Conflicting opinions cause A.S. representative to quit

by Stephen D. Stroth Green was the official branch of this body," Green said. "There was a difference of For the second time in three representative of the A.S. to on- and He added that the major barrier opinion about how things should be weeks, a member of the Associated off-campus media. to effectiveness in his role was his done," Medina said. "Things he Students board of directors has The first resignation from the disagreement with A.S. President thought were major problems, resigned. new board occurred Sept. 25 when Mike Medina over the format for the weren't." Director of Communications former Director of Student Services full-page A.S. advertisement on the "It all started when they came Eric Green resigned during Wed- Michael Wangeman resigned for back of the Independent Weekly. to me and said they didn't think I nesday's board meeting "for the "personal reasons." The Weekly advertisement was using the space ( on the ad) good of the ( A.S. ) government" and "I don't think I was working appears every week at a cost of $186 effectively," Green said. "They said "for myself," he said. effectively with the executive to A.S. it wasn't attracting people." As director of communications, Green was responsible for "the preparation of advertising con- cerning A.S. meetings and ac- tivities," according to the board's rules of procedure and director responsibilities. Executive officers Medina, AS. Vice President Rebecca Graveline and A.S. Controller Tom Fil were "pushing me around and putting on an ( advertising) campaign against my philosophy," Green said. Green said that the officers wanted to "dress up in monkey suits and take crazy pictures of the executives" in an effort to improve the image of the A.S. with the ad. "I've tried to avoid that kind of meaningless, yellow and false style. But, I was willing to work with it," he said. Fil said that the executives were "trying to garner more student interest" with the photographs, which would appear in the Weekly ad. "We took all different kinds (of )4,.. pictures), some jokes and some phow by Sal Bromberger serious," Fil said. Naser Rahimi Almaneih, accused of plau to bomb a Moslem Eric Green stands in the A.S. council chambers after resigning his position on the board. -continued on back page student meeting at SJSU, is led to court.

Iranian indicted; $1 million bail set by David Jacob years in prison and/or a $20,000 fine, Daily the Spartan national accused of to making threats against The Iranian plotting to bomb a meeting of the president with a maximum penalty Moslem Student Association at SJSU of $1,000 and/or five years im- Volume 75, Number 29 Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 Friday. October 10, 1980 last Friday was indicted Tuesday on prisonment. seven counts ranging from the Blacker established that the unlawful making of firearms to temporary $1 million bail, set at threatening President Carter. Almaneih's arraignment, be made Business Professor Porter Naser Rahimi Almaneih pled final, despite a plea from innocent to all counts at his Almaneih's attorney, Paul Man- preliminary hearing yesterday sfield of San Jose, to lower the before magistrate Nordin F. amount to between $100,000 to commits suicide near home Blacker in San Jose's federal court. $250,000. The trial is set to begin Dec. 1. Mansfield based his request on Albert Porter died of carbon monoxide In a letter to Academic Vice President Hobert Burns last year, School SJSU business Professor According to the FBI, Almaneih Almaneih's history, which he said near his Sea Ranch home in Mendocino of Business Dean George Halverson said Porter was not sufficiently poisoning Monday in his car was making pipe bombs at his showed that Almaneih could not flee County. competent to return to full-time status. business, the Almaden Frame and to Iran because of his anti-Khomeini life. these accusations were the basis for the According to Mrs. Porter, Porter took his own Porter later said that Glass Co., in San Jose, and planned political beliefs. car by the Sea Ranch security police. decision not to reinstate him as a full-time professor. He was found in his to bomb the MSA meeting last "His No. 1 desire is to become a Porter, 64, came to SJSU in 1955. Porter filed a grievance against the university following the denial in Friday night in the Old Science U.S. citizen," Mansfield said. Dorothy, had been living in Sea Ranch since last February 1979. He claimed SJSU President Gail Fullerton's decision was He and his wife, Building. The FBI accused Almaneih of "unfair, uninformed and possibly malicious." Porter said he was spring. A pro-Khomeini Iraqi student planning to return to Iran to engage Hatch, a friend of Porter's, was very upset at the defamed professionally and personally by the decision. Art Professor Dave from UC-Berkeley was the evening's in subversive activity. The grievance hearings, which began late last semester, recessed on news. main speaker. It also said that he was part of he said. May 13 and were to resume on September 25. "I just started to cry immediately," Almaneih was also charged with the "Iranian Free Army," which is a people you'd meet around However, on September 25, Porter decided to withdraw his "He was easily one of the most exciting the August bombing of a Con- militant group that has threatened listen to him, and I think we need people like grievance, stating that he still did not agree with the pre-retirement plan, here. He just excited me to federation of Iranian Students the lives of the president and his but under the circumstances, it was wisest for him to withdraw. that. meeting at the west campus of aides and has accused them of being whole career was controversial, and I Porter said he believed that without a specific policy or criteria for "Someone told me that his Berkeley High School, where 500 responsible for the fall of the shah. think that is great," Hatch said. reinstatement, the president and her advisers acted reasonably. people were evacuated and one was planning to bay In fall 1976, under the university's reduced-time, pre-retirement plan, Hatch said that there was no doubt in his mind that Porter's strong Almaneih was injured. to be used in Porter was cut to half-time status. desire to return to full-time teaching caused him to commit suicide. 100 sub-machine guns The charges brought against U.S., the In 1979, Porter's request to return to full-time status was denied by Porter was scheduled to teach next spring at SJSU as the final part of terrorist activity in the Almaneih ranged from damaging a attorney continued, and the university. his five-year pre-retirement plan. government building with explosives, which 1,000 more for use in Iran. carries a maximum penalty of 20 Joseph F. Spencer, special agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, told the court that he believes Almaneih would try to flee the country. Aeronautics dept. Five dormitory students Spencer received information about Almaneih's activities through an associate who became an in- former, according to an FBI report. discrimination suit attacked by Chicano youths Because of the "prejudicial charges," Mansfield said, Blacker A group of five SJSU dormitory had no choice but to maintain the students was attacked by a dozen high bail. delayed until June Chicano youths Sunday night as they "There is no indication of an were walking to the 7-11 store on 11th organization that Naser is fronting by Dan Martin and E. San Carlos streets. for," Mansfield said. "He only has The trial date for a $1.5 million discrimination suit against SJSU and There was no apparent reason his family, who are loyal to each Aeronautics Department Chairman Thomas Leonard has been postponed for the assault on the two male and other and successful." until June 9, 1981, so the plaintiffs can prepare their case. The trial was three female students, which oc- Mansfield called Almaneih a originally scheduled to begin Dec. 2. curred at 8:45 p.m., according to one patriot who could be compared to of the students. the anti-Vietnam demonstrators of The suit, filed Feb. 29 by two SJSU aeronautics majors and a graduate, Some of the students received the '60s. claims that the Aeronautics Department discriminates against persons of black eyes and cuts and bruises on "He is patriotic to Iran and the Middle Eastern descent. their faces. United States," Mansfield said. According to Diane Dickstein, the attorney for the plaintiffs, they want Five San Jose police units With the assistance of an in- to study the university's claim that it can't be sued under the 11th Amend- arrived on the scene, which was less terpreter, Almaneih told the court ment to the U.S. Constitution. than two blocks from Allen Hall, that he cannot go back to Iran, and The amendment states: "The judicial power of the United States shall where the students live. he wants to have his day in court in net construed to extend to any suit or law or equity, commenced or Arrested and taken to juvenile front of the press so the "world will prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by hall was a 17-year-old female who know what is happening in Iran." citizens or subjects of any foreign state." had threatened the students with a Although Blacker said Almanelh "It is a very difficult issue very complicated," Dickstein said. "But the broken bottle. was eloquent and honorable in his believe trend is to allow people to sue a government when they are deprived of their "They ( the youths) weren't out plea, he said that he has to rights. The judge is thinking about it very carefully." for money," one of the female that the charges are true at this victims said. "They were out to point and consider Almaneih as a At a hearing Sept. 29 before Robert Peckham, chief judge of the Federal punch." "flight risk." District Court in San Francisco, the university presented its claim and the The students said it all began The FBI report said it found two plaintiffs then requested the postponement. when one of the two male students pipe bombs in the back of as Almaneih's business on the evening The plaintiffs, Nabil Taovil, Marcel Frangieh and Samir Asad, all of was walking ahead of the others As of Oct. 1, along with about 300 Middle Eastern descent, contend they were the victims of "verbal assault," they passed the group of youths. on communiques of the IFA. One misadvancement and general "discriminatory practices" by school of- the student pointed out the church claimed credit for the Berkeley ficials. the corner of 10th and E. San Carlos bombing. They are claiming general and punitive damages for alleged streets, he felt a hand on his Reports also said that diagrams discriminatory acts and subsequent tampering by Leonard with a report shoulder and was spun around. for bomb making, timing devices, supposedly outlining those same acts. One of the youths punched him in the face, while three others electrical wiring and a quantity of the latest developments in the case, Leonard When asked to comment on grabbed the other male and began gun powder were also found in the comply with Deputy Attorney said that he would have to General John pulling his hair. search of the shop. from discussion. Davidson's request that he refrain Davidson was not The first male student shook off Prior to Almaneih's arraign- available for comment. his attackers and ran the half block ment on Oct. 2, he said that he Leonard said, though, that he heard many specific instances of back to the dormitory for help. wanted to gather exiled members of discrimination presented by Dickstein at the hearing. When pressed for He returned with four male the shah's army to overthrow comment though, neither party would elaborate on the specifics. ,Moro by Tom Surges dormitory residents. Khomeini but denied that he made According to Leonard, Taovil and Frangeih are still attending SJSU, but Canh Lee, proprietor of Mimosa's Cafe, points to where 12 Another female student ran into bombs or intended to bomb a Mad is minding business interests in the northern Bay Area. Chicano youths attacked five dormitory students Sunday. -continued on back page meeting at SJSU. 1

=__opinion October 10, 1980 License extensions too easy, sacrifice safety by Michelle Waugh one question, paying $3.25, and sending the two in to the "Within the last three years, have you experienced a period for any driver to go without some type of testing. Ste Writer DMV for an automatic license renewal. lapse of consciousness or had any disease, disorder or Most people probably feel the driver's The new mail-tn driver's license renewal program The criteria for selecting these privileged individuals disability which affects your ability to exercise test wastes a person's time in long lines waiting for a may be sacrificing an increase in automobile accidents in seems a bit lenient. reasonable and ordinary control in operating a motor test that is really unnecessary. But if most of the order to save money. The person must be under the age of 70, have no vehicle?" people on the road are such safe and competent drivers, The program is very convenient for motorists and disease that affects driving ability, and not have had an Who would answer "yes" to such a question? why are there so many auto accidents? And why are meter-maids and probably saves the Department of Motor Vehicles ( DMV accident or conviction during the last four years. The driver's testing system that is now used is not highway patrolmen able to make a living by giving a lot of work and money, but the danger of practically The majority of drivers probably fit into this category nearly as stringent as it should be, but why should parking and we turn traffic violations? handing a person who might need re-testing a driver's easily. to a mail-in convenience system when the driver's test is license outweighs the convenience and financial ad- The single question that a motorist must answer to the only comprehensive way we can regulate and promote Convenience and reducing government spending are vantage. obtain the four-year extension is not exactly an accurate auto safety? good motives for the creation of new programs. But when Four-year extension forms are now sent out to test of driving knowledge. By the end of the four-year extension, a driver has not convenience sacrifices the safety of so many people, a "selected" motorists who have the privilege of answering The question reads: been tested for up to eight years. This is too long of a new solution should be considered. Students plagued by financial burdens, What do you think? Question: Which presidential don't need extra $1 0 fee at graduation candidate are you voting by Greg Miles takes to pay fees each year they attend the university Staff Writrt But it doesn't end at that point. Not only do students have to pay fees to for in November? There are many, many students who do not know that when they get their classes, they have to pay for such things as books, pencils, pens, graduate from SJSU they will have to pay a $10 fee in order to receive their paper and other things needed in each class they attend. (Asked Tuesday at the Student Union diploma. The $10 fee may not seem like very much to some students, but to others, and Business Tower) According to the people who deal with this matter, the money is used for it may seem rather expensive because they figure they have already paid many purposes. The moneymainly goes toward the expense of the diploma. out enough to the university to attend the school. The number one element of expense is the diploma holder, which is the First, the students have to pay to get in the university to get their frame the diploma sits in when put on the family shelf. education, then they have to turn around and pay to get out of the university "I really don't have a choice for Other expenses that are related to the cost, according to Clyde Brewer of with that education. It just doesn't make sense. the presidential candidate. I know that Admissions and Records are: the cost of the diploma itself, the certificate, What makes it all so disturbing is the fact that after students pay the $10 is copping out, but that's the way I feel the postage to mail the diplomas and the protective mailing package the post fee, they have to turn right around and pay for other things they need at about it. I feel really bad about the office uses when mailing them. graduation such as caps and gowns and pictures that are taken during the Part of the money goes toward the rental of chairs that are put up in the ceremonies. nominees, and if I don't vote, I don't stadium, and part of it goes to the hiring of students to set up for graduation, So, every way the students turn to get away from the costs of attending a like to complain about who is elected." Brewer said. However, he was unable to give a complete breakdown at this university, they get hit with more expenses. Tesa Wable time. Half the students at the university have limited living expenses due to Human Performance, senior I can't vouch for the rest of the students on campus, but I think there the fact they can't work because of limited time. If they do work, most of shouln't be a fee charged to graduate. If the administration is going to their money goes to such expenses as food, rent and other odd and unex- charge a fee to graduate, it should find somewhere else to add in the fee, like pected expenses that go with living away from home. with registration fees or some other expense the students has to pay to get So, most students figure that since they have paid out so much money to "I feel that Reagan is my into the university. attend the university, surely if they have earned enough credits to graduate, presidential choice. I really just trust difficult to come up with the money it To niost students, it's already they should be able to do so without a charge to them. his past. I'm tired of Carter and I'm ready for a change." Steven Wittmer __letters Industrial Arts, senior "I'm voting for Carter, primarily Grading policy heirarchy will reconsider their phones. A group of students is asking "very brilliant instructor." because of his involvement on the erroneous decision and look more dorm residents not to pay these fees, Jeff's objection was with the moratorium of whales. I am not a 'insulting' into the problem before handing to demonstrate their anger with the unobjective treatment of religion in down a solution. charge. the hands of many intellectuals. And person that is interested in the politics Larry Brightwell I agree that $31.50 is too much to he objected to the misuse of of business. I look at legislatures for Editor: art for 'Rosiness, junior pay for connection, but we all signed the sole purpose of As a business student, I am illustrating what they can do for animals. Animals an agreement to get a phone con- immoral behavior. Physically appalled at Edward Laurie's at- and need concern right now more than nected knowing that the charge psychologically, humans are con- titude toward the new grading policy people. I am not saying people don't would be $31.50 to $40. structed to experience sex in a two- directed at the School of Business. 'Suicide' That sounds a lot like a contract partner heterosexual relationship. need legislature, but I think we need For him to stand behind this to me. Some have suggested that the The obvious physical purpose more humane laws right now for document, which violates academic to demilitarize is to phone company could not attempt to produce children. The psychological freedom of students and shows a animals." collect so many delinquent accounts. (emotional) purpose is not lack of administrative regard Editor: always so Gail Lewis Not so. Believe me, they can and do. obvious. Deviations from this create toward faculty, proves that he is If John Minnie ("Draft Nursing, graduate student They'll just send the bill to a family strife. In fact, deviations lacking as an educator. registration a mistake; prelude to collection agency, who, after a from this destroy families. The School of Business war") meant drafts cause war, he's period of time, sends it to the credit To executive committee has attempted really coming off the wall. answer your question, Jeff, I, "I bureau, who in turn marks you with too, oppose spiritual murder. really don't have a presidential to correct their "so-called" grade America is in fur it. World War bad credit. That means no car loans, Now I have candidate, but if I had to choose inflation at the expense of insulting HI has been going on since World a question for you. Is no VISA card, no nothing. the Art someone, it the students and the business War II ended. Demilitarization in Department subsidized by would be Barry Com- I feel that the way to go about Pussycat Theaters? faculty. It seems that they have the '80s is suicide. Even if we moner, Director of Urban Develop- this is through consumer protection neglected the idea of solving their ( especially if we) never defend Curtis Mills ment in New York City. What this services, such as television stations, problem through the various in- another country's freedom, we will Undeclared, freshman newspapers, the Consumer country is primarily missing right now dividual faculty members who they eventually have to defend ourselves Protection Agency, etc. Don't ruin is urban development. We need to feel are giving away free "A"s. If militarily. There is no choice your credit for years to come. Pay this is the only course of action the we're going to have to defend develop our country." your bill. executive committee has, then somebody. The less ready we are Rob Corder maybe it's time for a new business when attacked, the more we'll suffer Dan Marx Spartan Daily Art, graduate student Social Science, senior executive committee. and lose while building the needed Dr. Laurie accused the strength. Editor Boni Brewer Associated Students of being Drafts don't always prevent Intellectuals Ad Manager Teter 'political on this issue when the only war, but they never cause them. Doug News Editor Filen Goodwin thing they did was to bring this Janne Williams "Right now, it would be Carter mistreat religion City Editor Brian Boyd matter out into the open. If what the Humanities because he is probably the only one Associated Students did was wrong, Opinion Editor Janet Fields Layout Editor Scott Hinrichs who would have a chance to keep this then it was a drop in the bucket Editor: Feature Ed ...Catherine Cassidy compared to the actions of Dr. Credit ruined What's country out of war and stabilize it in with Kathleen Fritz do Sports Editor Dave Meltzer Laurie and his cohorts. English majors really read the some way. Reagan is going to divide The business faculty as a whole if phone unpaid Assoc. Sports Ed Joan Casserly letters to which they respond? Special Pages Ed .... Brian Wirth the country into every race and the are fine professors and fair graders, Jeff Barnes did not object to our Entertainment Ed .... Jon people are going to feel that they have and I hope they do not take the Editor: Bloom right to "question or attack Consumer Ed .... Kim Bergheim been cheated in some way. Anderson grading policy seriously. With all the Recently, there has been a lot of religion" as near as I can tell. Nor Business Mgr Rita Leung uproar that is happening on this talk about the phone company's high does not have any power in Congress. did he condemn Chess as a person. Retail Ad Mgr ... Brian McMahon matter, hopefully the business installation/connection fee for dorm Quite the contrary, he called him a Carter is just about the only choice Promotions Dir I isa Gauer we've got." Art Director Mike Clark Natl Ad Mgr Mike Doyle' William Rankin Photo Editor Kyle Brehm Accounting, sophomore Chief Photo Mark Schwab Editorial staff Holly Allen, Mary Apanasewicz, Sonia Arm- strong, Joseph Aseo, Mark Corsi, Daily Policy Kathleen Dutro, David Jacob, Sandra Kleffman, Libby Lane, Judy Larson, Daniel Martin, The policy of the Spartan Daily ety of viewpoints on issues affect- Thomas Mays, Jerry McDonald, regarding letters and material ing the university community. Gregory Miles, John Minnis, submitted from individuals or or- Comments, columns and editori- Wayne Norton, Anne Papineau, ganizations outside of the Spartan als will discuss local, state, nation- Jacqueline Rae, Jo Ann Souza, Daily staff is as follows: al and international affairs. Steve Stroth, Sam Tuohey, Mary Editorials reflect the position of Washburn, Michelle Waugh, Jim Letters the Daily. Opinion columns ex- Wolfe, Nancy Young. Letters should be submitted at press the views of the writer or or- Advertising staff Lisa Astor, the Daily Office (JC 208) between 9 ganization and will appear with a l.ynette Alexander, Cathy a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays, or by byline attributing the article ac- Baldacci, Patty Burckhard, Gayle mail to the Opinion Page, do the cordingly. Calkins, James Canley, Dave Spartan Daily, San Jose State Uni- The Daily encourages reader Detmers, Mitch Fleischman, Karl versity, 125 S. Seventh St., San comments regarding editorials, Jose, Freitag, Christy: Hall, Rosl CA 95192. opinions and news stories. liollinbeek, Susan Klaar, Laura All letters must include the Larson, Kevin I,ucido, Cathy writer's signature, major, class Releases Morris, Bryan Murphy, Marianne standing, address and telephone Releases should be submitted as Pfeifer, Mike Pierce, Dorian number. Only the name, major and early as passible to the City Editor Richards, Chris Rose, Mike Smith, class standing will be printed. at the Spartan Daily Office or by Don Solomon, Todd Tankersley, The Spartan Daily reserves the mail. The sooner the release is re- Tracy Vanceil, John Webb, Em- right to limit the number of letters ceived, the better coverage the mett Webster, Jordie Welles, Jon on a given topic after a sufficient topic may receive. amount of comment has Wilson, Kim Wintermute. appeared. All releases should include a Photography staff Eva Allen, The Spartan Daily reserves the telephone number that can be call- Sal Bromberger, Ciro Buonocore, right to edit for length. ed in case further information is WHY NOT LT BILLY CARTER DEBATE Rornone Espanol, Tom Ovalle, needed. TI4 E. PRES! DENT, AT LEAST HEs OT Glenn Matsumura. Tina McBee, Opinion All other releases of lesser ini- A FORE IGN Poocy Dan Murphy, Tom Surges, JoAnn portance can be left in the Sparta- Lhelszki. Roger Woo. The intent of the Spartan Daily guide box located in Journalism Opinion Page is to present a vari- East, room 208. October 10 1 980 Pay., 3

Mexican cantina to emerge in January PUBLIC NOTICE... Completion of Pub renovation put off ONE DAY ONLY STEREO SALE by Judy Larson awarded to Gearhart and be kept to a minimum," Student Services is ?ant said. FREE ANTENNA when purchasing stereo with speakers. Contractors began Spivey last week. Zant said. "It's not major expected to be the one most Estimation of the exact demolishing the interior of The total cost of construction like the bothered by the noise, Zant completion date is difficult, SATURDAY, OCT. 11, 1980 10 AM - 3 PM the Spartan Pub yesterday remodeling the Pub, in- library. said. both Zant and Schulze said. SHERATON SUNNYVALE, morning. cluding equipment pur- "We won't be driving Student Services will "We always anticipate "The floors, wall chased by Spartan Shops, pylons or anything," he be warned ahead of time some delays," Schulze 1100 N. MATILDA, SUNNYVALE coverings and old fixtures, is $240,000, Zant said. added. which days will be noisy, said. MUSICAR STEREO will Fm, such as outlets, have to be The Pub will be -,iiducting a drastic redur min sale of its inventory of FAMOUS-MAKER Brand New and sier,,, item. ripped out" before remodeled in a Mexican Refursbushed Equipment. The br-I..w will be sold on a first-come first -served basis. reconstruction and cantina style. Installation .1 DAY ONLY, while quantities last. remodeling work can of a full bar, a full-size begin, John Schulze said. pizza oven and an in- Bike shop reopens; VALUE ONLY ONLY Ed Zant, manager of tegrated ceiling will add to VALUE Spartan Shops, said he still the atmosphere, Zant said. Only AM/FM Cassette Only AM FM Cassette hopes the Pub will be Materials for the 4 Car Stereos In -dash $ 99 $39 22 for Cy &Auto Reverse $ 190 $89. completed and open for project will be unloaded manager hired Only AM/FM 8 -Track Only Power new Boosters ,., 6 airk business when students from trucks parked on the 6 Car Stereos, In dash $89 $39. 27 tor Stereo High Wattage return from Thanksgiving sidewalk next to the Pub. by Nancy Young A.S. recently raised the johnsen said. "Not all of Only AM/FM 8 -Track 30 rOnlys tAe rMe /oF, MI nt. pa: sseh e $139 $59 holiday. At other times, 32 Car Stereos, in -dash $119 $59 the con- With a new manager, pay to more than $4 per the distributors cut off 011. However, "It probably tractors will probably two mechanics and a $400 hour, depending on ex- their supplies to us. Only Graphic Equal1"" Only AM/FM Cassette. 61,0e, $ 89 won't be done until the first utilize parking on Seventh surplus to invest in parts perience, in an effort to "We may be limited by 10 fur Car. High Wattage. $59 10 Dolby. 40 watts. 11Z0 OVe.. of January," said Schulze, Street, Schulze said. employ an experienced and equipment, the A.S. supplies, space and 451390it r a partner of Gearhart and Zant does not an- Bike Shop opened for manager and mechanics. money," he continued, Spivey Construction ticipate that construction business Monday. "The A.S. was paying a "but the staff is not limited Company. will interfere with business Mike Gudjohnsen, an little more than minimum with enthusiasm." "We did sign a three- in the bakery. The Pub economics senior, was wage and expected a lot of - month contract and there operates in the bakery chosen from 10 applicants stork," Medina said. s e have been a few delays in after 4 p.m. Contractors for the position of A.S. Bike Only AM/FM Cassette Pao only Triasal Car The A.S. looked into the Spartan starting," Schulze said. will use a fire exit to come manager. Digital Readout 20 speakers Giant Mags. $ 99 $49 Shop possibility of relocating the 10 Electronic Tuner w $289 The $1 5 2, 0 0 0 and go, Zant added. According to Jean $189... Bike Shop from the upper Sun & Seek remodeling contract was "We hope the noise will Lenart, A.S. business level of the Student Union, Gardens manager, advertisements where it's presently lodged were placed on billboards between the AS. Council the lowest form of humor ally flynn 6 John burton at various locations on the needs Chambers and the Pacheco campus in late August. Room, to the lower level, However, applicant trash where Earth Toys was Relurbrthed response was slow. located and expanding the The Spartan Gardens "We only began getting Or I, 4 I,r111, Cal facilities. Recycling Center, on 7th 20 SUIe it vs 0( S'Us'n' te'r 'Oda' sh $ 59 $35 20 JOlt $ 50 $19 applicant response "The move is not recently," Lenart said. and Humboldt streets, feasible right now," needs trash. "The new manager had to Medina said. "We would The center meet the qualifications of a collects have to pay the Student glass, newspapers, bike manager and a Union $170 a month for aluminum, tin, scrap mechanic." rent. If it's going to move, metal, cardboard and even According to A.S. it's got to get going first." car oil. President Mike Medina, Uishe,1 Local companies pick the primary consideration "We really need more up the recycling material Pairs Only -Morhilor Pair Only- 2-Way Car in in selecting a manager was floor space," Gudjohnsen and use them to 2O4 -Way Speakers $119 $69,,, 23 Speakers. Dual Cone. 113v ePwstg... finding someone who could said. "If we had more manufacture new repair bicycles and do space, we would look into products. ALL MERCHANDISE COMES WITH WARRANTIES! invoices. the possibility of selling Run by the Associated The Public is invited - Buy one or all the the quanties listed In the past, the A.S. bicycles. Even if the ONE Students, the center is open paid mechanics and supplier would give us VISA - Master Charge - Cash 10 AM weekends from 10 a.m. to 4 DAY managers a salary slightly bicycles on credit, we have SORRY NO PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED p.m. and Wednesdays from ONLY 3 PM. 4441Six above minimum wage, no room to sell them. 10 a.m. which is $3.10 an hour. The 'I'm 100 percent for to 12 p.m. moving," he added. "No one knows where we are." Success of the Bike Shop is also hindered by the A.S. board opposes location because students must take an elevator to the upper level, walk through the Student Union new 'curve' grading with their bicycles and search for the shop. by Stephen D. Stroth "If a substantial number of main focus is the African According to Gud- You deserve the lop-of The Associated people in the class achieve student." johnsen, part of the $400 the "A" level, the stan- surplus will be allocated Students board of directors Harrison said that the dards have clearly been set toward publicity through condemned the newly PASU works indirectly too low." flyers and radio and imposed "curve" for with the All African "Imposing restrictions newspaper adver- grading business classes People's Revolutionary on teachers is not going to tisements. and approved the Party and will probably enhance the student's allocation of $3,088 to the have AAPRP represen- "We'll eventually get learning," board member Pan African Student Union tative Bob Brown speak people in here," he said. Bill Santi said. during its Wednesday during one of the seminars. "We want to help cyclists and develop a respec- meeting. "I hope they (School oi Brown was a follower tability that the Bike Shop A resolution submitted Business) realize what a of Malcolm X in the '60s lost last year." Jim Rowen, director of precedent it is for the by and has been a frequent affairs, was administration to tell in- Previously, the AS. academic speaker at SJSU. approved by the board structors what grades to Bike Shop had experienced despite some opposition give and how many The board warned the difficulty obtaining parts from Bob Fudenna, students to flunk," Rowen PASU that all the spon- from local bicycle director of community said. sored activities "must be distributors. The shop affairs. generally has lower prices "A great majority of educational and in- formative and not political than repair shops within a The resolution called the students enrolled here or religious." 10-mile radius of the for A.S. to oppose attempts are business students," campus, and in some cases "by anyone within the Rowen said. "A lot of them Santi, who is respon- offers one-day service.

university administration are taking their field quite sible for seeing that According to Medina, establish the to ultimately seriously and are per- sponsored groups spend the competitive pricing grading policy of any in- forming better than their their money in accordance caused local distributors to structor." predecessors." to A.S. rules, pledged boycott selling parts to the Fudenna said that the "I think it would help adherence to those rules in A.S. Bike Shop. new policy would make the San Jose State," Fudenna the board's warning to "We'll find other ways standards of the School of said. "Without it, we tend PASU. to get the parts," Gud- Business higher. "There's to get mediocrity" in the nothing wrong with high business program. standards," he said. -What we wish to The School of Business prevent is some mockery of recently adopted a "curve" student performance SPARTANTWI grading guideline to disasters like 60 percent combat "grade inflation," A's and B's," Laurie said 11th &SAN CARLOS the issuance of too many earlier. (1 8L11 from CAMPUS) good grades by instructors. In addition to the 75 Washers In a memo to irt- resolution, the board ap- and Dryers structors stating the new proved a request by the EOIN guidelines, Edward Laurie, Pan African Students Union NO WAITING for $3,088. LAUNDRY associate dean of the of Business, said, FREE PARKING School The request must be signed and approved by SJSU President Gail Fullerton before the Spartan Daily allocation becomes final. Get the edge! Prepare to take the Serving the San Jose State University ommunity Daryl Poe, PASU Since 1931 president, said the group rUCPS509-11101 was seeking funds from Second class postage paid at San LSAT Jose. California Member of Cal- A.S. for films, dances and ifornia Newspaper Publishers seminars that would Law Schools Admissions Test Association and the Associated enhance "the un- Class meets Saturdays, Oct. 25-Nov 22, 198b Press Published daily by San people 9 ii.m..12:30 p.m.. Jose State University. during derstanding of black in America." Business Classroom Bldg 112. SJSU campus enjoy the taste The opinions of the college year imported #1ein Total feels $80 including materials' expressed in the paper are not necessarily those of the Depart- The seminar topics will Want to bathe head on a STEINInger "T" shirt? Name Mass ment of Journalism and include a session on For further information For SS. each, your choir-rot pink or " blue (girl's medium only.) Address Communications. the University women, scheduled for the Education Send your check or money order to ShawRoss Importers. Inc., Administration or any student Office of Continuing Box 3562, Miami, Florida 33169 (Allow 6.8 weeks for delivery.) or faculty organization Sub- first week in November, Journalism Classroom Bldg 13613 Zip scriptions accepted on a remain- the role of the African San Jose Slate University der of semester basis Full aca- student and a three-day San Jose. CA 95192 demic year, 915. Each semester. seminar on Africa. (408) 277-2182 97 50. Off-campus price per copy, 15 rents. Phone Editorial 277-3191 Advertising 277-3171 "Anyone can come," Printed by Independent Pubbee- PASU secretary uenise bora. Harrison said, "but our San Jose State University

rornloor Page 4 ,,tub,,,,,,980 CO1 ISLIMC1-4 MM.= Don't let repair shops drive you around Faulty automobile repairs can be avoided as by Joe Aseo sonic questions: Automcdive Excellence. auto repair classes geared Anza College, and The consumer should for the consumer to learn adJlt education programs, Your car needs Is the repair shop also offer consumer not know if "THEN OWCV WE FOUND A dirty auto repairs You do clean and orderly? .epaic classes. LS the frayed the problem TH RALoV L.Eist shop with tools strewn cracked heater The consumer can perform fanbelt, the about may have the best needed oil Anyone interested in hose or the A mechanics in the business, was neglected. learning how to repair their change that but generally, an orderly many repairs himself the car to the car can call Leisure Ser- You take shop indicates a shop cares mechanic. After vices (277-2971), De Anza local about its work, according 150 for three hours visit or call individual basic repairs and become College ( 996-5567), or paying to Burch. in the shop, the car still shops for estimates. He more knowledgeable about Metropolitan Adult needs repairs. Join the should understand the his automobile. Lecal Education (998-6350) for Is the equipment specific repairs that are community colleges, such further information. crowd. being used? A $5,000 Last year, the Bureau included in the estimate, oscilloscope is not ask any :--’41r*-410-4,"*" -Ir---det-tir-" of Automotive Repair questions on benefitting the consumer if anything that is unclear, handled over 24,000 con- it sits in the corner while sumer complaints about and ask for a written MACE TRAINING the mechanic tunes a car guarantee for the repairs rattles that weren't by ear. PROTECT YOURSELF repaired, squeals that done and understand what the guarantee covers. weren't squelched and 1zteiyd totr Or it. C42. Is there evidence Be fuly licensed to carry tear gas other assorted auto that the mechanics are The consumer can for self protection

ailments that weren't fixed qualified to work on the learn to perform many by the more than 30,000 The repair shop must repairs. resolved. automobile? Look for repairs himself. Simple $25 PER PERSON auto dealers, corner the be registered with the With a few referrals certificates from jobs, such as changing the Class On 16th. 7.30130 p m garages and specialty Once the consumer Bureau of Automotive from friends, the consumer has manufacturer of the heater hoses, fan belts, and Holiday Inn. Bawd Room shops that diagnose and the Better a list of reputable dealers, the Repair and display a sign should call automobile stating radiator hoses every two 282 Almaden Blvd let San Callus) repair passenger vehicles, Bureau at 298- he can get estimates for the received listing the consumer's Business mechanic has years can lenghthen the Pay at the Ow Burch, according to Joseph rights and the bureau's toll- 5880 to see if the bureau has needed repairs. If the training for that car's life, according to

bureau spokesman. free telephone number, received any complaints consumer visits the shops automobile, or from Burch. PROFESSIONAL REGIONAL TRAINING The consumer is not (800) 952-5210, to handle about these shops and if (a good idea for the first national organizations such 1415) 6801 363 powerless against repair complaints. those complaints were estimate) he should ask as the National Institute for Leisure Services offers shops. The consumer does The bureau handles have basic rights by law complaints of the dealers The Bettmann Archive 1980 Beer Brewed by Miller Brewing Co Milwaukee, Wis that the dealer, garage or that do not follow the specialty shop, must provisions of the' law, such respect. as exceeding the written The repair shop must estimate without the give the consumer a consumer's consent, ac- written estimate of the cording to Burch. repair work to be done and must get the consumer's The bureau does not

Estimates for a tuneup showed a great difference among local shops. There was a 25 percent difference between the lowest and highest estimate for a tuneup for a 1975 Mercury Comet. Phone estimates for the tuneups included changing the points, spark plugs, distributor rotor, condensor, setting the dwell and timing and changing the air cleaner. Auto Shop Quality Tune-Up Shops 598 S. First St. Price San Jose 279-9079 $43.00

San Jose Ford 2111 N. First St. San Jose 998-8600 $60.00

Goodyear Tire Service 490S. First St. San Jose 998-1404 $46.88 ( price does not include air cleaner)

Oscar's Garage 1098 E. William St. San Jose 286-8698 $55.00

consent before exceeding handle complaints where that estimate. the repair was not to the The repair shop must consumer's satisfaction or get the consumer's consent the price charged is con- before additional repairs sidered too high. The are done and give an bureau will not recommend estimate for the additional products or shops, or work. collect any money for the

Consumers have basic rights that the shops must respect

The repair shop must consumer, according to return any replaced parts Burch. if the consumer asks for The consumer can them when the work order avoid problems if he is placed. carefully chooses a The repair shop must reputable shop. The con- give a detailed invoice sumer should ask friends after the repairs are done where they take their cars that includes parts, labor to be repaired, and if they and any warranty work. are satisfied with the ******* ***** ****** ENGINEERS Employment in San Francisco Area We seek BS. or M.S. candidates in the tollowtng

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On-Campus Interviews October 13-14, 1980


page. sports October 10, 1980 Elway, Erickson expecting the unexpected Spartans open league play tomorrow night

by Jerry McDonald in college footba,11. I love Pacific 10 at California last year." If one is to believe it," Sweeney said. before transferring to his Sweeney wasn't sure Fresno State football coach Sweeney admits he home town. how the loss of Jim Sweeney. the Spartans misjudged the ability of his The Bulldog offense would should have themselves an team at the beginning of has been inconsistent most affect the Spartans. easy win in their opening the season. of the year, having its "That's unknown, Pacific Coast Athletic "It was my mistake moments both running and because from all the Association game Saturday early that we projected passing, but not in the reports we have on Scott night at Spartan Stadium. ourselves better than we same game. Ruiz, he can do the same "I'd say it would take a were," Sweeney said. "We run the same things,:' Sweeney said. shot gun and a couple of "Since then, we re- offense as the St. Louis "He's a tough kid, and can snipers," was what evaluated our team and on Cardinals, and try to show throw long and short. And Sweeney replied when a scale of excellent, very a mix of both running and Gerald Willhite is a super asked what it would take to good, and good, I'd say our passing," Sweeney said. back and a super kid. In beat the Spartans in the improvement has been "We are trying to develop a fact, I tried to recruit hint 7:30 p.m. homecoming very good." better balance of the two, to come here." game. Despite Sweeney's but haven't been able to The game will be the Spartan head coach apparent downplay of his yet. That is something only Spartans' first at home Jack Elway and offensive team's ability, their the greatest teams can since their Sept. 6 28-14 win coordinator Dennis defense has Spartan do." over Santa Clara. Erickson aren't buying it, coaches concerned. The Bulldogs pro-set An added attraction to however. And they should "They play a different features two players the game for the fans will know. kind of defense than -we recruited by Erickson be the appearance of SJSU Elway served as an have seen before," when he was Sweeney's alumnus and current assistant under Sweeney at Erickson said. "They use assistant at Fresno State, professional cheerleader Washington State from 1972 an eight-man front with quarterback Sergio "Krazy George" Hen- to 1975 and Erickson played three backs and do a lot of Toscano and fullback Ted derson, who makes a living quarterback for him at stunting and blitzing." Torosian. agitating crowds with his Montana State in the late Because of this, they "He's mobile, smart eccentric behavior. 1960s and assisted under play a lot of man-to-man and tough. He can him at Fresno State. coverage in the secondary scramble some and is very They are expecting the and this can make them competitive," Erickson unexpected. susceptible to the big said of Toscano. "I'm sure they'll do play," he continued. "They Of Torosian, Erickson some different things. He also will have to adjust to said, "He's their best (Sweeney) always does," what we do." player; he can run, block LAST NIGHT, Elway said. "They are A plus for the Bulldogs and catch passes." COAL MINER'S photo by Eva Allen coming off a big win and is that although they will Spartan defensive DAUGHTER I'm sure they're really Spartan tailback Gerald Willhite runs for some of the 138 yards he gained on 28 carries in last have to play some man-to- coordinator Lon Troxel THE BUDDY excited about the game." Saturday's 35-21 loss to Stanford. Willhite also scored three touchdowns in the game and was man coverage in the expressed concern with HOLLY STORY 15 The Bulldogs captured secondary, they have some Bulldog tight end Scott named the PCAA Offensive Player of the Week for his efforts. SAT NMI their second win of the cornerbacks that can do Scambray. TWO ITALIAN (WRITES season, a 31-25 win over Cal against Fullerton State. their program," Erickson The Bulldogs won the with the Oakland Raiders the job in brothers Anthony "In terms of catching BREAD AND Poly-San Luis Obispo. They SJSU is 2-2. said. "He'll get them back PCAA title in 1977 under in 1978 and the :3t. Louis and Tim Washington, both the ball, he's the best we CHOCOLATE have lost three times in- "Down the road, Jim to tough, disciplined Sweeney, who ther. left for. Cardinals in 1979. excellent in one-on-one have faced this year," 025 PLUS AMARCORD cluding a 39-25 PCAA game (Sweeney) will really help football." assistant coaching jobs "It's great to be back coverage. Anthony was All- Troxel said. "He hurt us 00 SUN & MON MICKEY ROONfY THE BLACK STALLION 9 15 SJSU beats Fresno, sports summary PLUS SJSU SEAN CONNERY THE WIND AND THE LION faces 4-7 Cardinals 1 00 r**********1 by Joe Aseo Cross country Poloists face tough competition Fe (SAT NM LATE SHOW The SJSU soccer team goes into tomorrow's game by Greg Miles by Jim Wolfe The SJSU team's UC-San Diego is 6-3 so A CLOCKWORK with Stanford looking for its fourth straight win. The ORANGE The SJSU cross country team will run against some of Tonight may not prove record stands at 5-6 for the far this season. I I 30 Spartans, who defeated the Fresno State Bulldogs 3-0 the best quality runners it will face all year, including to be an easy Friday night season. Wednesday night in Fresno, play the Cardinals at Harry many world class runners, when the team travels to Palo out of town for the SJSU The UC-Irvine team is Malone field at 1 p.m. Alto to run in the Stanford Invitational tomorrow. water polo team when it the strongest team Coach The win was the Spartans eighth against three losses, The meet will be held at the Stanford golf course. It takes on one of the best Ed Newland has had in 15 and gives SJSU a 2-0 Pacific Soccer Conference record. will begin at 10 a.m., and start at the second tee on the water polo teams in the years of coaching at Irvine. The Bulldogs drop to 6-3 and are winless in conference course. The distance will be 10,000 meters. nation. UC-Irvine has raced off play. The Spartans' mission is to do well against other The Cardinals are 4-7 for the season, but their per- The SJSU water polo to one of its best starts in a teams in the Pacific Coast Athletic Association, head team is scheduled to travel season ever with its record formance belies their record as Stanford coach Nelson coach Marshall Clark said. "Right now, UC-Irvine looks to play UC-Irvine tonight at at 7-0-1. THE MAGIC THEATRE Lodge had his team on a grueling East Coast road trip like the best team in the conference." 7 p.m., Long Beach State The winning start where they lost to soccer powers Brown, Connecticut, Clark believes his runners are healthy, but in this Just what we all seed - .A realll good lilt I tomorrow at 11 a.m, and duplicates its beginning in Rhode Island and Yale. They sport a 1-1 conference record meet, "We are up to our necks in competition," he said. come back home to play 1970 when it won the con- with a win over University of the Pacific 1-0, and a loss to Clark said he is hoping his runners won't get burned UC-San Diego at In- ference championships. University of San Francisco 5-0. during the outset of the meet, because it may be hard to MIDNIGHT dependence pool Sunday at UC-Irvine is coming off The Spartans crushed the Tigers 16-0 on Oct. 1. get a position, due to the large number of runners. 3 p.m. a successful round of play SHOWING Stanford features a twin-pronged scoring attack with "I would like to see Dan I Harvey I do well," Clark Spartan coach Mike last weekend when it won midfielder Willie Giacel, who led the team in scoring last said. "How Dan does is a big factor. Tickets MacNaMa said he expects its own tournament, the $2.50 season with 20 goals, and forward Ted Rafalovich who led "It's a big challenge to him, because it gives him an to win only one game out of UC-Irvine Invitational, We're located the nation in scoring as a freshman in 1978 with 28 goals. idea of how he will do in his efforts to make the NCAA the three - UC-San with six straight wins. Rafalovich missed much of the 1979 season with a knee championships," Clark added. Diego. at (191 E. Santa injury and only managed to score nine goals. Clark said there is one advantage for running on this UC-Irvine is the No. 1 During the competition Clara at 25th St. Rafalovich and Giucci have four and six goals course, and that is, the team will)oe running on the course water polo team in the in the tourney, the Irvine 293-1552 respectively so far this season. again in the PCAA Championships, on Nov. 15. This will nation, as ranked by the poloists beat their rival for The Spartans match Stanford's scoring tandem with give the team an idea of what to expect next time. coaches, according to the No. 1 ranking, Stanford, Sat., Oct. 11 the conference's top two scorers - forwards Giulio Ber- Featured in the field will be such teams as UCLA, MacNaMa. 7-3. Cardoso leads the conference in MIDNIGHT nardi and Sergio Cardoso. which is considered the favorite by Clark. UCLA features SJSU's team won three UC-San Diego lost to Bernardi is right behind him scoring with 15 goals, and an outstanding runner in Steve Ortiz. out of four games last week UC-Irvine last weekend, 15- Pre-show begins 11:45 p.m. with 11. Also present will be Nevada-Reno, which features the to place second in the small 9. against the Bulldogs serves MAGIC FOR YOUR RIAD Wednesday night's game Columbian runners, Stanford, with runners Rod Berry, colleges division at the Long Beach State's as an example of the Spartan's scoring prowess as Car- and Fresno State, led by Tim Holmes. Stanford Invitational. record this season is 7-4. come early BY TOM ALLEN doso fired two penalty kicks that combined with Ber- nardi's header off a pass by Simon Chafer to give the edge against a team that SJSU coach Julie Menendez said "was sky high for us." "This is the best win we've had this season as we played well against a team that was ready for us," Menendez said. Homecoming 1980 The Spartans have played flat in the past and lost games to soccer powers as Fullerton State and San Diego State, both ranked in the 10 top teams on the West Coast. /Th SJSU's wins against ranked teams were Sunday's win SPIRIT RALLY! OCT 1O& 11 A 4,,,g404-1 against sixth-ranked University of t w/f00...ok ir; A 1-arg and a close 1-0 win mer Santa Clara. SJSU is currentl% Friday at noon in the 40441/vekp ranked seventh on the coast. (81064-0 to 11-.S4-11044 S.U. Amphitheater 11* 0-wire #i' k*P-itili'rff.11L", kJ? I, PRI K.14 Vo 1 Wei i4.711H-) P $`,1 'NNE Join the football team gAlltrYfeil At-144V1411iil in this Wild & Rowdy time! III teLhOPtiViell W Odtic ' I ' floviti)-1 ill4-a - " n)11$1110 NV Ill AK, 8, .:-..- - ... . - .: --6

4M4) J 03J 44 rV--t 1410beP it4 Jac' gab TAILGATE PARTY! 1,1E1P1 Radio and Don Cox's Country Western Band File Wednesday Cinema will be playing Saturday from 4-6:20 p.m. on the NEXT WEDNESDAY! north side of Spartan Stadium. Come join the fun 7& 10 P.M. and get involved ... Dress Western style! $1.50 It will be a great time and a fastastic Game! Min ris .Anditoritim I Mike Howell at 277-3235 Sponsored by Associated Students' sports October 10. 19e0. Pe 7 Volleyballers stumble by USF, host Cards by Joao (asserly serving inconsistent, and won the game team." well when we lost to them," Associnte Sports Editor solid spikes few and far "Our passing was too When asked if SJSU she said, referring to the It wasn't so much that between. strong ( bumps were like can defeat the Cardinals, team's performance the SJSU women's Nevertheless, SJSU did line drives, not high ar- Brugler replied, "We can against the Cardinals' in volleyball team was not breeze to what should ching shots which are beat them. We go into each the Berkeley Invitational. worthy of a win, it was just have been an easy victory easier to set up) which game thinking we will win. that the University of San over a team which went 0- forced the setters into "If the rest of our game "We passed well Francisco Dons deserved 12 in conference play last going to the outside," SJSU is up to par, I think our against Fresno, so we know to lose. season. coach Marti Brugler noted. block can take care of we can do it. We just have The Lady Spartans The Lady Spartans Stanford," Brugler said. "The one consolation is to prepare ourselves bet- were given three games by captured game one, 15-9, that the blocking was "We didn't play that ter," Brugler commented. the hapless Dons Wed- aided by the serves of good, a lot better than the nesday night in Spartan Joyce Sprout and Rene rest of the game," she said. Gym, 15-9, 15-13, 15-5. Fitzgerald. If SJSU intends to In the second game, Brugler also said that stand a chance against the USF held a 12-8 lead before the team's passing was No. 20 ranked Stanford their inability to return very bad and the setting team, they will have to serves cropped up once was inconsistent. drastically improve their again, and SJSU went on to "We didn't play smart play. The Lady Spartans win, 15-13. defensively," she said. tonight Down two games to host the Cardinals "The players were Gym. none, the USE players at 8 in Spartan reaching into each other's are 15-5 became tentative about The Cardinals areas." on the season, while SJSU going for loose balls, letting is 6-14-1 over all and 1-0 in easy shots drop to the floor, Brugler described league competition. and continuing their bad tonight's opponent, Earlier this season, Pim. by Sal Bromberger bumps. The Lady Spartans Stanford, as a "scrappy Stanford captured threc Lady Spartans Jodi Breding (left) and Sandy Price cheered on the SJSU straight from the Lady volleyball team Wednesday night when they defeated the USF Dons. Spartans by scores of 15-5, EMPLOYMENT OFFER 15-8 in the Berkeley SJSU will try to make it two in a row tonight when they host the No. 20 15-10, BILINGUAL POLICE OFFICERS Invitational. ranked Stanford Cardinals. However, Cardinal (Spanish & English) sophomores. game. could be charitably coach Fred Sturm stated, City of San Jose "Our primary strength The Dons' passing described as erratic, their "I believe San Jose is is our physical condition," Qualifications: Salary: definitely capable of Sturm continued. beating us. Speak Spanish & Englosh SI 010-52 315 Age 21.35 Benefits Mechanical pencil fans are "I expect San Jose to Sturm said that Take Me To Your Kinko's play real well," Sturm U S Citizen Paid vacation 4 day wort all shook-up over the Pilot another asset for the Vision 70-50 uncorrected 3 consecutive days oil said, adding that if SJSU FOR QUALITY "Shaker"and NEO-X lead. Stanford team is its depth. 4C Correctable lo 2020 Paid medical 8 dental plan has a good night, "it could "I have 12 players XEROX COPIES Just shake the -Shaker out comes a sliding protective that I _ be a very, very tough - sleeve then the lead, Want more lead, Shake it again, am confident to put in at That's For further into call all 4 takes to advance the lead in this beautiful, match." any time. NO MINIMUMS $598 Mechanical pencil. And it comes with the SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT Sturm said that "We really work famous Pilot 2 year unconditional guarantee. Stanford's major disad- 271.051 Then there's our extra strength NEO.X lead. We've proven it's the together as a unit," he 1.-Z" XOSE ,trongest lead in the world. Comes in tour diameters and various degrees vantage is its inexperience. added. 1,1 all mechanical pencils. The *Shaker' mechanical Pencil and P1(0-S lead fhlingures only sown ..... d to apply /777 411 but three of the Car- .nake it Or 'click it* It'll come out great in the end All 123 5 Third St Final tiling dale Oct 15 1940 dinals' 15-player team are But teamwork was not FOL/M-F 481 E. Son Carlos St 295-4336 295-551 1 Thefthakee'Invyr- MD -X LEAD either freshmen or evident at the USF-SJSU MCIUNICla ef IC t 5.1101oCISi !In nil MAIO classifieds

rent COLORFUL COASTERS CRUISE SNIPS FOREIGN student wanted to SPECIAL WITH THIS AD TYPING fe years experience. All EXPERIENCED TYPIST High TYPING Fast, accurate and Announcements Imported from Germany. What was Club Mediterranean. sailing en. room Pt home of American family NANTELLE ELECTROLYSIS formats g , neatness, qaalify work. Papers returned professlonel. Deadlines guaranteed a collectors item from the peditoonsi Needed- Sports in- Call Betty al 11444235 after 630 p.m. UNWANTED HAIR REMOVED deadlines guaranteed. IBM Corr. quickly. Will type anything. Low roles. Call Janet 265-1356. restaurants and pubs of Germany structors. office personnel, court. PERMANENTLY BY DIANE Sol. II, So, WalleaSein Pill area, Selectroc II, CU! Conn., at 314.3147. for many. traveller can now Sr selors Europe, Caribbean, 206 N. BASCOM 314-4411 Cal/ K ',hie at 571.1216 tramp cm. to WANTED: Ilesball cards, year- yours. C eat tor partoes and pray Worldwide' Summer Careers Send 9 a.m. PROFESSIONAL TYPING. Theses, books and work, series programs, local around the home I for 5243 SS VS plus 75 hanci'mg for ad . prolects, etc. !VI Found TYPING- One tarter to large mail autographs, . sports (includes tax and shopping) send pbcations. openings gU 'de to Lost and Correcting 11. Can Cynthia 51 247 owls, reports, manuals or resumes. Travel memorabilia . QUICK CASH Su Dr. cash or check to. German Imports, CRUISEWORLD 20, Box 401310, 8413 (Santa Ciara), or Mary ott 963. Services Quality work at reasonable prices. Lapin. Buy Tower 163, or .11 1117 Inc., P.0 Box 2294, Sunnyvale, CA Sacramento. CA 95140, or 0261 (Mt. View). Call THE EXECUTIVE'S 0191 04017. CRUISEWORLD 30, 2535 Wan Ave. ASSISTANT at 200 1148. Journalism texts on 9/9 Sacramento, CAMP, LOST: 3 NEW YEAR Plan. Take cue PEAVEY TROY AMP. Excellent JC 22t if found. please call 6541409 UNIVERSITY PROFESSIONAL STUDENT Dental LOOKING ter a TYPING: ACCURACY, NEATNESS IN HAWAII money, too. condition. SIPS or offer. Amp. cord ENGINEERING STUDENTS Earn or contact Journalism Office. SERVICES of your moultt and save ph ggggggg her? Your wedding and DEADLINES GUARANTEED. Jan, 6-11 5371.00 Information at A.S. included. Call 377-3390 between 45. 5. Help Engr. graduate pass EIT. TYPING 292.2/50 Enroll nowt! photographs by John Ewe Paulson Ep on masters, reports, and Jan, I'll 5311.00 Aqua -Sot. 423-5211. Leave message. FOUND - Graham. I found your 798 N SEVENTH ST Office, Or W137101111. are expressions of love soft, elegant dissertations Approved by SJSU Jan 512 539000 CHEAP! Singing telegrams. The Calculator. Call Margie 379-3313. SAN JOSE. CA and universally understood For the Grad. Office. IBM Set II can Janet Includes air, hotel, tra WORSHIP: Gamma Phi pledge class wall song ATHLETIC SALES Part or fall CAMPUS MINISTRY finest award winning photography, at 2274535. 444 E W,Il,am St Protestant, 3 p.m. Sundays, Roman thew way into your hearts for any time help wanted. Earn up 001110' San Jose. CA 0SII2 call John at 448.21U. ALL TYPING Fast, professional, Calttolsc, 11 p.m. Sundays and occasion For further onformatoon, 200/week. Yrs: 44 p.m. Men-Fro. TYPING Theses, term papers, etc One blk south 01 campus bet accurate Sel II Theses and term Episcopal, 010 p.m. forst and third call Lynne or Lan, at 991 9585 Call Jerry 3901140. Ea per fenced and last Reasonable Open? days a wuk MOVING AND HAULING. Nave Papers specialty Reports. Sundays at the Campus Christian wee, 2 10 Personals rates. Call 3611-1674. Call 2/3 1613 large truck available for all sorts of manuls. resumes, etc Center, 3000. 10th Street PART/FULL time work from home IOU. Call Roy at US 4917. typong Exp. Eastridge Area 0011003 _ processing mail or STUDENT TRAVEL

WEDDING photography in a price unnec Excellent income potentwil. Our servwes cost you nothing extra CAMPUS CHRISTIAN CENTER: RA-SYTYPE TYPING SERVICE TYPING EXparlenved Sec'y types ggggg you can afford 5100 and up For into, send stamped self add. I WOULD like to find trustworthy We speclaille on international and Roman Cathaiw and Protestant Reports, theses, term papers Fast all, low Cost, , fast, high For beautiful pictures, call James at Automotive envelope to. KIT Nguyen, 5421 woman companion to share my domestic flights TRIP AND campus mnislries offer relogious quality, Call Pam at Minden CI., Si 95123. and le. Call 2494413, 247-26111, eyes. 3101092 apartment. I am cerebral palsied services, study groups, social event$ TRAVEL PLANNING COMPANY. IT MAKES SENSE man with voice defect. Five rent. 444 E W11116171 St 110th and Wm I. and counseling 300S 10th St phone BEST PRICES TYPESETTERS and AD SALES '70 OPEL Manta. Call 294230d after 5 P.m 2900204. Fr Dan Derry, Sr Joan TYPING: Prompt. San Jose, CA 95117 Open 7 days a coat BEST MACHINE DIAL A SPIRITUAL THOUGHT 4' PEOPLE for publication week Hours. M. 5, rues to Fro. Luxurious, 65K miles. Panella, Ms Lynda DeManti, Rev. BEST TYPIST professional. Reports, term papers, Chimes, cerning radio guide and stories. Get 249-5573. Church of Me Speed. AM/FM cassette, MEN? WOMEN/ JOBS ON Norb F ornhaber. Rev Peter manuscripts. Call Donna's Typing 0.6: Set. 0.5; Sun noon+ Call 14061 on on ground floor young company. PION 3010, No. $23 Reformed Church of America. 1447 SNIPS! Arneroun. foreign No 01/24613. A/C, regular gas. $1,800 or Koopman 217'433S AFTER 2 Service at 2974416. B ryan re., Si. Call 344430i best offer. Call Linda at Second issue Published end of Oct. experience required Excellent pay, Call Debbi at 9111341 after il p.m. Sunday servoces at 030 and 10:40 727-7311 or 296-26110. worldwide travel Summer lob or SCHOOL of Ballet Arts Ballet in Sunday School at 010. career. For onlormaloon. send 53 00 structron tor all ages and levels ESTABLISHED International Corp. to SEAFAX. Dept. 6.10, Box 2040, Personalised and detaoled in m ono successful natural food SIERRA CLUE Muting TosesdY Port Angeles, Washington 911362. struction or new loc 11.4 Lincoln weight loss program seeks top at 7:80 p.m. en the S.U. Guadalupe Ave Call 7804118 or 1913414. Room. Future utivottes include bike Help Wanted quality. I mansally responsible REPORTER wants to talk to per- individual Do you dare succeed? trips, slide shows, skiing trips, sons whose parents divorced when MAILING ADDRESS in Call John at 281 9846 alter pm. p011ucke and more For more they were 113 23 Conbdennal. Call B. IN BERKELEY? Reston& rep. formation, attend Tuesday's Vogt at 964 9312 after S. Rent a mailbox and we forward yOur Muting. mall lo any address Low rates HELP SELF INTERNS/VOLUNTEERS needed Advertise S1,no The Remote HEY SIGMA CHI Berkeley phone RECYCLE at Spartan 0 . 7th BY HELPING OTHERS for counseling and seen., sertweS !botany is PHI ready, we're Secretary, 7490 Cnannong Way, Suite DONATE BLOOD PLASMA Child Sex., Abuse Treatment and Humboldt streets. Donations of 503, Berkeley, CA 94/04 C11 11151 HYLAND PLASMA CENTER Program Contact D Ross at 191. willing and able. glass, newspapers, cardboard, 140-.345 aluminum, tin, scrap metal and oil. 31 $. ALMADEN AVE 3475 CALL 3040535 FOR EVERYONE in the Open Wed., 10-10 Sat and Sun, 104. A.S. funded INFO OR APPOINTMENT EARN BUCKS and be your owe The moonlighters have personally boss' Promote good helsIth, inspected the Gamma Phi's to be SKI CLUB distribute or Sunasu Products GUI sure they meet our high quality 291 6281 standards. so come loin the Typing It's honi000mmg1 Another Ski Club PART TIME en Gamma moonlighters and 00 Classifieds! tailgate party will begin at S p.m . COLLEGE STUDENTS Oct It in the north soccer I or kl at Monday Friday evenings and Phi. _ Spartan Stadium Think Aspen, It's Saturday MorndigS Telephone FUN CITY seeks artrachwe TYPING **Search, theses, eic rept around the corner. Sunup% Way In Pal, lull rime MR. sates Easy Clara Housing lady to share watching spectator IBM Self-Correttlna II, Santa begin Oct 14th in the S.0 at tam Money MOO representaltves earn Worts with. Call 201-0$116. area. Call Cynthia at 247-1433 Come to great Halloween party at 54 Sr per hOur Guaranteed salary Italian Gardens, Nov latI Pm For and bonus For intervoew Call Mr more ofife, call MU 920204. 1114-7101 FOR SALE Super 1 bdrrn 1 1,2 ba square feet, partial PART-TIME I IF OP Fireplace 1.700 COMPANIONS to disabled $70.000 to sell PORTUNITY .11 yOu're undecided basement Reduced children/adults 5335 per hour to area We* ong distance to SPARTAN DAIL v about career, but wollong to uplore Good Print Your Ad Here start Training provided Fley.ble rental 449 S opportunities arailesle in sales SJSU Good student the ;Count auOrroLoidlelv 30 4n1rus end apaCon loot hours Over 111 Also hiring Spanish MI 8112 or ear, hoe/ and sales management with large, 14th St. Call George at CLASSIFIED AD HATES bolonouI C11 the Community eastern based company, our part 2174717. Assoc Lefton for the Retarded at 1151. (Effective: Fall 1980) time Internship may be right for 0611 or tea 2259 you For more into , call Mr T J Each ROOM FOR RENT to a studio., at 14081 149 3272. Equal adth telltale student. Nice house in Opportunity Employer Milt. One 71v. Four Flee tional DRIVER/WAREHOUSEMAN. $4.50 Milpitas. SIM per Month including doily or several &or days days days days day PIP hair, 4 hours alIl101so and /hone. Call 261 1230 COw CH iv FLIP Ever flip a chip? days per week. Steady. Heavy meat 3 linos 1280 $350 $385 $405 $420 IV 70 16 PUS 1141.111.11) I Jon the tun. Oct hewn. Goad driving record. Per an 4 Mos 43 50 CI 20 $4 55 $4 75 $490 1.70 Print name Phone p.m at the 7th it. grass area. interview, call Mr. 0100 11 2/1491111. FOR RENT Room. II S 10th 500.4 44 20 $490 $525 $045 $560 1.70 Sponsored by R er 97 ille/Me. utilittes pd Snare botcher) Address 6 linos SI 90 $360 $5 95 $6 /5 $630 .170 and bath with 4 other oroental men PA R TTIME POSITIONS alton flt7*: WE MARE it easy to foetal home Phone survey tee political Cam Ph 280411115 after 2. r.,ty nclneedo I COOT FURNITURE RENTAL paien ContaelSe0111117121178. Each ddinonN hrre add 095 Stevens Creek Illyd , Santa 70 470 $ 70 $ 70 $ 70 Clara, I block east of Laser.. .AN JOSE RESIDENCE CLUE possibility to Make grand Eiollnev Call 9840433 10 Percent A VERY good Beautiful bldg. courtyard, SEND CHECK, MONEY ORDER 340,000 or more year on puttees piano, fireplace, kitchen Linen and student discount Including already MMOrnurn Throe Lines One OW OR CASH TO: balls good opportunities. Call maid *cry we SSO tS weekly 202 S discounted packages) Someone, hate laltlesueei SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS 1012300 after SP m 11th For more .nln 111 N arc ou 5 Imes 130 00 10 Ilne. I5 00 15 lines $60 00 call tell 0221 San Jose State University Son Jose, California 95192 PROCESS SERVERS: Over III, own Cheek a Cla,s1frenort 2 77-3 1 75 bias . For Sale car, U.S. clticen. I Pen SUPER RIPON 0 and buy Pay is Weer service and up. I will 1.111., I-1/1 ,7110 square ler. train yew. Per into.. call 3794911. Good ere* neon 17..ISU and bosun.. Ought?. Two days prior to publication with 511,011 and small 2nd OW11, Announcements Help Wanted Personals S EER MAKING In lint 3 wises Consecutive publicahon dates Only ATTENTION ARTISTS will carry balance Move in In. Automotive Hnuelng you will tw drinking import type Services TravI No refund. on cencelledaae board talents about S900/me 449 S lath it Ca:' beer for hall the ewe, of Coors We ScrIcn Cell Wow*, a Ern Soo. no end Pound Stereo Typing unique earning apporluelly. Cantle George lalevli at Ill 6111/ nr 7$7 will insure your sumo., Kit, 13t 95 E tchery Artworks. lea.. al 3744711. elll. Call BMA at 1614647. October 10 1980 rdtio 8

THAT LITTLE THING WELL, I WENT IN IN THE 'FRIDGE. 15 THERE AND I SAW IT, 76-IID YOU KILL spartaguide EATING U5 OUT OF AND I HAD T1-1E 'RAID; 'THE THING!? HOUSE AND HOK. I AND I 54W IT, AND IT HOPE YOU K1ULD LOOKED AT ME AND Ce Cercle Francais will Santa Clara. For informa- call Jesus Garza at 297- today at 9 a.m. at Santa meet today at 2:30 p.m. in tion, call Lorie Wilson at 6388. Teresa Park. For informa- Building N, room 7A, De- 298-3269. lion, call Ferdinand Angel partment of Foreign Lan- Delta Sigma Theta So- --at.92.3-5152. guages. For information, MECbA will meet Mon- rority is having a 10 year call Mary Cantrell at 629- day at 7 p.m. in the S.C. reunion dance Saturday at 7953. Costanoan Room. For in- 10 p.m. at the Holiday Inn, formation, call Roger San- San Carlos Street and Al- VOTE f) The SJSU Pre-Law So- chez at 287-3021, Juan maden Avenue. Free! ciety will staff an informa- Montemyer at 251-6662 or IN ta tion table outside the Stu- Annabelle Neves at 277- Army ROTC will have NOVEMBER dent Union. Today is the 3500. an "Orientation Meet" last day of the membership drive. For information, call S.C.T.A. is sponsoring Michael Johnson at 356- "Teachers Career Day In- 6623. formation" Monday from MODERNE DRUG CO. 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Edu- ANTHONY D CAMPAGNAJlt Juniors, seniors and cation Building, room 100. graduate students who are For information, call Rich planning a career as secon- Masters at 415) 797-4388. OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT Easy Stieet Frank Deale dary school teachers should contact an adviser La Cosa Nueva-SJSU EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR HENRY, `41FilL R14 ,WE in the Education Building, Radio Club will have a SAiD 'YOU HOOKED UP A LIKE i room 404, NOW! speaker Monday at 6 p.m. .CUST0M17.ED. YOUR WHAT 50 F SANTA CLARA [998-88001 SAN JOSE WHEEL CHAIR MOTOR AND A at the KSJS office, located FEW SPEC/AL The Men's Athletic De- in the Speech and Drama FEATURES partment is having a Building. For information, PRESCRIPTIONS "Coors Spartan Yellfest" at the SJSU vs. Fresno foot- ball game tomorrow night L11 Sign-ups for the yellf est are in the Men's Gym, room 205. 2Intiquelkeek Marketing Club and DEALE" PRSSA will have a softball game at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the William Street Park. For information, call Steve Williams at 998-0574. St. Paul's Methodist Attack victims subdued; 19601 McKEAN ROAD, SAN JOSE, CA 95120 Young Adult Group will discuss "World Hunger" Sunday from 4 to 8 p.m. at ALL YOUR INVESTMENT NEEDS no charges against youths 435 S. 10th St. India Student Associa- LAND! HOMES! -continued from page 1 "just hit the girls." tion will show a movie Sun- BUSINESS! Mimosa's Cafe, 484 E. San Carlos St.. to get additonal help "I couldn't believe that," he said. "From now on, day at 5 p.m. in Morris the minute the fight broke out. we're going down there) 7-11) aware." Dailey Auditorium. For in- 268-2668 268-1150 Canh I,e, owner of Mimosa's, went outside to assist. John Saviano, another freshman resident who helped formation, call Mody at and said he saw a Chicano girl "kicking one of the girls in out, said he likes SJSU but that "As soon as you get off 964-4396. FARZAD EMANI-INVESTMENT COUNSELOR the head and back" in the middle of the street. campus, it's a different zone. Tony Kowalishen, a freshman dorm student recruited This just makes you want to transfer to another The Humanities Club to help, said the first thing he did was call the police. He school," Saviano said. will have a party Sunday at i"5il1PS (Snub IJ Itt ,ervice" then followed the others down the street to help. Sgt. Dave Bartholomew, who works under the noon at 734 Valley Court, By that time, the student who had sought help had his juvenile division of the San Jose Police Department, said shirt torn off by three Chicano females. no further action can be taken because none of the victims Kowalishen said that when the student tried leaving came forward with a formal complaint after the incident. the area, "A girl broke a bottle and threatened everyone." The victims also failed to report the incident to Later, he said, a police officer advised the students to University Police. ilmilTRY A Hff New ad icrmat Disabled students 11111M1 MIN MIMI to benefit from I wanted by A.S. oe 97 (DZ. MHz -continued from page 1 Green also complained that none of the executives 176 w equipment worked with him on the ads in an effective manner. "Jim (Director of Academic Affairs Jim Rowen ) was The Disabled Services well have all the equipment the only one working with me effectively," Green said. program recently received that is needed by a disabled Green said that too often ads that were to run in the new equipment to aid student," Rogers said. Weekly were coming in at the last minute and the disabled students various "This office serves per- executives "were making decisions over my head" about needs. manently and temporarily advertising format. This equipment in- disabled students." "Eric Green, as director or communications, has the cludes: two closed circuit In the spring semester, last word on advertising) unless he would like to delegate TV enlargers, one braille Rogers was successful in the authority to someone else," Fit said. typewriter, a motor-driven acquiring five new The executives wanted to use a format "that hasn't wheelchair, a specically elevators in various been used before," according to Fit. designed drafting table and buildings on campus. According to Weekly Editor Scott Shifrel, he had two phonic ears, which According to Rogers, this advised the A.S. to "do something a little more exciting" provide classroom com- only leaves the Physical with its adverfEement. munications for the hard of Education and Recreation Green said that a key incident in his decision to resign hearing. Building and the Men's and was a note that he received from Fit that "told me to buy There is also a new Women's Gym inaccessible an ad in some fraternity booklet." 17Y telephone service for to disabled students. "He had already sold the ad and was telling me to pay the deaf. The TTY service for it," Green added. has a typewriter to type in Rogers doesn't foresee When they start telling me what to do with my a message which is tran- elevators being installed in budget," Green said, "that's when I had to quit." CBS FM 97 plays the sferred to the other end. these buildings this year "I didn't tell him, I asked turn," Fil said. "It was a 840 Mary Rogers, disabled because there are no funds full-page ad in a newsletter for Sigma Chi I fraternity for services coordinator, is available. She hopes to Derby Days a Homecoming activity sponsored by the pleased with this new acquire these elevators greatest fraternity )." hits of all time. . . equipment. "We pretty within the next two years. Fit also said that the A.S. will now incorporate a "modular display method that breaks advertising down like the Who, the Kinks. Jimi Hendricks, the Doors, Rolling Stones, into three areas," making it more attractive than the ' Jefferson Airplane and the Beatles. And rock 'n roll wirh new favorites current format. PREPARE FOR Fit said that the A.S. hopes the new format will featuring the Doobie Brothers, Bob Seger, the Cars, SuperTramp, the generate more student interest in the A.S. Eagles, Pink Floyd, Fleetwood Mac and Billy Joel. Turn on with a friend. Green, after his resignation, applied for the director MCAT LSAT GMAT of student services vacancy created by Wangeman's resignation. SAT DAT GRE Win an AM/FM radio! prmanient Centers open days, evenings and weekends Simply list five friends you've turned on to the new CBS FM, then cut out LEARN TO Low hourly cost Dedicated full-time staff this whole coupon and moil it to us by October 31, 1980 A random Complete TESTn-TAPE"’ Lacilltles for review of class letsons and supplementary materiels drawing will determine the winner. Small cl taught by skilled Instructors. SCUBA Opportunity to make up missed lessons. DIVE constantly materials Voluminous home -study Class Starts Thurs. Oct. 16 updated by researchers expert In their field. Opportunity to transfer to and continue Study at Conducted by Mike Mons..., perinced dive instruc any of our Over SO centers. tor and American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor. NAME Class includes ocean dives, pool instruction and ccirtiii OTHER COURSES AVAII fill I cation upon completion. Cost: $80. plus teat and rentals. GRE BIO GRE PSYCH NIAT OCAT ADDRESS If scuba is something you've always wonted to do this is your chance to do it right - professional instruction, best facilities, complete equipment avallabilities and a NMB VQE ECFMG FLEX NOB NLE ZIP store that provids everything. moil to CBS FM 97 1 Emborcodero Center Son Francisco 94111 Coll Mike Manses, 1408) 334-1620 or Steele's 954-3919 for rmrvations or information. Class size limited. Call Den Ironing' & Wompliones 2330 EL CAMINO REAL 41. 0. San Tema% Isprgottray SANTA CLARA (415) 327-0841 499 HAMILTON Phone 984-3819 AVENUE Idesatlessl Conan PALO ALTO 04301 TILT PRIPARATIINI SPICIALISTI MC& INNI A. to.rn Wore to.. 110 Mow us Caw. Ps., OA. 16... Cu lau. c5fhle.'s 45cuea F.. labstmetsee Mire Am mare 5191* 1? RUM CAll Tell flit 111111/211711