MBER .... r.... 1.dLLa. HOME OF· '::Irr& ~ .. USED CARS/' THE DAILYNE s a-l.,-{""e4.. Nova Motors Lld: . ~-.- ,ish Vol. 65 •. No. 214 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1958 (Prle. 7 cents) Charles Hutton &Sons' lity ..' , OVER .. ! . ',: . '; ,) , YEARS a lona 15 5 DC a· ;e" ~ • j • .,, 1.1

\ ' I uemo n er eav I, . i • \ l. . i , ;\ Election Of President 'Also Coinplet" ,. ,. 'I , II, ' I" ( Divides N. . , By LLOYD McDONALD ..Y.. At".d~~!~~IAir Supply .... , , i Canadian Presl Staff WrIter In the opening minutes of this didate put forward by the Arabs, UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (ep) new session which was called to CZECIl WITHDRAWS TAIPEI, Formosa, Wednesday (AP)-A Natiot:l~ The West won a mnjor "ictory at order in mid.afternoon, the Am~r. Czechoslovakia', Jiri Nosek alist SUl)pIv.. ship ran the Communist blockade of the United Nations Tuesday when ican . supported Malik defeated bad been mentioned as a third ." '\ 0 1, ' Lebanon's pro - western ror~lgn f' rei g n ~linister Mohammed candidate, but he formally with. Quemoy again Tuesday under a fury of Ret! artillery' I minister, Charl~s Malik, was ~rahg~ub of the Sudan for the top drew before the vote, leaving all fire. An air supply drop to Li.ttle Quemoy was car- .. I elected president-(l\'~r opposit iOIl assembly post by 45 votes to 31. nine Soviet·bloc members free to ried all t unmolested, . ' from the Soviet and Arab blocs­ l'nited States sources Imme· cast their ballots for ~tahgo\lb. , . , . •• of the new 13th General t\,;. diately hailed the ,'Ictory as an Arab sources had claimed in The nllmst!"y s[ud the slllp unloaded Its supphes , ' indication that the 81·member as. advance that the bulk of the 27 in 20 minutes. Apparently amhibious vehicles were s:mbl)' will generall~ favor a pro. African·Asian Yotes, also would go 'used to peed the badly needed supplies ashore. . :, I Fnll1l'c-Recently wed American actress .Yean· Seberg gets a wel­ \\ estern course durmg the com- to Mahgoub, le:mug only hve Th l' Ibn bnrdmen during 1------Address Labor ir.g months of its 13th session more to be picked up for the 1'2·1 e, .':(. 0 I ,," . , KI kiss froni her father-in-law, MOl1SiElur Moreuil, at Orly Airfield · since 1945-a session in which the cessary simple majority in the i the sh,lp " short sta), ,~~s partl~u- and mlhtarypersolll,lel on, n.: Sen!c;nb~r l~th after the arrii\'aI of her and her husband, Francois Meebn!! problem 01 Red China is expected assembly's secret ballot. Ilarl:~Tm~en5e.' the mlDl;;Istry said, ~Ien (Qucmo)", and It~ adjacent l..' to be a major Issue. But on the first tally Ma!ik By "at!O~ahst cOl\n~ 0,820, sh~lls ~s~nds b~ .besleged WithOut ta~- . from Xc\\, York, The newly-married couple will spend a week in . CORNER BROOK, Nnd, (CP- Even sources less inclined to emerged with more than enou;:h' fell dunnb the 40 minutes It \\as m~ effectIve measure~ f~r their with i, family before going to It aly for their honeymoon.-(UPI Photo) Premier Smallwood Bnd Calla·. support this U.S. belief conc~ded for election, and Mahgcub's 31 in- clo,;e to sh?re,. remforcement ~nd relief. dian Labor Congress presictcnt tha Malik's election had been dicated that some of the Asian. T.le suppbes for Little Quemoy Several. legislators were re-. Claude Jodoin arc scheduled to something of a surprise. Most Ilf African countries themselves had were dropped fran; ~e\'en C-46C ported to ha,'e appealed!or the address the 22nd annual meeting the Arab states had ol>posed his "oted for the Lebanese candidate, !transport planes. 1'\0 I~tcrferencc government to order the. air force 8RITA,~N of the ~ewfoundland Federa;ion Ir3ndidacy because he favored '.he There were fOllr abstentions and came ,.from t~e R~d air base at to ~mb the Red guns WIthout de-· of I,abor here toda),; ~Iore .than !ner,:ention of American troops one country, Israel, was absent LUn,gkl, ~o miles \lest of the QU~ la~, . 100 delega!es and IDternatlfmalllll hIS country, and just before because of the Jewish ncw year's ~o) s, "here. the, ~~s are bc Chen also ~old ~arll~ent that .. , representatlvcs are expected to Tuesday's session opened the So- holiday. . !~e~'ed.;to ha\e ~h~'1'S;, ~,~.and Nat~ona!iSt military \If-· bor Party Scores nt,end. viet Union gave notice that it The new assembly president in "ON ~ SIT IDJ,~ BY . flClals are .worklng on ne~ ~nd ... an oblique reference to the tel:. Premier and VIce· Pre:'l~ent more. effec!lve ways of ~pplYlRg: ional dissension referred to 'he C~en Che~g assured ~he NatIOn· the Islands. . . "sportsmanlike" comp~tition oro_lall~: parhament carher In the The blockade of the Quem~YI ·cy Expect R' newal vided by the Sudanese delegate l da.~ . • . . was ~roken Sunday after a w_ek . s. Formosa Poll :md said this was a good sign I , \\ e ~a\'e ~h,solutely no Int~n'l of faIlures., T~e Reds badly ·dam· because it showed "we in II;~ j lion of Idiy slttmg by and, l:t.tmg aged a S~IP m that. r~n . ~ut. all , , WXDO~ !Rcuters}-The, leader of Britain's opposition. Labor party m· Middle East are beginning to (cell the more than 100,000 cIvIlians the supplies were unfoaded. i .ot Terrorl·s· I TlIcsda~' t:nited States policy toward Formosa and Commwlist China 3 burden of responsibilit)"" ' allena(('d West European opinion and threatens NATO lmity. Cyprl .·.\CE SERIOUS ISSUES F d · L h . debate to come before the f:X- e eratlon a 0 Di' Hugh GaitskeU said the Quemoy situation bas "opened up a great gulf I ,NICOSIA, ?YPrt1s (Reutersi-I . Greek ~ Cypriot newspapers Then, speaking of the weeks cf official American policy and opinion in Britain and Westenl New fears grlPPl'li Cyprus 'l'lI~s, played up reports that British peeted mid - December ndjoum· day liS Greek·Cypriots renew!!U 1 troops searching·West Cyprus for ment, he said the assembly is Mantle AJliance is likely to be Wldenll.ined if the Ullited States ch~rges of British brutalily and 1the kill~rs of the British soldier faced with issues "many and ~pr· BrItons braced themselves.for.:m II damaged houses and "seriously ious, and we should tUrn OUr at· in\'olvcl! in war with China, he added, elq~ected outburst of terrorism, uljured" villagers. tentlon to them i\1 a spirit 01 Cor· Conven~ion Opens 'ftte enited States should recognize the Communist Chinese govenuuent, Greek.cyprlot leader. reiter· 'fhe Greek-Cypriot mayor. of bearance, tolerance, patience ,,"d IIled cur U t B'" h tl' '" misunderstanding," . COnNER BROOK (Crl-Presl- SIlt up to re.iew the province's \alt its "rightful place" in the United Nati«ll1s, and neutrab-u For­ I troops,: a. Dl·treatedc sa lon5 vlllagers·la ,rlus and sollen and est CypmPllphoi toWDsIssued of aLimas· Joint Sir Leslie Munro or New zea./ dent Doyle Sharpe of the New- labor laws and to recomme.nd lS a It~p toward free elections in the Nationalist Chinese stronghold. caused wanton damage in week. statement criticiZing conditions in land, the retiring assembly I'res- fOlmuland f"ederation of Labor changes. . : bid down l.abor party end search operations III '''e' P lid I il It ident, noted in his farewell speech said ILere 'l'uesday Canadian la· ' , tbe :!Il!~ problem 01 the ,,~, 0 em e en on camp a er a to the assembly that its last seb' bor must unite against increasing He commended the federation I a: a foreign press :is­ Cyprus. visit there. sion had failed to win agreement anti.labor propaganda. growth aud wor~ In the past ~. here, They also said British guards The government dt!iued the on even the first steps. toward dis- Mr. Sharpe told the opening ade and said it h311 ~ome· ,a behaved "bestially" at a deten· brutality charges, armament, T1i1's "central ·orob. ~ession of the federation'S .22M gre,a.t. factor In Infiuencmg public , ' GROWS tlon camp for Greek·Cypriots In The government refused to aI. 1hat since-trouble Federal Govt. Bock West Cyprus, following the killing low reporters to visit the camp lem," he stressed, "brooks no annual con\'ention "labor must OpiDlon. again in lhc Formo~a of a British soldier in the area TUl:sday. delay." ptesent itself as a united and ______'I wa; ~l ,w:ing support In Saturday. Meanwhile, 53' TurklshoCyprlot With the presidency hurdle ac· complete family against this I, Lobt1r pa:l,' s four,p01~t ·Market Authoriti~ .10- lsi did I't' 1 d t I complished. attention turns today propaganda, II R d E Money ~. OD .... an eare po I Ica e a nees, held without to the Issue of Red China's ad. Abou 100 delegates heard sev· a new outbreak of reprisals trial under emergency laws since a ar Xperts I . r,'::':l1~ ~o\'ernm'.mt O'ITAWA (CP) _ Tb federai CONVERSION A SUCcES!I ngainst the British by the Greek. July, Tuesday launched a 48.hour mission. The assembly's steering eral speakers, including Premier i b? m'!!!::l'. .l ns tile "O\,· "e. C~llrlot underground organization hunger strike In protest against committee, which will thrash out Smallwood, l,abor Minister Bal· M et (,I C';", 'I t· k ~., r,o\'ernment IS lumping Into toe I Tuesday' I announcement quoted i! ..... " 31.[ .\ e I.. ~. k t aI Ith t Fina 1\11 I t FI I g EOKA would follow. their detention. a formal agenda for the comIng lam and Albert Martin, vice· e p::(e in the l'1 it d .. '1 money mar e ag n w wo nee n s er em n as say· weeks, is expected by most of the president and general manager of 5T HUBERT Q (CP) I e "a new bond Issues, hardly pausing Ing the conversion loan was "1m· West to turn down Peiping's Bowaters Newfoundland Pulp and Abo't 80 If' ~ aU~ c'e Ii; I and tho b I' for breath alter completing the mensely successful in its obJec. entry for the eighth vear in a Paper Mills. u 0 Ie s, n sin. 'hO~I~c~r Y ccsci big, est financing operation In Uve of refinancing existing obllga· row. • Mr. Smallwood said the federa. of the ~yal Canadian and Umted . f I 1 Xations" ad~i~iat:a. Canada's history. Uons, thu makisng ~onditi~ns rRA,lN TRAGEDY: tion's deliberations are "just ns States IIlr forces met at AIr. ~­ a t:mc, s.. more favorable for the raising of important as those" of the pro. fe~ee Command headquarters In I 'I. Sa':'nali.t ~ t The finance department kan• new money requirements, wbich vincial legislature, thiS town near Montrel1:1 Monday ,'I .1 'K~i.sh~k ;h~~iJn~~I~~' nounced Tuesday It will lee to for the current fls~~1 year total Former Mr. Martin said this is a time for the. fourth world·wlde ra~ar I .,'j '''''~'er. borrow $800.000,000 In shDrt·term about $1,400,000,000. Believe Engineer oi unrest in labor circles, He said evalual!On con fer ence. Raailr :1 , rv bonds, with sales starting of nine- labor and managl:ment should eval~a~\On Is the process, of de· .1 .: a ptr:cd o( time, the month .and 18-month Issues. As usual no Umit bas been set Maritimer strive for better wnges for work- terml~l~g r a dar establlshmmt I, .' cl fl~ i(.,,(l, should oe on the neW Canada savings bond LETH13fUDGE (CPz - Sister ers without cutting into share- capablhty In. act u a I practIce, I , C(~.:(. ,,::': r t~ ,be 1I:,le· And In less than a month, It issue, which goes Dn sale Oct. 14. Agnes, Marie, 49, a member of rather than In a laborato .... I :, v. I., ":,1 Il',tn 111:~ln. soil:!, this fall's version of the an· Had Weak· Heart the congregation of Roman Cath· holders' returns. -,. '..Jhr.son. . nual Callnda savings bonds will The new bonds will pay 3i2'Pl\r- BAy'~NNE, }i.J, (AP)-An au· .forward, its wheels on the wooden olic Sist2rs of SI. Martha, clied PROTEC~ R~GHTS, BUT ••• a:) ~:,. r Lab"r p~rly go on sale offering Investors 15- cent Interest the first year and topsy Indlcatell Tuesday that a cross:ties supporting the ralls, un. in hospital here Monday after a Workers r,lghts must be pro· 1. d~-:I.'J;'·.'d in a letter year bonds carrying an effective 4¥t per cent for the remaining l4 weak heart contributed to t;le til It went ·Into the 5O·foot deep lengthy illncss, Sister Anges, born· tected, he said. But manageme~t Cancer Centre . ,. nll'll tilal Prime :\lin. interest rate for the full term of years for an average yield of 09 death of the engineer whose com· water with three of its fi,'e In ODonnell, Nfld., entered the should be left frf!! to run th,e busI· . . should make it 4.l9 per cent. per cent. The average yield for order In 1930 in Antigonish, N,S" on a He • muter train plunged from an open coaches. ne.s~. pr~fltable b~sls;, :1, would not Join the last year's issue, wIth a 12·yp.ar drawbridge into Newark Ba),. and came to Lethbridge In 1943. e,rItlclzed the workers·flrsl at- Openmg In a war to dehnd The announcements were made maturity, Was 4,46 per cent, But medical officials said the Of the 21 bOdies recovered, 20 I htmle of some labor leaders. • , under heavy artll. e,'cn before final results were exact cause of denth will not uc were Identified. They Includp.d · Mr. Martin said new legislation TORONTO (CP) - The rr-bed ~Illb:lfdnlent by the Com. known of the mammoth conver· Today's short·term bond issue !t known until further tests are that· of George (Snuffy) Stirn­ Vessels Stnke hus put teeth int.o the ,govern· Princess Margaret Hospital·lor ;1 slon loan campalgn to Induce of $600,000,000 will offer two types ment s labor admmistr~tlOn mao cancer treatment and research of bonds: one for nine months made, weiss, 39·year·old former New ;1 I I i m me d lately re. holders of$G,400,OOO,ooo in war­ At least 21 died In the crash York Yankee second baseman. DULUTH, Minn. (AP - 'file chinery so that no employers or will be officially opened here !. i maturing next July 1. with !m· Marine Engineers Beneficial A~, employees can flaunt its author· Thursday by Lieutenant Gover. de~an~, declaring It Itime victory bonds to switch their per·cent"interest, to be offered at Monday and perhaps that many The drawbridge operator, Pat­ I , ,55, sociation called a strike Monday it)', . nor J, Keiller Mackay of 011 pla)',ng Into the hands IOld bonds for new ones. . . a discount price of 99.80 to yield more. One passenger coach, pOs. rick Corcoran earlier had re­ !, "if we allowed . slbly with bodies aboard, still was lated how he had ~et the signals against the Tomlinson Flee-t Cor· He said 3 government commit· tario. about ".77 per cent: and another poration of Cleveland which op- tee of labor legislation lVould con· ! take public attitud~s . The latest figures a week ago at 2% per cent maturing April 1 on the bottom of the bay Tuesday to halt the train' and had watched . 'which We hope I' showed· con\'crslons then had with divers and barge crews helplessly as the train continued erates a string of vessels on the elude its studies within two The seven - storey hOlPit.al, I 1960, ,to be offered at 99.70 to ggreat Lakes, Union represenia. months, The committce includes which cost the 0!ltario govern. Overcome," reached the $?;,l75,OOO,OOO mark, yield about 2,96 per cent. struggling to raise it, Its approach, . The l':Igineer of the Jersey Cen. tlve John Hinds said the strike membcrs of the federation. the menl $1,000,000, will also be :1Ie I, The railway feared the death was called to gain recognition for Newfoundland board of trade !lnd Inew home of the ODtario ance.r I tral train was Lloyd Wilburn, 6.1, I· . of Red Bank, N.J. toll would reach at least 40. the union. an independent chairman. It was Instltute_ .. CHURCH Officials strove to find out why I Wilburn's train did not· halt on the bridge before It reached the llft - type draw. Investigations Gatner .For were under way or ordered, The Britain Urged Take·Final Leap!' Interstate Commerce Commission ordered a public hearing Thurs- 'un'cit: ~~.,.ee'fl·.·n-g ofday the In)'iew facts, York conditions to establish and "allcir· TowardsSterling Convertibility ALLBOARD5 Co. ; cumstances" of the accident. (Cp· SUDDEN A1TACK? .,ALAN HARVEY Canadian' capital assistance to 3. He expressed a "strong hope' He . indicated· the ~, II TILES' and :-Unlted Churl,hland that country',:adm!ssioD·to of.'ehurches, meaUODed u stron, One question to be answered 'Clu.... Prets Sial! Writer other countries. the conference would agree to. deep·rooted and -cu Dot be IISII7 aymen Tuesday the tm; . ·conteDden.- was whether Wilburnsuffere1 a MONTREAL (OP) - Canada SUPPORT U.S.INlTL\TIVE new program of scholarships and resolved.· • ~~Ung planes and MOVES UNDER WRAPI Slnce'the-eburch',;'onnaUon In sudden disability, causbig his Tuesda, night urged Jlrita1n to He asked the Commomvealth to fellowships to supplement existing In his statement ()D ~vez1ibIl· e of t~elr church s However, this year's reaolu·, It25,{)JI)y one of Ita'lB moderators hand to sUp from the throttle of take the final leap toward full support the United states "initia. schemes for educational and tech- i\y, Mr, Fleming forcefully asked I your meeting, with fog tions ,are being kept under wraps· haa·comefrom Western Canada- the diesel engine. sterling convertlblll17, warmly live" ill proposing explllSlon of nical assistance exchanges. BHtain to move· a:;. 5001' :IS \>0·5- until' they, come' up for deQate' Rev •. Aub,ey . Tuttle oi Wlnnlp~g, Dr. Francis Boyle, assls!9nt prab·::1 the United States as a reo the financial resources of the In· :r.rr. Fleming snid he detects no sible toward free ('~ch:.nce. Of birnnlal cou'lI'il ThuI'sday.· elected In 1940. Hudson eounty medical examiner, liable trading· partner and out- ternatlonal Monetary Fund and inclination so far .fo, any, incrca~e sterling and dollars. .. ion of Cnn • . The following dl!y"Prl.Jpe.Mln •. The counCil, which meets an was asked dlrectiy "Old Mr. WIl, lined a series of Canadian pro- the World Bank. in e:dsting tramc. But he lelt ~lIre f '"0 modelling f('laliuilS-IR. .·_"u,,", Islcr··D1efenbaker Is· to· addr~s Chalmers Ch urch on Cooner burn suffer a beart attack?" posais for strengtheni1lg Com· ,The Canadian finance mini.:."ter, the present system is good for I I !'------""'I""'!'10 ~"iih Chinfl-.is lhe. council of.the reUlious bOdy ~/in central Ottawa, Is to ."Just about that," Boyle rr, mOllwcaltb co·operation. who is conference chairm'ln, the Commonwealth and Rhould not wluch has I,OOO,ooo,reIUlF memo coaslaer a prpposal for &tron!!~r plied, \ In II major Cnnadlan statement made these other points In the be sacrificed. . bers in Its conlregaUons and' ID- efCorts to keep In touch with, Wilburn's Irody was found f1ont· on the second day of the Com· most forthright and comprehen. At another point. ,lIr, r"le:~J1ng Weather .} other 2,000,000 adhereats under youDl con gregation. membf-.rs Ing on the bay shortly aiter the rnonwealth economlc- conference, slve statement by any delegation said Canadian farm products ~ad :"nIl1IU~ whi Its pastoral ·care:', when theY'leave home for uni· accident, His fireman, Peter And· Finance Minister. Fleming also 80 far: I been shut out from other coun· ch InclU:les Another Ittm, or 'bllliD ... la .ver.lty, erson, of Jersey City. still Is miss· acknowledged that Can a d ian 1. He hoped the conference trIes by embargoes and· import Cloudy with SUIUI}' periods ~ . Ltd,', ~hlra, disarma.eleetion·,or·a"new··lIlCIderator-to - ·Rev;'A;··Leonard Griffith, min· Ing. farm Import· mtrictions :nay would· agree In· principle to a quotas and had been hurt by sur.' High today 50: ::: ~"I:att.." s stance, trade succeed Rt. Rev. J'a m·. I S, Ister of Chalmers Bnd council The railway said three warn- have hurt some other producing Commonwealth _ wide IYstem for plus •. disposal program of other IIld ~uget~, world Tbom,!son, ,~ea!l of:14\!GUl Un!, ho.t".said this. Is "of. the mosl ing signals were strung for a mile countries, but gave no indication coaxial t~leph6ne cables to speed governments, TEMPERATURES t Unitcd Na· versl~'s divinity f!lculty,. whOle urgent Importance," before the bridge and all were 01 any r~lIeving action. business· t r an s·acUons among Then he readily admitted .that ,Toronto •• ..... 50 56. , dtbate Is usul!1·two-y~a~ term· ends· tbbJ All 10 p,rovlnces will be repre· workln, properly, In addltlon,~n 'He urKed Commonwealth sUp. membpr countri~s,. ' Canada lIlio Is at fault, saying: Montreal ...... 50 . til expected 10 week;... . . , . ,... sented. So will ,the church's mls. automatic .de~allinll dc\'lce put port Jor . any, . imcrnsiional at· 2. He said Canadn i~ prep:lr-d ·.'To the e~t~nt that our govern· Moncton .~..... 49 65 'fleaof disarm. .. ElectioB 01 a Westet:nf Is ex· slon! In West Africa, India, Ja· the twin . diesel engine off we tel11pt~ to stabilize COlllJlloJl!y io endorse proposals for 1)t1Il(b~· men! has adopted compor.~llle I lIaUfax 53 69 ":'. on rns· Tbe pectedl ~Ith l;\~v. ,H, A.,~cLeod PI!JI, ml~esla and Trinld~ld, ralls 500 feet allcau of the brirlg~, prices, \Ip more consultative 1I13cilin()ry policies for reasons decmcd ·im· S~"(\n('y .. '.' ... 57 G7 ~ ·~I'IIIIIiL...'of Record III of. .WliUJlpeg. and .Rev•. B. ,W. Dlainbt tbrough ministers and la.v ROLLS ALONG ON TIES He also foreshadowed a 008· alllong Commonwealth, cnllnt~ies perath'e. thore . may be ad"ol'5e I eel ClIin, Smith 01 Edmonton.;boCh putorl miliionariea home on.furloUill, But tile enginc contillued to roll sible "SUbstantial increase" in on economic matters. effects in other prodllcing coun· '-______..:

'. : .. ~ . ..~ .. • . ., .'

, , , 1" : I, :: .... 2______-:------~---,------:-'-TH-E-DA-I-LY_N_E_W_S.:..., _ST_,_J_O_HN_'S--:.,_N_FL_D_,,_W_E_D_N_ES_D_AY_,_S--.:EPT. ST. JOH , !.:( .. . . ~ ~ Library .. I·" {J .: Revised Schad ules ," Talking about musicians. cs'1 Thc.·c is also peciaily the youngcr ones, Ben: as theater. "The· ny Gaodman in Music Journal I the ~heater says -com.ng regularly into Goslina, Icr, ".1' everyone ~ For Local ,Trains Library-says he- doc5n't care Iamuse the audicllt~ • what school they belong to as higher purpose than long 83 thcy're musical. ,-t'J absorb the '. Goouman doesn't advocate' tcnlion zy tears, isc ..Made" Necessary By. Inauguration Of either co.ol jazz 'or rock n' roll I lions or whatever , per ~e. Some of' the "cool" II means a play wright ,. tile "WHtiam Carson" Service On Cabot Strait artists ~re brilliant; some of tor can hlVent." westbound for points in New, the rock n' roll tremendously Other articles dell lIONCTON, Sept. l'1-Sharpl)' ficlency of operation. foundland and the mainland exciting. But he doesn't hold gene O'Neill's Long ovid .c-...tecI IChedulea for pa. . Hc termed the z:evislons and are carried by No.1. Because with tile extreme faddist or the ncy into Night, I I'DIIIIe mall Ind cltprell on additions, coupled with the grOUp3 that exclude all musical ments of the I ! i' th., Caudill! National Railways scbeduled Carson service, anoth· this train leaves St. John's at values for the sake of "beat." atre in Britain, mall JIIIe iD Newfoundland will er proareaslve phae' in the five p.m. Newfoundland time, it "As I see it," says Goodman, Ionesco-all bllDtroduced ·Ocl.II, It was an·, aNn's continuing program of Is not always possible to pro, "there were good musicians on fact that thc pOI ccss shipments and forward earth a hundred years ago, aDd than any single 1I0unud here Tuesday. \ Improving and e~panding trans, them, there will be good ones a hun· pretatlon of it. 12. V. Gonder, Vice-President portation facilities. 'l1esllay, september . ..d Genenl Manaler of the Effective Oct. 5, nearly four With installation of the ncw . dred yp.ars from now , . . If represents ; , I train Oct. 5, No. 3 will depart they vre "no talent" the JlUb· i IF JOHNNY , CfJ.IoPIIIf" Atlantic Region, dis· hours will be lIlpped off the building ind, . from St. John's at 11.55 p.m. lic will know about it soon I A child whose the c;entre B clOied at the lime time that funnlnll times of trains No. 1 Shippers thus are given a bet. The great ones will be I jng are impaired enou~n. 's for the PUI a~er traiD in each direction and 2, the Caribou. Westbound tef opportunity to fill theh' cnjoy~d and appreciated no able to explain \ I: will )e placed in service the from St. John's, tne daily train I orders. Simultaneously. the e,,' matter what schOOl they rc' since he is not odU!Clng' the nell' ~ '1: . lQIe by between St. John's and will travel to Port a~x Basques roduced by Ce 1 , . Port lUX Basques. Carrying in 22 hours and 50 mmutc~, slic· press department has morc lime I Three member" of the Lions 510 Ail' Cadet squadron nre shown above at prcsellt:' Ihas not facilities P and Housing Cor In which to forward all shlp-;) . children's. He which is inte mall express and coach p2sseng· ing three hours and 50 mlnutcs ments the day they arc rcceived. the Rifle Range at Summer Camp at Greenwood, Nova ScotIa. Reading liE CHOSE MOSCOW impairmcnt, be i: er .. 'on I mixed train basis, the from the pl'escnt schedule of for smaller ce , I . aiJ41tional trlin provide 26 hours and 40 minutes. Currently, most express traf· left to right: LAC R. Butt, LAC P. Reid and LAC W. Cumby. When Guy Burgess and Don. or.~low ,to learn , . will areas. men efficient now of mall and From Port aux Basqucs, the fico in Ncwfoundland moves cast· aid ~IaeLean took their drama. writing. ChIldren mel~t1nlg was attendE , _press between main line Caribou will have a scheduled ward on freight ~2, which 0 ' F' . D th L AEW W· tic 'tIeparture for Moscow the r~gular eye and contractors, supp : i' points, and give additional pas· I'un 10 St .. Tohn's ~f 22 hours trav~ls bctween Port aux Bas· tt'owo lye ea' ast i . In!! [Whole world wondered why. lions and teachcn and real estate al lenger train service for travel- and 30 mlDutes. fhrec hours qucs and St. Tolm's'in 41 hour~ U This year Tom Driberg- por~ any sympto~ as officials of the l~ between intermediate and 45 minutes thus will be cut and 20 minutes. As of Oct. 5 ' S"'aff Plallk journdllst, former Labour M.P. notice o.f a cl:Jlds Department of Mun Pl!J,ntl. from the curre.nt trip of 26 thcse shipments will move tD To'// N S L \ and II man who had bcen a or. hearmg. El'en and of Central ~for Operation of speedier trains houra and 1~ mmutes. Make-up St. John's cnd intermediate 0 W eve n L friend of Burgess before it all chlld:en may hare Corporation. ,'lid more of them is \Inked with of the Caribou. in each dlrec~ion points on No.4, operating on a Owner eaves Ihappened-went to Russia and g.las!es to Member 01 schedule 12 hours and 40 OTTAWA (ePI-The death toll sa\\' the children crying for help got Burgess's story lor the Sight. • I ihiU/luration Oct; 5 of scheduled includes sleepmg cars, a dmer for St. John:s East d~y round,trlp ptssenger scr, and c~aehes... , minlltes faster than. that of of Ottawa's worst tire in rer.~nt at a third·floor windnw before I ARGENTlA, Nfld .. Aug. ~9-llirst time. ----- attendance. 1. I; freight 52. Consequently, time years climbed to seren MonJay their lives wcre SlIuff('d out. ! The la.t man ~f the orl~mal The .Tesult is Guy Burgell, a INDUSTRIAL tice acrols Cabot Strait by the Tram No.3, leavmg St. John s meeting was open~ reductions for shippers and reo as investigators eontinucd to noke Officials of the Ontario ,·'ire I crew of the AIrborne Early Portr1lt with Baeqround in i I CNR auto feny William Carson. daily except Saturday, and No. ,.irnnan. Mr. A. V TIll .hlp will sail between the 4. leaving Port aux Basques ceiver! will be effected at points about in the ruins of the midt.~\\'n Marshal's office s .. :\al'a~ S~alion, (jl'een Russia, and his life there." from the hand;. it :. "ide travellers a maximum of w!lI be avallubl~. These trams standards. lof thlrd·degree burns. The other, I 1'~StlgatOi'S would say 1I0tll111g l,lr· COl'e S;JI'Ings. 1·londa. I Why did Burgess go to ~Ios· use a handcieal' c· ' a com I I convenience, commensurate with Will unlo.ad mall, express had been form a~d Train i~o 1 daily leave St Iwere five girls all under 1l Ycurs I ther about the calise. The last of the plank owners I cow'! In his own words-given mild roap nil,]' ! I maintaining erflclent standards such perishable go~ds as milk John's 1.30' p;~.; arrive Claren: who suffocated on the. top .Icor ICily pollce. the Oltall'a io"jrc' joined .the ABW Staff shortly in a public. statement-"to work. cornmc'al, r~bbln! housing prohlem~ I of loading and unloading at in· at points along the lme between I had met with C I \'l1le 6.50 p.m., Icave 7.05 p.m.; of the three·storey brlek dwcll·: \~'cI'rnllo~ ~lI1'('au. the Ont~~1D I after II .was orgal1l~cd at for :?c aIm of better und~r'l into the skin. Ii'" I tet:medlate poiDtS. the two terminals. and Housing 01 arrive Bishop's Falls 12.25 a.m., ing before help cOlild reach th·;.~l, II I: Ire ~[arsnal 5 Ofllce a~d t~IC Patuxent Rlvcr, ~[d.. In :>.Iay \ sta~dl:1g bet;vcen th,~ S,ovlet ductivc tit skill r"b "a.[ umon in the general M Gonder said the faster Train No. 3 Is scheduled to 1 1255 m' arriv Humber. and Mrs. Jean Delaney. 32. ·.·.no tlonal Resc3reh Council s fire re· 1955, and a year later moved I and tne West. Dnberg harsher -bra'il' "I v e620am' died in hospital Sunday from sc· search dil'bion hal'c joined m alwith the Staff when it was treats this intention sympa. c,. Particular stu triP:' between St. John's and. reach Port .aux Basques 28 cav~h6·lOa. ~. mo~ . a.m., ea e. .., vere body burns. I full investigation ordcr~d b~' Oli'l transferred to Ar;lcntia. theticl!ly, which is more than Jo'R1ESIll r placed on area I : Port lUX Basques have been hours and minutes after dc· I ,I I 3~ arrive Port aux Basques Four of the fh'c childl'c~- I tario .\Horney·Grncral Keiso Hob. Quecn's job had been that I a grcat many other Englishmen' ST l·HO~·I.' o· wherE I ,i made po"aible by handling mail. parture from, St, John's. !t? 12.20 .p.m. 2 d'l I P t Mane . Anne. 10 . E' \ a "luanc. . 9'I I el,·t ,. ,..n,. mqllc, 't'· IS t 0 f 0 II ow. ! 0 f)"an ( pcradona I Contro I Cell', d'dI , 'vi.itor' . from • .1.".. of the National I 0(; Ind exprell independcntly turnln.t: as No. 4, th~ tram ~ Train No. , II y, cave ?r 1and 23.month.old twins Lo,lise i Chief Inspector Phil Larkin of I tcr W,llCh Officcr. i -- ' '. 'n net a I were not being : p... engers. Improved track: schedule caUs f?r a triP of 28 aux Basques 10 a.m.: arrive and Marlene-wcre the da:lgh~crs the fire Prevention ilul'eau .ald II PriJI' to rcporting to thc, TilE SMALL FOREIGN CAR 1~~t~:t}~Cd l ~/.il .. the fullest extenl HId roadbed, and the usc of hours and 40 ~mutes. Humbermouth. 3.35 p.m., lcave of Gcrman immigrants Mr. dnd it wiil be "at least s~\'eral days" AEW Staff. Ouccn scn'cd I The Il'agazinc Consumer Re·I, nut a ~ . the committee , D1 el locomotives throughout Under exlstmg schedules, ex­ 3.45 p.m.; ~rr1ve Bishop's Falls Mrs. August Bulh, now childi~ss. before the inl'cstigators fimsh I aboard the aircr;ft carrier USS II ports for Septembcr assesscs' ~~srsl JeCanrLl h'lcI~e:: larger centres , I Ill. N:!toundland, has Increased cr· press shipments from St. John's _ _ Th einth cI II, 'Id Nancy Heron'l tl'leI! . war k. Randolph for one year. Hc has th e sma l'I forCign car has to of· president n of ac~Imtha: e It. .; , ' use of the bulk --_ ... l four-ycar.old daughter of Mr. ~n? • had duty on all types of ~aval fer. . in England. whidl '. funds availabl Mrs. Gcorge Heron, was a p,a~·. surfae~ crait cxcept crulscrs It I'~POl'ts on a vartcty of 'ers and ttift" ,"'1'1 . Imntiltl1e felt that mate of the Buth children. I CIIAXGED lIANDS and trawlers. types from the tiny Fiat 600 institute d~ril~" ;;1: . to alleviate thl , Need a HAND TRUCK?~ SCORES OF SPECTATORS LO~DO:"l rCP1-Thc independ. During his 15 years of ac' through the Hillman Special up War, 0 , problem. Consc( · I • Scores of helple~s spectators .at·1 ~nt weckly redelV Time and Tide cllmullted nav31 service the to the lIIerccdes,Benz 190, a I Governmenl tracted to the mld·afternoon lirc I founded and edited by the lu\e chief petty office has piloted! larger and marc expensive car I VETERA:'i Central MI You get FAR MORE with I.9 p.m., lcave 9.30 p.m.; al'l'il'e I ~ady Hhonnd~. will cor.tinue pub. ships all the st. Lawrence Riv·1 than the others bu.t stil,~ smal·1 OSHAWA. Ont, 'CP CorporatiOl Clnrenville 3 a m leave 3 15 I Iic3\lcn. It will be run by a newer and lhc Great Lakes, was a Iler than ~he Amcl'lcan Ramb'l in the Salavatio:1 . plans and , . a.m.; arrive St. John's B.30 a·.m. pril'~tc compa~y with Leonard ward~n of a short,term prison. IleI',:' 101' In:tance. . years, Mrs. Il'illinm· for a minimum Train No.3, daily except Sat. SkcvlIIg~on. paint manufactur~~. and w:!s n rnaehme. gunner on cOI~.paratlVe fa<;ts an~ fIgures! was prescnted with a: certain items I' I urday leave St John's 11 55 as chairman and Anthony Ie three s,r.1I boat landmgs. I a~e given on .dl~enslOns, en· I ing when she rc:ircd in order to aff( p m' ~rrive Cla~enville 625 a ~ .Jeune. who was dcputy editor [0 Included in the medals he is' gme churactCflsllcs. perform· I secretal'Y o( tile the constructior l' , 705 • . ir h' ;: Lady Rhonnda. as editur. I entill~d to wear arc campaign· anCe ltld. economy. There arc Home L~a::uc !lcre and specifieat eave . a.m., arrive IS op ~ InNlals frum the European, I 3150 detailed res liltS of recent 14 ye&rs. gil built,in depend,bility that I Y~II en~bles~\, Falls 1.25 p.m., leave 2 p.m., IIAPPY RE1'UI'" I' '" I I' Th t I road tests House we Fairbanks.Morse trucks to stand up under the . H b th 8 10 \.. aelUC am ,orean ea res, I' . by Mr. Viviul ' am.ve urn er~ou. . p.m.: .PORTSIIoIOUTIl. England (ep) i the \\'r,rid War II Victory ~Icdal -- START ~l\ · . , . toughest condifions. l'u/I gtl a ,,·ide choice of out the items w~ leavc 8.30 p.m., Port aux FIsherman Bernard 10.nnor,1. in a nu

Such a huge jump in sales must have a reason .•• and here it is! Only Vauxhall offers all the big car features at a price that's lower than low. Add to this, amazing fuel economy .' .. with rock bottom maintenance costs - and it's small wonder Vauxhall's quickly taking over in the budget car field . Victlr 5-Pusenllr Suu . V,'.l '·hsseAIIr Sedan *Accurding to the. latest available regi,~trafion figures this 1. thl car that hIS all Can,d, b'n:"'! • Htr.', .wlte,. Vlu:r.h.1I rully tlrels In SOUTces, 364~~ sturdy •• cyllndu .n,I"t prDvld'~ "r1J".~ eGmtort and ,'lfOlllllnll. You Itt III compiled by independent Vauxhall sales are up ICDnomy with top p.rfonnlnte ••• '/ld tWO ,I '~I power a • vl,oroul ! .• yllndtr over the same period last year .. planty of loom lor ... pamn,,,'. 1II,Ini plul morl thin ..ou,~ rOOl1l tor III plllln'.... "! '. THESE BIG fEATURES ARE STANDARD EQUIPMENT , .. , .' r Steerina Column Standard Glllr Shift. 2·Speed Non·Stall Etectric Windshield Wipers • Fre~h >,; :,~ Air Heater and Defroster' Four Wide·Swinging Doors' Panoramic Vision' Up to 40 Miles . , IW Gallon' Five and Six Passenger Comfort· Spray Insul~ted Against Rumble and Road :' i If '. : 'j Noise' level Ride Suspension' Sports Car Handling· Coast·to·Coast GM Service. ","; ;;1'I i)' I. ': j ," ~:, 1 \ ~,' I I ; ,:j . ~,. \., . '" ...... ' :: \ : . ~ Vietit' Sapll' EsIItI C. 'hi newill addl!l .. to tltl Yauxl1a1l~ Ind las! ,rovln, to " CtNdI'S 'iii wanted WI'''. HIlI', lotdS or IQC11I ,II till 'l1li11,., , , wltlt tulPl' .,jCt erma ...... • 111., Stdu 10 III.... ,'" Crutl cOIII"ln .. III tltl c_nllllll I1Id ,llforml.C. or the Vital with IUIUI1 Iblt cln't· .1 IIIIIch" ..,. .. ,. II tltl prici , • , lruly I •• ,,," car. . ¥llltr SII" ...... , ..... Alt tilt illIZI .. 1C0nOftlY ad ptIo ., 'Olllllllel '"tur.. 01 tilt ¥lclor III bill, ,III eddld IUlUl1 In 1111l1li IIId Inl'" tIII\ CIII.IIM .ft/J' witt,. INIIJ I,,/K"I•• THE IRITISH CARS BUILT AND BACKED BY GENERAL MOTORS - SERVICE EVERYWHERE ON THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT!



, • .... , ',' " ,

. to i

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMB~R 17, 1958... '.. • . ' • t ' ,: .. .~. ST. JOHN/S, NEWFOUNDLAND The Daily News ~ .. ~ ...

.' I' • \ i eSI ns or lura rea& 'T; , iscuSS ouse , !. I I :, lears, T ~:., . ". hal(~\'cr , 't" , I':ay wright :nvcnt." No Change IIi' \ , i:. a rt i~les deal rovide Cheap' ..,I ,~ s Long , :'oil~ht, the ,'1 the Ro)'nl Waterfront Dispute:E'I. , IJ i~ritJin, the ., , -JIl The nearly four week man gang on small ship, ' ,t· ~, the Homes :~ utport \; 0' \' Septembcr 16th. Iwan. To reduce building coats dIspute between the New- However, the AssoCiation.; .. Tue' j\hr l'l'pl'cscntati\'cs, some of these features-such as foundland Employers As· said it was later inform"':":' t II:-';:W CASSO! . 0" ,,, hlli\(\in~ ,... ",. industry ',lId.,_ \ bathroom, •• ,_onbasement ..and ""t"" ~Iec. "'dati.. ,..~ tho Lo~" . by M'. T.,.10< thai iii<,~., \' ,:,1 \I hose sight I tor thc pUl'pose without impairing the soundness shoremen s ProtectIve Union was unwillIng , :lHllllred Illat I to< e,plnin his · the new house of the house. The minimum Union appeared headed sign the memorandiun ~~ · :. ll?t rrodllcl't1 hy central 1house is a well.bullt house which agr. eement i agreement. ',,'r aware to~ard ear1~ 1 : ,\ClllllCS Ind H\,u,in~ corpora'j provides all the essentials In thlS m. ormng but at the . . ;', lIema)" "hich b intendcd I space, light, ventilation, materi. tho e'o, ('Ill, bc corl.irl.": h,r '1~;llIrr ccntres 1 als and construction methods. last moment negotiations' . A statement from ." p .. , , 10 learn lit is intended primarily for rural were broken off. I Union said it was not, , t'hildrcn 11';1, by A l merlin: r.\lrndc~ iareas wher~ municipal services statement from th agreeable to thet signing' \ '~'e and elr e"ntJ'Hr!,'j';, ,lIPpllcrs. are not available. ,,. ":I teacher; "d ",,' """",,,,•. 1 At th' ,,~. " the m.";o, Employ... AmocaU"" at, ofth. a_ p,..m!!. :'\ ,ymptoms '0 ~lfid;'\' o( the Pro., it was decidcd to form a com. two o'clock this morningi etl by Mr. Taylor. The ,,: a cl:ild's ;;r;,rl 'I:1 "r ~Iunicipal, mittcc :-vhich would del~e into said members of its nego-I statement claimed tI!~t 1:-1:1:. E\'cn . llll , i ar.d 01 \'I'IHral the varlOu,s W.hlCh. de. b f ., '" may hal'e H.". ",,,,,,,,,,,,.~Iol't.~agc! ",. ,,'0, ,,,md~roblems ••Ii,. Tb...... t ..On< .0mmUto. bad met' the ••"emenl pul • n~, : 0 com pensite ,:~';h. ""mh" " .".; .. ,," " ."mU" '0 ,,",,,,,, at the "qu,,' of fed.",I: ;t by M<. Tayl" w" ri.ot, I : I , [or 51. JnllJl', ~;;Ist. \\'as to that whIch o~erated early In C T f Off' With ent tbat ;; 'I . ",,",'eo" :,,,"" ,,,. WIth ,~h ,ood I 0'"'' >on "" . , • "m. a"'...... : I, I · or opcnl'(1 hI' rcsults. Taylor t.o sign an .agre.c-, it had presented to t~e, 1 . ,\. Vil'ian. Thc ,commIttee consIsts ate ment with the Umon m- i employers ten ays a(.O:.' r:':{'dm~ ~1",\\.1:- • 1 .' f h d .. ,,' ''':",,' ""~"'I ~:!:;'~~ ~':;:~"G:;':" H~~ ",p.not;"g p"v~;on fn<: It "M ,h. prop ..." h.~ \ '1 .. 'lo'Il' llli'pOI'atlM' ,., • h . . f h "1' bid ,~.• . ' . '1_ \1' 'lcGr"th 1 wood, Cyril Congdon, R. O. t e retauung 0 t e ... i cen C lange • . 'rJroj,;ccr ,!.. , .. " f J P ------

. 'I t011 the mretin n March, Waltel' He ferton, . . " .; . ,'II\O\'C grea!~ ,l!eGrat I~r ('?C,lIn2I r d~)'> of thc.. ' P'k1 c, C,.., II Gosse Robert Stral· The Biological SUb.commtt.\are Dr. J. L. Kask, Chah'man of are Dr, J. L, Hart, Director and takcn by the DAILY NEWS ali SAL" "'JION 'ARMY ",' hant1~. il is r,lll,;n,rilt a committee tO~h f" t momittee meeting tee of the Eastern Advisory the Fisheries Research Board, Dr, W. R. Martin of the Research the Biological Station Tuesday! ".K : .. 01;: !rll'al~:,('r r, h1d hl'cn formed t,o', , ~ dll~ / fo l\londay Sep. Committee of the Fisheries Re· IOttawa; Dr, F. R. Hayes, Depart· Board's Biological Station, St. afternoon during a meeting of; .;;.;..;;..------. I •.. j> and a n\'II,iJl~ pJ'ohlrm". ThIS lIS .e e ~ Cd ; the end ~f the' search Board of Canada have iment of Zoology, Dalhousie Uni· Andrews, N.B, and Dr. H. B. the committce. Standing, Ictt, C -- r. , .:, rubhin" h,11 m~t :\'lth ce.n~ral tem~~r 211~ . Mc~rath expressed been meeting at the Bo.ard's versity, Halifax; Dr, Raymond Hachey, Chief Oceanographer, to right, Dr. W. R. Marlin, Dr'i om mIssIoner " ,kin, It "i; .,nd IInu;J11~ offlcl,als: ~cc 109 , \ 'ion and leasure Biological Station, Water Street Gushue, President Memorial Canadian Joint Committee on W. Templeman, Dr. II. B' :' ,k i II r.lsh ill 1111' gencral bUIld. i ~~s t app~eclnt mber of t~e trade Easl, St,. John's, Sept. 15-17, reo University of Newfoundland, SI. Oceanography, St, Andrews, N. Hachc~', and Dr. J. L. Hal'\. Sit· I .. ~lI'ai-h'('~, . p,r:lcular stud)" he i a suc a ~ ther at such a Iviewing the work conducted by John's; and Mr. W. L. William· B., and Dr. W. empleman, Direc· ting, left to right, Dr. F. R., II.' piau',! 011 are:ls such, ~OUI~ tr:n~ct a~:eto have shown the Board's Atlantic coast Bio· son, Vice·President, conley's tor, Biological Station, st. Haycs, Dr. Raymond Gushue,' V· -t- , [ou~dl"nd, whrre thc I u~~ ea: i:tel'est 'lOgical Stations during 1957.58.1 Lobsters Ltd., St. Andrews, New Tohn's. Dr. J, L. Kask and 1\11'. W. L.,: lSI lng Province rl thr \ltJOnal ~?us'l a I: is expected' that this recent Members of the Sub.Committee! Brunswick. Also in attendance The abol'e photograph was Williamson, The Territorial commander Iretary folr the Salvation ArmY"!n: ure not 11l'lflg 31 aIled " for the Salvation Army in Can· Canada and Bermuda, Sr, )lajlir thl (ullr>t extent. He ?evelopment WIll have qUIte an ada and Bermuda. commission., L. Pindre? (of Toronto) as well t~it thr cOJnmillec found i Important effcct, o.n rural and Dr. Peters Is OCTOG'ENESIAN SAVS Icr W, Wycliffc Booth, L.LD .. as S~lvaho~ Arm~ Corps ~!!r. Ih! larger rt'ntl'cs were outport home·bulldmg. ' I With :III'S, Booth and party ar·1 cers ID the 1I1,lm,ediate area. ~ ril'ed in Gander from Toronto I The Commlssltner and party I. last night at 10,55 p.m, will also visit. Hare Bay; wes· , i U;~u~~;th:\':N!~I:,f ~~~\J{l")led F-or-'- 60 Year In "H d W k I R · leyville; Greenspond; Do~r; · d Medl"cal Prac.ticel I Among other important func· Glovertown and Gamba; vilth I 'tQaJl:~i~tetl~~tc ~~~~~:~I' ar " or s eClpe I .I .. problem, Con~cqucntly i mpane I lions which will bc preside,d ti,e final ~fficial stDpover '~at Go .. rrnmcnt hous, , Dr. Charles A. Peters, aged i F A L Lllf ol'cr by Commissioner Booth IS Gander. The commissio,r I the In,luetion of the nel'lly·ap· will not be able to visit the t. (',rnlra~ ~Iortga~c; Drl"vI"ng 86. has just celebrated his 60th! or 0 ong I e " lorpOlatlon, ha.s 1 \ year of continuous service to Ipointed DiI'isional Of[icers for John's area during this tou . rroducrd pl.n~ and spec I' I Tohn Hamilton DC Campbell' the Mon~eal General Hospital. He said proudly, "r ... c huill! the Central Ncwfvunlland Di,\ !: . lor a nllntmum house. Al'enue was COD\'ictcd of im. A McGIll graduate, Dr, Peters Lots of hard work, providing I three houses since I came in' vision, The Divisional Officers 1 Th Shi 1 · mtalll !\cms can be: paired drivinll by Magistrate J, remembers the days when the, I'OU don't overdo it is Mr. Eli herc". i ~re Sel1ior·~lajor and )Irs. C, .. ree pS ." In order to ",Hect sa\··I· p, Mulcahy Tuesday and fined hospital was a dingy 200·bed in- Russell's advice to' those who I Although he retired from the IHickman, and the cerem~ny t , thr con,lrul'l1on, costs. $150 or seven days in jail. He f1rmary without even an x·ray want to live to a ripe old age,ll railway 33 years ago, Mr, Rus· will take place in the Salvation I H hour ~ · ,nd ;pec1fJcaUons of I' was prohibited from driving for machine. And he knows what he's talking sell, often says, "What wouldn't: Citadel at Grand Falls n !.;.!: Ar~y ar , ' · l1ou;c were then a II' I give to get back to work tOnight at BOO p.m. The S,S Loulea, from Af " hI' ~Ir. Vil'ian who I ne year. He was appointed out·patient about too. Mr. Russe 15 98 I o'Jl'the itcms which dif. A member of the R.C.M.P. physician at the' hospital in years ol? tod~y, and has live? again." ,..,. Lt.,Colonel and )lrs. ,E, Few· arrived y~sterday and ancho d CHHC's normal stand· \ h,ad rOll~wed ~he def.endant! c~r, 190~ and made attending phy. a full life WIth plenty of tall I He ~akes an lOtelllgent I~' ster left St, John's by Trans· in mid·stream. The ship pu1'n \.i1 that the house \\h~eh \\as bemg drIven erra~c. slelan In 1915 and later that and trouble. terest In. all local news; ~IS i Canada Airlines yesterday in Ihere ,for custo.ms purpose ,~ "II(:H:.I:r.e~ a5 a prototype all~, from the Horse Cove LIne year recruited !pe 9th Field "Hard work never hurt any· daught~r.m.law told the NE'\~'I order to take part in the In· she wI!1 be makmg calls at ot • I .... : ~oclCly, e! b;llder' and archl. to Topsail ~oad. Afte~ he had Ambulance and as Its command· one", he says, "I've \ived a long an~ th~n~~ th~ ~?ngshoreman s duction Service ceremonies at Iports 10 Newfoundland. .:: · .. nlJ,cum tt:drEe to' produce their narro":ly mlssed collldmg Wlt~ ing' officer took It overseas. time after all I've been through, strike IS ~ooh~h .. He chuekl.; Grand Falls tonight. Other Also in port. is a coal ~al h t ed and saId,,, I WIsh could officers who will be attending is unloadmg at the 1~:I:c incorporating the ondcomlng tCdarsf edwia~ S OPhPlcl In 1933 he became consultant and J lVent through I lot," I I ,l'ihiC~ Nt'w· .. " an arres e or r vlng we. . h G talk to, them" arc: The Provincial Secrctary founaland Coal Company, S.9~h. delclJons In stand. his ability to drive was impaired phYSICIan at t e Montreal en· Mr, Russell was born In Mus· s , "'TI. \' (;,'~IJ:S b' alcohol eral and although now retired grave Harbour 98 years ago, and LookIng o,'er hIS ~Ia>~es at and )Irs, Brigadier S. Genncry; 1side. and the Portuguese tm ' ,,:.n.\ '\S, E~~I.nd the hOll,r Is dHfcr.)· still visits the institution to visit spent his youth and early mar· th~ N~WS ,reporter. Mr, Russell iThe Territorial Candidates' sec,l pital ship Gil Eannes, . 'f. .... i'la::I!1~ llilh said. You II have to see a lot -.------'- -:,~ lire:; ill I Ihe ;ypieal homc built I - FEWER JOBS old friends and see what's going ried life as a .fisherma~. But dwrllers with N.H.~., LONDON lCPI _ The United on. w.hen on.e of hIS sons died ~f before you catch up with me, "\ B·' P · g I · )Io;! hllU5CS bUIlt Kingdom's unemplo~'ment total He Is the brothcr of Mr. d~phth.erJa at .the a~e of twe!\e, , Many .I'isit~rs will be cal.ling, egln aVlll n 111 to Wish hIm happy birth· 1 meed thc mini'i was 412,000 in July, 168,000 more George Peters,. or Peters and: hIS Wife deCided It was tIme a ~H.t day today and taste a little of I,r.dml., In a number of, than the same month last year. Son I here In St, John's. i they moved to a place where I ~IR. ELI RUSSELL the birthday cake baked by his 1 · A there wa~ a doctor-so they daug.hter.in.la",:. Although,n?nc P acentla rea came to St. John's,* ,of hiS own chIldren are hnng, "~I had to sacrificp rvery. : ~~r, Russell has four grandsons. thing" Mr. RusseIJ said sadh" SIX grcat·gdradndson~ and lwo I It was rcporlctt [rom Placl'lltia last night that the "b Il t my IV if'e \\a nt ed to com,e I great·granb 'h aught~rs.Hc' has . I Jlal'in~ 01. Ihe Jersev Side. Road 15 ' !101V .IS 1U II s"mg,.' .i in here to I a rot er aged 90 who h\'cs 111 .' .~ b ' Th.'f Id I h his old home lOWIl o[ ~llIs"ra\'c On~ more fine day. tbe report stales, al',-, t e pavmg 'I, . IS ,me 0 gent eman, , I\' 0 I Harbour. and the two C~l're:pond ! will hale rrachcrl as far as the Railway Stalion. " . 18 as SPlY as many a man tllenty til "'h th J Sil road has beeD completed thr. years younger, began here as a regu ar y, en e. erscv e . , carpenter and later worked with He went to ChUITh tll'O Sun, work of panng the road m Placentia TO"lDslde will .." Job Brothers and Co. He has days' ago and voted in the last begin. only been out of the Province Federal election. Two ycars ago Th~re has be!.'n considerahle delay in getlil'.g the once In his life when his em. he broke his arm and spent four Asphalt Plant in proper operation due to some defects ployers sent him to Prince Ed. months in hospital. in the steam heating system. However, all these diffi ward Island for I load of fish. It's been a full lire alright, cultles have 111011' been overcome Ind highways officials .1: Mr. Russell later joined the I and Mr. Russell is the man who I there feel that the work will now proceed without il· railway and worked ill ~he up· knows it. "Yes", he murmured interruption. I '1 hostery department. HIS son, as the. NEWS r~rort~r and It is intended to pave a distance o[ five miles In the late H. J. Russell rose to photographer left. Y~u II se~ a I PI centla this year, weather permittIng. be manager of the Newfound· lot ahead of you yet If you l1ve I a land Railway at the age of 35, as long as I do." 1-_____------,I ,I i, I fact of which the old gentle- .=-....-==== man is justly proud. ,i When first interviewed, Mr. I Russell, who lives with his ! ~dl" COME - SEE THEM SOON I · \ 1_ r:,n.da b'JYlfll! A daughter.in·law, Mrs. H. J, Rus· .. , rrOVIdf" a",11.r,' sell on Leslie Street, said sadly, ._~~ , ••. ,"d 1t:tfl S I, ~1,n!"I"·' "I'm tired of living. I don't \ I want to be a trouble to anyone. THE NEW FALL , I've no-one left now to take I, ear. of me except my daughter· i in.law.I' Later, however, he brightened up IS he reminisced The motor vessel l'~ary about the old days when "there SKIRTS I:! : was at Bay Bulls Mon­ wal nothin' in St. John'l. No MISSES' 'N' WOMEN'S SIZES 14·20 can, no house, no nothin'" 0 day unloading over two I. hundred tons of fresh ------­ • Choose from wotl - wool blend ., produce from Nova Scotia and all wool flannels. for Pan-Maritime Pro­ Fined $50 For duce Ltd., a new local • Donegal type tweeds-knobby company. Top photo Driving Without tweeds-plain colors. shows General Manager J. P. LaRoque (left) and License • Slim-Full and Director F. I. Boates dis- A man who was prohibited Chemise styill. playing a box of Graven- from driving for two yean No· stein apples. This fruit I~:~befn j:~1 fl~d ~~is~:at!'~ Also all Black Flannel, S3.75 like potatoes, carrots, etc,. Court for driving 'a car. When Maternity adjustable Skirts. is being brought to New- he was approached by the police foundland in bulk. and he first of all gave a false name, and then ran away. He was packaged at Bay ButIs . caught and arrested. He had Pan-Maritime Ltd. have been convicted of Impaired driv· obtained excellent ware- Ing last November and • few housing facilities there weeks later was also arrested for drunken ddving, Theot h er ph oto SOWSh the M.V. Peary unload- LANDMARK GOES ing at Bay Bulls,-(Royal CHIPPING ONGAR, Eng. ," . P)-The liDO·year·old Red Lr . Photo Servlce)... Inn, famous landmark in ( Essex community, is being molished to make way for a Ifire and ambulance statioin. , . I'

, " . • " .. ~.

: i: ~.- ' II, ' ,\ 'ot; 'i THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., WEDNESOAY, SEPT. I " \.'" •• -, ...... 0 00 ,. ~o

~. . i' ~ " " ': ,·~~i' .. ' I ,'1', I I: '" ·1.... UJ: ,&b(.~ ·n&'1 THE DAILY lVEWS 111,01 .'l!r'r­ 'ti o. NtwIoundland's Only Morning Paper' \.,. r In The News The DAILY NEWS 11 I mornlna .paper established In 1894, and publish· BY WAYFARER 'On "',' '. ': ed at the NeWt! huildlng, 3~5·.3S9 Duck· (eaDUnGed) , ,'worth Street, st. John'lI, NeWfoundland. COST OF GOVERNMENT coasters seem today to find freights jn a coun!ry U Robinson & Company, Limited, The Board 01 Liquor Control Is big hard to get. 'There is 8 fisheries • democratic CD~ business. It cmploys 129 people and training schooi but what it does Is not in a countrY th .': MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS costs $443,000 but It brings the pro· clear. It has a staff of five and a cost for its pra~1 oeinoeraey IS, The ,'Canadian Prest It exclusively vince revenue of about $4,000,000. of $49,000. The salaries of the F.D.A. a eiperllllle!l~ in fail , I e1:litled to the use for republication 01 It Is probably cheap at the price. are included t.ut not its expenditures in the , i' all news despatches In this paper credit­ which, as we have said, are under men are' able' I I· ed to it or to the Auoclated Prellf or Municipal Affairs & Supply costs capital account Fillhing demonstra­ identit)' and mal Reuters and also the local newl pu~ about $1,349,000. The big items are tions, wbatever they may be, com. to that there Is SUI '~" llshed therein. ' the grants to town and local councils. $73,000. And 110 mucb for fisheries .0 unity In multip , , • " ,.' UABLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES All Press lervice and feature articl,... City councils are', listed at \ $Zl!9,OOO. far as current account is concerned. the concept tbat , '. :Canlda ...... $1".00 per annum In this paper are cQPyrighted and their All of this presumably goes to Corner unity in multi pUc t I basis \r • 'United Kingdom and reproduction Is prohibited. of demo I, 'Brook. Ther!! Is no other city besides The Department of Economie De· the confederati : I III lorti8ll Countries $14,00 per annum S1. John's which gets its fire and police velopment has a modest current account ,r ' Member Audit Bureau in 1867 is a ~ae I ,~ ,,' \ . services paid for by the province but budget of $300.000. This includes tour· attest . these Ide , , ist development which has a budget , ' .., Authorised al second cia.. mall, Post ol ClrculatioDl. does not receive any direct lJ'ants. that in a :: i of $120,000 and employs a staff of I I, ~,' Offiees Department, Ottawa. with many pro 1,"6 Local councils receive -$425,000, twelve. Economic development admini· a wide expanse bave been al WEDNESDAY, SEPT.• 17, 1958 These are sums paid in 6roportion to stration includes the Newfoundiand i: local tax collections. It foHows that contribution to the Atlantic Provinces form one great I •. "~' the more improvements In a local Cilm· Economic CO:l!lcil. This, Including the Newfoundland e ------and in doing 51 • t·· .ing the recent racial riots in Lon· munity, the higher the tax revenues prOVISIOn for tbe London Office, don. an older domin : i' Th e M att er Of Re.a ,ve collected to pay for them and the more costs $45,000. right believel In no country can the authori· that may be expected from the pro· a thing as ties keep' oo~stant watch on vincial government. The one thing The Department of Labour costa ,,~. - ',' !t1pliClty. Those whc Debt hooligan elements in a cominun· that Is clear is that as services In local just short of $250,000. It has a staff province of government areas improve, the cost to of 31 and its biggest cost item is are proud tha The Board of Trade has written ity. Yet when irresponsibles the province will rise. We are a long apprenticeship for which $119,000 lJ tbat great pI • I " the Prime Minister of Canada to behave so badly that they bring SUggest to you thl ; way' from the dB!' when local taxatton provided. :',,-Jriake two principal points. One is discredit on the nation, swift can relieVe the strain on the provin· proud because II Ii Vie could go cial .government. Highways cost $5,914.200. The big I 'l;~,the failure of the original Terms justice awaits them in Britain the countrY from • :".,of Union to consider the matter once they have been caught and -- item is $4.500,000 for maintenance Edward Island i I In the suroly division, printing and ol roads and bridges and $650,000 for I r.' ~f relative per capita debt. The convicted. oro~'ince It will 1M I. office supplies, eteetra, come to $180,· local roads. The total staff has jump­ are proud other is the importance to Canada The Judge in this present case 000 which Is a substantial sum. ed from 104 to 136. Snow clearlnl own provil :i .of assisting in the economic 'de· told the convicted youths that Reference books and publications cost is now included in the general main­ time are pi ------.... ,~ \'elopment of N"ewfoundland.. . while they were, a minute and another $10,000 which Is a lot of tenance grant Which, including this The Board had submitted a insignificant section of the popu· reference books. Office furniture comes item. is up b!1 $1,400,000 from last memorandum on the debt subject lation, they had brought shame on , to $25,000. The total staff of supply year. As, road mi'leages increase, as Our North: Possession Edson In Is 17 persons. more and more people clamour for to the Newfoundland Revision the district in ,which they lived all·weather ,roads, It II clear that Commission which included it in and had filled the whole nation Fisheries have a cost of $546,900 maintenance costs must continue to Or Evil its report as part of the appendt~. with ~orror and disgus~. An~ t?en which, Of course, does not include the rise. Washin money dispensed under capital head· , ! It was a good point to make but It he laId down a baSIC prmclple (l\Iaciean's lIIagazine) ; 1 was unfortunately outside the of British freedom: "Everyone, ings by th~ Fishery Development This series of articles has briefly NEA Authority. The IOlal staff is 45, The and cnrsorily surveyed the ordinary Most Canadians will be interested in terms of the Commission's refer· irrespecth'e of the colour of their AID TO CIUNAIS Fishermen's Fi;deration gets $21,000 a cxpenses of gO\'crnmenl, It is possi· the personal a~surance of Premier John ence: skin, is entitled to walk through year as a government grant. It is an ble that an efficiency expcrt could ,Diefenbaker that Canadian sovereignty OTHER S~IALL The position had been much oui" streets in peace with their circllmst~nce 1 odd that government save a bit here and there and that has been restored in the Canadian WASHlNGTON- (NEA1-Tht , ' al , argued before union. .It was that heads erect and free from fear." should thus subsidize B union but it many a mickle may make a muckle. north, including the Dewline sites lem which the United Stale! if the terms ip 1948 had been This act may not end the prob. is reall~' not 3 union but an attel!1pt to But, by and large. it is difficult to occupied and operated by the United deciding on military aid to ilvfoundlland the a: get fishermen. workcrs in an industry see how the cost of governmcnt in similar to those rejected by New· lem of racial violence which has Stat('s. sbek's defense of Qucmoy and there desel of national impor'tance, together for Ncwfoundland can be reduced below At thp same time it mu,t be a mat· be proud foundland in 1895, Canada would so suddenly come up to haunt has parallels. 11 is their own 8nll the province's good, . $60 million witbout depriving the ler of general dismay that as reccntiy same problem that the tinited I urge HIe ha\'e been obliged to pay annual cerain English towns but it does prople ()f important services to which as the middle of last montb the Can· had formerly in Korea and , the Minister interest to Newfoundland at an serve notice that justice prevails The new shipbuilding bounties are they have hecom'e accustomed and adian minister of northern affairs was is the same problem, with the cabinet al estimated to cost $150,000. In the which are still far below the stand· of this coml agreed 'raie on the difference in and that nobody can violate the under the impression thai neither he Lebanon and Jordan. consider present stale of the coasting trade, ards of simllar services on the main· , ' the per capita debts of the two fundamental principles of British nor any olh('r Canadian could visit It is basically wther to by the . that may not all be needed. 1'00 many land. parl~ of the Canadian north without realities of international power I' countries multiplied by the New· freedom without inviting severe :W1Ul",Ul."U, by tI permiSSIon from Washington. Alvin and to give in to the idea and foundland populatiqn. The capital punishment. Hamilton's hasty and honorahle cor­ makes right in coup or conqu!it melnbers from N sum involved would have been of ------rection Of his Common statement to Under this postulate, the in the Hous~ the order of $300 million. Others Are Saying that effect ("I ,goofed") does very to do is to admit that l're,irl,'n! on behalf of N 1 W7zat yO! r little to alter the salient condition Xai·shek i sa defeated £eneral~, lor I anure But the terms of 1895 were not The Smaller Catch CASHING IN ON GREED if he doesn't-next time perhaps. China, He has been driven that if we can , I repeated. A different kind of that led him to make it in the first DUn'GlallO the stal )Iilwaukee Journal In these days when so many "sham­ ,place. A larg(' strip of the roof of homeland to the Island of I : I financial arrangement was made In the old measurement of dry A Los Angeles attorney who has reo ateurs" are before the public, and how it will becon ','" Canada is little more than a banana Formosa. He given little chance which has not proved very satis· quintal eq\1ivnlent by which the , tired after a lifetime of prosecuting some of them want to win only for this count!')', republic. So long as 'its military in· returning to head the to Canada on factory. However, the 1!hief bas~s ,production of. fish was equalize.d crooke d promoters and bunco artists the sake of the professional contracts stailations are owned and controlled by 600 millian Chinese people, , people of New! I sums up the "truths" he ha, learned that may be offered them, it is 1'e' , for argument in the debt issue IS for comparative purposes, thIS the United St~tes. Canada will exer· There is no more economic .excelled in t1 in the old adage of confidence men: freshin.g to find a young man interest­ cise its political and 'legal rights there lion for Quemoy and Malsu eJcelled on'" 1 I actually the fact that in their year has ~een a fall in output of "You can't cheat an honest man," ed in sport for sport'. sake. Elliott mainly on sufferance, and even high and governed b yNationali,t hal'e alwa~'s' I federal tax rates Newfoundlanders about 180,000 quintals. That would wanls to win the OI!/mpic 1,500 metres offiicals of our government won't be Taiwan than there would ~ of calling t ! are paying their share of the cost be seriou.s at ?ny.time and. all the IIlVeR TO TELL AND LEARN. at Rome and the mile at the next Island. Nantucket, Key Wesl " exactly sure whcre those rights be-gin Mr. Ch of servicing the borrowing done more seflOUS ill View of the sman Victorlr. Daily Times Empire Games which will be held at and end, Wi! h U ,S. submarines cruis· Catalinas to be held by Sol'iet Mr. Diefenbaker is wise to plan a Perth, Australia, the nearest city to this e\'eni n; by the Federal Government ,before production of salt fish in ~ece~t ing uncIin' the polar icc·cap and signs Thc usefulness of Qucmo~' 31.d to the remarks world·wide tOUI' of the Commonwealth. hi.~ home town. To do that he must unioll to improve the public ser· years. It means a reduchon 111 abundant of l'oming displlte~ o,'cr own­ to Taiwan today is purely . members from Like Mr. SI. .Laurent before him. he alld will remain an amateur. vices of the nation. fishenl1en's earnings of something ership of the Whole Arctic archipel­ an putoosl or first line of of Newfoundl will have mU('h to tell our partners Oln hmr\\"hbrwmfkw thbrw hmrw hkrw qu('stion of whether Taiwan niade by my The McNair Commission has of the order of two million dollars. ago, there is good reason to helie\'e ahout Canaela and much to learn from .hat this kin:! of confusion will grow held if the Red Chinese lall member for said that "unlike the rest of There was, however, an in­ them. 'l'here is no substitute lor thrse FEWER NEEDED I grcatrr hdo.. !' it grows less. out attack on the island is not well , Xew Glasgow News question bl Canada, NE"Ivfoundland had not crease in the quantity of frozen personal visits and candid conversa· What is the hrsl lonil·tcrm PQlicy rlehalahl~. I about it I received the benefits of over fillets for this year although the tions belwcen the Commollwe~lIh's Many of those workers now on strike for this country in the light of the And yet, to maintain the leader. The Pl'ime '~lillister is wise alos in the steel industry may never see the go\'ernment eighty years aggressive policies total is below the facts 3S theo;l &rr? Should we admit tionalist ,e:o\'ernment on of s~ill far n~d. to take his wife with him, for Canada inside of a steel plant again. in a way that designed to assist economic de· The market has been steadIly the Canadian north is too 'big and for­ Uniled States has advanc~r this important ould send no more charming ambass· Why? billion dollars in economic aid \'elopment anrl to foster economic improving and the expectation bidding for C"nada to de\'clop or Complaint of adress. defend and ,step aside for a richer. grants. To this must he Newfoundlam expansion. Newfoundland had of an increasing demand in the Because fewer and fewer workers are stronger nation? Or should We try to ported hundreds of million! in discussion h CLERK REFUSES $240.000 needed to produce the same amount of been outside the great national American market is held with more steel. enforce the same broad policy that assislance and support. the ten structure of transportation facili· confidence. St. Thomas Times·Journal has bee ntrnditional in the southern In another even costlier and that i Herhert El\lott is a clerk with an Where it look 16 man·hours to pro· I think hor ,t\es, highly-developed government One thing is certain. In spite parts of Canada: namely, encourage the same sort, the United oil company in hi~ home town of Scar· duce an American ton of steel in 1941, spen t 1.8 billion dUo amnd be jUstified services and extensive regional of the many draggers now in ser· settlement and investment from out· consideration frl borough, Australia. He is also a great it only takes 12 man·hours today. That's side in every reasonable way, but It,eep 142,000 casualties to defend thl and industrial supports." And the vice and the increasing' use of Ireasury to helt runner. Americans used to ap!)ly the a reduction in human labor of a whop· military and political control over our lie of South Korea, contrihute thcir health term "fastest human" to one of thcir cost of a good many of these things long· liners by shore fishermen, we ping 25%. In the United States it Is oWll territory in our own hands? habilitation and future security, ~o;·ds and educ in which Newfoundland has not are not much better off than we men, but if he had run behind Elliott estimated that of the 6~5,ooo steelwork· If we should return to Ihe latter No American troops were U1 that pro\'inc it would bave seemed as if he were ers employel at the peak of production shared is represented by the were sever~l. ye~rs ago in res~ect course we can be sure of one un· hut the United States bas spent from the tern almost left standing. The fastest hu· in November. 1956, perhaps 100.000 billion dollars in Indo·China that wil present Federal debt and the high to the stablllzabon of production. pleasant consequence. We will be from the date 1 ~ man body tod'" is this 20'year-old will never be needed to make Iteel accused of nationalism of the narrow­ economic survival and defenst rates of taxation for which it is' The answer may lie in increasing 1949. there she Australian, whose last record for the agailt. And the trend Is precisely the est sort-of givins new strength and Communist aggression. responsible. . the mobility of shore fishennen mile was 3 minutes, 54'h seconds. Two same in Canada. by the encouragement to a movement that is Neither the Korean nor T<)vidit,a to Ne , With the Board of Trade's through the greater use of long· ycars ago or thereabouts if Dr. Roger giving the world at large some of its Bannister, the first man to beat a This gain In productivity hasn't been wars were won by either side second point it is impossible to liners, but the capital cost of doing the result of human sweat, says The largest beadaches. Without question settled nothing, so what did tbl four·minute mile, had been competing it wHI be pointed out to us that we , I disagree. It has been said here this on a very large scale would against Elliott, he would have linish· Financial Post. Nearly all of It stems states get out of the more , , time and again through the past be extremely h~gh. directly from more and better equip' are being parochila and shortsighted to billion dollars it has inwled ed about 50 yards behind, which Is an think in terms of old·fashioned polio eight or nine years that practical • enormous distance in such a short ment and the greater use of automatic Indo.China and Taiwan since of nearly automatic machines, which- in out question nationalism is deplorable. Some feel that from the I ' ,~, and substantial aid to Newfound. race. and water. Without question those .' : Elliott's times .are so phenomenal turn have been brought into use practical pOlVer politics it "I land to encourage full employment through steadily rising costs. who point this out will be right. With· been better to recognize the .' ; ,. that professional sports promoU!rs have and a higher standard of, living out question nationlaism is deplorable. : 1 i~ Strength For Today Invited blm to turn professional - to these situations and write thlm I. , '~ Bul-and this is a simple fact often would be an act of enlightened run only for money. They have given losses. '::- : :j . By EARL L. DOUGLASS LIPSTICK IN GRADE 'I forgotten - nationalism is inevitable , " self·interest by the Federal Gov·. him a guarante& of $240,000. It takes Thl! obvIous answer givea h , '·i· Vancouver F I, but, for small nations, almost manda~ ,f " e1'ninen t. ' h grit to win races, and It takes grit of tory. qucstion is that any such , : At least ninetv cents of e\'ery T e world t~day sppears to be Inre· another kind to resist the tempta lion Parents will hope t lI"t Vancouver I~ .) ", , " \·olt. Looking back for almost twenty school principals' adopt lhe standards The Ideal world, we think most of would have been a worse :,'t .' to accept nearly one quarter of a the one which President :i ,j d~llsr 'Oy wtJich consumer. pur· years now, the whole of human lociety of dress of pupils, proposed by princl· the present world's inhabitants might at milllon dollars. "But," said, Elliott to least pretend to agree, would be one and the Congressional leader! ; , , :f • c~asing is increased in Newfound· , has appeared to be characterized by this pal and alderman Tom Alsbury, ., . • British interviewer, "I am not In· world. No borders, no. barriers, no out the Pentagon bran fof .,' ' d must be used' to buy the mood" Of course, we blame It on Com· . Leather Jackets, jackboots, .heer' " terested In the money angle. I am , , - submerged peoples; no elites,. no mas· planning. .' , I educt!! of' 'mainland 'industry, munlsm, and, with a lJ'eat deal of jus: only Interested Iri runnin,," 'blouses, tight sweaters and skirts and .: I ~ I ter states, no satellites. But until man I '. '1.3 h' . Uce. But even Communism could not It is interesting' to note that the similar extremes of bad taste in wear For the United States to Rill r. ·no ot leI' pl'onl1ce wou 1I .~ e stb' people up unless they were wllllng reaches the higb moral state required " Australian feels a runner should have , ing apparel need not be, admitted In Vietnam, Korea, or Taiwan o[ Ollt51dc 10 he'stit:red up. Communism fiahes In to make one world workable, the less rcentage purchll~es two running careers. Up to the age any classroom. mean giving up next on the generous, less sensible ethic of na·' t at province he nendy Dshigh,A " troubled waters, hut somebody or'some­ of 24 he could excel as a short:dis. and then on Japan, Into whlcb If Mr. Alsburo;' errs in his proposals tionalism will continue as a major r~ al meaf,U)'e of intelligent interest' thjn~ trouhlcd Ihe wnlers evrn before lance runner, and alter that he cou1rl four billions have gone. he errs on the sirle of leniency. Why force in world affairs. It will remain, by .OUawa in promoting develop. t.he Cnmmu~isls iot there with hook, fEO in 'lor the longrr rlistance~, He ban Iip,tick in Grade 7 on~y? Why parodoxically, the sceptre of the strong For safeguarding ~malllf. ment in province ,would line. and bmt. . . lhinks he could thus kcrp rUnning UII· ihis be' not all junim: hil!h? Therc's plenty of and the shield. of the weak. Th06e in the Middle East from-until , ., Every a~ency jlromotmit gOOlI In the til abou I the age of 35. proof of the SI~C~l'lty of. ~he Wllrld-~nd e~p~cially the Christian time to wrar it after school-it mother II'h" leclure' most sternly and persua· -lesser threats of ag~re5sion, Herb rli.~likes the idea of setting a present go\,,:!rnmrl1t 5 talk Church-should heer! Ihis present.rlay approvps. sivcly on its evils will remain, para­ rying charges for U.S, taxP~' about fixed ob,ieotil'e Of lime for any race. doxically, those who have risen to not been 10 great. They maY the. expansion of, ·the national disposition toward revolt and help lIuide He Is ~url) he can beat his present Mr. AI.,hury·f, sug/!cslion for a unitee! power through Its most suecessful ap' ped up, however. if Nasseris]11 tconom:-'.' humanity 10 find a WiI.V out o! the dark record. bul he will not make specific front against bad dress on the au, anrt'rnrbiddiTl!: lahYl'inth or modern plication. , It Is the Russias that iec munist indirect aggression attempts to do 10: He wlll just do his thority of the school board delegated ture the, Yugoslavias on nationalism lake over more 'of the area. el·cnls. In other words, we need guid· best every Urne he goes on the track. In Vancouver to Individual principals , ' . '. ,Brl·t,·sh Just.tce aoce today as never .before. 'The world The board's authority is spelled out never the other way around; it is the would be a poor place If rilen did not are in Just aueh a .tate at the present in tile new Pubiil; School Act, article Frances that lecture the Tunisians, the better and leu regrettable • have In their hearts the' disposition to time. Let UI 81 individuals realize that E:nglancll that lecture the Egypts, the rna., be able to correct. But '.,'-. ' 122, which states: There are nine. young men' in revolt against evil and Injustice. But we' are members of a lick race in an . U.S.A.'. (only occasionally and, we !i~e being we're through Britain wro will have. ample time, t~ere come certain periods in \\:orld hour of dangerous epidemic. And sick " "Every pupil shall. attend Ichool :dmit, mosttE,mperately) that lecture for It. ~e,;.hope Mr. HamfllOD , for. ref1ettton f as '-+oey' sp' ehd the. hlatory when the race appears to becoI?e ness lemands treatment, not 'criticism or . I'egulal'ly, be clean and tidy in person :Ie Canadas, Iliefenbaker will continue ... " , . ~' . \, restlesa. Then revolt becomes chrOniC. denunciation. ,and prescnt himself punctually al For O\U' pcrwnal part, we don't mind "imilar attitude and if, in " Ifea~,.~:~! ~~e·~ext ~olir ,years 'It 'ctases to b.e the sign 'of health and We 'live in' an age whcrein it is eas) each scssion 01 school c\jlthed apprr ~eing lectured to about our national they can really ~et us bae~ in p~tto which :tlie,,· haVe< been become. the sign of disease. for any and' all of us to be useful. priate'y. in ~eepiDg. with the custom' :sm now and. then. We recognize it as we don't think H1ey'!1 need consigned for' tIleir role in start· Unless all present algns are \\Tong we If he creates a neiv record - all right; of the school ~anctioned hy Ihe board': a most regrettable cO'ndition which, in ' for either . •1 I ,1 :.. ~~.: II~r,·1 .

IE'~~~~~S!!T~. ~JO!H~N~'S~, ~~1~1~,~~~:..... __.....:~ ______------_____=-5_'~":~<'."I,j'i' -:pi, ' ,,"::, . ' bate me to c:orr.eet all the eurrent country. differp.nt from olher parIs of member for Weiland going to Dl·8CU8&;1~ Hotel delayed airline pas&eng~,,' . {iii' :';' ;:, ' ! miteonceptions which even this w~ get the lame federal Canada and ,ils people are speak on this subject? """" thereg IS, of course, the contin~'I'?:I,,;1 " ... " commltteemaY,5hare, ' grant, the lame rental pro- much like those from other Mr. McMillan: Nolon New· in , need for hotel accommoda· >\:I";:'~ t -', De I do 'suggest to this commit. grams and the same treatment constitupncies. We ask nothing foundland. Accommodation tion to serve the Town of Gan· ;,,;" J I i' I OOllons tee; however, that IS public generally, but we have so much more than the right to ea~n a Mr. Fleming (Eglinton): Mr. der. It has always been -our: ; "" ,:' i, I ' rm 29 ,men it would serve us well If farther to come In order to decent living, Ihrough our own Chair.nan, I have listened with 6,t Gander Ifeeling that. a holel I.cx,:ated in, i. I: I We were to devote some time to achieve equality that we never efforts, and to enjoy for our- close interest to the remarks r\. the Town, In the vlcmlty of .. '\' I; a .tudy of our newest province. can hope to catch up under selves and our [~milies that de· that have been made by 'han. ITrans.canada Highway, .would : r·:.', On Ta , I heli~veyou will find its his. such an a,greement. Newfound· gree 01 basic security that has members on this subject. {\od- do well financially, especudly U ,'I (onllnutd) unity. I believe that han. memo to fascinating and people Iland needs and is 10 hal'e come to be regarded as our mittedly it is a subject of very The l\cwfoundland Board' of I the . operators ; I' I pv it.~ ,p~omoled: ~e ( ' thai is bera this eommittfe hive ., 'h . d b f d h ti d t t ib n a (ounl r) fir admirable. You might learn, as, special aid, and there is a good I'i"ht in a nation Ihat has not hig mlportance an ecau.~e 0 Trade has bfen in correspon· un n~ an OUrlS poss. I'nt . III' Id mocralic country. rreat Iymplthy lor the position 1 did long ago, that while the! case 10 be made for such an fo~go:tcn Ihe worth of the in- its importance. not just for one ence with the Department of ies of the Gander area:,' , " ': " " ~ CDuntry that is belnl taken by the province of problems of Newfoundland may agreement. It is a case thnt dividual. year but for years to come, it Transpurt in Ottawa on the The Department is gla~ to : i: ' , In for iu practice of Newbundland. That position il seem gigantic by some yard. needs no ppcal to charity or Therefore it is on this basis Is one that requires the most matter of Hotel aecommoda· know of the Board. of Ttllde's , ,.' . Dtmocra~' is. after a very stroOiI ene .temminll as sticks, our .people do not In unusual generosity. Rather, it is that I say and believe New· careful consideration, On AUI!' tion at Gander Airport. ~Ir. interest in this matter, and has, , ;:" ; ,perl,,, '''ent 'In' faith. It It does from the unanimous reo faet require a great deal more bas~d on I~gic and above alii foundhnd shoul d hav~ t IIe 5~P' us I 15 Ih crimep. 11'",dms ter ·.... as: Hartley Ayre, President 0f t he' ~s ke d th e Bo.ar d t 0 pro mo.,,,,te ... & I ,'1:' i IX , ent in the faith port of the rOYII commission to make them self.sufficient and jushcp.. It IS very true that port of the house m seemg questioned in the house on the I Newfo>undland Board of Trade. Idea of a ~rlvately.owned ~otel i tSPtr~ are able to reo and the unanimous resolution give them a happy life. New. CanadJ has given much to New' that 01 good and just case subject by the Leader of the I Representations have again near the AIrport. : ~enlitl' and maintain passed by the Newfoundland foundl3nd today has a desper. foundbnd In the p!lst nine exists for an upward revision Oppo~ition and to the hon. been made to the Board over The Department'l intention " ! ~at there i~ such a house of, IIlembly. This parlla· ate, almost hopeless effort to years and I think that union of the terms of union and that. ge.n~leman's question the Pri!lle \ the D'~partment's intentioD to to c.lose down ~hei.r h~te1:. ~P'I t J ' I ill' in mullipJlcity. m~nt sbould not allow this cateb up with the rest of Can- has bee;l a good thing for the Iaccording to the report of the Jll1mster made the followmg Iclose down the Saturn· and I era~lons t~ere IS In, Ime w.lth , .. ; , II ~n ~oncept that there prohem to 110 unsolved, &bould ada. Remember that virtually vast majority of Newfound. royal commission, Newfound· reply, n. found on page 3581 Jupiter Hotels when the new Itheir pohc~ .of wl~h~awlng, . . , 1 i~" in mulliplicity is not illow this criticism 'to lain all of the remainder of the na. lande:s but It is equally true, land finances are ra~ied to • of Hansard: Iterminal at Gander is opened. It Ifrom no~,~vlahon ach~l~I~S, so ;':: . unbi$i! 01 dtmocracy. strength and rhould not permit tion hac!' at le.sst 50 years of although not as widely pub· high~r level. ?of S k h' I is pointed out that the closing as to f~clhtate the actlvilles of • Ihe confederation of to exist a disservice to national confederation behind it before licizecl that Newfoundland has 1I1r. Pearson: Mr. Chairman, ,~. pea er, t 1.5 ,roya com.! down 01 the present hotels. in· I private Enterprise. ' t ' in 18li7 j, a ~act that unity In Canada. ' Newfoundland entered the un. given much to Canada. _ I rise not to add 10 the argu· miSSIon was appomted by the adequate as they are, will work I It is realized by the, De· \' ' attest the~~ Ideas, It 1 ha\'e been called I lot of ion, 'lnt! thus from that moment Not all of this contribution ment made but merely to join las! government, a~d apparent· indescribable hardship on moth' partment that if they were to : ~i that In a large Ithlnss in this house but 1 had on. a1~hough the pact was share can be measured in dollars and in the appeal that has been ~::,~~f~~:e;11at~0~sava:er::J ers,travelling with small chilo take st~ps, to provide ne~ ac- I: uith. many provinces never before been. caUed a and share alike, It Is difficult to cerits, although from the fi. made to the gov~rn~ent to dis· .. : : . dren illvaids and so on not to IcommouatlOn all tne AIrport , l wld~ ~xpan5Pbl'h05te II mainlander as 1 W81 tonight see hi>w Newfoundland could nancbl PQlnt of view the New- charge the obligatIOn under· ~!~~s':~I~~dvar;~~pS~~tndgerst~~ mention the general Ir~veiling I fO~ del~yed'k~irlinle passcnicrs. ,1 'I hal'C been a e, 0 Sept. 4th.) by the hon. memo hope!o be anything but a half foundland role has been sub. taken under the pact of union pubic. in the event of prolonged· 0thiS would iii tIC possibility form onc nahan, .lier uf Burin.Burgeo. However" century behind In Its basic ser. stantial. However, perhaps the with Newfoundland by !mple. alT!0unt recommended, and that stop,ol'ers. 1 [: an additional hotel in the .i dl~reat nd entered \ hi th t . th d I f bemg BO the government must ,arca for al lillie .. , ',,:,\' :;ew{ Olin a I want til assure m a alone vices . intangiblee have been even mentmg e recommen a Ion 0 give the fullest consideration to Th.e Department of Tral1spo~ , . , and in doing, s~ the~·. malnla!1der I have every sym' Let me put It this way. If 1 more important. Over 400,000 the ,'oyal commission, an all' the matter befone announcing Ihas informed the Board that It j ·1 II In oldrr domllllon in Ipathy for the problem put for· I entered Into a partnership with good citizens a practically debt· peal that has now been em· the cDurse it wiU follow. does intend to close the Jupiter POPULAR SPORT \ I' II own right ~lte\'ed tha~ ward by the province of New. a member of this house and he free prople, ~sume the respon. bodied in a resolution of. the and Saturn Hotels, but only as LONDON, CP -;- Classes to I! ' , surh a thing as unit) foundhnd. I believe the provo had MOOO at that time while I sibility for their share of Can. house of assembly of New- (To Be Conllnued Tomorrow) soon as other hotel aecommo· help beginners correct faults in I " ~ho!C who come ince has an exceUent and un. did not have a cent, and If we ada's de.bt; the world's greatest foun~land moved by the dation becomes available at Gan· archery are to be held at three II( , f pronnee of British answel'able Clse and that the acc:epted the fact that we would fishing grounds strategic de- premIer, seconded by the lead· der. The Department made this I· evening institutes in London. are proud that they parlia~ent of tbl, nation Ihould share everything equally from fence bases, airPorts, water pow· er of the oppositi~n and passed ENDS SERVICE annDuncement some tige ago, I 110m that g~eat province fulfil In a lIenerouls way be· that point on, it stands to rea. er and a strong hand in dealing unanl~ouslY. thIS, Mr. Chatr· LONDON CP - Sabu, the po- 'and .Is officials are greatly dis· •••• DANGEROUS RELIC •••• ' IUggtsl 10 ~ou that they yond question the terms of IOD that my so-called partner with the United States. All this man, IS not a matter of gener· lice dog !esponslble for 65 ar· appoinled that private enter- WALLII>!GTO~. En?land CP prou~ because they are confederation witb Newfound. would always be $50,000 better plus much more c:ame to Can· osHy but a matter o.f justice, rests durmg seven years' ser- prise in Newfoundland or else· _A householder in this Sllrre, I , \It could go right land til the very letter and off tban I. That is precisely the ada through its union with New· ~nd. 1 rc!use to believe that vice In. London's East End, has where, has not seen the com· tul"n fQund a slick of dynamite ' thtCdountt1d: lfrlomdAal~~r:~ spirit Clf thhe agrd eembent anddthU position of Newfoundland rela. foundlalld, making the union J"!'tthlce wdllil not be done and been dIscharged because of in· mercial possibilities of good left in the attic by a previous :: :1 E war s, an necessary I oul go eyon e tlve to otller provinces. We got truly B lI'(Vo.way street of mu. W1 ou t e ay. .. jury. hotel accommodation at Gan· occupant. He turned it over to I plO{ince It \\1]) be found terms of the agreement to the same deal as other proY. tual benefit. Given a fair Mr. Plck~rsgl11: Is the mmls· der, Dnd taken appropriate step!; the police. people arr , proud.. to be· 1make lure that the Canadian Inees on the trans.Canada high. mealure of the nation's. wea~th. ter nOt ~omg to say something At one time, JamCl Whit- to become established there. Te ------to their OlIn pro\lnct but citizens livlni In the 'province way but our existing roads Newfoundland has a brIght and about thIS matter? comb Riley wrote under the Department states: "Quite apart The cement Industry of Texas ' ," "mp lime are proud to of No\\ioundland without ex. mileage was vpry low and below promising future. Mr. Flemming (Eglinton): I pen name of Benjamin F. oJhn· from the occasional require· produced 24,000,000 barrels of ' " . Iception are proud to be a 'part that of other areas of this, Newfoundland Is not greatly was Dbout to, but II the hon. 1son of Boone. ment for accommodation for cement in 1956. ; I In ~r\l'tounrllanrl never of this great nation. ta hll'P thr industrial de· I Mr. Tucker: ~r. Chairman It on , that exists in Bi'iti~h is not my intention to take' up ~e\\'foundland can \' too much time of the commit· \ I pr to be a Torollt~ or tce at this moment but 1 wish ingt , Yrt. wr do bchel'C 1 to make It very clear at this 1':: tan bt a~ inte~ral parI Istage that Newfoundland can· ~lllon, \\ e b,ehcI'c that not ~f:ord to wait very long our Gorl·{~arlll~ people Ifor definite action with re&pect 1:1 reso1utt and ~etermin'l to tct!11 No. 29 of the terms , ta~ makr a Significant of union if we are to enjoy the · to Ihis nation, We I lull membership In the Can· iP'lr,unnllmn arc proud 10 !adian family to which we are ':-;EA1-The .. and I. bc· 1 entitled. Right now the pro· ,:eel Slates il thi; ;ol'crnment, gIves \ \'ineial government and the en· "\ wi to Irfoundland the a~mtance tire legislature in Newfound· r,lplt Ihtrr dr~er\'e the)' land regardless of party are uill be proud to. be ~walting with seneral concern . I urge the PrIme the reliction of this government · the \Ii,lister of Fl· regarding the McNair report. I .1 the cabmet and hon. I WIsh to state that this 15 , 01 Ihi~ c.ommi!lee to 1101 a case of a have·not provo SWOIIS eonmleratlOn .10 ince looking for more money madE b~' the premIer from Ottawa. It is also more ~!',frCunOlIJ1CI. by Ihe leader than the mere fulfilment of opposition and by the a con'l'actual obllsation to be ,I , ".Ip mtmbm lrom Newfound· consld~red in the light of I THE LAST THREE DAY or conquest. ",·lI\all'. the euy hm In the House ()f ('om- I transaction in the market pllce. OF THlS GREAT SALE , : hal President on bph~11 of Newfound· It iB rather the completion of a lor I, murr you'. gentle· complet which brought two peo­ FRIDAY , ' Ihl If wr can gll'e to pies together In an indilloluble WEDNESDAY THURSDAY . ,the start that. it union, and the liuccell of that 9 I.m. to 6 p.m, 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m, U Will become a fme union depends on mutual IItil· 9 I.m. to 6 p.m, Ihll rnun!n'. and the faction and, in respect of the \ ALL SALES FINAL-NO ALTERATIONS-NO REFUNDS- " to ~Inada . on the parI weaker part)' to the union, upon AFTER FRIDAY PRICES RETURN TO REGULAR. I~P.!, or :\ell'roundland. their ability to find rrspect and l' mt;}td In Ihe future, happiness within the orbit of I NO EXCHANGES. b! tlttllprl onl~' b)' those, ir~at and growing nltion. ~Il' alwa)'~ had Ihe Let me assure this committee, 01 t.llln~ thcmseh'c~ ~Ir. Chairman, with all the lin· . ' eerity 1 can muster that New· , \I r, Lh mma n. I foundland's future II a provo , Ihl! '\'elllng (Scpt. ~ Ince or Canada depfndl' in a " h Ihr rrnmk8 made by larlle- measure on the action mo'tlmb~;' from the provo taken on this report. For .ome FREE--FREE--FREE :-\p\\'follndland and time we have heard much WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY Iw ~adt b)' my colleague about thl. report and I Inure OVERCOATS n, member ror Koolenay you Mr Chairman that New· Five pounds of pure cane sugar will be 11m nOI well acquainted fou~dh~ders had h~Pet that the MEN'S SUITS given ABSOLUTELY FR~E, with each TOP COATS q~estion, but I know cabinet would have given ler· Men's Suits In' lingle and double p!Jrchase of a Man', Suit or a Man's Top. breasted models. There are many Better come running for these. · bout II to wonder ious cl)nllderation to the Mc· Men's Short, and many, many Men's coat or a Man's Overcoat, or a Man's Patterns and sizes are brokcn . tl; ,o\'e.rn~cnt ha~ failed Nair report and would have Tall in this group. From our re­ Sport Coat. This Is an extra bonus for From our regular stock and val· .~ a, 1\1) IhM would reo dealt witb it swiftly beuuse of ues are terrific. , gular stock, Ind NOT A SPECI4-L the last three days of this Sale only. 0'1, I lhl! Im~ortanl and just!· its :mportance to Newfound· Regular to $6:1.00. I " PURCHASE. :j j !O~plalnt o{ Ihe provo land Values to S6UO. SECOND FLOOR I ., I of ~e\Iioundland . j " . Let me lay as well that I f Lit dll!\i5!ion had nothing had hoped as a Newfoundland· 1 , NOW , • "'prnr!. ~ll\~he I~r~s of can· I er that this question of the re­ 527.18 ~ "rn costlier i d that IS far from Il'lsion 01 the financial terml of 60ws27·18 5ECOI\'D FLOOR , 'hp United ~ Ihll1k, hon. members i union would be dealt with on I SECOND FLOOR WEDNESDAY,TRURSDAY r t '.d Ju;t.lhrd in asking Ilel'el that goes beyond party FBlDAY 'n rillo arasnd JUST THREE MOllE DA Y5 LADIES' .DRESSES I; : rs to defend tbe l,jn,1 ~rallon {rom the fed· I politic! or even the regional or rea'url' to help th I' , Ii .,!·pa, contribute ID ! their em m·! prol'incial iuues and differ· We havp. about 200 Ladilli' Drl!l!sts from ,., ,'. hralth ser\'ice~'1 cnCCI that sometime. tend to our regular slock. We bave put on rackl ! future security. r,l"u, and cd . I' I . il th.1 ,llt,) IOna ~er' keep liS apart. I believe .In· and marked ..• ,t, :1 troopS were I prOl'lnce, Bul it is . ecrely Ihat it would be a real :1 States has spent rom the lerm~ of con· I' Il'a"edy if the future of a ""eat '. thaI ,'th' . h " •• ii in Indo.China for Irom the d 1\1 In . elg t new province were to become I and defenl' "~9 ate of 111I10n. In Ithe subject of petty haggling :1 , ~r,sion. . 'b~~tr~eShOUI? be con· or evp,n party politics., I hasten ;1 ! "I; I' ! 1/2ms~~~CE " " gOI ernment I to add that I have not the , Korean nor 10 Xewfoundland slightest 5ugge8tion that thia SALE ENDS FRIDAY NIGHT OVERCOATS , Iw either side Ih~s are necessary will be the case. Indeed, 1 have l , ~~ what did tbl 1\ that ti~ervife~ pre· every reason to· believe that TOP COATS : o( the more thall nol rca e W I a tax the Prime Minister, his ai­ Men's :inest quality, expertly SPORT COATS tailored OVercoat: and Top : t has invested In In' Ih: c}~r than f that sociates in the cabinet and In· These Sport Coats are selllnl I I Taiwan since . , m.II~~S 0 the deed ail members on both lides Coats from our regular ltock. ,;! -ntlme prov, of this house have a hlrh re- FAST. They are all from our re­ 'it from the gular stock of QUALITY MER· No lpeclal purcbases; not all ij It sizes or patterns but a real r politics it ~a\'e hrartl gard r~Jr Newfoundland. is CHANDISE. he p~tterns and sizes national uni~ ~r~a [deh~1 apparent that the vast majority are broken. The value up to $35. Bargain. Values to $75.00. ;rco~nile the MEN'S SLACKS \1 When the L~I:b In t 15 ot Canadians, both public men These lien's Slacks are selling fast. a nd write thelll era l party d ' , t itlz wi h to , POwer it herald d i If n prll a e e enl, I see They are from our regular stock of II" party of nar e . ts~ Newfoundlanders take their quality garments. Wool, DaCTon, Tweed, " i '~, , "'3\ Ihe c~o:al ~t~.I~y places as prosperous citizens in NOW Wool Blend, etc. NOW , at a 519·42 I Iho'! tim sena I\e pro$perous province, Iharing "ows38·83 SECOND FLOOR Values to $15.93. SECOND FLOOR !\' I ~o th~ I.i"eral r, accord· equally in all the ' undoubted ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT JUST THREE ,., a worse W~r~ ~rnt 011 ;~mb~r~, benefits of Canadian citizen· SECOND nooR h Pr~sjdent , I1l1ih In thl ~maglng ship. DAYS L~" ,,'(',sianal leade" ~n:11 Ih" s rountry. It merely remllins for me to JUST THREE DAYS S7.77 1\ moment durin" i &'1 MORE I~on bralS for :e3sion II'r hal' . " 85surc this committee n ... take e R~p.n the sinccrlly that the feeling Is o{ Ihe upon Itself the mutual What Newfoundland ited Statet to JI'; Unit), :~:~~~crs of nR· s,eeks irom Ihls union is not a. or Taiwan no aOI'ernment ha~' members charity. A people with '~more r next on the f e accused than 450 years of history be· Japan, into whlcll In the °lnt~~~s~lIornll hind them Ife much too proud have gone. unit,. when the 0 nla; for that. Wbat we want Is c:om' Y were n, mon Jurtiee and au opportunity arding Amall.f if w to pull our welgbt •• we have East from-until a!ide h e ran I~ave our done In all ease.:ln the palt. It •- of all"relllon, Parli~! On. Rrntlemen In I, not .urprising, indeed It II ", h "If for U.S. tUpa) In'rre;'e~OUl~ be ~nund. to under~tandable; ·lhal han. memo Mren.,h . malntalnlnl( berR nnd aU Canadian. in gen· ~reat. They IIIa)' emng national eral have little real knowledge eriJIII ~ vcr, if Nass of Its 'people. After all, nine aggression years of confederation II I of the area. reatlydy short 'period In which to educate a whole. nl lion to regrettablt Ihe dttiihutes of • 'nelllhbour to cDrrect: and partller, particularly In vieW of the flctthat the edu· ~ tol cation Job haR to be done In ,pe Mr, HauI11 lt the face of a previous century will c:ontlnu', lor 1I)0re' ,of false Impreuiol\l , and if, ill. and erroneous Inrormation. Ob­ h' ,et us 'blctI' Ivlo,usly, In a .lnKle spefch It ~. they'U Deed • 11 loinll to ba Imposaible 'lor

, I , , j...§ H, r 1: :______~---- ...... ______T~.H:.:E_iD~A;;.I:L:.:..Y .:.N.:.:E~W.;:;S,~ST:.:.. • .:.;JO;;.:H.;,;.N.;.;'S:;:.' ~N;,;.;FL;;,D.;.:." ~W.;.;E;;.D;.;N;.:;ES;;.D;.:.AY.;.:.,..;S;;,E:..;PT.:... ~17~,!!~ ?!1:;!----J-·-)-e-·-~-8-0-· ---.~------.------~----~- .--.------1---....-.--. ...----- , ·-:''-0 ,"'---'---! Between = " .. -- Women !' Chit-Chat * FOR TI IE LADIES * , .... " • ~ ... po .4" ... 4 - • I .PERSONAL ITEMS ARE PRINTED FREE. i _ PHONE OR MAIL THEM TO: !For F~all: Bulky,. Lightweight Fabrics ! Memo to men; "SOCIAL COLUMN, DAILY NEWS". i If you want the girl ,. , : ried to bll a good , TELEPHONE: 2177. throul:h the years, W.M;8, MEETING PASSES EXAM understand a few thin~ The first fall meetinll of Bruce Jones of Mount Pearl women. I Geol1e Street United Church Is receiving the congratulations ONE, A woman lil , t I' . W.M.S. Wli held on Tuesday of hi. friends on possin& his hard, manage on little evening, September 9th, The d Xl most of what she ' -mBl405 jill wmhip .ervice was conducted Gra e ex~ her busband's ::: 51 51 51 , by' Mu. A. Thistle with Mn. RESUME STUDIES of ber own so long as 61011 ~ s; ~ H. Bowe and Mrs. H. Locke Charlo. and David Hiscock, band lets her know he :m ,171'1 17~ ~ ,ulltinll. The President, Mrs. A. 1I0ni of Mr. and Mrs. Graham 1l1li ,It" "v. she is one in a million. 1075 5~ 51: ~ ThornhUI, led the business per· Hiscock of Brlgus. left by TCA TWO. V. omen may 1a511 71 71 71 loci, which opened with the yelterday to resume their stud· strong, silent type ~ \11'1 \110 I~ MlnuteJ of the previous meet· les at Rothesay College, New meet him In fiction ~u 27 251>:U I~ U 17 11 Inl being read Ind adopted. Brunswick. movies, but when a 36DII 107 " ~ nllO 131'1 \3\\ I: SlIent prayer was offered for ses a man to live with 21 21 21 tb~e In our Society who were IN HOSPITAL rest of her life she "I0Il \21'1 121'1 ~ btl'llVfd since last we met, end· who will talk to her . SOO IU 81i! Litt1~ Miss Pamela Barnea, s: 211 2'" 2~ inll In prayer by Mrs. Thorn' daugil\~r of Mr. and Mrs. H. when she needs an stl5 IBt no I~ bU!. Miss C. Parson! present· Barnes, 111 Strawberry Marsh ing aUdience, 21)(111 ~. ~~ ~ ed a chapter from the study aoad. iq recuperating at the 1'HREE. Though a :000 36 36 3 book, the topic being "Our ~20202 Grace Hospital followlni an ap· men "wcar the 17".0 108 100 10 ~Ielgnbourhood, people and pendectomy. the family, that's 61011 104 1011 10 mcn like it. Deep \l5WII 21 19 I : i: JUices." She wal assisted by 81l1li 100 yO 8 I Ml'lI. L. Pu~dester, Mrs. H. FEILDlAN LADIES MEETING they want a husband 2lOO 16 16 I U7CiO 21 20 l Dawe Dnd Mi .. P. Wight. The A meetin& of the Felldian be head of his hOUse. 4000 23. 23 meeting closed with a hymn Ladles Association In the Hay· woman takes over the rOle it's because Ihe 1000 '7 •i f~llolVed by tbe Mizaph Benedlc.! ward Memorial Room on Thun· 19)()U71> 7 map enough for the 3 ~ 47 '" tioo. --.1.. Iday at 3.15. FOUR. Tbe man ~ 81i 81i • I I: 5U 585 51 BIRTII I BAPn BIRTiiDAy over hIs business 4000 53 54 . 1000 6 6 Ii ;·Con~ratulations are being ex·' Man happy returns of the day hl~ wife not only side, he often finds I tended to Mr. and Mrs. WiI·1 are being extended to Mrs. ElIz· ~ J I~ I 15>00 8 71, 11am lvey on the birth of an, abeth llodway who I. celebrat· feminine solution to 5000 t , ll·pound son at St. Clare'. ~ Ing he.' 93rd, birthday today, pre blem is direct and 1901 620 580 5 Alsc.. the wile knoll"iq 1l1li 810 840 8 ~erey Hospital on Sept. 13th. i Wedne8dar. I The woman who ~ 8 5\, Dougl,l~. Beautiful llghtwelgM fabrics In mohulr·allc\mylon mixture with loopy surface Jlockets, Is worn over collarlcss two·piece suit. Sheath by .Tohn Weitz (center) 15 3000 21 201> husband in money 1219 44 44 "'S HO.'IE TO WED IN OCTOBER . live fall fallons an entirely different look than we've known. They're done.n ill yellow· gold molmir, has simplc, straight Iil'p.s and widcllCd, sbmdaway collar. most always a lI'oman 61llO 90 110 RETUO"., The marriage will take place 2200 55 53 ; j ;lliss Natalie Butler recently I on October 3rd. at Germany of lOft violets, golds and olivine green that heighten tho look of depth that th~se The sheath (right( is done by Vera Maxwell In lightweight, wispy souffle mohair money doled out to her, 3I0Il 252 251 is put on an allowance 1_ 21 18 returned home after spendin~ "Vlolel:e Rita Merube, daugh. fabrics hln. We show here a 11111 a·:d coal (left) by Gcorge Carmel ~~ 511ft yellow with a boucle slIl'i3ce. It's cut with neat little collar and front button closing. 11 1000 13 13 the su,nmer in Ireland with her! ter of Mr. and Mra. Orner and p'ay British woolen mohair. Coot Is seven·eighths length, has big patch can go under a coat later on when weather is brisk. child. . 11100 33 30'" SIX. Since a 36» 38 36 1200 56 56 . :::J~er Jo~nih Wh: 1.5 Is~u~ilng i ~1e~be. B.C. to ~a:rck ~o~~ BY GAILE DUGAS rver b~fore this fall. mnny oi finish which gh'es tbem • fuzzy,' i \'ine greens, brilliant reds and I These fabrics are cut into uay· doesn't work for I PI! 500 2:!t.1 22h I i cme a e o)a 0 eie " c. ~mara ...on a r. an " New York - (NEA) -Those them blends of wool·snd·niloll. i.... . i that dazzling fall color, ,·iolet.1 time dl'e~5es. suits with Jitlie and can't look lorll'ard 1600 \I 11 f 65Q11 '1'.. 121. . ' o~ur.geon~: Dublin. I Austin McNamar. of St. John I. I fuzzy, bulky.looklng woolens :hat The nCII'pattcl'lls tllrn up i~cy. i There's aile othcr thing about: There's nothing shy about cdor, cropped jackets, coats and en· motions. her main job 1000 7h 1h 1.,01;; 'I tion comes from feeling ~ $H~'. 13:. you'll be fingering and trying on porJus twrcds with a bulky I these ncw bull;y·looking wuolen:; Ithis falland there's no lack of sembles and two· piecers. 2210 475 4:0 as you shop for your fall ward· I bold, piaids wilh II threc·dia1cn· I that's important to rememb,!r: either pastel or vivid tones. But Blends of wool·and·mohair even efforts are appreciated 2!OO 315 3tO 1150 55 53 robe offer a surprise: they're I sional depth: Sccttish tl\'l'e~s IO! their color. Don't he startled· pastel doesn:t mean baby piok; 'I turn up in knitted fash;ons, husband. Any man Who SIX) 8~" 8;1 lightweight. muted pastel hcather tone.'; ijncl, when you sec ycllow the color of' it means a whole razzlc'lbule where thl'Y lend a dimly fuzzy tflatfact is just askinl 21)(10 17 J7 a frustrated. unhappy . 163%00 64 ~9 There are more of them than Ithe Ilew mohairs with a bouclc ~ autumn afternoon sunshine, oli·' rainbow of ~olor that dances. look to otherwise sleek lines. 1100 235 230 I 7100 U 41 .The • • • I SOlI .7 47 is a tweed. slm ~l 20" Fashion Tips 7~ 18.1 IIlI . I 000 25 25 , 5QII 67 67 I' :woo 10 91'J _4lOD 15I IS8 Mature Parent 4900 70 65 700 315 m UOO 211i 20 ~i,\KING PVNISH;\IENT t'lT I ning away In supermarkets?' 7S011 14 \4 THE 'CRIME' ISN'T ALWAYS Unable to locate the perfectly :1037 117 180 6S00 10 60 EASY appropriate penalty, you begin lOG 81> l\oi to despise yourself as an Inferior To people who want an 2.100 10 10 1000 265 260 by MRS. MURIEL LAWRESCE parent. Bobby, wriggling and mo 10 10 \11'0 16112 141> 13 You're laden wilh bags of protestlnll as you bear him out 1m 35 34 \\'j!ckend groceries. Flrmmll to the car, feels this self·dispara 11600 II 55 your· grip on them, you pause at lIement In you-and' exploits It exciting new hobby 1116 26 :; Il1O 9 9 tbe supermarket entrance to cail by carrying on like a demon all 4lII $lS1I \.I~ '~Bobby, Mommy's going. Come the way home. his season's swcaters are ~o ltIOO 14 12~ Il1O \6 16 ~ong-" It's nice when we can matcb long that you'll be wcaring th~m IIlIIO 21 20 .. Bobby does not come alonll. the perlect penalty to a child's IS a dres~ belted In, of course. _4100 225160 220lSi You call him again This time lie misbehavior. Sometimes we Belts high. 4O'A 75 74 Add years to your life by learning 2.100 36 34 runs away from the candy sbel· can't. Sometimes we have to l500 \I 101 \'es he's been inspecting,' ducks settle for an Imperfect one like to play the Hammond Organ. 1000 25 :.; pas. he diary products display spanking Bobby before we de· 2l5llO 151. It 3SIa Sln, 26' apd disappears down the canned posit him in the car, You'll be amazed at how quickly ISOIl \16 \12 SOIl 14 II meats aisle. • 6250 5Ii 5 You dcc!d~ to put the groceries Child lIuidance experts tend to you can play beautiful music. moo Ii 16 In the car before attendin, to be rather Inconsistent people. JiOO m ISO 2() $75 73 him, Doillil so you think: I Though they are terribly anx· _"A_S_TR_O~R_G_U_ID_EI_I __-!By_Ce~an Don't hesitate just because you tiD .14\4 13' "Tbe books say parents should ious for UI to "accept" Bobby IlOG 20 20 is 1000 49 49 . match punishment to childr~n s as he is. they don't seem \'ery For Wednesday, Seplember 17 don't know music. The organ 2.\00 II' \I I I midbehavior What punlshm~nt Interested In our "acceptinl" 21O 530 5SO the !OOO 24 23 matches running away in suo~r· ourselves as lVe are. We are Pr.sent-For You and easiest of all keyboard instru· 1Il00 11\\ II' markets? Should I leave Bollby ourseves as we are. We are Yours ••• Tbis promilCi to be 2000. 17 17 ments to play ... and it's great fun \3S011 IS IS here-and let him exp~\'ience the endlessly warned of the dangers an excellent day moneywisc. 900 40 40 moo 27 2.1 consequence of his dccision to of dotriandinll idepl performance II DoII't miss chance to 'alh ir. to learn! 600 71'a ~ disobey? That seems a little fl'om Bobb)·. But somehow In 011 your abilities, Aspects accent 1675 17 \I drastic. Should 1 withhold from the crowded supermarket. laden 1300 170 168 entertainment field. advcrti1inl, 12100 \I 17 him • piece 01 thc calte I plan with weekend irocerles, we mu.t publilblDI Illd other forms of 1000 21 I! to make? That's a little farfpt· come up with Ideal performance 2200 I 7 oommunicalioo. You'll find pco­ lWan '17% 17 ebed. What oh what is tile the perfectly matching penalty "1660 790 '170 pie ready to make dccisions, 50 IlOO 53 50 .punishment that belonas to run· for his disobedience. 6000 10.... 10 this is atl aUlpicious time for 1000 11\, 16 It Is the experts' overconcern penollal cootsct •• Hearing is Believing! 2200 17 11 for Bobby and their uildercon· 6000 • I 7100 IS Il IGRI •• IN cern for Us that il their prime Plat, .• In 1954,587,000,000 Future ••• Admission of' 2000 11'1 I mlstak •. II 250 S25 2~ tl- books were lold In the U.S.; In Alaska the 49th alalo will Listen to America's most personable organist 729 521'a 5l Ii 1~'7 that number had increascd preScnt probl~ms for mapmair.· . , I So we must beware of books to 6S7,OOO,()OO-almO$t four ers. The task of producing' 21: 120~ I! ALLWI'. tha~ preach flexible standards 6130 I8.II'J ~ booles per year for every man, . moo 321'J 31 U for children while ordalnillil In· woman and child in tM cDuntry. U.s. map that wdl Ihow the 12300 22.\ 21: flexible ones for us. Our "ac· At the nme time tho publiC present 48 .Iates and Alaskll in 300 I7S 171 libraries' iDcreased their "rcula- the same .cale will not be pos· ISOIl fi1 61 :I i ceptance" of Bobby II • naturill PORTER HEAPS 2050 101'a II . , FDr outgrowth of acceptance of our· Ikln 33 pCI' cent. liblo on pages uwally used. 3000 \31> l' . . 16000 19 \' ./ selve.. And II not' gained by 1000 17 II maklnJl Us ashamed 01 our de· 4000 29 7 Th. Cay Under Your Si9n Conduct an informal music program 117 4'/' 4' '1 All ficlencles. UOO $11% I 1000 175 16 ARIES 'h", .... ,.~ 2t •• A,rlll9) L11R-' IStp',2J t. Oct. 22) 100 41 I I, - . WII\hoId Im1"'''''' IftioN .bl,h .. T.ke • botk I ..t ..... 1l0.'1 UP"" ' 1100 , , , .,,1, add. ta the' conrll.ion. .,lnloul too tcrcdull,.. 10545 37 3 .lte I A. for eye make·up, it .Iusl TAURUS IAprli 20 I. MIY 201 SCORPIO l0ct. 2] I. Nov. 211 Porter wiD show you fiow people with no IBOiI 21.... 2 :.'j' Wh , couldn't be more flattering. The Alfltinr ,.out' chlt:t lll,'itu. ICprinl,w.a. You'll lin.d It ditHcult to plea" atber'l 1100 107 10 Knp ,cur m'n4 "'I ,.DUf work. hut liMp mil'll' 3m 110 51 mannequins' eyes had a light musical experience can play a tune the 1ooo3003CI mist of color with , wonderfully &IMINt IM.y 2t I. Jun, 211 SA&ITTARIUS INov. 22 10 D... 211 100 210 2'/ f~. rour 1imt btforr taldo. !mporllJl' Tellln.r UDuLln brlt'f' f#'jef. bu., lJt first time they try on the Hammond 1100 140 13 ' wide-eyed look .. To.dupllcate the '''Po Si1ultian .iII J.II. «rtful about choici CI confidant. 4500 16 I Shoes felt yourself use an eye brow CANCER IJu .. 2110 Julj 211 CAPRICORN IDle. 2t 10 J.n, 20} Organ. lIoo 5 10. .'fltuh a., II ,OIl .... ",10, \0 oil. Pon'l ..mbl ...... '" ... ". I ...t 1101.,." He'll demonstrate the many fas­ .!O'! 182 II pencil lor IInlnl .yel, slantlnl lila I..... It..... h,". to.'11 111ft! It. . . , the line down toward the nOle, tlO /J.I, 21 1o Au,. 211 AQUARIUS IJln. 21 It Ft~. Itl cinating kinds of music you can quickly' UOO 55 it JM.tlonll tln.ion •• 1"<..... 01=1 lIOQ'r I",', ....ythlni, .. don't "'* "" 28 brlnJllo. upward at the Illlter IlI0I0II .... by ..."."0,1 •• "" lob. .... Irtttl., .bout i~ learn to play ••• and show you why the cornerl. AllO lIDe lightly JII.t IR&O IA.,,'22 to .,,,,221 PISCES IFtb. 20 10 MI', 20} • Doyle under lower lashes, Now with , 11., to hob> _tale 0111 cI. tUlliclllt Imo~olh"i. uad.,,"""iII, is llbaa!4I' organ is more fun to play than any other Gerald S • ..., toIIf4 ...,., ... thIq.. Jar dllJj., ,ilia ptrlod. . 'SOft lipped bruah Uahtly ~abl. .IU., !ieta IoI..,rI... 21I .. "MIT ED . blend the color to Ilv. I loft musical instrument. mllty .ff,ct. -- No Admission Charge f Bring the Who I. Family I Beauty Aides At the first FREE TICKETS TO THIS PROGRAM , . At a recent- Pari. opening, two basici appear as Indispensable ARE AVAIlABLE Now at the sign ~f a TAI.TWoe to the fall look. First-it ·Is best 10 have a 1I1lht headed approach toward hair styles. Second­ ASPIRIN ~\- give the Impression of • hazy Musical Clock and at outlook with eye make-up. Cas. ual as It may sound, it takes quite a bit of calculation to pro· duce the fragile but effervescent effect.

Foundation ~e new look Is , , beille or Ivory toned comple· xlon; lipstick takes a brilliant hue by day, • soft rose after FURNITURE - APPLIANCE STf)R! nlllbtfall. ltouge, absent for years, Is alaln worn as part 01 WATER ST. DIAL 80021 STE!RS LTD. til. evlllinl mak.up. I -'

ST, JOHN'S. W!~ESDAY SEPT. 17 1958' m = a = • ween • • Vomen " . , , , i"\K.E TUt . toe aret eports t.n lo: " HApPy ana lao • I, 11;;;- Slrkl '" 1075 S3l 50 330 •• + V, U AoI><>IO. ZIOO T Sulpher 11000 1.... '·1<1 1000 lOll IIII!! 101i - ~ Tide Water 9700 Cirl )'0\1 Sick. pr 600 IS¥. 51'. 5~' U" 0111 . 200 .,": Ihe L)'nllhsl _ II 1711 nil - \0 Slmp.onl 110 $1614 1I116 %61\ - V, Venture. z50 Tlmke. 3400 a iood Wile M'..... IIU 310 100 Itt S C.D Pow 25 150 JO 50 W.n<\tU 1000 Twont C 3600 M.edo. 1000 "V. 14~ 211i 81eel C.D 715 III 61\4 Bl~. - " Un Carb 3900 .. years, You'd Ma,,," 1I!S00 16 13 II +2v. UUI Air 3930 )lu,Leod 1100 110 110 110 Tor·Dom Bt 100 141 18 48 + I. SII.. 10 .1 .... Inclultrl.1I 11.200 ...Ineo I ;! Ie\\' thillir !r1D3 C PL 1375 ml4 34" 35 + 1'4 a.d 0111 121,500, U5 'Gyp 5300 M...... 2000 740 211 140 Un Stoal 193 111% 1m 14~ + ~. Uld COI'\I 1100 Mal.rU. 1100 lOS 10l 105 H Walk GW 05 1l1\2 3114 m. + ~. US lIubber 6500 M. ""'I U 2100 TV. 7\2 m Webb Knap 3S0 JjO 3SO 3SG + 10 USSI ••I 35300 101... 1.. 18000 12 II 11 Wellton A 200 530~i 300/, 3O~ - ~ .. New York Vanadium %000 )I1~~~ _) M ....on 5000 7V. TV. T~-I Welton B 25 $31 31 31 - ~~ W.aIblIe 8700 I~~ 1:" M 4l~ MarlUmt 12:!!!5 108 101 105 -2 NEW TORK CLOIiING~TOCK8 Zen... )0 <:,~ 3~ n + b B1 Til' Anoel.ted Prus W Un Id 11100 ;"" II ~~ 'o _) )I"rtln 8600 25 %1 21 CA)o/:\DI,\N New York Stock EultaDI'e-Sepl, 11 W.lken 100 .:,1' _!, _,', :', _ I: ~1.1'lrh ~ 71>, 21 211'1 Abllea ~LOO 4; ~S 45 -I Iz-Odd 101. xd-Ex·dlvld.ncI • .,-Ex· Woolwth %TOO " " Ma1bl'\l. 2633 lB I)V. \II. + ~ A", Pulp 225 I); 341l! lm + Il! !(i. $'"1 .. JjJ,. T rilbu, xw-Ex-warrantl,> iii,. ~~ ~clnt)'r. 115...... " +1 A.. Nlld 200 $GH 61. 61, 1~:~1 ,;;1; ~~. ~ ~9\. McMaf 11500 1S 11 1." - 1,1 Nel c.. D Su, 135 124.. 24'. 2m + \4 Stork aale. Bl,b La .. Close Ch',e ,;~'i j,; )1; I') .30 lltlrlll 151&0 n 7t II tI C Pack A 25 S4B':~ 48\., 48 1 i - I,~ ACF Ind 3900 ~ :mi ~O ': .~ i~ Ii !' !: _I Mell Urn 1000 11 I~ 10V. + V. C Dre AUe,any 20100 6¥. a BI4 + ;, I~ :t II I )h,',lm ••00 tt.(' t6 100 +1 C In lao 5 pr 10 til II II American II', II'. M,iIIU' QOI ll3 SiD 113 tlJ AIU. Ch 7700:110 271'1 2,.,. - \4 I :--- j l~ 1\'. C ~Iarconl m 300 300 300 + 20 sn I,d ••• t l'~ ~; ~J" 'I';" -I 1,r. Corp 515 lIS'" II~ Ja .. • C D Sec pr .13 110 30 .0. Amerada HOD 11m 1111'0 11m + II> ,r Am Can eooo .. g~ 4!J1,'i 4914 + !,o, AMEIIICA" CLOSING STOCS.'· ': II . - l! I: • - )11.,0,. l3I1l as II II tl Con Ga. " 13)'4 33,. 331'. + l4 ~ I,,; ~~ ~~ -$1 310:, 100 U" II!It 1m t V. Am C1an 1400 5310 5m 52~ - ", Br The Anoela'ed '1111 .... C Paper I9S tllll Hili 37 Am Smen \4900 171. 45\1 4il> +Hi Amtrlcan Stack El.eb ••,t-8epl. 11 . • I;" 13', IJ'. - 'M,... II 7011 III II II ft nom E", IjO SI914 1911 19\'. • 'z-odd lot. xd-Ex·divUlaad. Il-zx,' 2l 1,\,_ 2.1" • I'> MI Wr\lhl AT 10 0 .. , t I Am std 9000 131. Il 13VI Ji~ 1 1 D Ma.... 025 19\, 91l 9\2 rliblJ. xw-E.·wan.nll.) ~ ~. I:', _. 9-; ),"11',101 5Il00 I~ 70 71 tl POIl.lotb 300 $10 39'. - Am Tel IIBOO 11m 1841i 181\. +I!> 'NOt ; 390/. I, Am Tob 1000 861, 86\1 BOIj, - " ~,I" ~", N.m. r 5000 II " II For"" 150 19OV. Ii 96\0 + .,. 81 otk Sal.a Ill,...... CI... Q',i' '::~ ;1' ,j, ,IU ,3 N.I Zlpl 1000 It 11 I. tl Hornor A oll $13 13 13 Armro Stl 9)00 tiO% 5910 5m - ~. 1 Anac:on 2100 1,1 \1 ~ , i~'~ I:,; 1.1 1~ "tl Seaton ~OO,.. I PIIDto 1 pr 170 S21 21 :1 Arl!lll' Ck 2400 3O;~ 30ll. 301; - Ii • ~,I ~(I;lll ... L b 1-- 41ft .. i114 1 Atch T Sf 17900 15 24", 241, + It • Brazil 1100 7 610 7 . J ; : ~.(' F6 III 53 •"" I: I; 17 -2 ,.01 a - ---- Inv pr 115 53 Babcotk 100 321i 3m 311, - I, BA OU 1400 14'4 4311 14 - Ii· \: I'. . I ~I" Al0.r 500 I I I C M.cLuID 65 $7. '" 7-1 nalt Ohio 10100 U o4OJ/4 40~'.1.'1: Buok H S 700 lOll 101; 1111!! I· Though lot ).{ ],. :: ;: - Sow Alb 1m, 11 11 MO ~O a 2'1" Pap.r $iOlt :Jill' 3D,," Burry BII 400 ~ ~ 5 :),. ,., I,. lu; .1 N.... BId 1000 I I • - Belh Siell moo In. ISla ~81' + v. .,:. till' panls" ~ \2 Moore 110 'i':.I!.~ ;~,.. I ..... + '. Can So 011 4900 3"1 31'1 3\0 I"" I'" 1I.w CII 1500 1I!\i II! II!Ii +2 M.... n. 100 lID 10 10 -2 AOEING AIrIl8QO 11'. 46', 46V. _ " Borden C. 100 731. 73 1, 731. - '., ~an Al OU 1:100 63·16 61·li il.. . Ihat's not hot ,:;, I~~ 1'1'9' I~~ .:.~ Sew DelhI 0100 51 50\1 52 of II, Pow· C 2pr 101 $10\1 70\1 70" + ¥. ' Cn Mar. 1700 3\1 3 3' - ,,. Q.e Phon. 1990 SJO 29 291l! Bor, War dOO 35~'4 34~. 35\'4 + ;~ Deep down' ll~") •• 9'.3 N D!ek.. 100 iI03 200 200 Budd MIt 3800 16', 161'. 161i C M and 5 2200 2t 20% 2D~' '+ 0\1t: I' t'~) 11)(.1 !h' IJ N Hlllrr) 1200 lS 13 11 Q•• Pho. wt 475 SIO\, 10\4 1014 -E• Creole 5700 72 71>!, 72 - II . .: a husband ;:,,, :,. '" ~~ _ I> :0:.". II.... TWO III IN 1M -I Reltml.. 100 $191, 19\1. 191, Burl Mills 12ioo 12~. 1~;V4 121t1; + Ii % Crown CP 400 14'4" 14'4 + II '\iW~; ~(l "'3 I' ~tW Juan 2000 12 10 11'1 +1 Shop Sl" 532 I~~ ~II t Ii Burrou" 7700 36.. 36', 36" + ilis house, m. Calumet '900 1434 Hh. 14~iI I... Dev·r.1 2500 I'. I HB J5'1! ' I 1,W T , 2000 ; 7 + ~3 ~3 t/ ~2 ~ K,lar. Ito. + ~ SC Pow tpr .:1$127 127 127 Duke Pow 100 38 31 :M.- ,~ over the I,",'! 7 : S ....und JIOOO 30 III, JOlt + I, Con IlI7 3700 lilt lev. III, - 'i T rID A m UlII ·4m 11\\ CPR 8300 301, 29\i 30¥. + ;. El Bond 2500 31\0 34'.. 3m':" 10 :'" 7 _ I, N 1100 15V. II 2511 Tr ..1 ca. 050 115 15 15 atlse the mlQ III.. Cao. J I 53800 2Z" 22ii ¥. Ford A 300 !l8li 9a;. 981. + 10 ,; '" I; ,I SMindl 1500 I IV. I t \0 Trani ioU 7311 $13\06 62 Bm + til 2m - . ( Caler Tra. ~OOO 81h 10 Illl 11'1 Ford Lid 6000 5li 513·11 Sl. +3·16 for the job. • 1 I N Mylaml SMHl N iii 0 T7 UD Gil m ,:mQ III," m. - It + CeJanete 30000 19~:' 18~. 19~~ + JI,~ Gldlld 800 15016 13·16 15016 +1·15 lh~ man who \'" J'l t>'" (l J .. "Nc\Unor 25000 1% 1.~ 1~ -n. Wal.rm.. 211 ~75 475 ~75 i 'w lj; .':: m -11 N S.nll.r 3930 5\2 5 5 - I, Well ..t 100 '13 13 1J Chos Oblo 5400 601, ~9". 60 Hollln ..r 120Q 2511 "'.' 2J\i - -. Ch'1.ler (000 181,1, 5611 )7', 1'1 Humbl. IIiDO TI.,.. 70 71% +I". busine.s problet!la .'" )) -I Nlpl ..l.. BOO IBl 110 IBl +1 WU... a.IO I~ • I + ~ em.. SVC 7700 6Mi 59\\ 601> +no Imp OU 2000 4J~, 41~' ~1\2 . , ~(\I only hal her tM 7 1" \t :\1'\0 500' I t MINEI Int p.le 1400 121i Ill' 52\1, +' ~ '. !:.A> 8; II -2 l>or·Armo 2000 \Iii II I' Advocato 57Dt1 415 105 105 -IG Col Brd A :1100 31\1 3J~, 31'. + V, of len finds '.. oml lielv %l00 I~ 13~ m. - \4 Jupller 2500 21< 21> 2 3-\ +~'15 • ~:~ U .. ~11 _ ~a ~oTDnd. 207S "511 45 ., .. y J. It. ~tILLIAM5 AI ..opo 11000 401 38 U LS~or. 2~00 51t 51i iii .'. Ill.' I I" 9 )/or,old 1000 II'> 6V, IV. - I, Alte, 100 II 15 15 if.... on. Ed ~OOO 5410 54\, 541'&' soilltion to a ~ ~m !-l M... F 2900 10 10 10 '" i )ihl ~ 5 Surlorlle 12015 58 SI 38 -I Am ....m 1100 • I ~ onlaln 3500 141\ 231'0 + i~ and THERE 'ItlLI 60. JUMPI"" TO COIJ­ 'Coni Ca. 5100 ~9l'1 4S\2 IS%. + ~ M... bl 900 33lio :!Sill :13% + '.. B,U'1 5A lOG ISO 110 110 Nit RUb lOG I,!i l7'Ii +t"" ~, I hrr husband II :iJ<'~' JI - • a SG.lller ms lB 15 lB +2 W~IAT I 60T A STOMACHE-AGHIi. Bak.r Talc 1000 26 :IS 26 +2 rown Z.U 2000 5m 511. 571,1, + .. m, . Curti" Wr S8(iO 29'", .2'~4 28!. - ¥, N JZIDC 2200 2311 22!1 2211-'~ ,urprise him 1;\; :J l,' 23 .. I N Ra.k 2tOlO 121 115 In -3 ER A TOOTHAC.HE , ER MAVBE I B.r.. t 1100 175, 17. m -I Plon ••r 100 15 ·16 1 H6 I H6 I:;·'" ;~ lB • 1-1 Noup A ".. 450II.U 015 I ,III .. LIKE Bittman 1000 19 18 19 Deere I l~toO 44',. W.i 4nil + I,. .:n·llgth to ClOJol'T 'THE EJol[:>tN6 D.I Hud 3600 2111 21 24\, + I. Pow orp 11$ 6i'. 6m 691. tI his l C LllbiuDl ~ooo 13 12 12 E ••I Kod ITOO lIBv.. l2lI\2 118\< + 1\, m moo Ello. Mf, 3000 5m MY, 55 + 111 ecuelr 1900 611 ali 611 't"'W j . ': husiness ;.JJ !:I) 3'", 310 _I' Opem 5100 ISO N5 1&0 ... 2J Ca ..ll.k 15.12 6 6 & Trnl Lu, 100 7Ii T ,- !II. :I,)-j ,.(1 .. d 1000 11 11 11 ,.oram. fOGO 12 18 111 -J EI Aulo L 1100 5..:M li~ 1 ~xtr.,.. a.anr f.3~~ ;,) 2j'1~ ~9 -1 Urtna I 40 U El P.I. !i, 10100 32!~ 5111 3m +1',. Tr·Con! 5100 281< 2810 28% - II . .~I~ j'1I'" h Ormtib)' 5300 ~ +. Canuba 190lI0 4\1 4,. 41'1 Un Ga. 500 17" 17~ m." ,. :.In who ~'!l~ _~ ,,',:1 .1 0.1,1«> 3000 31 51 II -I Ce.t D RID 500 845 B45 845 +3~ Flreslon 1400 100 109 102 - V. Flr,.tn pr 10 101~4 IDH, 1011~ -1\1 Wr HIf, 2000 I" 1'4 11\ - III: ~~~ i: H ,,, "t" 1 PamlJur .000 61 10 6U Chlb M 1000 90 90 90 Po Irll "f.\ Pnbt'c 1300 1 7 7 +,~ Chipman 500. • • +1 Ford ITIOO mi .I\> IIli t ~ .;~, ~~ • ~ .. 1 Pardeo 3100'2 50 12 -2 clev.laad 500 lU 10 10 G •• D)'n 7200 B2 611'> 61\1 :;;, ..' "J 1)1 I Po)·ma.l. 100 20 %0 10 Camilli a 1500 15 15 I; +1 G Eel.. 14 151iDO 1m 6'11'0 fiB ~.I' 1); 211 - Pc. Expl 41~1 20 II 20 +2 C DenI,oa "0 $1414 1m lIf. + \~ Gen Foodl 1500 7011 TO'4 701. + \4 1,,,;1 18 II l8 -5 erron 2000 Il 21~ 23 + Ii C Hallw.1 :moo 6( so &3 ... 10 Gen M"1t 2300 81 eO\2 801i + % Montreal r .... 1 i:\ n Pike IG4 II 18 iI Continenti 2a00 t! 10 10 -2 Gon MOl 19000 ~\1 ~5 ~5'1 + % :11":;; "", 31 t 11 c row GUdd.. 1100 31\1. 31'0 SlIi _ I,j MONTREAL CLOSING 8TOCKI liiJ ,J 3. 33 .3 IPioneer 13) 131 m m -I' Dome US $15~1 l~l,t 15~~ + V. ".:lrr a Ii I, Pltch·Ore 1500 B 51'. I ,. I, E ..t Sull 900 221 22iI 223 +20 Goodrich 1600 70\, 691> 70V, + " ., The Ca.adl •• Prua Emp Oil 1000 JU JU 10 Goodf\' 2!OO 95 VII> "", + i. I AblUbl :J4 Fra.. r ,; \101.... , '/~ for a :~:~ ~1:'3 ·"U, Pl ..,,'er 200 'J2~ 12\, 12\!a t: Pr Bord 12SO 161. 1511 18 -I Fob 1500 10 9 10 +.., I Nor Ry 11500 431. 421i 43', + I\~ Abli pr 24M. GT LakM . ~w ii _ \, I Grand V. 800 51', 51 51', + % Asbello. 30\1 How Smllb ...'" '. :ook forward l'i w. n, .-1\1 Preston 2255 MoO 170 !1Q -30 Falcon 450 $26~, 26~ 215~-i + h Fano 6500 S I 5-1 Gull OU 1_ 1131> Ill'" 113;; +2% Bank Oonl 3B14 Hud BIl' ilia 52'., ~t'r main job .', :', i" ronlo 1035 540 UO 110 .. 5 Gr Pal,e 47200 2 l\i lli + 11 Buk NS 6l Ilnp B.1Ik 15 .. ;' ~,.j Ill'. 1;1'. 11'. , I. Purd.. lleoD 21 19 tJ of I Fatima 5~OO;C 51 53 +1 n ,10 QUt A.rot 53915 )4 )0 52 -I ronlana lOOO 5 5 I HomPllk 2600 40'4 3~i 39!i _ 10 Bnque C Nit tll; Imp OU 44"', " from feelin\: I5V,' ::~~ ~:~ ~.:u .,: (lutChlb "'111\1\ 41 3' 41 '1·3 ~'undy 1500 d I '-I Hud D.y 1200 5J1.> 521i 53l> +" Bathur.t A 47 Inl NlclI 't' "," ~~.' "," .. ~~ HV\' appreciated t"uturllf 52 111 II -I '.terlake 5200 24\1 23% +'~ Balhu.. t I Inl Pap .108 ~~jt] ~\ !J:, ~;; -1 QUI cop 2000 27 :7 27 -I moo Int Bu, 3000 410 m.4011 410 +7':' Bell 'Iii I.t Pitt . 501, .\"Y man who .~, ,:, H ,., Quo Lllh .,1 SI5 385 51S GI.po OU %000 5 5 5 H :"':(1 l~ 17 Ii ,2 uo !tfan lOU 20 20 20 of- 1 Guon.r 1.0 11111 1711 17lI IDI Har. lIOO 3," 31\l 37!' + 1'01 Brazil III Mu.. r. 9% I .- )11,1 asking to lIailia. moo 6 5\0 6 + I Inl Nick 10700 87;;' 1511 8710 + 1 Bldl Pra4 10 lIIeCo" 60 , ' " .1 .; I Q Moiol 3400 eo " 10 I.t.p 2100 110'. 110 11011 + 1'1 C CaD - N St, CII 21 . r·d ul1happ~' "ilf, 'ltJ... I' h " IQunllon "0:317 23 ~ :z.1 -1 HIlI.rr.t 200 300 lOO JOO + 160 "t" T ... lid :; ...;, :3- ~,i~t Ul 10 Quemont "1~to' .1~1 ]01,1 10% HolUn,er 42SO '25 14V. 2~!-Io - " Inl T.I 9400 111,"10 441\ + Ii C .ment 3511 Nor.Dda ... :1>1 lJ II II -2 IndLake 15:101 6 6- .. obna M.. 4900 16\, ~IO 46 of Ii emont PI' H Price 42'4 ;,' .: ;: 4; -3 RaGlo,. 1000 46 IS 41' + I KJ.noecOl 4700 97 90 901. + Ii Sleam,hlp 39 Qua Pow 311; Int ceram 1000 17\-10 I~ ITIi !'m ~i'o "". lOIi + Ii RolnvUlo 1000 Ja 58 31 + " Kr",e 1l00:9\t 2910 1~\' _ % C BDk Com 4910 !\Oyal Bm 19 1 :lJ lSI I'" I~! ,S Ra)ror~ 5000·13 10 II -2 110 Cra. 21700 46 59 ~o -2 KODUki 1000 7" i 7\i +2\2 Loow'. IDC 8100 21 2011 2Mit _ Ii Cdn Bre" U J\Oyallto I~ 'y, Ii ." 2~ , I aeuror 1500 31 5B 51 -I M.rsh." 200 3911 391'1 3911 _ '4 Cdn Brew pr 34!i S. L Corp ~ : !. 61 +4 RI. RUI' 3000 11\2 911 '"' Marpl, BOO 17 17 17 -1 i';" ;,!', 9'. Rill Athab 1100 54 51 54 -I WHY MOTHERS eeT 6rv.V "'elnly,. 70 11311 8311 113" + " M.rtln Co 5900 )21'0 3%\0 )2;. Cdn Celall I6\'. Shawlll ! J. I Merrill 1100 10 10 ItO M.rck 5800 6~¥. &\0 BIB, + II CPR 21M Sleel _'Ii :, U I; + t Rotho 21i!OO 21" 21 21 - Ii Mlnn MM 1100 97*, ~II ~.. _ \4 ..klhul! - Un SleeI,"!I.,. • 8 I _ 11 aotk"llI 3100 U U U -1\'i1 ---, ._----- Mid Chlb 1000 II ~I 41 +' MOIII .. ell 14500 "10 lIli 3'\2 + I'J Sealram. II Walker " Jlli :" " ;0 .2 R.wan ClIO moo 17 15 \I + I Ttml, 1100 111 112 Il2 1 WIll.ay 13600 27 211, 25 )!ont,ary t'700 II 52 II 7 MODIIW $000 3810 38'4 381. _ li D BrldRe 23 ANADIAN :" .. 31~ ~l~ 31~ -5 San An' 501 11 11 I. -I ThGm" BOO TO 70 70 .. 5 IV.r. .. J~OU 7 a 7~.., 7~~ N Formaq 1000 7 7 +Ii TorbU ' N H.... ,. 3200 liB .113 185 -7 Nor P.. 1521lO ~gl> 48;\ 19~i + *' Dom Tar 1110 Cono Pa, ~. \ 2:.,:, 20 Sand Rlv 182000 19 I~ 171t +m 100 3G 30 30 + I "',. lInrt m 127 127 127 _! Montreal Nal Av 900 2711 11% 271l. FDWldatl... 1311 F.rd :!." II 14 14 Sherrill 7310 105 100 -to5 +I TrlbU 7200 51 52 31 +2 Yole Lead 3JOO :a 22 !] + 1 N PI. Coal I2tXl lOS Ut5 105 tI MONTREAL CLOSI!I'G STOCK! ~ SanUI,o 2000 6 6 • Nat Ca,b %TOO 7m 731i 7m 11;: I'; lbO 181 +5 S\Jm. 120 120 taO 120 rln au. UI80 JI anj J8 J: .... r ;00 U6 9ri 8tI _~ , ' Un·b .... SI9I 21 II 18V. YUken. B,. Th. Caaldla. Prell N Sprln, 4000 lilt. I-I Nit GfP 1100 581. SM. 51~, +Iv. C." iJ .0 JO -3 &lIeoo , 2000 II It 19 +1 1000 5 5 I ;\loDtreal stock ExebaDlt-8ept. 11 Nal DIIt 7100 26 2lli 26 + '4 Y,O ". B'. eli .. l Stoc:l. \ a 5111 1111 1m IIV. + I U JlInIn, %000 22 22 22 X,,,,,,.c 3000 30 29 %8\'. + I N V1l1rl1 5000 , t '+1 r4 leu, Itp\IIb t an ,\. I') I" 10 + II Itaol.l.b 1100 120 III II -I U Al1!oa1Ol 100 BOO BOO 100 r..,b (QuoIIUon. In e.nll unl ... marked " NW AMult 10500 151; 1411 IIIi - \; lIPY Cenl 28300 2110 20\1 ~llI. + ~ U Ell0111 z-Odd lot, xd-Ex·dlvld.nd. sr-EI' NA .... belt.. m 8 I , NY NH 2100 8!' BY. BY. : '., '.'; 2;.) 2M1 -10 It.nl,h ww 10 54 H .. +1 1100 8 71i I of! BUlolo 400 39<1 m 375 -15 , £0, '., 10 10 Sl.n... k 5B5 JI5 liD JI5 +f Ua X.ao B50 115 390 39ft tJOlpe COP rlihIJ l",·-Ex·warrant.,) Obalokl 2000 10 10 10 -I Outb Mar 11100 9'4 21 28 250 23 2) 2J -2\\ , Net Oblo Oil 7100 41l. oMl + .., Toronto :':~ i.,. 11 13l, _I I.rrall 1_ Iii I iii U~ NFlii' 1000 13 43 43 + I Pato un 3l) 315 31) Oblta 500 110 110 110 m. -10 St.rk 11.1.. llll~ L... CI ... Cb'I' Ponn RR lIlOG 15', l4'1 15\. + '10 :;~ 3) li'l toeloy 20000 'M ,V. - \l Upp CaD 13300 II 83 II .. 2 Pend Ore 71)0 2~ti !!!!Ii 126 Op.mllk. zoo 850 I5U 850 +20 MOSt AC'II\'E tOR 011'TO 5TOCIIS m +1 Ab:tibl 7.0 m 131. 3~ PhIlp. D 6800 57'4 5S1l 57 + 1. Ii,. il II _I t ••p R 6910 tllli m, 121i + 10 Vail4ao 500 7 7 T - I, YUkon ~on 4200 G4 61 81 Orchan $3100 80 SI U -2 ., ne Ca.adlaD. I'ren Abitibi pr zlO . mI. 241< 2m Parlrld.e 6500 2~ 24 26 Parke Da 1100 9912 971; 99 + 110 'Nol y ~.'j 26 + I ulII.an 100 'II '12 115 -I V.. IUM 5t1 UtI\4 211, 21\4 + ~. on~ +2 -, 9 fl.aollt BOO lOS 102 lOS Viol .... 1000 107 107 107 + I Acm. G.. 1000 2~ II 24 -2 Acadia All 225 19\, 9.... 8\1 - \J Palo 200 315 315 515 ..10 PhlUp M •• 2300 5~1I 5311 ~I -1Yo . Stoet hI" BIIIt L •• C1 ... Q',.' Ill, lH•• I. T.urcanll 1100 " T8 7t +. Wallt All 393 170 HO S65 +5 Alroma 3365 5J31, 33 3JV. + " f.udub 4200 52 52 12 +1 pm PIOl. 1300 75l'o 75i' 75511 + ~. ISDVIITRIALS 12'. 11 + II~ T.ur... '" 100 70 TO ,. ., WetdOD 1000 20 20 20 -I Am I.edu. 3\00 IBI; Alumln SOlD 529l, 2a1lt iiI. + 110 POMbe. 11000 29 26 29 ·2 roc Gam IllIG 17 6S1it iiIi~1 + 1'1 I NICkel 6110 S851lt 8' 15111 t J1il 'I 18 18, I AnGlo Tel pr 100 S.t1ll'J 40\1 4011 - Ii I; 16 Teek·H 7P15 170 118 170 W Malar UOO , 611 7 + \\0 Anchor 1)00 18 Poreupin 15000 12 11' ~ 'I '2 Pull min 500 5m 56~' "'4 _ I, Tr Can fL 8332 $3514 3m 15 .+.~ ]7~ 17h +1~, II Argus 2.50 pr 100 S45~. 45~. 45~~ - ~. Radio .d 1100 39\1 311. 59 _ V­ I 2U 21 ,, ,1m Porta" 4000 ~ 3G M -I e AlII Gu 5Ul 12010 20 2011 . ' 6"5 17l S A.bestol 2020 1)01a 30 3~¥'' + l-i rOVD :2.300 34U 33 ... R_pub xd 19600 SIlO 61\'0 61v.. + Yo CPR ~172 129\2 29 lll! :tll l~n 156 ll.:.• y. A 381 B9Q " 29%+"- , - . ,Alia. St ..1 770 $23 23 %l + ~ Que Chlb 1000 39 39 39 -1 Rey Tob B 3300 m. Bl>!i 81 + .. ~m $30 %8~ 50 .'t1'A ~.o nj 220 m +1 I .J tllr AlwnInI ;'111 IBI ,I nail 5 m po ill $22\, 221> 221. Que Cobalt 3bOO 165 \70 lau +20 Royal DUI 58800 45', m. 451'. + % OILS E':3 ; 4 75 -2 Status Of Formosa And The +3 Bank Mont M6 481' tm + \; Ran,,, 500 210 210 210 Sear. Roe 18600 33'. 33 33'4 + '4 :b J~ 3~ :w +3 Brllall. lOll 204 ~~ ~~~ sm. s... th U 315000 2l ~ :t2 +2!.i Caban,. 3011 49 49 ·49 ' '1 nank ~S 00 S63 62"" 63 + \2 Red Cmt 500 II; tv. 4\1 - 1'1 Sinolol, 6900 611, 5911 61 + I Majlran. 232000 5 ~ 5 ~:.1 II 10' , 11 +" R• .,par 1000 S6 36 36 -9 Socony 31300 49 17'.i 46'. + t2 :'w :'i :j 2~ _ 1,", 1,1 73 -2 In.nque C N 140 SI)I'I 45\2 m. * Ttdll IG900 92 19 .~. '0' -! Banque P C 85 132 32 32 StL 1111... ~ 115 100 10; -5 Sperry R moo 201i 191. 20'0 + 1, Duvex 15300 14 13 11 ::t'J :5"1 11 H\~ -1'.., Offshore Islands II 1 .. '.'" • nalhPowA $47 ~1 ~1 Sherrill 600 400 4r~ .:" Std Brands 3500 53 :4 52 53!. +11" Provo 13143 335 no 535 3:" "~:1~ llil' 2o~, + ~ 90 90-20 I Bon Phone 1620 142 4l!i 411. - V. + 14 I SUI OU Cal 15200 53', 51'\ 53i. +1\0 :~" Ii. n: 115 Fa.!tOf'! AffeetinD the Lttl"11 treat,. In January 19~~.· the C 011 L wi. 900 Ion Steep R '650 S12 12 11 !\lINES ! Bowoler lpr 115 141 45 45 SulUva.n 200 ;.ni ;':~.J ..... - J Std Oil Ind 10100 48'. 47', 47;0 - 'I. Ch.,klrk lO8SOIl I .5t,1 !;,; II H 11 - " f F dOff Id ~ I Bow.t S\)pr tlO '4BV. 48\, 4Il10 I:>, h.; 5 _I stalm 0 ormosa on . Prea ent waa authorlied by I" " ~, U.I ,j \.. Tib Expl 14100 20 ~Q 20 Sid Oil N .T5O.JO 5Hi 56 56 +I C HaUw.1 263000 6~ 59 .:':j InrnU 212 $G~4 6~, 6!!. Tllin 10800 76 15 76 -1 Slud. Pack 1100 8 m ~o - ... N Mylam 25lHl 62 53 l},.. :: ',17 shore Islands: A Motter of Congrelsional resolution "to em. (; I:;.r"n " .. J \1. Br Tanlc pr 3D 547 ~1 ~7 3 ~!I" )\7 l~n la~ ~" J \' -iii Tr.bor lSOD 5 5 I TUII Co 13500 7lli 711'i 72 • + .. ~ Sand Riv 112000 19 HI1 I'; 1;\ 13 75 + I International ConccT1I. ploy the armed forces of the!" BA Bank n.lt 25 lUll t!1, 42\0 I BA 011 1725 1m. 42l, 431. + " 'I • ~--.. -. -- t, 1:4:. U'. Il\, do The new Chinese Communl.t United States II he deems C Hom •• \;\ 1016 197 195 197 +I I BCE 4'. pr 23 191 94 94 .~}J .'1 "il "0 -2 \('" 19 j9 i9 threat to Invade Quemoy, one necenary for the specific pur·.' ., '., .. IJ BeE 411 pr zlO 5H\06 ~II, ~m BCE 5\, pr 71 $32 52 52 - 10 r.======~j :;;'~ 11: ~ of the "offshore !alanda" held pose of lecurlne and protecting .nl Del 3220 850 :~~~ ~8':o :~O BC Power 45~ S.2~' 4J~' fl~ !;; I Be Phon. 25 14110 41\04 4110 I·, .. ,­ 1.0:"" 2.\ 2) -5 by the Chinese Nationallltl, Formoaa and the Peseadores' . .>;1 ,,,' \til 18; .9 Brow. )00 11l'io 11\2 1\\-1 t. .l:~~ P" :1" g" -", Ir.aises le¥a1 and political que.. from armed attack, this author· ~o~I~,~a. ~~ 12!,,, ~1~h 42~ ,:11'1 Build froo ~I I~O '10 10 Bulolo >2) 275 275 275 i ",,').' 18 18 -.., hans which were alst of acute ity to inelude the accurina and Cr .. 011 3300 ~30 120 415 Cal Pow 100 11BI. 78V. ,.\00 ~-,1 -t~ ~I} ~I) .... • • Cree wtl fHS:> 2011 l!U 200 +. n~" Z: ZI ~l -2 mternatlonal concern in 1t111B, protection of .ueh related posl- Dcv Pal 2937 13B 132 132 _, Can Com 1800 $33~" Illi 33', + 10 Can Cem pr 35 129 29 29 ,~:; ", :,i 7\,. I, at the time of an earUer Com- tiODI and territories of that DFaurv~o' moo 11 13 14 + I .... II I, 17 • ll5 m 620 6" +1& I ~'ndry Il til"" 31~ 3m :l," I;' 1 all'o 21\. ." ~" L, 10 tnI; (i I II Q d h MaJlran. 252000 5 ~ 5 C CaD A 125 114 14 1~ , 11'<\ '" !,', 16\. _ Ii pr nc pa y uemoy an t. eam. part of the Chinese Em· Marl/lold 4300 II 101. 10\1 _ Ii $600,000,000, " C elan 7)0 IIBV. IS 11\4 + ~ t 'if. :; l~ I~ ; Iv. Matsus: the Tachen and NlI1chi plre III 1683 and were ceded to ~r3~n ~:~ 2;~ 2~ J.I~ -I ohern Cel ILOO 1Il10 6V. 611 ...... 1~" Ii 6' £l -I Island. were evacuated b, the JaJlan by the Treaty of Shlmono- MllI CII1 5285 25 Il 25 F Falrbk. lOG $24 21 24 e IIUI\Q' 200 115 15 J5 ':;~ ,:\' ~~" .:, v. NationaU.t. In February 191111) sekl in 18911. During the second ~"irt~~! 2i~ 1~ I~ I~ :~o elL aiD $II 1I II Government of Canada :29 :". II i~\: -:;1 have remained under the con- World War, the Allies declared N Cbllllb 2TOO 128 115 121 fa CIL pr 15 I&: 52 12 CI power 250 119\4 19l-l 1914 + \I 1\. II~~ II;:: It:: 2~",.: ~ trol of the Nationalists ever their Intention that they should ~ ~::~or I: I~~ I~~ I!~' +7 CI fowpr 230 $11 ~5o/. 46 + \~ IF3'. '1 15', + 1\0 since General Chiang Xal-.hek restored to China and in No,theal 8100 30 29 30 Cdn OU ItO '24~ 2B 2IlA + \I " 1.;:" be " t~1 \.,. 31 32 I d hi Okalll \l00 1lO 110 110 Cdn oU Ipr 100 '151\> m~ J51~ + " " :n'" ~,: '''3 220 :-4 move s government Illd 11'111, 111411 the administration was PIO Palt 1620 ""'i lAI1 H' .... \4 CPR 1061 $29" 29 29\2 + .. lBondsl Cd •. Pet pr 730 115 J(~ 15 +1 ii .:'" i;i iio 170 -5 to Formosa in 1949, when the taken over by the Chinese i Pin West 5200 3D '28 50 H Vlcke.. 25 I2B 21 9 , ....1 f7 6~ (.5 2 e I , 1(10 I"" 10 10 - Communlltl succeeded in ,aln. fortse of Chiang Xal·shek; but I Polrol " woo 70 70 :n ~ 2 Coghll. lUO $11 17 17 +1 C M and 8 1215 '20 201i 2010 of \1 Ii '.'\ , d~.~ ii" II~'" II~I\ - 10 . ing control of the whole maln- d j F I d bUUp. 2100 130 130 130 -3 Con Olan 175 III 32 32 The rI CUIda " .uthorilecl the Mfnleter Financ:e to receiw W'j I', I" I! -I land of China, e ure, ormosa rema ne "1'"',, GI' I... ,J •." ."., •. J ... Bank by or .. • Japanese territory pending the ~uonto mo 10 10 10 PI.t Se.. 1110 131 30+'. 31 + iii . , p Brldl. 2220 mY.:Il 23 - \I IUbecriptiona for • lorIn, to De illued for cuh and oK.red in two maturiti. \ : ~ I:;. ~~ ~i"~: POLlTICAL FACTORS conclusion of Borne formal In· R1~'1:':n ~~ P Fnd'1 70 11111<. 31" "14 I ...'_" .~ m:: m m .:: D Stool ani 250 122V. :J2\1 211t - u followl: • , 18 181. After the outbreak of the ternatlonalinltrument, In 1000 1m 1011 10V. 'A ,~-:c :: i!!" + \" a =~!~I:tlt Dam Tar II '11% m. 13% + \I ,. .1 Dom Tnl 151'~ ~ 810 100 i; I~l I:~ -2 IKorean war In JUIlt 19110, Prell- peace treat, Ilgned In Septem· appblre l~'~~" ~ ;:.... ' .~ lll1e1tdl i," : 1 DoD.bu. 150 '151'0 15 111>t I '!:~ l~ 3~ 3~ 2 dent Truman ordered the Unit. bel' 19~1 by Japan and most of :~,," ,~o J: J~5 ~5 -=it' Do Ponl 250 iii" 21% nv. + ~ -.... , i~") 21', il'. 21\.: I. ed States Seventh Fleet to pr. the Power! (not Includlnll ".". IIiDO 111'1 1110 nv. + ~ ZI,ctrollUl 200 '15 IJ 13 +" 23-'2% IONDI ~'-';fi I Flm PI.y 1m '20% 1014 2OV. + 10 2U%iONDS .., j I );~ 1:: m ;~~ -: vent any Ittack on Formosa,.t China) which had been at war =: lim: ~~Ii ~~ ~ ~2~ Ford CUi' 150 '" 41 II I:,:,' 3", l~ 300 + the aame time calling on the with her, Japan renounced all IlnweU I60tI 85 15 15 tl Foua4aUo. 160 mlO m. 13\11 + II DUI1It JULY, DUE 1st APRIL, 1. ! . ,. 210 17n 270 +5 N tl II t t U tltl t F d h T•• c.1 llOO 35 ~IV. 3S + V. Fraoor 25 u.~ 3011 1014 I. !;<;, I~\ \l9 139 _I a ona s I 0 cease opera ons • 0 ormosa an t e 'l1d-' 17100 12 II 12 H G D~ ••", 12~ 160\2 lOll 10... MClII..uabIt to mablrltl' Gille tl5 Mill<. II~ 111& + II _ ....bIt tellletllril:J i HI, !II.. ~bI. lat .Ju1lMJ' ;t:~ I~ 10 against the mainland. In Felr Pe.cadolli. and a .imilar pro- ;%I·g.~~.t :~ m::~ m. ti~ GL Paper 115 '3& H H + \4 1... _ ,..,.a. lit AJIriI H.mo OU A 110 I<1m 20 201i + V, _lit July " ,,; 1'1" II~ .1 ruary 19113 president Eisenhow· vllioll wu Included In a pe!lce u. 0111 IlWl 125 218 120 .ad lit 0It0IMr ; 5 • I< er announced that the Seventh trelt" with the Cblnese Natlon- w~. 11100 llli II, ISI'I + It H ..til 50 13411 5111 3." + I; • The .. tlnc _tlw' ifttlNltt II 5! M I ' W.b.mt 1100 80 17 17 -3 lI'ud B., 200 112 8111 ~ +1 , /'. ,; 13 - Fleet would no longer be Uteli aUst administration signed In Weapag llOO 17 17 11 - I; Imp B.M ~ m I. II .' .-wln '" ,.,.b1t lit JlI1tmrY, lisll ----_ to "shield Communist China" April 1952, But none of thi. W Cdn OG 1100 165 160 165 +5 Imp Ino A 1120 113" 11% 13% - 10 111U1 PItICII "071% W De ••lta 1083 170 161 161 + 1 Ins~ OU 1116 ttl%. III. 1110 + 10 -. ...______and thll wu followed b, lome 1e,IU, operated as a transfer W Dee "II .500 II 8 I' +3 Imp Tob 3BO 1m. ll" 15141 IIIVI PIIICI: ".10% WiltoN IfIlO 3 3 I Imp Tab tr 1000 iii" lli Mi - Ii v...... tl. •• Itn ens itl c. tI on 0 f m I nor raId I 0 f sovereI gnty to e Ih t er Chi n· WlnI\lln lOG \I I. II lad A.ct, 750 1m. 57... 3711 - V. YIINIn, lNut 2.77~ agaln.t the mainland, but 110 e.. re,ime, and In the United Ya~J.aD 1200 10 91, IU lnd ole t..... 000 113... 13 m. + \~ ...... , .. llllturttr IDI Nltkal I ItO IIl\06 'lin Ii" +11. .. large·.eale action. dIY.loped, Kln,dom view, therefore, For- alhOllllt 1000 11 17 11 +I Inl Pap. sse 'II,. IO'J~ 1111 +110 The President made It clelr mall and the Pescadores are Moal lANK Int fel, 115 '501i 50¥. IOIt . Derbaiu.atiorll: family I 1n\ UIU 112 til Jjlji 5M> + V. that his announcement "Im- terrlt017 the de jure soverelgll' N I~UII~4M061="6SII"" +~ Inttr fl.. 110 lit 1311 nb + iii $1,000, ".000, '25,000, '1011.04» and $l.000,1MlO Jomalci 500 lSI 811 II + I plie. no Igil'essiv. intent a. tF over wbleb is uncertain or Fm~" 1~ ~~ ~'" ~ _I Lablll 175 $a51i II! 25\i + 14 IS PROGRAM our part". undetermined. onl INO 11814 ...... L,u".t A III lIe \I 15 Soon .ftlir the Geneva ..tU.. Tor·om ~J~AL 411'1 "14 + .. Lower Silo 10 127 11 27 - 10 lubecriptiClftl 1lIIY be to Bulk of Cued&. Ottawa, thtoqb .., ".oMIII. lIS tl5 31!~ 31 +" ma , ment on Indo-China in Jun. The ..off.bor, i,land., OIl the AI.mlAl lin flO 2114 3D ,..... 1·1' 7NO 1810 Mit 8% MoC.n 100 .-olt so "'-1 irtvutment deller eliliblc to act .. a primary diltributor or tbrouP .,. 19M there were reporta of • otiler band, are ,enerall, agreed ~DI~~lid :: J:~ 5r* ,:" .: ~ II.IIDD. 51t MI 41 Il + I.. baak 1ft CInIdI. AlP oft1ciaI proepeet\II may be obtained fram IDY ~ the mlllta.... buUd.up 011 the lIIala· to be plrt of China, and by C tool 1180 ml4 2I1i1 2114 - .. IIoIfD11 • Hl'1l 41 U t2 ·, lilIan. mo ,T" n. 7~ 1110.1 Lot. 210 117 11 " - 10 of the Baftk of C...ta. I Ian d opposite the Natiollalllt- thOle countrla., .ucb a. the or tlf 510 '1214 UU I~ Moria. dO Ollt 2110 II~ N II elr SID $21 21 JJ milItary bulld·up on the mam. United Kln,dom, whloh have t::.= Im.rsU ~~ J~': ~ Nal 'I'rlII1 III Ha 12 12 +1 The ftIW 2}i% Bond, clue U5D are all Idditioa to tile ,200,000.000 d at land oPPollte the NaUo1l1lllt- reeolJllaed the Chinese Com. Itdml. &0 ~I S\ 51 Norn'" 110 'ISII U 41 III of 2~% due July, 10S~ iIMlad Oft 1058. beld island., th... were. fol- lIIulli.t realme, part of Walk.. 1111 IV. 1114 lilt 0.11010 110 II 51 + 'A BoftdI lit ltIt Kar, IIId 1... lIy + ~ PIO felo $50 II' 1m I~ + \I Pa,. lIor. 250 mil n~ + 'A ~ lowed b, artillery and air at- the Chbm. People'. Republic. ».. PowaU R 105 III~ 351i II" + 1'0 tacks on the Wallds and I.e.. Butl U Sir Ant}1on), 'Eden polllt- ToIII ..!til 4018.000, P." CtrJ &5 $II 15 II +1 , rl.. .r 115 Ha 1210 12" - The Miftimr fI Pinuloc neav.. the ri&ht to aCCIIpt at ~ in whole era1 intensification of COllllllon· .d out on February'f, 19BII, "an, Prov Tra.. au SIl II 15 \at military and Pl'OJII'lIIdl atte!llpt b, the Government of Pm TrIDi pr 10 SUit GIt 45\1 - \II fit ill part lIlY IISbecription far eltt. matiui~ CII' botk. activit,. Tbe United Statu the People'l Republic of China, Qu. N 0.. 110 ,U IS ill New York Quo pew 10 'J~ J~, 3'~ + The boob of the Loan wHt open lit 5 p.m. E.D,T. on 17th September. Governmellt, wblch continuel to however, to anert ita authorit,. NEW TOIIK CLOSING STOCKI ROI AV CaD 1100 .'HIO 1411 14% If '111. Ca.odl.. Pre.. Rollaud A 770 $23 23 23 + I 1958 and will dOlI in either maturity or both with QI' without 1IOtia: at the recognl.. the Nationau.t au· over thel. Isllllds by force, BaUs llee 4810 M•• 17 W 38\1 !\Oy,l llallk Zgl .16SV. Ii II + '4 thorlties II the lelitilllite 10" would, fa the eirculll.lane.. at B.r, War- 3114 NY Clnl 2114 IIoraUlo 100 .1011 1011 lOll - % ttiecretica fI the Minilter of PiMrlec. C aud 0 SO Ridi. COI'\I 38 StL cam A 110 m IG 11 + 10 ernment of Chlnl, concluded"..."t "cnUlr to the' eale, Cona 11111.- 1114 lUi on NJ 0114 ROfllllt pr 110 111· II 11 with them a mutual' ..euritJ Ii.. to • .ltuaUon endanler- E1 Aalo ZI lIl-l UUI Alreralt 2S*, StL corp 1705 117 16*' 17 + % 0 .. EI.. &I VI ..cUUIll 381~ Salad.·S. 1(0 145 15 4~ + J\2 -.-...... p-~..I. tr.a', in DeClmber 18M. The lPI' peac. I"d •• curlt"l, which Good"ar t~~ Wtstor.. "1-1 Shawl. 1171 1291. 19 21 . pDlltioa 1'I11rd1a, the offtbore II properl)' a metter of Int.rna­ at N., RJ 13', Shlwl. A ~I 1l5\4 33 S3 + ~ lat T and T 111'1 Sha~'1n • II! lIS 45 45 - h illud. wu UJIIffeet" 117 thII tlOIIJ.l concern". . Ke ...OOIt HV. SI.kI 310.' PI 30 30\. +II , .. , . : j.. 0.', • THE DAILY NEWS,' ST.' NFLD., WEDNESDAY y ~fW5, Sf: II' .. ' . ------:.:..;:..~~;:.;.;.;~~;.;..;.;,.;..;:...;..;;.;.::..:.=--~--~~ I., - l'I.J., ,.. ... j ~. , I ~ . \:.•. ," .; 1/ . 'I. .• 1, St~ Bon's in 1'958 Baseball Cro unl" ForiHoly·C~ssM~t M.V.P·. I English Game .... \)l1n Swamp Holy Cross 25-6 Feild For Jr. ard: , Ryan - Carey . WU1 i Championship I i Deciding Game of Best of Seven The Jimmy Daly Trophy goes Sr. .Baseball Awards on the line tonight when Holy ert~ , I Cross and Feildians meet in Don R}an of st. Bon's and I , i' the' ,hird game of the Junior Protest i / Holy Cross Use Six Pitchers To Baseball finals at the Ball Park. Jim Carey of Holy Cross were I . The best of three games series announced as the MVP award for the crown is deadlocked at winners in the Senior Baseball Half ~ H~lt 15 Bluegold Hits finals last night. Both ,.re pitch· a win I!ech.· ers and won three games each Guards {ootball . St. Bon's won the 1958 St. John's Senior baseball champio~ship last night Feild took the opener 7·5 last for thcir squads. with twO second ! I , , as they swamped Holy Cross 25·6 at ,the Ball Park, The lopsided win Friday night with the Crusad· Ry.m was the winning hurler night to take ers ~oming back. on sat~rday Iin three of his teams four wins in as many gave the Bluegolds the best of seven games finals four victories to three. to . WI.iI 2·1 and tie the fm~ls. I in the Eeries. ,J·)hn Power took of three win : Don Ryan took his third win in the series for the champs last night Felldlans are the defendmg i the other win. Ryan won the . to press hour this .. while Jim Carey, who won all three Crusader victories, took the defeat. champs as they defeated Guards i • I Newfo Guatds were not c two ~tralght games in '57. ' as a st. Pat's P 8·4 3·2 ~'-1.\" ·.St. Bon's captured the first two games of the finals with and an alleged i No starting lineups were reo Services scores. Holy Cross came back to tie the series with 3-2 and 9·7 victories. half substitution .b The fifth contest went to the Bluegolds 6·2 with the Crusaders deadlock- leased last night but Holy PASSENGER rna)' (orce the sem . ing the series with a five and a half innings 6·0 win in the sixth to set the Cross will likely go with Andy one more game 0 stage for the big one last night. Shapter catching, Ed Fleming : i' The same started well. St.!I \ pitching,Jack Connors Boh atByrne second, at first,Jim CONNECTIOSCORNER BROOK 81.

Bon's jumped i~to a 1·0 ad, I and two thirds Innlng5. He took Jackmr,n as short stop and Bill Train "ThE vantage In the first .but the I the loss and was the first of ." i Neville on thiril base. Ed SI. John's· 5 p.m. second H~ly Cross trlpl~ ~Iay Isix Crusaders to go to the TED GILLIES : Shaptcr will roam center field nesday, will make of the ~erles ended the mlllng, mound. The Holy Cross pitch. Karl Mns, John Power, Dave i with Pat Ryall in right and Lewisporte with Ss Barrr. llau~der, \~'h.o al~o made \ er's records had Carey giving Owcn~, Martin Clooney, Bob ICyril ,Jackman in left. DON RYAN ,Ranger for rezular •• I the. nr·;t triple killing. grabbed \ up four runs on seven hits. and Lineg,h', Hugh McGettigan. Jim .. .john's· Corner Brook .' liner from Paul Bryant. two w1lks; Gordon Breen hurh McGeltigan and John John Downer. IS likely Ganibc!'g 3·2 in 11 innings, de· , . Pat's win their I , ; st~p. ~lcCarthY.\ t~le ~d.on !econd to ~ouble off Bill led thr(e innings allowing 1\. Holy Cross forced the Bluegolds star~er {or ~elld 'wlth Do~g feated .John Power in the fourth: CONNECTIOS will ha\'e to be I Gillies and t~en fled to Gordon i :;cores on fh'e bits, seven free down 10 the wire, they played I SqUires ca~chmg. ,Dereck Vm· meeting 9·7 and won over Gam· I CO~N~,R the protest is nc Bre~n at, third to get Ted i passes to first, a wild pitch and a fine Eeries and to coach Duey \ cent on flr~t. Ne~. Henderson berg again in the sixth game I, • Tram, The Guards will I Gillie;;. Noel Sparro~1' scored Ia balk. He fanned one. Fitzgerald and his squad better Iat second, Bill Martm as sh?rt. 6·0 with the contest being call· I st. John s. 5 p.m. Football chal tbe fIrSt run as he slng.lcd and Barry Maunder went .to the luck next time. stop and John .Carte~ on third. cd aft!!r five and'a half innings. I nesday. WIll make went un to hqrnr on a smgle by : hill .wice to throw a total of Bill Robson with three singles I Will go mto .center ., , He pitched in five of the series! Corner Brook wah j ~on Yc~man. S1. Par~ protl T~d GIl~leS and a double hy i one inning gh'ing up no runs, in five at bats was the top hit. field w~th Jim Browne .m left seven games with three wins I dale for regular around the illcl! Bill Gillies. I onc hit, three walks and a wild tcr lor Holy Cross last night \ and r1ther. R~y . Smith or and two defeats to his credit. ! porte· Corner Brook ",,,,;11'," starting II pitch while striking out one whilc Hobin Short had his hom· . Graham right. ,. I ! . .•.• _..... batter. Pat Hurley pitched two cr ill five trips to the plate., Game lI!artl~time IS I~1.00 p.m, \\llh Both choices were voiced by I CONNECTIOS aftcr Guards netl ~, Hoddinott \l"3c un ! ' thirds innings being charged uQ l~ Ted (iillies banged out three I Peter )}u ffy , Len null.. Dee:, JI~' CAREY all the judges with Bill Robson' LEWISPORTEhe TO second frame. ' with .• hrec tallies 011 t~e same T\! ' hits ;11 four at bals whilc Don' MUr~hy and Terry Tr~lnor as .second game of the series 3·2' o~ Ho>ly C~OES and Bill Gillies: 5 Train ':r I, number of walks. PhIl Leon. Rvan had the same number uII umplr,'s and John Wmter as \·ovcr Polt Hurley, took the fifth, nl St. Bon s runncrs·up. 1 1. John s 5 p.rn .Jackson rc ard the ninth and walk.! ROBIN SIIORT . singles in five appearances at scorer. encountcr 6·2 ol'er Ed Short i Bo II CdR'e ·'11 : Thursday, Inll mak! in the Guards I ope~cd Lto)·d Stondlc: cd a pair or mcn. Robin Short encounler. Evcn some of thc' the platc to lead 51. Bo.n·s. Karl:' and bested Carey last night for I now Ircc:rv: e~~ctriC)a~al::'s; a~ Lewisporlc \\lth hurled one and two thirds II . "h d I .·.k t d : Arns went thrcc for SIX. i • the championship game. !' from Harris and Hiscock Co, i vista. for po:t; out spare Bill I .I d F up 3n elercn n (St. inning.;, ~~ve thrl1P thre~tore~ foa)t~~ ntist °a~~earo~a\eem5pe~~ \. . , BOX SCORES \. ConvIcte or Cmy capturc~ the third who make the ~IVP awards in: Catahna .. on two ~ts, ee. wa 5 an I turcs SI. Bon s AB RilE game of the series over Jed the finals every year. ! r~r~~d~~r~~ce~onnect half IIf the I a Wild pitch while fanning . . N. StllffOW. 2b .... " " 2 I, W'lf I D·" _.. _-_ .. _- ! I three. Whil~ the Crusadm madc T. Gillies, cf •.... " 3 3 0 ~ 1 U amage WeddIng Pet· L N Bon~vista for port~ , I St. Bon's l110 well out ten errors in the field they \ B: Gillies. If ..... " " 1· 0 I . . . : ! Lewlspo!te. , vrd r sen ane ames .. front in the firth i.nnlng a5 also pulled several f!ne I>la)·s. B. Redmond, 5S .••• 3 2 0 0 I .A youth w~~ charged With I N I S I· • I at Cat~hna a p.m. they put three hIts, three Gordon Breen, Robm Short P. Bryant, e ..••. 4 2 2 0 dl unk. and dlsord.erly co.nduct I oe parrow I PItt b PI ; CONNECTIOS walks rtnd two Crusader errors and Joe Gulliver along with J. Gamberg, Ib .. ,. 2 2 1 0 I ~nd wilfully breakmg a wmdow : S urg ayer i PLACF:XTI\ toget:,er for seven runs and Maunder's grab on the triple K. Arll!, rf ....•• 6 2 3 0 In a snack bar on Queen's Road "That's a wedding present IT 1\11 VP I Re ula 8; m 'Ir~ took a 11-4 advantage. Holy play rl!gistered fielding gems. J. Power, 3b .• ,.,' 6 1 0 1 on Sept. 15th. The defendant I for Noel", Bob Redmond I 0 lU. • • St Joh:'s F~id~\ . Cross cut this to 11-11 with a John Power, regularly a pitch. D. Ryan, p .• ".. 5 5 3 0 hpd ordered a hamburger, and I said as he entered the St. 19'th will make" I , "... pair of tallies in their fifth, er, moved to third base for SI. Totals ..• , ., ... 38 25 15 2 \\'~en. asked what. he wan~ed, Bon's. dressing room after I' -_. AI' ~nti~ with ~lotor 'R. Y 'fAl'''.''''F.R but frem then on St. Bon's Bon'l as regular thlrd.sacker With 11, started usmg abUSive I last night's Senior Baseball PI ITSBURG (AP)-General h g W t R . B."'\n .'" blanked Holy Cross while add. Tony Manning left for college Holy Cross AB R H E language. He was asked to· final game. St Bon's had ,manager Frank Lane of the It e es un Wi'h two out Robin Short ing 14 runs themselvH. The yesterday morning. Power came D. Fitzgerald, lb .. 5 0 0 0 leave, and did so, but returned I won the City championship I Am~rican League's Cle\"eland CONNECTIOS BAY , . (AP' - Fl'a gave 'the Crusaders a· 2.1 lead.' Bluegolds got six In the sixth, up with tw~ great plays while J. Gulliver, cf .... 4 1 0 1 later an.d conti~ued swearing I and Redmond along with I'ndlans ~ays Dan~y Murtaugh WEST RUN :>lew York \'an I' Bill Robson singled and Short three m the seventh and eight having a single miscue. B. Robson, c ' ... " 5 3 3 2 and cursmg and fmally smashed, the other Bluegold players lof the Pittsburg Pirates should Regular 8 . ~.n1. and became I I Itepped into the second servo and t.wo In the ninth to reach The Dall; News lIffers ~on· R. Short, rf.p,3b .. 5 2 1 2 in a window with his fist. ! was happy. . be named National League i SI. John's ~Iondal·· 10 defeat the :1 · iog iNm Don Ryan and blast. their 23 total. gratulations to the victoriOus P. Leonard, If,p,3b 3 0 1 0 f d' d Noel is the St Bon's Imanager of the year. i22nd will makr champions :;C\'en ed it high O\'er the bill boards The game drew a large crowd St. Bon's team. To coach John G. Breen, 3b,p.ss ., 4 0 0 0 I wa} glllity an reo second baseman Spar· I "If Bobby Brafan . had fOI' with }[otor H~ o~nd N~el Arg~ntia since b~; I~ 1 , . to get a pair of Holy Cross with ~II the sta~ds filled. There Doyle, manager Peter. Linegar. B. Maunder. ss,p .. 3 0 1 3 . man ed or JU gernent. row who gets married this IlolVed Murtaugh s. Ideas he the Bav Run and triei; in 1903. scores was a slight mist falling after and team members Ed Browne, P. Barron, 2b ...... 3 0 0 2 1 morning He's to wed Joan I pr?bably would stilI be man· Placentia Ba'·. ,hlhonrlpr allowc( , I St 'Bon's moved out front the third Inning and most of Bob Redmond, Tony Manning, C. :!Iorris. 2b ..•• 1 0 0 0 ,. • Collins . and R dmo d ! agmg Cleveland," Lane declar'l . , I iPPollem, only Ih 3.2 in their third with a single I the fans le~t the ball park Jed Gamberg, Ted ~iIlies, Bill J. Carey, p .. , ... 0 0 0 0 II SIgn On TraffIC thought the cham;ions~ \' e~. Braga~ was f.ried ~ast year ~ CONNECTI~:\ critically I: I by Ted Gillies a fielder's choice I after Ihe Sixth. The stands Gillies. Don Ryan. Mike Hogan, IP. Hurlel', p,rf .. 3 0 1 0 '0 Id b f P . b) the Pirates 10 mld~eason I SI, a g·1 rccol"( · to Bill walks to Red. were cmpt)· at the finish of the Noel Sparrow, Paul Bryant. Tolal1 ...... 36 6 7 10· u e a Ine present. I and W3S succeeded by Train ."The 'dGilIic~, B t 'f' 1~ ._-_.__ .-_ ....- I I'" I an d Is VI·clI· m \\ ItHugh. one of the Pirate~fur.' St John s 5 pm in !903. the mOil d aT, ryan, a saCI'I Ice . '-' a h • • . . and lost I · out Gamber" and a double· co C . i tember 22nd. UI!I who hac 1051 ( by K,;I'I~v Arns h';;'ing Bill Gillies: BI ak e Savs One of tht ~i?n. post5 attach· I Pro ha hI e I . ~Ieanl\"hll~.e~. B~a~an 201 thr. tion at L('\\'i~pora And CI'OSS home.' • to the Irafhc Island It the I ,fllPld Job a.1 Cleveland: Nonia for thr Gmn Yo;k this srs. R~tltnollrl ~ri man~gm~ s98rkling 16·:; 11 HoI\' in junction of Gowrr Strcet And [lUi lip. lIas by Lane . , I':"~ t'ro,~ ha('~ p. h flr~d ~nd the \"3:1!;O' lh~ le;nl lIilh 1'1\'1) tallie.1 in theil' C d..' St 'L B I I ~'h\lrch 11111 .1\'35 sn~;t.sheei "ues· i de crs :nnw J~. man,aglnl: Spokane of FREIGHT by far of third ... an rrro!' hI' Norl S ~r "lIIla lellS I"Ollg e'8 . UIIC .} ;day by ~ IPhldr whIch ~I.o took. the PaCific Coast Le.g\l~. . II" bl' Bill Rob'Ot; section of the Is·, - . .Lane·s observations were con· i FREIGHT sonlll cin~le ~nri I '" . ,.I\·a~' ~ ~mall hits off I.~,r rroh I' 'L 5 I' d h· Ik ... [·Iand·s fahric. I' NEW YORK (APi-·rroh.hl~ tamed in a lett!'r publi5heri i SERVICE rORTS I conan an ~ a .. ~ . . PI't h' f r t d .' .: " d . th p. t b I TO sil1~lc b)' Don Ryan had Joe GulIi\'er and ! Pohce say the new traffIC ar· r ers 0 0 5 major I ues III e It s urg Sun· I. . F Y ra~ a~' innin~ ~ Robson registering for Holy rangement in 01is section hM I Jeague \\on and lost I Telegraph. for Cross. In our" ears As Coach been working very satisfactorial· records ~ames,In parentheses. IService Fr~lghl for pDr" and ~iar' St. Bon's tied it up in the . Iy and most motorists now seem A~IERICAN LEAGUE S' th W· !lebron for for\\.ardl~! SURTER fourth as Don R~'an singled, By W. R, WHEATLEY Isaid Blake. "Jean Beliveau renlly· "As for our prospects. tholJ~h. \ to be aware of the situation Now York at Detroit-Turley I IX In ~sporte an~ d".I; Duren. the f. took second. on a wllei pitch, ('anadlan Press Siaff Writer looked In remarkable shape and I'll say this:. If o~r ~Iub shows there. (21·6) V5. Bunning (12·10). F S ' F~ei:~f~~:d toada', made his 1 mOl'ed to tlurd on a halk and ~fO~TnE"1. (CPI-Coach Tol' DIckie Moore didn't appear to be the same deSIre as It did last sea· Baltimore at Chicago-Harsh· i or t Bon s 9 t 5 . champions an: scored on a ~acrificr. fh' hI. Trd f,lak~ looked O\'er a Iquad of 156 carrying around the eXtra weight son we should be okay. man (11·13) vs. Moore (9.7). a.m. 0 p.m four hits as I Gillies. With the ccore' HoI) at the opening o[ Mont· , he had at this time last year. ' in Ralph Backstrom and Billy Boston at Kansas City- fil'c inn in:;,;. 4.4 ~lonclny ·, h kit I "This year we have at least C t " Th 19 I Cross went ~('orelm in thp.. rra I Cana dlens oc ey Ira n ng WEIGH.IN TUESDAY ar er. Bow3field (3·1) vs. Reed (O.()). e 58 Sen or baseball ~UCc(!~sor. Zack fourth. Fr(lm th~ll 011 the game. caml' and declared "this Is def.\ The boys weren't asked to step three places open since we no Creighton and Lewicki werc championship for St. Bon's in Ihe . broke wide open. ,I illitel)' the strongest bunch I've on the scales but. all will be longer have Dollard st. Laurpnl, drafted when Icft off New York . NATIONAL LEAGUE gives the BIUI~golds their sixther runs in tl Don R)'an hurled the nine I seen III my [our years as coach weighed before Tuesday practices Be~t ~,Imste~d. and FIIOyd currrk Rangers' prolected list. MeDon· MIlwaukee at SI. Louis (N)- i win on the Jenkins "Wearev " in b~' pinch Innings for 51. Bon's to rcgbter Iat the camp." starl. a~ I s no Jllst a ot 0[.. ta aId has been a farm chaltel sev· Spahn (20·10) \'5. Jackson Itrollhy, Holy Cross have cop· Tigers adc his third victory in the series There was only B light skating clth;r. to ~ay other places \\111 I)e eral years and looks ready to' (12-12). . . )led the award four times "'hile Bobby Shan while John Power to(lk the drlllin the mornIng. Blakp. star.ls this season with a.v81lable If the newcomers can I take a regular job. Elik was ob.\ Chicago at Philadelphia (1') I Gllarth and Felldians both other win. He alloll'cd six run~ Blake told his squad, however, three championships £III them. tained from Cleveland of the! -Andorson (2·1) vs. Semproch I hal'e taken the c:hamplonshlll dropped one I o,n. Reven hits, three walks a that scrimmaging will start Tues· I In as many.years since he took EXPERIENCED HELP American .Hockey League. (13·10). loncr.. League ba ijlt>: batter and a balk. He fired day morning although there willi ov~r t~e ". ,. • . Blake Will cut the squad. next, --- _ .... _.... -- ...... - . --- .312 to .31 thl'ee strikes past ten Cru. \ be no heavy bodyehecklng at the Canadlens. Right nOI\ ": e \ e got some i Saturday. Some players WIll be i baltil ~er batters and gave a fine I start. "That \I . , thoroughly experienced players I i sent to the AHL Rochester Amer· I li!tchina performance. . "I was elated at seeIng our reg. wav hardes a record bllt I.~ s ~I. frankl.y don't know ye.t what 10 Iic~ns' camp at Hull, Que. Oth~rs 1l: im Carev went to the hill: ulars in such good shape al. Blak~' "yer to b~eak one. '~Id do wIth - fellows like Dare will" be kept here. to wind ,Ip. I! J l ! I for the se~ond straight ni~ht i though Maurice '(Rocket! Ri~hal'll \ othe c. '1 ~u·~~r d e s~r~ the tire Creighton. Danny Le\\:icl,i. Aidn \ ercntually with :llontreal Rovals: : for Holy CrOS9 aud lastl'll iwo \ looked II few pOllnd~ overweight." keepl' I~ u / \\1 I . ~ k~' fIr .best to McDonald and 80 Ehk. 8.S ~ell of the Quebec Hockey League or i I i · . _. S IOIll lIe,l mg It. as a cOlllll~ of gradllaled JUlJlors sOllle other t~am .

.. \ \

fn smart new leathers and colors Gla1110ur Girls FOR FA.LL There are no finer fitting Pumps than our beautiful GLAMOUR GIRLS in Fall's newest blues, beiges, red, brown ani important black. The .gently tapered toe is the newest· look for Fall, and their slim shapely heels couldn't be more feminine I We have them in suede, calf and patent, with smart bows and trims, in medium, illusion and spike heels. Sizes 4 to .9, AA, B, 0 and E. '.:' "

~, BON'S ,,:,on t~le '1958 St.'11inr Baseball championship las~ night ~s they swamp~d Holy Cross 25·6 to take the best of seven games fmals four vlctOl'1eS to three. Team mc~,lbers are (left·to l'1ght): 1

• V NEWS, Y'_ J_~N'S, NFLD., WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 17, 1958 .#--~ • ro es unlO,r 00 a I e I ame------,------,.------n er.--.-- .. -.. ------~1? i CommerciaI'~

1 .i . ',! , ertake Pat's 2-1 Win i70>-:~~;~:;': <.mIUnion Healthy Financially '~' . st. For ,. ' g .. )tc~l Alle~ed llle~al 2nd ~I~~~e~igd~~'n ~~et~eua~~~I~I~itll ~~ 1 Amercia&1 csablCS. "'fld I The ,nnual meeting of the \bein very comprehensive Fol· \ v u crowned the Junior Champs. t_ P ons •• '\ Newfoundland Bra n c h of lowing the secretary's report .: q L~rhct.Ig .. o.wer, C~s..0.. the Amateur Alhletic Union of ~lr. Bill Canning, treasurer of Pl 't ' ,.• ..,i · ",: 1 lI'ishIn heldlast anight's I.()' lead gamegoing Iniothe 8 15 !'Ifld Breller) \s, E, F . Canada was held last night and 'the Union, then tabled his rl' I " _a ... . t' -,.Barnes, . 1 the lame executive which con' I port which showed that the \ II If SU b Stl [1 tlOll f · , G:I/I'I" illIItl'all tl';.m. I Ihe second half on a goal by Parker & Monroe VI, trolled the matters of the Union was in a very healthy \ ' ., ,,;1:1 I':" ,C:',lIHI John Browne who came up with Terra Nova Motors, Union during the 1957-58 sea· financial slate showing a bank , " ha~1 I I I ::.1 r.i~hl III t:!I;l' thclr , hi~ second In as man~ games 19.30-.Evening Telegram \'5 •• A, son W~l'e again returned to of· accou,lt far in excess to any I . ";in i-l '. III::!I)' .Ia~.ts i for Ihe Irish, The Guards tied 1.0. I fice, One addition was elected lother athletic organization' in ! T H,i "I till'l'(' 'ull ,mrs! the game at the twenty minute Imperia) Oil \'5, Brook·: to the executive and that was the citro They have tWD tr\Ht , :,! i · . I~ r '" !Il".I!' till> morn. I mark of the second hal! 'when Held Ice Cream Co, . ~Ir~ Chcs Atkins who was elect· 1funds lor a track ovcr five i' , I G.l1I'1',p ': r;(' 11,'1 ,'rown. centre half Fred North pumped ed assistant secretary. thousalJd dollars each and are· I I' .' ~" 1':,1', protest in a long drive and Ihen five SECTION "8" Erci Pomeroy was returned I serve iUlld which amounts close , '.11 .:le,.'.':1 iIle~al minutes later Roy Parsons came 7.00-Royal Aerated Waters VI, ,10 the office of President for i 10 tbe five thousand dollar

'h;lf ',alhlillilion by ,Ihe up with the winning genl as he East End Bakery, his fifth term while Joe Healey I' mark besides a balance in the ~3~ r,'f( r Ihc srrlc. II1to did in the first Guards 4·3 vic, John Clouston \'5. C. A, and Jim Browne were elected ,general account of over two tory over the Irish in the first Hubley, by the Board of Governors as i thousand dollars. P game of the finals, 8.15-Royal Garage n. Aldaide First and Second Vice Presi-, ERIC POll1EROY Following the report of the ~r.r 1ll"I'I' ~;:111(' or os· 1 A gale force cross field wind' 'Iotors. dents respectively, Bill Canning :, ' I\. execuUve officers, Mr. Aubrey rt.:i1W i;l lill' ,,'concl hnl[I played havoc with the game as O'Keefe Grocery VB, was again re·elected as treasur· I the ·Bo1rd could be nominatell. Wight, Honorary President "of . 'p:,'·.I"1 Iro'Ol ('oac 1 the junior players found diffi. "colonial Cordaae, er with Jack Rabbitts being reo I [or the Board. The Union con-I the Union, was called on. to I Jr.I! ,ui;:t'l: ,mc passee e I I d t I d'\' th B rd' d t th I t' f th Ita;ur 1'1' 'It\,'nl .Jim,I culty in controlling the sphere. - ,9.30-Standard Mfg, CO, VI. e ec e as ary, . I the f oar an I gives oa I con uc e e ec Ion 0 e Despile Ih~ heavy wind and the! JOHN BROWNE I Great Eastern Oil. The executivese~re elechons were' the power to add to their~ num· ! Board of Gover~ors. Tw~nty ., 1I , 1,1(' :,11(11' 1;.>1 nll: ht , coolness of the e\'ening ol'cr!". ",. . , Hickman Motors VI Nfld. I held bel ween the twelve man bers, ,names were nominated to the ., i;i1 r.i~;\:·' Ci,mr still I four hundred fans turned out' ~lIdge JenkinS took a p~na.lt) i Amature Works' Board of Governors who were stitution also calls for a twelve, Board and when the ballo/S I< II nOy r \RSONS 1 for the contesl and although the kick was fouled • voted in following a ballot be- man board to be elected from I were ('ast it was shown that I, ' I a~ter h~ m~lde I P.\', IIlll .I",ir PI'Olcst . • • : wind la ed' an im ortanl art the Imh eighteen yard. h~e, tween twent~' members, I The meeting last night open': four wpre tied in twelfth place. . 1\:1: \1M III hr replay, of a pull~d muscle in his side. 'in th: ;me both ~eams c~me Bill Connolly, Ihe st.ar JUnior IC' C · II Only a few interested sport ed wi:h President Eric Po me- ,A re,ote was laken. Honorar¥ " I if Ihr IJ!\JIt'H i, not hon- The win lasl night under' 'ithg m g d fo tb 11 netminder came up WIth a save ltv- ommerCla I followers attended the meeting Iroy w~lcoming Board members: President Wight was assisted in . tit Ga;,rd, I', ill hr the ordinar)' circumstances would I' UPW~I ~~I UngO~Odd~no~t 'the on Jenkin's low drive. I J loutside the previous Board of and t~lC others in attendance.' the election of officers by }'Ir. , !""'lh"ll l'hampions hal'c gi\'en the Guards the hon. en r " The game was under Ihe con, 'B lin L \ Governors, The constitution of I He then caled on ~lr. Jack, Jame. R Tuckl'r. M,P. and Noel ours for the season as they took ItGuardtS neltmtindther faIled atohrel'f- trol of Jim McNamara who kcPtl1 OW g eague the Union forbids any com·' Rabhi\\s to tablc the report of Vinico:nbe, Sporls Editor of thc '. urn 0 s ar e secon a h d t I h' t' thl t h I I t' h' h D'I :'tI ' ~I I',:' !'l'lIlr,t I~ U 4.3 Win over St. Pal's in thc d f lb k LI '1 S dl .\,1 e game un er con 1'0 . ) L \ST NIGHT'S SCORES ,pe mg a e e or coac or mnn- I the a:t annua mee mg W IC at Y • e\\s, ,.,'''':ri :!:" 1!1( ..~:;l lI,r tirs1 ~ame on :\Ionday night.' ~uar ~ u ac O).~ 100 e~. hlowing down the rew minor: Acco~nts, ·B,L.C.~ ager u:. a tea~ 01' indh'idual was :- ,Ilwcd hy Illc am~ual re· Folltllling Ihe elcclion the ., I -:: :':'n~ lhr ,re- \\'ith Ihe protest h3ngin~ o\'er \ ~el~t ~nh t~e d nN~ IllIh. ce~trck ol1enees during th~ conte't. ,G. Curran .. 102 110 161 373 r~o~ Imng acll ... e on the Board port 01 the ,ecretury which .was mee\J'l~ \I'll'; adjourned a 1111. Ih~ i: I 11 \ '\l:(,TIO\' i!:~,.I, ".:';. nNminllcr thr game last niaht the Unall a 0 11 ~ coc .. hmO\ 1Il~ ~~. The lineups Ilcre ~s folliW"s: ,\\'. Dicks .. 82 97 180 359, Illll~h meant that only a few, adnple:l, as rcad and fI'cen'cd Board l1\~t. 10 elect the officers · I I-PORTE TO H,.f,.i," .;' '.'.. ' tlllahlc. tilI uulcume of the .el'irs is still in!. onsor Ih,eIlhlle fu BillInc ButlerIIll Gerr~ mo\ed \\111 up Guards-S.G ",. Hoddmott.F ,,- 'thL.! C. Cartr.r " 134238 169 :HI outSide the regular members 01, Ille--- pr.usc 01 ---the ---galhcl'lllg-~--- for --or -Ihe--- 1:01011.- ,-.. ------'Thr Caflbou" '(c'''''' I:: l:lr, lotl .. r!.' Tht protest will be: h'om the side lines to the for· 1 Sioodley. '. n IOsor. . ,,01 • 1G. Sorensen 212 liO 162 544 ' • , , "" ;; p.m. ahc~'ance, B':, .I;,~., II rrplal'cil lorwal'dcd 10 the thrpp man Pro.: . d r B. Badcock. E, Hodder. R, par-I 530 615 672 1819 Wl t If!· k· I N H T R d ",II make " : ::I~ 1;1.,,;1> ~oul h)' Ir:-t Board this mornin~ but It t \lar me. 'sons. D. Chaulk, B, "'an'. R. YlacDonald Wholtsale-3 n a son- .\JJlIS I 1. L OlIn up 'U: ~'""I'(': and not. rxpl'ctrd Ihat a ru~inl:l will. Before thr st. Pat'~ went inlo 1 Jc~kim, ~, Pearce: . 1 A. \:hollcn .. 200 :34 20~ 54~ rro : • • • l .\,: ':'''' foill Ru:!rr hr down unUI a .1.0 lead at the se,l'cnteen' St. Pats-Bill D. "B. . 210 230 62,. ltlc ".,.) . .I, ',~ ,,",.11 n;rn for Ilmr hl'nll~htthl,' el'rlll11~. If Ihe~(Jme. rul.' mmute mark of the fu'st hal{, Phelan. J, Pennell,connoll~. J. lotner·, R. Emherle)~.!r~e 19R 181 15,18~ 536, it1\1~t('11 ~~ I ;UON'l[.t·,AL CA:\11 ~jll"l1 'lit'!; Coli:" oi lite c'.I:Il'(: 1::;,1- , h. [ .. t til~ ;::[,11\('. in~ of thr Board lal'Ours St. Ihe Guards had a goldcn op.1 fonl. P. ~lar,hall ..J. BrOIl'I1P. 1H. :\ndrcws 167 145 164 476, I Rrlease) I:-iIlL nOl'\DlP ".' ,t'OIl ..'\ IOllrtn ccntrc 's .nce,.'··'1 "," " ',,1\ r I" all,l' ~I' I'at'~ the ~econd ~ame of the' port unity to lake thp lead at' B, ~Iar~hall. D. Malol1~Y. J. 775 690 716 2181 --- 1 .\IO\TBE.\l, 'CI" - (io'we I~r. 11t~ I(,n.:: ~1I1" ;;d:c,uule.,:" ", hoi: .. h"lie hr('au>e ;cric' 1\'111 he pla)'ed on Thurs, the tcn minute mark when Roy' Browne. B. Bennett, D, Clancy. -- Two or the hest l\Tpstll'I'; in I became Ihe Llhtz,en?er,' I " ,_ , ______, ______,__ ___ ---- _, 'I Hllnr..··s--2 (tlIe pro I'CS~lOna I I'Rnri~J. 10(I al·.; ""'llal'\''P.,Ch~rlil' I.' llod~eot ~lolllrcal Cana!li"lb.Ill"~-.. \11c~ll'll~ ,1..,,111 o~r. Ih'hHrL[dd~sit'.' 10m t e 111n" IJ ' E ' ':. Sk.me5 ,. 209 214 222 645 and two men that hal'c hal;d: Irainin~ camp Tuesday 11l1l'1l n tile PIIOI llO,I,lOiI. IX ntrles c. HCdth .. 183 152 20) J3(i i earh other ior many ,'eal's willi bullet shot lir~d by Hernic 'Bool\1 RANGEUS CAMP ... H. Rowe .• 181 318 131i 635! tangle in a rough bdut at \ Boom l Geo[frion inflicted a ,'x, Th,' ,;;!lIin;: 01 iolt S hou~c hil!h-,\toril~': ' a R, Edd)' ,., 166 127 113 506 1 the St John's ~I~morial stilch ,calp cut. wing~r Camille lIenry to a S::',- . . 739 811 672 2222 \ Stadium 'on ~londay ;ight. Bi!(, Hod~e, !'\o. 2 ~oali!> Il1':lIIi'l ':utl1inl inerc~'e and sP~"I:,1 SEl1~LL Council-l Genc Ihe 275 pound i Jacques Plante. was weilnn.: a, bonus cI:lIl.,C ,,'as ann 011 !I,": d I W Ik MUl1lcI~al Kini~ki I ! T. O.'d ay ...S hId F. O'Rellley , 138 168 138 444 Ed ('.' 'II" ,plastic mnsk to proted hi~ [nc~. T~e~da)' h,' g~nc:-d mGll'J,' l' •..,. cntrles WIll toe the hne \\" insor II a~ secondh as de C!\\,. ge 'D . VOI'SC"."". 149 175 216 .rruOAn 1 montonI 'Vh' ,Isnt IIB'll' I tanetiT on,1 Th e sh 0 titcClug 1 I'1ml on tl lC Iole a'l~ .''I" \1 •• 7. ",.3.rtt k as h"b .-.3,,. t:J'll.:l . I Si v for the annual fh'e mile walk 1,0 Toole by elg t 7sec~n s, .I~h F. Cooney ,. 212 198 214 6241 popu ~r tiPper If Iteh n at~olnl : jllst above the masl{ and his Icr~· I!o"kl'" L e it 0 U e ~:"I\ \'r"j; OU~D UP this afternoon. Three are back SOl' had a.' 47.4 .lIme. WI. E, H~n .,. 162 237 236 635 In a es two OUI. 0 ree ,a 'head, He came back [or pra';'lcc [~a~:~c'rs mo':::d illio their :iIlh .11' .. l'I'OIlik \..U) I \,i.(' Powcr h!s . 1' from last :-V . the olher \ O'Toole dOing the, five 661 778 804 2243 " at a ,ccond se,stOn later in the, da;.' o[ 11'l.rJ;cms hrrc. , - l11ail~lained 315 ~eason itl1 m~e ~ ~out" fo~ ~he ~rlh~~ Em~lre i \!' \~r. \anl,ec5 .:.~ baltmg al'el'age With two sm;:les. Ihree makmg their' first appear' 147.55, ~alla~an \las fourt n t -- ea\lWe g t . \1 rest I.n" lit e., day. ' The si:;dr~ cr the (limmu.JI'u a:.d hrl,lnlC Ihe 'Ir.t PITTSBURGH IAPI-Bob Skin· I ance. far behmd 0 To~le. ,. \ Marsh.U Motors-2 The maleh wII! be dIfferent ~n; Winger ~Inrccl Bonin was ":., 'Henry follolled that o[ forwards '0 dd,a: IIlr :\ll1e!"~an ncr balled in the winning rU1lS I Art WinsOi' 01 C.I •. B.. Shawn: Tom ~Iurphy of SI. Bon s IS A, Willis .. 169 197 213 579'I Monday ,U1ght .lD. that there \\,111 \ cused rrom Ihe second \\'or~out, Andy B~th~a.c and Andy HelJ€n, Ir.L1::',"r.' ., \l'1I 1tllles:n in both games as Pittsburgh Pi. O'Toole of st. Josrph's and Kev the record holder fO.r th,e ra~e W. Burry.,. 139 161 239 539 be n~ lIm~ .lim.11 on the falls, i because of a siight stomach 11l- ton, .,r" ". l:tI Wal,h rales defeated St. Louis Cardinals; Callahan of St, Pat's finished as he set th ebest 10 tln;e 111 IG, Wi~combe 163 224 106 4931 no dls9uahficatlOn and neither men!. 01'1 011 the Ie.'. mcanwhlle, : , · "JI tll,):I, Th,. Dc. 'l'uesdllY nighl 2.1 and 3.1. Rookie i second. third and fourth in '57. 1954 when Ed. Crane of CL.B. J, Powcr •. , 141 119 165 428 \ ~an Will be counted out ~f the: [t wa, the ~rcon:l day for In" ,te!\~per, 01 Ihe n:II:~l'I'i' ia t~"J:n- ,,' ii,:"II"t\ hi' .a. ri::htlinnder George Will becam 1Keith O'Neil. Adrian Smith and forced him right down. to the I 615 701 723 2039 :l~g unless th~Y ~re serIously I :ili pl:lyer,; in camp ~l1d coach ro~ in~ un~er l'~ar;ll PhH \\'at~on ! x- , "nl; :'11'0(' ::;l,. the !irsl :-;ulionol I.cague ,pitcher ,I Rowe oC SI will he 'Hnish did the Can. I;pn. Electrlc-l In all Will be a bout IBlake had hi, [our squads ,erlon· IlIad cd fOI' tlH' fiN ~'rrol Bon'~ lin~. ~Iurph)' 579 lIlJure~. ~t lime~, d~ :)' ,i' ,;uiy iii 111':1' \(1 win st'wn ~tl'nighl games lilis ~akin their fir~t 11'\' al Ihe' cOllrsp in 40 minutes 45 1/5 H, Ball .,., 229 174 176 1that \~'III end \.I'lIh the best man maging for thE' fir,1 lime. Tlwrc rentcman \.011 Fonlllt(110 ·,nt! 19.1 ,'(Iort! a~,lill,1 YI'nt. by wl[jng Ihe 2.t slIspend~d, "Ik gAll (hrer fin'ished Ihe : second for a Canadian record. B, Hallield 176171 140 487 1standing on hIS feet, no matter! were t\l'O 1I'0rkOlllS or all 1,,,,,1' I'ool,ie ,Jack 'I\"d' B:w:",I." ,.(. COlltcSt of 1\1Il!. 3. . ~:a . t Ih p mile r;11 with; The racp is sponsored by B. GUZ7.wcll 138 118 182 438 I how long II takes., II each. chan~cd ,I fllIIT)' of puadJes. n,;,,'· Th~ douhlp I iellll'Y mluced Ihe : ~,~t\ ~ S ith t ki~g fir9t Cross & Co. and will be super·, A. Andrew5 180 218 205 603\ The refereeing chores on Blakr IIsee! hi., rr~ul~r linc- d ma" wrl';;lld Lou III the :l'\' ,,,., , , 1;; -S' :,," (}~!)' ,)lIl'I' Pirat~:; magic number to threp 1 'd CI and m a • I'iserl by the local brnnch o[ the I 723 681 703 2107, 1II0nday night ha\'e been a bit lasl s"a,on cxrrJli [or the ."11, lorr \\':1 t S 0!1 and Icalllm~,(" l:., .. , .ra",:\. nO'I' ro)' ~rcond plal'e. An)' comhina.' an secon. . AAU of C. All rntl'ie~ are 10' -- lof a problem for promoter Tom ! \','in~ ;,pol l'acBl~d h,' Ben O:tn· lJ .. olil' it up. ':":,:, '; I".,; ,Ii,r: 1.~11'II:on 01 thr:c Pirates \'kl~rics. ,'I' I ." ,. of 51. Bon's' meet at the East End Firr Sta- I ~lammys-3 ~ i ·'Dyn~:ni.le·: Dunn, who rep~rts I slcad, \l'ho ha; ~onl' t" Toro':lo F'olltillal0 \"as I",'c'; ~I Ill" ,R·1I'.' ... I \, ".:",'1. fill' tile San Fl'ancl~co dl'[eats Will ~1'.. e Don Morrl .. \ r u tion U 430 as the raCQ will get: R. Jeans ., 211 1,8 1~2 581, that KlOlskl has been demandmg' ~Iaplr Leals. It may he '1::;l1Ifl- . rOllghhou;c .>:ulld 11\ the allen'oll;1 'I:,:C "I :.1: "I any.,,:. ,Pi::;.hUl'gh ,c~ond pln~e. . won the f\'ent "sl su~m:5 42 'under w~\' at 5,00 p.m. ~ G. Gulliver 151 233 147 531! that Bunny Dunlop handle the i can1 Iha: Allin '_\Il' ~Icl)o,ald a< he and [on' ,ml Br!1 Sullil.';\ i i 5 i 1!. Illrili. II,IIT "ORTn .:", I Skinnrl' ~nd Dick. Stuart ~ro. i he cOI'el'ed .. the, ,:~~,se 111 '~:.. ____- .. .:...., ,_ ., ,______II~. Gosse .. 187,.169 186 542 refereeing, Wntson o.n the olhcr had the a, n TuCSU?y; ,nixl'd liP, Ihr~lIl~:'r.l'l the rll;~,'1 2 r. \ WE rORTS '.: : ' .. I' 1 , \'1dctl thc I1tTI\'t : IIh1 Ihe 1':t 'I J;-rv. at .338. I Meeker Has : F. RYJII .. 274998282066 2572 2?j3 6II hand says thaI If '\llh Jean Bel 11 (au a'l', !I;j'1l1111I1'C ~' ""'~I' ~r'I" Ol ks COnd rema~ed 78 a ~unlop Ilil':'Ol'lkl,~:g ,cnnlllla~r, TO nEIIROS ,•. " ,I,,, ,,: (ln~ \11_ 1 gamr. cae h gr :lUg I reI' 11 '. CIlICAGo'i" AP' _ Buhba Phil.' ,.' referee, he Will not lay hIS urle co I loll. 1'.1 ," '" >:d\" h': 1 DETROiT' AP ,_ Centl'efieldl''' I. , h' d h't f the game a' IHorwlIod's-O on the line as he feels that he I LIKELY I'ROSPEl'T J. I 1 Lq'! .:0 '., .. :'1 Thl',IIIC" lIan'cy I\urnn of Detroit Tig~rs. ,;~psb t ~~ g I ru~.scoring sin~lr' NH L ]9J~8 .1. COlhert .. 173 194 180 547 i will not get a fair shake from i ~lcDonuld ha:. ~('nrrally ill'('11 • lin ~ at i~On a l'ontendcr [01' Ihp Ameri~'ln: ;ei r~a ~n 'nd 'place (,hic;~~ 1 _. • , ' IB, .Jackman 103 lPfj 1';0 454 i Ihe 285 pound referee. To seltle' considered the 1110,. liI,ely tu laid 'TlRTril Lr";:lIc .. lost : \,e S 5:e .1. Ford .•.. 79 180 145, 404' the problem "Dynamite" Dunn the He :.prnt thc la'l 1.(' .bDttin~ chal11pio~ship \\~ cli B~llitnore Oriol~s IS' b~rth. Ollt llnf Yea!' :1 \ ,·~.:cd at ~ .. :" • r Ii. :.h,,!l'n~ ~OIllC Itll1r [rom the fIght m I' 4 ~It,~ .0 d ,Pn'ght II Stan ev erles ,H, DRwe .... 15A lAI 157 507' has decided that he will handle seasons With Rochesl!'1' ot !lIt' U" " , -.' ~hrd to·dar, I:r .. :,~~"'. ' , 10: ':, "oil'll hOI~1l' accidcn~ 1'ues~ay. '1 -'Theue!i~~ingl bl~\I' came oif' , .,. '.. I 5a 760 638 1912 'th~ refereeing chores. \\'a\50n Amcrican Hockc,' ~,ea~lIe bill :r ...: !O 5 p,m, , ' •• ,J , ", .. I h.an :"d Kuenn stramed ligaments In r' nd loser Ho\'1 Wilh,.lm HOlVle Meeker. Athlell,' DI' I -- 1 ic agreeablc to this as he fepls, called liP by the :-;"lIollal Hoc!,'~ !::\.~:" 3, I,e I'ol'hzd his righl wrist in mOl'ing alficir~hle~erka I' in the eighth when rector of the Guards Athletic 'Coundl So. 2-2 'that Dunn's judg~ent will be Ll'ague Calladiens for the ll!.J:·- !',r r:. rill' nit 11 re. missing Tuesday'sl °t 00 B' er 'Dell de\'locped a: Association, informed the Sews L. Power ., 163 167 183 513: fair and impartial tD both mat oIl's. : ,~: \~ lly O I 'r"u, Z:", \Ionl'!','. I game II ith \ew York \'ank~cs" s ar er I. ,lllst night he has a\'ailabl~ for, \\', ~1111er .. 72 172 139 383 ' " . k' ~1cDonal,:.:il. i'!:c Trainer .Jack Homel said Kucnn: so~ ~lbg~~o\'an arll'r a shaky; service cluhs a half hour mo\'ie IJ. O'Leary .. 91 162 1iO 4231 ~e~, ~n tt~e O~h:-a~fn~~~.I~~;at~' tract and told by managing. oi· I ; In' ,:l :.1(' ,t'\ C~l:l ,ho:t\d he back in aclion Fridl~"1 t ItC ttled d~wn to "'ain his I of the National Hockey League i M. Miller " 179 133 132 444' ee sb t· u~'l1 g: abl to' rector Frank Selke to consld~l': "; :: ',.L1';lillllcr '.iu.> He is balling ,315. s ar. ~e "Stanley Cup finals last year be, I !505 634 624 1763 son .u IS s I are e 'the terms for a day or so before' :"r:'.a:!dptI a :inal ~IIL\\,AlrKEEIAPI:- MiJ)vau. 14th trIUmph, (A I _ cine,n'ltll'ecn the Canadiens and the 1 CJON Radio-1 1 allowmg Dunn to ha!ldle t~e Imaking a decision, I Eo,",. ~Jlal::z lit h~ kee Bra\'cs Tuesday night movPd, ~INCINNATI. P ~'. II' . F. Dawe '" 89 98 102 289 chore as ~ong as he WIll be fair. i Defenceman Ilob Turner al,o 10 within three \:ictories o[ their natl Rcdlegs fr!tt~[~ f a ~aJ t k~ , :\Ir, Meeker informed the E. Co~noUy 117 122 220 459: Appear1~g on, the same card conferred with Selke and sig,lcd i I. c-'~erid v:'"~ 111'111: mire second straight National League Ileads Tues'!:y dDlg w~ ~~~ ~~t~ I News that all the goal scoring I S. ~[arsh ", 9!1 94 134 3271 Mo~day night Will be a bout of I' his new contract. He is the eighth I b,i,1 ";,tlin~ :itle. title b~' turning back San Frijn'l ~u~ges~ pead \' 7." in the !lve game series is ~on.1 W, Millman 143 184 178 lI05 a dl£fere~l. nature all together. regular 10 sign. ,~1~ ." ~t\. Barny' cisco 4.\ on he seven.hit pitch· Iinning omt goo r, ~odJ \IC densed inlo a half hour movie 448 498 634 1580 The seml-fmal event Monday Billy Carter, with the Hull-Ot· ~"t:,llr na. IIlg lead';r., ing of LeII' Burdette, tory ol'~r 35 Ang~ ~s h d g~~s. and ,nyone wishing the use of _ night will feature Dara Singh i tawa Canadiens juniors last sea· 1:a1' , The triumph kept Milwaukee It comp et,e a tWI'Dlg t ou c, the fllm should contact him. eJOs T"-1 and Lord Athol Layton in a 1 son, helped himse/[ to three goals .• .I P _. Hool:te six [un games in fro,nt o[ second· Ihe~~er s;eep. hId h R 'd La~t night Mr, Meeker show- J, Thoms .. 111 139 168 418 scientific type wrestling match. I' Tuesday. So did Stan .Smrke. '.V~o 1 :;' (;.~:, \lell p:tchcJ a place Pittsburgh. Milwaukee Cdn ree omcrs e p~ t ~ 's ed the film to the member~ of E. Chaytor 126 113 93 332 These two men have often has playetf'most of hiS hockey In 1 '. R' 1 ii Tu(,.da~ ni~il: Cle\'~- clinch the flag by winning three 0thverpower' Los An&eles. '3,!n the ~lount Pearl Park Lions J, Wiggins 224 123 107 454 wrestled as a tcam and it will the minors. Among the regulars. J- tl J k -C b d f R 1 •Wa,>hingtin • .' ' of their last nine games regard. e opener, Club " E Davis .. 113 128 159 -WO be all the more interesting' to Beliveaut d andI Claudeh Provost ' aII Ima leracAsAoUn wafs0 arreeven t s rfomor ,.,I d"c;:~rct unst ~lot· 0,.',1 I.olal'lto hll ,less of what the PIrates do. 574 503 527 1604 sec them battle it out agi e tll'O goa s e~c . \' 1958 t the annual meetin of : i 01 :~e ,c.a~on Cor I PHILADELPHIA IAPI _ Alvin Ponv LeaO'ue Dominion Machinery-2 each other in a fast moving, ROCKET STILT, WEIGHTY th I ~ I branch last night \.he ' 1 Dark's 19th.inning single scur~d • b MORE VISITORH I R. Perks •.. 152 69 162 363 clean type wrestling match. M8ny of Ihe regulars appea~ed, e ~ ~. . t m~mt ':n~je hy llel'h t Tony Taylor and Cal Neeman F' lTd LONDON (CP), - O~'Hseas : R, Qumn ,. 115 135 226 476 That's Monday night. Septem- , to .be almost at normal plaYI.ng II mee\l,l" unanimously agt;eed ~ a ,a':',n;III:~ 'In~l~ b:.' who had walked to give ChiclI~O Ina s 0 av visit orR to the Untted Kingdom R. Charl~ 124 144 198 400 ber 22nd. for tll'O bill bouts rca· I' weight a1tho~gh vetera~ l\Iaurlce ~uspe~d ~~ckson tort hiS ~~ '.\rr~ I'll' only hil, ~II a 10.8 victory over Philadelpllia • totalled 498,000 in the first half H. Engl1i5h 146 166198 510 turing Whipper Billie Watson tRockell RIc h a r d IS se\'e,'al, u~~ 111 t e recen en ml e r,~nlhandcr. Ilell' Phillies Tucsda~' night. . . _ . of this year. eight per cent more 5.17 514 764 183j Iagainst Grne Kiniski and Lord, pounds .o\'er. .,. ,wa . ,- , , .ery · ,tn CoN' hy Richic Ashburn, seekmg hIS" The fmal game 111 Ihe POllY than the same period last year. '__ <\thol Layton taking on Dara' The first exll1bltlon game has I r Ilhoce '\\O?5t ha";n~! Jac,,~on. t l~~g I"~In~ ," lour-run 1 all,' srcond !'\ationnl League bnt!ing !l.eague brtween the Dodgers 1 Bennett Brewing-O I Sin!(h of India. Get your tickets ~ heen set for next Saturday. Roc- ,( Istf·~~ed r: lU h If wa~ lSi !'I!n nIl Ih a ,title. maintained his Dace: and Indians to decide the ------' ----- Hidder .. 117 108 87 312 i toda '. ,ket Richard and Tom Johnson are 1 qua er a arne o. 'in~ir, .3~3 IE. 1 I,~e. ~ , honll'r leli him ,V.o i with 111'0 hits in fi\'e o[ficlal Irips t eham»ions of 1958 will take Probable pitchprs for the D Meaney 181 213 104 498 1 ) : co-sell.'corsy o[ one team: Doug, t~e "al~ la~t Sat~day :ar ~u~ 'Iamle. IIno to Iile plate [or the Phils. R\ln. \ place this afternoon at 4.45 game 11'111 be Jerr)' Lewis for I R: Taylor •. 143 157 4:12 ,Harl'e and Geoffrion oC the, a use. he re use Ic~d~ 1~2 :l1n~ t ~;~ ~ R'I Ro) S.l",N~, held ilit. ; nel'ltp Sian Uu~inl. out or the ~t. sharp. All. players are asked 1 the L)lldger~ and Basi) Fagan IR. Byrne .. 116 152 Wi 383 i Cit C T' olher,. . i hea;e • ~ cour;e,. o:~ver, ~t- · !,. al.a______ha, 38. 'Louis lineup II'lth_' an old leg :\:. 10 be on hme, for the __Indians. ___ _ C I' 1 557 805 463 16251I I Y omm. 0 I danglin"The Canadlens a cash prizemanagement of $500 toIS, 1 tlllg .ac all0 AAUe res ral~e.offiCial rom"~at Wle oune I No . -3 ;H Id P .! be shared"f' bv the winners. l'hc, 1II1S. h I'lIIe by a po I'Iceman. F. C,ahill .. 114 ~33 131 378 i 0 esentatlon : losers get nothing. ! While the barring (rom the T. 0 Toole •. 184 ~80 184 6~ I. I P: 1958 AAU races has been pass' R. Sheehan 268 202 182 6:12 i __ '1 LEAFS CAM led thpfe is a possibility that N, Hollctt ., 1RI1 189 183 561' The City Commccial Bowling ~ETE~~OROUGH. On!. .tCP)- ishould Jackson apologise to thp 755 804 880 2239 League is holding its annual SlIff trammg marked the fn'st luI! I official concerned hia case will _ 1dance and presentation of: day of I be reviewed. CAN IUYJave~. Untied Townl-l i trophies at the Crystal Palace Ihock~y camp here T~esday. I ( Now t YOU F. Hall •.. , 220 130 134 484 tonight starting at 8,30, Music WhItes won a 41l-mmute Blnns- • . I A. M1110y .. 191 167 93 4511 for thp. affair will be provided White game 1.0 whe~ Frank Ma· Bowling Scores. in .ith.r DRY FORM or LIQUID H. Simpson 17~ 188 138 500 by the "Bluenotes." hOl'lich took a closem pass from -) T. Murphy ,.' 167 164 186 517 I Bert Olmstead to rifle the ?uck The NEWS re'grets tbls. . 752 619 5:11 1952 past Ed Chadwick. The Blues' net I mornIng it Is unable tel You may find'that.you like the Dry Form best Terra Nova Motors-2 I, ,commanned by Johnny Power I carry the results of *h~~ for some jobs and the Liquid for others. Both C. Byrn'e .. ' ~96 174 222 592 1 Pnze UnclaImed and la~r ~acques Caron .. am 0; ~len':; Civil Service· B~f: Javex Liquid and Dry forms are equally efficient. H. Chafe ... 189 188 240 617 played JUnior hockey [or P~tel' I ling games rolled last nlgh~·\; B. Oakley .' 1oo 134 180 4741 _ brough Pees last season. i at Ihe St. Pat's Alleysl ,~~; Whichever you buy ••• LIQUID or DRY M. Clarke ,. 162 157 lA7 516, The door prize at ~he Senior I' CHICAGO CAMP I the score,sheetl were.llof, 707 603 839 2199 Baseball finals at the City Ball ST. CATHARINES. Ont. (CP'-, received at the Sports'D~~ you ,It tho famous Park has 'not been claimed, The' With the addition of Dollard !it.: up to press hour, ~~,~ holder of ticket number 213830 I:aurent on derence and the ur·· In order to publlsb Parker '" Monroe-O 1'; 118 156 162 436 should conduct the Ball Park to questioned ability of Glenn Hall, i bOWling scores in futare~ T. Walsh receive their prize, the major problem. facing f,hi· i the three leagues pre~, L. Gr.een ,. 97 139 173 409 cago Black Hawks this !'ear ill. Iy 'Ictlve here in tbe clt1.,~ Ja,ex S·IN·l Action! J. Oliver ,. 203 179 175 559 FEW BIRDS the National Hoc key League· nie NEWS draws the at, J, Power", 117 195 211 523 535 669 721 t925 NORWICH, England (CPI':'The seems to be centre icc, : tentlon of scorekeepers .~o poorest game shooting for Z9 Mter a day and 8 half of 5kat.: the eligibility of the score.' CLEANS • KILLS GERMS • BLEACHES Slmpson_3 170 233 191 ~fl41 years is forecast by East Anglian ing and shooting exercises, COJch i ~l1eets and unless the score· C, Doyle ." 195 175:l00 570 gamekeepers who say partridg~s Rudy Pilous put the Ha\\'h sheets are properly com1 C, Andrews REMOVES STAINS • DEODORIZES 16j 222 212 ~911 are almostnon .cxistenl bzcpuse I throu.gh Iheir first scrimmJgc: p~eted in future they wffi N. Maher .. 136 167 204 f>27 of the wet weather in June and I Tursday aftcrnoan. , not a!lpear i1l the league; ,S, S~ick ... 886 797 807 2290 July. I Bobby llull, Glen Skol' and Tod bowling result columns. !.': ' I , • THE DAILY NEWS,' ST. JOHN'S" NFlD., WEDNESDAY, SEPT. , .. ' ;: I 10 I!, .. ', . • THE STORY Of MARTHA WAYNE •, . , t. I' , . i ~ i , ' ,) " MARCHAND Floor Furnace's NO BASEMENT REQUIRED As low as ow p ' . $156~oo UFEAN . i Available in automatic or manual operation. 50,000 BTU-59,OO OBTU-BO,OOO BTU ,

, I : , .·ThIS Page Is Presented With The Compliments Of : I . I ' : ' i I The GREAT EASTERN OIL CO., LTD. I

I. Answer to Previous Punie I .. Screen Performer ial Add t t RADIO PROGRAMS '--______...1 I : j. ACROSS 62 Periods 63 Unit nr 'n~rgy JOSE Fl , CBN I Screen 64 Essential performer, being - Jones , WEDNI8D.n, SEPTEMIEI mh. DOW!'4 lUI. SHe Is one 01 l7.»-CIIC Nt'NI. movleland's 1 Fall in drops t i~~:·~ i:d' ~:~:. V.O.U.S. - stars 2 Root edge • I : I.\~Muslcal Clock. 8 He appears hi 3 Class or birds t '.Ql\-MorninJ De,"otlonl. -U kbRtiSH. D'fiMiiR l1il. 4 Cuddle ".I~Prol1"am PrO'·I • ..-. UO-Slln on, Nall"'1 Aulhem •• d motion picture i I! 50bmp'e : ".:u~-CBr NrwlI. S~·$. -s 6 City in The ~:; Fai~chncds 42 Body ot waler, , W.Jf-- O!rorl. lI.porla. U~S.ndl.1. 12 Rant : g.4!1-R ....rd. at "andom, B:Ou-BreaJdnt (Jab Netherlands 26 Enlhuslas:ic 44 Dr~s~ 13 Bustlt 16 ! I ;10_0". M•• '. F.mll)·. I 8.3(>-Belt Parka Bandttatll1. 7.MaRgots ardor Laminaled ,In.llI-lrl> I'no·". P:1)(\-11 HIP,.ntll LuI NI.bt 14 Idea (comb. 8 Nero. for 27 Clpllchin tock :ln 311-Mu.l. In Ih. ~Iornlnr. 9:l5-S.w. and Wealller form) 48 ~Ialg:'~~s 'lII\1\-BBC \,ari.I)·. IIO:1)(\-Cotl •• Tim. Ill.tanCp. munk~YE< !l1.311-The Slo!,), ~lln. 1I:IlO-TII-n laeM Th. Clork 15 American 9 ~otinn ~9 Check, ar a 49 RI'~ad ~p\"ead 1 ' 'lI.l~Mornl'" Musl ••1 j 1I:3I1-Pe\p.rrell Juk, Club phyaicist 50 Ra\'e I 10 t'~ilhr"l hnr~ .. "'.~I. I P.~I. 16 Se~ (Fl'.) 52 An~cr, . Choln . 12:1(\-!\fW' 11 D~it)· oi Math 30 IJI>P"",h :12.M-Ann"unc"r~ and Weather ~3 Anlarc1ic ~ca P:.III-Oillnor Sell 1Ir<.~dn.lI. ' I: ::II-Juko Club 17 Term of (Roman) :\1 Wapilis \I:.J(\-Farnl Buod ••M. 11~.JD-ARldO 10 Pa.munJom. endearment 19 Reslrle :,4 Saying ~~ Grafled -.I../'O'S " • , I r~1. WO\'.\tl'SR- I~B"'~ln Rrolr. WRO~G GUESS . ~IOUlllalil peaks was redder j!nn duel them~ song of "High 'O\)I \"lO ...\ ...."'-~ t1l~,luk,.bM J.arnbnr'!! I· FDdr;.f C:.3I\-Sf'-'-:- th~n Ihe lI·ou.~crs of the last :-ioon." I f>-.t::>f>-.It>-:) ... I:.::!-li Imb4n1 With Rttf'r6. HJJsdll1~' To.urnament J:ol!cr i. Tho rhil H~l'ri, hanrl. ram·. 1=.4·_F"hC!rm~n·. P'crfC'itlt , _------=..::, . 1.r.'-S1mp,on, S.. " Pro".m -":ORTH (DI " complet!11 1l hl~ d~YS rO~lI1d al' rd for or,'rr heing withont a \ \.l,}-~l'Or'~ca'l • K 8 6 'the . Cherr)" HIlls (olln\ry' ::I~s~. was ~s !'lcady as WyaH 1.3I1-:-O.~·S. 0 I.~:'-Ramblill' "'ith R,~orda • J 104 : Club.. Except {or emplo~ .. er~ Earp',., The big Dizzy O~an lint %.!!l-SOWS, '.~Dollar. 011 partell. • 104 the 0\1; clubhouse was desert paw that once zipped hase· 3.':.-S ••·• • A K J 9 7 ed and the. goil asked. .' halls pcross home plat~5 was 4.M-w."lonwre.. 4.~Sew., WEST E.\ST ; "Wh:re IS j!1'cryone? "hleh trigger.happy nnrl c1ums)". I',OO-WeAttrnalft •• ~.3D-SUpPOr Serenadl, .J9H ~ It Un' IVA)' dId they go?" I Eyen Chester of TV's "Gun , ~,IIO-S OWl. ¥AQ83 • Q 8 U 'A WAiter re?Ii~. "Thry Smokr" could have out·drawn I.Il!-Bulleb. BoaM. • K g7 3 511'. I I u!-Sportteul. ..., went thatawAY Thcn he IOle Diz, who scored no better e.~~.pPfl' Seronode. .& SOUTH pointe". acro~s the green hills than ]0 seconds. I .•:l-Thlt Falclnatln, Slo1'J. I.~!-!\ew•. • A Q 2 to a tift, two·storey Rreystone Fastest dr.t·" with the Sixes' 7.IIO-The I.. ld. StM1I. '.e5-Wule:: Jamborn. • 9 home and added, "To Six six shootesr Was Donald O'Con- I.:>.!\-Cr... ,,'" III, Crop. • A J 2 Acres." nor at 1 and 25-10Oth of a sec- P.U-!\o·l'). • Q :!.l'I:e~:'fusic fro." tht ';b~' 108632 "Oh, yes," the golfer replied. ond Phil was No. 2 gun at !a.:,~ .!:"ec!i:!e !,leditIUon•• No one vulnerable "The fast draw contest." land 301ooth, followed b)' !~ . .t>-~pDr!lC,ut. l~.!!-~·~·.t"J :In:l Torbay Weatber. Sor'!t East South wett I It was buffet-and fast glln Rav Bolger-1 and 36-100. l!/~~!ub S30. I '" Pass 1. Double ,draw lime-at Six Acres, the Ethel Merman, the hostess !:.~~t·.f;J. Pass 1" 3 N.T. Pass h f Eth 1 d R b t 12.~!I-C!ub 19'. I Pass Pass i .ome 0 ~ an 0 ~r with the mostess, declare!1 her· t,M.-CloltdDW'ft. Openlna lead-3. !I 81.x Ethel Merman, that IS, self ineligiblt'. ! and 'Bah Six. the tall, per· "Ntlt lilt''' she laughell. "I'm CJON l4..~_ ~... ___ ~~=~_!!!_~_.!'!"_s sOllahl~. ~rl'Sident o[ Contino too !(ood ~ith ~UllS. Rtmel1l' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMIER nth. ",M. By OSWALD JACOBY ,(Inial AII'I 1111'8. her--I \\'on all those Irophies , '.3(l...Tho Bob IAwII SIIow. Written for NEA Service AI Uhe lIill::dilly r~lj'hil'tips, , in 'Aunie Get Your GUll·." \ '.3&-"04. Now. llHI Wealber. II '.U-Healll1ne N.wl .nd Wealbor. Put yourself in the position the Imsiness t~'roons, th!' slal'~ 'I'll.! faslpst gun of 811·1 , I 7.GO-NII4. New. llHI Sper\I. : of South. The game is duplicate and the political big·wigs \\'(,1'1' 'though. to 7.O~Loc.1 Woalller, belou~ed ~;tl1PI's 7:U-Wh.t'l Cooklll'. i a~d you deCide to respond on,e i therc, "Dirty Dan" w~s i 13·ye:r·old ~OI1. Bobby. who L U'--TIIt Bob LewII ShOW • 7.3e-RGtlnd IlIt World NI"" ud Idlam~n~ 10 your parlner S i there. 100, A hearded, enl : out·drpw all of the guests with W.alller. i 0pcRln; club. Yo.u that 1 p)'ed in western dnds.: a till'lttning 1 and 15 100lh of 7.I\-Srorll expe~t ~ent . \ ! 1.III-Whale·, c.. kln' I your partner Will . rebl.d one "Dirl)' Dan" starrd. \In mOl'· a s(';'oml. :Rut Bobby had been ~.M-!'lild. ;o.Iow ••nd "·oathor. l'! RS \ 011 '.lSo-Shipp"" "port.. ; heart a~d that you Will Wind up ,in~. the famons gursts prarti~ni~ fol' three' days _2I1-Kidtll .. Clner. ,at Plth_r a club slam or no" thp)' I'l'owtlrd onto the Iprr~re. ,"nirl\' Dan" anrl let the a(lult u"-SlId. !l:ow" W•• lhor. • ~a-MorN.' Merry Gn ..~~. ! lrllm~ gamr. . I "Dirt)' Dan" wa~ a Iifc·size I wp~t~r ndelinquents have their HII-(JOlIU.I· P"'YUlr.laI " ...... i In5.c~rl of Ihl5 plca~ant rlr., cardhoard cuI-out \l'il'pn rlee· I ( F h' xt hig part\' 't~Mllltt ,. MIIIIDns. . I'elopmenl West doublet! alld . I un. or I~ ne. . , I'-1"-YM lob Le..,. 51111r. : Ea t h'd ' h I If I tronlcally for £U1\. He I\'a~ i ,",. v proml' sed R novr!t'/ for 'I.... ProdlJ., r.th". , • S I ~ one ear I'OU , . . ,.,.> . . . '. I" _"...... MlDule. . . I' ':11 I' d' ,hooktd up With Rn electric. hi~ shool 'em lIP g\le~ls. I" ~1-MartII!'. toron. I Jump tn C 11M ~ ou 1\ I I III ~p \ timin" ritvice whicih split ~tC ! '. • t h' "D t '.' 'j' In ~S. LIt,·. for Ltn~ •. i at some club contract and \1'111 .• . . H~' Itom!: 0 ale 11' Y i . , I" 3(l...S .... III • )lUIut .. ; make exactly fi"e odd. What's 11. Double 3.--1'855 I Dan" .wired to shoot back witb i .- ln !I_llb.t" c ..kIlI' 1•. ~\lb. 10m I~ I"'Ton~ \Iith that? Nothinll in I u Pass ? i rap ~lstnls: . , IM!-Tho 1I0b L,uu Sh,... rubber bridge but in duplicate You, South, hold: i Phll later confessed '. '; 1\.1111-11810'1 11\ • Ml.aUI •. I I Harrl~. " 1I.DI_,"", TllDo Foro"er, you need those extra points for .K 10 6 5 • A J 8 H .32 .83 . I\'h~' hi, h~lId· was ~o stead)' ,.. :1 11._11"",,_ Your , ~~ P-_. makins four no-trump. What do you do? when he drew on "Dirty Dan." lI.u-8w\II'a MOD.Y 'Ian I .. ' P.M. . Anyway, this South thought A-Rid leur hearts. If your He told m~: "1 pretended tie ~' !('. , 12.110-11.... III • MlaIIII. I ".. IU1_TowD ud COIIIIII'J 1IIOtr. he needed extra points and partner Is aetuaUy trying for a W88 an NBC \~ce pmident." :: l '.! 12.311-10:..... III I !ClIIale. jumped to three no.trump. May. slam this will encourage him, Phil's under contract to NBC ",' .. : 12.3I-TOWlI UlId SIIow. CcIIDIrY be West would shy away from Otlterwlse he will simply go to and madder than a hornet I • ~i lone-Local ud N.UDell a~adll!ll " .... he'.~ UI-'tO'01I lad CWJIIrY Sbow. ! the heart suit and lead a spade. fllur 8pades, There are nch with the !lives because the , . ".1' 1.ft!-Wullllr '_u~ lo~","· We.t did open the three of things as bluff doublesl network said "No" to reques~ l.3!-t:IltorW CIIIIUIIIJI~ hearts and South wisbed he had TODA V'S QUESTION from Jack Benny and Bing . , .'. 1.~. . "', ' U"..," luar', NoItboU. raised clubs. Still there ~as . Your partner continue~ with Crosby to have Phil on their , 2.O~NIWI \II • IlIIIule. ,', • I nothing to galng from looking a bid. of five spades. What do open in!! TV shows this fall. ! 2.01-~.I'. eoo~\II'. I" , 2.D:!I-TbI Siory o! 'Jau Arm,Ita ... glum. He played the f.our of you do now? "NBC'~ reason," the curly- 2.l~!II1 I.ualt ""air. 2.3:1-Matln ••· hearts from dummy 811d now (Answer Tomorrow) haired singer·comedian steam· \II •. lIIIIal .. r----;_ '.IIO-H.... East w.ent into a huddie. It pd "waR heeause I didn't have Ul-WUWtl Jambor... I f.nn,.4ta~aI Ptav\DclaI II..... seemed inconceivable t hat, • an NBC show Jack and Bing f,SO..N ..... iD a MIlIale. Ul-JI.alIclt Par\y. South .would hav~ leaped into ·Nfld SkIes could guest on, and they 4.u.I-!WI~ Par\y. three no-trump Without a heart • Iwouldn't guest on any other . . 5.00-~.WJ 11\ • )lUIule • ~ stopper .. Maybe It was the· ' t . UI-ntGeri'7 1'0'111111' Sbow. sineleton ace. East played tbe WEDNESDAY, September 17th, NIt.BCWShbow·B_I can d u1nderstanld •.IlO-l':1!'ft III a 'Mlnuta IIld W.. 1lI1f t', toda" 6'10' y, tng an are pa s •.f!t-Wl:St" Cootlll' th h Sunse e.iS-B::Ilet\ll Board. seven 0 f hear t s'an d Sou cas· , ...... p.m. d k' ti I •. I~N.Uonal' H..... ed his singleton nine. Sunris" tomorrow •• 5:41 B.m. an Jac 8 ~rac ell Iy my U~pGrtI: Now South had his top score Moonset tonight , ... 8:4\) p.m. father .. Mr NBLco.ntrart per -.,.!-NIWI. "~II-P.m. Tbea1rl. and East had a lot of criticism First Quarter, Sept, 19th. mils me two outSide guest • 1.110.. 11 .... I•• Mlaall. from his partner, but I am in. '. Prominent Stan ~jJpeal'8llreS Hyear hilt it ~~eIllS 7.,;-CI.~ ~. 7._trW•.. dined 10 Nyrnpalhlze with EaRt. Aldebaran, rises. 9,~7 p,m. like they "':ant, to ket'p me out I.'''-NI'W' '. a Mlnut.· tl.lH- 'lh .. ·Bt:\& (rum llit Wt.t. i lie did h:\Ve u reul problem and 'I'he Plrlades, flbo\'e Atile·: of lh~ al'lion, , I B_;I!)-~~\U \a p Mlnutr, 'lois of experls would have made h:II'un. Ul'tween Ih~m shines Ihe I . "EXl'l'pt Continental., Air· 11.31-'1'11. Ptat ltulll Ihe Wilt. I the ,ame wrong guess. planet, Mars, which has now 11II~s pIHne~, of eourse. ,'. UO-!l:.w. I. a ~Inul •. ' . tnl-What'. cllnkin'. become abO\lt six limes as: BI'oadwa)" s favorite musical I . t.03-:-Ofld. Soiree. ~.3D-Snn,. n/ Ih. G•• pel. ' nse bright as Alrirbaran. ,'romed~' slar living on Six I '!Ul-DoH'D Stw •. Tldr! "cl'~s in lhe rural environs of Ir.. oo-Nf"'''' in I M'"utl. CARD Se 1n.ftl···!;uyu·rmln , Hi«h Low I Ocnl'rr is anolhr.r slory I'll I' II._S'~·~ 1ft • MlnUI •. f~ .. -.'fl1e hid ding h~s been: lo:()1 a.m. 4;01 am. ~pl ~l ~i~k out of telling you l!.nl-5rOfll. i 1I.tG-II ....p.rt~. i North East South We&i 10:30 p.m. 4:41 p,m .. tomorrow. 12.00-NIWI III • MllIule. ... ~::;;ii"liliiiiiiiiiiii·i-i~i·i'i"~~iHiihriiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~ii;ijii~iiii~hh~ad~Ue:.c~n~t;h:er:e~t;he~la:s~t~ti:m:e~I~I::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::11 was .1ircd. He seemed to use up C' ) secretlries faster than some apito men did scratch pads: I I lOoked at Ihe' paper first, ______It had Mrs. Moreno's name, ad· idress and phone number. Then To-day Iml... I coullled the money. There RO','" HUDSON - were 10 $50 bills, I· n THE STORY: Milo March, I try t It' ht , f h 'Pr It "I 'd "M f 't ROUERT STACK an lnsllrance de.-tlue, ha. 0 pry rtg ou 0 Ie·' e y, sal. y a\'orl e I DOIlOTHY MALONE "'.. • lion's mouth. What kind of vitamin." '.. , • , " \ ------been asked to recover I premium wO)1ld I have to pay MEHRY was already sitting at I THE TARNISHED ANGELS . -\ mal\\lscdp\ written by Dr. 1£ I w~nted to take out a tittle the bur when I arrived at the I " .-- ,,' I Jaime Moreno, wbo op· extra life Insurance before I restaur~nt. She hadn't l1een. Tile TarRlshe~ An~el5, URI' I W PLAYING posed the dictator of a Cell' go?" there long. I slipped on the r versal . Inter~attollal s Cinema· TO-DAY tr~ American republic:. Mo· "The rate would be. pretty stool r.ext to her and she Scop.e produclton based on ..the I I reno has disappeared. His high," lie admilted cautiously. leaned over for me to kiss her. WII:~am Faulkner novel, Py· manllscrlpt, Insul'ed for I grinned at him, "A small I did. Ion,. opens tomorrow at the The Book they said Could Neve.r Be Filmed .• 1 $75,000, 1150 Is mlssll\g. probbn," I said. "What's the "It seems to me that you get CapItol Theatre. Rock Hudson, ',! , . i I . • • • name of this lost opus?" more b~autiful every time I Robert Stack, Dorothy Malone "; , II "T!tl' Bloody Reign of Tor. see you," I told her. "It's and Jn~k Carson are starred. -The Boldest Author of Our Time I I LOOKED at him. "Do I get ctclo, , months since I've seen you. A~nuunced. as a faithful : Ij . the Impression that after all "Cal~hy title," I said. "Okay, Whicn cne of your hou,es are movie lranslab.~n of the ~aulk· - ~-. these people have failed to find :'Iartin, I'll tah it on~ The usual you living in at the moment, ner 'n~cker, . The Tarmshed the professor, you wan't me to one hundred a day and ex. California, Texas, Florida or Angc!s was dlrecte~ by Doug· t step in and dig him up." penses." Connecticut?" lIas Sirk. The pict~res producer \ . "Not exactly," he said. "We He nodded, looking relieved. "At the· very moment, the St.1 was Albert Zugsmlth. I I . carried no insnrance on the "I said YOIl were the only mall Regis," she said, "but I'm going I' I~oking up -th; '--~~wspaper ! man. 1 dou~t If he had any. for .,il lind I knew you'd pull it to co.nnecticut tomo.rmw .. I stori~5, but I needed a report Under, the CIrcumstances, I sup-I off. though, maybe you might like from tlH! inside. I caUed some. I pose pre~illms wouhl have been "Re!ax, buster. If Torcido I to c?!lle up for the week.end·"1 body. I know on the police. I' ~v"'}:' :'~ prell)' high. No, we'd like you took it, It may be burned by! "I d love to, but I have to told him that I wanted the I ( ,~~:!".,;Jo''f to find his manuscript." now. Alld If that's the way the IlVork." name of the' man who had 'De"'fIIl Added Attraction "You lost me somewhere." cookie crumbles you'lI have to I She made a face. "You always Iworked on the ~Ioreno case. He f·, "Dr. Moreno had just com· . pay ofr." .: have to work." ,promised 10 call me hack,

plcted the mall~script 0.£ a book: He winced, "We ar~ aware of I' . "We can't all h,~ve a 1apful of It didn't take him more than JOSE FERRER in about the TOreJdo regime. In :,thnt. I~ut if il's pos~i~lc to re·. 011.. WC1~S, ho~~r 115 mi.lUtes. "LI. Johnny Rock·' fact, except for minor revisions,: cover.t Wc feel conhdent that· Wnl not. she asked i land of the Bureau of Spcc;~1 he had completed it just a' you'll ti~ it, Milo. Now, what do: prOmlJtJy. "All you have to d!l' SerViC,!5 Investigation," he said. i month before his disappearance. I~'ou lVant? The policy file'!" liS marry n~e and you'lI h~ve a I"You want a letter of inlroa". . f The only cop)' of the manu· I I shook mv head, I doubted if i lapful of 011 wells, too." lion of something?" . I . , script vanished with him," Ithere would' be anything in it i., "It's a nice o{fer." I said, "F,)r once I'm in luck," I said .. ., "And you had Insured it?" that would be anr good to me. i but a,1I that money would scare "I k now Johnny myself.: , He nodded unhappily, For" "Just the address and phone I me. 1 d be awaken~d every Thanks.'" ; " 'I 575,000. The policy was 10 I numller of llrs. Moreno." I said, Imorllltl~ by the. rusthng of all I hU.lg up and then I dialed' ROCK I, ' cover it for the six months be· "and 500 to covel' eXpenses. I£ th.os~. (.ollar bills. Bu~ I ap- I again. I asked for Lieutenant DOROTHY I eo·aludl1Q fere it would be published, TI\~ II have to go down there, I '\I be PI eCll,e the offer Just the Rockhnd. I told him I wanted ! I . Joanne Gilliaxt premium was substantial, but drawing more." • II same." to come down and talk to him: HUDSOfl . ..•. ."';f$~ Jim Backus even 10, it represents a con· \ He l.odded and leaned over She ~ighed, "Well, I tried." about a case. MALONE siderable loss. Mrs. Moreno has his desk, putting one hand itt \ "An impossible task," I ad. • • • $1' . Inlrollill;\aIJ J In just put in a claim for the ·1'· under it, hGet $500 from the II mitted. A vague idea was flit- AFTER that I called ?I!artin )' ~ena l money." . cashier." he said, "and bring it ting uround in the back of my Rarmand. ~ ;; I 1 • ~ • Iin here. Charged to the Moreno I head. . "But there might be 1 "Milo." he said when he came Rowlands "UNLESS you eRn turn up i case. And bring ~!rs, Moreno's' somethinG: you can do for mc." on, "how's it going?" "The TARNISHED il. the manu!ICript for her, you've I address and phone number." I "What, darling?" she asked. "Let me see," I said. "I've' lot to PIlY off?" I asked. II He was ·talking into a camou.\ "This job I'm on may take had the case for about two and I TIMES OF SHOWS "Precisely," Martin Raymond f1aged intercom in the desk. me to the Monican Republic. If a half hours. Don't you think i ANGELS" said. "Unfortunately, with the Some r~rly American craftsman Iso, it would be better if I you ought to give me another r~I\II;_"III'" !i:WECRACKER," '7 O'CLOCK, 10.00. possible exception of the refu· was probably spinning rapidly didn:t go as an insurance in· hour or so?" I Also-NOVELTY gee group. no one else is look. in his grave. . , \·cstJgator. Maybe I can cook up ",I list kidding you. boy," he' E\,EXING SHOWS 7 P.1\I.-9 P.M. MATINEE 2 P.~. ing for the manscript. They are "The girl will. have it here ill . some sort, of era~d that I'm Isaid. "Someone with a Spanish! , , concentrating on finding Dr. a minute," he told me, "When supposed to be domg for you." llccent called here just n few' Moreno." , will you start on this, )li\o?" "AII)'thing," she said. minutes ago and wanted to NEXT AnRACTION "Suppose," I said, "that the "Right away." I said. "I'm go·; Afte:' IUllch I dropped her at IknolV if We were interested in NEXT ATTRACTIONc Hl'DSUS-JESSIFER JOSE8-,'ITTORIO DE one theory Is right and it was hig to take a beautiful girl to ~ the I~o:el and made a phone Iinform3tion about Jaime ~Io· GF:ORGE ~IONTGO~IER1- in "SE~lINOLE UPRISING," In ".\ F''\REWELL TO ARMS"-ACTION­ the Generalissimo, brave anti· lunch which will put me in the' call Irom the lobby. reno, 1he call was put through with KARI~ BOOTH-ACTIOS-THRILLS-SUSPENS£ Communist 'and staunch ally right' mood for the job." I let the answering service Ito me and I told him you rep- , -TECHNICOLOR. IS .\ TRn.\' GREAT "lOTION PICTURE IN that he is, who put the snatch A pretty little blonde came know that I was back and then resented us on the matter and on the Jirofessor and his hook. in,. carrying a small sheaf of. I sat down to worry about the Ito get in tou~h with you. You That· will me~n tbat I have to bills and a slip of ~per. She Icase. I had Ihou~ht . of going ought to. be hearin[( fro'" him I go to the MODlcan Republic and was a different secretary than ,over to the public library and (Conttnued on page 14) I .1 1 ,!

, ,

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. ' 1.-----... .---- •· Ii' \ WE HAVE • riLES , B.P.O.E. CHILO • LINOLEUM 1 ~lAtU,I.YST • j)RAPERIE~ . . ' ' , , Grand Bank Notes • BROADLOOM CARPETS annual meeting nR.4.ND BANK, Sept. 10-- At theSalva!lon Army selioot'uy by a convincing 5 to 0 win Gu.mis took the lead when: - ® Jlat ar.l just. right for of officers f( ; I Mow Ihat the football fever of 1there nre two new additions to over Corner Brook. In fnct it goalie Grandy bobbled a shot lJy I • HOllIES ; . last week is diminishing this the tmlching staff. They. are was the big lead piled liP by Willdns and let It dribble into \ • SCHOOLS. STORES the Club Roon • OFFICES • CHURCHES lown i~ settling back to tho Mrs. Rose Ruelokke, and Mr. the 51. John's champions that the net., Thrce minutes latcr We Spec:alize in: Eve~ing, Septerr e\'en tenor of its wavs. Condl. Harold Rideout. A third new actuallY won them lhe all·New· I Grand Banw tied it up whcn I CUST01U·MADE tions llr~ getting back 'to normal tcacher is to join the staff of foundl:md title. Gnnrds got I AU White blasted a pena!ty i DPAPERIES. 1958 £::h ... ,,,,.I•• By Order of the t, allcr the hectic days of the all. the school In.ter. Meanwhile, away 10 an early lead whe~ Ishot pa5~ Hoddinott.. Then wIth! WALL TO WALL !\clVf;)undland Soccer {lnals space I~ so limited at the Salva' Garlan.d. got the first ~0~1 01. thrce Il11ntltes left. 11\ the half i CARPETS 1958 pl:l>'~d herc last weck whclI the' hon Army School that they the 3erle5. Midge JenkIns and, Tommy Rosc, plaYing the best, FLOORS OF TILES aud II'holc c~mmunity ate drank have found It neee!sary to build Hoble Pike also tallied in the i3~mc f"r the ),e.:r, put the local: LINO:'EUM ALSO and Jj\'cd on football' and the an .lddltlonal wing on the first half to givc the Guards a ;;c!wd i~ f:'c-t ~ to 1 1":'~1 1·· W -I THE ALL OUR ,RK TRUCKS plavoHs. We rcrer to it further school which wlll be started 3 to 0 ad\'antage. In the sccond IS EXECUTED on 'in this cdition of "Notes". shortly and whleh is expected half Guards came up with an ner. Alter six minutes of the PICKUPS : j. BY EXPERT . ShUN Ibhcrmcn arc stUI get· \ to be ready for occupancy for other brace of goals with Midge TRADESMEN. tlng "oJd catches on jigger., and the ~econd term. Jenkil1s and Hobie Pike thc lint" :, ;~ tu I lc::u \, ,;,1 .:.11 LeL ,i H NO Indle~;ionl are that there is an, The following is the examl· markslOlcn. Towards the end of convcl'led on a pcnaity shot.' UIAL 30fUI FOR nual DINNER ( abundlnce or fish around the 'nation results at the Salvation the game Guards rearguard. The fLlal goal 01 the game at U ESTDIATES Phone 4847, Burin Peninsula, The fish is I Army School this year: Jerry Smith and Corner Brook's sixte'cn minutes when Charlie 115-119 Al AWMNI J also il food size and quality. \ Graue Xl-Pass: CI~rellee playing coach, Charlie King, be· Snook ~cored for Guards on a WITHOUT B OBLIGA'l'lON Report, from ~'o\'tune Bay also Brooks, Henry Crews, Clarion camc inl'olved in a fight and free 1;iek which went into thc .-:: .. indicaws that the fall fishery Foote. Caleb Green, Waiter were throwll out of the game. I!oal 0[[ a Grand Bank defender. I I; in th.lt area this year has been IHerridge, Eli Lee, James Rog· The final score was Guards 5 The filMI score was Grand Bank ST. JOHN"S IK.:JIV,..Y, Septe 1 I good. Dllring last week the )t.V. ers, Leonnrd WIlliams, Georgie and Corner Brook 0, 3, GUJ,'ds 2. ~ I "Reo Il" "Philip Wayne" and Forsey, Hilda Grandy, Eileen Following the game lhe visit· By virtue of their bettcr goal At the NEWI \ '--- "TrinHy • North" all loaded Trimm (15 entered, 11 passed). In, teams were the guests of average Guards won the All· TIIoI.lttt.!.:.1. Pat. OL PI cargoes of saltbulk {Ish around Grade X-Pass: Bert Gould· the Grand Bank AAA at a Nlid. Cl0WII for 19;;8. although C tlU ., Itnkl. -- J, • Ihe P~ninsula and sailed for lng, Geor,e Hickman, Howard dance beld in the theatre. as las! year they were unable For Fast , NOI'a !'totla ports. The drag. Kearl~v, Levi Warren, Dinah The second game schedulcd to defeat th~ Grand Bank I gcrs "Bille Mist 11" and "For. Barnes, Myrna Brooks.' Nellie for Tuesday evening had to be Ieleven. FollOWing th~ game the. "Haven't you figured rne out yet?" , , Service \ lune Star" which had engine Brown, Doreen Keatmg ltO postponed when torrents. of game !he presentation of the' ----.-'---"-...-- ,-. - --,-,--.""" -,,--'- Taxi troubles to be attended to have 8 passed). rain fell all day and evcmng. Championship J.V.R. trophy and \ I ' enter~1, • had repairs made and have Grade IX _ Pass: Albert This was. the firs~ game post· Ia mimature replica ~vas pr~· ,. • LA""D HOTEL TAXI meetin j 'I sailed arain for the bangs. "The Dodge, George Clemens. Fred ponment m the history of the Is~ntccl to Guards Capta!n Hoble . I~ ond present pi B,lue Wave" arrived from the Grandy, Benjamin Snook. M : NAFA, On Tue.sday afternoon PIke by. N.A.F.A. preSIdent, F'I SURVEYS Dial 242~2410 r 21st, at bNlks I&st week with one hun· 1 Snook, Gordon Williams, Grace the annual meetmg of the New· M. Te5sler. When it was an· :I dIJd Rnd forty thousand pounds Goulding, eneVa Melloy. Bett)' foundl~nd Amatur Football As· noun~~d that Tummy Rose had I Dpen fro!" UI to 2 ••m. Sd:~ol. As bu • of flounder. At present Bona. Welsh (14 entered, 9 passed). 9ocl~t.l~n . was held In th~ ~le· won the Most Va!uable Player • WHITE fall activities 01 \'ista Cold Storage Co., Ltd .. is The S,alvatlon Army School morlal Library. T~e PreSIdent. Award for the SCr1~S the. ho~e· i QUEEN'S ROAD refitting its draggers Olle at a re-ope,led on Tuesday, Septem· F, M. Tessler.' preSIded an,d rep· 'town fans ~ent Wild With JOy I PRINTS p''''!!8,lyr FOR CAR the Booster ell time '0 that although dragger ber 2nd at 9 a.m. The teaching resentatives Irom SI. John s Cor· a.nd carried r Rose ,around the i A larg

I~adinl:s are less frequent and I staff for the ensuing year con· ner. Brook,. Gander, and the fIeld. all theIr shoulders. 1 Dial plant cmployees do not oblain \ sists (If Frazer Oakley. princl· Burm Penmsula were present Alter t~e game a dance I~as " Gerry Halley full employment during this palj Uonald Noseworthy, vice· as well as representatives of Iheld In, the Theat~e. WIth I r~fit period the plant is con· Iprlncipalj Mr. William Thoma. the press. , Slan;ys Orchestra provldmg the; Surveys Ltd. -~ Ilriuing to operate and we, sen. ~Ir. Harold Rideout, Mrs. Foillwing the Presidenn wei· ImusIc. A large number of play· ; llriderstand that there will be no I' Frcem~n Forsey. Mrs, George coming ~ddress and remarks Ihe e.rs an'~ .fans attended the func· i rlosedown pcriod. Pitcher, Mrs. Rose Ruelokkc, report of the Secretary and I!Ion I'''.lIch was thoroughly en·, 90 ALLANDALE ROAD FO~ 6 Defence Con'51111 Last week Atlantic Pal'ing I ~liss Uly Dodge, Miss Lily His. Treasurer were prcsented by J~Y~~ b)' all present The dance; 'PHONE 9087 storey DWELL G Ltd .. started the work of I cock, ~Irs. Winnie Keating, Mr. Edgar Squires and were Ii [.. -; I.,' I"olmd 1I~ the 1~58, I:~~~~~~~~~~ (1951) L I ac!ual laying of the pave. Last weck a meeting of the approved. The election of ofiic· i AII·Nfld. Soccer. fmals WhICh, E, with all rr i Gf;SERAL HOSPITAL t on the highway between Amalgarr.ated Regional High, el'S fOI' 1958·59 was then con· were Judged to be one of the, ------bedrooms, I o Stay I' A PROJECT: (' e ~\Id Jo·ortunc. At Ihe week School Committee was held in I ducted by Mr. Bill Jackman and most ;;uccessful el'cr. Wh ere T ssistants .Transmitter ond living roc approximately seven tenths the Library and it was decided resulted as follows:- Over thc weekend both the i DO. ° I i cated SteeP. R,C. I' a mile had becn done. Many to gl\'e authority to the Chair· Pre.ident-f·. M. Tessier. ~o.rner " .~rook a~d Guards Fo'r Your a sam Hote I letltian s ITorbay. Nfld. file , For further po tOi'lSts from here and For. man, ,Mr. W. M. Buffett, to dis· Secretary _ Treasller-Edgar i 'hi~b·l:l~ I'lslted St. Pierre for ex· B I I I SEALED n:~DEP~ e have been laking a spin cuss the type of building reo Squies. i I!lon games, Corner Brook . BARNES ROAD I Applications are in1'ited flom l marked as to COI1I~n\ r the new paved surface and quired with the various educa· Vice Presidents-GeDrge A.! pla~'~d tWD games and lost 7 to I;'irc Insurance Situated in the Heart of the 1 females aged 18 • 25 years \Iith 'I ed to the und?r,;i~:n~! e found the experience tional departmental heads at St. Welsh, Burin Peninsulaj Bren· 1 tO 2 A.S.S.P. City. Grade XI certificate. One year in above project CURTIS ' h~td ~ d ~oldth~ . e a treat to what they were John's and to engage an archl· dan Curtis, st. John'sj Charles WIst uar set e strong Quiet, Comfortable AtmM' Home Economics is prefer3ble until 3.00 P .~1. • I At Lowest Rates BOARD a , I umstomed to in the past. It Itect 10 draw up plans for the \King, Corner Brook. Frencn elel'en to a scoreless pherc. , but not essential. Time I is expected that the Paving I new Hegional High School. It A letter of resignation was draw. . For Reservations and In, I Successful applicants will be THURSD:\ r. WATER: I' I The Number To Company wilyl have all the \15 hoped that a start on the read from Mr. Heber Bartlett, The local football curtam was formation I trained in the supervision of fooo Plans, specifi<:ationn materidl 'required for the job construction of thll new aChooli who hsd been the NAFA Secre. lowererl on Saturday last when oa I 6336 I service. Salary during training forms rpo,uir,.rl ~igi1ted here from St. Law. will be made sometime this tar),.'J'reasurer since Its incep' t~~ edG.B.A.A;.Ah· f second ,t.e~m Call is 4131 D, period will be $137.50 per month by General ("nn'r,rln" renee In another week or ten Autumn. tlon. As a mak of appreciation VlSlt Garms or an exhlbl!lon MRS. JOHN FACEY After training this will be O!\ tht • ,I \ I D .C.L. Plans Sectio~. .('!is's, SPORT and esteem the delegates voted gam~, In a well play~d contest Res!dpDt l\IanarereSi Iscale $1,980·100·2.200 per annum I. at the address belo~. , I VEHiCLE ACCIDENT The all.Newfoundland Foot. unamlnously to elect Mr Bart. lour .•Cdm emerged WIth a 2 to , A. Hickman m3t,tf Applications sbould be forward· SITI I , vICtO·,. E. of $100.00 payable to I A 1958 Chevrolet Sedan own· ball tinals were played here lett to the once of Honorary Th fl' I t Ih' • I-=~~~~~~~~~' ed immediately to:· Superintend· 1 ' = - Ient, General Hospital, Forest struction lI95!' ~d anrl driven by Mr. Fllzpat. last week During that period President. e lIa.5 0 IS year 5 pro· Compa;n y, tt(l quired for eaeh educatic ~ick of lIIarystown was In col. this town' did nothin, but eat, The meeting discussed many gramme WIll take place next Texas had an output of 4,100.. Road, St. Jolln·s. documents. Thi, \ I MD,. ,ision with a pickup owned by drink and talk football as Cor. and vlrlous matters. It was de. we~~ wh~l~ .the G.~.\A:A. Ex· 000,000 long tons of sulphur LEO:>lARD MILLER. Ceited if the .UIlIUi',', during 1956. n"puty Minister tlf Health. ~e Highroads Dept. last week ner Brook Royals, st. John's clded that the 1959 finals will e~u IV~ WI e~t~rt~~ t elr tde~m specilicalions ar~ no: pn the road between here and Guards and our own Grand be played at Corner Brook pro. a ~ an que In e Cana Ian good order on or bero:! prand Beach. The accident oc. Bank pleven met at the Stood. vlded that Corner Brook is the LegIon Club Rooms. DUNN'S NFLD. HOTEL teenlh day .nIlOI\\'I", in the Crowse area at the ley Memorial field in the three Westarll and Central represen· Opera Comique is the French HUTCHEN'S GROCER'll Plans and 1'pc,:ifica,::~ I Fu~ed PHARlIIACt BEAUTY PARLOur. DAilY N "rldge over lIIusk·rat Brook. game round robin mies to de· tatlves, Otherwise, the finals MEAT MARKET. Canndlsh Sq. Dla! '3&5 on dew at : The accident was caused eide the all.Newfoundland' foot. will ta!te place at the central name for opera in which the 53 William Street Cor. Mayor anll All replies trc ftlerrymeeting Rd. in Halifax. Sain: ' ~hen the truck, which was com. ball championship.. division winners provided that dialogue Is !!poken instead of Dial 7450 and 6062 I Frcdcricton, ~Ior.t'o:" 7,20,24 , DIAL '388 i I , I ing towards Grand Bank skid· It was quite a series which Club has a regulation' playing 5nUi· _._----- , BUILDING SUPPLIES I:-\fJd. Board of Trildt, ' lied out of conlrol when the I drew a record attendance of pitch, otherwise the playoffs ---'-.--- ST. 'JOHN'S WEST Halifax Branch Oflicc \Srakes were applied and ill over Rix thousand fans for the will tal{e place at St. John's. I The wallaby IS a small kan· ; BINDON'S PHARMACl I' ST. JOH[&1'S CENTRAL Iaddress bcio\\', eromd to the other side of the Iseries and WhiCh, ,gW' the t'Other matters under discussion :artoi Some ,are less than two • Cor. Rl)naventure and I I Each tender IP<1,t ANTED road. and collided with the car.! Guards take the honours' on, a were tne selection of separate ~ ollg. ,> H. R, CLARKE Empire Ave. ' W. BURTON & SON I on the forms prr,(r;~" rhe .tru~k then turned over on lIoal average although, each and distinctive uniforms for . , Topsail Road DIAL 59~1 ' 54 LeMARHCANT RD. I accompanied hI' ? 115 ~Irle mto the ~rook. 'loam won a' lIame' in the series.' each ~ectlon competing in the Dial :l2~9!; nial 69ZH Res. 916671' i posit as called 'llr i .\It.l':lUgh conSIderable dam· For tbe loca Iteam and fans'it playoth, the greater control by KENNEDY'S ST. JOHN'S CENTRAL Idocuments. Such J;e. lVa~ done .10 bolh the was disappointing that tlley ~e N A,F.A. over Soccer ~eti. . L. 'HEALEY DRUG STORt;, ,indemnify the Fe~ '(!hl~ll'5 by th.e Impact .noho.dy did not win the championship VlUe! ID Newfoundland, and CrMs Roads aud Water St to, Duckworth Sl Iin the el'cnt of a WOMAt. fneither reccl\'ed any mjurles but the whole town Is proud of finances. Dial 3026 Dial 2381 HORWOOD successful tendrrcr IIp~rt from a good shaking up, our team's showing. This is On Wednesday evening the CHARLES O'KEEFE LUMBER CO., LTD. acceptance of Ibe b'l., pnd ,hock.. the third time that Grand Bank second game of the pla~'offs till Bamilton Street PARKDALE Water st. W. Dial 3011 The lowest or any BOX • ' C.H,E. RESULTS has competed in the champion· took place with another large Dial 4447 PHARMACY, necessarily seeeple!!. ~ I~ the recent C.H.E. exami· ship finals. For our teani' It has attendance. The contesting Elilabeth Ave. J. D. Dial 91120 JESNISOS, "atlon~ held this year the been a story of "often"abrldel' teams were Corner Brook and FLEMING'S No.4 Temp. United Church Academy did maid but never a bride." Also, Grand Bank. The result was a INSURANCE AGENTS PHARMACt, Otla\l'8. V!IY well. The following Is a although not winning I single surprise win for Corner Brook MURPHY'S 265 Pennywell Road AND BROKERS DRUG STORE, Dial 92937 ST. JI list of the successful Itudents all.Newfoundland crown, Grand by a :1 to 2 Kore, Again the 119 Milltiary Road trr'the three grades: Bank has never been beaten b)' welteI'D division Champions Dial 6446 : Grade IX (14 passed out of the team that did win. It apo proved to be the nemesis for ~t. John's tast HI H)-Passes: Leslie Fox. Harold pear. to a great many fans nd Grand Bank. Two penalty shots ELECTRICAL Hollet,t James May, Samuel players that the system of win· hy Oharlie King told the story ;;;.======;,;. THOMPSON'S STUB DRAWl JtOgerR, Frank Wes, Shirley ning the cbamp'ionshlp is all In the game, with Colbourne STAN FOWLER PHARMACY, CONTRACTORS STUB, DRAW ~ennett, Beatrice Buffett, Alice wrong and a newer and fairer getting the third Corner, Brook ?,4 Queen's Rd. .5 Quldi Vidi Ro!II St. JOSE J)ouglas, Bertha Forsey. Georgie way' ~liould be adopted by 1he marker Bnd Alf. White and P.O. Box 63 Dial 5531 ST. JOHN'S NOlf:I'H , , I"t. John's West J .. V. 'DAWE ~ogen. Marion Grand)" Lor· Newfoundland AmateUr' Focit· Tommy Rose getting the goals, JOB BROTHERS . ralne Moulton, Elizabeth Rose Iball Association .0 as, to ellmi· ior Grand Bank, In this game 115 Bo),les Aye. ,of 1st tic , ' ~nd Ueorgie White. nate $uch situations II existed a.s;ln the first contest the " CO. LTD. No tire when we wire. Water street JOHN J. FEEHAN Dial 909411 '-Ict(lb... r 7th '.' 'i , Grade X (16 passed out of i this year and in ptevl'oulplay' Freneh.referee was right on the ng Dial 2658" 4123 28 )-Passes: Freda Fadell, Ei· oifs ~hen no teani ,has b~en job I1nll let no infractions go Around St. John's draWl leen Handrlgan, May Matthews, able :0 establish a cleareut D),. Bruce Buffett was thrown . Write·for :J'r.ee Booklet on all .90 Water St, : I ~ I & Dial 3531 GROCERS (RETAIL) '.. i ~v.clyn Melloy. Shirley Riggs, majority "ver their oppo~cnts, ~ut Ilf the game, towards its dime,DsioDal H ring to MEEHAN CO. !', .,. "Zabeth Rose, Florcnce West. To, win champion, ship but still close Cor rough' play. The final T A. Bldg. Duckworth St. T.V. REPAIRS , .;j ~ Dial 7016·7047 ST. JOHN'S CENfRAL " " elcna Stoodlcy. GcorJ(e An. be unable to beat .• competitor score 'WBS Corner Brook,3 Grand ACOUSTICON O'FRmN CO ,~ tmOll Crewe. ~arJson Ember· In so dobill. makes such a vie. Bank 2. . . Bearin'IAhlConsultanb, CITY ANTENNA SERVICE, W. ABBOTT tel'. ,Archibald .vans, David tory somewhat hollow to. the Foduwing Ihis game the visit- (cJr~:e:"!liwesr,qSutar" e " Tel eyision Antennas In· U LlvinsstoJle SL REG. T. MORGAN stalled. P&rts sold. Phone EXPERISN trencll, Eric Grandy. Raymond winners; , ,., Ing tCdms and officials were remtJlc Bldg, Durkworth SI , Diil ms . Dry :i ; :; 92761 or 90173. .' . t ~toodley. Isaac Thomas and Thc Guards team',arrived nere the guests of the Grand Bank ~~'~~.~, ,~D:!IIl~5~.~~~.~, ~'~~, Dial 80S1o.7~56 FOR ; . \'. "arold Tlbbo. by motor cars from St, John'l A.A,A. at a banquet held in the ------NORMAN DOWNEY .:' { ~ Grade Jl (15 passed out of on Sa:urday. August 30th. ,Th~ Canadian Legion Club Rooms, UNI',I'ED Sanitone Servi" BEAUTY PARLOURS '5 New Gower st. .•7)-Honour.: Harold Moulton, Corner Brook Royala came In 'About .• Ixty person. attended UNDERWRITEIUI. ',' ' 0111 5721 Out ALL the "', , I liar)' Foney and PhyUla MaYj by air to Frenchman's Cove on Inclu1ing several special guests: TemtJle Bldg" Dnckworth St St. John's Central I." ,.' ,. tasses: Geor,e Francia, Jamel Sunday afternoon Ind" -were Mr. George A, .wehh' acted as Dial 80870·775(1 Costs No Mor' ,randy. Gordon Grandy. Leon. met by GBAAA officials' ind, Master oI Ceremonies. F; M. AMBASSADOR MORECOMBE'S P.O. trd i>f1Ce, Randell Pope, George taken l'y ears to·theirrespec· Te.ller. president of ~he Grand BEAUTY PARLOUR GROCERY, Ordinary Dry ----'St. John's West tardy, Alvin Rose, Herbert live homes whilst 'In town.' Bank A.A.A. extended tbe of· 246 ,Water Street 20 ClIver St. ingl .ogcr.;. J~ek Simms, Jane Her·' On, Monday evening, Labour flclal welcome to the guests, 'llal 3089 DIal 3731 dgc, Ehzabeth Matthews and Day at 8 p.m. the series open· Oharlia Quick responded on be· CROSBIE & CO" LTD , i HY l'lercy.. cd. Good' weather'· condlUirns h~lf of the Guards and Charlie ,KILOWATT' Woolwortb RIIlg. Water St St. John's Nort" CALVER'S GROCERY . In rade Xl Harold Mouiton prevaIled for the game'and well King on behalf of the Cornel'l .' ' 196 Dn:kworth 8.. • ::.' \ '. Dial 5031 MAl\l'ZELLe'S ':' Dill 2139 ," " \ as !he Ruccessful winner of over two thoUland', spectator,Brook boys. .\ VLECTRICITY ------BEAUT\' PARLOUR 11 e Barin District Electorate were in attendance. In. the. On 'Thursday evening the [j :J . , Elizabeth Ave. Dial 9~1t9 , .' holdr~hip. opening ceremonies, Mayor F. final game of the series was' CHEAP" DRU~ STORES BEI.BIN'S GROCERY ,:1 i At Inc United Church Acad· M. Tellier, 'the President o~ played between' Guards and IS ' In NU·VOGUE 115 Quid! Vldl loa4 ... ~ 1 Dial 5775 Jj y this year there are leveral the NA:FAw.elcolJled the ,two Grand Bank. Ideal weather con· ' " . ' U, ~. JOHN'S CENTRAL , BEAUTY PARLOUR anges In the teaching ataft. visiting team. and fana' to ditionl prevailed and' a record ST JO 1\1'S M. CONNORS LTD, Rowan St. DIal 91055 , essr3. Frazer Follett, Edward Grand Bank and wilhecl.uccesl crowd of over 2®0 penons • BULGER'S , W~. WATER ST. , I ouIton and Waiter Follett to all competitorl In the cham. jammed the Stoodley Memorial aM St. John's 'East CONFECTIONER! , Dial 2206 ve resigned and are eontlnu. plonship lerles. He then kicked pitch for the contest., It was 'If Elng'S Bridle '.oall I II their studies at Memorial off the lint ba1l' to vice· prell· a thrilling encounter 'which GERTRUDE'S Dlil 8926 ' niv~rsity. New teochers 011 the dent, Hrenda~' ,C~rtls of SI. produced, every thing Including Sf.· John's Norfh HOUSE OF BEAUTJ CITY AND SUBURBAN a(f Ihis year are Mr" Beck John'. to, oIrlcllllly ,Mtart the footbuU" rough play and a :0'" ...... , Uw,'U, 6~ Queu's Rd. 6403 GARBAGE COLLECTION ce.principalj Messrl. Nose. lerlel. Mr., LouiJLegentil, ,.'of ~Dlal1 disturbance in the final ' ...... ,. • " ... o" .. ·~ ...... 'AYLWARD'S, orth;.', Grade 9j Rodney Mat. the ASSP,'St. Pierre will tHe of; mhiutlll which saw BrUCe and 'clei:friclty Itl ana MARGUERITE'S We Clean Gardens: Buemenu , PllAR~lAC' t vs, Grade 8j and Mrs. Relli. ficlal referee for the series. Alistcr. Buffett, and' Midge' Jen· , Ar'ou'n" d St. John's Two Commerical PlckoUpa. Cor. ftlonchy 4: Empire :Ave BEAUTY PARLOUR . DIAIr il2U. nald Prior hal rejoined the In the 'openin,· lame the ~iDl all thrown out of the lime , Dial 90070 , Prescott St. Dial 5391 .taU iO teach Grade 8. Guards mowed their luperior~by the referee. :¢heap, R!liable .' ".. ' .,:., ; ~ : ST. JOHN'S, WEDNESDAY SEPT. 17 1958 (, SEPT.


-.\ ' on Miss Judy Fitzgibbon~ , ',: ; .\! ., I , who is presently studying ,at the ..' 19l 1 ';, . Saturday , ; 1,1 . " 1 B.P.O.E. LODGE ~45 -·; ... ~li.;, 'METROPOLITAN OPERA .1"; HOUSEOFBALLET~ ." September 20th , .~ onnual meeting for the Nomination and at 3 p.m. of Qificcrs for the coming year will be . ,·1 Freehold Land situate on 'in the Club Rooms, Carpasian Road, THURS· JlSMITH.BENE" SCHOOL OF DANCING" I Griffith's Lane, off Bay E~e~ing, September 25th, at 8.15 .p.m. Bulls Road (one a'nd a half Will slart classes here on By Ordcr of the E.R. miles from W ate r f d r d OCTOBER 11, 1958 " J. L. O'DEA, Secretary Bridge). This land has a , frontage of seventy·five For furth~r particulars ALSO Velvet Horn 'feet and four hundred feet PLEASE CALL 90391 " KS Club rearage and will be offer·, , ed at a very low reserve. I NOTICE TO·DAY For further particulars HUNTERS ATIENTION apply to , : I . c'n~al DINNER of the ST. JOHN'S GENERAL CLUB OPEN , ! FOR ·SALE ENGLISH SETTER " Al1J,','INI ASSOCIAiiON will be held I 9 am. to 11 p.m. , ....- Joseph Male ,3 1, ~ yeors old. This Dog has hunted the :'~, It 'I FOOD AT ITS BEST Fitzgibbon past two season's with excellent results. I, ' 1', ~'i:ptember 25th, at 7.30 p.m. Price $125.00 I m .... u .... . AUCTIONEER .-~1 Apply AI the NEWFOUNDLAND HOTEL. ... -.a... DIAL 2006 , sep17,20(tcIlB,19) STAN LESTER ' Price $3.75 Crystal Palace :L.._. "Quick-get his license number!" 59 Hamilton Ave. phone 3053'-: _.... _ .. ------.. ----_. ------GOULD'S ROAD Help Wanted - Male' W.\NIED an unfurnIshed 2 AUCTION • IMlIlEUJATE OPENING _ bcdroom heated ,APartment. " i: I Patricians A,ssociation To-night G d W tk' R t '1 SeU·contained .with agard- (On the premises) CLOTHES mab the man It CHAFt , ., 00, a inS ou e aval' en. Dial 5Bom, . I Importo meeting of all ex-pupils, fathers of able 111 Carbonear, Wabana. AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON makes :h. clothes , , nt R CLUB CLOSED Man or woman. Full or part WANTED position as Prae· .. , end present pupils will be held SUNDAY, time. Average $2.50 per tical Nurse. Experience of Wednesday, , 21 st, ot 10:30 a,m., at SI. Patrick's PRIVATE DANCE hour, Write to G. E. several ycars Hospital train· WM. l. CHAFE, Tailor~.. ~ 5:r,001. As business of importance dealing Rivard, 35ll St, Roch st., ing, PI~ase call 4579F September 22nd Dial 90024 Monlreal. sep16,17 4f HOLD -WORTH ST. 1 ' foil o'livil~es of the School will be discussed ------_._--_ .. -----~ YOUNG MARRIED !lIAN would Leasehold Land and ',' , t~e Boolter Club will submit a report and _;;-;;;';_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;1 FOR SALE-Collection of rare BEAUTYL.\ND, 129TBEATB, I JR CAR RE .. British and French colonials; like to join Housing Coop~r- Dwelling, No. 26 Williams' 'I "".,,,·iM A large attendance is requested. also very rare Newfoundland ative. Dial 5955H. I IllLL-School girls' speciala~ I ' Dial stamps; Inspection only by ap' sep 16,17 Street. Dwelling contains I Permanent waves $4.00 I.I!C soon R, MANNING, Secretory BASEBALL $6.00. Ladie!' cold wavt. $8.00, rointment.-John D. Snow. }'OR ALL YOUR PAINTING, living room, dining room, I Care Phone 680B. jly25,lm $10,00 anr $15.00. Tintin" - ---_._------TO-jti9ht c)(tcrior or interior; or kitchen, four bedrooms, and cutting. Open evenings, I I. IN LA Y MOTORS Sparking our prices are bathroom and trunk room. 7.00 p.m. ,; ANTED Tv BUY: Comics, Dial 6534. . . magazines, pocket books, reasonable.ag261m Phone 67114L. Has large garden in rear. FOR SALE JUN/OR I I :;:uitars, radios, s e IV . 1 g BOXES" SASHES, Lease is p:rpetual and, , ! 5:~rey DWELLING, situate at 13 BLATCH machine, binoculars. weatb· WIND~W Third game of Finals. Storm wir.dows, For in for· ground rent IS only $12.00' 1 955 IV:::' 011 modern conveniences consisting cr gla~scs, guns, skates and . FEILDIANS iloots, men's clothes and mation contAct R. R. Pelley, per annum. Possession one I beorc:ms, bathrcom, kitchen, den, dining Phone 4849H. month from date of sale. 1 MAYFLOWER vs. footwcar.-•.John D. Snow, 9 ond lil'ing room. Ncw Gower st. jly2,lm sept5,lm f'or permission . to inspect i HOlY CROSS .. -- IVE REWIND AND REPAIR SPARE TIi'lIE?-Turn' It Inlo opply, to' : Fer further particulars apply to: CASH • QUICK! No exper· Admission all types of Electric Motors, I ; •• \0 ,'ontenl Gcnerators and Starters. Also ience needed to make up to \ i :"r und~rsisned Adults .. ,...... 25c. Repairs to Washing Machines. $35 per day. FREE compietc Joseph r~0.i"('1 will be CURTIS AND DAWE Kids ...... Sc. Rangettes. Vacuum Cleaners. seIling outlil, true to life iIlus· \Baird Motors Ltd. \ . ,,' PJI. ,Eastern Unclaimed Door Prize etc.-Gray Motors Exchange trations, up to date -styles, Fitzgibbon bOARD OF TRADE BUILDING, O\'cr 275 items for the entire Nllmber 213830 Service, 454 W ale r Street AUCTIONEER !\MERRYMEETING ROAD I CARL WINSOR, \ B~IHr. Octohtr W,~ TER STREET, ST. JOHN'S West. 'Phone 3830. - family, Amazing Bonus Plan gives FREE CLOTHING and DIAL 2006 DIAL 80378.9 INSURANCE -_._-_._--"------THE CENTRAL BARBER CASH to you. We show you ;epI7,20,24 197 WATER ST. DIAL SMU SHOP-We are now operat· HOW. U's easy, it's fun and -, '. _._ .. _-----_._------_._ .. - ing six chairs. You can be pays off big profits. Writc CARD assured of the best possible for opportunity of a lifelim.), SITION OPEN service plus the least pOS' BLAKE.WALKER Co .• Dept. sible waiting, 24 New Gow· 583 P,O. Box 657, Montreal. mon between age 28 and 40 who has some er St. opp. Adelaide Motors Que, Dr. John F. Ltd, Aug.31,tf STADIUM , cduwlion. Pension and u5ual Group

CASH PAID for: Comics, , Replv. giving age, education, experience and Pocket BOOks, G u ita r s, FOR SALE I Collins Radios, Sewing Machines, 'I S'otus to Guns, Skates and Boots, BIG DANCE I ,I WILL BE OUT·OF·TOWN Mcn's Clothcs, Boots, Shoes, 1955 I DAilY NEWS BOX No. 105, etc.-John D. Snow, 9 New All re~:ics treated with strict confidence FROM SEPTEMBER 15th Gower st. sepB,lm l . I,~l:-t • ._-_._--- Plymouth Car THURSDAY NITE I I Wall Washing FROM 9 P.M.-l A.M. _._------_.-_._- Mileage less than 18,000. ,, - -- heioll'. WAI,L WI\SBI!% - .i ., FOR SALE "an • :1 \ " . "nd~r mu,\ hr elean~d by ilew machine. Upholstery, etc" in good FOUR ORCHESTRAS i , .' forl1l5 prc,cribcd IMMEDIATELY " Results perfect; saves Ii 'I ';':'i


.Receives ' Conb-act FotNew at CAMPUS . CASUALS CNII n~ildi~g CORNER BROOK, Nfld., Sept. I6-A Corner Brook firm -has received a' contract for erecting a new Canadian Nation,al Rail­ ways Express building here, 'It Gone Huntln' was' announced Monday. R. P. Puddester, Chief En· Charte. Elliott ...... $6.25 HlJ . glneer for the CNR's Atlantic G DO .. t' 1958 .,. Region and former District En. un Iges glneer in Newfoundland, said In .. Ed. by USl , I .' Moncton a tender from Pro\in· . John T.Amber ...... I . i $3.95 clal . Constructors Limited has Sh t r' Ch' :PENNY LO,A.fERS been approved. I 90 e. - ,0IC. The 'Home Of Good Vegeta , Tarjlet date for completion of' W. H. Depperman $4.75 LABIES' SIZES 4·9 the building is the end of De- Sportsman's POTATOES •. t., •••••••••••.••• ·••••••..•.• ·.....••.•••• · •• · ••• •· ••• : ••.••. 75 . AlPorts shOe to team with your cember. '.' ,cllual clothes. made of durable The one·storey structure, com· Encyclopaedia ; I TURNIPS ...... ,•...... '...... 50 lb. ; , calf leather with kickers and binlng a stecl frame with· a G .d H . .heel tabs. at backs; penny red bric\t exterior, will replace uns an untlng : I CARROTS ...... ••...... " .. ·...... 50 lb. \: . Itrapi on vamps. Colours: Red. express facllitics now housed in . Pete Brown ...... $2.25 , , . Brown and Black. the Comer Brook station. Th C' I , Thirty fect wide and 135 feet e omp ete CABBAGE ....•.••...... •...• ,...... •.•. ,~ ..... 50 Lb. $3.95 - $7.95' pair long, It wilt' be located not far Book of Guns from the station. continued II $2 75 within the building will be the .' Larry Ko er ...... • ONIONS ... t •••• , •••••••• t ••••• ,.~ •• t •••••••••••••• ~.I ••.• ~ •• t~·.·•••••••••• 50 lb. the CNR Express Office, a prlv- Larry Koller's ate office for the agent, a ware· N' . B k f G BEETS, LETTUCE (ICEBERG); TOMAOES. , hoUse, lunch room for em· ew 00 ° uns : t' ployees, and washrooms, $2.75 QUOTATIONS When construction Is finish· The Practical Book GET OUR ed C.N. Railway squads will In· stall a siding beside the build· Of American Guns Ing to expedite handling ,of ex· :Capt. John Housfon .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' press shipments.. . . , e .• I Construction of the neW C.N. Cra;g ...... $5.75 SPCA Says express headquarters in Comer The Gun. Digest ,', I, Brook Is pllrt of a $1,500,000 ex· panslon proiram to improve the Treasury I I Kindness Is Like railway yard and its taclltes. Ed. by o Renovation of the· station it· Money In -Bank. Helf is expected to follow trans· JO'hn T. Amboar ...... $5.50 I 0 fer of the express department The Standard Book o'f I to the new quarters. . d Sh • TELEPHONES: 5143 • 5144 Mr. puddester said the C.N. Hunting an oollng I ~." (Continued from page 11) I· tion.·, "Humane'treatmen't of anlm' , ~I)n.·' "Jt would mean going to a19 Is an economic necessity". R. intends to make changes in Ed. by Robert 8. I~~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~~Great," I said. "The next Mexico," he said. "You would stated an official of the Nell" the' station building .next year Sf' 1 II $1000 -: \~e somebody wants to do us a start ut once. You would be foundland Society, for the Pre· Forme I :e~~i~e ~~~ ::s~~~:e~~mproved .D.rklngre&owC.. ·· .... Ltd· Nfldr .. Recovers Big Turnover In Work ...... ' .... n ~od turn, just get. his name gone perhaps three or four vention of Cruelty to Animals communist! ::Ud pho?e n~m~~r Instead of weeks. We would pay for $200 I in,an Interview recently. As an Express. space in: the station Ie 5 0., · D · D L d· 'F h· W Irollle" and 1 :."~:ng "~m ~lDe~" pe; day and your expenses." example, he asserte~ that aban· ~~~ed~ecome cramped, it was . ·~be. Booksellers . espIte odors a Ies as Ions ...... \,11 ". What 5 "rong. he asked. 'That's real neighborly of doned pets arc a major problem. >~ "~ou just. told someone that YOU," I said. "But I'm afraid Too often people take unwant· Spin 4425 or 2008 or 3191 Early Opinion Says Designer In .L&UALLJI.al : l ;),ou re workmg 011 the caEe and I'll have to turn it down. I'm ed dogs and cats to sparsel)' . ~u also told them who will ~e already working on a job." populated areas and leave them L d· C·t·· CORNER BROOK, NOd. (CP11 'By EDNA USHER SWEETSBURG, , ,!loinl the work. If I get shot I.n "I know," he said. "We could to fend for themselves. As' a ea lng. IlZenS A year ago Edward Tarbetl was Canadlau Press Staff Writer The women's ·.,,,,~ceI15 comir , , ,~ ••back, the bul!~t will ha'e pay YIIU more perhaps H my result, these animals, following . , . . ' .• told he had a week to live. To· TORONTO (CP) - Womp.ns Brome· Missisquoi. , I REPAIRS day he Is determined to "\valk nashions reany go around. in pltal, a 4O-member ~ Inltl~ls on It. offer WlS too low." their natural Instincts to find Placed On' SOCIal TV -. When I d hung up .1 express· . '''No, thanks," I said. "I make food, raid' chicken yards' and . " again withou~ these crutches':' circles (rom one era to the next, simple for m u I a , ' 4d my opinion of' ice prcsl· ~t a rUle. to never work on two cause ~ great" amount of damage REASONABLE RATES The 35·year-old father of 10 lell and today they reflect the worM's money. They all work fo1t)l~ (i~t loud. That, mnde me' Jobs at once." and expense to property 0\1.11' Register . GUARANTEED WORK 20 feet into the hold of a'freighter instability. says Mrs. K.· B. In three years the :~_ tl little better. "hen Ire· \ • • • ers. A serious case of this kind on Aug. 'D, .1957. He landed on a (Betty) Brett. • raised more than NE crate of bricks and his spine was She is in charge of the textile, pital tume.? t~ my office the phone WHEN he spoke again. his occurr~d only yesterday on the MONTREAL, Sept: 1S-Lead· 'PH,O 7313 fractured. He was paralysed from and costume department of the record fQr a Vg.""""," I .~l~g?~gi .d Ivoice was even softer. "Senor Thorburn Road just outside St. Ing citizens of St. .lohn's will • " ca I. sal,'". March, it would not be wise of 'John's. . the waist· down. Doctors at .),ie· Royal Ontario Museum and her their size. have' a place to themselves in . Electronic morial Hospital said the s pine job includes acquiring' costumes "We're a "'orkin, .;;,~nor March. a VOlce ask· you to try to find Jaime Mo. The Newfoundland S,P.C.A. the Social Register· of Canada. bbardmE!Dt did 1 ,~ .. lt was a man's !'olcc, but reno," th t' t h '- was cut halfway through, and it t)'pical of every period. ship," said Mrs. 10ft nnd silky lOy . urges a pe owners w 0 The Register,' first national trickle "Yeah" . ou menn you don't want for any reason-find It impos' Centre Ltd. was a mira~le he ~as alive.. "The last year or so has president of the !waves , . directory' of Canadians dis, After a spmal fUSIOn operation, shown a tremendous turno\'~r in have no room for "You ;re a privJtc illvestlga me to find 11\Ioreno. Why didn't sible to look after their animals tingulshed for their' contrlbu· Wednesday: . you .>ay so n the beginning?" . 1 d bl t f'nd 90 CAMPBEll AVE. which did n~t seem to bring im· style," she said. "Women. are Women who JUSt tor \'es?" he Ilskcd with a "Y . proper y an are. una e 0 I tlon to society, has ten sections, "i'ter hours'PHONE 6401 f provement, doctors sent him to leaping at extremes in fashiQn fees and let it go a' .t~n S· ani'h acccnt . o~ are not being wise, a good home for them should one for each province. These the newly . opened rehabilitation which may be because we ar~ wanted." • .IOI'! : ;I\'ate Im:c,ti ntor senor, he said. "If YOll refuse arnnge for their human~ dis· sections are divided into lead· centre at Halilax. \i:\certain about the future of the NO W.4.8TE TIME no." I nil "I'm all In"su~anc~ :I~\.~e I~al~k~n ~o~~n YOIl may posal by seeking the advice of Ing communities,' such as St- REAL PROBLEM world." The auxiliary's , . invesUgntor" tho 1 1" p.. y ts in nn· the S.P.C.A. John's, and also' contain non· BIRTHS The main Injuri.es healed but BIG COLLECTION jective is $150 onn,"ll. ' • 0 ,·r me a . Oth . bl t , I "I represent someone who "L k I d?II er pro ems concern pe metropolitan liStings. .• -. - . -,--- o the r complications de~'elopcd Mrs. BrEIt presides over the member and It , I wishes an Investi'!~tio'l don~.OJII "p~r~a:s3" . owners who leave town fo~ a . The publisherB:sr~ that resl· BANNISTER - Born to ~r. and doctors gave him only a biggest collection of fabrics ~nd for social niceties I: I "Wlllt kind of nn Im'cstlga.· felV days without makmg dents of 'a sizeable community I and Mrs. Fred Bannister, at the week to live. garments in Canada. "Desigll~rs said. ' Ilon~" : "Do you have a name?" I adeuate provision for the care need nof thumb through the cn· Grace ~Iaternity Hospital, on . B~t a body· conditi~~ed to a come from as far as New York "At our regular "It 13 of n political nature II asked. "Or are you afraid to of the animal; or the ','adopt tire book to learn who is socially September 14th, a Bon. hfetlme of outdoor achvlty began. to study our collection," she i business is conducted "Hol'I Interesting," J s~ld. announce It?" 'em nnd leave 'em" vacationer who in their home town. . to respond slowly to treatmpnt. IsaY8. Other visitors are art ~tu· bers roll bandages , : I I .We might m~ke morc pro.::ress " who ~umps an adopted pet by To be published next month, BU?KINGHAM -. Born at St. Phrsiothcrapists gave him exer· i dents and (ashlon consultants dressin01s for the the Social Register will not. be Clare s Mercy Hospital on Sept. elses first to strenghen his arms, and of course the general puiJUc' our tr:ditional cup of If 701l provided m~re informa.·1 I nm sometimes Imown as EI the Side of the road before , , .,' . • I N~rb." Rlarting homt'o Free'rlmnlng . memo bers of 16th. to John and Margaret Buck· then hi ba c k. Mr. Tarbett "In recent months the mosi hasty affair." I f Dr sa Ie. Howevcr, ingham a on I ' .. . 'I ,". pets crl'ate .a nuisance; Injury the Social Register of Canada's • reached a point where he was popular exhibits havc been (OS· A gift shop and '.' . . It di~n tinea? anything to and death rates are abnormally Association will each rccei\'8 a ------doing up to 500 pushups a nay. tumes of the 19205, because tlley the hospital's front ,mc, altnough hc d announced It high, illness from poison Dr bad copy. A specially bound volume ENGAGEMENT .Braces and crutchs hcelp~d . are 50 close to present .day tained by the group. 'as If It were famous. EINariz food is common and they are him walk to the dear of hiS wear." two mcmbers dail)" will be. presented to Her Ma· ., mennt The Nose, but that WIlS nn open invltati~n to dog steal· newly.painted bungalow when he The' collection includes some for about 40 per em jesty the Queen. _The engagement is announced , all as inr as I was concerned. ers, particularly during the of Doris Yalda, youngcst daughter returned home recently. hisbric dresses an:1 acces~orics. DuxilillI'j"s funds. Good Arrangements are being "I'll ..... alk again without tnesc fOI' instance a coif CliP, I,m'se . "Our wor!. sc;;td\l!e I (To Be Contlnund) hunting sca~on. made, say the publishers, to ac­ 0: Mrs. Doris and the late William I I As 8 resu It the SPCA. whose H. Barter, 130 Circular Rond, to crutches," he told a ro)porte~. and glo\'es o( tlie old Elilshethan Iup six months I:. Morning, ! _ .•• _ •• __••. - fxecut!ve meets ·tonlght, lIas commDdate newspapers, maga· "I can get liround Jr~tty cra. lcal'cs members zincs, hotels, embassies, nnd Frcdedck Edgar. son of Mr. alld Mrs. Thomas Morrissey, 67 Field s~art1y with these sticks but "We arc trying to show the nis· for planning," MOUSE.CATC'IIING CDAMP Iasked tliat pet ownc.r~ co-oper· selected social secretaries with give me another year or two lnd tory of costume from narly Tile group also Neighbor CALGARY (CP-A' "cats COcll. ate. with the authOritIes; keep Street. .... conold" us J!lIt copies of the Register. sec ~)!at I'll be able t~ cia. I, days," she said; '.'but there ~re tag week in 34 dllt ••• YOUt ·friend. lad Ul1 party 11'111 be held at tile their animals. ~t . home and Names to appear in the Social took It pretty hard at first, but! gaps in our collection. It :Jas munities serviced by ntlah!lo". If we ClI' 1111, Calgary Municipal Airport Tues. under superv15l0n... that they Register are those .nominated DEATHS now I'm learnin~ to live with t~e ! b~en difficult, for instance. to This year $2,500 was '011 1ft any way willi day to welcome Chlsca Shanghai, make proper provlSlon for them tnrlal_prolrw., by anonymous sOCial arbiters. pain and suffering that all thiS obtain clothes of the First W"rld ...n ... the champion mousecatclrer in before gomg away and that un· Wealth was not a criterion. In EFFORD - Passed peacefully has caused me.". .' War period because they were the cat world. Instead of the wanted pets never be abandon· choosing the mebers. Evidence away on' September 16th, in his Mr. Tarbett noW IS trYing to mostly of poor quality and were usual cocktails, thougb, cats will ed. of social responsibility was, say 88th year, William Thomas figure out what indoor work he Inot kept. be given .cocktall glasses fua of Social Register offileals. Efford, 121 Southside Road. can do to support his family. He REG. T. MORGAN milk. Chlscn Is being flown from The Iridescent fnn of the pea· received an allowance from the "Attics of old homes in ('or· The Fashion Group INSUItANCE Leaving to mourn one son, I Memphis. Tenn.. to compete cock is not Its true t~il, but is James; one daugl:ter, Selina, Nowfoundland workmcn's (·lJm· onto hm'c ~'ie!ded dresses for our an organizatIon 0' Tlmpl. luild:,.;. Ouch•• "h SL against ~ome 20 Albcrta cats for made up of ong, tralhng feath· pensation board, which also paid I collection, some going Inw!; to ing Iritil fa.hion,. DlaI.Hro·n" I Mrs. Peter Dullage; twelve the world mouse·catching title. ers of the upper tall convert. New Profession grandchildren and eight great, the hospital blUs. Those paym'mts 1the lath centur,·. Dut !'lcSt firie dres~es oj ';1". '" grand-children. Funeral at 2.30 continue as long as he is unal)!~ clothes ,,:ere uSllally (ar I;cl~er. as;{s the owner w ~.\·I io work. than the a\'cr3gc. lind were ~~pt! mueum rrhen ':'C roC on Thursday, Septembe~' 18th, For Canada iro:n his late resilence, 121 .for that re~son." . : wants it. MO;>;'!J.1EAL (CP) _. Urban Southside Road. The Armenians, who ha,'e I Mro. Brett, a former artist' "We try to ::(;~ • Troel&trup has . brought a new been Christians since A.D. 301, Iwho joined the m\lS~llm in DS8, ment typical of Lie, profession to Canada from his na· WIB - Died suddenly on were the first people to set up relies largely on gifts to stock the we may have to Wait tive Denmark~ He's a travelllng Tu.esdal. Donald J. Lamb, aged a Christian state. I fashion department. before it is discnrded." art dealer; 52 .. Leaving to mourn a wife, Mr. Troe1strup' acts as Cana, 4 daughters: Doloras, Patricia, and dian agent for 1~ Euro~e~n ar· Margaret and Shirley. Also 1 tists. He motors .from place to sister residing In the U.S.A. place setting up exhibitions· with Funeral notice later. paintings he carries In' his car. .;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" BEST WHOlESALE PRICES Since his . arrival' here last N, spring he has covered most of IN MEMORIAM ON OUR' CHRISTMAS Quebec and the M;arltimes. He planned. to move. Into Ontario and . BUCK I.Wj!stelrJI Canada. . ON AL.L BUILDING SU PPLI LAY.AWAY pLAN At ,first Mr. ,Troelstrup was a' ba1 bit· dubious ·about· the' prospects III Fond and Lovin, . Memory .f our Mother here for' a travelUng' dealer; be WE SPECIALIZE IN IDEAL FOR WEDDING said. But an early trip' to sept. MAY FI'l'ZGERALD • lIes, Que.,. and' $1',300 In:' .ales BUCK PLYWOODS AND : fOR : CHRISTMAS settled his mind.',. .. . who departed thli life B.C •.DOOR5 On each trip' Mr.' Troelstrup September 17, 1941. carries about -$5,000 worth of EXrERIOR' SHEATHING paintings,' ·stacli:ed neatly on the )!iy tbe Sacred Heart of 'CRYSTA:LWARE seats of his' vehicle. '. Jesus'havemerey on het WALLBOARDS and' PLASTERBOARD . " . . soul... ' HARDBOARD . 8CBOOLVlTAMINS.· . .' . .Watches . ,. . , .' . . ". . RICHMOND. B.C.· ICPl ....Tilou·· -Insteredby. B~ Family IMPORTED WOOD MOULDINGS .f .. '25·.%"0~,·. !allds ~ of vltllmln .. pms wil1 be OAK FLOORING, .··.y2···Price given free In s~h901s In· thts mUl\I. ·.··BLACK· DIAMOND . . . . clpallty adjoining Vancouver. .\ ASPHALT SHINGLES •. 'CORONATION' SPECIAL SELECTION service club JKlwarilsl aiTan:es with schOol: nurses ..10 dlstrlbllte ASBESTOS BOARD ar,d. SIDI~G· SHINGLES •. ROSITA FA~9~S ,.MAKES·. the capsules.ln. a .campaign to . 48 . inch . FIBERGLAS' . sUffen·.pupils'" res\stallce to colds. FULLY 'G'IA~NTEED PAINTS, Etc:. . . "G:o'OO"SMtiARiTAN ... IA·YON LLOYD!oJ~TEIJ, .\lta. iCP) ·DRAPERY· Mrs.C. Wilford 'was riding on a . .,.'., Ne have the largestvstock ,'of AR80RITE :fottabl~ lopS Silver Holloware' Easy . Credit· . rain' whens1!e ·spqtfed. a:caif ap: parently.1n .~I~tr.ess·aDd to!~ .the. 'Now 98c. ~ETAL MOULDING '(the~ kind thqt won't' rub off)~ train conductor. The train was' Terms', ' •. l . yARD' stopptjd and' the·train 'c~ew' res· . I.' .' 25·%·:off _ .cued th.e calf. from ~1'I!wnlng. ; . "TABY' FIND" A. H. MURRAY&·Co.,... Ltd, sASKATOON (cl»..o.Mrs; 'Ev" elyn Ferreault,had' a pl.easant BUILDING SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT, rind .In . her garden, . when she I .. WAnR'STREIT picked a lIirg~ 'cob of corn sur· : ST. JOHN'S I rourided by .~lx smaller 'cobs, Illr . ·CHU.~HtLl ~~i . growinl on the same ·stem.· . .
