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\ HE NANAIMO FREE PR F'.RTY—THIRD YEAB NANAIMO, VANCOUVER ISLAND, BRITISH OOLti^lA« HATURDAYi K^. N, tQiT. GERMAN RAIDER lEXECUMCOUNCH. A NEW HUN ARID IRCm SHIPS HAS BEEN SUNK ' CONSIDERS BUDGETi DEVICE FOR AudUor's RepoH on Um Maantwa wf ^ F( the Provlnee la NeaHy Haady Victoria, Fob. 22— There was New York. Fell. 24— According long session of the Exeentlve Coun an officer in the British naval re cil today, which was chiefly occupied serve who arrived In New York last with the consideration of the budget night from St. I-ucIa in the West In The Hague., Feb. 24— Dutch fish and financial mattera generally. dies. the German raider Vineta <unk four weeks ago by the British cruiser Glasgow, following a fight they discovered to be a dummy ships began firing their light i provlneUI books will slFortly be rea BaenOB Ayre». Fell. 24— Keport* teen the raider and her consort- plane loaded with explosives and a Washington. Feb. 24—Count Ad- tloa of hU credentials, unUI tba *ah- and It la estimated that at least six dy. and H will be presented to the of a naval encounter off Tarragona. steamer St, Theodore, with the dummy pilot. i.undred shots wore fired by both Honae at the opening of the In Spain on Sunday. liet«t^-n armed cruiser Amethyst off the Island of Thereupon a German submarine, merchant vuHi;el.-i and German auli- sidea. Fernando de Norohs, 125 miles off which was lying waiting, fired sev- s virtuallyturned down by The Swedish steamer Skagland marlnea have been fully confirmed, the coast of Brazil. which exploded the according to a despatch to the I'rea- Has the first vessel sunlp-by the "Vlils report was given to him by plane. ment will be na at Barcelona, filed on Tuesday, marines, which then sank the Gul- an officer of the Glasgow, who said This appears to ' f with the hnsinesa of the aesalon ex- Baron Zweldenik. ■in charge of tbo and received today. .seppe. The submarines then cen- that three vessels were crnlalng lish Invention for ' ; peditlonsly as soon as the debafe on Austrian embassy since Dr. DnuTho The engagement liegan about S treil their attack upon the British company when the Amethyst trading ships. waa handed bU pasaporU. called at I the address la out of tbs way. in the morning, leas than eight miles .ieamer Janets. The latter proaclied. but.only two of them the SUto Department, and inqeired ■ ouid probably have been worsted peared to take part in the fight. The from the coast, between all or seven when It would ’caao SecreUryLna- It U interpreted as a waraing to in the unequal battle, but for the third vessel did not fire but sheered, Official notlfiention was received subis^irtnea and nine armed mer alng to have ti. • Count preoeat hi* "'ermanynot to further attempt to i.ppearanctt of five or six Brltlah de- off The smallest of the raiders, la town todaythat the 88. Princes* chantmen mostly flying the flags of uni- ’iu* - r'Dg about hU .. laenee Austria in her deaHnga V.royers which rushid towards the hahlythe ■teemer Theodore, was 1 DAILY TOLL OF Patrld* will bo back on the Nanal- the allied nation.^. The fight was so as the J. with the United Btatea. aud to am- eno at full speed. ported by officers of the Amethyst mo-V*neouv*r run on Monday and near to Tarragona that residents of The Barou was Informed thai phaairn President Wilson’s dMannln- The submarines fired about to have been in a sinking condition will make her usual morning trip the city observed the battle from time would bo set for the preaanu- atlon not to temporixe. I' shots at the destroyersbefore they when night fell and hid the ve SOBMAIEWAR their housetops with the aid of bino across the gulf af 8.8« on that day. culani. iibmerged and fled In the from view of the cruiser. When the BuhmarineK first beean fusllade from the latter s rapid Toklo. Feb. 24— The Nlchl HlebI ^ ;re guns. firing, the merchant vessels at announces that an afmed merchant- One submarine It Is said, was sui RELIEF IN SIGHT tempted to approach closer to land, is raiding commerca In the In MR. FARRIS MAY “TANKS" Will BE : nd all the merchant ships in adii but were cut off from this refuge HHEBlPKDtllH dus ocean, and has sunk two Brl- on to the two sunk, were more ' by an encircling movement made by th steamers southwest of Colombo. 1 BS damaged. They proceeded FOR NEW YERK POOR the German craft. London. Fob. 24—^ Lloyds an ENTERJE CABINET SEENINACTBN V.arsellles and Gibraltar under 11 With escape reducetl M AIKS’OfflMDS nounces that the crewt'Xif the follow I rotectlon of the destroyers. the commanders of the merchant ing steamers were landed yesterday The Lstteat War P As Presideat of the OowneU—By. QeawUtle* *o Relteve the Sttua- IlcpralU of the Transfer of OrerUn their at Um BUon TbesMie to Ika Rmv Tneips and Munitions ara Made OB Thursday. Future. • ably had foundered In one Puhlic. The ZeandIJk. of 4181 tons; the One of the oblaf featuras abuit IHE BREMEN SUNK revalllng gales. Noorderdljk of 7188 tons; the Bem- the fUnu which the Canedten War Atiiens. Fell. 24— An official sUte It Is highlyprobable however that land of 3770 tons; the Jacatra of Record office has Jnst ralaasad ter who have been ■ufferlng fro .argo aubmarines may Ite co-operat- lilt was given out today i 5373 ton*, the Menado of 6874 tons; deB. Farrl*, 'M.P.P. for Vancouver, pobUe exhlblUou In Great Biltala INSIORMATSFA ng In the submarine campaign, and gard to the transfer of the Greek the Bandoeng of'6851 tons and the will he offered the prealdeney of the high prices of food. The moat defi and Canada, and which era to b« to the Peloponnesus. In com steamer OaasterUnd. All the above council a#a temporary expedient, nite measure suggested 1* the pnr- That the Deutschland and six sister shown at the Bljon Tbeatie Mardi pliance with the demands of the En- were Dutch vesael*. with a view of relieving the Premier chaae of a large qnaatlty'offood that . ilpa which were being built have 6th and «th. la the Inttmate vtaw nte powers. The announcement Four of the seven Dutch steamer* of much deUII work during the seo- will be brought here for dtjrtribn- I l een or are beluc adapted for this they give of the ''Uaks''. the new 1 lirr Hnrt Trip. follows: ttou at the lowest prleer George W work. were homeward bound with full It la doubtful « Mr. Farris est Invention added to the macMnerr The Greek general staff it Is i Perkins, the chairman of the May goes, and their atuck took place la would accept office under condlUon* of war by the BrltUh. The teaks' nnunced. Iiag been transferred from or's committee ou the food supply. the approaches to the English Chan that would eompel bU permanent re npaaied the Canadians In thalr uneed that a campaign wlU be I’onllneptsI Greece to the Pelopon- nel. -Vo Instmotlon* as to route* sidence In Victoria. It Is an open advance on Sept. IS. when the -rll- Ing a report from Berlin that the begun to popnlarisa rice aa a anbatt- « on Fc’iruary 19. with 15.S00 had either been asked or given by secret that Mr. Farris came near be laga of Conreelette .waa takau. German merchant submarine Bremen tute for more coaUyfoods. To kaap 4 200 horses and mules. 313 the BrItUh Admiralty. All arrange ing made attorney general when the •Tha Canadian Army in Anttoa.' waa not lo?t at sea. hot is being used . 1.-.5 machine guns. 140.000 ri down the price of riee, the commit Ps-is, Feh. 24 - The War Office ments as to these ships were In the cabinet wa* formed, and that when and tba advance of the tanks.'’ the as a supplyship In Germany’s sub fles. 105.000 cases of infantryammu tee has bonght four mUllon pounds .mm cea that a French detach- band* of the Dutch antboritles. the final etaotee fell upon Hon. M-A. official movtag pletnrea of thU ae- marine campaign, information which nltlnn. 333.000 artilleryprolcctlles. thereof from Tarions supplydapou tnen penetrated the Gorman line In New York. Fob. 24— The deatrnc Maldonald he wa* offered the port tlda, gives an Intimate view of these haa l>een m tlie possession of the all over ths country. be .osges. north of Senoyes. last 17..-,.0d0.000 rifle cartridges. At tlon of the Dutch ships by the Ger folio of public works, which be de Iters, being the first movlag pie Associated I’reps representative In present there are loaded at Piraeus, man submarines, aa reported from clined both on the ground that the of the tanks yet issued to tbe night. ARMY OF PIVK MIUJON Berlin for months. Is that the sub for tran.sport to Peloponnesus 19T London involves a loss In ve late Hon. RalpK'llmUh was bettor pnbUc. marine actuallywent down on her •lid Turkish guns, Imoiytaken In the MEN PROVIDED FOR and cargoes valued at $11,600,000, entitled to a cabinet position, Ever stnes tha sew* of Uia ex Londott. Feb. 34— The armyaatl first voyage to the I’nlled States. Balkan war, while there still re according to estimate* given out hero also that be did not want to Uke np ploits of tha "Oh.