SADDLE LEATHER, attjgafcgf tatwgx CtafHtteyeg Cacirnt. isd. XBKIVED. Pxrsxxt to ax cier fixr ia tta ssy eize with aeatcMaa4 dwyateb. 80LE & aaJ tta exaaief ptax. ky tta atare-eaa- Jxetiee, Xotfee if ' r raxf JUa. Tte jfOOr. VaC fceaa , - tm- - traw. fnacaot. Id all take tax oscxtroa to ray taai. aercr twkr. niasaat lantiiif Tte raMa tenon iXUf tta Ciaatli itt arnwn ijeta; atw. x owe as I tvs Goat and Sheep Skins, fectease oaastrf Pjmuaa af r. xo, Mjr? xy staiTiuaauTKts iicrrajtafeaiiiyera Off, xO Bxterixl ea- - Tanned as toataiM jfjeavf fatejaTj..1;.' t Tmttau,uni rttf OS 1TA5D and for Sale, xa.iT COSBTA5TLT tm.4Kz leastaTis3aBaTiJ5Ma!rl!:; say ttat ,'Tffa is eeaaeZ fat n& grrg trrf 5ctK1 t eawitr rf x B&cexgxt exueateri by xd f 1ixtnzna Snti X2r - Tl, a '" "- u. BMtcix. Sir waBcam Ema-- ar - tUfurtieil. t FRANCIS B.SWAIN, YVAIJIEA TAX5EUY, C. SOTLEt, TxiCto9aiBr Zaiemj- j. nr EateMi tarn cwt rta, ecftr, Bi5e t - - .,. , . Bmreteaaaaotat qarawsEiaai nllfc , TT 33lC -- . rjr . r , B r - Cooper and Ganger, Qnten Street. CtTOHOgy A aaafc ta xdtaiizssf wsSkoI Zjz&j jaatzz tta i .i. ti rJC , A. e.. Atat. - kbxk,j- - Cttrrts jtlidrni ia traar SjjchS, aart fmry Ciwn tncs ' ry srf rf & eUteSfr tie sxax of fU4, toftther t Sa&eserassai. f ! rim ii am nr in asiifeasitatJtexiaSefcotT j. ta Ax StcSA jauia)uaf tas tmtantt a ewaejittaaac-- ' aarjaartta aaaafifc af Pjjuaati-atag-wa- l ta iftanr FORHIS LATE BREAD, BREAD, w8& tte gaBfrxatf Sail fainwr setamtx. grfefa tarn, a. HAJESTVa x HI flee neaieMy CiV. 1 Hxteiea, Exxxi, Pxbxle c ta ta ill 'aa i;ixima ftrC af t Ic 5. JS. is Was. Tte Ttrx JCctoStateai tr- r Xew Dedford Pilot, was xs-- SCKeUxai SvsTfitfKlI. Aaaaesr tta n-- CJiCSxfrf ar.. g.n. tnr.T xi'iotajcx sxa x Afttxp xeicoxe l XT haxxrax. rax PAUAHI BERT aenea x grwut axx. xuava xienxx - rxx Schr. CallfsraU 3fediotB. tecst aoaamaa xa rrscantSens as seafem tatei; SAILED. ( txxs ixxai xua. z cxai. kx TOSJtACE, ABOCT 136 TOSS. gxboa PHot. ataai am I - CxfiforaU aaxaarr atiHlm tta , JCciicw XTxai&fc tiTintif, Piiiie - Hra iZ Keax. I Ti kxal.. sex af iM ' r tta tssCTratiw Tta &&x fiar wsd Vxrrxk: tv KiXtitxs. Ei'f- Bead Duty paid, for tale by , araat afcffiatATro. Saaytx. J - sex. Ia er aenaaace: txesaRteaafanafta-Xixasaf'tocsazxjBarxd- fcxix. Axis Jies- z tuxi. itxta, Acta I VESSEL IS IS EXCELLEST C0SBITI05 B0LLB8 A C j" " "urnrfiT--iinT-il- rf JtOTBifeti Isefi to aaaa''eaaBBaaVaayiaaaa"iC " nm tf-- Tfirfh ' XIrteJ!teri.ttriiXmtanncac tansbnc Iartex rrwrrc ieus Hit-- kaxt. m. Alxxxi 1 Scvia. Stercul, A THIS erery reipeet, bxrica; teen Efcn iar3u.artaitrjirt fsrta, est kSit ETia Jur j j,c ,( TiW, xf,rm. laH Warx xsd clhertriie tbmngblj repaired ataet TeiiiAo at s& xs tta esViter ! j. rnrj t agHaStant : Trssiiat is sf rf foartees saoxtbs aj- - Hemp Cordage. f Tfctitaaang izsErraamztt Caxat 5 ?dtrrnCT SfrSmS. Turyixaea , ifl CmuwuA. xaaf ttat tta rnfapz cf esataaMH to KMX t xtS-B- . eaextfrf pxsxs tt-K- tineoe alt- - J fofxx4 sxats. etc., an ia ' fesyaeaa-raaa- V tlssinv tir 5. Ste if we8 ia rirriat;, J I- -t aLataeaYtatrr-aae- c of ate sate t from 2 H lTinTT-r-T-- i Csifissaex; xay rsosxest- - (eras of sale i RTKAfTDS, aizea lo tath "jiiti, kxi taesfeartntV ! readr xt Per Also, At ajary aaiatar aer wCseswa! at WaataazSas texts , - ! XxtBeV taxe-4rf-f Snttb Exrt, ecaist (tr ki CHAS. E. lilSHOP, of the Lest Easitx taaaafxetars. nit W ff Vr- "frr nrrVriTrrrririirn--' PASSEXCECS. Ji t SIZES Throe Etrxad, for tale by r aa aaaeaaacaf aW Jaat almr rsxi aa Hxsxlei Bxc Cj - Wert, 2St : ilr or SO. 0. D0MI5I5. SORTED of luaui. a wxaof atazrsxaes SzaraaejE. a it asanas -- xx 1 XJI I BOLLBB A 00. BaaaaBBtattaie tJiaatatj waxy tar ac agtCfftmr.af- -t 3rf X.'.t-.. U,USV. TuV nse Hcaotxfa, Jaxttxry 21, 1ST3. 2 axesrraar gf wg-- eTi Bcrzxl Srcxh VTeX, 2 tjaearsiev' saasacur. tta ttagjyisefexxaaaae. iimiyt j Imr r3. I etatrm, Ka rrt--. eta. ( itre airag Gmjl, CHS uiear at cSirr.T xher Erriii Grttri, Xerli. TH Wert, II tjaszln Sl esieni has ' I Marline, Houseline, Wormline, 5cr ui Tiiiri chxati xfasx raxii to ctasaxtarexrest area, I.IT TO LET! gPCXYARK. Sjaa cczjssesa-- aa pesssrrc wita baaVSsxx fjrcxled ; EEIZIS0, T tad Tire Ysra SH. aa trs?ga aa anteg Acrrx ttettax z3 ttareva xarxr atg ate xggfuitj'l rf tte esasaxg racxtttj-.iiii.- ii itaitaraetem. Axri exrrzz; axH fceH I Twdre. PllUca, Elzhtxeo, and Tveaira Tkrexd thxl tta ixy ef l tax been STOH-E- OO. grr r- - rnxa: tue Fierat. Jfcnr BBexwa, Jcz BATLryE.forsxleby E0LLES k TeaaL zaaVaaif .tlawtXx veais triaf t 3 J T L7 tta Hos- - H. A. VHeotss, AfaoeixU THE wag aa . taea Under the Odd Fellows' Halt, . C-xr- t. tsg jaggs-- nj bSnczzt-J- . ; SnifX.Sn:ataVS3Ctl.l(aa,X3vCa3,- fx'tane Saxraic for FKIDAT, WMeu-- eycii atmtaur, CEcrrta hir rf xj, a.Aril rf tta ti Uti A Ce.xsxHxrd-wxr-e fgnafsft' Ann i 'arSsseai at aaieeferir t5r: xf FcferxxTy. A. I x. xt At frarzt cery.rri by DtBis jtxa Vegttallei. yyr.tjtiygtx3'yeaarC3itHr. JtagT riiiaiSx fxy f S. 171, xt jr.. tta Store. Preterved Xcati, PraiU aad irSarxeiaa eiecS--f rr:r Cccx&tatue Hozebix, xB extwea ixlertatel at-- is xsi f 1- -2 P ty Cat Ua A 00. Exxxx, Aa ttaxxxfcafe itufctaaai , zxiiLri xid exxae, xay with. Shelving, etc. IX Z Lb. Can, Pat f Sy Sta Sdts acrcaasii err atAj t tjexr ttaw if It ii Ccspletely fitted A xHortXBxsl, xsd xrarxasiaJ Per fxb et af Hi3avgsS.c BTtfaSi&rEfry. TfeTteia-- 1 KE?S"JxrTSHiS0S fao f "E"tzai leSss ate aaE7rSrtrr ef tin tofa as ATe&lxBaiG!nGmte, ttay fcxie,xrxrxit tta tnyer ef tta H3, ca'ctaiVrT Ptsr fertier pxrtculxrx apply ta ty B0LLB8td. k OO, VWj . tart parf mo tte Sse 1 tta xy xxnrsel xxrl ftr the taxrp ' 4 cssteasx9-str- aast CASTLE, or aBTe aari aaesax,arT cnzqreaaz eaa.Kiofa xlW. C. PAEKE, C.A. yjriv Sez&xstf&nacr. AzfegrCxaraCgagif Oe-- a j xr XsnixL VT.C. PABKE. tgaa.at aji.i, "it taaat Sasasesea aa&r extr CwiaJatoaaaxr. xxater to ;nsmi STS'STS. L. JfcCcxiT, Siiiatszfa tta YUHtiS. yj s , a Beef, . -- . v aaasexs AJrrieafe Sl rajxteo yergaar Xtracx. 3x-- Mess f Htiasat. atwramag-- wax a tieJtxfe to arrsstfcrte 7rfcFXafaSAtat Claa. 2-- American tttaaat t. .uj ttairr. Ttatr :c Tossae, Hxsn&b, Jxs. 27ti, 177. ASD wttBioot xcsa,xail wart ao jcp rf xaaa, .... ass teat ricxtr tc at. j.i .rfcx, Wanted, OrcgonPork ! axieaurjssf IT. haaf 1 Sperm Candles, a. Tftrraery Vorerne to take Prime Ifcss Tta oxrzaxtacx3Bax cacr hr pafo". fcnas wlfidii i Stier, Vt, AKitaatfon efcHdrra. XHtxt xt 6d!eVrV,'ee. In Kond, or Dnlf ItaoSeaadxiifrirC SsSirSeiaat, erfEi .S THE GE5TISE ARTICLE, HOLLOS A TO. sBafcaTX3K 1 itooffettetBSijafStoftIiena tTT-L- j xiaiCr. Fraitl? E0LLES A CO. AiHmt Ptee Evt 5r 13. IS tf rrxlt7 ' SsoOy, witV ' tbosch thev are apt .o eaatract a taste looking apoa it saw that it Is a Bia Wat. Tbe C2, cc a of its to i i odd showed --ratca a raow u to 00. pt tisces gate cs fwtkcR ?pce - tie ux COOKE - civw fist of . IKake - CASTLE & I EL Iaae- - "t V. -.. a ajaj? ."V4 JVi cslksl " lore tJcrcwtfti," riltea hr -., 71 - w w )tnMi v- sir - r- - A"- jt-- taettioa rave-rie- trots u- - .wi--v- - - - t? n v. 3 t to "' Ea c IT. list Kf rV catcJ ocr taittkvB- - ter.ia He cased the sadieac witaaa OFFER AT ed- asHyKke an The at - ae kavfc-- ei-e- a obit-- aJKra: bfr ftf short k"roa- Jortwes ag - list anos ssa toTBfethecadlttiiaaoUes, cxrc rs-eakr- a gtuhybatare- JcA2 poea" ttw : ? ea e, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL i wrfs aK fl "VJ isixaaaaesficocticjr. Tbevti-.oft- pcataat pri-o- "He pet aiinslf as much. of lalss I V THE fOUOKKH jTAeiacxpb Trw alkw, sad its wtggd EsthBilfnld les-i- a------tag shakes lished Swat Bank wkfe the decade wld SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OF GOODSs! Estab -- Hsace TTsi- -' hea, sad very rmch powaer oa'v it, be , ee 5& amahs- iiilfir asv-ahr- fc." asii b b lis tarn? feaa3 side of OeasistiEj TiiilKm' t-r Una, laid hi jewokd on the heart ia Part ef mwr ihT - TnV .iff - rrr-f- ' sky-blo- c raadc a bow -- B- ksaiag articles which, besides their other j his eivet cost, sad Tiatst W all TlaaetJ, 185i. imi mere t si irtr bcl lmvt- u H nnb Xn ' wit ton sad sefi agaa. A ak4 j to tie hoss, s ia its apotegoac Xct tlat jttTxrTcf RafsttTkitt allTTtl AspMatrhittFlaaath, 'ii af i illiiii i fiii, IW--j for.aiic. sfro iv - Tboajh sty eydJs stare to sWo v Gecd Grtj axi Wkitt all fc that the ariMace burst forth -- Wesl-e rfeKrctW ef ca 3! -- , threj roakac tor tJ7UIc saa" owos Uat vb fJs tco ntt)t. tfxt BharitJ SlKtiac. . - - v. streets to tas a i jb;o Bwrawag aaa appisouii, oi. tr prviere stissatef fetirB5 to wisk at kin. lis is lKther too .j rrj Bltaei4 aid VsHtactd CvtcE. f i SsrV or 6a soattifer: icKoc oaMn"l a hoi A Sup'r Ass't of Stationery, --. -- : j tsM nvecifatk-v- of hi. a.--l tvvtJi aad she -i t - . . j scairwr xao ttst, exoooi. a thek cdBseat to a t ca wa if .! int svs n. J Litei Xt Iaptr, -- ' Veawfial asd iaaesiractMe, price aai The thefpaa eienseat She JL woes tsost SsswaHe,' wttr WiTSflEOVSS, Tiulci.iiiui.1 m u:uic,humi;i. Jjl uSOiT sv pee. srs TTkit KW 2Ct rrr, JOIV TIDUS 3ft?t i ilxopfooj k--t Kiw ; m . 1bIs. AboW j tris vwrv ttsx hi the smi of ti3 dirfst tir? frow Vdot tTbH Klca LaM laf, UtttraaaKW Taptr, are i'ubmi. b e mil iib aais"ro&i'assi . ! . . . . . ' v. v ... . SffRas yfca ot ojwatitK. Vrearre I mca. n ;w vreatie-- sw.i. tones sa. 01.o ist.M -- TTiiit, C!" aad .tattr acd Lttttr asi Not ' f a hasaaess. to be ex&sev tefc tk. ntsMS ar te rss KorrifrJ, that be has of the is3e that had not been bvcae a heaeKtsa!8trfad theseautters; rayB's InJriiMt.aoi Crtrr" OpTiaglat, IMP OJP - asa Eaiwe aai aaxsx tssBt aacsracti- iisi tts ferfj feSow to i e she d.vsat at the tec tie jav 0,W ovih. pr-h- raigh: hs? rasde a verygocd, hibt 1 tTewca a Mlhrst al ereats iifc iic a seeecaties, k h : she's as3 wtiriaj, so she ihkts she Saiti RfWi CaitrHgM, has pisses his Soar . SvefibeoJ as or Hair Girt!:?, 5tirraf teat&trc, A third e craead aa arUc. Iltch kw JB m-- u. VvcJt Kt ssetaxeias af aher rer rnk eafrTro . ul a rta SaUa aad Briilj, worth halfa plaai, whaVsioar.h hasa! , k been : Trt. Ctrr Dry Goods of all Kinds, TlaVe yaag yai tin '.e. Taif is perictlv ca, r waddha ill tic Sie ?;icii::c H PV Btltior. Strrrt Eroocr, . , vt --Mr. . ;o rir.-iUtk-c: TTJ FisftU, Laap JesleaasvsiABch 31c BissVbrew-erj- passjoit lor pKres ase wat j a ptsver i saoa TersaiHKy. ne coaiu 25JT4 with her Eli, Kfcc his j jj aM -- Xobpir hears of these! pisred Elfistoa, and Packing: melt ii Rath, uhflfs haak.rthe Tiwf GSett. erer hare JiTr jaseaiti Ksttoccfit. Oh. ho retr thia Italian I ace leather. Cltthiif, Groceries, EnrtbcRware, h canh. sikr vaa&xs pareaases, M K at tae taer eae 01 tae i iatatMwi was as rxvxi as --Mr. j.wie5. t&xt tasbtttefss is. w bt tiaJ baa tie Paints, Oils, &c. wfii,asf best-ws- he earth a sak is of eets thev The d priac ia Cfertsseadwi ; as sared br these Kses thit tiaAaic awaee. Ttt ather breggies. rotac TTsitc Irec 1 tea a 1, 1 a 5 B eoaUIatt U.-- down t j. s aear of it, and scniehoir tfee has, iertaaately, had htstoriaa who at wtli $awt 'lis Pans Cfixoat SADDLERY, xmi. aev-svapec- be "merth er, thev a rr i aai Gnu, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUSSfTRE. niy his--, hrei oa. iytrn. Cttae TtHw OatT. Swaatr, s artieses Biiie their way to The tat&es : his royal hero in the a-- r Are, sai the ssae rale Esciiad. reofd filut iJrytr.YtmUiiea, is j VTeisjaj , ,iafixraes&.be toafi. ilece-- oaaerete weahh, the cpartshle prperty," trioaie part of his prvsfeisioa. Eaihes Tkx BoSs tisp3ct of th Ls3ea Piasasaa, Bfce, BUd Jen of Pattj-- XGEVtHGT? Goocas, aced - Ks-t- e 4be valee f hraias esrataroi ia as ae of Dkheas'' caraaers caSs h. the chraakier, bst the Date of "WeHfcjg- jm whtes : Scoe ro rrioee Carriag'e and Coach Varnish, whioh is this way shoreDed . 3 CXoct jsasreed t Gsteia to Portland Cement, Rope, Oils, Paints, Colors, 3dar hasasesf is so 3&rgeapKtiB ia av ear was the aatak of ktelfcRce. Bst giuat - respeeure Brifit, Cral aad FaraUare Varalib, shores evert- nearis abaost iasMtiMe. as Whra the Kiacr seat no" said F. to ur Liamd 09, Tvptatiat, tScc tfast a rigid esaisate H ss- - ir " w!o tisor u BlfJ &c. &c. iw is the of the desire for parehasiag WeHwctoa to Kaifces, a oaaawa Mwt'i BUciUy, Oafw S1UW, esehaate evetaa ather rrawtk iL the Date Axe, Piel, SWct. A4, Ho, Oo, ir cesUy sad beaataM Tie dealers iarra a aew adsaaistratko ia 1SSS, ;w Hascstr Ciistl Haadln, e thisc. to peesaasky far enHaple, earrj oct this ca&tirs5 scae At-ira-n ud TTocl Cud;,i Saddln , Treaty, WTTJT AK ENDLESS VARIETY Of who sapfly thea raekaply Khethe adaoa-- ! hewasthea srieEslvaLthoesrhhewoHld saa:d PTlfli, assalr leaieaS. as estkaate j Plsssiia cocsmSts bare nceotlr tstet htrt, csd rfaanipu Tafee lather tihaa of real valae, sses. They waBder everywhere Italy aever allow k. I toaailaai Htlied, dress are esrsd ia ecnscrJcatias to eaeh other Coopers' Tools, aad are ao-ae- at tcrbaa fer Ctckis, Hoitlj, aad Ciiap-riiE- y English, and sal W tatsis, ereiare, saj beaccpti3 Japaa, ibr exaapie, at ties ed ia a dirtv silt isciet aad a statistics xsd otter tsateals eected tie Kairn, Tankee, French German. "vdi umm the awrV. lae aawiber, bewg searched as it were wfch akht-cap- . ae as greasy as theother; for, pcrpsse. Tfce eaoTereoce is rwried as rat!r Carpenters Planes, here as wel as at Yieaaa. In tie Some of the Present Stock will be Sold for less Prices tSai it is Psssife zmtumvu as aa taieatiOB as to tae - Ksiaef sad thev slwsvssad a HJirieC aotwiihstaadias: his cwjaetry aboat dress spaE as- m place, if the geatfecea islrsstjd with the Tore. Scocli, Jck ia pahfae, he was extresieiy dirty and S, S,i Jiatr. saahfte ' Cet 4, . 10, lz, tO, U, 50 cJ New erf ttsk hT icjiteJi-- e tovJo thas to cospire Doles . Xa, 3. to Import Goods! heK hiftorr waxx seese to e JoU ot raaoisa, sre skvealy k private. The erst words he W, Bat XaUt, 1, 1J, 1J a S iacb, it is ia7ccbaij ther wil do it so eSectiTeSj Pressed Xa8j, S a ij treasares that woaM aave aeacated j saat to a&e were, 'Artaar, the Cabinet ts Rirett, 4, aib.S iiE, hat the seale of stweradxtk has Lats as itttctc&t be dcoe br tie sc&elars xai erpsrts Crr'j t &, - a , , IVow TflTe eopte rettat wjtfe a scsUe tfee ! oeiBBet ; sad tsec fee becia to cecnte Cpp Rirtti Ban, Invoices aire to Hand of esaeefiash- iwat see So ace. y"5 l wre the repjets psbhshed ; aad secesdlr, eTea a i iota, Ginp Taeki, Pia-- ; a a Al iauuL i Sill jiuu phase atirihated to Bhwher sad to the aaaaer is which the late Sfiaisters the casptrirf ef setes oaeet be ef aech cse, Ita dprtr Tacks cf all siiti. seefar -- Best 1 ' woeld spteadid . tfce BcbUr He. i. i. 1, a 5 iaea, hwb we aah w eoald that be a isd takes hsveof hira on civiasr ia their as whh the esxeptwa of a prOTiece or twu, trhitf-tVaj- arare ao 2dca Ceitiifcfal. Yaraiih. Flint. i. GHOIGE SELECTIONS FOB NO. TEN! ia oar sot ercs phdr, hat they do aot realise reskaaUws. Tats was acpaaied by . state of AasUaa soaett- is toa SSerest froa the aad Sersb Bra-it- i, Cor'd Tia PaOj, avidasl dy, Fse t. 12 quarts, aVe theaiselves what the of phader : hadkroas the j Prtsaar; to adait of beter pktei side br srfe. !,;.S.t,.S, Hi iste Baraa JsaMS Kothseh9d. ever aaoaat the taost aaaMcrr of voice CTfrrd SVp Pailf, Dipptn, CONSISTINTG IN PART OF ! '5r, - Milk a ! waat wosM be tae loss ia t saa of eaea laaioaaai. so stnfc- EscSsh kara Mrs. Su-- Dub ssd Put, Jarae esOastiBs: x ataaer fim oewspipers tin Jcaisbu,oldtnas-ires- . hra&d j Thiajti.itttlf, haT aaother stwat are. or hewhkh aad iacly Ste that k was esfce kapassiWe to ; pktsc Brathertoa, of Kttea Hil, Dear Prestat t Gaacts, Sqoairs, . aaefasatkyf wheat xwosld Haer. CiUtlt I BEST FRENCH KID GLOVES, LACES OF ALL KINDS ! sass of weslth each year frvKn Sts of isajrhter." This ex-- has placed her oasioa at lie disposal of racb Aa jtr. Sttrei . List Svjterierj, isf ae ac of the Hasaa aohles, te dfsked refraia Tarf Sticir. Baap Stattcrt, ta as oe enrea 10 Axe, wiSejast beihre the of Aaer--; 0rt?s: i ?raawLUy groiac tooKioa has beea coasadecvd s proof oi se?efs te jesat kct csaj Eird. Spades. Oes. Laaterat , 5owirv KajJe Hone. GOODS, said, iadeed slwavs is said, which be al- -' Earkad'fcea Gersasy, tad that a osss3e.ibte AasdOPInvsaad BRIDAL AND BABY rreat toesaaes were apforea; It rasv be the Kiajfs bad taste, it fflav Paris Ploiri, k ' of Jesat Utiiers and far sad eeeieirMUel PJo. extra tearr aad rnoae. siBtialiii.v sasaS. There 3s by the edaeated Tirtaosi who begia to lowed to do. Bat there was eaal bad tr PrrtaxUe f Iroa. Pain KHier. staieats are eipeeied to before C&ristns. Pdaad's tTatte Piee Cvaipvasd, As well as a Larsc Variety of DcsiraWe so prove that Cfearles swarra ia Leadoa. that the raBSoasires taste oa the p&rt of the Date. If he had TeV. , Ete., Sorics! edeaee j Mrs. SUfSetea (sajt Opin Pa3, Bref Ete. waste aaaey these part&asos, we ' old bedriddea Priace-- ; Cric TJsVwVees. ahe Passets. whose weahdi is hat koked grave the has reoeired xsosreaocs letters tcreat- - DOWNER'S Which Advertise themselves when seen ca a Handtoste Forts. - io) oar KESOSENE OIL, trill at Priaotf wkh soresaga rgrhts actor woald have bees rehaked. ifore- to bcra dews her hesse sheoU tfce Jessits Fro tie Bojtca Hease. do is - To rush Timei, it trill not to tae defym-- Ba-sr- hear e a rich nsB who has speat ; n usree-qax- prevent a thete lively iaj scab is r at das j uj. urc n.c vdjuvn.- j. recarec wiuaa its wsas. teese And Many Other Articles plara oa piesares, or tfll i . W e33ei has. as a Jessk beeaase rahthy sore oeke as w3Sesr to cive aa iaikatioa of sen of a cestrr rro tie saasioc aad estate of SS-- independent of staking the Trade u wise u cttnelvea. ' AI.I, TO PE SOLD LOW. Sea ie is a aefiatiaed Prioee sever had uhlushy aaaascripts. or wao win hay Arthar. Iakaksbk as tie fatter was kt StoThrst, k LaacasHre, were ie Hie tsaacer ; " 3ElS naaraahaaa-aaagsara- jewels eaadk-hch- t, , the oispoisal ef the Jessits who were ( --eL X3 X JS aanffiwi, Takh by aad sooa: bat, as censki respects, there were certain peoa-- pKsdat L rt - x&oftsy say Earhhaxsa oeald have arak,thaaiBoBass take care of Kirkies his; vfekh the Khkt wosi KT- NEWEST TJILVG OCT mi b-- slt 0,rKI? WeH- - fet0 wfcass for Yourselves, do not Purchase unless a Bargain -' j cietia' te lli Prospect puget a pachaps sot ae. theaselves. Ther spead a Bttk to ae- have bk wkh as iatease deficit as he r j aaaiaitihalf aahti, of h aake their edacatioa, bat they have fc JIajeiv--- ser-- Ha) aew aader wiach a aaa wkh dear r whea adtakkioc His ! lSw-- a ------I my I sch, - hi"t ta sr 11 it rvc kne Tho contral Idoa of conducting Business ahaa a aaVoa is. aaag rich sea, bcas te i4p they vsats, Yiseos Goierkh S3d Pers-- lsi eK tOTj WMb KEROSENE LAMPS a Shilling.". aaawsjoa aad aaea caa be aaoted warsh 167 "A Nimble Nineponce before Slow has they karz the Tahaes of csaaeos as they ' oaiy bees ia iaree Aoxicsiss te the beozrapskal work rebSsfeed woaM grey shktiacs. so id ost of the aeir sA-- of sad are rery fooc-x M. ChevaSec Vac i JOHN THOMAS WATERHOUSE. -t- Essush Bcelesqce. It is. lr Ari sader the title -- YTe seldom adoae. Socaetkaes thev beeoaae ' have sat iad xiee to e. iJiswfes. tie Fresei Xxtiocal Asseoblr eea- - i BTJEN WITHOUT CHIMNEY! iadeed. ao eoaggeratioB to say that what -- atfeetjSioaH we be Me to this . marreloBsly soste. Xr. is a aew two Prisces, (Oriea&sJ serea kkes, thktr HT. B. Idheral Terms to Country Storekeepers. rept is caMed bdeaae actiag is borrowed Ui seated tea yesrs heace. to tied eaor-- hot jast try to pass a iorceryoa hua ccats.eirfctees hirocs, ard oiceir-seve- a other k oat-do- trees those who tkkle . - s Pethot; aad Mr. loafcs maaaers IMPOKTED BX THE aaaasfyeaatKed, both kt scsfe sad aaa- Terr . " . . . . m ... a t UXDERSIGD. tae amins' a erowa oy painag oaa, , Ti ata aC to predkc eoaSdeatiy that m: e efcverest Jew dealer k 1G proetors. 15S barristers, THE COMMERCIAL wg iscea, paKtag taetr segs roaad taeir owa ' cjetraetors. sjx! it waat foaarnr at least a haadred jbrteaes i Veakg aot get oat ef has siipesce 4 csa&etrers, It is tie Oaly Ian? tiat hat beea cade :r. PERIODICAL - s.-r- - NOTICE! AND HEWS AGENCY i piece aefts. siociacr oaeer soags, aad repest 45 eSrers of tie 33 jiijw or force.- ioiej. tmm ii n a milBow sterfiac, the Scare 2ftrc ks ralae ior the of kce ' It a 23 Hvi 19 QEXUINE wtiah we ajay sorept ss the low- - wakh to other eyes is a piece of lace, hat kbjokes. aothic bt ii JQ fiURN KEROSENE PERFECTLY. AKXKICAJT, E50LISH A3J ATTTZAIXU x eotxnM aad 16 warebocse-- piJENCH ! wht oevdopmeat of the paatoaoe, aad year wkotesak : POBI.ICJtTlO.a a ,w4aaha aMsaataV or gaABcl whki, k IltfTwi ' wffl esWJ harksoae actor is Iktk oore than aaother Bts-1- 4 CiT- -' eSrs, 10 xttoraeys. 5 baskers, 2 COREWED rntiW to Ji.Vjj.n mUM Urn to 7W--4y tojt -ji-i-ii.ii ratify as isateMess. It is the woald-- ; aadhl hegia to taiak that he - shape of the efcws. This bagaage will , f"'""5- - apnes. 1 1 paruf fittH ctoto a arfftrtfcaj0n aM hf-ae- be eoaaotsseers who are doae," the . Jf0 Smoke awbeaiatostaprospecoas sot pnest, 1 rmtestaat 1 r, JjUOTS ' aot seeea to siroag, if we aaalvze the dersTaao, 1 AnJjtrrt-- a tfc thmrrtfmmi t if nl nl,ii , --t aaaa. aV'awaat ihoald thoa. aader asSSoasiries. 2Cor do we that filEMHXE llumm. . ibr-aaat- -- No Smell, iii8 aw law, ioeiaic the tnwnci e, they deprave tase very raacau as they . . 1 dexkr k jewelry, 1 ssd 1 dealer Popart ifeffeerW Prte PHay m prt taere is tae torwara, gocxl-ootB- g yoaag ! k wj be rwolo-o- at of at kaowi--e4wJar- ao are aocased of doiacr. Theyare shorldBc " "r.. ia soft poods. Tke rest of tk depcties are v 0 W Graf. who tsakes lower lkabs cos-- 1 areakeets, bo doaht, Teryokea. chieSy" woimr, her jecrrtiiitf, tethers, sd No Chimney, g'(3REED trathabat Eagfish propertv tif. "So Eabseriptioas takaa for Isj aaaa Oae Tsar. rtsh like the Isk of Maa Arais, who caa M. Porr-Pap- r. DepotT Eag-la- ai hecaase they tie ier is sopcaBi as ak thst ao aaaa is eaoy the eaiy bk of crea- a- a Jttartaaqse, ts a segro. JJ00TS Xf IVa mtit - t tWrt itm fcr HUM! M a- wort t stag pert aaa aiaost wpadeat soag. No MacMnery -i heoaiae weshhv with tat part of tive they caa adafere ie so aach ENUIXE -s aad albove all is atost at hoate kt a spaa-- stmMrxtrrift- fatablx alwasi si jiawjiaa has wsid going to the owsers of the that they crow kapaikat of soeatiac ad-- : A latsux froa Vteasai aaDoaaces the am- - .- gkd pages dress that is, a stage pages ra! of the Jj'REXCn AMEmcA- .iswspa'pjtaa aVtalesfek-l-y So Shree isdividssls. Tke; bat taster as lar as we caa leara, , Date of Ediaborgi at Geenadea. dress Goart ; X. Y. Wfrklr BmM ior ia bo k Ettrope, at least wbere the reral faaay cf Hasorer is at preseat QCREWED T T. of YViiiiiii:er. the Date of does aot grow worse, bat tetter, as wk- - T&o Smfkjo gtt out 0 Order. S. aMm to j r X. T. ITiftkTlw, ; ireaeated by deeeat kdks, woald sach a resdiaj. AceorSsr to G'jUiti ibe Jeorcej of , aad Lrc Portiaxs. aess the great kaproveaeat n farakare, JJOOTS MKBna ttra f rTkt- - Hii 'Roti? H'rT-- t it ull tn kirA ..fnnu. . T. iM7)mr.., . "TO abese alowxaces, the 1st we the extiactioa of costly tsvdriaess ia ' Zok Triced Lamps the Cottage. persoB raast figare every foolery as airradr ti-- e aprrtciig betribil for X.T. VTiUrIMu.!, dress, ia A splendid assortment of the above atwe givea is saal a earioes aadakaost the iacoaceirahle kaproveaest is w,u Ool(r dx I4iU Cm Peuvtoes or the voaa ilarqais, " rJia rno S or Kisg . BolMOmtnUMWi glass aad J-- tnl ag peoaC of the wealth which is se-- pmehak, sad the ssddea IW : U celebrated FBEHUH CALF SCREWED Boatea Wmklj . . wkh " I J J "' fefcatatt :MaheseIsiaad,asd whkh if ior the Orieatal style of sad antbreUa. ixrku m paaied by spaBgkd satkt BOOTS received; alto, a few store ILLUSTRATED PAFXiRS a styk as reaaote frswa the tights. The oe, for tfce Heoms. jut it ikes sot tempt think what the Tafear Eaghsh reiraicg dycastj Great kly eeaaest a ir el Britsin Uarp4TB IH W-- ... mm wretched aoaotoay of these characters, " - taste as the desiga a . tsoftheBosseof Hasorer. The Uaioa weaH, left of FEESCH CALF OATTEES, pttr . wali be! assy carry of awdera itianrr LetBi'l " WmMt.!" m - plate is aad the iavsriabk repetkioe o! the potats, at the sase Use, be a political oee, fee the - . tloac seasoas of sonoas cakaa- &m the wBowsttera. It takes which will be sold at the Lowest Possible IU" show how poor is capa-hSt- y 5'0 A8en fortho Hawaiian Islands. tt inc Tie wsR-kao- aaaaes ia that fist we to cakivate the eyes of a race fiie asd satked the s of harfesfae. There is a raiserabie CcQrr4Jolsa, aj tie Gselph djautr has ! Price. tmhi Wtlf raw ace as iew as ahe pkoas ia a poar saaa's oars, which is tiaght by its cikaate DILLINGHAM & CO.. aw.ilHi an - . bk Jt iffhurfitry Jnwlt o roaad of ooaveatioaal tricks, chiesy ukea It fatwhy. an.Bi urtt . m xW Theae are aaea ha the cky. bo to y &am garish hdKaacy j bst k is sot Xos. 05 and 07 King St. M. llMnfca4HM. ... . Kier Geecre fcss two daigbters Priecess Fred-- 1 8. CRINBAUM & CO. J f Zxim IB. Sm .... Tw nT iron; sroai tae aaasic a&au sao, saaeeo. tasav r-- - aaahi i. : aed hxsa aoakrs aad this side that we dread the aeccaa-latio- a . r t a n a - . ts 3d lamd- -i IE. OnfM. ag M lnee55 x hcolxsSyBeB waWe hateresiet k is tokaow ef weak kt Brkakt, hat frost a of these yo-- ladies gradaate at the JCVE5ILE PKRIODIOALS halt?-- A. W. Oar -- 3fce aaaaWasire peeaaee who recer-- verydiserest oae. Great weakh asd Wise the? stale devices from PJEIRCE & CO. THE EQUITABLE Toom rail, .t4r caa bow be Toth'j Oo ntlM, 24ater, which , to csfaktfsl caderiav ewecy aad leal so aach eveat of iatelkct- - their Akas are repeate.1 ed tm WaTess ercffiixscas- - A csta caaeot aSard to be ! Xonttj, M4Vi7 ., a tk aa! For kataaee. whea a secret is aa LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY wasaa&ie; hat so the rasss of eays&at, so seek freodoax, varksv, . , , . , , at acr Uoe. A can cassot aSstd to Offer CAI.IFOn.-I-A pr.iodioax.- - be K ! for Sale th jBsiodtr wat l--e a? wa-- aad pkasare to fife, that evea the wise 0 tfcsa "fe best at sod under eiresT-- 0P THE S. r. Wnklr - a d ' a r. ahm hawa a ah htdy who this week aSowed as go&i begie to haager ior k, asd to 4 r-- " P- stxsces-- Xo rnlri--r how wmBGB- - ( Ha. VmUi I pkagdowato the freat with grotesgae t Voo ! IkJtr BsHftta . aJksaaeof aaaarterof a aaSto to be pestpoae to ks aeaaiskioB the efforts pWed, do oxtter tow cssuV arelSDIP (I fl A N D fi R RY United States T8j Alt CHma as aH ' Wnklj OkuWt (rmea) which aloae caa steps, if tHBe to aasie, " bofebiBc'' treated, yes cassot, far yoar own sake, aSdrd to j DONE 3IORE BUSINESS daring she Crows. Seres kt tea ef advaace the world.! HAS than thek-head- pitt ;ear aay otber Lif Iaisrane. KELIOIOCS PAPERS Moaey is erg kokiag roaad Qysterioaslv, cseaertiiejbct yoor better sea, nor to render tb wat be kaowa oalr to a locaStv. sot the root of oslv, bv Ccopaar ia United Eutci. X. T. j IJpa1t. OMrnciUMMta sad coBveyaag the eseet of doias; sotBe--: asytiicr bit tow better Ferries. Yes caooot CWbttaa tUtoa, H. W. Wa tea; aiy to a fueiy orrJe, aay ssesas. hat stil. whkh spirkaat trsth ' Wow 17ad an Ibcobbc In 1S70 . -- o wia asd aSsrd to cheat a cheater. Yoa of.. .$7,500,000 tw-o- itmtt, MiirmmiMl e thiag very droU sinks a&rd to j 1 oaeaaiea Bacy be ealed atcoWlJv of the few we have say, for exaapk, The heart whea easel Boat GasartfaMaMliat Ketoafiar. sSor-- j Its Assets amonnt to X. T.OUaraaaJhrfcjtaaii...... , , see poverty-stricke- n Toa caccct to be to a $15,000,000 i? ha the syspitfcr or we this programaie En X. T. KTJcat, Bmifcflnia. iiowx. There oae psraeiear abset dy of whkh proved oem-a- a. Yos ! WHALE BOATS AND BOAT begiaasBg. There are scores baHesqaes, csb aord to do other than STOCK! X. T. TaUit, CaUMMl i slaws Pkieal doetriae, or wakh saeaee. , of Beaten nfct, CUMIe aav iTosp of edecatedaea or. to w oel BfcixfcUj iti nac, do cutler wfeat INSURES GN THE ALL CASH lower, ' tw, where the skaatioa is that the cha-- . PRINCIPLE LOXDOS BttaK ass that has Terr saae wss ka-- 1 whkh propoioa la EccSd. PAPER j m. aaad onuM exist. fe wotdd the asaoe sen for zzt&oa racters go trippiag roaad, crossiag each looam Xm pttiibk, aot Very saoer w THE MOST LIBERAL I - Ontkk. ;. .' - ? . other, TERMS " JJa rassaae cae were jc sav sseraasr a veari sot forgettBc the regulation Srio; ia 1h5 hiArz cxUre, froa GROCERIES, PJt BaXtt al irtisc Ite fSr Prrmisrai pjaM Quarterly, " I"alt haaprarVMr ttmmt IS geg oa, at taeeaaoi some ; ttiest eoBsderttioesfl: Ba&er. or Aaaaally. " tmtrif Orlaar n - UfC. , . . 3 , . in " -- It l tbe oaly Company oarisg-- a rtiSdecl Una W.llrTWa reessl jabSc f4aiac sece orSea-- 11,1. grotesqee eaaoe vtr ay jaoptag ate a Dirteicr " WraktTt- e- s tils oBwet, nxT bo 1 taUsg ea iiiaanf, uu KzeeHecey B. II. PntLUrt, " Baapata ... . m kaacaroo. Aaother coaveatioaal cbarac -- AtUraey li " saV wvaaahy. They fired oece-- George j w cm we?t tb. Gtaeral trior beta for taaay MaHlr eakciy. f H. was aot a baraorit, bst he r . Eaaiorgoaeo to eanwbitisotber: jtara a tTma - ter aa the barlesae is the storadag or rag-- wbo Dirtelsr of tbe Compaay. Km first-rat- is fetrac-- to the rwcet lore totea bii . kd aWsslres is 5asrrisig soae larce woid have made a e actor ' i of Ufe lararaae. . ef Kie"1 f3"So Compaay daei bailout ES i kg Kiag, wkh his Qaeea, (csasHy plsyed ferrtxwa thit lis cMbtr nO.-Tfll.T- baaaessvsBd let their forSases grow, is "geateel oosaedy"had sot file cast List i rrtr. jam Lime and Cement, Bor. librrally tbaa th!, and bob. it dor. rtllabl. bv a while "the I ,farlcric5 Tori or, if la a taunt kosw, Ia iu dealiari with tb. iomrrd. Invlnz Art Jaamul sreess Bt JUjoaia, tfee " geatkaaa,) asothcr is - 14 great ior aaother fee of characters kt the ' - . tatzaay tor tie wteUr cr sl - weeklr For fan partSealan apply to BectatrMac espeekdh character, coBstruy u of the serth, tere are'drasaof Se. Siwtiv aiier bis accessioa - ld ce se be aa, in rnaaj tfee If. RAPM.K, AH aa Trar waJ sack aaea, ! California A for tbe W4wvf, Mf TZ of "rieh bevoad the i he coasaaaded tAiv - - Hay. JJ feat a ! IIiiHn si th, tv,.i-- . to-wh- P Iilnd. r tim r u.- - :t.; a fczrta tocccsstt UiKi; v,. vt. Oowl 1,1 tin. a jeaaaasr bb-- Lsaesia Wra ' S masi fset, s Ibb Pields. Thehoase was fait, JW aria MitMiaa .V." a te TtaitW Bar lUaataa fat SVes, Tm kkig ao beast of bat ss the TOE,WlGO " Za Eag kept kwsitia-- the mif TJrXTCiT;j,f ASD- JUST RECEIVED lojffab BoearlT ZZ - ' a aress a taoaern 7'ttress oew Waataaasatar Qa area, aftek- weakh, sjmirng or savkagk as k aars of their dispkasare feJt upon ra j lou.lxiaiitxw rtUttoc5Mr, fcrjrta aH tfet old rtartr a his EX HAWAII AK BAUK C...... ' " 5 wfeh a Rosaaa hat sose sach t of Joj, tie trcstwortby prsteetora from "E. WYLIE." MteavrthOwtarff 1.1 11. xa case ragattaare k"" tktttaJ) Qunnly ga toegc. b seKaer esrasse estered his box, three quarter ! fm tfadrrf-h- e, A Unkn Qwtcrff -- of costEse is all thit is required. AH, - cflotsuied I Large awl .1.1... to dgaasadiatg frost the ooBaaaaBky of tr0ttn- --. . .a . r . By Steamer gaa File Assartaeat of the kiad of aa hoar behind thae. As he caccht fa TnuWM. wilfc froa AKERIOAS HOXTIILI-- S ? FraBciseot coe, wboBv oatside the resaoas of fun t I TTT- freeegakks aad deference whkh oa the the cawekose sosods he taroed to Mr. to ittcaaiTT Hffl - UM pnjirr. u Havana Jc ! tHtaTf Uatox 4(1, waatlf flam rA 7nc Kmc i IsezseeexltJe. TJ. German Cigars WatacJ . ... tS rust1 ntA4 ! M. .. are aeeorded to exceptkeal Rich, the raaaager, who waked on ? a1. , Owebatk.lotKw! "Tb cot W--W JU-X- ! csoczb Xrklh, Porto Rico asd Harpar'a tm Carver oogciredaselcEaeBta of geaszae hnmor. toaar. "IbiTeeotins&rti!: I bare MacaatiM arsslocrals sap ejj their as if he raight gather frost oScial sot Zriit ta AHIM MaailM "t Potatoes, Onions, Ac. Kaa-s- Hraobla- -- Tobacco, aVrrlam't MvatUr asagatsa See thear seas, soBaetkaes, or InWl Ma(liM f , A5D poacidg-"- Rzt Toer f 1 . fMty't IM their sobs for Aar dsagbters, bst that is t The greatest ofthe aadatxsaa snftir ' on their ...... itt 1 f, llwt ratfBectaalharkqtaas ' A Sbi.1I Lot er Fery Fine HumtMj gatt Krv-- ? vx - raaaors. Tfe Gentleman' Magazbiz. Tozz Ucu)j u cot rapocibJe Cigarettes! 71 Gatair aes3r ti wrriUr cr tr3ra- - tnlA tL. trz .1 . jocrt OrtrteaJ Tocr ban his cot rrown txAi cr bji Too TLT OS IIAN'D, kMr - feaTe txBea IVeroxats roar PetM' MacraM. waaea sarin- aaea treat tao race dijesty was aiap!r iclo a tWt cf --- est of nis iste sad the asdkace oereuce Uat :-- Artaari Ltfl'a Mantitiai. . teaityoa froea rocr tcou taaeJBati. cr weft to ao miiiWe rT raes. They are did do! spat tn UVo rf Keaa, Jzpzsese jlisster at WtiiicrUc, Lxa loc?to.t aia van- -' aitalk al Haoaa .... rr tTWm- yaw W - cf ctrtilj Icren neOer. Errc H Brand's Bomb lanets, t Oat Ytmaf Tttkt. recetvedlhedeuSs cf the new edaattkszl rrs-tK- 3 rnrra ros to take a few nisttea froa roar recre-abo- s AtMrtua ipkmHvUt... JS Ttsy saaes exxraragaaS, except is a soveraga assasied the air of sa carisht- - j ofJapis, wHeSi eaissces at bocse. troa tee cleaiaxt T"t mhh wile, or AOSTRALtAX PAPXIIS yiii.t spending toer-T-a tie cxstataoa cl froik: miih ,rifi "a-xba- i way, ibr ktstsace, Jily suspected prince. He advaooed to trUoro. ute it to let " cHfm m smm tobacco ortntJi-U- a, maklj 3-- two fty-- bowsicjetboUatcrloTisl Wr by SrEk-cahe- 1 csSecs, hadred aad ptct ia yosr f a twe-iahob- re teart. Perry Davis PaJnlriller, Twa Oaaalr jKaraal She we the frost of Ms box. took lh SfeerahRataa HMpen, Mafta-- ra. oat Hs watch KJkmS wu? . V J . Tbrcri tciicaa prrtica. atd bnla ix4 hacd ire liUim , la chaalil ke kaow ir. OStr Wiih the tseitle uui lMn?r -- f Kt. ti. tjtorj VII. 49Si t the real cost of the Cljrar tyja-a- .taa--3raaa " Kcv, wtxi atieiiicce b3! be Holder. Ac. ttmnU f ' it -'' psaches sws5y ceassaei hi EsglzxS aa afbhrztor which woald render Hal kraSchairesabtiTe Punloa Salt Works nn .- 0,t Cljar aad Tobaeeo Etor. T Aar rrrlohrala. aaA ia IU U. aMb-- M - to. on base. Usaxib cxd Bomc tiBM. 1 17 aad wff(n it ta4 eatfa. H. I. N0LTK. j im it. x. wKxr-R- r.