
Marine Primary Producers

OCN 201 Lecture 4

http://video.conncoll.edu/f/pasiv/lucid/Cyanophora-900.html http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/moviegallery/ Photo: Fuhrman Lab; University of Southern California http://www.cellsalive.com/howbig.htm What are ?

A: photoautotrophs B: organoheterotrophs C: chemoautotrophs D: photoheterotrophs E: chemoheterotrophs Light Variations Light intensity decreases with depth and with latitude




Deep is dark, cold, and high pressure

!3 Why does light matter? Energy feeds the !

Food “Primary producers” make the that the whole marine depends upon

!4 TOTAL light and COLOR Spectrum Vary with depth

Red Yellow Green Blue UV

20 to 100 m

about 600 m

!5 The Pelagic Divisions (By Light)

EUPHOTIC “Good” Light Photosynthesis! About 20 to 100 m


about 600 m APHOTIC No Light


• The production of organic compounds from atmospheric or aquatic , principally through the process of photosynthesis (or chemosynthesis) • Carried out by • On land primary producers are mostly macroscopic • In the sea nearly all primary production is by microscopic phytoplankton Terrestrial vs Marine Biomes grasslands and forests


http://images6.fanpop.com/image/ Kelp Forest Locations Macroalgae & limited to coastal areas Macroalgae & Seagrasses


Sargassum a planktonic macroalga Photosynthetic Photosynthetic

Coccolithophore Dinoflagellate

Most in the Sea is Microscopic! MARINE PHYTOPLANKTON How Many?

Diatoms & Dinoflagellates


Flagellates & Millions Hundreds of Millions

Cyanobacteria & Picoeukaryotes MARINE PHYTOPLANKTON Activity? Together, these tiny phytoplankton produce half the on the planet! 100 & Dinoflagellates >10 µm 90 10% 2 to 10 µm 80 20% 70 0.2 to 2 µm


Flagellates & Coccolithophores 50

40 70% 30

20 Percent of Primary Production Percent 10

0 & Picoeukaryotes North Pacific Ocean Prokaryotic Phytoplankton (Cyanobacteria)

Most abundant in the ocean: • (there are others)

Responsible for most of the primary in the open ocean

...and about half of the oxygen on the planet! How many cyanobacteria in a liter of ?

A: ten B: thousands C: hundreds of thousands D: one million E: hundreds of millions varies a lot Eukaryotic Phytoplankton have that originated as symbiotic cyanobacteria




A ’s relationship with its plastids may be permanent or temporary Some Steal Plastids from Others This process is called kleptoplasty Eukaryotic Phytoplankton

• Picoeukaryotes (0.2 -2 µm) • Dinoflagellates (5-2000 µm) • Diatoms (2-2000 µm) • Coccolithophores (5 - 20 µm) How many photosynthetic eukaryotes in a liter of seawater?

A: ten B: one thousand C: hundreds of thousands D: about a million varies a lot!! E: hundreds of millions Picoeukaryotes - smallest free-living

François Yves Bouget in Le Journal du CNRS Epifluorescence micrograph

UniversiElectron micrograph


Wenche Eikrem and Jahn Throndsen, Picoeukaryotes pusilla




http://hypnea.botany.uwc.ac.za/phylogeny/classif//images/microm.jpg Diatom

cyanobacterium Silica Calcium plates

Cellulose thecal plates

Dinoflagellates Dinoflagellates

• Not all are photosynthetic (, autotrophs, ) • Some perform kleptoplasty • Some are bioluminescent DIATOMS • All are photosynthetic • Have “shells” of silica (glass houses) • Many different shapes ChaetocerousFragilaria CoscinodiscusNavicula

http://bioloc.oce.orst.edu/SherrLab/ Siliceous Sediments If composed of diatoms it is called “

http://www.marinebio.net/marinescience/02ocean/mgbottom.htm What is diatomaceous earth used for?

A: swimming pool filters B: ingredient of dynamite C: DNA purification D: abrasive agent in toothpaste E: insecticide Coccolithophores

Emiliania huxleyi Summary • Kelp and sea grasses important in nearshore in nutrient rich areas BUT most primary producers are microscopic • Photosynthetic bacteria (cyanobacteria) are most abundant primary producers on the planet • The larger photosynthetic planktonic eukaryotes are also very abundant • Some important groups: diatoms & coccolithophores have hard shells that create massive (and inspirational) mineral deposits