Middletown Crashes Kill Woman and Youth SEE STORY BELOW

Rain Possible Cloudy and warm witii chance HOME of showers today. Clearing, Red Bank, Freehold cool tonight, Sunny and warm Long Branch FINAL tomorrow. I 7 (Sen Details pats 3) BEGISTER Monmouth Counttfs Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 61 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1968 TEN CENTS Soviet Moonshot Seen World Power Factor MOSCOW (AP) - The Rus-sian feat "shows a capability news agency, said scientific in- challenge to America's Apollo of its time," comparable to "With this fantastic success, distance. Such pictures should ! was frequently radioed back to sians forged ahead in the space that could change the basic struments aboard the space project." Sputnik I, the first satellite to the U.S.S.R. is on the way lo be of better quality than the ! earth. race again over the weekend structure and balance of power ship had been recovered with Webb, who a week ago pre-orbit the earth. being the victor and being the pictures transmitted from I Soviet scientist Leonid Sedov by recovering an unmanned iifthe world." "a vast body of scientific in- dicted the United States would He also predicted that the first to reach the moon," said pace by U.S. or Soviet moon- | told Tass th'at Zond 5 had a spaceship that splashed down 'The spaceship, Zond 5, was formation." remain second in the space next Soviet feat would be a the institute's director, lieinz raft. special heal shield, that its in the Indian Ocean after cir- launched on Sept. 14. It went Lovell, director of Britain's race for years because of manned flight around the Kaminsky, Other valuable informa- speed was slowed down on re- cling the moon. into a holding orbit around the Jodrell Bank Observatory and heavy cuts in its space budget, moon. Western sources speculated ion from Ihe flight included ! entry by "air resistance" and Sir Bernard Lovell, Britain's earth, then took off for the an authority on the Soviet said the Zond 5 flight demon- West Germany's Bochum In- that the scientific equipment ests of control equipment and j that "at a comparatively small strated that the Russians have stitute for Satellites and Space aboard Zond. 5 included cam- top space expert, predicted that moon. It circled the moon on space program, called the So- if temperature and air-pres- height" it was further slowed the Soviets within months will Wednesday, landed in the In- viet shot "a considerable "an able-bodied rocket" bigger Exploration predicted that eras and that pictures were by parachute. No mention was make a mannned shot around dian Ocean Saturday night, and achievement ... It probably than any operational U. S. such a flight would be accom- made of the moon's surface. If sure controls needed for later made of retrorockets fired to the moon. James E. Webb, out- was picked up by a Russian means.that a manned- round- rocket. plished with a three-man space- so, it would be the first time manned flights. Tass said Fri- brake its descent. going head of the U.S. space recovery ship yesterday. the-moon flight will occur in Webb said the flight was "the craft "this year or at latest in film was used to take pictures day that flight information on Physicist VLadimir Kessnikh program, said the latest Rus- Tass, the official Soviet the coming months as a direct most significant 'demonstration the first quarter of 1969." of the moon at such a close [he working of this equipment (See MOONSHOT, Pg. 2, Col. 4) U.S. Marines Find Heavily Fortified North Viet Bases SAIGON (AP) - U.S. Ma-and huge stocks of munitions, Upwards of 2,000 American ammunition, mines and gre- ters said results of the DMZlight. In almost three weeks rines over the weekend found South Vietnamese soldiers re- Marines were probing the nades and rice. operation have already, exceed- 415 North Vietnamese and 55 two heavily fortified camps ported killing 98 North Viet- wooded foothills north of their Yesterday, men of the 26th ed intelligence estimates and Americans have been reported just below the North Vietnam- namese in a pitched battle on Rockpile base, sitting aUiwart Marine Regiment a few miles more is expected. In the past killed, but the North Vietnam- ese frontier. The bases evi- the eastern flank of the DMZ.the central infiltration route to the south located a second three weeks the Leathernecks ese regulars have made no dently were intended to sus- Most of the significant ac- from the 17th parallel. underground fortress of some have rounded up about 35 tons sustained battle effort. tain the Communist thrust tion reported today occurred Inside the demilitarized zone 300 bunkers, along with 1,200 of supplies, including 16,000 The South Vietnamese troops through the center of the de- in the northern provinces. above the Rockpile the Marines mortar shells and other am- rocket and mortar shells. of Hie tough 2d Regiment were militarized zone that intelli- Elsewhere another lull in the on Saturday found a complex munition. Reaction Light sweeping the scrubby coasta gence reports indicate is war appeared to be lengthen- of 350 log bunkers, some rein- Each camp could have sup- Although the Marines had flatlands yesterday when they planned in the next six weeks. ing, with enemy forces avoid- forced with steel beams, and ported and sheltered an enemy never before probed the cen a large enemy force three While the Marines were un- ing contact and making a few a huge stockpile of shells, regiment of about 2,500 men. tral DMZ area in force, enemy miles from Gio Linh, the big covering hundreds of bunkers attacks. rockets, rifle and machine-gun Officers at Marine headquar- reaction has been surprisingly camp which is the eastern al- lied anchor below the DMZ.».. The purpose of the South Vietnamese sweep, was to clean /f Election Goes to House up the area southeast of, Gio Linh toward the coast, about four miles distant through which another infiltration chan- LAYING CORNERSTONE — Bishop George W. Ahr nel runs down Ihe coastline. of the Catholic diocsse of Trenton participates in The South Vietnamese sai> Howard Would Vote for Favorite dedication of the new San Alfonso Retreat House, their forces suffered light ca WASHINGTON - Rep. sentatives in Congress (House the candidates would receive delegations must caucus to de for the man who is the choici sualties. Ocean Ave., West End, yesterday afternoon. James J. Howard, D-N.J., and Senate) of that state the a majority of the Electoral Col- termine who the state vote wil of the people of the United Another government foro (Register Staff Photo) pledged today to cast his vote 12 largest states, comprising lege votes — no matter who favor. Thus, of a total of 50 States, despite his party affili- reported killing 48 of the enem. in the New Jersey Congression- only 25 per cent of the popula- received the majority of the votes (the District of Columbia ation. near Phu My, in the centra! al Delegation for the presiden- tion, could elect the President, of the popular votes. If this is not yet represented in Con- "Some of our good citizens coastal area, while U.S. infan- tial candidate receiving the simply because they have more should happen, the election gress), a candidate must re- will question my decision on trymen of the Americal Divi- most popular votes in the Unit- members in Congress. would be thrown into the House ceive at least 26 to be elected. this issue and ask why, since sion reported killing 15 North ed States if the election is put "This year," continued Rep. of Representatives. If this situ- As an elected representative I am elected by, and represent Vietnamese west of Quang Two Colombian into the" House of Representa- Howard, "with electoral votes ation becomes a reality, each from New Jersey, I feel a the people of the Third Con- Ngai city, in the northern sec tives. being split in three directions, State receives one vote, regard- strong responsibility to cast gressional District, I do not sim- tor. "The true spirit of our Dem- it is conceivable that none of less of population; and state my vote in the state caucus ply cast my delegation vote for Two prison camps figured in ocracy," the Third District the winning candidate in my the war news over the week- Airliners Are congressman said, "provides district. I feel that by doing md. so, we would be repeating the -that~the~ leaders of this great South Vietnamese headquar- country be elected 'by the peo- very faults we are trying to cor- rect in the Electoral College ters said the Viet Cong over- ple.' In this critical election Woman,YouthKilled ran a prisoner of war camp at Flown to Cuba system. year, it is vital that the presi- Binh Son, 325 miles north of dency be filled by a man who "If the majority votes were aigon, and killed 20 of the HAVANA (AP)-Two Colom- a Castroite plot directed from is truly the choice of the peo- divided among the 15 congres- prisoners who refused to let ian airliners that took off two Havana. He said it seemed im- ple across the nation, regard- sional districts in such a way their "rescuers" take . them lours apart from the same air- probable that the two incidents In Middletown Crashes that no candidate carried eight lort in Colombia were hijacked could have been a coincidence. less of his political party." away. To "The Essence' districts, the delegation would esterday and flown to Cuba But the pilot of the jetliner MIDDLETOWN - The town- East at 4:45 p.m., when she Dr. Gilman said death was be deadlocked, and therefore tvith 139 persons aboard. said he thought his hijacker "While I feel that the two- ship recorded its 11th and 12thsuddenly veered across the due to a fractured skull, lose its vote entirely. Under A Boeing 727 jet with 72 pas-might have been a smuggler party system is Vital to the suc- traffic fatalities this year when road and struck a utility pole. crushed chest and internal these circumstances, I feel it Czechs Told sengers and a crew of six land- in trouble with the govern- cessful growth of our democ- a Keansburg woman and a hemorrhaging. my responsibility to cast my ed in Camaguey, 300 miles ment, which is cracking down racy," Mr. Howard added, "I youth from Union Beach were Patrolman William Champlin According to police, the ac- is continuing an investigation. vole for the man who is the southwest of Havana, shortly on illegal imports. feel this issue goes far beyond killed in separate weekend ac- cident occurred on Rt. 36 at choice of the majority of the Troops Will 'party politics' — Right to the cidents. 2:57 a.m. yesterday when the fter noon. No one was injured The planes, both owner by The second death of the week- individual citizens in the entire and the plane was released last Avianca Airlines, had taken off very essence of the ideals of Mrs. Marie Reaney, 38, of 75 end was' Dennis Terwilliger, 20, Loder vehicle apparently cut country, without regard to par- our founding fathers and the in front of a car driven ,by Rod- Be Leaving night and returned to Barran- from Barranquilla, the coun- Kennedy Way, Keansburg, was of 540 Aumack Ave., Union ty affiliation. quilla, Colombia. try's main port on the Carib- Constitution." pronounced dead on arrival at Beach. He died at Monmouth ney D. Click, 22, a sofdier at PRAGUE (AP) - Hopes for Ft. Monmouth, and struck the Wants It National early withdrawal of most of The other plane, a DC4 with bean, for hops to other towns Mr. Howard noted that the Riverview Hospital, Red Bank, Medical Center, Long Branch i7 passengers and a crew of in Colombia. electors of each state are com- Friday afternoon. at 7:30 a.m. yesterday shortly dividing concrete barrier. "The reason that I have de- the Soviet Bloc troops who In Fair Condition cided to vote for the man whooccupied Czechoslovakia last 'our, landed in Santiago de Capt. Alfonso Lopez of the mitted to vote for the candi- Dr. C. Malcolm B. Gilman, after he was admitted. Cuba. The Swiss Embassy, date receiving the most popu- receives the most votes month were strengthened to- 727 jet said a short man in his county medical examiner, said Police said Mr. Terwilliger Mr. Loder is reported in fair which handles Colombian af- 30s, armed with a knife and lar votes in that state — even death was caused by a crushed was a passenger in a car driv- condition at Monmouth Medical throughout the country is be- day by a report in the news- cause limiting it to individual paper of the ruling Communist fairs in Cuba, said all aboard grenade, entered the cabin of if the candidate won by a less chest, multiple fractures and en by Theodore Loder, 19, of Center with a concussion and ivere safe and the plane and than 1 per cent margin. Since states could conceivably see the party, Rude Pravo. his plane and said "we had to hemorrhaging. 108 Ramsey Ave., Keansburg, multiple lacerations. Investigat- those aboard would return In go to Cuba," The airline said the number of electors is equal son of deputy police chief, The- ing officer Joseph Shaffery 26 smaller states — which do The paper, silent yesterday Police said Mrs. Reaney was not have a majority of the pop- Colombia today. \ all the passengers were Colom- to the total number of repre- driving east on Kings Highway odore Loder. (See CRASH, Pg. 2, Col. 5) on the .subject, told its read- ulation — actually selecting the ers today that Premier Oldrich Cuban officials would not bians except Roy Haag and next President. Therefore, I Cernik announced in Ostrava ;ay, and Colombian officials Peter Vuska, whose nationality feel it should be done on a na- iaturday that "the withdrawal lad not determined yet if the was not known. tional level. if troops will begin in the next wo hijackings were coinci- Said One Word Deserted SailboauBelieved Willis\ Found "In these days, as govern- few days. The majority of them lental or part of a plot. Both The DC4 took off from Bar- lijackers apparently were Co- ranquilla two hours and 11 MOSCOW (AP) - William 1968. Tass said the last en- given by Tass since.it con- always "getting into the ment grows ever bigger and will withdraw and it will not more complex; as our nation take a long time. But certain ombians, and both presumably minutes after the jet. Its pilot, Willis, the 75-year-old Amer- try in the diary was July 18. tained five instead of ihe usu- boats and being chased out." vere given asylum in Cuba. Alfredo Crisman, said a youth ican who floated across the In New York, Willis's wife al six digits and did not have He went to sea at 15 as a struggles to bring peace out of troops will remain. How many the war in Vietnam; as we pon- and for how long we will tell Plot Is Seen of 18 or 20 knocked on the Pacific Ocean alone on a said, "I still have hopes un- a letter preceding it. deck boy on a four-masted Colombian Defense Minister door to the cockpit, entered raft four years ago, is be- til the Coast Guard lets me Willis, who was born in bark, sailing from Hamburg, der the increasing problems iur public in due time." know officially." to the Gulf of California with both, in the world around us, So far, however, there were lerardo Ayerbe Chaux said he holding a pistol and spoke just lieved kst on his third at- Hamburg, Germany, in 1893, lelieves the piracy was tempt to cross the Atlantic. The Coast Guard in New had always been drawn to a cargo of Ruhr coke. and here at home; it becomes IO definite signs of the partial (See PLANES, Pg. 2, Col. 3) A Soviet fishery ship came York said it had not been in- the sea. He told a reporter Sailed to Pago Pago (See HOWARD, Pg. 2, Col. 6) roop withdrawal. upon a de-masted, deserted formed by the Russians. It that when he was four he At the age of 61 Willis set sailboat' on whieh Willis' added it was difficult to wandered down to the har- out from Peru and sailed passport, medical card, other check the passport number bors of Hamburg and was alone to Pago Pago, in Sa- documents and a diary were moa, aboard a balsa raft Long Branch Man The Inside Story found, Tass, the Soviet news with only a cat and a parrot agency, reported yesterday. for company. A decade la- Autumn bouquet of weekend brides ...Page 10 The boat was found in the Two County Youngsters ter, he completed the second Forthcoming bridals arc announced Page 11 part of the 9,800-mile voyage Atlantic about 400 miles east Is Held in Slaying Seven still unblemished in Pop Warner Page 18 of Ireland by a fisheries ship across the Pacific, arriving from the Latvian town of Lei- Win Talent Expo Finals in Tully, Australia, in Sep- TOMS RIVER - Thomas G. wife and sister-in-law, who had Howell eleven could be tough Page 18 paja. Tass said it was hoist- tember, 1964. Russomanno Jr., 32, of 376 followed him to the door. Complete pro football coverage '. Page 19 HOLMDEL - Two county The 13-year-old McLeod boy, of West End Ave., is being held Calvin Woolley, Ocean Coun- ed aboard the Soviet ship af- "It must be born to me to Amusements 7 Sylvia Porter 6 ter a futile search for Willis. youngsters, Rodney McLeod of 117 DeWitt'Ave., Asbury Park, see other places, other peo- without bail in the Ocean Coun- ty detective chief, said details •Asbury Park and Lynn West of took honors in the popular in- ty Jail here as a suspect in the of the slaying and the arrest of Births 2 Sports 18, 19 But the report did not indi- ple, to seek solitude at Successful Investing 8 cate where the boat and the Oceanport, were winners in the strumental category on drums. times," he said. Aug. 30 slaying of Fred Nich- Mr. Russomanno will be aired Jim Bishop 6 finals of the Garden State Arts los,' 28,-.»'president of "The at the trial. He declined to Bridge ....: .': 7 Television 7 papers would be taken. Tass More than 500 youngsters During his Pacific voyage Women's News'. 10, 11 said the passport was num- Center's Talent Expo Saturday from all over the state com- Willis subsisted on four tea- Breed," an area chapter of a comment on the investigation Classified 1318 bered 22757 and had been nigt. peted' in local and regional spoons of flour three times a national motorcycle club. leading to the arrest. Comics 12 DAILY REGISTER issued in New York City on Along with winners in six eliminations which brought 17 day and three medium tins of Police would not say what The probe continues, how- Crossword Puzzle • 7 , PHONE NUMBERS March 18,1S68. It gave Willis' other categories, they will re- acts to the finals. evaporated milk a day. linked Mr. Russomanno, son of ever, Chief Woolley said, as a Editorials 6 Main OHIcc ._ 741-0019 birthplace, Germany, ahd his ceive $200 in savings bonds and The contests were directed Setting out from Montauk, a Long Branch contractor, to second man was reported- Hcrblock 6 Classified Ads 741-6900 date of birth, Aug. 19, 1893. the opportunity for additional by Clinton Crocker of New N.Y., last May in an 11-foot the Jackson Township murder. ly seen at the time of the slay- Inside Washington G Home Delivery 741-0010 Last Entry July 18 performances. Shrewsbury, and jointly spon- sailboat on his third attempt Mr. Nichlos went to his front ing.' : James Kllpatrick 6 Middletown Bureau 671-2250 The diary indicated Willis Miss West, 17, of 60 Com- sored by the Arts Center and to cross the Atlantic, Willis door on the fatal night, police Mr. Russomanno, superinten- Movie Timetable 7 Freehold Bureau 462-2121 had set out on a round-the- manche Drive, Oceanport, won the Monmouth Community Ac- said, "I go to get away from said, and was dragged into his dent of his father's contract- Obituaries 3 & 4 Long Branch Bureau 222-W10 world voyage alone May 3, in the specialty dance category. tion Program. (See WILLIS, Pg. 2, Col. 5) xont yard and shot before his (See SLAYING; Pg. 2, Col. 5) Republicans Long Branch Police Are Assailed On Welfare To Block Election Snag Pregnant Goat , FREEHOLD - The all-Be- VREEHOLD-Middletown Township Tax Assessor John LONG BRANCH-What does Patrolmen Carmen Grandi- publican MonmoiNh County T. Lnwley wants the courts to remove the Democratic one do with a white female netti and Patrick Conte cap- Board of Freeholders has been candidate's name from the November election ballot for goat found wandering around tured the animal and took it to assailed by two Democratic the tax 'assessor post because he maintains there will be the city at night—especially a the police station until it could candidates for board seats for no elect inn for his job. mother-to-be? be determined what to do with permitting a $1.2 million defi- Mr. l.awley. in his Superior Court suit, contends that it. cit in the county welfare bud- he will be on tenure when his term expires June 30, 1SB9 The small, white goat tensed Arrangements were made to get. and. therefore, the Democratic candidate, Hugh Dugan, at the end of a rope in the house it in the ASPCA shelter Former Freeholder Eugene cannot nm for the office. rear parking area at police J. Bedell and ex-Freehold Mr. l.awley was elected to the tax assessor post Nov. headquarters as a pair of po- until its owner.is found. Councilman Frank K. Woolley, 3. HIM and has been issued a Tax Assessor's certificate l>y lice officers coaxed her into a There aren't many expectant the Democratic aspirants, the stale, said the suit. When he completes his present car to- take her to the SPCA goats found in Long Branch charged that the welfare bud- term, he will be on tenure and no vacancy will exist for shelter in Eatontown. these days, a policeman get, which is part of the cnun- any candidate, it added. She studied the men whoobserved. iy budget, was "jammed dour The suit charges that Middletown Township Clerk wbre trying to help her. They the throat of the county Wel- Charles V. Carroll, accepted Mr. Dugan's petition to be studied the three-inch horns fare Board by the rtepuhLican placed on the ballot and that Monmoulh County Clerk J. glistening under the parking lot Democratic freeholders despite expert ad- Russell Woolley has announced that he will put Mr. Dugan's flood light. 1 Women Picked vice that it was inadequate.' name on the ballot. Roth are listed as defendants besides The frightened mother • lo- Mr. Bedell said the admis- Mr. Dugan. be was delivered to the animal RED BANK — Two area sion Wednesday that ihe free- Mr. l.awley in his suit mentions a letter he sent to Democratic women were ap- shelter without a reported mis- holders will have lo make an Mr. Carroll which references two Superior Court decisions pointed to work with the Mon- 50TH ANNIVERSARY — John J. Donoghue, second from right, president of the emergency appropriation of which, it maintains, upheld similar situations. hap. mouth county delegation to the $707,000 to meet MRS nhliga- 1'Yedric Haar of Middletown represontes Mr. Lawley. Monmouth County Association for Retarded Children, presents a scroll of appre- Police had received a call 1968 Fall Campaign Confer- (ions must be made up dollar- ciation to Dr. Lloyd W. McCorkle, commissioner of the Department of Institutions from Miss Denise Daum, Stuy- ence for Democratic Women. for-dollar by Ihe county tax- vesant PL, Elberon, reporting and Agencies, on the occasion of the department's 50th anniversary. The scroll is Mrs. Cecile F. Norton, Demo- payers in 19fiD. a goat in her front yard at in recognition of the department's efforts in behalf of the mentally retarded and cratic state committeewoman, 'Extra Poll Shows Many See about 9:50 p.m. "Based on the current $18 their families. Observing the presentation at the 18th annual association dinner at announced the appointments of Mrs. Rose Petillo of Red Bank million county spending sched- Terrace Gardens, Wanamassa, are Dr. Bert W. Schmickel, Connecticut's deputy ule,'1 the former freeholder as conference chairman and War as Top Problem commissioner for mental retardation, left, and Rep, James J. Howard, D-NJ, said, "this means that in IMP. Hit by Bus, Mrs Kathryn McCloskey of (Register Staff Photo) Eatontown as publicity coor- we will start nut with a 4 per NEW BRUNSWICK (AP) - found 48 per cent favoring with- dinator. cent extra burden fnr which A poll of nearly 18,6(10 resi- drawal of American forces Man Injured there will be absolutely no pub- dents of Middlesex County has from Vietnam with a simulta- Mrs. Petillo is the wife of 1 RED BANK - A Red Bank lic benefit. just paying off an disclosed that 23 per cent think Third Assistant Prosecutor neous build-up of allied foives. Stout Says man was hospitalized early old debt that should not have America's most serious prob- Another 25 ]XT cent favored in- John Petillo and is president of been there." Crash Kills Two yesterday after he was struck lem is the war in Vietnam. creasing American military ef- the Women's Democratic Club Though the Welfare Board by a bus on Shrewsbury Ave. The poll was conducted for fort. Democrats (Continued) of Monmouth County. Mrs. Mc- operates as an independent Tomi Robinson, 56, of 180 Rep. Kdward .1. I'atlen,~l>- A question on whether lied said Ihe driver was unable to School at the time of his death Closkey is vice president of the unit, Mr. Bedell said, the free- Leighton Ave. was admitted to ir>th Disl., who represents all! China or the Soviet Union was give a statement regarding the He was employed part • timi Monmouth County Democratic' holders conirol its purse Fail Elderly Riverview Hospital alter he of Middlesex County except I a greater threat to world accident. at the Two Guys and Shop-Mi was struck by a bus driven executive eomittee. strings. OCKAN TOWNSHIP - State Madison Township, and who J peace, found (IB per cent nam- Mrs. Reaney was born in stores here. by ^haries A. Abbiati, 51 The conference will be held "Two freeholders, Director Sen. Richard R. Stout, GOP released the findings yesterday. ing China as against 18 per Keansbtirg and lived there all lie is survived by his pat Linden" Plate?"' The bus is in Berkeley Carteret Hotel, As- Joseph C. Irwin, who is - candidate for Congress, has cent voting for the Soviets. her lite. She is the daughter ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Tei owned by Boro Busses of bury Park, Oct. 4 and 5, under ning for reelection, and Marcus According to the poll, 23 per charged the Democratic admin- On domestic issues, the poll of Mrs. Agnes Pcdien Flynn williger; two sisters, Mrs. Joa; Shrewsbury. Police said the the sponsorship of the Women's Paly are also members of the cent of those questioned placed istration and Congress with found 112 per cent in favor of and the late Martin Flynn, for- Ann Doremus, of Neptune am man was hit by the right front Division of the Democratic Welfare Board," said Mr. Wool- the war in first place as the "galloping inflation" to the the present draft system; 28 mer owner of Shamrock Tav- Mrs. Emily Mularchuk, headlight of the bus. State Committee. ley. most serious problem; followed scourge of senior Americans. per cent in favor of a lottery ern, Keansburg and a brother, Da Mr. Woolley said. "When the by law and order, 18 per cent; Senior Americans have the chairman of the board (Ernest and racial strife, 14 per cent. system, and 112 per cent for a She was a communicant of vid G. of Union Beach. volunteer army with a choice biggest stake of ;ill in the W. lass) says that the budget Other responses were: pov- St. Ann's Catholic Church, Services will be held at th< of alternate ways of serving, election of a Republican Presi- cuts were made 'by whim' and erty, 7 per cent; communism, Koansburg, and was an active Ryan Funeral Home, Keans such as in the Peace Corps. dent and a Republican Con- thp welfare dim-tor says il was high taxes, and inflation, each gress, said the senator, warn- member of its PTA and Bowl- burg, at 1 p.m. Wednesday wit} 1 'wishful thinking, we have a 4 per cent, and foreign policy, A question on gun control, ing that continuous deficit ing League. She was a mem- Rev. Norman Riley, pastor o right to question the fiscal re- foreign aid and "against for- found a massive 70 per cent spending from Washington ber of the Catholic Daughters the St. John Methodist Churcl sponsibility oi those in charge," eign aid," ench .1 per cenl. in favor of registration of all poses a threat to every re- of America, Court of St. Ann;llazlet, officiating. Burial wil he said. According to Patten, the poll firearms, and prohibition of tired person and to those sav- the Ancient Order of Hiber- be in Fair View Cemetery. their purchase by convicted ing for retirement. nians, Ladies Auxiliary and Lo- criminals, mental patients and cal 4 llobnkcn, of the Barten- juveniles. The same group fa- "The older citizen has been ders, Waiters and Waitresses vored a ban on all interstate sadly neglected by the Demo- Union. Howard County Births mail-order sales of weapons. crats," lie said. Besides her mother, she is (Continued) On the antipoverty war, fi2 "First, they oppose lelting survived by her husband, Ray- more and more important tha RIVERVIKW view Manor, Oakhurst, son per cent fell that it should be him or her make a decent mond; ii son, Raymond Jr. and our citizens truly feel they hav Red Rank Saturday. expanded while 38 per cent, living iind still draw Social daughter, Margaret,' both at a say in determining th Mr. and Mrs. James Rich- Mr. and Mrs. rotor Brandt- thought it should be cut. Security. Social Security is not home; and two brothers, Mar- course our government takes in ards (nee Linda Lamberson), 1 jen (nee Nancy Smith), 774 a reward, it is a return of hard- tin and Thomas Flynn, both of the coming years. Center Ave., Matawan, daugh- Wayside Road, Neptune, son, earned money poured into the Keansburg. "They must know that the ter, Friday. Saturday. program over the years by our A Requiem Mass will be of- man sitting in the White Hous Mr»,and Mrs. Joseph Plash in- Bank Permit senior Americans. " REUSSILLES Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rinaco fered at 8 a.m. Wednesday at! is the man they elected... not ski (nee Sandra Canaszck), (nee Donna Jianmine), 152 Bel- Sen. Stout said Democrats ir St. Ann's. Burial, under the di- the result of political bargain 5.1H Morningside Ave., Union shaw Ave., Shrewsbury Town- Is Upheld Congress this year beat down rection of the Laurel Funeral ing in smoke-filled rooms. Thi Beach, son, Friday. ship, son, Saturday. Republican efforts to allow re Home, will be in Mt. Olivet 37th President of the Unite* SEIUNQ JEWEIRY is JUST TriE bEqii Mr. and Mrs. John Cardelse Mr. und Mrs. Harold Rndgers tired workers to make at least Cemetery, here. States must feel that he has (nee Barbara Ann Kanrg), 104 By Simmill (nee Kimiko Ono), 2111) Cole- $2,400 before Social Security Mr. Terwilliger was born In been the choice of the people Monroe St., Eatonlown, twin man Ave., l,nng Branch, son, FREEHOLD - Superln benefits were reduced. Bed Bank and has attended or he cannot carry the burden OUR diAMONd EXPERTS daughters, Friday. Saturday. Court Judge Elvin B. Simmill "Another Republican pro- Union Reach schools. He wasof that office confidently or ef- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mil- posal opposed by the LBJ- a senior at Keyport High fectively. Mr. and Mrs. William Jen- las uphold a Rumson Zoning ward (nee June Urblis), lifi Humphrey administration and pROVidE pRECiSE COUNSElJNQ kins (nee Dianne Rosset), 182' Board variance to permit Ib "On July 23, 1968, I in- Proad St., Freehold, son, Sat Congressional Democrats," he Seabreeze Ave, Mast Keans-: $125,000 expansion program for troduced legislation which urday. said, "was a bill to gear So- burg, son, Saturday. Willis would abolish the Electoral Col ¥ IN TrIE CrlOJCE of STONES @ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Loker the Central Jersey Bank and cial Security increases to the lege, therefore making it pos- Mr. and Mrs. James Mat' (Continued) (nee Mary Cientile), 13 Park Trust Co. in Riimson. cost of living. sible for the majority of the thews (nee Jcannette Carter), Place, Red Bank, daughter, "If the Democrats can under- it all. When I feel ocean all people of the United States to VAUIE. 5 McLean St., Red Bank, son, The judge said there was ad ANd TrlEJR REAL <® _ Saturday. hand the need for eost-of-liv- around me, I feel alone, and directly elect the presidential Saturday. equate proof to support the Mr. and Mrs. Ollin Land (nee ing clauses in wage agree- that's wiien I feel good." and vice presidential candi- board's conclusion to permi Jean Roberts), 172 Monmnuth Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palaz- ments between labor and Became III dates who receive the most THERE'S OUR the expansion. TriEN St., Red Bank, son, Saturday. zo (nee Linda I'aparesta), 247- management, to help protect Willis' first attempt to number of votes in the country. —:—Mr.-andMrs. Samuel- l.ivolsi .ASi.oneyJlilL.RoacUiiilontPAvn, Mr, and-Mrs,-J—NossauDem- .workers—from—inflation,—why cross the ocean failed when Unfortunately, that legislation (nre Carol Kenny), 28 Schwen- daughter, yesterday. merle nt 55 W. River Road do they balk at giving our he became ill 850 miles from is still bottled up in a House ker Place, Fair Haven, son, Mr. and Mrs. John Kucharek Rumson, had filed suit to block retired workers the same bene- the U.S. shore in 19(ifi, Committee. (nee Lnis Hunter), 101! Main St., fits?" he asked. On his second attempt, in •Saturday. the program which they main "During the next Congress, Matawan, daughter, yesterday, September, 1%7, Willis made FEIIOWS WrIO CATER TO AiUr Mr. and Mrs. Paul Havanic Jjiined would substantially im- The surest way to. head off I am hopeful that we will be Mr. and Mrs. George While" it two-thirds of the way V (nre Leijrh Klitsch), 28 Clifton 'pair the intent and purpose of nflation is lo cut back on able to revise the Constitution 1 (noc Marilyn While), Rt. 52, across before a Polish ship's Ave,, Long Branch, daughter, the zoning plan. The hank is in 'ederal overspending, he said. to provide for direct elections. Englishtnwn, son, yesterday! crew pulled him from the wa- JEWElRy ANd WATCrlES. Saturday. an B-5 residential zone. I for one, will be continually Mr. and Mrs. William Has- ter in a trance. Later Wil- Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy The bank last May 2li was working in that direction. In sler (nee Kileen Schilling), 828 lis said he might have made (nee Alice Pylytyshyn), 71 granted ;i variancu to expand the meantime, however, it is Navesink River Road, Oak- Moonshot it on his second try if the iNq ANd Stephenville Blvd. Middletown, its present facilities at W. Riv- most important that we recog- hurst, son, yesterday. (Continued) Polish captain had been will- daughter, Saturday. er Rnad and Second St. It pro- nize the reality of this situa- Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeney old Tass that plans for moon ing to put him back in the Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mag- poses to double its building tion, and insure the election WATCrlES ANd (nee Dorothy Camp), 8 Mon- lights already drawn up by the water. anno (nee Patricia Johnston), size and expand its lot, this year of Ihe people's choice" Soviets would be changed "by "But he told me he did not Aberdeen Road. Malawan, son, moulh Ave., Rumson, daugh- ter, yesterday. Judge Simmill complimented :he information contained in want blood on his hands," "Three times in our history, Saturday. in 1800, in 1824, and in 187(1, SilVERWARE? ^S^TrliS JS TrIE plACE Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Cull- the attorneys for their "excel- capsules of this spacecraft." Willis said. "He told me I Mr. and Mrs. Joint Mcl'lus- men have occupied the White man (nee Diane Minery), 48!) lent briefs." Zond S was also the first. So- was half dead." ky (nee Mnna Snrinwski), 14(i House without winning a ma- Sherman Ave., Belford, son, William It. Blair of Red net space capsule to be re- NEWSETTiNqsfOROld Bay Ave., Highlands, son, Sat- jority of the popular vote. In1 yesterday. Rank, Rumsnn borough attor- .•overed at sea. All previous So- urday. 1948 and l!)f>0, we came all too ney, represented the borough. ,'ict spaceships that returned Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mednlla Slaying close to repititions of those S, Thomas Gagliann of Long o earth came down on land, JEWElRy? RiqrlTAQAiN. (nee Adele Amerin), 4% Mat- j JKRSEY SHORE MKDICAL (Continued) three earlier elections. In 1968, ! Branch represented Ihe bank. n Soviet territory. awan Ave . Kcynnrt, daimhtrr, Neptune ing firm, was arraigned before we can not afford another Allen Pearl of Newark rcprc- The Zond 5 flight was the Saturday. ' | Mr. and Mrs. Marcial Erun- Ocean County Judge William close call.' j senled the Dcmmerles. atest in a long line of major t\\. and Mrs. Charles Railry rimn (nee Hosa Perez), 5'2 Soviet accomplishments in H. Iluber Saturday. The charge "I want the people to know, (nee Mary.1-r.iindsdrtW'ne) "."i3S; Mechanic St., Freehold, son, i ipace datin'g back to Sputnik I is expected to go to the Grand hat if T am re-elected lo serve Havme Drive. Matawan. • Friday. Of SilVERWARE ANd WE do A TASTy n October. 19S7. Jury Thursday.. n the 91st Congress, that my daughter, yesterday. , Mr. and. Mrs. .Ian flyzlak Planes The Russians followed with The suspect offered no re- aith and my vote will represent (nee Maria Knzlowska), 702 Ox- Mr. and Mrs William Ciac- (Continued) the first man in space, the first sistance when arrested by he popular choice of the peo- ; ford Way, Neptinjj^. daughter, job of qifr WRAppJNq. cio (nee Maniyn Sullivan), fi one word — "Cuba." The air-group flight, the first space Jackson Township, Ocean ple, should the presidential elec- Friday, Reacnn Tor. Keansbtirg.' line said all the passengers on walk and Ihe first soft landing County and Ixing Branch police ion be thrown into the House Mr. and Mrs. IJriward daughter, yrstrrdny that plane were Colombians an unmanned craft on (he Friday night, police said. of Representatives." : lv-;iche> (nee Barbara Meyer), WrIAT's MORE, WE dEliVER Mr. and Mrs. c-ibrol T.niro. except Marty Bowman, whose moon. 22 Elliott Road. Knghsht'own, (nep Maureen Mclntyiel. jl nationality also could not be sim. Friday. The current U.S. program is Shrewshury Ave, Highland.-;. learned immediately. AT NO CrIARqE ggk ANd VOU CAN Mr. ami Mrs. Paul Maro/otf i based on a series of lest flights son, yesterdav. The two air pirates somehow i nee Oespina Sismanidau), of Ihe Apollo spaceships, one F got around government orders The Weather .la.'k^on Mills Road, Farming- of which is to carry America's MONMIHTII MEDICAL that everyone boarding planes dalf". dauglilcr. Saturday. 1 first men to the moon. Long Branch be searched for arms. Three Partly cloudy and warm today, lo lli knols tomorrow after ON ONE 11/ Of OUR Mr. and Mis, John Reams I On Oct. II, Apollo 7 with Mr, and Mrs, Ccnrgr Gard- oilier Colombian planes had high upper 80s. Chance of a noon. Fair this morning but iree Lorraine Pnnessn). .1711 three men on board is sched- ner in<'e Annie Spmksi. li Ce. been hijacked to Cuba in the few showers or thundcr.showers chance of a few showers later l-'.rei rnft Place, Oakhursl, uled lo begin 11 days in a dar Si , Red Bank, daimhtrr. past 14 months, and police later this afternoon and early this afternoon and early to CONVENIENT pAVIYIENT plANS.? d.M.'Lilvcr. s.iiunlay. space orbit. Then at least two J-'r.dav. guards are placed aboard some tonight. Clearing late tonight night. Fair tomorrow. Visibil- Mr. and Mrs. '.Stanley Ott more Apollo shots will he fired Mr,' and Mrs .1 u'<•- iii.-s: Colombian airliners on "stra- low in upper 50s to low 60s.ity one to three miles in haze 'lire l;ii:c: KiMchani). Farm- before the decision lo shoot for NEVER A dull MOMENT. likE WE SAV, (nee Sally Storfei i, :!!>:' Ou-av tegic flights" over or near the Tomorrow partly cloudy, high and patchy fog this morning. .ngdalr. >on.,Saturday. Ihe moon is made. U.S. experts Ave, Long Branch, daughter. Caribbean. upper 70s. Outlook Wednesday, Visibility one to three miles Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh ] have predicted Americans will in showers this evening im- SEtliNqJEWElRyisjUSTTrlE Friday. On Friday, an Eastern Air land on the moon by the end cloudy, mild with chance of 1 i nee JI;!IH Schumock). fi Broad proving to five miles or more Mr, and Mrs .Inn Kan } inc" Lines jet bound from San Juan showers. -'; Fri'dinld, daughter, Sat- of 1 !)li!l. But because of budget tomorrow. Theresa Malangai, 70 Mm r - In Miami was duelled to Cuba. cuts, there has been specula- In Monmouth Beach, yester- Ave., Long Branch, daughte:. Mr', and Mrs Mario rn|nn :'I'he plane's 41) passengers were lion this timetable might, not day's high was 86 degrees and TIDES Friday. >!'•(• lir i nee Harriet Taylor), 21 (HI Possession Admitted was 66. a.m. and 10 p.m. and low 3:36 Mr, and Mrs. James l.anrii Hi'lmar l-llvd , Wall Township, ] FUKKIIOLD - Wilhert J. Toinhslintf's Toppled MARINE a.m. and 4:06 p.m. (nee Sandra Secapri). ~'.\ (Vdai ii,ii;gh:i'i, Saturday. Simmons, Valley St., High- LITTLE SILVER - Police Cape May to Block Island: For Hed Bank and Bumsnn Ave, I/Ong Branch, daughter. Mr .i"d Mrs. Thomas Hark- lands, will be sentenced Oct. 11 Chief John II. Foster said this Variable winds mostly south- bridge, add two hours; Sea Friday. ,,, mil Carol I. oil), 2 Still-, fnr charges of possessing a slot-; morning thai police received west five to 10" knots Bright, deduct. 10 minutes; Mr. and Mrs, Clark Chani- I'U-c. .Freehold, daugh- , en clock radio, Ihe property of, a report at 1 p.m. yesterday j this morning. Westerly winds Long Branch, deduct 15 min- brrs (nee Phyllis Whiting). |,Vih •urday. I Barbara Andrews, 78 Valley j that six tombstones had becil' 10 lo 15 knots this afternoon utes; Highlands bridge, add 40 She* 1SS6 Garden Drive, Asbury Park, Mi ind Mrs John Cullcn Ave,, Oct. 14 in Highlands, j knocked'ovrr in Embury Moth-1 and evening shifting to north- minutes.- EUSSILLESS son. Saturday. > I lire ;nu' IVhalen), 10 Mur- ('nimly District Court Judge ; orlist Church Ccmetery.'Patrol-j erly during tonight. Northeast- Monmoulh'i Ltadiag The pnllen count was seven Monmoulh'i Ltadiag lemUn Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaskins la;. Freehold, daughter, Cicnrge A. dray accepted his, man Thomas Bruno is invesli- erly winds 10 to 15 knots to- at 8 a.m. today according to THIRTY SIX ntiOAB STREET / RED BANK. (nee Dorothy Webster), 46 Sea- guilty plea. gating. I morrrow becoming southerly 20 Iiivemew Hospital, Red Bank. Charge Crash THE DAILY REGISTER, Monday, Sept 23, 1968-3 Man Aboard Driver Tipsy, Cruiser Dies Humphrey Cites His Goal: SANDY HOOK- A 45-year- 4 Injured old man died yesterday of MIDDLETOWN - James F. heart attack while aboard Duniin, Brooklyn, N.Y., was cabin cruiser here. The victim was Edward War De~Americanization charged Saturday morning with Brown of 32 Berkeley St., Old drunken driving and going By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Americanization of the war" ment that no one can predict ties of the free world. It's get- . through a red light, after a Bridge, who was with anothe' man aboard a 24-foot cabin Vice President Hubert H. with Saigon leaders. timing of troop withdrawals. ling them off the bench and in- three-car collision on Bt. 36, Humphrey, saying that if his Humphrey repeated in Col- He said Johnson was referring to the ball game." Which injured four persons. cruiser, the Coast Guard said. At 5:17 p.m., the Coast Guard Vietnam views conflict with umbus his prediction that "sys- to "when this war will be over, Sen. Edmund M. Muskie, the Mr. Durnin, who complained at Sandy Hook station received President Johnson's "then so tematic reduction of American when you can withdraw all Democratic vice presidential of chest pains after he was the emergency call. Both a be it," has repeated his stand forces" should be possible soon, your troops." candidate, was in_ Washington lodged in the township jail, was 40-foot utility boat and a heli- that some U.S. troop withdraw- when and if South Vietnam be- Humphrey declined, however, today. He planned to resume admitted to Riverview Hospital, copter from the Brooklyn sta- als should be possible in the comes able to take over more to repeat his earlier prediction campaigning Tuesday with Red Bank, where he was re- tion were dispatched to near future. of its own self defense. that withdrawals could begin stops in Charleston, W. Va., ported in fair condition this scene. A physician aboard the The Democratic presidential "Now that's my position," he by early 1969. He called such and Pittsburgh, Pa. morning. helicopter was lowered to the candidate, drawing the biggest said. "What's the President's specific forecasts "pitfalls" for Lillian MeDermott, 55, pleasure craft and pronounced crowds of his campaign in Ohio position? That's his business." public officials. yesterday, also said he hopes But Humphrey said he sees Rules Girl's Brooklyn, a passenger in th the man dead. Third party presidential can- if elected to work out "de- no conflict in Johnson's state- Durnin vehicle, was also admit Mr. Brown's body was trans- didate, George C, Wallace, Death Homicide ted to the hospital with mult ferred to the Coast Guard ves- meanwhile, said briefings from pie cuts. She was reported sel and, from the station, tak- military friends convince him LAKEWOOD (AP) - The good condition. en to the Posten Funeral the Vietnam war can be won death of a teen-age girl, found Treated and released at Jh Home, Atlantic Highlands, a with conventional weapons and floating in the north branch of Coast Guard spokesman said. hospital were Mrs. Anthon; no increase in American troops. the Metedeconk River Satur- Bevacqua, 27 Ideal Ave., Eas Dr. C. Malcolm B. Gilman, Mownouth County medical ex- Top of the News The war has not been won, day, was a homicide caused by Keansburg, a passenger in h Wallace said, "because their assault with a blunt instrument, husband's car and Philip Sec aminer, reported that the man HALFTIME CUTIES — The DiLello sisters, Debbie, 10, WASHINGTON - The $71.9 billion defense-spending bill, government leaders have con- bie, of Bloomfield, the thin suffered a heart attack. the state medical examiner already trimmed $5 billion below President Johnson's re- sidered political and diplomat- driver involved in the accident left, and Rosemarie, 8, Paul Ave., Eafoniown, give a said yesterday. quests, is facing attempts for even more cuts in the Senate. ic considerations ahead of mil- spirited baton twirling performance during halftime Dr. Edwin Albano said that Patrolman Robert Fostei Pennsylvanian New cuts were proposed in a series of amendments, be- itary considerations in South- 1 festivities at the Pop Warner games of the Monmouth 17-year-old Julia Linzmayer of who witnessed the acciden fore the Senate for action today, offered by Sen. Joseph Clark, east . Asia and it has ' said Mr. Durnin was traveling Raiders (Eatontown-Ff. Monmouth team). The home Faces Charge not worked." 350 Spruce Drive, Brick Town- D-Pa., who argues that domestic programs have suffered be- ship, died of multiple skull west on Rt, 36, went througl games are held at Ft. Monmq,uth Dean Field Sundays. cause the Defense Department gets too big a share of the Wallace also said he will the red light at the intersectioi MIDDLETOWN - Police to- fractures. This week's game will be held Saturday. budget. name his vice presidential run- and struck the Scobie vehic day reported that Louis J, Police said the body of the Newburg Jr., of Levittown, Pa., About a third of the appropriation is earmarked for Viet- ning mate next week. which was traveling north o He was interviewed on a spe- auburn-haired girl—who had Thompson Ave. and in turn is being held in jail in lieu nam. cial CBS "Face the Nation" been missing since Sept. 4— struck the Bevacqua car mov- of $205 bail on charges of Efforts to cut the defense appropriation below committee drunken driving after his ca recommendations have failed in the past. Key members of the broadcast from Atlanta. was discovered by a group of ing south. Republican candidate Rich- In-Plant Managers hit another vehicle at 6:40 lasl military appropriations subcommittee argue further reduc- persons in a rowboat about 500 Mr. Durnin remains in po- night at Rt. 36 and Wilson Ave., tions could jeopardize national security. ard M. Nixon took a day off from campaigning yesterday feet south of the Old County lice custody in $205 bail pend- Port Monmouth. Johnson asked for $77.1 billion, the House approved $72.2 but his national political direc- Line Road Bridge Saturday. ing a hearing Thursday. The driver of the other car billion and the Senate Appropriations Committee cut nearly Will Hear Meyers tor issued a statement saying The area is near the Brick was Eugene J. Dussick Jr., $353 million more. Humphrey's presidential bid is Township-Lakewood boundary NEW YORK - Edward W, 15 Mountain Ave., Hazlet, they in "desperate straits." and in a spot not usually Man Is Injured Meyers of Shrewsbury, man said, There were no injuries. Senate Bonding Gets Support "With Mr. Humphrey that traveled until the trout fishing ager of visual and reproductior In Auto Crash Mr. Newburg was given NEWARK — The New Jersey Taxpayers Association and desperate," said Robert Ells- season, they added. services for the Port of Ne' breath test, according to po- an official of the New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce worth, "the American people BED BANK - Police re- York Authority, will speak al lice. Patrolman Kenneth Per- yesterday announced their support for Gov. Richard J. can look for almost any dem- The body was clad in blue ported that Max Feiss, 61, c the September meeting of th! kins investigated. Hughes proposed $990 million state bond issue. agogic maneuver from his denim trousers and a green 14 Carpenter St., River Plaz; New Jersey Chapter of the In print blouse when discovered. The proposed bond issue, to be submitted to voters in camp." suffered minor injuries earlj Plant Printing Management As- November, would finance capital improvements in vocational Nixon's communications di- yesterday after the car he wa: sociation. See Drowning driving struck a tree. and higher education, transportation, housing and state in- rector, Herbert G. Klein, said The meeting, which will b a Republican truth squad will Nasaya Group The driver was treated stitutions. held at the Encore Restaurant, Cause of Death follow Humphrey as he cam- Riverview Hospital for minoi To Hear Priest Union, at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 26, BRADLEY BEACH - A 47- paigns. Klein said two of the abrasions and released. His Ex-Greek Leaders Freed will open the fall and winte year - old West Orange man squad members will be Sen. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — car struck a tree at the inter 1 meetings of the New Jerse was tentatively listed a ATHENS — Former Premiers Panayiotis Kanellopoulos Hugh Scott, R-Pa., and Rep. Nasaya, the narcotics preven- section of Broad St. and Pinck- and George Papandreou were released today after five months IPMA Chapter. a drowning victim after hi Donald Rumsfeld, R-I" tion group will hold a public ney Road at 2:41 a.m., polic of house arrest. Kanellopoulos, 66, and Papandreou, 80, were Mr. Meyers is responsible for body was recovered from the Nixon's running mate, Spiro said. Officer William Story is the first of about a dozen political leaders to be freed. The rally Friday, at 8 p.m. at the in-plant printing and reproduc- ocean near Fourth Ave. Satur- T. Agnew, said in Honolulu to- sued a summons. military regime is letting them out to add respectability to the Civic Auditorium of the Mon- tion; photography, including day. day Vietnam "will not fade be- constitutional referendum next Sunday. motion pictures and aerial pho- Police said Irving Marks wa cause we blow retreat, it will mouth Shopping Center, Eaton- Fatal Millstone tography; the art department pronounced dead on arrival al not vanish in the wishes of a town. and models and exhibits. , Jersey Shore Medical Center, 23 Flee Newark Blaze flower child, it will not suffo- Main speaker for the event Accident Probed A graduate of the U. S. Nava Neptune, shortly after his bodj NEWARK — Two families, who included 23 persons, were cate in the smoke of a burn- will be the Rev. Daniel Egan, Academy at Annapolis, Mr, was recovered by Bor- driven into the street here last night as a one-alarm fire ing draft card. known as the "junky Priest." MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP - Edward W. Meyers ough Clerk George Moffatt, raged through a three-story dwelling. State police today continued Meyers had a 13-year Naval "Richard Nixon's answer is Jack Caracciola, executive career before joining the Port member of the borough firs The evacuees were Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, and their the only one," Agnew said in director of Nasaya, urged resi- their investigation into the aid squad. death of a Freehold Township Authority. In his 11 years a Firm Names 10 children, who range between 3 and 17 years old, and Mr. prepared remarks. "The path dents to attend to dispel mis- man who was struck by a car the PA, he served in industrial and Mrs. William Green, and nine children between the ages to peace is one of strong de conceptions about addicts and last night. engineering, marine terminal ' of 1 and 12 years old. fenses and strong principles. drug addiction and learn what management, and for the past Pasternack Ends It's dealing more nations into the drug problem really is in The man, identified as Ed- New Officer five years as of vis- the peace-keeping responsibili- the county. ward Armstead, 43, of Smith ual and reproduction services. EATONTOWN - Eugene W. Ft. Lee Course School Strike Talks Recessed burg Road, Freehold Township, Landy,. president of Monmouth FT. LEE, Va. - Martin D. NEW YORK — Negotiations to end the strike by public was pronounced dead on ar- Capital Corp., has announced school teachers are recessed until tomorrow because the rival at Jersey Shore Medical the appointment of Charles P. Pasternack of 51 Washington Fuorry Given St., Red Bank, N.J., has com- 900 schools with 1.1 million pupils would have closed today Center, Neptune, shortly after Kaetnpffer as vice president of anyway because of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. 7 p.m. this small business investment pleted a one-week course ol Washington Post Army test and evaluation ori- Meetings yesterday between the Board of Education and Trooper Alexander Zorzi said company. entation at the Army Logistics representatives of the 55,000-member AFL-CIO United Federa- the accident occurred on Rt Mr. Kaempffer, a certified and Management Center. tion of Teachers broke off in the afternoon. The teachers 527 and identified the driver public accountant, is a graduate union said the strike would continue tomorrow. - as Mary M. Scotto, 18, of Emily if Monmouth College, where he Courses conducted are in the Road, Englishtown. received the first annual award areas of management in proj- for achievement in accounting. ect, commodity, property dis- Rector Quits Over Occupation rior to joining Monmouth posal, international logistics, MEXICO CITY — The rector of the University of Mexico GI Faces Sentence Capital,. Mr. Kaempffer. was as- quality control and specifica- resigned last night in protest against army occupation of his For Pushing Drugs sociated with W. Dunham Mo- tion. campus. He was the first major politicaFcasualty of more FREEHOLD-Frederick Ad rey, Freehold, CPA. Mr. Pasternack is an elec- than two months of student unrest. dison, D Battery, Third Mr. Kaempffer, a resident of tronic engineer at Ft. Mon- Javier Barros Sierra is the second rector of the 85,000- Brigade, 51st Artillery, Hazlet 'reehold for 20 years, is a mouth, N.J., with the U.S. Ar- student university to resign in less than three years. His Township, will be sentenced member of the board of direc- my electronics command. predecessor was forced out in May 1966 after a two-month stu- Oct. 11 for charges of aiding tors and is treasurer of the dent strike against his administration. , and abetting in the sale of 'reehold Area YMCA, and he Youth Is Charged marijuana Jan. 27 in Keyport is a member of the New Jer- U. S. Primary Seen Favored With Leaving Scene and Feb. 11 in Matawan. sey Society of Certified Public PRINCETON — A vast majority of Americans would County District Court George Accountants. MIDDLETOWN - Police re- like to see presidential candidates chosen in a nationwide A. Gray accepted his guilty He will be in charge of the ported that Stephen Dorsey, 17 primary instead of at conventions, the Gallup Poll says. of 16 Union St., West Keans- plea. internal accounting and will as- The poll organization reported yesterday that a nation- sist in the management of Mon- burg, was charged with leav- ing the scene of an accident wide sampling taken in the first week of September found that mouth Capital and its subsi- 76 per cent of those polled favored the primary method. Only Robert Scotl diaries. after his car hit a parked ve- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - hicle at the rear of Buck 13 per cent favored keeping the present convention system, Monmouth Capital Corp. has and 11 per cent had no opinion. Services will be held at 8 to- investments in more than 40 Smith's, East Keansburg, at night at the Posten Funeral Thomas A. Fuorry companies, primarily in New 1:08 a.m. yesterday. Home, here, for Robert Scott, Jersey and has net assets of They identified the owner of Sees State Rails Takeover EATONTOWN - Thomas A. 77, of 108 Center Ave., who more than $4.5 million. The the other car as Thomas Hous- NEWARK — Brendan' T. Byrne, chairman of the New DAILY INTEREST died yesterday in the King uorry of Colonial Drive, company, a regulated invest- ton, 397 Atlantic St., Keyport. Jersey Public Utility Commission, said Saturday that the James Nursing Home, Middle- Shrewsbury, has been appoint- ment company, with more than There were no injuries and eventual government takeover of the state's commuter rail- town. The Rev. Richard Ander- ed regional sales manager in 800 shareholders, has offices in Patrolman Michael Stover in- roads is "inevitable." MEANS MORE MONEY son of the Atlantic Highlands Washington, D. C, it was an- 'oms River and Eatontown. vestigated. Byrne and his two fellow members of the PUC board — Presbyterian Church will offi- nounced by N. P. Barny, di- Wiliam E. Ozzard and Anthony J. Grossi — said they were ciate*. Burial will be in Wood- rector, sales and service, Ben- concerned with .what they called deteriorating safety stan- FOR YOU! lawn Cemetery, New York City. dix, Electric Power Division. dards. Mr. Scott was born in Brook- Fuorry, a Bendix sales vet- "The numbers of train miles has been steadily decreasing lyn, N. Y., and was a member while there has been an increase in accidents," Byrne said. PASSBOOK SAVINGS INTEREST of Local 8, Waterproofers ran of 18 years, had been se- Union of Brooklyn. lior sales engineer and < han- Fair Closes, Sets Record PAID FROM DAY OF DEPOSIT Surviving are two brothers, lied Bendix customers in New Robert J. Scott of Atlantic England and New York prior TRENTON — The nine-day New Jersey State Fair folded TO DAT OF WITHDRAWAL its tents last night after hosting what fair officials termed a Highlands and Walter Scott of 0 his appointment. Brooklyn; a daughter, Mrs. record attendance of 565,550 persons. A graduate of Rutgers Uni- provided a $25 balance is maintained Mildred Binning of Atlantic at the end of the quarter Highlands; 11 grandchildren, ersity, Fuorry had also been LBJ, Mahon Discuss Cash ssigned to Wright-Patterson and six great-grandchildren. SAN ANTONIO, Tex. — President Johnson met yesterday lir Force Base in Dayton, with Rep. George Mahon, chairman of the powerful House Ap- >hio. propriations Committee, on the eve of final congressional ac- Highest, Legal Rate Mr. Fuorry, who is married Be wise... open a tion on several key money bills. Mahon, a Texas Democrat, 4% Per Annum and has four children, plans to was not an announced ranch visitor, but he showed up in the make his home in Virginia. President's church-going party on yesterday. His visit came Compounded and Paid Quarterly Checkmaster at a time when Congress is winding up action on defense and Portugal's Salaizar foreign aid spending, with Johnson's appropriation requests You'll always come out ahead with account to facing cuts of some ?12 billion. a First Merchants Savings Account. Itcmains in a Coma LIBSON (AP) - Prime Min- Stays Reservists' Viet Duty iter Antonio Salazar remained Deposits Insured Up to $15,000 by FD.I.C. 1 a coma today, breathing WASHINGTON - For the second time in two weeks, Jus- mth the aid of a machine on tice William O. Douglas has ordered the Army not to send he seventh day after a mas- groups of reservists to Vietnam until the Supreme Court con- iive stroke. siders whether to hear their objections to being called up for active duty. In Portugal's ancient church- s Masses were said for the In issuing the order yesterday, Douglas told the Army he 9-year-old Salazar's recovery, was staying until at least Oct. 7 any orders to send the 448th md Portuguese filed into Red Postal Unit and the 1018th Service Supply Company to Viet- nam. :ross Hospital to sign a guest W BIG I IS PEOPLE ONLY PEOPLE HUE A 6000 UNO ook while members of the overnment conferred near Control Ban Builds Dispute 10 CONVENIENT COMMUNITY OFFICES Rominimum balance required ialazar's sixth floor room. WASHINGTON - The bitter, dispute within the Washing- JUMBO JACK-O-LANTERN — Children of Mr. and Head Office: 601 Mottiion Ave., Asbury Park Carj we help you? It was rumored the govern- ton Catholic archdiocese has intensified in the wake of'an un- Aibury Park • Rod Bank • Manasquan • North Aibury Park lent would name Marcello Mrs. W. R. Long of 161 Holland Road, Middletown, precedented walkout protest against Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle, Service is our biggest asset. Bridle • Fair Hayert • Holmdel • Coin Neck ^aetano, 62-year-old law pro- will have a giant Jack Pumpkin Oct. 31. Inspecting archbishop of the diocese. Avon-Neptune City • MiHiton* Twp. fessor, successor to Salazar About 200 persons walked out of St. Matthew's cathedral 50-pound pumpkin they grew from seed are, from Drwe-ln er Walk-Up Facilitiei and Extended Hour. At All OHltn CENTRAL J^RSET BANK jefore the day was over. during masses yesterday as the cardinal rose to urge obe- >MIVMMV left, Dale, II, Elaine, 9, and Allison, 6. MtMBLHOFf.B.I.Cr C:-MIVMM. V Meanwhile, the army and po- dience to Pope Paul VI's latest edict banning use of artificial Member Federal Reserve System/Federal Deporit Insurance Corp. ce remained on the alert. , (Register Staff Photo) birth controls. L 4—THE DAILY REGISTER Kruman, 80, Seaboard Head John H. Gaughran Mr*, Hazel Robert! Jackson Death Ruled a Suicide Monday, September 23, 1963 Famed Monk ASBURY PARK - Abraham Mrs. Lena Bernstein Kruman; ^ - ibhn.H.. Gaughg - MATAWAN - Mrs. Hazel B. NEW YOHK (AP) -The New Yorfc, then contracted tu- Kruman, 80, died Friday in his ran, 57, of 14 MMaso n Drive, diedd berculosis and went to Davos, Mrs, Alice Hughes a son, Daniel Kruman, who is Eoberts, 71, of 76 Main St. died death of Charles Jacksoa, au- home, 321 Sunset Ave., follow- mayor of Deal; two daughters, Friday at the Jersey City Medi- Saturday at home after a long Dies Bearing thor of "The Lost Weekend," Switzerland, for his health. M1DDLET0WN - A Requi- ing a brief illness. Mrs. Thelma Willner of Short cal Center. illness. has been ruled suicide by As- There, he began, writing short em High Mass was offered this He was chairman of the board Hills and Mrs. Sylvia Brod of Born in Scotland, he moved Born in Wickatunk, she was Bloodstains sistant Medical Examiner Mi- stories and novels. ' morning in St. James Catholic i of Seaboard Service, Neptune Elberon, and eight grandchil- here nine months ago from Jer- the daughter of the late Dan- chael Baden. Jackson's most famous 'work, SAN GIOVANNI ROTONDO, Church, Red Bank, for Mrs, j and Red Bank. dren. sey City where he had lived iel P. Brewer and Emma Lam- Dr. Baden said yester- "The Lost Weekend," was pub- Alice. H. Hughes who died Fri Mr. Kruman was born in Aus- Services were held yesterday most of his Hie. He was a cost bertson Brewer. A lifelong Italy (AP) - Padre Pio, 81 day that Jackson, 66, died in lished in 1944 and later made day at Riverview Hospital. Mrs. tria and came to this country at the Buckley Funeral Home accountant with American Can resident of the Matawan area the Roman Catholic monk who St. Vincent's Hospital Saturday into an Academy Award-win- Hughes, 89, resided at 59 Maida as a teen-ager. He lived in with Rabbi Sidney Schulman of- Co., Jersey City. she was the widow of Francis bore the stigmatic bloodstains of acute barbiturate poisoning. ning movie. His other work* in- Ter. Brooklyn and Newark before Mr. Gaughran was a commu- G. Roberts. She was a mem- ficiating. Interment was in recalling the wounds of the A native of Summit, N. J., cluded "The Fall of Val- Her dealh omirred just three coming here 20 years ago. nicant of the St. Benedict Cath- ber of the First United or " "The Outer Eagle," and Beth Israel Cemetery, Wood- crucified Christ, died at his Jackson worked in Chicago and weeks after the death of her President of the Northern bridge. olic Church; a 4th Degree mem- Methodist Church. "A Second Hand Life," pub- husband. Price E. Hughes. New Jersey Ice Association, ber of Council 137, Knights of monastery here today. Surviving are her daughter lished in 1967. Mrs. Hughes was born in Ire- Mr. Kruman was in the ice Columbus, Jersey City; presi- Last Friday, gravely ill and Lou Shooman He is survived by his widow, land and lived in Brooklyn for business since 1921 when he Edward Riionano dent of Local 20, Office Em- Mrs. Walker P. Mare of Mata- confined to a wheelchair, he LAKEWOOD - Lou Shoo- most of her life before coming purchased an ice manufactur- ployes International and a wan; three sons, Frank Rob- roan, 58, of 560 Caranetta Drive the former Rhoda Booth; two RED BANK - A High Mass celebrated his 50th anniversary here two years ago. ing plant in New York, Prior member of the Holy Name So- died Saturday in Paul Kimball daughters, Kate, and Mrs. of Requiem was offered this erts of Holland, Carl A. Rob- of the first appearance of the She was a communicant Ttf to that, he had operated an ciety of St. Patrick's Catholic Hospital. He was the brother Sarah Piper; and a brother, morning for Edward Buonano, erts at home and Johui M. Rob- stigma on his hands, feet and St. .lames Church and was a embroidery shop in New York. Church, Jersey City. of Eli Shooman of Wanamassa. Frederick. 50, of 96 W, Westside Ave. in erts of this place; a sister, left side of his chest. member of the Third Order of He operated an ice business in St. Anthony's Catholic Church. He is survived by his widow, The Vatican never gave an Mr. Shooman was born in St. Francis and the Confrater- Newark until 1945, a coal and Mrs. Edna Ridgeway of Beadi- Mr. Buonano died Friday in Mrs. Lucille Koehl Gaughran; official pronouncement itself on Harrisburg, Pa., and had lived nity of the Precious Blood in oil company in Mt. Vernon, wood; a broUier, Samuel Brew- the Ivy Nursing Home, Middle- his mother, Mrs. Annie Gaugh- the case of Padre Pio, born in Belmar for 10 years before Brooklyn. —— N.Y., until 1948, and, with his town. ran, North Miami, Fla.; two er of West Freehold, and four Francesco Forgione, son of a coming here 15 years ago. He Surviving are three sons, Jo- brother, operated an ice busi- daughters, Mrs. Joan Kilbride, grandchildren. poor peasant in Southern Italy owned and operated the Z. L. seph I,. Hughes of Towsnn, Md., ness in Miami prior to the pur- He was the husband of the Eelford and Miss Carol Gaugh- Services will be Wednesday He became a monk in 1903 Shooman Co., manufacturer of Gerald D. Hughes of Fanwood chase of Seaboard in 1B49. late Eva Blakely Buonano. ran, at home; two brothers, window shades and blinds. at 11 a.m. in the Bedle Funer- and was ordained a priest in and Albert V. Hughes of Eliz- His brother, the late Isidore Mr. Buonano was an Army Patrick of Dunkirk, NX and 1910. He was a past president of abeth; two daughters, Mrs. Ar- Kruman, was associated with veteran of World War II and James, of Jersey City; three al Home of Matawan. Burial He never left his monastery the Lakewood Chamber of Com- nold C. Bull of Middlctown and Seaboard briefly until he worked as a security guard at sisters, Mrs, Mary C. Battles, will be in Hoimdel Cemetery. of St. Mary of Mercy after the merce and a member of the Mrs. Kathleen Trabulsi of opened the Atlantic Finance Ft. Monmouth. He was a com- North Miami; Mrs. Ellen The Bev. Donald J. Philips stigma appeared on Sept. 20, Jordon Lodge, F & AM, the Famous Brooklyn; 20 grandchildren, and Co., Atlantic Highlands. municant of St. Anthony's Boyce, Bclford and Mrs. Jo- Jr., pastor of the First United 1918. Kiwanis Club, and the Paul five great-grandchildren. Mr. Kruman was a member Catholic Church. sephine Fix, Port Monmouth Methodist Church, will offici- As the story of Padre Pio Kimball Hospital Association. Names Interment was in Mt. Olivet of Temple Beth El, here, and He is survived by a son, Ed- and three grandchildren. He was chairman of the ate. spread, prosperity came to lit- Cemetery, Middlctown. The Temple B'nai Abraham, New- ward Buonano Jr., at home; A Requiem Mass will be of- tle San Giovanni Rotondo, in board of Congregation Ahavat John E. ftay Funeral Home, ark, He also belonged to a Ma- two brothers, George Buonano fered tomorrow at 10 a.m. at Italy's poor southland. Shalom and co-chairman of its Red Bank, was in charge of sonic lodge in Brooklyn. St. Benedict's with burial in the g y of Red Bank and Fred Buonano Bookmaker Is Given Tourists, visitors and seek- building committee. arrangements. i id b hi St. Joseph Cemetery, Keyport, He is survived by his wife, of New Monmouth; two sisters, Two Years' Probation ers of miracle cures came to Also surviving are his wife, under the direction of the Day Mrs. John Vltirano of New FREEHOLD - Louis Garcia, this little town, at first by the Mrs. Zelda Shooman; his fa- Funeral Home, Keyport. Shrewsbury and Mrs. John Garfield Ave., Ocean Township, thousands, finally at the rate ther, Jacob Shooman of Harris- Mahar of Long Branch, and one is serving two years probation of more than one million a burg; two sons, Dr. Martin L. grandchild. C. Prostnn Buterbaugh for charges of bookmak- year. Shooman of Glen Cove, N.Y., 257 Stores Interment was in Mt. Olivet and Joseph Shcoman, here; an- MIDDLETOWN - C. Pres- ing Nov. 17, 1967, in Ocean A cult of followers developed Cemetery, Middletown. The Wil- other brother, Harry Shooman Yti, rh*y m«k» quit* « where you can buy Rugs & Carpets ton Buterbaugh, 63, oi 266 Har- Township. which attributed saintliness liam S. Anderson Funeral of Silver Springs, Md.; a sister, pair. Y*i, th«y iftnd lor mony Road, died Thursday in and miraculous powers to the in the Shore Area , . . Home was in charge of ar- Superior Court Judge Elvin Capuchin monk. Padre Pio, re- Mrs. Esther Glazer of Harris- quality. YM — f*f L«« Hiverview Hospital, Red Bank. It. Simmill also fined burg, and two grandchildren. for Brand Namti with rangemenls. Born in Indiana, Mr. Buter- tiring and dedicated to self- him $1,000 and gave him a sus- imposed penance, shied away Services were held yesterday "BIG W" .. but there It only baugh came here 13 years ago pended one to three-year prison from such attention, but the rom the Bodine Funeral Home, Diicount Prictil Mi»B Elizabeth Worth after living in Bloomfield and term. where you can buy Toms River. He was employed cult grew. Asbury Park. OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Miss by Sealtest Dairies for the past Elizabeth Worth, 82, of Mon- 36 years. mouth fload died yesterday at the John L. Montgomery Med- He was a member of the ical Home, Freehold Township. Dairies and Driving Local 607, SHEHflDI New York City. She was born in Brook- He is survived by his widow, lyn and had lived here most of Mrs. Mea Ritte Buterbaugh; • SELICTION . . . th« Itrgtit itltctien of Broadlaom her life Carp«l and Orctnlal Rugi on tk« J«n«y 5hor«. four sons, Charles of Pitts- Miss Worth was a retired burgh, Pa.; Stanley of Keans- • SERVICE . . , Morchandiit In Slock. Dalivmd In seamstress. Hoimdel burg; Pfc. Allen Buterbaugh, our own Flail of Trucks, mannid by Prof«nior>al Rug Men. There are no known surviv- Fort Monmouth and Robert, at ors. home; three daughters, Miss SAVINGS ... Our SaUtpiopli art RUG MEN. The funeral was Saturday in Dorothy Buterbaugh, of River- Trained to amwar your «v«ry qutition . They know side, Cal.; Mrs. Gail Chevelair, RUGS and CARPET. the Ely Funeral Home, Nep- tune. Burial was in Wayside Port Monmouth; and Miss Lind Convalescent Center SATISFACTION . . . Trial's why wl itand Methodist Church Cemetery. Buterbaugh at home; two them all on ths Jtrlfey Shorti brothers, George Buterbatigh, of East Orange and Jack But Rescue Attempt erbaugh of Qhicago, 111. two sisters, Mrs. Anna Bratch- Fatal to Man er, East Orange and Mrs. Len- nle Wissinger, of Bondboro, Pa, LAVALLETTE - A 23-year- and seven grandchildren. old Kearny man drowned Sat- A Requiem Mass was offered urday in an attempt to save an this morning in St. Mary's Cath- 11-year-old boy from rough olic Church. Burial, under the waters. direction of Pfleger Funeral Home, was in Mt. Olivet Ceme- Police said John DiNicholos tery. The Finest in Rug Cleaning by Rug Men swam out to aid Chris Burns but disappeared beneath the Rt.35 Sea Girt 449-5900 water en route. Other swim- , Edwin F. Lambert mers rescued the boy. Unit North of Mjuuuqun Circle) MIDDLETOWN - Edwin F. Oprn I>«llv f :3O a.m. fo8:3« n.m., MM. * Frl. Evf. 'Ill I |i.m. DKATH NOTION Lambert, 68, of 24 Monmouth SAMBATAKO — Joseph P., of Nut- Parkway, East Keansburg, Rt. 35 Shrewsbury 741-6272 Iry. N.J. Formerly ot Brlford, September 20. lilfis. Beloved husbnml died Thursday at the Veterans (.NEXT TO POST OFFICE) of Anna K. Torres Sambalaro, fattier Administration Hospital, East Open Dally 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.-Frl, Evei. 1:30 'til 9 of Jruinno E,, George. J. and Joflfrph P. SambojUro Jr. Requiem High Orange. Mann wag held In St. Mary'i Church, Nutley, Monday, September 23 at 0:15 Mr. Lambert owned and op- am,- Interment -^Imma^ulata -Concep- tion Cemetery, Montclalr. ^rated-the E. J. Hahn General Store, Fort Monmouth Road, East Keansburg, until his re- tirement. He was born in East Rutherford and came here 29 years ago from Newark. NOW OPEN He was a Navy veteran of World War II and was member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 2179, * Monmouth County's Newest, Modern Facility here. He was a member of the Continental Lodge F&AM, * Designed, after 20 years experience, for "Better Patient Care" of the Millbum and was an honorary member of the National Turn- ers of Irvington. "Aged, Chronically III, Convalescent, and Extended Care Patient." He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Claire Hahn Lambert and a brother, Van C. Lambert, ir All phase's of patient care are under the direction and supervision Randolph Township. YARDS Or Services will be held this af- of the Medical Staff and Registered Nurses. ternoon at 1 at the Scott Fu- neral Home, Belford, with Rev. Howard Marshall of the Belford Other professional services include; NEW FALL Methodist Church, officiating, Burial will be in the Fair- PRINTS mount Cemetery, Newark. Dietitian, Physiotherapist, Social Service, and Pharmacist. Lauraiirp S. Crockett r One and two patients per bedroom; MATAWAN - Laurance S. * Nurses call with nurse follower; Crockett, 84, of Matawan Ter- race Apartments, Ravine Drive, r Private lavatories for each room; * Closed circuit TV Monitoring System; died Friday at his home. Born in Chicago, 111., he was r Color TV throughout; * Four planned meals daily, with dinner the son of the late Calif/ r Private geriatric showers; at evening meal; onlyl m yd. Crockett and Ann William 47; Crockett. He lived in Newark before moving here one year r Telephone; * Complete Physiotherapy with Whirl- ago. He was a retired loan pool; FINE COTTON BROADCLOTH clerk, employed by the Morgan : Air-Conditioning; Guarantee Co., New York. * Occupational Therapy and Special Reg. 37c yd.... "Neat" patterns, so all- He is survived by his cousin, - The first Home to use the special geri- important for fall. Perfect for school Activities Rooms; Mrs. Laura Witz, with whom atric floor coverings, including spe- shifts, dresses, skirts, shirts. Many col- he lived. * Chapel; ors. 36/45* wide. 1 to 10 yd. lengths. Services were held this cially fire-rated wall-to-wall carpeting morning at the Day Funeral Home, Keyport. Burial was in throughout; * and other special features to assure the Fairmount Cemetery, New- the safety, welfare and complete com- ark. COTTONS, RAYON-COTTONS Door Security Systems; fort of those entrusted in our care. Ailor sale, 67c yd.... easy-care Avril*

Mion-coitons, 100% cottons, Newest " Main Office: ins CbMlnut St. prints, colors, 42/45* widths, 1 to 10 yi . Red Hank. N. 1. 01701 Brunch Offlcei: lengths. Vm IK. 33. Mlddlplown. N. J, for more information 30 Kail NIMH SI., Freehold, N. J. 219 Broadway, liiwf BrMCb, N. i. E»t»bll»hKl liTlSi* by John H. Cook «inl Bury Cl«r it's easy to CHARGE IT Tuhllihrd b> Thr P.od Buk Incorporated Member ofttii A«socllLted Press — Call 201 946-4200 The Associated Prtss 1> entltlnl ex- elWlvely to Oi« u»e for remibtlcUHxi ot all the lncul ww« prlntM In thlF newiipiipor ai well u all AP news

ScMnd cllss poittM paid m Red Bajik, N. J, 07701 and it additional nialllnf offlcM. PubHjJied dally. 3fon- Conveniently Located On Hwy. 34, Hoimdel, N. J. DOWNTOWN RED BANK diy through Friday. Han*"1 SaUray by Carrier— 45 Cents Per Werw OPEN WED. and FRI. EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. Subscription Pricea tn Advanc* Single copy at counter, 10 ofnti: by In Scenic Restful Surroundings -*'1- "•• mail 15 cents 1 monlh —«30 8 monthl—JU.SO 3 montlii-tfM 13 ontmhi—ftt.00 THE DAILY REGISTER, s of 100 at Nursing School Red Bank Monday, Sept. 23, 1968—5 , LONG BRANCH - Sixty-one of Nursing—have completed a of Nursing Education in. hon- freshman students 8 largest week of orientation activities or of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Recruiter class ever enrolled at Mon- and begun their training un- E. Unterberg of New Shrews- mouth Medical Center School der the school's two-year pro- bury. Mrs. Unterberg is presi- Is Named Bobby Banker toys, gram. dent of the school's board of " We Hand guard over The students will receive in- managers and a member of the NEWARK - Army Sgt. lc your valuable pnpert" struction at the hospital and MMC board of governors. It is Herbert H. Brown of 278 Lib- academic courses at Monmouth anticipated that the building erty St. has been assigned as College. will be completed early in 1970. station commander of the Ar- Thirty-nine ,of the new stu- Members of the freshman my Recruiting Station in Red dents are Monmc-uth County class are Mrs. Catherine Cat- Bank. residents. Others come from ton, Melinda Gresham, Mrs. Sgt. Brown plans an active New York State and Virginia, Judith Majette and Kathleen program aimed at giving local and almost every area of New Peters, Long Branch; Marga- youth "the true picture of mil- Jersey. ret Price, West Long Branch? itary life." Later this month, the fresh- Mrs. Theresa Carola, Colts INSURANCE IS OUR Neck; Mary Ann Cavallaro, "I'm not here to force any- man will present their own va- one," he said; "rather it is riety show for the faculty, Holmdel; Candace Conklin,, "ONLY" ! my job to give out information members of the senior class Barbara Tilley, Oceanport; BUSINESS Mrs. Patricia Johnston,' Mrs. and talk to young men and and guests, in MMC's Borden women about Army careers. I You buy iniuranca for protec- Auditorium. Sharon Venable, James Tiggs, tion. You choose an iniuranc* Eatontown; Carol Cassens, intend to point out the advan- Mrs. Arlene M. Sherman, di- agant btcame you baliava he Gail Eastmond, Matawan;; tages of enlistment over the will qiv« you prompt, courtaoui rector of the school, welcomed Dona Collinson, Locust; Chris- draft." Rent a safe deposit larvict and that ti» will havt the class and cited the growth tin Croskey, Manasquan; Mrs. box. You have the your b»tt intarstt at Wart. Any of the school since it was Along with office interviews iniuranct ag«nt can write pro- Helen Dugan, Morganville;' founded in 1896 with a class of from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in his only key. tection. Ha was trained to do Kathleen Duda, Atlantic High- four students, This year the to- office at M Monmouth St., Red it. But, service is enothir mat- lands; Susan Ench, Roberta Bank, the sergeant plans to ter. Call HI during the day at tal student body numbers more Eiley, Hazlet; Eosanne Ger- 741-21O0 or if more convenient than 100 and construction of a lecture before youth and church and, Bradley Beach; Lauretta STUDENT — Three members of the •freshman class of call us at night at 747-1403. new building ,is under way groups and school assemblies. YOU'LL SEE THE DIFFERENCE. Gibson, Laura Malibashka, &l students at +ha Monmouth Medical Center School which will provide additional "One of the important parts Freehold; Julia Harter, Coleen GROSSINGER and classroom and laboratory of Nursing «nter that facility for the first day of clin- of the Army mesage," he said, Horan, West Keansburg; Mrs. space for future classes. ical training They are, from left, Robin Miller of Point is to encourage young men HELLER AGENCY Agnes Howson, Red Bank; Lin- and women to stay in school tread nd Mtchntc Streets The new area will be known da Lawrence, Rumson; Kath- Pleasant, Margaret Price of West Long Branch and RED IANK and finish their education be- as the Unterberg Department leen McCarthy, Asbury Park; Kathleen McSuire of Fair Haven. ' fore enlistment." There's an office near you! Kathleen McGuire, Fair Ha ven; Bobin Miller, Point Pleas- ant; Mrs. Eleanor Scoles, New Shrewsbury; Mrs. Barbara Possession Of Pistol Is Charged Barnett, Susan Weiner, Lake- RUMSON - Acting on a tip gian manufacture, and several dress made on his driver li- We're a "TOP" Firm! wood; Elizabeth l Zimmer, from Red Bank police, Rumson rounds of ammunition. WE Lakehurst; Cynthia Bull, Bay cense. police officers arrested a Red He was taken to the police Head; Suzanne Carmody, station and arraigned before Spring Lake; Olivia Arronenzi, Bank man on a charge of Municipal Court Judge William Approved for Veterans • REGLAZE ALL TYPES Trenton; Constance Barnes, carrying a concealed weapon P. Kirkpatrick, who set a pre- Warren; Margaret Bergeron, early Friday morning. liminary hearing for next Mon- Scotch Plains; Carole Binetti, OF James Erving of River Road, day and established bail at Hoboken; Brenda Bing, Del $250. Haven; Mrs. Stephin Boudinot, Red Bank, was stopped by Sgt. Police report that a Red Bank ALUMINUM FRAME WINDOWS Mount Holly; Linda Branca, Walter Pomphrey and Patrol- bartender saw Erving with the COMPUTER Wildwood Crest; Suzanne man Edward Fallon near the pistol and informed Red Bank Crane, Wayne; Lynda DePal- Sea Bright bridge and found PROGRAMMING to be in possession of a 7.65 police that he was heading Keypunch - Tab - Wiring ma, Hawthorne; Virginia Good- NCR - Burroughs - SCM toward Sea Bright. Red Bank leaf, Dumont; Joan Henry, mm. automatic pistol of Bel- ComplomtUr — Switchboard police then notified the Rumson Typing WE RETAPE AND RECORD Plainfield; Nancy Pains, Free Plowmint Sirvlce force, which set up a a road North Plainfield; Ena Kelly, Old- Coy or Eve.—Pay ai you go, watch to apprehend the sus- Leonia; Janet Lantry, Med- Flies to L.A. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ALL TYPES OF pect. ford; Patricia Lawson, Branch- MACHINES By that wt mean we are net only a high quality ville; Maureen Madden, Linn To View Auto Erving was also charged with . Frlct |!3S Churchyard all. The first coffeehouses opened in Mecca, Arabia in 188 Is Vandalized 1475 and the coffee was known as quahwah or buncbum (the LITTLE SILVER - The bean). Dozens of cupi were churchyard of Embury Meth- drunk while musicians- played. odist Church, Church St., was And if a man failed to furnish struck by vandals, apparently his wife with sufficient coffee, sometime during the weekend. she had an acceptable cause DIAMOND for divorce"! Six large tombstones were SOLITAIRE You'll have an acceptable rea- . rrice IJM pushed over. son for rejoicing when you come to LINCROFT ASSOCI- Now Rev. Sanford N. Haney, pas- '280 tor, reported that the stones ATES REALTORS, 765 Highway DIAMOND DIAMOND 35. Telephone 671-5333. All BRIDAL SET Our Diamond BRIDAL SET were newer ones, located near types of homes. Custom Built Bfi. rrl» llto Ktl. Price |!M Collection It ComplaN the front entrance. He added Hornet. Open 9-5 EVERY day. A Sryli for Every Torte $ that the size and weight of the Residential Sales . . . Commer- Now 120 Now stones made it clear that the cial . . . Industrial . • . Farms vandalism was deliberate. . . . Rentals. Centrally Located. With a fully automatic transmission. HELPFUL HINT: Iron rutt may • Little Silver police are inves- be removed by using salt and lemon juice. Place in the sun tigating and have questioned to bleach. Repeat if necessary. If you bet a friend we never would, we almost It's the lightest per horsepower oufput7An8?t's- several youths. didn't. incredibly sensitive. (A model airplane engine it 10 years ago the decision was made. To design powerful enough to turn it.) a filly automatic transmission. The kind you put in So come see how far Volkswagen has come. drive and forget. The Squareback and Fastback. Both have disk Our aim was to make things easy, but for us brakes, an electronically controlled fuel injection MARQUISE-CUT DIAMOND changes aren't easy to make, system, and now, a fully automatic transmission. DIAMOND MAN'S BRIDAL SET PRINCESS RING DIAMOND RINS Especially in this case. There were certain If you're interested, it's available as on Option Me.. Price *l« RIB. Price Ills things we just didn't want to lose. on our'69 models. Like horsepower, and our reputation for being , If you're not interested, we sure went to a lot of NOW '112 New NOW economical. • trouble for nothing. LARGEST SELECTION. OF BONDED DIAMONDS What we've ended up with is a 3-speed IN CENTRAL JERSEr FROM $40. TO $2,000. automatic transmission that's pure Volkswagen- NOW AT 20% SAVINGS designed from scratch to get the most out of the' VW with the leasf expenditure of effort. HHH let* JMTHlH It has the fewest moving parts. I WAYS 10 BUT .O Nl Dtw* FlUHR Shrewsbury Inlmet ll f II MMlkl H Per WtiUr «f MtirtMf - FUEL Oil Shrewsbury Motors, Inc. iO IROAD ST., RED BANK 1 F«r When Yeii luf Bill'HI U •'• ' I • 408 Cookmon Ave. Aibury Park Shrewsbury Avenue IUHOWUM**' Opt) Wed. and Friday Hlghti 7..-.. SH-1-61OO *Whew! Can't We Find Some Other Routed THE REPORTER

Established in 1878 - Published by The Red Bank Register, Incorporated A Healthy Wreck M. HAROLD KELLY, Publisher By JIM BISHOP Arthur Z. Kamin, Editor The annual medical examination is over. It consisted of four days of tapping, probing, lighting, listening, tracings, Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor swallowing, tests, X-rays, blood chemistry, lung lunges, —•6 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1968 paper work, and insulting questions. The doctor may collapse from all this, but I won't. Come ilBJijiliiEHniir-Tii:!:..:1 n-'i: •••• !|'M :!'.i:: ;• s'. •• I.1 :|.:Jiii1 i:M i-.in,'!:irilMPUir:• j;|i :;MI-|riMj.'Minrn'I'L'!!1:Uni^rnrPIJtirrilJTM-Min to think of it, he didn't look too well. Years ago, the G.P. called me in, listening with a stethoscope, tightened a blood pressure cuff, tapped blood and More Bond Issue Support assorted fluids, stuck a lighted cone at The New Jersey Taxpayers Associ- eyes, nose, and throat, and said: "You're development of an orderly, long-term good for another' year — I think. Don't ation has takfn a highly responsible capital planning program (for New quote me." stand in giving "favorable support" Jersey) can best be expressed by The examination has been refined and approval of the $990 million bond elaborated to such a degree that I found for the $990 million state bond issues issues," the association's board said. myself walking from one paneled room to go before the voters in November. BISHOP to another in a shortie nightgown which Fortunately, the Taxpayers Associ- tied in the back. I look funny dressed. The association's board of directors ation said it will move into an ex- Once, I passed my dentist in the hall. He was in a today informed its membership of its panded role "to analyze capital pro- shortie and I tried to show him a tooth, but he was yanked action — and it is good to see this grams, watch capital expenditures and into another paneled room by a radiologist with glasses and dark hair, who flipped him on his side and said: highly respected organization give its serve, without partisan interest, as an backing to the bonding proposals, "Take a deep breath. Take another. Stop breathing, sir." independent controller in their future There was a sound like a bicycle coaster brake stripping A statement of policy explained development." New Jerseyans most a gear and the nurse had an excellent photograph of what that the action was taken by the certainly will look with favor upon is going on inside my "dentist—something his nurses would board "after careful and thoughtful this mission of the association. like to study. * * * evaluation of available information on Meantime, the New Jersey Taxpay- MY WIFE, who holds all the insurance, said: "Go ahead. various alternative courses of action" ers Association is telling it straight to Take four days off. I'll make the appointments. All you and of the program's adherence to the state's voters. The bond issue pro- have to do is to take your — ha, ha — body to his office fiscal planning and management posals must be approved — especially on time." She couldn't lose. If it turned out good, I would policies espoused by the NJTA with continue to earn a little money for her and the kinder. If not, since "both government and the indi- she would start humming the theme song of the Merry respect to capital financing. vidual citizen are dependent on the Widow. But equally significant is the fact continued expansion" of the economic There is no place in that wrinked nightgown for a that the association calls attention to structure for their livelihood and pack of cigarettes. I hid mine in the medical library and, when there were five-minute waits between rounds, the fact that New Jersey "is critically well-being. ducked in, lit the butt, and blew the smoke between the deficient in capital facilities required The needs facing New Jersey can- A CONSERVATIVE VIEW pages of Gray's Anatomy, Vol. 1. No one suspected ex- to service its seven million citizens not be better outlined for its citizens. cept the receptionist, who keeps the waiting room wor- and support its diversified economic It is good to have the Taxpayers Asso- riers off her neck with a sliding panel. She has two structure. cigarettes lit in her ashtray, on her side of the sliding ciation supporting such an important Hiding Beyond Baobab Trees window, of course. "The doctor," she said, "told you not "Encouragement&f the progress in proposal. to smoke. By JAMES J. KILPATRICK the old immorality; in with the new ideolo- The visitor to equatorial Africa scarce- gy. They are as blind to tribal realities The free literature ranged from a copy of Esquire to The Rebuilding of NATO ly embarks on his first morning saunter as they are indifferent to political truths. a new book called The Traumatic Neurosis, by Dr. Lester before his eye is struck by the baobab What curious "morality" these gen- Keiser. It is published by Lippincott and I read the chapter on "Malingering" and, whatever it is, I've got it. I switched The stealthy occupation of Czecho- tion, four squadrons of F-4 fighter- tree. Inspecting this botanical grotes- tlemen espouse! Their visceral passion to Esquire. slovakia by the Soviet Union and its bombers may be sent to Germany to querie, one surmises that on the third day against South Africa, Rhodesia, Angola of creation, God Winked. • Every man believes that his doctor is the best. This cohort's has revived a nightmare — and Mozambique has resulted in fanatic* participate in maneuvers. • For the baobab is the frenzy — in John Davenport's phrase, in a is an essential before reporting to a physician. Mine, Dr. the fear of a swift Soviet t,hrust into Meanwhile, the U.S. will continue ugliest tree in the world. policy of smash. The evils of apartheid Louis Bennett, has the patience to explain, with penciled diagrams, why liver function has to be related to kidney Western Europe. The Nortn Atlantic with-its planned withdrawal of 35,000 Its immense trunk, wart- are the only evils they perceive. The im- function, and what cigarettes will do to the potholes in a Treaty Organization has been prodded to 40,000 administrative troops from cd and pocked, rises in a morality of black terrorists preying upon massive elephant gray silly assortment of tubes called the bronchial. He has no ap- into wary alertness by the Soviet black brothers is rot an immorality that Europe in order to save $200 million column for 15 or 20 feet. concerns them. Rhodesia's franchise laws preciation of what those tubes have done to my cigarettes. action. Before moving to counter the a year in the balance of payments and Then it sprouts ridicu- are evil; the seizure of power by coup * • • presence of Soviet troops on the West to reduce budget costs by $400 million. lous little branches, flimsy and corruption, elsewhere in Africa, is ON THE THIRD day, I had the feeling that I was an German border, the NATO allies must These moves are designed to assure fingers that run into each somehow not so vile — it is not vile at all, automobile. I was being hoisted on the rack, and white- other; and from these assess the threat posed by this new it is a "groping toward the fulfillment of coated people were in the pit looking up, checking my trans- the Western allies of U.S. willingness ludicrous branches, seed freedom." mission and" shock absorbers. The windshield wipers act of aggression by the Warsaw Pact to support them in times of heightened KILPATRICK pods like dead rats are * * * worked, but the muffler was shot. A lovely nurse named nations. are hanged by their tails until dead. The tension; impress on NATO nations the WHEN WILL THE Congress and foe Donna said I had nice veins. I was going; to tell her that tree is worthless as timber; its pulpy, rub- The Western allies were stunned by necessity of making greater efforts people look beyond the baobab growths of hers matched her eyes, but I thought that this could bery wood cannot even be formed into these policy-makers? When will we com- lead to things, so I contented myself with the neon the rapidity of the Soviet investment toward their own defense, arid dem- paper. Yet these excrescences are the prehend that the glossy forms of Twentieth smile, which turns on and off like a hamburger sign. of Czechoslovakia. Now some military onstrate to an economy-minded Con- devil to get rid of. You see them, mile Century democracy cannot be imposed up- One of the medical ironies, for me, is that I feel great after mile, hideous, fantastic, still grow- observers believe the West has placed gress U.S. determination to pare un- on still primitive societies? If fact meant until I get inside the doctor's office. At once, I fall apart ing. undue reliance on the nuclear deter- necessary military expenditures. more than fantasy, we would acknowledge like an old Erector silt. I'm sick, sick, sick. Dr. Ben- rent and accordingly neglected pre- * * * ' Consider U.S. policy vis-a-vis Africa; the tranquillity, order, prosperity, and nett must listen to interminable complaints and descriptions and consider the baobab tree. The one is of pains. He nods, arms folded, his mind on a movie he paredness for a conventional military steady progress of the blacks who dwell The U.S. defense posture in relation the sullen image of the other. Rooted in under white tutelage in southern Africa; saw last night called "The Producers." He chuckles. attack. to the Soviet Union is admittedly awk- hypocrisy, a vast and milky column of er- we would comprehend the lunacy of a He and a nurse work with pen over a huge medical Thus, the NATO ministerial meet- ward. There is on the one hand the ror sprouts into fuzzy blunders. Arthur policy that sees a "threat to the peace" form. Tests are evaluated against other tests. The elec- Goldberg would instruct us in the ostracism tro-cardiogram is matched, like a section of the Rocky Ing — scheduled to be held in Decem- need to discourage further Soviet in Rhodesia while it disdains a blood-bath of South Africa. Ernest Gross would com- in Nigeria. Mountains, against the EKG of last year. The peaks, val- ber — will probably be moved up to aggression by a firm declaration of pound the Goldberg stupidity with some Metaphysical postulates to one side, a leys, and arroyos are in agreement. He has some tests November or late October to review U.S. intentions. high-flown idiocy of his own. The Johnson wise policy toward Africa would accord which are not amusing, like: "Bend over this table as the defense planning of the Western On the other side, there is the administration seems incapable of escap- heavy weight to tactical matters. The though you were trying to find something on the floor on ing its Rhodesian folly. The worthless the opposite side." For a time, I was full of liquid chalk. alliance. anxious desire not to jeopardize forth- names of Cape Town, Simonstown, Dur- baobab keeps growing. ban, Lourenco Marques and Beira may be When it was all over, he suggested that I cut my weight Soviet intentions toward the West coming Soviet-American talks on the * * * meaningless to ideologies obsessed with (5 ft. V/i inches, 174 pounds) and the cigarettes, which only are of grave concern to Bonn which reduction of costly missile systems — SOUTH AFRICA'S race policies offend racial policies. To seagoing men, charged amount to one a day all day long. w suddenly—finds—an-estimated—80,00! ir_U,S^-efforts—to—persuade-Soviet iM?n..*gnity_todayJ__says forrner Ambas- '* keeping a fleet in action, the names This is advice I could have received from my laughing Soviet troops on its Czechoslovak Russia to limit arms shipments to the sador Goldberg in his new book; they fuel, repairs, supplies. The goodwill -wife—free. -Everything elser he said,-was-within-"toler.— might threaten peace tomorrow. There- ance." He placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled frontier. The Johnson administration Middle East. and friendship of South Africa are vital to fore the United States, in order to protect American interests in this vast part of the "You're good for another year - I think." is reported to be considering beefing Nonetheless, the U.S. has the moral its moral and political position in the world, globe. The Gross-Goldbergs would opt for I left him, a healthy wreck . .. up U.S. forces in West Germany with obligation to bolster existing NATO should take steps now to cut remaining the tenuous goodwill of Gabon and Ghana two brigades of mechanized infantry forces against the threat of new Soviet ties. We should, he says, embargo arms instead. sales to South Africa and urge other na- The baobab forest grows. On July 29, FROM OUR READERS to be dispatched early in 1969. In addi- military ventures. tions to do likewise; we should dose mis- President Johnson signed a cruel and puni- sile tracking stations and prohibit our na- tive executive order, intended to strangle The Register welcomes letters from Its readers, pro- INSIDE WASHINGTON val vessels from fueling at South African Rhodesia. Instead of pursuing a policy of vided they contain signature, address and telephone num- ports; we should actively discourage com- accommodation with Portugal and South ber. Letters should be limited to 300 words. They should be merce with South Africa, abolish her sugar Africa, our leaders contemptibly seek to typewritten. AU letters are subject to condensation and edit- quota, and support efforts to strip South buy the black mini-nations. As the record ing. Endorsements of political candidates or commercial JVo Probe of Scandals Allowed Africa of the territory of South-West Africa of U.N. debates makes clear, we can't even which she now "illegally" holds. lease their goodwill for 30 days. Maybe a products are not acceptable. BY ROBERT S. ALLEN tonous regularity details of scandals in- new administration would clear this hypo- and JOHN A. GOLDSMITH volving fictitious checks, payroll padding, Mr. Gross, writing in the summer is- sue of Foreign Affairs, echoes the bad ad- critical jungle and let some sunshine in. The administration cnntrolled llnuse embezzlement and other outrages In this vice of Mr. Goldberg and adds some more Until that day, we stumble in the shadows Education and Labor Committee is rontin- program. In recent months the most Mrs. Marko's Promotion of his own. Like the Gold Dust Twins, they of an African policy that aids our enemies uing to flatly rpfuse to investigate the scan- prominent of these scandals have been the Junior League of would scrub the continent clean. Out with and damns our friends. dal-riddled anti-pnvorty program — on shocking disclosures regarding the Black- Monmouth County, Inc. which more than SB billion has been spent stone Rangers in Chicago, Pride, Inc., in P. O. Box 109 since it was launched in Washington, D.C., and the shortage of hun- YOUR MONEY'S WORTH 19M. dreds of thousands of dollars in Haryou- To the Editor: Hep. Carl Perkins. D- . - Act program in New York. The League is delighted with the promotion of Mrs Ky.. chairman, has * * * Price Rises Continue Eleanor Marko to women's page editor. We have a most brusquely rejected de- "IT IS EXTREMELY regrettable that delightful association with her, and hope that it will con- mands ih;i1:,luo new out- , while these situations are permitted to oc- • By SYLVIA PORTER months alone. For instance, among foods, rages ho probrd — as hp cur, Congress must ascertain the details Some time before the end of this week, fruits and vegetables; all items of clothing; ^ We have also had the pleasure of knowing Mrs has unyieldingly balked at from newspapers and other media. During the Bureau of Labor Statistics will again virtually all costs of buying and owning a Moore She, too, was most gracious to the league and acting nn numerous other the past year, Republican members of the make headlines across the land with the home, ranging from mortgage rates and her absence will felt by us all. similar requests. House Education and Uibor Committee disclosure that its Consumer Price Index taxes to operation and repairs. 511 nW eXpansive head Thp latest pro]K)sal.s have repeatedly requested, urged and sug- jumped another hefty percentage in Au- (2) Up far, far more than 4'4 per cent quarters^ ^ ^^ '" ^ " ALLEN were made by Represen- gested investigations of these sensational gust to an all-time peak are the services you need and want, across Sincerely, tatives John Krlpnhorn, disclosures. In every instance they have of around 122 (1957-59 the board. Medical care services have Margot Walsh, H-Ill.. and William Striper. RWis. Krlrn- been met with unyielding denials and re- equals 100.) This will been skyrocketing year after year and now Public Relations born urged thai the cnmmiUce \nnV into a buffs. mean that our cost of liv- dental care services are beginning to leap- recent outbreak of violence at the t'niver- "The time is long, overtkt? for construc- ing is continuing to run a frog. Repair services, legal services, bank sity of Illinoif in which several hundred tive measures being taken to ascertain the painful 4'4 per cent or so service charges, personal care — they're sjudenLs financed by am'i-pnvrriy funds causes and reasons for this persistent and ahead of a year ago, the all zooming. And because of the giant im- took pan and were ar- nationwide dissipation and squandering of steepest rate of rise in portance of the "labor" component in ser- rested Striper asked the anti-poverty funds. We have been put on almost two decades. vices, these costs will not go down. same he clone regarding notice lime after time that these sordid and It will mean that the (3) Up less than 4'/4 per cent, and even disclosures thai some costly frauds and scandals will continue un- market basket of "goods down in price, js a small and dwindling list SHOO.nno in neighborhood and services which cost but in this category are impressive items. til and unless responsible leadership and PORTER Youth Corps funds in New thp necessary oversight is provided for you $10 about 10 years As an illustration, utilities; many appli- York City "had been stol- this multi-billion dollar program." ago costs you $12.20 today. It will mean ances, prescription drugs, such foods as en in wide-scale and sys- that the lower-income family and particu- coffee and eggs. As in the past this excoriation drew no tematic pilfering" * * * reply from committee Chairman Perkins, larly Americans living on fixed incomes the White House or any other administra- are in.the worst pockethook pinch of this HERE'S A TABLE which will sum- Perkins' reaction to era. marize the tale far more than words. The these latest anti-poverty tion spokesman. Sleiger's blistering blast was greeted with stony silence. It also will underline the message that first is three years ago, then one year ago, scandals has been to ig- you have no hope whatsoever for anything GOLDSMITH then latest figures and then the change. nore them, as he has Republican control of the House in the more than a slowdown in the rate of rise Bread. 1 lh. ln»r. 0O.R cents.. 22.1 cents. 25.4 many others before them. The veteran new Congress, thai convenes parly in Janu- cents, un 7.7 Mr cent: Reel. 1h.. 11.10. II. 12. SI. 14, in living costs as thp months roll on. up .1.6 nor cent; H.inihurcer. 1h. "i?.c C"nt.". = 1 <• i Kentucky legislator has unswervingly fol- ary, will mean a quick and drastic change Thp forces behind this upsurge in prices M.fl cents, tin fi.2 ner cent; Milk. Vt iral.. 47.4 cents, in this policy of suppression. fil.B cents, 5G.9 cents, nn 13.7 ner cent: Eetrs. IK. lowed White House policy in vigorously re- have become far too powerful to permit "A", 5fi. 0 per cenl. 49.B cents. *9.3 cenia. down sisting all efforts to-investigate in this "elec- HI.B Tier cent: Oranges, doi.. 83.9 cento, 83.R cents, A sweeping investigation of all aspects an abrupt reversal. A more moderate rate W-3 cents, up 12.4 per cent; Potatoes. 1 In. fi.R cents, tion year the constant barrage of com- of the anti-poverty program will lie prompt- of increase is a reasonable expectation as 7,4 cents, 0.2 cents, un 39.4 per cent; Coffee, lb., S2.e renl.1. 7B.1 cents. 7H.H cent*, down 7 4 tier cent. plaints, grievances and outcries about vari- ly instituted and vigorously pressed. There tax-spending restraints take holdout that's ShtoU, nercile. n.OH. J3.20. KM. un n.B per ous aspects of. the hupe and furiously con- will bp no punch pulling or soft-pedaling. cpnt; r>rv c-lean . men's sulk*. 1.36... 1.48. $51.M. un all you may reasonably expect-.',- 13. 5 ner rent: Electricity. 2W ] Sleiger caustically assailed this admin- 10.8, per cent; Men's atioes M7.:r2, S18.87. S2O S7 up Ayres, Ohio, senior Republican member of BUT, DRAMATIC though that round lf.l ncr com; Penicillin. 12 Una. 12.32. J2.14 S2 10, istration-imposed blackout. He termed it down 9.5 per cenl; limn. Rm. semiprlvate. $26.86, Ihc Education and Labor Committee, who figure of 4'/j per cent is, it still hides some S36.O5. 540 38, up 10.3 ner cent; Dentist, (Mint. 16.11 a deliberate suppression of information in-, will replace Perkins as chairman. Ayres Jfi.Tfl. S7.W, tin lfi.2 Tier cent. highly significant, equally dramatic points Men's haircuts. SI.99. J2.22. J2.31. tin 16.1 Der vnlvinp widespread corruption, waste, ; has been in the forefront of the long fight about living costs. To name three: ' cent: Permanent wave, J13.O2. J13.MI, 113.70, up 11.5 bungling and fumbling. for probes. In the past year he has sent per cent: Refrlseralor. S252.il. smtt). S272 56 nn (1) Many items you must and want to 7.H per cent; TV net. JI49.R3. S141.12. H42.M, down V "One has only to pick up the daily Perkins numerous formal demands for 4.7 ner cent: Washington machine, $211.02 (212.41 "Someone here--to see o 'nonshoutinq, non> newspaper," he said, "and read with mono- buy.are up much more than 4'4 per cent' J218.M. un 2.« ner cent: Vnrnum He»n"r. J4R 04, them - all to no avail. , in the past three years and in the (bast 12 J44.75: J45.11. down 2.0 pur cent: Physlclui, house, 1 1 1 tall. J8.0S. J10.43, (11.00 up 21. per cent. k demonstrating Forgotten American ;' I I' To Size 48! Man Jailed 321 IHh HUM' fUU-HR. 19/58-7 9 Mentality 34 AllPass $175 each, have been awarded injuries were reported, willingness to support a grand Opening lead-O 5 N. Y. 10011. Print Name, Ad- slam in clubs or diamonds, oi dress with Zip, Size and Style a small slam in spades or no number. Dance Course trump. There should be a moral in- What's new for fall? 107 an- Mrs. Dorothy Hayden, of all this, but the only advice I Set at Center swers in our Fall-Winter Pat- New York, jumped to seven can come up with is that it At The PORT MONMOUTH - The tern Catalog. Free pattern spades and awaited the open- pays to bid the spots off the Academy of Ballet, Rt. 36, wil coupon in Catalog. Send 50c ing lead. Assuming that declar- cards if it's your lucky day. hold ballet classes Saturdays New INSTANT SEWING er was prepared for a heart DAILY QUESTION Movies from 9 to 10 a.m. in Red Bank RED BANK •ATONTOWN Book — shows you how to sew Look cool, fresh always in lead, Mrs. Begin opened the Partner opens with two Community Center, 144 Wes ARLTON it today, wear it tomorrow. this breezy dress that's per- five of diamonds. spades (forcing to game), and Bergen Place, Red Bank. E DRIVE-IN Over 500 pictures. Only $1. RED BANK 741-9U0 • 542-4200 fect for year 'round travel. Mrs. Hayden took the ace o: the next player passes. You CARLTON- Classes will be supervised bj Light, lacy flare dress — 2 diamonds, drew trumps and hold: S-5 3 H-A 6 D-K J 10 Big Gundown 2:00; 7:25: 9;30. Miss Gloria LaGuardia, acad- flat pieces, quick crochet in ran the diamonds to dis 7 C-Q 9 6 3 2. What do you EATONTOWN emy director, assisted by Miss Opera Festival Patricia Bibaud, a student a STARTS WEDNESDAY flower colon. Use synthetic card her low clubs, scoring 1, say? COMMUNITY- AYFAIR or 3-ply fingering yarn. Pat- 510 points (the honors did not Answer: Bid 3-NT. This Secret Life of an American Wll the academy. "SALT & PEPPER Show Ready 775-6881 tern 736: sizes 32-38 included. count). shows balanced distribution 2:00; 7:30; 9:30. Registrations will be accept- HOLMDEL — The Monmouth Fifty cents in coins for each Even Bolder and some general strength but DRIYE-IN- ed daily at the center from 9 Blt Oundown 7:3fl: 11:00; Rougl Opera Festival will present two pattern — add 15 cents for each At the second table the open- denies a good suit oi your Nljht In Jerlchn 9:30. a.m. to 5 p.m. performances of "The Lantern pattern for lst-dass mailing Ing bid was likewise two clubs own or support for partner's FREEHOLD MR. UGLY HITS TOWN! and special handling. Send to (showing a hand of game-going Marriage" Wednesday at the suit. MALL— Garden State Arts Center. Laura Wheeler, (The Red strength, but not promising a (A Pocket Guide to Bridge is The Big Gundown 7:26: 9 25. Bank Register), Needlecraft club suit). Los Angeles star The shows — at 10 a.m. and available. Get your copy by ASBURY PARW {ATLANTIC] Dept., Box 161, Old Chelsea Mrs. Hermine Baron, bolder § Atlantic Highland! 29I-0MB * 1:30 p.m. — are part of the sending 50 cents to Red Bank LYRIC- Station; New York, N. Y. 10011. than Mrs. Begin, jumped to six Intorlude 2:10: 7:10; 9:20. center's program for area Print Pattern Number, Name, hearts with the West hand. Register Inc., Box 3318, Grand NOW THROUGH TUESDAY school children. MAYFAIR- Address, Zip. This bid really did interfere Central Station, New York, Biu Gundown 2:25; 7:25; 9:30. Miss Era Tognoli, the festi- HANG 'EM HIGH SEE WHAT'S NEW FOR with the North-South bidding N. Y. 10017.) ST. JAMES- val's executive director, is 1959 in our giant, new 1969 North passed, and South bid Gone With the Wind 8:00. coach-directon^The light opera, NEEDLECRAFT CATALOG! six. spades, which became the NEPTUNE CITY ! CASINO KaaiKbara 7174300 by Jacques Olfclbach, will be Over 200 designs to choose final contract. Even if South NEPTUNE CITY- M«M sung in English. from, 3 free patterns printed had made six spades, Mrs. Three Join Thercse * Isabel 7:20: 9:30. NOW THROUGH TUESDAY The young student-artists who right inside. Hurry, send 50c. Baron's bold bid of six hearts BHICKTOWN will participate are1 James NEW BOOK! "16 Jiffy Rugs" would have paid off. Long Branch BRICK PLAZA- 'Hang 'em High Mrs,. .Baronjffienedthe deuce The Big Gundown 7:25: 9:25. -Brooks—and -Mark Bentley,_ — knit,-crochet,-weave, .-sew MIPPWKBH! Bumson; Cathy Jacobson, Oak- hook rugs for all rooms. 50c of hearts, and Mrs. Rhoda LAURELTON hurst; Karen Lucia, West Long Book of Prize AFGHANS. 12 Walsh ruffed. Mrs. Walsh re- Police Force DRIVEIN- OWN Branch; Denise Presti, Shrews- complete patterns. 50c turned a low club, correctly in- LONG BRANCH - Three Cartnbn.i 7:15: Bis Gundown 7:40; (71-11)20 11:10; Shakiest Gun In the West 9:25. bury, and Helena Szczypinski, Museum Quilt Book 2 - pat- terpreting the meaning of the probationary police officers be- TOMS RIVER Colts Neck. terns for 12 quilts. 50c deuce. South put up the ace of in their duties here today, Bargain! Quilt Book 1-16 clubs, her only chance to make bringing the Police Department DOVER- cA'Hhrious'Jakof The will be accompanied by Salt ft Pepper 7:20; D:2T). . Jack two pianists distinguished in the complete patterns. 50c the slam, and the defenders to a 49-man force, 11 under its Sin in§u6urbia~ operatic world, Miss Marienka Book #3 — Quilts for Today's took four ruffing tricks and the allotted strength. North of Red Bank lemmon Michna and Leon Lighter of Living. New, exciting collec- king of clubs to collect a pen- The new patrolmen are Wil- alty of 200 points. MIDDLETOtfN Whiter New York City. tion. 15 complete patterns. 50c iam Bonforte, Enrico Palmeri and Dennis Walker. TOWN- - The Odd Couple 7:!O; 9:30. Matthau Police Chief Joseph D. Pur- HAZLET :eli said plans are to screen Television Program Listings PLAZA- pplicants in a police examina- The Big Guniinun 7:25; 9:23. Ch. S WCHS-TV Ch. 4 _„ WNBC-TV Cn. J WNEff-TV Ch. 7 WABC-TT tion early next month to select ROUTE 35 DRIVE-IN- 11 new patrolmen. Those ap- Ch. IS ..... WNDT TV Salt & Pepper 7:30; 11:15; Elitfit on Ch. { .; WOR-TV Ch. 11.... WPK-TV pointments would bring the de- the Lam 9:28. WALTER MONDAY 31-On the job—Flrt D»pt. 12:45 partment to its authorized 60- KEYPORT MATTHAU tl—News—Rodriguez—Color AFTERNOON 47-Ulla Laio—Variety—Color 12:5! man roster. STRANI)- ANNE 4:00 1:00 2—New*—Color Eoaemftry's Ruby 7:00; (1:20, J—Hmm Porly—Color " 4—Rowon and Martin—Color l:0O The three new patrolmen are JACKSON 4—Mrtch Gom»—Color • S~Pay Cardsl—Game—Color J-Fllm-Tonlght'! »he Nlghl- lifelong residents. EAST BRUNSWICK ' S-Oulek Drow McGmw-Color 9-steve Allen—Variety—Color Dovld Nlven—1 hr., 50 mln. AIRCONDITIONKIi 7-Dork Shndows-Color ll-Run For Your Life—Droraa—Color 4— Nfwi— Bob Teague—Color Patrolman Walker, 27, a TURNPIKE- 9_Fiim—Inner Sonclum- 13_pete Seeger—Folk Music 5—Bold Journey—Travel oirrnoon -- salt * ri-pper |:W; ChnrlM Russell—?0 mln. 31—Consultation—Medicine 7—Film—Portrait In Terror— Navy veteran, has served over- 11:40; Minute to Pray 0:5.1. 11— ThrM Slooges—Color 8:30 William Campbell-90 mln. seas with the Sixth Fleet. INnoon — flatt A Pppper 7:30; .AIT Jl-Around the Clock-Police 2—Here's Lucy—Comedy—Color 11—News—Lee Nelson—Color 11 10; Minute to Pray 9:25. "THE SECRET LIFE 4.T5 5—Merv Griffin—Variety—Color PERTH AMBOY THEATRES 7— Peyton Place—Serial—Color Patrolman Palmeri has 2 -News- Edwards—Color 1—Film—Color ;erved as an electronics teeli- AMBOY'S DRIVEIN- OF AN 4—News— Kalber—Color 31-Film • ACRES of FREE PARKING • 4:30 47—Myrta Suva—Color 1:15 lician with the U.S. Air Force, fartiion 7:30; The Bin Rumtnwn 7:36: AMERICAN WIFE' 3—Mike Douolos—Variety—Color l:0O Ir-Film—A Yank In Vletnom— 11:12: For Slnitlps Only 9:30. t— Film-The Crowd Roars— 7-Moyberry R.F.D.—Comedy—Color Marshall Thompson—80 mln. le is 21. James Cagney—90 mln. 4—Film—The Art of Love— 1:30 Patrolman Bonforte, 32, was MENLO PARK THE plAZA 5—Bob McAllister—Color James Corner—1 hr., 5i mln.-Color ?-News ond Weather CINEMA- 7—Film—How to Morry o Mllllonolrl 7—Outco«1«—Western—Color 1:30 self-employed plumber before Ha. 3oil MM! II, HuM-26444311 ll-News—Lee Nelson-Color TIC Oratlualo 2:00; 4:O0; 6:00; !:OO; Marilyn Monroe—2 -firs.—Color 5—Bedford-Stuyvesant lecoming a police officer. 10:00. 11—Superman—Adventure—Color lJ-N«t Journol-Debotc 3:00 )3—Film 31—New York Report—Color 5-N»wi The men were welcomed into WOODBRIDGE 31—Film 9:35 pFREEhold MAII] 4:<5 !—Family Allolr—Comedy—Color 2—Film— Darby's Rangers— he city's official ranks by WOODBRIDGE- ASBURY PARK 13— Friendly Glont—Children 9—Twilight Zone— Dramo James Garner—2 hrs., 20 mln. Mayor Paul Nastasio Jr. BlU Oundown 2:1)0: 7:00; 9:00. |!lwfflig Crier, tad 9-M2-0600J 5:M 11—Password—Game-Color AMES Jl-Fllm-^Color 11— MunsterJ—Comedy 47—Spanish Drama—Color MR. UGLY IS NOW 775-8683 lT-Mlsterogers— Children 31—Film »:4l at 2 THEATRES! 5:35 31—News—Herbert Bolond For a New Experiente in Dining 47-NCWJ 10:00 xJ:H 2-Corol Burnett—Color 5-McHole'! No/y—Comedy J-News—Bill Jorgensen—Color 9—Real McCoys—Comedy 7—Big Valley—Western—Color 11—Batman—Adventure—Color 1—Mdlachy McCourt—Color lJ-Whats New-Children ll-Pcrry Mason—Myitery 31—Film ll_New»front—Mitchell Krouss 31-BrooMyn Colleoe . 47—Film—To be announced 47-Varlety Hour—Lama—Color the CLAM HUT EVENING 10:30 6:HH RESTAURANT-COCKTAIL LOUNGE 31—Curtain Coll—Music COLUMBIA 2— News—Jim Jetllei—Color 47— News—Corrlaon—Color Featuring th» fln»it in Sea Food 4—News—Lew Wood—Color Picrum mk 5— Fllntslonei—Color 10:45 Din* Overlooking Sandy Hook Bay APWKI "i 9—Gllllgan's Island—Comedy 47-Vorlely Hour—Lama—Color JIM BIB 11—F Troop—Comedy—Color 10:51 OPEN TUES. - FRI. 4-10 13-Who Is—Color 4—Political Talk—Republican—Color SAT. and SUN. from NOON 31—Community Action 11:00 4:30 CLOSED MONDAYS Eummr 2^News—Bob Yoi/nn—Color 5—My Favorite Martian 4—News—Jim Harli—Color 7—N9ws—John Schubeck—Color 5—Donald O'Connor—Variety—Color 9—1 Spy— Dromo—Color ' 7—Newl—Rooer Grlimby—Color CLARKGABLE £ 11—Voyofle—Adventure—Color 9—Film—Ten Million Dollar Grab- 13—Ingles Para Todos Dana Andrews—2 hn.. 5 mln. DAILY DOUBLE VIVIEN LEIGH 31-Fllm tl—Allle Sherman—Foolball—Color 1:45 r, LESLIE HOWARD Jl—News—Paul Manncher 11:11 ! 6:55 4-Weother—Bob Jones-Color 2 1-LB. /| 95 Ctatar, R«j»t 35 • 774-4272 OLWIAdcUWlLLAND 7—Weather—Anto -Color 7-We8ther—Antolne-Color 7:0! 11:15 HELD OVERI 2nd Week! RESERVED SCAT TICKETS NOW 2—News-Walter cronklla—Color 4-New»—Jim Harti—Color LOBSTERS 4-N(ws-Chet Huntley, David 7—News—Roaer Grlmiby—Color 4 AT BOX OFFICE OR BY MAIL FIRST N.J. SHOWING! Brlnkley—Color 47—Film—To be announced 5—1 Love Lucy—Comedy 11:15 For Your Convenience 7—News—Frank Reynolds—Color 4-Sports—Kyle Rote-Color PRIVATE LUNCHEONS ARRANGED "THERESE 13—Nit Festival—Documentor/ 11:M UPON REOUESTI AND Tickets Are Also 31—Film 2—Film—A Sllflht Case ol Larceny— 7:30 Mickey Rooney—*S mln. Ad|act nt to Hlghlandi Lobiter Pound ISABELLE" On Sale At The 1—Gunsmoke—color 4—Johnny Carson—Color 4—Jeonnle—Ccinedy—color 7—Joey Bishop—Color foot of Atlantic St. off lay Av»., Hlghlandi with ESSY PERSSON CARLTON THEATRE 7—Avcnqers- /dvenlur-- olor II—Sfeuben Day Parade—Color NO ONE UNDER II PLEASE! 9-Whafs My Llne'-Gamr-Color 12:30 872.9753 .1—Rat Potrol—Drama—Color 5—Alan Burke—Color 3-THE DAILY REGISTER, Mon^y>ptember_2U968_ AlB Chapter Plans Classes FREEHOLD — The Mon- j ver anfl Holmes C, Crawford; State Gas Association mouth Chapter of the Ameri- j bank Idlers and reports, Al Democrat Blasts Kavalek 1 can Institute of Banking has j fred K, Brown; analyzing fi Successful begun a full semester of class' ' nancial statements, Barry W Elects Jack Rkhurds For 'Brokeii Promises' es for 140 area bankers at the Blank;' and fundamentals POINT PLEASANT — Jack MIDDLETOWN - Mac Dara In many eases, he added, Freehold Regional High bank data processing, Lelanc pressure is so low that if a School. t H. Langbein. Investing V. Richards Jr., vice presi- F. Lyden,' Democratic candi- dent of New Jersey Natural date for Township Committee, family takes a bath, Each year the Monmouth Topics of study during th their neighbors must wait spring semester will cove; Gas Company, was elected blasted his Republican- op- Chapter of the AIB presents a BY ROGER E. SPEAR their turn. / loans and Spear president of the New Jersey ponents at a dance sponsored curriculum to area bankers, • - . Gas Association at its annual "This' is 1968," Mr. Lyden res Q — Because we need to pro- one of the larger West Coast by the New Monmouth Demo- based on the needs of the bank-! " - .speedwnting. TOOIHHIUC: meeting at Kings Grant Inn. said "The day of the horse- I, principles of bank opera vide for the future of our brain- savings and loan holding com; cratic Club in Buck Smith's ing industry with both fall and drawn water cart is over. tions, accounting II, credit ad injured son who may not be panies, should continue to grow He succeeds Walter C. Restaurant, East Keansburg. spring semesters being given. Something must and can. be ministration and trust depart self - supporting, we have in view of the more favora- Money, executive vice presi- Courses offered for the fall Alleging that on Thurs- done," he added. ment services. signed up to buy a mutual fund ble monetary climate that dent of Northwest Jersey Na- day, Oct. 26, 1967, Republican semester and instructors are: "People deserve water, not at $100 a month for 15 years. appears to be developing. Mayer Ernest G. Kavalek installment credit, Erik Bertcl- tural Gas Company. broken promises," the candi- We also have another $1,000 to Q — Since my husband died promised the residents of East sen; the bank teller, Bor- Others elected are Robert date declared. He urged the IFF Is Host invest. What do you suggest? I have no one to ask about my Keansburg water would be is Gontcharenko; accounting 1, J. Selbach, Public Service Republican Township Com- -D.D. investments so I am writing brought to areas in their com- H. Alan Schneider; principles At Union Beach Electric & Gas Company, first mittee to use all force at its of bank operations, Frank War- A — For the benefit of others to you. I am 75 and need in- munity not serviced by the UNION BEACH - Intern vice'" president; Elton E. command to bring water who may be considering a fund come. My holdings include Stuenckel, South Jersey Gas Monmouth Consolidated Water tional Flavors and Fragrances contractual plan I would like to ACF Industries, Central Hud- Co., Mr. Lyden said many to areas where it is desperate- Company, second vice presi- ly needed. Inc. hosted a tour of 53 chem comment on these plans. At son Gas & Elec, Cities Ser- dent; and John T, Scott, New homes are still without water. ists at its research and de present, typical contractual vice, El Paso Natural Gas ?5 Jersey Natural Gas Company, If a fire broke out In the JHilJ NEW STUDENT plans deduct up to 50 per cent Convertible Preferred, Inter- secretary-treasurer. areas of Forrest Ave., velopment and production fa Thomas J. Vetterl, 26 Laurel of the first year's payments for state Power Co., Mountain Fuel Directors elected for three- Williams Ave., Raritan Aye.. NERVE DEAFNESS cilities here. Drive, Fair Haven, is one of sales commission. This "front- Supply, Northeast Utilities and year terms are: G. F.Cabot, Van Brunt Place or Twilight "MODEL" OF NEW The group, comprising chem end loading" means that you also three bonds.—E.B. Northwest Jersey Natural Gas Ave., the candidate said, there 384 new students at Western MINIATURE ists from across the countrj may pay the cost of acquiring A — Your three bonds cany Company; E. S. Keepers Jr. would not be enough wa- Maryland College, Westmins- and around the world, was shares that you won't own for Jack V. Richards HEARING AID GIVEN BBB ratings, are con- and W. S. Hyan, both of South ter pressure to dampen it. ter, this fall. . welcomed to IFF by Dr. Ern> many years. In defense of the sidered medium grade and Jersey Gas Company; and Mr. (not an actual hearing md)| Planning Council; a member of Thcimer, chief scientific offic contract arrangement are the should be held. I would also Selbach and W. D. Relyea, both the executive committee of the I Washington, D. C. — AI er, and I/eonard Sleinbach positive values of forced sav- retain the preferred issue of of Public Service. Regional Plan Association, and The place to go — for the brands you know!, most special offer, of| general manager of the produc ing and "dollar-cost avera- YA Paso since the dividend ap- Mr. Richards has been with a member of the Society of unique interest to those • tion plant. The visitors wen who hear but do not under- ging. pears secure. Because of the New Jersey Natural Gas Com-Gas Lighting. then divided Into smalle: I stand words, has just been' You have chosen a well - re- adequate yields available, Cen- pany since 1952, and has headed THE NEW FALL 7Q95 | announced. A true life, I groups and shown through the spected "performance" fund, tral Hudson, Interstate Power, its Planning and Development SERVING .ON USS BOSTON • non-operating model, ac-| research and development cen Marine Cpl. Jeffrey P. Kiag- J tual size replica of the. and despite the higher initial Mountain Fuel and Northeast Department since I960. A grad- VESTED SUIT /J • smallest Dahlbf rg Hearing • ter. fees you should accomplish Utilities are suitable holdings uate of Rensselaer Polytechnic don, 22, of Mr. and Mrs. I Aid ever made, will be! The lour covered laboratorte your purpose if you stick with for you. I would, however, Institute, he is a councilman Frank O. Kingdon of 109 Wil- • given away absolutely free | low St., Fair Haven, is serv- JOHN DANIELS . to anyone answering this . engaged in research in flavor the program. Your additional switch Cities Service and ACF in Sea Girt; is an advisory di- ' advertisement. To deter-" microencapsulation, world nu money should be invested in into equal dollar amounts of rector of Central Jersey Bank ing aboard the guided missile 50 BROAD ST. RED BANK I mine just how comfortable I trition, organic synthesis, na- equal dollar amounts of South- Ligget & Meyers and U.S. and Trust Company; vice cruiser USS Boston off the OPEN WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY TILL f.P.M. | it is, wear this model in| coast of North Vietnam in sup- • the privacy of your own • tural products and chemical ern Natural Gas, recommend- Steel, each selling to yield president of the Monmouth- CHARGE IT — 30 - 40 - 90 DAYS Ocean Region, Health Facilities port of Operation Sea Dragon. J home without cost or obli-. development. Other stopping ed in recent columns, and First about 6 per cent. I gallon of any kind. , . .' Charter Financial. This latter, |fflTS YOURS FREE TO I points were four instrumen • KEEP." The size of tills | laboratories, the pilot plant anc J instrument is only one of. I its many features. It" the technical information cen I weighs less than a third I ter. CLU Unit • of an ounce and it is all | EARLY WEEK VALUES THRU TUESDAY -- SALE STARTS TODAY . at "ear level," in one unit. • • No wires lead from the' Elects Ford I body to the head, Here is I Bank Promotes | truly hope for the Hard of | Hearing. These models arc • William J. Dunn Treasurer free. We suggest that you . write for yours now. I HAZIJOT - William .lame; PRICE-MINDING Dunn, of 27 Dublin 'Lane, ha IPANAPHONICNEARINO DEVICE I Depl. RJ»1J. P.O. Box Illll, • been promoled to assistant vice Wailtlngton, D. C. 20O0S • president of Office One of lh< FOR THE Chemical Hank New York Trusl Addi«u_ Company. City Mr. Dunn has been with tin bank, the sixth largest in tin PRICE-MINDED nation, for 20 years. FULLY COOKED Rfll VIEW PACKAGE

DAYS SEMI-BONELESS Sliced Beef liver ONLY! BRAKE F1NAST SMOKED HAMS Sliced Bacon POMC LOtN JOB! David M. Ford Less Work, less Waste Spare Ribs C NEWARK - David M. Ford «> 49 of 146 Warren Drive, Matawan, Easy to Carve USOA CHOICE has been elected treasurer of Ford the Newark Chapter of the Cry-O-Voc Pkg. lfc Ground Chuck Chevy American Society of Chartered USOA CHOrCE Compact! Life Underwriters. FARM FRESH CHICKEN PARTS All Orhers 39.88 The chapter is the largest of 1 * 89° NO MONEY DOWN 166 in the United States. Its BREASTS DRUMSTICKS more than 250 members have With C uiCf e PORK (HOPS ST earned the C. L. U. designation Ib. i *>• 50 Thin is the Service You Get! Ribs 59 award by the American College Tasty 97 of Life Underwriters for com- ASt • Install row, tin- • Check Mali, • Repack front Center Cut TAf 7 i. . lib. iqi,-r»b u 11 d — master-cylinder,. wheeli. J?JB! log. Jive_._comi>reheri.siye_ejt- THIGHS LIVERS wheel cylinders, return springs, • C h e e k, ad|mt anrinations in the areas of iiv THKKorTHiN g If * Sauerkraut Freth ore shoes, turn all fluid lines, and lubricate surance, law trusts, taxation, Ib. hand brake. Flavorful Nutrittoui OME PUCt ONLY! &• APPETIZING SPECIAL drums. wheat bearings. economics and finance, and 55' • Road test cor meeting the college's experi • Install fluid. • Bleed brakes. for safety. ence and ethical requirements. Mr. Ford, who achieved the VIRGINIA HAM You'll like WARDS — C. L. U. designation in 1963, is MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER assistant general agent of the Edward C. Jahn Agency of the FRESH BAKED „ „ STATION HOURS: 8:30 A.M. till 9:30 P.M. DAILY Connecticut Mutual Life In- TASTY, DELICIOUS k *• surance Company, with offices BROCCOLI at 134 Evergreen Place, East (WHERE AVAILABLE) Orange. He is president of the Mata- CALIFORNIA wan Junior Chamber of Com- Happiness merce. He and his wife, Lucy, FRESH have two sons, David Jr. and SARA LEE is a Joseph, and a daughter, April. ONE PUCt ONLY! CALIFORNIA-LARGE SIZE POUND CAKE Celli Gets $50 ONE PRICE ONLY home of For Postal Suggestion Cantaloupes ALL BUTTER FUME RED 12 K. LONG BRANCH - Earl C. ONE PRICE ONLY Fresh Frozen your own! Van .Brunt, assislant postmas- Tokay Grapes ter for the Long Branch Post RID RIFE IOMO GMEN SWHT TINOM Office, has presented Michael TOMATOES CUCUMBERS FRESH CORN 59 Mainstay G. Celi a cash award of $50 for a U.S. Post Office sugges- tion. has the This award was given under the Post Office employee sug- mortgage gestion award system. Mr. Cel- Sweet Peas li was commended for his idea of placing a safety strip loan. to the loading platform to pre- TOMATO SAUCE vent a slipping. RICHMOND 1 Ib. 1 Mr. Celli, a postal employe g, Tender K. cans here for the last 20 years, has DEL MONTE 8ez. 8 beeen the leading suggester in the post office since the pro- SAVE HARD CASH can giam began, Mr. Van Brunt said. Celli is a recipient of a 9 superior accomplishment Kraft Dinner award and this is his second cash suggestion award. that's meant for you! PEANUT BUTTER MACARONI See us today 111 To Sell House & CHEESE On Wednesday SKIPPY TRENTON - A split level CHUNKY or SMOOTH "Mainstay Federal Savingsframe dwelling on the west side of Rt. 34, adjoining the north SAVE HARD CASH side of Earle Naval Depot, and LoannAssociation Colts Neck, will be among the OPEN SUNDAYS 9 tun. to 6 p.m. buildings put on public sale to- 36 MOJN'MOITH STKEET, KKI) BANK morjwv at 10:30 a.m. The Department ,pf Trans- 711-0663 portation will sponsor (he pub- Long Branch Atlantic Hglands. lic sale at its maintenance 'fe IINSURED SAVINGS office at Rts. 295 and 70, Cherry 320 Third Ave. Route 36 & 1st Ave. Hill. PrkM tffKttn Him TVM., if*. 241k. W« rawm *• right to limit qoonHtm. Not mpomibk far tpof)ra|iliicol HOME IMPROVEMENT All buildings will be sold as individual units. Buyers must jn»- LOANS reipovp purchases from their present locations. Jurists Term Courthouse Annex Among State's Best

FREEHOLD - When, in dedicate themselves to do the ants in the building and will derfully in tilts program." the annex a reality. "The build- 1609, Henry Hudson landed his best of their ability for those administer justice to the best Justice Proctor called the ing is a structure of beauty ship, the "Half Moon," off who come here troubled. of their ability and under- dedication of the annex as a and utility," he said. Highlands, he wrote in his log "This is a great day in the standing. celebration of Monmouth Coun- As majestic as it appears that this was "very good land life of county government," ex- Chief Justice Joseph Wein- ty's development. He said the from the exterior, the annex's to fall in with and a pleasant claimed Freeholder Director traub of the New Jersey Su- annex was a splendid response interior is designed to create land to see." Joseph C. Irwin. "The dedica- preme Court told the 200 peo- to the urgent needs of ever in- an atmosphere of dignity and With these words, state Su- tion of this fine building," he ple gathered at the dedication creasing court cases. awe that imparts an attitude preme Court Justice Haydn said, "is not only the result of that he would travel anywhere The law can never stand still, of respect for the law and its ProctDr on Friday traced the the county's physical growth for a courthouse. he said, It must grow to meet judicial processes. jud«qajv history of Monmcutli but of the continuing rule of Asks Rededicatlon the needs of the times. No ju- Black walnut paneling, wall- County until the present as the law and justice without which In dedicating this building, dicial system can be stronger to-wall carpeting and pews for county dedicated the $3-million no people can prosper." which is more than mortar and than the trial judges, he con- the spectators all blend togeth- annex to the county courthouse Freeholder Benjamin H. steely he called for a reded i- tinued, adding that the trial er in creating the proper MORE THAN MORTAR AND STEEL — James W. Mancuso, Long Branch architect, here. i Danskin, director of buildings calion'of everyone to the prin- judges are the men of law near- setting so, as Mr. Danskin says, The justice said he was cer- and grounds, said that the com- ciples of government. est to the people and responsi- "when a person enters a court- left, presents county Freeholder Benjamin H. Danskin with the keys to the Mon- tain that if Henry Hudson re- pletion of the annex marks the Noting that Monmouth's pop- ble for bringing this home to room wearing a hat, he will mouth County Courthouse Annex as state Supreme Court Justice Haydn Proctor visited the county today, Jie end of a long road which b e- ulation since 1955, when the the people. He said that the aOomatically reach to remove and Chief Justice Joseph Weintraub look on. Justice Proctor said the annex dedi- gan about five years ago when main courthouse was dedicat- jurors are a vital part of the it." would repeat that entry in his cation was a celebration of the county's development. (Register Staff Photo) log. the building was planned. ed, has gone up from 257,000 judicial system. "There is no The annex facilities houses "There is no more impres- He complimented the free- to 439,000—about 71 per cent- office of greater service in civ- seven courtrooms and adjoins sive location for the temple of holders for their foresight in he said the state's growth in il life than sitting as jurors in the main building which has justice than this one," lie said, buying the property behind the this time was 30 per cent. This settling disputes," he said. six. The building also will house "which sits majestically on a courthouse years ago. growth places a greater de- 'Dignity, Decorum' the court department of the hill away from the mainstr >m "We've had the greatest mand upon the courts, he said. "These buildings can be a county clerk's office, the coun- Advance New Concepts bunch of contractors in the In 1955, he continued, there place where justice can be ad- ty vocational board of educa- of business here in the borough. 1 "-There is no finer courthouse world," he said, adding' that were six judges here. Today, ministered in dignity and de- tion, the county welfare board, In the state," said the justice. their "spirit of cooperation has there are 12. By 1980, the coun- corum," he added. "I am con- the superintendent of schools, been marvelous." He noted ty's population will be over fident that the judges can keep the board of elections, perma- "We have an admirable sadly that the president of J.H. 600.000 and "before long, we'll it so that the court can stand nent registration and the jury For Brain Injured Child bench in Monmouth County Young's Inc., Raymond Young, be back dedicating still anoth- against any wind that blows. commission and the probation dedicated to justice," he said had had a heart attack and er edifice." "This building adds to the department. SHREWSBURY - New concepts in in Society, Parent-Professional Relation- at the dedication ceremonies died during the week before the Justice Weintraub, too, beauty of a growing county," These offices will be located special education and management of the ships." Other participants in that workshop In the new spacious jury room fall court term began. praised the county Board of he said. in "short term office space," child with learning disabilities will lie pre- will be Mrs. Anne Graham, coordinator of in the annex which opened the Superior Court Judge Elvin Freeholders in meeting the Robert R. Witt, president of which can be converted into sented at a conference being sponsored by social services at the Jersey Shore Medical fall term Sept. 9. R. Simmill, the assignment needs of the citizens. In partic- the Monmouth County Bar As- more courtrooms when the the Monmouth County Section of the New Center, Neptune, and Peter Burroughs, Justice Proctor called upon judge, said that the judges will ular, he singled out Mr. Dan- sociation, also had high praise need arises. Jersey Association (or Brain Injured assistant superintendent and curriculum co- the judges and lawyers to re- be mindful that they are ten- skin who he said "labored won- for the freeholders in making Ohildren. ordinator in the Freehold Township school The conference, designed for parents system. as well as persons working professionally in The workshop on "Individualized Pro- Big Crash special education, will include workshops gramming for Children with Learning Dis- led by experts in the field, It will be held in abilities," will be conducted by Dr. Leslie Stout Says Federal Grant the Beacon Manor Hotel, Point Pleasant Willis, Bloomfield; Dr. Anthony DeSpirito, Beach, Wednesday, Oct. 23, beginning at 4 Neptune, and Eatontown schools superin-, Is Probed p.m. tendent Anthony Palmisano. The keynote speaker will be Carroll F. The workshop on "Educational Tech- Johnson, White Plains, N.Y., superintendent niques—Various Approaches to Teaching Procedures Thwart Action of schools, who addressed the Fifth Annual Ihe Neurologically Impaired" will be con- By U.S. International Conference for Children With ducted by Dr. Harold Wiener, North Arling- OCEAN TOWNSHIP State Campaigning for election enforcement and other critical dures thwart effective action." Learning Disabilities. ton, a member of the faculty at Jersey City Sen. Richard, R. Stout, R-Mon- to Congress in New Jersey's problems require intelligent As a state senator, the Re- CAMDEN (AP) - A federal One »f the workshop participants will Slate College; Mrs. Margaret Stetler, learn- mouth, called today for block 3d district, Sen. Stout declared: solutions administered by those publican . congressional can- Investigation has been grants to the states, "with no "Local and regional sewers, who know local problems best. didate first endorsed unre- be Robert Russell, a Park Ridge psycholo- ing disability specialist with the Freehold launched into the massive pile- gist and faculty member of Newark State Township school system; Mrs. Eloise Hunt- strings attached." education, mass transit, law Current federal grant proce- stricted block grants to states up of cars and trucks in which in 1959. This week the national College, who eight yean ago established er, a special education teacher in the 25 persons were injured Satur- New Jersey's first public school class lor Howell Township school system. Advisory Commission on day on the fog shrouded New brain injured children in Glen Rock. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Intergovernmental A f fa i r s Jersey Turnpike near here. called for a similar federal aid Dr. Russell will help lead a workshop Mary Ribley, 180 Patterson Ave., Shrews- And a spokesman for the Na on "Management — The Child at Home and bury. overhaul. tional Transportation Safety "Federal aid to states," Sen. Board, an agency of the Feder Stout declared, "is cur- al Department of Transporta rently administered through an tion, said it was sending an ob- unbelievable maze of 379 sep- server to participate in the in- arate agencies. Applications vestigation of the Federal High- and approval procedures often way Administration's Bureau take years, with Washington of- of Motor Carrier Safety. ficials making the crucial deci- F^BEGISTER He was identified as Anthony sions as to methods, priorities K. Schmieg, chief of the NTSB's —9 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1968 and needs. Too often, however, highway safety division. the decision is based upon po- Meanwhile, authorities at Un litical motivation, rather than SZ SF3 derwood Hospital here re greatest need." ported that only one of the 25 The solution to this situa victims remained in critical tion, the senator said, is a sys- condition late yesterday. He Nixon Eyes Jersey Victory tem of "block grants" given to was August Kuhn, 25, of Mor- the states so that remedies for risville, Pa. air pollution, mass transit prob- The accident, involving 35 au- lems, sewerage control, tos and trucks, started when a Following Rousing Welcome and school district re- speeding car hit the rear of a visions can be "locally devised second auto, sending it out of MOORESTOWN (AP) - "These aren't just the usual and locally administered. control, according to police. Richard M. Nixon, given a POST OFFICE DEDICATED — New Atlantic Highlands Post Office was dedicated Republican crowds just out to "The basic federal decision State police are still looking rousing welcome Saturday in root for the Republican candi- Saturday. The building, at Railroad and Mount Aves., ijjMie JirsJ^new bunding to should,beL.as Jp_need_and..asjo Jor^the-driver-of-the-offehding three South-Jersey communi- dates,JLNixon said."These are be part of the planned revitalization of the business district. On hand for ceremo- ability of the state agency to car, who sped off without stop- ties, says the size of the turn- Democrats and Republicans, nies were, left to right: James E. Posten, postmaster; Congressman James J. How- handle the funds," Stout said. ping. out indicates he's going to the great majority of Ameri- "After that, the local unit's su- One witness said that addi- carry New Jersey. ard, D-N.J.; James J. Delaney, assistant to the Post Office regional director, and cans — they don't like what's perior knowledge and ad- tional crashes kept up for a The Republican presidential been going on in this country." Mayor Edward S. Walder. (Register Staff Photo) ministrative posture should period of 15 minutes as more candidate told a crowd of about Nixon also spoke to en- take over." and more cars and trucks 15,000 cheering supporters that thusiastic shopping center Stout said that more than $17 ploughed into the barely visible the turnout on the trip was "a crowds in Cherry Hill before billion dollars in federal a i d wreckage. very important one." concluding his campaign day Union Beach, Hazlet., Holmdel will be distributed to states with an open car motorcade this year. "Under existing con- through Moorestown. ditions, many of these funds And although he did not are going to projects which speak here, the quiet rural Tax Appeals Heard by County took three to five years for ap- community's streets were lined proval from federal over- with several thousand resi- RED BANK - The Mon- Beach, Hazlet and Holmdel cis W. Holman of 512 Poole seers," he said. dents. mouth County. Board of here Friday. Ave., land, $1,800 to $1,700, and Stout added that the "John- The official crowd estimates Taxation heard appeals from Stipulated were two ap- building, $5,350 to ?2,850; and son-Humphrey administration were If ,000 at Wlingboro and property owners in Union peals from Union Beach: Fran- Jersey Central Power and has consistently opposed any 20,000 at Cherry Hill, although Richard M. Nixon Light Co., Florence Ave., build- system of block grants. It has some obsevers suggested the ing, $454,700 to $419,700. JCPL preferred the old approach, the turnouts were about half the Pueblo." He added: "I don't buildings to the amount of $35,- approach which has failed. In estimated amounts. think North Korea would take 000 were demolished two years opposing these measures, Newark and Red Bank 'Although there were some him." ago, the appellant alleged. it has had the support and signs hoisted by supporters of Nixon and his wife, Pat, acquiescence of its rub- The board reserved decision Democratic candidate Hubert were welcomed by U. S. Sen. ber-stamp Congress. The Families at Fun Day on eight Holmdel appeals: H. Humphrey, third party can- Clifford P. Case, Republican time has come for new leader- Thomas Sibilia of 9 Fairmount didate George Wallace and Stale Chairman Webster B. NEWARK — It was family did not — to arrange a mem- ship to demand approaches and Road, building, $14,450 to Negro candidate Dick Gregory Todd, U.S. Rep. William T. fun day here recently for 30 orable day for everyone. solutions which measure up to 513,450; Gerald and Diane L. at several of the stops, most CahiU, and Congressional can- families, and about a hundred The Newark families pro- the needs of this age." Melillo of 37. Bethany Road, of the crowd belonged to the didates Sidney Souter and Peter children. vided the food, cooked and land, $6,000 to $3,000 and build- Stout also mentioned that former vice president. Moraites of Bergen County. Meeting for a day of festive served it. Music and enter- ing,- $21,600 to $19,000; Made- New Jersey's mass transit, tainment by the host families At Willingboro, Nixon told Nixon arrived in an open companionship were 15 fam- line B. Zaulich of Telegraph sewerage system regionaliza- his shouting followers he had convertible from Pennsylvania ilies from Red Bank area and enlivened the scene. A mov- Hill Road, land, $6,600 to $5,000 tions, and other critical needs, ing force behind tiie day was once seen a sign which read where he had campaigned 15 families from Newark's and building, $20,600 to $17,000; would be "well on the way to- 'Let's trade Hubert for the earlier in the day. inner city, to cement a rela- the Rev. Dennis Westbrook Carl Bachstadt, vacant land, ward finalization and solution tionship they started through and his wife, who run a day $18,500 to $15,000; William if the system of federal aid their children. camp in the inner city proj- Kindsvogel and Louis Weiner, were less restrictive, less cum- ects. 18 acres at Rt. 35 and Center- bersome, and more attuned to The day began last spring Among local families at- ville Road, $103,220 to $57,220; the diversities and strengths of Woman's Gold Pin when the Red Bank Revital- tending were Mrs. James Cecil Sprung of 2094 Rt. 35, our local and state govern- ization Corps hosted two pic- Doyle, Middletown, chairman land, $33,200 to $28,200; mental units. nics for the parents of 65 of the local project Opera- Thomas Walling of Plum Awaits the Owner Newark ghetto children who "The proliferation of aid tion Suburbia; Mr. and Mrs. Lane, land, $4,700 to $2,900 and RED BANK - A wom- lowed by a dashing Army spent a summer vacation agencies and approval proce- William McCullough, Colts building, $14,600 to $8,000; Roc- an's gold pin, found recently captain. with 50 families from the dures must end," Stout said. Neck; Mr. and Mrs. William co and Lucy Mauro of 308 Rt. on Broad St., was left at The shore area. "Only a drastic overhaul will The last two pages are de- Kodh, Bed Bank, and Mr. 35, land, $34,950 to $20,000. be effective. If elected to Con- Register offices in hopes the voted to another good looking The picnics, held in Red and Mrs. Joseph Luccarelli, owner could be tracked down. Hazlet appeals stipulated are gress, I pledge to work for such couple, both dark haired. Bank's Bodman Park, were a Itumson. Jack and Ignatius Sanfilippo, an overhaul." Ordinarily, a simple piece Judging from the hair styles new approach to try to break Elated by the success of Poole .Ave. and Rt. 36, motel, of jewelry would not cause and clothing, the pictures down the natural barrier and the Red Bank Operation Sub- $149,400 to $119,800; and Airport much of a stir, but this one were taken before or during self - consciousness between urbia group were the corps Plaza Ltd., Rt. 36 and Middle is different. Though unpre- World War II. ghetto families and their sub- Crash Probed national leader, Ned Coll, Road, 9!4 acres, $98,000 to $91, tentious, it must be priceless Even among cynics of the urban hosts. and Miss Elizabeth Skinner, to the owner — whoever she Fourth Estate, the little pin 400. END TO CONFUSION — Eatontown Police Chief Wil- The children vacationed in from the corps' New York Decision was reserved on At Lakehurst may be — for it is, in fact evokes warmth and sentiment branch, who is in charge of liam Zadorozny and Councilman Robert Dixon, chair- a miniature family album. two groups, one In June and four other Hazlet appeals: Mrs. LAKEHURST (AP) - A - and sincere hopes that it one in July, and through the the Operation Suburbia pro- Anna Linde of 31 Thir- man of the police committee, demonstrate one of four A tiny gold book, containing will soon find its way back gram for all the groups. Naval board of inquiry is in- children, the parents from teenth St.,. land, $2,000 to $1,500' vestigating the crash Saturday automatic school signals installed on Broad Street. six engraved pictures of a to its owner. * Newark and the host families The laughing, happy, group and building, $10,400 to $9,400; of a twin-engine aircraft at Tho blinkers will work when children are entering or handsome family, hangs from If you know who belongs developed a friendship which -of people, black and white, Marion Langan, Rt. 36, non- Lakehurst Naval Air Station a gold bar pin. Both the book to this family treasure, call leaving Steelman, Meadowbrook and St. Dorothea's culminated in their mutual enjoying the common bond conforming swamp land, $7,000 that took the lives of three and the bar are engraved George Mayer at The Daily desire to get together again. of friendship, swapping tales to $3,000; D R B, Inc., of 3315 Naval Reserve officers. schools to inform motorists that.the 25 mile per hour with the initials, M over E-M. Register, 105 Chestnut St. Mrs. Bernadine Hightower of the children's antics, were Rt. 35, land, $6,900 to $5,000 and The plane, an S2D Grumman limit is in force. Motorists have complained that they The first two pictures are building, $22,600 to - $15,000; made the arrangements in a visible example of the Tracker used in antisubmarine did not know whether the normal 35-mile limit or the of an attractive couple, pen- Rugs! Rugs! Rugs Newark, telephoning the corps' basic premise ... one Philip Pellegrino of 109 Laurel warfare, crashed and burned haps husband and wife. Then 9' x 12' nylon tip shirred, $78. Ave., West Keansburg, build- lower school time spaed were in effect. families that had one — per- person working with one per- on landing after a routine there is a charming portrait Shehadi Rug. Co., ' Rt. 35, $13,500 to $12,000. (Register Staff Photo) sonallyn^alling on those who son can change the world. training flight in clear weather. of an infant on a pillow, fol- Shrewsbury. (Adv.) Autumn Bouquet of Weekend Brides AlvatoivSniffen Woodward-Bennett FORT MONMOUTH-Mlss Diane I-oulse Snlffen, daugh- WEST END — Miss Theda Darlene Bennett, daughter ter of Mr. »nd»Mrs. Raymond M. Snlffen, 44 Swimming of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon H. Bennett^ 1047 Stratton Place, River Rd., Lincroft, became the bride of James Edward Elberon, became the bride of George Henry Woodward Alvnlor Jr., Saturday here in (he Main Post Chapel. He Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George H, Woodward Sr., 27 is ihe son of U. Col. and Mrs. James Edward Alvator, 52 Lockwood Place, Fair Haven. Chestnut St., Mlddlctown. The Rev. Joseph Doino officiated at the ceremony Satur- Chaplain Joseph Alutlus Jr. officiated. day in St. Michael's Catholic Church. Mrs. Paul .Snlffen, sister-in-law of the bride, was matron A reception was held in West End Manor. of honor. Mrs. Howard Stevens was matron of honor. Mrs, Vin- cent Popo also attended the bride. Paul Sniffcn, brother of the bride, was best man. Usher- ing were Charles Dermont. and Thomas Clarke, Michael Clinton Wood 2d was best man. Ushers were Michael Alvalor, In-other of the bridegroom, served as junior usher. Bennett and Howard Stevens. Mrs. Woodward is a graduate of Long Branch High A reception followed In The Old Union House, Red Bank. School and the Wilfred Academy of Beauty Culture, Newark. They will reside in Holmdel. She is employed by Gable's Beauty Nook, Neptune. The bride and the bridegroom sre graduates of Middle- Mr. Woodward, a graduate of Rumson-Fair Haven Re- town Township High School. Mrs. Alvator is employed by gional High School, is employed by Central Railroad of II. P. S. (Hospital Picture Service), Red Bank. Her hus- New Jersey, Elizabeth. band is employed by Prudential Insurance Co., Mlddletown. The couple will reside at 218 Chestnut St., Roselle Park. Mrs. Kent B. Lake Mrs. Itonnld Itomanowich (The former Barbara Polos) (The former Mrs. James K. Alvalor Mary Panaccione) Mrs. George Woodward Jr. (The former Diane Sniffcn) Pearson-Higgins Cooke-Taylor (The former Theda Bennett)

riMNFORD — Miss Kathleen nose Higgins, daughter Married at Mass RED BANK - Miss Bonnie Louise Taylor, daughter of of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Charles Higgins, 104 Maple Place, Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Taylor, 1305 Fifth Ave., Asbury became the bride of Pfc. Robert Strceler Pearson, U.S. NEW PROVIDENCE - HOLMDEIi - Miss Mary Park, was married Saturday to Alan Bartlett Cooke, son of Army, lip is the son of Mrs. Janet Pearson, .17(5 West End Our Lady of Peace Catholic Ann Panaccione hecame the Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Cooke Sr., 1 Oak Lane, Rumson. Ave., l.offR Branch, and the late Mr. A. Ladlcy Pearson. Church was the selling bride of Ronald John Ro- The Rev. Dr. Charles S. Webster officiated at the cere- mony here in the First Presbyterian Church at Tower Hill. The Rev. Holier! Bi/zard officiated at the ceremony here Saturday for the marriage manowieh Saturday, here in in Trinity Episcopal Church Saturday. of Miss Barbara Ann Pelos St. Benedict's Catholic The bridegroom's brother, Louis E. Cooke Jr., was best to Kent B. Lake. Miss Pelos Church man. John McHugh, Albert Cosentino Jr., Robert Shay and Miss Nancie Higgins, sister of the bride, was maid of Is the daughter of Mr. and Frank MeGIrr ushered. honor. The parents of the couple Mrs. Samuel Pelos, of this are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A reception was held in the Molly Pitcher Motor Inn. The brother of Ihe bridegroom, Ladley K. Pearson, was place. Mr. Lake Is the son , Panaccione, 610 Holmdel Mrs. Cooke, a graduate of Asbury Park High School and best man. Ushers were Lennart Olson and James O'Malley. of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lake, Road, Hazlet, and Mr. and Monmouth County Vocational School, Long Branch, is The. hride is a graduate of Cranford High School and 47 Washington Ave., High- Mrs. John Romanowieh, Hol- charge nurse at Heritage Hall Nursing Home, New Shrews- Monmouth College. lands. land Road, Middletown. buty. Pfc. Pearson, a Red Bank High School graduate, at- The Ilev. Salvalore A. The Right Rev. Msgr. Mr. Cooke attended Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High tended Rutgers University, New Brunswick, and Monmouth Busichio celebrated the nup- Waller Artioli, pastor of Mt. School, and is employed by F. J. lentile, Inc., Marlboro. College, where he was a member of Kappa Beta Sigma tial mass, The reception was Carmel Catholic Church, Jer- The couple will reside in Middlebrook at Monmouth, fraternity, and will be leaving for Vietnam in October. held at Wieland's Steak sey City, celebrated the Oakhurst. House, Mountainside. Nuptial Mass. Mrs. William f»Kelly, the Mrs. Carmel Pike, sister bride's sister, was matron of the bride, was matron New Hygienists Are Honored of honor. The Misses Mi- of honor. The bridal atten- Young-DiNetta chelle Tuscano, Pamela Tus- dants were Miss Patricia BASKINCt RIDUE-The New licensed hygienists. Sixteen are cano and Patricia Mehlhffrn, Clapham, Miss Mary Lou LAURENCE HARBOR - D'Amico, Hopelawn, and Mrs. Alan Cooke Mrs. Robert Pearson Jersey State Dental llygien- from the shore area. cousins of the bride, were Anderson and Mrs. Peter Miss Jeanette K. DiNetta, Jacquelyn Young, at home, (The former Bonnie Taylor) (The former Kathleen ists Association mei yesterday bridesmaids. Lisa Ann Kelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. They are Mrs. Twila Rust, Thome. sister of the bridegroom. in the home of Mrs, Dorothy the bride's niece, was flower Dominic DiNetta, 725 Lau- Freehold; Mrs. Carolyn Gab- John P. Romanowieh, Douglas Borst, Old Bridge, Monday. September 2\ l%8 Srhnub, »2 West Oak St., to girl. rence Pkwy., Laurence Har- bard, Malawan; Mrs. Barbara brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Ushering were honor more I him BO newly Fred Lake Jr., brother uf bor, was married to Theo- 10 Tin; IVMI.V I!I'.(;ISTI:I{ drier, Middletown; Mrs. Es- was best man. Ushering John Boxton, Sayreville, Marry In bridegroom, was best man. dore P, Young Jr., Satur- lelle Chase, Lakewood; were Paul Lobur, uncle of cousin of the bride; Thomas Fred Lake, Ihe bridegroom's day, in St. Lawrence Catho- Mrs. Beverly Prall, Point the bridegroom; Ronald DiNetta, at home, brother nephew; Peter J. Pelos, the lic Church, Laurence Harbor. Pleasant, and the Misses Caro- Placa and Peter Thorne. of the bride; Robert Baum, "the look you look for" bride's brother, and John Georgia lyn Miraglla, Freehold; Mary A reception was held In The bridegroom is the son Passaic, cousin of the bride- Jameison, were ushers, Mark I,ee Malera, Fair Haven; Deb- Buttonwood Manor, Mata- of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore groom; and Ronald Bieber, Alloeco, the bride's cousin, ATLANTA, Ga. - Gordon orah Rundy, Lincroft; Laurel te wan. P. Young Jr., 218 Blrchwood Laurence Harbor, brother-in- was ring bearer. Street Baptist Church was the Brenne, Oceanpnrt; Arlene The couple will reside In Drive,' Cliffwood Beach. law of the bridegroom. THE Hersch, Wanamasaa; Charlotte Mrs. Lake is a graduate of Middletown. The Rev. Melvin Stanczew- A reception followed in the setting Aug. 18 for the mar- Ilaywond, Sea Bright; Joyce New Providence High School The bride was graduated skl, pastor, officiated at the Knights of Columbus Hall, riage of Miss Frances Jean Reiser, Bricktown; Betty Jane and is employed at CIBA from Rarltan High School double ring ceremony. Sayreville. Vaughan, daughter of Mr. and ENSEMBLE Gray, Lanoka Harbor; Diane Corporation, Summit. Mr. and the IBM School, New- The bride was given in mar- When they return from Mrs. Cecil L. Vaughan of this Roberts, Point Pleasant; Susan Lake Is employed by Barnes ark. She is employed as a riage by her father. She wore their jet flight to Puerto Rico place', to Airman I.e. John Er- Colberg and Kathleen Mc- Chevrolet, Summit. receptionist by Dr. James a silk, organza gown with they will reside in Ola nest Boskey Jr., U.S. Air Force. Nully, Toms River. The couple will reside in A. Weldon, Hazlet. beaded lace appliques, long Bridge. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. New Providence. The bridegroom was gradu- nylon sleeves and a chapel The bride was graduated John Ernest Boskey Sr., 30 A irnniri hit of any union, ated from Keyport High train of tiers of nylon. Her from Madison Township High Sunnycrest Court, Little Silver, th'n tniembl* ii brilliantly School. He attended Mon- shoulder length veil was held School and the Middlesex N.J. . by a petal and pearl head- and btautifully faihlonad Potopowicz-Duggan mouth College and is em- County Vocational and Tech- Miss Cathie Howse was maid piece and she carried a cas- nical High School, Wood- of honor. Mrs. James Harder and can b« found in LOVE ployed by Applebrook Agen- NEW MONMOUTH - Miss van, cousin of the bride. cy, Matawan. He is serving cade bouquet of white roses bridge. She is employed by also attended the bride. LANE'S stunning collection Sharon Lynn Duggan, daugh- Flower girl was Patty Anne as second lieutenant in the surrounded by lilies-of-the- Knox Insurance Agency, Laurence Allen Boskey was ol atttr.fivi faihioni in long ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Duggan, the bride's sister. 50th Armored Division of the vaUey. Laurence Harbor. best man for his brother. C. Duggan, 560 Greene Ave., Richard Kerdock was best or ihort lonqthl. National Guard. Red Bank. Miss Marie Grace Tango, The bridegroom was gradu- Mrs. Boskey is a graduate Belford, was married to Jo- man. Ushers were Larry Elizabeth, cousin of the bride, ated from Sayreville High of Brown High School. ,,,. seph Robert Polopowicz, son Owens, Michael Karr and, was maid of honor. The School. He served four years Mr. Boskey is a graduate ol Ado viiil our Bridal Depart- of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Joseph Landry. Gerald Dug- bridesmaids were Misses Jo- In the U. S. Navy and is a Red Bank (N.J.) High School m»nt. It'l the ihore'i Itrg- Polopowicz, Brooklyn. gan Jr., the bride's brother, sephine Castello and Arleen police officer In the Madison and the Teterboro (N.J.) • tt ... and where you'll was Junior usher. Msgr. Robert T." Bulman Lennon, Old Bridge; Donna Township Police Department. School of Aeronautics, He en- find a delightful (election officiated at the ceremony The bride, a graduate of MedJnJheJU.S.-Alr-Jorce-in— Held In St. Mary's Catholic Mater Del High.School, Jtov ulAtk.r.nt.lli..arJ. 1967 and received basic train- Monmouth, is an employe of ThlitrhT ing at Amariilo, Tex. After an Bell Telephone Laboratories, A reception was held in Bird-Witte. assignment to Myrtle Beach Ruck Smith's Restaurant, Murray Hill. (S.C.) Air Force Base, he com- Kasl Keansburg. Mr. 'Potopowicz is an alum- FORDS - Miss Marilyn man. Ushering were John pleted a tour of duty at Phu The bride wore her nus of Archbishop laughlin Joan Witte became the bride Gibson and Robert Wesbter. Cat Air Force Base, Vietnam. mother's wedding gown of High School, Brooklyn, and of Arthur Wayne Bird yes- A reception fbllowed at antique candlelight skinner R.C.A. Institute, New York. terday here in Our Re- Chez Pierre, Woodbridge. The couple is residing at satin and lace fashioned with He is attending Brooklyn deemer Lutheran Church. The couple will reside in Myrtle Beach. Daily 9:30 .5:30 a train. Polytechnic Institute, and is Parents of the couple are Colorado. 35 Broad St., Red Bank Mrs. Barbara Landry was employed also at Bell Tele- Wed. - Fri. 'til 9 Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. The bride attended Key- Youth Employment matron of honor. Brides- phone laboratories, Murray Witte of Menlo Park Terrace, port High School and was Service Sets Hours maids were Ihe bride's sis- Hill. formerly Park Ave., Union graduated from John F. Ken- ters, Misses Kathy and Mari- The coflple will reside in Beach, and Mr. and Mrs. nedy Memorial High School, RED BANK - The Youth lyn Duggan, and Shirley Sullt- Plainfield. George S. Bird of Pueblo, Iselin. She attended Middle- Employment Service of the Colo. sex County College and was Greater Red Bank Area an- The Rev. Harley E. Meyer, employed by Quality Homes nounces the following hours, Rumson Reading Institute Nacovsky'Marciniak Lutheran Church of The Good Construction Co., Avenel. effective immediately, for its Mrs. Joseph Potopowicz Shepherd, Madison Township, The bridegroom was gradu- office at 166 Maple Ave: fl Rannvy school EAST KEANSBURG-Mlss A reception was held In (The former Sharon Duggan) officiated at the double ring ated from East Side High Monday, Wednesday and Fri- Judith Ann Marciniak, daugh- Willow Wood Inn, Keansburg. ceremony. School, Pueblo, and Is a days from 9 a.m. to noon; Mon- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Donald Mitchell was Miss Evelyn Niola was senior at Colorado State Col- days through Thursdays, 3 to Paul Marciniak of 34 Shore matron of honor for her sis- maid of honor. The brides- lege, majoring in physical 5 p.m., and Fridays from 2 to Blvd., Keansburg, became ter, j IT'S A maids were Misses Phyllis education. He Is a member 4 p.m. . ' FALL SESSION the bride of Richard Nacov- Best man was the bride's Williams and Marilyn Guglie- of Delta Tau Omega. Dur- sky, son of Mr. and Mrs. hrotJier-in-law, Donald Mitch- metti. ing the summer, he was em- Charles Nacovsky, Maspeth, ell. Ronald G. Bird, brother of ployed at Midland Glass Co., SEPTEMBER 30 - JANUARY 25 L. I. The bride is employed by I DATE ! the bridegroom, was best Cliff wood. SKI The Rev-. Kevin Crnwley of- Midland Class Co., CHffwood. J i Mr. Nacovsky is employed ficiated at the ceremony held FALL FASHIONS READING, ENGLISH, STUDY SKILLS by Red Howard Auto EUROPE here Sept. 14, in St. Ann's RED BANK - A benefit Wreckers, Matawan. Chapel Wedding Saturday morn'ng or weekday overlings. This course Catholic Church. luncheon will he presented by ii offered at all !evc>]i from 7th gride through col- the Planned Parenthood of FT. MONMOUTH - Airman husband Is an alumrtus of Key from $338. lege, with s+ud

I ANN LANDERS THE DAILY REGISTER, MWsy, Sept. 23, 1%8-11. Reflections on a Martyr Type Dear Ann Landers: May I he hated the idea of being in Dear Bitter: The "slow Dear Ann Landers: I am Dear In: A couple who «ay a word to N. Y. Dilem- a wheel chair. death" you described was 35. My husband is 37. We are would let a six-year-old de- ma, the woman whose hus- The first year Mother lost professional people and have more than just exploitation cide whether or not (o have band suffered "a ..small 15 , pounds (which Father a six-year-old daughter. We stroke" and now demands all gained). She left the house by a sick and selfish person. both feel that perhaps Ruth another child is in a bad way. her time and attention? It only to bring in groceries or It would not have occurred should have a little brother I'm afraid you may already happened to to do Father's errands. Her had your mother not been a or sister. She is unusually have more than you can my father, or social life was zero. She martyr type who was willing precocious and somewhat handle. I should say dropped out of the bridge spoiled. Frankly, I am less to allow it. * * • to my moth- club, the church circle — enthusiastic about a second er. Although everything. She couldn't even Ann, Baby: Your column child than my husband. While If you have trouble getting it was Fa- have visitors to the house be- is a gas. Sometimes I cry he has said he doesn't care along with your parents . . . . ther who had cause Father was always my eyes out. Other times I one way or the other, I sus- if you can't get them to let t h e "small needing something. bust up laughing. But those pect he would be pleased if you live your own life, send he had a son. stroke," i t Mother died last year — a cutesy wootsy names like for Ann Landers' booklet, was Mother blessed and welcome release Bub, Buster, Buddy Boy, We agreed to leave it up . "Bugged By Parents? How to who died from her slavery. Father is Cupcake and Lamb Chop de- to Ruth and yesterday we Get More Freedom." Send Landers from it. still alive — in a convalescent tract from your otherwise asked her how she would like 50 cents in coin with your re- For 14 years Mother waited home. If I knew 15 years ago sensible advice. So, knock it to have a baby sister or quest and a long, stamped, on him hand and foot - what I know now, I would off, will you, Doll? Some of brother. She made it clear self-addressed envelope. "get me this ... bring me hr.ve insisted that Mother your correspondents are that she doesn't want a new Ann Landers will be glad to that ... I'm ready for my get a "sitter" for Father two twice your age and you ought baby in the house and lias help you with your prob- bath now ... I'd like some afternoons a week and an to be more respectful. — threatened to run ,away if lems. Send them to her in hot tea." Mother pushed hinv evening or two as well. His ARCHIE we "surprised" her with one. care of this newspaper en- around the house in a con- stroke was slow death for Dear Archie: Thanks. I'll What is your opinion, Ann? closing a stamped, self-ad- verted kitchen chair because her. - BITTER watch it, Honeybun. - IN DOUBT dressed envelope. HELPFUL GIFT — Mrs. David Ansell, Wesr Deal, left, and Mrs. Eva Wachmsn, Eatontown, chat with ErnBit Kovats Jr., administrator of Jersey Shors Medical Cen- Forthcoming Bridals Are ter, Neptune. The ladies are members of the National Council of Jewish Women who raised funds to pay for MIDDLETOWN - Mr.' FREEHOLD - The engage- FAIR HAVEN - Mr. and the wheelchair. and Mrs. Francis J. Mazza ment of Miss Kathleeen Weid- Mrs. Milton Kosene, 411 luv- have made known the en- er Road, have made known gagement of their daughter, lioh to Louis De Vito is an- the engagement of their Engaged Miss Annette M. Mazza, to nounced by her parents, Mr. daughter, Miss Linda Kosene, LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Mr. and and Mrs. Geoffrey P. Dendy, Pfc. Gerard A. Scalzo Jr., and Mrs. Ernest Weidtich Sr., to victor Leshnick, he is tlrs. Charles Edward Barret, 144 Harvey Ave., Lincroft, N.J. U.S. Marine Corps. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ber- 40 W. George St. He is the son )f this place, announce the en- Mr. Dendy is a graduate of the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. nard Leshnick, Five Floral of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice De Freehold Regional v High. A. Scalzo, 75 Manning Place, Lane, Saint James, L. I. [agement of their daughter, School. Both he and his fi- Vito, 230 "Carnegie Place, Keansburg. The wedding is Miss Kosene is a graduate Vliss Charry Shannon Barret, ancee are students at the Uni- Union. planned for July. of Rumson-Fair Haven Re- .o Paul W. Dendy, son of Mr. versity of Lousville. Miss Mazza is a graduate The wedding is planned for gional High School, and Kath- of Middletown Township High January. arine Gibbs School, New School, and is employed by 'Miss Weidlich, an alumnae York. the Atlantic and Pacific Su- of Fteeehold Eegional High permarket, Shrewsbury. School, is employed at Deli- Mr. Leshnick is a graduate Her fiance is a graduate cious Orchards, Colts Neck. of Smithtown (N. V.) High PUBLIC NOTICE! of the same high school and Her fiance attended Union School, and the State Univer- is stationed at Camp Pendle- High School, and is self-em- sity of New York at Stony Miss Annette Mana ton, Calif. Miss Kathleen Weidlich ployed mason. Miss Linda Kosene Brook, where he is employed. Ths West Keansburg Water Company will KED BANK - Mr. and SHREWSBURY TOWN- NEW SHREWSBURY — Mrs. Michael J. Coschignano, SHIP — The engagement of Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Bail- commence with the flushing of fire hydrants 288 South Bridge Ave., an- Miss Mary Eloise Nagel to ly, 16 Holly Drive, announce from September 22 through September 28, nounce the engagement of William Edwin Gregg 3d is the engagement of their their daughter, Miss Maria announced by her parents, daughter, Miss Adele Morris inclusive, during the hours of 9 p.m. to 5 Coschignano, to David Lee Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Nagel, Bailly, to James Douglas Aulbach, son of Mr. and Mrs. 54 Barker Ave. He is the Sizelove. He is the son of a.m. Your cooperation during this period of Laurence Aulbach, Mountain. son of- Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Oliver J. Size- Home, Idaho. Edwin Gregg Jr., 96 Borden love, 2111 Evergreen Lane, flushing will be greatly appreciated, The wedding is planned for St., Shrewsbury. Point Pleasant. Dec. 22. Miss Nagel, a graduate of Miss Bailly is a graduate Miss Coschignano, a grad- Monmouth Regional High of Monmouth Regional High uate of Red Bank High School, New Shrewsbury, is School, and is attending Mon- WEST KEANSBURG School, is employed by the a freshman at Monmouth mouth College. New Jersey Bell Telephone College. She is employed by Mr. Sizelove is a graduate WATER COMPANY Co., here. the New Jersey Natural Gas of Point Pleasant Beach High Mr. Aulbach, an alumnus Company in Long Branch. School and Newark College Miss Adele Bailly of Mountain Home High Mr. Gregg, who is a grad- of Engineering, where he was School, served four years in uate of Red Bank High a member of Tau Beta Pi the U.S. Army. He will be School, is employed in the and Eta Kappa Nu, national attending Sierra College, Asbury Park office of the gas honorary societies. He is LOSING WEIGHT Rocklin, Calif., in January. company. employed at Ft. Monmouth. * IS SERIOUS BUSINESS, and at Elaine Powers VERY SERIOUS DOROTHY BONNER Before SIZE 20 Miss Catherine Ann Graiam Miss Jacqueline Cadman Miss Sally Ann Lowe Miss Vivian Germane Miss Paula Bilyleu EATONTOWN - Mr. and RED BANK - Mrs. and LINCROFT - Announce- MIDDLETOWN - The en- SCARSDALE, N. Y. - At a Mrs. Ernest J. Rocheford, 2 Mrs. Robert L. Cadman, 131 ment of the engagement of gagement of Miss Vivian Ger- reception given here in their Laurel Place, announce the Branch Ave., announce the en- Miss Sally Annn Lowe to Gar- mane to James C. Brooks was home Mr. and. Mrs. Harold engagement of her daughter, gagement of their daughter, rett William Truskowski is announced at a cocktail party Wesley Bilyieu announced the Miss Catherine Ann Graham, Miss Jacqueline Anne Cadman, made by her parents, Mr. and for the immediate family Sun- engagement of their daughter, 142 Chapel Hill Road, Middle- to John Bernard Landry 3rd. Mrs. James T. Lowe Jr., 107 day, at the home of the bride- Miss Paula Celeste Bilyieu, to town, to Pfc. Sherwood Camp- He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Horseshoe Way. He is the son elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Harry Scherer, son o[ bell Ayres Jr., U.S. Army. He John B. Landry Jr., Clarendon, of Mr. and Mrs. John Truskow- Dominic Germane, 45 Richard Mrs. Ruth Scherer, 21 Sickles Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hills, El. ski,' 770 Amboy Ave., Edison. Ter. Place, Shrewsbury, N. J., and the late Mr. William Scherer, Sherwood C. Ayres, Baltimore, A spring wedding is planned. Her fiance is the son of Mrs. Miss Cadman is a graduate who is honored annually by the Md. A graduate of Caldwell Col- of Red Bank High School and James C. Brooks, 46 Washing- William Scherer Award, a me- Miss Graham is a graduate lege, Miss Lowe teaches third ton St., Rumson, and the late of Munich American High Endicott Junior College, Bev- morial to his dedicated work ly, Mass. She is a senior in grade at the Indian Hill School James C. Brooks. for the youth of Shrewsbury. School, in Germany, and is Holmdel. employed at the Little Silver the college of business ad- Miss Germane was grad- Mr. Truskowski, who is with uated in 1965 from Red Bank Miss Bilyieu, who attended branch of the Monmouth Coun- ministration at Boston (Mass.) Edgemont High School, here, the purchasing department of High School. She is a senior at ty National Bank. University where she is a is a graduate of The Principia Rutgers University, New Caldwell College for Women, Pfc. Ayres is a graduate of member of Phi Theta Kappa Upper School, St. Louis, Mo., national junior college honor- Brunswick, is a graduate of majoring in history with an Baltimore City Colllege, and at- Tarkio (Mo.) College. and is a junior at Principia tended Washington College, ary society. English minor. She was em College, Elsah, III. A French Miss Lowe is the grand- ployed during the summer by Chestertown, Md. He is sta- Mr. Landry, a graduate of major, Miss Bilyieu is photog- tioned with the 41st Signal Bat- daughter of Mrs. James Lowe Marsh and McLennan Insur- raphy editor of the Principia Hinsdale (111.) High School, is Sr., Lincroft, and the late Mr. ance Co., Inc., New York City. talion in Vietnam. a senior at Babson Institute of Pilot, the campus news-maga- Lowe, and of Dr. William F. Mr. Brooks, a 1965 graduate zine, and is a member of Low- Business Administration, Wel- GOP MEETS TONIGHT Costello, Dover, and the late of Rumson-Fair Haven Region rey House. lesley, Mass. He is a member Mrs. Costello. al High School, is a senior at MONMOUTH BEACH - of the national business frater- Mr. Scherer, a graduate of Mayor Sidney B. Johnson will Mr. Truskowski is the grand- Monmouth College majoring in Red BarS (N.J.) High School, nity, Delta Sigma Pi, and is a son of Mr, and Mrs. Walter speech and drama and minor- speak on the topic of borough past editor-in-chief of the Ex- is a senior at Principia Col- operations at a meeting of the Mesavitch, West Keansburg, ing in music. lege. He is a member of excutive, student newspaper at and the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex The wedding is planned for Republican Club tonight at 8 Boston. Brooks House North, and is ed- p.m. in the borough hall. Truskowski, South River. Aug. 16, 1969. ' itor-in-chief of the Principia Pi- DOROTHY BONNER lot. A history major, Mr. Scherer was active in the col- After SIZE 14 • Now! Heat a Six-Room Home with Electric Octagon Fair lege's summer recruitment program of Negro students, WEST OtfANGE .- Mrs. Mary Anna Chinery, Matawan, and will represent the college Hot Water Heat for $19.50 ii Month* are among New Jersey wom- Lloyd E. Harding, Brielle; Mrs. in a recruitment program in John Heydt, Neptune; Miss en who are preparing a booth various southern cities this Sandra Jones, Asbury Park; for the second annual Octagon fall. CALL 842-2451 NOW Mrs. Lewis Miller, Tin- Fair, to be held on the Elmi- ton Falls; Mrs. Frederic Mes- ra (N.Y.) College campus Miss Bilyieu's father is asso- FOR YOUR FREE TRIAL TREATMENT sina, Shrewsbury, and Mis s Sept. 28. ciated with a New York news- ——— TODAr IS SEPTEMBER 23 ' paper, and her mother, who You can com* down from dreii ilie COMPLETE IWMIHMMI studied at the New York School 14 to a Sire 10 by Oct. 24 3 • MONTH PLAN of Fine and Applied Arts, is a 16 to a Siie,12 by Oct. 29 TO THE FIRST Beautiful past president of the Scarsdale 18 to a Size 14 by Oct. 29 35 TO CALL Camera Club, and is director 20 to a Sire 14 by Nov. 14 InlafniMlMal tltcttlc H»l Wpllt Hi«t tlifllhwlH Iht mm md int «f 842-2451 Ill/wi «Hl ml h«l. Now, ».r *. «nt Ilmt, hum, uattiMnlt and founder of the Scarsdale 22 to a Sire 16 by Nov. 14 9 anil MmiMrclal a»li•"* ,111k wilrel in mitry reom. Inil.llollon li • f MtlM of Hw nit ef ! MM each j," ... • ..-. . --.-'• - ""i. no'onl-. no ".lilTi. *. k DINNER TONIGHT Call sn-M25. or wrlM Or full Mails hnmtdlatilyi 2 for 39.95 WEST KEANSBURG - The ELAINE POWERS FIGURE SALON local grammar school PTA will HOURURS — Daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.MP.K. Saturday 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Immediate Delivery hold a get-acquainted dinner for its executive committee and BROAD and MONMOUTH STS. Huffman & Boyle faculty members tonight at 8 THE MALL RED BANK (LOWER LEVEL) Rt. 35 Grcle • Eatontown, N. J. 512-1010 o'clock in Buck Smith's, East Keansburg, • PIANUTS By CHAHLE8 M. SCUVll Czechs9 'Year of Hope9 NEW YORK (AP) - Just a But after the military Inter- Hussite and Moravian fore- Slovakia, historically a land of few days before the Soviet-led vention, leaders of the Evan- fathers that GodV truth mus Christian valor and drama. Church activity there, after invasion of Czechoslovakia, a gelical Church of Czech Breth- be victorious." 20 years of harsh restrictions, Czech Baptist, Valstimil Pospi- ren dispatched a letter, saying, The abrupt change in ou: ii look, from an atmosphere had just begun to bloom anew TfKItocTDC sil, told a youth gathering, "We are deeply shaken by •MCMcMt IKE DOCTOR rising confidence and new and flourish more openly. But B 0 "0 "This year with us in Czecho- this attack... We do not know or to a mood of distress and now a heavy question mark slovakia is the year of hope for what the next few days have in uncertainty, marks the impac hangs over it. The religious further work in the vineyard store for us ... Let us all be of the Soviet - led occupatioi sunburst had become an omi- nous cloud. By Cfl/C of the Lord." loyal to the experience of our on the religious life of Czech BLONDIE "It's a nightmare," said II* BMtwOOC} I TOOK YOU SHOUUONT ill11 WHAT WOULD SEE—MV WAY Blahoslav S. Hruby, a National Y A KNV-OOOAR BIU. HAVE OOJC THAT/ VOU HAVS •y WOPKS Council of Churches expert on VSMV DIDN'T T SAID? [ BETTBR. religious affairs in Communist .^t. WMJ.BT VOUA5K.ME? New Satura Salon Figunt igures countries, and Czech - born himself, "I'm afraid that if America and the rest of the free world doesn't do some- To Help Monmouth Women thing, the Czech freedom will EATONTOWN — The woman go down." whose figure is more than wha He added that "it was abso- it should be has a friend lutely marvelous the way Satura Salons International things had started to move 315 Route 35. there, the renewal of the Owner Joseph A. Bonfante oi church and of .social, intellec- Elberon said the salon will fe& tual and every aspect of life. ture the Insta - Trim methoi It was a very promising thing. of figure control and require But now, much of it may die." MARY WORTH By ALLEN SAVNDERS and. KEN ERNST no strenuous exercising or spe- Some cautious hopes were cial diets. expressed in the Vatican that The Insta - Trim method was the Soviet interference may not developed in Europe afte completely reverse the earlier World War II, and was intro- trend toward improved church- duced in the United States i state relations, at least not in 1947. Until recently it was usei the immediate future. exclusively in New York City But the prospects remained and Miami. uncertain, despite the manifest Mr. Bonfante said the Insta- dismay of Czech church lead- Trim method is not a weigh ers at the Soviet infringement, control program, but rather a and their determination to con- way of trimming inches from tinue to press for the rights any area of the body. of faith. It works through the use o "In the name of our whole special tapes which are church we protest against the wrapped around the area of threat to the process of renew- the body needing beautifica TRIM TRIMMERS — Mrs, inga Blaclcman, right, manager al, against the infringement of tion. After the tapes are ap- of Satura Salons International, discusses Insta-Trim meth- our state sovereignty," de- ANDY CAPP By REG SMYTHE clared the letter from die Syn- plied they are saturated with a od of figure control with technicians at the talon. Left special muscle tone solution. odical Council of the Czech TCH/ WHATASIGHT.'j'&K &ONTTELLA1E,I jWOW-YlDONTKNOWABOUT BEING to right are Patricia and Joan Citarella, sisters from Red Brethren Church. l The person is then placed in- Bank, and the chief technician, Gin! Sauter of Long 'AVE THOUGHT XER'b <( IF IT WASN'T F THE UKE« TERE TDW/JWE -BUTKEEP to a nylon suit and simply re It reminded members (hat In fSPEN* ANOTHER WANT T1 FORSET ABOUT )V°F WI WOULDN'T BE 'ERE UHAT UP AN1 r DONfT FANCY. Branch. numerous circumstances in his- J V T AK laxes for 90 minutes while the WINTER THE ARMY. ANYWAY '^ ' VK CHANCES FOfi solution goes to work. tory Christians have used "un- jumping and English riding of Europe, the Orient and the U.S, armed resistance" to seek a IN THAT TOMORROW' Mr. Bonfante said the meth- ( show horses, She is also a dress designei "way out of the most difficult OL& od is guaranteed to take a Manager of Satura is Mrs. and illustrator, and has an ex- situations," and added: RELIC. least four inches from the Inga Blackman of Red Bank, tensive background in cosme- "Let us pray that we Chris- girth on the initial treatment a former professional model. tology, and is author of a forth- tians may confess the truth of He said the method can be Mrs. Blackman was born in coming book on beauty for wo- the Gospel, and that we may used for spot reducing as well Germany, and has modeled in men. think, speak and work in free- as overall treatment. Satura dom and peace as citizens of Salon will be open from 9 a.m. our state." to 9 p.m. Tuesday through Sat- Czechoslovakia, which has urday. Christopher Columbus played an influential role in Mr. Bonfante is a retired the struggle for Christian liber- THE WIZARD OF ID By PARKER and HART hairdresser with 10 years' ex- ty, was the home of the early perience. He worked for Eliza- Club Honors City Men reformer, John Hus of the Uni- beth Arden, The Spa, West versity of Prague, burned at WHYUC7TUyVEK Palm Beach, Fla., and been a LONG BRANCH - City Also present were Mayor the stake in 1415 for pitting the Trie VOT1M& A&S guest artist, stylist and teach- Councilman Wilbert Russell and Paul Nastasio, Councilmen Bible against ecclesiastical er around the country. Charles E. O'Neil were honored Samuel Teicher and Henry Ci- authoritarianism, a century be- at a meeting of the Christopher offi; committee chairman Wil- fore the Protestant Reforma- He also is a horse trainer Columbus Club in the Rex Res- and does private training for bur Ray; Daniel Ardolino, soon tion. taurant, S. Broadway. to be named "Man-of-theYear' In the modern period, hun- Mr. O'Neil, a member of the by the club; Frank Vanore, city dreds of clergymen were im- club, was honored for his ser- business administrator; Robert prisoned or executed, first by Promotion vice to it and to the commu- Mauro, city prosecutor; Sam- the Nazis, then by Stalinist nity, as was the councilman. uel DeBartolis, city building in- ommunists. The Catholic pri- With JCPL Rocco Bonforte, city post- spector, and Samuel E. Volo- mate, Josef Beran, esteemed master and president of the vick, publicity director for Mon- by Protestants and Orthodox, club, was toastmaster. as well as by Catholics, was For Schenck Attending the session were mouth Community Action Pro- gram Inc. imprisoned until 1963, and has By_JRED^LASSWELL -Robert state Sen. Richard R. Stout, R- since been an exile in Rome. SNUEFYSMITH N;J:; Sheriff Paul-Kiernan-and "About 60 other members and P. Schenck of 311 South Finley Thecouhfry is mainlyCatlio-^ City Council president Robert guests attended the event to lie, with about eight million LOOK our Ave. has been promoted to sys- honor the two men. IMHONGRV lornell. baptized members of that TH'WINDER tem substation maintenance church, but there also are AS A BEflR- coordinator by Jersey Central WHAT ARE bout two million Protestants, 1 Power and Light Company- i half - million Eastern Ortho- WE-UNS HAVIN New Jersey Power and Light dox, and 18,000 Jews. FER SUPPER, Company. He works in the en- MAW? The larger Protestant bodies gineering department in the and their memberships include utilities' general office in Mor- the Evangelical Lutheran ristown. Church, 503,000, the national A native of Holmdel and a Protestant Czech Church, 1 g»aduate of Middletown Town- million; the Brethren, 290,000, ship High School, Mr. Schenck the Reformed Presbyterian served three years with the Church, 150,000, along with U.S. Navy in World War II. smaller groups of Baptists, Methodists, Moravians and Mr. Schanck began his Seventh - day Adventists. THE PHANTOM By FALK career with JCPL in 1948 as a utility worker in Long Branch. He advanced to utility, Teacher in Asbury construction and maintenance foreman in the company's Al- Acquitted of Charges lenhurst District in 1959 and FREEHOLD - A jury be- became division substation su- ore County Court Judge perintendent there in 1965. He M. Raymond McGowan has was promoted to assistant sys- cquited M. Velma Foy, tem substation maintenance il4 Prospect Ave., Asbury coordinator in 1967, the position ark on charges of contribut- he held prior to his recent pro- ing to the delinquency of a mi- motion. or by not keeping her 15-year- HONORED—-Councilman Wilbert Russell,'Long Branch, ld son In school between Oct. Mr. Schenck is married to 0, 1967 and Feb. 20, 1968, in the former Miss Margaret Mac- left, and Charles E. O'Neil, second from right, were Vsbury Park. Kenzie of Port Monmouth. honored at meeting of the Christopher Columbus Club Mrs, Foy was represented by They have five children. Mr. in the Rex Restaurant, Broadway, Long Branch. Taking Peter Shebell of Asbury Park, Schenck and his family were part in the ceremony were City Council president Rob- issistant County Prosecutor residents of the Shrewsbury franklin Goldstein presented NUBBIN By J/M BURNETT and GEORGE CRENSHAW ert Cornell, second from left, and Sheriff Paul Kiernan. area from 1950 to 1967. he state's case.

^vou'vg sees NAGG/N'WQI. O


FMOWA5ElgOE0HEMf /CATVHI tir/A ntniefl Loo Che', wiring collir with QoBue utlftt. Only BSc. PAtl trim from Vlelorlui 4reis#r, Jtewird. b«Ul. Oik Hill vicinity. Bewrrt, CtU Pharmacy, Red Banit, in.4 711-M79. 671-3HM Druei. Shrewsbury. AUTOS FOB SALE CASH FOR YOUR CAR 1957 GTO — Four speed. Delsx* In- MONMOUTH CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ... AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE Free tawtal T47.98WT terior. WMewaMs. Xxcellent condition. Low mlleare. Call 7874414. AUTOMOTIVE TR 3 Clanlo. Mint condition. PRICE DROPS $10 A DAY Call AUTOS FOR SALE »(2-3085 Where a little goes ON THIS CAR UNTIL SOLD im FORD CORTINA — Low mile- (More Classified Ads 1965 OLDSMOBILE This Car was owned by a htp cat age. Excellent condition. Red. Cill who drove fast enough so II never 7U-5S28. On The Next Page) got carboned up. Great value foi a whole lot further the performance minded. KITSON CHEVROLET AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE Cutlass Hordtop Coupe. Brewstcr Green. Three by the knee. Powsr FOR THE ifeerlnl and brakes. Electric win- dows. Heat and music. ORIGINAL PRICE QUALITY USED CARS Cadlllae-Oldsmoblls BEST "OK $1500 TODAY'S PRICI BROADWAY AT 4TH 1«4 GALAXIE SI 050 1963 FALCON $ S9S Convertible, oni owner. Sport Couoe. USED CARS!" $1290 LONG BRANCH 222-1234 1764 CHEVROLET $1050 196J FORD t 625 Impalo, 4-door hardtop. Goloxll '500", '67 CORVETTE 1944 BUICK $ 695 1961 CHRYSLER t 100 Special, 2-door. ConvertlQIe. Four-speed, radio, heater, 300 H.P. CLEAN SWEEP! 1944 DODOS $ 190 1963 CHRYSLER i 785 $3595 2-doar, Newport. 1964 FALCON $ 67S 1963 RAMILER $ SOO "67 PONTIAC The '69's 2-door. 4-door, station wagon. Firebird hardtop. 326 V-B. Automatic 1964 FUTURA $ 7B0 1963 ALPINE f SOO trammlwlon, radio, haater, pwer 4-door. OT III. steering, power brakis. Are Coming. 1964 PLYMOUTH $875 1963 JEEP $1350 $2295 Sport Coupe. 4-wheel drive. ! 1964 VOLKSWAGEN $ 950 1964 CHEVROLET $ 675 •66 CHEVROLET OUR INVENTORY OF Convertible. Panel truck. impala V-8 four-dr, sedan. Automatic trommlssloiv radio, heater, power ste.tr Ing. 1968 CHEVROLETS SUBARU $1595 MUST BE SOLD EXCITING NEW CAR COMING SOON! '66 CHEVROLET AT SAVINGS Impolo Super Sport. V-8. Automolle transmission, radio, heater, power steering, bucket seals. 1969 TO Y 0 U SCENIC $1795 4-door sports sedan CAR SALES &2-door hardtop BANK SAME GREAT SAVINGS ON '65 MUSTANG RATES Highway 34 872-0221 Highlands Six. Hardtop. Standard transmission. TOYOTA , USED CARS TOO! Radio. Heater, Air conditioning. 70 $38 OPEN 8 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. DAILY $1095 CORONA Prices start at 1870 PER CORVETTES HARDTOPS AND MONTH CONVERTIBLES And both Coronas give you: Reclining bucket seats • 1967 CORVETTE Convertible. 427 Cu. tn. Four speed •47 CHEVROLET $2395 '65 CHEVROLET trammlislon. AM/FM radio. Yellow. 90 hp, 1900cc Hi-Torque engine • O-to-60 in 16 sec. I mpala two door hardtop. Eight Six. Two door sedan. Automatic trans-1 This mission. Radio. Heater. Needs bod/ 1967 CORVETTE, cylinder, automatic tram mis si on. uiedcaris SACRIFICE SALES? work. | pick-up • Tops 90 mph • 25 miles or more per gallon • Convertible. 327 Cu. In. 300 h.p. Power steering. Factory air condi- guaranteed Four speed transmission. AM/FM tioning. Gold with black vinyl roof. $695 4-on-the-floor • Fully automatic transmission (optional) radio. Two tops. Gray. Camaro convertible. Eight cylinder, 100 v. NOT WITH • Dozens of luxury and safety features...all standard. 1965 CORVETTE Convertible. 327 Cu. In. Four speed '£& CHEVROLET $1895 '65 CHEVELLE Get your hands on a Toyota, today. transmission. AM/FM radio, Gresn, Mallbu, 2-door hardtop, 6-cyllndir/ VOLKSWAGEN V-8. Four door sedan. Automatic automatic transmission, power steer- transmission. Radio. Heater. 1964 CORVETTE ing, Gold with matching Interior. Convertible. Loaded. Blue. $1195 We don't have sacrifice salei. Or close-outs. Or super deals. TOYOTA CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON! •46 FORD $1995 Every cir on our lot is worth jutt what we say it is. No mort. WAGONS XL two door hardtop. Eight cylin- No less. You can depend on e used car if you buy it from us. der, automatic on the floor. Con- Each car carries our 100% guarantee on mechanical failure for '65 CHEVROLET •68 CHEVROLET $2695 sole. Power sreerlng. Red with 30 days or 1,000 miles. After all, you'll ba driving our reputa- V-8 Blscaynt wagon. Automatic trans- BIscoyne woajon. Six cylinder auto- black bucket seats. tion around town. mission. Radio. Heater. matic transmission. Power steering. Luggage rack. New car warranty. Gold. ' '46 FORD $1795 1960 VOLKSWAGEN 5 595 $1295 Sedan Sienna. Mustang convertible. Six cylinder •67 FORD $2495 automatic* transmission. Bucket 1961 VOLKSWAGEN $ 795 Falrlane Squire wbgon.. Eight cylin- seats. Block. Sudan, black, radio, healer. der, automatic transmission. Power 1962 VOLKSWAGEN : : $795 '64 CHEVROLET steering. Gold. Impala V-9 hardtop. Automatic trans- '65 BUICK $1795 SuTon.', turquoise, radio, heater. mission, Radio, heater, power steering. '67 RAMBLER $2095 Skylark two door hardtp. Six cylin- 1964 VOLKSWAGEN $1W5 Sunroof, dark green, radio, heater. $1195 Classic 770 wagon. Six cylinder, der, automatic on the floor. Bucket automatic transmission. Power seats. 1965 VOLKSWAGEN $1095 steering. Air conditioning. Maroon. Sedan, black, radio, heater. •44 CHEVROLET $1995 '45 CHEVROLET $1595 1965 VOLKSWAGEN $1495 •Mine-passenger bus. Red and white. Radio, heater. '64 CHEVROLET Mallbu wagon. Eight cylinder auto- Impala, 4-door hardtop, ft-cyllnder, Blseoyn* 6 two-door tedan. Automatic mo! ic transmlulon. Power steering. automatic transmission, power steer- 1966 VOLKSWAGEN $1425 tranimlMlon, radio, hNttr. White. Convertible, red, radio, heattr, Ing, Whits with, matching Interior. 1967 VOLKSWAGEN $1595 $895 f66 CHEVROLET $1795 Nova wagon. Six cylinder, auto- '64 CHEVROLET $1295 Sedan, white, radio, heater. matic transmission. White. fmpala convertible. Eight cylinder* DOMESTIC '64 CORVAIR automatic transmission. Befae. "45 CHEVROLET $1495 1963 MERCURY $ 895 Monio convertible. Automatic trans- THE CAR GIANT Mallbu wagon, eight cylinder auto- mission. Radio. Heater. Bucket seals. matic transmission. Power steering. '64 FORD $1295 Four-door, turquoise, rodlo, heater, automatic Blue. Falrlane 500. Two door hardtop. oower steering, alr-condltlon $595 Eight cylinder, automatic transmis- 1964 PLYMOUTH $1295 '63 FORD $ 495 sion. Power steering. Air condition- Sporr Fury. Two-door hardtop, rodlo, heater, 1'ihmaflc transmission, power. Falcon wagon. Six cylinder slick ing, Green. shift. White. 1965 CHEVROLET $1395 '64 FORD Mollbu. Two-door hardtop. Radlo.heoter, automatic Galaxli SOO. V-J, Four door sedan. •62 CHEVROLET $695 '« CHEVROLET $495 transmission, V-8, power steering. Automatic-—transmission Rodlo.. -Chevy- (t-waoon.--5lic-cyllnder,-Stlclc _Noya conyeMlble. Heater. Power steering. KROLL FORD 1965 FORD „. ._...... $129S_ shift. Red. matlc transmission. Ai Is. 'MustahgrTwbHdodrhbrcJtonrTotllo, heater, automate trans mission. $795 SPORTS CARS 1965 MGB $1495 Roadster, radio, heater,' tour-speed. '64 CHEVROLET 1965 SUNBEAM $1150 Alpine Roadster, radio, heater, tour-speed. Step van, McCARthy ^vw, SPECIAL OF THE WEEK wvwws* $995 END-OF-YEAR '64 KARMANN GHIA Coupe, radio, healer, '64 FORD black vinyl Interior. 1095 V-l Country Sedan wagon. Automatic transmission. Radio. Heatsr. Power CLEARANCE! steering. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S OLDEST and LARGEST $995 66 Chevy $1899 65 Merc. $1299 62 Chevy $799 AUTHORIZED VOLKSWAGEN DEALER Mallbu 4 Door Station Wlgon, Comet 2-Door Sedan. Impalo 4 Door Hardlop, V-B, FIRST AVENUE • ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Automatic, Power Steering, Automatic, Power Steering, SHREWSBURY MOTORS. Inc. Pull. R&H. '63 CORVAIR 291-1101 SHREWSBURY AVE. 741-8500 SHREWSBURY Mania coupe. Automatic transmission, 65M'tang$n99 Radio, heater. 2 Door Hardtop, Blue, Bucket 66 Ford $1899 Seats. Sharp. 64 Ford $799 Gataxle 500 2 Door Hardtop, Falcon 4 Door Sedan. Automatic, $495 Automatic, Loaded. Equal ta R&H. New. 64 Ford $1199 4 Door Hardtop, V-8, Automatic/ 63 Volks $799 '63 PONTIAC 66 Chevy $1799 Power Steering, Bucket Seats. Impala 2 Door Hardtop, V-8. Coupe, 4-Speed, Bucket Seats, Cutallna. Four door hordtop. Power Extra Sharp. Radio. stHrlng. Automatic transmission. Radio. Heater. 64 Buick $1199 4 Door Station Wagon, Auto- 65 Pont. $1799 matic, Power Steering. Sharp. 63 Ford $699 $595 Falrlan* 4 Door Sedan, Real LTDS Convertible, V-8/ . Automatic Clean. Power Steering. 64 Ford $1199 Galaxle 500 XL Convertible, '62 CHEVROLET 65 Buick $1799 Bucket Seats, Automatic, P.S. 63 Ramb. $699 impalo V-8. Four door hardtop. Auto- Convertible, Full Power. Sharp. Classic 4 Door Station Wagon, matic transmission. Radio. Heater, Grsen, R&H, Sharp. ill 66 Ford $1699 64 Ramb. $1099 ,' t GALAXIES $595 S Classic 4 Door Station Wagon, ' ™ Falrlane XL Convertible, V-J, V-8, Automatic, Power Steering. 62 Chevy $599 Automatic, Power Steering, Monza Coupe, Sharp. Bucktt Seats. '62 CHEVROLET 64 Chevy $999 Strlei 40. Cob and chassis. Four 65 Chevy $1699 Van Truck. 63 Volks $599 speed transmission, Impala Convertible, Red, V-8, Fastbaek, 4-Speed. TORINOS Automatic, Power Stwrlng. Puff. $595 64 Chevy 5999 63 Ramb. $499 Bel Air Station Wagon. One 64 T'Bird $1599 Owner, Loaded. Classic 4 Dr. Sedon. Black, Convertible, Full Power. Equal Power Steering, Automatic to New. R&H. '61 CHEVROLET 64 Ford $999 V-A two-door sedan. Standard trtfni- / WAGONS' mltslon. 66 Falcon $1499 Falcon. Futura 3 Door Hard- 63 DAF $499 Futura, Bucket Seats. lop, Automatic, Rodlo, Heater, Two Door Sedan, 19,000 Original Puff. $295 Miles. 1 il) J il»llMM««am«lill»llM«MB«««i^i»MI^«lllllM«MB 66 Ford $1499 Galaxlo 4 Door Sedan, Auto- 64 Volks $899 61 Chevy $299 matic, Power Steering, Radio Station Bus, 4-Speed, 3 Seats. Impala 4 Door Hardtop, Auto- '61 FALCON and Heater. Sharp matic, Radio, Healer, Steering, Four-door isdcn. Automatic trans- Clean. mission, rod lo, heater. 64 Ford $899 66 Volks $1399 Falcon Futura 4 Doorjjtatlon $195 Coupe, 4-Speed, Bucket Seats, Wagon, Automatic, R &TT 61 Comet $199 AM-FM Radio. Putf. 4 Door Sedan,-Automatic, Radio, Heater. Good Transportation. SAVE 63 Ford $899 64 Pont. $1299 Falrlane 500, 4 Door Wogon, 9. GTO Convertible, V-B, 4-Speed, Pass., V-8, Automatic, Power 60 Merc. $99 Bucket Seats. ^tearing. Sharp. 4 Dr. Sedan, Automatic. Power. M TWO WAYS KITSON $| » HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF NEW AND USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM '* Deliviiy Arrmgid Anywhin In The World — 11 Finnic* Flint Ta Chooii Ficra BY BEATING THE lowiir Bant Kalis Availibla CHEVROLET / HIGHWAY 36 671 BROADWAY LONG BRANCH '69 INCREASE! (Nmt to Mersi Vtklcl* SALES 222-3(00 Iniptctloi Station) SERVICE 229-3800 EATONTOWN Come to our Special Wagon Sale Sat.! Op«it Em. HII f P.M. Wfd, rill • P.M-SM. rill 4 P.M. MOUNT-ENGLISH FORD 542-1126 MONMOUTH and MAPLE • RED BANK • SINCE 1904 • 741-6000 14-THE DAILY REGISTER, Jfondty, September 23, 1963 AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS MR SALE AUTOS FOB SALE AUTO PAKTS-BEPAIBS JOUR CHROME BEY 1«7 WXJtCIDH 8EKZ — lti>(D IMS Tl'KT COKVMTBLI - M IMS DAT1UN 1S8» VOlXmAit1nvKaa, UM PLYMOUTH ott 7'iry. V-8 WHEELS — 14" !>*vttlet. OVA tmiuto willl, rUio. ZtuUMt t«UUtf«. V»rV elM-n. Aut traumUlloa. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 1*) IL, New (.Ires, brikei soa n- VI Xxbfiltat emaitim. Wr mll«- Clll In-Ntt til over tQAO mllu. wctkdtvi till li- tttvlM. C»J) viftM out ctii uM i P.M. a tip. Prmti ftrsJci, p"w«r «§«rln|. ter I, wrrkMtu uirUau. «MW tWCUfR 1MI - TH-t. AMrih e%- 1MT (QUIRE WAGON — On* owner. top. MM. 7«J-3J!>» days. »1!M »vl. Mult >fll Vf. 74T 212B. CABILMLC r- CcmyertlbU 1M. Orig- fTlJOM htul. XleMIn-X tlfw Kfw Imtin- full "iuwToT FASTBACK —' M»rcury~Cy~ inal owner. Miw mlltage. All pow«r? ISM VOLKBWAOBN — 'unroof. Runs 1»M TORT) OALAX1B — four-door. AUTO RENTALS clutch, nfw tn rfnnsMMM TATS. rlnnp, Kurtory air conrlltionlni, tinted day*. 2»4M»5 altir t p.m. Viry clean. Radio, power steerlni- HM mnvi-rl. 1 navt 30 cam avallahle. For Informa- KIAM, Mu» with whllft racing slrlpm. IBM nonOK — BbC'cyllndrr, auti W75. Tall 7(1-1365. TOM'S FORD RUCk. EtcfUml condition CsII OD- 20,000 ml)**, ('ill llon i'mi Bod Wlckmnn. Tnwn " rnittlc irBndmlgHlnn, fnur door. Good TMTTTAITSAR — 8ert«n. Wire wheeln, t.im mii»», i:«il «v«ninn. Bi2-im_ 1988 CHEVROLET — Impala convrrt i < urter 7 p m ' (Vnjntrv Pnrti iMlToLnSMOBILif t» -• Kmir-dmjr. condition. KM, 291-2321. tteiv tires. Needs enfln. wnrlc. Price RENT A CAR 1450. 717-7912. lbl» V-8 Automatic transmission SDO Hwy. 35 S94-1900 Ktyport Aulinullr, power steering. One own- 18S~PONTIAC~Bonniivlij» Sur-door Power steerlrt^lUjlo^SlmjMljM er. Lf>w mllemtp. 8719161 hardtop. Power slpprirg, brakes. Ex- Tw2 fonfi — Victoria. Chevrolet AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 'l»M"<'ORVAin "MONZA 8PYilEli~- c«ll!nt. J18M. 229-2S37. power. Hurst shift. 411 Posltractlon. 1962 AUST1N-HEAI.EY 30(10 - Ml- (More Classified Ads hunfl, but needs work. 842-1116. 4-5pp*>rt, two n*w ttrM, radio, low T»«r~lrAIliLLAC - - BMan~~T)»vill<', chflin X tires, Abarth rxhailM « On The Next Page) black, Mur-dnor hardtop. »,CO0 miles. TMTIMPAU N«w2!3Mi upoke wir. wheels, new top, $995. 462- ]fl«1 OU>8MOBH.,E-Four-dour hard- »320O. Cull 671-976.'). Three-speed Hurnt floor shift. Tires excellent. %2K. 842-2714 or 741-0792. toi.. Out owner, hjrlramallc, power 19«7 BRONZE DOOMS RT — 410 suit)- EAWRI.ER — 1965 W««on Slandard, AUTOS FOR SALE hrakes. power fleering, lett heltii. mutlc. »25OO. Low mllenge. call B71- 1984 PODGE rOLAIlA 60(1 — ran-alx cylinfiPr. Low milage. rrr ad tire*. Excellent condition. 978-V vertlhle. Vfl. Automntlc. Tower dm™. Call a(Ur_6 p.m. 284-21)114^ 'll iniBOM brakes. Power BteerlnK. Excellent iflW PON'HAO CfttHllna. Automatic, Fllr l«n(l»rrt condition. Very clean. S68-4189 after 19RS MI'STAN'ri -- 2t5fl. 2(2 faflth.icic. vinyl roof, nfiw radial tlreK, Low 5::iO p.m. Four speed. Excellent condition. 51350. ARE COMING! smlAslnri. Need clutch. Mike of- mlleaKi'. SH50. Call 671-5625 or 7«- Call 9I» B«21. B4f)2 Bftpr S. 196:i CHEVROLET — T»o-donr, Good transportation. Call at repot Garage, l%i O - Four-door. ie«i"M<;B~- ~J850~N"esds~irrsl gear. Third Ave., l.onj Branch. 1962 CORVAin MONZA. — White, El WATCH THIS SPACE FOR THE DATE. AtifnmflNc. Power ilterlm*. Good con- bM-H7$ after cellent condition. Low mileage. 5375 firm R7!]»I!6._$7M of tient dlfpr. 7 p m. 1066 MU8TANG — Orlllnil owner. for nulck »R1«. I«7-9(n. I.nw mllease. Sxccll.nt condition. jijm c* niu;X"c*75nUi>lf DiJT" 18(5 MUSTANO -- Automatic Irann- 11635. Call 6M-1940. CADILLAC — 1984 Coupe Tie Vllle. (;ooj condition. *»W. Ctll mlBllon, Itadld and heater. Good con- 2M8737 Black. Factory air. Full power. Ex- dition. JH7J. ("nil 251-7513, 1968 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA — cellent r'nndltlon. One owner. 52185, Two-door hard-top. Equipped. 5,000 Call 671-5606. F Bt WHinTai miles. 12,000. Call I71-6m MOTORCYCLES «hlft. Clean. J4IW). Also 1952 Volk«- waten aeilan. ;600. Call arter 5, 747- 1968 BARRACUDA — Fallback. 340 1J68 CHEVROLET — Impala four- 373S. formula I. rouMpeed JMIly equlnied. door nedan. ?1,575. Call alter I r.m 7i7-(f,:i7. __^ "ll)M~AI)Iui'AO~"-" EMorart^ fully ftall 264-12OS. equipped Air conditioned, aterpn, (;LNNTNi:NTAL 1D6H VOI.K8WAOEN—Blue faftbar.k leather Interior, Low mllPfiKe. JW0O. door convertible. Clean. Excellent con- Itartlo, gas tienter, Damaged iell Year End Prlvalo^ owner. 747-IR7I or riitlon. M-W UR341 rear. »»JV »1WS6L_. IBM CHEVROLET •-• Bel Air atallon 1K1K r/TniLI~AC ••- rmip. Deviile, H59 roNTIAfi - While mnverlible. 1966 CHEVROLET H>[•*> wagon, fl-cyllnder, low mileage, pow- fully enulpped. Rum fowl. |!6fJ. 78T- New top. Very good condition. 284- Imrla two-tioor hardtop V-S automS-Uc, er hrakeA, uteprlng, rudlo. heRter, Ex- 073(1 after 3 p.m. atiubK- power, ridlo, heater. CLEARANCE cellent condition. |U»5. Call .747-1871 B2M. 1166 IMPALA J14.1B or 747-^4(10, TasFrHEVROIjETcoNVBETTBLE 1968 MARLIN — BeTtVtTliil cnndltlnn. Four-rlnor hardtop. V8 lutornaUe, 'nil 283 engine, 3-npeed on the floor. $73. Dealer oftered me 51100, will take r7 Call »71-.TO>7 after « p.m. 205 SALE .1-speed Hunt. Candy Apple Ren. J225, flrRt offer above. 583-1SO6. Ask for1!W6 KORD » ' Marquii Brougham 4-Dr. Hardtop 7S7-I8!)7. 1967 PLYMOUTH - Belvudere II. Mr. Reeman. — ^ . Ten ruispniiir, Ciuntry Sijulre .wtrra. Elack two-door hardtop V-S. Power 1162 CHEVROLET~IMTALA~— Rood Full pnwor, factory air. MOTORCYCLES IBM CADIU.AC convertible. Full pow- brahei, power steerlnr, whit* walls, condition. Calt after 3 p.m.. 741 iflBS IMPAI.A *1dy work. power steering and brakes. 3(1,000 TRUCKS FOR SALE Bnnnevlllr. twn-ilnnr tiardtiip. -ftolory Brand New MKInK JI,V1 Make ofler. 322-91)9. mllrl. Good condition. 1595. 2U8S37. air condltlonlnj, radio, heater. iBKCHEVyroLE'FBISCAyNE"— >lx 1964 V0I.K81VA0EN — Red two-door WItBCKER — 1887 Hulmrs 4<(l, like ISfrl CHRVBLRR *1«.25 WALL '67 Suzuki cylinder. Htandartl transmlRnlon. Ver7 sedan. New tire*, call mw on 19111 Ford one tnn, fully Newport tour-door, Automatlt, douols 296.50 clean. Clll 294-OS5S. •quipped. Excellent condition. S'.'.noo. power. LINCOLN-MERCURY K-15 •42-3719 7I7-OT7. 1%5 KORD »>S-IO Country Squire wjftin, 10 paiseneer, SHREWSBURY AVE., AT SYCAMORE 747-5400 SHREWSBURY 'i8 Suiuki HIM CHBVROLF.T FleelBlde, like rntlin heater, automatic, full power. S-32 Elac. ! 394.00 AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE n«w, low mUeflne. 1 ;><;.-, poNl'lAn $1380 nfvllle hardtop. Tall power, fac- tory air. '68 SJIUW IMS WMCK H3-W B-100 328.00 MOTORCYCLES Four-floor l.aSabre hardtop, automatic, nonhle pnwtr. '48 Suiuki 1065 CORVAIR J880 ... SUZUKI Monza cnupe, radio, hsitsr, 4-ipeed. T-JOO 474.00 Forecast. Headquarters Tor Monmouth Cnunty, 1!)S4 PLYMOUTH W80 All models and colorn in sinrk. x passenger Fury Wljon. V-8, auto- You'll have 'i8 Suiuki mallc. power. rc-200 BILL LANZARO'S 1!«1 FORD *T.W AUTO SALES INC, Oaxie four-door eedan, automatic, Scrambler .. 497.00 radio. he»tcr. Higher 1969 3,11 Main St. 5(5fl-2I24 Malawan 1964 OLnSMORILE *12.00 Something to CROW '48 Suiuki MINI-BIKE - Hardly used Four-door, Full power. Factory ilr. Call 1964 PONTIAC J11.80 X-4 H 50 555.00 787-S477 :atiltna four-door haldtop. Double owpr. radio, heater. '48 Suiuki SEARS 1M7, 175 cc, Bale prli'eil at 1964 T BIRD *13.T0 about. On the money TC 250 car prices »!67. B(«utHlll condition. Must see toCnnvertlrilf Pull power. Extra, clean. appreciate. MONMOUTH CHHYSI.ER 1964 CADILLAC *19 60 Scrambler .. 576.00 PLYMOUTH, 700 IU. 36, Eatuntown. Coupe DcVIUe. Factory air, tull power, Buy the 5(2M00. vinyl roof, IWW PSA G.10 -- r,

EMERGENCY SALE! II cars In Hock and only on* laleimanl This Is Iht illuatlon facing our lolei manager en return from his summer vacation. Until he Is cbl* (o hlrt 3 new quality salesmen, we will be wiling cars on an emergency X basis. If wi have what you want In one of our 9 - l?48 Cadillacs, 11 - TNI Olds mob lies or 32 used cars, come In and mckt an offer. We're anxious to moke o fresh start an the i?4? models. And If you don't need a car do you know a successful auto salesman THEY RE HERE! who tftould bt selling the "car of cart"? COMES OFF THE THE BRAND NEW 69's PRICE TAG AT THE END OF THE MODEL YEAR . . . IROADWAr AT 4Hi AVE., LONG BRANCH, 222-1234 AND YET "IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE" VOLVO TO GET A BETTER DEAL AT THE 11 YEAR CAR! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON MOST MODELS AND COLORS PLYMOUTHS Large Selection To Choose From DUOOCI I OLDSMOBILE- END OF YEAR SAYINGS KUOOLLL CADILLAC CO. Monmouth County's Import Leader 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK RED BANK 741-0910 CHRYSLERS OPEN MON., TUES., THURS. AND FRI. 'TIL 9:00 P.M. Auto Imports COPYRIGHT INI LEON SHAFFER GOLNICK ADV. INC. 'JM-LSGA, INC. Jprlngi Rd. 74I-588& Rid Bank

More Beautiful Than Ever! RATCUFFE PONTIAC Come in and look them over — LARGEST INVENTORY OF NEW PONTIACS IN THE AREA. We're sure you'll like what you see. DRIVE A LITTLE and SAVE A LOT We have a few '68s leftover too. STOP FOR THE BEST BUY . . Forty Tlnx Yvors mi We Stitt Ran like New THIS UHLER CHRYSLER IS IT! ITTER Ej | 3290 Highway 35, Hozlet 264-0198 or 264-9090 OpenEm y Nlght RATCUFFE PONTIAC, 289 Broadway, Long Branch Phone 222-3225 A BOATS AND ACCESSORIES HELP WAMED-FEMALE HELP WANTED-FEMALE THE FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane HELP WANTED-MALE THE DAILY REGISTER, MMIUV. iept. 23, 1968—15 BOAT - «•«•', W) SENIOR HELP WANTED-Mile-Female HELP WANTED-Mtle-Fenale 12' TROMN BOAT - 19S0 MoJtl GIRLS .WOMEN Witt accessories. Clll €71.1031 durini DRAFTSMAN mornloi hours. PARTIAL LISTING AGE 18 AND OVER Opportunity frvr ImtfvMtm.. with expert- THE BOATMAN'S SHOP EXECUTIVE SECRETARY • 3130 SALES TRAINEE • $8,000 CLEARANCE SALE WE HAVE OPENINGS 11^'FOLLOWING DE, Gnnd rtlllt — COll»«» . j trunlnt — ]S6K^. • Kxperlenren. days, i her, flt* :-tinjc *i.l«ry in sm.KVi vc«r; in yo'ir "jpflrc tim*. Fnr ft foM JArU nilired. Itnrt Bank srVa. Write to Box Intensive 3 yenr trsinlnt pr'igrflm. COLUMBIA YACHTS Extremely competent person CONTROL CLERKS HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED-MALE v tunn lui'OTTiP ^dll 2-01-127^ fmr "41-/0.13 ^ Ift^'rhe n.illy HeRlstPr, Ufd Rank. Onrnor poflltlnn wllh mnnnK< mPM fioni 4 :ifl' to 6:;in. Ask for Mr. Rnia. The YACHT SHOP • nought to work for a Senior opi^nunity; excr-Upni r^tlrfmfnt 11M Ocean Ave., Sea Erimt 842-191: Vlee-Presidpnt in our LPB>& r>e- nn'l group tnmtmnc*! piogfflm; no RA1,KH HKLP' -~'p»rt-lVmV~nr "TuiT parlmen!. Excellent ateno and 1 COPY TYPISTS MAN FOR unvpiing, with or wiUiout e^t>erl- tfmr. Knpr.ripni-n helpful. Or wllMnj 1981-21 nnAnY~wHiTF. "TRiiTaBSr^ typing required. LeRal experi- tn if-nrn RIKH> fitting tmri#. Apply la With 1984 fll) h.p. Johnson outhnard ence helpful but not essential. MARINE WHOLESALE Trailer. Many extras. Gond condition XVt offar crr»>l]pnt wnrklnft r/mrtitlnnn IKM-fmn. [Mx SIKII-S, J OH T KwT 3S. Mlfl- This position carries a very For pe (U-'tiiwi) No |.hi)ii> r*\U pl»«M. HI647R5. good starting salary to tie. fliri llhpral benefits cnmblmM .fttih «, MEN MEN WUi TIME M Interview BTHI (t sptipfB In our modern l*sltnit Mr. Bfrflt, 7il-67IHl based on o&pabilillea ajvi r.om- Apply prri'LKMKN'r" Yt»i:rt fNrinMn~*tr 22' CHRIS r.RAFT -•• No engine. prphp^.*Jro empfoyet benefit I'f.lflf,' cl^an. puny work, two hturJI Good condition. Brut offer program. RVtP AGE 18 AND OVER THE BOATMAN'S SHOP Tha Perm Mufual ^ p?r tifiy, 7-fl t>r 2-4. G»wJ drlv»r'# S21-SK81. TUE3DAVS * TKURfll")AYa 21 Wharf Ave. Red Bunk ..nlv. Plir.n- MfJtPHY BU8 SER- And by Bppoiniment i" ALUMINUM PHAM _ New, CALL OR APPLY TO MR. K. REYLER WE HAVE OPENINGS IN FOLLOWING DE- Life Insurance Company VI''K. 7-i 1-46HO $50 LANVIN- MAN WANTF.n~~"i'nr:'ln*ld«' selling RM Bank, N*w Jcrify 741-.11B9. 636-3000 Ext. 2405 PARTMENTS FOR AMBITIOUS APPLICANTS nf auto parts snd supplies. Poms ex- 28' AUXILIARY Bl.onp -- Sleeps CHARLES OF THE RITZ perience necessary. Permanent posi- SITUATIONS WANTED-Female tion. Full or part lime NTlRWnOD ROdTK" SALESMAN '•"'-'" Vm" «l*n" four. Enclosed head, jib, main, senoa. HESS OIL & Rt .11 Hr>lmde1 264-HO00 tl«h*r1 dry rlMnlnpc mute. ?IHr1y »m- "M'OTHKR WISHED TO BABYIIT — 10 h.p. Inhnard. MM. 2ni.84S.431H. 4/10 mi. so. Rl. to Drive-In-Tiieattrs niSTRIBHTORR 1ST. «24 Broadway, CliBmical Corporation WOODWORKING l.onn Branch. 2223804. So Mr. in- plnym^nt Mth miiny h^n^flm, Bnlary For ymmi chlMren tn her hCttt. 15\i' GLAaTRON 3PEE5R6AT~-'-~40 EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES — koe. pfti^nltal to M500 pt>r . ynnr. Apply Runiinn .res full 717 i;;n. 1 HKBS PIJAZA W'Pd,, R#pt. 2.\ Mtllfr'n rifanfn, 63 h.p. Mercury outboard, trailer, tanks. Ajply in person, Peterson'a Restau- IRONING IN MY HOME $400. fTall 2(9-9820 between 9-5. WOODBWDOE, N. J. rant, Hwy 35, Red BanH, »ft« B p.m. RAHTENr>ER — Tftvtrr, days, bond- Thrnrkmortrn Rt., Freehold. MATERIAL HANDLING able, rhona CAll 1964 FIBEROLA3 SEA BIRD — 23' An Equad Opportunity Bbployer IH-lil! ^ H2-495B. with 19«5 185 h.p. Ford Interceptor, C1,EANINO WOMAN — Flv« days FIX'S liR.VERB per week. Shrewsbury Manor Nursing Murphy trannpnrtat.nn Inc., la open- WIM"R A B Yai'f" IN"M V~HOMB — In water. Very good condition. Ask- Home. 741-2059. ASSEMBLY FINAL ASSEMBLY ing S285O. Can be seen at LAYTON'S GIRLS — in v> 28 to detail caia suha for heller Uian quality wryrk, Ing »noth"r commuter run «nrt npefi* I-ar([p yurrt. Matawart »ypnrt -Hu- PLEASURE RAY YACHT BASIN, Driver'! license and active, athletic additions and nltenLUyns. 8uut 1m- twn full time men. OcrnMonal chftr- Irt «ren, Cull hplorn 11 «.m. 2r 2.1 Brand St., Free- Call 842-1913. CALL 222-07915 ^)7 5t D p.m. MACHINISTS hold. K2-f,mi No tew Dill NUnSESTVIDE — Experienced, ma- Guaranteed sal try pitta car allowance. TROJAN CABIN--20" Inboard. Stand- METRICAL, SECRETAKy-Interestlnif ture. 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Full or part- Btronjt manrilnfl matnlpruLTio and than experienca required. Avenge Ideal for hiwband and w\t» team. Call up head and sink. Two bunks. In antl diversified position available In time. Shrewsbury Manor Nursing H-M per hour on rotating sbUta. PL 5-4M5, ask for Mrs. Ba»a. SEWING MACHINE FINANCIAL water. Reasonable offer. Call after 6 growing hospital's x-ray dept. Know- Home, 741-2059. BBRVICR STATION — Part-tlmt and p.m. 7JPB-60!«. ledge of mptllcal terminology essen- OPERATORS tial. f!»od salary with full friuje EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER — full time. Prefer married men. Cal Union shop. Three weeks pnld vaca- BUSINESS OrPORTUNITIES 16' THOMPSON — 40 h.p. Johnson, benefits. Contact Persnnnel Office. Filll or part-time In the new SWISS 741-P922. tion. Full bnnrtlls. Bridge Sportswear, two pair water akls, three jss tanks, RIvervlRw Hospital, Red Bank. 741- CHALET COIFFEUR, Chapel Hill PRODUCTION WORKERS M7 BrMce j\ve.. Tied Bank. 747-1373. anchor, tow line. Asking »B00. Call BARBER WANTED CITGO SERVICE STATION 2700, Ext. 21.1. Shopping Center, Hwy. 35, Mlrldle- No KDerience neceflRftTT Hlch School equivalency required. Aver&j* "RTCAJ. ESTATE" nVucsKJur on MBMOIUAL PABKWA1 I4S-M22 or S68-8352. tonn. 747-3242. Call 10 A.m. to 6 p.m. 532-3175 ERlTTYiIsfrsfENOORAPHER (3,22 i»r hour on roUtinf shltta. WOMAN — Opening an opportunity ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Equal opportunity employer. Metro- NURSES' AIDE9 — All shifts. Clll CHRP AND SHORT ORDER MEN — for one. addltlonsl saleiperson. THB between 7 fl.m. and 3 p.fh. YiXjitrtf.netd only. Steady *fnirliy' B0WBT1U AOKNCY. 7*1-8700. BUSINESS NOTICES politan Life Insurance, 12 Recklesi 1 PI., Red Bank. 747-220O, Wrs. DeSousa 2221B00 Opportunity to Join a jAjildly «rpa.Tr1lng dlvlnlon of ft vtaMt compuiy. mtnl, Apply In pernon, MtrtlnCi Din Cond tuttlrs fur rirtit man. Free We und JirwrtUl Insurance. Palfl v&catlin pluii vacation bonus, *r, Hwy. 38, KpRtmburji;. JIM LANCE MAIDS — Full time day positions WOMAN —LIVE IN ONE HOUR PER DAY Iilerlor. Interior painting. Patto In available, with gond salary and full Hnusework. Salary J80 a week plus P«4d penaton plan. Excellent opT»rtunltles for a.dvajicem«it TRUCK nRlVEH — And carpenter'; Could net you UO-J1.000 monthly. x itallatlon. Free estimates, fringe benefits. Contact Penonnel Of- room and board. Will board husband helper. Call Write- for details, Box D-IW, The HOSrTTALIZATlON 565-OWS fice, nivervlew Hospital, 741-2700, free. Call 531-0,878. 071-18O0 Daily Register, Red Banlt. TENSION PLAN MINIMUM INVESTMENT K.5W. LIGHT HATILING^CLKAN CELLARS" Ext. 22S. NT;R8B3~~R"N '» and iTPTT^ ill" BEAUTICIAN WANTED — East Ot REYNOLDS METALS CO. Eden Beauty Salon, Hwf 35, Mirfdlf- CaU YARr»S OARAGES -- Free estimates. AVON CAIJJNG shirts, call between 7 a.m. and 3 p m. !W?.7:W0 After 7 p.m., 207-174* Call alter 3 p.m. 741-2149. 213-1900. town^ull or part-time. Call «71.97BENTAL ASSISTANT — Experiemced REAL B8TA'ra~8ALi:'a~FBR¥oNNE!l. Bank. Stock it1. iMern. KMsemablt your car for Inspection and/or assist can Rive you RJl unusual earning ojlly need apply. Write Fox X-174, —Thlnklni; nt maklnK a change? Re rent. Write 1Box r,.JBC, Th« OU17 opportunity during the comlnE Holi- EQUAl. OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 8r*vPra] g-nrw] arp&B now open tnr part fore yoti do see us. Compare our In other services, errands, shopping, Tlie Dally Register Red Bank. or full timo •alesmen. Sell our com- 71eRlster. Red Bank. driving, etc. For a fee - call me • day 8f\ason. Write J. Blrchall, P.O. commissions befnrt you decide. Mem- Box 788, Port Monmoutn or call T5oHN~O~F0irFRl5ARY~ GRADES plete lfX» Un« nf apKlnlty Arlvtrtlfr ber at Short and Herl Bank Multiple EMPLOYMKNT AGENCY — Estab- flaiHU 711.434-1, 4«j.33n, T74-lg2O. teacher at private school. Pleasa call lnff, Cflltndars and Executive Gifts to IJstlnK 8ervlce«. CAMA8SA AGENCY lished cllentBln. Central KJ. city. 5(16-2222 or S91-1095. business firms and nrganlEaUora. 741-KUt or 222-4100. ReBsnnahle terms. Owner vH] train. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER ^ HELP WANTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED-MALE WeeJcly commisslona with Bonus a.r- Bat RBR108, 125 W. 41 Bl, NTC 36. BACKHOE BULLDOZING — Mowing, Full charge to trial balance. Other HOUSEKEEPER -* ll»l ta or out. rtLngrment Ho investment, oc&lectiotui, LIGHT CLEANING DUTIES — Llv, plowing, pumping, laterals. All septic diversified duties. Good salary. Write Referencel. Rumson. Call quotas or reports. Prompt, friendly In or out. Call lor appointment, £72 tank workSLI. BEPN COVER BRYAN. 671-05&5S . Box G-179, Thl Dally Register, Red 8421136 Here's Something Different WHEN YOU WORK crwiperation with & small town, low 1351. Cedar Inn, Hwy. 36, HIjhlaMj, INSTRUCTION Bank. pressure firm. In our 56m yeatr, rmitwl Sola, J30, chair £15, wllh your own BEAUTICIAN or MANICURIST — A CAREER IN B.TJUSTIUAI, SAMS AT McDONALD'S ItEAI, ESTATE SALESPERSON BEAUTICIAN — EXPERIENCED — Full or part-Ume. Maison DeBeaute, We ara epeklnr a woman in her late AAA-l. Big Fall Season In full *win| wanted by an active office, (loot1 fabric. Free welting, zippers, or over- 30's who la Intelligent, attractive, and Write John MoNerr, Dept. §126, Nef COMPUTER CAREERS locking. Fabric* also available. Call Full time. Stephen Hair Dressers, 8(2-0044. YOUR HAMBURGERS highway location. Good commission* Campbells Junction, Bellord, 787-0655. drc^ea nicely. Most Important -sho b>n Ulg, Co., Newton, Iowa 50208. Member of Multiple lAtting Seri'Jce. ]n business. Industry and |^varnm*nt anytime 671-2384. LEGAI, SECRETARY — Experienced mmt enjoy moetlns anfl talking: w COME WITH ALL mart with ECPI trs.fntng. Ds.7 and EXPERIENCED WAITRESS — 21 or only. Write Box X-179, The Dally Experienced and licensed required. "RUBBER STAMPS — Made to order. people. No pxpprieflce necessary. Ilils Call 2618142. •venines. Csll KCPI st M2-2900 or Fast, efficient service. Use at home or over. Apply in person. Llricroft Inn, Register, Red Bank. Sales or Tubllo Relations position THESE EXTRAS; visit Eon. XX Mmmwiilli P*rk Htrf.. business. Rail 741-TO7 or 78T-24H3. Newman Springs Kd., between 2-3 LIVE-IN MAID — On« in family. would bring you • into contact with McDonald's family restaurants are ExrRRIKNCEU AUTO MECHANIC- IJJSHWASHBU — r»rt or full time. Writ l/>nl Branch. p.m, Cooking and housework. References. Purchasing Agents'of large, Industrial locking for men who want a good Jnh Excellent opportunity. Contact ServICB Best pay along th« Short, Call 612- FLVISHEn~ATTTcS~ANP RECREA- firms In Mercer County. This poaftlon with nil tho extras. As a meniher n! Manager, John Stockman, at Bay- 9S11. TION ROOMS — Paneling, sheet CLEANING WOMAN — Also kitchen Convenient Red Bank location. Write helper. Apply Rlvercrest Nurslnu has tremendous potential tor the rieht our specialized crew, you get a hand nhore Chryiler. 291-B2O0. rocktnir and taping. Also suspended Box X-180, The Daily Register, Red person. Thare is j. base salary plus some starting salary, supervised train- 'M~?ATTKN1'S TO BE FED — Tray lll>42^288 -Home,- 31 — Chapln Av.e,, Red . .Bank Bank _. "commlsslori, " Call ~<62;«18"days, or Ing,—pleasant-worklng-cnndlMonr'ano1 JZFlCBLJUAHAOlBE _ r^_To-iupery l«e -servlcB could-6t~cDupJe Jt Jnter ENROLL. NOW from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ituff. Accounting background, lyitems ested Write Boj X-177, Th« Eally LIGHT Tiwnarjr. AND DITLIVEBIES EXPERIENCED DAY WORKER — W-wm evenlnjti. regular raises, McDonald's U your NURSK'S AIDE OR LPN — Apply One day a week or two mornings. kind of place ... to work. Any of. experience, coat eocounUng knowJ- Itenlster, Red Bank. WUJlam Ahrams Rlvcrcrest Nursing Home, 51 Chapln Near bus line. References. 741-2288. theso jobs Interest you? ertKC Excellent opportunity (or young IBM 220-2SIS CLEANING WOMAN — Ons day per man. Pension plan, insurance, iiospl- sEi;~Apfb YOTI wiiiL~l'TNn~~ Ave., Red Bank, from 10 a.m. to 2 week. Rumson area. Transportation •Full Tlmo Housewives or men. If you need #x- J.C TKUCKTNO — Lifht halilinj and HOUSEHOLD HELP WANTED - lailzatlon, pild hollclnys, vacation, •Keypunch p.m Housekeeper, fileep-ln. Take care of preferred. Recent references. 842-3001 • Tiny ahlf!s Proccmifirii of forroug and non-fer- trs Christmas money. A real oppor- odd jobs. Clean cellars, yirdi and ga- • Weekdays tunity. 787-0070. •Computer Programming rates. Call 842-272'. GENERAL HOUSEWORKER — Sleep modorn country home. Two teenagers, ASSISTANT TEACHER — For~~bfis7 • Weekends n scrap, patabllsheti 1904. Sfnd res- In. Small family. Call owd pay. Write Box 468. Farming- nursery school, hours 12:30 to <:3I). ume to Harry OoMherg A Sons, Sec- WAirSBs¥*aiiirSusTBOY wanted for •Office Automation FURNITURE MOVTNO - Attics and 717-4730 rljlC N.J. Must play piano, love children. Writs • Maintenance man onrtjit., rerthAmboy, N.J. lunch. Apply in person. Lock, Stock cellars cleaned. Free estimates. Call • run time ancl Barrel, Fair Maven. No phon« EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER — WOMAN WANTED — To take care to Box D-107, Ths Dally Register, Diy or evening clasiei — TIM plau. 7(7-3002, Wllh lollowing. Full or part-time. Vin- of semi Invalid and housework. In Red Bank. • Night shifts Experlenred. Excellent opportunity. calls. Apply In person 9 to 11:30 a.m. 2 ti ment. MOWING — • Overgrown lawm and cent's Beauty Salon, 32 Linden Fl., Keyport. t'i days. Some experience. Contact Service Manner, John Stock* rAfif^TlMB HELP -- WsltresseiT v Red Bank. Opvn transportation. Call 264-7478 af- •4 p.m. or 8 to 9:30 p.m. at McDonald'! man, at Baynhore Chryiler, 291-920(1. Bun boys. Experienced or Inexperi- NORTHEAST ^ "ld T4.-51O4 ter 6:30 p.m. HELP WANTED-MALE Hamburgers, 925 Hwy. 35, Middletown enced, will train. Call alter 4 p.m. COMPUTER INBTITUTli CAFETERIA ATTENDANT - Food MCDONALD'S la 812-0205. M Broad at • Red Bull LAWN CARE service company has opening tor WOMEN — Start now for big Chrtfl TRUCK EQUIPMENT MECHANIC — l woman In local cafeteria. Six day YOUR KIND OK PLAOH 747-tMT Feed and geed now! Also leaf worX. mas M,mlnp» as an Avon Rerpre Exporienced. Welding helpful. Call Mr. 671-1800 RBALTsTAfi SALESPERBON - APPROVBD TOR YBTERANS Estimates free! call 671-Blm week, 10:30 p.m. to 7 a.m. Experi- sentatlve. Write J. Birchall, P.O Gray, 542-3220. H.KANEIt - MJddleage, Must Be Re- Openings lor two people, Busy Hwy ence helpful, but not necessary. Call "GENERAL CONTRACTOR—All types Bor 183, Port MonmouLh or cal liable-For Thr-ater. Hours 6 a.m. to SERVICE MAINTENANCE 9 olllce In Hnwell Twp. Must b« li- 671 !1M2 for Interview. 741-4343, 4*2-3377, 7T4-122O. CARPENTERS — Steady work. Call 12 noon. Apply after 6 p.m.-Town censed. Full time only. Excellent op- ART LESSONS — Momlnt Studio of masonry. Fireplaces, patios, r«- RENDER BUILDERS. Theater, Highway 33 at Palmer Ave., TRAINEE portunity. For Interview call Mr. How- Clssnes • Brglnners, advanced • 41] palrs. Call 2S1-0003. H WOMEN RN-3 to 11, full time. 11 to T iw 842-0173 jvljddletown. ard, at Serafln ARency, 462-O.lfl.?. media, by Lnnfa Efthrvoulou. "Studio TYP'N'COPY nya a week. Heritage Hall Nurslm Member ol two multiple llitlni ier- 21", 31 Frrud Et.. R«d BuL Call Temporary thru Doc. lime, For appointment call Mn HELPERS — Experienced m rmndllng GROUNDSMAN WANTED — 8«Sr7 Black Seal License required, Oppor- IBM Executive Typlnn anii JUroro FULL TIME • DAYS household goods. Apply in person, tunlly for mnn esperlenced In plp» vices. 7il-S.inS mornings. Besnmea • Letters - Reports 8«_4__ KlnR, 778-8700. open. Sea BrlKht Lawn Tennis Club, Opftninps are now available for hrlgbtf ANDERSON BROS., INC 51-53 Mechan- Rumson Rd., Rnmsnn. 842-1725. fitting, weld In j, sheetmttaJ worit, SUBSTITUTE TKACHKB8 -- With FOR ALL TYPES OF HOME RE- H.8. grada In our picking ajvl packing WOMAN — To care lor invalid lad: ic, Red Bank. pumps, a.ir compressors and air con- minimum ot «fl college credits. Con- department. Rfld lltftt houtkeeping. Monday MAN — Full or part-time] to work" (iltlonlng equipment. Industrial experi- (Mare Classified Ads PAIRS-alteratlons, pnlntlnlt, at rea- VAN DRIVERS AND TRACTOR tact office of Siipertendent, Hai- ionsble prices, call 741-3953. Free es- We offer excellent working condi- through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m In hardware store, rhona Mr. B. ence preferred. RotAiing grilfu. Apply let. 264-7242. for an application. ^ ions In our modern air conditioned Located In Long Branch. If not loca TRAILER DRIVERS — Exrwlr-nced 7J7-0465. Personnel Office, Mon. through Frl. timates. Prompt service. In handling household goods. Apply In rorn 9 B.m.'to i'i noon. On The Next Page) plant. must havfl own transportation* 222 iPENTER WANTED - On]y~ihe" IVER8WANT ROOFING ANrTsfniNO. Le«rlera and 3575. person, Anderson Brothers, Inc., 61-53 Anply In rensoi, Mnnmouth Hefionsl INTHJR VIEWS Mechanic St., Red Bank. bcj?t need apply. Bonus, vacation. Call LILY-TULIP CUP CORP. EUlteri. First class work. Fre« esti- TUESDAY SEPT. 24lh ONI.Y MIDDLEAGED WOMAN — Reipon after 7 p.m. 741-1144. High School. !35 Tlnton Av«.. New mates. 787-86M. BETWEEN S A.M. -10:30 A.M. PLUMBER — Experienced In Jib- Hwy. 11 Hoimdel Shrewsbury. slble, wanted for babyllltlnj tour (ul 'RODUCTJON A1TENDANTS •- 8*e- HELP WANTED-MALE KOOMS PANELED - Additions and rtnys a week. Must have own trans bing work. Excellent working conifl- An Equal Opportunity Employer ts.es HOUR LANVIN- tlons. Mu«t he A-l mechanic. F. V. md and third shift openlnRa. Six dayn .IFE INSIJRANCE SALESMAN alterations Winnow chains Installed. notation, Eatontnwn area. 747-4144. week. Starting rate J2.03 plus thltt National manufacturer of mainte- Ed Luker, 741-2inn. CHARLES OF THE RITZ Verange, 741-7217. SEEPED — J!>00 prnsp.cl* available OFFJCK AIDE — Full time, to as differential. Kxcdlent bencfltn, Apply to you. Establish General Insurance nance equipment and supplies hs* six Rt. 33 Halmdri 2fi4-MOO il(t physician In office procedure! CAREER OPPORTUNITY-Joln one onnpl OEflce, Monday thru Sutur- Agency. Will pay commission plus al- openings In. Its dljplay dfpartmenl. I ml. so. Rt. 35 Drlve-In-TJieatre and to dn clerical work. Typing nee of Monmoutft *nA Oceaa Counties day, 9 am, to 12 noon, Lily Tulip Must be neat appearing and have EMPLOYMENT lowances. Fuil tfme not required. an automobile. Sales fxperlenc* not SECRETARY — Carecr~gTrl seeking' esaary. Send resum* to P.O. Bo) fastest growing real estate agencies. Cup Corp., Hwy. 35, Hoimdel. An Write Box F. Hctl Bank. 232, LIncrolt. t We- will train and prepare for licens- equal opportunity employer. necessary. Prollt sharing and bonus HELP WANTED-FEMALE employment nt extremely active of- ing, through our special company available. Call Mr. Kay, «9-2»40, b«- X-jtay ice, together with excellent oppor- CLEANINO WOMAN — -Two dayi school, qualified young men for po« CARPENTERS •een 3-4 p.m. • unity for advancement should apply wick, fl.75 per hour plui car fare. AUTO TIUMMEH — Steady work, ' TWO RN'S — One 3 tn 11'p.m.. on« nr this poiltion. Must have typing sltlons In one of today's most lucra- ASSEMBLERS MlUI. Small nursing liomt Send re- Some Ironing. BfferencM. On bul tlv» profession*. If you are JnlereAled Technicians skill anti clerk-steno experience, line in Rumson. 747-42T6. HELP WANTED-MALE ferences. Write Miss M., 10 • Mead Many fringe benefits. Car required In first year earnings of $12,000, with salary commenauratt with ability. WOODWORKERS Ave., Freehold. unlimited future, income potential, call to and from work. Call Miss Caines WOMEN — ART LINKLETTER tell! Mr.. Steam, 787-6600. ly year-round ivork with world't MANUFACTURING IF YOiTcANNOT"WORK TV OPF1CB at MM600 to arrange an Interview. ths secret. Part or full time opportu- Call 222-U94 or 222-171-0 alter fl p.m. eKt sailboat ma.nufactur«r. All OR FACTORY -- Call 787-7351 be- nity for three women who cannot Uk< CAR WASHERS — Men over 17. Ex- fltfl. Boat experlenci nn[ necf«- IXriRIENCED MECHANICS APPLICATIONS HflUSKWORKER — Live 4n or dutT rdlnnry "time clock" Jobs. Sho* TH RB rc~~SH o li'FT) R~n K R~ronk R"^T tween 9 30 and .^3fl pnr_ full or part-time. Must rlo general perience preferred, but not essential. *iry. flail between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m, Dut !o (he laro* growth and con- eautlful nationally advertised, Bee- Training In vacuuming, steaming and Apfdy In pprsnn, MERMAID DMRR, «imoo JLN.'l and""LF.N?I WANTED .- Alf ousework. Nn coohlns. Two children. stant «xpaniion of our BUIOGOPEL line Fashions two to three evening! detailing. Good wages. Apply Coun- Hwy. 36, Lpnnardt.. "• Daattnhlp, wt havi permamnt posi- •hlfts. King Jamrs Nursinl Home.' Salary-to »05. 787-11702. per week and mill $40-1110 to you! try Buriser car Wash, Mlddletowru .A N n r 2«l-34fin. _ weekly Income. No Investment, pack HKLPERS — Ex)iprl«ncpfi. Stearty tions now ovollabti for experienced EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES ON- ••nrh. S31-R0R5. mechanics In oil daportments. In ovr LY — Full and part-time. Apply In aclnR, deliveries or collecting. Fre« C ELECTRICIAN largt nnw modern facilities now near- Openings at lerson, SHORE POINT INN, Hwy 36, wardrobe twice yr-nrly. Car necer Phone 74T-1500. with Industrial ard commrrrint AC-PC Clll msnacer (I lu7ERR ing complttlon. W* offer top pay to Har.Ut. ary. Call HT2-0S18 after 7 p.m. flerari A. Barba, ArcJjltect cxpcrldnce, any nh\H, six days a wrck. Fnlf ((me ^mpfnyment. In- J91-05S3 qualified men. Benefit* Includi r§- West-arn Elscfric's Apply Personnel Office 9 R.m. lo 12 P.m. hr*npfltB, pfnnlnn plun, Dp- lfK fnr advancement Apply tlrtmtnt and profit sharing, excellent modern, air canditionid 1EWTNG~MACH1NE LILY-TULIP CUP CORP. i S;30 a.m. to 4:110 p.m. 1M worklna conditions, modern enulpmsnt. Hwy. yi llnimiitl Ave., South River, or call Excellent opportunity for the right facilities at MECHANIC An Kijiial Op|v>rtnnliy Jim piny er mm, Call Mr. Charlei Slraub Jr., Clark, N. J. for An excellpnt poslttdo for the rlpTit MKN-Att-E NO BARRTKR "~ STRAUB MOTORS, Hwy, 35, Ktyport. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY mnn, Oipptirttiniiy V\ " join R rcllalilo START YOUR OWN BHRJ.NKSa 264-XO00. experienced man and compnny, n. leader in lln field. Must HELP WANTED-MALE l>c oxpcrloni'Cd ivlth 2M nnti 1"5 Class SELL llKNAPP" SHOES women to devalop and A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! Slngcrn, US nnd Lewis Blind Stitch WORK I-'UU-. OR PART T1MK Machine* — Salary ojton. Cnll Lung Completo line »I men's wruk shoes nml examine negatives of Brunch Mn.nurncti.ring, 2U Third Ave., men's and women's drew shoes. Paily Long Branch. 222-Mi5, cornmlssion.i plus monthly boniH; in- industrial products MALE UNSKfLLElPlijfLP~^~^oriiV BUrnnce bp.npflta, training, ecllln? equip- to a specified require- Adding Machlnes-Tjpewrilcrs Entertainment Fainting and Decorating ment, samples free, CvUl or wrllp G.P Jobs pay pood Incentive rntpa utter Cardinal, 7D0 Broad St., Newark, MA ELECTRICAL TESTERS ment. Will consider Tickets avallaMa tor latest Broad- nhrrt training. Hospitalb.ali^n, pAlri 3-9191. ADTlINr, MACHINES - Typewriter; way shows und Mnjor fiports Events, THOMAS SLATE hnlfdaya and ottior benefits. Apply recent X-Ray Trada win, rrnled, rfpulred. ""rtco's '01 178 Monmouth St., R»d Bank. Free Estimates ATPO CRRAMirS. nt. 35. Kryport WORKRH — For Rfinpffil lnrAn~ry~)r^ 'lonmouln 81 , Red funk, 1iMI4M. Painting and Decorating An equal opportunity employer bnr. Steady emplnym"nt, mm pin v Want to add School graduates. General Contractors Fully Injured "41-4330 Vrnrflls. Kntlnprrcd Trcclslor Cunt- Antiques MANAGER inn {'(i., Palmer Avr>,, Middle tnwn to your know-how? CARPENTRY — Additions, paneling, HOPERT S. FARWKl'L yrm BHOB*.jiKPAin IIKPATITMKNT Openings for steps, sidewalks, pfltlos, odd- Jobs, Painting jk T>pcoratlng Cnod pay. Company brnoritn. Shnt; lie- nhop men. Rcsl'tnnttfil pxpTlenrw on ATLANTIC THAnlNO POST—4B At- Reaiona*le rates. SI2-4385, 747-233B. For Free Estimates Call R42-.116A pnlr lirpt., Nclnnfr'p, Hwy. 33. Mid'lle- ly. Wnrk In Krpphnld nrrn. Pay to 1st & 2nd Shifts antic Avf., IMS Rr«nch. AnUnlltii, n Shopping nppRrtmenl, fi.m httuny, pinn nil hfnedtn. Expfrl- perl furniture. M«n . Wen,, Frl. 7:30- SAND BLASTINa Western EUctric has tome first-rati opening! at J. PAI,LADINO A 8ONS — Contrac- AUTO BOnY^IKriTANfCxp rncpd (inly. Call Trl-Boro Corp., iB2- $3.13 to $3.31 perhr, i 30 p.m., Sal. 1S-B p.m., Bun. 2-« Vour premises or ours. 6K1, fl tn 5 p.m. i.m. We birys<"n-irs.rle anything of tors, ratio!, additions, walks, etc. 220.2(44 encpd, Good wagpR, pood hcnellts. iti modern, air-conditioned plant at Clark, N, J. plus 10% bonus for We apeciftllze In plumbing and heat- Apply Maumaitth Motors, Ire, Hwy. SERVICE 8TATIO.V ATTENDANT or Choose from lit and 2nd shift openings; 10'/. rlllie , ing of all kinds. 40 Manson PI., [iTi, Katnntown. nn rlianic. Kxperlcnrpil. Full time 2nd shift. Little Sliver, 842-5188 or 6199. Pearl and Bead Restrlnglng Ceramic Tile Contractor PORTErtR~—~Fiil1 ttmr, :i-U p.m. days. Apply In iirrsun. Itolmrict VII- differential paid for 2nd shift. ntilft. Ctnid anlary plus Tull frliipe IJIKL* F.sso, M;nn and South St., Hnlm- FULL RANGE OF Moving & Storage Etperlly on braided nylon. |l,5o a lir-m-flts. r.a 11 riTsiinniM Offkt' Klvi-r- ilt-l. Vpw construction and rnnodeHnjl, strand, Slerllng clasps from 75c. vlew Hofljiltnl. 7U--TIH), Kxt. 2115, lor REQUIREMENTS: Knowledge or OC ond AC theory OS nnplHd COMPANY BENEFITS. (TTTJOJIS - • K»r JJIIIICI' sportswear. lo testlno ol jleclrorilc compontnt! und In h(ubt. reilobUlly com- also repairs. Kitchens, bathrooms, REU8SILLES', M Broad St., Red an Inlvrvifw. All yiNir routul. Full holiday nml va* ihnwers and palloi. All work gtitr- MOVINO-AIX POINTS USA munlcot.ions equipment. PlTS Jr-uirTiiiiD day poHltlnnn tMildii jiay, top nalary, plenty nr ovrr- anlrrd. Call 264-3363 for frea Mtl- Direct Service tlnu1. Devon Knltwt'iir, 3!'.*i Wharbur- Apply mate. Pis..-Calif. Specialist! _^ Plumbing and Heating avalhilile, with ROOII nalnry and lull frlnga bfinrflts. Contact I'oraonnel Of- tint St., Lung Bninuh. 2'.'2-O3i5. Employment Office fice, KWecvlBW Hoiipltiil. 7U-2700 YoUNd MAN — 25 or over, wll.W 1st Shift: 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Diamond* Bought or Restyled Ext. 22S. Monday thru Friday H.UMBINO — Hmtlni and baUiroom io lenjn floor coverlnR biinlnenn. Somn $2.92-^3.04 per hour rftmodQUng. BOAT YARD HELP WANT HHIPO cxp«rlcnce, (nni necrsodrliy In 8:15 to 4:30 Let us buy the diamonds you don't A/GEL manont poaltlonn. Frlnne henefllc rinw coverliiR), Full time. Fran Floor wear or let us rrstyle thsm for you CORRIGAN'S Mechanicfl, pslnloTB, yard help a ('nvprlnjt, Kranfiburg. Call 7B7-2B.'S!.. Ask for Mr. L. Ping pjrKinally. neuwlllei', 36 Broad at, 127 Oakland St., Red Bank. 747-2705 travel lift operator. 2nd Shift: 3:30 p.m. to midnight SANDY HOOK UAY MAIITNA $2.92-$3.04 por hour plus 107. bonui or call 381-4500 Roofing, Siding & Insulation 871M Draperies Odd Jobs ACCOUNTANT OL8BN OO. INC. RflOfinj, siding A I-TQiJOnTTRATNRK- A.iilstant roini'trcllrr Tor mixlcrn 3H0- Uphnlslerlnl. draperies, slipcovers. LlaHT HAULINQ—Cellars, garages Insulation Installed and guaranteed All hcnelltH, Slwit P.lte Lli|Hiir« or lifil hospital an New Jersey Shnrr. Call or apply Employment Office ROLPEN TOUCH DECOiRATORS, cleaned up. Have truck. Free- estl. f.or 10 years. 77B-O705. 291-0540. llazlet. Apply )n pprson. IIH F>ncr(fs. Tills in nn( & wflKCK. Ctiti ."iflfl'7272, estimate*, csll 747-3041. Johlilnff xhnp. Mnnmtmth' Rilvprnmiilin. "MAN "WANTED™— For~irlv|r,(t snrt MANUFACTimiNG I SUPPLY UNIT OF THE SELL SYSTEM New roofs and repairs, aluminum Cull 7i7-^fW; dnyfl, 741-7401 fvonlngd. Clark, N. J. C. * C ELECTRIC _•. Mew wiring, lNTIini7xertor. GIT siding, wlndrms, doors, awnings, gut- B«nfr«l worn, full or part-Mm* T>r- 100 Tirmlnol Avtnul, ciork, H. J. An equal eMerftmlW minent pneltlon. Apply Norwond DU- rewiring. Electric heat. No Job too ertl rspslrs. Free estimates. Reason- Uri, haders, •outttn. Bellord, N.J, EXPERIENCED OR INEXPERI- An EqiMl OpMftunlly Emplsytr (M/F) empi»y«r (m/fl •mill. 141-9840; 741-BT68, able rales. Call 6*31350 717-19% 19 year fuuintM. ENCKD — Tot woodworkinv abop. tributors, 6U Btoa-lwiy, LODI Brwca (Ml 591-1600. £SB Frank- f, 16-THE DAILY RENTER, M«irl_y, September 2*. -1«8 APARTMENTS APARTMENTS HOUSES FOH SALE LEGAL NOTICE Crash Hurls Two Women 3 SPOTLESS BEQUSTAT AVD ELBCTIOX Mrs. JUst sM MOtteM* *: INSTRUCTION' FOR SALE - 3 ffltlH fr«m Rtlf Left. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP AND SPACIOUS ntmct Two women were injured Sat- sengcr, Mrs. Patricia Smith, ffl .! ntw flve-_*dnoom Colon!*! in BOR0l'C>H Of FAUt HAVEN, H.J. South Amboy, were treatedat "DRAFTING ITEMS rou NO LONGER GREEN GROVE GARDENS nr^tbKt- Mtddletown -or&Uon. Living Notice ts hereby flvtn that the TXi- uriay afternoon when the car room. Family room fwlth flrrplace,, tiict Boirdi of Election tnd RefiitfJ Riverview Hospital, Red Bm MECHANICAlrELECTRONIf NEED OK USE WILL... Kitchen (pat-Inj. _Ei.ch 20x15'. 8ep- In and [or the Borougrh o( Fair H»ven, in which they were riding was _••/_. ROOMS (ONE BEDROOM! $105 Counly of Monmouth, Bute or New and released. Patrolman Stan- ARCHITECTURAL iirate rtlnlig room. Marter bedroom in collision with another vehi- FOUR ROOMS (ONE BEDROOM) $123 10x14', B»tter thafl hair «n acre. OIr»»e ', will meet at tht placM herein- ley Parrish investigated. Inning rlaMM': Free plnremen, Ka»y to «tvx>l), ttorw «id transportation. after dpfilgnated on cle at Church Street and Lloyd hilQon plan Write for Irrr .-utalot SELL FIVE ROOMS (TWO BEDROOMS) $153 Full bwiMnent. Attached two-ctr gti- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER B, 1968 JJONMOITH OBAFTINn WSTTTl'T-. raje B_.sfbo*M hot water heat. All between tne houri of 7;00 a.m. tndRoad. MS M«tl!""l »v», A*ury P»rt this for only $38,740. 6:00 p.m. for the purposi tit conduct- Claw* nrtw formlos:. Arprov^rt for " SWIM CLUB FOR TENANTI Ing the General Election. Police said Mario J. Costa, vMeran* FAST FRIE HIAT, COOKING GAS, HOTWATER AND AIR CONDITIONING HALL BROS., Realtors Said General Election will be held in aaM municipality tar th. purpoM 1 Walnut Ter., Keyport, was Hearing Set '•nES'oiXsSFS STARTTN'r, SBPT J» - «13 R4VM HA. 7il-7WB Fair Haven T.V. and than* outlali, 12 cu. ft. rflfrlgeratori, parking md walk-In kl9rog« Mwnb.r MuHiple LJstlnr Servlct Electors of a Pr^eldent and Vlr.p- WITH A QUICK ACTION focllltltt. Spacious rooms, lorgt clostts. Walk to shopping plaza. bus«s and Op&n 7 Day_ President of th* UnitM StatM and issued a summons for inatten- LOW-COST school. *lectlng a MemhPr of thi HOUJB of tive driving after he collided DIRECTIONS: Gardtn Itott ixlt 117 la It, Hit on 34 to Airport Shopping Re-prfi-entatlvpi for the Third Con- For Deal _ EATONTOWN gressional District << New Jersey, with a car driven by Frederick ~IB\T 7v5fpFTF.il PRiB DAILY REGISTER PlDia, turn Ittt, Ihtn two blocki to mod*l aportmtnl. From 35, (J. M. ' IFM KEVrrNTH TYPING Flildl) to Hoilrt Av«., turn left lo Mld-llt Road, straight ahiud. & Shertff, and two mem'beri of rv»mr.:etr nrrire Automation GINGER BUSH ESTATES th. Board or O-0_&n Freeholder, for Rast, of 47 8th Ave., Atlantic PsvEve. rupw- u-g.t Phone 264-1846 EIGHT ROOM BI-U_VEL.(5 THREE the County of Monmouth, and for tht Highlands. Beach Curbs FAMILY AD OR FOUR BEDROOMS, Vk ' BATHS, following municipal offices, viz: SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 1900 8Q. FT. LIVING SPACE. TWO' A Mayor for tha full terra of two OCEAN TOWNSHIP - The MACHINES 3 LINES - 5 DAYS CAR GARAOK. \ ACRE IX5T. ALL yearji. FOR SALE APARTOENTS linUTIES INCLUDINQ CITY SEW- Two Oouncllmen for ths full term Township Council has sched- MM«VI Ml-H ERS, CURBS AND BIDEWALKR of three years. Sun and Shore $;* Fsic* \> • »\«Mirv [>•»» FOR $2 nn PRICE ^21,.S00. An Assessor for the full term of four iT-pr-'M r^r Veteran* TrntninK FOUR ROOMS FURNISHED - With uled a special meeting for 8 ri,e«P* Run M-vilhiv JUST Z.UU CUT LUMBER? b«th. In .N'oit,h Lnni Bnnch. All utili- BUSCH REALTY CO,, Broker p m next Monday in township fturs WB do II, and at modMt price*. ties encept electricity. Call 229-07(1 Ther. shall appear on the ballot for Ponders Appeal A-allsMi for -•rchaodlu For Ma Brine In written list of aliM. W« will after 4 p.m. the (Ifneral Electhn tn tie hold No- hall to discuss a proposal to onlr. Article must ort_laali from a havp order In 24 honn, W» cut ctrclpi, vember 6, 1968, the followinft ques- hoiutholi and Bar lit eisMd s -Ik "jTjflT RE*DUCDD — Red Bank Cape tion to be voted by the voter, of thi LONG BRANCH - No de- w»d|M, braclceti, atalr atHngen, «to. 0 Oomir PM.rl and Wall RM BmlWAREHOUSE STOKAO- SPACE — effective on and after January 1, lftSfl, tel, N. Bath Ave., on whether Township manager Jack P. FOR SALE rituni will be made If «d U eu- Approilm.telr 1300 sn. It. Call talried and _ood vaius Rt $29,000. by fifteen TH\n machine a. from 8 a.m. • 2:S0 pm. 3S Kn»t flar- 747-3500 department Is now entitled?" V*" nnv T used. nuanmtpfH. Ti Pitta Yiw Daily flrhl A>«. Atlantic KldlUndi Bene- OIFFICK aurru - nt so. n. m «• Notice Is hereby given that qualified firm's application for a liquor ers in the area will be notified ' *-'-V Pi-rjurn's 1(11 MoivmiMith fit or Bnyfihcr* ronunnnlly HoipltAl. callent location. Desirable for an? pro- votera of the Borough of Fair Haven license renewal, according to of the meeting by letter, and Tl !••* IhMlcr 747-OttV FAMILY AC, CALL ... fession. Call 747-3730 between t and t. ROLSTON WATERBURY Counly of Monmouth, SUte of NPW m DE-IRABU! omCKS with view of Jersey, not already reglntere-I In sain its attorney. will be asked to attend. M'> UP FILES. IAMM, chair*, Rpa.l.or-It.3iiror municipRlity under the lawi of New ndO'i.nM. typivritpr*, nrflr* t«r fl p.m. the river available. Tuller Bldj., 103 Ifl W. Front 8t, Jled Bank 07701 741-6900 K. front St., Red Bank. 747-2440. Jersey governing pBrmmient registra- Norman Fischbein of South Council is proposing toIn - wit PIT , nl hurgTAln price*. Wi nboiM UT i tion may refjlaler or transfer with the r ,,M A At" PKRK OUTLTCT. -4-HtKf Sw*i» htiuiehnld furnlehlnRs, Cil) .1500 8Q. FT. — Ll(ht manufacturing" Jrt I ME"bFFERE_r clerk of said municipality at his of- Orange, attorney for Vento, stall curbs in the area and the Sale . Introductory - Sal* 1H7SM7 loft for lesae. iNON DBVEI/llPMKNT fice, Rorotiih Hall, 748 River Road, cost of this improvement would Call 747-llfJO Newly llJit^d youiiB three-toed room Fair Haven, Kew Jersey, up to and Inc., the licensees, said the re- SOUTH " SBND LATOK~- lnclndlni? Thursday, September 26, RENT A TV Clear Plastic Slipcovers O«ll OP'FICB SPACE for rent at 148 home. Living room, formal (lining cent decision by the state Di- then be assessed against the af Broad 8t. (State Hwy 35i, Shrew»- room, kitchen, fill, twuiement Doibl 'l9fifl, during the following hours: Dally ni whtlP I"v»T, week .Tpleet let t;».I>5 pin fltleil In jmir 7S7 »52B 9:00 a.m. to fi:(X) p.m., StLturdnyn, furniture. 20 ywirs iKrjerienci, Guarnn bury; two rooms with private en- lot. Trlva^y. Many tree*. Excellent vision of Alcoholic Beverage fected property owner. *t«. RAVAHORK TV teed wnrlunaiuhlp. -W-O10H. SIIRFBOARD HiMllTS n, t'2", trance; heat and light furnished; IRA iDcaMon. (Tall now, w« have k«y. Best Sundays and Holidays excepled. Also ___„______. M0. Hirhour, J:ll) Cull month; ground level and big parking CA nnA F1IA terms avajilaWp. A*J.ing September 24, 2fi, IfWS between 7:00 Control to back City Council's This special assessment p,m ani 9:00 p.m. or at CommlMion- 74MIM3 are* In front. RAY 8TILLMAN, 7«1 Jlfl.DOO, HoGOWAN AG-ENCY. REA.I ruling to deny toefir m a meeting, Mr. Sweitzer said, is-- BrMinmalrt dreads «n<1 «J1I.*!* moiiel. nertosesiecl. Mflkis tut. 8800. TORS, 2W1 !NPwma.n Sprlngi Rd., Re- er or Registration Office, Hall of lonholes, monograms, iiemi. Neerti to Bank. 747-3000. Rftcorrta, Main Strpet, Freehold, New license, could be appealed to required by law, and is the op- Kttiirnmentff. Full prlr* 158 cash or MERCHANDISE WANTED COMMERCIAL, BUrLDiNa - 30OO sq. Jersey, up to and including Thursday, .A!1 Virgin.* Kinihdl), Frf«- SflMi per month Trsd< ' ft. hardwood floor space with store Septcmbesr 26, 1968, during the fol the Appellate Division of Su-portunity for affected property r;i I'ltBniT PEPT. front. Parking lot. Ideal for levrlng hen.fi. Colonial. Four be-drooms, 2% lowing hours: Dally 9:00 a.m. to 4:3{ OLI) KlfRNlTUR- — Anflqui.1, china, fuctorT. BMOLKO AGENCY. Broker. bath9, TMnlng room, Ja-rgs ea.t-.n Jtltch p.m. AJ.io aeptemfior 24, 25, 26, 196B, perior Court. owners to make their feelings LAWN MOWER ROCK MAPMB BErinnOM SUITE •- rlftuiv&rfl, art objects and brlc-a-l)raR, 1S7-0I23. en, Pa-nelPd family room, patio. |J6,' from 9:00 a.m. to 0:00 p.m. Saturday!, Sing]* hert, riresner, 2 chests, chair, Immediate rain for anything and ev- 300. CllI tod«7. Sunrtfiys and Holidays exempted. The ABC ruled the actual known. Toro pn->*aif>n«I hvn mnw.r, Jmt lsm|)s end Accessories Kitchen set. erything Rutcll'i 3S Kait Front It., OFFICK 8PACE FOR RENT — Lo orprhmilfri Jhr.ll^nt r.nnrtlltofl Orif- AvnlUrile »>pt. 30. Cull hefori 1J 741-1691. rntfd on Hwy. it, MldJletrwn, Call On Thursday, September 26, 1W8owne, r of the beach club is Vin- Mr. Sweitzer said a complete Ini) prire Sl'>oo Will $t\\ *mi deliver nnon MEI-MM). 671-2000. 747-3500 the registration books will be cloaed fMANtT___l"- ,'M (7l-_ANERB~BiralNn MA~ Any condition. PUT eajb or wlu trtdt. Election to be held on Tuesday, No- rHlNfCS new «nd dused All makes, ROLSTON WATERBURY now awaiting an appeal of a WELFA ANT* rpion.F; WITH HO, 077, 0, standard fame. 77M710. HOUSES FOR RENT vember 5. 196R. ready in time for the meeting. CREDIT rROHl.F.MB IMMEDIATE AUjncw HHOPPEI, Realtor-Insuror Notice of change of residence or ap- OLD PIcrUHB FRAMB8 - Old plication for transfer of registration perjury conviction before a fed- He said the average cost of PEI.1VKRY. CALL, MR. (IRAN AT iM-0177. i6 CSutrch St., "' itnlli, oil lampfl, fUtlrnni, Mr.. 7fl7- TWD AND THIUBI-BEnnOOM HOMES lfl W. rront St. I_ed Bank 0T7O1 ST." PfuS shall ht made either hy written re eral grand jury. The conviction WHIRLPOOL FROST FREE 121 m. 28;16 nT write 117 Main St., Tort M — For rent or sale. H25 to 1130 si SAVE frulUws hour* of leixohim quest forwarded to the Municipal Clerk curbing runs about %l a foot, "TOP"SOII- F.srgf qimntlllfn of rt. freer.fr, 4S4 tb. capscity, 196ft mml- mmill). month. THE KIRWAN CO., REAL- •endlnr tor our fre* eompr«herulr« or the County Board of Elections on carries a possible five-year f«rml*nrt lop Fill F O.R. «ltf. Frp* el, S12o. Component stereo ps.ru, I.i- TORI), Bedford, 7t7K0O W. Ke_u-catalog; modMt homei; palatiil Rum- The Deal Beach Estates area ANTIQUES — Tlffanr nems, tors, fur. forms provided by said Municipal wnj»h:p. rnil 84? 0173. fsyette nmpllffer, Garrard tiirnlabls. burg. 7I7-60OO. Hizlet. 2M-7KK). ion c-tatei, waterfronts, finns. Mill- Olerk or Board or by calling in person jail term. Iwn Wtiirfdnli (0 ipeikers, (120. 787. ollure, china, palntlnif, itatuan, coins, tlpl* LlstinKS. is bounded on the south by the ' tiltrtrlc IBM j_i#o" Illhtmt riztures. Cirred oak dlnlct WIDE IELEOTION OF RENTAL- — at the office of the Municipal Clerk U.S. Justice Department offi- room ple>ces. Oopper Kettla Antiques, Furnished uid unfurnlahed. Immedi- RAY STILLMAN, Realtor or County Board of Elections up to southerly side of Dow Ave., on Oakhurat. SSI 1O» or _M»K. ate - ocoupsner. 8AUUEL TE1CBER "Our (10th Ye*T" and Including September M, 1968. cials have charged Mr. Rao is -Hood condition. See, hear and of. AaBTNOY, Ooesnport Ave,, OceanporL The following li a description of th the north by West Park Ave., SALE -- hrfmifi, f#r. Fhrne 8 p.m. MQ&410. MI-KO0. MB HffT- 35 8hr«Wffbu_7 741-8600 Election Dlfitricts In the Borough of closely linked with the upper , drew form, crtin and on the east by the property line r FAIR HAVEN — River Oaks Colonial, Fair Haven and the polling placei in echelon of the Cosa Nostra. __ _ CHAIN HAW — o~_sTrtvm,~sor M«dV. PETS AND LIVESTOCK 1»5 to B.W Per UonUi Living room 13x23, fireplace. Formal aame to wit: of the Board of Education, and l.srge heavy duty saw, llki nin. W5. THI BEnO AGENCY EL-ECTION DISTRICT 1 j OPT - - Rpntftumnt imp- 7K7 filsn. PROF-SaiONA- DOO (IROOMINa dining room. Three bedrooms, 1'$ \nA bakery impplffii. Kv^ry- XL II Mddletew baths. Jaloiwtpd porch playroom, All that part of the Borough of Fair on the west by Rt.35. AKO puppies. Appointment only. (71-1000 pretty yard. Tnp condition, $35,000, Haven bounded oi follows; to wit: LEGAL NOTICE th:nf rniiM F" w Bhrfwi- Very good condition Partly furnished. Rent $400 per center line of nidge Hoad, being the erly direction along tha center line Woman Hurt M;rv ' GTI_ATT>AN_ PUPS—AKC. Brtodii montlt. No pnti. {MS-8166, ROLSTON WATERBURY northerly boundary line of tint BorouffJi Place and the center line of S of Runi-on; thence (1) in a westerly Place extended to the center line TlANOS ANP OltnANR — Nfw und FILE CABINET — Three drawer, two and fswn. Call R&altor-Insuror WINTBn EENTAL — Oct. 1 - May 1. IB W. Front St. Jled Bank 07701 Irectlon along said northerly hound' Willow Street; thettcs (7) In a wester I'i"pri I mm S^. Plpnnd bought. fldrl, letter-size, one card drawer, pirn Furnished, attractive six rooms, ary line of the Borough of Kumson to ly direction along the center line of In Collision rpp«ir»"1 MinPrt ninvp<1 KPOIHIH frntn three ihelvei. JIB. 741-SOI3. Three bedrooms, two baths, fireplace, OCEAN TOWNSHIP — Shadow Lawn Its Intersection with the center line of Wlllftw Stree-t to its intersection with PTr fpr work FREEHOLD KIMRALI. ""pdobil"GROOMING Manor, Custom x even-room ranch. the center line nf Kemp Avenue ex n garago. $200 mo. Call 222-rM33. Kemp Avenue; thence (2) In a north- IM; thence (B) In a notitherly di- MIDDLETOWN - A Union yiAN * 'Tl'MN WAREHOrSE, 44 UNPAINTED FURNiTURE~ WITH TLC Two-car garAge, covered putlo. Bean erly direction along the center line of SnutK Si Vm nnpfiintnirnl cull 482- NORTH SKA BH1QHT — Four-bed- tlful grounda. Many extrajj. 133,000, fflKemp Avenue to Us Intersection with rection along the center line of Kemp Beach woman was injured Sat- <73fl or I'll llffi _ RED BANK LUMBER Call alter 6 |n, weekend!. 112-tmo room house. PrlvntB bench. Winter 89.4. the center line of Willow Street, Avenue and center line of Kemp Ave- OlXlK rtlPPIEB A, j $150, Oct. 1-June 1. All year $200. nue extended to the point or place o * ANNT'Al. ]TAWN KAMC Piarl uA Wall. Kid Ban*. HI WOO OCEANPORT — J45.0O0 thence (3) In an easterly direetioi BEGINNING. urday evening in a two-car col- ieek, Tour motitlm. Pure Bellhftven 842-42H2. along the center line of Willow Street, rshricii Snmpin IHsplny Chnlm nnd n K. KLHCTKlb DRYER — Good line, lnnnilnted and wormed. Sl'J-.lAB.'!. Three houses on 1% acres. Water> lision on Rt. 35. Md!> LITTLE SILVER CPHOL- condition. J3I>. Call front lot Included, Ideal for specula- thence (3.) in an easterly direction The pollicK place for the Fifth Elec- : B4--Oni9. CKIIMAN BHKPIIEltD pTjPPIBB -- tor. A real good buy. All properties along tha centfr line or Willow Street tion District is -the Willow Stree STF.HY. 'i.1> Silverslrip AVK, 1 WANTED TO RENT to Its intersection with the Center line School, Willow Street. Mrs. Angeline Digeso, 52, of "cAnVF.VSC AND TAT» RM, wnll- Femnli *, nine veekn old, (40 each. now rented. THE BEItr, AGENCY, [tot air) oil burner Onll 2»t-S»B or S64-9300. Realtors, nt 35, Mlddletown. 671-1000. of Elm Place and Elm Place ... ELECTION DISTRICT « 713 Florence Ave., Union if-v\a'i Nvi-m. SIT mnnthi old. J180, with duct work, Heats EXECUTIVE DESIRES litres or four- Please call collect. tended; thence (4j In a. northerly di- All that part of the Borough or Fair r»n API ins 2M> gal. oil tiink. Maks offer. CUDDLY white powder puff toy poodle bedroom unfurnished or furnished rection along the center line of ElmHaven bounded u follows; to wit: impiilfi. AKO. I'aper tialned. Highly house or apartment. Maximum $2S0 HOLMDBL Place and Elm Place extended lo It BEGINNING at the point where the Beach, was reported in fair $100 ntplHurnt, eHey to trnln. 2DI-349O. per month. Within 13 mile radliw of ge UiTen-hedrocim homo with dining Intersection with tha center line o conler line of Fair Haven Road inter- condition at Riverview Hospi- BMMTHIC GU1TAII - llunf pickup, Electronlo AjjHoclsten, West Long room and 2fl It. recreation mom. Atod- River Road; thence (5) in a westerly iscts ths center line of Ridge Road In all ymir ordpr _>PP4 t>« lo get Ire* PONIEH - - Two riding, one Jumper. Branch. Contact 229-1100 Ext. 749, being the northerly boundary line o i-Hllvpry dt Inw R*4 Fank Lumber vlhratnr, with portahls amplifier, like era ej_t-in- kitchen, attached ga,rBgc. direction along the center line of Rlv tal, Red Bank with back In- nfw. Quirk «»]•, JIS. 7«7-«l«l). And tack. Call between «:.TO-6;30 Wall-to-wall carpeting, dishwasher and er Road to Its Intersection wllh the the Borouffh of I-umson; thence (1) In fash A Cumm PrirpsPri, yIf you ar? build- p.m. 7H7 6I1D _ _ B11SIN-8S MAN Wants room and juries. tej it p Rrtriii m » room nrth t)IN~ETTESET ~- Rnck~m»ple tabU bath vicinity Oceanport, Eatontown, extras. Nicely landBCRped grounda. All center line of Glllesple Avenue ex- westerly direction along said north 1 utllftleA .noliidinj city flewe-rs. Near tended; thence f6) In a northerly di- erly boundary line of the Borough o i j jvrnjpeU. h >nr_ lo ohtaihn t-t with Formtm tnp, four TTHIIPH chain. TlORSEBACK^RIDINS Little Sliver, preferably on ground Rumsfm to ils Intersection with th'. She was a passenger In a Klrrll^nt rnnriltlnn. 747-4(W!S floor In private home. Campbell, 220- (Xpre-s! ctty tnumnortatlftn. S-'i^. mort- rection along th»-center line of Gil- prtci from HOUSES FOR RENT -- 13. SO an gage available with J4fiO ennual reaJ lesple Avenue nnd the center line ol canter line of Hance Road; thencs (2J car driven by her husband, Al- RED BANK LUMBER TWO HOT WATEh rtAniATOR«"~- hour Dutch Acres. 1M Holland Jld., 8300. fintate taxM. Oome. see tt now! Asking GUlesple Avenue extended to the south- In a northerly direction along the cen Tnp mnimton. J12 (nr th« pair. Onl ;er line of Hance Road to Its Inter- Ps*r! tnri Will Rtd B_.nk 741-MM Mlddlstown, «T1-M)!». ~ejijl_f"ilARBI-D COUPLE — Seeka — MM), WaaitfiT A Wnlke-r, Rpaltftrs, erly .hurt* line of the Na.ves.nk North bert Digeso, 54, which collided »l^•i.l>.^S. nnn 27i3l»5S. 7»7-«O«5. small house for rent. Would r.onsl- Holmd^-MId-iletown. 67Kt311. Multiple Shrewsbury) River; there. (7) In isection with the center line of Rlvei ANTIQUES A larRfi ran-Pri <*iJtr_r!- TK — AKO proven col- rlpr a floor In private home. Prefer Listing, and Trade-ins, Bend for Cata- Beneral easterly direction along thi Road; thence (3) in an easterly di- with a vehicle driven by Frank 1 twn pn»l Anti'in l lie. J.10 or pick puppy. Call 717- iwutherly «hnre line of the Navenink rection along the center line of Rlvei 28n Freehold nr Atlantic Highlands area. Road to its fnterneetlcn with the C€t\ J. Ferrogine Jr., 18, of 53 bfd Brlr- iTir. chlnn, ru No children or petn. Write to Box (North Shrewsbury) River to Its inter- er line nt Cedar Avenue extended Oil IV I" 1 pm fl4flfi0. a southerly riirectior, along the center and the center line of Cedar Avenue T^n SITP, n^fil on" m^nlh. Srarp Or- conriltlnn thrnnghnut. Three or four line o_ Buena Vista, Avenue and the Mr. Ferrogine was Issued a rhnr^'ii''. wfrih Jifii. I>*IB J*O ppr- •^8.11 291-O92S. FURNISHED ROOMS bedrooms, with three additional un- ; conter line of Bupm Vista A tended to Its Interaction wllh summons for careless driving ORGAN ST p«iriNAiin"pirf rTEa^Bes.Mtifui- rtecoralerl bedrorm.i, Ifl' kitchen, lor- tended to the point or place of BEGIN- center line of Third Street; thence ly marked. AKO registered. Wormed. FURNISHED ROOM for refined lady mnl dining rnom wllh Ilreplace. (Si In an easterly direction along the by Patrolman Kobert McNair. fnnrtulnn. *?."> Cull 747- Ml shots. Guaranteed. Reasonable. In private home. Convenient Bed Large family room. Twn baths. Full The polling place for tha First Elec center lln* of Third Street and the Bank location. Near bus and train basement and RaraRP. Income possi- tlon District Is the Willow Street School, center line of Third Street «xtended llnpi. Kitchen «nd living room prlv- bilities. All lor only J2«,m>0. E.A. Willow Street. to lt_" Intersection with tha center lint 1 STUDIO "pAri?TSANnTiA F'lR SAM* . TS>11 [lONKKY FOR HALK —Male Sicil- legas. Call 747-5nfl7. ^ ARMSTRONG AnENCY, nealtor.i, ELECTION DISTRICT 2 of Fair Haven Road; thence (6) in r^nipri JS for .SI plant* In fUl Cull ian, good with children. Oflll 291- 5S5 Prospect Ave., Little Silver. 741- All that part of tfie Borough of Fair southerly direction along the center ROOM" FORTREST " line or Fair Haven Road to the poln Entry Suspect after fi |> m 741 «!W OF ASBURY PARK 3912 In nice home. Near Broad St. 4500, Haven bminrjpi aa follows; to wit: >Olin'""PEKINf!KSB~PIirirlI!R -- BEGINNING at the point whert the or place of BEGINNING. >PAfHF. MPSA Tsmppr Fully Opm d*i)7 '« I 7410(179 Two ranch hnrnpn on ov*r 3'. acrpfl. renter line of River Rnai Intersects The pollinjr place for the Birth Elec- pqiispppii, nrvpr u»Pi. T In a northerly direction along th« and Battin Roads. HIGHLANDS - Craig Fen- STEREO U)'IP« T1UEUKKDOUI 1AV1N0I nlcRMAN SHEPHERn"rilP3'- AKC Alter S p.m. cnll 8(6-8441. WALKER A WALKED, Rpflltorfl, Hwy. center line of Hanco Road and tht. ROT W. NELSON. fliamplon blooil lines Mmales. ter llnp of Hance Roart extended Boroii_th Clerk and lump*. "YOUNfi~MAN~^- Tn large home -riTh" KS, Shrewsbury. 741-5212. _4-Hour Ser- nen, 22, of 5 Crawford Place, t fiirnlturp Misrrllnnco CONtOl-I) PANIO iAJLBt Whelped H-S-ES. Black and tan. Inoo- •Ice. Its Intersection with the southerly Sept. 20, 23, 196S 1155.50 * Dtncl Bkm Aotk* ilated. r»66-9flfi5. othnr young men. Near Bell, Uly- shore line or the Nave*ink (North Port Monmouth, arrested Fri- • TuU M Not* OonioU Tiillp and I.F.F. 671-2923_sfter^S p.rn. 0.7r>E~SHREWSTBimy — Four larRe" Shrewsbury) River; thence (2) In i ifir. ROWLING MAi'HINF/-- * Uf«Umi OuajaatM TAliriiAViN~^~Rlv« view room, hertrnom» with two bathn, lurse living SRneral easterly direction alnnn tht- NOTICE day on charges of breaking, en- nt rnnrtlttfin. I'iS full 741-til.!i. • IPECHAL PRIO-C MM. months old and one 1 years. Both room, eal-ln kitchen with new appll- southerly shore line of the Navemlnk An ordinance entitled "AN ORDI- AKC registered. Excellent breeding own halh, cooking and living room anres. IN'RW laundry on first floor, NANCE RELATING TO REPAIR, tering and larceny, has been_ fp Av*.. NPW RUrpwuhury, -privilege.^ i47-51!69 ._ (North^Shrewsbury) River to Hi inter- ind-»Mmp. As a Jirwrtpni! yon GERMAN SHEPHERD TlirS -- * Haven Road extended; thence (3) in a monlhs. AKC. Shots. House trained, able. Reasonable. Gentleman pre- $21,000. E.A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY, southerly direction along the center line OUGH OF SHREWSBURY WHICH a hearing Sept. 30. rp-pi\p fipp Tmihlnnn. Tall 291-2:144, f»red. 92 Wallace St., 7*1-5392. Realtor, 55IS Prospect Ave.. Little Sil- or Fair Haven Road nnd the conte ARE UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITA- f"> rrnie lr,fnrmR(ton. •alsed with children. Reasonable. 2M- ver, 741-4.100. TION ADOPTED PURSUANT TO '775-9300 3:113 alter * p.m. AT-Hl ACTIVE '•"N1O_LV~FURNIBH_D line cf Fair Haven Road extended t< Police said Mr. Fennen Is a 'lW,S ".1A<"OPSKN rlhlff" B "h p rtrllng its initTspctlon with the cenler line o THE PROVISIONS OF THE STA- - Stunlo rrtotn. Private. MKht cooking. EXCELLENT REP BANK LO- TUTES OF NEW JERSEY, A3 EM-suspect in the Sept. 11 break in trudor wlOi 36" cuttlni mown, J^0O loo __UN rr.____j»\niT PAIUC, W.J RIDING INSTRUCTIONS Refrlceratton. For gentleman. 741-8394 CATION -- Ranch horns featurlnK at- Third Street extended; thence (i) ]n a C*\\ 7*T HST. • westerly direction along the cente BODIED TN N.J.fi.A. 40:WE.LI_ENOS AND AOCErnNf; AXD Bay Ave., in which cash and SKI (Inn RPM Dffpr over J2ft. 071-3A38. Four lo all -luilentj per cl«»s. GARA&ES FOR RE>fT dishwasher nnd wall oven, four bed- Intersection with the cwiter line o ADOPIN THE NEW JERSEY Call 671-,MO>. rooms or three and den, Kamernom Cedar Avenue extended; thence (5) li STATE HOUSING CODE" AS STAN- cigarettes were taken. He was - OARAQ^E — Vicinity of with bar, 2Vj baths, two-car KaraKO, flPFT*. W'AS' BED - «M. Formioa In- ftilna rltmi't. Antiqtti* hlrdnpyo drcnnpr. OEIIMAN SHiOPHEnn - basement. Plaster walls and city flow- a northerly direction along the cente DARDS FOR USE 3N DETERMINING arrested by Patrolmen Robert ' K rtmlrs. VM). Wlnrlpo-'J rtryoi. Lionel trains HPCOHI "Rrpaln" i>f AKC Hired by champion. Bred 'or Colts Nock Monthly or yearly basis. ers. 534,900. REDDEN AfiENCY, line of Cedar Avenue and the cente THE FITNESS OF A BUrLTONO FOR I.I i%r !mr gontl twin hnx rnmnim band* and slriRpri <7Ri. Two conformation snd temperament. 2«t- Call .62*4!)69. Realtors, :IIN Maple AVP., corner Ber- line of Cedar Avenue extended lo It HUMAN HABITATION OR OCCUPAN- Stefanski and Robert Beatty. tappslilr-' "8T-_fl:il. __ Intersection wish the confer line o CY OR USE." was prMMted for In mra. Ren PL, Red Bank. 741-nin». River Road; thence (ff, in a wMterl] troriuction and first reading on An 1 HAMMOND ORGAN ~ Mndfl M-,1 . ..W FEMALE"rionS • One I ..- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "MIlTniETOWN""— oak HlS. Hal««i direction alone the center line of Rive trust 13, 19GS hy the Mayor and Coun- LEGAL NOTICE SEEMS SILLY with ppf-iiMltm, Mrrtp-l 2M Lp_lli> yMra-okl, one four - months - old. Free rnnch. Three bedroomn, two twth», Road to the point or place of BEGUN cil rvf the Borounh of Shrewsbury and HpfakiT. Oiiod fur group work or o Root! home. Ml-yi4. / HOUSES FOR SALE paneled recreation room, full base- on September 10, i,%8 was finally pa>nt ihp hmmp nt«m. It will JJuit Hump UCP. Spimmtf rpvcrh rlninn*1!. The polling; place for the Beconi adopted and approved. flBRMAN SHBPHERD "rllPPIKB — ment. Slcne patio, targe two-car Ra- I a.nrt hlisiphl r npxi yp«r. Pll uf_ for M fll. K H TalTlll 787-40747874074. Election District Is the Fire House BKOUTRT AND BLBCTIOM pMimatp r»ff totp of lOuml- nuaranleed temperament, raised wltn TOMB EIVKR — Nine room Bl-level, rage. Maturtd landscaping. »9,!00. River and Ba-ttln Roads. FREDERIC MESSINA NOTICE d PROWN'BPROWN' , 32 Brotd 8t., 1.AWN SAIiK — One man's trash i* children. Stud service available. J flvo years old. Excellent condition, OII 671-2286. ELECTION DISTRICT 3 Mayor TOWNSHIP OF COI.TS NECK, I*. J. Kfri Bank 7*1 7VXV amnhpr inmi'ii I if &»tirp. KurnUurc r old proven brood female Must convenient to shopping, churches and TAIFTHAVEN — HARD TO FINfl — All that part ot the Borough _ ATTEST: Notice la hereby gtvun th»t tht Dll- Httrt hmiwhtild items. <\>m» fi.r coffpi. to adult home or kennel.JHH-OKW. aohools. Four berirooms, IV, baths, C^izy cottaRe on pine-shaded lot. Com- Fair Haven bounded as follows; U Jean W. Fabry Met Boird ot Election and Re_l«rr "SVIVN AT'rRK WASHINT, hmw,tt> unit Imy r» Kiimwn Kxl., Rum- apaclous living room, formal dlnln. BoroURh Cleric • ' KK l"i. K'««l liome. Seven kit- rucm, eat-In sanltas kitchen with all pletely renovated and decorated In- In and Tor the Township nf Colti Nsek. |4f t'nll a!trr ft mm Mnminy, Tuemlay _n re crft no, 6" brick fireplace, laundry room, garage. REGISTRATION & ELECTION Wltteni. Sin m-fks oM. Many extras! NO AGENTS. Call lot pals only. S-I.Ofin. Call for appoint "Kh of Little Silver; thence M) In NOTICE hptwpflp th<* hours ot 7:00 i.m, and pinner .-mil )"lnoi' nti mcliil uliavlng 741-9IH7 a westerly direction along anlrl north- R:«> p.m. lor thf purport ot conduct- slarilt. C*!l uripr ft p m R4'J-M9T. appointment after 2 p.m. 341-9619, rnent after 6 p.m. 747-9293 or 291 Notice Is herehy given that a Gen- 22 erly bounrinry Unp of the Borough c eral Election will be held In the Bor-ing the General Election. n'ARAGR 8ALK .S7 Forrpst Avc, lDnLETOWNF^TflVIKW SECTION Uitle Silver tt> its Intersection wit ough of Shrewsbury, County of M_.. Said General Election will be- held r^; t:;u Knlr Hnvpn, Sat., Sun., «n1 Mnn, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Threit bprtrnom split, l1^ hulhn, the center line of Tmspect Avenu< mouth, State nf New Jeraey, on Tues- In nald municipality tor thi purpoil being the easterly boundary line c of electing: TVTF Wflnp STnVK III win, til 4:3ft p m. CnmplPle llniPi ain link fencpcl, r'nyRfounti In rear. LOTS AND ACREAGE the Borough of R«i Rank; thence (2 day, November S, 1M8 beLween the o»W dlnlnjt room set. sprtlr>nn! rourti, APARTMENTS eatl-PiKl street. Excellent for chil- In a general northeasterly direction hours ot 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. at places Electors of a President and Vlce- _;{" HCA TV, fi" nam.iti mrtrtprn rmirh, den. Convenient tn N.Y. bui and pew^O_r_OTToTT5l6( New Jersey, Wn have mimr choice locations In the LOT — 75X14H, Improved. Clly sewers. hencp a, in a easterly .llreetlnn alon for the Third Congressional District, a Sheriff, and two .members of "PL/Y"PKN " rXrrlRRc "hlghchiilr " wllh HERNANrlo'S nillEAWAY! Mon- MMt.letown-Att-.nttc Highlands area On Rockwell Ave., near Atlantic, a Sheriff and two members of the ROCKKK trny Jl-\ fath Aiihurn win. the center line of Ftefkman Place am the Board of Chose* Freeholder! fo, m(Mvpr, lump*, trl- mouth Rfirh, fine- tied loom pfriclcnry. where custom constructprt new homes Long Branch_Jt5OO. J47-9647. the center line of Ber-kman Phcp en Board cf Chosen Freeholders for thethe County of Monmouth, und for th) worn, t'lb I'mrks. Mnny Kimdl ChannlnK Winter renlnl. SS.S «ll utll- ranglnc (rom J16.0OO to $35,000, are to -sne to j;tft 7ST- tended to the point at Wn)cn |, lntei County o( Monmouth and a Mayor for following municipal offices, rlt: j ti* J.V Mnn , Thiirn, Kii . 9«t 10 to 5 III*.* plus lii'at Call evi'nlnus or be built. For complete detaili call "wOOEPrf)~H*ti' ACRE — Hill »ec- sects the center line of Poplar Ave a lull term of two years and two i |i rn • .'^.'i PPIPIH PI . T*,fil Rk Ore Councilman for the full tern MUU.ANEY RKALTY. _«[1-51S1. tlon, Atlantic Hlghlantli. Partial view extended; thence H, «iin ,na Council Members for full terms of of water. *85IM. 291-9059. easlrrly (Ilrpcllrtn alnnj; the cpntpr lln of thrtn years. ; OARAHE IURCAIN 8A1.K Easy TWO.HOOM efMnleni'V Rpaitments. HOMK • - Just cnmnletPti. three years each and one Council Mem An Asst.tsor lor thi full term of rnok- ripe. Full cellar. 2!_ baths of Poplar Avpmie and the center lln her for an unexplred term of one yea four years. 'I'ileit kilclii'n noil hnlli. Wlnlrr rslfs. Twn-rnr nf rnplar Avenue extfndp.1 to the cenfor the Borough of Shrewsbury. v-'. u ,. vtst. .,nl>~ *l(t". Hollviv I.viinaiilo Mold ;i Hwy. 3B. _f>l-B614. occurnncy, PlPase cull Ifr line or Hance Rond; thence (5) 1 Nnllce Is lierpby piven that qualified ii-»|i| tteins NPVPT us^rj !iinihpr, COMMERCIAL PROPERTY ltl N, >->•: m.1. ,;.•!,. f.ill. 'i an.l .ting ANII I'dlTt — a southerly riirrrtlnn nlnnr thr contp The Isst day to re^ater or to trans- voters off tth e TownshiTp of Coltl Neck, . lorn, im-r i>nrK, vinv) tilp 42 line of Hance Roan1 to the point o rnunly nf MfinmouthMfinmouthth, , ailaite pff NeN w H[ii-rjv»iinujvi • • C'^nlfrr iiall v.oio- MIDDLETOWN TWP. - Coitim«rclal fpr from nno votlnjr district in an- t IFPP Tprrarp. Linemft 711 i'ifin. Plare of BEGINNING. other In order to vote in the Gemera! Jersey, not alreaddy registeredd Ini saidd Call i:TI-49.'t6 or 774- nlal 8ft Rtlv«»rhrof>k Rd. OM1 for «p- property (tlonf Hwy. 35 or 3fl. From municipality under the laws of New tRM polnlmont. 7I_1_-S2W Election is September 26, 19_8 tnd " rRWIN's"FURNITURE 175' to 10 acrei MULLANKT REAL- Thr pnl]in([ place for the Third Elec Ihls can he done nl the municipal Jersey KoVRrnlnir permanent registra- RBli RANK I'rtfiirnlslieil, Cannon RIVER PI.AZA - - Thin rhurmtng TY 671-M.">1. tlnn District la tho Knoll wood Schoo hulliilnR, 777 Broad Street during reg- tion may register or transfer with thi 7.7 Monmouth Si. Red Bank hrlrk and frame, thrfMtfdrrom Caite WEST L.ONO BRANCH, N. J. — I HajiP. Rond. ular office htiura. Monday thru Fri- clerk nf snld municipality at his of- KorRPIErK MAllor.ANV PKT> ScilnR St '1 and V-, room apartment Cort features a finished Ramproom fesslonal office bulldlnj, one stnry,' .„ EL.3.CTION DISTRICT 4 day, holidays excepied. Registry fice. H n. 1. rvilts Neck, Conover RIKIM SKT. F.xrpllcni cnndilton 741 «\sllal>le All elerlnc. 8ei manager. and bar In huspmeiU and fin un- All that p*rt cf the Borough of Fair Road. Vanderburc, New Jersey, up | 1 300 square feet, fully paneled, five lion of voters or transfer of rettis. ^")7^ Apt F, 9. flnlshert ronrth bedroom. Custom built rooms, air conditioned, acoustical tile Haven boundPti as Tollows- lo wit- trallon can be mnile on forms pro- tr> and Including Thursday, 8#ptember limn' with redar clnsets (ind attrac- BEfitNNrNG Rt the point nt whl 2J. 1MR. during the following hours: . \\'[1 celllnB, carpeted, large paved parkins vided hy the Clert or hy thp Com- SEA VERGE APARTMENTS" tively liu.il!ii aiii»d. S"-:..M*0, JEAN K. lot nn welt-traveled road, landscaped he center line or Populur Avenue « missioner of Registration Office, at Daily 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Satur- -JKi• i. nt niir ni-w loratlon, llfid Llnmln IIIW1N. IlPflltiir, Marina Pjirk. Red the center line of Poplar Avenue ex days, Sundays, and Holidays eiceptsd. Cinji I F.lbpro!! f^nt* Mnrk from »U- grounds lot approximately 165'xloO'. tho Hall o{ Records, Main Street, Free- LUXURY APARTMENT Hank. St_-ilR8 Forceil sale. Call George M. Chamlln, inn c I Pit Intersect* the center line hold, N.J. Also September 26, 1M6, between 7:30 iif-n, (*\it pins*. cMlnn. unttqiipii hmiRtu Hance Road; thence (1) Inin i WPSIPrl p.m. and 9:00 p.m., or at Commission- ON THE OCEAN SHKKWSBUUY SHOWPLACR 229-0151. dlrecllon nlonR Ihr renter line ol Pon Following ii e, description of elec- er of Registration Office, Hall of 1 Imnmciitnti' tlirpf-hi'rtrooin split In tar Avenue anil the center line ition districts and polling places; Records, Main Street. Freehold. ENCVrLMPETtlA "AMKIUi'ASA ^« LONG BRANCH rholrc area, on spacious landscaped Inpnr Avenue pjlrnded to Its Inter Flnt Klecitlon District New Jersey, up to and Including , \l.MnM'»H!«n Sprmlnam in Art. HV lot. Formal dining room. RRmfroqni BUSINESS PROPERTY section with the center line ot Bert Bounded on the north and northeast Thursday, September 2fl, 196S, dur- «lklnR r-ivl I ..in < 'ail 7C Vi'M WEST END plun doubli' RirnRi*. Offered nt Jill. m»n rince tjtondeil; thivice (2) still Ir hy the rlghl-of-way o( the New York ing the following hours: Bally 9:00 MODERN HI-RISE Mm CAM ASS A Ar.ENCY, Realtor, NKW"MONMOUTH — Professional of » wtsliply illrfctlMi Blong the cenle. A Long Branch Railroad Co. on the a.m., to 4:30 p.m. Also September Lilll. Silver. 7*1-63.16. ______flee building. Asking J27,5O0. Call 671- ne of neckirun Place snd the cratei west by the center line nf Broad' 2*. 25, 26, 1968, from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 MONKV TO LOAN MONI.Y TO LOAN Am roNinriONF.ii. AU. ITII.II'IF.S Inp or Beekmnn Place exleniled to Hi Street, nn the south by the center line p.m., Saturdays, Sundays and Holi- lNCI.I'DKn CLAMnllR K1TCHBS FMK. HAVEN - Thron bedroom Co- 1IM1. Inler.-ralnn wllh Ihp emterly Unmi of Sycamore Avenue, and on the east days execpted. sTiinin 1 AND •; HEPROOMS. lonlnl. twn Iirpplacr.i In living room ary line ot Ihe Bnrouith of Red Bank hy R line which runs in a general - ami ma stir hedronm. Out »iifl« newly On Thursday, September 28, IBM. TEitn*l F.S SWIMMINf. TOOL. 1 tnenw I3> In a senorsl northerly d northerly direction from the center RESERVEI1 rAIlKINf", puinlPd. This houM features a full REAL ESTATE WANTED renlon along the essttrly bouiidar line of Sycamore, Avenue 150 feet the registration books will bi closed haspm^nt with partial lllprJ floor ne nt the BoronRh ol Red Bank t weal of westerly curhllne o[ We.it until after tbe forthcoming Gentra] PEACH PRivn.Er.ns. rrrrrailon urea nnd a larcn h J Inttrsprtlon wilh the smilher shon End Avenue and continuing In Election to be held on Tuesday, Novem- FROM $145 palln in rfur of house. jro.MO. JEAN ' LISTwrTrTcONFIDENCE" line ot the Nivpslnk iNnrth Shrews stralghl line to the right-of-way nf the ber li. 1968. K. 1U WIN, Rfallor, Marine Park, Our 14 professional salespeople ar« nnryl River; thence (I) In a genera New York A Long Branch Railroad Nollce of change of residence or ap- W> C«'KAN ni.Vll. Keil Rank. M-M1RS. • resdy and able to market your prop- norlhrolerlv dlrecll™ .lnni; the soulh Co. The polling place Is the fire plication for transfer or registration erly shore, line of the Nnveslnk (Nort^ shall be made either hy wrltt)n D- : 229-3371. j MIMI'tl.RTOWN • Foiir-bpilrodm Hi erty successfully. Shr*wslinr.vi River to Us Intersertlo house, Broad Street. l.pvel I1, tilo bathB, rtferpntion room, Trade-Ins — Exchanges with the center line or Hanr.e Eos Nfcond Rlpcllon District quest forwarded to the Municipal Clerk "APARPMENT STUDIO h>\pmt, 1 Uember Multiple Listing Sendees or the County Board of Elections on I twu-fur Knr.iKf . l.u rue/on me r lot wllh Mteruied: thence (3) In > soulherlv dl Rnunded on the north by Newman forms provided by said Municipal Clerk ! .Inxt tfmm.etf.l Kf«(iiinnt)t«. Call W8- ! ctty sowtT* $'_3,.\UO./Prlncti'ali only, WALKER * WALKER, Realtors recllon llnnt the opnter Una o( Hsrc Spring* Road, on the west hy Shrews- Shrewsbury , Holme! el Rnad mnl lht> renter line or Hsnc nr Board or hy calling In person at WKRT EN. i Orpnnfntnt - - Duplex- 211I--114, alter (i p.m. bury Avenue to a point 3400 feet south the office of the Municipal Clerk or 1 741-5212 671-3311 of Newman Springs Road where trie $..Mr mn. |iln.i uiliiilfs. it room il IIPII- "UITLE SILVER - A-1 cindltlnn. County Board nf Elecllons up to and | rtmni', J'-OO. Excellently ftirnislifd. WE NEKD — Five or six. 2-3 bedroom center line or Shrewsbury Avenue in- Including September 2G, 1068. Fonr-hodrnnm Capn Con. Wnlkmit dts Incomes, furnished or unfurnished, tersects with a line drawn In ihe cen- tArn** to stfllton, (*rtll i4*-_fiiS. from J8S to H75 per month, lor In- The pciiint plflcp for thP TJ\>urtJ ter Imp of Ohre Place, on the south The following Is a description of Ihi l Election Districts In the Township of Ill'MStlN - Rivf r (MijUf, i «rrlnK« Sl.l.EWSBURY - Three - hfnronrr coming personnel. THE RERC. AGEN- EW-tlon District la the Kno1lwoo< hy a line running in an easterly and 1 Colti Neck and th* polling plaen in hniup apurtnifn. Six r^omr. Inth, rAncli. Flrrplai-K In living rn»m, Iwi CY. Rt. M. Mlddletown. 671-1000. Sctinot, Mancp Rnad wfulerly direction, heglnning at 1 1 11 s S" - ' I '" K" ' ' bath*. Klgnntic pla.vrnnm. Nenr ELECTION' DISTRICT 5 point 3400 feet south of Newman ; All that part or the Rnrmiph of Pal Fm3T ELECTION DISTRICT trlciiy, hrat, Rffrr.nccv Wrilr Bnx Rrtiontx. S^.OOtl. Tall 741-41SH. NEED'VACANT LAND 1 Springs Road and running tn a - X-lTfi, Th* Pnlly RpRtstfr, Rfit Ounk. Haven hniimtprl as follows to wlf straight line to th« center line of Election District No. 1 Is hereby ~HOr:SK"FOR~SALK amill lot or large tracti. Call MUL- BKOINNHNG at the point where the Ohre Place snd projected to the cen-defined and described as followi: Call at 5 p.m. LANEV REALTY. 571-5151. All qualified voteri reildlng on thi center line nf Kemp Avnnue interaeel ter llns of Broad Street; and on tha ; I cnndlllnnpti. wanhinit machine. All 74T-4_% the CMiter lino of RM Road, being east hy the center line of Broad St. West aide of Highway No. 3i, foutn 1 i.tiilliM .ncliirifii. SIM Adulti. No URGENTLY NEEDED — Two and R0 ol Flock Roid and C«dtr Drlvs. i LEONARPO - Six-room ranch onr- Uiree-bedroom homes Mlddletown, liar- tn_ northerlv boundary line of the Tha polling place Is the First Aid ' ..els 741-'.:';i.1 M Brnni-h Av*. ^ let vicinity. We have buyer* waltln«. iiorougn of Rumson; thence (1) In a Squad Building;, loutheait corner of The polling plac* for thi Tint i ncr lot. $17,200. Asmnie mortgage, westerly direction nlorg salif northerly Election District Is Cedar Drlvi TWO~ WOMKN • To iit.iir- apurt- j la.MW dtTwn, ?i;u JUT month. 211-^iO. THE KTRWAN^CO. 787^6(00. Laurel Street and Haddon Avenut. : tnt*nt iwn liir(t(i room*, kllcli»*n *nd boundary line of th. Borough of Rum- Third Election Dlalriet Sohool, Cedar Drlvi, Colts Neck. j'MinDlTRTOVVN "-"- RpllMevM.~TKrM sim (o iifl Intprntctlon wllh the center SECOND ELECTION DIHTRICT h.-itti VrlVBlf rnlranrf. All illlIlllM , 1 ~~WE CAN MUT/flPLE UST All that portion of the Borough of Election District No. 2 Is hiriby FurnWifil KtN(*.nilile. Cull nftrr 4:30 betlroomi, rpcrfatlrn room, I , bnths. ine of Pair Haven Road; thenco (2 Shrewsbury south of Ihe center line of Cain 60 Mo. 1 Total 741-rJO-. YOUR HOME In R northerly direction along the cen defined and described as follows: Deol confidmtly wllh New Jtriiy'i MI , 776 Tfi::7 _j ter lln. or Pair Haven Road and thtBye*more Avenue and east of a Una All qusllfled voters residing on thi rucif WiHfl/ odvertiifd loon comporty. foil in a southeasterly direction A l^ing Branch Railroad Co. which Township School, County Highway No. i .000 ?7.S9 1,355.40 •PW1N nABl'.KS1 M P.ivpr.ildd AVP. ATTENTIONPCOLTS NECK itralght line is ICQ feet west of Iha alnng tho. wuthrrly shore line of the westerly curt) line o( West End Ave-537, Colts Neck. Thrc. UrRp innitprn rnuitiF. rlpvutnr. HAKI.ET^ *_4,DO0. We hsve read/ qiinil/lprl buyers, so NavpMnk (North Shrewsbury i River THIIID EELKOnriL N DISTRICT CALL NOW 1.500 3] 89 2,033.40 Very rirnlr^blP. $t_n. 741-:;if»P Rraiitlful (nu rhi»rt room «pllt IPVH. for faM efficient servlre, call J. n. lo ils, lniprsertlon wllh the center line nue. Also that portion of the Borough Larfte Ilvinpt rnnm Spannim Jitlrhrn nf flhrewahiiry south ol ft Una running Election District No, 3 Is hereby 3'j" Itnu.MS ['nliirnistifd, |l_0, 3!. ROOHE. Realtor. III. .11, Colls Neck, of filllesple Avenue exlnndod; thenc. diflned and dssoribsd u follow.; 2.000 45,19 2,711.40 with dining area. HIIRC rerrentlrn «S.-?741. Member Multiple Listing Ser- MI In a southerly direction along the along tha center lln. of Obre Place rootni (urni.'hfti. Sun Call mom. IS batiw ANnched K.irafic which li bounded on the w.n by All qualified votirs reildlng MI thi vice center llnp or Glllssplp Avenu. ind We* 51d« ot Hit-Sway No. M,Mr _ 988-2300 2.500 ik.ti 3,389.40 Easy Iprmc lor all THE BERG the center tine nf Gllleiplr Avenue «- Shrewsbury Avenu* and on tha east AOENnT. Rpallon. .I-Oti Rt Z\ Hn- by tha center Una of Broad Street. of Flock Hold and Cedar Drive 1 iCEANPORT Spparalf fntrflncer tended in Its interMC!Ion with th« cen- The polling pi_« for Uu Third 3.000 (.77 ) <.0o7.40 Ti*t. .M-B.rw. Please ral! colleri The polling placa U the Broad Street Kn • rooms unfiirriihpd. f B4- T47- ter Jin* nf River Road; thence, (fit In Auditorium of tha Ihrewibury School. Election D-trlct li Cedar Drlvi H0UE8 - FARMB — ICKEiOE It pays to advertise in Hiean easterly _lr school, e«du Drlvi, Colti NW ZENITH LOAN CO. 4,000 90 IS 1.<77 BO tar. line of River Road to ltt inienec- JEAN W. FABRY HARRY R-EI> BANK — FumLflUid-- LlvlnJt Ntw Hit nuar rood boji-CiU LAU- HARRY CWMl ??60 Hijhwoy 33, N»Dluns •ON, INC.. UALTORI. rMBHPUX tloa wltn ib* emtn lln* of Elm Plcu lonum Clark Tnraihla du- 5,000 tJJl.M room, kltchtn, b»drc»__u bith. 104 axtadftJ. thtnc* («) La •, ' , M, DM WOO .«*. 90, UM H«!rt»irt £U Daily Register Classified. H1.H % 1 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE J THE DAILY BEGF5TER, UOBIBY^ANV ELECTION tot Monmouth Boat Ctub and proptrt] or tht County Board «f Elections . corporate line of Matawan Townshl center Hat of South Laurel Avenue Monday, S*pf. 23,1968-^17 known •• thee RRee d Bank Lyceum, tin RRGISTRY AND ELECTION NOTICE Flrrt Election District intersects thai BOBOUQH OF BED BANK, If. J, forms provided by sail Manlclp 9.200 feet more or lesi to tha poll Intersects the center line o[ the right HO1MM Ml OF MTTU5 SILVER, N. J. [poinpoint or placpe e ooff BeglnnlnfBelnl . Clerk or Board or by calling . northerly short are of Parker Creek; Notlet U htrtby given that tha r>i«- 1 The lli l formed by Willow Brook corner belli of-way of the New York A Long Notice le hereby given that the Dis- thence (4t in a northerly direction The polling place lor the Firth El< person at the office of the Munldpj the point and place of Beginning. trlct Board! of Election and Registry tlon tttstrict If liberty Engine How Branch Railroad Company; trict Boards of Election and Registry along the easterly line of the. first Elec- IJLJWIIU 111/ liVU In and (or thB Borough of Red Bank Clerk or County Board ot EJectioi Th» polling place for the Third Bi In and for the ftorougn of JJtUf White Street. up to and Including September Thence (3) continuing In a south- tion District in the iniithtriy line ot, County of Monmouth, state ot New lion District is tha Mortfanville weiterly direction along thB center Silver. County of Monmoulh. State of Little .Silver Point ~Koa,d and the point! Sixth election Dlitncl 1968. dependent Firehouse. Highway 79. Jersey, will meet at the, places here- Beginning at a point where the cei of South Laurel Avenue la the center New Jersey. will at the places or place ot Beginning. r; iinry nf Mnnmouth fltate of Ne« inafter deilgnated on The following Is a description of thi ELECTION DISTRICT #4 line ot Holland ftoad: j hereinafter d jiic'iiiipi, J- n'.i al fji'iv r< ,n Ml' t«r line of Monmouth Street li Inti; election districts in the 'Township « Horfanvllle Volunteer Flrehouss Polling place for this district Is St, SWrM TUESDAY NOVEMBER B, 1668 sected with the center line of Broa* Thence (4) In & westerly direction , NOVEMHFU 5, J!i!l ! a w.i nf New between th» hours of 7:00 a.m, and Marlboro, and the polling places In Ui MorganVllle-Tenntrnt Rd. along thB center line of Holland 'Jtoari "f 7;0(i ,-i.m ani nr r Street, thence Bouthwirdij aloof tin Silver Point Roarl. r.-i'',v K'ivrrn nK r' r 'pfsl"'iia 8:00 p-m. for the purpose of. conduct- same, lo wit: ALL that certain tract or parcel to Its interjection wJlh Ibe center Une iX! ji. th:> i-Diifiui-lt t ran-irVr- ivifrt t* center line or Broad Street to Us Inte; , Fmrth Election Olnlrirt i nr IT fir i ing the General Election. ELECTION DISTRICT #1 land situate In the Township of Mar of VanSchoIck Road: • 1 rk i. V srf-Ea Idl municir illty at hh of- liectlon with the center line of Recklei boro, County of Monmouth and 3tat Kl'vtlun. [ HEfJ INNING at the Intersection ot. Said General Election will be held Place, thence Westwardly along th Marlboro Tovvnsnlp Hall, Mam St, Thence (6) In a arnimerly direction iti (i.'tn* Klivtiuii will :K» h"liljthc fusttir.y line of Uranrh* AvpnuBj li ', M<-rn'>r1a h'h Hall Ktvpr ALL that ceriain tract or parcel of New Jersey, and is more particula: alDni the center line of VaiiSchnlck In said municipality lor the purpose center line of Reckleai place to Iti 1 ly described as follows: ifiiity fur Hie |nir;i'Me ami the snutlicrly line of Jiiirnson Road; I; M'l l N fw Jeraov. up tn ot electing: tersectlon «fJth the center jtne of Mi land situate in the Township of ML. Road to III intersection with the cen^ li'i-lini;: hhoncp running ill.in an easterly dlrec-! t .I 'in lihlini. ' Thi in: ay. Si> itrmbcT BEGINNING at a point at tho ter line of Red Hill Road; Elector* of President and Vlce- Iple Avenue; these* Northwardly alon| boro, County ol Mbnmouth and Stai i T'rrnl.iml and Vic- Hoi) nlnug tho southerly line RumsnnS 21 lWifc , dun IK the nlliwing liourr: PresWent of the United" States and the center line of Maple Avenue of New Jeriey, and is more partlcula tersection of the center line of Ten Thence (6) In a southwesterly dlrcc^ T>illy ! rift a ;. tc 'i i'( i>rr;. Satu-- Road, and the corporals line betwei IP I'ui ifii Stain »tid ] Ruarl am! HCfons Prospect Avenue to r Its Intersection with the center Hi ly described as follows: Uon along the center lino of Red Hill 1. VH !i «> ;i TI n. Sum!; v,», nn ( electing a Member oF the House ot Middlesex and Monmouth Counties ai icrly line of Pmspeel AVPTIU*; iof Chestnut Street, thence Westward BEGINNING at a point at the Road to tha center line- of Qarden l.lll.V, •i I'YIT riterl' \l-ui Si. Representatives' for the Third Con- lrom said beginning point along tl '2I In a north p rly dlrectlnn M j ftemlirr gressional District of New Jersey, a along the center line of Cheitm, tersection ol the center line of Ca State Parkway; " ''0 f tn. fln-1 latter (1) In a Northeasterly dlrectit Thence (T) along the center line ol Rumnoii Rnati mid aling the Sheriff, and two jnemfcers of Uie ;8treet to its Intersection with it ty Route 520 with the center line . Sheriff, line «l Pr^.trTt Avpn.is ti thr hsionT of Rrs- traclu of tnt> New Jer*ey Southern ral Conover Road and Boundary Roai 15,410 feet more or less to a point in th the Garden Stale Parkway am) In i Board o( Chosen Freeholders for line of the same and corner to Ml Hiuini i y linn of RldRe Road, thence i:er-ftrrl.i, "Main toad, thence Northwardly along tti said point being the most northwea northwesterly direction to Us intersec • Comity the County of Monraouth, and (or the awan Township; thence along the l&i tlon with ths center line of. Holland f Mnnn ']•! fur Ihe \'-'< In nn piatfrly dlfrtlun nlunf; th* following municipal otfices, viz: tracks or road bed of the New Jene erly corner of Atlantic Township, (Col Southern Railroad to Its intemctlc Neck Township), thence along the sal ter in part &nri part by Matawan Bo Ro&d; lfl|.nl vir.: aoutiiprly linn of Rlfl^o Rnail tn the A Mayor for the full term of two ough (2) Southeasterly 6,100 feet mo: dill trim intcrsflttlnn with Harding Road; thence VMM. with the center line of MonraouL center line of said Boundary Road an Thence (R) In n nnrtlieaslprly nnrt years. Btreet, thence Eaatwardly along thi the corporate line between Atlant or less to the point where Route 79 1 ntheriy dirrrlioti along the fl IK I ; Two Councllmea for tha full term tersects the Corporate line of Matawi then flaiterly direction along tie cen One iinnlm.in for the unexiitrcd| wi'xtrriy HUB of Harding Rond t" the 'center line of Monmouth Street lo (Colts Neck) and Marlboro Townshl] ter line of Holland Road to it* inter of three years. Intersection with the center line fi> Southeasterly — 2,600 feet more Township; thence (3) Southerly aloi nf northerly line of Rum son Unad; thence Sundays t.nl There shall appear on ttie ballot lor the line of Route 79, 18,300 feet more section with the center lino of Tel .*-»tii:o IF her.- i th;it niKillflrd i fti ncroHs Rnrnson Koad and in a Broad Street the point or plica less to a point In the aame; thence . •graph Hill Road: the General Election to be held 'Beginning. the same (2) Southwesterly — 2,000 fei leas to the intersection of the sai rri (if il;c Hi of Utty Klh'rr, weiterly ritrrrtion alnng the southerly November 5, 1068, the following ques- with the southeasterly line of Lo' Thence (9) in a northerly direction I'llV of Mnn Stale of N''w Uii" of Rnmson Ruafl to ita Inlrrjecllon Die rt^lniMn ks l o c\\ morB or less to a point In the sami Hong tha center line of Telegraph Hill tion to be voted by Uie voter* of the thence by the lame (3) Southerly 7-17 Block 45; thence (4) Southweaterl. •."'V, li')t JVIr*' will! the rantt'rlv Une uf Sevfn Undoes until riffr thi fmtlirnmlnK nrncrit The polling place for the Blith Ele. 1,900 feet more or less to a point come Road the various course a thereof to Borough of Red Banit: 9.560 feet more or less to a point 1 nli'lpnliiy im. Koiul, thence fG> Iti n south?rly dlrec- KliT.tlnn to hi' held tin T«fSflFiy, Novem- tlon District Is Relief Engine HOLJII to the latter, thence by the same " Its Intersection with the center il "Shall the salaries i>f all members Drummond Place. the Intersection ot the same v.. of MayTalr Road; Ihe center iiwe of Dutch Lane Roai part and part by Lot 19 of Block 45 0 Ir:i• isT(.• r wilh Dm J Hrld(;»« Flnail !o ;i point marked hy an ©f the Police Department lip Increased, Seventh Election District Southeasterly 677 feet more or less Thence (10) in a westerly directii Notice (if chance if resident nr ap- effective on anil after January 1, l!*98, thence leaving said Boundary Roi clrrk of iiiunlcli>:ili!y nt licr n extension in an easterly direction of the! plication for tnrWer or rpRlalrallnn Beginning at a point where the centi and continuing along the corpora a point la the line ot the latter ai .long tha center line ol Maylalr Roi rice, Hun by 15% of the salaries to which each Ine of Broad Btreet is Intersected wii corner to Lot 2 of Block 45; them to lia intersection with the center line Hull, Prosjicct Avi-nm southerly line ot Klnpi Koad; tliencft :r Hi.' Ooiintv R'innI n! Elcrllnns nn thence Southwardly along the centi erly— 7,160 feet more or Jess to a pol: Thence (11} along tne center iln* illirinn erly line ol Kings Road lo tlie eaiterly rurm.i.iirn/ififil hv mid Municipal Clerk Notice Is hereby Klven that qualified line of Broad Street to the Souther! In line of the same and corner leas to a point In the center line of Chestnut Ridge Road nnd In i ll!i« of Prosjiect Avrniln; th price (Si or Ri.nnl or by ctllint; in person at voters of the Borough of ltd Bank Wyncrest Koad; tlience along the sam |).! boundary of the Borough of Red Ban! Freehold Township; thence along tl northwesterly direction to tha cents Sundays Rcrrm Prospect Avenup ami In » I he. fifficc nf (lie Mutiiripal a to » Imiu'lini; S'j'1 i-mt . r 2li, 10W, municipality under the lawn nt Newjthfl New York and Long Branch rail along the center line of Rrentwnod — 10,330 feet more :_._ point where thR larnc Interiects w!td lioiiiKlnrH's »l me KiecLiiin Ulstrlrti Jersey governing permanent p-K^in- jroad company to Iti Interjection wit itn the center line of Gordon's Comi Road to its Intersection with the cent rjitlnn Offlrc, Hull Ihii First Kleclloi District; theni:s 19) tlon may register or tran*f*:r with thejthe center lint of Chestnut Stree. Road; thence along the latter (&) We! line of Old Manor Road; >r Kcfonls, Street, Kivelui'd, In thi HoroiiRh of Iiumiinn and the point in Uie center lino of New Jei In a Rt'tierally northwesterly and north- pnitlnit' places tn each district ara aJ clerk or said municipality at ri)* of-; ihtnce Eastwardly along the, center llni sey State Highway Route 79 whei erly 3,400 feet mora or Jess to a poll Thence (13) in a nortlierjy direction erty tiirecKon along tlio bnunrtary flee, Municipal Building, 32 Monrnr/uth M Chestnut Street to Us lntereectloi nt ihe intersection ot the same wif along the center line of Old Manor [•"irst Election District to the if tfl»! fnllf (o wit: he same Is intersected by tha soul First Election District Street, Red Bank, -New Ji-r^y, ijj/ v, ;wlth the center line ot Maple Avenue branch ol Topanemus Brook; them tho center line ot route 520; them Road and Ita projection, to Its Inter- cornrr of Lot 1, In Block ( p .1 Election District No. 1 is Hereby ds- and Including Thursday, Sept'-rnl^r 'i >, ;i. w> ^itihwardljr along the centei along the said brook (6) Westerly tl along the latter [9j Northerly 1,560 fei section with the boundary line between 19M, during the Mowing hours: i/aiy jii.i* of Maple Avenue to the Intenectlo; various courses and distances 9,800 fei more or leaa to a point at the Inte; Raritan and Holmdel Townships; Uie Tax Map: thence * 10J In a wentBrly lined and described as follows; B:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., B;ivjr<]j.y«, 'w'!h U-e center line of Reckless Place more or less to a point corner section of the same with the centei Thence (14) In an easterly direction ami Holidays t\- direction along the southerly line of Lot All that part of ths Borougn of Sundays, and Holidays txcty.v!. Ai- ,Ui*.ict Ea*twardly along the. center llni Freehold Township and Manalapi line of Crlne Road; thence along tl along tho boundary line between Bar CtP'llNi. 1, in Block hi and along the First Rumson bounded on the west by the •o S&p-tPmb&r 23, 24, 25, 2fl, 1M4, U- \'A Ktcfciwi Place to the center line o Township; thence along the corpora litter (10) Northerly 7,900 feet mora . ltan and Holmdel Townships to it (Ill Thursi];i [itfmhnr 25, lf)W, Klextlon District to the easterly line center iine ot Btifina Vista Avenue and less to a point at the Intersection Intersection with the center Line o of Branch Avenue; thence (11) In a Buena Vista Avenue entended; on the twcetwe n 7;0700 p.m| and 9:0900 p.m. WA EBtreett . thth « point or plact of B< line between Manalipan and Marlboi tlii- r ri;lstrati( !Ff,'.:r.g. Townships (7) Northeasterly — 7,1' the same with tha center line of Ter Palmer Avenue and to Ihe point o unlll niter 11 northerly dlrpctlon along tho a Rate rly south by the center line of Ridge Itoad at Comm.l&3ionef of Registration Of- rent Road; thence along the latter (1 Beginning. line of Branch Avenue to Its Intersec- and on the rant by the center lint of fice Hall of Rocords, Main Btrt'-i, , TV.* P'AWTX Plact for tht Sevcnt feet more or less to a point In tr Klrcll on to hi held on TuesdPiy, same; thence by the same (8) Norl Southwesterly 50 feet more or less to The polling place for the Second vemli rr b. n R. tion with the southerly Una of Rum- BlnRlum Avenue. Freehold, New Jersey, up to atv) }». • K>';'-va district is Relief Englni point in the same and corner to Lc westerly — 1,550 feet more or leai Election District In the Township oi Mul nee of residence nr np- Road and the point or placa ol The polling placo for the First eluding Thursday, September 26, \w>. li'j-it, £>n;mmond Place. 8 of Block 52; thence by the latti Beginning. during the following hours: Dally w» :o a point at the Intersection of tn Holmdel Is at the Elementary School, pllcil Inn for r&rsfnr of r'Tplstratloi Election District fs Oceanic FJra Com- ! Ki«fath Election District jame with the center line of Roberts' the following four (4) courses and dl Holmdel Road, HazleU New Jersey. Polllnp plaee for tills district Is thi a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays 1 E*i:.'..'.J:.t m the center lint of Lfl lances (12) Northwesterly 160 feet moi shall hi- m.-i.l either \>y written re pany's Fire House, corner River Rotd vllle Road; thence by the latter (I Third Election DMtrlct qnr^ forwarded :r> the Municipal fieri Fire Housn. Prospect Avenue, and Allen Street, Rumson. and Holidays excepted. Also Septem- ;<:,.*•. Awjft at high water line of th Northerly — 1270 feet more or lesi or less to a point; thence- (13) Nortli Filth Klfctlnn Dlntrlrt ber 24, 25, and 26, 1968, from 9:i easterly 176 feet more or less to a point BEGINNING) at a point wnere tht or Die ("mintv Hcird "I Klectiotis n Second Election District itf'jTtit Hr.rvvMbvty river, thenct Etii a point at the Intersection of th fnrms Trovidnd hy s;ilil Mimici t».n BEGINNING at tlie Intersection of •.m. to 9:00 p.m. k'.'/rg (, Municip.il ctcr :tjo easterly line ot Harding Rnati; All that part of thB Borough of Rum- the registration books will be close • J^ ; tflsrcft. Southerly along th Northeasterly — 10,359 feet more i or Omnty Bnanl »[ Eloctlona tip H ;hpnce i.l) In an easterly direction center lir« of Shrewsbury Avenu* less to a point at the Intersection •_ ner to the^ same and corner to Lo Thence (1) In a northeasterly dlrec ion bounded en the west by tht tenter until after the forthcoming Genen tlon along the center line of Holland finil inclmlliiK KeittenilHT 2(i, IOCS. ilong the fl'iutherly line ot Ridge Road Election to be held on Tuesday, N the cer.:«r i:r.« of Cheatnut Street the same with ths center line of Wyn 6 of Block 52; thence by the latte lino of Gingham Avenue; on the loutb ;he following nix (G) crursea and dl: Koad to Its intersection with the cen .o tho westerly line of Hance Road; by the center line of Ridgi Road and vember 5, i968. Ihenc* E'.jrterlr along the center lln crest Road; thence by the latter (l*' Tho following Is a dcscrlptlnfi of th tlience (2i In a southerly direction of Ghwr.-A Street to ihe center lln Southerly — 700 feet more or lei -ianees (16) Northwesterly 208 feet moi ter line of the Garden State Parkway; election districts In the BorouRh ot Lll on the east by the center Una of tht Notice of change ot residence or a; or less to a point; thence (17) Nortl Th/nce (2) In a southeasterly dlrec along tho westerly line of Hance Road plication for transfer of resist ratli of the CP..P.. Go's, right of way; thtnc :o a point In the same corner to Lc tla Silver and tha polling p)ice» in Avpnue of Two Rivers. ' of Block 4i as designated on th westerly 1M feet more or less to a point tlon along the center line of the Gar tho aame to wit; o the nort/iprly line ot Rumson Road; Th* polling ptace for the Second ihall be made either by written r Northerly along center ,Hne of C. R '.hence (18) Northerly 2S1 feet more o, den State Parkway to Its Intersection lience (3) In a westerly direction along R. CO.'M right of way lo high watti fflclal Tax Assessment Map of Marl Election District li Kumion FIra Com- quest forwarded to the Municipal CJei Jess to a point; thence (19) Northeast- with the center line of Red Hill Road; First Election District the nnrtherly lino of Rumson Road to 1 boro Township | thence along the lal 1 pany ! F!r« House. River Road and or the County Board of Election* t line of th* North Shrewsbury River erly 232 feet more or less to a point a ter (12) Easterly — 1,5W feet mor Thence (3) In a aoulhwesterly direc BEGINNING t a point in tho nortl point marked hy an extension In i Black Point Road. Rumaon. forma provided by said Municipal Clei thence Southwesterly along high watfi thence (20) Northwesterly 322 feet mor tton along tho cenler Una of Red HI! northerly direction, ol tho easterly line! line ot North Shrewsbury river to tht or less to a point corner to the lam easterly rtglit-pt-way line ot Uie Nc. or Board or by calling In persnn thence by the same (13) Northwester or leas to a point; thence (21) Bout! Road to Its Intersection with the center o[ Oakei Road; thpnea (41 acroii Rum- Third F>ctlnn District the office of the Municipal Clerk - center line of Locust Avenut tht polnl York tk Long Branch Railroad. whe.r< ly — 6T7 feet more or less to a poin westerly 5(0 feet more or less to a poll Una of the Holm del-Everett Road; the sime la Inter3ecied by the norther: son Head anii in a southerly direction, Election District No. 3 Is hereby di- County Board of Elections up to an> or place ot Beginning. :ornet to the lime; thence still by thi comer to tha same and corner to La Thence (1) along tha center line ot along the easterly line of Oakea Road I 'ined and described at follows: Including September 26, 1968. 13 of Block 62; thenca by the lattei Una of White Koad; thenco (1) nortl Tho polling place for the Eighth Elto- jame In part and part by Lot 17 o tha Holmdel-Everett Road and along westerly along tho northeasterly rlglv to the northerly nhoro of Llttl* Silver j AH that part of the Borough of Rum- - The following is a complete deicri tlon District is Union Ftrt Housr Block 43 and Lot S of Block 44 (H ;he following four (4) courses and dis-the dividing line between Holmdel and Creek; thence (51 In a generally north- son east of the center lino of, tht tances (22) Southwesterly 52S feet mor of-way line of the New York A Lon Uon of the Election Districts In ti brewsbury Avenue- Northeasterly — 2,050 feet more Mlddletown Townships, the various Branch Railroad Lo the south we.it coi westerly and northerly direction along tvenue at Two Rivera South and tht Borough of Red Bank and the locatJo Ninth Election District less to a point corner to the latter ir less to a point; thence (23) South courses thereof, to a point where the the shore ol Little Sliver Creek to thB :enter tint ol tht Avenut ot Two westerly 554 feet more or less to ; ner of Lot 40, Block 28, of tho ofllcl. of polling places for each of the- ia! Beginning in the center line ol Lo- thence by the sam« In part and pi dividing line between' Holmdel and Tax Map of tho Borougn of Little Si easterly line ol Spven Bridges Road;, Riven, districts, to wit; "iy Lot 3 of Block 44 (15) South'? a si point; thence (20 Northwesterly 1,23: cust Avenue at high water lint of thi feet more or less to a point; thenr Mlddletown Townships Intersects the ver, Hereinafter referred to a.9 th thence (8i in a yiutherly direction along The polling plact for ths Third First Election District North Shrewsbury River, thenct East irljr — 899 feet mora or less lo cenler Una of Willow Brook, said point the easterly lfr.e of Seven Bridges point corner to the same; thence b. [25) Southwesterly 708 feet more i Tax Map; thenca (2) northerly alon Election District is Ralph Hall, tl Bt|inn(ni at a point on th« shore erly along center tine of Locust Ave- .ess to a point corner to the Bam also being the Intersection point ol the the westerly Una of eald Lot to th Roail to tha southerly ihore of Little Lincoln Aventia and Packer Atinu*. nue to the center line of Shrewsbury he same (IS) Northeasterly — 334 dividing line between Holmdel Town Silver Creek; thence f7) in a generally the Navesink River directly betwei. eet mortj or less to a point comer t< and corner to Lot 27 ol Block 52 southwesterly corner of Lot 6, Bloc Eumion, tho properties owned by the Monmouti Avenue; thence Southerly along centei ship, MIddleiown Township and Colts easterly direction along the southerly ;he same; thence by tho same (17. thence by the latter In part an Neck Township: 29 on Tax Map; thence (3) easter Fourth Election Dlitrlct Boat Club and the property of th line of Shrewsbury Avenue to the cm- part by Lot 28 of Block 52 (2fi aiong the rear of Lots 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, IL ahore ot LHtle Silver Creek and con- Jon Dlatrlct No. 4 It tiereby whence (30) Northwesterly 413 feet moi ly itong the westerly lino of Lota ! nd tho center lln* ol tha Avenns to, a lino one hundred feet back [rot of North Shrewsbury River; thenc easterly — 1,973 feet more or less ti the center linr of VanBrackle Ro-ui tn and 37A, Block 28 on aaid map; them across Seven Bridges RoM and In a of Two Rivers South. Northerly along the high water line o ir less to a point; thence (31) Nortl tho center line ol the Holmdel Road; veaterly direction alongg thhe northerltherly th» Westerly line of Harrison Avenu jaslerly 101 feet more or less to a polnl (Ti easterly along tho southerly line The polling piacn tor tht Fourth Elec- to the new boundary line of the Boi North Shrewsbury river to the cente: Thenco (7) In an easterly direction Lot 37A aforesaid to the southwesterl. line of LHtle Silve~ " r Poin- - t Roa- d- to Its ion District fs ForrpBtdale School, For- thence (32) Northwesterly 15 feet mor Intersection • ough of Bed Bank, thenca Easterl line ot Locust Avenue, the point r less to a point; thence (33) Nortt along the center line of the Holmdel corner of Lot 33, Block 28 on aaid map ith the easterly line ot rest Avenue, Blackpool Road, Rumson along tha said boundary line One Hui Place, of Beginning. point corner to the same; thence b; Road to Its Intersection with the center Prospect Avenue; thencth e (10(10)) I he same (21) Northwesterly — 320 fee aaterly 330 leet more or less to thence '81 southerly along the wester ALBERT A. KERR, JR. dred feet distant to Uie center lln The polling place or the Ninth Elec joint; thenco (34) Northeasterly 23 Une o| the Crawfords Corner Road; line of Lota 34. 35 and 36, Block 28 o northerly direction along the eaiterly Borough C\pii Ion District Is Union Plrt House, _iore or less to a point In line of th Thence (8) In a southeasterly dlrec 1 line of Prospect Avenue to tho south- of Harrispn Avenue, thence Norther! iam,e and corner to Lot 3 of Blocl .'eet more or leas to a point corner said map to the southwesterly corn Sept. 20, 21. 1!W8 $66.90 along tht center line of Harrison Av< Shrewsbury Avenue. the same and in the center line tlon and along the center line of the of Lot 36 aforesaid; thence (9l caste erly line of Kings Road; thence (ID In 2: 'thence by the latter (22> North Crawford^ Corner Road lo Its inter- an easterly direction along ths louth- cue to the center line of Beekmi. Tenth Election District asterly — 1,390 feet more or less t< Texas Road, thence by the latter (35 ty along tho southerly Une of Lot Flact, thence Easterly along the centei Beginning In the center line ot Hive; Southwesterly 4.W0 feet more or ler section with the center llni* ot Holland aforesaid, across Salom Lane and alon erly line o! Kings Road ar.d acrosi JIEGISTKY AND ELECTION . point In the center lino of Conovei Road and to the point of Beginning. line of Beekman Place, to its inte: Street at high water line- o! North ioad; thenco by the same (23) South to th« point and place or Beginning. the southerly line of Lots 115 and 9 Scveh Bridges Road to thp. easterly line NOTICE section with the new Easterly . bourn Shrewsbury River, thence Easterly easterly 510 feet more or less to The polling ptace in the Third Elec- Hock 23 on said map, across Standi; - Seven Bridges Road; thence (12) In BOnOUOII OF NEW SHREWSBURY. ary of the Borough of Red Bank ilong center lire of River Btreet (pro- point In the same; thenco by the sam tion District in the Township of Holm- Road, along tha southerly line of Lo1 a northerly direction along the easterly NEW JERSEY del la at the Holmdel Village Fire- NOHCB Is hereby given that the DIs- thence Northerly along iald Easter. duced) to the center line of right ol 24) Southerly — 930 feet more or les and 84, Block 28 on said map line of Seven BrlilKen R/nd to the boundary of the Borough of Red Banl way or the New York and Long Branch a point In the same; thence stii houst, Main Street, Holmd el. New J«p ulherly linn ot Humso-n Road to trlct Bonrd." of Election and Registry The polling pla.ee for the Fourt wy. the southeasterly corner of Lot 84 atoi in anf the aame (25) Southeasterly — Election District Is the Morganvil? said: thence (10) southerly along t (13) In an easterly direction along t block 14, of the official tax map o: J.310 feet more or less to tht point an<' JOHN P. WADINGTON, sniiiherly line nf Rumson. Road to bjry, County of Monmouth, St&ta of :enter line of right of way ot Nei Volunteer Firehouse, Morganvllle-Ter •eslcrly line of Lot 97, Block 23 New Jersey, will meet at the places the Borough of Rfl Bank, thence East- York and Long Branch railroad to i place of Beginning. Township Clerk, polrr markpd by an extension In Sept, 20, 23, M68 $135.50 said map to the northeasterly corni herdnnftPr designated on erly along the new Southerly bound a r; Mint distant Seven Hundred and Nine- The polling place lor the First Elei R!"d- HXJTD VTYCKOFF. of Lot 53, Block 27 on said mi southerly direction of the easterly lino lin* of tha Borough of Red Bank t< Ion WstrJct is the Marlboro Town' of Harding Road; thence fl' aong ths norm aide ot hot i BonoiTfiii or ihfl Roard nf Chnsrji Freeholdpra fir Manalapan and Marlboro townships i TUESDAY NOVEMBER, 5, 1963 siosMount ror.\Tr the Ooirntj' nt Monmorifh. anrf for the link River to the point above men Northwesterly along high water line o between the hours of 7;00 a.ni. an ing the General Election. Block 28 aforesaid to the. westerly si' tlcmcd at the shore line of the said he North Shrewsbury rlvtr to th« unj from said beginning point alon; Sattl General Election will be held of Branch Avenue; thence (16) in NEW JERSEY following municipal offices, viz: the latter (1) In a southeasterly dire 8:00 p.m. for the purpose of conduct A Mayor for the fuJJ term of- two river directly between ths propertle center line of River Street, the polnl " iff the General Election. In aald municipality for the purpos loutherly direction along the westerl owned by the Monmouth Boat Clul r pla.ee of Beginning. Won 15,530 feet more or less to NOTICE OF ELECTION' rears. Said General Election will be heli of electing: line of Branch Avenue, acroia Wni' and the property of the Borough The polling place for the Tenth J ;x>lnt In the line of the same and ii Electors of a President nnd Vlcc- NOTICE Is hereby Riven that TAM Councilman for the full tsrm said municipality for the puri Road and continuing along the wester: District Boarrl3 of Election and R Red Bank, at the point or piace Ion District ia the River Street school. ... eerier line of Hoberstvllle Road Prcsldcnt ot (UP United Stains and line ot Branch Avenue to the northerl |of three yran each. Beginning. hence along the latter (2) Northerl: of electing: istry In and tor the BnrouRji nt Onr Cnfiner1 [man lor the unexplred Eleventh Election District Electors of a Presidfnt nnd V electing a Member of the House of line of Lot 9, in Block 34 on laid ma] KeansnuTK, X. J.. will meet at Ihe Beginning In the center line of New- ,270 feet more or less to a point Representatives for the Third Cort- The pulling place for the First E _ resident of the United SUtes i thence (17) on & southeasterly dlrectk deslRnntri placr nn lan Springs rond at high water line he Intersection of the same with th gresslonal District of New Jersey, across Branch Avenue continuing In a; tlon District li Navesink Hook &. Lad- enter line of Gordon's Corner Road, electing & Member of the House TUESPAY, NOVEMBER 5, IDT* f tho North Shrewsbury river, thenct Representatives for the Third Con .a. Sheriff, and two members of easterly direction and parallel wit hrtween the hours of 7:00 A.M. nni der Fire House. Mechanic Strret. Easterly along the center line ot New hence along thB latter (3) Northeast Second Erection Olatrlcf grossional District of New Jersey, tha Roard of Chosen Freehold CM for Markhiim Place to the southwest coi fl:Dfl p.m. tn conduct thn. General nan Springs Road to the center o: >rJy.ff,9M feet more or less to a polnl the County ot Alonmontli, anr! iov the ner ot Lot 1, In Block 5ij>n said map 1 a Sheriff, and_ two rnembers_ & E!tu:tUm--for—lhc~-piir.i>.>sp~i>t-.i:]rt;l}ni:~- Begliining_at a point where the cen iroad—Street; -thenc* -Northerly along • ^Odntersectlon of the same with the rhtino.irnST^eaJterly along the souther'- ter line of Mechanic Btreet li [filer- he Boaril of"'Chosen" Freehoiaers foi ollowins-mmfclpni-officcsrTiJr: EliTtora of a rrwlrient ami VkT- :enter of Broad Street to the cent' httr^the of Route "520;"Alienee! "along Ono Commilteeman for the full term une of Lot 1, Block jl aforesaid lo tl' >w Jersey, noi alrrarly rfRlstcrpd In sected with the center line of Broai_ ie latter (4) Northerly 1.560 feet mon he County of Monmouth, and fop th rrcaldent i M nitiriici|-»alily undpr the laws of Ine of right of way of New York and ollowing municipal offices, viz: if three year*. loutheasierly corner thereof; thenc Mrninrr of the. Hniise of Rrpre- Btreit, thence Southwardly along the ong Branch railroad; thence North' >r lens lo a point at tho Intersection o! '19; in a southerly direction along thi. 'i'\v Jcrpey K'lvrnlnK pfrmnnpnt rrg- center line of Broad Street to iia in Two Members of the Township Com Notice Is herehy plven Ihnt nimltrled aentatlvea (^rd Congressional District) /esterly along center line of the righl same with the centerllne of Crim voters of the Township of Shrewsbury, rear of Lots 69, 68. 67, 66, 65. SJ, 63, 52, trallnn may rrplnter or transfer with tersectlon frith the center line ot Wal- load; thence along the latter (6; ilttee for the fall term of three yean A Sheriff :hn clf?rk nt .said municipality at his of* if way of the New York and, Long lach. bounty ot MfJnniouJb, .Staff ot New 81, 60 srd 59, In Block 5* and along lace Street, thencn Eaatwardly aloni Sranch railroad to a point distant Sev- forthcrly 7,900 feet more or less ti Two Members nt the Board ot Cho- tier, Bnnugh Fttilriirg. 55(1 Tlnton Acs* A Tax Assessor for tho unexpired ersey, not already reRlHtercd in saH rear of Lots 15, 18, 17, 18. 19, 20, 21 en [•"rerlHilriers. the center linn of Wallace Street fa n Hundred and Ninety Four feet from point at the intersection of the sami 22 and 1!3 ail In Block 54 on aaid NPW Shrewsbury, New Jersey, the rear of the property at the South erm of three yeara. municipality under the laws of New Not Ire In hereiiy nlvon that rjuailfled ho Southerly Bide of West Bergen ..th the.center line of Tennent Road. "ersey Koverninp permanent replstn a loutherly and southeasterly dlrec up Ui and includlnp TJmr?(lay. Srp- •ait corner of Broad and Walla >lace, measured at right angles there- :hence along the latter [6) Southwest- Notice is herehy given that qualified itcr.i of thp HorniiL-h nt KeanstiurR, tomlirr '.">. lflfiS, during the following Streets (approx. one hundred feet East 'oters of the Township of Holmdel, :ion may replfiter or transfer with the lon to the westerly line of Willow ml already reclstcrpd in said munici- i; thence Westerly and parallel to erly 50 feet more or less to a polnl :lerk of said municipality at her of- Drive, thence (20) In an easterly hours; Dally f»:ft(> a.m, to 4:30 p.m. of the East lEne ol! Broad Street; r bounty of Monmouth, Stale ot New >alIty, under tho laws or New Jersey cat Bergen Place to the center lint tha same and corner to Lot S oi fice, residence, 111 Belahaw Avenue, rectlrm across Willow Drive to a point Saturdays, Sundays anrl Holirtays ex- thence Southwardly along the rear J right of way of C. R. R. of N. J.; Hock 52 as designated on the of- ersey, not already registered in sal' rniiig" permanent registration may AIPO September 21, 1968, be- lunlclpallty under the laws of New Shrewsbury Township, New Jersey, up tn the easterly line of Willow Drive laid property one hundred feet from thence Northerly along center list of ial Tax Assessment Map of Marlbon in and Including Thursday, September ulster nr tninsfrr with the Clnrk nf Iwecn II :00 n. in ind 12:00 mnn,. ersey governing permanent regrlstra thence (21) In a northerly and north- lie said muniiiimlHy nt his office rrs- the center line of Wallace Street, :he right of way of C. R. R. of N. J., 'ownshlp; thence along the latter thi 2fi, 1968, fiurinp the following hours: easterly direction along the easterly and Scplcmhpr 'A 24. K. 2fi. 1068, thence Easlwardly by a straight llni > a point distant One Hundred and •Mowing nine (9> courses and distances lon may register or transfer with tin Chiirch Strert, Keanshurg. N.J.. lie live pn 7:00 p.ni and 9:00 p.m. nr :lerk of said municipality at Mn of Dally 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Satur- line of Willow Drive to Its Intersection 1 and parallel to Wallace Btreet to Hi ifty feet Southerly from the South ') Northwesterly — 160 leet more or »n or brfore Thursday, Sopt"mhrr 2H, ni rommtsslonfr of Registration ON Ice. Township Hull, Crawford's Corn? days, Sundays nnd Holidays excepted. with the southwesterly line of Prospecl intersection with the center line ot Mc- Ide of West Bergen Place; thenct S3 to a point; thence (G) Northeast- Df!S. during the fnllowitiE hours: l">ally| ||cr, Hall "of R(eoorria, Main StrpRt, jload, Holmdel, New Jersey, up tc Al.so September 'It, 25, i!fi, J%S, from Avenue, thence (22) In a southeasterly Laren Street, thence Northeastwardly Westerly and parallel with Weflt Ber- rly 17S fert more or leas to a point, "•00 p.m. to 9:00 p.ifi. or at Cfim- direction along the southwesterly lln ftf) A,it. to J;«f P.JI., Sahirrinva. fiun frt'i'hnM, .%>«• Jersey, up (o anrf li^ along the center line of McLaren Street :en Place to -high water line of ths ience (9) Northwederly 57 feet mon and Including Thursday, September aye nnri TInlldnys rxrppleM. Al.w rliirllriK Thursdny, Septemher 26, 1R58, * 3. 1968, during the following hours: mlsslnnor of Registration Offh-e, llnil of Prospect Avenue to the Intersection r to Its Intersection with tho center lint forth Shrewsbury river; thenca South- Ies3 lo a point; thence (10) South- of the northwesterly Une of Little Sit ipptemher 21, 2. ), 2fi, lWJfl, hflwren (hi ring Ihc fnllmvinE hours: Pally 'esterly 121 feet more or less to a .•Fitly 3:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Satur- " Records, Main Street, Frrehnkl, of Prospect Ave., thence. Southeast- erly along the high water line of tht / Jersey, up in and tnclurlirif; ver Point Road; thence (23) In a west he hours o-f 7:00 p.m, nnd !):(K) p.m. fi:00 a.m. to 4:^0 p.m. AHo Scptembep erly along the center line of Prosper •int; thence (11) Northwesterly — 208 iays, Sundays and. Holidays' ftxcoptetl. *r at Commissioner of Replstrution lorth Shrewsbury river to the center r Thursday, September 2*5. Wft during erly direction, along the northwesterly C4, V>. W. 19R.S, from fl:00 a.m. ta >et more or less to a point: thenc< Uao September 20, 23, 24, 2->, 26 be- Ifficc, Hall of RrpftMs, Main Strrnt. Avenue to tho Intersection with the Jne ot the Newman Springs Koad, tha he following tinnra: DniJy 9.00 a.m. line ot Litlle Silver Point Road to D:f)O p.m. Saturdays, Sundays and Southerly line ot the new boundary llni icint or place ot Beginning. .2) Northwesterly IDS feet mora or ween 7:30 p.m., and 9:00 p.m. Or at 'reoh'Wii, S, J., on nr hctorc Tfiurs- Holidays exc!ep(e>d.. 5ommisslonc-r of Registration Office, o 4:30 p.m. Alan September 24, 2>, point marked by an extension In ol tht Borough of Red Bank (being The polling place for tht Eleventh (as to a point; thence (13) Northerly northerly direction of the westerly line :.iy, Soptembpr 2ti, 1068. during trm 234 feet more or less to a polrr Ia.ll of Records, Main Street, Pree- fi'. 1968, from 0:00 a.m. In 0:00 p.m. On 'I"hursday, September 26. 1959, houst No. 191) thence Easterly, South llection District ia We staid 8 Engint of Carolyn Road; thence (24) ours of: nally'P:f>0 a.m. and 4:30 tlir registration books will be closed •rly, Easterly, Northerly, Easterly, lenoe (14) Northeasterly — 732 fet- jold, New Jersey, up to and Includ- Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays ex- ,m... Saturdays. Sundays, and H'»ll- [oust, Lelghlon Avenue. cepted. southerly direction along th until aftfr the forthcoming General tore or le'ss to a point; thence (15) ing Thursday, September 26, 1968, dur- 1 Northerly, Easterly along the westerly line of Carolyn Road aya excepied. Also Sfptemher 24, 2'i, Elcrtlon to IK held on Tuesday, No- boundary Une of Ihe Borough of Twelfth Election District orthwesterly — 323 feet more or less ing the following hours: Dally 9:00 On Thursday, September 26, l!HJS, ",, lfW18 from 9:00 a.m. to 0:00 p.m. Beginning at a point where the center .m. to 4:30 p,m, Saturdays, Sundays he registration books »riJ) be cJoflod and across Parker Avenue, along the vi'mhr-r 5. 19fW. Bank to a point one hundred feet West a point comer to the aame and In westerly line of Carolyn Road and Qualifier! voters who v?ini\ to votp In 1 Ine of Wallace Street intersects tht Ine of Lot 30, Block 52 of said map. .nd Holidays excepted. Also Septcm- mtil after the forth com Ins General .Voder of clinnpp or residence or ap- of the center line of Harrison Avenue, continuing In n. southerly • direction IP Optirr.il Election on Tuesday, No- plication for transfer of reRlstratlon thenc* Northerly, parallel to the centei :enter line ol McLaren Street, Unmet ienco by the latter ths following four- er 31, 25, 26, 19SS, from 9:00 a.m. lection to he held on Tuesday, No- »mher 5, 1DR8, must redster on *>r he* Jorthcastwarrily along the center line i 9:00 p.m. •ember 5, 1068, along the rear of Lois 21. 22, 23 and 2i shall ho iruide either hy written re- lint ot Harrison Avenue and ons hun en (14) courses ind distances (16) In Block 53 on Bald map and across r Tliursilay, Spptcmlier 2f». 1^>8. >f McLaren Street to the Intersection >uthwesterly — 540 feet more or leas Notice, of chance of residence or sp- qiie.tt forwardod to tho Municipal Clerk dred feet Westerly therefrom to the On Thursday, September M, Eastvlcw Avenue and continuing along Moticp of criancp of rcflldencf or np- nr the County Board of Elections on center line of Mechanic Street, thenc* ith the center line ot Prospect Ave. a point; thence (17) Southwesterly ill cation for transfer o[ registration ic-'itinn Inr transfpr o' reels (ration .JO,, thenct Southeasterly along ths ie registration books will UG closed the rear of Lots 2, 3, 4. 5, 5 and ' forms provided hy said Municipal Westwardly along the center line or 528 feet more or less to a point; intll after the forthcoming Genera' ihall be mnrtr rJther by written re- in (I be madp. either by :enter line of Prospect Avenue to the uesi forwarded tn the Municipal ClCi'K in Block 71 on said map. and contlnu Clerk or Board or hy calling In person Mechanic Street, to its Intersection with ience (18) Southwesterly — 554 feet lection to he held on Tuesday, No- ng across Sllverside Avenue and along lest forwarded lo the Municipal Clerk center line of Harding Road, thenct lore or less lo a point; thence (19) •r the County Board nf Elections on -I the omen of the Municipal Clerk the center line of Broad Street, thi ember 5, 1968 the easterly line of Lot 2 and the rear the Ponnly Bn.irr! nt Elrrtlnns nn r County Board of Elections up to Point or plact of Beginning, Westerly along the center line ot Hard- orthwesterly — 1,231 feet more or lesi irma provided by sakl Municipal ly Road to the boundary line be- Notice of change of residence or ap- ot Lot» 21, 20, 19, 18. 17, 16, 13, 14, 13, rms nrnviflrri hv said Municipal Herk nd InnliKllnR Spptcmbcr 26, 1968. a point; thence (20) Southwesterly it cation for transfer ot registration :ierk or Hoard or by calling In person The polling place tor the Secom een the Boroughs of Bed Bank and it Uie ofllcr nr tlie Municipal Clerk 12, 11 and JO all in Block B0 to Parker Kftiird or hv call Ine in prrson at The following is a description of the 798 feet more or lesi to a nolnt; ihall be made either by written re Creek; thence (25) In a generally west Election District It Independent Fire ,lltle Silver, thence Southwesterly ;ence (21) Northwesterly — I,0W feel >r County Board of Elections up to e nflirp of the Municipal CWk or Electtnn Districts In the Borouch of House, Mechanic Street. long the boundary line between the luest Torwarded to the Municipal Clerft erly direction along the highwater line mnty f!nar'NE SW1TRK. of Shrewsbury; thence (26) In ft north- e.-criptiun ;inil Im.viiinn of ihe pntiing New Shrewsbury, bounded on the eail Mth the center line o| Broad Street, ience (24) Southwesterly — 99 feel •r County Board of Elections up to 1 thence Southerly along the center llm a ral lei to Harding Road and One Hun* Township i erly direction alone the. boundary of luces In till BorouRh of KcanstiurK. by the Borough Una; on the north by ore or less to a point; thence (23j md including September 26, 1&6S. the Borough of Little Silver and the of Broad Btreet to its intersection with >d feet therefrom to the Intersection orthwestorly tr- *13 feet more or lesi Iflpt. 20, 23, 1968 $36.60 . J : Lafelras Brook projected to the loutrt- ith a line One Hundred feet South The following li a description ot the Borough of Shrewsbury to the center FIIIST ELECTION 1^1 STRICT: All em boundary ol Shrewsbury Park #1 the center lint of Harding Road, thencr a point; thence (26) Northeasterly Diction Districts In the Township ol Eaatwardly along the center line o [ the Southerly line of Tower Hill Una of Sycamore Avenue; thence (27l and FalrfleM, thence along tho dlvts* 101 feet more or less to a point: olmdel and the polling places In REGISTHT AND ELECTION In a westerly direction along the cen- at area west .«[ Main Street if the Harding Road to Its Intersection with .venue, thence Southwesterly parallel ,enc« (27) NortnwBitorly - 45 feel •ra;ic](ii;icl; CN line between atirewsrjury Park • ,.j Tower HUI Avenue to the Intersection . to wit: NOTICE ter line of Sycamore Avenue to the. frnni the smith PMP the center lino of Branch Avenue, ore or less to • point; thenc* (38) y Aven tn tiin nnrth side #2 and Falrilettl development! pro- thence South east vrardly along the cen- with the center line of Spring Str«et, rtmt Election District iORODGIl OF SEA HIUGIIT, N.I, boundary of the Borough o( Shrewi-I jected to Sycamore Avenue, thenco ortheasterly — 339 feet more ot Nolico li herehy Riven that tho Dls bury; thence (23) in a northerly direc- if Manning Pla ter tine of Branch Avenue to the bound- ience Northerly along the center line JBS to a point: thence (29) Northeast' BEGINNING at a point where th* Sycamore Avenua to the Garden ' Spring Street to an Intersection with inter Une of Line Road Intersects the .rlct Board of Election nnd Registry In tion along the boundary ol the Borough The pdllnu plaec rn'inj; the Man- try lint between tha Boroughs of Red rly — 205 feet more or less to a ns Place Kin; limi.-i', MannlnB State Parkway, thence along the Gar- Bank and Little Silver, thence North- lino parallel, to Wallace Street and inter line of Bethany Road, said and for the Rorough of Sea Bright, of Shrewsbury and the. BnroiiBii of Lit don Slats Parkway to Pine Brook; and )int comer to the same and In the ,'olnt alia being In the dividing line bounty of Monmoulh, State of New tic Sliver to the northeasterly right-of- lace. Krnnshiirp, near Main St, eastwardly along the boundary lino be- me Hundred feet South thereof- ihtnc« nter line of Texas Ftoad; theuca along on the weflt by pin8 Brook and Hid tween the Boroughs of Red Bank and net nlong the same line parallel to between Matawan Township, Raritan fersey, will meet at the place herein- way o( the New York & Long Branch SECOND ELECTION DISTRICT: boundary to Asbury Avenue; ie latter (30) Southwesterly — 4,950 Township and Holmdel Township; after designated on Railroad; thence (29) In a northwester- Little Silver to a point One Hundred 'aIItice Street, to the Intersection of et more or less to a point fit the II that iirr;i west of Main Stn-et ami on the south ' by trie southern leet back from Harding Road thcncr 'allace Street and McLaren Street, Thence (1) la an easterly direction TUESDAY, N'OVEMnER 5, 19B8 ly direction along tha northeasterly r at N.A.D. Earla and Sfiafto .me and In the corporate line between ong the cenler line of Bethany Road nd n >rfli of See If y Avenue Ui tno Road. Westerly and Northwesterly to the In '• place or point of Beginning, otweon the hours of 7:1)0 a.m. and right-of-way of the New York and Long inre lin>- of Raritan H.TV. ddlesex and Monmouth Counties; Its Intersection with the center line Branch Rullroari, t>Q trio distance what terscctlon with a line One Hundred fee. The prilling place for the Twelfth iencB along the latter (31) Bouthweit- ;fW p.m. fnr the purjiose ot conduct- TMe. pi.illnK jiliice being H.V.C. Fire Fhe polling place tor tin First Slec Bouth of the Southerly line of Tower election Dlatrlct is the ntw first Aid Old Manor Road; Inn (lie Hcnerni Election. it may to tha point or place ot Begin- nus<\ rai-r Av«. tlnn District in the Borough of New -ly — 10,350 feet more or lesi to Thenco (2) In a southerly direction ning. Hill Avenue, thenco Westerly parallel .nd Reicuo Squad Building, on tht point and plact of Beginning. Said General Election will he held Tinnn ELECTION DISTRICT: AH Shrewsbury Is the Ttntnn Falli School, ust side of Spring Street near Hard- long the center line of Old Manor to Tower Hill Avenue and One Hundred The polling plact tor tha Second, ._ said municipality for the purpoaa Polling place for thig district Is Bor- in t area .smith (if Mann In p Place, ITi Tlntnn Ave. ig Road. 'i oad to its Intersection with the cen- rf electing: SeconS Election DJltrfct feet therefrom to the Intersection with lection District Is tha Robertivllle . line of Brentwood Road; ough Hall, Prospect Avenue. •id A'pst if Main Street tn [li** RaiJ- Electors of a Present and Virc- All that portion of the Borousri ot ths center line of Spring Street, thence JOHN BRYAN, irehouse, Routs 620. Thence (3) in ft westerly direction Second Election Plstrici vad tricks of the Central Rallroarl Northerly along •• the center line o[ 'rcaldont of the Ilnltprl States nnd New Shrewsbury situate south of Shtf. Borough Clerk. ELECTION DISTRICT #3 Ions the center line of Brentwood ' N. .1. and .'ill th;it aren south nt Spring Street to the Intersection with .. ._.„ . Member of the House of BEO1NNINI Q at a ppoint In tho north' ie Riiilrnad tracks of tlie Cenirnl 'o Ronrl nnd the southern noundarj lept, 20, 23, t%8 $243.00 Morgaavllle Independent FlreJioosa oad to Its Intersection with the cen- the line One Hundred leet from the r lln* of Chestnut Ridge Road; itopresont&tlvcs for Uie Third Oon- easterly right-o'-way of the Ne ;iilnKiil of N. J. to the stfito hlph- I NA.D E^rlc. Centex of Wallact Street, thence di- Located Illgnway #79 •resslonnl Dlatrlct. of New Jersey. Vorlc and Long Branch Railroal d when y -:ifi Tho polling place for the Second ALL that certain tract or parcel of Thence (<> In a southeasterly direc- Yk d L B rectly Westwards and parallel to Wai ^.,.,»». AND ELECTION NOTICE >n along the center line of Chestnut Sheriff, and two memlioro of the the same (a Intersected by the hound- The, pnlllnK pl.ife hrInp Mia BJue DecUnn Dist rJcl In the Borough of hct Street by a straight lint lo tin TOWNSHIP OF MARLBORO, N. J. nd situate In the Township of Marl Idgt Road to Its intersection with the ionrd of Chosen Frccholdors for ary nf the Borough of LHtle Silver and •ana Hall, If) Church Street. New Shrewsbury ia the Wayside Com^ renr of the property on the Somhensv Notice is hereby given that Dls- iro, County ot Monraoutb. and State -nfer line of Mayfalr Road; Cnunty of Mnnmouth. and for the the Borough of Hcd Bank; thrnce ill FOURTH ELKHT1ON DISTHICT: nlty P'irp House, enrner o( Hop* corner of Broad Street {approximately let Boards ot Election and Registry New Jersey, and Is mort part leu- Thence (5) In an easterly direction ..owing municipal offices, viz: running in a generally easterly and .11 tint area oast n| Mnln Street, iTtoad and^ Waysldp 'Rond. One Hundred feet from Broad Street), for the Township of Marlboro, ,ry described as follows: long th* center line of Mayfalr Road Two Councilman for the full term ol northeasterly direction along thn bound- nd nui'tri of pnrk Avpnue tn the ' Hilr- d- —Klfcllon Dlatrirt .„ , ot Moimouth. State ot New BEGINNING at a point In Willow ary of the Borough of Red Bank and . >rr line nt Rurhan Ray. All that portion ot the Borough ol thence Northwardly to the center line Its Intersection with ths center line iree years each. of Wallace Street, thence Westerly to ersey, will meet at the places here ;ooli at the corner formtd by tht One Council mnn for tho uncxpircd the Borough of Little Silver the various The rirjNIrtK plice being Corrl^an's New Shrewsbury, bounded on the north [after designated on >rpomte lino of Matawan Township . Telegraph Hill Road; coursea and distances to tha southerly by Newman Spring Rnsd; on thu east the center line ot Broad Street, tho Thence (0) along the center Jin* o: :rm of one yenr. all, Mnln Strc't. place or point cf Beginning. id the corporate Una of Holrndti A Tn.x Collector for tho full term of line oi Ridge Road; thence (2) In an FIFTH ELECTION DISTRICT: All by Shrewsbury Avenue: on the louth TUBSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1968 iwnshlp; thence (l) In a southerly •legrtph Hill Road and along the . .wprn the hours of 7:00 a.m. and mr years. easterly mreciion along tho louinerir at nrea en at if Main Btrfet to At- by App'c Strret; and on ths weit by Tht polling place for the Third IGleo- rection the various courses and dli 'arloui courses thereof and In a south- Hanr(> Avenue :00 p.m. for the purpose of conduct- direction to th* center line ol Notice In hereby Riven (hat quallflM line ol Ridge Road to the westerly nllr Ai-rnur, and snutii nf park A\'f- Uon District In the new First Mi .nces about 14,820 feet to a point at line of Prospect Avenue; thence (31 In The polling place for the Third Elec- •nd Rescue Squad Building, on th* iB thR General Election. na Road; nteri of the Rnrnuch of Spa Bright, ie In iho Railrnad tracks of the ie Intersection of Willow Brook and the nunty rf Mfinmntith, Stnle of Now i floulheastcrly direction along the Ontrai Mailrorifl of X. J. within the Uon District In the Porotigh of, New cast side of Spring Street near Hardlni 3nld Orneral Elfctlon will be held interline of County Route 520 said Thence (T) In a westerly and then said municipality for Uio purpose Tsoy, ni't already rcBisfn'rt In ssiTfl imithwfsterly line of Prospect Avenue enrpnralp limits of tlm HornilKh of Shrewsbury la the North Side Enjr,ln« Road. tint being also corner to Atlantic! •uthwesterly direction along the cen- Co. Nn. i flro houfie. 35 Snrlngctall r electing: 1 r 11ns of Holland Road crossing th* mniclp;illty uivlpr Ihc laws nf New lo the intersection with the northwest KranHlnirp Fourth Election District -oltJ Neck) Township; thenct along erly line of Rumson Road: thence (4) Avenue Beginning at a point where the Electnra of a Presirlnnt and "Vice- larden State Parkway to the cen- [•rsey pDvernlnR i^rmanont rcRlfitra- Tlif; pnllfrip nlari' hdnK Billlrr'fl .Id Route 920 and Atlantic (CoHi .nn ,:nny rei;lst?r ur tnin^frr with ttm n a Homhwe.itorly direction along tho Tiivcrn, cor. ot Main Street an;l Park fourth Faction DUtrlct ter lino of Broad Street Is intersected refllrirnt of the United States nnd ick) Township (2) Westerly 8,165 ir lln* of thn Crawford* Corner Road; lading a 'Member ot the Hoiwe Thence (8> along ihe center line nf Bfilrt municipality at her ftf- northerly line of Rumaon Road t " Avenue. All that portion of the Borough of with the center line of Harding Road, ;t mare or tees to a point - at intersection ot the easterly line ot Nnw Shrnwshiiry. bounded on the north thence Eastwanlly along the center line ' RcprcHpnla'tives for Uie Third >e Crawf.qrds Corner Road and In noruiiKh Hall. 10TI9 Knst Ofein H.ARVBY MAIUO.N' i Inferaeclion of tho center >rthwestcrly direction to the center .venue, Sea Brlphl, Nrw Jersey, Branch Avenue; thence (5) across BorniiRh f|iTh by Apple Strret; on the ennl by tha of Harding Road to Ita intersection with on sr PS si on ;tl District oi New Jcr- County Route. 520 and the center line Floroiiph llnp; on the south hy Lnfeira* >y, a Sheriff, and two mcmborH of ie of the Holmdel Road: [t lo ntnl inriiulmK Thursdny. Sep- Branch Avenue In a generally nnutherly Sept 2lt, 2.1, iftfiS ML50 Branch Avenue, thence Southeastward- Conover Road; I hence by the latter rlire tlon to the northeasterly corner of Bniok projected to the southern hound" ly a|ong the center line of Branch e Hoard of Ohnscn Free-holders for Thence (9) in a westerly direction mher 2fi, .IMS .during thr follnwlnn 1 Northwesterly 3,310 feet morn or less ong the center line of the Holmdel Lot 68. In Block 28 on the Tax Map: ary of Shre.wsri try Park iti and Fair- .Avenue to the curved boundary line i County of Monmouth, and for the a point In the same; thence by 1 •turni rmity 9:00 n.m. in 12:00 Niwin, RRCIBTRV AND KLECTION field developments; and on -the went llowinR municipal offices viz; >ftd to the center line of VanBrackle :0fl p.m. to 4:D0 p.m., Sstiirriiiys. thence 16) In a generally westerly dl- of the Borough of Red Bank. South, e aarno (4) Northerly 030 feet mare or jftd; rectirm alotif,' tlie bnundnry ot the FJral NO TRT by the divisional line al Shrewsbury Bouth went and West along the boundary One Councilman for tho unexplred imiays and Ilnlldnys csci'iiled. AI- Park ^2 nnd Falrfleld development is to a point in the same; thence 1 Election District the vnrlous couri«i line between the Boroughs of Red Bank .... jf one year. 11 by the same (5) Northwesterly Thence (10) in a northwesterly and September 2-i, 'IS. 'M, J!tiW. in - nOitOl'GH OF nt'MSON. N. J. projected to Sycamnre Avenue, Bjrca» icn westerly direction along the cen- ween the htnirs i»f 7:fifl p.m. atnl fl:lK) and distances lo the northeasterly right- Notice la hrrehy given that the nis- mora Avenue and Hanco Avenue. and Liltlo Sliver to tho center line Notice In hereby Rlvon that qualified ) feet more or less to a point In tha of-way line of the Mew York and Long or Broad Strrot, thence northwardly itern of tho Township of Marlboro, r line of VanBrackle Road the various ir at ComrqlHrtloner of Reglstni- lei Brinrda nf Election and ReRliitry me and comer to Lot 4 of Block iursES thereof to ths center line of Branch Railroad 'lino where the sama The pulling pUcp for the Fourth Elefr •long tho center linn of Broad Street to ntinty of Monmoolh, State of New as designated an the Official Tax on OflliM Hall of Itcnirrls, M;iln tn ami (or Die Borough of Rumpon, lion Diatrlct in the Borough of New Ine Road; Hreet, Freehold, New Jersey, up to Intemoctfid by the northerly line of County nf Mtinmoiiih, State (if New Jor- Ita Intersection with the center line rsoy. not already registered In *ild Assessment Mnp of Marlboro Township ; Whlla Hand; thence '7i )n n north- Shrewsbury Is tho Monmouth Regional of Harding Road, tht point or place ot unlclpality under the laws of New Thenca ill) In a northerly direction (I Including •nmrsiiay. Septcmbr-r 2H, sty, will moct at the places herein- "' " by the latter 16) Southwesterly ong the center line of Line Road and eHlcrly direction alonR the northeast- Hlffh School, New Shrewsbury. Beginning. jreey governing permanent reRlatra- 1350 feet more or lean to a point corner JtfiS, during tli f* To I Inline tn»ur3: Dally after d^nlRnnted nn Ilftli t>cll(in District .ong the boundary lino between Mata- 00 a.m. to -i:;io p.m. Alsn Sfptt'inticr rly riRlit-of-M'ay lint: of the New York TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1P$8 The polling plact for tht Fourth JOIec< ,on mny register or transfer with the to the same; thence by the same (7) r All that portion of tho Borough ol an Township and Holmdel Township I I, 2o, Id, TfHW, from !I;IK1 a.m. In and Long Uranch Railroad, be the dl.i-hPlwciMi the hours nf 7:00 a.m. nnd tlon District Is at tht Junior High nrk of said municipality at his rent- Southeasterly 320 feet more or less to a ;anco whnt It may to tha point or New Shrewsbury bounded on the f&it nee-offlec, Mnln Street, Marlboro, the center line of Bethany Road :00 p.ni. RnturHiiy.i, Sundays nnd R :00 r.m. for the i>!iri»n^e of eoniHict- School, Branch Avenue. point corner to the same; thence by the id to the point of Beginning. plane of Beginning. by Garden State Parkway; on Iht ew Jersey, by contacting the town- same (8) Southwesterly 1973 teel more .ays exrejtterl. ins the (ii-neni.1 flection. Fifth El re I km District The polling place lor the Ftrsl Alec- " "' .. pinco tor thla district ll ine north by Swimming River; on tha *rei| Beginning at a point on tht ihora hip clorlt nt his home 4€2-2fi83, up or leas to a point corner to the same; On Thursday, Scptemher 26, IMS, Said firncrnl Election win he ht-hl by the norough line; on the muth by in District in the Township of Holm- Fire Houso on Prospect Avenue. In siilii nuinliilpality fnr the piirpDBC linn of the North Shrewsbury river di- and Including Thursday, September thence by the same (E>) Northwesterly il is at the Elementary School, Holm- e re.plfltrn.llnn hoolis will ho clnneil Pine Brook. rectly between tha properties owntd 10GB. Abo Beptember 24, 25, 26, 100 feet more or less to a point corner il Road, Hazlel. New Jeraey. til nflrr Ihe forthrnmlrR r.enerxl Third Election Dlatrlct of olcctlnR: The polling place for thB Fifth ElBC< RICGINN1NO nt a pnlnt In the south- EloctniH of a President and Vlc*>- . by the Monmouth Boat Club and the .18 between 7;fK) p.m. and &;0o p.m. to the lame; thence atUI by the same Second Election District lection to bo hold on Tuesday, Novein- lion District In th« Borough of N«w r at Commissioner of Rcglstration •ty Urn of Lltllo BUvnr Point Road Prcildcnl of the Knitnl Rtatps nnd property known ai the Red Bank Ly- In part and part by Lot 14 of Block 4f BRO1NNINQ at fi point wrier* the fi, 19S8. 1 Shrewsbury Is the Tlnton Falli Flr« ceum than Co Southwardly tn (tie cen- , ot Records, Main 3lrcp|, (10) Southwesterly 1360 teet mora or Jeifl unrtnry line cf HoJmrfcJ Township If, Nntico uf diitnRe of residence or ap- where the same Is intersected by tn« flectinp n Mcrnlipr ->f Uw HOII.IP House, corner of Flra House* Hold tnil rophold, New Jersey, up to nnrt In- [o a point corneT to the latter; thence tl'in fnr liausfcr nr n'Klstrillion •esleriy lino of Parker Avenue South; rf tipprespnintive* IQC Ihe Third ter lint of Broad Street, thence South' '.craected by the boundary line be- 1 'Old. Hill Road wardly along the cenler line or Broad .;..,. Thiimilny, Reptemlipr 21. 1W. hy the surnr 01) Boulhflftsterly 478 fenl -ecn Raritan Township, Holmdel mil IKI made cILhor hy written re- IP n co (ll In an easterly direction <'nnpnwli>n:il Dii'lrlct of New Jer- Sixtli Election District Btreet to tht intersection with the cen- urlng DIP following hours: Daily D:00 more or leas to « point In the line ol jvrnsMp and Mlddletown Township iient forwarded tr> iho M'linlrlpnl Clerk long lite southerly lino of Ltllle Sliver sey, ;i Klu'nif. jinil uvii mniiiirrs nf i All that portion ot th» Boroufh ot m, to 1:3f) p.m. Also September Mint Hnad to Its interaeclion with the the DJ.VHI i>f CIKMCU Vrrt'ltKllTa for ter line of Monmouth Street thence the same nnd corner lo Lot 13 of .Id point also being where tha center the ^Cminty Rnnrd of ElectloiiB nn f New Shrewsbury bounded on thi north Block 44; thence by the latter (12) •mm pnivlded by s;ild Municipal Clerk wcntorly line of Seven Bridges Road; the CMInlv of Monmoii!Ii, and or the Westwardly aloni tht center In a southerly direction foilowInK munlclpjil offices, viz; ming River; on the weat by ths Gar- with tht center lln* of tno tracks or lay.i excepted. pnlnt corner to the same and comer __ Raritan Townships; s office of the Municipal Clerk or along tiio westprly Une of Seven Bridges Two Councilman for the t\il\ term of, den State Parkway: an (be loutti by road bed of the New Jersey Bouthrrri Thursday, September 2fl, 1068, Northerly nlong the line 'of Route 7fl Thence (1> In a southwesterly direc nmy Board nf Elections up to ami toad to fi point marked by an exte.n- throe yeara each. . ' Sycamore Avenue; •.nd on th« *tit by railroad thenc* Northwardly, along the ie replfitratlnn hooki., will be closed to Loi T ol Block 41: thenca (13) n along the center line of Palmer tludlnK Septe.mhe.r 2fl, 196B. uon In e. westerly direction of tne One Councilman for the une x pi red Hance Avenue, • \ center of the tracks of th« New Jer- iti] after the JorthcominK General 18,300 Feet mote or leas to tha Intersec- enue to the center lln* of But* The polling plae.fi for tlie Boron Kit of southerly shore of Town Neck Creek; term of one y«ar. The polling placn for tns Blith BUft. sey Southern' railroad, to the shore of fctlon in h1* h«"lrt on Tuesday, No- tion of the same with the corporate jjthway Route UV •a Bright U lneated at the Firo House, :he.nco (3> in an pMierly direction along One Councilmnn for thfi uncxplrod lion Diurlct in thi Borough of Ntw ;IIB southerly shorn of Town Neck Greek the North s*»r«wsbiiry river, iNuvt- !Mh»fr *\ 19?' , . lUnft ot MataWfln Township; !Ueb»"ill> Thencs 12) continuing in a louthweat- <0B JlGaflt Ocean Avenue, Soa term nF one year. Shrewsbury is ihe BwirnrnlD| (Uv*f link), thence * Sou the an wardly and y direction and along the boukdary lght. New Jeriay. ind continuing in a generally aoutrterty A Tax Collector for the full term of School. !!0 Hance Av#. ^ Notice of ch^ngo of residence or ap-1 Raster ly afong the enrpo^te line of and stjuthvaaterly direction following NortheflKtwanUy along the shore of thp Icntion for transfer nt replslratlnri Maiawan "rawnship i,9[V .eet lo a point e betwsen Middi*iown TownshliPand MARY LARSON. four years. ' JERUMB «7 IUDBD, North Shrewsbury river to the, center t •Imdei Township to th* center line! BorougD Clerk :lio shore line of Town Neck Crnek and Nntice ia hereby Riven that niiillllp'l all be mud* either hy written re- where thf same I' intersected by L lint bntwecn the property belonging to 1 Boutii Ltuiil Avenui wlmt- " ' int. 20, 23, 1W8 (900 Paikor Craeli to « point 'Waota iht voters ot the Borough ot Hums on, Sent. 20, 23, ;eat iorwarcjed to the Municipal Clerk Gravelly Brtwk; thencs (15) Aloni the »83.0O I. 18r-THE DAILY REGISTER, Mondity, Septmhrt 29, W68 'Kitten Factory* Aids Research NEWARK - A group of cud- when the kittens are very place another kitten who ha dly kittens at Rutgers in New-young, they need constant at- pens to usurp his chose ark is making significant con- tention, so 1 have found myself place." tributions to research on the sleeping with them in the of- To better control the exper: process of learning. fice." ments, Woll uses an artifici The kittens are in the hands His research centers on how "brooder" constructed at th< of Robert .1. Woll of Irvington, the kitten learns to get milk Department of Animal Be a member of the staff of the from its mother, havior of New York's Ameri Institute of Animal Behavior on "Since the eyes are still can Museum of Natural His Hie state university's campus closed and the hearing is not tory by Dr. T. C. Sehnerl here. Woll is studying the early yet developed, the kitten must The brooder is warmed ele< development of learning and depend on the senses of touch trically to simulate for the kil has found the kittens particu- and smell in finding his way tens some of the same sens larly well suited for his studies. to tfic source of milk," he tions they would get by nursin Woll's source of research noted. from a genuine mother cat. subjects is a "kitten factory," Once the eyes open, Woll ob- Woll stresses that a basi a roomful of male and female serves how this affects the element in his research, felines which produce an ample kitten's actions which hereto- with most of the research at In STOPPED COLD — Mike Chevalier 140) of Middle- supply of kittens. He begins his fore had been determined by institute, is the idea of lettinj TIGER CORNERED — Halfback John Connell (5) of the Atlantic Highlands' Ti- town is stopped by a pair of unidentified Long Branch observations before the kitten- the other senses. One unusual the animal follow his ow gers attempts some fancy body English in an effort to elude the charge of two Riv- ish new arrivals are 12 hours factor is the position of the inclinations in a given situatio defenders yesterday. Long Branch's Mike Verrochi er Plaza Charger defensemen. Quarterback Don Marker (12) moves in hoping to old kitten while nursing. and then try to find out why (15) and Greg Bova (21) and Middletown's Rich "The kitten is quite selective did what it did. help out with a block. Atlantic Highlands scored a 6-0 victory. "I spend hours on these ob- Ames (74) and Kevin McCauley (50) also are pic- lervations," Woll said, "and about this, and will fight to dis- "Too often, experimenter try to get the animal to (Register Staff Photos) tured. Middletown won, 34-0. what the experimenter want it to do, such as finding it way through mazes. We let do whatever it wants to do, set what happens, then ask why." Seven Stay Solid in Warner Play Woll has been working on hi research, which will be th Matawan, Rumson and Fair the three-TD performance of the Pee Wees romped over At- Ocean Township rolled over Mike Chevalier scored first, basis of his doctoral thesis, foi Haven in the iSouthcrn Divi- Scott Garley. lantic Highlands, 39-6, on a Raritan, 51-13. Mike Vignola going 45 yards in the first three years and expects U sion and Middletown, Raritan, Fred Bruno was outstanding five-touchdown performance by was the point production cham quarter and later scored a sec- complete his studies in about i Manasquan and Brick Town- in New .Shrewsbury's 40-7 past- Bruce Abbot. pion for the afternoon, scoring ond TD. Fred Chalmers re- year and a half, In addition I ship in the North remained as ing of Southern. Bruno tallied Frank Sickler's conversion five touchdowns. Vignola turned a punt 50 yards for a the information he is seeking Shore Top on runs of 35 yards off tackle, the solid seven run after Russ Olivadotti scored his first on a 29-yard score, and Bob Roma ran 30 directly from his experiments learns who 50 yards on a rollout and on a Warner Football scored on a quarterback sneak end jaunt; second on an eight- yards for a tally. Fran Bush he has found some interesting kept unblemished records — 90-yard burst with an inter- in tihe third period enabled yard run, stole the ball from took a screen pass and scooted sidelights in his laboratory fe- unbeaten and untied — intact cepted pass. He also flipped 10 West Long Branch to come the quarterback in the third 20 yards for six points. lines. yesterday. yards to Steve Kogusko for six from behind to tie St. Joseph's and went 39 yards to score. Roma, Chalmers and Bill De- points. "Cat owners had told me Rumson kept its spotless of Toms River, 7-7. West Long In the fourth period he vaney also had conversion about the different personali- mark (3-0) with a 33-0 routing Pfunandre Redvict dashed 45 Branch drove 50 yards for tihe stored another pair, getting points. yards for the other TD. The loose around end for an 58- ties that individual cats have; of Belmar, as Jeff Pezutti had knotter after St. Joseph's Neptune rolled up a 20-0 but I didn't believe it until his hand in all five touchdowns. New Shrewsbury Pee Wees also Frank Walters' two - yard yard run and then returning a score over Asbury Park after a starte'd working with them," hi Pezutti cracked paydirt on runs won, 33-7. plunge capped a 40-yard march kickoff 58 yards for a TD. scoreless first half. said. "And it is true, they an of 1,10 and 15 yards and passed Defensive end Brian Gil- in the second stanza. Harry Sickles, Dave Taylor In the third period Chip Gar- remarkably different." to John Blake for 20 yards martin scooped up an errant and Larry Williamson also rett went off right tackle for Paul Briscione's interception and Steve McCormick for 15 River Plaza pitohout and raced scored six pointers for Ocean. 25 yards and a score with Ker- In' his "kitten factory," he on the one-yard line in the final yards. 33 yards for the only touch- Ed Carroll and John McKenna by Scott going through left demonstrated how one pretty minute of play halted a serious down scored in a 6-0 victory for tallied for Raritan. tackle for the extra point. Scott white cat was coy when ap- The-Rumson Pee Wees also threat by St. Joseph's. proached by strangers, while Atlantic Highlands. Eagles Soar scored a TD in the fed also, remained unbeaten, ripping another had a compulsion to River Plaza" gained some con- West Long Branch won the Middletown blanked Long when going through right tack- "shake hands" with everyone. heir Belmar foes, 34-0, behind solation on line afternoon as Pee Wee game, 20-7. Branch, 34-0. le for a 65-yard scamper. Terry Incidentally, he finds homes for Hamm to Jack Armstrong pass all his kittens once they have converted the point after that grown too old for the experi- score. ments. In the fourth period a 50-yard CAT'S MEOW — Robert J, Woll of the Rutgers Insti- "I kept my first kitten as Howell Could Be Tough pass play from Hamm to Vince Crotty scored six points, but tute of Animal Behavior cares for a couplo of his re- pet, but then I had to give it away when I moved," he re- (One of a series) about 6-1 and carries good good, and has real good start the second half in the the extra point was no good. March subjects. He is studying the development of called. "It was an odd ' cat. HOWELL TOWNSHIP - weight at 175. moves," stated Van Etten. first half, and then keep Fair Haven had a wild game Howell High School is one AMWMback Van Etten has Show Their Wares going." going over Keansburg, as the •arly learning by observing tha reactions of his tiny Since it had been isolated from other cats, it regarded humans team not to sell short in the Ron Carter, a 5-10, ^jpound Steve Armstrong, fullback; Van Etten explained the Tigers ran up 62 points. {•lints during nursing. as its peers." Shore Conference "B" Divi- senior, and Gerry De Gentio, Robbie Jones, halfback, Al necessity of having a good The Fair Haven first team sion this season. also a senior, who goes 5-11 Graul, corner backer, Mark leader. "Right now my two played just more than a quar- Coach Jack Van Etten of and 175. Fullback position Hahn, a strong defensive captains are doing a bang ter, with the reserves getting the Rebels has his '67 line also has weight, with Dean back, and end George Pedy- up job, and I think if things a good afternoon of experi- Wiley going 5-11, 190. zewski are showing their ence, back from end to end, and don't go wrong, we'll have a VMage School PTA Will Hold wares with finery in prac- Jim Balagurchick was the pretty good chance. You also what better way is there to Howell has some promising players. One on this list is tices. have to have Lady Luck on high scorer with a pair of start out than with a veteran Miels Hahn, who was the best Howell had a 3-6 record last your side; she's a pretty im- touchdowns and an extra point, forward wall? of the sophomore crop last year, but the Rebels lost two portant person in football," and was in on the tackle that Year's 1st Meeting Thursday gave Fair Haven a safety. About a dozen lettermen year. Hahn is 5-11, 190. games by six points and two declared Van Etten. Matawan won over Ft. Mon- MIDDLETOWN <- The Vil-principal, will introduce (acuity School, split sessions and the comprise the experience for Others on the list are by one-point margins. The Howell coach figures mouth under lights on Satur- lage School PTA will hold its members. findings of the Rutgers Report the club, and experience is Bobby Knowles, a defensive Because of the close losses, the "B" situation to be a day, with Dennis Mabbitt scor- iirst meeting of the school year Everett Curry, adminis- The budget proposed by the what any coach likes to see. end who has caught the Van Etten said, "The main close one with several teams ing by going four yards off Thursday at 8:15 p.m. in the trative assistant for the Board PTA executive board will be The two ends are co-captain coach's eye. "He looks pretty job now is to get them to having a shot at the title. tackle and Chip Nolet going the school all-purpose room. of Education, will speak on the presented for discussion Keith Wentz, who also has cla ijoOo_the_state_j)oJe_ vaults same dMancj_tlrrjjigh_gua_rd_. Robert—Newlands, -progress-of-the-New-Monmouth -and-appr-oval 7 ing championship, and senior for a 12-0 score. A bowling trophy will be Bill Purvis, 6-3, 190 pounds. In other games Jackson awarded. Another co-captain, Bill HoweirHig humbled Red Bank, 46-0; Lake- PTA officers include Mrs. Fiege, is at tackle with his wood upended Freehold, 14-6; Stout Trailer Seen Robert Tabit, president; Stan- 6-2, 220-pound frame, along Manasquan poured it on Wall, ley Sabik, first vice president; with senior Bob Scott, who is In Round-Robin Tournament 67-0, and Point Pleasant topped Rolf Unterburger, second vice 5-11, 180. Harold Gray, a Toms River, 7-0. president; Mrs. Joseph Kappel, ransfer from Chicago, is NEPTUNE - Howell High fields at a time, with six-min 1-0, on Onre Nagy's goal. STANDINGS In Code Violation recording secretary; Mrs. Don- fighting hard for a tackle NORTHERN "A" School came out the s o c c e r ute halves, the tourney start- Other teams competing ald Walker, corresponding sec- berth. In the event he nails W HAZLET - State Sen. Rlr-h- It approved a request by An- tourney champion on Saturday ing at 10 a.m. and concluding in the tournament were Shore Ocean (3-O-0) 3 retary; Albert Griggs, treasur- it, Scott would be moved to Raritan (2-0-1) 2 «rd R. Stout may lnse a re- thony .1. Sicurella to erect two when the Rebels won the 7th at 3:30 p.m. Regional, Freehold Region- Mlddletown (3-0-0) 2 facades and free standing signs er, and Mrs. Newlands, honor- ;enter. Asbury Park (1-2-0) 1 gional campaign headquarters. Shore Round-Robin Soccer The other semifinalists in the al, Middletown, and Red Bank, Neptunp e < 1-2-0)) . 1 ary vice president. Veteran Guards A campaign trailer, set up at at liis real cstale and insur- Tournament by scoring a 1-0 divisional battles were: in Northern 1; Monmouth Re- FreeholFhldd (02(0-2-111 ance office on Rt. 3!i and Beth- terry Hill (5-11. 190)', a Long Branch IO-3-O) ' Airport Plaza on Rt. 3fi, has PTA meetings will be decision over Neptune in the fi- Henry Hudson Regional gional, Ocean Township, Long NORTHERRN "B any Road. junior, along with Tony Bom- Manaaquan (3-0-03 ) .. 3 been termed a violation of the held the third Thursday of the nal game on the Neptune field. in the Northern Section 1, with Branch and Raritan Township, Brick (3-O-0) ..._ ,,..2 baci (5-10, 185), are ready to local zoning ordinance by Don- i variance was also granted month. a 2-0-2 record for six points in Northern 2; Wall, Asbury Point Pleasajit (2-1-0) 2 epeat at the rugged guard A fine turnout fo 20 teams Toms River (1-2-0) ...„ .1 ald J. Malloy, chairman ol the to John J. ("nnti, Union Ave., and Howell, 2-0-2 for six points Park, St. Rose, and Riverview Wall 11-2-0) l positions. Charles Calhoun, a competed in 12-minute games LaJtewood (0-3-0) ....0 Zoning Board. to add two rooms to his home. Academy in Southern 1, and Howell (0-3-0) 0 discus man, is at center, un- in two divisions, split into two also in Section 2. Howell edged In a meeting Friday night, The board denied the request Brick Township, Lakewood, SOUTHERN "A" Says Mafia less someone unseats him. sections each. Hudson, 1-0, on Martin's goal in Matawan (3-O-0) ~...... 3 Mr. Malloy charged that the of Carmine Mode, 7 Cork Point Pleasant, and Jack- Rlimson (3-O-fll ...3 Van Etten isn't hurting Pete Martin was the hero for an overtime. Fair Haven (3-4)-0) .... 2 trailer was located without Sen. Place to permit completion of son Township in Southern 2. Al. Highlands (2-1-0) 2 •adly. with lettermen in the Howell. It was his goal at 3:30 Neptune won the Southern Stout filing an appropriate re- the second slory of his home. Figure Had Koanaburg (1-2-0) .. 0 backfield either. of the first period that gave Section 1 crown with a 2-0-2 The tourney was fortunate Ttlver Plaza (O-2-0) _...o quest with the hoard. They referred to the Plan- "ort Monmouth (0-2-O) 0 Senior Stan Bowles, is a Howell the crown, and ended mark for six points, the same this year. Last year's SOUTHERN "B" Up to Zonrr ning Board for study an appli- Missile Data 81. Joseph's (2-0-1) 2 cation from Benedicl Dononi- eleran quarterback and Neptune's string at two in a record by Toms River in the W. Long Branch (2-0-1) 2 A decision on the violation is was washed out by a hurricane. N. Shrewsbury (2-1-0) 2 ma, to add 30 feet to an exist- NEW YORK (AP) - Rep. should really come into his row. second section. up lo Anthony IVMaio, zoning It was sponsored by the Shore Belmar (1-2-0) l ing store on Bethany Road at Cornelius Gallagher, R-N.J., own this season. Bowles is The teams competed on three Neptune won the semifinal Southern 10-2-0) o officer. Mr. DeMaio is a for- Jackson 11-2-fl) 1 llazlet Ave. SQccer Officials Association. Red Bank (O-3-0) 0 mer Republican township com- said yesterday that reputed mitteeman and member of the Mafia figure Joe "Joe Bay- Zoning Board. Marino Auxiliary onnne" Zicarelli gave him *• The-trailer also hours a largo "frightoninglY; accurate" infor- sign announcing the campaign Meets Tonighl mation on Russian missiles in of Republican candidates for KAST KRWSMiRCi - The Cuba. Freehold Today committee, Mayor Joseph A. Morales and Hugh Lnng. Phillip K. "Tinker" Horn Ma- (iallagber, who lias been rine Auxiliary League will linked with Zirarelli by Life The board denied a request Entries meet tonight at S o'clock in magazine, said the disclosure 1ST—PACE; CLMG.; $1,200 from Slraub Motors Inc., to re- Gallant Knight (Perry) 2-1 ShadydaJe Star (Webb) TJ Buck Smith's, Palmer Ave came during a telephone con- MLss Jane iKrause) 7-2 Cape Pine Sactam (Hazen) 6-1, tain a non-conforming sel-back Showells Adios iHubbard) 4-1 Vlnlee (Heede) 10-1 The group is sponsoring versation in 1961, a year before Millionaire fND) 6-1 Bay Moon (Hodtfna) U-l after meeting stale require- Grand Prince (Quarter) 12-1 VoJu8ia (Browne) 8-1 Lirt OK (Crank) ments for widening ihe high- drive to collect prc-swcelt-ncd j the Cuban missile crisis. Country Gal (Tullno) 84 IJ1 drinks. hard randy and The congressman made the Highlawn Reed 4-1 package and send lo service-' Ooflta Rico (Tagarleiio) debate with his Republican op 3NI>—PACK; 11,400 <1 Sasay Siron (Beedei 81 How Congress men in Vietnam. Anyone inter- Mr. Tell (Fieldi R-2 Margand Abbe [Boyd) ponent in this fall's election, Frank Graham (McGovcrn) 7-2 10-1 esled in donating items may Yankee Guy (Browne) 10-1 Wee Lad (Hazan) 4-1 Leola Mlsa (Gray) contact Mrs. Susan l.avlnnd, .Mrs, Marion Dwyer. Gallagher Doctor Chief (Butler) 6-1 10-1 Voted on (inns Mlkea Discovery i Howard) fi-1 9TH— PACE; CLMO.i tt.MO Register WashlnKton llureau 34 Melrnse Tor.. Middletown,j represents a district compris- Rusty Chip iTelenl 8-1 (THE ItlDfiEWOOD) or Mrs. Margaret Sherrod, 5051 ing Hudson and part of Union Nlckic Del (Morafioi 12-1 Smoke Concert (FHlon) .1-2 SKNATK Elaine Dares I While) 20-1 GoldvilJe (Dancer) 31 Church St., New Monmouth, or County. 3RD—PACK; »l,!0fl Rene Wiok !l. >V Spun. Modc-I Man 1 Baidfichlnol *"«!£**"•• " «. «»<* menl defeated: 35 to 48. barracks said Joseph (Jrxws- institute legal action against i a Tying Dutchman and 1 Jnhn Hamnr. 2. T«m Vnlitfit, 3. WOOD • rrssv Video Kniffht (Wartsworth) had : Life if the/magazine's charges Dave Maxwell at the tiller of a Pirk Pfvlln, <. Frank Waller. 1. IVm Colyer, 2 Ken AltreutT, 3. Star Jim (Winters) Sept. 18 — On amendment In miin nf ,V)4 Bethany 1 Hanmr, 2. Waller, 3 Voufrtl'. <• Don Hiil>hfinl. 4. Ch'nn Richards, .1. eni—PACK: turn Jet 14 were double winners Kill MirpenUialor. gun bill which would have add- |)(.(.n swimming with Ins wife, arc false. Bart (iaplln. i' ]. Richard. •:. Allrputer. .1. Colyer, Widower Pudgln (Duncldey) yesterday in Monmouth Boat I.KillTNIMlS 4. Mercenttlalpr, V Hiilibnrd. Onpinlna Daughter (Otiappell) ed registration of firearms and Belly. Gallagher said that he had 1 Arnold Schwartz, 2 June Mrlhol, Larhaglrn (Kachel) . 4-1 JKT H 1 Ve WcK ble Tr licensing of owners. The couple decided to return lalked to Zicarelli on the tele- Club's Fall Series competition. .1 Rob FUynnr. *. Howard Mullln. ."). 1. Dnve Mnxwell, 2 Kerry Slmnn, London Hanover (Kelly) 4-1 -|tf " "" >«. Sandy Hunt-tninn. .1 Bill Unison. 4. Harry Latnwsky, 5. Queeru Rnvenel (Quartler) Rl lOld Tatum (Mansfield) 30-1 »-Ntralrl.t A. c«1. nico. For: Case, Williams. Amend- to shore because of tJie heavy phone "about half a dozen 1. Row nlrkerion. 2. MMg« Beech- Phil ELienhart In a fleet of Lightnings, Ar- 1, Maxwell, 2. Jean Columbus Creed (Cormterl 12-1 ftr. :i Melliol. 4. Huntsman &. Lee 1. Maxwell, 2. Jean Bnrr, 3. Simon, Cm rt Golllvllle ment, defeated 31 to 55. surf, but (irnss'man never made limes." He said they talked i. Hodgson, Lalowskyy. Oakland Traveler (McKenmO 15-J nold Schwartz beat June Meth- Hance. "~m"u' " ' ' Sept. 18 — On passage of gun it. His body was recovered by about Cuba and getting Zica- HI.IIIK JJAYS 7TII—PACK; $1,000 WINDMILL 1. «O4. . .3 .JoJnn SchwarlzSharlz.. 3. . HHarrisa , frpbte Tryax (OOMH bill, bolJi senators voted yes. another swimmer, William relli's son into medical school, ot in the first race, and Reid 1 AURIP Schiwj. 2. Poltlt Ann Car- i. 6am All router, 5. Patly MMeadd . vely Wick (Cormier) Bill passtd 70 to 17. ' i Dickerson took the second race. roll, 1 Kirk Snurr, 4. Andy Jenlffl, 5. I. Altrouter. 2. Hvrrls. 3. 801, (. Ward, 3S, of 36 Ijelmar Lane. but never about gambling. WaJI?7vaiiSlcUn. SdivrarU, 5. Chnssy VSlH i1 <*.». Jfefe Rout Patriots Fran, Gogo For Second Victory BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) - draw here, should Birmingham 74 yards en route to the score, Joe Namath's passes and an be awarded a franchise. At- Namath hit George Sauer with alert defense gave the New Rip Eagles tendance was 29,192. tosses of 18 and 16 yards. York Jets a 47-31 victory yes- The Jets moved to a 14-3 The second period field goals PHILADELPHIA (AP)-The down (iogolak booted 8 30-yard terday over Boston, playing it; first quarter lead, although the home American Football by Jim Turner, for 30 and 27 passing and running of scram- field goal which sent New York Patriots held the ball for most yards, moved the Jets into bling Fran Tarkenton and the ahead to stay. League opener at Birmingham. of the period and New York 20-3 lead, while the defense place kicking of Pete Gogolak Tarkenton directed a drive The game was billed as a was .never headed. stifled the Boston attack. carried the New York Giants to test to see how the AFL would with 6:33 remaining in Beverly Scoots The second field goal came 34-25 victory over the Philadel- Handy Beverly began the shortly after a 33-yard sprint phia Eagles In a National Foot- the third period which carried scoring by intercepting a pass around right end by Emerson ball League game yesterday 07 yards for a touchdown. The by Boston's Mike Taliaferro Boozer and a 13-yard Namath before a capacity crowd ot slippery quarterback passed 12 Team Title and returning it 68 yards. pass to Pete Lammons. 80,858 at Franklin Field. yards to .Ine Morrison for the The Patriots then moved Near the end of the half, (he Tarkenton time and again score and Gogolak's conver- from the 25 to New York's 32 Patriots moved from their own frustrated Philadelphia defend- ToTSichols,but three runs by Jim Nance, 16 to the 30 where Aaron Marsh ers as he maneuvered out of sion mads it 27-19. returning to action after an in- suddenly scooted free 10 yards the pocket either to complete a In the fourth period, the Gi- Jury, put the ball on the 24, behind all defenders and took pass or run oui of trouble. He ants marched 69 yards for their Archer and Giro Capelietti kicked a a 70-yard scoring pass from completed 14 of 20 passes for final score on a one- OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - 31-yard field goal to make the Taliaferro. Cappelletti's con 190 yards and ran fnr 36 more. yard plunge by Bob Duhpn and Bobby Nichols and George score 7-3. version made it 20-10. Trail, 1917 a 34-1!) advantage. Archer started fast and fin- With nine seconds left In the The second time Nance car- TOUCHDOWN DIVE — Randy Minniear (27), New York Giants' back, dives over Trailing, 19-17, after a 54- Block Points ished the same way yesterday first period, Namath hit Don ried the ball in the game, he the line of scrimmage for a first period touchdown from the one-yard line in yes- yard touchdown run by Tom The play that many NFL to win the Professional Golfers Maynard with a 39-yard pass picked up eight yards which put terday's game. Giant tackles Willie Young (69) and Steve Wright (78) and Eagles' Wnodeschick, 23 seconds into coaches and owners want to Association team champion which Maynard caught falling him over the 3,000-yard mark the third quarter, the Giants l linebacker Arunas Vasys (61 ) and defensive back Joe Scarpati (21 ) are in on the eliminate, the extra point con- 6tiips and $20,000 apiece. into the end zone. During the for his career. moved from their 25 to version, played a big part, in play. The Giants won, 34-25. IAP Wirephoto) the Eagles' 23, where on fourth The hot-putting partners fired he early going as the Giants a final-round seven-under-par twice blocked attempts by Sam best-ball 65 for a 72-hole total Baker after Philadelphia touch- of 265. THat's 17 strokes better Pro Football Roundup downs, than par and two shots better New York also blocked one than the score turned by sec n the final quarter. ond • place Rives McBee and The Gtants started the scor- Monty Kaser, ing on a 2-yard run by Randy . Nichols, a 32-year-old Ken- Packers* Bears Bite Dust Minniear in the first period but tuckian who won the 1964 PGA fell behind 12-7 as Alvin Hay- championship, got his team The Minnesota Vikings, pegged have a 2-0 record, and Green cepted eight. Chicago passes 127 yards and scored twice fnr mond returned a kickoff 98 going in a hurry yesterday with for a year of mediocity, Bay is 1-1. and sent the favored Bears the Saints, who evened their yards for a touchdown, and birdies on the first three holes. upset the Green Bay Packers, Bill Brown scored on runs of reeling to their second straight record at 1-1 and gave the Red- Israel Lang took a 23-yard scor- defeat, 42-0. skins the same mark. Sonny He rolled in putts of 12, six and 26-13, yesterday, a day in which one and 10 yards in the first ng pass, from quarterback Bill Munson hit rookie Earl Jurgenson passed for two Wash- 18 feet, and the champs-to-be several pro football teams were half'-for the Vikings, who also John Huarte. added a safety. McCullouch for two Detroit ington touchdowns in the sec- were on the move, either upset or pressed for vic- The Giants led 17-12 at half- tory. Bart Starr passed for the one touchdowns and passed to Mel ond half when the game was time, however, as Carl Lock- A six-foot birdie putt on No. Minnesota built up a 160 half- Packer score and ran for the Farr for another. out of reach. hart Intercepted a Huarte pass B by Archer put them in the time lead in winning the clash other, both in the second half. A third NFL team to be up- The Baltimore Colts ran their and returned 72 yards for lead for the first time, as they between the two Central Divi- In a real stunner, the Detroit set was the Washington Red- NFL record to 20, but had to a touchdown, and Gogo- overtook 54-hole coleaders Dale sion clubs of the National Foot- Lions, smashed by Dallas in skins, who bowed, 37-17, to New struggle for a 28-20 victory over lak kicked a 20-yard field goal. Douglass and Hale Irwin and ball League, The Vikings now their opener last Sunday, inter- Orleans. Don McCaH rushed for Atlanta, 0-2. Earl Morrall, McBee and Kaser. again subbing for the injured Archer birdied the ninth hole Johnny Unitas, passed for from 13 feet and Nichols the three Baltimore touchdowns. 10th from 15 feet. Happiness to Bateman Randy Johnson passed for one Sports • Then came the birdie putt Atlanta score and ran for an- that, according to Archer, other. tK "really put us over the hump." Surprising Cincinnati won its Slate . Leading McBee and Kaser by second American Football TODAT Is Victory, Defense Cross -Country Bne stroke, the Nichols-Archer HAS A SAMPLE — Tommy Funchess [73) of the Bos- League game against one de- Hall Tnwnflhlp at Munm combo got the cushion they feat by handing winless Buf- TOMORROW ton Patriots closet clamps on the head of New York NEW BRUNSWICK (AP) - John Bateman says he's happy Saturday were both losers. flocctr needed when Nichols snaked in Montclair State lost to Cort falo its third defeat, 34-23. Two A.lniry Pftrk ftl Frtrhoid Jets' John Sample (24) after the latter covered a His team didn't make a first with his Rutgers football team's Mnrlhoro at Wall Twp, .in 18-foot curler for a birdie down for almost 14 minutes and opening game, land .State 21-14 and Trenton Cincinnati touchdowns came on Ilimrtl at .Middletown fumble by the Pats' R. C. Gamble in the first half. The pass interceptions, by Charley Khnrr IUt. nt Monmouth Regional on the par 3 16th. Nichols' vic- lost the ball nine times on in- The first thing that makes State dropped an 8-7 decision Jnckiton at Tomi Rlvftr , .':ory dance told the story. play led to a Jett1 field goal on the way to a 47-31 at Bridgeport on a field goal King and Al Beauchamp. Max Rnrltan at Hrnry Hart(on terceptions, fumbles, and a Bateman happy is the score, Itrrf Bank at St. RMA Then it was par-par in for victory. (AP Wirephoto) 37-7, over' Lafayette. in the last 16 seconds. Anderson returned a kick 100 Crami-Countrjr bungled fake punt. Yet coach yards for Buffalo. Rurmon-PH at RoflpUft he championship and the win- The second thing was the per- Heavily-favored Rutgers was Krfrlinld At Ocean Twp. Marlboro At St. Joipph'* (TR> iers' share of the $200,000 formance of his revamped de- played to a complete standoff In the only other AFL action; Mlildlrtnwn at Howftll fense, which held three times by Lafayette for the first quar- substitute Jackie Lee passed Ktinro Rpf. at Monmonth Re|. mrse. HAnrr Had ion nt Long Branch in the sluggish first period ter. Neither team could pick up for two touchdowns, Robert ft. fWrh at I.aktwooA The victory was the third ot HlKhtHtoTC-n at Jnekton when turnovers gave Lafayette a first down, but the Leopards Holmes ran for two and Jan Central Rff. at Tnmi River he year for the 28-year-old the ball three times inside the threatened three times—twice Stenerud booted a pair of goals CRA ana Trrnton Ontrmi «t Neptune ircher, a 6-6 Gilroy, Calif., Cards Show Little WEDNESDAY Scarlet Knights' 40. when Mitchell fumbled on the as Kansas Oity, 2-1, over •ancher Who* earlier in 1968 won SoCCfF "Everything went just about 23 and 38 and then when Van whelmed Denver, 0-2,34-2. >ftptano at OCMM Twp, •t Pensacola and New Orleans. THIBSDAV like we'd want an opening Ness was tackled on his own Dan Reeves ran for two C row-Country game to go," Bateman said, 22 as he attempted to run from RuminTt-FH at Share R>f. Stuff to 'Bird-Dogs punt formation on fourth down. touchdowns and Craig Baynham "We won without a sweat, but one as Dallas, 2-0, beat Cleve- THE DAILY REGISTER, Yanks Drop By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Washington toppled the Tigers right-hander took over for we made enough mistakes to But early in the second quar- land, 1-1, 28-7. Monday, Sept. 23, 1968-19 Detroit's World Series dossier 6-0, Boston dropped the New rookie-Jim McAndrew in the fill a season." ter, after a punt had given Rut- ih on the St. Louis Cardinals York Yankees 5-1, Baltimore sixth and retired all 12 Phillies As it was, it took a spurt gers the ball on its own 37, •mipt"bea"tr!ne^thin~today"".T blanketfihrChicag(rWhite~Sr>x ftrfaced; -midway—in—the--game,—when .MitchelLtooluover. quarterback Bruce Van Ness The 178-pound senior, who through no fault of the Tiger 3-0, Cleveland edged California Cesar Tovar tool; the grand and halfback Bryant Mitchell gained over 1,000 yards in his 2 DAYS ONLY To Red Soxscouts. For the past week the 2-1 and Minnesota shaded Oak- tour of Minnesota's Metropoli- unscrambled the offense and first two seasons, carried the NEW YORK (AP) - Rookie National League champs have land 2-1. tan Stadium... position by po- Rutgers scored four of the next ball four times and the ball was Jerry Moses' two-run homer shown "the Bird Dogs" practi- Right-hander Don Sutton sition. MON.&TUES.' times it had the ball. on the Lafayette 31. Five plays and Joe Foy's two-run single in cally nothing. blanked the Cardinals on one And for a tantalizing few in- Thy only other New Jersey later he cut off left tackle from the third inning carried hit until the eighth inning, when Los Angeles' late-streaking nings, it looked like the Twins' college teams to see action the three and the rout was on. the Boston Red Sox past the Dodgers beat St. Louis ace Bob he balked home the second of chief handyman might own a slumping , Gibson 3-2 yesterday, complet- two St. Louis runs for a 2-2 deadlock. tiny piece of a no-hitter as well Complete Brake Job 5-1, yesterday for their fifth ing a three-game sweep of the straight victory. Carinals for a 15-4 mark over But the Dodgers broke the as the distinction of being only CBA Starts Season Dick Ellsworth stopped New the last three weeks. tie in the bottom of the eighth the second man in major York on four hits in extending The Cards have won one of on a walk, a sacrifice and league history to play all nine the Yanks' losing string to sev six starts since they locked up rookie Joe Hague's positions in a single game. With Sweeping Win en games. the flag at Houston one week V throwing error. Bill Sudakis But Oakland eventually man- Boilon (5) Vork (I) ago. The victory was Ray LINCROFT - Christian The varsity Colt runners were AF R H aged three hits against young ABRH Washburn's no-hit gem at San scored the winning run when Brothers Academy, tabbed as led by Joel Friebaum when he 'Alv'r'do.as 4 1 0 1 Tom Hall, who relieved in the "Afl(l'w«,21> 3 1 0 0 Francisco... the day after the Hague caught Paul Popovich's the team to beat on the Shore came home in 13:55 as CBA T'ltr'sU.U 4 O Mantlclb second inning Sunday after To- H'r'lson.rt 3 O WnltP.H o Giants' Gaylord Perry nipped short fly and then threw wildly this year, jumped off on the scored a 21-35 triumph. •Foy,3b 4 0 Itf>h'ns'n,cf var started his tour by pitching right track on Saturday by ' Ttlomas.cf 4 O r! 3 O Gibson 1-0 with a no-hitter. past third base. Mike Sullivan of the Colts Scott, lh 4 2 2 I Fernand'z.c 2 a hitless first inning. opening its crosscountry season 2 I Cox ,3li 3 Yesterday's loss killed the won the junior varsity run in Mojps.f 4 1 Willie Crawford •homered off Tovar moved behind the Ullm'th.p 3 9 0 i ~txiwnlns. p 0 Card's last hope for a 100-vic- with a three-race sweep over 15:56, as the jayvess took a Verlianlc.p 10 0 Gibson, 21-9, who has beaten Howser.ph too tory season. They're 94-63 with plate in the second and around St. Peter's of New Brunswick SEALS the Dodgers only 11 times in 25-31 win, and Paul Casa- Tallmt.p 0 0 0 five games remaining. the and outfield inning here. C. Smlth.ph 10 0 28 lifetime decisions. grande was top man in ahe EXTRA Harntlton.p 0 0 0 Second place San Francisco Willie McCovey drove in by inning as the Twins nipped freshman sweep with a 15-49 J3 5 B 31 1 -I belted Atlanta 10-2, Pittsburgh decision in 6:41. Boston 001 TOO 000—5 three runs for the Giants with the A's. Net of 57 Wins Fords, Chevyi N»w York ...OOO 010 000—1 trimmed the 5-1, K Tovar scored Minnesota's Tomorrow the Colts will E—Tresh. I'm. DP--Boston 1. LOR Houston topped Cincinnati 6-1 double and his 35th homer, & Compacts — —Boston 5, New York 4. 2B -Koscn, boosting his league RBI lead to first run in the third when he At Beacon Hill travel to Neptune for a three- HR—Mosps {2), Fernanda (G>. S~ and the downed other cars Ellsworth. Philadelphia 5-2 in other NL 102. Willie Mays lashed three singled and scored on Bob Al- LEONARDO - Bill Fenwick way meet with Trenton Cen- slightly higher IP II It ER BH SO lison's . Rod Carew drove BUswnrUi W, 15-7 9 (1111 games. hits and Jim Hart drove in and Mrs. Louis Kern of Plain- tral. Downing L, 3-3 ...2% 5 4 4 13 three runs, helping Bob Bolin, in the Twins' other run with 2 110 1 In the field Country Club turned in a Vsrlwilc: 311 a fifth inning single. VtRSITV 'T»lbot 2 0 o i) i :i 10-5, breeze past the Braves low net of 57 yesterday to win CHRISTIAN BROTHERS !l, Here's What We Do: i. Hamilton .1 1 0 0 0 0 ST. I'KTKR'S .15 HBP—Verbsnlr. Alvarado. WP— with a five-hitter. 'The Winnlngcst' Beacon Hill Country Club's I. Joi-1 FYeltuum (C«, (tf-W. 2. • Install new oversize shoes with 40,000 mile linings Downing. T—2:02. A—23,aM. Bob Moose fired a four-hit- Dave McNally scattered eight mixed member-guest tourna- Tom Keiusley iC). 3. Martin Downey iSPt. i. Kevin Keirnoy (C). .V JOB Mets Defeat ter as the Pirates climbed into hits and became the winningest ment. Htmrman (C,\, J. Mike Hart (Cl, • Turn and true all 4 brake drums and arc-grind ahoei pitcher in modern Baltimore JUNIOR VARSITY a three-way tie for fourth Paul Slender and Mrs. Frank • Repack wheel bearings and rebuild wheel cylinders Russell Agrees history by shutting out Chicago CHRISTIAN BFIOTIIKRS !J, Phillies, 5-2 place with the Cubs and Connolly were second with 58, ST. PKTKR'S 31 Braves. 3-0. McNally, 21-10 for the sea- 1. MlkP Sullivan (S). IH:W), 2. Bill i* Bleed and add new fluid to brake lines, adjust wheels To Big Contract while Don Meany and Mrs. nil>bl« (01, .1. Phil Hlnck ffil, 4. Rny PHILADELPHIA (AP)-Don Jim Wynn's 24th and 25th son, is 13-2 since the All Star Monaco iSP). H. Jack Dllihlo Id, II. • Adjust emergency cable, inspect master cylinder Cardwell pitched four perfect Charles J. Werber of Rumson Steve rjuinter , 2. Jim Mrs. Raymond Lestrange, 15 McKvoy, 3. Tom OleMnn, 4. Jody greats, has agreed to terms in delphia Phillies, 5-2, yesterday. paw Mike CueUar, who scat- Pascual's four-hitter eased inches from the pin, won the Howe, ft. Kpvin Lookwood. a two-year contract calling Cardwell took over for rookie tered eight hits. Washington past Detroit and member'closest to the pin con- for slightly more than $200,000 Jim McAndrew in the sixth in- ended a 11-game winning streak OIL CHANGE WITH The victory left Houston one test, while guest Irene McCor- per season as player-coach of ning and retired 12 consecutive for the Tigers. ;ame behind the ninth place miek was second, 24 inches the Boston Celtics, The Associ- batters. Mets, who subdued Philadelphia Billings' homer was his' first ated Press learned last' night. Ron Swoboda drove in two away. HEAVY DUTY FILTER on the tight relief pitching of in the majors and Alyea's TOMAHAWK A source said that formal an- runs with a bases-loaded single Don Cardwell. The veteran three-run shot was his sixth, AAMCO nouncement of Russell's sign- in the fourth inning and Bud LINCHOFT - Rudy Grun- Ing will be made within the Harrelson's squeeze bunt deliv- wald fired a 78 to lead the • AH Meathrr oil next couple of days. HE re- ered another, Ken Boswell sin- weekend field in the first round TRANSMISSIONS 99 ceived an estimated $150,000 a gled twice, touching off two Met of the club championships' at year in his first two years as rallies. the Tomahawk Golf Club. -^^^ * Labor and material player-coach. How They Stand Sam Gaeta (80), Joe Eglie 4 (81) and Pat DelVecchio (86) w Vork 4 1 R. AIIITI(1< 4 11 Breton - Z 81 ,K1» 17 Ma.rlln.c 3 1 wtilte.lb .1 0 1 San Francisco RT) 72 .1541 9 Cleveland .. S3 .K12 IS Mrs. Nick Ruisi (184) and Mr. Sw'ti'hl» 2 Detroit iMcUIn 3M> nt Baltimore Seymour Muschel, 180, and Mr. len. S—Harrehon. 3K- Tlalrympk . rltutmrgh. 5, Chicago i (Nelrni 3-2) AND8AVJ Sears Middletown I7I-J8M FREE! II> ii it in nn so Houston 6, Cincinnati 1 Ronlr.n 'Mtrpiirait 1*> nt Washing- and Mrs. Richard Schwartz, 143 E. Newman Sprlngi Rd. Opr>n Mm. Ihra^Fil. TOWING & DIAGNOSIS McAmlrew W. (-7 5 .1 2 2 0 0 TonliM'n Clime ton (Moore 3-M 109. Mr. and Mrs. John Frew, Red Bank 842-2500 OmtwHI 4 0 0 0 0 0 Cincinnati (Culver 11-lfi and Carroll nhlraitn (Flslipr 8-11) it Oakland te«. 'til 9:30 P.M. Wlan L. l)-l« -i 4 4 3 2 S 7-Rf nt PlltntmrKh (Vealo 13-14 and (N»«h 1212) 155, and Mr. and Mrs. Mike PICK UP STATION flu liland Ot»eo 9 AM, Call n JiM-i.wn :. J 3 t • 1 0 2 BuimlnB I-Hl, 2. twl-nlght. Mlnnriwtn Tlinnre I.'i-lS) »< Cali- furrell 1 II 0 0 0 I Only games scheduled. fornia (Wrtghl 10-n) Koszk, 158, were second and A1A SHOP, RT. 14 ft CRESCENT PL. 244.9*17 M HBP-»rl»« Mlrlln, McArMrew dtlll- S44-I5JI «on. PB-Dalrymple. T—2:16. A-3.S5O. the low net M 20-THE DAILY REGISTER, Moniay, September 23,1968

Lincroft, library research; Lake. Monmouth Museum Gallery Mrs. GwyM, Bed Bank, of, Special consultants are COL lSewij3 Cen Singer Company ^ " Raymond R. TourtiUott, U.S.A. ters, flag stitching; Mrs. W. Ret., Little Silver, flag mount- John Tomlinson, Holmdel, Eeatures 'Flags of Freedom' ing and display procedure; schools, and James Harunore, Mrs. Betty Massey of Past RED BANK - Flags of Free- The exhibition chairman, for whom New Jersey's Mer- Middletown, ship model design. History Antiquarian Books, dom, an exhibition of art, re-Mrs. T. Gaillard Thomas, an cer County was named. productions of American Revo- amateur historian and flagen - Another oil, based on lutionary War flags and rare thusiast, as well as an early the same theme, Washington at books, had a members' special volunteer museum worker, has the Battle of Princeton, by preview Sunday at the Mon-been engaged in intensive re- Wilham Ranney, has been ANDERSON BROS., mouth Museum Gallery, 152 search on flags of the Revolu- loaned by the Art Museum of Broad St. tionary period the past two Princeton University. years. The exhibition, jointly spon- The American Star, a paint- PACKING—MOVING-STORAGE sored by The Central Jersey The exhibition committee of ing in oil by Frederick Kern- Bank and Trust Company and 30 people includes as honorary melmeyer after Washington's 51-53 Mechanic St. the Steinbach Company, will members Gov. Nelson A. Rock- death, summarizes the gener- be open to the public, Tuesdays efeller, New York; Gov. Spiro al's career. Red Bank, N.J. through Saturdays, from 11 T. Agnew, Maryland; Gov. In charge are the exhibition a.m. to 5 p.m.; Fridays, from John H. Chafee, Rhode Island; directors, Mrs. Douglas A. 7 to 9 p.m., and Sundays, from Gov. John A. Volpe, Massachu- AGENT/ Yorke and Mrs. Alan L. Duke 741-0030 1 to 5 p.m., through Sunday, setts; Gov. Mills E. Godwin of Rumson, and exhibition Nov. 17. Jr., Virginia, and Gov. Richard chairman Mrs. Thomas. •••••••••••CUT OUr-SAVE i" •••"»" According to Monmouth Mu- J. Hughes, New Jersey. Asbury-Red Bank Limousine Service seum president Charles B. Feature exhibits include five On the committee are Mrs. Harding of Rumson, Flags of rare engravings of John Trum- Francis M. Taylor, Mrs. Cox, RETIREMENT DECORATION — Col. Jack S. Condon, who retired at director of DIRECT TO & FROM KENNEDY * NEWAR AgRTS Freedom is the product of in- bull's oil historical series, on Mrs. George Bruce Cortelyou, procurement and production of the Army Electronics Command at Ft. Monmouth terest, throughout the county, loan from Yale University Art Mrs. De Voe, George Moss and C, Alan Hudson, Rumson; Mrs. CALL 222-6300 Z KiK after 27 years of military service, receivas the Legion of Merit from Maj. Gen. Wil- in the historical and present- Gallery. Subjects are The Dec- Rea£ Down ElfMtlvi January HI. '«• day significance of the Ameri- laration of Independence, The Walter RuUman, Red Bank; NORTHBOUND _ To Nfwork and JFK Airport* liam B. Latta, commanding ECOM and the Fort. Col. Condon is now project cen- Mrs. Kingsley F. Norris and LEAVE can flag. Battle of Bunker Hill, The Sur- Asbury Park :M ter manager for the East Patterson facility of Curtiis-Wright Corp. Mrs. Condon Miss Anne M. Stommel, Locust, 5:30 «:30 7:308:3' 0 10:311 1S:M 2:30 3:30# «:M »:»# * render of Burgoyne at Sarato- Long Branch is at left. and Mrs. Abernethy, Spring 5:45 6:45 7:45* 8:45 10:4! 12:« l:« 3:«# 4:4S S:«# •:« ga, The surrender of Cornwal- Ealontown It's Driver lis at Yorktown, and The Death ADVHETI8EMEM' 5:55 6:55 7:55* 8:55 10:5! IJ:5S 2:S5 3:55# 4:55 5:!S# i-U Red Bank of General Montgomery at Que- 6:05 7:05 8:05* 9:05 11:05 1:05 1:05 4:05# 5:05 <:05# 7:05 bec. TrumbmTs oil Portrait of Who Causes 6:15 7:15 8:15' 1:15 3:15 4:15# 5:15 *:15# 7:15 Washington also is on loan from Keyporl-Molowon WOMEN OFTEN 9:J5 11:2! 1:2S 3:21 <:25# 5:15 i:t!g T.a Kroeger Estate Left in Trust New York City's Metropolitan 6:25 7:25 8:25' Woodorldge Accidents Museum of Art. HAVE BLADDER IRRITATION i:40 7:40 8:40'9:40 11:40 1:40 3:40 4:«0# 5:40 *:jy>25il!i?d |0J!l? com- George C. Woolf, Matawan shak were members of the mission by Gov. Richard J. Township,-who -died-A tig—-26,- management and clerical staffs Hughes on Aug. 8, 1!)B7, and left cars to his daughter, of the company. Arthur the report was published in Maureen Kurtanick, and to her F. Schueler, agency manager, February of this year. brother Carroll L. Woolf. He was toastmaster; Carl R. , Gov. Driscoll is scheduled to left his half ownership of 1237Keener, agency representative speak at the Rumson church Ihore Concourse, Cliffwood, to for the National Veterans As- Monday, Oct. 14, at 8:15 p.m. his wife, Helen M. Woolf. The sociation and Joseph DeAngelo, balance of his estate was left president of the Southern New It's tough durable and self- He will be followed, on Oct. 28, Alfred E. Driscoll by speaker Malcolm D. Talbott, to his wife. His will was dated Jersey Veterans Association, | priming on sound painted vice president of the University A lawyer, he is honorary Aug. 16, 1968. were guest speakers. /or the Newark Campus of Rut- chairman of the board of War- areas. Has many features of gers, and on Nov. 11, by Willie ner - Lambert Pharmaceutical higher priced paints. Climate J. Smith, director of the Neigh- Co., Morris Plains. He joined formulated for your area. Re- borhood Youth Corps, Mew the firm as president in 1954 Spedcor Buys Division York City. after completing his two lerms sistg fading, peeling, fumes. Mr. Driscoll was governor as governor. Will go on over a damp sur- from 1947 to 1954 and success- The governor's address in Of Benrus Watch Co. Rumson will be the first in a face and dry> in ^/<% hour. fully sponsored revision of the NEW YORK - Spedcor Elec- Rapromatic 35mm processing, series that will focus on qon- _state constitution. UP reorga- tronics Inc. said today it has with on-camera developing, fix-1 Soapy water cleanup. nized the judicial and executive temporary racial issues. The agreed to acquire the assets of ing and viewing. series, open to the public has branches of the government, the Benrus Instrument Divi- Spedcor said it also intends I developed turnpike and park- been arranged by St. George's sion of the Benrus Watch Co. to continue to supply service, way planning, and was instru- Social Concerns Committee, for an undisclosed amount of maintenance, and replacement mental in bringing about re- headed by AUlen W. Hammond cash and Spedcor common parts, as well as complete forms in the state's mental in- of fiumson. The Rev. C. P. stock. equipments for the full line of j stitutions. Mellick Belshaw is'rector. The company plans to relo- Benrus-Analab precision oscil- cate the Benrus division to loscopes. Spedcor's Lavoie Laboratories Division in Morganville. EAI Operation Rebound The assets include the Ben-Mulroy Goes us Instrument Division's prod- uct line, inventory, engi- With McCall Colorfast Awards to 12 Employesneering and process data, spe- NEW YORK - John Mulroy, WEST LONG BRANCH - than ,1100 a month try salvaging cial test equipment and tool- formerly Eastern sales Electronic Associates Inc., Rt.usable materials. ing, and all applicable manu- manager of Holiday magazine, Latex has joined McCall's New York 36, has given 12 award? under Earl Carlson and Steve Ma- facturing and patent rights. sales staff. Its "Operation Rebound." an halak, both of Princeton, for The products include a new employe incentive program. working overtime and holidays generation of solid-state CRT *Mulroy comes to McCall's fol- Wall Paints The third in a series of to determine quality control on displays, monitor oscillo- lowing a 14-year association monthly awards were an- a system which had already scopes, variable and fixed fre- with Holiday in sales and sales nounced by the Corporate Re- been sold. quency oscillators, as well as executive capacities. Reg. 4.99 gal. bound Committee, which marie I.ouri Deli, Burgess Hill, AC and DC voltmeters. Also in- A native of New Jersey, he COLOR FAST the selections for outstanding England, for his part in de-cluded in the division's prod- is a graduate of New York Uni- service on an individual and velopment of the company's op- ucts are the full complement versity. He is married, team basis. erations in Australia, and forof Benrus-Analab data record- has three children, and lives at Each of the individual training of EAI employes. ing camera systems, featuring 63 Rumson Road, Rumson, N.J. "President's Award" winners James Burke, Cleveland, LATEX received a framed certificate, for working evenings and week- recognition badge, and hadends to install a special com- their names added to the cor-puter system for the military. MANY PEOPLE porate honor roll. The team awards went to: Covers many colors in one | The team winners received The Boeing Project Team for Dripless for neater coat. Paint fast with beautiful a model of the Rebound Kan- working long hours as well as SPEAK OF Pleasantiragrance garoo, symbol of the incentive on weekends to keep the Boe- results. Tough and durable, program. ing project on schedule. . Individual awards went to: The Publications Department OUR SERVICES! resists staining and fading. Arthur Widmaier, Red Bank. for taking on printing jobs nor- Per Annum on Gallon does up to 450 gq. ft. I for working evenings and Sat-mally handled by outside firms It's dripless and has a pleas- urdays to prepare cost figures and for effecting a savings of Savings Certificates for a new computer. ?70(l in July. ' From $10,000 ant fragrance. Clean with [ Al Austin, Ocean Grove, The San Francisco district 5 soap and water. for working overtime to pro-office for achieving 152 per '/4 ANNUAL DIVIDEND •% PER ANNUM ON vide exceptional administra- cent of their year's goal hy o/ COMPOUNDED SAVINGS CERTIFICATES tion of international contracts. June 30. This office accounted I 10 QUARTERtY FROM $5,000 Hildc Gambino, I Jong for more than $3 million in vew 1500 HIGHWAY 35 Phone Branch; for working more than business. 112 hours with no rejects in am- The NASA • Houston team MIDDLETOWN 671-3800 plifier assembly, and for work- for preparing procedure and a SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE Open Monday thru Friday 9:30 to 9:30 ing at 5 to JO per cent under SAVINGS tc LOAN ASSOCIATION Satisfaction Guaranteed or manual for the off-line testing Open Saturdays 'til 5:30 normal time standards. of various components result- Your Money Sack MIDDLETOWN LINCROFT Sorry no phone COD's accepted , Joseph Penta, Long Branch. ing in a savings of many valua- 471-2400 842-4400 8EAIS, 1OEBUCK AND CO. saving the company more I ble hours of machine time.