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Ssi-Winter93catalog Explore the exotic AL-QADIM'" game world! A complex, pre-generated character grants you quick entrance into this all-new AD&D ~ game world, where high magic and dark deeds reign! Encounter genies, sinister sorcerers, wise hermits, and many more mysterious beings­ each with their own secrets and challenges. Choose from a vast number of magical items to solve challenging real-time puzzles. And savor a tightly woven storyline that's enhanced by grand cinematic musical themes - all in the style of the Arabian Nights! The Ned Generation of AD4D® Role-Pla_ylq Adventures Is Ben! Take a quantum leap in computer AD&D · role­ playing - on the most successful new fantasy world ever launched: the DARK SUN'" game world! SHATIERED LANDS, first in this next generation of adventuring, delivers state-of-the-art technology, unrivaled game design and an intricate storyline. Choose from all-new races with higher levels and multiple classes. Spectacular full-screen graphics and cinematics mean you never leave the screen to go into another mode for combat, inventory or conver­ sation. Superb music and sound effects expand the fantasy experience. The full-b lown 16-bit engine delivers smooth animation and game play, and the point-and-click interface makes playing SHAITERED LANDSquick and easy! ~ By SSI Special Projects Group . IBM Avai lable Now! CD-ROM Available Now! Create Alliances, Defeat Ene1111 Kingdoms - Forge an Empire/ FANTASY EMPIRES '" is the first D&D ~ game to feature a computer DUNGEON MASTER;· who mediates all elements of game play. Thanks to advanced technology, supe­ rior animation, 256-color VGA display and digital sound effects, the OM " lit- erally comes to life on the screen. Designed for up to five players, you face one to four adversaries - either human or chosen from among 20 different computer-con­ trolled opponents. Interact with fantastic races, command dozens of troop types, send your heroes on quests and con­ struct a variety of buildings and fortifications. Extensive character interaction, utilizing advanced AI and Neural Network technology throughout the game, provides for diplomatic tactics. When combat occurs, the game switches from a strategic map to a tactical screen that shows real-time action in one of the most spectacular overhead perspectives yet. ~ Developed by Sili con Kn ights . IBM Available Now! CD -ROM Available in Decembe r. ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DAAGONS. AD&O, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. O&D. Al-OAOIM, DAAGONLANCE. DUNGEON HACK. DARK SUN. DUNGEON MASTER. OM. FANTASY EMPIRES FORGOITTN REALMS. RA\lfNLOFl SPELLJAMMER. lfle TSR logo and all TSR Cllaraders. cllaracler names. and the dohnchve likeresses thereof, are trademar'<s by and used under licoose from TSR. Inc TOily L'I Russas name Is used unde! license from SportAdvisors Group (1 1993 Strateg~ S1roo~h011s. Inc All r~hts reserved ARCHON, ONE OF THE ALL-TIME BEST-SELLING ACTION/STRATEGY GAMES EVER, IS BACK! ARCHON ULTRA boosts completely updated anima- possess two powers! When two opposing pieces tion, graphics, music and digitized sound effects. try to occupy the some square, fight it out in reol­ Plus all-new enhancements, such as the ability time arcade action on one of three new types of to bottle opponents on-line using your modem. bottle mops! Or let the computer resolve combat As the light or ~-------------. quickly. Your goal : dork side, seek to defeat all enemy conquer the ever· M·--·CHON ~ pieces or conquer changing Archon the five Power board with fantasy Points ont he piecesthat now Archon board! AD&D Computer Products llM ' 3.5" llM Cll-llOM MIGA'" MACftTOSll " AD&D Unhm11ed Advenlures $59 9515Mb/ 11 **S59.95/1Mb Al·Oadim ' The Genie 's Cun;e S7000/2Mb/ 11 SSOIXJ/2Mb/11 $15.00 Champions of Krynn S19.95r.i12K/3 $19.95/IMb $12.95 Curse of !he Azure Bonds $12.95 Dark Sun ' Shattered Lands $79 95/640K/ 11 $65 00/640K/ 11 $1 4.95 DRAGONLANCE Serres Collectors Ed II $69 . ~3 Dungeon Hack $60.00/640K/ 11 $45.00/640K/ 11 Eye of the Beholder $19.~4 $19.95/IMb $12.95 Eye of the Beholder II $19 . ~8 $19.95/IMb $14.95 Eye ol the Beholder Ill $69 95/640K/ 11 $14.95 Eye ol lhe Beholder Trilogy $80 00/640K/ 11 $65 IXl/640K/ 11 Gateway to lhe savage Fronl1e1 $12.95 Pool ol Radiance **$29.95/1 Mb $12.95 Ravenlott · $8000/2Mb/11 $65 00/2Mb/ 11 $15.00 Secret of Ille Sliver Blades $12.95 Speluammer· P1ra1es of Realmspace $19 . ~11 The Dark Queen of Krynn * *$29.95/1 Mb $12.95 Treasures of Ille savage Fron11er $19 . ~5 $19.95/I Mb $12.95 1: 1 11M · 3.5" llM Cll-llOM MIGA'" ORDER TODAY! $59 9512Mb/ 11 SS000/2Mb/ 11 TO PURCHASE PRODUCTS WITH O&D Stronghold $59 95/640K/ 11 PRICES IN BLACK, visit your retailer llM ' 8.5" llM Cll-llOM or call: ALine in lhe sarnr $19 . ~11 1·800-245-4525 Came1 Slnke • Soulh Pac1l1c $69 . ~9 (U .SA . & Canada only) lor VISA, Discover. Carrier Strike"' Expansion Disk $29.95 and MASTIRCARD orders. Or send check or Clash of Steel' $69 .~9 money order to: Gary Gngsby's Paci!~ W3I $79 . ~9 Efeclronic Aris/COO£ SS/ 53 Gary Grigsby's War in Russia $79 . ~9 PO Box7530 The Great War S69 . ~11 San Ma/eo, CA 94403 Typhoon of Sleel' $19.95/5121(/2 $14.95/I Mb (CA residents add applicable sales Jax). Fantasy/AclionlAdventure llM ' 8.5" llM Cll-llOM Shipping & handling: 1 item - $4 .00 (add Archon Ultra $4995/640K/ 11 $1 00 lor each additional item); 2-day Dark Leg ions· $60IXl/4Mb/11 $4500/4Mb/ 11 service, add $6.00 to tolal Flashback' $49.95/640K/ 11 Leoends of Valour $24 . ~11 TO PURCHASE PRODUCTS WITH Prophecy of Ille Shadow· $19 . ~11 $12.95 PRICES IN BLUE, visit your retailer or The Summoning· $19 . ~11 $12.95 call the SSI Direct Sales Department at: Veil of Darkness· $24 . ~11 $14.95 (408) 737-6800 Simulators llM ' 8.5" llM ~ Cll-llOM (US.A &Canada only) lor VISA/ Great Naval Battles " It $6995/4Mb/ 11 SSOIXl/4Mb/ 11 MASJIRCARD orders. Or send check or Greal Naval Battles S69 . ~11 $65 00/640K/ 11 money order to· Super Ships ol 1he Atlan11c Exp Disk $29.95 SS/ Oirecl Sales Soenano Builder Exp Disk $39.95 675 A/manor Avenue, Suite 201 America in lhe Allan11c Exp Disk $29.95 Sunnyvale, CA 94086-2901 Great Naval Battles Adm iral's Set $80 00/640K/ 11 (CA residents add applicable sales Jax). Sports llM 8.5" llM Cll-llOM Shipping & handling. $4 .00 Tony La Russa Baseball II $59.95/640K/ 11 $6000/640K/ 11 1993 Teams Expansion Disk $29.95 When ordering, please specify computer Al/NL Sladrums Expansion Disk $29.95 lormat, and allow 4-6 wreks lor delivery. Fanlasy Draft Expansion Drsk $19.95 Availabilily dates and prices ol new products are subject to change. MLBPA 1992 Players Expansion Disk $19.95 Tony La Russa 's Ultimate Value Pack $49.9frMOK/ 11 IBM USERS: IBMP Cproducls are available on 3'/ 2' High Dens1ly disks **Supports col or on Macinlosh II wrlh col or momlor and 2Mb of RAM and require ahard drive MACINTOSH 1s a registered lrademark of i\jlflle Compuler. Inc IBM is a reg1sle1ed TYPE OF coLoR CARD REDUIREo : 1 =CGA. 2= CGA or EGA. 3= CGA, EGA or lrademark of lnternallonal Business Machines Corp AMIGA 1s a trademark of TANDY 16 COLOR. 4 ~ CGA, EGA, MCGA, VGA 01TANDY16 COLOR. 5=EGA. VGA Comm0<!01e Business Machines, Inc. All screen d1S1Jlays shown are from the computer version 1nd1caled. Screen shots are only rnlended 10 be lllustra11ve of game play Screen or TANDY 16 COLOR. 6= CGA , EGA, VGA or TANDY 16COLOR. 7= EGA. 8= EGA, graphics vary cons1derab~ belWeerl dllferenl lonmats in qual1~ and appearance and are MCGA or VGA. 9= EGA or VGA. 10= CGA. EGA or VGA. 11 =VGA. sub1ect lo Ille compulers specrhcallons .
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