26’ WSR Magazine 2013 Round#2 Motorland - Running order

Part 1 (09’42’’)

Opening clip Summary clip Postcard Feature: Inside Track (by ) Feature: The Eurocup FR 2.0 contenders + a word of Daniel Ricciardo about Eurocup FR 2.0 Highlights FR 2.0 Race 1 Highlights FR 2.0 Race 2

Part 2 (07’53’’)

Highlights FR 3.5 Race 1 Feature: FR 3.5 Pit Stop training + a word of Daniel Ricciardo about FR 3.5 Series Highlights FR 3.5 Race 2

Part 3 (08’24’’)

Feature: Megane 2013 Forces + a word of Daniel Ricciardo about WSR Atmosphere Highlights Megane Trophy Race 1 Highlights Megane Trophy Race 2 Coming Next Closing clip

26’ WSR Magazine 2013 Round#2 Motorland - Script

Part 1 (09’42’’)

00’00’’ Opening clip - Do not Talk

00’23’’ Summary clip Welcome on Eurosport for your traditional World Series by Renault magazine. Today you will discover Motorland track with F1 driver Daniel Ricciardo, guest star of this first 2013 WSR meeting, who will be your guide through this show.

00’33’’ You will be also the witness of team pitstops’ preparation and, as usual,

00’43’’ you will live again best action and all the races highlights, from Eurocup Megane Trophy and Formula Renault 2.0 to Formula Renault 3.5 Series...

00’52’’ Postcard World Series by Renault starts its ninth season at Motorland Aragon, Spain. For the fourth year running on the Spanish circuit, situated near the town of Alcañiz, stage of this opening meeting of the World Series by Renault season.

01’10’’ Jingle Break

01’14’’ Feature: Inside Track (Discover Track by Daniel Ricciardo)

Opening clip - Do not Talk

01’20’’ Among the many personalities attended in Motorland Aragon, our guest star Daniel Ricciardo is now very much a member of the fraternity. This weekend, the Australian unveiled the Twizy Renault Sport F1 performed its first public demonstration, before introducing you a really special track lap with the Red Bull Racing F1 RB8 2012 world champion… Radio On !!! - Do not Talk

01’40’’ Engineer Radio Voice English language

“OK Daniel, it's the warm-up lap, please remember the tires are full cold!”

01’50 Radio Daniel Ricciardo - Infiniti Red Bull Racing Renault Driver English language

“Welcome to Motorland, first round of the 2013 World Series by Renault…”

02’03’’ Radio Daniel Ricciardo - Infiniti Red Bull Racing Renault Driver English language

“So now I will explain you the Aragon circuit. That's 5,3 km, and an anticlock wise circuit. Lots of elevation changes, up and downhill, with some blind corners, which make it quite entertaining…”

02’22’’ Radio Daniel Ricciardo - Infiniti Red Bull Racing Renault Driver English language

“Top speed of 280 km/h, and at the end of that straight, a very tight hairpin which is good for overtake…”

02’33’’ Radio Daniel Ricciardo - Infiniti Red Bull Racing Renault Driver English language

“I have some good memories around this circuit, I've got 2 pole positions in 2009, and 2 podium finish in the races, and that's suit my championship very well as I was leading the start of the season after this track…”

02’55’’ Radio Daniel Ricciardo - Infiniti Red Bull Racing Renault Driver English language

“Ok guys, thanks for riding with me. Now let's switch to the Formula Renault 2.0 Eurocup with the young drivers about to take off...”

03’03’’ Closing clip – Do not Talk

03’13’’ Jingle Break

Feature: The Eurocup FR 2.0 contenders

03’17 Opening clip - Do not Talk

03’30’’ Having uncovered many talented drivers over the years, Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 is gearing up for a season that promises much. After impressing in collective testing, Dutchman is one of the major contender this year.

03’40’’ ITW Nyck DE VRIES #4 - Koiranen GP English language

“Really excited for the new season, it’s finally starts after a long winter break. I’m really looking forward to race and hopefully fight for the championship...”

03’51’’ Lining up alongside a posse of youngsters who have already proved their worth in the discipline are a group of newcomers looking to find their place in the sun.

03’58’’ ITW Jake DENNIS #7 – Fortec Motorsports English language

“When you look at the list this year, you have 7 or 8 drivers quite easily able to win at anytime. Ocon, De Vries, Rowland, and so many more. It will be not easy....”

04’11’’ Almost 20 drivers finished in the top five during the collective tests, all of which points to an intensely competitive season.

04’20’’ ITW Esteban OCON #15 – ART Junior Team French language

“Be aggressive with control, be consistent everywhere, from qualifications to races, here are the keys....”

04’30’’ Among the other racers with a season in Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 already under their belts Briton .

04’37’’ ITW Oliver ROWLAND #24 – Manor MP Motorsports English language

“Different drivers will be stronger each race, so we have to be consistent and score good points everywhere we drive...”

04’46’’ After impressing in collective testing, Frenchman Pierre Gasly will be worth keeping an eye out for as well.

04’53’’ ITW Pierre GASLY #10 – Tech 1 Racing French language

“I think it will be hard this year, we are a lot of drivers to fight for the championship, so target is to be consistent and score points each race...”

05’06’’ Several of them have already starred at Motorland Aragon. Last year Oscar Tunjo took pole position for the Sunday race before finishing second on the podium.

05’14’’ ITW Oscar TUNJO #3 – Josef Kaufmann Racing English language

“Well it’s a really strong category, one of the highest level in the world for the young drivers so sure many of them will be pushing hard this year...”

05’24’’ And among the elite category we found Aurélien Panis, Oliver’s son, winner of the Monaco F1 GP in 1996.

05’32’’ ITW Aurélien PANIS #17 – RC Formula English language

“Well it’s a really strong category, one of the highest level in the world for the young drivers so sure many of them will be pushing hard this year...”

05’36’’ Finally, the smiling female Naomi Schiff will cheer this 2013 promotion of the Eurocup FR 2.0.

05’43’’ Jingle Break

Highlights FR 2.0 Race 1

05’46’’ Opening clip - Do not Talk

05’52’’ Making a perfect start, Polesitter Matthieu Vaxiviere #12 (Tech 1 Racing) quickly took command in the season’s first race and led the way from fellow other Frenchmen Esteban Ocon #15 (ART Junior Team) and Pierre Gasly #10 (Tech 1 Racing). Tucked in behind them were William Vermont #26 (Arta Engineering) and Jake Dennis #7 (Fortec Motorsports), who both got the better of Egor Orudzhev #11 (Tech 1 Racing) when the lights went out.

06’13’’ It was not long before the leading quartet began to pull away, with Pierre Gasly pushing Esteban Ocon hard and William Vermont putting in the fastest lap. There was plenty going behind them too as Oscar Tunjo #3 (Josef Kaufmann Racing), Oliver Rowland #24 (Manor MP Motorsport), Nyck De Vries #4 (Koiranen GP) and Ed Jones#9 (Fortec Motorsports) fought an entertaining battle for the minor placings.

06’26’’ The front four had pulled away from the bunch by mid-distance, leaving Jake Dennis out on his own in fifth.

06’34’’ The closing laps were nothing more than a formality for Matthieu Vaxiviere, who opened out a small gap over his closest pursuers en route to his lights-to-flag win. Esteban Ocon, Pierre Gasly and William Vermont battled it out for second all the way to the flag.

06’48’’ Race 1 Classification

06’55’’ ITW Matthieu VAXIVIERE #12 - Tech 1 Racing French Language

“We worked well during the winter tests so this result is the reflect of all the team efforts. Starting the season by a victory and the fastest lap during the race gives us confidence, it’s really nice to start like this...”

07’10’’ Podium Ceremony 100% french with Vaxiviere, Ocon and Gasly, awarded by Daniel Ricciardo…

07’14’’ ITW Daniel Ricciardo - Infiniti Red Bull Racing Renault Driver English language

“I thing coming out from karting it’s a great step, the racing is very aggressive and the level is an extremely hight…”

07’23’’ Jingle Break

Highlights FR 2.0 Race 2

07’27’ Matthieu Vaxiviere #12 (Tech 1 Racing) and Egor Orudzhev #11 (Tech 1 Racing) both on the front row while Luca Ghiotto #32 (Prema Powerteam) and Jake Dennis #7 (Fortec Motorsports) shared the next row on the grid. The falling rain meant a safety car start.

07’37’’ The safety car left the drivers to it on lap four, as Matthieu Vaxiviere #12 (Tech 1 Racing) made a perfect getaway from Egor Orudzhev #11 (Tech 1 Racing), and Oliver Rowland #24 (Manor MP Motorsport) and Oscar Tunjo #3 (Josef Kaufmann Racing) locked horns behind them.

07’56’’ Places changed hands throughout the race as poor visibility played havoc in the pack.

08’07’’ Tricky conditions – Battles everywhere in the pack and many figures…

08’26’’ Race leader Matthieu Vaxiviere #12 (Tech 1 Racing) had no such problems as he made his escape.

08’32’’ Tricky conditions the all race…

08’40’’ Just for good measure, Matthieu Vaxiviere #12 (Tech 1 Racing) completed another grand slam in chalking up the fastest lap of the race as he took the chequered flag. Egor Orudzhev #11 (Tech 1 Racing) and Oliver Rowland #24 (Manor MP Motorsport) joined the Frenchman on the podium.

08’48’’ Race 2 Classification

08’55’’ ITW Matthieu VAXIVIERE #12 - Tech 1 Racing English Language

“It was really difficult conditions, I’m not so bad in the rain and I made a good race. It’s good for me to win again today, it’s a good result for the championship. I’m really happy and congratulation to the Tech 1 Team, they made a really good job. I’m also happy for Egor’s P2…”

09’19’’ Podium Ceremony, Matthieu Vaxiviere #12, Egor Orudzhev #11 (Tech 1 Racing) and Oliver Rowland #24 (Manor MP Motorsport) awarded by Daniel Ricciardo.

09’30’’ Championship Classification

09’38’’ Jingle

09’42’’ End of Part 1

Part 2 (07’53’’)

00’00’’ Jingle Break

Highlights FR 3.5 Race 1

00’03’’ Opening clip - Do not Talk

00’10’’ Polesitter #20 (Dams) staying ahead of the field as the lights went out. Jumping up from row three to second place at the first turn was Arthur Pic #27 (AV Formula), while Sergey Sirotkin#7 (ISR), Christopher Zanella #8 (ISR), Marco Sorensen #9 (Lotus), Norman Nato #19 (DAMS) and #5 (Fortec Motorsports).

00’25’’ Pietro Fantin #4 (Arden Caterham) forces to restart at the back after a contact in the first corner.

00’30’’ Kevin Magnussen quickly settled into a groove on the Spanish track, posting several fastest laps to take nearly a second a lap out of his closest pursuer Arthur Pic.

00’43’’ OBC with Carlos Huertas#11 (Carlin) fighting in the pack.

00’55’’ Behing Magnussen and Pic the leaders, Norman Nato attack Sergey Sirotkin for third place. Nipping past the Russian into second, the Frenchman then had to contend with the charging Will Stevens, who found his way past Sergey Sirotkin and into third.

01’05’’ Not to be denied, Will Stevens caught Arthur Pic and slipped past him and into second on the last lap.

01’25’’ In a class of his own, Magnussen took the chequered flag by some 20 seconds from Will Stevens and Arthur Pic.

01’34’’ Race 1 Classification

01’45’’ ITW Kevin Magnussen #20 - Dams English Language

“For me it was quite a simply race, even it’s always a massive pressure when you are leading. Avoid to make a mistake, preserve your tires, so my car was just amazing, stable, no problem at all ! I found the right rhythm and really happy of this victory....”

02’05’’ - Podium Ceremony

Kevin Magnussen backed up his impressive start to the Formula Renault 3.5 Series season with a fine win in Saturday’s race 1 at Motorland Aragon…

02’21’’ Jingle Break

Feature: FR 3.5 Pit Stop training

02’25 Formula Renault 3.5 Series regulations impose that race 1 will be run using a light aerodynamic configuration, whereas race 2 will include a mandatory pit stop within a schedule window. See now how teams prepare this important race sequence….

02’40’’ ITW Ricky Taylor – Carlin Team Manager English Language

“It’s a good tool, not just for the drivers, but also for mechanics who might go to Formula One. It’s not just about the car. It’s more about the team, I recommend it! We practice a lot. Back at the workshop, we practice at least twice a week, probably for an hour. And then, also, we have a pitstop rig that’s permanently mounted at the workshop, so the individuals can go there and keep practising...”

03’16’’ As far as the mechanics are concerned, they do confirm that practising is the key…

03’30’’ ITW Nick Boaz – Arden Caterham Mechanic English Language

“It’s a bit nervous, not just before hands... Just staying calm, and you just go through if there is practice. It’s good, and you get a real buzz afterwards when you have a good pit stop. It’s a quiet straightforward procedure, but it is a classic case of practice makes perfect. So it’s a case of doing again and again and again and just refining all the little details just to get everything right.”

03’55’’ Some teams even hire former F1 mechanics. FR 3.5 Series is really the step just below the pinnacle of Motorsport…

04’10’’ ITW Roger Canadell – Lotus Chief Mechanic English Language

“The main thing is the same because it’s to change the wheels but in Formula One you’re around 25 people involved. Here you’re 7 completely so from outside it’s bigger in F1 but it’s the same at the end. It’s a few seconds that it happens a lot of things and lot of people involved, you can loose a lot there, and it needs to be really good, it’s quite important...”

04’42’’ Pit stops in FR 3.5 Series are, of course, the perfect way for young drivers to develop their skills, exactly the way Formula One would need…

04’52’’ ITW Daniel RICCIARDO - Infiniti Red Bull Racing Renault Driver English language

“Pitstops are very important. I think it's something which look quite simple. Sometimes it's not really the actual stop itself which is the hard part. If you are leading the race, it's a bit stressful because you are hoping the pit stop goes smooth and you don't loose your lead. Generally, it's a good thing because it gets the team much involved as well. If you do a good pit stop; everyone feels like they contributed to a good result.”

05’23’’ Closing Clip – Do not Talk

05’28’’ Jingle Break

Highlights FR 3.5 Race 2

05’32’’ Norman Nato #19 (DAMS) grabbed his first Formula Renault 3.5 Series pole from Carlos Huertas #11 (Carlin) and Sergey Sirotkin #7 (ISR).

05’46’’ The rain continued to fall, prompting the race director to order a safety car start, though the cars of Arthur Pic #27 (AV Formula) left stranded on the grid.

05’54’’ Race restart proper on lap 3. Norman Nato #19 (DAMS) promptly got his braking all wrong at turn one and went off. Though able to rejoin the race, albeit at the back of the field, the Frenchman was nonetheless handed a drive-through for dangerous driving.

06’20’’ Taking over at the front, Carlos Huertas #11 (Carlin) began to set a fierce pace to leave his pursuers trailing with a certain luck…

06’35’’ Stoffel Vandoorne’s #5 (Fortec Motorsports) unsuccessful attack at the end of the pit straight allowed second-placed Sergey Sirotkin #7 (ISR) to increase his advantage over the Belgian, though the two would continue their dice all the way to the chequered flag.

06’50’’ Nigel Melker #2 (Tech 1 Racing) nipped past Antonio Felix da Costa #3 (Arden Caterham) and into sixth on lap 13.

07’00’’ Race leader Carlos Huertas #11 (Carlin) made untroubled progress to take the flag from Sergey Sirotkin #7 (ISR) and Stoffel Vandoorne #5 (Fortec Motorsports).

07’08’’ Race 2 Classification

07’15’’ ITW Carlos Huertas #11 (Carlin) English Language

“I took the lead and after it was very difficult, I went off as well so it was difficult to keep the car on the track and it was very slippery, I think the tires are not really working. I had a big gap, the last 3 laps I drove really easy, it’s a great victory for the team....”

07’32’’ Podium Ceremony

07’43’’ Championship Classification (Drivers)

07’50’’ Jingle

07’53’’ End of Part 2

Part 3 (08’24’’)

00’00’’ Jingle Break

Feature: Megane 2013 Forces + a word of Daniel Ricciardo about WSR Atmosphere

00’03’’ The new Eurocup Megane Trophy campaign, should deliver plenty of entertainment. Equipe Verschuur retain a strong Dutch accent with Jeroen Schothorst, Max Braams, who has just turned 20, and Mike Verschuur himself, the 2009 champion in the category.

00’14’’ ITW Mike Verschuur #21 - Mc Gregor by Equipe Vershuur English language

“I am back in the Megane Trophy, like in 2009, after 2 years in the Eurocup Clio. I am really glad to be here and to drive the Megane. I would like to have the title, but it's going to be a tough year.”

00’30’’ Now look at a newcomer in the serie, Frenchman Steven Palette, coming from French championship.

00’40’’ ITW Steven Palette #18 - Lompech Sport French language

“There are some reference teams, and some drivers too. Mike Verschuur, of course, because he knows by heart the car's notice and knows everything as far as the set up is concerned. Oregon has always been on the front too, and there are also some newcomers with Gravity Charouz, so it will be very interesting... "

01’03’’ Without a competitive drive last season, the 2011 FIA Formula Two champion Mirko Bortolotti is set to make his return to the track in the Eurocup Megane Trophy. Judging by his fastest times in collective testing at Motorland Aragon, the Italian is determined to make his mark.

01’15’’ ITW Mirko Bortolotti #4 - Oregon Team 2 English language

“First of all, I am very happy to be here, racing the World Series by Renault week-end with the Megane Trophy, which is a very exciting car actually. I don't have a lot of experience in Touring Cars, but the first time I drove this car I really got impressed by it. At the moment I am just trying to understand the car perfectly, especially the tires in qualifying and in race mood. Let's focus on that first. I think od course, that there are a lot of good drivers in this championship, experienced drivers, and there is a driver who already won the championship, so obviously there is a lot of competition, and quite a high level. We have to do the best we can, 100% every week-end, and then, we will see what we can do and where we are at the end of the year.

01’58’’ Toni Forné is the only Spaniard on the grid so he is the local hero here in Motorland, talking about the young newcomers…

02’10’’ ITW Toni Forné #11 – Pujolaracing Spanish language

“There are different keys this season with the appearance of the junior trophy, coming from various championship and especially from the Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 that pumps up the level of the Eurocup Megane Trophy.

02’24’’ Simple question in the paddock, will the youth take over the gentlemen drivers in the Eurocup Megane Trophy ? You will get the answer after the break…

02’38’’ Jingle

Highlights Megane Trophy Race 1

02’41’’ Opening clip - Do not Talk

02’50’’ Mirko Bortolotti #4 (Oregon Team) is on pole position for his first appearance in the Eurocup Megane Trophy. He starts perfectly, followed by his team mate Kevin Gilardoni #3 (Team Oregon) and Kelvin Snoeks #6 (Team Oregon). Mike Verschuur #21 (McGregor by Equipe Verschuur) dropped to the back of the field after suffering a puncture in trying to get past Kelvin Snoeks.

03’06’’ Mirko Bortolotti and Kevin Gilardoni made their getaway at the head of the race as the battles for the podium raged behind them. Erik Janis #14 (Gravity Charouz) found a way past Kelvin Snoeks on lap four only to lose third spot after the refuelling stop.

03’18’’ The duel between Mirko Bortolotti and Kevin Gilardoni would be decided in the pits.

03’22’’ Vladimir Lunkin #5 (Oregon Team) spun.

03’29’’ Mirko Bortolotti improve his impressive pace – overtaking here Jeroen Schothorst #19 (McGregor by Equipe Verschuur) during the pit stops window.

03’40’’ Hot moment between Toni Forne #11 (Pujola Racing), and Kelvin Snoeks. Results: 25’’ penalty + a drop of 5 grid positions for Race 2 for the local hero (Stewards decision - avoidable collision).

03’51’’ Erik Janis #14 (Gravity Charouz), the Czech driver prevailing in a thrilling tussle with Max Braams #20 (Las Moras by Equipe Verschuur) in the final two laps to secure Gravity Charouz’s first top-three finish in the discipline.

04’03’’ Thanks to his perfect race management, Mirko Bortolotti took the chequered flag from Kevin Gilardoni.

04’11’’ Race 1 Classification

04’18’’ ITW Mirko Bortolotti #4 – Oregon Team English Language

“I would like to say thanks for the team, incredible race, incredible debuts for me in this new series so perfect way to start with pole position and race win. I will celebrate it tonight even I’m focused on race 2. I feel really good in the car, it’s really fun to drive, really quick, with a lot of grip, it’s suit me but we have to stay calm, we have to keep on work, try to do our best every time, and we will see where we are...”

04’45’’ Mirko Bortolotti did appreciate the great atmosphere of the WSR, as Daniel Ricciardo, our special anchorman enjoyed before him a few years ago.

04’54’’ ITW Daniel RICCIARDO - Infiniti Red Bull Racing Renault Driver English language

“Renault put on a great show for everyone, it’s not only the racing that takes place on the weekend, there is Formula One demonstrations, there is always some show going on. It’s great for the fans who come in, it’s free entry as well which makes it even more appealing to everyone. There is always a good crowd, good atmosphere, and wherever you go around the world you get a good reception…”

05’18’’ Jingle

Highlights Megane Trophy Race 2

05’22’’ Mirko Bortolotti #4 (Oregon Team) picked up where he left off on Saturday Race 1, recording a qualifying time that proved too fast for the rest of the field and signing his second Eurocup Megane Trophy pole in what were very tricky conditions. Taking second and third on the grid behind the Italian were stable-mates Kevin Gilardoni #3 (Oregon Team) and Kelvin Snoeks #6 (Oregon Team), as Oregon Team scored another qualifying hat-trick. The weather had not improved by the time the race got under way, with the front three retaining their positions despite an eventful start.

05’45’’ Local hero Toni Forné #11 (Pujolaracing) made a mistake, overtaking by Kelvin Snoeks #6 (Oregon Team), Forné finished race 2 on 8 th position.

06’00’’ Replay from Vladimir Lunkin #5 (Oregon Team) overtakes Oliver Freymuth #23 (AKF Motorsport) for P7.

06’14’’ Erik Janis #14 (Gravity Charouz) finishing fifth behind Max Braams #20 (Las Moras by Equipe Verschuur) and Mike Verschuur #21 (McGregor by Equipe Verschuur) taking sixth ahead of Vladimir Lunkin #5 (Oregon Team) making here a mistake in the last laps.

06’27’’ Saturday’s poleman and race winner Mirko Bortolotti #4 (Oregon Team) repeated the feat in Sunday’s Eurocup Megane Trophy race 2, leading his team-mates Kevin Gilardoni #3 (Oregon Team) and Kelvin Snoeks #6 (Oregon Team) home in the rain to leave Motorland Aragon firmly in charge in the championship standings.

06’38’’ Race 2 Classification

06’46’’ ITW Mirko Bortolotti #4 – Oregon Team English Language

“Really tricky conditions today, unfortunately you know it’s raining heavily today, it was quite tricky but we had a good car, I felt really well, I knew that we have a good pace so very happy of that result, 2 poles 2 Wins that’s incredible. So now we have to keep working and try to do the best we can and continue like that...”

07’08’’ Podium Ceremony

07’20’’ Championship Standings

07’28’’ Jingle

07’32’’ Coming Next

Next round will be held in Monaco, as the prestigious Grand Prix will host the Formula Renault 3.5 Series, the only category of the WSR schedule on that glamorous event…

08’00’’ Closing clip

08’24’’ End of Part 3