MBER .... r.... 1.dLLa. HOME OF· '::Irr& ~ .. USED CARS/' THE DAILYNE s a-l.,-{""e4.. Nova Motors Lld: . ~-.- ,ish Vol. 65 •. No. 214 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1958 (Prle. 7 cents) Charles Hutton &Sons' lity ..' , OVER .. ! . ',: . '; ,) , YEARS a lona 15 5 DC a· ;e" ~ • j • .,, 1.1 \ ' I uemo n er eav I, . i • \ l. i , ;\ Election Of President 'Also Coinplet" ,. ,. 'I , II, ' I" ( Divides N. , By LLOYD McDONALD ..Y.. At".d~~!~~IAir Supply .... , , i Canadian Presl Staff WrIter In the opening minutes of this didate put forward by the Arabs, UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (ep) new session which was called to CZECIl WITHDRAWS TAIPEI, Formosa, Wednesday (AP)-A Natiot:l~ The West won a mnjor "ictory at order in mid.afternoon, the Am~r. Czechoslovakia', Jiri Nosek alist SUl)pIv.. ship ran the Communist blockade of the United Nations Tuesday when ican . supported Malik defeated bad been mentioned as a third ." '\ 0 1, ' Lebanon's pro - western ror~lgn f' rei g n ~linister Mohammed candidate, but he formally with. Quemoy again Tuesday under a fury of Ret! artillery' I minister, Charl~s Malik, was ~rahg~ub of the Sudan for the top drew before the vote, leaving all fire. An air supply drop to Li.ttle Quemoy was car- .. I elected president-(l\'~r opposit iOIl assembly post by 45 votes to 31. nine Soviet·bloc members free to ried all t unmolested, . ' from the Soviet and Arab blocs­ l'nited States sources Imme· cast their ballots for ~tahgo\lb. , . , . •• of the new 13th General t\,;. diately hailed the ,'Ictory as an Arab sources had claimed in The nllmst!"y s[ud the slllp unloaded Its supphes , ' indication that the 81·member as. advance that the bulk of the 27 in 20 minutes. Apparently amhibious vehicles were s:mbl)' will generall~ favor a pro. African·Asian Yotes, also would go 'used to peed the badly needed supplies ashore. :, I Fnll1l'c-Recently wed American actress .Yean· Seberg gets a wel­ \\ estern course durmg the com- to Mahgoub, le:mug only hve Th l' Ibn bnrdmen during 1----------- Address Labor ir.g months of its 13th session more to be picked up for the 1'2·1 e, .':(. 0 I ,," . , KI kiss froni her father-in-law, MOl1SiElur Moreuil, at Orly Airfield · since 1945-a session in which the cessary simple majority in the i the sh,lp " short sta), ,~~s partl~u- and mlhtarypersolll,lel on, n.: Sen!c;nb~r l~th after the arrii\'aI of her and her husband, Francois Meebn!! problem 01 Red China is expected assembly's secret ballot. Ilarl:~Tm~en5e.' the mlDl;;Istry said, ~Ien (Qucmo)", and It~ adjacent l..' to be a major Issue. But on the first tally Ma!ik By "at!O~ahst cOl\n~ 0,820, sh~lls ~s~nds b~ .besleged WithOut ta~- . from Xc\\, York, The newly-married couple will spend a week in . CORNER BROOK, Nnd, (CP- Even sources less inclined to emerged with more than enou;:h' fell dunnb the 40 minutes It \\as m~ effectIve measure~ f~r their with i, family before going to It aly for their honeymoon.-(UPI Photo) Premier Smallwood Bnd Calla·. support this U.S. belief conc~ded for election, and Mahgcub's 31 in- clo,;e to sh?re,. remforcement ~nd relief. dian Labor Congress presictcnt tha Malik's election had been dicated that some of the Asian. T.le suppbes for Little Quemoy Several. legislators were re-. Claude Jodoin arc scheduled to something of a surprise. Most Ilf African countries themselves had were dropped fran; ~e\'en C-46C ported to ha,'e appealed!or the address the 22nd annual meeting the Arab states had ol>posed his "oted for the Lebanese candidate, !transport planes. 1'\0 I~tcrferencc government to order the. air force 8RITA,~N of the ~ewfoundland Federa;ion Ir3ndidacy because he favored '.he There were fOllr abstentions and came ,.from t~e R~d air base at to ~mb the Red guns WIthout de-· of I,abor here toda),; ~Iore .than !ner,:ention of American troops one country, Israel, was absent LUn,gkl, ~o miles \lest of the QU~ la~, . 100 delega!es and IDternatlfmalllll hIS country, and just before because of the Jewish ncw year's ~o) s, "here. the, ~~s are bc Chen also ~old ~arll~ent that .. , representatlvcs are expected to Tuesday's session opened the So- holiday. !~e~'ed.;to ha\e ~h~'1'S;, ~,~.and Nat~ona!iSt military \If-· bor Party Scores nt,end. viet Union gave notice that it The new assembly president in "ON ~ SIT IDJ,~ BY . flClals are .worklng on ne~ ~nd ... an oblique reference to the tel:. Premier and VIce· Pre:'l~ent more. effec!lve ways of ~pplYlRg: ional dissension referred to 'he C~en Che~g assured ~he NatIOn· the Islands. "sportsmanlike" comp~tition oro_lall~: parhament carher In the The blockade of the Quem~YI ·cy Expect R' newal vided by the Sudanese delegate l da.~ . • . was ~roken Sunday after a w_ek . s. Formosa Poll :md said this was a good sign I , \\ e ~a\'e ~h,solutely no Int~n'l of faIlures., T~e Reds badly ·dam· because it showed "we in II;~ j lion of Idiy slttmg by and, l:t.tmg aged a S~IP m that. r~n . ~ut. all , , WXDO~ !Rcuters}-The, leader of Britain's opposition. Labor party m· Middle East are beginning to (cell the more than 100,000 cIvIlians the supplies were unfoaded. i .ot Terrorl·s· I TlIcsda~' t:nited States policy toward Formosa and Commwlist China 3 burden of responsibilit)"" ' allena(('d West European opinion and threatens NATO lmity. Cyprl .·.\CE SERIOUS ISSUES F d · L h . debate to come before the f:X- e eratlon a 0 Di' Hugh GaitskeU said the Quemoy situation bas "opened up a great gulf I ,NICOSIA, ?YPrt1s (Reutersi-I . Greek ~ Cypriot newspapers Then, speaking of the weeks cf official American policy and opinion in Britain and Westenl New fears grlPPl'li Cyprus 'l'lI~s, played up reports that British peeted mid - December ndjoum· day liS Greek·Cypriots renew!!U 1 troops searching·West Cyprus for ment, he said the assembly is Mantle AJliance is likely to be Wldenll.ined if the Ullited States ch~rges of British brutalily and 1the kill~rs of the British soldier faced with issues "many and ~pr· BrItons braced themselves.for.:m II damaged houses and "seriously ious, and we should tUrn OUr at· in\'olvcl! in war with China, he added, elq~ected outburst of terrorism, uljured" villagers. tentlon to them i\1 a spirit 01 Cor· Conven~ion Opens 'ftte enited States should recognize the Communist Chinese govenuuent, Greek.cyprlot leader. reiter· 'fhe Greek-Cypriot mayor. of bearance, tolerance, patience ,,"d IIled cur U t B'" h tl' '" misunderstanding," . COnNER BROOK (Crl-Presl- SIlt up to re.iew the province's \alt its "rightful place" in the United Nati«ll1s, and neutrab-u For­ I troops,: a. Dl·treatedc sa lon5 vlllagers·la ,rlus and sollen and est CypmPllphoi toWDsIssued of aLimas· Joint Sir Leslie Munro or New zea./ dent Doyle Sharpe of the New- labor laws and to recomme.nd lS a It~p toward free elections in the Nationalist Chinese stronghold. caused wanton damage in week. statement criticiZing conditions in land, the retiring assembly I'res- fOlmuland f"ederation of Labor changes. : bid down l.abor party end search operations III '''e' P lid I il It ident, noted in his farewell speech said ILere 'l'uesday Canadian la· ' , tbe :!Il!~ problem 01 the ,,~, 0 em e en on camp a er a to the assembly that its last seb' bor must unite against increasing He commended the federation I a: a foreign press :is­ Cyprus. visit there. sion had failed to win agreement anti.labor propaganda. growth aud wor~ In the past ~. here, They also said British guards The government dt!iued the on even the first steps. toward dis- Mr. Sharpe told the opening ade and said it h311 ~ome· ,a behaved "bestially" at a deten· brutality charges, armament, T1i1's "central ·orob. ~ession of the federation'S .22M gre,a.t. factor In Infiuencmg public , ' GROWS tlon camp for Greek·Cypriots In The government refused to aI. 1hat since-trouble Federal Govt. Bock West Cyprus, following the killing low reporters to visit the camp lem," he stressed, "brooks no annual con\'ention "labor must OpiDlon. again in lhc Formo~a of a British soldier in the area TUl:sday. delay." ptesent itself as a united and ______ 'I wa; ~l ,w:ing support In Saturday. Meanwhile, 53' TurklshoCyprlot With the presidency hurdle ac· complete family against this I, Lobt1r pa:l,' s four,p01~t ·Market Authoriti~ .10- lsi did I't' 1 d t I complished. attention turns today propaganda, II R d E Money ~. OD .... an eare po I Ica e a nees, held without to the Issue of Red China's ad. Abou 100 delegates heard sev· a new outbreak of reprisals trial under emergency laws since a ar Xperts I . r,'::':l1~ ~o\'ernm'.mt O'ITAWA (CP) _ Tb federai CONVERSION A SUCcES!I ngainst the British by the Greek. July, Tuesday launched a 48.hour mission. The assembly's steering eral speakers, including Premier i b? m'!!!::l'. .l ns tile "O\,· "e. C~llrlot underground organization hunger strike In protest against committee, which will thrash out Smallwood, l,abor Minister Bal· M et (,I C';", 'I t· k ~., r,o\'ernment IS lumping Into toe I Tuesday 'I announcement quoted i! ....
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