(layette, laicaiian RATES W ABVERT1SKQ. 1 . '1 . Spat Jle(rdtB"T a, am. ; 1141.. ov - T,rL t t in. 1 1 ia Wednesday Morning, tnll t 8Un. UlMh jtst co 00) 13 UBs-lU- ch.. ivA s 4 ta sorsneo -- , - POLLAXS PER AXXCK -- CO 00 TsWWWjHeO 71 GAZETTE. ILtar Sioche. S 4 00 S" SiekJVO. HAWAIIAN SUar-- laches. to 3 toulWn. 4) Unct Inches. I 4 e 00 Quarter of Oolaaui. io4i4wgw of Third (! oowwtcalM co u i . ' - TT T Italfof CVdama. 11 00 u eo u tti ow is win on mama. 1 col oo cfe ts orflon certW 00 V X at at rera-- J s, Ihub. WEDKESDAT, 29, 1873. rdsdlMoaBtftVBI tbw ratw, wslch ar for traaral oast-i- JANUARY IS6.00 naaa sa us IX-X- HONOLULU, PER TEAR. paid or qnartnlj. m lonw a. wrPCTh TOL. O. S.J wba charted iBgimTl Bdncattioai Good Advice - Tst ".Ttnsra. Xkm, rwlalfJ tiat tie ifiiaS BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. INSURANCE NOTICES. NOTICES. paid esjecsal ioccrs to tie FOREIGN s Sfoxarera. aiTtreseceat t t! Eossc tsspapK! Itiats cf eitr Kasa Garibaldi, nctier of ALLEN 6 CHTLLINGWORTH, FIREMAN'S FT5B I Inter ceoocr ef tie Sisoca & BROOKS, U b. UTBSje. loro a. a iTXix Geceral. oa tie recsrreece cf AS-Soc- KAAVA1HAK, IIA.AVA11, & CO., ta Bad aEoe3 tie patriots; WmUaMta6iinLla(MTauvtlMuJ5a)rcisrbnIs. Is. 3TATXAX ceae-te- rr ssuxososn axo rxxsiciAjr, INSURANCE COMPANY. ecc-C- ic Tkitjac occssiect at tie .1 ta to rmrmba Ui AQE2TTS, steoes csireal th,i; cicj. resyectiss tie Dr. ir 1VAU.CKV, iwn. kn Ut u nimixI ITKRCHAHTS AND SHIP e days. TiereKr-abi- e Jst7 Mntt Kanlaa rvutvn, ao4 Kk4krXr. OF 3AK rilANCIBCO, xai afctary EseWiad li5S krreaierovds, for three, IB S II OUT LAND ASD IIIOB 8TBKKT9, J aadhika! v&d ecrhl lisrrtf k. lie TUn ft. aot awi2rm mppnrttutraBruBt. (mo u m tvai ej auoaif, it ukximi bk her al ca ta a I aai aati. zad cU hdr was greatlr esteecaed derk; tx ta IManttloC ta. fie. SXia. To-r- at kI mmwN tna. rttrvvul aln 39 !? Auckland, N. X. kaM. af fast csiec ta fcr A W pirt tie eatrr. ca fai umii, 3l t vaka c&l .nvstfca via V. (rnm. rXXS K TlaTOtiwifec-iEil- e Efe. d iie died at tie ase of serectrerea. -- k, Xiti- - ef LorITsoiiT Btstec. AU Xniigt- -t are trtated free tiarg.--e a. csss. , aoasur. bbth-da- r, cf All, wttuaas. asaat r. ausraiaa, Jlsrci, her son's Cash Cnpltnl, Gold. 38,wa. auai aft aw sfew 4. vies caa iroe' cwrcti3t wiU: teia eithur so faai the ISth of Vr c Yes . m BkeXTxa. vas with a teapest cc tie MERCHANT TAILORS, By writint; caxll Uses oa cartrally telectad WILLIAMS. BUNCHARD CO., taar ttjj Mi ta (SseccerrvJ tV- - a5 eaetcssaaV sabac viae ie tottfis rilks. ar add UK. OLIVER, wi Bepcb&a. Tie wtU dlttribsttd, eSan tesieS is ef bferni-r- tie mhsX eceas.iaiksik Shipping and Commission Merchants, liii the cf GiribaViiPrkadr: . ipaaliiaai feaavk; accent tie f ill a tui ih luflirir m tfcoee 'esjl ass ccesised 3 itcres3eci fe- Ccmer ef Tert s&teti, Haaslsls. THOS. G. THRUM'S K.TlITY SKCO.M XO ZtOAE. TaX.MlMrnt sal easuj uoexnat n Hi. Uakefe. tie Kberatcr of Italr. vas born ts Stationery, Cutlory and News Dopot e 315 CxllforaisS&eot, Saalrxaeitco. iy J5e6. lecood soa cf Koa asd Poceci-e- o and Circulating Library, Losses Promptly Adjusted. cit was Laca IKsxter wis. aa cessdtkc a aai k tie DSC 3IOTT S71IXII, l. Catrbj. FLINT, PEAB0DY & Co., ; he T-T- Stmt, BISHOP A CO., jraj aaa jvsasc IM.T A i.Tst-aa- s GarGaliS. Tie eidest was caaed.ABselo r3 1 t llmtat ra.pi tospre&aMi varat MtTI CiliirrT t CVrjiaA prvptr ict4 ca Wa Acr.U lx th llavmlUn IsUad. katiayi tar Si aiiiijeti carca was bora io lSi. and caed at Pt2idelpiia. viera Hxtj3 rw53rl pcactSc b at al two ottt SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS riiwf j?tw ctfrma aeeert. was to skip a X Sencx a rrcx St.TT,iu S.l ocenpeed tie post of CocsaMJeneral far Sar-Alki- Ok'i oirer cf Ixt uj Uut So. Boston Board or ladf rwritrrs. anww asaswaaaassl Mi af nraiac-pts- s to tie "West IsAh. aai anftei ie II. TOSS, jisa xeuTs or it ike ersel week vas bora ic 151. asd died at rar th. Hawaiian lalxnda, lht iy in i aisfetf af ti adtiv. to tie tpst sar& ef al CPHOLSTKltKn, AOKXTS a BRKwuR ca Psciio Sarral and Stir Csapaay, at f fewac it eress. ef XkeklSSS. Fefice vas bora in 1S12. and died C. BEEWEB & CO., S. 5 altrcfeat Sunt, crtvstl, ta Siloc lion, AraprtparedtofUittUh ZOCO and nABMUCi. S HOOKS la waaieardrfttetaasacSee. Tie tie Fttrairorr fcaj a baal, aa4 tM any require!, aad mprctrally wUctt Cowai(amu a kiirilaace ts he brother, t k. a. r. caxzrs. i nltrsn fmlrr rbiladdphia Board or Tide nrriters, o,antltj tar waraaae-pi- ai fccai k 153c.JeiTir ;iX rrpirl aa4 r.a2,ttnL Onfrfrvcit&tft)trllA&l of Snrar ana Island Prodnc. Tmmi wis. thai lie t--lr jeia iawr. ie pcvapttjattA2ttto- - twer the GeeerxU vie krested tie sss in tie pcr-cix- J. a. axrrxa for thr Hawaiian Island, Itefer to eak to tie scar nssictegs fee aai 4GKTS C BRXWKK k CO. - Mjr. BJhcpav Uooolala watctes- - BbM ex- . kHsd residecce, Caprerx. Ffexlr, & I'jifttt sa Bexta1 reaSwi a greai fceSt ee tie Testers- - A ef ik SHIPPING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, KKAI.OIIA & PASKK, lLIIckMdC9 1 F. A. SCIIAKFER. v. aWaosa tfceati fai-- f Skat. sr. re Jae Teresa, bora 1516. dkd in lHi. With tie Kaaatarx. Eawaiian Iilxada. House, Ship and Sign Painting CuUCok. naps4sl eTrtd sitcq to ceut af k lj Itoartt or " Walker 1 JLlleo. Erst-bor- orOrtntn Cnd.rwrltra, the deranct ciadrea of botkl sraasT, AGKMT B.mnl ii as a act a Mt empties ef tie ef Pradn of Cadrrvritm, liuai S3srited jeir. tsr3l BISHOP & CO., opened their Shop on the abort Ayrat cf Tlraaa Board of I'adttwritrn. omcao, : sat Mtaf tefcaai - , tie Esea cccnpr tie EmsaVtecb whi H.VYIG .to. ud Catlfbrnla Street. San Frmnctaco. t actesaie specsiawe. Saeetw-- wtikac to frvpartU to Ja all taaaner of work io aalsu aala,t Ianraoc wlthla th iwkvet- ' DEL Jorilktioa Sa sscensbed 3T , H aiy fce heroic BL 1 nrtl-ftr- pa. m wtif :. at Wee. r ier. and GiribaiS's we. vio titir lis. of baticm. Chirr, rtucaable, aal all ia tuirui n Bdrrartttn, win ha, ta b d kaw fexs-ks- eH fefer. tool kB eae iaj" tiat S S a)wt tie repeses HOSOLCLr, l t i HJLIVJLlLUrS ISVaJTOS, work doa. with n.tast and iUpatgh. lSty b inh; th at ti auk thrm Valid, T iai escse tiai al lie wiales we ajiar tot ie hardships ef tie caapain cf ISIS, mr & a Mkc r tkeari as abo wejeterr ai Xice. itttitu a D. H. ETXCHCOCX, BOOKS STATIONERY KiMi aai str ea to veck aad bocit tp aS the k tie TK uix cf uurcssu. : : i : su nsuosca. CAI.irOK.IA has t . taca iscrn n SOTAKV PIJU1.1C, Tho Basis of Our Business. ek9iist wfeafeiMeeae cadi pi ioii oC kirir eerseriar ErtcacsjBtK-- Xew York fispatcies sir: Stir York. nj INSIIRANCE COMPANY. naek Taea Bal i. Sfc 3rxtre- - U.NUKHSItlXKD, AGENTS or To nuttfiuitnre all neb, Soak and St e sirksi, after viki be csktukd at iaaiesse La'.eir tiere has bees a rerr cotxaKe decrease Bfta. TIIK CVcanaar. been th. b don h,r a wtll a )Mwhr, aad - Part, A. D. UOIiTKIt, bar aathorbed tolmnriiki FIRST as caa av artWViaA easa. Aktat- 00 Cargo, KrelRht and thereby directly ten, lit onr cutofflers and at tie sarkets ef this cHr, aad espeealr k tie Auckland, SHIP, SIGH, CARRIAGE S ORSAHEHTAL PAINTER, Treainre, br Coasters, wl,. 'f bvaa ry ast aastaaatatoaateastalaac taeee nwr.wt csffirrw. ccskhutics. : : : : Honolala to all ports of th Hawaiian Group, and tic SECOND, Te Bar and Sll Books asd Statlon-tloae- BaTiar; at lost sfeauerei iato zreat vaki. ie pockrrstxls of Washksgtoc Market. In oaar nt biu iosms. Ku( Srt, Bit dour to U SUUoa. How naatomak it loth later.! aadcoanua. U9 XXXX IX a 11. fdew fpect rtiTiac Mtfwd th terrier of a firt-cl- Sign HACKTELD 1 CO. ers to com to n ia prefmac to xodlag Esat. aisaaec tie title ei Larf Beiter.aai a kstasces cikkees whici are dressed end sect to Htaj Kama;, "M Fafater aad UiUr. all ordn ill t uKatrd with "Wat am tea. IIAlllI-KGII-UKE.'UE- AJ We mannikctur aad Import erery decrlptioa of raWaaS. aae ewau.xisaaar -- ' ant altridite Sjrdncr, ul prumptarw, at few ratM aad ta u pwd itrl as caa te doo rant ieal ef sa?J briac oarket hare dark streaks k tie ceck, and tie yttl bourn r, ,Uwtr. raper, Sa,topM aad BUax sap. Lei sat jiasr fascij45 Aa4 traaaact . Baaiay f?-- lr atr IKSURAKCE BMk, of our own maooiactar. lake. Slat, tc .a a tana; craavUii iioct ie ieo?, ct raoed tie eSKt head ts swolea to an cscssd size. A terrible Gnrt PIES COMPANY. aawsaaos at, iptae lawaa-- o Orer 1,500 aritl of Blank tbcai kept ia Stock. caat altas tel. isoeS sUMd earjeses bj settias sp kt dfceose HONOLTJLTJ IEON WORKS CO. U.XDKllSIGXKD aj has brekec cct the pockrr pecs k h.vtns;, xVty la ssaie k ""nax THE Areola cf th abote Company-- arb.nprepared A CO., Msef at earreii eo4ec af tie rawt Ac A.
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