At A. 11. Dart'.s—Pictures framed. The Boautifullngham County Court SUCCESSFUL SECOND ATTEMPT Celebrated Their Golden Weddings Potatoes wanted at the Cold Stor House. Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Beech of this age, Mason. •ilw2 People should not be too prejudiced, Miss Carrie Bassett Ends Her Life city Celebrated the SOtli anniversary but mindful Of the fact that it is by Taking Morphine Head­ of their marriage at their pleasant': The Lansing Business llniversily Sep notice of house and four lots sometimes easier to censure than to ache Powders. home on Maple street last Tuesday and house and one lot for sale, please. evening. In the presence of their' Apples wanted at my drier, Ml.'!s Carrie Bassett, a young lady LANSING, MICH. The lioard of supervisors did not who lived with her aunt. Miss Pame Immediate relatives and many of tlio 40w;i J. L. Ouo,ss, Mason, aim to deceive the people nor to do Ha Seely, In the northwestern part of old residents of the city. H. J. Bond of Holt was in the city them injustice. Theycalled for what the city, committed suicide last Sat­ On October 6, 1853, they 'i^i'J'e.-.mar- last Friday upon business In the A long established, high grade school, where business is they supposed would build a suitable urday afternoon by taking lieadacli ried at Churchville, Monroe county, taught as it is practiced in the best business houses, and the value probate court, court liou.se at our county seat, but powders containing morphine. N. Y. Mr. Beech was born In York of its work demonstrated by the demand for its graduates to fill David Erwin and Gary Seymour are when the time came to receive bids on Miss Ba-ssett liad been of unsound state, while Mrs, Beech came from important and remunerative positions. We have been unable to at tlic Fowlervllle fair this week with same, these gentlemen found it was mind for several years. Four years England with her parents wlien a lit­ supply the demand for some time past. Dlllard Online and ZellaM, nsulllcient to construct sucli a build­ ago she attempted to commit suicide tle girl. They came to this place In The many prosperous manufacturing concerns and commer­ Shoes for beauty or shoes for wear, ing as tlie people in general were by taking white hellebore, but doctors 1850 and liave lived here ever since. urging them to build. The universal cial interests of Lansing, combined with the calls we receive for the Walk Overshoes will bcatany two were called iu time to save lier life For many years Mr. Beech conducted cry was, "Put up a good building our students fronv all over the state, furnish a field of unceasing pair. Sold at Brown & Looinls', *1 At that time she was placed in an tlie foundry here, but is now retired while you are at it, one tliat the asylum. She .seemed to improve, and from business. ^ demands for young people who have been well trained in office Go where you will, through fields or people of Ingham county will be proud her aunt brought her to her iioiue Tliree children have been liorn to work. We are on the ground. We know the requirements of woods, and the Walk Over shoes arc Of. The dilTereuce in cost will lie this city. thoin, one dying wlien two years of business men and our graduates fill these requirements, because the greatest gnocls. At Brown & merely nominal and we want a nice After dinner Saturday Miss Bassett age, the others being Miss Ellle Beech, our teachers, our courcs of study and our facilities are all up-to- Loom is,' *! building." Tills was the cry from all went to her room and was not missed who resides at home, and Harlow A. date and business men know it. Trial week//-^v to demonstrate our Pleasant Lake defeated Dansvllle parts Of the county. The members until the middle of the afternoon Beech of Owosso. • * claim to superiority. Write for our beautiful 48-page catalogue, by a score of 12 to 8 on the latter's on tlie board proved loyal to the wish Then her aunt found her on the bed Mr. and Mrs. Beech received many it is free. grounds last Saturday afternoon. It Of the people and did wliat the people and was unable to awaken her. She presents as a reminder of the event, was a ten-inning game. H, J. BECK, President, Lansing, Mich. in general were asking for, and after was breathing heavily and her face Teachers' Examination, Mrs. W. W. Campbell and' L. C hard and untiring efforts, succeeded was purple. Dr. Gertrude Campbell The ne,\'t teacher's examination for Webb have erected a beautiful granite in making a contract for a building was called, but It was too late. She Ingham county will be held aC nioniinient on their burial lot in which $25,000 extra could not dupli­ died at 8:30 o'cloclc. She was thirty- Maple Grove cemetery in tills city. cate today, nnd wlien completed will Williamston, Oct. 15-16. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. four years of age. be a pride to the people of Ingham Reiiding e.vamination based on "A OOn the eightli page of this issue Tiie neighbors had noticed of late county. Now let us as a people do Rill from the Town Pump," by Haw­ " Iho Niugara Fallt Route." will be found the ad, of Driver Bros., that the young lady seemed acting At A, R. Dart's—Fine furniture. our duty and vote to complete it

8 I have it, also Basswood and'Wliite Pine


and CARPETS STOCK SH!NGLES-Tli8 Finest Made.

Our immense stock is now ready for inspection. To say that Is simply running over with all the new'and desirable fabrics of Come and see me wlien you jiave any our assortment is larger and better tiian ever before would be put­ the day, both black and coloi-s. ting it lightly. OUR AIIM has been to advance each year, not bills to lie tored on.

stand still, and this fall we are showing as fine an assortment in all IN SILKS AND TRIMMINGS the different lines as you will find in the much larger towns. We Just a look will satisfy you that you can spend your money at C. P. MICKELSON, iason, Wlich. want your trade, and our selections this fall should at least merit home to advantage. a look.

We want you to see what we showing in JUST A WORD ABOUT RUGS, CARPETS CLOAKS, JACKETS, CAPES, SKIRTS and FURS and CURTAINS Our Cloak Corner is full of the latest things. THE GREAT DISEASE EXTERMI- If you are interested in a Rug or Art Square we want to talk to NATOR OF THE 20th CENTURY, you. Our new stock is now coming in. We are showing all sizes, . UNDERWEAR and HOSIERY V from room sizes to door mats, in Brussels, Velvet, Axminister, We can suit the most particular. Let us show you the lines. Smyrna and Ingrain. We are selling MOST CARPETS at the This department has been enlarged and changes made in the store LIFE PLANT old price and despite the scarcity just now we have a fine assort­ to accommodate growing business. ment of Ingrains, Brussels, Velvets, etc Come to headquarters A WARRANTY GOES WITH for everything in Carpets and Rugs, CURTAINS—Large assort­

ment in Lace and Tapestry. MILLS DRY GOODS CO. THIS MEDICINE 30OO00OOO00O0(X>000OO0OOO00 We also carry a complete line of Bob uid Kidn07 Tronlile bf tho nso ot JAta Vlant, (J, G, Carter was in Lansing on business last held at (,'raDge hall in this city last The treatment accorded tho boys Aj b tamllr medicine to keep tho blood In order Staple and Fancy Groceries, Friday, Tuesday afternoon. The following by both the players and citl/.ens of KBd tone op tbo tfntom and prevent alDlcnMi, I tlilair it. atandt Bt tho head ot tho Uat. Ilpp*- C, F, West of Dansville was In the city last were elected: Mr, and Mrs, M, 0, Howell was of the finest, and It is tlBOos, Uaiohl, lOOO. Agents for Wagner's Famous De- Jlonday, Mead of Aurelius, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, hoped that this game may be only a troit Bread, ,f. If, Bashford of Ingliam was in tlie city last Monday. W, Jewett of this city and Mr, and forerunner of more pleasant games to LIFE PLANT la aold at f 1.00 per bottlo-8 ^bottle* $6.00. Sold by all druggists—flont Hyron Clafiln ot Locke was in the city last Mrs, L, Kin;,' of Wheatlleld. follow. CHAS. J. WHITING, Tuesday, -aaytrnoro on rooeipt. An accident to the catcher of the Both Phones, Main Street Miss T,elo DeWitl is vislUng Iter brotlier in The regular meeting of the Farmers' .St. Joints. Club will beheld with Mr, and Mrs, Howell team during practice was the KAJtUffACXDBKD BY II, ir. Cornell of Lansing was iu the city last W, H, Haskell at Columbia Home only unpleasant occurrence of the day. Saturday, THE LIFE PLANT CO., next Saturday, Oct, 10th. Program: In attempting to catch a thrown ball At The Racket Store George McArtliur of Leslie was ln.-tlie city last he was hit upon the end of the second CANTON. OHIO. Thursday. Music. Recitation, "Our Primary linger of his right hand, the forcc'of Deli Abbott of Willie Oak was in tiie city last Schools," Prof, Fullcrton, Select Beautiful Lamps, Tlinrsday. reading, Mrs, F, A. Allen, Music, the blow causing the llrst joint to pro­ XiOira-TrEJ^R SXJOS., J^zox^ta, S£aaoxx, Micli. 3 pair loc Canvass Gloves, 25c Miss Mabel Lasenby was in Lansing last Thurs­ The following ladles will act as table trude over the nail of the Onger, The day night. Jersey Shirts, 25,45,790 committee, Mesdaraes A, G, Wilson, attendance of a physician was requir­ Dr. C. F. Oulvei/of Dansville was in the city Woolen Shirts, 95c, worth more lust Tuesday. L, F, Robb, C. E, Underwood and II, ed and the player plucklly coached his companions from the Qrst base line. Woolen So.x, 23, 32, 45c Mi-s. K, 11, Field ot Dansville was in the city 0, Eowe. last Tuesday, 5 pair Sox 25c, 3 pair 25c Frank Lee, who pleaded guilty In For Mason the fun opened In the Mr. and .Mrs, F. W, Casterlin were in Lansing third inning, Perrin gaining first on Extra Heavy Fleeced Lined Work l.isl Thnrsdiiy, the circuit court • to breaking and 'ALMER&OLASS an error by Youngs and being helped Shirt, double breasted, double Drain Comtnlssioner riilliips wiis in Lansing entering the dwelling house of Jesse back, a hummer, 45c last Thursday. VanHorn, in Leslie township, and along by a hit by Mills, an error by Perry and lilts by Shaw and Edgar Woolen Underwear, . 75, 95c iVIlss Mcf.iitchie has beeii in Detroit linririg stealing a gold.watch, was sentenced till! iiast week, sending home four runs, enough to Cullendei-s loc. Golf Gloves 45c by Judge WIest last Tuesday to not Mrs. F. L. Rtrouci and Murray Stroud were in win, but as usual not enough to sat­ AT We Are Wever Sweaters, 45, 95c, ^1,39, $1,92 Lansing Sunday. more than five years at liard labor at isfy. In the seventh Donovan drew Heavy Storm Coats, 95c, $1,25, •IiKige M. I). Ciialtcrtonof .Lansing was In the Jackson, nor less than three years, city hist Tuesday. under the indeterminate sentence a base on balls, Shaw following with a Drop ^1,39, 51.S9, $2.39, Mrs. M. A, Handaii visited Mrs. C. 0. Fitch in law. Lee has served two years at a three-base hit, that would have been Mittens, loc Lansing last week. good for a homer had it not been fur \ Ionia for a like offense committed in Out of the way in making up The Dickey, all-wool pant, ^1,89 Mrs. Nellie Cavender and son, Uichard, were in Lansing Sunday. Lenawee county and has served a year tlie grass in the outfield, scoring Don­ Corduroys ,$1,89, Golf Gloves 23c prescriptions. We couldn't af­ Mr. and Mrs. M. D. True were in Lansing last in Indiana. ovan, Shaw scored on an error of Tams or Toques, 23, 45c week Weilnesday. Tooley on Edgar's hit of a fast one ford to be. We have to be ab­ Miss Nettle Tliorburn and Mr. Cecil ESTAOeANT A beautiful line of China. See the Mr. and Mis. A, II. Dart went to Detroit last down third base line. In the ninth solutely accurate. Itis a matter Tuesday morning. E, Pollok were united in marriage at Presbyterian church and court Gurry opened the inning with a hit Mrs. jMyrta Cogsdlll attended the Hillsdale the home of the bride in Holt last of keeping your patronag^e, and house (to be?) fair last Thursday. back of second base, was advanced on Tuesday evening. The ceremony was we are in business to stay. For a hit by Sbaw and scored when Edgar Suspenders, 10, 19, 23, 45c MlKS Maude Wiltsif of M. H, S, visited Lan­ performed by Rev. H. B. Dunning, Warm Meals and Lunches sing frientts Sunday. the same reason our drugs are Nickel Tea or. Coffee Pots, sacrificed, Perry to Culhane.) This pastor Of the Presbyterian church at at all hours. Don Densmore of Ypsilanti is the new clerk at ended the scoring for Mason, with the 45.53.58,65,810 Webb & Wliitman'3. Holt, in the presence of a large inura fresh and our prices right. score seven to nothing in their favor. No. 8 Teakettle, goc; No. 9, .98c Mr. and Mrs. George HoUey of Aurelius wore in ber Of invited guests. Mr. and *Mrs. Chambers, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50c tlie city last Saturday. , Pollok will make their home at How Shaw held the Howells safe for Mr. Kicker and Miss Ivarrot Lansing called on ard City, where he will be pastor of eight innings, receiving gilt edged Short Order Cooking Flower Pots, 2, 3, 6, 8, loc Mason filends Satiirilay. the Methodist church. These are support, and allowing tbem but three 2 lenp[ths Stove Pipe, 25c Mrs. C. C. Casterlin visited her son in Lansing a specialty. Palmer & Glass, Elbow, 10,15c the latter part ot last week. very exemplary young people with hits up to this time- Mrs. C. G. Huntington visited Lansing friends hosts Of friends in this section. In the ninth Tooley was safe on-an Up-to-Date Cuspidors, 10, 12, 22,,45c tlio latter part of last week. error by Allshouse, was advanced to $2.00 Sateen Wrapper, ,§1.00 Miss KIlie CoilisI of Chesaiiiiig is theguestot Thomas L. Gilbert of Dover town Druggists and Newsdealers, second on a hit by Roy ISTewcorabe Oysters Served Any^Style, Heavy Fleeced Wi-apper, $1.25,95c Mr, and .Mrs. C. F, Gansley. ship, Otsego county, is very proud of and scored on an error by Edgar, New- Underskirts, 8ic, ^1,25, $2, .$3.75 Mrs, ,L AV. lSiib and daughter, llernlee are the fact that he raised 22 sauasbes on Halslcad Block, visiting relatives at Dexter, corabe going to second and Roclie Ladies' Handkerchiefs, 4c up a piece of land measuring 20 feet by Aid. 0. r. Mlokleson went to Detroit on busi­ being safe on the misplay. Culhane 6 Tumblers, 15. 3°, 35c ness Wednesday of last week. 30 feet. F, H. Strickland, formerly MASON, - MICH. followed with a long hit tq Whitmore,' |C. S. CLARK, Prop Children's Underwear at all prices Jlrs. C. 1'. Mickelsoii and Mrs. Marlns Hanson Of Ingham county, weighed four of were in Lansing lust Thursday. Newcorabe scoring and Roeheadvanc- the largest and found one to weigh —9C up. ngEoy Newcombe, followed .with tlie Mrs. John Lasenby and Mrs, Alason ISeynolda 2Qi lbs., another 24 lbs,, another 22J A new lot of Water Sets. were in Lansing last Tlinrsday, second hit of the Inning scoring lb.s,, and still another 21 lbs, Mr, Mrs. F, K. Densmore and Mrs.C, V. Mlckelson Roche, Newcombe attempted to wero in Lansing last Tlinrsday, ' Gilbert takes all of his visitors out to was bound to go as far as possible, and Chase «& Sanborn's Geo. 11.1'rootorot White Oak was in the city steal second and was nailed by a good yesterday, F. .r, lirown, C, •!, Hayner and E, D, Leo went the granary, where he is keeping as soon as Shaw took his position In to I'ark lake (isiilng yesterday, throw, Garvin to Donovan. Morgan Mrs. E. A. Densmore visited friends in \V11- these mammoth squashes, which he the box he started for second. Shaw liamston hist week. Mr. and Mrs, Jas, it. Dart visited Lansing struck out and the hearts of the relatives a portion ot last week, expects soon to draw to market. threw to Edgar and Mike was tagged Teas and Dr. K. II. Alexander ot Leslie has decided to I-Iowcll fans were filled with grief. locate in nansviilo ami will move there at once, Mrs, H. M, and Mrs, K, H, AVillianis visited about five feet off the bag. Too bad. relatives in Leslie last Thursday. Abram I. Klpp died at his residence The score: Mrs, Kneiiland, Mrs, C. A. Caldwell's mother, The game Curry put up on short pn west Mill street last Thursday MASON AB )i sii ro started yesterday for an extemied visit in York Mr, and Mrs, C, H. Osborne of Dansville visit­ was a good one considering the condi­ state. ed tlieir son in tills city last Tuesday, j' afternoon at 4:30 o'clock of paral.ysis, Mills, 3 D 2 0 2 .. .Coffees AVhitmore, m 3 tion of the field. . His throwing to " . • • • \' ' > Frank Jlllos returned from Ilolfou, Aftiskegon Miss Alice AVeekiy ot Mowea(|iia,]il,,hii3 been after an illness lasting since Dec'31st 0 3 county, last Saturday niglit. lie has been work­ visiting her sister, lAIrs, A, F, Meiian. Curry, s B 0 1 flrst was a trlfie oil but the way he of last year. He was over 80 years of ing in a creamery, Mrs. Kate M, Clark visited her son and friends Donovan,2....'. 3 0 sent them across was good. Are the Finest Qrown. Mr, and Mrs, .Indsoii Gregory of .Tacksoii wero In Lansing Uie fore part of this week, age. Funeral services, conducted by Shaw, p.. 5 0 guests of ills Jiiu'onts, Mr, aud Mrs, Dan'l Gre­ Fred, Clark and Art, \Vestgate attended the Rev, E. H, Brockway, were held at Edgar, 1 3 Pomona grange will be held at Ai­ gory, last Siiiulay, ball game iu Dansville last Saturday, Carven,0 0 Sold Only by the Methodist church the following aiedon grange tnmorrowwith morriiog, Mrs, Hattie Murray ot Calhoun county was a' Mrs. Carrie Fellows of Jackson spent Sunday Allshouse, if. giiostat the homo of Mrs, D, W, Davis last Fri­ Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. afternoon and evening sessions. day and Saturday, wltli hor mother, Mrs. Ella Williams. I'eiTln, If J. F. QREVE, Remains were Interred In Maple Grove Mayor and Mrs. Ellas Culver were guests at 37 7 8 2 27 11 0, E. Field and Miss Hattie Hall of Stockbrldge M, J, Murray's in Lansing last Sunday, The trial Ot Henry Tanto, charged Phoce70. THE GROCER. visited the iatter'a parents. Atr. aud Mrs, t, 11, cemetery. Mr. Klpp was born in York HOWELL AU K 11 SU PO A with attempted assault, has been post­ FiciU.iastSuaday, Mr. and Mrs, C, S, Curry havo been visiting State and ctime to Michigan when a Tooley,3 4•» i 0 0 2 i their daughter iu Cliicago the past week, poned, owing to the illness of Augusta Mrs, 0. A, KandiUI of Detroit and Mrs.,I, 15. young man. He lived in Vevay about RayNcwoombe,p,.,,, 3 i i o i 7 Mccracken of Ogden, Utah, were guests at M. Mr. and Mrs. ,1, M, Glassford visited their Roches .,. •! 1 0 0 5 1 Bossack, the prosecuting witness, A, Uaiulall's over Sunday. parents iu Armada aud Capac last week. 40 years and came to this city nearly Culliane,! 3 o o i lo o with diptheria. Mrs, M.A. lioment retnrneil to .Toliet, 111,, Miss Florence lianghart of Lansing wns the two years ago. He is survived by a last week wltli Uor dangliter, Mrs, Earl Whlc- guest of Miss Myrta Lincoln over Sunday. Roy Newconibo, 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 iiiore, aud will reiaain (or two weeks. son, Moruau.lL...... 4 0 0 0 0 0 Geo. A. Isbell of Lansing was ad­ Scott Lane was in Dewitt last week putting a Parker, m..3 0 2 0 0 o iASIi MLS Dr. and Mrs, 0. n, Freeland attended the gasoline ligiitlug plant In the Masonic hall, Robert Osborne, a 15-year-old boy judged Insane by Judge of Probate wedding of tho hitter's sister at iior lionie In Perry, 2,..,..,.:. 20 1' 0 2 4 wlio resides four miles west of this Nichols last Tuesday. He will be Troy, Oakland cotiiity, last Tuesday evonliiK. G, H, Itouse ot Leroy visited his sou in tills Yotiiiiss, rf...... 3 ,0 0^ 0,^ ,^ Are possible only when city Wednesday and Thursday of last week. City in Aurelius township, lost a fin taken to the Dearborn retreat near Mrs, Mary Stlllinan took part in tlie annual • 30 3 5 : '20 13 : 7 you have pleasing coavcntion of liigbani oouaty W, 0,X,U. Iield Dr, 0, It, Austin of Cliesnnlng was tiio guest ger and thumb on his left hand last Det.roitas a private patient. at Stockbrldge Tuesday aud Wednesday o( this of Dr, G, E, Mann the latter iiart ot last weoii. *Whltmore out, lilt by batted ball. groceries. Friday morning by the premature week. HenJ, Kolfe of Dewitt, Clinton county, has 1.23450789 After a rest through the last two Mrs, A. F, Barlterof Clayton, N. Y,, aud Mrs, been visiting relatives near Eden since Saltirda^. explosion of a .dynamite percussion Mason.,... 0 0 4 0 0 o 2 o i-7 busy months, the Spiritualist ladles' The Best the iHlarket Affords •Toliii Doolttile of Unssoil, N. V., sisters ot Mrs, cap. The boy picked up a vest which Howell ".. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-3 ,fas. it. Dart, havo bcuii Uor guusts during the Eniniett Fuller was in Ionia the fore imrt ot the week, called tliere by the illness ot his sister. 'aid met with Mrs. Ada; VanHorn of past week. had been left in a cornfield by the Earned runs-Mason 2, Howell 1.; Three-base At a right price here, se­ hit—Shaw. Stolen bases-Sliaw, Carven, Perry, Etchells Thursday. A pleasant time • Mr, and Mrs, Manns Hanson and little daugii- Mrs. F. H, Frai'.ell of Toledo visited her par­ hired man. Out of curiosity he went lected for your selection. ter ot Grayling have been gtiests at 0.1*. Mlckle- ents, Mr.and .'\trs, Geo.C,Moody, the lirst; Ot llouble piays^Edfiar unassisted, I'errlu to Don­ wasspentand all felt It was good to the week. through the pockets and discovered son's during tho past week. Monday tliey left ovan, Boy Newcombe to Perry. Buses on balls be there. There were six new mem­ lor Detroit, ' the dynamite percussion cap. Not -Ray Newcombe6. Hit by pltolied.baU-Sliaw Mrs. Homer Newberry of Vernon, Shiawassee bers added to the society and It is Mrs. 0, M, Ithodos went to Mt, Gtemong Mon­ county, is a guest of the family of Itev. W. II. knowing what It might be, the boy Struclt otit-by Shaw 7, by Ray Neweoinbe 0. Simmons. day to nttcnilMio funeral ot her sister, Alro. 'I'lnie of Kame-ii3B. Umpire—Kocho. now in a flourishing condition. No­ Gr James A, I'rioo, who died last Saturday uigUt nt held it in his hand and alighteia match Mrs. Jas. li. Dart and iier two sisters went to NOTES vember meeting is to be held at Mrs. UillB O'ClOBlt, Detroit last Itlouday to visit u daughter of oue of under It. Naturally it exploded, the Minerva VanHorn's, where election Mr. and Mrs, L,.T. Acker nnd little daughter thelatter,. force of the bursting cap taking with Donovan as usual put up a star game iinU Mr, aud Mrs. 0. F, Gaiisleyaud little daugh­ Mrs. Dell Abbott of Wlilto Oalt left last Tluirs- it the llrst anger and thumb of the on second. When It comes to playing of officers takes place. All members ter visited the toriiier's brother lu Wlllluinstou day to vIsltaiCUesanhigand usisterat AVttecier, AVANTED-SEVERAt. PEUSONS 01' OnAll-i ovcrStuulay. Gr.Uiot county. left hand. .The hand Itself was other­ second-base Don. has got them all are requested to be present. aoter and good reputation in each state (one iu ; • Mrs. W. E. Howard ot Albion was in the city Mile county reiiulred) to represent and advertise Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Wright of StodkhrldKe wise badly lacerated and portions of beat. old esuibllsUed wealthy biislness house ot solid last Tuesday. Tbat evenin3ning alio and tier duiighdaiigli- .lent Sunday v Many ; Mothers of a Like Opinion. ter, I'Taucos, inieudod tlio Thorburu-Polio" k spent Siuida^^ with the family of hia brotlier, the shattered cap Hew into the boy'a O'arven held Shaw's speed in a way lliiaaclal standing. Salary;l52l,00 weekly, with wedding at Holt. Dennis Wright. Mrs. Pllmer, of Cordova, Iowa, says: expenses additional, all piiyabloln c.ish direct face. The accident Is similar to the that • looked' good. : When he gets each Wednesday from Head olllcos. Hoi bo aud Mr, and Mrs. J, D. Tlielps of Lansing spent Miss Mabel Harbor wont to I.ausiug yesterday "One Of my Children was subject to carriage furnished when necessary, Heteionees. to wUnoss Lulu Ulaser iu the coiiius oneru u t toy pistol accidents which occurred on wanned up they all have to step some croup Of a severe type, ani3 the giving Enclose self-addressed eiivolope.:; Colouial, 332 Sunday wltli relatives in: tlio city and uttoiiUod "Dolly Vurden." ' the golden wedding ot Mr. and Mrs. Jesso the Fourth of July and which caused to beat him behind the bat. of Chamberiin's Cough Remedy Dearborn street, Clilettgo. 35W10 , lieccU the following Tuesday oveaiiig. . Mrs, U.O. Webb and Mrs. Hoieir F. Cttmubell SO many deaths this year. Because of The most: laughable featu re of the promptLv, always brought relief. Ma­ Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Beech ot Owosso and Miss visited tim family of Ur. J. F. Uuiinibell lu Luu- ny mothers In this neighborhood slug last Suuduy. the nature of the accident blood Wluitrcil lieech of Cotdwator attonUed: tho game was the way Shaw nailed our think the same as I doahout .this re­ KoWoii wedding ot Mr.;aud Mrs. Jesse Beech Mrs, L, H.Ivas wont to Chlcat'o:last. Friday", poisoning or lockjawinay set iQ;and bld'friend Mike Eoche at first la the liuc Tuoiiduy.;; The latter Is a teacher in the klu- where she will visit her daughter uud frleads medy and want nootherklnd for their doiuarton leaclier lu the Uoldwiitcr seUools. - fur scvoitti weeks. serious results'may follow. - • sixth. Thero were two out and Mlko children.'' For sale by LoQgyear Bros. m k DEB ways oir shore, blit at night the whales I One Sunday morning It Avns learned THE BATTLE-FIELDS. would he attacked In the bay and Unit the national ting Avliloh had lloat- •within 400 yards of ihe fishery. ; ed over Washington College had beeii I do not know o£ any Avhales being pulled; down In the night, and Avas/', OLD SOLDIERS TALK OVER .5 Governed. killed, hut there were sovernr that had lying in the mud, Tho students sus. ARMY EXPERIENCES. great holes and sores In their backs. peeled that the students of the Ylr. Questioning the Indinns about It, I glnla Mllliary Inslltiito avoi'o resjions. was told that there was only one, that The nine mid the Orrty Review Inc!' Iblo for the outrage but having no Xlio Kiisslan central administrative It had been there for many years; and dents of the J.,ate War, and In a proof, contented themsolvos with system Ib embodied in tour coimcily, that It once altiiekod an Iiuliiin canoe, Gniphic nnO Intereslins Mniiner cleaning the ihig nnd replacing It uccordlng to the Clmutiiuquiiii—tho and with ono stroke ot the great club Tell of Camp, Murcli uud Buttle. It was not long before a group ot eoiitiell oi! tho empire, mnde up of the mashed the cnnoo into splinters, kllllni; students from the Virginia Military inlnlstet's and ii coiisirteriiblo hotly nnd drowning several of lbs ocoupanta, "In 180-i," snld A. D. Newbold, "I Instltuto stoiipod on ihoir wliy hv, (nov/-nliiety-thi'ee) of inemhers appoint­ Aidinir 'Wnll Street. Wall street linanelal spccialiats cannot was one of live printers detailed to nnd In the light of open day mider. ed hy tho ezai', llavin),' a purely con- WILY MAIDS OF BELGIUM. TllO lax payer.s of thu nation are unite on wlint liiiaiicial loglslntlun thu look after ^ the printing for Genoral took tp haul the ling down. This Uiiie sulUiUve and ailvisory funetlon with paying a good steep bonus to keep next Coiigri'ss should omu-t. It niny he Wniilcd IfiialiiiiKla, and .llont of Tlieiii i\foade. Our tent AViis pitched at City Uio \\'iisbington boys woro on tho rei'orenco to meastirea proposed Ijy tlie Wail street from bankruptcy. The disastrous to tlio ovorloniled sloinacli Were t-ucceiaful. Point near General' Grant's headquar­ alert, and falling upon the depreila- ministry; tlio senate, a Jiuilclai and lilgli price tliat Is being paid for many of tllo stock market. The Wall street KcaiLssliies Is a small village in Bel- ters, What Ave cnlled the desorUon tors, handled them somewhat roughly, executive hotly, whleli comprises tlio nf tho iioees.sitle.s of life is onusca by doclors appclir lo lie divided liilo tAvo glum wliich possesses a good supply ot orilqrs Avero printed on slips of paper and boat them from tho grounds. high courts ot the empire. Its moinbor.s llio iiigh tai'iff tnx and the large nio- caiiip.s—those who have the cash nnd girls, Avho realized lately that a groat about tliree by six Inches. Wo had The report that a number of Wash­ being of higir rani:, and the six sec- nojioiy iirolit that llio trusts nro, those Avlio have the u'udigosted securi­ many of liioni were destined lo be old six forms In type, four for Hie Goi'don ington moil had boalcii one cndel Avitli. tlon.s into 'Whicli it is divided being jire- Ihrougii tbo inrlff, ailowcil to oxaet. ties, 'i'he cash (.•rowtl are pretty iniioli mall's unless they took the matter In out provocnUoii Uirow tho IlisUiuto In­ (onllnod lo lhi> Rockefellor interests .press, nnd tAvo for the cottage press, shieil over i),r jurists who lire the per- lilind llioni.solvos, says the London Ex- The tax jiaid ihrougii liio customs du- and their nilleil banks, llitl opposing and wo could furnish 8,000 proclama­ to nil uiH-onr, nnd the Avhole corps Im. EOnal represeiilatlve,s of the e/.ai'; the pl-ess. , , lies and tlio intornni revoiiiio collec- f-icllon are Itmnvii lis lilo .Morgiin iii- tions at an hour's notice. niedlnlely tiirueil out to aveugo theit holy synod, made up of the niotropoll- .•\ftcr iiiauy inoetliigs, from which all lioii.s lire about sl.vly millioii.s ;t yo.-ir In torests; liiey hold etioriiioiis lihicks (if "1 cniiiiot rciuomber tho figures at comrade Arming tlioiiiselves Avith taiLS, archbishops ami certain bIsho]is, married follvS were rigorously exeliul- excess of what it costs to run the gov- the AViitertMl stocks of rliilronds lmd in- this late day, but rebel desorters Avcro, Avlialevor tliey coultl Iliy tlioir haiid.'i and having juflsilletlOii in rellgiotis af­ ed, tile girls deleruiliied to glvo a grelit rriimoiit and Ilils vast siiiii Is Avltli- duslrial nr trust col-porlilious, tind the to receive a stipulated ainount f6r a Oil, thoy formed iu bnltio array and fairs; aud tho coniinlttoo of luinlsters, dimior to which unwcddod youths drawu from eirculatlon and is addetl to liiiiiks bllek of llioni have Inancil to Hie revolver, so iiiiich for a rlllc, and so proceeded loAvard Wnsliliigtoii Collogo. •wliich comprlso.s the actual heails ot from flu- and near should be liivitud. tiio surplus ill Hie Unitod .Stales treas­ Uuiit on sucli securities. Of course the intieh for a horse, and woro to be fur­ Their .advorsiirios, aUhougli not so well diffel'out atliniiiisti'ative (Ifipartiuciils, Kolieo of tile coming festival iind Its ury. During the last six years over .Moi'.gllii el-owil are constantly dnniniid- nished traiis]jorlatioii to any point in drilled, armed llloitisolvos in like man­ tlilrtoen Ih number, together With soule reasons were pubilBliod all over tlie l^iriO.Ono.OOn or the surplus lia.s been liig thill Congress Inllnte the currency tiio iiortli to Aviiich thoy desired to go, ner and iiAvailod tho iiUaek. Other rliiicUounrles. . country inul oven In Holland. loaiiotl in illo iiatlniinl liank.s wlthoiil by Avhnt Is klnnvn as the asset plan. "..Tackson, then a major, Avas In interest antl Ihe .'^ocrntnry of tile or Hiey could enlist in tbo United TheKo council^, with the organiza­ This vory original way of securing a The Itockefoiler Interests are mor.-' church, but an excited Avhispor from • 'rreasury Is now (aklng oxlraordiiuiry .States army and be sent to the fron­ tion or which Ihoy arc the head, form iiusblind lias Just come off, the pvep- conserviillve, tnid their agent In the a frightened citizen Avho had hurried nioa.siires lo distrlliulo the liiltlitioii lo tier, Avlioro there Avould bo no chance a largo, KtTQiig and liifivllably iiilinCii- uratioii.s and decorations of tllo village United Stales .Sonato, Soiiator Aldrlcli, In apprised him of Avliat liad liappoiied. llio surplus Hint is coiislaiitly accni- of their coming in contact AViUi the tial ollieial class, within which tliere llavhlg ivcpt ali,iigog for a woolr. is iircpnrliig a Illll to moot tlioir views, He calmly rose and passed out, to ing. Tbe rorunilliiK oporatloils—tluit l.s, Confederate troops. We Avould goii- Is room for a doeldefl diu'creilcc of A lablo was plaeod In tlio center of which is to legalize lmd ni.ake pornui- find his Avliole corps coiiiiiig up tlio o-'tchnnglng now bonds for old ones .and orally receive au order to print those oiiiiiion upon iiiiestlons of public policy. the villngo .street and the hostesses, ilent the pl'psenl onnrnious loans Avhieli street ill much disorder, but with bat liaying ii pl-eniiulli to the lioldors has proclauilitloiis Avlieii. a strong wind A.s II matter of I'act, this ofllclal class '•dressed to kill," awaited the nfrival the Treli.siiry Department lilts made to tie ill Uieir faces. One glance at tho been ono way In distribulo this sur­ waa blowing toAvard tho rebel.lines. Is the most jiowert'til political force of the guests. tho blinks wllhout intorest, lmd to scene and his doeislon Avas mado. plus and as most of llio bomlpd debt of "When llio proclliniatlons Avero print­ in Hiis.sia aud one that: reaches out Ato'clock the girls, wiih their par­ niliice llio present plan inoro advliu- llm TJnilcd .Stales is hold liy the linnks, ed and arranged in bundles, thoy Avore As quietly as ho had left Uio church Into the liiindrcd provinces lu each ol' ents and Ihe bachelor guests, a.ssem- lagooiis lo tllo bailUs of issuing cur­ they have lieoii the rnciiiioiits of the taken as close to tilo Confoderate ho placed himself at the-head of tho which tho lociil governnieut is a politl- blod In front of the town hall,'AVhonca rency based on bonds. Hues as possible, loosened up by hoat- corps and began to glvo comniliiids, .cal coiitor lu close coniloctloii will nuniorous addresses were given on tiie bonus anioiiiiliiig to niilliotls of dollars. liig the bundles on a stump or a sloiio, looking to Ule better order of the at retorsbufg. Jlesidcs this, there is subject of nialTlinony. Ills now in'opo.spd to redeem tho bal- To tbo gi-eal; nilddio class of iienplo and wore thrown In the nir, to bo colttmn. The boys Avcro roused to a cohsidnralilc body oC educated, in .Then the event of the day took place. iiiieo of Iho .5 pel' cout liniiils oulstnnd- and the flirniers and tbo llrllsnns and AA'liftod ovor to the .Toliniiios, nnd they the highest pltcli of onUiiislasni liy lotllgcut UuBsI.a.ii.s, In touch with the Tho lovol-le.=s gil-is look their places at Ing nniounting to .'i!lO,riS."),0."jO and pay Avorkiiignion, Avho blive no Interest in brought many returns. Our printing tho leadership of "Old .Tack," nnd Avoro world, whose opinions cannot be re­ lablo fir.st. each leaving ini empty seat II lu-oinitiin ol' iior cent, as tliose AVnIl .street or the llueliinlioiis of moss was made up of lis gootl light­ quite roady to kill every Wiislihigton pressed, even by adralnlstl'allve pro- at lior side, .'ind waiting an.vlously for uiilils ;li-e duo next .spring, this prem- stocks ailil bonds, any of the proposed ers as there Avoro in the coniiiiaiid. boy AViio opposed . Uietu. PrompUy c(3ss. iJow efl'octlve a force tills edii- tho youth who should elect lo sit be­ 'iliii is equal lo paying the six moilllls' Icgislalion will bo disasli'olis. It Avill, M'o Avere detailed for that Avork simiily came Uic necessary coniumiuls for ciitod jiuhilc ojiliiloit may bo in guid­ side Ilor. illei-fist ill .-idvliiifo, another very colil- as.it Is intondod to do, glvo tlio money because avo avoi-c printers, as others tllelr forward iiiovcnieitt luui the citi­ ing tllo course of tllo czar pei'llluls ho There waa nn awful pause ero the :'ol-tltlg iKiiius to tllo bondlioldors. The kings ;i inoro llrni hold of the mlmipu- Avero detailed for bridge Avork, becliuso zens stood agliltst alnile {;ait ti.'ll, blit in tills age tliat llrst nilin .screwed up courage lo leave SL't-rol'iliy of llio Treasury also ol'fors Ilitloil of lll(! moiioy of lilt; country aud they were good tiA-lchauics. Thoy lire Llttio.by UtUe ilio cadets fell into fni'co is ouo that cannot be neglected. tho rest, who .stood huddled logotlier ilio fui-Uior ad vail til go, lo the banks ovcriax the mlhlic to jiiie up a large tlillcJiig a good doiil now about tho perfect order, and' little by little their There is then a corlaln kind of party IKS if for proleclioii from tho dlingel! that iilivo ;my of HiesR l,«iids on de­ surplus for Iho benellt of tile Cow. iiidlvlduallly of Amorican soldiers, but oiiodienco to command became auto- life ])i)ssibio, even In Uussia; not at Iliat lnvllllod, theln, but at last a posit a.s KOi;lirlty fc<- their cireulalion, The policy jjiii'snert by the ])i'osont In no oUipe army Avas It bettor illiis- iiiafie Tramp! tramp! on tlioy AVont all sticli as wo know in constllutloiial braAvny fellow of about -10, from some nf liikiiig.Slate, city and rallrofid bonds and last administration of llio l-olli-o- tratod than in the army of Uie Poto­ to batUo for tho Sontllorn Coiifedorncv, and parllaiiuiiUai'y coiinti'les, l)ut sonic- distance, wllose heartli was coiut'ort- iiild ollirl' sociirilios in jihico of the mont of tho greenbacks and the re­ mac." and to avenge tho coml-iido avIio had tlilnj,' lh;i/: is not lo ho neglected ns a less without a -ivifo, made ,a choice'and United St.'itos bonds lind tliii.s rolca.se funding of Uililed .Stales bonds avIOi siil'fot-ed III Its cause. IwllLlcal I'oi'oo In rcllition to the czar. took Ills .scat, ami. then another a-.id tlieiii for liillil i-odoinplloii. How kind the largo iireminnl jiald lo the lianks, "'i'he lildlvlduallly of tho Amei'lcan anotlior, and soon all the jilaccs were Hilele ISaiii is lo liis crodllors, paying llas about oxliniisted tllo resources ot soldior," sllld tllo major, "asserted it­ 'The coiistoriililloii of. the citizens lint; there is aiiotiier soriou.s limita- tlikeli. ilK'iii long 111 advailcn of tllo niluurity the Unitod Sltltos Treasury to,'aid tho self in the inatter of coffee at ,Spot- increased. Tlio corps Avoiiid soon bu tioil upon tlie power of tllo czar lo of his oliligiilious with full intorest; iianks. Socrotnry Shaw has iiidoeii tsyivanla, aud the coffee, I hollovc, in sight Of Wnshiilglon College and aecoiniilish even Ills iiicst bonollcont Dliiiior lasted till 7 o'clock in truo but, tliou, tlioso bondlioldors nro bank­ oxcoodod his iuAvfuI pOAVcrs by accept­ saved our lino of Imttle Our rogliiiont blood Avould certainly bo shed. lJut and eiiiiglitened ivill. lie luus for ail Flemish fashion, ending whh songs and speeches. By this time acquaint­ ers liild rich nion. ing otlior sccuiitios Hiaii Uiilled .Slates Avlis iu the Fifth corps, and wo march­ suddenly, "Halt!" rang out In Mitjot Instruinent ilot a progressive and on- ance W!is made, hearts -^vere wnrm'od, bonds to seciii-e tbe loans to tho banks ed from tho extreme right to the ex­ .Tacksoii's curtost tones. "Right Avhooll llKhtcncd people, trnlneil in fioll'-nian- Wc never liojir of tbo Seerotary of and doelaratloiis made, and the glrla of llio siirjilus. Avhlcll loliiis now ox- treme left, of the lino of battle It March!" came in quick succession, and agoilioilt The gt'oat ina.ss of the Hus- the Tl'etisul'y ordering tho payment of who had succeeded in securing sweet- cooil 1.50,000,0<)0, nnd i!i)on Avhicli rained all night, and the Virginia rod the corps Avas marching iu another fiiali people, ;ls lt result of the cliiinito pousioils six iiloiitlis in adv;lnco,tiiougll heti-ls niade their apiiearanco In the enormous sum tlio people receive no clnyAV.as tougher and stickler than direction. At Uio next street cornec and pliyslosrajdiy of Iliclr country and tlmt coiu'so wolilil rollovo tho moiioy village Kiiuilro arm-ln-arin 'with their Inlerost. .over I suAv it before, making tho the commands AA'oro ropeated and In­ of collrse of tllolr Ill.stoi'y, aro a dull stringency in all pants of tho country cliplurod swains. march IrrltaUng .and fatiguing to an stantly obeyed, and tho faces of tho Iie.'isiintry who h.'tve not yet learneil lo and inako inliiiy hearts glad, but the The difteronco of opinion of the Re unusual dogrco. cadets Avore tOAvard tho Institute io belir thelllselvus .as men. It Is tl Vovy fow were loft lamenting. Tho pensioners aro poor and cannot lifford publican factions on the rniancial AVhicli thoy marcliod lu perfect order. inert lila.'is that constitutos llio great dinner wns followed by a ball lu the to contrlbuto largo sums to the itopub- question Avill jn'obably bo iiarmonlzed "When avo reached our position avo They said aClorAvard Hint thoy blid internal jil'obiem of Uussia, holds the open- air and many wedding tlays .are liean campaign funds, niul thlit makes by the coining Congress, but It bodes were ordered to make coffee, and avo been so liitoiit ou obeying Old .Tack's eoiiiili'y 111 cliock and dneeives juaily ali-cndy fixed. a striking diriTerence ill for the laxiinyer that President proceeded to do it. Out came our liii Roosevelt, Avllo is Iryilig to arrange a commands that they did not realize onIcul.'ilions that are based upon the \\'.-ill street i.s like the horse leach— cups and frying pans, made of the CO-liDUCATION AND MAI^RIAGE. progi-ain tiiat Avili bo satisfactory, is Avilat was Iiappoiiliig iilltu ho dispers­ blilll.'tnt (llpUmuiey and slaloslllilnship tho more moiloy it gets from tiio gov- halves Of Old canteens, and In live t.'lklng council Ayltli Geci-ge W. Perkins minutes little fires had been built liiid ed them at the instltuto. of llle iiieil who serve llic czltr as couu- ICdiicntinu Not KcHpon.iil)le for the orilmoiit on such favorable tonus tho of the banking firm of .T. P. iMorgali coffee Avas boiling and bacon sizzling, ficlor.s. Cliaii;ce in the IMarrinKU Kate. more it cries, "Givol" It is olliclally Rtory About Gen. yoiinij. & Co.,, and Avltli H. 0. i.i'rick of the .lust as the coffee began to smell good, i^i-esldent G. Stittiloy Hall, of Clark slated l.iy'a "lilgii nutiiority" at the Ko.'iriy thirty years iigo Gon. S. B. MYSTEfilOUS FuE OF WHALE. sI'ogI trust Tile rocouimendalions ol Uio .Tohnnles appeared In force In our Uiilvoi-sily, says tho Spriilglicld Ite- Treasury Department, that .Soerotliry M. Young, tiion a captain and brevet these trust magnlitos at tlicir Into visit front and opened a furious Are Our colonel of cavalry, avus commanding nrimy Marino Kattlcfi Seen OlT the publican, believes in early marriages, Shiny 1ms not yot exhaustod tllo iiid lie to Oyster I^ay are illirdly likely to be boys didn't Avait for orders. '.flio C:>;mt of Alinkn. and regards with, disfavor anything will render the bankers if greater iio- officer at Fort Union, about tAvont.A'- for the wolfllro of tlio taxpayers. Tho coffee AA'us at stake,"and citeliing up five miles east of Las Vegas, N. M. AVblle oiHTiilllig a lislicry nn ..\dnilf- which lends to provtiiit Iheili. This is oossily arises, nnd from iho continnoil on'ly hope for llunieoplo is tliat, "when tholr guns, they Avont for the rebels as At that time according to tho KI Pasc ally isiltild, KOiithensterii Ahi.sUli, last all vory well, but wlien, in liis address slump III Wall street securities and tiio tliiovcs fall out lloiiost men got tholi one mlin. 'Times, a greit jiart of Uio business Kiiiililler my lillcjltiull lmd the lttton- at tlio Boston gathering of educators, diflicully businoss inon have in socul-- dues," but oven thou Hiey have to tloii of the llslilng crew were lilmost he charges to oducatiou an lulluonco iiiS loilns and tiio rapid docliiio in "Ill sixty seconds there Avas beauti­ of tho country consisted of goverii- light for them. dally directed lo a large marine crea­ In tllat direction, he Is probably in stocks and bonds, there still soonls ur­ ful lighting all along tlio line Hvory moiit contracts and the supplying of ture llilit would apiiear In the lullin error. His .argument Is that the sexe.i gent need of more assistance, man In our regiment aa'bs mad as a the forts and numerous forage agen­ Avot hornet .about his coffee, and the cies scattered throughout the country, clllilinel of Seymour canal and In our ill co-education see too much of eacli It is a long way to tho cash in tlio \ Strnntjq HeiHihlic.Tn Docti'Ine. ferocity and suddenness of our on­ and contractors made easy money at ililiiiedllito vicinity, says a -wrltor in otlior,' disiliiisionmeiit ensues, and thtj United Slntos Treasury, from the The plutocratic press are especially slaught conipolled the rebels to ninko the busluess. Lns Veglis Avas Ulo Forest nnd .Slroliiii. motives for maiTlagcs are weakened] money in the poekols of tlio people, enamored of Avliat Governor Dilrbin a quick retreat In the lull that fol­ home Of a number of men who Uius There lire large iiiimhcrs of whales "ami one of the results of eo-ednca. .'ind yot ovci'y coiit in tho treasury has of India iia said the other dn.A',' that lowed wo drank our coffee and ate our accuinulated fortunes, and these nieu of llie sjieeles rorqual lliofo and Ihe tion Is pi*fhaps seen Iu the small auij becll paid In ta.xos. It is tlio peo])lo's "Hio mliii Avlio violonUy assails, by bacon and h.ard tack Avltk keener rel­ found it profitable to "stand In'" AA'Ith monster seemed to bo tlicir iiattirttl diininlsbliig rate of marriage amoug monoy and the law requires an act of Avord or deed, the hiAVS of the country ish because of tho brush Avith tho army ofllcers, so the latter Were en- eneuiy. Tile wllaies generally travel collogo graduates of both sexes." Oongross before one cent of It can bo such ns oui's eniilinits a crime not only of iufamy but of liisnnity." rebels. This fight, roniombof, Avas not terl'.ained and made much of by tho In schools'Of two or more, and while This same small and diminishing expended. Yot in practice millions are OU the program, nufi AA'as not conduct­ former Avhonevor they cauie to town at tlie surface to blow one would be marriage rate is observable quite a^ paid out by stretching or evading tho As Governor Durblti has refused to ed oil any previously arranged plan. on business or othenvise. singled out aud attacked hy tho fish markedly among the graduates of onq laws and always tlioso vast sums are honor the requisition of tlio State of and a battle roylil was soon lu order. It AA-as a side fight for cofCoo, and Avas sev institution!^, as among those o^ disbui'sod for tllo bonofit of llie na­ Kentucky for one of the alleged mur­ Ono day somo soldiers happened in as spiteful ns indignant and angiy It is tiie nature of tlio rorqual to co-ediien.tlonal collogoa. It is further; tional banks and never in tlio interest derers of Gnebel, AvhcJi tho law nnd Lns Vegas, either on leave of abscncs men could make It make throe blows at intervals of from more observable to some extent—prqb of the taxpayers. Tllo Uopiiblieaii lead­ the constllutloii requires \the perpetra­ from Fort Union or cn route to or two to three Inliiutes each and then ably as equal extent—In society ai ers iinvo a complacent idoa that the tors of such crinu;s to be delivered up "There -ft'ore tAvo brothers hi my from that point, .and proceeded, ac­ enuud deep lmd slay bcuonlh the sur- Large, wiiero the average ago of m.or taxpayers are satlslied with any liuau- to justice, because PoAvers, Avho hlts company Avho M'cro fair illustraUoiia cording to the usual custom on such I'aco for thirty or forty iniililtes. rlage is adv.onclng aud tho rate o': olal or other policy thoy doeni lit to in- been indicted for tlie said crime in of careless, good humor, united Avith occ.aslous, to "take in tho town." Ono As a whale would come to tho sur­ marriage is declining, as in JIassachii. aiigurato and tllat tho Republican vot­ Kentucky, liappons to be a loading Ue- coolness and courage. Ono had been of the party, got aa'cII "tanked up," face there would appear, always at the setts, where the preseoit yearly num­ ers aro more than content with tho ptiblicau politician of that State, is AVith us from the Umo the company and' tho result aa'us that he lauded In whale's right side aud just about ber of marriages per 1,000 of popula­ Avay their political loaders are admiii- linrdly a lit man to road lectures on wns org.anized, and the other, much j.aih A hotelkcepor, Avho Avas also a where his liead would connect willi tho tion is about 17, contrasting with a istratiiig affali'S of the govenlpiont. Avhat is right or Avrong. To violently younger, came to us just before Uio government forage ngont and a man body, a great, long tail or liii, '•judsed .rate of 20 threo decades ago, and from Tbo majority of tho Itopiiblicaii voters assail a hnv tlmt is robbing the poopio battle of Cliancellorsville. V.'hon tho Avho had made many thousands of dol­ by live lishernicn aiul ;t number of In­ 22 to 2-1 fifty years ago. Education, ol may bo satlsnod, but tlicro is n stt-ong of Hie United Stales, such as the Diiig- rebel batteries opened upon our lines, lars out of government contracts, prob- dians after sociug it about lifteon times course, camiot be hold responsible foi minority that are friends.of lionest, loy tariff hiAV, is a crime to tho trust forming to advance, and the Avliiz, .ably thinking that ho might strengthen at various distlnices" to be about this change. Its influence. If any al str.alglitforwlird and economical raan- magnates Avlio proht by it. To de­ swish and bursting of shells were giv­ himself AA'Ith the olllcors of the fort, twchty-four foot long, two iuid one- ,all, can only be very .small, because n.goniont of the financial and other ox- nounce the hiAvs -111 several States, tlmt ing veterans grtDat uneasiness. -.Take notifled Col. Young Uiat ono of - liij half fet^t wide at the end and taper- of the conipanatlvely small number in ecutlvo dopai'tineiits of tho goyeriimoiit tax the small homo and tht^.little per­ the younger brother, turned to Henry men AA'as in jail, and that lie had hot­ lug.down to the water, where it the population affected tlierehy. W« iiiul will vote to inaugiu-a^.o it. sonal property of the poor man,^ou lis and said ;quletly, 'There must be a ter hurry to toAvu nnd get him out seemed to bo about eighteen inches in full value, and let the corporations and blacksmith shop over there' So the next d.ay, Avhile the soldier Avas ' must look for other causes, and thosti Thls largo minority is loiHlly,calling diameter, looking very much liiceihe will prove to be of an economic rathea tho niilliomures olf Avith paying ouIa-' "Asked why ho thought so, ,Tako sitting in court undergoing tri.al. Col, blade or fan of an okl-Cushioned for tariff relorm and protection Iroin th.an of au educational nature. There 20 or 30 per cent, is insanity according reitiled, 'Them things thoy .are throw­ Young arrived Avith about a dozci; Dutch windmill. This great club W.as trust .extortion. In one Slate Oioy clill is, moreover, very little co-education ol to Hnniui and tbe llopublioau leaders ing at us make a noise .llko auvils.' troopers, and, being Informed Avherc used on the back of tho unfortunate it the, Iowa idea, lu others reciprocity the higher sort In Massachusetts, ami in Ohio. To all sucli tlio laAV.of their To Uils Henry answered, -'Wait uutll he AA'ould find tho soldier, marched hia whale In such a manner that it was a and in somo free r.aw materials, but hence co-education would have to he OAvn making is loo sacred to bo tnni- you get doAA'U'in the woods,'and you troops around in-frout of :the court wonder to lue that ovoi'y whale at­ ovorywhoro the housekeeper is saying- relieved of tho charge made by Presi­ pei'edAvitli, and Oovefiior:Durbln only AA'ili see the: balance of. the -outfit, house, dismounted them'and proceed­ tacked was not instantly killed. Its how niucli more It costs to hvo than dent Hall, if education in Itself ii eclioes the cry of the, trusts and cor­ tongs, hammers, trace ch.oius,' and ed himself, with draAvn saber in hand, operator seemed to hnve perfect con­ it used to do. Por the past six yoar.s held Indictable. porations, who in most ca.ses haA'-e paid horse shoes.' When wo came within into.the court-rooin. There sat,Mur­ trol of its movements and would bend the same complalut has, boon inlide, lor, the unrighteous laAA'G they hold so close r.ange and the robs opened on us phy, and the jusUce of the peace was it back till tbe end would touch the .gradually growing louder.- Some of sacred. : . AvlUi grape and canister;-.Take called proceeding with the trial. Then this , water, forming a horseshoe loop, then Ono on Datl. the Republican politicians have prom­ to Henry, 'Thoy arc throAVing the bal­ scone A\'as enacted: - , Avith a .SAveep It would be stfaightened The father of the small boy was tc ised reform after election, and are still . It is a. str.ange doctrine Hmt the He ance of the shop,..:sui'e enough, and and brought over .and down on the make a speech at a piihllo, dinner. At niaUing tho same reply.^ Others say, publican leaders are preaching in these Col. Young—"PriA'ate Murphy, atten- It sounds like hall on the corn blades back of, the whale with.a whack that it Avas his flrst.attempt there had been "Let,well oiiougii alone;" -va'c are doing days, that to denounce a: .kiAA' is a Uon!" crime Hoav arc bad laAvs tobe repeal In roastlng-ear season.' "-Chicago In­ could be heard for several miles. If a great deal of talk .and flippancj well,why.npsot busine.ss bj' prosecut­ ::Murphy - jumped, tip,and. faced the ed unless -they are violentljv assailed? ter Ocean, the \yhale was fortunate , enough to about: it. in tlie. family.: Whenthelm. ing trusts or reducing the tarilf; ; To' ofllcer in, the atUtude,of "attention." I-IoAv is thoiuiquilous and unjust tar­ submerge his body before tho'blows portant night arrived .and,the child reduce ta,xatioii Instead of piling up They Obejed Void Jack." Col. Yomig-"Riglit face! Forward, iff law: to be reformed Offopealed un­ caino the Spray would iiy I'or a dis­ and his mother -were .left alone th« an enormous surplus is:the last thing The poAA'or which was in: the per­ march!" , less :its robbery, ol the poor m.an and tance of 100 feet from tho effect of lattiiT remarked: these :. "stand-patters" avUI listen te sonal presence of "StonoAA'all" Jack­ Murphy-,'Obeyed AvIth ., military the strike, niakiug a report as loi-.d as Us aid to the tTHsts aud the plutocrats "I think father must'be making hlj The inquiry, liowe\-or, = is. pressed by son aud his Influence over those Avlth promptness and marched doAAni the a yacht's signal gun. are exposed? - All: laAA's that created speech jiist about this time. I hop» the people, "Why make • us pay. taxes whom he associated is well iUusti'ated ttisle and out Of the,courthouse dboiv monopoly .and unjust taxationj-or,. that they'll applaud him." that you cannot spend, even under the by'.an incident Avhlch happened early •Col. Young:following and haltinghlm What seemed most remarkable to mo (fenate to corporations, "are as tho apple most extraA'agant. administration, .wc in 1801. The convention Avhlch Avas at' the street: .Then, turning to;„hls •: was that no inatter which way. the "Why?" asked the son Of::their., eye: to, such- -Kepuhllcans >:as •have OA'cr knoAvnV" The Uepubllcan to decide the attitude of Virginia In command, he, gave the order: ':.:•;:' ><; attacked whale went, or hOAv fast (the "WcU, to encourage him." , Durbin,, and-tOiattempt, to repeal such leaders i answer, > "i'ou: do v:not:,kuow, the'coming: conflict was .In i session ::ln- ' VBat-tallon, prepai'e to mount!—Mur-'"'' usual speed is about fourteen knots), "Oh; do thoy lcnow,lie can't spea!( is to them ,"a crmieuot only of infamy, when you are well off;:continue,to let Richrflond. As is well known, both phy's horse had' been brought along ': that great club would follow right too?"—New York Times..: M • . but Of insanity." .well enough alone." ,';If tho tariff is for him—Mount! Right- face!, -.::For-'-' along by its side aud deliver those tre- the Union and the Secession parties- Tho Dollar.- > • too,high It should be reduced, af.it is But when the shoe pinches,tholr OAvn tnendous blows tit iutenails of about, were strong in the State, and the dele­ ward, March!" and Uio Avholo com--: :, . "She's as bright asa dollar."- " • too low, It should be increased.". :TIiat foot andiUielaAV is ln:tlieir„Avay,'i..thesQ four or,five seconds. It would alway.s gates: to tho - convention - were corres­ puny proceeded to tho hotel. The "Isn't she a'-bit forward at times?' is the-latest expression'from-iVcRepub- plutocrats.^lot.oiily, assail;:it'.but-;dlsre- get in from threeto flvo blows at each pondingly divided In sendmeut. troops Uieu leturned to Fort Union, lican :convention...,::I.s''thero (any.iprora- :gardfif;-and!:havo even;purchased-,per of the three, times.'the whale wotild , ::"Well, you kno-w,,.a dollar goes fa» viThe'fStudentsandi. professors, of .ihe carrying Murphy AVlth them. ISO of reduction of taxation oi of any •.iurors'.tando.iliireil; repeaters;, to.'-eommlt come to the surface., to . blow.v: The tlier these; days than .-it did.- when wi ;Vh.'glnla Military Institute,: situated'In weie girls."—Dettoit Fpeo Press. covenant to control tho trusts' 'the::greatest::criine'':agalnst-;-theEAmori- ,Whale would'generallya'id'Itself: Of the Lexington, Virgiula, Avero almost un­ Lorothy—Don't you fe»l in aAve of can^ commonAvealth by stealing Presi- enemy when it took Its deep sound, animously-: Imfavor ofV secession;- ::;At literary women ? ' ' No one «ver entUely forgets tin Financial Lecialaticiti. denclos and Congresses and Legisla- especially If the water was fortp fath­ Washlngtoni.,College,,::noAV 'Washlugton Dora—Xo, indeed; my literary cousin name of the lliat person TTho^spol^ ViTiou dootois dlsagieo it iis gener­ tuies I and defeating tlie will of the oms or more deep. and'LeO;:Unlverslty,'in the same town, Bays It takes more sense to dress -well ' kindly to him when .le arlrved, a stim toverciffii voters. ally dlsfthtrous to the paliont. As the tlie ilJnloa iTsentlment ,c prevailed.' ,: During the day the -attack wm al- SO!, in ihe town. tUanlt.docsto write a book.:

,;>,^;-|•'--/•:i^;':.:1^'•;•^'':'',''iq':'^:.V,•v:^:,',:l:^i^^:':''^'•:^ A3p''nf;Hi;:-;3i;;p;:|:4^ THE WILD CARROT. ni8 DlHfin/jtlshBi! Undo. SiifTerers front Ijiiiik TrnublCH. A .vouiig lady, the beautiful daughter Tho Offer niado olsowhoro in this paprr Ono of tlio Prctiloit nnil Moat Inter- by Dr. Dork P. yoakerinan, 3180 Shako- Free Core for of a western Congressman, was In- cHllMiT or Onr Nntive I'liinta. ipcaro building, IvaliimaiiDo, Mich., to Iroducod, on hor arrival in "Washing­ A wcotl lins boon dorincd -^ "a jilaiit consumptives and sufferers front lung ton, to a dapper young Eovornment tlint ptirslsls 111 growing w'iioro It Is trouble Is remnrkablo, cspccinlly as show­ oHlclal, ft relative of tho late Thoiiiii.s ing tho undnnbted coiilidenco of thoso not desired," Surely the wild carrot V. Bayard. During their talk about who inako It in tlio nlllcncy of tho remedy Is a most weedy weed from tbo point Offered to the pitblle. Tlio list of names tho Dclawnro sl'nte.sniiin siio pronounc­ iglven nste-stimouialB to back up tlio offer Pamoiis Michigan Docfor Announces Ihc Die of viow of that ilelinUion nnd of tho ed his name as It is spelled, giving tlio and tho remedy are not those of obscure dlsllko Of tlio farmer. As to the por- covtjry of a Marvelous Mysterious Secrcl first a lis long sound. Tlio young man individuals, hut Of inen of renown, many slstcuee, our veteran farinef-iiatiirallst, Coiupoiind Thai Almost Inslanlly folt it his duty to correct her, saying of them of natiounl fame who have used •Tobn Burroughs toils us: "Cut off Ibo the roinedy and been cured. It certainly Cures Consutnpflon, Coutihs and that the iianio wa< proiiouiicod "By- head of the wild carrot, niul in a wook looks as if this offer was a genuine one, K, (1, Dun & Co,'ii nrd," A few days Inter ho sent her a nindo In good failli nnd bused allogelher Lung Troubles. there nro live licnds in room of tho Weekly Iteviuw of Tradu note nuking for vho privilege of enter­ upon tho merits of the reiiledy. Neryorli. ono;ciit Off lliose, and by fall tliero aro II Has Dccn Tried and Tested by .Stale Olllcials snys: taining her and some friends who were foil looking-doflance at yoii from tho Time is different from iiionoy in this— Xotwitlislniiding several iinsntistuctory visiting hor from the M'est by taking and Qrcat Medical Men Who Pronounce same roof." Tennyson's luetliod of thero is always eneugh of it to go around. features, the voliinic of trade cuiitiniios them to dinner nt his club. In tho HE •WABASH RA I INROAD It the Grundcsl Discovery Inrgo nnd ihe dislrlbiilloii of morclimi- studying a plnnt is tlio only one for T iirconneciion with iho le.-idni|rOcoaiiStcnni- reply that slie wrote she snid she ship Company's, issues IbrouBli tickets to or Ironi "ofllicAsc. ilL-c tii.ves shi|iping facilities. Aimouiice- gottlnjjrid of this. Tho rnrnior, iu ac­ would have been pleased to accept his rort Wiiyne to nity point 111 Kuropc at loweat rales. inent of a concerted effort to restrict pro- tions if not iu words, must say to tho .Accommodations secured for tho llanihiiri;- Inviliitlon, only tbo mossongor that ho Americaii Lino Whiter Cruises, A 7'(i Day Tour A Lnrye Trial Package Sen! Prec by Rcdira diictiou of pig iron indicates that sup- wild carrot: had "ha.vard" seemed very "tayard" to Miidclrii, the Mcdilerraiiean and Iho Orient by Mall to All Wlio Send Their Name lilies have begun to aecumulato. Jtnil- llio pnlatial Twin - .Screw Kspress Steamer way onrnings continue to show gains, J<'lower, » • I plnek yon out. nnd had dallied upon the way, so tliat "Aiiimile Vlclorla." Tickets jS-l.'iU per person nnd upwnril, 'i'lus lour leaves New York Feb, 2,1 OOl.. and Address. slio had entered into nnother engage­ for September thus, far c.vceedliig last Hold you hero, root and all, in my lliree Grand US Day Cruises to tho -West I have mnde the most mnrvolons dlsnnr- year's hy S.7 per cent, and those of 1001 liaiid. ment before the noto- reached her. Delicate pieople can re­ Indies, Nassau, Venezuela, I'orlo Kico, Marllii- In the renlin.s of lueilicliii'. J have pro- i(iue,(thc liimlot the blaring sliv, where St. I'Icrro hy 17.1! per cent. Howfivor, if he "do.sayard" her com­ «l\iccd n niyslcrli.iis (Muuiiniiud uulinowu i" Tbe only fault of wild carrot, as of sist the changes of cli­ llu ruined clly will he visited). Jamaica nnd Cuba, olhor clieinislK cjr to ineillcnl sclenee,. and. It New Inlior conlroversles Inivo begun, pany at .some future time she would bo visiting under special escort liio niosf InterMlini: other so-callod woods, is too great suc­ matic conditions more places in each country. These cruises leave New liiia pl'oven the most wonderful cure for eon- but a number of serious troubles have "nl-fayard" glad to hear from hUn cess in life. It Is guilty only of jier- York by tlie m.-iffnllicenl Twin-.Screw Steamer been averled, and on the whole the iiiiui- Hgnin.—Cliioago Ilocoi'd-Horald. easily if stomach and i " I'rinicfliiln Vlclerln-Luliit"on Jon. Dili, Feb. 6lti, ani ber of iiien idle voliintnrily lins dimin­ slstcnco. But from a njiture-lover's March Sib, \m. Tickets >17O per person and bowels are in good order upward. Above quotations Irom Kcw York. ished. Kiifdfceil idleness in the iron point of view tliere arc, strictly speak­ Itineraries at Wabaali Ticket Olllce. nnd steel indiislry is more Ihaii offset ing, no weeds. No plant Is disliked. AU Tired Ont. by the resumption . KUKpliig upon IliClr dentli-heils, slveu np by ions, ern Miohigan and.Wisconsin. Tickets on their own homo iiliyslclaiis to die In ii day form of Jvidtiey 'Trouble, a kind that salo September 15tb to November llith, or two, and I tiave'cureit them (Mnipletely. ^Yheat. including flour, exports for Ihe very often bothers ngcd pooplo. Ho Tiiiie nnd iiKaiii 1 have restored heallli to 1(103, inclusive. Libet;al return limit, IS1H£ MANWHO WMS week oiiiling .Sept. 2-1. apgrogate o,tl,"iO,- -ivould have to get up four or live times eonsiiinptlves wlei were In Hie very jaws •Seo nearest Agent for particulars, or ad­ of death. My iiiarvolotis niiti niyslerloim 'ISO biislicls, against l.OOii.OSo last week, every night, and this very tiresome dis dress 0. A. Asterlin, T. P. A., Fort eoiiipoiinil, 1.1I' wlileh I nloiio hold' Ihe so- ,077,070 this week last .voar, d,-i70,,')52 ease was Cast weariii.:!- him out. , cret, will euro any case of eoiiainniitioii, in 11)01 and ,".,2-12,810 in 1000, For twelve Wayno,ind. conj;hs, thi'onl and luii;,' Irouliles, no mat­ Ai. Inst after havJB,g almost made up weeks of tho cereal yi?ar they aRgrcKate ter Ikhv fur iitlviiiiiied. >\'h('re lliere is life his mind that ho would never tie able 'U>,2l-i,(lSl iHisliels, against nii,n0r),1,'.i7 in W'ortli Tryini;. there Is hopi', I'or my niarvehiiis (•(•aii|iiiiiiid to get relief, he stumbled over a modi vVs^sXA:reputation extending over will euro eflnsiniiplloii In i.-very stiiKi'. 1 fur- 1002, 7-1,127,10:. in .1001 and ;iS,7J3,fiCS "If thero is anything. that -will make cine which 'relieved liim almost inime V \'(^ .siAty-Aix yor>xa and our iilsli jiroof ill Ihtitisnnds of IiistiiiieeH. 'J'he in 11)00. Corn exports for the week ag- a fool apiioar wiso," remarked young leiidliiK men In iienrly every ••lvill-/.'rt com- dh-itely, and has cured him permanent guarantee are back, of THE ALLIGATOR BOX PRESS gregnto 779,230 bushels, again.st 787,107 Softiin, "it is silence." ^ ininilly have eiirefiilly liive.-iilpiteil niy won­ iy. It is so very easy to g:ot and so V every fiarmenl bearing the derful dtscovi.'ry and all linve been eoni- ast week, 7-.l,!'),52 a year ago, ,'i,S5,70t! in "Perhaps you aro right, Mr. Softun," CAN BALE 22 TONS IN 10 HOURS OR HO PAY. simplo that Mr. Turner tliluUs every­ .SIGN6PTHEFI5H.' pelled Ly Hie stories oC these I hiive eured 1)01 and 2,1.50,171 in 1000. Kor twelve ropliod Miss Cnustiqno. "Yon, at least, aercnlce, a five wire, lanre halo press. Guaraii- oC tho deadly eoiisinniilion lo nclniowleilKu one should know of it. Mvcry dealer weeks of the iireseiit cereal year they could lose notliing by trying tlio experi­ M^There are many imitations. tecrt Capacity 3 TOMS AN HOUR. Circulars Frca tliiit my worl; Is little short of nilrneiiloiis, in the country litis it, jiiid all yoii have HUd Hint 1 piislllvely ilo cure eoiisiimptloii, gregale 11,005,251, 001,027 iu 1002, ment." ^ J^ 5e of the name y a. SPENCER. 123 W.lllams St.. Dwlglit. Ill- to do is to a,sk for Dodd's Kidney Pills no mailer how many remedies or doutora lJ.22-1,002 in 1001 and 3S,;i,''j;j,JlS in TOWER on the buttons. havo I'niled. Mr, Turner says: I cannot praise Piso's Cure enough for ONSAl£EVEfiYWHERE-. ,„ ;iooo. F. W. N. 'P. - ,- - No. •'li—lSOS .My fiiiiioiis illseovery for the cure oC enn- I can heartily and honestly recoin the wonders it has worked in cnring rao. A. j,''rowEfi co.;boston. mass„u s. a." suinplioii Is i.'Uiphatlenlly eiiilnrsed by the mend Dodd's Kidney Pills for they -B. H. Soidol, 220G Olive street, St. TOWER CANADIAN CO.. Litnlt.d, TORONTO, CAM 'When AVritiiiar to Advcrtisorn miy you followlntr noted men: Louis, Mo., April 15, 1901. uair the Advurtiticmeitt lu thia pnpor* 'Phe itev. lOdwaril Collins nf Detrnit, cured mc. Several others in the fam M'leli., one of the most noted puljiil oraiois ily have used tlioin, too, aiid alw-ays lu the west. with the best results. I think they havo Dr. .John S. McGrow, ltnou;n as the I'lou. 13. A. Jloriarlty. sceretary of tbo no equal." father of anno.vatlon in Hawaii, has ar­ Dlvlskm of liealth, Departiiiont of I'liblle rived in tho United States, his first ab­ I'OcroBE Safety, CoUiiiiluis, Ohio. JO.CTS lion. A, T, I'lirl;, l.1iilnth, .Minn,, Coniity A Friendly SusRontion. sence from tho islands in tivonty-sovoa Superinioiideiit of Scllnols mid one of the "I'm at a loss to know what to make yoar.s. foremost oduealnrs 111 the 1], S, of my only sou," said the trust magnate. Senator Henry ,1, lljerlscii ot .Mlniionpolis, PUTNAM FADELESS DYES pro­ Cliicngo—Cattle, couiinou lo iirime, "Ho seems to havo no brains for busi' Inspector f.leiienil of Ihe Stnte ot: .Mliine- duce the brightest antl fastest colors. Hotii, and member oC (joveriior Viiu Saiit'a ;o,00 to !?5,50; hogs, sliippiii/,' grades, ncss."- * slalV. ?-i:,50 to ,'i!0,25; sheep, fair to choice, ,'i!3,00 "Permit me to hand you a su,ggostiou," The History of Ifon. riarry L. Klslier of Greater New Ill scandal, as in robbery, the receiv­ to :f3,S5; wheat, Ko. 2 red, 7Ga to 78c; rejoined tho merchant prince. "Make a York, Olio of Ihe best known bnsliiess men er is ahvaj's as bad as the thief.—Chos- corn, No. 2, -:l4c to -J5c; oats, No. 2, 35c society loader of liiin." 111 Now York, iiad a I'auions political leader. torlipld. " . The Carnegie Steel Gompany^ lion. W. It, lleiiiiossy, ummmtui? editor ot 0 30c; rye. No. 2, 03c to 54c; hay, tim­ tho St. I'aul (Jlliiii,) tllolie, and proiiitiient othy, -liaSO to .'iil2.u0; prairie, §0.00 to Staib op Ohio, Crrv or Towno, I Den-icer, Colorndo Sprinir8,Piiebl0i Col. member ot the Mlniiosota legislature. ,'i!JO,50: butter, choice creamery, ISe to Lucas Coi;.vrv, probably the most extraordinary story of a tlon. JI, ilrentoii. mayor of Des Molnen, Low e.xourslon rates via Nioltel Plate 21c; eggs, fresh, 10c to lOo; potatoes, FiiAMC .1. CiiK.\i':r makos oalh that bo Is tho the eaiiital elty ot iowa, and one ol! the senior partner cf tiio linn of V. .J.Ciikvky&co. Road, October 3rd, -Ith, Ctli, 6th and 7th. noted orators In the west. 05c to 03c, doing bnsliio.ss In Itio City of Toledo, County aiir great corporation ever •written, is reviewed itnu. W, II, llliirlchseii, former Seerot.nrv Stato iitorcsald, and that .said llrm will imytlio TioUetsgood to relnrn.to October 31st, ot State of Illinois, and e-x-meuibor ot C'oii- Indianapolis—Cattle, shipping, !?3,00 to Slim of ONE IIOKili!l!:n DOLLAltS for eaeh 1003. Get particulars from nearest Agent crass, .fO.'lO; hogs, choice light, .fi-J.OO to .S0.30; .ina overy caso ot CwAanii that cannot bo in the October Cosmopolitan. The book cured by iho use ot U.VLn's uata ujmt Cuue- or address 0. A. Asterlla, T. P. A., I'ort Hon, L. V. McCormaeU, State Labor Com­ sheep, common to ptinie, ,f2,50 to •'ii3,25; missioner ot Indiana, nnd one oC tho most J'^ltANiC ,T, CJIKNiilY. •Wayne, Ind, liopiilar inoii in his state. wheat. No. 2, 80c to Sic; com, No. 2 Sworn to before mo and sub.scribeil in my iires- itself has sold — the entire edition ~ for Hon. S. M. Fries, Lincoln,. Neb,, mem­ white. 4Sc to 49c; oats. No. 2 tvhite, 3Sc enco, tills utii dny of J)oeembor, a. ]j. isso. • The colonies ot the world have one- ber ot the Nebraska State LoRlslatiire, to SOe. A.\V. GLKASON, third of Its, population. $100.00 per copy. Tlon. Illehnrd B, Hurko, Chicago, Dcm. ncrntic lender In the Illinois Uouse ot ilcp. ,St. LonIs—Cattle, ,$4,50 to .fu.oO; hogs, Aotary Piiblio. resoutatlves and noted lawyer. ¥4,50 to ,$0,25; sheep, $3,00 to'$4.00; lufllst upon your printer nalnjt liaslc Uali's Catarrii Cure Is taken Interually and acts On all news-stands, cents Hon. llalph S. Grefiory ot JIuncie. Iiul,, wheat. No, 2, ,SOc to 87c; corn. No. 2, dlrecHy ou tlio blond and niucous surfacos of tho Linen Paper for your Letter Paper. one ot the most noted crlmiiiui lawyers in 44o.to 45c; nn'ts. No. 2, 37cto 3Sc; rye- system. Send for tostlnionlals, froe. . : ThU iti the propcT thiuiz. Take no tiic United Stnto,s, F. .T. ClIKNBY & CO..Toledo, 0. Judge 0. Cnrawoll, Kansas City, one No. 2, 54c to 55c. ,. Sold by DniKglsts, 750. other. •,• , 10 as et the best known jurists and public men •: Cincinnnti—Cattle, IF4.25 - to .'ii,=j,00; Hall's li'amliy ;rill3 are the best. ot the Slate of Missouri, hogs, $4,00 to .$0.40; sheep, ,$2.00 to Slierla' .loliii i^owers ot Omaha, one of tlie best liiiown criminal. hunters in the $.^.40; -wheat. No. 2, Sue to Stic; cor-i, Certainly RemnrkuMo.- wst. No. 2 mixed, 47c to 48c; oats. No; 2 "I s.aw a qlieor thing this morning," Mon. D. J. O'Brien, Oniahn, who is popu­ :mlxcd, 37c to •'JSC; r.ve. No. 2, Olo to G2c. said the chrome/josher. . larly known ns "tho Delmonico of Omaha" "What .'.vro :t?" asked the easy mark; rmiG and the west, " . Detroit—Cattle, .."i;3,50 to .$5,00; hogs, 1 do not ask any consumptive to take my "A blind man looking due. a ,job," re. word for tills, 1 want oveiy person sick and $400 to $0.00; sheep, •$2,50'to. .$3,150; plied the c. j. .aforesaid. - unfferlng from consninptlon. to write mc. wheat. No,, 2,. 82c to S:-ic; corn, No. 3 Address mo persoii.'illy. Dr. Dork 1'. Yon- yellow, 50o to 51c; oats^ No, 8 white, Iseriuaii. 31SO, Shakespenro Bldg.,, Kalnmn- ClilcnKo Kxcursion 200, Mleh.. nnd I will t,'hidly send thorn, by 3T'i! to S8c; rye. No, 2, 5Cc to 5Gc, October lOth and llth; lllOii,: via Niciiel return mnll, a Inrjje trial package absolute­ Milwaukee—Wheat,: No. 2 northern, Plato lload. Tiokots. KOo_d, returning to ly tree, all chnrKes preiiald, nnd I guaniiiteo SO2 to Sic; com, No, 3, 4<>c to 4:7c; oats,. ^tliat no matter how, sick or dlscournged you and inoluding tram leaving Chicago 11:30 nro this trial treatment will convince you No. 2 White, 3Sc to SDo; rye, No.; 1, 5Gc p. m,,' Monday, October 12, 190.1. iTwo and do you more'good tliau all changes of to-57c; ibarlcy,, No. 2, 63c to:C4c; pork, full days m the great, olty. ' ,Yery low . climate or other remodlos. mess, $11.30. rates. Call on nearest agent, or address Toledo—Wheat, No. 2 mixed, 81c to' C. A. Asteilm, T. P, A., Fort Wayne, No Lnuffhiiisr Mattor. . 85c; corn. No. 2:mi.'ced, 51c to 52c; oats, Ind. Bitnngliam—I .suppose you got paid No. 2 mixed, 37c to .SSc; ryo, No. 2, 54o for writing thoso' newspaper -jokos?, to 5Ce; clover seed,:primo...$0.00. ;It.is whata man tries to do—not: what Sw'ihblotou---Sure.'thing,;:; Youv didn't • Buffalo—C.attlo,!choioe shipping steers,, he antonds to door does do—that; shows: , Imagirio I wrote tlioni for fun, did, you? his loal character. $4.50 to .$5.50; hogs, fair: to prime, $4:00 • all liowol ti'onWeis, ain)enaicitl«i billons-. TO CUBE! rivb yonrB nco tlio • Bllliughani—^No;; not ,after',:rp'adihs to $6.50;- sheep, fair to. choice, $3.25 tO': /ne.>(3, had hroiith. lind blood, wind-on tho first box o,f CAIDCAIIe'B wiS I. KowitlsovorHlxinlllloit J '''f'S thorn,."' '';r,:.:',v:;'- •,•,••.'•''.;;.'., '.^;>'' $4.00; lambs, commonto choice, $4.00 to: Do yon want n Self Inlclns Dntlnc stomach. Moated bonolH, I'oiil muntliviiead- Stiiiap for 75 cents? Addiyisa, LoclC , . •achoiiiidiitoatlon, iiiiHjUcM.paina after eat- 'nliiillar meaielno Jn tho $3.85. liic,Hvci',tvoul»lo, Hallow-coiiiploxiott aud di/.iiliicB«. world. .'rhi» In iibsohitn proof ot Box 210, Fort 'W.i>nc, Indiunu. moitlul. Wu havo I'alth nnil hoU i?^?f}hB"'^ "U' besttonU- New Yorlc—Cattle, $100 to $5.40; - -,i -J —.jCAllE'rS absolutely Bum-- untouu to onre or luonoy rotinidoa. Uo buy to.iit your ba-tvcls light, Take oar advlco; Health nlll aultdy follow (mil yon «iU bl« sn the day you flrut cggSi'-western, 20c to 24o. ' ' •> citiu-t u-itlt CAoiCAJKU'reS to-day, mums uu nbnulnto atai'tod tho uho ol' CfASllAltCjl'S. 'llooJi: free by luoU. Addronsi - * BBSEX^-ST:'CO.)'.It£W,„'KOnK or 'omOACff '' ,«.-'-;•!'-•';-;„.,"„-,.-:'-i- AROUND THE CORNERS. NORTHWEST INGHAM. ^Ingliiiiit County Jfniotraf. The L. A, .S, Will meet witli Rosa Mrs. J. A. Wauvle and son has been WANTED! Guile ne,\t 'Wednesday, This Is the staying with lier, sister, Mrs. Ira -»v- annual meeting and everyone Is Hewes, the past week caring for her HAY, STRAW, GRAIN AND YOUR PICK reciuestcd lo come, little nephew, who arrived the 25th W. L. CLARK. Eli'/.aSimnions has been visiting a ilopeFeiton Is atlionie again, BEANS. Of a thoiisand pairs of eye glasses as sold by Wni, line's the past week. Edgar Foote is wurkini,' for Irwin BRING SAMPLES. irresponsible dtialers and yet you may find Alf. Bravender had the inisfortun THUimAY, OCTOBER S, 1903. Wilkliis, Highest Alarket Prices Paid. - . yourself worsted in the long run, Eyesieht to fall and hurt his head quite badly Letta Batter, who lias worked for is too precious to be trifled with. We thor-^ last Wednesday. Wliite Oak arange. Miss CM, Wilkins for the past year, FOR SALE-Hay and Straw "'o"S'>>y ""'^f'•stand eye requirments..ascertain has gone to Lan.siiiK, Roy Tliurber has moved his family Mr, nnd Mrs, G, IT, Pi'oelonmd Mr, your needs free of charge, and supply glas,ses or spectacles at into Tom. Whipple's tenement house At Hay House, and Mrs, W. Uiiyner were elected del- Rev, N, F, .lenklns Is the new paste reasonable cost. Why not patronize us, and will work for the same the nex North of Freight Depot, Mason. at the Memorial, CKHtes to the cnunty convention, six months, Thci'c will be it bn,\- stieiiil at the ball MEADVILLE, J, A, Wauvle and family spent Sun DRIVER BROS Tliursday evening, Oct, Lltli, All are The little daughter of Mr, and Mrs. day with his father in Delhi, cordially invited, Geo, Latlirop is very sick, Mr, Shultzhas moved his family CHICAGO OPTICAL STOfiELansing Mr, and Mrs, Sanford Dunbar of Mason, Where the eyes are always moving in the window, WEST COUNTY LINE, CENTER VALLEY. Waterloo spent Sunday at 0. L. Lutli Wm. Rae has a new corn binder, CJTIZENS' PHONE 1584 There will be a poverty social at rop's. George Curtis has a new hug house Mr. and Mrs. D. 3. Grimes attended I Jfjlin McCiie'ii tomorrow evening, Mrs. Wm. Walker is visiting he the wedding of Miss Mattie Grimes Mrs, jromer Couswell will entertain daughter, Mrs. J. 0. Avery, at Vassar, HOLT NEWS, to Mr. Ries of Lansing at the home of | the L, A, .S. at dinner Oct, 15tli, Me.sdames W. S. Walker and 0. L, Elmer Stroup ot Mason visited at Mr. and Mrs. S. Grimes. Auntie Dnrr Is on tlie sick list. Latlirop and Ordella Halladiiy visited John Lang's last Sunday, 11a Lathrop is dangerously ill with Mrs, N. JTIlllard of Holt spent last Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Pulling at J. P. Mrs, Simons and daughter were cholera infantum. week with her son, M. D. llilllard. Cllekner's one day last week. guests ot her brother, Wilh Grow, last Many from this place attended the] PrsKENNEDY&KERGANI Claude Morey spent last .Saturday Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Grimes were Saturday and Sundiiy, irowlerville fair. The Uading SpecialisU of Amefiea. EstiWislied 25 Yean. Bank Stcurity.l and Sunday with Ills parents near Lansing last .Saturday. , ' Mrs, Nelson llilllard visited her son Elmer Ilarvey lost one ot his horses; VARICOCELE ' ^f'wieotTsoa'WltUont'WTlttoaCoMoat.l Grand Lcdj^n. Mark, of Dimondale, Monday. „J' you have transgrossea asainst the laws! HOLT. JEBVOUS OEBILITy of nature, you must suitor. Youthful lgnor-| BUNKERHILL CENTER. Miss Luther was a guest of Bernice W. IL Post and J. Miller spent Sun-| anco, later excesses nnd nervous diseases! The ladies and friends of the M. I Oliver Jame.sof Dimondale removed Black last Sunday, day at Geo. Runciman's. CURED ciiurcli will hold tlieir fair at the town the remains of an 18-nioiitlis-old son Rosa Marquedant ot Rives was home M. Townsend has his new house lodo, says: ''At an cnrly affo ^ u, hall Friday and Saturday, Oct. 30-31 of his to Dimondale Sunday, that liad part of last week. nearly completed. Mrs. E. P. North and children, Mary lain in this cemetery since ISIi.'l. Miss Bessie Alexander will repre Frank Osborn and wife visited their | and Teddy, spent the fore part ot the Otto Lobar is sick with Inllamnia- sent the Presbyterian Sunday school parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne Sun­ week at Detroit. llnn of the lunfjs. convention at Dansvllle this week. day. TL.T. Bond and Alpha Welch have The late beans were got up In iiuite The society at Mrs, Frank Illlliard D. J. Grimes and wife were in Lan-| Kood condition but tlie late potatoes new wind mills. , netted the ladies $-l,-10, sing last Saturday. 0. E. Driveris havlnga new furnace rotted badly. Corn was not liurt very Jessie Tliorburn has so far recover Mrs. Geo. Pulling visited Mrs. Ann | much by frost, but it is upliill busi­ placed in his residence. B»KiTe=t,^§8^»^^^ San.«r write tor Questlonl ed that she was removed home last Davis recently. 0 PAY. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Taylor and ness H)(,'et liclp to harvest beans and Sunday, Geo. Gibson and daughter, Nettie, j daughter of Leslie spent Sunday at 0: Cor. MIchlflan «««, and Shelby II. corn. Geo, Pryor ia having an addition were iu Mason Sunday, DBS. KENNEDT & KERGAN Dclroll, fillch. V. Keller's. Geo. Dunham's bouse is nearly built on his barn, Watkins is doing tlnlslied. The L. A. S. ot the M. E. church the work. AURELIUS, A lar(,'c acreaKe of wheat is being will meet with Mrs. Jolui Surato A Love Letter Elder Youngs moves his family this sown tills fall. Thursday atternonn, Oct. 15. Would not interest you if you're week to his new charge which is at Lewis Morse enjoyed a short visit Mrs. Frank Chaddock lost lier pocketbook on her way to church Sun looking for a guaranteed Salve for Prairieville, Barry county. Mr. from bis cousin, a Mr. Morse, ot Ver­ Sores, Burns or Piles, Otto Dodd, of Youngs takes with him the best mont last week. day evening. Ponder, Mo,, writes: "1 suffered with wishes of a host of friends who have HOYT & SON ,T. W. Nue is quite sick. NORTHEAST ONONDAGA. an ugly sore for a year, but a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured mo. It's made his acquaintance during liis pas­ Newell Jlyde has purchased anew the best Salve on earth, 25c at Long- NORTHEAST AURELIUS. torate here for the past two years and Are doing businese at the same year Brcs., Mason, and Field & side delivery rake to harvest his we love him for his every day life Mr. and Mrs. 0. ,L Wells of Howell North's, Dansvllle. "IflndThadford'a Dlaok-Drnught • old place, with a choice beans, lielp being very scarce in this Bgood modlcino for livor disoii.io. are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Hat- wliich is in keeping with what he It cured my con nftor ho'had opunt line of locality. preaches. May he never grow weary flOOwithdoctora. It ia all tho iimd- tic Davis, this week. SOUTHEAST LOCKE. icino I take."-MR3. CAROLINE 0. E. Hyde, wife and baby of North in doing his Master's will. Mrs. Merinda Eolfc left for .lackson Last Sunday while Mr. and Mrs. MARTIN, Parkoraburg, W. Va. Leslie visited relatives here Sunday, Saturday, wliere she will visit her sis­ Henry Croope were returning home Pastor McKay is in Charlotte at­ If your livor does notactrog- also made ye scribe a pleasant call. Teas, Coffees ter and other friends for a few weeks. from cliurcli at Wcbberville their tending the worker's conference this ul.arly go to yonr drnggi.st and Mrs. VanAlstine and children ot secure a paclwgo of ThoJforJ's .lay llulsc and wife visited at .1. G. horse became frightened at an auto week. Lansing have moved licre on their Bl.ack-Drantrlit and take a iloso and Spices Stoiitt's at Lansing over Sundiiy. mobile throwing them out and injur­ Dr. Slocum of TCalama/.oo college place. Mr. VanAlstine will corae tonight. Tlii.s great f.-iniily Mrs. Mart. Cook lias just returned ing them quite badly. will nil the pulpit at Baptist churcli medicine frees the constipated later on. bowol.s, stirs up tlio torpid liver and everything in the line of staple from'Charlotte, where she has been Mrs. Jennie Oalcley is spending the morning and evening, He especially i^ctcr Johnson and .family e.vpect and causes a healthy secretion and fancy visiting friciid.s. week with her parents and taking in desires to have the young people in soon to move on a farm near Aurelius. ot bile, Quite a number from here attended the fair at I.i'owlerville. the evening. Remember the date, Thctlford's Black - Dranglit Ncwall A^anAukerandvvife and A. the funeral of A. 1. Kipp at Mason J^arnett Bowers and wife.of Leroy Sunday, Oct, IS, Everybody should will cleanse tho b.-3wels of im­ Gibbs and wife called on friends near purities and fitrongthon tho kid- Sunday. , and Clyde Nichols and wife of South turn out and hear lilm, Onondaga Sunday.afternoon. novs. A torpid liver invites Mrs, R. D. Lcc and dangliter Bessie Locke recently visited at F. L. Oak­ James Russell is in Lansing this Edson Thayer of Tilast Aurelius was colds, bilionsne.s.H, uliilla and were calloi's in tlihs vicinity Monday, ley's, week as juror, fever anil all manner of siclc- We always pay the highest market a caller in this vicinity Sunday even­ nesa and contagion. Weak kid­ ]I. R. Davis is attending the fair at Little Helen' Oakley has been quite Dr, Evelin and Mrs, Nora Eckliart price for country produce. ing. neys riLsult in Bright's di.ionso Pdwicrville tills week. sick but is better now, were bapti'/ed last Sunday morning at jr. Crocker and wife visited relatives which claims ed and now lie's entirely cured. cuts, bruises and-like'lnjuries;to heal keens - yau well; Our E trade get Electric Bitters,: It's guaranteed They're guaranteed to cure. 25c at without luaturationrand I in one-third Mrs. C. J. Cain and daughter-have mark cut .on; each; paskage.g: by Longyear Bros., Mason, and Field the drug stores, of Xongyenr-Bros., the time required by .the usual treat-, U9t returned =from a visit with Grass prlci!,;a5icents.« N»ver solilSt &, North of Dansvllle, Only 50c, Mason, and Field & North, DaDsville. ment. It is I'or sale by Loogyear Bros, In bHiki: Afi««;t no'subttl* ' ake friends, , unrnpanATiBiiaia tute. Ask your dniggUt. j-