Pre-Recorded Talk Series on His Holiness the Great 14th Dalai ’s Four Commitments 4 - 11 December 2020 Year of Gratitude to His Holiness The Great 14th 2020-2021

As His Holiness the Dalai Lama turned 85 this year, the Central Administration dedicated the year 2020-21 as ‘Year of Gratitude to His Holiness the Dalai Lama’. The year of gratitude is a celebration of the 85 glorious years that His Holiness the Dalai Lama has spent and continues to devote to the wellbeing of all sentient . His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a global beacon and ambassador of love, peace, and compassion. For the , His Holiness the Dalai Lama shares a special bond and significance: His Holiness is the human manifestation of Chenrezig, the of compassion and the patron saint of . From 1950 till 2011, for over six decades, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has led the Tibetan people politically and spiritually, and has successfully put the global spotlight on ’s occupation of Tibet through the sheer power of non-violence and compassion. Even after the complete devolution of to an elected Tibetan leadership in 2011, His Holiness the Dalai Lama remains the moral compass and guiding the everyday lives of the Tibetan people. Therefore, this yearlong celebration is an appreciation and collective expression of gratitude by the Tibetan people to highlight the outstanding contributions and achievements of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Despite the unforeseen challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Administration rolled out a host of programs and activities worldwide to celebrate the life and the still unfolding legacy of His Holiness the Dalai Lama under the banner ‘Year of Gratitude to His Holiness the Dalai Lama’. As part of this yearlong celebration, Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR) of Central Tibetan Administration organised this talk series on the four principal commitments of His Holiness the Dalai Lama namely, Promotion of Human Values, Promotion of Religious Harmony, Preservation of Tibet’s Culture and Environment, and Revival of Ancient Indian Wisdom. These four commitments reflect His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s lifelong conviction and effort to create a more peaceful, tolerant, and rational world by instilling hope in the younger generation.

The talk series, although initially planned as an in-person conference, was compelled by circumstances to be held virtually. However, due to the fact that most of the speakers reside in different time zones and the imposition of differing lockdown measures in different countries, a live virtual was determined unfeasible. Therefore, it was decided to be held as a pre- recorded talk series. Over all, there are at least 120 speakers from 19 different countries speaking in 15 languages in the talk series.

The talk series begin with an inaugural note from President Dr and introductory remarks on the four commitments by Yangten , Religious Secretary at the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. It will be followed by a panel of keynote speakers in Tibetan, Hindi, and English languages.

The talk series will also feature addresses by heads of the various Tibetan spiritual traditions including Gongma Trizin Rinpoche, Kyabje Gaden Tripa Rinpoche, Gyalwang Rinpoche, Kyabje Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche, Drikung Kyabgon Rinpoche, Kyabje Menri Trizin Rinpoche, and Kyabje Gyaltsab Rinpoche. Other prominent speakers include Prof Bob Thurman, Prof , Lobsang Jinpa, Ven Mathieu Ricard, Lhakdor, Dr Deepak Chopra, Geshe Dorji Damdul, Dr Tenzin Dorjee, Jetsunma , Prof John Powers, Gabriel Lafitte, , Ven Priyadarshi, Geshe Ngawang Samten, etc. DATE: 4 DEC Friday

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Opening President, Dr Lobsang Sangay 9:00 AM Remarks Central Tibetan Administration

Introductory Religious Secretary at Office of His Yangten Tulku 9:25 AM Remarks Holiness the Dalai Lama

DATE: 5 DEC Saturday

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST)

Principal English Translator of His Tibetan Holiness the Dalai Lama, an adjunct 9:30 AM Dr Thupten Jinpa Keynote professor at the School of Religious Onwards Studies at McGill University

Geshe Wangchuk Dorji Professor, Central Institute of Higher Negi Tibetan Studies (CIHTS), *

Director, Library of Tibetan Works Geshe Lhakdor and Archives (LTWA)

Vice Chancellor of Central Geshe Ngawang Samten Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (CIHTS), Sarnath

* The next talk will automatically follow DATE: 45 DEC SaturdayFRIDAY

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Principal English Translator of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, adjunct English Dr Thupten Jinpa professor at the School of 12:30 PM Keynote Religious Studies at McGill University

Kalon, Department of Religion and Ven Gelek Yuthok Culture, CTA, Former Secretary

Director, Library of Tibetan Works Geshe Lhakdor and Archives (LTWA)

Vice Chancellor of Central Geshe Ngawang Samten Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (CIHTS), Sarnath

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST)

Assistant Professor, Central Institute Hindi Lobsang Tsultrim of , Deemed 4:00 PM Keynote University,

Geshe Wangchuk Dorji Professor, Central Institute of Higher Negi Tibetan Studies (CIHTS), Sarnath

Professor, Central Institute of Higher Prof. Pema Tenzin Tibetan Studies (CIHTS), Sarnath

Choekyong Kalon, Department of Health, CTA Wangchuk DATE: 6 DEC Sunday

Spiritual Heads of Tibetan and Tradition

Start Speakers Designation Time (IST) Kyabgon Sakya Gongma Trizin Head of Sakya School of 8:30 AM Rinpoche

Kyabje Gaden Tripa Head of Geluk School of Tibetan Buddhism Rinpoche

Gyalwang Karmapa Head of Karma of Tibetan Buddhism Rinpoche

Kyabje Menri Trizin Head of Yungdrung Bon Rinpoche

Kyabje Shechen Head of of School Rabjam Rinpoche of Buddhism

Drikung Kyabgon Head of of Tibetan Buddhism Rinpoche

Kyabje Jonang Head of Jonang school of Tibetan Buddhism in Exile Gyaltsab Rinpoche DATE: 6 DEC Sunday

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Secretary, Office of His Holiness the Chinese Ngawa Tsegyam 12:40 PM Dalai Lama

Professor, National Chengchi Chinese Yeau Tarn Lee University,

Official Chinese Interpreter of His Dr Jamyang Rinchen Holiness the Dalai Lama, PhD scholar (Chun Huang) from Harvard University

President, Sino-Tibetan Students and David Kong Scholars Association, Brisbane

Professor of Political Science, City Dr Xia Ming University of New York (CUNY)

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Professor, University of Technology, Chinese Feng Chong Yi 3:10 PM Sydney

Editor of Quarterly Magazine Tibetan Lu Hui Chan Sky, President, Taiwan Sarajev Institute

Editor, Beijing Spring, Chinese Democracy Hu Ping Activist based in US

Editor of Beijing Spring, Vice President, Chen Wejian Han and Tibetan Association,

Su Jia Hong Professor, Fooyin University, Taiwan DATE: 6 DEC Sunday

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Director, Casa del Tibet, Spanish Thubten Wangchen Barcelona, Former member of 4:00 PM Tibetan Parliament

Official Spanish Interpreter of Spanish Marta Saro 6:00 PM His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Tibetan Buddhist Tulku from Spain, Lama Osel Hita Rinpoche and aspiring film maker

Student of Tibetan Buddhism from Patricia Compere

Argentinan Psychologist, Melisa Biondi researcher on Tibetan and Psychology

Mongolian Ven. Jetsun Dorjee Geshe Lharampa 8:00 PM DATE: 7 DEC Monday

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Geshe Lharampa from Sera Jey Tibetan Ven Thapgey 9:30 AM Monastery, Karnataka

Geshe Lharampa from Sera Mey Ven Ngawang Sonam Monastery, Translator of His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Khenpo Kunga Monk from Pal Taklung Monastery

Kalon of Department of Religion and Ven Karma Gelek Yuthok Culture, Former Kashag Secretary

Spiritual teacher at Jamyang Khen Rinpoche Tashi Buddhist Centre, UK, 91st abbot of Sera Tsering Mey monastery

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Official Japanese Interpreter of His Japanese Maria Rinchen 11:30 AM Holiness the Dalai Lama

Dean of Liberal Arts, Tokyo Japanese Mr Noriyuki Ueda 12:00 PM Institute of Technology

Former chief abbot of Kongobuchi Ven Yukei Matsunaga Koyasan, Doctor of Letters

Historian and Professor, Waseda Prof Ishihama Yumiko University in

Fulltime Researcher at Nakamura Hajime Eastern Institute, Mr Hitoshi Yoshimura Part-time Lecturer of Utsunomiya University, Yokohama City University DATE: 7 DEC Monday

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Abbot of Mi hwang sa Temple, Jogye ogder of , Venerable Nam-eun-dang Korean and Chairman of the Acarya 2:15 PM Hyeon-bong committee for Education, Jogye Order

Secretary and Trustee of The English Rajiv Mehrotra Foundation for 3:00 PM Responsibility of HH The Dalai Lama

Author, and Lecturer at the Dr Anthony Goedhals University of Pretoria, South Africa

Former President, Dalai Lama in Tony Steel Organising Committee

American Buddhist author and Dr academic

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Former senior civil servant of Central Hindi Karma Monlam Tibetan Administration and works as 5:00PM a Hindi and Tibetan translator

Drukpa Kagyu Buddhist Teacher and Choegon Rinpoche Former Hindi Interpreter of His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Former abbot of Gaden Shartse Geshe Jangchup Choeden monastery, General Secretary of Geluk International Foundation

Official Hindi interpreter of Kailash Chandra Bauddha His Holiness the Dalai Lama DATE: 8 DEC Tuesday

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Member of Tibetan Election Tibetan Geshema Delek Wangmo Commission, Nun from 9:30 AM Dolmaling Nunnery

Former President of USCIRF, Dr Tenzin Dorjee Professor at Fullerton University

Dr Pema Yangchen Kalon, Department of Education, CTA

Director of Tibet House, New Delhi, Former English Geshe Dorji Damdul Interpreter of His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Official Italian Interpreter of Italian Fabrizio Pallotti 11:30 AM His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Official German Interpreter of German Ven Kelsang Wangmo His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 12:15 PM Geshe Degree in 2011

Russian Dr Ruben Apresyan Scholar of philosophy 1:00 PM

Scholar of history from the diplomatic academy, Department of Dr Irina Kolosova International relations and International Law, Moscow

Dr Tatiana Psychiatrist with a PhD in Biology and Chernigovskaya PhD in Philology

Founder of Leningrad and TSG Russia, Editor of Dr Andrey Terentiev into Russian, PhD Scholar

Assistant Secretary, Manjushree Centre of , Nepali Gyurmay Tsundu 3:00 PM , Visiting Teacher of North Bengal University DATE: 8 DEC Tuesday

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Executive Director of the Center for Contemplative Science and English Dr Lobsang Tenzin Negi 6:00 PM Compassion-Based at Emory University, Geshe Lharampa

Founder and Director of Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery; President of Sakyadhita Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo International Association of Buddhist Women

Scholar and Researcher on Tibet’s Gabriel Lafitte Environment

Professor of Asian Studies and Prof. John Powers Buddhism, ANU; Author

Kailash Chandra Official Hindi Interpreter of Hindi 8:00 PM Bauddha His Holiness the Dalai Lama DATE: 9 DEC Wednesday

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Former Secretary, Office of 11:00 AM Tibetan Lobsang Jinpa His Holiness the Dalai Lama Onwards

Geshe Lobsang Dawa Buddhist teacher, Scholar

Lobsang Jangchup Nun from Geden Choeling Nunnery

Principal, Thupten Yarphel School, and Former Political Prisoner

Singaporean Buddhist Nun, Former English Ven. Aneja Banker, Student of Institute of 1:00 PM Buddhist Associate Professor, Shiv Nadar University, student of Dr Kaveri Gill Buddhist Philosophy at Tibet House, New Delhi Gelongma Thubten American Buddhist nun, Founder Chodron and abbess of Sravasti Abbey

Scholar, Translator, and Teacher of Alexander Berzin Tibetan Buddhism, Founder and author of Berzin Archives

Vietnamese Ms Vuu Le Quyen Vietnamese Buddhist 3:00 PM

Gui lclip chi Hai Vietnamese Buddhist

Hong Hai Huynh Vietnamese Buddhist

Chi Hong Hai Vietnamese Buddhist

* Note: As there is a special teaching at 09:00 am by His Holiness the Dalai Lama on 9 December, the day’s schedule which is prevously scheduled to begin from 09:30 am will now begin from 11:00 am. DATE: 9 DEC Wednesday

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Official Portuguese interpreter of Portuguese Beatriz Bispo 5:00 PM His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Professor Writer and social activist, winner of Lia Diskin UNESCO Human Rights Award 2006

Researcher and student of Tibetan Felipe Arruda Buddhism

Professor Denise Founder and President of the Robson Center Buddha of Compassion in

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Dayab Kyabgon Spiritual Director of Tibet House, German 8:00 PM Rinpoche Germany, and 13 other Dharma groups.

Professor Emeritus at Central Institute Hindi Jamyang Gyaltsan 9:00 PM of Buddhist Studies (C.I.B.S.), Ladakh DATE: 10 DEC Thursday

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Geshema degree holder from Tibetan Geshema Tenzin Kunsel Dolmaling Nunnery, , 2:00 PM Himachal Pradesh

Director, Dzongkar Choede Geshe Jampa Gyaltsen Monastic School

Buddhst Monk from Ratoe Gelong Tenzin Lodoe Monastery, Mundgod, Karnataka State

Geshe Lharampa from Gaden Jangtse Tulku Jamyang Yonten Monastery, Karnataka State

Senior Monk from Palpung Sherabling Dorje Monastery, Bir, Himachal Pradesh Scientist, writer, translator and Buddhist monk. Board member of French Mathieu Ricard 4:00 PM Mind and Life Institute. Recipient of French National Order of Disciple of Dagpo Rinpoche based in Claire Charpentier Paris,

Official French interpreter of Lola Rose His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Cultural Director of Frence Center in Chandra Pelle Gujurat, Disciple of Dagpo Rinpoche based in Paris, France

Tibetan Nun from Jangchup Choeling English 6:00 PM Nunnery Social Activist, facilitated both meetings between HH the Dalai Lama Guy Lieberman and Nelson Mandela, in 1996 and 2004 in South Africa

Resident teacher at Jamyang Geshe Namdak Buddhist Centre, London

Meditation pioneer and industry Sharon Salzberg leader, a world-renowned teacher, and New York Times bestselling author Former Principal of Nepali Prof Rudra Poudyal University; President of Bharat Tibbat 8:00 PM Sahyog Manch, Chapter DATE: 11 DEC Friday

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Geshe from Menri Monastery, Tibetan Geshe Yungdrung Kunchok 9:30 AM Solan

Spiritual Teacher at Rumtek Khenpo Karma Tsetan Monastery, Sikkim

Khen Rinpoche Kunga Buddhist monk of Jonang school Chomphel of Tibetan Buddhsim

Geshe Lharampa, Former member Rongpo Lobsang Nyendak of Tibetan Parliament President & CEO, The Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Venerable Tenzin English Transformative Values at the 12:00 PM Priyadharshi Massachusetts Institute of Technology MD, Founder of the Chopra Dr Deepak Chopra Foundation Joint Secretary, and Environment Tempa Gyaltsen Zamlha Researcher at Tibet Policy Institute Co-founder and Director of Tibet Geshe Yeshi Gawa Open House, Prague

Considered the reincarnation of the Great Translator Rinchen Hindi Lochen Rinpoche Zangpo, Scholar of Buddhist 2:00 PM Philosophy and Tantrayana Buddhism from Kinnaur

Scholar and Academic of Ven Dr Upanand Sri Lankan Buddhism

Founder, Indian Himalayan Council of Nalanda Buddhist Tradition, Member, Minority Maling Gombu Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of

First Non-Himalyan Origin Indian Geshe Jinpa Dakpa to receive Geshe degree in Tibetan Buddhism DATE: 11 DEC Friday

Start Panel Speakers Designation Time (IST) Tibetan Nyima Tsering TGT Science Teacher, TCV Suja 3:30 PM

PGT Tibetan Teacher, Lower TCV Lhakpa Dhondup Dhakpo School, Dharamshala

Ngawang Choephel PGT Tibetan Teacher, TCV Gopalpur

Headmaster, Sambhota Tibetan Migmar Dhondup School, Ravangla, Sikkim

Head Consellor, Tibetan Homes Tenzin Choephel School, Mussoorie,

Abbot of Mi hwang sa Temple, Jogye ogder of Korean Buddhism, Adjunct Korean Ven Kum Gang 6:00 PM Professor of Jung-Ang graduate school, South

Gavj Degree and Lama Shunlaiba of Ven Gantumur Mongolian Dashichoepel Datsang, Ulan Bator, 7:00 PM Sodnom

Master of Comparative Religious Nyamsambuu Study of University of Bristol, Dendev Humanities, Graduate Student

Luvsanjamts Davaanyam Gavj Degree

PhD candidate, Department of Battsengel Asralt Philosophy and Religion Studies, National University of Mongolia


1 Ven Thamthog Rinpoche Abbot of Namgyal Monastery 9:00 PM

Secretary, Department of Informa- tion and 2 Karma Choeying International Relations, CTA Secretary, Department of 3 Chime Tseyang Information and International Relations, CTA Four Principal Commitments of His Holiness The Great

Firstly, as a human , His Holiness is concerned with encouraging people to be happy—helping them understand that if their minds are upset mere physical comfort will not bring them peace, but if their minds are at peace even physical will not disturb their calm. He advocates the cultivation of warm-heartedness and human values such as compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, contentment and self-discipline. He says that as human beings we are all the same. We all want happiness and do not want . Even people who have no religious can benefit if they incorporate these human values into their lives. His Holiness refers to such human values as secular ethics or universal values. He is committed to talking about the importance of such values and sharing them with everyone he meets.

Secondly, as a Buddhist monk, His Holiness is committed to encouraging harmony among the world’s religious traditions. Despite philosophical differences between them, all major world religions have the same potential to create good human beings. It is therefore important for all religious traditions to respect one another and recognize the value of their respective traditions. The that there is one and one religion is relevant to the individual practitioner. However, with regard to the wider community, he says, there is a need to recognise that human beings observe several religions and several aspects of the truth.

Thirdly, His Holiness is a Tibetan and as the ‘Dalai Lama’ is the focus of the Tibetan people’s hope and trust. Therefore, he is committed to preserving Tibetan language and culture, the heritage Tibetans received from the masters of India’s Nalanda University, while also speaking up for the protection of Tibet’s natural environment.

In addition, His Holiness has lately spoken of his commitment to reviving awareness of the value of ancient Indian among young Indians today. His Holiness is convinced that the rich ancient Indian understanding of the workings of the mind and emotions, as well as the techniques of mental training, such as , developed by Indian traditions, are of great relevance today. Since India has a long history of and reasoning, he is confident that its ancient knowledge, viewed from a secular, academic perspective, can be combined with modern education. He considers that India is, in fact, specially placed to achieve this combination of ancient and modern modes of knowing in a fruitful way so that a more integrated and ethically grounded way of being in the world can be promoted within contemporary society. Date: 4 - 11 Dec, 2020

Organized by Department of Information and International Relations, CTA Dharamshala, India